#bc plagg quite likes who he is right now!!
weaverofink · 2 years
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You guys seemed to like the deity!Tikki AU so I decided to make some more for it!!
I think once Tikki is free, the first thing she does is try to hunt down Plagg to “free” him from his miraculous and his holder, who she deems little more than a thief. Adrien gets wind of this and decides to get the hell out of dodge with Plagg in tow. Plagg is very conflicted about all of this-- he doesn’t actually remember ever being a god (due to the enchantment on the miraculous) and has grown to like both Adrien and the life he currently has, but he is haunted by the existential implication that his current self is just a lie dreamed up by the guardians
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mipsyg · 1 year
this is the fastest i’ve ever gotten into something and also the fastest i’ve quit being into it lmfao but i am thankful for the leaks because at least i can process how truly awful that finale is before it airs. i would have been CRUSHED if i watched that with no warning. whoever leaked it really saved my soul bc now i don’t have to watch adrien say he doesn’t know how he’s ever gonna compare to his fucking awful abusive father. fuck whoever came up with those lines btw
i get that adrien’s supposed to be the princess, the damsel in distress, and he needs ladybug/marinette to rescue him all the time blah blah, whatever but my god at least let him be there for it??
i also get why chat noir can’t be there, a) that would mean no bugnoire and they obviously really wanted bugnoire (ugly ass design btw but that could just be me being bitter) for the final fight b) he could very easily get akumatized (chat blanc), monarch could literally mind control him to turn against ladybug the moment he realizes adrien is chat (ephemeral) etc etc, ok valid, but let adrien without the ring be there for it? let ladybug send the goddamn text message and have adrien realize he can’t disobey his father and going there as chat noir isnt gonna end well, let him send the ring with plagg, let felix free him and kagami or whatever idc how, like most of the finale could have been kept the same if they really wanted bugnoire to fight monarch by herself but they really couldn’t let adrien be the one trying to reason with his father?????? like ... why IS HIS GIRLFRIEND OF TWO DAYS DOING THAT INSTEADJSDKJD WHO CARES
wouldn’t it have been amazing to see gabriel not mind controlling his slave son to shut up and instead letting him speak out for once? since he’s suddenly so willing to do the right thing for him? since apparently he realizes he was wrong?? adrien can get taken out before bugnoire detransforms if the problem of him being there is the coveted identity reveal (it’s forever ruined now imo like how is anyone supposed to root for the love square after this mess but that’s a topic for another day) that they’re clearly saving for season 16 so people will still have a reason to watch the show.
if the audience is supposed to sympathize with gabriel bc he sacrificed himself so his son wouldn’t be left alone bc of the choices HE made, what’s wrong with adrien knowing both the bad and the good?? if the audience can feel bad for gabriel, apparently only a misguided family man, newly appointed father of the year™️ , why can’t adrien?? let him be conflicted about how his father terrorized a whole city for months bc he was unable to let the past go but also gave his life in the end to solve the mess HE made?? let him be sad and but also thankful that he isn’t gonna be alone and then guilty for feeling like that?? oh wait, if adrien has problems of his own then he can’t be marinette’s perfect sweet boyfriend anymore. my bad, how could i think adrien gets to have any worries and problems apart from trying and failing at being worthy of marinette’s love. adrien standing up for himself? NO! why would he want to do anything for himself when marinette is right there being so amazing and he can just make his whole world, dreams and motivations revolve around her. 🙄🙄🙄
now this finale wouldn’t suck so much if at least there was a cliffhanger of ladybug telling chat noir what really happened, bc that would mean they intended to give the lies and secrecy of the finale a purpose in s6. cause i get why she isn’t telling adrien (like where would she even start lmfao) but why does chat noir not get to know who he fought against for months?? but this not happening makes me think they had no plans for it to be brought up in s6 at all when they wrote that script and it’s truly the end they thought the agreste arc deserved lmao i would love to be wrong but i’m not feeling hopeful. 
the best (worst) part?!?! adrien not finding out his father is monarch is only one of the two enormous life changing secrets he doesn’t get to find out this season. however, i have a feeling his being a sentibeing will be brought up again and he’ll find out eventually but only after he’s been mind controlled some more since his mom, his pseudo-mom, his twin cousin and his gf don’t think it’s necessary to warn him about the importance of those rings. everyone and their mamas gonna be using those rings next season methinks lmfao
anyways fuck this show and i feel sorry for every adrien fan out there that is choosing to remain leakfree and expecting adrien to do anything in the final fight against his abusive father and literal supervillain enemy lmfao you’d think either those would give him a key role in the monarch takedown but uh why would it when marinette can do everything by herself and way better than he ever could. he’ll just take a nap instead.
tales of ladybug and cat noir except when cat noir’s importance to the plot is gonna overshadow ladybug, then bugnoire can do it alone i guess. 
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elephart-hi · 4 years
The Adrien Agreste Diet™️
The whole narrative of Adrien having a super strict diet and not eating enough bc of his modeling career is a classic in the fandom but I would love to add a twist
Adrien USED to have super strict low carb diet before becoming Chat Noir, which to him was fine bc he stayed at home all day bc he wasn’t let out of the house to go to school, so he didn’t really need a ton of carbs bc he wasn’t doing a whole lot of moving around to burn them off except when he fenced. So it wasn’t like he was starving.
when he started going to school he was doing a lot more moving around and goofing off with friends plus the fencing and that alone was causing him to burn more calories but it wasn’t being taken into his diet
and worst of all (and unbeknownst to everyone else!) he was ALSO sprinting across roof tops and launching into battle once or twice a week burning up like 2,000 calories in the first half of the fight alone
He started dropping weight fast and people were worried and Gabriel was not happy bc he was getting back lash that he was starving his son.
Gabe calls Adrien into his office and Adrien is like oh I’m just moving around a lot more bc I’m going to school and we haven’t calculated that into my diet HAHAHAHA *cough cough and I’m a a superhero cough*
so Gabe is like okay I’ll get a Nutritionist to update your diet to take into account your new activities
But Adrien is still really worried bc he just wants his dad to be proud of him but he knows that the Nutritionist isn’t going to help bc they won’t be able to take in account his shananagans as Chat plus Adrien knows his father is a strict boss and he doesn’t want the Nutritionist to get fired bc Gabriel thinks they can’t do their job right bc still Adrien won’t be eating enough and won’t gain the weight back
So then Adriens like FATHER HOW ABOUT I DO IT. He goes on to his father about how it would be a good for him to have more responsibility and that he would be able to do it better bc he knows how much exercise he gets in a day and he would be able to calculate it day to day based on how much he exercises. And he plays it off as him taking more of an interest in his modeling career
Gabe being the stingy Piece of Camembert that his is, is like hmmmmm I could save money and exploit my son. “fine go ahead but if u gain too much weight I’m taking u out of school”
THIS is where things get wild
Adrien starts choking down HUGE amounts of carbs and protein in a day. Like TONS. and all of his friends are like “welp it was nice having you around Adrien we are gonna miss ya” bc they think he is going to gain weight and get pulled out of school
He does start gaining weight.
But not in fat.
He puts on like 30lbs of muscle in just 3 months thanks to all the superheroing
He isn’t skinny enough to be a runway model now bc he is too muscular
But Gabe doesn’t give a damn.
He puts Adriens strictly on photo shoots and uses his new bod to grow Adriens fan base and make him even more of a heart throb and draw more people to a Gabriel brand
Adrien is the Dolan twins of Paris
People are shook
How did he go from twink to hunk
What is his secret
Everyone wants to know
Some guy from a magazine (who knows nothing about nutriention) hacks into their accounts to try and see what Adrien is buying. Is it protein powder, steroids, a personal trainer??? WHAT IS IT!
He notes that Adrien buys and eats a TON of carbs
And a ton of protein
and a ton of... well basically everything
the kid eats enough food to feed half an army (probably bc he fights in a two man army along side his lady but they don’t know that)
The journalist notices that right before Adrien started bulking up he lost a ton of weight.
And right around when he started to lose a bunch of weight he started purchasing HUGE Amounts of Camembert cheese.
The journalist is like THATS IT
Camembert cheese
It’s some super food
That’s how Adrien can eat so much food and stay in shape
It’s bc of the Camembert
The journalist releases an article that introduces the Adrien Agreste Diet™️
It calls for high intake of carbs, protein, and TONS OF CAMEMBERT CHEESE
Let’s just say things don’t end well for the journalist bc his so called “diet” had the opposite affect for those who followed it and it led to quite a few Camembert themed akumas (much to plagg a delight)
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ninaninndraws · 4 years
To be fair, he couldn't have seen this coming.
I mean, yes, he was a superhero and also a famous model, so yes, he was kind of used to people to ship him with other models and Ladybug. But this?
People were shipping him, Adrien Agreste, with him, Chat Noir, and the ship was quite popular!!
At school people stared directly at him before making the worst cat puns ever, to make him blush, the girls wouldn't leave him alone, saying how Chat Noir was so cute and the beautiful couple they would be.
And, yeah, it was kind of Adrien's fault for supporting his hero self in his civilian for and then coming out as gay.
Everyone thought he had a crush on the hero! Even his father!! Even Ladybug and Hawkmoth!!
I mean, the fact that the akumas were lately being attracted to his school and making him his hostage couldn't be casually.
And Ladybug saving him and being a blushed mess like "Hot guys in black leather, am I right?" and he only could nod, bc she was calling HIM cute!!
"Don't worry, Adrien, your back cat will arrive soon, he's always a little late, he's such a dramatic kitten" and with those words Ladybug disappeared through the buildings where she left him to be safe.
Chat Noir arrived to the scene to hear Ladybug being the sassy queen she was yelling at the Akuma.
"What's happening, Hawkie? Jealous that Adrien Agreste likes our Chaton ?? Why that need of hurting him?? Do you want Chat Noir only for you or what?" and God...
The fight had been a good one, Ladybug fixed all the damage, but when the interview time appeared, it wasn't Ladybug, but Chat Noir the one who was being harassed by the reporters.
"Chat Noir! Chat Noir!! How does it feel having a super model AND a magic terrorist head over heels for you??"
"Chat Noir! Here! Can you confirm or deny any rumor of the jealousy of Hawkmoth to the forming model who is in love with you? Why is it? Does he have a reason to be jealous?"
"I-" Chat couldn't even speak nor clarify anything, he only had one last solution, he could make up a false relationship with someone who wouldn't deny it right? someone who he knew wouldn't mess it up... Maybe Marinette? No, she had too many stuff in her plate right now, and she was going to hate him if she really believed that Adrien loved him. He sighted, there goes all the peace he could have had.
He clapped his hands to have all the reporters' attention.
"I am in a relationship with Adrien Agreste, it was supposed to be secret in order to not put him in danger, but looks like my sunshine isn't too good at keeping secrets" he blushed so bad at the nickname, but he couldn't help it! It was embarrassing to talk about himself in third person and with a cheesy nickname!
Ladybug looked at him with pity. Chat's heart skipped a beat, could she know..?
"Well, we will try our hardest to end Hawkmoth once for all so he doesn't hurt your boyfriend" no, of course she was only trying to help him, she was like that, and he couldn't help it but give her a sad smile, if only she knew how difficult it was going to be for him.
