#bcuz i Will forget who u are if both happen
ca-suffit · 2 months
I have a kind of dumb disorganized question. Do you think we’ll revisit the reasoning for the San Francisco memory alteration in season 3? I might be just missing something but I don’t think there’s actually an established reason for Armand altering Louis memory? I tend to think we’re all in alignment that Armand made the edit for both Louis and Daniel, (again showcasing how the power dynamics in Loumand are kind of deceptive - Armand is just much more powerful than Louis both socially in the world and as a vampire) but I’m just not sure what the reasoning is?
I saw a kind of interesting post out in the wild proposing that Louis actually did ask Armand to alter that memory and while I think that’s interesting in the abstract, I can’t divorce the race/power dynamics angles that would call into question (delegitimizating what Louis has been through). Which brings me back to, for a number of reasons I do think the intended read is Armand erased the memory from Louis’ mind without his knowledge. But I’m back to the question of why? It kind of seems like Loumand is in the same spot before and after the mind wipe to me, is there another layer here I missed?
I think we'll learn more about it somewhere in the show as it progresses, yes, cuz it's too big of a mystery to leave unanswered.
this is sort of an aside before I get into it, but I keep thinking of the extent of these powers. we don't know a lot about it still. armand seems aware that recollection is possible, bcuz he's not ttly surprised when he sees that daniel and louis have remembered stuff. so I think it's interesting why he chose that moment and not others and I'm still piecing together thoughts about it as a whole.
anyway tho. this is potentially a headcanon as my answer, so remember that bcuz I'm def not trying to say this is "the" answer. I have no idea fr.
armand's "explanation" in 2x6 could be a whole post itself but that's sort of ot so I'm just going with what the "truth" was otherwise for so long. let's look at the phrasing of it.
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armand doesn't forget that louis thought daniel was "fascinating." he also didn't forget what louis said it meant for their relationship that he stay alive. if we consider that armand has awareness that memories might partially or fully return, placing himself as responsible for seeing the "fascinating" qualities in daniel first and "saving" him from louis makes him look better than what rly happened. without the actual audio from that time period, neither of them prbly would have remembered the rly "bad" parts. I'm gonna guess armand knows this too as he's shown unwinding tapes (I know they're not *the* tapes but still, the visual is there for a reason....alongside editing claudia's diaries too) and obviously this part of the interview was *not* kept to the og version anyone had access to that he was aware of.
assad said in an interview (sry I forget which one rn) that armand is thrown off when he speaks to louis about turning madeleine. when louis kisses him and then walks away, like he could walk away at any moment from the whole relationship and be fine without it. armand in the show says he'd be "nothing" without louis. I'm not sure when it starts exactly but there is a point where armand puts himself in the position of always knowing what's "best" for louis. it's a subtle manipulation and not what louis was used to from lestat. it gives the illusion of being cared for by someone who loves u instead of being controlled. armand knows that louis thinks he's boring so he has to do something to create a world where he isn't....or at least where louis thinks highly of him for *something.*
I always saw a lot of daniel paralleling jonah in this. both of them live to old age even tho their existence is painful to some of the most powerful vampires who could have killed them in a second. killing either of them would drive the wedge between them (lestat and armand) and louis even further tho, and they both know that. it also won't fix the issue. ya ok so jonah *did* have more of a history with louis before that moment than daniel did but it's still the same thing of "why do u feel this for someone else and not me? what is wrong with *me* that we don't have this?" especially cuz both points of interest are humans compared to vampire partners. lestat prbly kept tabs on jonah his whole life too.
so that's as much as I've had thoughts on this anyway. idk if it helps.
oh also ia and I don't think louis would ask to erase anything either. this is a man who keeps pebbles in his ankles to remember claudia's death. louis is so full of catholic guilt that there's no way that man would ask to forget *anything* that hurts him.
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
Why do you not like Alex from BB, like in your opinion, what do you think is wrong with him and how would you fix him.
this is such a complicated question bcuz there isnt anything wrong with him as a CHARACTER he's not unfunny or annoying or anything its just like. okay its very clear that around season eight the writers realized that gene didnt have any friends his own age at school and didnt have ANY male friends he hung out with (not counting peter here bcuz we dont see him in very many episodes although im sure they're casual friends) he really only spends time with his sisters and their friends. they decided that they needed to give him a friend in his grade which would be FINE except they just like introduced him out of nowhere as a way to give gene a Masculine Male Friend and it wasnt like a character we've seen gene previously interact with or a background character he becomes closer with. like yeah technically they did the same thing with courtney but that was in SEASON THREE so it made more sense to introduce new classmates bcuz we hadn't spent a lot of time at their school yet and didnt know everybody. its completely out of nowhere and theyre just immediately like yes we're best friends now. and the next episode everybody acts like alex has been there the whole time. and yeah things can happens off screen but that excuse doesnt really work when THE WRITERS KNOW THAT THIS IS AN ANIMATED TV SERIES AND OFF SCREEN DOESNT ACTUALLY EXIST it just feels like such a forced relationship that they did purely bcuz they felt like they needed to and not because it was natural for gene's character development or personality and that annoys me
personally i think there were many better ways to introduce a best friend if they wanted to do that (maybe courtney or peter both kids we already know gene is friends with in his grade) or a new kid at school who gene shows around and spends time with over a few episodes (like tina and tammy except not awful) either way u NEED to give their relationship more time to develop. louise and rudy are a great example of this bcuz they werent best friends right away. they casually hung out with each other over a period of time in different episodes and then EVENTUALLY them being closer makes sense bcuz u can tell they really bonded over their adventures vs with gene and alex its like okay here are these two characters they're best friends now. there isnt even chemistry between them if im being honest
yeah i would either introduce him way earlier in the show and give him more episodes where he's casually around gene or use another previously existing background character and give them a few episodes together. honestly i stand by my opinion that peter would've worked really great in alex's place bcuz they already interacted in multiple episodes and were in a band together
as for NOW there isnt really anything they could do to fix alex or make me like him i just think he was a poor writing decision and i would rather they just forget about him tbh
on a personal note in school i was best friends with a kid who reminds me of gene (except a lot quieter and more introverted. very sweet kid) and he didnt have any male friends he exclusively hung around girls (and mee :3) and he grew up to be a gay effeminate fat man so it feels almost like they're trying to erase certain aspects of gene's personality and make him less i dont know uhh gnc in that specific way and make him more of a stereotypical nerd which he has NEVER been. i dont think that was their intention but that kinda rubs me the wrong way too
there isnt anything wrong with liking alex or his character Personally i do not enjoy episodes with him in them and i feel like he was mostly a bad writing decision but luckily they dont bring him into episodes too often (although they didnt seem too interested in using secondary characters at all in season thirteen so who knows)
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tiredrobin-scooted · 3 years
ohhh hey nebulous-rain im not gonna @ tag u because. gestures. we are Currently not mutuals bcuz ur icon freaks my bean and this isnt me asking u to change and nor am i complaining, it its jsut an explanation, if u at all noticed or. cared? i hardly remember who im mutuals with so idk how important it was to u. yes im posting this publicly and not sending u a message or an ask . the reason is the aforementioned bean-freaking . thats also why im not @’ing you bcuz i jsut dont wanna see the icon im babymode about it forgive me sexy
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moonkisseddelight · 2 years
Jay's relation with his members
*I'm a beginner in tarot and still learning. Please take this reading as a grain of salt. For entertainment purposes only. No hate towards the artist. Hope you enjoy💕❤️
Hmm, so they have this business/work relation with each other(strictly work/business vibes). I feel like Jay feels that Heeseung should consider saving money and be careful with finances too. He also feels that Heeseung is successful business partner of his. Ohk now I get why I got cards that represent only business/finance so, they probably had a fight and that has caused them both to be cold towards each other (let's not forget that as friends, fights are pretty normal and bound to happen+both have a huge ego, so it may take time to solve it)
Very childish and cool friendship, they balance each other and get along pretty well. They are very harmonious (y'all our jaywon is sailing). Both feel like they need to be careful with finances and are going through a financial crisis (eh, I feel like belift ain't paying enough to our boys). They see each other as loyal and trustworthy friends who are charismatic af(I mean, where's the lie🤥). They're hoping that their tough times will get over soon(God, please help them🥺).
Soo... They're great friends but also don't have enough trust in each other (dw, they're still young and their friendship is still new,ig). They're there to help each other both emotionally and financially and feel comfortable with eachother. I feel like they wanna get more close with each other and are willing to take steps to do so but it's going to take time. Ohk so 2 scenarios I got: 1)if they decide to work on their friendship, they'll have great abundance and good luck.2) if they don't, they might have more fights,scandals!?(😶 idk why I got it in the cards, sorry)
Ooh, they feel like they're very creative and good at whatever they do. They feel like they can confine in eachother but sometimes feel awkward as they don't want to burden each other. They're kinda confused rn and feel burnt out because of the schedule ig?! But dw, they love each and think of each other in high regard. Ohk so they might have clashes bcuz of they're difference in opinions and way they see things( ofc, u can't expect everything to be perfect)
Very pure friendship gives really good vibes ngl. They're like yin and yang☯️, balancing eachother out. They're the 'it' friends that know how to respect each other but also be there for eachother (*sob* this is so cute💖🥰). Oh, they're graduated together and feel very good and happy. They feel like they're not able to portray their friendship in front of the camera and that makes them feel a bit sad. But overall they have this cute and balanced friendship.
They have this 'Dad-son' friendship. Jay feels the need to take care of Niki as he's still young and naive and on the other hand Niki might feel that he can do things on his own. Now,this is the cause of the problem their Dad-son dynamic has its shadow side too i.e if they don't talk their feelings out,it's going to lead to conflicts (It's bcuz Jay has this affectionate side and Niki feels like its burdening and not really necessary). But... Once they understand each other and look past this, they'll have a stable, long-term loyalty towards each other.
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cooloddball · 3 years
Someone submitted something in my inbox and they wanted to remain anonymous. Since this is an extremely long essay, I will put it under the cut. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
xxx submitted: hey, i was the one who ask what do you think of Misha and Jensen's current relationship First off all thank you for your answear it means much to me cause im easy to be convice and this person who keep telling me that they are no longer friends can be so convicing, so I'm actully trying to forget what she said 😅 so I'm just writing a few. she said that since they no longer work together, they will forget about each other, and do their common things like the gay jokes, face touches ect. With other people, and neglect each other, don't talk to each other, and then meet new people who will replace the other. And and she talked about the gish thing, she said she sure they didn't talk since the end of the series, because Jensen didn't know where Misha was and Misha didn't know about the Radio Company vol 2 (but i saw people say that, they were just pretending, because Misha liked something about Radio Company Vol 2, before the gish live, so in theory he already knew then or something like that) and She said Misha wrote a poem about Darius not Jensen and now I will write down what she sent me : I saw a post about Jensen's current activities on social media, and I've come to the conclusion the only person he doesn't interact with is mish. Sadly this makes my break up theory even stronger. I feel like this is a goodbye to one of the biggest parts of my life. They've moved on from "uk what I haven't told you today? That i love u"+ from "miss my only jensen" from "i love u misha i mean it from the bottom of my heart" from "jensen has no flaws" from "misha is the funniest thing ever happened to me" from all that love and affection from everything they developed together and now they're apart leaving their lives like nothing happened and call me a dramatic but they both have the same energy now as someone has after a big break up. and Jensen comments on almost every of his friend’s post except Misha’s"+ Jenmish is genuinely the best thing that has ever happened in my entire life. I owe them literally everything. They're the reason i hold on. Unfortunately on this essay i have to start using past tense verbs for them, and i have to continue on that. I don't know for how long y'all been in spn fandom. But even if u joined one year before the show ended you'd know how close and intimate jensen and misha were. Everything about them was unmatched.+ The chemistry and how they just fit eachother. They had always been all over eachother. Like they were holding on eachother for dear life. They completed eachother and were like world's most powerful thing. They were the definition of soulmatism. No matter where, they ALWAYS kept interacting with eachother. Each possible tweet or insta post. On cons that the other wasn't there, the other one would bring up the othere's name for no absolute reason. +The looks and repeated love confessions. How invested they were both into eachother. The family they had built together cuz we know how close dee and mish are (look all the charity work they've been doing together recently). There are youtube videos to proof everything I've said so far.When i say break up, my real intention is that they've grown apart. Everything started in the the third or forth month of pandemic. Before than jensen used to interact +(comment mostly) on almost all of misha's posts. But after a while everything just stopped. At first personally didn't care that much. Bcuz I believed too much in them that I thought not even the gods above could separate them. I told myself maybe they spend long hours chatting or video calling and that's why online public interactions are gone. But as it passed it almost diminished to zero. Except some likes from jackles and eventual ones from misha there weren't anything else.+ We got absolutely no content and the show went off too. We were helpless and were sticking to everything we had Dee had a big social media shot down, so as jensen. Misha was busy with the election. We got some interviews for it with all of them. But we didn't get much.except remember both of them pulling a bff
move. and texted eachother during an online con where everyone else were dead-serious about politics? That flickered something in me. That showed me that+ they can't ever possibly let eachother go. And the times everyone else were talking and these too would just talk random things together (the one jackels had a white hat on with stacy abraham).And then Misha posted that for jensen's bday We really overlooked it. That shit was too intimate. To close. Fav march baby? U just don't go around and called ur bestie baby and when u mean it deeply. Especially not when ur friend is jensen ackles the "I suffered form internalized homophobia my whole life+ but fuck my wife's an angel and i have an angel bf too and another angel which is his wife but I'd rather die than come out cuz my asshole dad pulled a John winchester on me". It doesn't work like that. But uk how mish is. Carefree and open. I believe they got into a fight bcuz of this. He didn't even like the post. AND that was when the tiny bit of interactions we had was gone too. For a while jensen didn't even liked his posts. After a month it started again.What made me finally believe in that they had grown too+ far: I still remember the night misha posted that he and jensen were going to have a con for gish together. I remember how hard I cried. Lile the whole world was given to me. But deep down in my heart I knew that something would definitely happen. It didn't sit right with me and unfortunately my senses never lie to me. Jensen showed up at the wrong time bcuz of misunderstanding the time zones (this was HILARIOUS). That's not even my point.+ I've seen that interview 3 times so far. It always reminds me of when i saw my ex at a party and we were both so thrilled to see eachother and we still loved the other dearly, but we just couldn't work it out. Jensen and Misha's expressions were EXACTLY the same. The genuine smiles and longs pauses were they just stared at eachother. I'm so happy that it was online cuz if they actually gave that looks to eachother standing right next to the other one I would've collapsed. Misha didn't know that jensen's album+ was out. And he got so embarrassed when he found it out. He didn't know that jensen was on set and hadn't been home for 8weeks. Jensen had no idea where misha was. And this means that they hadn't talked in a long long time.When you're that close with someone for more than a decade, i mean THAT close, even if u're separated from eachother you'd at least check on the once a week, or at least once in two weeks. But it was vividly clear that they hadn't. I hate how this world works. They would always be in my heart.+ I would be thankful from them for everything. It hurts, and it won't stop and im so sure I'd be carrying this pain for a long time. They mean too much to a lot of us. Sometimes I think to myself that god i love them so much. Remember in 2019 when we used to get SO many jenmishdee interactions? That was LIT. It was THEE year for us. I hope they're doing good. I really do. I hope we don't get more proofs and I won't have to update this thread. Cuz my heart won't be taking it very+ well.Something i gotta add U may say that Jensen's busy and that's why he doesn't comment. But he comments on a lot of jared and his new costar's posts. So that's no excuse. So yeah that's it. I don't know what am I supposed to think. english isn't my native language, so sorry for the mistakes
Here is my response:
I don't know who this person who has been talking to is but I have to say they seem to be project their previous relationship experience on cockles.
I believe Jensen and Misha are okay and are together. Social media likes and comments don't mean anything. I mean it's not like Jensen or Misha used to comment on each other's posts before. Jensen didn't even wish Dee Happy Mother's Day this year, does that mean they are not together anymore? Nope. He has other best friends he has known for over 20 years like Jason Manns, Steve Carlson etc that he doesn't wish happy birthday, does that mean they are not friends anymore.
Please let's not put value on social media likes. I don't even follow my own family on sm and I don't always like or comment on my bf's or bff's posts on sm. So it doesn't mean anything.
As for the Gish Panel, I have talked about it before, the time Jensen was slotted to attend the panel, he was meant to answer fan questions. I honestly believe they decided to not do it at that time because they knew the questions would be about Destiel and not their new projects. If you watched that panel, Misha knew that Jensen's album was out as I pointed out. He was just trying to promote the album and soldier boy. He knew Jensen had also buffed out. It was all to promote Jensen. Anything else you hear is trolls and antis just being loud. Also don't forget Jensen called him "babe".
If Jensen and Misha weren't okay, he wouldn't have attended or participated all those panels Misha organized especially for Gish. Danneel also posts a lot about RA and likes Misha's posts. I am 100% Misha visited the Ackles when he went to Colorado last month.
Stop listening to trolls and/or antis or just people who are projecting and look at facts.
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after reading the bee chapter i think oc will go back to gyu , i got soft for tyun this chapter but im still team gyu
and yeah I realized how most of ppl ignored the fact that murder is a crime u r literally taking the other person’s life!! but they draw the line on rape so if we wanna talk abt who’s awful tyun is the one cuz he killed a lot of ppl and that’s my point of view and the most rational thing that someone could realise * and im not saying that rape isn’t a crime it is an awful one* but gyu did this just one time and he felt guilty for it every single day after losing oc and he didn’t do it bcuz he’s a horny ass bitch he did it bcuz he was stupid and childish thinking it would make him keep oc , unlike tyun who has been killing since forever
still love tyun but i would rather go back to gyu
anyways the scene i wanna have in next chapter is the same one that ive sent it to u and u didn’t post it cuz it was already gonna be there , but the other scene is gyu giving oc a what she wants after teasing her cuz he’s desperate too and missed u so bad
i think people forgive tyun for killing because it's justified. like jaeyun is a traitor and in most countries that is punishable by death. my problem with the execution was the public spectacle of it and him making kai do it even though 1) he's not qualified and has never done it, and 2) that's literally his best friend and it's super fucked up to force him to hack his head off. that's what i feel like people are overlooking because they like him and feel bad for him. all the killings he's ordered has been justified (except maybe for the guards in the beach scene but again that's a necessary casualty)
killing can be justified but rape can't because you can kill someone for the right reasons but there is no right reason to rape someone. it was purely for a selfish reason on gyu's part. even if he didn't do it for pleasure, he still enjoyed it in the moment and he did it to force her to stay. so i get why people don't forgive him. i don't as well even though i'm rooting for him lol confusing i know but again this is only in a fictional capacity
also i feel like rape incites more of an emotional reaction from people than even killing? also also because the rape happened to "us" while the killing happened to unimportant characters. don't forget that gyu also killed people
anywaaaaay i was just explaining why people hate gyu while they love tyun. i personally love both but i favor gyu like you
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scourge-sympathiser · 3 years
dont worry abt needing to add anything i just wanna share this idea b4 i forget it but also i dont rlly know any1 who likes warriors so,,,
okay i saw a little animation on utube about fallen leaves and while i was reading up on his wiki it hit me
in outcast, after jaypaw has been having dreams about fallen n his death, n after meeting him while looking 4 the missing kits in the tunnels, fallen asks him to stay but jay declines.
what if, unhappy w/ being forced to be a medcat, and wanting to live his *own* life he accepts? and a similar thing to what happened to holly happens where the cave entrance collapses (whether fallen and jay had smth to do with it or it was just convenient, idk), n everyone thinks that jay died saving these kits. but really hes living his best life in the caves. fallen teaches him how to hunt and fight well, bc the caves are dark, 's not like you can see very well even if you weren't blind.
and jay starts having the dreams where he's jay's wing, back in the ancients time, and its a little different where instead of having a crush on halfmoon he (jay's Wing) had a crush on fallen before fallen died in the caves. and thats why jay brings up the idea to leave to the mountains. and when he ends up back in the present he realizes that he once again has a crush on fallen.
and fallen remembers, or recognizes jay as jay's wing and is like "oh... Oh!" and realizes he also, once again, has a crush. and so jay choses that as his full name. Jaywing.
jay starts walking in dreams and having visions of The Battle, and at this point its been a couple of years at this point, the whole thing w/ ashfur happened and the gathering where holly tells after killing ash happens, and jay finds out through holly's dreams, bc shes projecting her own fears, anger, and insecurities hard while she sleeps. and that really makes jay upset but then he talks w/ fallen and comes to the conclusion that it doesnt matter who his real parents were, bramble and squirrel are still his parents to him.
eventually with the battle looming on the horizon, and rock urging him to go, he leaves the caves. and returns to thunderclan. n fallen can follow him due to his powers, and at first the clan think jay is a rogue or loner, but its dove who has Never seen him before who mentions that he's blind just from observing how carful he puts his paws down that everyone freezes before going "jay???"
and oh mouse dung, hes no longer a grumpy, scrawny medcat apprentice. he's still on the shorter side but he filled out, muscle no one thought he'd have ripples beneath his coat, he's as strong as a *warrior*. and has the skills as one, too. he can hunt and fight as well as the rest of them, its almost like he isn't blind when he's actually in the zone. but he still bumps into things n trips over roots or uneaven ground.
and yeah the Battle happens and he's out there, using his starsight to fight along side fallen leaves, until the battle is won and fallen reunites with his family, and is torn between staying with jay in the caves and actually going where hes supposed to. jay tells him to go, he'll be okay, and to wait for him.
but wait, if cats can be reincarnated and have powers... why can't the tribe of endless hunting and starclan let him properly live where he left off? so hes given another chance and put back into the tunnels with a physical form, and meets jay again and joins him in thunderclan.
idk thats what i have sorry abt rambling!!
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ok actually i kinda lov this? im a suckr 4 ghost romance & jay being like ok actually fuck yall........... i would perhapz move the kit thing a little further down the timeline so tht jay is a bit older tho, maybe
like the idea tht part of why fallen asked for him to stay waz a hint of fimiliarity tht just growz & one day he just like... Seez it on jayz face whn he wakez up from a dream about the ancients- or like maybe jay callz him by a nickname from timez long since passed, tht kinda thing? on one hand im like yea on the other the trope of "i like u bcuz u remind me of a dead personi loved" isnt my fav but like a little sprinkle isnt bad
interesting 2 think of wht would happen 2 hollyleaf with her escape into the cavez long since blocked off by both rockz n the truma of loosing a sibling.... like, doez she stay in the clanz? might be fun if she ended up living in the field tht crow & leaf once tried 2 leave thru, but also he awkwardly still being in thunderclan..... lov tht
n well i just Cannot care about the battle i do LOV jaywing coming out of the tunnelz just likle hai guyz whtz up :3 as if he didnt fake his own death.... also the idea of jay using his dreamwalking ability 2 just check up on his family & see how thy r like. Doing
idk about fallen coming back with a body bcuz tht seemz like more thn starclan or endless hunting could do but also it would be VERY VERY weird 4 fallen 2 come back w/ the regular method of being reborn a kit.......... pursonaly i think it would be fun for him 2 stay a ghost but no longer be attached 2 the cave system- instead just exploring & hanging out with jay who can alwayz sense his presence- other catz somtimez catch glimpsez but hez not like. very tangible most timez.... many catz think jay probably just lost it a little in the tunnelz, not tht he rly goez around like hey evry1 herez my ghost make he just talkz 2 himself, laughz at seemingly nothing, tht kinda thing
..... honest 2 god didnt mean 2 add this much im holding myself back, evn,
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A Percabeth AU where they keep their relationship secret in fear of what their parents might think. (Warning: this goes over both PJO and HoO so it's very long):
The beginning of TLT goes as it should but after Percy is claimed, Annabeth is suddenly meaner and colder.
