#be on the lookout for at least two fics from me in the near future
larryficwriter · 2 years
one line, any fic
Hiiiii, I was tagged by @kingonafiftymetreroad and @thebreadvansstuff to do the one line, any fic challenge. Sooo, here we go.
Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people
Never Understood What Love Was Really Like (But I Felt it for the First Time Looking in Your Eyes)  E, 37k
“Louis,” he looks to him, almost frantic with pleasure, and Louis sees his entire world.
“I know,” Louis says, literally feeling every emotion of Harry’s running through his veins. Their eyes lock as they both share this moment. “Me too.”
The connection he feels with Harry goes beyond what any words could describe. Laying there, locking eyes with Harry, who is all wide-eyed and beautiful, while they’re bound together - Louis has never felt anything like it. It’s like they’re no longer two separate people, like he doesn’t know where Harry ends and he begins.
Unwrap My Heart E, 15k
Harry started calling him Sweet after he discovered that Louis listened to Sweet Creature on repeat so much that it’s his top song of the year. It makes Louis’ heart do backflips every time. He has to press the side of his face into the pillows to hide his giddy smile.
Cure the Loneliness E, 14k
Harry rolls over and checks the time, 3:46 am. He should be sleeping. But all he can think about is how awry his life has gone. Yeah, sure, there are parts of his life that he knows he’s been blessed with. The fact that he made it, truly made it, in a career that rarely anyone does - it’s a miracle. He looks around at his empty, dark room. What good are miracles if you have no one to share it with?
You are the Lyrics E, 5k
Harry holds Louis’ wrist still. Even from his obstructed view of Louis, half of Harry’s face still smashed into their bed, he can see the look of confusion on Louis’ face. He gives Louis the best smirk that he can in the situation, and then he literally starts riding Louis’ hand.
Like Snowflakes G, 4k
Silence. Louis can’t quite place the look on his face. He’s momentarily distracted by the fact that snow has started to fall and he watches as tiny flakes start to waft peacefully around them. Some land on his hair, the white creating a stark contrast with the chocolate brown of Harry’s hair. When a single flake makes its home on Harry’s cheek, Louis’ first reaction is to swipe it off with his thumb and right when their eyes meet, words are spilling out of Louis’ mouth.
Til My Voice Breaks, Baby I Love You E, 23k
Louis looks at Harry, feeling emotional and vulnerable and he wants to say it. He wants to tell Harry. He opens his mouth and the tiniest “I” comes out. Harry didn’t even hear it.
Only You, Always E, 5k
“Babe,” Harry whispers, biting on Louis’ earlobe to regain Louis’ attention. “Hope you’re ready for round two.”
All My Senses Come To Life (Cause You’re The Only One) E, 20k
“I’m fine. The room’s stopped spinning. C’mon, don’t stall. Did you not like the kiss? Because it’s okay if you didn’t.”
“I liked it. You got weird.” Louis says, scratching at the 28 on his knuckles.
“You got weird!” Harry insists. “Oh my god. Are we freaking out over nothing?”
Dear Blue E, 9k
Why? There’s so much I want to write to describe what I feel for you. Valentine’s Day is supposed to be special. I’m beginning to think it’s cursed. You’ve made me cry for a lot of reasons: from laughter mostly, but never like this. I don’t even know what to say to you anymore or even if we’ll be okay anymore. Happy fucking Valentine’s Day.
p.s. The first card contained a poem that I wasted my time writing about you. Fuck off.
A Beautiful Start to a Lifelong Love Letter E, 3k
There’s this peaceful sort of quiet. Somewhere down the hallway, someone is already experiencing their first college party judging by the quieted bass thumping. Simon stares at Bram’s bookshelf and smiles to himself. He should have known that the guy who calls him cute and grammatical would decide to be an English major. The streetlight casts just a small amount of light into their room, illuminating Bram’s sleek, toned calves. 
As with my last writing related post, I don’t have many writer friends and the ones I do have already tagged me. If you want to participate, please do! 
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ramzawrites · 4 years
A Painful Reminder - Dad!Schlatt and Reader - Part 2
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Pairings: none
Characters included: Quackity, Philza, Fundy, Tubbo, (mentioned) Schlatt
Warnings: mention of past self harm (ripping off horns), mention of blood, abandonment, cursing
Series: A part 2 after multiple people asked for it (thank you)
Summary: Quackity found Y/N bleeding next to the river. Now he frantically tries to figure out how to help them in more ways than one.