"And I will ask personally to a good friend of mine to make sure no one harasses Adrien. She goes to his same school, I'm sure you know her, Marinette Dupain Cheng" he nodded and made up an excuse to leave.
Plagg laughed at him the whole week.
Marinette did what Ladybug told him, she didn't leave his side and brought him breakfast and some coffee, also she had made some "AdriChat Protection Squad" t-shirts that she wore for school and Ladybug also wore to the patrols.
Lila and Chloe didn't even have a chance with Momma Bear Marinette.
They tried to get near him and cling to his arms? Marinette appeared and asked Adrien if he was uncomfortable, which he was, and then practically yeet both of them across the corridor.
With Ladybug claiming that she and Marinette were good friends, all of Lila's lies started falling apart until she was alone.
Nino and Kim joined Marinette in the protection squad. She being the natural leader she was having plans for everything.
Akuma? She would have different plans for Adrien to scape, most of the times he ended up in her room, until Chat Noir apparently decided to hide him in another place.
Actually, since Marinette started with her planning, Chat Noir had appeared so much faster than ever, and without having to worry about if someone discovered his identity, he was so much competent and the fights didn't even last half as it used to.
Adrien was free to be with his friends more often, since media started attacking Gabriel for not letting his son have a life when he tried to knock the ship down.
Maybe Adrichat wasn't a bad idea after all..
Poor Hawkmoth, even he had some stans... Adrien couldn't help but feel pity for him.
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smellysluna · 5 years
The one where you break the line
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Adrien Agreste & [YOU]
Warnings/Tags: teacher/student relationship
Summary: you’re a proffessor in Adrien’s class, sometimes things aren’t always socially acceptable.
Side note: special shoutout to @lonelyhibiscus bcs they’ve motivated me to post this and made my week
You knew this day would come hitting harder than a falling skyscraper. 
It was harder to accept than admit, it would ruin your career and it could ruin his career too. It felt like the blood of your heart was being sucked out -hurtful yet, strangely, pleasurable. But it was unforgivable what you happened to get yourself into and, unconsciously, him altogether.
"Alright, everyone, I've got all of your tests graded. I'm going to hand them in to all of you and afterwards we're going to re-do the test on the chalkboard. Agreed?"
"Yes, professor," chanted everyone in unison.
You started handing in tests, starting by a test with neat hand-writing but poor answers. "Rose Lavillant," you said out loud and heard a faint 'Here'. You walked up to her desk and handed it in. Her eyes held an expecting gaze, as if expecting to finally get this test right, only to be replaced by a hurt expression. 
"If there's something troubling you, Miss Lavillant, you can reassuringly tell me —I'll try to help if there's something I can do," you said as you gazed at the girl sitting next to her, getting closer and glancing at her test while rubbing her back. 
Good friends indeed, wish I had the opportunity.
You looked at the next test reading out loud the name, "Nino Lahiffe." You walked to his desk before he could reply. Your heart clenched upon nearing that desk, you tried so hard to not gaze at the boy sitting next to  Mr. Lahiffe but your desires got the best of you; you glanced at Adrien and caught his stare on you. "I know you can do better, don't slack off even if you don't fail my tests." 
Oh, it hurts so much.
Then you noticed the murmurs around the classroom but paid no attention as long you could be clearly heard without raising your voice. 
To your dismay, you heard a scream at the first row and glared at the source of the voice. 
Ah, what a coincidence.
"Chloé Burgeois." Not waiting for her reply, you shuffled in front of her desk and laid her blank test in front of her. "I'm notifying your father about your grades after class." She only stared at you but you continue handing out tests leaving your favourite student last; feeling a pleasurable stare upon you till you voiced out his name.
"And last, but not least, Adrien Agreste," you walked to him, connecting eachother’s eyes during your short walk. You left his spotless test in front of him, flashing a sweet smile at him and, unaware from other eyes, whispered into his ear. "Don't forget to read the end note." You notice his face heat up and gave you a goofy smile to which your heart melted. You walked away and headed to the chalkboard. 
Oh, what you do to me.
When you got to your desk you looked around to watch your students. Then, your gaze went upon one. You stared at the blond as he read the note you left for him. Your heart melted once again upon seeing his smile as he raised his head after reading the note.
"Before I continue, Mister Agreste, I want to talk to you after class is dismissed."
"Yes, professor," his soft voice stammered and you held back a smile as you proceeded to correct the test on the chalkboard. 
As the last question approached the bell rang, signalling that the last class of the day had ended. All the students rushed out the classroom except for one. 
"Ah, Adrien, it's great you didn't forget to stay," fuck, it felt so right to just say his first name.
"I couldn't, professor," he replied and as he looked elsewhere, he added in a softer voice, "Specially if it's you I have to stay with." You couldn't avoid forming a smile on your lips as he said that.
"Adrien, please, call me by my first name." You longed to hear his voice, splatting out your name with such charm that made you almost gave in to the desire of grabbing this boy and never letting him go.
"Oh, okay... (Y/n)." You smiled as he muttered out my name.
"Do you know why you're here right now?"
"Because of my absence on some school hours...?" He replied without confidence.
"That's one of the reasons, yes. Nevertheless, I'd also like to talk about something else but for now let's start with this." You answered with your heart pounding hard against the rib cage. 
I hate this but I love this.
"Oh, alright."
"I know that some of your unattended lessons are because of your career as a model, so those are excused. But some lessons, and not only mine, you're excused to the bathroom but, the thing is, you don't come back. And I have the slightest idea of why that is," he stared and listened intensely to every word you directed to him. "What I suspect is that you try to live in three lives of your own and it gets more difficult as time passes."
"W-what do you mean...?" Adrien nervously mumbled.
He seems quite adorable when he's nervous.
"What I mean is that you try to live as a college student, as a model and...," you lock your eyes with his and almost forget you were talking to him. "... as a hero under a mask." All his expressions changed into a startled one.
"S-say what!?"
You grinned at him, getting a confidence boost. "You know, Plagg can come out of his hiding spot now." A cat like miniature creature flying out of Adrien's bag.
"I'm surprised you know who I am."
"I've been told about you but never seen you; you're actually quite cute." 
"How... How do you know all this?" Asked Adrien getting closer to you.
"I... was the former Ladybug. Hawk Moth already existed before the new generation had your Miraculous."
"Then why did I not know about that?”
"I was discreet and Hawk Moth knew it; I wouldn't appear if he made a public scandal. It wasn't easy for him but then I retired and the new Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared. It made him things a lot easier. He really thought that these two new miraculous wouldn't be discreet."
"Then that means that there was also another Chat Noir?"
"No," replied Plagg before you could, "otherwise I would have known."
"Oh... I... I don't know what to say to all this."
"There's nothing to say, it's normal," said Plagg as he yawned, "I'm going to get some sleep, I'm tired." He yawned once again and went back to Adrien's school bag.
"So... we actually fucked up...?" 
"Adrien, what do you mean?"
"I mean, we gave Hawk Moth an advantage," he said looking down.
"No, no! Not at all... How could you think that? It's not your fault," you replied very aware of the nervousness in you felt.
"We made it easier for him, didn't we?" He looked up at you and your heart clenched at his pained expression. And for a moment, you thought that there was something else on his mind apart from this. You stared deep into his eyes and, somehow, you could make out what they were trying to express.
'Why...? Why did it have to be you...?'
"You couldn't have known, Adrien... It's not your fault," you answered once again getting closer and only now you notice he was almost the same height as you, he was 4 years younger than and yet, still, was he taller than you. You locked your eyes on his and he did the same on yours and unknowingly you both started leaning in.
It was wrong what you were about to do but you wished for this since the day you realised you fell for him. It was wrong, a teacher and a student should not belong together but you knew that a day would come in where you would want to break that rule.
You started closing your eyes and so did Adrien, then, the next thing you felt were his lips and too many feelings stirring. Love, lust, pain and happiness. It was a pain, being his teacher, if somebody found out this was happening, it would ruin your career as a teacher and ruin his blessed life as a consequence. But then, you stopped thinking about it and gave into the kiss, losing yourself in his soft warm lips.
You parted away and suddenly you noticed Adrien’s racing heart and longed for his lips once again. You locked eyes once more and you noticed a sparkle that wasn't there before, it was stunning. 
You cupped his face and smiled sadly, "You realise... I'm your teacher, right? This is wrong..."
His eyes still held that new beautiful sparkle but hurt also found place in his eyes, "I... know... I’m sorry.."
You caressed his cheek with your thumb and planted a kiss on his other cheek, "Please, don't be... It’s not your fault... I wanted this too... If it's someone's fault, it's ours, Adrien, not only yours." He mildly smiled and rested his head on your shoulder while you inhaled his scent.
"So... what happens next...?" He asked with hope in his voice as he wraps his arms around your body.
"What we could do is... forget about this like this never happened or...," you said, voice trembling, and wrapping your own arms around his body. His body trembled afterwards and so did your. You were scared of that option and he seemed to be scared of it as well, you could not forget about this easily. "We could wait till the year ends and I'll surely have to go to another college to teach so it wouldn't be a problem." You said with hope as you slightly bit your lip.
His grip on you tightened and hid his face in the crook of your neck, "I'd love that second option but..." You smiled as he started kissed your neck and slide your hand through his hair. "We could meet in secrecy... Nobody would know if I go to your house... as Chat Noir," as he said the last part, he whispered seducingly in your ear.
"Oh, I would love that. But... you still have to get good grades; I'm still your teacher, mon cher."
"Ah, well, there's only four months left so... I've got no problems."
"And now if you excuse me, I have to call Chloé's father, as much as that girl annoys me, I still have to do my work."
"Ow, you're ditching me for work, that hurts..." 
"Actually, it would be the other way, mon amour."
"Dude! I thought we were bros, man!" Nino exclaimed loudly. "How could you, like, not tell me you were going out with our teacher, like, that's screwed up. Can't blame you, man, she's hot and young. But I didn't expect you'd like 'em older."
"Hey! She’s only 4 years older, man..." 
"Do not worry, or fear, bro. I totally agree with it, I'd be lying if I said there was nothing going on between you two in our classes. No wonder you got spotless results, man," Nino stated as he grinned at Adrien, his face heating up.
"That! That has nothing to do with my grades!" The blond looked away, denying that she would help him to study. "Well, maybe... a bit...?" Nino started a fit of laughter, his expressions going upwards as his back rolled on top of Adrien’s bed.
"A bit, he says!"
"She only helped me with some studying...! And only because I asked, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten any help," he replied, a smug look painting his features.
"Sure, I'll just believe that, big boy," Nino smirked once again and winked, making it obvious what his thoughts were.
"Stop being such a pervert."
"Like you're any better, Adrien.”
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Of Latte’s and Lingerie: MLBCN Coffee Shop AU
A part two to this fic I posted. Bc of quarantine I’ve been getting back into creating content like fanart and fics so I thought I’d actually do something with this instead of let it sit in a folder collecting dust. 
Quick Warning: For now I’m gonna say this is rated T for Teen and Up for language(I’m sorry I’m so vulgar and it translates a lot in my writing. my bf says its the russian in me) but if that changes I’ll be sure to post that in any future updates. 