He remembers the Poseidon/Athena rivalry but doesn't see why they have to hate each other bcuz of their parents.
But Annabeth doesnt relent.
They still go on the quest together bcuz "you are so going to fail without a daughter of Athena."
But they still argue a lot and give poor Grover a satyr migraine.
When they have that bonding moment on the truck, Percy thinks maybe they're sorta friends, but Annabeth proves that wrong later by calling him a "Seaweed Brain" bcuz he's so stupid.
Percy fires back with "Wise Girl" but Annabeth seems to take that as more of a compliment than an insult.
(He doesn't stop calling her that tho)
After Luke betrays Percy, Annabeth's the one that found him after the dryads and she drags him to the infirmary but completely denies caring about him afterwards.
By SoM, Percy is so done with this and goes over to her asking if they could be friends.
Annabeth, who actually would like to be his friend, agrees with reluctancy, saying, "We have to keep it a secret though, or who knows what our parents might do."
Percy agrees.
Grover knows they're friends now cuz of the empathy link, but doesn't say anything.
In TTC, when Annabeth falls off the cliff, he blames himself more than ever, bcuz if they hadn't been fake arguing she might not have been distracted and fallen.
Thalia blames him even more too, and he has to keep his cover and can't tell her he knows it's all his fault.
Nico asks if Annabeth is Percy's girlfriend.
He says no, but he has a funny feeling in his heart.
He goes to the attic to ask the Oracle about Annabeth.
It doesn't answer.
When he thinks Artemis is about to ask Annabeth to join the Hunters, he knows he has to tell her something, even if it meant blowing their cover.
He breathes a sigh of relief when Artemis asks Thalia, and Annabeth is waiting for him to talk with narrowed eyes as if trying to figure out what he wants to say.
He chokes. (~Like doesn't say his feelings, not actually choke lol~)
In BotL, they are totally going out on a secret unofficial movie date but ofc the fiasco with Kelli at Goode happens.
Annabeth gets really jealous when Rachel appears. (Especially since Rachel has more opportunity to go out with Percy bcuz Annabeth and Percy have to pretend to hate each other.)
Percy, ofc, does not realize why in Hades she's acting like she really hates him even though they're in private.
At camp, they're playing Capture the Flag when they stumble on an entrance to the Labyrinth.
They go down to hide from monsters and end up stuck.
It's so dark Annabeth grabs his hand to keep from being separating. (~this is canon, they were holding hands I checked~)
When they find their way back out, it appears almost an hour had gone by when they were sure they were down for a couple minutes.
The campers were searching for the two of them and are immediately suspicious when they find the two alone. Together.
But they forget about that when Clarisse comes and asks about the "hole" they fell into and Annabeth suggests they continue talking in private.
It is then that Annabeth, Percy, Grover, and Tyson go on their quest.
When Annabeth and Percy reach Mount St. Helens they are quickly found out.
Percy tells Annabeth to escape saying he has a plan. (He really doesn't)
She kisses him. (~whaaaaaaaat~)
When she leaves, Percy apparently decides to cause a volcano to erupt. (~ya he doez~)
He lands on Ogygia, while Annabeth, thinking he is dead, goes back to camp, alone.
When she returns, they ask where Percy, Grover, and Tyson are but she refuses to say anything.
They realize what happened.
They have a burning of the shroud ceremony where she doesn't say anything, sitting, her face emotionless, but her heart in turmoil as she listens to Chiron.
That's when Percy crashes the funeral.
Annabeth is outraged.
It's really because she was head over heels with worry and grief (while he's off with sOmE imMorTal gOdDeSs) but she can't let anyone know that.
She is certainly not happy when Rachel joins their quest.
(Percy still doesn't get it.)
Before TLO, they are playing Capture the Flag, and the two are on opposite sides. (~in The Demigod Files, the story they find Festus for the first time in~)
Annabeth and Silena capture Percy and Beckendorf and the boys suffer an utter loss. (Were the myrmekes part of the plan? They'll never know.)
Beckendorf and Silena totally know they like each other no matter how much Percy and Annabeth fake it and try to get one of them to ask each other to the Independence Day firework show.
Annabeth does end up asking Percy and they watch the fireworks secretly next to the woods so no one sees them.
They hold hands or something else just as cute idk.
In TLO, when the Battle of Manhattan starts, everyone is surprised when Annabeth let's Percy take the lead.
When she takes the blade for Percy she says it was bcuz "I didn't know it was him!"
"So you would take a blade for anyone if it wasn't Percy?"
But by this time everyone secretly ships Percabeth so no one questions it.
After the war, Percy gives up immortality mostly for her but only those two know it. (And maybe Grover).
Annabeth asks him to meet her in the woods and when he does, she brings him a lumpy blue-colored cake which Tyson helped make. (Bcuz of course Tyson knows that they're secretly friends but Grover told him not to tell anyone).
They kiss, duh.
But then a monster comes out from the woods and they don't want to fight it after they just had a war so they run.
They end up by the lake and Percy pulls Annabeth in to get away from the monster.
Cue best underwater kiss ever.
They date in secret for two months but Percy's mom knows.
When Percy goes missing, Annabeth freaks.
She searches for him everywhere and if anyone asks why she's searching so hard for someone she doesn't even like, she just replies, "He probably just disappeared bcuz it's his turn to do the camp chores and I will not let him slack off," or "Who else am I supposed to use for target practice???"
(None of the campers who'd been in the Titan war buy it.)
In SoN, the only thing Percy remembers is Annabeth, but for some reason, he has this instinct to not tell anyone about her so he doesn't.
In MoA she still judo flips him and acts all mad (which she is) but he still laughs it off and says all sarcastic, "Oh, did the smartass daughter of Athena miss me?"
But he missed her too.
When they go to eat lunch Annabeth and Percy excuse themselves to "go to the bathroom" but they really snuck off to have their own private reunion.
"I missed you so much, Seaweed Brain. Don't ever disappear like that again."
"I'm sorry, Wise Girl. I missed you too."
Later, when Annabeth and Percy sneak off to the Pegasi stables on the Argo II and sleep next to each other.
Frank finds them.
They swear they didn't do anything and threaten Frank into silence.
He can never look at them the same way again though.
When Annabeth has to get the Athena Parthenos, Percy paces the deck of the Argo but says he's not worried about a daughter of Athena.
When she finally gets the statue, he goes down to meet her but she trips and falls into the Pit.
He catches her, but now he's hanging on a ledge.
"Percy, let me go. You can't pull us both up." She whispers, knowing they're too low for the others to hear.
"We're staying together. You're not getting away from me. Never again." He whispers back.
"As long as we're together."
At least in Tartarus, they don't have to pretend they don't absolutely, utterly love each other.
In Blood of Olympus, Percy, Annabeth, and Piper are walking underground to the monster's base in the Parthenon when they see a trident mark in the ground.
Annabeth says it's the place where Poseidon struck the ground.
At this point, Percy turns to Piper and asks, "Can you keep a secret?"
Piper nods.
That's when Percy kisses Annabeth.
When he pulls away, he says, "This is where the rivalry ends….for us, at least."
Piper acts surprised but on the inside she is rAGING bcuz now Leo owes her ten bucks but she can't tell him.
After the Giant war they consider telling their friends, but they're not sure…
Idk how to end this just keep going
Sort of a bonus:
The Hephaestus and Athena cabins worked together to make everyone monster-proof phones (which also correct their dyslexia) and Annabeth and Percy use them all the time to text each other and no one knows.
Jason asks Percy to come to a cafe with some of the others, and Annabeth and Percy are texting the whole time.
Their convo goes something like this:
'hey Annabeth, me, Jason, Frank and some of the others r going to that cafe on 31st street'
'*Jason, Frank, some of the others and I' 'Really? Piper, Hazel, and I are going there too. They mentioned Jason, Frank, and Leo might be there, but not you.'
'weird, they didn't say anything about u either' 'hey wait a sec, Jason's texting on some gc called Operation Get Them Together' 'the other guys' phones r ringing everytime he sends something…'
'What? Operation Get Them Together???'
'Oh no.'
'what??? Annabeth????'
'They're trying to set us up.'
'wdym set us up'
'I MEAN, they're TRYING to get us TO GET TOGETHER'
'ok okkk u don't have to yell'
'so what do we do'
'I think we should go along with it.'
'wait hold on, Jason's asking me who im texting'
'Wait, tell him it's your girlfriend. Just to screw with them.'
'haha yes ur a genius'
'I know.'
Percy tells Jason that he is texting his girlfriend, to which Jason replies by "What?!" and frantically starts typing on the group chat to tell everyone that 'YOU GUYS PERCY SAYS HE HAS A GF ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION!!!'
To which Piper is the first to reply, saying, 'Nah, trust me, keep going with it'
At this point, they reach the cafe, and the boys and girls meet up at a table.
Annabeth, immediately going into acting mode, says, "What is he doing here?"
Percy fires back with a scowl and says, "You didn't tell me she was going to be here. I'm leaving."
Jason stops him tho
Percy and Annabeth sit down at the table, but everyone is still standing.
Piper and Hazel say they have to go to the bathroom and leave.
Jason and Leo say they're going to go order (even tho it's a sit down with a menu and order type of cafe???)
Everyone seems to have some kind of excuse to leave until Percy and Annabeth are left alone.
The two pull out their phones again.
'Seriously? This is their plan? Say we're all going out to eat and then leave the two of us alone?'
'ig' 'what do we do now'
'I don't know.' They're probably spying on us…'
'um is that Reyna, Hazel, and Calypso in the bushes with mud and green war paint on their faces?'
Reyna, Hazel, and Calypso were indeed hiding in the bushes (with binoculars) with mud and green war paint on their faces.
'Wtf?? How'd they do that so fast???' 'And is that Leo and Piper holding newspapers with eyeholes cut through???'
'lol yea...then that eagle flying above us is prolly Frank'
'Jason is hiding in the clouds to your six.'
'where r Nico and Will?'
'I think that's them making out in the bushes.'
'lmaoo im so gonna tease them for that' 'so what do we do now Wise Girl'
'...' 'Follow my lead.'
Annabeth puts away her phone and stands up.
Percy follows her lead.
She says, "We know you guys are there, just come out. It's not going to work. And we see you too, Nico and Will."
The other demigods come out of their hiding spots (the two who had been called out looking especially sheepish).
"Why not?" Piper says, knowing perfectly well why not.
Percy looks between Annabeth and Piper, and seems to come to a decision.
"Because," he says and goes over to Annabeth and kisses her, "we're already together."
The responses were very diverse.
"I knew it!"
"Leo! My ten bucks. Now."
"Yeah, I walked in on them sleeping together…"
"So we did all this for nothing???"
"Wait, did you say sleeping together?"
They arguing stops as two flashes of light almost blind everyone and two gods appear.
Poseidon and Athena.
For several seconds, the two gods just stare at Percy and Annabeth (who are now holding hands just bcuz)
Then, finally, after what seemed and EXCRUCIATINGLY long time, Poseidon turns to Athena and says:
This was not the reaction the demigods was expecting if you couldn't tell
Athena just scowls and makes a pouch filled with drachmas appear, and throws it at Poseidon.
Poseidon catches it, bringing out what appears to be a phone and starts calling someone.
Athena goes over to Percy and Annabeth.
She looks mad, and Annabeth tries to let go of Percy's hand, panicking, trying to think of a lie, but Percy doesn't let go.
"My daughter is the smartest and best of my children, and as much as I don't approve of this, if she chose you, sea-spawn, she must have a good reason. But if you step one foot out of line, I will have you punished, understood?"
Athena addresses this to Percy, who nods fearfully.
Suddenly there are a bunch more flashes of light as more gods appear bcuz apparently, Poseidon wanted everyone to see that he was right and Athena was wrong.
Ofc chaos ensues.
But Percy and Annabeth are still holding hands and look at each other and feel overwhelmingly happy for the first time in a long time because now they don't have to keep their relationship a secret anymore.
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modern!xicheng au
 okay guys but give me social worker!jiang cheng and CEO!Lan Xichen.
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Jiang Cheng decides to leave his family business to who his father wants, being Wei Wuxian, (his mother’s bitter, his sister’s worried, his brother feels guilty and his father realises what he has just done. So JC leaves the family home and studies his ass off, he will work with children and make sure they get the happiness they deserve). 
-Now we see Jiang Cheng studying psychology, but specialising in children psychology. (yeah give me social worker!jiang cheng) he lands social worker with five children or wards to look out for, basically fostering them from home to home
-five kids being (xue yang, mo xuanyu, wen sizhui, lan jingyi and jin ling) all these kids make his job harder and harder especially xue yang. But Jiang Cheng won’t let them get the best of him, he knows exactly how it feels to not be enough and he won’t let them down
-he’s strict and grumpy, but he takes care of them regardless, slowly but surely the kids all grow attached to him in some way, (the three youngest treating him like an uncle) and the two oldest (treating him like an older brother). JC realises that he loves all five of them, and now seems even more happier than usual. (Though sometimes they’ll nearly set the kitchen on fire again, and he’ll rethink his statement but not alot just sometimes)
-whenever he goes back home, his siblings tread lightly on the topic of business and he just dead stares at his parents and states ‘i am a social worker taking care of five wards and i love it’ his mother disappointed and his father trying to convince him to come back he says ‘no’ and leaves but now his siblings want to be apart of his job, WWX even states he can hold a fundraiser at his company for the orphanage, Yanli promises to cook and he nearly cries but then he’s being hugged and it feels so good.
-JC being the bestest adult figure in their life and the kids realising he can’t be single and he deserves somebody. Cue Xue Yang’s ‘Get the angry grape a husband or wife’.
-Jin Ling bonds with Yanli over what JC likes and Yanli being all motherly towards the ten year old, Zixuan teaching Jin Ling all about archery (cuz the kid loves Merida and he falls in love with how caring Yanli is with this child)
-Sizhui and Jingyi talking with Wei Ying who automatically makes a mental note to look into adoption forms immediately, Wangji gives the kids their own set of Lan ribbons (not tell Wei Ying who would want photos of the matching ribbons)
-mo xuanyu asking madame yu and jiang fengmian about stories in regards to JC’s childhood. Madame Yu and Jiang Fengmian mending their relationship talking about how much they loved BBY!JC. Xuanyu being happy at the stories.
-xue yang being a lil shit and song lan realising these kids that his good friend took care of aren’t too bad (and maybe he fathers xue yang too much but his husband, xingchen mothers the child just as much)
-cue LXC hearing about the fundraiser and showing up and meeting the mysterious jiang who forsaked his father’s company and started his own firm for social working. 
-Xichen falling in love with how Jiang Cheng ignores everyone but the children, and loving the smile on the usually grumpy man’s face. Wangji asking his brother whether he was alright and he just nods.
-JC bumps into LXC when the kids run over his foot, as he is chasing them ‘Jin Ling you put that knife down before i break your legs-I am so sorry’ and LXC would have them continuously run over his foot if it meant this lavender angel kept talking to him.
-cue Xicheng feels, clueless!JC and suitor!LXC (who the kids automatically help pursue their uncle/brother JC. Added help from Wangxian and Xuanli). And it isn’t until a year later that JC realised he’s dating LXC cue slight mental break down and he runs away to Lotus Pier for a week or two, the kids get worried and WWX tells LXC to ‘go get your future husband, i’ll stay with the kids’ but the kids manage to sneak off with LXC bcuz lets face it, they love Uncle/Brother!JC they are seeing this through goddamnit.
-JC makes too much food on the fifth night and he sighs knowing he should go back and as he’s packing it up, the kids walk in like they are at home, with LXC waiting outside as Xue Yang states ‘u need to fix ur relationship, we spent too much time setting you two up honestly’ JC blinks at them as they shove him out the door.
-JC stares at LXC who looks at him sheepish and slightly worried, JC takes him down to the lake and feelings are confessed and tears shed before JC is in LXC’s lap kissing him until they need to breathe. Kids come racing out and tackle the couple happily.
 Xue Yang is the first to get adopted basically by SongXiao, who Xingchen already loves him like his own, and JC tells him this and he starts to cry and JC’s hugging him before Song Lan comes over with Xingchen and take him away. JC just ruffles his hair before leaving to hide away in LXC’s arms. He’s not crying. He’s happy.
Yanli is next already having a room ready for Jin Ling, her husband Zinxuan by her side, already holding Jin Lings back pack both waiting on Jin Ling to realise whats happening as Jin Ling rushes over to them happily. All three crying happily before he runs back and hugs JC who is now being held by LXC as he waves them off.
Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui already know they are being adopted as they had overheard Wei Ying tell Wangji that he’s already gotten the approval of the adoption (with help from JC) who gets the biggest hugs from the twins before they rush off towards their fathers.
All that’s left is Mo Xuanyu who pouts, before LXC suprises him and states they should go home and Mo thinks he has to stay at the orphanage and JC chuckles but he’s teary eyed stating ‘we’re all going home a-xuan’ and the boy crumples immedaitely before being pulling into his dads hugs, LXC holding his small family and JC hiding his tears in his son’s shoulder.
-Madame Yu and Jiang Fengmian had fallen in love with all the children, after hearing all the amazing feats that JC had done for these kids, they are proud of them (pluls they have five grandchildren now, forget Madame Jin and her brood, but all five are spoilt by the elderly couple, especially the three youngest).
-LXC & JC’s wedding is small and held at Lotus Pier, with close friends and family, but you are right those five kids are all flower children and ring bearers and wwx paid for it and yanli helped cater and JC is just really happy with his life and his son and his husband and he kisses LXC before the vows end and everyone laughs but both of the men are crying and it’s beautiful and yeah...
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stuffingprize · 4 years
he cut celty with saika when she tried to leave he isn't 100% harmless
Oh, let me clarify then: he’s 93% harmless & i’m saying this bcuz he’s a mafia doctor
Also, let’s go ahead and review that scene specifically! It ended up being long so here’s a short version:
TLDR: Leaving Ikebukuro is a decision Celty makes out of guilt. What she truly wants is to stay. Shinra is not alone in thinking Celty is faking it & thus overturns her decision.
Under the cut is the LONG version:
It happens when Mikado, Masaomi & Anri are reunited at the rooftop along with Seiji & Mika. Celty, now with her head, approaches them to try to mend some of the damage. She wraps a shadow to Masaomi’s leg & tells them all, very dispassionately, that they are to forget about her because she’s basically ruined their lives for being around them. She points to Mikado’s life specifically, as being the most affected.
All of them (except Masaomi & Saki) are quite sad over her words, because none of them regret meeting her. They fondly view her as part of the city. And the feeling is quite mutual.
If we recall from Vol 1, it is said that if Celty hadn’t fallen for Shinra, then the Dollars, which MIKADO created, would’ve been her home.
With Anri, she shares a special bond with also. & Anri attempts to remind her of the good she’s done for her.
Basically, the kids were like waahh celty its not ur fault pls dont go
& then Shinra shows up
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Shinra has been studying Celty since he was four years old. He knows her quite well & practically acts like an extension of her desires. He reveals to the audience that Celty doesn’t actually want to leave.
You can’t say Shinra is speaking over her here because the kids agree, SHOOTER agrees. Her hesitation is palpable. Celty doesn’t want to leave.
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See here? The kids watching the convo between Celty & Shinra feel powerless. But who HAS POWER? Shizuo. He had come up here looking for Celty. He doesn’t know Celty is faking memory loss or that she has her head, but he trusts Shinra is about to do something for her. Shizuo is Celty’s friend & he cares for her happiness too.
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The novels even state it was “the most powerful throw” he made that night, which, considering he just had death duel with his most hateful foe, kind of asserts the fact that he’s doing this with a sort of /greater purpose/ in mind compared to.. u know.. try kill someone (which is was a no-win scenario).
Celty is then seen conversing mournfully with Shooter, saying “I don’t want to forget Shinra.” The reason she wants to leave is because of Guilt. That’s not really the way one wants to leave a beloved home, I would think. And Shinra reads all of that, & that’s why he decided to overturn what she was doing through any means necessary. But Celty is a dullahan so ofc he needs to level the field with the force of a supernatural blade.
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Normally, a dullahan would have no place among modern humans, but the story of Durarara!! is precisely about a dullahan affecting the lives of modern humans. It is also a story with the theme of “twisted love.” How do we fulfill both that theme and give Celty a reason to stay? That’s Shinra’s role. 
And Shinra calls himself a villain for that! He knows he’s in a bad line of business, knows he isn’t normal, knows he disrespected Celty’s role as a dullahan, & that’s why he risks his life for it. If Celty didn’t want him, she could’ve let him die. If Celty truly meant to be detached, it wouldn’t have been her business anymore. But she loves him and accepts him as he is. So he made the decision she truly wanted for her.
If the reader doesn’t feel okay with that, that’s absolutely valid. You can keep thinking that Celty has no free will, that she’s stuck in a relationship she doesn’t want, that Shinra doesn’t deserve her, that this is bad writing. That’s fine. I believe ALL interpretations are valid. But sorry you aren’t gonna change my mind over the fact that Celty has had almost all the power since the beginning of their very long relationship (Shinra even describes them like this, saying she’s a kitten & he’s the mouse at her mercy ffff) & that she could’ve made the shadows binding him stronger before she left or that she could’ve shaped their relationship differently over the years but she didn’t. It’s an area for AUs if we wish to see alternatives. & they’re all valid!
To conclude, the novels’ own final words on the matter:
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s1x-foot-deep · 4 years
:? who's harplock. I'm so interested in like all your ocs bro they're so cool
THANK U...... ok so. my alien ocs have this whole expanded universe i try to hold together on @intergalacticassistancefacility which is like. where the Main Crew, an intergalactic exploration crew, works is for the facility. its for the studying of flora and fauna, environments planets, solar systems, stars, etc, as well as preserving species that may be dying out, responding to distress signals, and one of the higher-up goals is to like unite intelligent species across the universe. thats the gist of the facility
so Harplock. he’s the captain of the main crew, specifically Exploration Captain and Co-Pilot of his crew’s ship. he’s an amphibious alien, has worked at the facility a while. he used to have a whole different crew, but after an incident that left quite a few crew members injured or traumatized, and the operations officer Dead, pretty much every crew member retired early, quit, or didn’t believe harplock was a fit enough captain for them to be comfortable working under him. aside from Six, harplock’s best friend and executive officer. harplock also didn’t quit, or retire, and fought not to be demoted. felt like he needed to make up for his mistakes yknow. do Better in the name of the guy lost to his negligence(even if he really wouldn’t have been able to help it)
he ended up with his current crew after a while, and no person qualified for the position of operations officer wanted to work under harplock, due to what happened to his last officer. 
eventually the facility picks up this human, Lee, who ended up figuring out how to contact the ship’s radio via his own hackjob tech, in the middle of nowhere, and the facility decided he could be useful if he could figure something like that out. blah blah blah, Lee ends up the crew’s operations officer after some training at the main facility hub, lee ends up pretty close with harplock, and they kinda sorta falling in love but keep it under wraps bcuz the facility would either fire one of them, or both of them, or relocate them if the two were open about dating. employees cannot work on the same crew and date
AND well thats the sum of it all to the in-universe present day..... oh and heres a link to his tag, whiche has the old pics of him........ whiche, i keep forgetting to draw him again......