Words count: 3243
Authors Note: Here it is! Thank you for all the nice messages on part 1! It took longer than I had hoped and I apologize but also thank you all for the messages that cheered me up :D I’ll be honest I was a bit intimidated by all this and I hope that you guys enjoy this fic nontheless 💙 Also I usually like to put the fics right beneath the asks but since I got so many messages I decided to answer some of them, I hope that is alright. Or tell me if I should do it differntly after all haha
NO GUARANTEE BUT I MADE THIS POST THAT YOU CAN INTERACT WITH IN CASE YOU WANT TO GET TAGGED FOR A PART 3, no guarantee I will actually sit down in the near future for it but HERE
Reposted as a test to see if it will appear in the tags
“See. It’s already working.”
These words continued to echo through Quackity’s mind as he carried the unconscious Y/N in his arms, not worried about the blood that was soaking into his blue jacket. If anything he was more worried that dirt from his clothes was getting into the fresh wounds.
“Anyone? I need a doctor! Healing potions! Anything!” once again he yelled out hoping somebody was around L’Manberg.
Even though Y/N was knocked out cold their expression displayed pain. Quackity could only imagine how they did this to themself but he tried not to think too hard about it. The wounds looked gruesome even without the exact knowledge of how this came to be.
How desperate must they have been to hurt themself like that?
How long have they suffered that this was their reaction?
How will he live with the knowledge that he was partially at fault?
“Quackity? What’s wrong?”
Said man turned around to see a worried looking Tubbo and Fundy standing behind him. As soon he did though both their expression turned from worried to shock.
Fundy’s eyes widened as he saw Y/N laying limp in Quackity’s arms “What the- For the love of Ender what happened! Their horns!”
“I don’t know but I found them like this. Can you- Do you know-“ Quackity was struggling to find the rights words but Tubbo knew what he meant.
Once again his expression changed. Now looking more serious and determined but the worry was still clear through his body language “Let’s go to Phil. He has some brewery stands and I’m sure he will let us use his.”
Fundy nodded “I’m sure grandpa will help us.”
Quackity didn’t hesitate, he immediately begun making his way towards Phil’s house, still making sure that Y/N’s head isn’t moving around too much. Scared that he might hurt them even more.
All the while Tubbo made sure to stay a few steps ahead. As if he was keeping lookout for any possible dangers or to make sure that the way was free for them so the group could reach Phil’s place as fast as possible.
Fundy walked side by side with Quackity on the other hand. His eyes always darting to Y/N’s head. Staring at the place where their dark horns used to be. Queasy with all of this he grabbed his tail with his own hands.
Luckily it indeed didn’t take long for them to reach Phil’s place. Tubbo knocked hastily against the wooden door as Quackity readjusted Y/N in his arms.
The door opened and a somewhat tired looking Phil stood in front of them. His eyes first landed on Tubbo and slowly wandered towards Quackity with Y/N “What the- What is going on?”
Fundy stepped forward, still nervously holding onto his tail “We need your help, grandpa. Y/N is hurt and we need potions for them.”
Before he even ended the sentence Phil was already making space for the small group to walk in “Yes, of course. You can put them down on my bed there. I have some ingredients for potions in some of the chests. Tubbo, Fundy you know how to make healing and regeneration pots?”
“We do.” Tubbo answered sternly.
“Okay, then I’ll clean the wounds while you both make them.”
Quackity laid Y/N carefully down on the soft bed. A few whimpers escaped their mouth as he let go off them. Their face was still stained with their own tears. Blood covering the sides of their face as well as their hands. Their clothes dirty and wet.
Phil immediately moved in with fresh water and a clean rag, slowly cleaning up the wounds where Y/N’s horns used to be.
Tubbo and Fundy ran around from chest to chest, collecting all the ingredients for the potions. The only sound in the room came from the glass bottles and the brewery stands as well as the occasional painful groan from Y/N.
No one was saying it but all of them felt sick to their stomach. Seeing them without their horns felt so wrong. A part of their body just gone. Especially for fellow Hybrids this was a gruesome thought.
“So, what exactly happened?” Philza dunked the rag back into the water.
Quackity was just pacing around the room as he asked that question. He didn’t know anything about how to heal Y/N and was instead battling the increasing guilt that was building up in him.
He took a deep breath in “I don’t know. I heard some crying and when I investigated I found them by the river laying in the grass like this. I asked them what happened but they just babbled something on the lines of that they freed themself so we all can live in peace.”
Tubbo gasped “Don’t tell me- Don’t tell me they did this to themself! But this doesn’t make any sense!”
“Really? I think it makes a lot of sense!” Quackity snapped at Tubbo “Everyone has been avoiding them ever since fucking Schlatt’s death and they are not stupid! They realize we left them alone because of their relation to him! I know for a fact that you too saw their horns and had to think of him! You left them alone just how I did. How everyone did! This is our fault!”
“Quackity-“ Fundy wanted to calm the other man down but he was way too angry.
Too angry at everyone and himself.
“No! There is nothing else to say! We fucked up!”