Also I still really want to hear feedback on this because I’ve never really pursued fics and I’m always here for constructive criticism. Also if I feel like nobody likes it, for obvious reasons I’m probably not gonna do anything with it. Anywhoo, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy!
“What’s his name?”
Nino scratched his head.
“Uh, I dunno dude, it’s a cat.”
“Cat’s have names too ya know.” Adrien rolled his eyes.
“What is he eating?’
“Cheese! Its kinda all I have in my fridge right now.” Adrien got a little closer to the ravenous black cat, that was absolutely devouring the piece of camembert in front of him.
“Nino, do you know anything about cats.”
“No! It’s not like I’ve ever had one before. That’s why I texted you.” Adrien was able to scratch the little black cat behind the ears and he felt it purr. He smiled.
“Ill take him home with. I’ve been wanting to adopt a cat for ages.” That wasn’t entirely a lie. Adrien had been wanting a cat. But he’d never actually considered the possiblity of owning one. He’donly just got his own place and Adrien was still discovering all the possiblities of freedom when you lived on your own.
“Better you than me, you know I can’t take care of myself, let alone a whole other animal.” Adrien laughed.
“No kidding. Who only keeps cheese in their fridge?”
The whole way home Adrien’s eyes flashed to the little black cat that slept in his back seat. He couldn’t believe it was so calm. He was positive that most cats didn’t act like that, specifically around strangers.
He was subconciously brushing his hair out of his eyes, He wondered what it wouls be like if he cut it all off. He’s positive that would be the final straw for his father. He’d actually kill Adrien.
Adrien’s thoughts were everywhere. Before he knew it he was home, with no recollection of the journey. He was a little on edge since he’d told his father he wanted to quit modeling. For obvious reasons, Gabriel Agreste did not take it very well. But Adrien had prepared. He saved the hell out of his money, found a new place to live, a job as an interpreter at a non profit organization, and gathered all of his belongings. At least, the ones that mattered. He made sure there was nothing left for Gabriel to hold over his head.
“I’m an adult, father. I have a degree that I’d actually like to use. I know you mean well but it’s time for me to do what’s right for me. Your ambitions aren’t mine.”
The discussion ended with some choice words that weren’t worth repeating, Adrien didn’t like being on bad terms with his dad but for once in his life he was free to do whatever the hell he wanted and he was gonna take advantage of that.
He started small. There was suddenly a whole new world of food and Adrien would be damned if he didn’t eat it all. He was no longer limited to black coffee and protein shakes. He could finally gorge himself on pastries and sugar loaded frappuccino’s. God he was such a whore for a good mocha frappuccino. And Dunn’s knew exactly what was up when it came to a good mocha frappe. Loaded with chocolate and love and more chocolate.
Adrien was happy. But it didn’t mean that there wasn’t that nagging voice in his head, screaming that he needed to please his father. Adrien’s anxiety had been creeping up on him for weeks, ever since he’d moved out of his father’s home and it was starting to hit him like a fucking train. Maybe he needed to go to therapy.
Adrien was pulled out of his thoughts by the meowing cat in the back seat. And just like that, Adrien’s worries were drifting away.
“I think I’ll call you Plagg. What do you say to that?” The cat said nothing, and Adrien took it as approval.
“C’mon Plagg, lets get something to eat.”
“I’m so sorry Audrey, I don’t know how that happened.” Marinette was very stressed out. Actually, “very stressed out” didn’t even cut it. Marinette was on the verge of a goddamn heart attack. Audrey Bourgeois was easily the most difficult person to work for on the planet and she did not accept anything less than perfection. But luckily, Marinette’s work exceeded expectations in every capacity, which meant that she wasn’t going to be fired. Not today at least.
“It wasn’t your fault. But I swear on my Versace sunglasses Marinette Dupain-Cheng if you don’t find a new assistant, I’m going to fire your whole team. Do I make myself clear? You’re a professional now. Every detail matters. And not just in the clothes.” Marinette nodded her head.
“Of course!” Audrey’s eyes lingered on Marinette’s for a moment before she turned back to the line of lingerie that Marinette had slaved over.
“These pieces really are magnificent.” Audrey mumbled, her fingers ghosting over the fabric.
“You know my daughter may be modeling one.” Marinette nodded.
“I’m sure she’ll look great ma’am.”
“Have you ever met my Chloe? She’s about your age Marinette.” Marinette shook her head.
“Oh no ma’am, I don’t think so.” Audrey laughed for a moment.
“I’m sure you’ll despise her. She’s a lot like me.” Marinette’s eyes nearly bulge out of her head.
“Oh, Audrey if she’s anything like you, I’m sure she’s great! Really.”
“It’s all right Marinette, I know who I am. I’ve been a bitch since I came out of the womb. But that’s what makes a businesswoman my dear. You really ought to take note if you want to own your own business one day.” Marinette scoffed internally. As if. Marinette didn’t even know how she was going to fire her assistant, let alone manage an entire company. Marinette knew who she was too. She didn’t have what it took to be a businesswoman. But she had what it took to be a fashion designer. So she was happy to be working at a major company, even if she did work for a bitch.
“Marinette I’m sure you’re exhausted. Feel free to go home. Now that we have this whole fiasco figured out.” Marinette sighed and nodded her head. She felt a little dead inside. Her exhaustion had hit peak levels and she couldn’t believe she let Tim talk her into Hot Chocolate. How naïve to think that something wouldn’t go wrong and keep her from her appointment with her pillow. Her very soft, comfy pillow. Marinette had never been more motivated to leave the office in her life.
When she got home, Marinette heard the purring at the door. She gave her little ginger kitty a soft smile and reached down to pick her up, nuzzling her face.
“Come on Tikki, let’s go to bed.”
Next Chapter
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heisalonetonight · 5 years
hi - anon from before - pls excuse me bc i'm absolutely /sobbing/ at your response bruh. thank /you/ for answering so openly (just like Adrien! :0 ) I'm shook at the fact you started publishing from 14 to now, that's incredible!! can i ask what you published? :0 Also wow @ that characterization of Adrien towards the end, it really makes a lot of sense!! is there a difference between Adrien and Chat? Or are they similar but just show different amounts of certain feelings? :0
Oh, just poems and stories! I don’t want to show off lol they were achievements for sure but I’m sure you have something better to do than read about them :P And thank you, I have a lot of opinions about who Adrien is and how he does it. Onto Chat vs Adrien - I think inherently they are the same person, obviously, but Chat Noir lives without the same sort of ... suffocation, I guess? Being Adrien Agreste is work. That’s something that he carries with him every minute of every day - being an Agreste means that there are always cameras somewhere, and his every move is scrutinised. As much as Adrien likes to kick back and relax with his friends, and really does love and trust them very deeply (and god, he loves being called ‘dude’!), the role his friends play in Adrien’s life is actually very minor, by necessity (not by choice: he would always choose to hang out with those guys, sans the nights his father promises he’ll make it to dinner this time - this time). He is working. He has expectations to manage and a phone which is waiting to call him home at the drop of a hat when his father hasn’t quite managed to make this meeting, could he please stand in, or Adrien, there’s a charity event you need to attend, or Adrien, please turn another 13 degrees to the left so the cameras can get your smile properly while you talk to your friends. Adrien’s got a lot of very high expectations put on him which are inherently expectations, rather than goals - they are things he can fall short of or meet, but they are so high it is impossible to exceed them, so his options are disappointing his father or .... not disappointing him. 
Adrien really, really cares about his father. I think it’s underestimated, the turmoil that he goes through in Chat Blanc - since the disappearance of his mother his father really, truly changed, and Adrien really believes that that’s because Gabriel is trying to hold things together. He thinks his father has, essentially, fallen apart, and when has it ever been like Adrien to hold somebody’s turmoil and fear and sickness against them? His father is sick. He’s afraid of going outside, he’s afraid for Adrien so hard that it’s sometimes suffocating, and Adrien wants him to get better. Before he met Ladybug, Adrien Agreste needed to find something - some relationship - to anchor himself into, to strap himself onto and not let go of, and for him that relationship was his father’s. To Adrien, he and Gabriel are a team. The same sort of team Ladybug and Chat Noir are, the same sort of inherent and unbreakable bond that they have: he is inseperable from his father. Whatever this terrible grief is, whatever it has stolen from Gabriel, they are in it together. They are in it together and it is just Adrien’s turn to be the part of the team who does more work, and that is because Gabriel is self-destructing, and Adrien aches for his father to be better, more than he aches to be wanted. And besides, Adrien doesn’t do love like that (here’s a link to the fic exactly on that subject!). He doesn’t do it like his father needs to earn it, he has been loved like that before - like he could be loved if only he was good enough - and he would not wish that on his worst enemy, much less the people he loves. Gabriel does not owe him anything, to earn Adrien’s love. If the only way to express it - their partnership - is through the avenues of work that Gabriel opens up to him, asks him to do, then that’s what Adrien will do. He considers them a team. 
Chat Noir, meanwhile, has a different partner - a teammate who will play the game with him in equal parts, who often overtakes him because she is just amazing and dynamic and beautiful, who soars past him on gilded wings and takes his breath away. And then she turns back to offer him her hand, to pull him onward, because she loves him, and it has never in her entire life ever been a problem for Ladybug that she did not feel loved, that she did not know how to show people that they were wanted. She has never even hesitated to smile for people - especially Chat - or to support him when he’s down. She has been wildly, miraculously, crazily kind to him, and been open about her emotions, and accessible, and responsive, and amazing, and his best friend (sorry Nino) he’s ever had, the best friend he’s ever been lucky enough to meet. And you know his luck! She takes his breath away not just because she is kind and gentle and soft, where everybody else in his life has always been hard, but because she is basically a genius and she knows it, and she’s ridiculously impressive, and Adrien Agreste, my friends, is 100% the sort of guy who is turned on by girls who can kick his butt, that is the sort of thing he loves, not least because they don’t need him to be doing anything - they don’t need him in the charity event, they don’t need him to be on call, they don’t need him - but they want him. Ladybug wants him. And if she does need him, it’s only in equal parts to how often and how badly he needs her. She is so.... Anyway. Let’s not go on a long rant about what he loves about Ladybug, I do need to finish this response conceivably within the next several years. The key difference between Chat Noir and Adrien Agreste is that the people who they tie themselves into the world with either love him or they don’t, and Adrien feels like he must be doing something wrong (not being able to reach his father properly - he thinks he just hasn’t found the right path - he thinks they are a team and it is his job to reach him, and he hasn’t done it, yet, and it make him a bad teammate), though he is very quiet about his confusion, and he does what he is asked to do because he has very little alternative. Ladybug’s team... being on Ladybug’s team comes as easily as breathing. It makes him happy. It teaches him everything he needs to be taught about the world, about how love works, about what it is like when you are just - well - happy, and you don’t care if anybody is watching. That same thing can be said, increasingly, more and more often, of Adrien’s time he spends with his friends - Marinette and Kagami and Nino and Alya and Max and everybody - and in fact we have seen the influence of people who really love him leaking into his behaviour, as he is slowly departing from doing every single thing his father ever asks from him, as he sneaks off to London (from which he was, I remind you, once banned, even though he could have gone to his uncle’s funeral) with nary a glance behind him, with this breathy little exhilaration which is only cemented by his friends’ acceptance and excitement rather than disgust and disappointment. He hosts his party. He finds ways to live when he still can, he finds ways to breathe these stolen gasps of air when he’s got the time to do it, and it just would not have occurred to him to even try, before this series started. Before he met someone (in this case, Plagg) who offered him an out. 
