#bc we were each other's family for so long when we didn't have ours
dreamescapeswriting · 9 months
Nightmare Fuel ~ BC & LF
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GENRE: nightmare comforting, established relationship, poly relationship, sweet and caring baby boys looking after reader, NON IDOL 
PAIRING: Chan x Fem!Reader x Felix
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
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The bedsheets ripped away from Chan and he frowned looking down at himself and shivered a little, usually, he didn't mind if you or Felix stole the sheets but tonight was particularly cold and he'd only just managed to get into bed and get some sleep. The bed shifted a little and he shook his head, sitting up and resting on the palm of his hands ready to playfully give you and Felix a piece of his mind,
"Listen, blanket thieves-" Chan stopped himself from speaking when he looked down to see you gripping onto the sheets with a twisted expression across your face while occasionally mumbling something. It didn't take long for Felix to stir awake with how cold he was and he whined turning over to say something but freezing when he saw the same sight that Chan had.
"We need to wake her up," Chan whispered to Felix. It was heartbreaking to see you in so much pain in your sleep when all they wanted to do was reach out and comfort you in any way that they could and by now they'd gotten quite the knack of it all. 
For the last few weeks, you'd been having nightmares on and off and the boys had seemed to mastered how to comfort you when you woke up from the nightmare naturally or when they woke you up. 
You never told them what the nightmares entitled, just that you didn't want to talk about it and you shut them out, building up walls but the boys weren't going to let you suffer alone, even if you didn't tell them what it was about. You suffered in silence and tried to get on with everything, thinking that it would eventually stop but it never did.
"Yn...Babe," Felix spoke gently, about to reach out and touch you when you sat up in bed in a cold sweat and gasping for breath. 
You sat there breathing heavily as tears rushed down your cheeks,
"Whoa, hey, it's okay," Felix whispered as he shifted himself to sit beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Your hand landed on his chest as you clutched onto his shirt trying t make sure he was really there and it wasn't just another nightmare. They were getting too realistic for your liking these days and every time you had the same nightmare you felt like you weren't ever going to wake up from it. They were too realistic for them to be something made up inside of your head. How could you ever tell them about this when they were the worst things you could ever dream about? It was horrible nightmares, every night was worse than the previous one. There were nightmares about losing the boys, and your family and there was one where the whole world ended and you were alone. It was getting exhausting waking up every night from a nightmare and terrified of going back to sleep. You felt as though you were going crazy from hardly sleeping or waking up screaming.
"I'll go make the hot chocolate," Chan whispered from the left of you, leaving a gentle kiss on your shoulder as you stared ahead at the opposite side of the room still trying to calm yourself down. Felix could feel how hard your heart was racing so he smiled a little, he knew what he needed to do. The two of you were each other's support system when it came to this - sure Chan was a big help too but Felix seemed to know how to calm you down faster than Chan did.
"Come on baby, let's do our grounding techniques," He whispered softly to you, rubbing your arm gently as you nodded at him. Although you knew he was there it still felt as though he was far away, it even sounded like it.
"Five things you can see," He said sweetly, watching as you forced yourself to look around the room and took in everything around you. You knew he was doing this for your own benefit so you were going to do it, you took in a deep breath,
"Pillows...Blankets," You swallowed the lump in your throat,
"A desk, Chan's laptop and a photo." You finished, looking back at Felix who nodded and smiled at you, happy that you were playing along with him. There were some nights that you wouldn't even entertain this, you'd just walk away mumbling about how you could take care of yourself.
"Good, four things you can touch," He held out his spare hand for you and you grabbed onto it, smiling happily, you had no idea where you'd be without your boys and every day you thanked that you had them with you.
"Your hand, the sheets, the fluffy pillows and my phone," Felix nodded at you.
"Three things you hear?" It was a harder one since it was the dead of night and not much was happening around the house or outside,
"The kettle boiling, your voice and the TV playing." You nodded in the direction of the TV that you and Felix had fallen asleep to,
"Two things you can smell?" Although you'd calmed down Felix was going to make you go through the whole thing just to be sure.
"Hot chocolate and sweat," You groaned at the last one, you must stick to him.
"I'm sorry I smell-" There was no way Felix was going to let you focus on that, not when he didn't care how you smelt right now. All he cared about was making sure his girlfriend was calmed down,
"Don't do that. What's one thing you can taste?" He questioned but you shook your head, there was no taste in your mouth.
"Soon to be hot chocolate," Chan sang out as he walked into the room with a bed tray, filled with three mugs of hot chocolate. A giant smile took over your face as Chan got onto the bed with you.
"I know you never want to talk about it but we need to, sweetheart," Chan told you as you snuggled into Felix and rested your head on his shoulder,
"It's not important," You said, your voice breaking a little as you thought back on it.
"You say that but it's almost an every night experience. Talking might help," Felix suggested as you slowly shut your eyes, finding yourself back in the same place again.
"It's the same thing...Every time, sometimes it gets worse but it's always the same." You whispered, almost as if you were scared that if you spoke it into the real world it was going to come true.
"I come home after a long day and it's dark and cold, you guys aren't here that I can see," You sniffled a little and Chan cuddled close to you,
"I go into the bedroom and find you both...l-lying there and...a-and you're just-" You couldn't get the words out before sobbing loudly, instantly Chan was bringing you closer to him.
"Shh sweetheart, it's just a nightmare."
"I-It's so real...E-Everytime it's so fucking real," You cry out hiding in his neck.
"It's not, I promise you. We're safe, and you're safe with us, baby." Felix told you as he cuddled into your back, kissing the back of your neck while Chan wiped away your tears. 
"We won't let anyone or anything hurt you, not even some fucked up dreams," Felix told you proudly as you nodded weakly.
Pulling away from the hug you began to drink some of the hot chocolate that Chan had made, sipping on it and smiling a little.
"Sleepytime hot chocolate and we'll put on our comfort movie." Chan winked before reaching for the remote for the TV and searching for the movie you all enjoyed watching when you were sick or just needed comfort.
"I love you," You told them both as you snuggled into the bed, you hated that you were keeping them up with your nightmares but they didn't seem to mind, caring for you each time it happened.
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It took a few weeks for you to slowly stop having the nightmares, it wasn't a quick fix but ever since you'd spoken to the boys about all of the dreams you'd noticed they'd dulled down. 
For the first time in what felt like forever the light shining through the curtain windows was what woke you up, not one of the boys asking you to wake up or the feeling of dread but sunlight.
"Morning sleepy, did you sleep okay?" Chan asked as he noticed you were finally waking up. The two of them had been up for a few hours but they wanted to leave you to catch up on some sleep you clearly needed.
"Fantastic," You admitted, watching as Felix snuck into the room with breakfast made for you and sat down beside you on the bed with a giant grin on his face.
"I'm sorry I woke you guys up all the time,"
"Don't apologise, sweetheart. None of it was your fault," Chan shook his head, nightmares weren't something you could control and they weren't going to hold a grudge over it.
"But talking about it helped, so that means we always have to talk," Felix added making you giggle, before eating the delicious breakfast he'd made for you.
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aklaustaleteller · 2 months
Hi sweetie! Hope you're doing well. Could you write a Klaus Mikaelson x reader (the reader is Hope's bio mom, so the whole Dahlia betrayal didn't happen and no one was turned into a wolf) where it's set in season 3, the reader and Klaus are married and happy until Aurora comes along, and with her jealousy she makes y/n believe she and Klaus slept together (they didn't) so they have a big fight where Klaus didn't deny he slept with her (cause he was hurt she didn't trust him and stuff) causing them to split out. They only saw each other because of Hope, and they were verbally hostile towards each other (not much, just petty arguments) and after a while he kills Aurora bcs she threatened yn (or something similar) and they go back together and it's all fluff.
Have a great day!
Said Yes To Heaven
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Y/n and Klaus are in love, happy and overwhelmed, especially since having welcomed their newborn baby only weeks ago. But what happens when an unwanted guest appears on their doorstep out of the blue, and suddenly Y/n isn't sure if she's just going crazy or there truly has been some infidelity?
Warnings - Mentions of pregnancy, blood, thoughts + scenes of trying to unalive someone else, and some light after-birth changes/affects our reader is going through. Word Count - 4.6k
So, long time no see, everyone? Hahah, it's surreal to me how you have stuck around, but I'm very glad at the same time :) Thank you for sending in this request, anon, and I'm sorry for taking so long! This is part 1/2 and this mainly has fluff, as I wanted to show you the happiness and all about this family before I tore it down in the next part (just so it'd hurt a little better, yanno?) Anyways, I'm a little rusty but I hope you'll enjoy this one even a little and I'll let you go now! Have fun reading <3
UPDATE: You can now read part two here!
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Klaus took a few steps back from his doorstep, looking rather unpleasant to see his guest for the day. Because of course, out of the very blue, his ex-lover had been reminded of him. On the very day he had woken up to a crying baby and a cranky wife who was high on hormones after just having given birth.
Some days, he just couldn't get it right. But today was going to be the hardest of it all and he was not ready to face the music.
"Aurora," Y/n spoke from somewhere behind Klaus, her voice carrying a threatening echo. "To what do we owe the pleasure?" She was approaching the door slowly, her eyes and tone an exact contrast to the welcoming words falling out of her mouth like sweet honey.
Klaus' shoulders relaxed when Y/n brushed against him while she moved past to stand in front of him, making him lean against the doorframe.
"It's a lovely day, isn't it?" Aurora spoke, her voice like a little girl’s – sweet and gentle. But Klaus saw straight through it as well as the tick in his wife's jaw. "Heard that you gave birth to a baby g --"
Before Aurora could've finished, Y/n had her pinned to the doorframe opposite to the one Klaus was leaning against.
"Don't you even dare speak of my family," Y/n snarled, her fingers digging into the woman's throat as everything in her told her to rip it out. But before she could've, Klaus' lulling voice began slipping into her ears.
"Now, love," He said softly, grabbing a hold of her shoulders and bringing her back into him, knowing fully well that this wasn't something she truly wanted to do. Then, tucking her lone hair strand back into her braid, he cupped her cheeks – "Why taint the porch with her blood, hm?"
"Because I'd rather see her dead than listen to that filth for another second," she smiled sweetly, her anger evident in the grit of her teeth.
And she'd just begun turning to take a look at an embarrassingly flushed Aurora, when a cry tore through the silent household. For a small second, both Klaus and Y/n shut their eyes, taking a deep breath simultaneously before Y/n was walking back into the house.
"Take a nap with her, why don't you?" Klaus proposed, his back facing the unwanted guest. "I'll take care of this and join you two in a bit," he nodded, passing the exhausted mother of his little girl a sweet smile, encouraging her.
Then he turned back around, almost shutting the door behind him to keep whatever noise was to come at bay.
"What do you think you're doing here, Aurora?"
"I just wanted to see you, Niklaus," she muttered softly, taking a step closer to him. "I miss you," she confessed, reaching to place her hands on his chest.
He backed away just in time, releasing a sharp breath. "I didn't suspect you to be so idiotic and careless with your life," he said sharply.
"Only for you, Klaus." She was looking up at him with a million emotions swirling in her eyes. But Klaus knew better than to not notice malice being one of them.
"Whatever you're planning to do, drop it," he gritted through his teeth. "And stay far, far away, from my family," he warned her as he walked her off their porch and out of their house’ perimeter, tempting the woman in front of him to backtrack.
"Don't test me against this Aurora,” he started, his hands placed behind his back but his frame remained all the more intimidating.
“I will kill you if you even bat an eye in the direction of this house," he was almost beginning to shake now, trying his best to keep his anger at bay and not cause any destruction out here while his little family rested inside the house not too far away.
Leaving her standing, Klaus turned to get back in the house when Aurora called out his name.
"You love me, though! You know you love me," she shouted at him, and Klaus' eyes glowed golden, knowing exactly what she was trying to do here.
And the moment she saw his eyes, she stumbled a little.
"I know you love me, do you not?" She managed to croak out just before Klaus had his hand wrapped around her throat, enhancing the bruising his wife had marked earlier.
"This is your final warning," he growled in her ear before slamming her against the wall behind her, walking away and trying to lose his temper at the same time as he entered the house and shut the door behind him, wincing when a baby's wails followed the noise.
As the next morning rolled around, so did the first official day of Summer.
With Hope's little frame already covered in fresh grass, Y/n couldn't foresee the day getting any better. A loud laugh escaped her when Klaus pretended for it to have been hard work getting a hold of the very frantic Hope, who was as happy to see the sun as Y/n was.
"Look who's gotten herself all dirty," Y/n pouted, dusting off as much dirt as she could off of Hope's onesie, while Klaus softly wiped her face.
"Just learned to crawl and of course she's abusing the skill," Klaus murmured, only making his wife laugh again.
Y/n kept Hope caged in her lap with one arm, leaning back on the other one to soak in the sun. She exhaled a deep breath, before turning to look at Klaus, who was already smiling at her.