The young president just stared at Quackity. Surprised with his reaction but he couldn’t fault him for it. He spoke the truth. It was an open secret after all. Something everyone knew but no one dared to talk about. No one thought of the consequences.
Fundy frowned and stared at the ground, mumbling something no one could understand.
Quackity still agitated turned towards him “What did you say?”
The Fox Hybrid looked up, his frown still present, showing his fangs “We were hurting as well! We all needed time to heal!”
“On the expense of Y/N?”
“What were we supposed to do!?”
Phil let out an annoyed groan “Can you two shut the fuck up? We can deal with this later! Right now the priority should be healing Y/N.”
After that no one dared to say anything. Tubbo and Fundy stood each at a brewing stand and stared intently at the glass bottles while Quackity decided to stand close to Phil and Y/N.
Schlatt’s rule was a horrible time. During that time Y/N and he bonded. Trying to keep each other’s spirit up as Schlatt destroyed everything in his wake. Including his relationships with his own child and him. Hence why he felt this increased sense of having to make sure that they were alright. It was the least he could do after screwing up so bad before.
“See, it’s already working” The sentence Y/N spoke just before they passed out snuck into his thoughts again. They were right. It hurt, because they were right.
Suddenly he had an idea “Phil, could regenerations potions, um, make them regrow? The horns, I mean.”
Philza stopped moving. His eyebrows pulled down in thought as he slowly shook his head “No, Regeneration Potions just increase the body’s ability to heal itself. Horns don’t regrow. If you lose them, they are gone forever.”
This stung. There was this slight hope in him that maybe, maybe they all could make it up. Correct all of their mistakes but instead he was left with even more guilt. Now they might not see the horns that would remind them of Schlatt but instead they would be met with a constant reminder of their own fault and guilt.
Suddenly Tubbo took a bottle out of the brewery in his hand while Fundy gave him a different one. He handed both of them to Phil who got out new rags and put one of the potions on it which he then used on the wound. Luckily the bleeding slowly did indeed stop more and more.
“Okay, the regeneration one they have to drink. It should help them with any general pain and should increase their healing but for that they have to wake up.” A weary sigh left his lips as he began cleaning up.
Phil put some of the rags in a chest only to pull out some bandages and threw them towards Quackity who struggled for a second but managed to catch them after all “Bandage them up, will ya?”
Quackity nodded and sat down on the bed next to Y/N. Their wounds still looked bad but at least their face was clean now and the bleeding stopped as well. Carefully he propped them up on his lap so he had an easier time to wrap their head.
He wasn’t the best at it but he did a good enough job that Philza didn’t feel the need to jump in.
Tubbo and Fundy were now standing on opposite sides of the room. Both had their arms in front of their chest. While Tubbo looked more worried, Fundy still had his frown on.
He understood where Quackity was coming from but to him there was no other way. If he forced himself to hang out with them then Y/N would have noticed it. He was sure of it. It was unfair to say that all of them were at fault for this. Yes, this was bad. This was quite frankly horrifying what happened but to say that all of them were at fault? That didn’t sit right with him.
Maybe he was too scared to accept the guilt.
Once Quackity finished wrapping up Y/N and just as he slowly dropped their head back on the bloody pillow, they begun groaning.
Everyone’s but Phil’s eyes widened as their gazes immediately snapped towards Y/N.
They slowly opened up one of their eyes and begun to sit up, without missing a beat Phil walked away from the chest he was rummaging about and instead grabbed the regeneration potion, pushing it into Y/N’s hands “Drink.”
Still groggy from their ordeal they just nodded and chugged the whole bottle down before setting the empty bottle down next to them. One of their still dirty hands flew towards their forehead, wincing in pain.
“Y/N?” Quackity tried to gain their attention but Y/N was busy trying to understand what was going on.
Suddenly their eyes grew wide and the other hand flew up to the head. Slowly they begun feeling around the rough bandages, inching more and more towards the place where their horns used to be connected with their head.
Letting out a pained gasp as soon as they arrived at the wound. Tears welling up in their eyes.
“It wasn’t a dream.” Y/N rasped out.
Tubbo looked like he was standing on hot coals with how much he danced around on the spot “I’m sorry, Y/N. We-“
But he interrupted himself as Y/N let out a dry laugh. It was a laugh mixed with relief, pain and shock. A laugh that set the pain inside Quackity’s and the other’s chest ablaze again. Even Fundy’s frown disappeared into one of disbelief. Like it just hit him what has happened.
Quackity was too busy with gauging everyone’s reaction that he didn’t notice how Y/N was now silently crying. They tried their best to suppress it via wiping away any tears that dared to escape but it was a futile effort.
“Where- Where am I?”