There’s a lot to write about Chloe here as well, but I am already several paragraphs deep into this. Chloe’s role as his only friend is important and he really does like her a lot, she is one of his closest and is literally his oldest friend, and there’s a lot to be said for how he defends her and tries for her and believes in her. They are genuinely, really friends. But we’re not getting into it. 
As Adrien prioritises his partnership - his team - with Ladybug more and more, he is growing to learn what a real team looks like. Chat is loose and easy and relaxed and he relishes that, and he loves being with her more than he loves anything else in the entire world, because he has her back and he really believes she has his, and the whole rest of the world really doesn’t matter. I’ve written about this before - he has long-held beliefs about the world, absolute truths that he feels he can dig and dig and dig and dig and he will never come out the other side, they’re just true. They’re just true. 
But it costs Adrien something, to believe that he is a team with his father, and it does not cost him anything to believe the same of his best friend. Still, he will not ever let one of his absolute truths go easily (which is why he struggles with Kagami so much - one of his truths is that he is in love with Ladybug; and why he struggles with Chat Blanc, letting his father go, even though he knew that’s what he had to do), and that is why ... he is a sad boy. It is because he is fighting to find out where the truth is. He knows it has to be there somewhere. He knows it has to be buried somewhere under these swathes of work and isolation and barely-acceptable-son-but-thanks-for-trying behaviour. He just isn’t looking hard enough, there is want, somewhere under there. Gabriel wants him, somewhere there. It does not help that Gabriel throws out occasionally flashes of love, a hug here, concern for him there, a conversation once a month. It doesn’t help that he is being strung along. 
(As a spoiler, Adrien is wasting his time.) 
Anyway, the differences between Adrien and Chat are really just how much of Adrien is actually welcome, at any one time. Adrien mostly just works for his father, has always mostly just done work, he has a packed schedule - and nobody cares who Adrien is, they care what the young Monsieur Agreste can do for them. Chat is always welcome. Chat is always wanted. Chat always feels wanted, and she finds new ways to make him feel it almost every time he sees her. He craves that, and flourishes in it. I guess that’s the main difference. 
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hey so remember like last year when i was re-reading misadventures and fixing typos? (well, i say that, but it was just an excuse to re-read it and write some absolutely absurd commentary on it...) i found old notes in my phone from january with even more so guess i may as well post it because people seemed to find it funny at the time, it’s basically just The Misadventures of Aish Realizing Things though
[yeah so here’s the original notes i’m not even gonna change anything even though lots of Lore has happened in the show and we Know things now, you just get to see what january aish typed]
ok well let’s go then chapters 31-35 oh god
oh yeah the ML Blackout! I remember that
hm it’s occurring to me maaaaaybe I should post a bit of a warning on this chapter. like “yes this starts off stupid and cracky and fluffy but takes a complete 180 in the middle and you will end up sobbing.”
or maybe I should put that as a disclaimer on the whole fic cause it’s one hell of a ride
yeah the reason why the early parts of this chapter are very lighthearted is honestly because the fic was getting a bit too bleak, I needed something cheerful, so paper planes and arm wrestles it was
wait... isn’t this just that scene from Anansi??? where like Nora challenges Nino to an arm wrestle but then he wins because Someone Else Nearby Did A Thing
also this is Peak characterization, damn Aish, you rly outdone yourself, congration
any time I drop the word “inkling” into a fic it is always 100% a splatoon reference
heh... BI-ceps...
oh my godddd Max trying to play off his ogling as “ah yes I am scientifically studying Kim’s arm muscles ofc, it’s science I swear” is SO frickin funny I’m already losing it
Alix: “scientifically speaking I’m hot therefore you have to lose this arm wrestle” hshdhdghshskkjkdhshs
^literally the kind of nonsense every single teen I know spouts irl
including me when I was a teen, I just said things
(I still just say things)
you can’t bring up the sports bra thing goddammit, I agree it’s cheating because it has the power to one-hit kill anyone in the vicinity
I love how Max thinks his crush on Kim is “under control” while like. visibly swooning over him
OKAY SO LIKE I was supposed to put the thing about Kim snogging a pillow in chapter 20 but I forgot or something and then I just had to get it in somehow, oh it kills me dead just thinking about it, I’m dying, I’m dead
and the fact that he admits to it as well, holy moly
this is the moment when Alix’s Kimax shipper heart was suddenly feeling validated like “omg wait Kim DOES like Max??? like for real??????”
awwwww Kim, Max doesn’t have those kind of superpowers, you just have a crush on him that’s all <3
“What the heck is that?” “My snake.” DYINGGGG
Kim trying to figure out if the snake is sitting or standing is a whole mood
ohhhhhhhh my gosh poor Alix trying so damn hard to subtly ask Kim if he likes Max and Kim’s just. so DUMB he doesn’t even get it no matter how obvious she is
she’s even trying to pull out those stupid amatonormative “so is he MORE than a friend???” questions just to get this idiot to figure it out because she knows allo-romos are Like That and he still doesn’t get it,,
[future aish says: the word is alloro, past aish. it’s alloro]
oh no... oh NO.... the letter.... here we go....
btw yes Gabriel had Kim’s grandad assassinated, it was indeed his doing
...isn’t this lowkey the plot of The Lion King?
or Long Live The Queen
hmmm let’s just say in the sequel poor Kim really will have to deal with the stresses of ruling a country >:D
(also can I just say like... this chapter is actually well-written for the most part? I’m actually kinda impressed)
unfortunately I know the feeling of wanting, needing to return home, but it fills you with dread... *hugs Kim forever*
Kim crying all over Max both hurts me and sort of heals me because Max is so sweet and comforting about it ohhh my heeeaaart
chapter 32 being called “Un chat noir” is kinda dumb af but also it just so happened that I accidentally had the chapter called “Coccinelle” be chapter 64, aka exactly double of 32, so that was kinda neat
and Wayhem lol, I think I’ve already mentioned how originally this noble was just some random irrelevant unnamed OC until I decided way later it’s gay stalker fanboy
oh yeah that’s how the nobility recognize the royalty, I forgot lol
(also nobles from countries with widespread newspress or tv will recognize them from news reports and stuff I guess)
the fact that Plagg just hates Wayhem is funny to me for some reason
except it was in reference to Adrien... let’s just say that The Misadventures of Imperial Prince Adrien may or may not make an appearance in the sequel >:D
...the Adrienette is literally just in this fic so that people would read it, ngl
hhhhhhhhhhhh okay it’s true Alix is an aro idiot who doesn’t know anything about romance but for once she’s RIGHT, Kim IS in love with Max, but she assumes she’s wrong hshgshdjhdnsnsh
oh my god noooo timeline twin go away and stop giving me nightmares
I still love how they hate each other, that’s some top-notch self-hatred right there and I need to get on their level
[future aish note: no past self!! be nice to yourself!! you are a cool bean!! own it!!]
honestly I probably should stop being lazy and actually go back to like idk chapter 8 and put in an actual monopoly game (it had to have been before the oracle sessions in ch10 at least)
fun fact!! I have indeed very nearly had a fist fight over the last dark blue card in a monopoly game!! also I blatantly cheated, and the main opponent locked someone else (an 8 year old btw) in a cupboard... it was Wild(TM)
me and my irl friend actually came up with the butterfly thing when we were at the cinema once, she made up this random angry gardener OC who stepped on a butterfly after being fired or something lol
I mentioned Rose liking unicorns!!!! before Captain Hardrock!!!!!!!
shdhdhkshs Alix is such a moody emo brat in this fic I adore it
“The only real difference between you and me is one dead butterfly.” goddammit that’s the creepiest fucking thing, I’m genuinely shaking
technically it’s a butterfly’s fault for ALL the timelines which means that we’re all one butterfly away from death at any moment
cheerful stuff
no, no, you’re not trying to block it out on purpose... I’M trying to block it out on purpose bc I’m highkey shamelessly projecting
god I wish my timeline twin would manifest in the astral plane and punch me in the arm too
“Count yourself lucky you’re not a pillow, idiot.” in-context this is contender for Most Cursed Line I Have Ever Written In My Life
and yes Alix was about to straight-up swear
Mylène rollerskating is extremely blessed and good
pfffffffff Max you coward, I stand on swivel chairs all the time
*me, chanting at the spider in my room* KIMAX! KIMAX! KIMAX!
Kim literally making every excuse to not put Max down is amazing honestly
Kim and Max’s origins story is sooooooooooo cute wtf
I,,,, swear to god,,,,,,,
so like. I know it’s now canon in the show that Kim really is as oblivious to his feelings as I wrote him in this. but MY GOD. IT’S FRIGGIN PAINFUL
oh yeah I wrote the kimax bits rly early and my old url was @queenkubdel haha
aight now a no-kimax chapter, but at least it’s a goodun
there’s that catradora-esque weather girls frenemyship again
Kim having a full-on breakdown when he finds out Alix’s hair isn’t really pink is actually really blessed, no lemme explain
so this universe has magic, right?? so he thinks to himself that the reason his friend has pink hair is because she must be some sort of anime protagonist or Really Important and Cool or something, and it never even occurred to him to doubt her
in other words he’s betrayed because he WANTED HIS FRIEND TO BE A COOL SHONEN HERO
which is both hilarious AND very sweet
...oh wait I’ve scrolled down and it turns out I literally explained all that in the fic itself hhdgjdvzjdjhs
and yeah honestly I can’t blame poor Kim for taking it so badly, he’s still reeling from his grandfather’s assassination so it’s natural his emotions are not exactly Regulated atm
actually when are his emotions ever regulated
1703-1899 hm... might change that since the fic takes place in 1957-1960 so even though it’s a commissioned history of the empire it was before Gabriel was even born so like why would he even care lmao
“Great Western Ocean” so pretentious, just say the Atlantic omg
I’ve been playing way too much civ because the first thing that came to mind was that everyone’s denounced Agreste due to the high warmongering penalties of the industrial/modern eras
Chloé and Kim is one hell of a brotp okay I still firmly believe that
also Chloé still loves her rococo fashion, she’s just toned it down enough that she can fit through doors and it’s not quite as “in your face” towards commoners
listen I know in the show Kim still liked Chloé for a while after Dark Cupid but in this he got over her quicker because his crush on her wasn’t as deep in the first place
Kim literally tells Chloé he gave the brooch to Max and yet STILL doesn’t realize he likes him!!! KIM!!!!!!!!!!