"You've been such a good father, have I told you that?"
He laughed at that, looking down to hide the blush creeping up his neck, and nodding with his eyes still set on the little ducklings printed on the blanket they were sitting on.
"You have," he began softly. "Many times, actually," huffing out a laugh, he looked up again, now catching Hope's big wondrous eyes as well.
With a light groan, Klaus moved to lay beside her. "Hope couldn't have a better mum, though."
"Wouldn't want her to have another mum anyways," she laughed, leaning in just a bit to press a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth that was curled in a grin.
And as the beautiful day passed them by, with Hope's full cheeks turned red due to the amount of fun she'd had, and Y/n's heart swollen with all the love she couldn't muster up properly at all, no matter how hard she tried – and Klaus knew that he could give it his all and still be unable to put this keen feeling rushing under his skin upon a canvas.
They'd truly said yes to heaven, when they'd said yes to each other on that one day in particular.
So, once they had shuffled back inside their house due to the chilliness increasing, Klaus made his way straight to the kitchen to heat up the leftovers while Y/n changed Hope’s clothes upstairs, in their bedroom. It didn't take long for the tired little girl to slip into sleep's arms and for her head to lull to the side, while Y/n was rocking her back and forth. So she stacked pillows around Hope’s body and went back down to Klaus, reaching just in time when a there was a knock on the door.
Now, with whatever Y/n had been expecting to come across, Aurora Martel at her door once again, was not it.
As she stood still on her ground, looking into the very woman's eyes who was not even supposed to be here anymore, her eyes began to fade to black only for the golden rim of a Hybrid to come through -- to caution the vampire standing in front of her before she attacked.
Because while Y/n hadn’t mentioned it to Klaus, she had heard her fake little love confession to Klaus yesterday and thought about the multiple ways she could unalive Aurora. 
But she decided against putting in such effort and put her body through another wave of pain for the day. She was going to go about his normally, after all, she was the mother of the very man's child that this woman had clearly come after. And his wife, as well.
"Aurora De Martel, the hopeless-romantic human, who only grew more daring once turned into a vampire, at my doorstep all over again," Y/n began, walking to complete a circle around the woman.
"Not an ounce of stupidity was shred in the process-- you know, of your turning; I suppose, since you're clearly still in possession of it," Y/n continued. 
Once she was in front of Aurora again, she took a step closer, the gaze of a predator still present in her eyes.
"Cat got your tongue darling?" She spoke, tilting her head to the side. "Where's that feisty little Vampire that I remember, hm?"
"I'm not that person anymore," Aurora began, struggling once Y/n had her in a choke hold again.
"No need to be a stinking liar, Aurora." Y/n gritted, dropping the choking one on the ground. "I can smell your intentions from miles away."
Y/n didn't tend to be such a threatening and volatile person, that was the reason that she'd fit so well with Klaus. And yet, she wasn't quite sure as to why she'd brought up this side of hers. She knew she wasn’t afraid or insecure that Aurora might get to Klaus; not at all.
But what she did know was that Klaus’ lovers popping back up only made her heart thud because of the potential danger they put Hope in.
She scoffed when Aurora scrambled to her feet, hands around her neck as she swallowed thickly.
“How are you, Y/n?” She croaked out, looking ahead of her despite the fact that Y/n was right by her side, now making another round around her. 
“Hm, concerned, I’d say,” Y/n hummed. “For you, of course.”
Maybe the pregnancy had changed more about her than she’d originally thought. Or maybe, and hopefully, Y/n thought, it was just the hormones. 
“How’s Klaus?” Aurora asked, mustering up the courage to turn and look Y/n in the eyes. “I supposed he’d be here,” she shrugged, "with you." The venom in her voice could be well detected, especially when she mentioned Y/n. And while her guards were high up, prepared for the hybrid to rip her to shreds -- she still held the fake confidence that that won't happen. 
“Why don’t you ask him yourself? I’m sure he’d love to have a chat,” Y/n smiled at her before she walked into the house, towards the room she knew Klaus was putting away Hope’s stray toys in – but not before passing Aurora a cautioning glare, warning her against doing something stupid in her absence. 
“Klaus?” She asked softly, entering the dark room, her eyes already following his figure as he put away the box of toys.
“We have a guest, I hear?” Klaus asked, walking up to her with a lazy smile. One of his arms snuck around her waist to pull her into him to press a kiss on her mouth. 
“No actually – we have a doting lover on our door,” Y/n chuckled. “She’s eager to see you again,” she shrugged, quickly going back to press a kiss on Hope’s forehead before grabbing a very confused Klaus’ hand, leading him outside. 
“Aurora,” he realised in annoyance, a deep frown in between his brows as he caught her sight from the top of the stairs. His mind was racing through a million things, the loudest question in there was, what in the hell was she doing here again? Didn't he warn her just yesterday?
“Isn’t it a pleasant surprise?” Y/n smiled brightly, coming to a halt herself. “I’ll leave you two to it,” she said, ignoring Klaus’ pleading look with an inner laugh as she turned away, most likely to arrange the dishes for their awaiting and heated dinner.
"Just make sure she doesn't ever dare to lose her way and end up here, again," she said, looking straight into Aurora's eyes before crossing over to the kitchen. 
And from the corner of her eye, she saw Klaus shut the door behind him. So, trusting him against making a mess, she quickly cleaned up the kitchen before she was making her way upstairs to Hope’s room, to now feed her some formula and put her to sleep for the night. 
"Are you in there, little wolf?" Y/n spoke from just outside the door, a silly grin on her face as she waited for the same reply she got everyday.
A random babbling noise that showed that Hope was indeed hungry. 
Despite Hope's loud squeak and the sounds of her rolling around in her crib, Y/n walked into the room with the same look on her face – the pretended to have caught her daughter, awake, red handed.
"Hope! You don't wake up once I put you to sleep!" She gasped, swallowing a laugh and reaching with one hand to pick up the little girl, bringing her to sit on her lap while she backed to sit on the rocking chair.
With loud giggles, Hope hit her chest a couple times, grinning up at her while drool began pooling on the boundary of her mouth.
"Uh ah!" Y/n laughed, closing the baby's mouth and watching as she squealed again, this time her palm landing flat on Y/n’s cheek.
Risking a mess by placing the small bowl on her thigh, Y/n held Hope up with her back against her chest and lifted a spoonful.
"Yes!" She cheered when Hope took in the bite without closing her mouth halfway and spilling the rest down her chin.
Slowly and steadily, she let the girl swallow her meal before making her burp.
"Did I get you sleepy, little wolf?" Y/n giggled watching Hope's eyes droop.
"You're so sleepy all the time!" She pouted. "Never got the time on your hands to play with your mummy," chuckling and shaking her head, she got off the chair and walked over to the crib placed near Klaus’ side of the bed upon his insistence, putting the already asleep girl inside.
Lowering with her, Y/n pressed a chaste kiss on her full cheeks that now hung low. Silently, she walked over and peeked out of the door to see if the matter down the stairs had been sorted out.
But she didn't catch sight of either Klaus or Aurora. So, with a sharp frown between her brows and an anxious tick among her fingers, she hurried down the stairs -- only to confirm her first realisation, it seemed.
Knowing that Klaus couldn't have been hurt in any way, she headed back into the master bedroom to get herself into a nice bath and take some time off to relax. 
She lit the candle that Freya had gifted her some time ago, and stepped into the bathtub full of soap foams. Her head lulled back and her eyes shut off, and she began to think of all the time she had been spending building this new little family recently. 
It still felt so surreal, that Hope was finally here. It was all so new and overwhelming, but Y/n knew that neither her nor Klaus would trade this period of their life for anything. It was almost as if everything had fallen into pieces to fit a puzzle the moment they had welcomed their little daughter into this world. 
There was no other source of light in the bathroom apart from the flickering candle, Y/n didn't feel like turning on the bright white light. And, as she began to tune into Hope’s breathing, she felt her heart begin to beat in sync with hers. It would’ve only been silence to human ears, but Y/n could hear the little puffs and the little movements of her mouth that she made in her sleep. 
She could picture Hope’s head lulled to the side, her mouth slightly ajar and her small frame rising and lowering with each breath that she took. Then, Klaus faded into the photo and she could see Hope’s drool slipping onto his arm and drying up there, because of course Klaus had fallen asleep with her on the rocking chair. 
And finally, she entered the picture herself and took the two of them into the master bedroom, laying Hope between the two of them and pressing kisses on both of their foreheads. After turning off the lights, she was looking at the two pieces of her heart sleeping peacefully, because she felt like she couldn’t miss this sight, because she probably won’t feel the time pass before Hope had to be put to sleep in a crib in her own room. 
Just the idea of that brought tears to her eyes. Everything made her cry these days, and she does realise that it’s because of the hormones. But she doesn’t know how to explain the exhaustion of it all. The untrue and mean thoughts she got throughout the day, whether it was regarding her body or her new journey of being a mother and feeling scared that she’d go wrong somewhere and be hated by her own family for the rest of her life. 
Just the energy it took to shut all those thoughts down and to reassure herself, remind herself of what was true and what wasn’t – took so much out of her that when Klaus held her in his arms at the end of the day, she just wanted to let go and fall into pieces, so that he’d bunch her up and tell her or show her stupid brain that Y/n was indeed right and that the thoughts were just her mind playing games. 
Taking in a deep breath, Y/n rose and washed the soap off of her. She could think about this all day and all night, and she could drown in her sorrows for way too long than healthy. But right now, she needed to go and eat dinner if she wanted to sleep on time. 
Which reminded her – she hadn’t heard Klaus come home. Had she missed it, or had he genuinely not come home yet? She began to focus on her hearing, and only came across Hope’s breaths, nothing else. 
Maybe something had occupied him, she thought, wrapping a towel around her and exiting the bathroom. 
Klaus was walking in their backyard with Hope in his arms, asleep, as always. He couldn’t balme her though – she was a newborn, after all, and had a lot to register in her brain in the couple hours that she was awake during the day. 
She had been a calm baby so far. The midnight tantrums weren’t as frequent as others had warned him and Y/n about, maybe because they had way more stamina than an average human.
Y/n, right when she had woken up, had been dragged out by Rebekah and Freya. Trust me, Y/n, I’ve been through what you’re going through and it’s been two weeks since you’ve left the house with us! He had heard Rebekah say to Y/n in the kitchen, and he had agreed a hundred percent. 
They had gone out for brunch, and maybe it was because they had a lot to catch up on, that Y/n hadn’t yet come home and it was nearing lunch time. 
And Y/n, as much as she was enjoying her time out in as much sun as New Orleans got on an average, she was dying to go home. She was missing Hope and Klaus and before she could’ve said anything, Rebekah had herself proposed that they should have some dessert already because Klaus and Hope are probably seeing your sight on the doorstep, she’d laughed. 
“I think I’m gonna walk home, the weather’s really nice,” Y/n said when Rebekah began to try and convince her for a lift in her car. 
“Oh, okay!” Rebekah laughed. “You have come out after a long time, so sure!”
Y/n just passed the woman a narrow-eyed glare as she was hugging Freya. 
“Juut text us when you reach home,” Freys said, walking off towards her car. 
Y/n nodded, bidding goodbye and watching the two drive off before she dropped her smile and sighed. God, her cheeks hurt from how much she’d been smiling and laughing. 
She had only walked a couple paces away from their eating spot when she heard footsteps. It was a busy time, a nice day, so many people were out and about. The city was kind of bustling. But still, Y/n turned to look and immediately, she groaned, coming to a pause. 
“Seriously, Aurora?” She almost whined. “You take annoying someone to a whole another scale,” she said with a face that was genuinely twisted into annoyance and irritation. 
“C’mon Y/n,” Aurora said with a newfound confidence, drawing Y/n’s attention right away. “Can’t you have a chat with me, too? Just us girls?” She grinned, and then rolled her eyes when she saw that flash of Hybrid golden in Y/n’s eyes. 
“I’m not here to fight,” she said. “I’m here to make friends with you,” shrugging, she dared to take a step closer, testing the waters. 
“Don’t be so over confident, Aurora,” Y/n gritted, having pinned the woman on a wall. “It almost got you killed, right this moment,” she said, giving her a final flash of her eyes before getting up and walking away. She was not in the mood to kill today, especially not after the amazing brunch she’d had not too long ago. 
But of course, Aurora was too dumb to get that, Y/n noted as she heard feet jogging to catch up to her pace. 
“Just talk to me this once, and I swear I’ll never show you my face ever again,” Aurora rushed to speak, desperate to get Y/n to stop.
They were still a little far from her home, Y/n realised. She could very conveniently kill her right now, and not get blood anywhere near her family home. 
“What?” She asked instead, coming to a stop. 
“I get why you married Klaus now,” Aurora spoke, a smile creeping up on her mouth. Y/n didn’t want to admit that there was a blush as well. It was probably sunburn, she told herself. 