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heyyylittlemo · 4 years
Ask game
1. Where did you hide the body??
Me: *pause* No, where did you hide the body—
*police stare at me with disbelief*
Me: there’s no—there’s not a single body here—well stop looking at me like that, you’re the cop! You should know! Why are you asking me for! Body? Whaaaaaat. Ahaha.
*cops shake head*
*whispers to my friend* Guys I think I pulled that one off
Police: you know we can hear everything you’re saying
me: 👁👄👁
2. Favorite rock? The 1975. Dominic Fike. Arctic Monkeys. Bad Suns. The killers. Pale Waves. Etc. That good good shit 👌
3. Most aesthetic season? Fall. Love them orange colors. The leaves falling. Though spring is also neat if you have a bunch of flowers bloomin in shit and winter is only aesthetic when it’s snowing. Boring ass summer tho just be heating me up.
4. When texting do u shorten words or spell out? I used to write stuff out all the time mostly but now it’s like half and half bcuz its just faster and nobody got time for it 🤣🤣
5. Vintage stuff? Hell yeah, but maybe not anything too expensive since some old stuff IS hyper expensive.
6. Colors that pop or blend? Not sure I understand what u mean abt them blending ahaha u mean like when they’re so similar to another?? Well I think it’s nice but honestly I prefer a pop and a bang, y’Know?
- At this moment I realized I was answering the last few questions from a completely different ask and felt like a dumbass 😂 anyways the actual number we’re on is three so imma just kickback
3. Worst dream u have ever had? I had sleep paralysis but was imbetween that and a lucid dream. At first I was paralyzed and could see my bed but my eyes felt closed and open at the same time?? A giant dark demon looking dog had towered over me and began to tear at my neck. It looked and felt very real I started to try to scream and it felt like a scream was coming out but no sound exited. Then I went into a lucid dream where I was being chased by this dog and running for my life I was running by and nobody could save me nobody in the dream when it caught up to me I was back in my bed and it was trying to eat me again. I was so terrified I couldn’t sleep for a whole week.
4. Lyric that comes to your mind? “And I don’t think I can be there. I’m paralyzed,I’m terrified of being alone. When you said I deserved what had happened.”
5. Blood make u uncomfortable? Yes, I passed out once when getting my finger pricked and a VERY small blood sample and another when dissecting a fish.
6. Even or odd numbers? Well I like the number 5,7,9, 3 so odd. (Like me 🤣🤣)
7. Something I hate that I love? Anything I’ve ever loved becuz love can be frustrating. Bruh.
8. 1st initial of someone I hate? Hmm...do I hate someone tho? Not that I can think of...
9. *Skipping down the lane* NOPE
10. Corn dogs? It’s funny cuz when I think of corn dogs my mind will always go to when we first moved to our current house because at our initial town we never had Sonic and while we were getting the house fixed up and moving stuff we use to always get Sonic since it was the closest to us most times to eat and that was a bunch of corn dogs and hotdog days 🤣 so thnk u corn dogs for ur service
11. I’m not a huge movie person so...I looked up movies from 2005 and movies Inlike from this time are Brokeback mountain bcuz it’s gay af, Shark Boy and Lava Girl damn I rewatched the shot out of it when I was younger, Narnia and the Chocolate Factory(although it low key creeped me out as a kid, and idk why).
12. Least fav music genre? Most country, most EDM, dubstep, screaming/really hard rock, some pop music, mumble raping.
13. As someone who waits on tables, my job is my least favorite restaurant experience 🤣🤣 just dealing with ppl...like ok, I’m half Hispanic right?? But I look white. Well, I work at a Mexican restaurant and so sometimes racist costumers will say shady shit just bcuz I guess they think it’s appropriate to say it to me just bcuz I’m not Hispanic in their eyes?? But it pisses me off and I feel like I can’t say anything without causing a drama which I hate and when the “costumers always right” it can be hard to budge and stand up and say “bitch wtf did u just say??” And there’s just folks who take things the wrong ways or ask too much at once or give u a hard time or just say something that sticks onto you for the whole day. One bad move can turn my whole day upside down.
14. 3 things never come near me? Cockroaches, Needles, and close mind ppl
15. Worst way to die? With regrets. Something really brutual, random, or where something just happened to go wrong (accident). Being killed by someone u love.
16. Unusual habits? Doing a Michael Jackson esque “hee-hee” after every sneeze I make, being extremely clumsy and making every task 100% more difficult, having the ability to talk as if I have an accent that comes from nowhere in particular just stupidity also I can’t speak my own language half the time 🙃getting words confused or misusing them in a sentence so I sound dumb having a very weird imagination and thoughts, I swear it like I never went to school and don’t know how the world works, plus many many more
17. Clothing style u want? I want to dress in a way that screams who I am and is a blend of both femininity and masculinity. A little vintage. Grunge. Urban maybe?? What do I know abt fashion 🤣🤣
18. Song or artist that deserves more? Dijon, hands down. I love his stuff. He’s like Frank Ocean meets light-singing beautiful lyricist with a more rock vibe?? Hidden gem. I also think Durand Jones & the Indications needs more love along with BadBadNotGood they sound like old-times but are new!! Oh, and Pale Waves is like a female The 1975 and kicks it. Bad Suns is a good alt rock band that no one seems to recognize :,D Toro y Moi too! His song with Flume “The difference “ is a banger!! Kid Cudi is my man when I want a blend of rock and rap. Also Dominic Fike,King Krule, and Roy Blair, who are all amazing!! Ok I need to stop 🛑
Duck I answered the past questions from a different post I’m sorry 😐
17. Emoji never used? There’s a bunch since I reuse the same over and over again. Lmao
18. 3 sentence Gatorade horror story? A faint quiver overtook the small freezer the Gatorade lay in; no one had come by in days, hours, weeks; when was the last time he met the lips of a thirsty body? They’d forgotten about him, as his last sips remained glued to his hollowing entrance. ‘Help, ‘it wanted to say, but it’s frozen lips could not be moved; It’d stay here, die here...just like the rest.” What am I doing with my life 🤣🙏
19. Do u know what an old bay is? A bay that is old? And old ocean? Idk!!!
20. Can u dance? Sometimes I dance when I’m alone but nothing spectral lol
21. What first comes to ur mind when u see ropes? 2 extremes. Sex and death. Hm. Ok. Moving on.
22. Make an obscure reference. “Even a bra couldn’t hold these nipples” *Holds a water gun to chest*
23. Fav balloon color? Pink or yellow.
24. If u were in court would u be innocent or guilty? Depends, what am I in court for 🤣 lmao jk honestly idk bcuz I don’t think I’d wind up in there
25. Are u hungry ? Nope
26. Unlucky number? Hm I don’t think so but I have a lucky number “123”
27. What’s “JMD”stand for? I’m guessing...Jamming my d—- 💀lol jk ahaha why am so dirt
28. Random inside joke? *chirpy squeak* I’m making a double batch of cookies
29. What sends chills up ur spine? Seeing disgust food or smell disgust or talking abt disgust things like gore
30. How many questions are in ur inbox? A pathetic zero ahaha no one want to ask me anything 😂
31. Someone real who scares u. 2 of my ex friends. One when I was 10 said disturbing things and I was kinda forced onto the friendship and everything they said make me fear for others lives...and then a different ex friend who seemed normal at 1st but became both low key psychopath cult leader type stuff and I booed out of there—-.
32. Run or hide? Uhh probably hide because I’d say even if ppl say “u can run but u can’t hide” u CAN just hide! that’s the point of hiding they not find u xD also why not combine them? Hide then run somewhere far away once I got them off the trial.
33. Last person who made u angry? A frickin beetle that flew at me and pinched me in the middle of singing in the shed xD also my autocorrect
34. What’s going on in ur head? I should probably pee soon—
35. Little thing that makes u Smile? A lot of little things bruh.
36. Are u a descisive person?
Not sure.
*pAuse *
Ok, I guess I’m not then 🤣
37. Would ppl say I’m paranoid? Hm maybe about certain things social situations, singing in front of others what ppl think abt me etc etc
38. Store least likely in? Any southern clothes shop, Abercrombie & Finch types shit, lol
39. Do I like hats fave type? Hm not wear many hats but I think they’re cool any type is cool for different ppl and their aesthetici just can’t rock a hat.
40. Bow ties or ties? Don’t really care but now want to see more bow ties
41. Who? You.
42. What? Reading this shit
43. Where? In ur ass
44. When? Now.
45. Why? Not even u know why.
46. How? We all want to know
47. Do u collect anything? Vinyl records.
48. What tome is it? Time to get a watch
49. Fav transportation? My car or walk is possible
50. Would u ever kill someone to save someone? Don’t want to think about that
51. Make a joke. Yo, it’s time to make a joke—so the other day I was working. And I was practicing my Spanish, yes? Anyone whose trying to learn anew language k n o w s that sometimes words can be so close to another u just confuse then! So apparently churros in Spanish is a desert but if u say it more harshly (it literally sounds almost the same) it makes a whole different meaning—diharrea, but like I didn’t know that so I legit just walked up to this person and asked if they would like some shit to eat. So yeah, that was great. Let’s not forget that I mixed up blood, watermelon, and sangria which is a wine. I legit once said I had mixed wine in my vines and another time watermelon 🤣
52. I’m really confused so I skip
53. Would ur dash be confiscated SFW? By dash do u mean this account? Um not 😬
54. Do I like to cuddle? Hell yeah and manhandle ppl all the time it’s my affection
55. What makes u angry? Close minded ppl or ppl who jump too fast to conclusions, strict schedules just dumb stuff that people try to force when I just want to be carefree 😭✌️
56. How many voices are in ur head? 😐
57. Do U consider urself mentally stable? 😐
58. Are u easily offended? Well U just called me mentally unstable and asked it there was voices in my head!!
59. What’s wrong with taking the backstreets? Uhm...
60. Any questions u want ppl to ask u? Nothing in particular but it’s be nice if someone care to ask me something abt me from personal question to my opinions on shit to 19 days fandom related junk 😌
Woooo I’ve finished this game! Thanks to @seiji-amasawa for introducing me to this ^^
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Coffee Love - Hyunjin x Reader
Summary: You had gotten your first part-time job at your local cafe on the weekends. One of the regulars there just so happened to be your crush from music class.
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Cafe/Barista AU, Highschool AU
Bullet point format
Genre: Fluff, Crack(?)
- ok so
- you had finally gotten a job after like months of searching
- bonus points because it was at a peaceful, beautiful, aesthetic cafe that was only an eight-minute walk to from your house
- I know it was pretty great you did well reader
- but anyways
-  after the long, long school week the weekend finally came around and so did your first shift on the job
- you quickly got up, actually kind of excited to start your job because you had been to the cafe heaps of times before and it was really awesome
- you met with your new co-worker that you would be taking your shifts with most often and started straight away bcuz you had already taken courses and stuff for all this and you knew how to do things for once in your life wow look at you go
- your new co-worker had been working there for some time and she already knew all the regulars and things
-  so the day started and every once in a while, she would point to someone and tell you that they were a regular just so you could try to impress them and memorize their orders super quick and stuff
- about an hour and a half passed and the cafe was pretty busy but not overwhelmingly busy which was good
- you were manning the counter so when you heard the little bell ring to signify a new customer you looked up
- only to see the most beautiful person you had ever seen in your life
- you paused for like a few seconds before realizing that it was Hwang Hyunjin!!
- Your crush from your music class!!
- you completely froze up before being brought back to reality by your coworker who nudged you with her elbow and guess what she told you
- “That’s Hyunjin, he’s another regular”
- you tried your absolute best to stay composed while Hyunjin walked up to the counter and gave you the most CHARMING smile you had ever seen in your life
- how someone could be so handsome was so very far beyond you
- “Hey, I’ve seen you before! Y/N, right? Do you remember me?”
- he seemed so excited when asking, he was literally the most precious thing don’t argue with me on this
- “Yeah! You’re Hyunjin, right? Same music class” 
- you said it like you didn’t exactly remember but who the heck could forget a name belonging to a face, voice, and personality like that
- He nodded happily and ordered a black coffee as well as a dark chocolate muffin
- and you were like ????
- wow a sweet boi with bitter tastebuds 
- but ofc you didn’t say that out loud that’s too embarrassing
- and he went to go sit down on a free table like,,, right next to the counter after you made him his coffee and gave him his muffin
- which was good but also horrible because pro: you can stare at his beautiful face but con: you’re definitely gonna stare at his beautiful face way too much
- not good. abort mission.
- You were SO close to just,,, sprinting to the other end of the cafe just to avoid the embarrassment you would get if he caught u staring
- but, unfortunately, you had a job to do
- You tried to distract yourself from your distraction by looking around at all the plant decoration that u must admit were quite beautiful
- but you know what was more beautiful?
- Hwang Hyunjin
- so ofc you just HAD to put your gaze back to him
- he was staring down peacefully at his phone and his mouth was moving, it looked like he was reading something inside his head
- his hair was infront on his eyes and since he was looking down you couldn’t exactly see his eyes,,, or much of his face at all
- so little did you know,, Hyunjin was actually looking up at you every once in a while and he was totally aware you were staring at him but he didn’t want to bring it up bcuz he was a lil’ bit embarrassed that this beautiful person was staring at him
- so he just continued looking down and reading over his new rap verses to memorize them
- Hyunjin eventually left after maybe an hour and at first you were glad bcuz now you could actually focus on work but after a while, you realized that just Hyunjin’s presence literally lit everything up and the cafe just seemed a tiny bit duller without him
- it was sad but soon enough it was the end of the workday and your co-worker said she’d lock up so you thanked her and left
- you got to your house and just,,, freaked out
- because??? Your crush??? was a regular??? at your new workplace??? and you had no idea how to feel???
- but you eventually calmed down, started your homework, studied a bit and then went to bed to hopefully wake up with a clear mind the next morning
- your mind was not clear the next morning
- you had work again today and what if Hyunjin came again??? If he came every time you worked, you were absolutely screwed
- pushing the thoughts to the back of your mind, you got dressed and ready and then left to go to the cafe
- you got there before your co-worker this time and you remember,,, you don’t have the keys
- and it was FREEZING
- it was pretty warm yesterday but apparently, the weather just wanted you to suffer
- so you were standing outside in the horrible weather for like five whole minutes before someone tapped your shoulder
- you looked up and lo and behold, there stood Hyunjin, his usual charming smile plastered on his face
- “do you not have the keys?” 
- you blushed and shook your head slowly bcuz oh no does Hyunjin thing you’re incompetent now???
- but before you could say anything, he just???? whipped out a pair of keys???? and??? unlocked the door???
- he laughed when he saw your surprised face and told you he was friends with the owner's son, Seungmin
- and you were like ‘oh!!’ bcuz Seungmin was also in your music class and he had the voice of an absolute angel and u didn’t know he was the owner's son
- come to think of it, you’d never heard Hyunjin sing before but u were pretty sure it would make u melt bcuz even just hearing his voice when he talks normally got you very close to dying
- but anyways
- Hyunjin held the door open for u and you went in while thanking him bcuz wow he was such a gentleman
- Hyunjin followed you in
- “Do you want me to help set up?? I’ve done it before”
- and you were just in awe because of how amazingly helpful and kind and genuine Hyunjin was
- “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to trouble you”
- Hyunjin just smiled at your words and shook his head, saying that he would love to help you
- so you hesitantly said yeah and he immediately got to work
- and you two set up!! so quickly!!
- right after you finished, you co-worker walked in and smiled, greeting both you and Hyunjin
- Hyunjin smiled and said hello back before sitting down in his usual spot
- before you could say hi to your co-worker, she walked up to you and raised her eyebrows
- “You and Hyunjin, eh?? Eh???”
- “Oh my gosh! Could you be any louder?!?!?” you said, very loudly
- Hyunjin jumped a bit and looked over to you
- you blushed and waved your hands, apologizing and saying everything was fine while your co-worker happily laughed her ass off
- you jokingly stuck out your tongue at her before getting behind the counter.
- a few moments later the next customer walked in, the cafe finally started up again
- anyways u basically spent the entire day staring at Hyunjin again when you weren’t taking care of other customers
- the weekend finally came to an end much to ur disappointment 
- but
- you also got to see Hyunjin again!!!
- and when he saw you, he did a little smile and wave!!
- and it!! was!! the cutest!! thing!! ever!!
- I mean to have ur crush notice you like that was a pretty big deal
- u were pretty sure you almost died
- and all of this continued for the next couple weeks. Hyunjin and you would greet each other in the halls and every weekend, Hyunjin would come over to the cafe, order his usual and sit in his normal spot next to the counter, it had you looking forward to work every day!!
- the next weekend finally came around and u got dressed and ready and walked to the cafe like usual
- and everything was normal until you noticed that it was way past the time Hyunjin would normally show up
- no big deal, right? He was probably just busy. Deep down though, it worried you a lot
- it was nearing the end of the day and the cafe only had a few customers left in it and u weren’t expecting any more
- so u were REALLY kinda surprised when the bell rang and you looked up to see Hyunjin!!
- “Sorry I’m late, did you miss me?”
- he said, raising his eyebrows and smiling cheekily
- no shut up Hyunjin stop with the duality u loser
- “Pft, you wish. Go sit down”
- you said back, already turning around to make him his usual coffee and get him his muffin
- he smiled and went to go sit down, immediately getting out his laptop
- you placed down the coffee on his table once you’d finished with it and Hyunjin thanked you with his charming smile again
- once you’d gone back, he put his headphones in and just went about his business, whatever that was
- it was almost closing time and ur co-worker had already left bcuz she had some event she needed to attend and u promised her you’d lock up
- as well as your co-worker, the cafe was almost empty except for Hyunjin who had been unmoving since he arrived. It seemed like he had no clue there was even a world outside his laptop anymore
- it was kind of,,, awkward,,, since he was completely silent and you two were the only ones left in the store
- you were about to go up to Hyunjin and tap him on the shoulder so you could close up but just before you started walking towards him, you heard him mumbling to himself
- after listening more closely, you heard he was rapping!!
- and he slowly kept getting louder, like the rest of the world didn’t exist
- wow he was incredible
- u thought you were in love with him as much as you could be already but NOPE
- bcuz hearing this absolute TALENT just had you immediately flustered
- he paused his rapping for a bit and after a few seconds
- he!! started!! singing!!
- holy hell u have never felt more blessed in your life
- his singing was?? so incredible??
- u were pretty sure that tears were seconds away from spilling out of ur eyes
- he sung for a couple minutes longer before his verse seemingly came to an end, suddenly he looked up and boi did he seem PANICKED
- he took out his headphones and wow his face was so red
- “was I singing out-loud?!?! Oh my god, I’m so sorry!!”
- now u were flustered because he seemed so embarrassed and it was?? so?? cute??
- “Hyunjin...it’s ok...you’re a really good singer...”
- you should not have said that bcuz now his ENTIRE face is red bcuz wow in the past few weeks he had come to have a huge crush on you and you just??? complimented something he wasn’t so sure about???
- “O-oh, thank you! I...I should get going now!”
- he like,,, packed up his stuff and left the cafe at the speed of LIGHT
- you blinked and just stood there for a few seconds before shaking your head to get rid of the surprise
- I mean you could spend the next hour just standing there and thinking abt Hyunjin’s beautiful voice but you had stuff to do so you hurried your ass up and packed up everything, locked up and went home
- Sunday morning came around and Hyunjin didn’t show up AT ALL
- it definitely worried u bcuz what if you like,,, offended him by listening to his singing???
- the day seemed to drag on for so long without Hyunjin but eventually, it ended and Monday came
- you saw Hyunjin with Seungmin while entering the school gates
- “hey guys!”
- you waved to them while smiling
- Hyunjin suddenly got red but smiled and waved back while Seungmin just looked off into the distance like he was in the office bcuz wow if you two could just get together and stop being so oblivious that’d be great
- “you’ve got a crush on her”
- Seungmin said plainly once you were out of earshot
- “what?! I do not!”
- Seungmin looked at him judgingly for just a few seconds before Hyunjin caved and admitted to his FAT crush on you
- whoo boy Seungmin regretted pressing Hyunjin bcuz now Hyunjin was just GUSHING abt you to Seungmin and Seungmin was starting to feel sick over how cheesy you two were
- the day went by pretty quickly and at the end of the day, Seungmin came up to you and didn’t beat around the bush AT ALL
- “How do you feel about Hyunjin?”
- oh boy u were FLUSTERED
- “u-uhm...he’s...he seems like a really awesome friend??”
- Seungmin was completely fed up of both u and Hyunjin now
- “You know exactly what I mean”
- “Aish, I like him, I trust you, ok Seungmin? Don’t you dare tell Hyunjin”
- “I’m telling Hyunjin.”
- “because he likes you back you fool”
- “what???? No way”
- Once again, Seungmin looked off into the distance remorsefully like he was in the office bcuz wow you were so much more oblivious than he could handle
- before you could say anything else, Hyunjin caught up to you two, his usual sweet smile on his face
- “Y/N has a crush on you. Kay, bye kids, have fun”
- and he just,,, left
- but nope, he just turned around, did a peace sign and continued walking
- you were very close to committing a murder
- “D-do you really”
- you looked back to Hyunjin and wow big mistake because he looked SO CUTE
- he was just,, rubbing the back of his neck and his cheeks were red and he looked so bashful you couldn’t even THINK of lying to the beautiful baby
- “uhm...Yes?” 
- suddenly his huge smile returned and he picked you up in a big hug bcuz
- His crush!! likes him back!!!
- your heart was just !!!!!!!
- “I like you too!”
- Seungmin just,,, watched from the back,,, he knew full well this meant he was the official third wheel now but he likes seeing his friends happy so,,, win-lose situation, mostly lose for him tho
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nolanhollogay · 3 years
ah I messed up asking the last question so, 💍 + any oc
sorry I'm just now getting to this !! I'll do novakie bcuz im dying to talk about them!
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- where they get married
definitely on the beach!! 
- when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
summer, mid-june, just before sunset for peak aestheticism
- what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc.
they both do a father daughter dance, kie tosses the bouquet, they both do something borrowed, somethig blue
- what their wedding cake looks like
a very simple three tiered white and blue cake, with a dolphin on top <3
- ….who smashes cake into whose face
- who proposed to who first
kie proposed first
- who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
nova walks down the aisle, kie waits
- what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
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kie (bcuz she would wear a suit bcuz fuck gender norms and also shes a futch queen)
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- what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
white and blue baby! and the decor would just be like lace and flowers neither of them are into particularly fancy stuff
- what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
lilles and lavender and forget me nots
- what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
nova’s are improvised bcuz shes insane and kie has like three notecards bcuz she has A Lot to say
- if anyone’s late to the wedding
no bcuz novakie would kill them
- who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
sarah is kie’s bridesmaid, jj is nova’s best man <3
- what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
blue dresses/black suits
- who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
john b gives a speech ! he talks about the girls hating each at first and how they ended up where they are and how he’s happy they found each other <3 kie cries a little 
- who catches the bouquet( s )
jj !!!!! and wheezie
- what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
oh they’re very sweet! they press their foreheads together in the sunset
- what sort of food they have at the reception
lots of seafood from the wreck and mr. heyward
- who cries first during the ceremony
- how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
u KNOW the pogues go Crazy!! everyone leaves extremely drunk ahsdhd, pope dances his ass off, jj loses his tie, etc, etc
- what their rings are like
just standard gold wedding bands but they have each other’s initials engraved on the inside 
- what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
light blue candy ! all the light blue candy! and little cups with the date on them
- where they go for their honeymoon
- something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
sarah falls on her ass when she’s dancing with pope and laughs so hard she cries
- who officiates the ceremony
just a priest (but john b really wanted to.. kie said no)
- what song their first dance is to
i want to know what love is - mariah carey (pope offered it as a joke and they were like no thats perfect bestie)
- who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
nova’s dad gives her away <333
0 notes
Bad at Conversation, Bad at Friendship.