Chlodemption arc yesssssssss
also she’s a lesbeean
(ye Pollen will be in the sequel don’t you worry)
god I’m so proud of her <3
it feels believable too, so I’m proud of myself!! (I’m trying to be nice to myself before next chapter where I will no doubt roast myself so badly I’ll never recover)
outdated laws about marriage... jeez was that cursed foreshadowing or what
...actually wait this is sibling culture
I literally speak like this to my brother and he’s my best friend so in conclusion Ivan thinks of Kim as an annoying brother
Jalil why are you a historian. just go be a psychologist and stop your sister accidentally hecking up the country
omg the Antarctica thing, I’m just imagining Jalil in the freezing cold with a massive coat on and getting chased by penguins
I love how the timeline twin’s plan was “escape school, force Adrien to get a venomous pet, then abandon him immediately in the middle of nowhere” and later on it turns out she skipped step two and just ditched him lmaoooooo
being so ace that your brain goes straight to “death and murder” before anything else is the biggest mood, I speak from experience
Jalil knows... he had that conversation with Kim in chapter 20... he Knows
“a bit unsupportive” um that is an extreme understatement good grief he was more savage than ME
oh don’t worry the venom death still haunts me too
chapter I Hate You... “A rather rotten winter party” well it should have been named A RATHER ROTTEN CHAPTER DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPOSSIBLE THIS ONE WAS TO WRITE OMG I HATE WRITING MYSELF INTO CORNERS
you see I had to have a motive for the timeline twin to explain things properly so that I could put in a really really dumb pun later but that meant I had to unfortunately suffer many allergic reactions again
[future aish note: forgot to mention, i also needed a motive for kim to stop eating chocolate forever, so i had to Curse this chapter as a sacrifice in order to save his life later on]
alright, alright, here we go, I’ll stop procrastinating and just get this over with
oh yeah it’s chapters like these that the fic’s rated T lol
the Adrikim friendship is indeed important... for later... like, plot-relevant levels of important... life-saving levels...
“some event” is the Peace Ball actually and I can’t wait because that chapter’s actually a good one
like last year he was LITERALLY LIKE “oh boo hoo I cannot tell anyone about this because Adrien is Ã Bøyê” and now he’s just like “yeah I kissed a hot boy and what about it???”
to be fair he is on an extreme sugar rush from all the chocolate he ate, which will... be a plot point in just a moment...
I’m the amused nobles, they are me
oh my god Kim we get it you want to kiss someone (Max) and you don’t want to outright say it
holy shit do any of these kids ever think before they speak??? not to sound like the timeline twin or anything but alix... you could have avoided this if you’d bothered to use your one (1) brain cell
[future aish note: bold of me to assume that alix has a brain cell]
Kim wants to now fight his PARALLEL SELF oh my god, get on my level Kim, I want to fight my actual self like right now so there
stfu all of you, this is poisoning my liver
Max is the biggest mood and at least mildly sensible thank god, but he really shouldn’t have left those two alone for even a second
the chair... the fucking c h a i r... I’m already lying down but I need to lie down harder just to process the absurdity of this
(I think I was gonna have Alix fall off the chair just because that’s hilarious but I forgot)
look I can’t take heartrate seriously but if you ever write it then you are legally required to put in kissing contests or you’re doing it wrong
fudgin Adrienette kiss offscreen and irrelevant
DJWIFI!!! AND ACTUAL PROPER DJWIFI!!!! I was sick of seeing it treated as some kind of pair-the-spares beta couple so I flipped the script and had them literally call out that trope while treating Adrienette as irrelevant instead, which is also why the sequel will be extremely djwifi-centric
“super swanky bae” please stop misusing commoner slang I’m begging you
Theo was right here, he witnessed with his own eyes how much chocolate Kim ate, so he knows for a fact that if you give Kim chocolate he will scarf it down without a second thought... so hypothetically if one sent him poisoned chocolates... dyou see where I’m going with this...
oh and Theo still has like every job btw
Alya!!!! no!!!!! hire him again!!!!!!!! then he won’t send the chocolates!!!!!!!!!! aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
there goes me hinting how alyadrininette is the ultimate ot4 again
...do I really wanna scroll down and keep going? no I don’t but I guess I gotta, and relive every one of my most embarrassing school sleepovers in the process
full offence to everyone bothering to read this but kissing sounds gross, actually
(for the record it was probably like... 10 seconds or something idk it was Not Long At All)
“probably not more than 5 minutes” omg I just said it was 10 seconds??? hmmm m okay like 20 seconds maaaybe, Kim just has no sense of time perception
neither do I based on my microwaving skills
INNOCENT DUMBASS AROACE ASKING “what does that mean? what’s this? what’s that? it’s okay you can tell me :-)”
omg I forgot the snake was there ahshdhdkshfs I’m the snake, probably wants to launch itself out of the window so big mood
most of the fic so far had Alix being really aro so I was like damn... gotta make her really ace too
(if I ever bother writing the Kimdine AU then you actually get an aro character who isn’t ace, because we need more of them, but I won’t say who) (okay fine it’s Luka)
I tend not to be too British in my writing so as not to give the Americans heart attacks whenever they see someone referring to their mother as “mum” etc, but like... sometimes you just gotta throw in the word “snogging”
(I’m typing this out on my phone rn and it has exactly 69% battery, I hate this and also hate that I felt the need to mention that)
honestly I was soooooo tempted to actually write The Talk bit, it would have been the funniest thing ever, but I was also 99% sure I would have to change the rating to M (despite it not even remotely being smut lol, just a regular biology lesson) and there was no way I was doing that, pretty sure I pushed the T rating at some points as it is
[future aish: god i am still so tempted to write it. man, i’m tempted. it would be the funniest thing. but no... i have sworn not to write anything above a T rating so guess i won’t.]
(it genuinely wasn’t a flowerpot though. it’s my life’s goal to throw up in a flowerpot and I still haven’t achieved it.)
all of this is an Ace Mood(TM)
also I love how elaborately I’ve worded this, like yeah idiot royal teenagers are too royal and posh to ever bother just saying the word “sex” like a normal person
to any 17 year old aces: you aren’t too young to know, I told myself that aggressively when I was 17 but now I’m 22 and I’m still just as ace as I always was sooooo yeah
I also hope I can wake up tomorrow and forget I read this trash
well tbh... it’s not total trash... it highkey reminds me of my school days, like, maybe that was subconscious or something... god who even knows
jeez if timeline twin slapped me in the face I’d just keel over and die from sheer terror, other than that that’s HILARIOUS
fuckeninf hell listen,,, so when I was writing this chapter I didn’t know I was aro... I mean, I was kinda questioning it?? but all I knew was I was ace, and that me not knowing that as a teenager almost totally screwed me over because like
to be normal or to feel normal there’s things you do or say that you don’t want, and things you know would happen or whether you want something or not you’ll take it because you think you’re expected to, because otherwise you’ll have to confront yourself with the fact that something is wrong with you and you don’t know what or why or how to fix it
and being aro on top of that is misunderstanding how to navigate close friendships because of this fundamental fear that if you want to be close with someone then friendship can’t suffice, that how much you care about them doesn’t matter
and things I did or almost did, or had the chance to do and only stopped because (awfully enough) crippling anxiety which ironically saved me (let’s just say the dude turned out to be a creep)... yeah basically this is all a callback to that aroace teenager feel where you can’t help not being true to yourself because you don’t want to, because you don’t know what’s wrong or right, only what’s “normal” and the ache of knowing that you’re not, no matter how much you try
and I didn’t know I was aro while writing this but in hindsight it’s easy to see how that played into it too, and writing this definitely played a part in me realizing I’m aro and was somehow trying to work through some very pent-up feelings about friendship and closeness with people, as well as pent-up feelings about being ace and how that tied into everything too
...in short, do not phuck the pharaoh or you will get HOUSE ARRESTED and DIE
(jk jk she’ll just be awkward around you forever lol, and then SHE’LL get house arrested and die, because you’re not commoners so your actions actually have consequences you dumb idiots)
this entire thing is just a whole mood and lowkey my teenage years holy fuck holy fuck I hate that I’m only just realizing how bloody hard I was projecting
I literally read a post the other day about how unrequited love is only ever usually explored from the perspective of the person who’s in love, whereas aros are usually on the receiving end of it and it’s a tragedy in its own right that you might do things that wind up driving you apart because you can’t bring yourself to love them back but you can’t tell them because of the fear that it’ll push them away... and I gotta say, I totally nailed it 💪
...you know what I’ve changed my mind, chapter 34 is good actually, and now I need to make a time machine and go and hug my 17 year old self for living this, and then hug my 20 year old self for writing this, I’m sorry I was mean to this chapter it’s very relatable and I shouldn’t keep beating myself up over it
thinking makes me miserable too!! that’s why it’s optimistic nihilism only lads
impulse control, hmmm... someone who’s good for him, hmmmmmm... it’s almost like someone like that is right there and exists and is already in love with him 😏
so apparently timeline twin’s idea of “fixing her life” is burning all her bridges and then hecking off to the Kazakh wilderness for over a year
did Alix just... ask the snake if it’s aroace too???
I mean it definitely is, but...
chapter 35, thank god, the title “Finally!” is very apt
(because I can finally change the music from Death Valley to something else lol)
oh poor Max, his heart goes on a real rollercoaster these few chapters doesn’t it? it’s okay buddy, in like 10 chapters you’ll get your man...
I just misread “despite” as “despacito”, I’m going to bed and continuing this tomorrow dammit
alright I am now funky refreshed and ready to roll, let’s get this kimax party started
Max is angsting internally like “no one’s realized I like Kim :( well except Juleka but she’s a lesbian so she doesn’t count” ashgdjsghskk that mlm/wlw solidarity is holding out I see
this is all so Irony it’s murdering me dead
okay yeah I’m gonna be really honest and salty here for a second, this bit where Max is annoyed that Alix takes Nath more seriously as a contender than him was me being a bit salty over the fact that like... kimnath/tomato ketchup is a great rarepair but got so weirdly popular amongst people who didn’t seem to care about Max as a character at all despite how close he is with Kim in canon, and as a Max Stan it made me sad because he’s already not very appreciated in fandom
[future aish note: HE IS NOW BABEY!]
I also want to hug Alix because godddds I’ve been in that situation where if you were allowed to just TELL the idiots that they like each other then all their problems would be solved but noooo, you’re sworn to secrecy... *sigh*
“I’ll make sure that doesn’t change, ever...” me: *thinks about the sequel and cackles evilly while cracking my knuckles* well,,
listen it was VERY IMPORTANT to me that I actually put in all these actual words in the fic and made them relevant, like gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc (I think the only one I didn’t was trans, oops?? gotta remember that for the sequel, at least Nino IS trans in this even though I never said the word)
[future aish note: i feel like i didn’t say pan either, or nonbinary... more stuff for the sequel folks! i can’t put in everything but i may as well try!]
bc you see all these tv shows where a character is bi but they say they “don’t like labels” or a character with no love interest get suddenly paired up with someone random at the end... like NO I wanted to do the OPPOSITE of that bc people’s identities are IMPORTANT so I wanted to MAKE IT RELEVANT 💪
and even though I didn’t yet know here that I was aro and highkey projecting, there’s already a fair few fics dealing with asexuality but not aromanticism?? so I rly wanted to make the aro side of things important
almost relieved??? Max, you buffoon, she IS relieved, extremely
Malix friendship is good and severely underrated and I still haven’t forgiven myself for not putting more of it in this
“He was never eating chocolate again” HO-HO-HOLY SHIT THAT’S SOME FORESHADOWING RIGHT THERE
Rose is a distinguished bi who doesn’t realize Kim is a disaster bi
Kim oh my god you can’t just out Adrien “just about functional bi” Agreste like that
I love that Rose calls Kim a casanova even though he’s very much not... how many people are even into him over the course of the fic? Max, Adrien, it’s implied Marinette used to be, Lila is ambiguous, same with the lacrosse guy later, oh yeah Ondine highkey lmao along with 90% of the teenage population of Saharan Africa, Kim himself in about 2 chapters time...