With a slight roll of her eyes, Y/n forced herself to focus. “What do you mean, Aurora?” She asked her, ready to snap her neck if she tried to beat around the bush once more. 
“I mean, you two got together, had a baby so early on in your marriage. I now realise that it’s because he is so good in bed, you had to lock him down somehow, didn’t you?” She laughed, not noticing the gold swarming Y/n’s eyes as she smiled at the ground, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 
“I would too. Guess I got a bit late, huh?” She continued with a joke, and then stopped. 
Y/n didn’t even talk to her girlfriends like this. How dare this dumb little piece of work, dare to speak of her and Klaus in such a manner? So, she sped through her movements and sunk her fingers in Aurora’s throat, cleansing her insides.
“I rushed. Think I would’ve liked ripping out your dirty fucking tongue instead,” Y/n hissed, her mouth right next to Aurora’s ear and she was so close she could hear the loud thudding of her heart. It made her feel good, and she almost didn’t want to kill her becuase that noise was music to her ears right now. 
Aurora couldn’t say anything, the only noise she could muster up was the sound of choking, because she was. And she was pretty sure her blood was rushing to places inside her where it shouldn’t be. 
But then, something came over Y/n and she slipped her hand out of Aurora’s throat, leaving it intact as she wiped the blood on the very woman’s clothing. “Sleep good. Maybe some rest will knock some sense into you. After all, all this stalking and annoying someone must be exhausting,” Y/n spoke with an understanding shake in her head. 
And then, before Aurora could even realise much, Y/n had her hand placed near her throat and with that, she snapped her neck, quickly rushing to put her back in her house. She wasn’t cruel or angry enough to leave her asleep in the middle of nowhere. 
But she was riled up enough that she needed to rush home and ask Klaus some questions before her mind could get the better of her. 
She knew that this was the time Hope was usually asleep, and she was praying to the gods above that today wouldn’t be any different. And she opened the door to the house, quickly sensing that Hope was, indeed, asleep but she could hear that Klaus wasn’t.
The shower was running. 
Removing her shoes, she walked to the kitchen and washed her hands in the sink. Then, tiredly, walked over and sat on the sofa in the living room, knowing that Hope was in the master bedroom and they couldn’t talk, potentially argue, there. 
A lot was taken out of her today, and she needed Klaus to reassure her so that she wouldn’t have a breakdown somewhere in the house because it felt like she was going crazy. She knew that he hadn’t done it, knew that he couldn’t have done it. 
But just for the sake of her brain, she needed him to say it. Needed the words to come out of his mouth so that she would know for sure. For she trusted him more than she trusted herself. 
Because right now, her brain was telling her that she had heard Aurora’s love confession that day, but she hadn’t heard Klaus’ reply. Or that Klaus mostly shut the door when she left him with Aurora or how that one night he had come home late after she had left the two of them alone for Klaus to sort out the matters, and he’d told her not to worry about it – that it was nothing and he had taken care of it.
She knew that it truly was nothing. But once, just once, she wanted him to tell her that. 
Waiting and waiting for the shower to turn off, Y/n slipped into a slumber. So when she felt someone close to her, she caught Kalus leaning in to pick her up, probably to carry her to their bedroom. 
“Ah, you’re awake,” he smiled, his gaze so soft and his dimples evident as he instead pressed a kiss to her forehead and stood up straight. “The girls tired you out, hm?” He asked her, raising her head and placing it on his lap once he had sat himself. 
Y/n only mumbled something, before turning to hide her face in his hip area. She couldn’t bring herself to talk to him about this when he was caressing her hair so gingerly, but she knew she had to. 
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” she said then, looked up at him. 
“What is it, love?”
God, this was going to be hard. She sat up and fixed her bed head with her fingers before she looked at him again, this time with a wavering sigh. 
“Did you sleep with Aurora?” 
Klaus’ eyes hardened then – the exact response Y/n hadn’t been longing to receive. 
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moonselune · 3 months
If your comfortable doing it, fem reader who's been nothing but kind and patient and supportive to everyone, revealing by accident they grew up in a abusive upbringing and it still affects them but they felt compared to everyone else's problems hers were minor and so not worth getting upset over. And of course everyone giving her some support this time
Oof this was hard to write, mainly bcs I'm not too good at writing serious angst, but I hope this is okay !
tw: abuse
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It was a rare, calm evening around the campfire. The group was in good spirits, sharing stories and laughter. You, ever the cheerful one, were in the midst of recounting a particularly funny tale from your past.
"…and that's when my father threw the table across the room because dinner was five minutes late. Good times, right?" you chuckled, the laughter trailing off as you noticed the sudden silence around the fire. The others stared at you, their expressions a mix of shock and concern.
Astarion was the first to speak, his usual playful smirk replaced with a serious look. "Did you just say your father threw a table at you?"
You blinked, realizing the gravity of what you had just let slip. "Oh, yeah. He had a bit of a temper. But, you know, it's in the past. No big deal."
Wyll leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "No big deal? That's… that's abuse. Why didn't you ever tell us?"
Karlach, her fiery nature tempered by concern, placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, why keep something like that to yourself? We're your friends. We care about you."
Shadowheart's eyes were filled with empathy as she added, "You've always been so supportive and happy. I had no idea you were carrying this with you."
You shrugged, trying to downplay it. "Everyone here has their own problems. I just didn't think mine were as bad as what some of you have been through. I didn't want to burden anyone."
Lae'zel looked at you uncharacteristically gently. "Strength is not only in battle but in sharing our burdens. You should not have faced this alone."
Minthara, her stern demeanor softened, nodded in agreement. Gale, ever the one with something to say, spoke up. "Pain is not a competition. Your experiences are valid, and they matter."
"We are a family here. We support each other, no matter the weight of our pasts." Halsin gave you a reassuring smile from across the fire.
Jaheira, who had seen much in her long life and was not terribley surprised by your admission, added with a soft yet firm tone, "You are not alone. We are here for you, just as you have always been here for us."
The weight of their words settled over you, a comforting warmth replacing the usual isolation you felt when thinking about your past. You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability.
"Thank you, all of you," you said, your voice wavering slightly. "I guess I just got used to hiding it. But it means a lot to know I have your support."
Karlach squeezed your shoulder reassuringly, her warm smile returning. "Anytime. You're stuck with us, whether you like it or not."
Astarion, his usual humor returning, gave you a wink. "And don't worry, we'll make sure to give you a hard time about it too. Can't have you getting too serious on us."
Laughter rippled through the group, the tension easing. The fire crackled warmly, and you felt a deep sense of belonging.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Oh my god due to the recent Alfred ask it makes me wonder and scream at the thought if there has ever been a moment when Reader asked Alfred if there's something else they can call him. Like DAD perhaps...(and this can go for different routes and so many juicy things, but ill get into that later).
But since the backstory is up to us, I like to think the Reader has a bio family which was questionable(maybe I'm projecting), so they never had a good track record with their dad and then Bruce adopted them and we know that didn't end well.
So when they ask Alfred if there's something else they can call him ( a lil show that they do see him closer than anyone and that he's important to us.) We could have gone back and forth with him talking about what to call him and stuff when we jokingly say something along the lines of "maybe not Dad since my track record with such isn't the best." Maybe they open up to Alfred about how their family/ life was before they were adopted by the batfam. Maybe even admit they can't see anyone as a dad figure after them (😭), so the thought is uncomfy for them( this hits in so many ways.) Or how they're scared if they call him dad something will change about Alfred and become like their 'dads'.
Which will undoubtedly hit some strings with Alfred. Seeing as how every 'dad' has failed them to the point they can't fathom or be comfortable with seeing or thinking of someone as a dad. But the fact that BRUCE had played a part in it 💀... Which is what's making the Reader confused and feel unsecured in his own personal relationship with the Reader (on what to call him, but probably in other stuff as well).
Back to the top part of the reader asking what they can call him, and they end up at something along the lines or at calling Alfred Dad.
It will undoubtedly make his heart squeeze and scrumble( One way could be he's being called 'Dad' after so long). Probably make Alfred a lot closer to the reader than before. Probably stepping up to the title and being closer taking care of Reader even more, now that he knows they have that emotional bond( stronger than before and the permission).
For little cute ideas/cenerios I imagine he makes an even greater effort to come to our plays and tournaments and sit front row probably recording.( in a reserved seat next to all the other empty ones 😒). And get a lil prissy when he can't make it (ESPECIALLY IF ITS BC OF THE BATFAM). He asks some of the organizers to record it specifically for him if they aren't doing it already, so he can watch it live (or once handed to him)while doing whatever keeps him from going. All so he can talk about it with us when we come back home and show how proud of us he is.
Definitely gets us gifts for each performance/ tournaments. If he was present he would walk with us a while after it ended and get us ice cream or out for a celebratory dinner. 😭
Okay but now for the lil angst part in that moment when we settle on what to call Alfred whenever it would be similar or is Dad or a different title all together that would be the moment we lose any real attachments to the Batfam. Not seeing them as siblings or parental figures anymore. At most just wanted to impress them but that quickly died off and just just focused on what we do have.
Alfred would also know that that was the moment or the end of the falling bridge with the Batfam and Reader. Which would probably hurt him cause the Batfam is still his family, but now he also has us and sees our neglect and what the batfam's consequences are. Probably breaking his own hope of us being accepted/ integrated into it and the Batfam to being back a normal dysfunctional but loving family with us in it.
Okay but the real ANGST. It's not just the reader and Alfred having heart to heart or other situations between the two of them. BUT INSTEAD BRUCE HEARING READER CALL ALFRED THE TITLE WE SETTLED ON. And it doesn't have to be only Bruce that would work for angst because the others are smart so if they hear Reader call Alfred by the title... They know it doesn't correlate to them and their relationship of being Reader's sibling because Alfred isn't that title to them. Connecting and discovering at the same time that the Reader doesn't see them as siblings and hasn't for a time they weren't even aware of.
Imagining just Bruce sneaking away and thinking by himself or even confronting Alfred 😩😩. The Batkids doing their research seeing Reader live their life completely disconnected from theirs only hammering that Reader doesn't see them as family. The only thing connecting to them being Alfred and even Alfred is a different role in Reader's life than in theirs.
Maybe Batfam finds out about what the Reader tried to get their attention only to give up, maybe they don't and just see the Reader slipping away until the Reader becomes a foggy memory again until the Reader moves away like in the [Not] series everything follows.
Hope you enjoy 🥰🥰💕 drink water 💦
Yeah!!! And since there is another ask that's about the reader considering Alfred their dad, and how Bruce would react to that, I won't be going too much into how Bruce himself would react since I'd like to explain it there when I get to it- but I will say that in very, very simple terms. Bruce is not happy about it. At all.
As for how the whole name thing would start? Alfred would definitely say that you can call him whatever you'd like, but will definitely silently try to nudge you in the direction of calling him dad or something akin to that. He may not expect it to work right away, especially in this scenario where the reader already has a messy relationship with people who were supposed to be their father's in the past. However, when you do call him dad or something similar, he is literally about to cry.
He won't cry in front of you! But he might later-
Regardless, words cannot express the amount of joy he feels when that happens, and as you've mentioned, Alfred does try to not let you down. Unwilling to become another reason why you have a hard time seeing people as your father, or father-figure. He feels more inclined to look after you above everyone else, and tries even harder to be present. There isn't a single event of performance that he'll miss willingly, and even if he does- he has his ways of making it up to you, even if you know that it was out of his hands.
I think a neat detail would also be that the amount of unoccupied seats next to him slowly shorten with time. It starts off with there being a seat for everyone in the Batfam, but as time goes on the amount begins to dwindle, until there's just one for him. Maybe with the occasional one other seat beside him if it's for an event, and you get to sit next to him before going or doing whatever you have to. Further showing how you, as the reader, begin to care less and less about the Batfam, and really only see/recognize Alfred as your family. As there is only one reserved seat for him at each and every performance and tournament.
I think the idea of the Batfam noticing this and trying to fix it, yet the reader still being able to slip away, and them forgetting all over again is both just out right heartbreaking and infuriating.
Like, can you imagine as a neglected!reader, finally having your family notice you (despite you growing used to their lack of attention at this point), only to have them forget you exist all over again? Or just forget about you enough to where you still leave without saying much of anything, and only leave behind a note to the one person you considered family?
And imagine the Batfam- not only feeling, but knowing that they've failed you more than they could ever imagine? Not only making you feel alone and isolated in your own home, since they never noticed you, not only once, but twice? That's borderline unforgivable. They noticed you, and somehow still managed to neglect you all over again. It's astonishing, really. Maybe they do have powers after all.
But really- how I could see that happening is if they get too busy with the idea of you rather you yourself, if that makes sense?