Sheep: "Just imagine we just met and you had to tell me things about yourself start there and so forth"
Wolf: "Ok, I'm Wolf, My family consists of two unhappily married parents, a snotty older sister, and a immature little brother. Im close ro my mother, and semi close with my brother since my sister moved out. I dont get along too well with my sister, she thinks shes above everyone because she married into money, her husband is a marine and also use to be our cousin by marriage. My favorite color is red, mostly due to its rich pastime of use for royalty and reveloution. I'm an introvert and I find socializing to be difficult. I dont have many friends, I have u and Coyote mostly as friends. Coyote is an extrovert country animal who found me and decided to take me under his wing as his personal introvert. Thro him I seem to have joined a small crowd of friends who've adopted me as the introvert and try to make me feel included. I enjoy anime, cosplay, and most sci-fi stuff. I try to keep up to date on most pop culture stuff, but I tend to be drawn to things with deep fandom around it and drown myself in it. I've been thro some abusive relationships that have forged me into a really shy person whose biggest fear is rejection and now deals with trust issues. I'm 20 year old and I still don't have my life together. And overall I have 0 self confidence and i take my life as a failure of a daughter/sister/ girlfriend/friend/worker/employee/part of society."
Sheep: "Wow that’s all I can say besides that we should think positive like let’s have fun today and forget about the negativity that’s all."
Wolf: "U said so urself I'm hard on myself. As I should be."
Sheep: "Yea I did but why not be care free and not think to deeply into personal stuff I know I do it all the time so I can avoid having to get to serious with things or ppl"
Wolf: "Because id rather not be an oblivious sheep wandering aimlessly in hopes of being "carefree" I'd rather just be me."
Sheep: "Lol I didn’t mean that carefree. I know you saw some of One Piece best anime by the way lol but I know you see how Luffy acts right that’s what I meant. he’s having fun living life but when it times to get serious he knows when to that’s why I can relate to him so much bcuz me and him practically the same."
Wolf: "I dont relate cuz we're not the same. He doesn't deal with stuff like I did. He wasn't used for sex and left to rot, he wasn't emotionally twisted to the point of suicide. He wasn't beat by someone that he thought loved him because of something that wasn't even their fault. I have my reasons for being the way I am."
Sheep: "You right but why you let that bring you down instead of picking yourself up from it. Yea you went through a lot that I seriously hate that you had to go through but at the same time I don’t want you to be stuck on it instead of looking positive and forward knowing that you have a lot of years ahead of you that you don’t know what to expect."
Wolf: "Id rather expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised, then have high expectations and be let down."
Sheep: "Lol uuummm what’s wrong with thinking both at the same time"
Wolf: "Sometimes u can, but most optimism is blind to the facts of life. I could be optimistic that I could make more friends. But realistically that won't happen because no one wants to be around someone like me because being realistic is depressing, and no one wants to be around stuff like that. They want someone like u who is optimistic even when it's blind because lies are sugar and easy to swallow."
Sheep: "Lol Wolf what are you trying to say about me. I’m both I tell it how it is no matter how someone feels even if it’s a friend but I don’t think that’s how you make friends I think being who you are and how your personality is theres ppl out there that would have no problem being your friend that’s how I see it if your willing to speak and look for them. "
Wolf: "I've tried, no one stays for long. They get frustrated and they leave. And I always end up alone no matter what i do."
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0 notes
royaltyau-logs · 7 years
RAU -- F1: Royal Ball
Queen Alma: someone start ]
Assassin Lavi starts
Conman Nea strikes a cool, casual pose. hello ladies.
Queen Alma: worst start ever ]
Assassin Lavi: wow r00d I worked v hard on that } Assassin Lavi
who tf is this dude posing like some kinda hot shit
Assassin Deak idk Assassin Deak kinda wanna stab him
Assassin Bookman b e h a  v e y o u r s e l v e s
Assassin Lavi you wanna stab everyone
Conman Nea i AM hot shit
Assassin Bookman this a formal event
Princess Zuki blink blink
Assassin Lavi okay but Assassin Lavi go ahead and stab him
Assassin Deak yeah but. i want to stab him like. extra bad. Assassin Deak yes
Assassin Lavi there's only room for one peacock on this dance floor
Assassin Deak thank u Assassin Deak go lavi
Queen Alma jfc
Assassin Deak live your dreams
Princess Zuki ,,,this mask is itchy,,,,
Assassin Bookman thERE WILL BE NO STABBING
Knight Kanda wait since im a knight i dont even need a mask
Assassin Bookman if you two don't get it together, we're leaving and going home
Assassin Lavi: [Alma voice] I don't remember "fuckboi" being on the guest list }
Queen Alma tru
Conman Nea [bookman voice] so help me i will turn this carriage around
Assassin Bookman yes Assassin Bookman that is me
Queen Alma please take them home Queen Alma no stabbing at the masquerade
Assassin Lavi we're getting it together Assassin Lavi our daggers that is--
Princess Zuki ,,,just kinda. fiddles with her fingers. what do ppl do at these things--
Assassin Bookman :I
Assassin Lavi okay but why not stabbing
Assassin Deak :3c
Queen Alma i s2g if u pull those knives the guards r gonna fight
Assassin Bookman because Assassin Bookman that
Conman Nea aw the queens sticking up for me
Assassin Bookman we need a plan
Conman Nea ;;;)
Queen Alma no Queen Alma im sticking up for the life of the party
Conman Nea which is
Queen Alma if u wanna get stabbed go to ur own place and not here
Conman Nea wait for it
Queen Alma not you
Conman Nea new pose Conman Nea its me
Princess Zuki can smell fakery. alma must be here
Assassin Lavi get him Deak
Assassin Deak makin my way downtown Assassin Deak walkin fast
Queen Alma why are you even here if you dont know anything about this stuff princess
Assassin Deak faces past
Queen Alma aren't you busy being sick elsewhere?
Assassin Deak and i'm killing bound Assassin Deak not really
Princess Zuki bcuz im a princess why wouldnt i be here
Assassin Deak jiji might get mad
Queen Alma because youre busy trying to run a bad country Queen Alma while dying Queen Alma which must be more taxing
Conman Nea dont kill a man while he's eating medieval cocktail weinies
Princess Zuki sounds a lot like u dont it
Queen Alma not really
Assassin Deak watches and just. holds onto lavi Assassin Deak: ...who is that?
Queen Alma my kingdom is fine
Assassin Deak points to nea
Queen Alma and not revolting
Princess Zuki ,,,,weLL UR HAIR IS BAD
Queen Alma like yours
Assassin Lavi: medieval cocktail weinies }
Princess Zuki: { big mood nea Princess Zuki MR KANDA HELP SHES BULLYING ME
Knight Kanda what do you want me to do zuki Knight Kanda stab her for mental talking Knight Kanda i can do that Knight Kanda srsly
Assassin Lavi shimmying his way on out to the dance floor. Move over Weinie, I'm the prettier peacock
Assassin Deak follows after lavi
Conman Nea as if
Assassin Deak sorry, jiji
Princess Zuki ,,,,talk to her??? ur gonna cauSE WAR THIS IS WHAT IM TRYING TO AVOID
Knight Kanda talk to her
Conman Nea i dont even need to dance
Assassin Deak glares at nea
Knight Kanda why do i have to talk to her
Conman Nea real fancy people dont have to bother with that shit
Knight Kanda shouldnt YOU talk to her
Princess Zuki is just gonna look up at kanda, kinda nervous cuz what do Princess Zuki ur a knight tell me
Assassin Deak we should show him how it's done, lavi
Queen Alma no, its the other way around nea
Assassin Lavi but ur not a Assassin Lavi real
Queen Alma real fancy people DO need to dance
Assassin Lavi fancy person Assassin Lavi ur a con Assassin Lavi a fake Assassin Lavi a sham
Conman Nea wow alma youre so knowledgeable...
Princess Zuki do i,,, dance what,,, do i do,,,
Conman Nea you should tutor me sometime 😉
Knight Kanda yes go dance
Assassin Deak clears his throat Assassin Deak t o o m a n y p e o p l e
Queen Alma are you any good at war strategy?
Princess Zuki hhhhh
Conman Nea no but im a quick learner
Assassin Deak is trying to breathe right but. so many people in one place
Princess Zuki steps forward a lil. fuck she doesnt want ppl to recognize the blue fuckin hair
Assassin Lavi who needs to bother tutoring when u can dance with someone who already knows 😉
Knight Kanda wow u guys suck Knight Kanda zuki dont even be nervous
Knight Kanda theyre all terrible
Princess Zuki probably has her hair tied back in a bun or something with a cute lil ribbon who knows she's a cutie
Assassin Lavi grabs Deak's hands and starts leading him into a dance. Just calm down and ignore them and have some fuuun
Princess Zuki no theyre noT theyre just. di ffere n t
Knight Kanda ,,, no Knight Kanda no they definitely are terrible Knight Kanda theyre giving off the terrible vibes Knight Kanda i know these things zuki
Princess Zuki i mean alma is but i dont know the rest
Conman Nea is honestly just going to eat all this finger food
Queen Alma w o w
Conman Nea while waiting to see if this blue runt has a breakdown
Assassin Deak follows lavi and just gives a small laugh
Queen Alma this is why i like nea better than you
Princess Zuki glances at neA AND JUST. stands on her tippy toes to whisper to kanda
Assassin Lavi I may be a terrible person but my dancing is A+++
Assassin Bookman please don't get yourselves killed
Conman Nea oh shit im climbing the ranks
Assassin Deak ye
Princess Zuki: ...i'm getting the feeling that person is only here for the snacks. Princess Zuki ,,,standing on tippy toes in heels hurts wtf
Knight Kanda please dont hurt yourself whispering
Assassin Deak twirls lavi around before dipping him back, glancing over at the queen
Knight Kanda: That's probably an accurate feeling.
Assassin Lavi why would we get kille-- Assassin Lavi oh hi
Assassin Deak narrows his eye Assassin Deak hi
Queen Alma fuck you
Assassin Deak wow Assassin Deak take me to dinner first, sweetheart
Princess Zuki softly giggles. ah yes kanda the tall stressball
Queen Alma say that out loud and see what happens
Assassin Deak w o w
Assassin Lavi do it
Princess Zuki whiSPERS AGAIN
Conman Nea please fight Conman Nea itd make my night
Queen Alma you cyclops
Assassin Deak u know i like a woman that can kick my ass
Princess Zuki: i... do i... just... find someone to dance with? i-i really don't know what to do--
Assassin Deak wow
Assassin Lavi but can she kick both of ours at the same time that's the real question
Queen Alma and i like a man when he's a good doormat
Assassin Deak good question
Assassin Lavi hear that she wants to step on us
Assassin Deak i'm a good doormat
Queen Alma crush you and your pathetic twin under my heel, yes
Assassin Deak crush us, queenie Assassin Deak but we just get right back up tbh
Knight Kanda: Yes, or go join that glutton at the food table if it's easier.
Queen Alma how unfortunate.
Assassin Deak i know Assassin Deak i long for the sweet release of death
Queen Alma then die
Princess Zuki ,,,she's just gonna. waltz on over to the food table because she doesn't know what else to do
Assassin Lavi anywayyyyy swings back up and pulls Deak into a twiiirl
Assassin Bookman god damn it Assassin Bookman this is why i can't take you anywhere
Conman Nea looks at the runt with a full mouth
Assassin Lavi don't look at me :'<
Conman Nea thats uhh.... whos that again.....
Assassin Lavi I'm being gooood
Conman Nea fffffffffffffffffffuck Conman Nea zuko???
Princess Zuki ,,,waves awkwardly
Conman Nea zucchini ???
Princess Zuki NO
Assassin Deak just smirks and goes with it, still watching every movement of everyone else
Assassin Bookman you're being terrible
Conman Nea fuck whatever
Queen Alma casually watching these idiots
Assassin Lavi oNLY IN THE 4th WALL
Assassin Bookman when we get home, you're both going straight to bed
Conman Nea swallows and dips his head slightly in greeting
Assassin Bookman STILL GOING TO BED Assassin Bookman I DON'T CARE
Conman Nea: Good evening, your highness
Assassin Deak jIIIJIIIIIIII :'<
Princess Zuki: oh, um--
Assassin Deak holy fuck he's stealing our woman
Conman Nea thats a highness right?? Conman Nea looks like a highness
Princess Zuki boWS QUICKLY
Knight Kanda im watching u nea
Assassin Lavi what
Assassin Deak quick, uh
Assassin Lavi move bitch
Knight Kanda you're at a royal ball
Princess Zuki: g-- good evening!
Assassin Lavi oh wait who
Knight Kanda i assume that assuming you're royalty is expected
Princess Zuki yeah but the masks
Assassin Deak oh Assassin Deak never mind Assassin Deak forget i Assassin Deak said anything Assassin Deak haha
Conman Nea mostly everyones a highness or a lady or something or other im just shooting in the dark Conman Nea: Enjoying the festivities?
Assassin Lavi gonna steal some of those weinies mid-dance while they're chit-chatting
Knight Kanda its fine, ill slaughter him if he does something wrong Knight Kanda just enjoy yourself
Assassin Bookman 4th wall facepalms tbh
Assassin Lavi and then go straight back to dancing
Queen Alma that was
Assassin Deak just gonna,, stick by lavi
Queen Alma so ungraceful
Assassin Deak too paranoid to do anything else
Princess Zuki: um... i've never... attended one of these before, so i'm not sure how to feel.
Assassin Lavi it was v graceful
Princess Zuki scratches the back of her head, giving a nervous giggle
Queen Alma no it wasnt
Assassin Deak looks at zuki Assassin Deak blinks
Assassin Lavi for how hungry I am rn it is
Assassin Deak looks at nea
Conman Nea why is she so nervous
Assassin Deak how i'd love to shove his head in the punch bowl,,,,,
Princess Zuki Is Not Nervous Princess Zuki has only cried 5 times
Conman Nea youre like a bird that knows the puddy tats watchin
Assassin Lavi "oops my hand slipped"
Princess Zuki ,,,,a what Princess Zuki mr kanda what's a puddy tat
Assassin Deak ....i'm gonna do it
Assassin Lavi now where's all the single ladies at
Assassin Deak steps over to nea,, Assassin Deak coughs
Conman Nea: They're a little dull at times. Stuffy, too. The food's good, though.
Assassin Deak: excuse me, sir.
Assassin Lavi Nea do u have a lady
Conman Nea: Hm?
Assassin Lavi b/c I think she's about to be single
Knight Kanda it's a term referring to a cat, princess.
Conman Nea i have a few ladies
Princess Zuki watches, blinking slowly
Assassin Lavi all the better
Princess Zuki we were,,, having a conversation,,, Princess Zuki how rude,,,
Knight Kanda im gonna stab that redheaded bitch
Assassin Deak: you look quite spectacular tonight. Assassin Deak smiles and tilts his head just a bit
Conman Nea oh. aye. 😉
Assassin Lavi trAITOR
Princess Zuki ,,,kEEPS WATCHING
Conman Nea smiles back and adjusts his coat a little
Assassin Deak: would you be interested in a dance?
Princess Zuki ...steps back a bit though Princess Zuki welp there goes a potential dance partner :'(((
Conman Nea: Why, I'd be honored. Conman Nea holds out a hand
Assassin Deak grins and takes nea's hand
Conman Nea sorry zuki
Assassin Lavi blinks
Conman Nea but tbh youre too short for me to dance with like how would that wo rk Conman Nea youre like a person for ants Conman Nea leads Deak to the dance floor
Princess Zuki if i can dance with mr kanda i can dance with u
Assassin Lavi hops up alongside the smol and holds out a hand with a smile Assassin Lavi: Care for a dance?
Princess Zuki blinks
Assassin Lavi oh
Princess Zuki ,,,looks back at kanda for approval---
Assassin Lavi wel p
Assassin Deak brushes his hair back, taking a deep breath Assassin Deak: it's such a beautiful night.
Assassin Bookman glances at the queen,, Assassin Bookman hmmm
Knight Kanda do what you want, zuki, have fun Knight Kanda: me im just here 2 stab
Princess Zuki: { my fav piece of kanda dialogue
Knight Kanda: my life is a fragment of not doing /me right ]
Assassin Lavi: RIP }
Assassin Deak: but not quite as beautiful as your eyes.
Queen Alma jee a person cant just stand around without being looked at, rude
Assassin Bookman ,,,wow, sORRY
Princess Zuki looks back at lavi and sloooowly takes his hand
Princess Zuki: u-um... o... o-okay..! Princess Zuki iS SO NERVOUS
Conman Nea oh this guys a Good One Conman Nea laughs a little Conman Nea: Why, aren't you a flatterer?
Assassin Deak: very much so. Assassin Deak: they say flattery gets you places Assassin Deak chuckles softly
Assassin Lavi takes the smol hand and leads them out onto the floor Assassin Lavi don't worry I'll take it nice and slow for you smol
Princess Zuki thank u,,
Queen Alma well when ur apprentices glare at me
Princess Zuki just kinda. follOWS
Conman Nea: It certainly does. Though, what I am to do when you're using all my best lines against me?
Queen Alma it makes it weird to be looked at constantly
Assassin Bookman don't worry, we're going to be having a long talk when we get home
Assassin Lavi stops in a space that's relatively clear and starts showing her some steps to copy Assassin Lavi lookit me Assassin Lavi being good with children :'> Assassin Lavi v trustworthy
Conman Nea ur a Snake
Assassin Lavi and ur a STFU what's your point
Conman Nea what does that even mean
Assassin Deak slow dancing,, slow dancing,,, slowly,, dip him back,,,,,,,,, Assassin Deak o o p s Assassin Deak i dropped him,, Assassin Deak what,, a shame,, Assassin Deak: i... i am so sorry!
Queen Alma ho ly sh it
Assassin Lavi nice going
Conman Nea okay, OW Conman Nea winces. he's gon' feel that for the rest of the evening
Assassin Deak: i have a bad shoulder. i hurt it back when i was a child... Assassin Deak offers nea a hand
Conman Nea: It's... fine. Accidents happen. Conman Nea he's salty though.
Queen Alma man i would be too
Conman Nea begrudgingly takes the hand though to pull himself up
Assassin Deak: let me treat you to a drink...
Princess Zuki was dancing with lavi but now she's concerned for nea Princess Zuki whispers to lavi Princess Zuki: u-um, w-will that man be alright..?
Assassin Bookman deak i swear to g o d
Assassin Lavi: ....
Conman Nea brushes himself off. gotta look Good still. Conman Nea forces a bit of a smile
Assassin Lavi glances at Deak and Nea and shrugs
Conman Nea: A drink sounds perfect.
Queen Alma i s2g if u ruin this party ill wreck you, monkey
Assassin Lavi: Yeah. Just a little bump.
Assassin Deak nods and feigns a concerned look
Princess Zuki is still watching them tbh
Assassin Lavi offers Zuki a hand again
Assassin Deak: i am so very sorry....
Assassin Lavi: Shall we continue?
Assassin Deak: my brother and i... we help our grandfather for a living. Assassin Deak: i hurt my shoulder carrying books... Assassin Deak sig h s
Princess Zuki blinks at lavi n takes his hanD AGAIN
Conman Nea oh, backstory time. time to pretend to be interested
Princess Zuki: o-of course-- my apologies.
Assassin Lavi chuckles softly Assassin Lavi: No need to apologize
Knight Kanda ba  d v i b e s
Conman Nea rests a hand on deak's apparently fucked up shoulder
Knight Kanda im w a t ch in g y ou
Assassin Lavi: Has anyone ever taught you to dance before now?
Conman Nea: Don't apologize so much, mistakes happen. Conman Nea: A little dust never killed anyone. Conman Nea except my good mood
Assassin Deak: you're too kind... too kind, sir...
Princess Zuki: um... i haven't taken lessons since i was young.
Assassin Deak steps over to the drinks and clears his throat Assassin Deak requests one for himself and the other for nea
Assassin Lavi hums Assassin Lavi: But you are young?
Conman Nea sighs softly as he joins him Conman Nea: So.. You said you have a brother?
Conman Nea tell me more
Princess Zuki: i... cannot say? i-i'm fifteen, if that's what you're asking.
Assassin Deak: ...yes. indeed i do. Assassin Deak: a twin, to be exact.
Conman Nea is he less of a klutz than you
Assassin Lavi: So still young~
Assassin Deak no
Conman Nea damn
Assassin Deak jk, probably
Assassin Lavi: Anyway, I would be honored to be your teacher
Assassin Deak but i did that on purpose so Assassin Deak aNYWAY
Princess Zuki smiles softly. okay this is going much nicer than expected she is Satisfied
Conman Nea: A twin, hm?
Assassin Deak: yes. Assassin Deak: a twin.
Assassin Lavi Deak what r u doing how do we pull off the sly switcheroo if people know there's two of uS
Princess Zuki: i-i would be honored to be your student!
Queen Alma hahah your twin messed up
Assassin Lavi sQU INT S
Assassin Deak just. be patient. Assassin Deak i have a plan
Conman Nea: It's hard to imagine someone else with a face like your's
Assassin Lavi u better kill that bitch-- Assassin Lavi okay good
Conman Nea you may have annoyed me but hey i can still be suave
Assassin Deak blinks a few times before getting that feigned warm smile
Assassin Lavi leads Zuki back into some dance steps
Assassin Deak: ...too kind, sir...
Princess Zuki just. follows along. she's doin pretty okay for her first masquerade yay
Assassin Deak: too kind.... Assassin Deak: but ah... he's... not identical. Assassin Deak points to a random stranger out in the crowd Assassin Deak: do you see him?
Assassin Bookman deaK I S2G
Assassin Lavi go Deak go
Conman Nea looks out. oh. hm.
Queen Alma wow
Conman Nea: I never would've guessed...
Princess Zuki occasionally just. looks bac k at kanda bcuz loOK IM SOCIALIZING
Conman Nea Doubt(tm) but also. eh. he's seen some weird shit.
Assassin Deak: so i am indeed the... more handsome one.
Assassin Lavi gonna show u some less slow more fun dance moves now : >
Assassin Deak la u g h s
Assassin Lavi b/c slow dancing is kinda u gh
Conman Nea chuckles softly Conman Nea: By far.
Princess Zuki ,,,but slow dancing is Official
Knight Kanda glaring @ stupid redhead Knight Kanda still watching u
Assassin Lavi which one
Assassin Deak ye which one
Knight Kanda b o t h
Assassin Deak someone distract zuki
Assassin Lavi I'm working on it
Assassin Deak nO SOMEONE ELSE
Assassin Lavi anyway slow dancing may be official but its less fuun
Assassin Deak i need to s w i t c h Assassin Deak it's getting weir d Assassin Deak u go talk to the weird guy
Assassin Lavi hey u picked him don't look @ me
Conman Nea why you gotta lead me on like this Conman Nea im cute as hell
Assassin Deak s w i t c h wi th m e
Assassin Lavi fi n e fine give me Assassin Lavi a moment Assassin Lavi okay I got it Assassin Lavi: Mayhaps you would like to show what you've learned to your... escort? There-- Assassin Lavi motions at Kanda Assassin Lavi: I find myself in need of something to drink
Knight Kanda the fuck u motioning at Knight Kanda come here and ill cut that hand off
Princess Zuki blinks and looks at kanda before nodding Princess Zuki: o-okay! Princess Zuki: thank you for teaching me!