“In my place. Quackity carried you over here with Tubbo and Fundy.” Philza explained. He never really interacted with Y/N as well. He arrived in L’Manberg and was forced to kill his own son. Blaming the system and people of this city, so once he found out Y/N was Schlatt’s child, who was one of the main reasons Wilbur fell to his own paranoia? No, he didn’t feel incredibly comfortable trying to do small talk with them.
Sure, he felt bad for them but not guilty. No, the people who already knew them should feel guilty. If anything he felt sorry for them and saw them as another victim to the people similar like his son. A bit ironic if you really thought about it. The child of Schlatt and his own child both fell victim to L’Manberg.
Y/N nodded, their head felt so much lighter it was almost an uncomfortable feeling “I’ll get home then. I apologize for the trouble and thank you for the help.”
The nature of the stares has changed. A small part in them was almost ecstatic that this wasn’t in vain. No more stares of hostility but rather sympathy. Y/N could work with that, right? So, why did they still feel so conflicted? Why was the pain in their chest still there?
Throwing away the blanket, Y/N tried to stand up but Quackity pushed them back down with a stern expression.
“Hey, Hey! What do you think you are doing?” surprisingly it was Fundy speaking up and it shocked Y/N.
Fundy noticed the pang of fear on their face and relaxed his features “I’m- I’m sorry. Just, you can’t walk around like this. You are seriously hurt, besides-“ He stopped himself.
Tubbo looked at Fundy only to switch back to Y/N “Besides, if what we think what happened, there is no way we can leave you alone like this.”
“No, No- I- No. No. I did that- I-“ Y/N was frantically stumbling across their words, letting their tears now freely running and yet they still put on a smile and looked Tubbo in the eyes “I’ll be fine. Thank you for patching me up. From here on out I’ll be fine.”
Phil sighed “Just accept their help. That’s why you did this in the first place, didn’t you? Ripping your horns off your head, so they would stop avoiding you.” Seeing all of them stumbling across their words he decided to just rip the band aid off.
When Y/N just stared at their lap and didn’t dare to look up as a response Quackity put one of his hands on their shoulder, blood still smeared on them from when he inspected the wounds.
“It’s true, isn’t it? What he said, it’s the truth. You realized we avoided you because your horns reminded us of Schlatt, right?”
It wasn’t really a question, since he knew the answer but he needed to hear it from them himself. He needed definitive proof that they did feel indeed desperate enough because of everyone’s actions to do this. To literally rip their horns off their body.
Y/N gulped. Their mouth opening and closing but no words came out. They took a deep breath in, squinted their eyes shut and softly nodded, muttering an almost inaudible “Yes.”
Now they couldn’t hold back anymore, breaking down into loud sobs and hiccups.
“This is bull shit!” Fundy exclaimed angrily. Quackity wanted to yell at Fundy, saying why in the world would he still act like that only to see tears now welling up in the Fox Hybrids eyes as well.
Tubbo had a shocked expression on his face, clasping his hands in front of his mouth.
Phil had his eyes closed, his arms crossed in front of his chest. Brows in a frown as he was deep in thought.
Tentatively Quackity put his other hand on the other shoulder of Y/N, slowly and softly pulling on them. They didn’t react at first but after a few moments they seemed to relax and lean in. Falling into Quackity’s chest.
Now sobbing and crying while he was slowly rubbing their back in an effort to console them.
He put his head on theirs, hoping it wouldn’t hurt them too much and whispered apologies.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry we did this to you. You made an effort to talk to us and we noticed but we still chose to just abandon you.”
Their cries increased. Letting out their pent up pain as Quackity held them securely in their arms. Feeling some kind of love and affection for the first time since forever.
Fundy slowly stepped towards Y/N, placing one of his hands on their back “I’m sorry as well. We fucked up. None of this is on you but on us.”
“And I’m sorry as well! I- I don’t know what I was thinking. It was horrible of us.” Tubbo added.
“I feel sorry for you Y/N that’s all I can say. To the others, now saying you are sorry isn’t enough. You need to prove it. Got it?” Phil lectured the group.
Tubbo nodded “Yes. For starters we can make sure they heal up well.”
It took a few minutes until Y/N seemed to slowly calm down again. They were still sobbing but their cries weren’t as loud anymore.
Quackity pushed them away from him and looked them into their eyes “Stay at my place. I’ll make sure you’ll be okay. It will take time and I know it will be work to earn your trust again but will you at least give us this last chance? Hell, you have probably given more chances for us than we will ever realize but still, will you let me, uh, us, do this? It’s okay if you don’t want to, or if you want someone else to help.”
It took Y/N a moment to realize what was happening and what he was proposing. Not only were all of them worried for their wellbeing but they apologized. They had to admit that they didn’t expect this. Honestly they just hoped that their horns would go and all was well. People would finally talk with them and not ask too many questions. Y/N would probably be able to come up with an excuse. Probably.