Through their research and everything, they form a version of you in their heads that they're all clinging onto, that they unintentionally don't give the real you a chance. Hell, they don't even give themselves a chance to even see it as they drown in their own delusions. Stuck with plans and ideas they ultimately never saw through, either because they were far too worried to further mess things up (like a certain brooding bat), or were far too certain of the outcome and therefore came up with more ideas and plans that they ended up not doing. Like a certain robin who, after two generations, finally wore pants. So by the time they realize their mistake, (which probably happenss when one of them finally decides to actually act on a plan they made) you're gone. Lost to the wind. Like a distant whisper they nevr quite heard, but dreamed about encountering ever since. Forgetting that chasing and searching were things they could do right from the start instead.
Though Alfred and the reader having a heart to heart? Please, we could all really use that. Forget about how horrible Alfred is behind the scenes- we need the closest thing we can get to a positive influence in this family. Or really just a good source of comfort, honestly.
Though his dying hope does break his heart, he just takes it as another opportunity to fill in the shoes of being your father. Even if at this point it means being your only family out of everyone in the Batfam, then so be it. He'll just have to fill in where they refuse to, but he doesn't mind since it gets him more time with you- and I can imagine that, despite the hurt of realizing that you'll never be 'fully' apart of the Wayne family, at least you have a part with Alfred and the Pennyworth's. And there is some comfort and reassurance that comes with that. Since, while you may not be able to have this big, huge family- at least you have this small, comfortable one right here with Alfred.
Hell, this time around Alfred might even fully support the reader moving away, as he's more certain than ever that he'll still have that connection with them. That he and the reader will actually communicate, and as long as he can still see them and so on- he doesn't mind.
He'll let the Batfam run around, and play dumb at all the right moments with that sassy, sarcastic attitude of his. Letting them know that they've wasted their opportunity- wasted the one real chance they had with you, and probably won't be getting another one.
After all, it isn't his fault that they fucked up. If anything, he's probably the only reason why the reader is connected to the Batfam at all, or even associates with them the smallest amount. It isn't because of Bruce or any of the others. It's because of Alfred. Even if he won't say it out loud, he'll make sure that they all know it one way or another, and though Alfred doesn't necessarily view himself as cruel- he wouldn't mind throwing a little shade if it meant emphazing that point a little further.
You are his kid. His family. Why would they think otherwise?
On a lighter, more wholesome note, I definitely agree with the more light/cuter ideas!!
Alfred is definitely spoiling you if he can help it, and will poorly disguise his favoritism- though probably would stop even trying to hide it all together at some point.
There is never a moment where Alfred doesn't/won't remind you of how proud of you he is, and how much you've improved. He isn't afraid to admit that you're doing a good job or doing the right thing, even if you can be reckless at times, to your face. And if you end up doubting your ability, or just yourself as a whole, Alfred will definitely be there to comfort you, and remind you of how well you've been doing and reiterate how proud you make him.
He wants you to know that he'll always be there for you, and by the time you leave, you still feel that.
Alfred also makes sure to check up on you and tend to your needs, along with spend time with you in other ways- which does include, but isn't limited to; watching films at home, baking/cooking together, sewing, reading, tending to the garden, and just generally being in each other's space. Maybe even a small hang out outside of the manor if you both can help it.
Nevertheless, that was a fun read, and I fully agree!! Make sure to drink some water and rest up too!
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onsunnyside · 2 years
ok so i've been trying to come up with a mafia trope for this ask by the bestie @bimbofawn: now this isn't a full-blown mob fic, but it has a few elements
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The Camerons have all the wealth, influence and success anyone can dream of. They come from a long lineage of fame and riches, now running the parent company of many subsidiaries with power all across the country. It's no surprise they're involved in a few shady businesses, yet it's all kept tightly under wraps.
As the heir to a vast dynasty, Rafe grew up under a lot of pressure to be the best in what he does, and his ego is proof of that. He's in the tabloids, the ivy league graduate by day and the wild bachelor by night, landing himself in more scandals than ass-kissing articles.
The Camerons are known for their prestige and (heavily manufactured) picture-perfect image. So Rafe's sleazy, immature behaviour just won't do. Although he's doing good with the shady side of the family business (bc ofc he's into violence and drug trafficking/manufacturing), he needs to do better with the public side. To give his son a motive for cleaning up his act, he gives him an ultimatum: lose it all and get disowned or settle down.
Now, he has a few months to find someone, but his ego won't let him settle for just anyone. The headlines aren't any comfort either: Pleasure Over Business: Is Rafe Cameron responsible for the fall of the Cameron dynasty?
This is very off-to-the-races coded: you drift into his sector on his friend's arm one night. He shrugs you off, expecting there to be a different girl the next time they go to the clubs (because there always is) but nope, you show up again and again.
It’s hard for him to ignore someone so kindhearted and naturally alluring. He can’t look away from you sipping on the straw, your calm gaze locked on his, making him stumble over his words like a teenager with a crush. He dreams of you every time he falls asleep, your pretty face burned on the inside of his eyelids as if you belonged there.
But one night his friend shows up with a different girl.
"Her rates got too high, and my folks were getting suspicious so I had to let her go, unfortunately." He exhales, his arm around the other woman kissing up his neck.
Now, did he predict you were an escort? Not at all. It catches him off guard and he almost spits up his drink. "You paid her to date you?"
Topper glares, "you don't have to say it like that. We did more than just make appearances together if that's what you're asking. All consensual, of course, but you do have to pay extra for private um... sessions."
me senses... a sugar-baby proposition: "I'll take care of everything, all expenses, your rent, and an allowance on top of that. Anything you want you can have."
You're still apprehensive, you've taken clients who've heard of you from word of mouth before, but this was new. They were best friends who routinely saw each other, you'd hate to stir the pot. "Won't it be weird?"
"You with Top was just business and so is what I'm offering." Perhaps that was a little white lie, but you didn't need to know that. "No harm, no foul. In my hands, you could live better than this."
"I like my home." You mutter, hugging a pillow to your chest, it was one of the many mismatched cushions that littered your old couch. "I worked hard to get it this way."
He nudges the wobbly table by the door, the picture frames rattling on the surface. "For thousands of dollars a night, I would've expected some sense of luxury, or a stove with actual knobs." He says and quirks a brow, "where'd all that money go?"
"Oh... I had to give my boss his cut."
"How much is that?"
"80 percent." You admit, ducking away when Rafe frowns, "I know, I know... It wasn't my fault, my daddy—" Your voice cracks, "My daddy got involved with a bad man after he gambled away all our savings and my college fund. And he still couldn't stop after my mama left. I had to—I had to help somehow."
You still remember returning from campus to see him bruised and battered on the living room floor, crying for your mother who was halfway across the world, now a happily divorced woman. The memory brings tears to your eyes and they stream down your cheeks.
Rafe bites his tongue, rethinking his decision to show up here in the first place. Your unlucky life only made you more perfect, and as terrible as it sounded, he knows he won't find anyone more fitting for his circumstances.
He refused to leave until you agreed.
"What's his name?"
You don't hear him over your sniffles and rub your nose into your pillow, "huh?"
He crouches by your feet, placing a hand on your thigh. "What's the big bad man's name, sweetie?"
"Why—Why are you asking..."
The blue in his eyes seems darker, but it could just be the dim lightbulbs you haven’t changed yet. He blinks up at you with thick lashes, a slow smile crawling onto his face.
"I'm going to prove to you that when you're with me, you've got nothing to worry about."
And the next night, he shows up at your door with a fresh bouquet of flowers and bruised knuckles. You don’t get one word out before drops a heavy duffel bag on the floor, “here’s the money you deserve for your work, and extra for your troubles.”
You glance at the bag and then his face, your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth. “What—What did you do?”
He smiles, cocking his head to the side. “Nothing you have to worry about, sweetheart.” He says, wiping toothpaste from the corner of your lip. “Now, are you going to invite me in?”
Rafe is very possessive, he doesn’t care that you dated/slept with his friend because you belong to him now. He buys you a gold necklace with his initial on it, parades you around the city for all the nosy paps to see, and brings you home to meet his family. And yes, you do get the gold seal of approval from his father.
well this is just a mash-up of different tropes 🫡 fake relationship, sugar daddy and mob, with rafe's signature "you're mine" mindset. me has a few slutty and soft ideas for this au too hehe
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obsidianbaby · 4 months
Don't Love Me Like A Brother - Prologue
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Brothers Best Friend Series - PROLOGUE
series synopsis - ronnie's younger brother, tyler, is a famous youtuber & influencer and is best friends with the sturniolos. This series will be following ronnie's life as she befriends the triplets and catches herself developing feelings for a certain someone...
**series will contain smut as it develops but warnings will be added to those specific chapters
**found myself writing a few flashback chapters before present day just to build up the established friendships bc I'm impatient and don't want the slow burn to drain anyone 😭
warnings/notes - no smut in this as it's just the prologue to introduce y'all to the story.
a/n - starting this series and im very exciteddddddd i hope y'all fuck with a slow burn, friends to lovers best friends brother type beat. Buckle up mfs it's gonna be an angsty ride
a/n pt 2 - im not gonna share who ronnie develops feelings for just yet I want y'all to be on edge okok enjoy MWAH xx
ronnies pov
having a brother who's famous on social media is humbling to say the least.
The amount of fan girls who have followed my accounts just because they're obsessed with him makes me question many people's sanity (including my own).
But tyler is one of my best friends. And thank god for my dad, who from the jump, did not tolerate any misogynistic bullshit from my brother.
Raising two kids as a single dad after my mom passed away (before ty and I were older than the age of 5) was tough for him and he embraced the times when he needed support (like when i first got my period, bless his heart he bought almost every type of menstrual product off the shelf).
His values were the perfect structure for us to grow up following; respect, open communication, giving our best efforts to everything (even if the only effort we could offer up was a 60% instead of a 100%)
My childhood friends would always whine about how "chill" my dad was. And it's not cause he didn't care, (he probably cares too much) but he didn't want to shield us either, knowing we need to learn how to exist in the world without him constantly up our asses.
"As long as we can talk about shit at the end of the day then we're good" one of his favorite mantras he would spew to me and ty when we would get caught doing something you might call a "right of passage" as a teenager.
And since it was just the three of us, we've always leaned on each other a lot. Sunday family dinners at nans' every week, taking turns helping my dad at his shop after school (he's a car mechanic), movie nights every thursday night where my dad would close up shop early, setting up the projector in the shop garage and ordering us pizza. My brother has been a best friend to me since I held him in my arms at the age of 3 when he was born.
And of course, we have the usual chaotic fights to the death like most siblings do, him pranking me in the most annoying ways, me making fun of his dumbass, him eating all of my food, me stealing his cool clothes, him begging me to uber him around everywhere, etc.
But we also just really enjoy each other's company too; going on late night walks around town, sitting in bed staying up talking all night, playing mario cart for hours (id always kick his ass), going adventuring together to forests or beaches, hanging out at the skate park together (me laughing at him eating shit and him chasing me around trying to whack me with his board), us both ditching our friends to stay at home and yap to each other instead, us having campfires in the backyard with both of our friend groups together, working on restoring mom's 1967 ford mustang together that she left us when she passed.
So when he came to me a few years back, during the pandemic, asking my thoughts on him posting on youtube, I was in full support (after teasing him that no one would find him, an 18 year old lanky white boy about to graduate high school funny or interesting. I have to keep him humble ya know?)
But his first few videos on youtube went viral and his following kept growing daily, especially when he started posting on tiktok too.
He's had me (and even my dad) featured in his videos which i don't mind at all (since im the one that's editing them)
I can see why the internet loves him (i did help raise him of course).
But since he's hit over 3 million on youtube last year, he's been doing a shit ton of collabs with other influencers and youtubers; the sturniolo triplets, larray, emma chamberlain, jake webster, tarayummy, vinnie hacker, carrington, etc.
And these days I try to stay behind the scenes as much as possible, trying to enjoy my solitude away from the opinions of crazy fans. (why do they care so much about what im doing anyways?)
Yet he understands (thank god) and he's always inviting me to come hangout with the friends he's made through social media, and i can't lie and say i don't enjoy being in the company of such dope (and attractive) people.
a/n - hellooooo i have a few more parts already written for this but im gonna wait to see how this post goes first (because i have a dire need for validation and praise) anywaysssss thank you for reading mwah xx
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
I really loved your hc about Sanji meeting Yassop and Usopp meeting Zeff and I start to think about like-
What about this with Zosan, Lusan and Lawsan?? This will be SO funny and perfect-
Just hear me: (and yes, this will be with our queen Trans!Fem Sanji)
Mihawk and Zoro going to a dinner with Sanji and Zeff because both want to know their child partner
Shanks going to Baratie 'cause Luffy insisted, and Sanji going too just to say a 'hello!' to her father and properly give the notice she's dating her captain (Luffy forgot to tell this to Shanks and he just discover he was knowing the father of his son's girlfriend when they already are in Baratie)
Law going because Sanji wanted him to know Zeff, and even hating to interact too much, he acepts because he knows how much this mean to her
And like, how you think they will react about the thing of Zeff eating his own FUCKING leg??