Assassin Lavi wow what did I ever do to u
Conman Nea looks like he's checking deak out. is actually taking a mental inventory off how expensive his accessories look
Assassin Deak: ...i'll be right back.
Princess Zuki boops on over to kanda. she's a happy bean
Assassin Lavi wiggly fingers at the smol and slips into the crowd
Conman Nea: Hm? Oh, alright.
Assassin Deak gives nea a soft smile and walks off Assassin Deak passes lavi and just Assassin Deak: don't mess this up.
Queen Alma wtf are these bitch twins doing
Assassin Lavi mhm, mhm~
Princess Zuki Suspects Nothing Princess Zuki smiles up at kanda bcuz fuck she's happy
Conman Nea leans on the counter table thing with his drink. huffs.
Conman Nea my fucking elbow hurts
Assassin Deak oH SHIT LAVI
Princess Zuki: mr. kanda! a nice man taught me some things!
Assassin Deak hands him his mask Assassin Deak takes lavi's mask and quickly walks off
Assassin Lavi gonna slip around through the crowd a bit to go get a drink and-- Assassin Lavi OH Assassin Lavi good thinking
Knight Kanda: Did he? What did you learn?
Assassin Deak i k n o w Assassin Deak i'm good B )
Princess Zuki just kinda. gently grabs his hands
Conman Nea did i get stood up
Princess Zuki: dance with me and i'll show you!!
Assassin Lavi gonna go get himself a drink like he's actually had a reason to go off before heading "back" to Nea Assassin Lavi: I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long~ Assassin Lavi he brought u a drink too Nea
Conman Nea blinks. looks at the drink Conman Nea looks at the drink in his own hand. that deak order for him already. you're bad at this, dude.
Knight Kanda u kno this is a royalty party not ur knight party
Assassin Deak god damn it, lavi Assassin Deak LAVI WH Y Assassin Deak make some sort excuse
Conman Nea raises a hand to his mouth and laughs
Princess Zuki daNG IT MR KANDA
Conman Nea: Are you that forgetful?
Assassin Deak like i thought you needed another one or something
Queen Alma dont fourth wall give him ideas Queen Alma thats cheating
Assassin Lavi: I thought you'd be done with it by the time I got back Assassin Lavi: Where's the fun in these things otherwise? Assassin Lavi little wink
Knight Kanda thats,,, true Knight Kanda but,,,,,,,,,,,, i still am not royalty
Conman Nea gives him a Look like he's not sure whether to buy that or not Conman Nea but hey. Conman Nea free drink
Knight Kanda that would be odd
Conman Nea: Point taken, I suppose.
Assassin Lavi: Well
Assassin Deak goes and stands in the dark corner,,
Assassin Lavi: If I turned out to be wrong, just more for me
Princess Zuki huFFS
Assassin Lavi: Why pass good drinks?
Conman Nea finishes off his glass and takes the one lavi brought. Conman Nea: Exactly. Conman Nea mine now. Conman Nea: By the way, I never caught your name.
Assassin Lavi chuckles a little bit and sips his own drink Assassin Lavi: Hmm..
Assassin Deak l i e, l a v i
Assassin Lavi: Did I never give it to you? Assassin Lavi smiles coyly
Assassin Deak or,, that
Assassin Lavi shhhh I know how to do this relax
Assassin Deak wHaT iS rE l a XI n G
Conman Nea: You didn't. And while I love a man of mystery, I'd rather not have to call you 'red' all night.
Princess Zuki is just gonna,,, stay by kanda again
Assassin Lavi hums and sips his drink with a little seductive side-eye
Queen Alma hahah monkey and red
Assassin Lavi: "Red" works just fine for me. I can be whoever y'want me to be~
Assassin Lavi laughs a little bit Assassin Lavi: I didn't mean for that to rhyme...
Assassin Deak i'm so proud of you, lavi Assassin Deak good job
Assassin Lavi: Anyway, is this not the point of a masquerade?
Conman Nea: Fair point. Conman Nea hums a bit from behind the rim of his glass
Assassin Deak anyway, my nerves are killing me lm a o
Princess Zuki ,,,just. inches a little closer to kanda. she's back to feeling awkward
Conman Nea: Red it is, then.
Assassin Deak slinks around in the shadows
Queen Alma what a tense party
Assassin Deak pls don't notice me~ pls don't notice me~
Assassin Lavi downs the rest of his drink before setting it aside and offering his hand with a little laugh Assassin Lavi: Back to dancing then, sir~?
Assassin Deak doin a sneaky sneak
Conman Nea gives him a Look Conman Nea: You promise not to drop me this time?
Assassin Lavi: ...I won't-- Assassin Lavi laughs Assassin Lavi: Yeah, I won't drop you this time
Assassin Deak panicking,,
Assassin Lavi why r u panicking
Assassin Deak tOO MANY PEOPLE,,
Conman Nea sets his cup aside and takes the offered hand Conman Nea: If you do, I'm taking you down with me
Princess Zuki ,,,sits down
Assassin Lavi throaty purr as he takes Nea's hand and wanders back towards the dance floor Assassin Lavi: Promise?
Princess Zuki in a chair ofc Princess Zuki nearby kanda bcuz too many strangers
Conman Nea quirks a brow and smacks lavi's arm lightly with a little snort Conman Nea: We'll see
Princess Zuki ............wants to go home--
Assassin Lavi gonna take Nea for a ride tbh Assassin Lavi hope u know how to dance Nea b/c he's not gonna hold back like with the smol
Queen Alma not on the dancefloor pls Queen Alma there is a child
Conman Nea i know how to daNCE... Conman Nea decently well
Assassin Lavi we're just danCING jeez Assassin Lavi but v Assassin Lavi flashy dancing b/c All Eyes Off Deak
Conman Nea yes all eyes should be on Me pls Conman Nea peacock in the room hello hello
Assassin Lavi two peacocks in the room Assassin Lavi pulls Nea into some hardcore dancing with a little grin Assassin Lavi: Try ta keep up~
Princess Zuki just. watcheS
Conman Nea whoA Conman Nea: I'll do my best-! Conman Nea lord help me
Queen Alma this is going to go wrong Queen Alma where did the other one go
Assassin Deak it's a mystery
Conman Nea: Where'd you learn to dance like this?
Assassin Lavi no lord can save u now Assassin Lavi: Mm, I wonder~?
Conman Nea laughs lightly Conman Nea: So secretive
Assassin Lavi why would I make anything easy 2 get for u
Conman Nea because im handsome
Assassin Lavi no sorry I look in the mirror for handsome Assassin Lavi or at my twin Assassin Lavi same diff
Conman Nea rude Conman Nea i cant believe im dancing with you when i could be making some REAL progress with someone cuter
Assassin Deak is talking to some girls,, Assassin Deak stealing some kisses from some random people,,
Princess Zuki wants to talk to someone :'((
Queen Alma wow
Princess Zuki kissing is gross though
Assassin Deak oh well
Assassin Lavi why go with cute when u can go with hot
Assassin Deak i'm gross, so
Assassin Lavi which I am
Queen Alma if your twin is gross, so are you
Conman Nea because APPARENTLY im not good enough for you mr. _oh im so handsome_
Queen Alma which means hes making progress withs omeone gross
Assassin Lavi wow u hit the nail on the head Assassin Lavi Nea I mean, not Alma
Conman Nea so fucking cruel
Princess Zuki i keep hearing this weird buzzing in my ear that sounds strangely feminine and fake hmmmm
Queen Alma come say that to my face
Assassin Lavi Soon(tm)
Conman Nea ive got the face of a god and you dont appreciate it one bit
Assassin Deak makes his way over to the que- nope Assassin Deak never mind Assassin Deak not gonna touch that
Queen Alma : (
Assassin Deak just gonna throw stuff from the shadows at that knight person
Assassin Lavi dancing v flirtatiously and flashy to draw attention on himself tbh
Knight Kanda im going to kill you
Assassin Deak pls do
Assassin Lavi Deak wtf Assassin Lavi how am I supposed to distract from you if you're distracting from me
Assassin Deak i ask myself that all of the time
Conman Nea today i've learned that i dont likle being outshined
Knight Kanda looks over at zuki
Knight Kanda: Princess, I'll be right back. Will you be alright?
Assassin Lavi then get gud
Assassin Bookman you're both Grounded
Princess Zuki snAPS HER HEAD UP and nods Princess Zuki: u-um, okay.
Conman Nea im gud AF
Assassin Deak o s h i t
Assassin Deak rUN Assassin Deak GO GO GO
Knight Kanda i sEE YOU BITch
Assassin Lavi ffs Deak
Knight Kanda starts stalking off in the direction deak is running
Assassin Deak NO U DON'T
Assassin Lavi what happened to "don't mess this up"
Assassin Deak I FUCKED IT UP Assassin Deak I WAS BORED
Knight Kanda here i come little bitch
Princess Zuki watches kanda until she just. cant see him anymore Princess Zuki ,,,is already lonely
Assassin Lavi also busting moves Assassin Lavi u wanna go bro
Assassin Deak i'm gonna run and jump off the fuckin balcony
Assassin Lavi I can go
Princess Zuki looks down. why must u leave, mr kanda
Assassin Deak u gonna jump after me, asshole?
Assassin Lavi make sure u land in some hay or something
Knight Kanda yeah, i will
Assassin Deak on it Assassin Deak oH FUCK YOU
Knight Kanda in fact, i'm going to fucking shove you before you jump
Conman Nea im gonna bust the sickest moves
Knight Kanda maybe you shouldnt have done that Knight Kanda come here
Princess Zuki would leave but then mr kanda would be concerned
Assassin Deak fu c k u
Knight Kanda please dont leave until i return Knight Kanda from killing this bitch
Assassin Bookman grabs deak
Assassin Lavi mmmm if Deak doesn't need the distraction anymore then u can win this round
Assassin Bookman looks at kanda
Conman Nea fuck yeah
Knight Kanda s w ,e a  t,s ,,s ,
Assassin Bookman: ...my apologies.
Assassin Deak o w Assassin Deak: ...wh-what did i do?
Assassin Lavi: ...I think that's about all I can do for one night
Knight Kanda just looks at them for a moment before scoffing and leaving again
Assassin Lavi laughs a bit Assassin Lavi: You dance very well...
Assassin Lavi: It was an honor and a privilege, sir.
Assassin Bookman waits until kanda is gone Assassin Bookman HITS DEAK UPSIDE THE HEAD LIKE FOUR TIMES
Assassin Deak #RIP
Conman Nea: Ahh, and you were worried about me not being able to keep up.
Knight Kanda goes back 2 zuki
Assassin Lavi RIP DEAK u deserved that
Conman Nea chuckles softly Conman Nea: Indeed it was.
Knight Kanda: My apologies for leaving you, Princess. Are you alright?
Conman Nea: Thank you for the dance, Red.
Princess Zuki snAPS HER HEAD UP AGAIN bcuz she may or may not have been startled
Assassin Lavi little bow Assassin Lavi: My pleasure~
Princess Zuki: u-um, i'm okay. a-are you..?
Knight Kanda v neutrally Knight Kanda: Yes.
Assassin Lavi little wink wonk Assassin Lavi: Maybe we can do this again some day and next time perhaps I'll win~
Conman Nea quit winkin at me youve got like one eye dont you Conman Nea what hte Fuck Conman Nea laughs. he's already walkin' away. Conman Nea: Oh, I doubt you will.
Princess Zuki smiles kinda meekly up at kanda before lookin back down
Assassin Lavi shUT UP Assassin Lavi Freedom To Wink Rights for All >:L
Queen Alma you guys are lame Queen Alma im bored Queen Alma get in a fight or something
Assassin Lavi: Hmm we'll see~
Conman Nea i could entertain you 😉
Assassin Lavi good then I don't have to come up with an excuse for ME to walk away
Assassin Bookman is giving deak a lecture tbh
Assassin Deak ju s t rubbing at his jaw,,
Assassin Lavi slips off to where Deak and Bookman are and just +1's that head smack
Conman Nea returns to the snack bar
Assassin Deak o W Assassin Deak hISSES AND LOOKS AT LAVI
Queen Alma i think you're more entertained by snacks, sir
Assassin Deak: what was that for?!
Conman Nea i mean theyre alright
Princess Zuki looks back at mr snack bar. we never finished talking :^(
Assassin Lavi: ...I saw that Assassin Lavi: "Don't mess this up Lavi". Seriously?
Assassin Deak: ...it would've been fine.
Conman Nea ur welcome to come back over here
Assassin Deak s i g h  s
Princess Zuki stands up n goes back over there Princess Zuki we can be loners i guess
Assassin Bookman just shakes his head and storms off Assassin Bookman: i have better things to do besides babysit. Assassin Bookman: behave yourselves.
Conman Nea looks down at the runt Conman Nea: Sorry for my poor manners earlier, my lady.
Princess Zuki waves sheepishly,,,
Assassin Lavi wow r00d
Princess Zuki: i-it's fine. a-are you okay? you fell earlier...
Conman Nea snorts a little
Assassin Lavi I'm not the one who almost launched out a window being chased by some royal's lapdog
Assassin Deak: ...i didn't expect anyone to notice. Assassin Deak sHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH, LAVI
Conman Nea: Oh, I'll be fine. He was quite the klutz, though, wasn't he?
Assassin Lavi MAKE ME
Princess Zuki: mhm.
Conman Nea: What a shame, too, he seemed... Nice.
Assassin Lavi b/c that's so inconspicuous
Conman Nea huffs and puts on a smile
Princess Zuki: i-i danced with someone nice, too..! h-he taught me some things. dance things.
Conman Nea: But I won't bore you with that sort of thing Conman Nea: Oh?
Princess Zuki ....is mentally slapping herseLF
Assassin Deak wow
Princess Zuki: i-it wouldn't bore me! promise.
Conman Nea: ... Conman Nea glances around
Conman Nea slowly hands Zuki his barely touched glass of wine
Princess Zuki ,,,takes it..???
Conman Nea: Here, you seem like you need something for your nerves.
Princess Zuki ...sets it down..?? Princess Zuki: that's... i-i cannot drink. sorry.
Assassin Deak grabs lavi and just. pulls him off Assassin Deak: we need to avoid that guy.
Messenger Cecil joined the chat
Assassin Lavi !!!!!
Assassin Deak: he was nothing but trouble.
Assassin Lavi oh u think?
Conman Nea: It's not like anyone would know-- This is an anonymous party, after all
Princess Zuki: um...
Assassin Deak: ...everyone here... nothing but trouble.
Queen Alma im offended by that Queen Alma calling me trouble at my party
Assassin Deak good
Princess Zuki looks back at kanda and theN back to nea Princess Zuki whispers Princess Zuki: m-my... guard... is right there.
Assassin Deak: ...are you hurt?
Conman Nea oh
Assassin Deak: he didn't hurt you, did he?
Conman Nea o h Conman Nea retracts the glass Conman Nea: Perhaps not, then
Assassin Lavi: ...no Assassin Lavi: why would he?
Messenger Cecil okay uh he's probably , over at the food table
Princess Zuki giGGLES SOFTLY
Assassin Deak: ...you can't trust anyone here. especially not him. Assassin Deak snickers softly
Conman Nea downs it himself cause. goddamn. that couldve got him in Trouble
Assassin Deak: i have a few souvenirs, though.
Princess Zuki watches n blinks. wow
Assassin Lavi snickers
Conman Nea: Really, though, you shouldn't be so nervous. It's just a party.
Assassin Lavi: Takes one to know one?
Assassin Deak: ah. yes.
Assassin Lavi: Anyway, hope y'got some good ones~
Queen Alma the food table is always the most awkward spot at the party Queen Alma i swear
Conman Nea save us, queenie
Princess Zuki: i-i've never attended one of these before...
Queen Alma and how would you like me to do that
Princess Zuki: regular parties, sure, but... never one of these.
Conman Nea uhhh Conman Nea make this kid Relax
Assassin Deak: i did, i did~
Messenger Cecil im not awkward.....
Queen Alma no youre pretty awkward
Conman Nea cecil tell this kid to relax
Messenger Cecil is hungry and this is free food and a man's gotta do what he gotta do Messenger Cecil h o w
Conman Nea i dont kn ow Conman Nea: Think of it as a regular party Conman Nea: It's not much different
Queen Alma just with people of higher status
Messenger Cecil I probably dont know shes here yet and when I figure out I sm gonna be avoiding the hec k out of her in fear of being recognized
Messenger Cecil wAit we hAVE MASKS
Queen Alma y e ah
Princess Zuki: well... there are a few differences, but...
Messenger Cecil o h
Princess Zuki sigHS
Messenger Cecil well still qkdhsg
Assassin Lavi hums and glances off towards the queen
Messenger Cecil is Snacking
Princess Zuki: y-you're right. i shouldn't be nervous.
Assassin Lavi: Get cold feet b'fore you got that far? Assassin Lavi Ye he saw you go the other way earlier Deak
Conman Nea: Exactly Conman Nea: Besides, you've got a mask Conman Nea: if anything goes poorly, nobody will know it was you
Assassin Deak ,,, Assassin Deak si g h s
Princess Zuki: ....well, you knew i was royalty.
Assassin Deak: ...maybe i did. Assassin Deak: maybe i didn't.
Conman Nea: Most people here are
Assassin Lavi snickers and pats the top of his head
Queen Alma you were so confident fourth wall Queen Alma : (
Messenger Cecil wait who is talking to who now
Princess Zuki: not everyone.
Messenger Cecil i'm so confs u e d
Princess Zuki: i could've easily been a commoner.
Conman Nea: That's true
Assassin Lavi: ...both of you're more useful without one throwing the other in jail anyway
Conman Nea: I guess I just made a lucky guess
Princess Zuki: ...you said guess twice. Princess Zuki she's cracking up dont mind her
Conman Nea ruD
Assassin Bookman i'm watching
Conman Nea HUFF
Messenger Cecil o u guys r also here Messenger Cecil awkward
Assassin Bookman always watching
Assassin Lavi wow don't be creepy Panda
Conman Nea: You know what I meant
Messenger Cecil I just want e d to snaCk in pE acE
Assassin Deak yeah, jiji
Conman Nea hey bookman smack deak a few more times please
Conman Nea and lavi too?? i feel friendzoned
Assassin Bookman what do you kids know? leave me alone. i'm your mentor, you're my students. don't disrespect me
Princess Zuki looKS AT CECIL N WAVES Princess Zuki h ELLO
Assassin Bookman they're going to get hit when they get home
Conman Nea except we've nto even friends. its awful. Conman Nea good
Messenger Cecil o h Messenger Cecil looks around
Assassin Lavi u assume-- Assassin Lavi ye a Assassin Lavi ur not even that far along buddy
Messenger Cecil realizes shes waving at him
Assassin Lavi and don't expect u will be in ever
Messenger Cecil ,,, waves back
Assassin Deak ,,i kinda wanna go mess with him again Assassin Deak hands lavi his mask back Assassin Deak gives him a warm smile Assassin Deak: how about you go talk to the queen and i find that man again?
Assassin Lavi: ...y'never learn do ya Assassin Lavi he's laughing tho Assassin Lavi ye he can do that
Assassin Deak: i'm curious now.
Conman Nea looks at who zuki's wavin too
Princess Zuki scratches the back of her neck and looks down
Assassin Lavi time to serenade the big one
Conman Nea who u
Messenger Cecil henlo
Assassin Deak ruffles lavi's hair a few times before walking off, chuckling
Conman Nea looks him up and down
Messenger Cecil awkward,,
Conman Nea a solid 8 but you dont look like youre worth much
Messenger Cecil o h
Princess Zuki but he doesn't look 8 years old
Assassin Deak pretty much skips back to nea
Messenger Cecil w el ll
Conman Nea ....zuki
Assassin Deak tap tap on the shoulder
Messenger Cecil im flatter Messenger Cecil but ha if only you knew
Conman Nea blinks and turns back to deak Conman Nea raises a brow
Assassin Lavi off to make friendly with the queen I guess
Conman Nea: Miss me already?
Assassin Deak: i'd like to thank you for the dance!~ Assassin Deak quick kiss on the cheek
Conman Nea oh. hello there.
Messenger Cecil O:<
Conman Nea odD?
Princess Zuki blinks at deak
Messenger Cecil is lowkey watching them
Princess Zuki how can ppl socialize so eaSILY
Conman Nea: You're quite welcome
Assassin Deak looks at cecil
Messenger Cecil h
Knight Kanda because theyre older and its faked most of the time
Conman Nea: It's not often someone can keep up with me on the dancefloor.
Princess Zuki mr kanda can u teach me how to talk to people
Queen Alma whats happening
Assassin Deak looks back to nea Assassin Deak: years of practice.
Assassin Lavi sauntering over to the queen with his hands behind his back casually
Assassin Deak: dancing is an area of expertise for me.
Knight Kanda princess, i literally do not talk to anyone unless im bossing them around, attempting to murder them, reading their death messages before theyre murdered, threatening them or doing things of the sort Knight Kanda i doubt it is a good idea
Conman Nea no kanda thats a GREAT idea
Princess Zuki ,,,,does that mean ur going to kill me
Conman Nea: I can tell. Conman Nea: It was... refreshing to be a part of.
Assassin Deak: i'm quite glad~
Assassin Lavi little respectful head dip at the queen Assassin Lavi: Enjoying the evening, Your Highness?
Princess Zuki heard queen and she immediately wants to dip
Messenger Cecil o mg
Princess Zuki just. stands by cecil
Conman Nea glances around at the people at the food table.
Messenger Cecil o
Princess Zuki looks up at him n waves agaiN
Messenger Cecil henlo
Conman Nea this is. awkwardly quiet. how yall
Messenger Cecil aa Messenger Cecil waves back
Princess Zuki: h...hi.
Conman Nea well at least shes makin friends
Assassin Deak goes to get another glass of wine Assassin Deak b y e
Messenger Cecil would it be ok if I could already tell ur a royalty Messenger Cecil bc u wear fancy clothes
Conman Nea okay rude Conman Nea bye bitch Conman Nea goes back to tending to these cocktail weenies
Assassin Deak i could pour it on your head when i get back Assassin Deak then i really would be a bitch : >
Conman Nea or you could not Conman Nea but what you COULD do is bring me a glass like a good bitch
Assassin Deak fuk u
Princess Zuki yes its ok
Assassin Deak get ur own wine
Princess Zuki is disappointed but its ok
Messenger Cecil aw sorr
Conman Nea youre so mean to me Conman Nea i danced with you and called you pretty
Messenger Cecil: Hello, your Majesty...
Conman Nea and this is what i get
Queen Alma looks over and smiles politely
Assassin Deak i'm mean to everyone
Queen Alma: Certainly. However, it's more important that my guests enjoy than myself. Has your time been well?
Princess Zuki sIGHS
Assassin Deak: ;; i 'm gonna have to lay down for a lil bit bc m head is swimming
Messenger Cecil aA Messenger Cecil err Messenger Cecil: Um, m-my apologies, ma'am. It is the clothes that gave it away... Messenger Cecil: These are expensive fabrics...
Princess Zuki sighs again Princess Zuki: i suppose so, but still...
Assassin Lavi: Indeed, my time has been very enjoyable, Your Highness. But should the host not enjoy herself as well? I'm sure I am not the only one who feels as such~ Assassin Lavi just going to throw in a cute little head quirk for good measure
Messenger Cecil looks down understandingly Messenger Cecil: Is this.. Is this your first ball?
Conman Nea how many glasses of wine can i get before this guy cuts me off
Queen Alma a lot
Messenger Cecil ne a n o
Conman Nea nea yes Conman Nea i dont even belong here im jsut here to keep the good times rolliN
Assassin Lavi go for it nea
Princess Zuki: um... my first ball of this sort.