But to hear that this wasn’t their fault? That the others avoided them wasn’t their fault? Realistically they always knew it but they never really believed it a hundred percent, so to hear this was like someone lifted a huge weight off of their heart.
The other’s recognized that they were hurting. Their feelings wasn’t something they somehow made up. This was real. This was happening and the others acknowledged it.
“… Okay.”
Quackity and the other seemed to relax at that. He let go off them and Tubbo used this chance to give Y/N a short hug as well which made Y/N break down into cries again. Fundy cautiously sat down on the bed as well and wrapped one of his arms and tail around the two.
The group noticed pretty fast that this was something Y/N needed. A physical proof that they cared for them. Not just words, now they had to show action. This also meant to inform all of the others on the situation. Make sure they learned what has happened but only with Y/N’s consent and in a way they were okay with it.
But before all of that, they will make sure they were healing, physically and mentally. Something will probably never fully leave or heal but they will find a way. They had to.
Quackity was incredibly glad they took him up on the offer. After all they two went together through the same bull shit from Schlatt and he saw them once as family, so he felt it was his responsibility, now that Schlatt was gone, to take care of them.
“Thank you, Y/N for giving us this chance. We don’t deserve it but we will try our hardest.”
“I know, Quackity.”
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sanghyukstattoos · 4 years
I'm sure of that. Dawon stans, show up here! 🙋🏻‍♀️ About your requests open, this is the best news ever 😍 So, let me think... What about something cute, I don't know well, maybe a cuddle night with a sweet make out session? Or a late night date watching the stars... Something like that. I'm lacking with my ideias these days, so feel free to improve it. And thank you ^.^ 💟 - 🦋
Date night 
Pairing: Lee Sanghyuk I Dawon x Reader 
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2699
Summary: Today, the heart- warming memories of how you two started dating came back to you and while work may not have been the best, it sure felt like the right day for a date with your loving boyfriend, Sanghyuk. 
A/N: Heyyy 🦋, I’m sorry for making you wait once again but here it is! *Presents proudly* I loved your idea and had such an amazing time writing it. Also, I’ve been receiving support on my other fic ‘Warmth’ and I’m really thankful for that so here is another fic that I hope you can enjoy!
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Dates weren’t uncommon between the two of you but suddenly reminded of how much you love him, there had to be a date for a date somewhere in the near future. Since you started dating during the summer of last year, tooth- rotting fluff between the two of you made you shy. The kind of shy where you would smile widely but look away and try to force it off your face. You were embarrassed at how he made you feel so you tried to hide it and send subtle signs hoping he would get the hints.
Unfortunately he didn’t because anytime you would flirt, he would do the same under the guise of friendship. Ripples of frustration made its course through you and one day, all your pent up feelings splashed like a bucket of paint hurled across canvas. You didn’t go for the obvious options of screaming, shouting or crying but just kissing him. Pouring all your feelings into one kiss, relief flooded through you and the desire to hug him overcame you but holding back you hoped that at least this time he would be able to return your feelings. That is exactly what he did and ever since then, the both of you have been going strong. 
In the past couple of weeks there had been changes in your work. A change of leadership and office politics not only made the atmosphere tense but working with your team was hard. Back straight and unbiased smiles towards everyone, you made sure to do an excellent job of not getting involved in any drama. The outcome would be greater than getting involved however, it was eating away at you and you could see that the same was happening with your co-workers. The less the issue was treated, the more difficult it became to solve it. 
Break time came and you were about to leave when a buzz caught your attention. It may have been a passing moment’s worth of information travelling through your visual field but you knew it was him. 
Picking it up, you read, ‘’Hey, how is work? Are your co-workers still having that fight 😂😢’’ causing a smile to light up your face. 
Laughing, you texted back, ‘’Hey, work is still the same. Oh yes, they definitely are and this is making everyone antisocial 🤧 Feels great to be here, you know💀 How is your work?’’. 
Collecting your coat and making a headway for the elevator, you exited the building and walked towards the café opposite- not an unusual place to meet up with colleagues from different departments. 
Opening the door, you were greeted with the distinct smell of cinnamon and pecan nuts. Your eyes caught your friends sitting at different tables. They look like a bunch of students gossiping but the difference is that it’s over coffee. You smiled at the thought. They instantly recognised you and waves were exchanged. Making your way to the table and taking a free seat, a senior spoke, 
‘’I heard that there are some plans underway to build a building at the back’’ to which someone else replied, ‘’Is that where all the resources are going? We need more hole punchers though, because someone seems to be stealing all of them.’’ eliciting laughs from those at the table. 