Okay, this is really funny- The chaos. Just imagine the chaos. Gonna try to put my thoughts into words (<- Literally a fucking writer. I'm just tired today don't blame me).
Please assume the OP world here is exactly the same but Mihawk and Shanks actually raised Zoro and Luffy. Somehow. Don't ask me how. They see them as their fathers. Zeff and Sanji's story is still the same because they're canonically family lmao. And also Transfem!Sanji as you said btw bc I love my princess.
The thing about Mihawk and Zoro going to a dinner with them is that Zoro and Sanji would try to behave but they would end up arguing in front of them anyway because that's just how they are and Mihawk and Zeff would end up talking alone about them tbh. Zeff offers Mihawk one of his best wines and Mihawk is- Well, you already know how Mihawk is. Their conversation is pretty polite but they keep drinking while the other two are in the background fighting for some meaningless bullshit like: "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET HERE FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO, STUPID MOSSHEAD" / "OKAY SO IT'S MY FAULT THAT THE SEA IS VERY ROUGH TODAY AND THE SHIP ALMOST SINKS" / "LIAR!! I'M SURE YOU JUST GOT LOST".
And it's uhhh chaotic. But there's passion and Sanji is mad because she cares about him meeting Zeff and Zoro is frustrated but actually trying to calm down. Zeff and Mihawk are very fond of tough love and passionate couples so these two fighting just means they have strong feelings for each other. However, they end up making up and sitting down with their fathers while they tell anecdotes and try to get to know each other better. Mihawk and Zeff are intimidating af and I'm like 100% sure that Zoro would be scared of Zeff at some point bc he would look at him with that look of "If you hurt my daughter I'm killing you" and Zoro is, for once in his life, scared of a cook. Then that silly topic of "Oh, yes, I ate my own leg to save this little shit of a daughter from starving to death" comes up.
Zoro almost chokes on his food and Mihawk stares at Zeff for a while, looks down at his leg, squints his eyes at him and says: It certainly is a really admirable doing. And just out of mere curiosity, was it good-
Zeff: A little bit of seasoning and less pain would've helped
Zoro: Curly, you didn't tell me your dad was cool
Mihawk: I say admirable doing because you just met her, right? I would not have done something like this for this bastard right here
Zoro: Thanks, dad
Mihawk: You're welcome I let you and Princess stay with me, don't push it
Sanji: Who's Princess?
Zoro: My sister
Mihawk: Zoro, you didn't tell your girlfriend about Perona?
Zoro: I forgot
Sanji: I'm going to murder you
And basically, long story short, the night ends pretty well to Sanji's surprise. Mihawk is very nice and polite to her even if he looks pretty dark and edgy, and Sanji can't believe that man raised an idiot like her boyfriend. Then we have Zeff, who shakes Zoro's hand so hard it hurts and whispers in his ear all the atrocities he would do to him if he hurt his precious princess. Things that won't happen, of course. That's why that 'would' is there. But still, he tells him anyway. Just in case.
When Luffy tells Shanks to go to the Baratie together, he doesn't hesitate to say yes because who would refuse to go there? What kind of pirate would he be? Sanji is already there because she decided to go a bit earlier, so Shanks instantly assumes he's just going to have lunch with his son in a very nice place and see Zeff again after a long time. When they get to the Baratie and see that Sanji is there too, Shanks assumes Sanji just stopped by too. A coincidence. He already knows that's Zeff's daughter, btw.
But then Luffy does that thing he always does, running towards someone he loves and hugging them tightly with his legs wrapped around them. And Shanks is just like "Oh, well, that's his usual behavior and he's just greeting his cook" but then they kiss and it's uh, confusing. So Shanks asks what's going on and Sanji is all like "Please, don't tell me you didn't mention this to Shanks" and Luffy just shrugs, turns around, and says "Dad, I'm dating Sanji!" then looks at his cook again smiling and Sanji sighs: "And you obviously didn't tell him this was supposed to be a thing so our dads could talk-"
Shanks: Fuck, am I meeting your dad now? Like, actually meeting him as your boyfriend's dad? That's not- Hey, Anchor, you did not mention this.
Luffy: I'm sorry! But Zeff is reaaaaally amazing!
Shanks: I am well aware that he's amazing but you need to warn me first about this stuff.
Luffy: What? It's just dad stuff-
Then Zeff appears and Shanks tries to act like a normal father for once (he can't. He fails. It doesn't work) and they actually end up having a pretty calm and fun dinner once he relaxes, remembering that Zeff has always been cool. Luffy is extremely clingy with Sanji, a thing that Shanks already knew but never guessed it was because of them dating. And now that he sees it from a different perspective, it is clear that they're in love, even if Sanji won't stop trying to push the kid away because he's obsessed with sitting close to her and eating food from her hands and things like that. Little shit has a more stable love life than him. That's depressing.
Their laughter and joyful voices fill the whole empty restaurant and Shanks and Zeff are already a bit drunk while Sanji is dragged by Luffy to sit on his lap. And it would be embarrassing but it's not like their dads are looking at them, too caught up in their own anecdotes and stories.
Then Shanks asks how Zeff met Sanji because he knows that's not his biological daughter. He remembers Zeff telling him about his little princess years ago when Sanji was still at the Baratie and Shanks stopped by to eat with his crew. And of course, Zeff explains what happened. Their shared dream and everything. Luffy isn't really listening because he already knows the story and is too focused on his girlfriend right now. Zeff tells them about the leg thing, and Shanks starts laughing so, so fucking loud and hysterically:
Zeff: You did what, too?
Shanks: Don't you notice something missing? Perhaps on the left side of my torso? There hanging? Well- Nothing hanging, actually
Zeff: You did not-
Shanks: I did not, but I lost this useless thingy saving this bastard right here
Sanji: You said you're not good at dad stuff but that's a pretty dad thing to do, huh?
Shanks: I guess so, yeah. We have more things than I thought in common, Red Leg!
Luffy: Except for cooking. Your cooking is awful.
Shanks: My cooking is amazing, Anchor, thank you very much.
Shanks: But I did a good job!
Anyway, they surprisingly have a very nice and warm meal together without Shanks or Luffy being as chaotic as Sanji thought they'd be. When they're heading out, Zeff just pats Luffy on the shoulder and tells him to take care of his princess and appreciate her food or else he'll make him clean the dishes again but this time for years, quite literally speaking. Shanks sees the couple holding hands when they get out of the restaurant, the redhead staying behind for a second to speak to Zeff. But Shanks is already at that point of drunkness where he starts having a breakdown and he's like "Why does my kid have a girlfriend and my husband left me?????? This is so unfair. They love each other so much, Red Leg, look at them!!!!!!!" and Zeff is like "They're young and stupid too, but they'll grow up. You still haven't. Please get out of my restaurant before you make my onions cry."
Law doesn't want to meet Zeff, that much is clear. He is not good at meeting new people and even less meeting father figures because God knows he doesn't have a good memory of how his relationship with his dad ended (Rip Cora-san, we miss you). But he goes anyway because Sanji keeps insisting and saying that it's important to her, and of course, Law can't say no to her. Well, actually Sanji just tells him that if he comes with her to the Baratie, she'll wear the Soba-Mask suit (Stealth Black or whatever, Sanji refuses to say those words so-) again for him some time and Law accepts almost instantly. Fucking simp.
So they go to the Baratie and Law is dressed in a white shirt and actual, proper, and almost elegant clothes because Bepo said he needed to do it in order to give a good impression, and Law, deep down, just wants Sanji to be happy. And if getting along with her dad will do it, having to deal with this torture for a few hours is worth it.
Sanji keeps telling him not to worry about Zeff because, even if it's a big step in their relationship, her dad is just a bit scary but a good guy, after all. He will like Law once he knows how much he cares about her too! But Law isn't worried about that, he just fucking sucks at social interactions. Free the introvert from having to socialize, please, he just wants to stay with his girlfriend alone and cuddle and infodump about silly little things and comics. This is highly bad for his mental health (getting out and talking to people).
But, well, turns out Zeff is actually a great guy. Even though at first he looks at his daughter intensely and says: "Why the ex shichibukai of all people? This guy looks depressed too. Have you eaten, kid? You look like a starving man. He looks like a starving man, sweetheart. You're not dating an emo bastard who does not eat" and ends up having an argument with Sanji... He's fun to be around, once he settles for feeding Law everything he can cook. And Law isn't complaining but decides not to mention how much he hates bread because he feels that sentence will end up with him dead on the floor.
However, Sanji is the one mentioning that after a while of seeing Law forcing himself to eat bread, rolling her eyes and taking it from his hands to eat it herself. And Zeff is just like "You should've said so earlier, son! Just eat whatever you like. I feed people for them to enjoy the food, goddamnit!" and Law can only nod and keep eating.
And they actually end up getting along when they start talking more and more. Law starts actually laughing and smiling a little bit and Zeff pats him in the back from time to time whenever he mentions stuff he has done with his powers. Zeff just finds that hilarious. And Sanji is happy they're getting along, but extremely embarrassed when Zeff starts talking about her childhood (Law is enjoying every second of this). Then the topic of how Zeff met Sanji is brought up, and Sanji doesn't really want Law to hear it because she didn't tell him about the leg thing. And when he finds out, he's just...
Law: You didn't tell me your dad did that for you
Sanji: It's not something I like to explain, y'know? I kind of feel guilty to this day
Zeff: You're such a cry baby, Eggplant. I already told her countless times I chose to do that and it ended up saving us both! What's the problem?
Sanji: Shut up, old man, you don't get it!
Law: I do get it. The- Uh- Feeling guilty about your dad sacrificing himself. Without Cora-san... I wouldn't be here.
Zeff: Well, kid, I don't know what your father did, but be grateful instead of feeling guilty. I'm sure he's a nice man if he raised somebody who loves my girl this much.
Law: He was a good man, yes. The best. And- I- I do love her. A lot.
Sanji has a moment where she almost cries, but she doesn't!! (She does. She goes to the bathroom and cries).
When they have to go back to the ship, Zeff stops Law and says:
Zeff: You might need to eat more, that much is clear, kid. But you take care of her and that's good enough for me.
Law: Thank yo-
Zeff: But you also strike me as someone who would die for her and even though I do appreciate the effort because I would do the same, don't die on her, got it? And eat more. Eat what she makes, actually. And you also should check if you're celiac.
Law: I'm a doctor. I know I'm not-
Zeff: Then stop bitching around and eat bread like a man, for fuck's sake.
And, you know, Zeff might be a bit intimidating but he is, after all, a good man just like Cora was.
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asgardian--angels · 1 month
just rewatched steven universe future (and the movie) and I just gotta say.
I still have no idea why fandom was so upset about the show, why opinion turned against it, or anything. I didn't understand it then, I don't understand it now. I've enjoyed every single minute of that show, start to finish, all iterations. A show hasn't left me sobbing like that in a hell of a long time. It handles heavy, dark emotional topics with incredible finesse and heart in a way that all of us could learn from. It remains one of the most aesthetically beautiful animated series I've ever seen, and the soundtrack is so incredibly moving. I'll never get why shows with the most hopeful themes, like this one, end up with the nastiest 'fans' that harass creators and artists for making something that encourages us to be kind to each other. like, insert good omens meme i guess, yknow? but I will always love this series (the OG, the film, and Future). I'm glad I was never really involved with the fandom back when it was airing so I didn't have to hear any of the shit that people were tossing around. But knowing that this series basically got thrown to the wind after it was done airing - like, no one even talks about it anymore, as if there were some Game of Thrones effect WHEN THERE WASN'T - breaks my heart. It was so incredibly influential, for animation, for queer representation, for creativity in art, and for helping a lot of people feel seen and teaching us a better way to be towards our fellow human beings. I don't know who the fuck can be angry about this show, but whoever they are, I feel sorry for them that they have nothing better in their lives than to be senselessly cruel to people who are trying to make the world a kinder place.
anyone out there who hasn't watched Steven Universe before, and maybe was intimidated or put off by how it's talked about on here, please don't listen to that. It's one of the best made series, animated or not, in the modern age. It touches people of all ages. It inspires hope, and forgiveness, and working towards a better world. It has incredible character development, intergenerational trauma, dismantling colonialism, the horrors and fallout of war, xenobiology, troubled families, damaged people trying to grow and find new meaning, building community, nature vs nurture, perfectly done slow-burn plot arcs and reveals, and an art style that's so gorgeous you'll mourn the current state of the industry that stifles creativity like this. And it does all of this so profoundly and intelligently that it defies summary. Give it a try.
That's all I'll say. I never post about the show anymore bc I'm not a part of the fandom and I don't know how active it is on here anymore. But I've always cared deeply for Steven Universe and I always will. I hope outside of the insular bubble of toxic online fandom that it continues to have a steady mainstream following. Rebecca Sugar deserves accolades and a big thank you for bringing this show into the world. I'm sure she did not get a fraction of the praise she should have, and instead had to endure endless vitriol. The bar's always too high for some people who want something to be mad at, who want to blame and hate instead of supporting the few brave artists out there trying to make queer shows and pave the way for the future. The enemy of queer rep is so often queer fandom spaces themselves. Let's not let this life-changing show fade into obscurity if we can. It was groundbreaking in so many ways. It brought joy and hope to so many. I hope new people will continue to watch it and be uplifted by it, as I have all these years.