Messenger Cecil ne a p ls
Princess Zuki: i don't tend to leave the castle often, i-if at all.
Messenger Cecil nods
Conman Nea the bartender is my new best friend
Queen Alma: Nothing makes me more happy than seeing others enjoying their time. That's the point of a party, after all.
Messenger Cecil: Ah, I see... Well, are you enjoying yourself...?
Queen Alma like a dog, right Queen Alma how a dog tilts its head when its confused
Princess Zuki: um... i-in a sense..?
Assassin Lavi more or less ye
Messenger Cecil s a v a g e
Princess Zuki: it's... different.
Assassin Lavi chuckles a little bit
Messenger Cecil looks at her questioningly Messenger Cecil: How so?
Assassin Lavi: To each their own means of enjoyment. Assassin Lavi: Has there been a favorite part of this party for you so far? Assassin Lavi just gonna casually lean on a wall and chill here for a bit
Princess Zuki: i've mostly been by here the whole time. a-although, earlier, a very nice man taught me some dance moves...! that's about it, though.
Conman Nea time to be obnoxious Conman Nea and sit on the edge of the food table
Princess Zuki ....stares at nea
Messenger Cecil ahh
Queen Alma thoughtful humming
Assassin Lavi get your ass off the table don't be r00d
Conman Nea henlo losers
Messenger Cecil: W-Well, would you like to go for a walk, then? Messenger Cecil also looks up at nea Messenger Cecil blinks
Conman Nea waves
Queen Alma what are you doing on the table Queen Alma why
Messenger Cecil u h
Conman Nea my feet are tired
Queen Alma there are c h a i r s
Messenger Cecil: Um, i-is everything okay...?
Conman Nea i like to feel tall
Messenger Cecil at nea
Conman Nea glances around
Assassin Lavi sorry to break it to u but
Conman Nea: ..Yes?
Assassin Lavi ur never gonna match us trees
Queen Alma: Perhaps the assortment of character that has walked through the door? It is interesting to see the various types of people.
Conman Nea he's confused Conman Nea shut up giant
Queen Alma yeah the trees win no offense
Messenger Cecil aw Messenger Cecil furrows his brows in confusion
Assassin Lavi: Indeed. And the masks just make them all the more colorful characters, do they not? Assassin Lavi this is how u bond right
Messenger Cecil: Um, what are you doing on top of that table, i-if I may ask? Messenger Cecil: A table is hardly a place to sit...
Conman Nea: My feet are tired and I like being close to the food.
Messenger Cecil ,,, Messenger Cecil glances around
Conman Nea: Unless you'd like to grab a chair for me?
Queen Alma: Absolutely. Surely there's something about the... secrecy. No one would ever know who someone truly is here, not entirely. Perhaps a guess or two, and maybe a correct guess, but never fully.
Conman Nea swings his legs
Messenger Cecil uh not really but
Queen Alma: Like hiding behind shadowy curtains, perhaps?
Messenger Cecil: Um, s-sure...
Assassin Lavi hums
Conman Nea smiles Conman Nea: You have my thanks.
Messenger Cecil glances at zuki and then , goes to get a chair
Assassin Lavi: Good reason not to hang curtains
Messenger Cecil I cant believ this
Assassin Lavi chuckles a little
Messenger Cecil dips his head back at nea
Conman Nea this is fuck in ggreat Conman Nea what else can i get this guy to do
Messenger Cecil fetches a chair and carries it back Messenger Cecil :I Messenger Cecil don't use m e Messenger Cecil: Here you go, good sir
Conman Nea hops down and takes a seat once he's got a chair. push me in, cecil. Conman Nea: Why thank you
Messenger Cecil ,,, are u fr real
Conman Nea yes
Messenger Cecil , push es the chair in
Conman Nea looks so damn pleased with himself
Princess Zuki is still staring tbh
Messenger Cecil :I
Conman Nea snaps suddenly Conman Nea: oh, drat, I forgot.
Messenger Cecil wh
Conman Nea looks at cecil with a small frown Conman Nea: I meant to grab another glass of wine before I settled down. Conman Nea: I don't suppose you'd be so kind...?
Queen Alma: That and with the drunkards they'd tear them down on accident.
Messenger Cecil .......
Assassin Lavi now he's really laughing
Queen Alma looks at lavi, curiously tilting her head Queen Alma: Pardon me for the odd question, but there were two of you, correct?
Messenger Cecil: Err, perhaps one of the servants can be of more help to you...
Assassin Lavi: Mayhaps less "on accident" so much as-- Assassin Lavi hmm so she saw them did she
Messenger Cecil glances back at zuki Messenger Cecil he lp
Conman Nea blinks at him Conman Nea eyes widen
Princess Zuki narrows her eyes at nea
Assassin Lavi: I did come with like company, yes.
Conman Nea raises a hand to his mouth Conman Nea: Oh my. Conman Nea: I thought... Conman Nea: Nevermind.
Messenger Cecil oh no
Conman Nea: My apologies.
Princess Zuki glances at cecil n then baCK AT NEA
Messenger Cecil: W-What..?
Conman Nea adjusts his collar softly Conman Nea: I thought you were the help.
Assassin Lavi he sighs and shakes his head a little bit
Conman Nea: My sincere apologies.
Messenger Cecil h
Princess Zuki: i believe that role goes to you, sir.
Messenger Cecil sucks in a sharp breath
Princess Zuki OOOOOOOOOO
Assassin Lavi: Must bring along family to these sorts of things, you know? Else you'll never hear the end of it.
Conman Nea blinks at zuki Conman Nea: I beg your pardon?
Princess Zuki: i do not need a face to spy the difference between a commoner and a royal. Princess Zuki: your actions say all. Princess Zuki sips apple juice
Messenger Cecil can I leave now........
Princess Zuki yes u may
Queen Alma: I wouldn't know, I have no siblings. However, he'd be your brother then? Surely an event is more enjoyable with family, assuming you get along.
Conman Nea: That's a hefty accusation.
Assassin Lavi getting called out by a teenage shut-in
Conman Nea: And after I was so kind to you, who thought you'd insult me like that.
Queen Alma: hefty hefty hefty ]
Princess Zuki: tell me, where do you hail from?
Messenger Cecil looks between them
Assassin Lavi: omg }
Princess Zuki: { LMAO
Messenger Cecil internally hhhhs
Assassin Lavi: It can and can't be. Assassin Lavi smiles wryly
Conman Nea: A small continent to the east. I hold land there. I'll admit, I may not be the highest of ranks, but an Earl is still leagues above commoner.
Conman Nea lying out his ass
Princess Zuki: does this continent have a name?
Conman Nea: || shit i need a name Conman Nea: || something that'd Actually Exist
Messenger Cecil: ( koongdom
Princess Zuki: { KOONGDOM
Queen Alma: yes koongdom ]
Conman Nea: || i hate you
Messenger Cecil: ( 💗
Conman Nea: Koongdom.
Princess Zuki: { K O O N G D O M
Messenger Cecil: ( ama z ing
Princess Zuki: ...
Conman Nea bitch you cannot look at me and tell me you know every earl personally from there
Messenger Cecil b link s
Conman Nea fight me
Princess Zuki is slowly cracking up honESTLY Princess Zuki KOONGDOM
Conman Nea itS A PLACE Conman Nea how much wine have i had
Queen Alma probably a lot
Conman Nea not enough
Princess Zuki okay she's setting down her apple juice to cover her mouTH AND LAUGH\
Conman Nea flags down a servant for More Wine
Messenger Cecil one glass too many Messenger Cecil wah Messenger Cecil manages to remain more composed
Conman Nea: Anyways. Conman Nea: As I've said. Conman Nea: I apologize for the mixup.
Assassin Lavi: I do not dislike him to any capacity, but siblings can do things which are... tiresome, sometimes.
Princess Zuki: y-you... you are no royal, my dear.
Assassin Lavi: But family is family.
Messenger Cecil mutters,
Princess Zuki: you put me in mind of another royal, but no. Princess Zuki cough cough cross cough cough
Conman Nea glances at zuki
Conman Nea: You've no way of confirming that
Conman Nea taps his mask
Princess Zuki: ....
Queen Alma: Surely. Something cannot only singularly be one thing, and surely not something as changing as a human. It is good to keep family closest to you.
Messenger Cecil: Ma'am, I worry this man may have had a little more to drink than is good for him. Perhaps we should leave...
Princess Zuki takes off her mask OOOOO RULE BREAKER
Messenger Cecil oh shit
Queen Alma: Have you had a drink, Sir... Queen Alma looks thoughtfully at him
Princess Zuki: allow me to introduce myself.
Queen Alma: I don't believe I caught your name?
Messenger Cecil oh shit
Conman Nea oh shit Conman Nea whos this bitch again
Princess Zuki: i am princess zuki, de facto ruler of cicia.
Messenger Cecil welP Messenger Cecil starts back Messenger Cecil I have to go right now immediately
Conman Nea ohh Conman Nea that's who she is Conman Nea: I wouldn't have thought you'd leave your castle with the state your kingdom's in.
Assassin Lavi: I have had a few drinks already, all of excellent taste. My compliments to whoever chooses your wines. And it seems I am popularly "Red" tonight, or so goes the theme with others here tonight who find need of a name.
Princess Zuki slowly puts her mask back on
Messenger Cecil oOOOOOOo Messenger Cecil daMN NEA SAVAGE
Princess Zuki: my advisors did their jobs and told me to attend. Princess Zuki: i did not want to, but they convinced me to.
Messenger Cecil slinks,, away,,,,
Princess Zuki sips apple juice some more tbh Princess Zuki: tell me, would you say the same to queen alma?
Conman Nea raises a brow
Princess Zuki: i can smell her from a mile away.
Messenger Cecil l maO
Princess Zuki BOOM ROASTED
Conman Nea: Of course not
Messenger Cecil is going to leave
Princess Zuki: and why is that?
Queen Alma: Surely you'd divulge more than an alias? Queen Alma wtf is ur real name tho im curious :(
Messenger Cecil accidentally finds himself leaving out of the back door instead of the front door
Assassin Lavi chuckles a bit
Messenger Cecil henlo garden
Conman Nea: I'd have no reason to insult her management-- Her kingdom isn't in shambles.
Assassin Lavi: You're the first who's insisted on it. Assassin Lavi hums
Messenger Cecil oOOOoOOo
Princess Zuki: her kingdom is an untrustworthy cult, prepared for war at the drop of a hat.
Messenger Cecil daMn
Queen Alma im gonNA FIGHT Queen Alma IN TWO SECON ds
Conman Nea sips his wine
Queen Alma wait Queen Alma that just proved the poin t
Conman Nea: They're loyal to their queen and willing to defend her at all costs.
Messenger Cecil lma o
Assassin Lavi pffft
Conman Nea: I envy what she's accomplished here.
Queen Alma thanks nea
Princess Zuki: tell me, sir.
Conman Nea np toots
Queen Alma if i werent a single ruler id offer u the throne
Princess Zuki: where do you truly hail from? Princess Zuki: if it were cicia, you would have killed me by now.
Conman Nea: It's not Cicia, nor this one. Really, my origins are of no interest to you.
Princess Zuki: oh, but they are. Princess Zuki: just how your true identity is as well.
Conman Nea: I'm just a simple Earl who came to enjoy tonight's festivities
Princess Zuki: but yet here you are, conversing with the princess of a falling kingdom.
Conman Nea: by pure chance
Princess Zuki: have you nothing better to do than to waste your time with meaningless banter?
Conman Nea: banter is the point of these gatherings
Queen Alma: How odd. I would have assumed more would wish to know your identity.
Conman Nea: I'm a friendly man Conman Nea: I like making friends.
Princess Zuki siPS APPLE JUICE Princess Zuki: yet here you are, making an enemy.
Conman Nea: I would never have known your origins had you not revealed it to me. Conman Nea raises his hands Conman Nea: I still mean you no ill will, Princess.
Princess Zuki: i do not appreciate liars, mr. Princess Zuki: i did what i believed had to have been done.
Assassin Lavi: Very well. My name is Astor, son of Aestor, Duke of Limlan. Not much of a title considering how far removed from major routes Limlan is, but to some of lower nobility, far removed is preferable. Less political pleasing to do, more getting things practical done. But it helps to see how the higher nobility handle things as well in places more populated such as this.
Queen Alma fuCKiGN LIAr
Assassin Lavi totally lying out his ass lmao
Princess Zuki just kinda. bends down so she's eye to eye with him
Conman Nea stares back Conman Nea he's not cracking
Princess Zuki: a true noble wouldn't be sitting around the food table.
Conman Nea: I told you, I'm not quite a member of 'higher society' Conman Nea: Just a simple Earl.
Princess Zuki ....
Conman Nea: Here to enjoy the luxuries of the Queen
Princess Zuki takes his mask off---
Conman Nea holds it down Conman Nea fuck you Conman Nea my mask
Princess Zuki >:U Princess Zuki would rip it off if she were stronk Princess Zuki ....reaches up to ruffle his hair?? idk why??? and then she just. walks out Princess Zuki byE BITCH
Conman Nea squints Conman Nea well
Princess Zuki is taking her apple juice with her
Conman Nea that was weird
Princess Zuki cecil where are u i wanna conversation
Conman Nea snorts lightly and goes back to his wine
Messenger Cecil I am in garden
Princess Zuki henlo cecil i am coming to see u
Queen Alma: Limlan, hmm? It must truly be far removed, I have never heard of it. I am sure it is a lovely place, surely, if it brings from it your presence. Perhaps with time I will visit. Until then, I hope you enjoy your stay at Aeyusea while it lasts. Queen Alma nea stop drinking
Conman Nea no
Messenger Cecil oh boy
Conman Nea scans the crowd
Queen Alma n e a
Conman Nea who can i bug now Conman Nea who will give me that sweet sweet attention
Messenger Cecil is pacing up and down the garden
Princess Zuki cleARS HER THROAT Princess Zuki: are... you okay?
Conman Nea who can i easily manipulate
Messenger Cecil starts Messenger Cecil looks back Messenger Cecil: Y-Yes of course! W-Why wouldn't I be? Messenger Cecil nervous chuckle
Assassin Lavi: I would be happy to give you the grand tour, though I think you will find Limlan is composed mostly of open countryside. It may be a good change of pace from your usual scenery however.
Princess Zuki: ...you seem nervous. are you sure?
Messenger Cecil h
Princess Zuki sets her apple juice down somewhere idk
Messenger Cecil: Y-Yes, I-- I am certain, ma'am Messenger Cecil: Please don't worry Messenger Cecil 4th wall sweats
Princess Zuki ,,,,
Conman Nea squints a little
Princess Zuki: ...i'm... very sorry for what happened in there.
Conman Nea is that red talking up the queen? Conman Nea squints more Conman Nea different mask tho... Conman Nea suspect af
Assassin Lavi don't u squint at me Assassin Lavi go back to your weinies
Messenger Cecil: Ah, i-it-- It wasn't your fault, ma'am...
Princess Zuki rubs her neck
Messenger Cecil: I-It is chilly out, you should head back inside lest you catch a cold...
Queen Alma come here and talk to us nea Queen Alma idk about what but Queen Alma shrug
Princess Zuki: it's... not very cold outside, though? Princess Zuki has been sweating the entire time tho so
Conman Nea okay you know what maybe i will Conman Nea gets up and approachth
Messenger Cecil h
Conman Nea: Good evening, your grace. I hope I'm not interrupting.
Messenger Cecil: Ah, m-must be me then...
Conman Nea does the best bow he can right now
Messenger Cecil nervous chuckle x2 Messenger Cecil im sorr I know ur zukes now and im afraid u might recognize me so I sm going to Avoid
Princess Zuki: ...i'll... be back inside, then. Princess Zuki hiding behind kanda shdjfhgj
Messenger Cecil o is kanda there
Queen Alma is confused for a moment before smiling and nodding politely
Princess Zuki he was idk if he still is
Queen Alma r u drunk
Conman Nea immm Conman Nea tipsy
Queen Alma: Absolutely not, we were just talking about the countryside, that's all. How are you enjoying the party, Sir? Queen Alma m h m
Conman Nea: Oh, it's lovely. I actually came to thank you for putting on these festivities.
Messenger Cecil glances at kanda Messenger Cecil ,,, scary
Princess Zuki is just gonna. staND BY HIM
Messenger Cecil looks back at zuki and nods
Knight Kanda is present again
Messenger Cecil: R-Right, I'll be inside shortly, ma'am... Messenger Cecil wb
Assassin Lavi he bows a little bit to the queen Assassin Lavi: Excuse me, miss. It was a pleasure talking with you. Assassin Lavi he's going to wander off now
Queen Alma: The pleasure was mine. Queen Alma rude af Queen Alma just fukin leavin Queen Alma intense criticism
Conman Nea ikr
Queen Alma this is why nea is the best
Conman Nea smh
Messenger Cecil alma is Offend
Conman Nea aw
Assassin Lavi wow rude af I'm way better
Conman Nea shoot girl stop that Conman Nea (actually continue complimenting me thanks)
Assassin Lavi: I'm actually probably gonna just lurk for now mostly to save the chatzy lol }
Princess Zuki sips apple juice. agai n
Conman Nea: Well, he sure was brief. Conman Nea: How rude.
Messenger Cecil zuki did u leave yet,,,
Princess Zuki iS INSIDE
Messenger Cecil adgjjd Messenger Cecil dragS hands down face and starts pacing again
Queen Alma laughs quietly Queen Alma: It's quite alright. Certainly he had to meet up with that brother of his, perhaps? Regardless, it isn't as if I have no company if you're here, right?
Knight Kanda what am i doing
Assassin Deak time to bother the knight Assassin Deak lm ao
Knight Kanda i will literally kill you
Princess Zuki being by me bcuz i fucked up n had a roasting battle with a commoner
Messenger Cecil has been done a frighten
Knight Kanda fucking b e t
Assassin Deak hi B ) Assassin Deak pls do
Messenger Cecil rip deak
Assassin Deak pls kill me
Messenger Cecil y are u like this
Conman Nea smiles Conman Nea: I suppose you're right
Assassin Deak i ask myself that a lot and u know?? i never find an answer
Conman Nea: Though I should apologize-- Your wine is a tad stronger than I expected. I may be a little sloshed. Conman Nea: Nevertheless, it's an honor to meet you.
Queen Alma so ur drunk is what ur saying
Conman Nea a little
Princess Zuki is just kinda. staring off. the nea thing put her in a bad mood dhfjghg
Queen Alma: I— how much did you drink...? Ah, well, if the wine was to your liking then all is well. No harm will come to you here, worry not.
Messenger Cecil heads,, back inside
Knight Kanda c'mere deak and ill cut u Knight Kanda: Princess, are you feeling alright? What's wrong?
Conman Nea: Just... Just a few glasses. Conman Nea chuckles
Princess Zuki nods and just. forces a smile
Assassin Deak : >
Princess Zuki: i'm fine, i promise.
Assassin Deak inches,, closer,, to,, kanda
Knight Kanda: ...
Conman Nea: I'm glad to hear it, though. Things aren't as stable and safe in some of the other kingdoms these days.
Knight Kanda: If you insist, Princess. You can tell me if something is the matter, though, no matter what it may be. Knight Kanda i f uckking see you
Assassin Deak B')
Knight Kanda im gonna pretend i dont though
Princess Zuki nods but. is she gonna tell? nope Princess Zuki ,,,not unless she hears nea n alma talking shit Princess Zuki shes got her ears on u two hooligans
Assassin Lavi ffs Deak I caN'T LEAVE U ALONE FOR 2 SECONDS
Assassin Deak let me have fun Assassin Deak you tolD ME TO HAVE FUN Assassin Deak tO RELAX
Queen Alma: Truly. It is a sad occurrence, and the royalty of certain Kingdoms are... perhaps unfit to take care of the people. I hope it is not the same from where you come from, Sir, that would truly be tragic.
Assassin Deak that's what i'm do in g
Queen Alma im just saying zuki,,, ur kinda,,, unfit to rule in my opinion,,,,,,,,,,
Princess Zuki h e a r s y o u t a l k i n g s h i t
Assassin Deak uh?? yES?? IT DOES???
Queen Alma looks over in zuki's direction briefly
Conman Nea shakes his head softly
Queen Alma i saw u take off ur mask i know who u are
Conman Nea: Worry not, things are well enough where I'm from, though far from perfect.
Assassin Deak hey, Assassin Deak hey, lavi Assassin Deak watch this
Princess Zuki w i l l c u t u
Assassin Lavi nO
Princess Zuki via kanda but
Assassin Deak :3c
Conman Nea: Though I appreciate the concern. It's good to know that your compassion doesn't stop with at the borders of your land.
Assassin Deak ok ok,,
Assassin Lavi BAD
Knight Kanda zuki why would you use me to cut the queen who would declare war instantly
Knight Kanda that is bad planning
Messenger Cecil asdfghjk
Princess Zuki she wont declare war if we kill her,,, Princess Zuki WHO AM I TONIGHT I AM NOT ZUK I
Queen Alma: I'm glad to hear it. We can strive for perfection, but surely not reach it unfortunately. I care for the people of my Kingdom, true, but also those who are affected by negative decisions. People should be safe wherever they are, no matter who rules them. Even those who may be misled in their... methods. Queen Alma very casually looks at zuki one more time before casually looking back at nea
Knight Kanda zuki n o Knight Kanda you're as bad as that stupid shadow guy
Princess Zuki gl A RI N G
Knight Kanda that i was going to kick out of the window
Conman Nea wow this chicks an angel
Messenger Cecil no mercy
Princess Zuki mumbles Princess Zuki: she's looking over here.
Knight Kanda: Who?
Conman Nea: The world needs more people like you. Perhaps then there'd be less fighting.
Princess Zuki: the queen.
Knight Kanda looks over at the queen for a second Knight Kanda: She looks to be talking to that... man?
Princess Zuki: she was looking here. i saw her. Princess Zuki is tired
Conman Nea why you gotta be pausing like that Conman Nea im manly af
Knight Kanda ,,,, sure
Messenger Cecil adgji lmaO
Knight Kanda: Is there a problem with her looking over?
Messenger Cecil rip nea
Princess Zuki: ... Princess Zuki: ...we should go. Princess Zuki Is Tired
Messenger Cecil aw
Knight Kanda: ...If that is what you want, then we can leave now.
Queen Alma: You flatter me, sir. There are people better than myself, but what I can do to help I would do without second thought. Enough about me, however. What about yourself? Surely you have stories to share.
Assassin Deak .... :3c
Queen Alma zuki ur really really really a pacifist
Assassin Deak or you could declare war.
Assassin Deak declare war on each other.
Knight Kanda dont give anyone ideas
Conman Nea: Oh, me? I'm not too terribly interesting of a man.
Knight Kanda shut up before i cut u
Assassin Deak WAR! WAR! WAR! WAR! WAR! WAR!
Conman Nea: I've simply been travelling here and there as of late.
Princess Zuki watch as meg tries to fix it all by saying zuki's tired n putting her back to her meek lil self
Assassin Deak whispers, Assassin Deak: war...! war...! war...! Assassin Deak sn i c kers and slips back into the shadows
Messenger Cecil d ea k n o
Conman Nea: When I heard about this event I simply couldn't pass it up.