Rose giving Kim the gay talk is so blessed omg I need more interaction between these two
“If you swung one way you were gay, if you swung the other way you were straight, more than one way made you bisexual, if you didn’t swing any way at all then you were probably just Alix...” I will literally NEVER be able to outdo this line, this is Peak
hmm I don’t think at any point in the fic Max says to Kim that he’s exclusively into boys... I guess he said it offscreen then lol, point is He’s Gay
this is like in Syren when he realizes the mermaid is Ondine and that she was trying to tell him she likes him... except this is the gay version of that
yeah Rose I really do need to get more sleep, that one was directed at me and I know it was
Kim being all like “fellas is it gay if you take off your shirt and a guy swoons at you 🤔🤔🤔”
no, no... Max is definitely a complete trainwreck at romance, just slightly less than you
god freaking dammit not the sports bra again,,, I s2g later in the fic all Ondine would have had to do is to show up in a sports bra and Kim would immediately go full ot3 mode no questions asked,,,,,,,, (I mean he does see her in a swimsuit but that’s not the same??? sports bras are in a different league okay shush)
psssssst!!! you should read heartbroken!!!! it’s a kimax fic and it’s so good!!!!! this was a lowkey shoutout!!!!!!!!
genuinely tho, even if Kim hadn’t liked Max too here, he’s being so sweet about it?? he’s worried about his poor friend’s emotional state and wishes he could have done better to help!! gahhhh their friendship/relationship is just So Blessèd
hsndhkdhdkshdh I only noticed it after finishing the fic and occasionally skimming back through, but so much of the time whenever Alix shows up Kim’s all like *ungrateful* “oh not you again” like WOW that’s one way to greet your friend?? mood tho
[future aish note: i did the exact opposite in No Romo, funnily enough! kim’s not in it much but whenever he sees alix he’s like “friend!!! friend!!!!!” and she’s just like -_- “oh it’s that guy again”]
he’s not even paying attention to her omg she’s trying to save the timeline here you idiot
POOR ALIX how frustrating,,, and also I’ve literally been there,,, the woes of being a wing-girl indeed
and now Kim wants to fight himself, why am I not surprised
aaaaaaand he immediately asks the aro for love advice, why is he like this omg
gosh this is sooooo sweeeeeet
I did not let up, did I? just went ahead and made this as cheesy and cutesy and over the top as I could because It’s What Kimax Deserves
(there wasn’t rly much Kimax content yet in the fandom at this point so I had total free reign and went all-out with it)
sfjsgskdhs and there goes Alix getting her wing-efforts sidelined again
“I’m never asking out someone on a whim again. Or, uh, confessing that I like someone on a whim either.” so uh... you know how I said I’m considering making the sequel Kimaxdine? well if I do then uh. hm. this might change. because reasons.
I don’t know why I made nothing Alix ever says make sense but I’m glad I did because she’s so freaking funny
I swear I talk about Max’s eyes being “magnified in his glasses” multiple times in this fic, either that or I’m having serious deja vu
Kim’s so cute dammit!!! now that he knows he likes Max he’s just swooning over every little thing and it’s!!!! adorable!!!!!
(I wonder if this is how it was with Kimdine in the show? it does seem like Kim already liked her but just hadn’t noticed...)
huehuehuehue Kim later on you do indeed recklessly propose to Max on the spot... in like 18 chapters or so
also the fact that Kim thinks things through better when he’s around Max is just the total sweetest and also what Alix was basically trying to aim for
I love Kim showing off that he can pack all his stuff in half an hour like buddy, the porters can literally help you with that, you’re royalty remember
omg I’d forgotten I left a note here later for binge-readers!! being all like “drink water and eat food and go to sleep uwu”
lmao guess I’ll take my own advice then and leave it there for now
[future aish note: same, goodnight]
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imthepunchlord · 7 years
Adrien, the best to the least fit miraculouses
One of the fun of miraculous swaps is to always consider how someone works with a miraculous, if it can be pulled off well, what new ideas and realizations come, and now I have some new thoughts on Adrien, what works with him best and what actually doesn’t work with him. And miraculouses are given to those with matching traits, and another factor is kwamis, who appear to have matching traits with their holders; and this little thing was started because I wondered if Adrien really could pull off being LB. 
So, best to least fit miraculous wise for Adrien (the rest undercut if anyone’s ready for this character study and speculation).
Black Cat (best of the two)
The most important trait to BC is acting without regard for self. This miraculous comes with an intense power, one that allows a holder to be involved and deep in a fight and can turn the tide of the battle easily. It should go to someone selfless, who will rush in to help without thought or regard of their own loss.
This is why Adrien passed, without thought or hesitation, he went to Fu to help him and was surprised to see that he had lost his chance to go to school, but has no regret for it. Same goes for him saving LB from Timebreaker; he did it without thought or regret. He is someone who does care, who likes to be involved, and likes to be apart of a fight. He acts as needed to save the day, will be there as he’s needed. 
And he matches with Plagg through recklessness, both of them are sooner doers than thinkers. Another factor is that both can be dodgy and selective about their responsibilities. 
Through the ring, Adrien gains freedom, a power to break free of his cage. 
Butterfly (best of the five)
The biggest key trait for butterfly is pushing others to solve problems for themselves, helping others move forward. This is a trait we’ve seen in Adrien a few times, specifically with his friends (Marinette and Nino). Adrien is more than happy to reassure and help push his friends forward (Marinette to her uncle when she was unsure, and Nino with her crush on Marinette). With the butterfly, Adrien would gain connections, getting personal with people, making friends as he wanted (that was his biggest reason for wanting to go to school, making friends). 
Additional traits are flexibility, agility, expression, and keeping to the background. Adrien likes to move in battle, to be fast so he can hit hard; now that we know that butterfly can be a lot more combative (a sword in the cane), he’d be right at home with it, able to move and hit. He’s expressive, able to show his true colors as himself, but not overwhelmingly so that’d it’d feed into his ego. 
And finally background. Adrien is a character that likes to keep to the background, likes to be an observer and help when he is needed; he doesn’t like keeping focused and is more inclined to let someone else make a decision and act instead. Another solid butterfly trait, letting the Champion have their time to shine and helping as needed, even more so since butterfly is best not keeping focus in battle, despite being able to fight. Butterflies in nature like to keep out of the heat of a situation, which matches with who Adrien is. 
On Nooroo, a little tricky since we don’t know the kwami well yet, but there are two big details I can see that match with Adrien: an eagerness to work with others (Nooroo was happy explaining the powers to Gabriel, eager to inform him how butterfly worked) and being easily shut down and contained. When Gabriel takes control, Nooroo bows his head in acceptance, something I don’t see Tikki or Plagg doing if they were in his spot. This behavior we see in Adrien with his father, bowing his head and letting things be, going along with his orders. He even does so with Chloe and Lila, getting dragged around and going along with them. 
This looks like a flawed trait that both Adrien and Nooroo share, just as Marinette and Tikki can share a flawed trait of worrying over small stuff, or Adrien and Plagg both being pretty selective about their duties and reckless. 
Peacock and Fox
These two are also kind of tricky not knowing too much about them, especially peacock. We have an idea on fox’s possible power and how it can be in battle, but nothing on peacock. But with speculation, I find these two about in the same spot on the list. There are traits in Adrien that I can see matching with both and that it can go either way on who can work out best for him. Both would provide to his wants, peacock more expression, getting comfortable with who he is, fox an escape from his home, to be out of sight of pressuring views. 
He has the expression and charisma for peacock; while Adrien isn’t something that stands out in a crowd, actually prefers to be an observer, supporter, and follower most of the time, he is someone that likes to grab attention, does like to be flashy, though usually in a silly sense. Another factor is his fowardness, Adrien isn’t shy about showing his interest in someone, he’s eager to be blunt about his feelings, eager to show off and impress. Very peacocky. 
Duusu is another factor that points to Adrien’s peacock potential. She’s a kwami that was shown in concept with a wide range of expressions, calm, laughing, crying, explosive anger; this suggests she’s a pretty expressive and animated and emotional, the last is what resonates with Adrien most. Where Marinette works and excels with logic, Adrien works with his heart, his emotion, what he feels. Duusu looks like she’ll work based on what she feels, just like Adrien does. 
Biggest argument to peacock over fox is that Adrien likes to be flashy to a few, in particular with people he wants attention from (like LB or Marinette). Peacocks, as I see it, likely are those that draw in attention from all, not just a few. There’s also a matter that peacocks stand their ground and face their adversary, Adrien isn’t someone who stands his ground enough and most of time is pulled along with what others want. 
Now with fox, Adrien has the cunning and craft for it. He can lie easily and naturally in Copycat (though for the wrong reason), he was able to get away with Chloe’s bracelet and made it seem like he didn’t have it at all in Rogercop; and fox for sure will be able to match with how he moves in battle, being flexible, fast, and energetic. This miraculous (if power if illusions) can be flashy and a brilliant distractor; which is one of Adrien’s strengths in battle that Marinette will make use of. And on Trixx, who looks coy and calm, probably mischievious too if she lives up to her name, can match Adrien with that calmness. A few times where LB will stress about the situation, Adrien is more up to roll with it, knowing it will work out. I can see them both matching with a slight devil-may-care view. 
The biggest issue on Adrifox, which keeps fox being a better fit than peacock, is that this miraculous will likely rely on cunning and cleverness. Adrien is someone who relies more on doing than using his wit. Another factor is that he is flashy, a little too flashy for a fox that is a more stealth related holder meant to manipulate from the shadows. 
Writing this, between the two, peacock may be a better fit due to the expressiveness and how foward he can be with his feelings, fox likely relying more on wit and not having the focus on themselves (at least, speculating so far).
The biggest trait Adrien has to work with bee is that he’s a team player. He will follow orders, he will play his part to help reach the objective. He’s also self-sacrificing, willing to take one for the team to see the objective secured (like saving LB, though it was more her life he had in mind than saving the day). He likes to work with others, is eager and open to working with others (like Volpina who just appeared, fine with working with Chloe despite her more focused on herself). He’s very community oriented and that is a big bee trait, teamwork and working with others. Much like butterfly, bee would help him make connections, become friends with others, just like he wants. 
As for Pollen, we’ll have to see since we don’t have much on her aside from smiling softly, but potentially, on how they match, is both of them being as sweet as honey (if she is a true honey bee). Both will also share an eagerness to act and be involved with akuma attacks. 
But there’s a big issue for bee!Adrien, something he’d struggle with and something Pollen will likely get frustrated with: responsibility and efficiency. One big issue Adrien needs to work on is his responsibility as a hero, how seriously he takes it. One of the reasons why it seems like he has the short end of the stick is because he doesn’t take his task as seriously, he doesn’t care enough to pay attention to his surroundings (Dark Cupid he ignored the akuma, Princess Fragrance he didn’t check to see where she was, Collector almost got him because he wasn’t paying attention to where the book was). He’s also more inclined to goof off than get serious, he’ll be serious when he needs to be but otherwise isn’t. I can see Pollen scolding him quite a bit for this behavior. Bee can be doable, but him being goofy on the job goes against bees and their symbol of diligence and being productive. 