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am i the asshole for leading a guy on an low-key manipulating his feelings? (🐺 so i can find it later)
trigger warnings for mental health issues, family death, and suicide mentions.
title is kiiinda dramatic, i know. and i should be clear that i know that what i did was definitely wrong to a degree, but idk how messed up it was.
for context: i (19 f) was freshly seventeen and had just returned to in person school for my senior year after doing my junior year online at home. the majority of my best and only friend had forgotten me almost entirely and abandoned me despite our texting throughout my online year. new social circles had formed in my absence and i had a very difficult time readjusting, especially because i had come out of isolation with worsened anxiety, depression, and lowkey suicidal idealization. to top it all off, my grandfather who i adored had just died. i was desperately lonely and at the lowest i had ever been mentally in my entire life. i say this all not to excuse my actions but to provide some context as to why i acted the way i did.
so i meet this guy (i think like 15-16?) who we'll call finn. finn is a year below me but we share an elective class. we were initially drawn to each other bc we were both the only alt/geeky kids in the room and hit it off really well. and at first things are going pretty good; we eat lunch together every day, share music, talk about our interests etc. normal friend stuff.
but here's the part where i'm probably ta: finn had told me earlier on that he's the type to catch feelings super easy, so i guess i should've expected it, but he tells me that he has a crush on me. not directly though--he starts talking about this girl that he has feelings for but doesn't have the courage to confess to. and the first time he brought it up i didn't realize it was me and ofc tried to hype him up so he could confess and all that. but by the second conversation we have about it, it dawns on me that he's definitely talking about me. and i'm like "ah fuck," because the last person i wanted it to be was me--i'm mostly into girls, and also saw finn as a little brother more than anything else. but i keep hyping him up anyways saying stuff like "oh c'mon the worst she can do is say no! and even then you can at least move on with closure!"
so he takes my advice and confesses to me over text. i turn him down as politely as i can. which is where this whole thing should've ended tbh. but it didn't. his confession (even though it was over text) really endeared me and made me feel appreciated and beautiful in a way i never had been before. i'm not conventionally attractive + a plus size girl, and had never had anyone confess to me before, let alone say something as sincere and sweet as finn did to me. i was always the girl guys dared each other to ask out as a joke, yknow? it felt nice to know that someone saw me as desirable. again, this doesn't excuse my actions or justify them. just context.
so i decide that even though i know i'm not going to pursue anything with finn, i don't want him to lose interest in me either. so i start acting like i might be into him. tell him certain outfits make him look cute, go on and on about how much i love his hair (he really did have nice hair tbh), lean in a little closer when we talked, and constantly reassure him that he'd get a gf soon because good-looking, sweet and funny guys like him don't stay single for long.
he definitely notices bc he (again over text) asks if it's ok to be more physical when we interact. like can he hold my hand if we walk down the hall or whatever. this is definitely where i should've stopped, but i didn't. i kept up the pseudo-flirting bullshit.
and then he confesses (you guessed it! over text) for a second time, insisting that he really thinks that i like him back now. i tell him i don't know what he's talking about but that i'm happy to keep being friends with him. again, i don't stop the flirting-that's-not-quite-flirting.
this continues all the way until the end of the year. he tells me before i graduate that he really cares for me and doesn't want to lose touch after i leave. i promise him we won't. at this point i'd realized the gravity of my actions and had come to regret the way i treated finn, and decided the best course of action was to let our friendship fizzle out after i graduate. so i stop responding as frequently to him, he eventually stops reaching out until finally we lost contact and i delete his number.
i know that what happened was kinda fucked up, but how bad of a fuck up was this tumblr?
(secondary question: is this something that would've had a lasting impact on him and his view of relationships? i hope it isn't. i hope he forgot about me quickly. i hope he's doing better and has found someone who actually likes him.)
What are these acronyms?
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whataboutsimple · 7 days
I am obsessed with your AU genuinely keep up the good work!! I gotta read a bunch but I'll catch up soon 👍👍
(PS: anything on Ivor or the old order we haven't heard about or you'd like to share? :3)
Two asks in less than an hour.. my brain is melting from all the hyperfixation and dopamine it gets.. THANKSSSS SO MUCH FOR ASKING!
I have so many info about those sillies, that I can write a whole book with a single thought! Mostly because these AU focuses on Gabriel and Jason, as well as on people around them.
Let's get it all into small pieces for more comfortable reading:
When they were younger, the first two to become friends were surprisingly Magnus and Soren! Basically Magnus was in this bully gang and acted as a bad "guy", but he was a harmless prankster. The Gang focused on bullying someone like Soren bc he obviously was an easy target. It didn't took Magnus long to scare them away from pumpkin head. Since then he became Soren's problem.
The third member of their group were Ellegaard. Yet another nerd. She got into school at age of 11, while home studying till that moment. Soren and Ellegaard got along too fast, always sitting in library, and since Magnus was always waving around Soren, he got to know her as well.
Ivor came year later. He and his family moved into those little town called Upperhills due to his father business. Since he is a smart cookie, soon enough he got Soren's and Ellegaard's attention since they were always Top1 and now what? This random boy thinks he can outsmart them? Funny! This lil competition Ivor was unaware off lead to all of them bonding over books and dreams of adventures.
Last one: Gabriel. He just.. appeared one day? In Upperhills. Somehow people loved him. Like a lot. He was always so helpful for adults, very friendly with someone his age, and showed a lot of "brother like" love for kids. He didn't go to school though. Home studying. So the group didn't get a big chance to know him better. At least for now.
Gabriel WAS a part of Tempset family. Seven children including Gabriel and all are adopted. The family wasn't bad, but at the same time there's not enough you could tell about them.. Gabriel was second oldest and his older brother Scott was a part of another bully group. An older bully group. So they casually wrapped Gabriel in their hands.
Not pleasant news for our gang! But Gabriel somehow managed not only not bully them, but.. make them stop? Like what? Okay, that's interesting. Magnus is too curious. He can't keep his nose to himself. And even if Soren tells him not to test his luck- oh, okay, nevermind, he already approached Gabriel.
Wait, what do you mean we all are now friends with this Mr. Angel? No way, Right?
Yep, that's how they all got together! Even though Gabriel usually was spending time working or studying, he still kept contact with our gang.
Sometimes Magnus climbed into his second floor window and stayed the night because he couldn't handle his father's behavior. Sometimes it was Ivor because he was lonely.
Soren and Ellegaard often ran away from home in night to their tree house in the forest to watch the stars in silence. They had a lot in common when it came to their parents. The best was always expected of them, so they understood each other like no one else did.
The little competition between Ivor, Soren and Ellegaard got even worse when they found out about Gabriel's marks. Straight A's? How's that even possible?! Of course, he studies from home, it's easier! What do you mean he studies by himself and passes exams each month?
Magnus got lost at the moment after Ellegaard appeared, but you know what? He loves his nerds. And he loves Gabriel, because he's the only one who doesn't eat books. Like c'mon can y'all chill for a sec?
Soren has a little sister named Aster, meanwhile Ivor has little sister named Grace and he had little brother. Magnus has little sister named Susan!
When it comes to Gabriel.. big brother Scott, younger sister Sam, younger brother Chris, and little siblings Ash and Ashley!
I think that's enough for now! Though if you want more, I'm always here to tell you every little detail! I tried to not spoiler much though.
Thanks for asking again! It really melts my brain and heart!<3
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thewickerking · 11 months
hey. what?
well. For context everyone im assuming this ask is referring to this post and my tags below
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im assuming because of the. The.
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Many. Prev tags on it lmao but anyways here's more context. ill try to keep specific elements vague cause i don't want to doxx my grandma and by extension myself. But yeah let's go
my grandma (maternal) ran away from home in her teens (not sure the exact year/age but 70s ish) to join the circus and worked there for an amount of time doing ticket sales and miscellaneous jobs that aren't performance based
she met a guy also working there and they dated. this guy joined a satanic cult after joining the circus (? I think. Mightve been the other way around) and performed ritualistic sacrifice within the cult/with his murder victims. he was not in charge of the cult but was an active member and serial killer across around 4 states, maybe more (evidence was found for about 4 states iirc)
anyways he got caught for evidence of multiple murders but confessed to upwards of 20 (they couldn't find evidence of this so its unclear if he was exaggerating or if there simply wasn't enough irrefutable evidence) and went to prison while my grandma was pregnant and she was also arrested as an accomplice and had her kid in prison. She was 18 at the time. Idk how long she spent in prison but it was long enough to have her son taken away
her son (first of her four children, was my oldest uncle on my moms side) has adopted parents who changed his first and last name and didn't let him know about his biological parents (and were also extremely abusive) and so my mother and her siblings and her mom did unsuccessful research to find him over the years and he found our family a few years before he turned 30 (my moms ten years younger than him btw) and we've been in contact since and he was my personal favorite of my moms siblings
Oh also the serial killer got sentenced to life without parole and is currently on death row. My uncle died last year from unrelated circumstance (I posted about it some last year if anyone remembers) and my mom adopted 2 of 3 of his kids (3rd was a legal adult already) and then they got kidnapped and their kidnappers won the custody battle against my mom so. Yeah
Oh also worth noting my mom is the youngest of the four. my grandma had four kids with different men so im not related to the serial killer but he is in my family tree? Anyways yeah different fathers. My grandma remembers the serial killer and my moms father (my abuelito ♡ love him) but doesn't remember the fathers of the middle children (my aunt and uncle). So they're my moms half siblings technically and nobody knows if the middle children have other half siblings on their dads' sides 🤷‍♂️ but my mom has a half sister on her dad's side! She's 2 years younger than me bc my abuelito got married to his ex wife later in life but they're not together anymore (?) Not sure. They broke up idk if they legally divorced but they live in different countries and don't talk to each other. So.
Id love to meet her someday! But I don't know if thats feasible. She lives in Mexico and only speaks spanish so it would certainly be difficult. But I want to.... she almost immigrated to the United States like. 6 years ago?? My mom paid for documents to be legally translated and stuff but stuff happened and it didn't go through.she also tried to kill her mom once. But she's doing better. That's all a long story. We have a picture of her in our house from when she was little!
Ok thats very tangent-y. I have a lot of family stories. But also if anyone was curious this post below was also about my maternal grandmother
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shes a white woman who likes to weaponise having "friends" in nepal when people are mean to her. She's a character. if ppl are curious abt any of this i will answer btw i love talking abt my family they're deranged
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lady-charinette · 1 year
This is like my third version of this plot but bear with me bc I go feral for domestic but deadly Kazurei
Post 10 year timeskip
Rei and Kazuki are cleaning up the kitchen, Kazuki is carrying boxes to the storage room so they store the food safely for tomorrow. Rei is left alone in the kitchen wiping the counters clean.
Someone comes in despite the closed sign being turned up and Rei glances at them and immediately tenses.
He could recognize that look anywhere.
A look that spelled trouble and screamed weapon.
Rei scanned the man from head to toe, eyes zeroing in on what appeared to be a concealed knife from within the man's jacket pocket. "Hey, uh, you guy's still open?"
"No, the closed sign is displayed on the front door, I'm afraid you'll have to leave." Rei didn't miss the way the stranger kept glancing at his limp arm by his side, as if gauging how much of a threat Rei posed since being crippled.
Oh, how dangerous it was to underestimate your opponent.
The man approached the counter and slid his hand along the polished wood. "Sir, I said we were closed."
Rei rolled his eyes when the stranger made a sharp turn to enter into the kitchen area, obviously to gain momentum to draw his knife and stab him.
Good thing Rei couldn't get rid of his blood that easily.
As soon as he caught the glint of metal, Rei sprung into action.
Using his limp arm as a feint, faking the movement of reaching for something, Rei distracted the man long enough to grab his wrist holding the knife and twisting the limb sharply.
The man cried out in pain, bones grinding against each-other viciously. "I said, we were closed."
The man ignored Rei and tried to punch him with his free hand, but Rei acted quickly. He kicked the man's chin, twisting his arm further, causing him to drop the knife. Right into Rei's hand.
Twirling the knife in his hand to hold it in a reverse grip, Rei aimed for the spot between his eyebrows.
When the stranger opened his eyes again, he was met with the sharp edge of his blade inches away from his face. "You have 5 seconds to decide whether you want your liver carved out by your own knife or you run away and never set foot in here again."
The stranger didn't even use the full five seconds before he was out the door, his cries echoing through the half empty streets.
Kazuki returned from the backroom, scratching his head. "Did that guy want a refund?" He rose an eyebrow at the knife in Rei's hand. "Hey man, I told you not to threaten our customers for looking at the family pictures."