Princess Zuki: { ok so im jsut quickly resetting zuki bcuz i did Not mean for her to be such a bitch tonight so uh ignoRE HER PLS
Knight Kanda stop being such a wimp and come out of those stupid shadows you bitch Knight Kanda ill cut you rh rn
Assassin Deak i like the shadows
Princess Zuki looks down
Assassin Deak plus, i'm not supposed to get in trouble tonight
Princess Zuki why does it always boil down to waR
Queen Alma war decides a victor Queen Alma otherwise no one wins and no one loses Queen Alma one cannot progress that way
Messenger Cecil so anyway is anyone at the food table rn Messenger Cecil ,,,
Princess Zuki everyone's a loser in war
Assassin Lavi okay but y'know how else you can decide a victor Assassin Lavi assassination
Princess Zuki u know how else u can decide a victor? Princess Zuki rock paper scissors Princess Zuki board games Princess Zuki chess Princess Zuki not harmful stuff
Conman Nea tfw u run out of things to talk 2 the queen about. he's too drunk for this
Messenger Cecil negotiations..
Conman Nea someone end him
Queen Alma smh
Assassin Deak i'll end u
Messenger Cecil returns to the food table
Queen Alma please no murder
Messenger Cecil is snacking that there garlic shrimp Messenger Cecil so good Messenger Cecil rip his breath tho
Princess Zuki this war shit is gettin to her fhfjgh
Queen Alma this is too formal for me jfc Queen Alma i want to plan war strategies y cant i do that Queen Alma : (
Assassin Deak war, war, wAR, WAR
Conman Nea talk 2 me abt ur war strats
Queen Alma how do i bring that up and sound normal, sir, please explain Queen Alma aND WHY Queen Alma WITH YOU Queen Alma who i dont even know the name of
Conman Nea because its be fun Conman Nea have some wine Conman Nea talk war to me
Queen Alma thats dangerous no offense stran g er
Assassin Deak u should talk war to me Assassin Deak ; )
Conman Nea i wouldnt hurt a f ly
Conman Nea & im drunk i wont remember
Princess Zuki looks at the door
Assassin Deak has had a few glasses of wine but could take a few more Assassin Deak pours some wine on kanda oops Assassin Deak gOTTA RUN
Knight Kanda w ha t the f uc k Knight Kanda stands there for a good like second
Knight Kanda is going to #murder
Knight Kanda is goin g t o m u r d er
Princess Zuki: a--- a-are you okay?!
Assassin Deak is somewhat drunk and stumbling with each step Assassin Deak is la ughing
Assassin Lavi gdi deak
Knight Kanda nods slowly before moving to chase after a soon to be dead bitch Knight Kanda yolo srry be back princess
Assassin Deak blame it on the alcohol
Princess Zuki just. waTCH ES
Conman Nea blinks over at the crowd
Assassin Lavi casually walks by and tugs on Kanda's hair as he starts running woops who left htis ponytail here just asking to get pulled
Conman Nea: well, looks like someone messed up
Assassin Lavi Deak u'd better fucking run faster
Queen Alma oh ym god no why
Assassin Deak if i die, make sure jiji knows- Assassin Deak lAVI YOU STUPID FUCK
Princess Zuki ARE TH E SE PEOPLE FROM THE KIINGDO M..............
Conman Nea: ...........
Assassin Deak you're the best, lavi
Queen Alma part of me should stop this
Conman Nea how many brownie points would it earn me if i tried 2 stop the fight for u alma
Queen Alma part of me wants to watch Queen Alma if it gets too violent, a lot. Queen Alma if it doesn't, not a lot.
Conman Nea is a Confident Drunk Conman Nea but also a Lazy Drunk
Princess Zuki is ashamed. not of kanda but of this situation in general
Assassin Lavi gO DEAK GO Assassin Lavi is running like Hell
Knight Kanda my throwing accuracy is pretty good Knight Kanda how much do you two want to bet that if i throw my sword i'll hit one of you
Princess Zuki iS ABOUT TO YELL
Assassin Lavi probably not me-- Assassin Lavi DEAK NO
Knight Kanda okay
Knight Kanda ill throw it at you
Assassin Deak goodbye, lavi
Princess Zuki iS GONNA YELL
Assassin Deak i love u
Knight Kanda throws the sword at idk one of those loser twins
Princess Zuki IS ABOUT TO YELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN 0.2 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Princess Zuki YELLING WILL NOW COMMENCE IN 5..............4....................3.................2..........................1......................... Princess Zuki: KANDA!
Knight Kanda oops
Assassin Deak can i get hit and like not die
Knight Kanda sure y not
Assassin Deak that would be great Assassin Deak thank u
Knight Kanda no prob Knight Kanda thank u Knight Kanda stops chasing them and just kinda,, stands there
Assassin Deak getS PINNED TO THE WALL BY HIS SHIRT AND THE SWORD Assassin Deak s norting and laughing
Conman Nea is entertained as FUCK
Assassin Lavi DEAK
Queen Alma same
Assassin Deak: laaviii... it got mee....
Assassin Lavi did u just Assassin Lavi use my actual name
Princess Zuki is Not Happy
Assassin Deak fuc k
Assassin Lavi u fucking
Conman Nea: Someone should... stop this....
Assassin Lavi dIPSHIT
Assassin Deak fU CK
Conman Nea but
Knight Kanda looks back at zuki for a moment before moving towards deak
Conman Nea not right now
Queen Alma who tf is lavi
Assassin Deak NO ONE HEARD ME Assassin Deak SHUT UP
Assassin Lavi nOT ME THAT's WHO
Assassin Deak lavi is no one
Queen Alma no i heard u im p sure
Assassin Lavi Lavi is his
Knight Kanda fucking gonna wreck ur shit rn deak
Assassin Lavi uh Assassin Lavi pet
Assassin Deak ye Assassin Deak my cat Assassin Deak the best cat Assassin Deak wreck me
Princess Zuki is about to wreck bOTH UR SHITS
Assassin Lavi nyOOMS BY AND hair yoinks before running agaIN
Knight Kanda grabs the hilt and yanks it out before -- Knight Kanda mOThER fuCKER
Assassin Lavi KEKEKEKEKE Assassin Lavi really tho Deak u'd better fucking get out of here or I'll kill u myself for this
Queen Alma i could stop this Queen Alma i could also not
Assassin Lavi Alma I thought we had something special :'<
Assassin Deak or i could cause more shit
Assassin Lavi NO
Queen Alma but you're not the one who's stuck
Assassin Deak :3c
Princess Zuki tAKES A DEEP BREATH AND JUST. grabs kanda's hand
Knight Kanda i was about to kill this bitch y did u stop me
Assassin Deak snickering and just. falls over
Princess Zuki: we are leaving. you and these children have caused quite enough of a ruckus.
Assassin Deak just gonna lay here as the world fucking spins
Knight Kanda scOFFS?? Knight Kanda i mean totally not @ u princess
Princess Zuki >:// ur on thiN ICE, KANDA
Assassin Deak ur welcome, kandass Assassin Deak haha rip me Assassin Deak jiji's gonna have my head,,,,
Princess Zuki: can i trust you to follow me, or will i have to drag you out?
Knight Kanda you couldn't drag me if you tried Knight Kanda: There isn't any need to drag me. My apologies.
Assassin Lavi sneaks over to Deak while Kanda's at the smol mercy and just grabs him by the collar and gives him a few good smacks for Bookman
Assassin Deak o w
Assassin Lavi >: |
Assassin Deak tRIES BITING HIM Assassin Deak is so fucking drunk rn it's not funny
Princess Zuki looks back at deak and lavi and then to alma Princess Zuki have fun lol
Assassin Deak like seriously
Queen Alma: I cannot believe this.
Queen Alma oh my g o d
Assassin Deak isa is fed up with my shit
Assassin Lavi: you are in so much trouble right now
Princess Zuki turns and just. staRTS WALKIN AWA Y
Assassin Deak just looks at him blankly and just Assassin Deak points at him Assassin Deak: do i know you?
Queen Alma: I can't say I expected more from a Kingdom's ruler that cannot keep her Kingdom in line, but surely I expected a bit more for her keeping a singular person in line.
Princess Zuki is about to crY Princess Zuki stops Princess Zuki is reALLY about to cry Princess Zuki: ...my apologies, your highness. it will not happen again.
Assassin Deak s n i c k er i n g Assassin Deak lowers his head and murmurs,, Assassin Deak it's pretty unintelligible tho
Queen Alma: Your promises don't hold much when you equate them to the prosperity of your Kingdom, dear.
Princess Zuki u should be thanking me for not having a heart attack right here right now
Queen Alma: You are far too young and far too naive to sway, much like a dandelion compared to a rose. Queen Alma: Your advisers should think better should they have the right head to do so.
Assassin Deak: are you sure i'm... the one in trouble?
Princess Zuki if u look close enough u can see her starting to shake :'))
Assassin Deak kekekekek
Queen Alma sighs Queen Alma: Ruling isn't a job for a wilting child, dear, perhaps you should pass the torch sooner than later and let them try to fix the shambles of your Kingdom.
Princess Zuki: ...y...yes, ma'am. Princess Zuki should let cicia fall like daethen did---
Queen Alma that is literally not what i said Queen Alma: One last thing: Queen Alma: Don't ruin the lives of your people just because your life won't last. That isn't fair to them.
Assassin Lavi: Yes Assassin Lavi : /
Assassin Deak looks at him again Assassin Deak hhhhhhh
Princess Zuki wants peace between everyone :'((
Queen Alma youre naive
Princess Zuki: y...es, m...a'am...
Assassin Lavi lmaooooo
Queen Alma :'((
Princess Zuki is walkin and walkin and walkin and sHE GONE Princess Zuki may or may not be crying by now who knows
Queen Alma looks over at deak and lavi Queen Alma g lares
Assassin Deak fu c k Assassin Deak glances over Assassin Deak: ...allow me to apologize.
Assassin Lavi I would say this is your fault and u deal wit--
Assassin Deak: i don't know what came over me.
Assassin Lavi oh Assassin Lavi okay
Queen Alma: Learn self-control.
Assassin Lavi don't fuck this up
Queen Alma: Both of you.
Assassin Deak: yes, your majesty.
Queen Alma: I expected more from you. Queen Alma looks at lavi : /
Assassin Deak: yes ma'am. Assassin Deak: ah... Assassin Deak looks at lavi too,,
Princess Zuki is currently outside and bawling but still lookin cute in her dress
Assassin Lavi: Apologies. I was just trying to prevent this idiot from becoming one of the dead.
Assassin Deak: ...my cousin and i are very sorry.
Assassin Lavi gives Deak another smack b/c really now : /
Queen Alma: ..........Cousin? Queen Alma you said he was your brother
Assassin Deak oW
Queen Alma i have more than one problem with you now
Assassin Deak wHAT Assassin Deak fuc k Assassin Deak: i mean... brother.... Assassin Deak: this alcohol. it's messing with me.
Assassin Lavi I said he was family I didn't say brother
Queen Alma: ...
Assassin Deak: m-my apologies...
Queen Alma i said brother and you said yES
Assassin Deak: i am so very sorry, ma'am.
Assassin Lavi I said I came with like company
Queen Alma oh Queen Alma well now he said brother
Assassin Lavi he's drUNK
Queen Alma shrugs not my problem Queen Alma actually it is Queen Alma because you guys made a mESS Queen Alma: As you should be.
Assassin Deak: ...
Queen Alma: Surely you were taught better.
Assassin Deak: yes, ma'am, we were.
Assassin Lavi: I do apologize, your Highness. I will be sure to keep him on a tighter leash from now on, as he was taught better than this.
Assassin Deak growls softly @ lavi
Queen Alma: I may not agree with the child's methods of ruling, but at least she has her age as an excuse. Queen Alma sighs Queen Alma you all suck this is why nea's my favorite
Assassin Deak: ...i have no excuses, ma'am. i am very sorry.
Assassin Lavi don't u growl at me I'm not the one who dumped WINE ON THE ANGRIEST KNIGHT HERE
Princess Zuki iS DOING HER BES T
Queen Alma: As you have said many times, sir.
Assassin Deak dips his head,,
Queen Alma: Apologies only fix so much, and words only express a quantifiable amount. See to it that you control yourself in the future.
Assassin Lavi: We shall see to it, your Highness
Queen Alma i have to clean this mess you bitcHES
Assassin Lavi grabs Deak by the ear and marches him away
Assassin Deak: if there is anything- Assassin Deak hHH OWWWW Assassin Deak oW OW OW Assassin Deak oW
Assassin Lavi: SOMEONE is getting a re-introductory course to his ettiquette lessons : /
Assassin Deak h e lpm e
Queen Alma no one here is going to help you
Assassin Deak: ow... ow, ow, ow....
Princess Zuki is still cryin outside tbH
Queen Alma and i actually liked you, 'astor' Queen Alma : ' (
Assassin Deak ,,, Assassin Deak i'm?? sorry for oNCE
Assassin Lavi loOK I WASN'T GOING TO LET MY FAMILY GET KILLED even if they are a dumbass APPARENTLY
Queen Alma i rule a kingdom
Princess Zuki i do too
Queen Alma sorry doesnt do much
Princess Zuki but im also dying of heart disease n desperately searching for someone to take the throne before i die
Queen Alma do you know how many murderers come in and go 'im sorry'? Queen Alma do you expect me to forgive everyone who says im sorry Queen Alma do you thinking ruling a kingdom is that easy? Queen Alma because if you do, i hope to every god that you don't rule a kingdom Queen Alma : /
Princess Zuki ....ma'am you're one to talk because your kingdom just loves you oh-so much you don't have to do anything
Assassin Deak ,,,
Queen Alma why do you think my kingdom loves me, princess Queen Alma please explain
Princess Zuki you have them all fooled with your cult
Queen Alma what cult do you keep talking abOUT
Princess Zuki i try to give my people peace and hope, but apparently not declaring war on daethen is a crime in and of itself Princess Zuki thE BULLSHIT PROPHECY STUFF
Queen Alma you come into my kingdom Queen Alma insult the religion we believe in Queen Alma and then question why my kingdom runs smoothly Queen Alma whereas yours doesnt
Princess Zuki you insult my beliefs i insult yours
Assassin Deak o damn
Princess Zuki mine doesn't because GOD FORBID I DON'T START A WAR
Queen Alma i insulted your method of ruling Queen Alma not your beliefs
Princess Zuki i believe in peace for all Princess Zuki you believe in survival of the fittest
Queen Alma if you cannot make sacrifices for the good of your people, you are unfit to rule
Assassin Lavi hey Zuki how much would u pay us for silence : )
Princess Zuki what sacrifices are to be made? we are not in danger. we never have been and the people are angry over nothing
Queen Alma youre naive, you believe in this idea of 'peace for all', but that doesn't exist Queen Alma and thats why your kingdom is dying
Assassin Deak : )
Princess Zuki it DOES exist. anything exists, just like your piss-poor excuse for a unicorn
Queen Alma how is my unicorn a piss-poor excuse for a unicorn Queen Alma if it is a unicorn Queen Alma ,,,,thats a logical error
Assassin Lavi fallacy
Princess Zuki my kingdom is dying because my people refuse to accept me as their leader, even though i have put everything on the line for their sake. i refuse to let any harm befall my people Princess Zuki my kingdom will be peaceful, even if it takes my death to change it. we are not fighters; we are defenders
Queen Alma you defend from nothing if you fight for nothing
Princess Zuki we have nothing to fight for Princess Zuki these people have everything. what else is left to give?
Queen Alma if they had everything, they wouldnt be revolting Queen Alma so evidently they dont have everything
Princess Zuki i'd be able to do something about it if they would give me an answer besides some petty revenge spew
Queen Alma you refuse to take and so they refuse to give
Princess Zuki take???
Queen Alma take from others what they want — their revenge for something they loved
Assassin Lavi u people and ur politics
Queen Alma arent you busy schooling your family member
Assassin Lavi nah I got one better Assassin Lavi my gramps schooling my family member :3
Princess Zuki meg is running out of shit to say so here's zuki crying again
Queen Alma oh, alright
Assassin Deak someone help me
Princess Zuki iS CRYING X40
Assassin Lavi hey so if u die crying can I have ur throne
Queen Alma wow
Princess Zuki no im giving it to kanda Princess Zuki revenge on all u fuckers
Assassin Lavi but I taught u how 2 dance before u died that oughtta mean something Assassin Lavi would Kanda have taught u 2 dance
Queen Alma: kanda voice from afar: yes
Princess Zuki: { dude how long would kanda have even been with zuki Princess Zuki: { hes like early thirties right??? n zuki is 15
Queen Alma: he started his knight training when he was around sixteen and now hes in his early thirties so ]
Princess Zuki: { dANG THATS LIKE 14-13 YEARS
Queen Alma: well if i say he's 32 and he started when he was 16 then he's been there for,, sixteen years ]
Queen Alma: yeAH ]
Assassin Deak what do i get?
Princess Zuki kanda's been with me since before i was born yall get nothing
Assassin Lavi depends on how big the throne seat is
Assassin Deak wow Assassin Deak ur not going to share? Assassin Deak :'<
Assassin Lavi wow r00d Assassin Lavi but we're actually royal by blood : / Assassin Lavi technically
Assassin Deak yeah
Princess Zuki: { imagine spending like 16 years of ur life slowly watching a kid die Princess Zuki: { a+ experience Princess Zuki i S ST I LL CR Y I N G
Assassin Lavi: I mean probably wouldn't know until later years but } Assassin Lavi: that'd probably } Assassin Lavi: make it worse }
Queen Alma: y i k e s ] Queen Alma: y I K E S ]
Assassin Lavi: LMAO }
Assassin Lavi: "Going to serve this princess for a long, long lifetime--" "Nope sorry now we found out she's dying" } Assassin Lavi: b/c medeival medicine wasn't good enough to tell that stuff as early as now }
Queen Alma: tbh tho ] Queen Alma: if lavi or deak had managed to take cicia's throne from zuki, kanda would like,,, not serve them at all ] Queen Alma: or anyone else for that matter like ew ]
Assassin Lavi: they'd be fine with that lmao }
Assassin Deak: ;; y e ah r i p
Assassin Lavi: they're not even after Cicia anyway tho it'd still suit them if they couldn't get Birland }
Queen Alma: i didnt even think about it for a moment but ew ] Queen Alma: srry cross is eternal ] Queen Alma: : ( ]
Assassin Lavi: "well we still get the royal lyfe” }
Princess Zuki: { aW KANDA
Assassin Deak: ;; deak's probably gonna die so Assassin Deak: ;; cOUGHS
Princess Zuki: { zuki n kanda best buds 4 lyfe
Assassin Deak: ;; i mean what Assassin Deak: ;; sweeps that under the rug
Queen Alma: w hat ]
Princess Zuki: { >:/
Assassin Lavi: sq UINTS }
Assassin Deak: ;; aNYWAY Assassin Deak: ;; so about that kanda and zuki, right?
Queen Alma: i wanna ] Queen Alma: bring lena in too ]
Assassin Lavi: SQUINTS }
Princess Zuki: { lmAO
Assassin Lavi: y e }
Princess Zuki: { BRING IN LENA Princess Zuki: { BRING IN LENA
Assassin Deak: ;; so,, Assassin Deak: ;; i can have doug?
Queen Alma: no ]
Messenger Cecil: ( was there ever a 1 muse rule Messenger Cecil: ( rip doug
Assassin Deak: ;; : (
Queen Alma: there was a two muse rule ] Queen Alma: doug isnt allowed bc hes a knockoff allen ]
Messenger Cecil: ( oUcH
Queen Alma: and bc hes canonically dead ]
Assassin Deak: ;; i Assassin Deak: ;; w o w
Messenger Cecil: ( deak doesn't exist in canon anymore either
Princess Zuki: { JUSTICE FOR DOUG
Messenger Cecil: ( ALMA IS CANON DEAD TOO
Princess Zuki: { jUSTICE FOR DOUG Princess Zuki: { ZUKI ISNT EVEN R E A L
Queen Alma: not my oc alma ] Queen Alma: >: ( ]
Messenger Cecil: ( CECIL ISNT EVEN R E A L
Assassin Deak: ;; :'<
Queen Alma: just kidding isa u can have allen ]
Assassin Deak: ;; g o es back to the co rn e r
Queen Alma: i mean doug ]
Messenger Cecil: ( j u s t I c e f o r d o u g
Queen Alma: my bad [
Queen Alma: i get them mixed up sometimes ] Queen Alma: theyre so alike ]
Messenger Cecil: ( rood
Assassin Deak: ;; WH A THT EF CUK
Queen Alma: cant even tell the difference ]
Assassin Deak: ;; SC R E AM S
Queen Alma: does doug want to join ]
Messenger Cecil: ( doug pls declare war on alma
Queen Alma: #viva la revolution ]
Assassin Deak: ;; he is a mere knight,,
Queen Alma: wtf offended fine i see how it is ]
Assassin Deak: ;; he cannot declare war
Messenger Cecil: ( declaRe wAR Messenger Cecil: ( USURP Messenger Cecil: ( VIVA LA REVOLUTION
Knight Doug joined the chat 10 minutes ago
Queen Alma: wait who is he a knight for ]
Knight Doug VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!!! Knight Doug: ;; probably cross but Knight Doug: ;; shh
Messenger Cecil: ( o mg Messenger Cecil: ( r I p
Queen Alma: wrong revolution then ] Queen Alma: gtfo ]
Knight Doug no
Princess Zuki Is Still Outside Crying Princess Zuki: { i lvole doign this shit
Knight Doug hi, i'm late
Princess Zuki: { also Princess Zuki: { douG U MISSED THE ACTION
Messenger Cecil is here
Princess Zuki: { so did cecil but
Messenger Cecil ):
Princess Zuki :'(((
Messenger Cecil ventures into the garden Messenger Cecil hears ? crying
Princess Zuki that would be mE
Messenger Cecil follows the noise and sees zuki
Knight Doug: ;; tfw ur muses pretty much hate each other so
Messenger Cecil so do I or do I not know u are zukes? O:<
Knight Doug: ;; this should be interesting
Messenger Cecil: ( rip isa Messenger Cecil: ( w a r
Princess Zuki u do bcuz alma said it straight up tbH
Knight Doug: ;; w a r
Messenger Cecil when Messenger Cecil I was n t theRe
Princess Zuki when zuki was tryin to break up deak and kanda's fight (u weRENT THERE FOR THAT EITH ER I DONT THIN K)
Knight Doug is probably the shortest knight of his kingdom but Knight Doug doesn't care
Messenger Cecil I WASNT THERE Messenger Cecil jUST RUB IT IN WHY DON'T U
Knight Doug walks in and kneels before the queen Knight Doug: ...your majesty.
Princess Zuki deak poured wine on kanda n kanda went apeshit n that led to alma embarrassing zuki in front of everyone by goin on like "ur naive" n all that
Messenger Cecil ))))))))):
Knight Doug: it's an honor.
Messenger Cecil o shit Messenger Cecil m still waiting on the logs asfgh
Princess Zuki is sitting on a bench or some shit with her head in her hands n jsut. sobbing Princess Zuki is a horrible princess
Messenger Cecil uh oh
Knight Doug keeps his head down and just. keeps his eyes closed
Messenger Cecil: Y-Your majesty...?
Messenger Cecil aA
Messenger Cecil starts and immediately raises his hands to show he meant no harm
Assassin Deak stands in the corner, Watching Assassin Deak recognizes that short motherfucker
Knight Doug has yet to even notice deak Knight Doug will probably ignore him afterwards
Princess Zuki takes a deep breath and just. puts her head back down to keEP CRYING Princess Zuki is a fuckin mess as per usual
Messenger Cecil o h n o Messenger Cecil hesitantly walks over and , pats her shoulder , , Messenger Cecil is he even allowed to touch her Messenger Cecil also r u still wearing ur mask
Princess Zuki is nOT
Messenger Cecil uh oh Messenger Cecil: W-What happened...?