Your phone buzzed back and opening the message, you read, ‘’Oh nooo, is my baby having a hard time? Don’t worry, some things take time so cheer up and hope for the best~~. Also, I’ve been thinking, since you need a break, why don’t we go on a date?’’. 
Your heart skipped a little at the mention of a date and you texted back, ‘’Ah yes, your baby is having a hard time T_T. Is there a small chance if any, for me to scream on the rooftop tonight? Thank you, I’ll be here waiting 🙋‍♀️ A date sounds super refreshing right now and I wouldn’t mind the idea ~^~’’. 
Online now he texted, ‘’Hehe, you’ll get plenty of hugs when you get home. Very funny or did you forget that we don’t have a roof? Obviously you didn’t so do you think our neighbours will call the police, they think we’re are crazy people already..’’
Resisting the urge to laugh, you replied, ‘’I don’t even know who our neighbours are, should I just call it a half day and head home? Time and place for our date?’’. 
‘’That’s cute ;) I’ll pick you up but at what time do you finish today? Also, I don’t remember our neighbours being scary or anything like that 😶. This one’s a bit random but one day, just one day, lets sleep in. The place is a surprise and no, it doesn’t matter how many times you budge me, I won’t tell you 😘 ‘’ came his reply.
Looking back up from the screen and sipping your coffee, you decided that you had a decent amount of time remaining. 
You texted him back with, ‘’I finish at 5:30 today, what about you? I could meet you at home if there is a lot of waiting time. It’s a bit random ahaha, I wouldn’t mind sleeping in and plus we could do it on a Friday so we have a three-day weekend. Because you won’t tell me, I’m super excited now. You may get into trouble if I call you right now but just wait, when we meet I’m going to shake it out of you😊’’. 
You could picture him laughing a little on the other side as he replied, ‘’I finish at 4:15 today so I’ll pick you up and don’t worry, it’s only a little bit of a wait. I love how we are scheduling a perfect time for us to be lazy and you know what? That sounds absolutely amazing to me right now so tell when you want to do that. Also, my lips are sealed 🤐 🤗 ’’. 
Excited for the date, a small smile reached your face as you texted back, ‘’I’d love that too so tomorrow let’s schedule it together. Alright, I guess I can wait for up to 6 hours 😑 I can’t wait to meet you though, see you soon.’’.
‘’Whoever said 6 hours is long? I can already see you frowning at the mention of that 😂 😂 . Anyways, see you soon babe’’ you read and pocketed your phone with the thought of a date lingering at the back of your mind. 
Break ended within the span of a couple of minutes and exiting the café, you made your way back to work. A small sigh escaped your lips thinking about the workload but you straightened your back and walked confidently pursuing the idea of dedicating these hours to doing what you loved the most. Even if it meant dealing with the tension, in hindsight, the office would most likely joke about it after it ended so until that time came, you just had to wait. 
Sitting at your desk, you took in a deep breath preparing yourself for whatever was to come. Powering through the work felt satisfying, if not, at ease because not only did you get most of your work done, it was almost the end of the day and you could finally see your boyfriend- the moment you had been waiting for. 
It had always been like this as the day was fun but the most exciting part was leaving knowing that you had done what you came for. In the elevator, your senior from another department walked in. Recognition flashed across your faces and you greeted one another but subtly, you felt nervous.
 Your co-workers absolutely, and you meant absolutely spent all day dreaming about how fit this man was. You couldn’t have disagreed more, nudging Sanghyuk forward as more fit even though he wouldn’t admit it even if his life depended on it. ‘’You okay?’’ he asked and you looked up, wondering what was happening. Small talk?. Nodding, you asked, ‘’You okay?’’ sealing the awkwardness in one question. After this you highly doubted any more words would be exchanged. 
Nodding, the rest of the ride was in silence and after exiting, the both of you parted ways like a middle parting hairstyle. Reaching for the doors, you kept a lookout for Sanghyuk’s car spotting it almost instantly. Inside, you could see him on his phone so you knocked hoping to scare him just a little bit and scared he was. Laughing as you opened the door, he placed a soft kiss on your lips, whispering a small, ‘’hey’’. Mouthing ‘’hey’’ back, he asked, ‘’Are you ready?’’. In excitement you replied, ‘’I’ve been waiting for this moment all day, so let’s go!’’. He laughed at your enthusiasm and you joined in, feeling content. 
‘‘By the way, you never told me where we’re going!’‘ you spoke suddenly, startling Sanghyuk. Ahahaha, he thinks I’ve forgotten, but forgotten I have not. ‘’Why do I feel like this is the start of you badgering me for information?’‘ he said as he laughed, rubbing his forehead. Nodding, you smiled replying, ‘‘Do we even know each other?’‘ drawing a laugh from him. 