Rei tossed the knife into the drawer and closed it, gazing blankly at Kazuki. "....You're one to talk. Didn't you threaten to disembowel a kid and use his innards as ingredients for our next menu item?"
Kazuki clenched his fist at the memory. "I threatened a man looking at pictures of our Miri lewdly! You were itching to get your hand on him, too!" He pouted, sneering at Rei.
Rei grinned. "The kid was 16, I draw the line at beating up kids."
Kazuki cackled maniacally. "HA! Weakling! Good thing you have me! I'll throw hands with a toddler if he made kissy faces at yo- I mean Miri!"
Rei rose an eyebrow at the verbal slip, watching his partner's face heat up.
"Hm...sure you would."
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cinematicnomad · 10 months
i'm 32. i've never had an abortion. i grew up moving around the world. at all points of my life, i have always, always, considered in the back of my mind what i would do if i needed one. college in particular stressed me out—from 2009–2013, i lived in a rural small town that didn't have an abortion provider, just one of those malicious "crisis pregnancy centers" that PRETEND to provide options but really guilt and shame and lie to people with uteruses to deny them care.
so i always made sure to know where the closest abortion provider was. my friends and i talked about this, shared our individual plans with each other. at the time, it was a good 2 hour drive away, and i didn't have a license, let alone a car. but i did have older siblings and friends that i knew i could rely on. people i could turn to if i really needed help. my fears at the time mostly surrounded potentially having to reveal any personal details about my private life to them—i have a hard time asking for help, and tend not to share my thoughts or emotions with others, especially family (case in point, i almost posted this on twitter but then DIDN'T bc my sister and brother follow me). i'm in therapy, i'm working on it!!—but i never worried about being able to access abortion care.
i've never had an abortion, but i did have a miscarriage. i was 18 and i didn't even realize i was pregnant. my miscarriage was, thankfully, early and painless and i didn't know what it was until my period came for real and i spoke with my OBGYN about what happened.
i think about that 18 year old version of me all the time. i had just finished my freshman year of college. i had ended things with the guy bc i was hoping to (and would shortly) get back together with my other ex. i was more concerned with watching the latest true blood episode and meeting up with my friends still in high school at their after-prom, than with worrying about whether or not the guy at college had knocked me up.
abortion in austria (where i was at the time) has been fully legalized since 1975. if i had not had a miscarriage, i would have had options. if i had not realized until later in that summer, once we were back in the states, i would have had to have an incredibly uncomfortable and upsetting conversation with my conservative parents. but even then, i know, i would have had options. miscarriage for many people is a traumatic event. a painful loss, both emotionally and physically. for me, it was a blessing. but even if it hadn't have happened, i know i would have an abortion.
reading the latest NYT article (free link!!) about the dobbs decision fucking kills me. i keep having to stop. i keep welling up with tears. these 5 justices calculatingly (and at least some of of them, i believe, maliciously) stripped the country of roe v. wade. they turned back the clock and denied millions of people access to safe abortion, to their right to choose, to their bodily autonomy. just because i never had an abortion does not mean that this loss is felt any less keenly.
i find, time and time again, that i do not understand how some people go through this world and their life seemingly looking for ways to harm others. seeking to strip them of their rights. to deny them their humanity. i cannot comprehend how they seem to take glee in punishing people they view as other for the v basic fact that they exist.
this is long and i don't even know what point i'm making except for: i am so grateful for the fact that when i was 18, i had options, and i am so very, very, very fucking sad for the fact that there are 18 year olds today (and 20 year olds, and 28 year olds, and 15 year olds, and 36 year olds, and WHATEVER) who are being denied their right to choose. it's not fair. it isn't right. i want, so desperately, to change this.
and now the plea: please vote. please care. please advocate and donate and protest and be loud and be heard and demand better rights for yourself and others. please consider the courts when you cast your ballot: not just the supreme court, but the lower courts as well. if you don't, there will only be more decisions like this, the consequences of which will continue to ripple out for years on end causing harm to untold numbers of people.
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mantleoflight · 4 months
//Heyyy just a quick heads up that if someone you know is acting odd, out of character, unusually aggressive, or unusually reclusive, be sure to check in on them ok?
//This week has been a really bad week for a lot of my friends - family members dying, friendships falling out, really hard medical problems, a lot of stuff. Sometimes people do really stupid or mean stuff when they're in pain like that. I know I did when I lost a dear friend, Maunder, after my sister got attacked by our family dog and I lashed out unfairly at them because my emotions were too high.
//People can't think when they're in that state, they literally don't have their head on straight. When that happens, it takes patience and a lot of love to take a breath and breathe through the hurt their reactions might have caused and be like "This isn't them usually which means something is wrong and they're acting out because of it".
//Instead of reacting to their lashing out or withdrawal with anger or hurt or offense, take a breath and reach out to see if something happened, are they okay, and why did they do what they did?
//I had a friend delete their entire discord and I got scared thinking I did something to upset them. But I was able to reach out via other mediums (bc we were still mutuals on Tumblr) and ask them if they were alright and if I did something that upset them. It turned out, that something really heavy happened and they couldn't handle anything on discord and deleted their account to escape the pressures Discord folks were putting on them. It had nothing to do with me.
//another friend a long while ago, was posting a lot of vitriolic stuff about themselves (like really self-hating and self-loathing stuff) and things going on unrelated to their blog and I went and asked them what was going on. I don't remember what it was that sent them off, but I know it had to do with a bad breakup and all of their bad feelings toward themselves being vented out on other people - all of which stopped after I talked with them, after I got to the source of the problem.
//I actually did it myself once and lost two dear friends over it. One was over something that happened with my dad and I ended up venting online and hurting my first friend with it, and the second happened after my sister got bit by the family dog and I ended up lashing out at a friend of mine because my internalized panic turned into paranoia and panic spiral. I never meant to hurt them, and I've tried to apologize, but sometimes when you act out, you hurt people even when you didn't mean to. I still wanted to be friends with them even though I had a bad moment with each of them.
//See, People act out when they're in pain - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. And when they act out, it can hurt. But them acting out doesn't define their whole character, and the question then becomes, "is my love for this person bigger than the hurt I'm feeling? Why did they hurt me? Did they mean to? Did they know they hurt me? Did they hurt me because I hurt them by accident? Did they hurt me by accident? How can we make this better? How can we make their hurts feel better? How can we make my hurts feel better? how can we heal our friendship? Can we heal our friendship?
//This takes a lot of communication and bravery. because if someone hurts you, you have to be the one to tell them so you can talk it out. If someone hurt you, you have to tell them and then ask them if they meant to and then work out how you two can make amends and make things better between you two.
//Doing the middleman thing doesn't work. It just makes for bad miscommunication and it stops you from doing the brave thing and confronting the pain of your hurt and the person who gave it to you. You have to be brave. And if you did something wrong, you need to apologize for it and ask what can be done to make amends. Because communication is a 2 way street. you can't have one person do it all. You both have to learn to communicate and do so in good faith toward each other.
//On the flip side, if something is going on, tell someone. If you're hurting and you can't get that hurt energy out, try and talk it out with a friend or family member, just someone. Get it out so you can figure out what's going on. If someone hurt you (especially by accident) or has been making things uncomfortable, go talk to them. Just be like "hey, so, can I talk to you about something? because this thing has been really bothering me" and then tell them what's going on. If the person is a true friend then they'll be able to see what's wrong and you'll be able to talk to them about it.
//If you're the one making folks uncomfortable, accept that yeah, this wasn't okay, and actually look for what you can do to make things better. Better yet, ask. This opens a dialogue between you and them and opens up a way to make things better for both of you, not just the injured party.
//The biggest thing is when both sides are hurt, both sides need to acknowledge that the other side is hurt too. Just because the other party is hurt doesn't negate the fact that you are hurt too. Acknowledge it, acknowledge why you're hurt and why they're hurt, and if you need to apologize, then apologize and see if you can work together to make things okay again and avoid hurting each other in the future.
//because communication isn't just about telling someone something. It's about building and maintaining relationships and deciding where to go with each other from here.
//Nobody wants to hurt other people, but sometimes we do it on accident. Talk to each other about it and try to make a better way/situation for both of you.
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an-obligatory-blog · 3 months
jackal squad hcs since i never shared it outside of discord
under the cut (it's long)
“Not the strongest, but not the weakest-- regardless of our reputation, that was what we were... and I was satisfied with that.”
They were formed after one particular mission: 5 independent mercenaries hired by the same client-- they thought it was funny how they all happened to be jackals even though it was sheer coincidence (hired anonymously).
They didn't form a permanent group right away (though Quatre followed Zero), but they kept in contact and over time they decided to stick together. (Unlike wolves, jackals don't normally form packs and instead hunt alone or in pairs, but small packs of jackals exist, so I'm going off of that!)
(added note: In my world, Infinite's original name was Zero and he changed it after the Jackal Squad was wiped)
Their names are actually codenames from their first mission (except for Zero, though they didn't know that until later). For one reason or another, none of them are attached to their real names and stuck to their number-based names when they are together.
None of them can agree on anything when it comes to food except for maybe one thing. Zero likes sweets. Uno insists that food presentation matters a lot and has a rather fancy palette due to upbringing (which looks really silly when they are camping out in the woods eating jerky). Deux likes booze a bit too much. Trois loves anything spicy (and not normal spicy, like "Carolina Reaper" spicy). Quatre isn't picky, but he kind of hates eating and only sees it as a means to get nutrients. They all like meat (or at least don't hate it) so they usually have that, but if they're somewhere where that isn't accessible, they settle who gets to choose with a fist fight. (Quatre just watches bc he doesn't care, but he always roots for Zero)
Zero was the only one with a significant reputation before they met (which is why he became leader, charisma aside), but he only became known as the Ultimate Mercenary until after the Jackal Squad was formed. It took awhile for Zero to accept this moniker-- his ego was something that was built over time through his squad's constant encouragement/envy
They're known as a group for their overpowering strength with all of them either adept or specializing in close combat, but in actuality, their work involves a lot of prep, aggressive strategy and teamwork, which gives the illusion of unmatched strength. However, this mindset mainly comes into play when they are actually hired for a mission. When they are just scavenging or hunting for something, they default to a normal formation.
Despite their synergy on the field, they aren't super close on a deep level due to all of their personal hang-ups. (Even though Deux and Quatre act as if they were, especially Deux) They are friends in the sense that "friends are people who you're comfortable with and can laugh with", but they're never fully honest with each other when it comes to their deep-seated issues due to their individualistic pride/fear of attachment in a job where death isn't exactly uncommon (and they never do bc they die LMAO, found family but what if they die before they become family amirite). "Comrades" is probably the most apt word with how they rely on each other. Also, none of them are exactly therapist material kek.
Their jobs aren't bound by a strong moral compass (/w some exceptions), which made them attractive for certain clients and facilitated their reputation as a ruthless bunch. To them, they were just following the money trail and when they reject jobs, risk to themselves is usually the reason (if not shitty pay). Jackal Squad didn't craft their rep purposefully, though Zero found it flattering even though he secretly didn't actually believe that they were the strongest mercenaries.
The desire to shake up the world with chaos is a shared sentiment between all of the jackals. After Zero accepted Eggman's offer, he was able to appeal to the rest of the crew successfully because of this
"I'll watch your back, Zero. Keep your eyes forward."
Orange bandana around neck and muted yellow gloves. His voice is flat and about as deep as Zero. Wields throwing knives + dagger. Although all of the squad is capable of first aid, he is the closest thing to a designated "medic"
Stoned-faced stoic, but usually he's just awkward. Very observant.
Meticulous and cleanest of the group. "It reflects character", he says, though he isn't trying to prove that to anyone but himself.
Zero’s second in command since he is the most reliable of the group. If someone forgets something, Uno is usually the one who remembers.
Was raised in a relatively wealthy family (landowners in a desert town near an oasis) before their demise due to poor handling of assets (or whatever, idc how). Left to live on his own and eventually became a freelance/mercenary. Has no interest in restoring the house.
Complicated relationship with parents (though he wishes it was simpler), more negative than positive. They are the reason why his hidden desire is to be useful to someone.
Doesn't have the appearance of a rich kid, but some habits carry over even after years of mercenary work. Deux makes fun of him for this.
"Eats with his eyes" so to speak. The type who would arrange his hardtacks into an aesthetically pleasing composition, take a picture (for himself, not social media), and then eat it.
Least eager to kill in the Jackal Squad
A part of him wishes that he was invisible-- that he was more like a nameless ghost who helps the squad from the shadows rather than a real person who has achievements attached to his name. One of his fears is having a compliment be taken back after failure, so he finds praise difficult to digest-- so he deflects compliments because of that, not faux humbleness.
If he had one wish, it would be to see his parents again, allegedly to "give them what's what". In actuality, he hopes that he'll find them dead for reasons outside of his control. It would feel more like natural karma that way. He doesn't want to kill them.