Another hard one since we don’t know too much, but there’s speculation! And looking at Fu to get some ideas, and by looks of it, by the 5, turtle is the least fit for Adrien. 
Trutle is likely the most defensive of the 5, and may have a power resolving around healing when looking at turtle symbolism (the most prominent, longevity). Turtle is a miraculous that like requires patience, stillness, and planning. 
Those traits aren’t any of Adrien’s strengths. He is someone who lacks patience, not listening to Plagg in Origins and just ready to go, he’s not a still character, he likes to move and act, and between the two heroes, he’s not the planner. 
Wayzz is also a kwami I can’t see Adrien having too many traits shared with him, at least the little we’ve seen. While Wayzz is quick to act and can be silly, he is cautious and wants to be sure of their course of action when the situation is grave. Adrien throws caution into the wind and just wants to go, just wants to do. I see that rubbing Wayzz wrong and him constantly reminding Adrien they need to be sure. 
Adrien can match turtle with a want to protect; but if this miraculous does resolve around patience, being cautious, and planning ahead and mainly being a protector instead of a mobile fighter; of the five this would be a great challenge for Adrien. 
The least fit mriaculous for Adrien is the ladybug, biggest reasons can be seen on his issues with bee and turtle, and slightly fox. 
What makes a solid Ladybug is being able to plan and act. Ladybugs are tacticians, they are aware of their surroundings and what they’re facing, they figure out what to do and act accordingly, making use of all that’s around them, from the place, the items, to the people. They aren’t reckless and just rush in. They take a step back and conider their situation. Leadership also looks like a strong trait in LB, able to command and direct others to do what they need to so they can succeed. 
With who Adrien is, he doesn’t have any of those traits. He is someone of action, he doesn’t plan, he doesn’t pay attention enough to his surroundings, he is reckless, lacks patience, isn’t a planner usually just leaves that to his partner, and it is usually his downfall in battle. If Adrien was Ladybug, on his own, he would not be lasting long, he would for sure need a parter or two to help direct and reel him in, secure that he makes it and does what he needs to do.
He’s also not a good leader. He can rally people to his side (Refleckta), but otherwise, doesn’t have the resolve or calculation for it. He caves too much to others, and again, there’s the matter of planning and being aware of what he’s facing and knowing how to make use of other’s skills to help succeed, which a good leader should be aware of. And as we see in Animan, he didn’t do a solid job directing Nino on how to approach Marinette. 
And Tikki, I see her having a lot of frustrations with Adrien and him with her. Tikki is a kwami that stresses caution, that wants to do logical approaches, and can be very direct with what she thinks is is right. For Adrien, that can be restrictive, and wear him out. He isn’t someone who likes to plan, he just likes to do. Also, as we see in Copycat, he is more than fine to brush off and ignore his kwami when they say something he doesn’t like, and unlike Plagg, Tikki would not stand to be ignored and such forcefulness can shut him down. Actually in general, he isn’t good at listing to his kwami, especially since he didn’t fully listen to Plagg in Origins, just went ahead and trasnformed, ready to just move. His lack of caution would be another big issue for them, in how he is in a fight and his view on keeping identities secret. 
They can match in a care for others, but as of now, I see a lot of issues that would come up between them, a good few arguments that can happen. I think their relationship would be lot happier as friends than kwami and holder. 
I find ladybug would be the biggest struggle for Adrien out of all the seven, he lacks the caution and planning for it, which are big key traits to LB; and this being the biggest struggle is what makes ladybug the least fit for Adrien. And for miraculouses that are meant to be given to those who match most, to flesh out their strengths and who they are so they can be an immediate help with the least amount of struggle, ladybug is the least fit for Adrien, it’s the opposite of who he is and how he works. And with this situation with a good LB needed who won’t struggle with the power so they can save the day quickly, Adrien is not the one to turn to, he is a far better black cat than ladybug, or butterfly as a solid second miraculous for him. Those two will play off his strengths very well and flesh out who he is. 
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captainkaithr · 7 years
Hi oops it’s been a while and I’ve been picking at this for months but I finally sat my ass down (in the middle of packing bc I have priorities) and finished the thing!
Right Here, Right Now
[AO3] [DA] [Ko-fi]
Adrien catches sight of Marinette when he’s racing across the rooftops as Chat Noir. He grins, and can’t help lunging down into the nearest alley and leaving the transformation behind him. “Hey, Mari!”
Plagg dives into his pocket seconds before Marinette twists to see him.
She yelps, one hand flying to the purse she always carrying, the other holding her sketchbook up as if to hit him. “Adrien!”
Adrien holds up his hands as he laughs, slowing so that he can walk beside her. “Didn’t mean to startle you. I just - couldn’t resist.”
“How did you get out of the house? You don’t have a shoot, or anything scheduled,” Marinette asks.
That she always knows his schedule – better than he does – is amazing. But as Chat Noir, he’s seen the inside of her room. She’s had his schedule pin to the underside of her trapdoor for a long time. As Adrien, he's seen her room too, but it's been curiously devoid of the masses of photoshoots and the schedule in those moments.
Since they started dating, it's been like that all the time. Just a few pictures left, of the four of them. Some of the rest of her class. Her family.
“Can you keep a secret?” He slings an arm about her shoulders, pulling her close to him so he can whisper in her ear.
She giggles and blushes bright red, and he thinks he’ll never get used to that. He doesn’t think he wants to.
“Did you sneak out?” she asks, her voice a stage-whisper.
Adrien grins and kisses her temple, because he can’t help himself.
She blushes again, and it’s red on red because her last hadn’t quite faded out.
“And I saw you and I couldn’t resist – is it terrible that I want to keep you for myself?” He steps back, because it’s awkward to walk that close, but his hand slips down to hold hers and she wraps her fingers about his hand. Or as much she can, with hands that small.
“Away from Nino and Alya?” Marinette asks.
Adrien nods as they wander down towards the Eiffel Tower. “I know we’re all dating and we shouldn’t <i>really</i> be jealous, but…”
Marinette laughs and bumps her hip against him. Her purse sways with the movement, nudging at his side. “I’m sure they won’t mind.”
“You think?”
“Certain,” she replies. “What, you don't think they sneak off to be a couply couple on their own? They were dating each other before us.”
“Oh, of course." He knew this. It makes sense, after all; and if they want to be alone, then for sure there's no harm in him here with Mari without them.
Mari's blushing again; there's something she's not telling him.
"Spill, Mari. What's got you glowing?"
"Don't." Mari laughs and pushes him away.
"No, come on." He's laughing, because he knows what she's thinking about. After so long, he can read her like his favourite book. "Tell me why we all started dating again?"
Mari groans and hits at him ineffectually with her sketchbook. "You know why."
"Sure, sure. Tell me anyway." Adrien catches her sketchbook and takes it from her, using it to shield them from the sun. “I like hearing you say it.”
“You dork.” Marinette groans, but she doesn’t let go of his hand.
Adrien laughs. “I’m waiting!” he half-sings, a spring still bouncing in his step.
“Because we all love each other,” she answers, grinning. “And this way we don't crash anyone's dates. You know that. We say it often enough.”
“Yes, but you in particular…” Adrien draws it out, laughter in his eyes like the sun.
Mari laughs and pushes him away with a hand running through his already wind tousled hair. “Because I had a massive crush on you. Happy?”
“Always.” Adrien ducks away from her hand and presses another kiss to her forehead.
“You dork,” Mari mutters, affectionately.
“Your dork.” Adrien grins.
"My dork," Mari agrees, sounding very self-satisfied. Very much the cat that got the cream.
And Adrien loves the sound of it, loves it so much that he can't help the joyous burst of laughter that escapes him out into the glorious Paris sunshine.
"Alya's and Nino's too, of course," Mari is saying. "They have a part in your dorkishness as well."
"Not as big a part as you, though."
"Well... since they're not here..."
As they reach the steps of the trocadero, overlooking the way down towards the Eiffel Tower, Adrien has a sudden urge – a feeling of everything, all at once, that makes him want to – to sing and dance, and just – live and laugh and love with Mari at his side. Normally it's a patrol feeling, it's messing about with Ladybug, it's their puns and quips and games, but even so it bleeds over into his unmasked life more and more, whenever she was there and laughing at his side.
It's second nature, then, to sweep Mari up with all the strength that bounding about the rooftops of Paris has given him and spin her around, delight splitting a sparkling grin that could be seen from the sun on his face.
Mari squeaks and buries her face in his neck, and he feels her laughter in his very being and it's beautiful.
He stumbles and comes up against the wall, and without much of a break swings Mari up to sit on it, boosting himself to her side before she's settled.
People are staring, but they're always staring. He's Adrien Agreste and he's with the prettiest (unmasked) girl in Paris, why wouldn't they stare?
But it catches him, for all of an unwanted moment, and he remembers just how many pictures Mari had had up on her walls of his modelling. Yes, she was a designer herself – they could've just been for inspiration – but why only him? Why – she had the talent to go far, but...
"Adrien?" Her hand is soft against his, and she's gesturing for her sketchbook. "Can I have that, please?"
"Oh – yes, of course." Almost distantly, he hands it to her. Lost in the turmoil of voices he doesn't want to believe, but...
There are a lot of them. Chief is his father's who had disapproved from the start. Had believed the worst of Mari, never liked Nino, thought Alya was too nosey and antagonistic.
He tries to bury the voice, but-
"Is everything ok? You've gone quiet," Mari says, her sketchbook closed in her lap.
"Why was it just my modelling photos that you had all over your walls?" Adrien asks, before he can really stop himself.
"How – how do you know about that?" Mari stutters, her blush threatening to return.
Oh. Oops. "Alya told me?"
Mari scowls, and Adrien worries that he's dropped Alya in it. "I'm a... a big fan of your father's works. I was using them for inspiration."
"But just the ones that I wore?" He pushes, because if she's going to talk about it, then it must... it must be ok, right?
"Because of that massive crush I had on you, remember?" The words fall flat, like they're supposed to be joking but aren't.
"Oh, of – course." Adrien's voice is light, his smile pleasing – as well practised as ever even as his feelings crash.
All those photos because of her crush, or her crush because of all those photos?
"Adrien." Her voice calls him back from spiralling, and he wonders if she would be able to do that were he an akuma. Probably.
He tilts sideways to look at her, and meets her defiantly earnest gaze.
"I didn't have any of those pictures before I knew you. Before I knew how kind and understanding you are, and how patient when you don't have to be, and that day – your umbrella-" she cuts off. "You were never just a pretty face," she says carefully.
“Ah, so you admit I’m pretty-” The teasing comes naturally to him, a by-product of the time spent free to say what he will behind a mask, and never have it reflected back on him by his father.
Mari laughs and pushes him away.
He rocks back easily, bending with the movement and feeling her hand - pencil hooked between her fingers - warm against his chest.
"I never got it back, you know." And she had taken down all of the magazine pictures.