‘‘Thank goodness the place isn’t that far away then’‘ to which you asked, ‘‘How far is it?’‘ knowing that wherever this place is, it was going to be at least half an hour away and that was enough time to break the surprise. ‘‘Forty five minutes’‘ he replied with a pink tint to his cheeks making you squeeze in delight. ‘‘Please tell me you can wait for that long’‘ he stated, making me look out the window and laugh. His eyes widened as you grabbed his hand in yours and you could tell from the look on his face that he was suspicious. 
‘‘You’re always doing something like that you know, like poking me or what not so honestly, I’m scared right now’‘ he said with a rush and almost immediately followed with, ‘‘Babe, I’m driving’‘. Suppressing the urge to tickle him, you wiggled your finger threateningly in the air as if to intimidate.
 Unimpressed and with the flattest look in his eyes, he stated, ‘’Bring it on. I’m just thinking right now, what’s the worst that could happen?’’ but you knew that his weakness was being ticklish, something you would love to voice loudly on speakers. Giggling, you raised it and dashed it as close to his suit jacket as possible, retreating when he smiled at your antics. Using a childish voice he said, ‘‘Cute’‘ dragging the end as far as the wide ocean and this time, it was your turn to be unimpressed. 
‘‘Wow, that’s mature’‘ which led him to give you an offended look. Bringing a hand to your mouth, you laughed to which he replied, ‘‘Coming from you?’‘. ‘‘Excuse me!’‘ you spluttered and the both of you sat there laughing. He shifted the position of your hands onto your lap and on the open road, the trees and the house passed by in a blur. If you looked back, the speed slowed down and everything was much clearer and resting your head on the headrest, you took in the fresh sandalwood scent of the car’s interior while the warm rays of sun ran across the dashboard as the ending of the trail led to his hand on the wheel. The backdrop a blur, your eyes traced the lining of his nose bridge all the way to his jawline, admiring his relaxed face. 
It wasn’t exactly a wonder but in the span of less than forty-five minutes, the sky had begun to darken. A pink and purplish hue descended mixing in with the darkness of the blue night sky. Among the low moon, the stars that littered the sky caught your eyes and this was the first time you had paid attention to the beauty of the sunset speaking gently, ‘’The sky is so pretty today’’. 
Looking up, he sucked in a sharp breath as he took in the stunning sight. ‘’It is’’ he said in agreement. Breaking the comfortable silence that enveloped the two of you, he stated with joy in his voice, ‘’We almost reached by the way’’ peaking your focus on your surroundings. 
‘‘Not a lot of people come here so we should have the place to ourselves’‘ he said, turning left and finding a parking spot. Stepping out, the wind blew calmly like the sea breeze at the beach- welcoming and pleasantly. Coming around the side, he hugged your hand in his own and tenderly tugged you along. 
‘’Where are we?’‘ you asked looking up at him with wide, honest eyes. ‘‘Somewhere where you can relax. A colleague recommended this place so I’m just as new to this place as you are.’‘ he ended with a twinkling laugh. Adorned with tiny, green plants, the pathway wasn’t lit but there was just enough moonlight for the both of you to walk up. From the distance, you realised how much wider the place actually was.
Sculpted, a dark green hedge was accompanied by dome- shaped, glossy bright orange flowers that could be seen even as night approached. It acted as an entrance and replaced all the signs welcoming confused visitors. Leading you towards a bench, the two of you took a seat side-by-side. He left your hand and instead wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you to rest your head on his chest. 
‘’Are you cold?’’ he asked and you shook your head disagreeing. ‘’You were right, this place is really relaxing. Thank you for thinking of me and bringing me here’’ you said in appreciation. Moving his right arm to the side of your head, he turned your head so that you were face to face with him. Eyes, a warm shade of dark brown, he connected his lips with yours.
Sweet passion fruit and milk chocolate, the sky blue hydrangeas bloomed; in the distant ambience of the place, a bird took its first flight, soaring. Carefully and softly, your lips moved with the flow of his lips which feel velvety and delicate. Leaning away, the both of you took a breath as he said, ‘’You know those people who you just click with? As in, you become their best friends and they become special to you. So always- I will always think of you.’’.
Your hands moved up to his face and capturing his cheeks, your lips met his. Connecting for the second time, he felt just as sweet as the first, like every kiss you had shared. Endearingly, he managed to daze you each time reminding you of the shiny and sugary glaze on doughnuts, simple and classic. 
Smiling, your hands moved to smooth his hair which really didn’t need any smoothing but you felt the need to press his face in between your hands. Slyly you said, ‘’I think I like you, like a lot’’ to which he chuckled and said, ‘’I like you a lot too so stay with me’’. ‘’I’m not going anywhere, I’m just here to bother you’’ you replied with a giggle and facing you he incredulously asked, ‘’Did you just ruin-?’’.