"You should loosen up every once and awhile, Boss. You only live every moment once."
Orange beret, arms bandaged for aesthetic reasons, wields a tomahawk(?) idk that thing he's holding the rise of infinite comic
The most light-hearted and laidback of the group, a flirt, and encourages his squad mates to enjoy themselves more.
The best at espionage in the group-- is often the one doing the scouting and info gathering for the group
Possibly the most cynical of the group, but during discussion, he tends to take the optimistic Quatre's side to balance each side since Uno and Trois tend to favor realistic or safer solutions (unless Trois felt battle hungry that day, in which case he'll probably side with Uno since Trois and Quatre would be on the same side)
(added note: this would almost always lead Zero to be the tiebreaker, so every time an operation goes well, Zero is always the one credited for each decision despite everyone contributing. This is purposeful on Deux's part)
He used to be in a different squad/pack/group before a leadership dispute teared it apart. Forced to be a pawn by the group's traitors, Deux took advantage of his cheerful, disarming persona to play both sides until he escapes the bloodshed unscathed. It left an impression on him about the fragility of loyalty and how important and difficult it is to maintain harmony in a group
If Uno is a naturally observant person who uses his eyes to find anything that could be useful in a practical sense, then Deux is someone who deliberately trained his eyes to see the yellow/red flags and address them before they escalate. He is sensitive to changes of atmosphere
Has a very “it is what it is” sort of attitude, almost defeatist at times of crisis
He knows how to cook one thing and it's weed brownies. Zero is not amused.
Fond of alcohol, doesn't pressure Zero to drink (who hates anything that messes with his mind), but that doesn't stop him from teasing him for loving sweet, non-alcoholic mocktails like Shirley temple
If he had one wish, it would be for someone to both understand and love him without the condition of him returning those feelings. Not because he wants to manipulate/use/hurt them, but because he no longer thinks he is capable of it and would like to see evidence that he's deserving of it anyways.
“Cowards are the worst. If you fight to kill, you should be prepared to be killed.”
Green vest, fights with brass knuckles. Woman <3
Has a "hot" and a "cold" side. Usually, she is no-nonsense and frosty, but also the most empathetic in the squad even though she buries that part of herself. Her violent side comes out in the heat of battle and makes sure to keep it that way. She calls it "anger management"
If Deux is the type to force himself to be understanding of others to preserve the group, then Trois is the one who represses her understanding side to protect herself. She has to stop herself from helping others in order to preserve her cold persona.
Naturally strong (around… current Amy strength maybe?). There were a few incidents where she punches something too hard out of anger
Loves spicy food a lot, she likes the tingling fire breath pain that comes with the spice
She takes up close quarter combat for the thrill of hurting and being hurt. She tends to smile when she gets really into a fight and to the opponent, it looks really scary. She doesn't enjoy beating down robots as much as people
"If you receive, you should be prepared to give." This phrase was used as a chain to bind Trois down during her childhood. Even after she escapes after being used one too many times, she uses similar words to cast judgment onto her enemies who whine after defeat. Doesn't get enough therapy to question this.
She became a mercenary because she likes to fight and needs money after she left home, but she dislikes following orders, especially from arrogant clients who make unreasonable demands about things they don't understand.
Not particularly afraid of death for better or worse. Her recklessness and aggressive style makes her more prone to injuries out of all the members, but has been proven to be an irreplaceable asset time and time again. Uno tends to clean up after her
She and Zero have that wlw mlm solidarity thing going on lmao, she is probably the one who understands Zero best.
Her wish would be to eat the spiciest pepper on Earth raw. It's a simple wish, but she would be getting something for herself that can't be shared with others (since most would not want it). Unlike Uno and Deux who feel like something is missing in their lives, she feels "whole" despite her issues.
"You are everything I want to be, Boss! I'll follow wherever you want to go!"
Green headband, scar on his muzzle above his nose, wields a green flame-bladed sword-- trains with Zero to learns his sword style from him
Straight-forward, optimistic, and hot-headed at times-- outwardly, he's reminiscent of a shounen protag
The least experienced mercenary of the group and also the youngest, he's kinda like everyone's cute kohai <3
admires Zero ever since their first mission together (not just for his raw skill, but for his perseverance that made it look possible for hard work to mean something)
The first one who voiced his hesitation to follow Eggman, mostly because of his concern for Zero. Was also the quickest to be convinced by Zero
When it comes to self-improvement, he is quite serious about it, especially since he knows that he is the weakest link in the group. Deux and Zero have to remind him to take a break sometimes.
Became a mercenary simply because it was his dream job-- strong, free, and violent
The most resentful of the world in the group aside from Zero, despite what his usual demeanor suggests. He is passionate about what he likes and what he hates no matter what it is
Dislikes eating, drinking, and sleeping on the basis that he can't do anything to change that he needs to do it to live. No one in the group gets it.
If it wasn't obvious, he has a crush on Zero hehe
His wish would be to live in a world where no one is above him. If that were to happen, Zero being his equal is a given in his mind.
(NOTE: These are new if you saw this list on discord) "There is only one sin that holds meaning to a mercenary: weakness."
The leader of the Jackal Squad who wields a red sword. The tactician behind the squad's success
An orphan who was raised by a retired mercenary of great repute. He was taught how to use the sword and was trained as way to cement the mercenary's legacy before he passed away. He disappeared when Zero's progress didn't live up to his expectations. Zero did not try to find him.
Took dangerous jobs at a young age alone for a while. He became infamous because whenever he was in a group, he would always come out as the lone survivor. Still, he still got hired for his high success rate, despite being labeled as "cursed"
The formation of the Jackal Squad was a turning point in his life, and he struggled to open up to them for a long time due to his history with teams, but the squad proved him otherwise. Over time, his mannerisms changed from lifeless and robotic to abrasive and blunt
Is actually kind of laid back for a leader but only because the Jackal Squad as a group is one with little friction
Doesn't believe that he is the "Ultimate Mercenary" but desperately tries to play that role lest he lose everything that he had gained (in his mind)
Better at making connections than he thinks he is
Weak to both praise and failure and tries to conceal it. Success with the squad fed into his fragile arrogance, but any mistake or failure on his part sends him into a spiral.
He loves sweets even though he isn't particularly honest about it. He dislikes things that mess with his mind like alcohol or drugs
Zero is a name he gave himself, not by his mercenary mentor, and to him, that name became intrinsically tied to his identity as the "Jackal Squad's leader". Zero is nothing without his squad. He is uncomfortable with this fact.
Infinite is also a name he gave himself
His attachment to his squad created a strong "us vs the world" mentality
His real talent lied not in his raw strength but analysis-- whether it be assessing the battlefield or assessing the talents of others
He has poor imagination. This carries over to how he uses the Phantom Ruby
After his squad died, he buried all of them with his own hands deep within the forest where no one can find them. He didn't make proper graves-- believing that they wouldn't want their humiliating deaths to be acknowledged and assumed that they'd rather look like they had disappeared. "Zero" is symbolically buried with them.
He hates himself more than he could ever hate Shadow
Infinite was created after Eggman proposed having the Phantom Ruby implemented in him; the capabilities of the Ruby gave him hope
"Zero" resents Shadow, but because "Infinite" is supposed to throw away his past as the Jackal Squad's leader, he (tries) to throw away his hatred towards Shadow as well, taking his insults as face value truths after his breakdown was over.
He wants Shadow alive for the same reason Eggman wants Sonic alive.
After becoming Infinite, he dislikes sharing meals with others
His goal as Infinite is to be the person he promised/wants to be
He doesn't care about being used by Eggman.
He never been to an amusement park before
The Avatar/Gadget reminds him of his past self
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Here's chapter four! This one is a little awkward, I'm not good at writing cases and idk how to solve them so i kept the case out of it as much as possible 😂 but we get a cameo from Max! In my head the CB radio is bc obviously walkie talkies are the parties main mode of communication but obviously that wouldn't work over several states but they're jaded from government spying so they don't wanna use cellphones. So Dustin and Lucas rigged up a CB that can do that! Idk if that possible but hey sci-fi.
I'll probably be adding this to ao3 soon bc I finished writing chapter five, I will continue to post over here unless people just tell me they want to link for each new chapter instead of the whole one
As always here's chapter 3 if you missed it!
Eddie Munson is acutely aware of the fact that she did not go to and graduate the FBI academy, or any academy for that matter. Honestly, she hadn't been worried about it until Hotch sent her and JJ to talk to the families of the victims and she quickly realized that she had zero idea of what she was doing.
"Mrs. Barlow, I know how difficult this is for you, but any information you can give us can help." They were seated across Lucy's sister-in-law, the one that had reported her missing and the woman was crying into a tissue at her kitchen table.
The woman took a shuddering breath and nodded, "Okay."
JJ glanced to the side in an awkward way and cleared her throat, "Was Lucy involved in drugs, in anyway?"
Tammy- the sister in law grimaced and nodded, "She had problems as a teenager but she was sober! I met her brother when she was 25 and she was already 2 years clean. Why? Do you think someone from her past did this?"
JJ leaned forward and as gently as possible broke the news that Lucy's cause of death was of a heroin overdose. Eddie flinched as the effect of the words was immediate.
"How dare you?! Lucy was sober! She wouldn't give that up after this long!" Eddie leaned forward and clapsed Tammy's hand before she could jump to her feet.
"Ma'am, I understand that this is difficult and that Lucy took great pride in her sobriety. She was probably a sponsor for other people too right?" At Tammy's nod Eddie smiled and continued, "We aren't suggesting that Lucy willingly took these drugs and I know that by you entertaining our questions it seems like you are letting Lucy down, but Tammy we need your help. There is another woman missing and the clock is ticking for us to find her before someone else gets hurt."
JJ and Eddie held their breath waiting for Tammy's response, hoping they weren't about to be kicked out.
After what felt like an eternity Tammy slumped in her chair and raised a hand to her face, "Okay, what do you need to know?"
At JJ's encouraging look, Eddie continued the questions. "Was there a recent event in Lucy's life that could make a dealer able to lure her somewhere? A breakup? Maybe a job loss?" They watched as Tammy pressed a hand to her mouth and let out another sob before nodding, "She had just broken up with her girlfriend of 8 years, Lucy had discovered she was having an affair."
JJ and Eddie quickly finished up their interview before leaving the house, not wanting to make the family's grief worse.
2 hours later they were walking into the station to update everyone on what they had found out.
"Lucy Barlow was a recovering heroin addict and had been sober for 11 years and had just recently found out her girlfriend of 8 years was having an affair." JJ smoothly took over for Eddie, "Andrea Lakes has been a sober alcoholic for the last 7 years and just recently got laid off from her law firm. They were both sponsors too."
The others were silent as they took in the new connection the girls had found out from the families.
"So the unsub might have been able to lure them away to a secondary location using the promise of drugs and alcohol?"
"After five years the chance of a relapse decreases to 15%." Reid said contradicting Morgan's theory, but making Eddie perk up.
"You're right, with all of the years of sobriety breaking it is uncommon, but not unheard of and both of them were sponsors for many other people. What if they were going to meetings? New people are coming and going to those all of the time, it wouldn't be unusual to see new faces and with both of them sponsors, approaching these new people would be expected."
They spent the next couple of hours bouncing ideas and leads around the room before Hotch called it a night, leading them back to the hotel.
Hotch talked at the front desk for close to 5 minutes before sullenly walking back to the group.
"So there is apparently a cheer competition in town and they are running low on rooms. We're going to have to pair up." The group groaned before getting into usual pairs when they realized they were uneven with Eddie on the team now.
Hotch grimaced realizing that he was going to have to put her with one of the guys, or make one of the girls share a bed.
"Are you comfortable sharing with Reid or would you rather share a bed with one of the other girls?" He questioned making Eddie shrug, obviously unconcerned.
"I've slept in worse conditions than having to listen to Spencer snore. Can't be worse than Russia in December." The snoring comment made Reid squawk in protest before everyone jumped on the Russia comment, complaining when Eddie wouldn't give up any more info on the walk to the rooms.
Spencer was startled awake a few hours later by a loud bang. He rolled over in bed and went to reach for the bedside lamp when he saw Eddie's silhouette at the lit up window instead of in bed.
"Eddie?" He questioned, sleep roughing up his voice.
"It was just a car backfiring, Spence, go back to sleep." She murmured back not turning away from the window. Spencer watched as she palmed something into her pocket, a silver flash of something before it disappeared.
Spencer glanced around the room, taking note of the chair pulled back from the table in the corner and an old CB radio with weird wires and a pack attached sitting on the table.
Spencer was debating if he should say something when the radio crackled to life.
"Eddie?" A whispered female voice came thru the speaker and Spencer saw Eddie glance at him as he hurriedly shut his eyes, hoping she thought he had just gone back to sleep.
"I'm here Max."
He heard her whisper and the same voice whispered something he couldn't quite make out back before he really did fall back asleep.
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