Princess Zuki sniffles and just. puts her arms down but she's just kinda staring down at her feet
Messenger Cecil sits down , next to her
Princess Zuki: ...if i-i can't even keep my knights in check, wh-what kind of a leader am i..?
Assassin Deak sux 2 suqq hahah
Princess Zuki: m-my kingdom is in shambles a-and i'm trying to enjoy myself! i-i-- what kind of a leader... i...
Knight Doug i am going to fight him
Princess Zuki aaand she's crackin up
Assassin Lavi what's happening
Assassin Deak t h e b i t c h i s h e r e
Knight Doug hi
Assassin Lavi the who
Messenger Cecil puts one and one together Messenger Cecil: Your kingdom... Messenger Cecil eyes widen
Assassin Deak never mind foRGET I SAID ANYTHING
Messenger Cecil: Y-You are Princess Zuki of the kingdom of Cicia
Knight Doug been down on,, one knee for a long while now,,,
Assassin Lavi but
Knight Doug queen alma,,,
Assassin Lavi ....
Messenger Cecil lets say I missed the whole thing bc sel isnt comfy having to pretend to know shit that she doesnt kno
Assassin Lavi okay
Knight Doug your majesty,,,,, Knight Doug pls notice me, senpai Knight Doug: ;; i'mg one by e
Assassin Lavi: omg }
Queen Alma: siNCE WHEN ]
Messenger Cecil: ( rip doug s knee
Queen Alma: hAS HE REA L LY ] Queen Alma: Im SO SOrrY I miSSED IT ]
Knight Doug: ;; YES
Queen Alma: a  w k w a rc ]
Knight Doug: ;; IT 'S O K AY Knight Doug: ;; I'M LA UG H IN G
Queen Alma: awkwarc ]
Knight Doug: ;; awkwarc
Queen Alma: oH I SEE IT ]
Knight Doug: ;; Y E
Queen Alma shit what lets pretend u havent been doing that for like five years Queen Alma im normally more attentive sorry
Knight Doug thank u, ma'am
Queen Alma wait who even are you
Knight Doug it's alright Knight Doug one of,, king cross' knights,,
Knight Doug: ;; iF U WANT HER TO Knight Doug: ;; SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO
Queen Alma: are there ties between her kingdom and birdland ]
Knight Doug: ;; p ossibly n o t Knight Doug: ;; b u t Knight Doug: ...king cross sent me as a messenger. Knight Doug: to request that... Knight Doug holds his breath for a moment before sighing
Messenger Cecil: (vWAR
Knight Doug: he wishes to have some of the wine from the party.
Queen Alma oh my god pleas-- Queen Alma i knew it
Knight Doug: he is drunken beyond belief, ma'am.
Messenger Cecil: ( lmaO
Knight Doug: i apologize.
Queen Alma takes a deep breath Queen Alma: Tell your King that I will never give him my wine ever until he recompenses me for my bird he felt the necessity to shoot down. Queen Alma >: (
Knight Doug: ... Knight Doug swallows hard and keeps his head lowered Knight Doug: yes ma'am.
Messenger Cecil rip
Queen Alma: But you are more than welcome to have some if you'd like, sir.
Knight Doug: ...thank you, ma'am. Knight Doug isn't sure whether,, he should stand or not,, Knight Doug r i p
Queen Alma: No need to be so formal, you're more than welcome to get up. Queen Alma: I don't need you on your knee.
Knight Doug th an k y o u Knight Doug stands slowly, dipping his head once more
Queen Alma fuck cross Queen Alma why dont you just come join my kingdom instead Queen Alma id be more than glad to have you
Knight Doug aaaa Knight Doug i will take it into consideration Knight Doug thank you ;v;
Queen Alma the offer is always on the table
Assassin Deak u don't want a knight like him
Queen Alma why not
Assassin Deak he's a snitch
Messenger Cecil someone is jeeellllyyyy
Assassin Deak he tells everything he knows when you get him drunk enough Assassin Deak jEALOUS?!?! HOW AM I JEALOUS?!?!!?
Queen Alma but hes cute Queen Alma i like him
Knight Doug : >
Messenger Cecil he's a knight and you're not
Assassin Deak he's just a knight Assassin Deak nothing more, nothing less
Messenger Cecil he's at least somewhere close to the royalty
Queen Alma and youre an illegitimate child Queen Alma so you're not even anything at all
Assassin Deak he couldn't even protect that commoner child that w- Assassin Deak wow
Messenger Cecil oUcH
Queen Alma sorry Queen Alma that was rude Queen Alma it just,,, slipped out
Knight Doug ge t h i m
Assassin Deak fine. make him your knight. see where it gets you
Queen Alma if he takes my offer, i will
Pegasus Knight Lena joined the chat
Messenger Cecil: ( gaps Messenger Cecil: ( there she is,,,,
Assassin Deak: ;; alice lives again Assassin Deak: ;; lena lives again
Messenger Cecil: ( I want Lena to become queen Messenger Cecil: ( one true queen
Pegasus Knight Lena: my beautiful blood covered child ] Pegasus Knight Lena: my merderer ] Pegasus Knight Lena fight me doug Pegasus Knight Lena knight v knight
Knight Doug wh Knight Doug why Knight Doug i
Pegasus Knight Lena there can only be one knight in charge
Knight Doug i do not want to fight right n o w
Pegasus Knight Lena and its me Pegasus Knight Lena fight me
Knight Doug i Knight Doug mademoiselle, please,,
Messenger Cecil ur colors are pretty together
Knight Doug i nEED MY EYE Knight Doug LEAVE ME AL ON E
Pegasus Knight Lena >: (
Knight Doug :'<
Pegasus Knight Lena weak
Knight Doug excusez-moi
Pegasus Knight Lena just sayin' it how it is
Knight Doug excusez-moi
Pegasus Knight Lena maybe if ya' fought
Knight Doug ExcUsEz-mOI?!?!!?
Pegasus Knight Lena or if ya' were any good at bein' a knight
Knight Doug fiGHT M E
Messenger Cecil doug is getting wrecked
Pegasus Knight Lena ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Pegasus Knight Lena lets fight then
Pegasus Knight Lena meet me in the courtyard, doug Pegasus Knight Lena unless you're too scared
Knight Doug >:I Knight Doug gOING TO THE COURTYARD
Assassin Deak finally, rid of the bitch
Pegasus Knight Lena is waiting in the courtyard >: (
Knight Doug in the courtyard Knight Doug lets go!
Princess Zuki is probably gonna watch from afar
Knight Doug >:I
Pegasus Knight Lena draws a v sharp sword ok rdy
Assassin Deak gonna go watch
Pegasus Knight Lena go ahead take the first hit Pegasus Knight Lena wimpy
Princess Zuki hates this shit but theyre not under her jurisdiction or w/e it is
Messenger Cecil is also watching then ig
Knight Doug carefully steps forward, eyes narrowed
Princess Zuki ,,,,does alma know about this--
Messenger Cecil to whoever is standing next to him, Messenger Cecil: What is happening?
Princess Zuki it me
Knight Doug: en garde! Knight Doug takes a slash at her tBH
Princess Zuki: ...they're fighting like barbarians.
Knight Doug FIGHT ME
Pegasus Knight Lena: We aren't fencing!
Knight Doug WE ARE NOW
Messenger Cecil: But she is a woman... Messenger Cecil not used to female knights rip
Knight Doug slowly takes a step back before looking for another opportunity to attack
Princess Zuki
: so?
Messenger Cecil unless this is a kind if world where that is common????
Assassin Deak leans back against the wall and just watches
Princess Zuki: { going to bed Princess Zuki left the chat
Pegasus Knight Lena are u a fencing knight btw
Assassin Deak is placing his bets on lenalee tbh
Pegasus Knight Lena what kind of knight fen ce  s
Knight Doug i learned that way
Pegasus Knight Lena what a twig
Knight Doug are you going to attack back? Knight Doug or are you just going to trash talk?
Pegasus Knight Lena i feel like trash talking
Knight Doug >:I
Pegasus Knight Lena and seeing if you're ever gonna do something useful w/ that stick you call a sword
Knight Doug spins before delivering a blow hopefully to her leg
Pegasus Knight Lena wHY DID YOU SPin doUG
Pegasus Knight Lena and makes you more vulnerable to miss and get hit back if you do miss Pegasus Knight Lena thats predictable bc u have 2 spin which takes more moving
Knight Doug good job pointing that out Knight Doug now fight me
Pegasus Knight Lena cant u see im busy criticizing
Knight Doug s TOP AND FIGHT ME
Pegasus Knight Lena moves backwards to avoid the swipe before swinging back at him bitch u gotta use brute force not some twig
Knight Doug o k Knight Doug ge ts hit and grips the wound with a hiss Knight Doug glares at her before moving back, trying to calculate another attack Knight Doug o i was wrong about that, oops Knight Doug haha silly isa,,, spinning reduces power
Pegasus Knight Lena moves forward and swings the sword down at him
Knight Doug pARRIES!! Knight Doug takes a step back and huffs
Assassin Deak: just kick his ass already!
Pegasus Knight Lena moves forward again and swings once more Pegasus Knight Lena not giving u time to wait
Knight Doug A STAB
Pegasus Knight Lena wow rude
Knight Doug I'M DONE PLAYING GA M ES Knight Doug u were the one that wanted to fight me
Pegasus Knight Lena steps backwards ow i was poked by a twig Pegasus Knight Lena v injure
Assassin Deak: kick his ass!
Pegasus Knight Lena ur stupid baby sword cant puncture armor smh Pegasus Knight Lena these r the medieval times not the french revolution loSEr
Knight Doug takes another swing at her legs >:I
Assassin Deak this is almost painful
Pegasus Knight Lena moves back again for a second before stepping forward when the movement is completed, swinging the broadsword in a left arc
Assassin Deak is tempted to just Assassin Deak draw his dagger and end doug himself
Pegasus Knight Lena chILL DEAK Pegasus Knight Lena WHAT IS WROng
Assassin Deak >:IIIII
Knight Doug uM?!?! Knight Doug t ak e s the hi t Knight Doug because he's a man not a wimp Knight Doug has two bleeding gashes now but
Pegasus Knight Lena no thats bc ur stupid
Knight Doug he isn't gonna give up
Pegasus Knight Lena being a man is knowing how to step back out of the general area of being hurt
Knight Doug will you like Knight Doug leave me alone? Knight Doug let me live while i still can??
Pegasus Knight Lena you agreed to fight, so no
Knight Doug bc i'm probably going to die before the end of this au Knight Doug isa changed his mind
Pegasus Knight Lena brings the sword up and swings it down towards doug since he isnt moVING
Knight Doug parries again, panting just a bit Knight Doug ok are you wearing any like face gear or
Pegasus Knight Lena you mean like a helmet
Knight Doug yeah Knight Doug that thing Knight Doug isa's tired ok
Pegasus Knight Lena not one that's covering my face, just the sides and back of my head
Knight Doug : > Knight Doug takes swing at her face, hopefully to cut across her cheek and to her lips Knight Doug : >
Pegasus Knight Lena nOT COOL
Pegasus Knight Lena gets cut and steps back
Knight Doug quickly steps back afterward
Pegasus Knight Lena: It still cuts like a twig.
Knight Doug hums Knight Doug: perhaps you'd like another cut.
Pegasus Knight Lena: Perhaps you'd like to find a better sword.
Knight Doug: have you perhaps got one i can borrow? Knight Doug: i was not expecting a fight.
Pegasus Knight Lena: Unfortunately I'm lacking a spare at the moment.
Knight Doug: ah. Knight Doug: that's quite alright. Knight Doug: perhaps we should wait until i have a better weapon since this is unfair?
Pegasus Knight Lena: Is it unfair if that's the weapon you choose? Pegasus Knight Lena: Should a Knight not be prepared at all times to be good?
Knight Doug: like i said... i was not expecting a fight. i came as a messenger.
Pegasus Knight Lena scoffs Pegasus Knight Lena: A knight being a messenger surely sends a message.
Knight Doug hums Knight Doug: with a king like cross, i think you would understand.
Pegasus Knight Lena sheathes her sword and shakes her head Pegasus Knight Lena: A pity to have a King like that.
Knight Doug takes a deep breath before sheathing his sword as well Knight Doug: ...he means well.
Pegasus Knight Lena: Sure, if not he would have been overthrown long ago.
Knight Doug: i will not argue. Knight Doug: i see no point in it. Knight Doug: ...it has been nice to see you, though... old friend. Knight Doug smiles and turns to walk back to get himself some wine and patch himself up
Pegasus Knight Lena: OooOOo o ] Pegasus Knight Lena: in te n se p ain ]
Knight Doug: ;; l aUGHS AND CRI E S
Assassin Deak: ... Assassin Deak: you... Assassin Deak: you know him?
Pegasus Knight Lena scoffs and wipes at her face Pegasus Knight Lena: No.
Assassin Deak hums,, Assassin Deak: why did he call you old friend then? Assassin Deak tilts his head Assassin Deak: there must be some sort of connection between you and him.
Pegasus Knight Lena: You ask a lot of questions, don't you? Pegasus Knight Lena: I haven't the slightest idea, though.
Assassin Deak: i suppose i do. Assassin Deak: i'm a very curious man.
Pegasus Knight Lena: Curiosity killed the cat.
Assassin Deak g r i  n s Assassin Deak: true. Assassin Deak: good thing the cat has nine lives.
Knight Doug drinking wine, drinking wine, trying to fORGET Knight Doug hahaha
Assassin Lavi has no idea where tf he is or what he's doing tbh
Assassin Deak come outside Assassin Deak some chick just pretty much kicked a guy's ass
Assassin Lavi okay??? Assassin Lavi and I missed it?????
Assassin Deak yes Assassin Deak you missed it
Assassin Lavi wow r00d af why didn't u invite me Assassin Lavi I'm coming over >: (
Assassin Deak u were busy or something Assassin Deak i didn't want to disturb u
Assassin Lavi comes over and just Assassin Lavi who??? Assassin Lavi tf are these people Assassin Lavi and have you been SOCIALIZING without me I'm impressed
Knight Doug i called the fight off Knight Doug it's different
Assassin Deak i don't know their names but Assassin Deak it was pretty boring Assassin Deak he didn't really even fight
Assassin Lavi any blood?
Assassin Deak so neeh Assassin Deak yeah Assassin Deak he got cut up a few times
Assassin Lavi cuz I was gonna say Assassin Lavi lame af if not
Assassin Deak it was still boring Assassin Deak no one died
Assassin Lavi so still lame af
Assassin Deak yeah Assassin Deak i took bets on the lady but Assassin Deak he was chicken and ran to lick his wounds
Assassin Lavi shoulda gone and finished the job Assassin Lavi Imeanwhat
Assassin Deak i actually thought about it
Assassin Lavi: Wanna introduce me to your new friends?
Assassin Deak he looks like one of "king cross'" knights Assassin Deak sn or t s Assassin Deak: friends? Assassin Deak: you're kidding...
Assassin Lavi: Figure of speech, don't nitpick
Assassin Deak s c o f f s Assassin Deak leans back against the wall Assassin Deak: she says i ask a lot of questions. Assassin Deak: i don't ask that many questions....
Pegasus Knight Lena yes you do
Assassin Lavi: Depends on the day
Assassin Deak um?? no?? Assassin Deak: ...so you agree with her?
Assassin Lavi: woops did I say that? Assassin Lavi : >
Assassin Deak rolls his eye and gives lavi a playful shove
Assassin Lavi kek
Assassin Deak: you might as well have said it.
Assassin Lavi: Anyway unless her name is "she says I ask a lot of question" you didn't actually Assassin Lavi: introduce me
Knight Doug comes back outside and sees Them
Assassin Lavi wiggles his brow at the lady Assassin Lavi hey good lookin'
Assassin Deak: aestor. his name is aestor. he's my brother. Assassin Deak slaps him on the back of the head Assassin Deak: where're your manners?!
Assassin Lavi !!!!!!
Pegasus Knight Lena unimpressed af
Knight Doug just,, sits down and watches,,
Assassin Lavi: Why're you hitting me I didn't do anything!
Pegasus Knight Lena a rock would be more impressed rn
Assassin Lavi wow r00d
Assassin Deak: i saw you doing that weird thing you do!
Assassin Lavi the conman liked my flirtations : < Assassin Lavi: weird thing?
Assassin Deak good for him
Assassin Lavi: You mean this?
Pegasus Knight Lena he must have low standards
Assassin Lavi wiggles his brow at Deak now
Assassin Deak: don't. Assassin Deak STRAIGHT UP CONSIDERING SLAPPING HIM
Assassin Lavi brow wiggling intensifies
Assassin Deak shoves him back and shakes his head Assassin Deak: ...anyway.
Assassin Lavi snickering
Assassin Deak: forget about my brother.
Assassin Lavi: wow.
Pegasus Knight Lena i think after this ill forget about both of you so
Assassin Lavi: Just throwin' me aside like that
Assassin Deak: my name is indulf. Assassin Deak: it's a pleasure to meet you, madame.
Knight Doug ,,,
Assassin Lavi indulf
Knight Doug low giggling Knight Doug what idiots
Assassin Deak shut the fuck up it's a good name
Assassin Lavi also it was astor, son of aestor but y'know
Pegasus Knight Lena: Pleasure. Is that all, or is there something else you'd like?
Assassin Lavi details
Assassin Deak shut the fUCK UP Assassin Deak i'm trying Assassin Deak: ...something... else?
Pegasus Knight Lena : /
Assassin Deak oh u mean like ur boobs or something haha Assassin Deak jk jk Assassin Deak pls don't kill me
Assassin Lavi rests his head on Deak's shoulder Assassin Lavi: did you have something else in mind? Assassin Lavi wiggly brow
Knight Doug w e i r d o s
Pegasus Knight Lena: Not particularly. Pegasus Knight Lena : /  / / / / / / /
Assassin Deak: we... have a few tricks up our sleeve. Assassin Deak ch uc k l e s
Knight Doug oh my god
Assassin Lavi : > > > >
Knight Doug stands up Knight Doug steps over and looks at them
Pegasus Knight Lena looks over oh its,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, u
Assassin Lavi fightfightfightfight
Knight Doug yeah, it's me. unfortunately.
Knight Doug: ...just... who are you two? Knight Doug: and how did you get in here?
Pegasus Knight Lena: Oh, I assumed you would know one another. Pegasus Knight Lena: You all act like you'd be friends. Pegasus Knight Lena ur all stupid
Knight Doug got u covered, lena- Knight Doug wOW Knight Doug I TRY TO HELP YOU AND Knight Doug WOW
Pegasus Knight Lena : /
Assassin Lavi: Why would we be friends? Assassin Lavi genuinely confused blinking Assassin Lavi has no idea wtf went on Assassin Lavi he's v lost Assassin Lavi help me Deak
Assassin Deak looks at doug Assassin Deak: we're here because we deserve to be.
Pegasus Knight Lena: Do you now.
Assassin Deak looks at lena Assassin Deak: yes. Assassin Deak: we do.
Pegasus Knight Lena: If you say so.
Assassin Deak: we're royalty.
Pegasus Knight Lena: Of course. Pegasus Knight Lena: Who isn't these days? Pegasus Knight Lena intense inner eyeroll
Assassin Deak: aren't you just a sweetheart? Assassin Deak can u hear that sarcasm?
Pegasus Knight Lena no, try harder Pegasus Knight Lena: The sweetest.
Assassin Deak: ...
Assassin Lavi: .... Assassin Lavi: sassy
Assassin Deak sn i c k e r i n g
Knight Doug: i think you two should really hush. Knight Doug :I
Assassin Lavi: Y'must be someone at least semi-important I'm guessing Assassin Lavi @ Lena
Knight Doug wow
Assassin Lavi what
Knight Doug i'm about to stab out your other eye
Assassin Lavi wHY
Knight Doug because
Assassin Lavi whAT DID I DO
Pegasus Knight Lena: Unfortunately, unlike every dog in the world, I am nothing that important, Sir.
Assassin Lavi slow blink Assassin Lavi okay??? Assassin Lavi cryptic
Knight Doug slowly draws his sword,,
Pegasus Knight Lena that was not cryptic
Knight Doug: really. i think it's time for you to go.
Assassin Deak: after you. Assassin Deak g r i n s
Assassin Lavi: What great hospitality.
Assassin Deak: i feel so threatened...
Assassin Lavi hums and yawns unconcerned. Just gonna nap right here on your shoulder for a moment while the smol boys play with their toys if that's cool Deak
Pegasus Knight Lena is it time 2 fight Pegasus Knight Lena i also have a sword heck
Assassin Lavi sure I missed the earlier fight so
Knight Doug if they don't stop, i'm going to fight them
Assassin Lavi what are we doing tho
Knight Doug being pests
Assassin Lavi besides standing here looking sexy
Pegasus Knight Lena youre not looking sexy
Knight Doug h e a t h e n s
Pegasus Knight Lena you're looking like idiots
Assassin Lavi wow r00d
Assassin Deak sm h
Assassin Lavi: ...never caught names
Pegasus Knight Lena: What?
Assassin Lavi or were there Assassin Lavi names Assassin Lavi I don't remember
Assassin Deak: ...i don't know their names.
Assassin Lavi wait no there weren't Assassin Lavi: Never caught your names~
Assassin Deak r i p
Knight Doug: ...what does it matter?
Assassin Lavi: Its only fair and courteous. We gave you ours. Assassin Lavi our fake ones anyway
Knight Doug: ...douglas. douglas marius roux. Knight Doug: but... doug works just fine.
Assassin Lavi: A pleasure~ Assassin Lavi ur turn Lena
Pegasus Knight Lena : / Pegasus Knight Lena u already fourth wall know it
Assassin Lavi but that's the 4th wall
Pegasus Knight Lena: Lee is fine. Pegasus Knight Lena fuck u getting my first name creeps
Assassin Lavi: Lee Assassin Lavi: How short and sweet~
Pegasus Knight Lena rock is still more impressed than i am
Assassin Lavi its fine challenges make life more fun
Pegasus Knight Lena ugh Pegasus Knight Lena im going to stab you
Knight Doug watches them for a moment before turning away Knight Doug: you don't belong here. Knight Doug neither do i but Knight Doug haha here i am
Assassin Lavi: Says who?
Knight Doug: ... Knight Doug: you just don't.
Assassin Lavi: uh huh
Knight Doug ignores the actual question
Assassin Lavi: great argument
Knight Doug: i'm sure the queen doesn't like outsiders, but... Knight Doug: i could be wrong. Knight Doug shrugs Knight Doug: you two don't look so royal to me.
Assassin Deak ,,i'm going to kill him
Assassin Lavi: ...and I didn't take you for an ass yet here we are Assassin Lavi hee haw
Pegasus Knight Lena did you actually Pegasus Knight Lena really do that
Knight Doug glares for a moment before beginning to walk away
Pegasus Knight Lena wow
Assassin Lavi : > Assassin Lavi did it Assassin Lavi got away with it Assassin Lavi y'know
Pegasus Knight Lena that was beyond lame
Assassin Lavi and yet
Assassin Deak it was actually,, pretty good,,
Pegasus Knight Lena no it was lame
Assassin Deak you're lame
Pegasus Knight Lena okay
Assassin Deak : >
Pegasus Knight Lena coming from you that doesnt mean much but Pegasus Knight Lena whatever makes you feel better about yourself
0 notes