"I couldn't bring myself to return it." Mari shrugs, reaching a hand up to tuck some of his hair back behind his ear. "It's a reminder. To keep me grounded. Or – well, as grounded as I can be."
Adrien laughs, and his hand tightens on hers again. “Do you spend a lot of time flying about the city?”
Mari considers him for a moment, then laughs at him. “If tripping over it counts.”
“As long as I’m there to catch you,” Adrien says, with all the intensity of his youthful heart. “My-”
Marinette blinks at him, and there isn’t even the hint of a blush this time.
Adrien reconsiders. That might have been too much coming from his unmasked self (and too close, neither of them were - she wasn’t-). “Sorry, that just-”
“Why Adrien,” Marinette cuts across him, recovering with a bat of her eyelashes that almost looks to have been plucked from Chloe’s books, “Did you mistake me for Ladybug there?” Her tone is teasing, her playful smirk almost Chat Noir’s own.
Adrien blanks, is caught unawares, and now it’s his turn to blush. His cheeks have never been so warm, and he’s sure he could be used as a warning light for ships passing in the night, they feel that bright.
Marinette laughs, delighted. “It is possible! I knew I could get you to blush. Payback!” She crows, victorious.
This was - oh, she was almost too much, she was brilliant and perfect and maybe she wasn’t Ladybug (or maybe she was, whispered Adrien’s most heartfelt feelings, because she hadn’t negated that as such, but-) but she was here and he was hers and he could - with that, he could do anything, he’d run up the Eiffel Tower to yell it, just to make sure the world knew, and-
“Adrien?” Marinette winds her fingers through his, sounding concerned. “Are you alright? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean - Alya said you couldn’t but I wanted to see and I took the chance because I couldn’t resist and-”
“Marinette.” Adrien catches her hands as they start flying, thankful she’d left both pencil and sketchbook in her lap. “You have my permission to do that at any point you think is necessary.”
Marinette giggles, high pitched and relieved. “I don’t think I can do that again.”
Adrien presses a kiss to her palm. “And I meant it, you know. Whatever you do, wherever you go. I want to be there at your side.”
Mari smiles, soft and slow. “I’d like that,” she whispers, tilting her hand in his grasp to stroke down his cheek. “I’d like that very much.”
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j-esbian · 7 years
night terrors and sweet dreams - chp. 1
it’s @adrinino-november​ and NaNoWriMo, so of course that means i’m going to do a ninoir longfic. buckle in kids (it’s been...... a While since i’ve done anything longer than a oneshot)
on ao3
Words: 1.7k
Adrien and Nino had a policy to tell each other everything. It started after Nino chewed Adrien’s dad out one too many times without telling him first, but it stuck because they agreed it was just good policy to be open with your friends. Secrets aren’t a good foundation for any kind of relationship.
Of course, Adrien hated it, but he did have to keep one secret from his best friend. And he was really regretting it now, because it had landed him in one hell of an awkward conversation.
He and Nino were video chatting, under the guise of helping each other with homework. It was one of those rare Sunday evenings when Adrien had nothing scheduled, though his father was busy downstairs, running around like a madman and breaking the souls of his interns in the rush to plan their spring line. Adrien was quite happy to stay in his room and do nothing for a while.
They actually were working on homework for a few minutes. When Nathalie came in to check on him, Adrien hurried to look busy, but then they stuck to it even after she left, and lapsed into silence, with the rapid tapping of Nino’s pencil on his desk keeping time.
“Hey, dude?” Nino asked after a minute. His voice sounded strained, and Adrien figured he was having trouble with the math problem they were on. He definitely was.
“Yeah?” Adrien asked, not taking his eyes from his paper. Nino didn’t speak for a moment, so Adrien looked up. Though his face was trained towards his phone’s camera, Nino’s eyes were clearly fixed on a spot on the wall above it.  “What’s up?”
Nino wetted his lips nervously. “I, uh, don’t want to be that guy, but is it okay if I ask you about… gay stuff?”
Adrien chuckled. “Yeah, man, I don’t mind.”
“Right. Cool. Thanks.” Nino took a deep breath. “It’s just--I kind of wanted some… advice? Because I-I think I might like guys, too.”
“Really?” Adrien exclaimed. “I mean, dude, that’s great. What did you want help with?”
“I don’t really know, I guess?” Nino scratched the back of his neck. “I’ve kind of been thinking about it for a while, and I just wanted to… talk about it?”
“I mean,” Nino continued, more confidently. “I feel like I’ve always kind of thought dudes were hot, without realizing that’s what it was, you know? And lately I’ve been just sitting with the thought of, like, dating guys or even just, like, letting myself be into them?”
Adrien nodded, and took a drink of water to try to suppress a smile as Nino gained momentum.
“I mean, for a while, I guess I just thought I was jealous of those dudes?” Nino shrugged. “Like, Kim’s just popular. Chat Noir’s just a superhero. You know what I mean?”
Adrien was glad he’d finished swallowing already, or he would have done a spit-take. “Yea--Wait, what about Chat Noir?”
Nino scoffed. “Yeah, come on, bro. Everyone knows you’re in love with Ladybug. Don’t tell me you’re not a little in love with Chat Noir, too.”
“I’m… not?”
Nino blinked. “Oh. Well, that makes one of us, I guess.”
“I--you, uh…what?” Adrien tried to seem casual, but he couldn’t help gaping.
“Dude, I’ve had some pretty good dreams starring Chat Noir,” Nino grinned.
Adrien rubbed at his eyes, still trying to process. “Wait, what does that mean?”
Nino flushed. “You know, the kind you might need a cold shower to wake up from.” Adrien squinted in confusion, and Nino sighed. “We banged, Adrien. I was trying to be discreet.”
Adrien made a choking sound and had to pretend to drop his pencil to have an excuse to duck down and hide his bright red face. He let his face take its journey through whatever emotions flashed through it while it was hidden from view, which mainly involved various degrees of shock and him silently mouthing, “What the fuck?” a few times.
He took a deep breath, and straightened up. Nino was looking anxiously at him from the other side of his phone screen, and Adrien forced up a smile. “Sorry, dude, I know this is a bad time, but Nathalie needs to see me for something, so I gotta go. Thanks for telling me, really, and I’m totally free to text if you need it.”
Nino’s face cleared, and he beamed. “Thanks, bro. See you tomorrow.”
“See you,” Adrien agreed faintly.
The moment Nino’s face disappeared from his phone screen, Adrien whirled around to face Plagg, who was stifling snickers on the bed. When he met Adrien’s eyes, he let himself be as loud as he wanted, cackling gleefully at Adrien’s conflicted expression.
Adrien’s phone buzzed; it was a text from Nino.
From: Quentin Tarantinino
Hey, sorry if I made things weird at the end there
Like I totally wouldn’t have mentioned the dream thing but like
Idk that was a big help in figuring it out bc it was just one of those things where u wake up and ur like “huh. Cool.”
U know?
Adrien had to laugh. He did know. But…
Chat noir? Really?
Why what’s wrong with him
Dude he’s so lame
U didn’t just say that
I’m offended for him
I’m offended for me
I’m offended for everyone???
Every time I see an interview w him
I want to die
It’s embarrassing
Ok he can be kind of a dork but
It’s Endearing my dude
My bro
I’ll convert u mark my words……….
One day you’ll accept that chat noir is hot
Adrien snorted. “I doubt it,” he said aloud.
Plagg looked up at him. “You know, he didn’t hear that.”
“Yeah, shut up. I’ll show him how lame I can really be. Plagg, transform me!”
As Chat knocked on Nino’s window, he had the belated realization that he hadn’t thought this through. At all.
But there was no turning back; Nino had already caught a glimpse of his silhouette framed against the streetlights. Chat wiggled his fingers and grinned awkwardly.
He was off to a great start.
Nino’s face flushed as he scrambled off his bed, searching madly for something on his floor. He found a sweatshirt and pulled it on, pulling his headphones off his ears in the process, and they dangled down from the neck of his shirt, bouncing against his chest when he rushed across the room again. He cracked the window and casually tried to sling his headphones to their normal position around his neck.
“Ch-chat Noir! What’s up?”
“Oh, you know.” He stuck his legs through the open window, and sat down on the sill. “Just… chilling?”
Nino bobbed his head. “Yeah, cool. Cool. Uh, so is there anything I can… help you with?”
Chat shrugged. “Not really. I was just out for a walk. Saw your light on. You know how it is.” He kicked a pile of papers and watched them scatter across the floor.
Nino grimaced, but said nothing.
“So, what’s up with you?” Chat continued. “Staying upbeat, and all that? Well, I mean, I guess you’ve gotta.” He grinned and tapped Nino’s headphones with his foot. Nino had backed up pretty far from the window, so it was a bit of a stretch, but he managed to keep his balance by bracing both arms against the top of the window pane.
He was sure it looked ridiculous, but that was the point.
“What?” Nino looked mystified.
“Up beat,” Chat repeated. “You know.” He tried to touch Nino’s headphones again, without stretching this time, but ended up just sticking his leg in the air and wiggling it in Nino’s general direction. “Beats. Your headphones.”
“Oh!” Nino chuckled, but it wasn’t fake or forced, to Chat’s surprise. He had purposely made the worst joke he could think of in the moment. And he was used to Nino’s fake laugh, from the number of times he’d taken pity on Adrien’s horrible sense of humor.
What was he doing?
“Yeah, no, I’m good, man. Uh, h-how are you?” Nino crossed his arms nervously, hugging them against his chest. “What’s going on? Besides, like, shaving the--saving the city all the time. Man, do you even have any free time?”
Chat shrugged. “Sometimes. I do need to eat and sleep and stuff.”
“Oh, cool, you eat!” Nino flushed. “I mean, of course you do. I mean, I was going to ask if you wanted something to eat. You know, while you’re here. Or another time, maybe, if you’re not hungry now?”
“Oh, strange, nameless boy, you read my mind,” Chat said.
“Uh, it’s Nino. We’ve met before. You don’t remember me? I’m friends with Alya, and--”
Chat closed his eyes and held up a finger. “I’m doing a thing.”
“See,” Chat continued. “I came by here for one reason tonight, and I haven’t been totally honest. I stopped by tonight, because when I looked in your window, I saw something I want, and I wanted to ask you…” He paused for dramatic effect, and then said. “Can I have some Doritos?”
Nino stumbled back and snatched up the open bag of chips from his desk. “Yeah, sure,” he said breathlessly. “Take the whole thing, if you want.”
Chat stuck his hand through the window and grabbed as many Doritos as he could hold, before stuffing them all in his mouth. “Thanks,” he mumbled. “See you around.”
He left Nino standing dumbfoundedly at the window, his arm still outstretched and holding the Doritos bag out to no one. Chat ran home as fast as he could, and dropped his transformation.
He kicked back on his bed, and Plagg settled down beside him. “I think that went about as badly as it could have,” Adrien said triumphantly.
He had left his phone behind, and it buzzed from its place on his night stand.
From: Quentin Tarantinino
Chat noir
Just came by
He stole my dorites
And my heart
Yeah I’m Definitely into him
Adrien pls
My dude
Answer ur fcking phone I’m dying
Plagg looked over Adrien’s shoulder at the messages that continued to roll past. “Yeah, sounds like you did a great job, kid.”
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