Laughing while shaking his head, he pressed a kiss to the side of your forehead making your cheeks turn pink. When you returned the kiss, he questioned, ‘’What was that for?’’ and looking at his flushed cheeks, you smiled at the accomplishment. ‘’Just so, for once, you can feel how you make me feel’’ you replied with a bright smile. 
Hand to his chest he acted like his chest was hurting and breathing hoarsely said, ‘’Slow down’’ making you laugh a little. Settling down, your head went back to lean on his chest. Fingers gently pushed your hair out of your face; you moved your arms to envelope his torso, feeling the toned lines. Lying in his embrace, the two of you sat and watched the stars.
 Therapeutic, your relationship was something that you looked forward to everyday because apart from seeing one another, new adventures and exciting thrills came your way. Ultra realistic stills of your time with him were printed and couldn’t be easily forgotten so together, you took baby steps, one day at a time.
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Hymne a l'amour | 1
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x OC
Summary: As a writer, Crystal was always on the lookout for inspiration. When she came across a journal packed with heartbreak and adventure, she thought she’d found it. Only the journal’s once filled pages are now blank, except for the one writing itself in front of her eyes. 
Word Count: 1160 (This first chapter here is kinda short, but I was excited to get started and I felt that was a good point to end the chapter. Cliff hanger! Sorta )
Notes: Welcome to my first fic for RDR2! I write for many other fandoms, but I am so deep into my Arthur feels lately that I decided it was time for me to try my hand at writing something for him. This will be sfw for a while, but I am definitely not afraid of smut so there is a good chance some will happen eventually. Forewarning for purists: I am going to be playing fast and loose with the actual journal entries. There will be bits here and there that are canon, but I plan on adding a few original entries as well, like things that I wish he’d written about. Also, you can expect a happy ending because I am not about that hardcore angst life. This is loosely based on the movie The Lake House. 
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There was something to be said about the smell of an antique store. Sure, some might find it offputting, but not her. It was the smell of history, of lives lived to their fullest. Her sister regularly argued that it was just the mold and mildew getting to her brain. Whatever it was, the smell has become a sort of comfort for her. 
Crystal Anderson was currently browsing her favorite part of the massive store; the book corner. It was one of the largest spots in the store, with ten bookcases overflowing with every genre, as well as areas for things like photos and basically anything written or printed. She’s often spent hours in this one corner alone, browsing through journals and photos, writing stories in her mind for everyone she saw. 
A few years ago Crystal had been fortunate to find a series of love letters between a couple of world war two nurses, tracked down the family and obtained the rest of the story, leading to a book that was doing very well. She’d even heard there were people circling her agent about a movie. 
She was under no illusions that she’d be able to recreate that success, but here she was scrounging through the random piles yet again. She’d found a few interesting photos, some first edition books in good condition that she’d probably just add to her own collection, and a few journals the shop owner had given her to look over. 
The journals looked especially promising. It wasn’t often that you were able to find actual journals with just about every page filled, and most shops didn’t take them. This particular shop did just for her because she’s been a regular customer for many years and they knew she’d want them. 
There were two in particular that Crystal was excited about. One was owned by a girl growing up during the 1960′s and 70′s, and the little glimpses she had showed the girl was a wild one. 
The second was even more exciting. Based on the wear and tear this thing was old - really old. She hadn’t caught any dates yet, but based on the drawings she was guessing this was straight up wild west era. The thing was bursting with entries and surprisingly good drawings, even maps. Crystal had a feeling this was the find she’d been looking for. 
The man writing was so complex. One moment he was writing about a killing someone without blinking an eye, the next he was going on about how much he wanted to be a good man and doodling little animals. There was even a whole page dedicated to how much he loved his horse. She wasn’t sure if there was a real story in this yet, but she had that gut feeling that this was important. 
That feeling stayed with her as she made her way home, placing her new acquisitions carefully on her desk. She knew she had a long night ahead of her, so she tried her best to put the cowboy ( the man was obviously an outlaw, what with the talk of killings, but cowboy was ever so much fun to say) out of mind and made herself a quick dinner. 
Once she was sufficiently full and dressed in comfortable clothing it was time to work. Crystal grabbed a blank notebook to take notes on important facts she’d find; dates, names, places, etc. She sipped on a cup of tea while her laptop fired up, slowly getting herself into her writing headspace. Finally ready, she set her cup far away from the journals and slowly opened the man’s journal, the leather crackling with age. 
It was gone. 
Every single word. 
All gone. 
Crystal’s mind went blank in her confusion. There had to be a rational explanation, right? Maybe she picked up the wrong journal? The outside looked exactly the same as it had, but maybe there were two of them and she hadn’t known? Maybe invisible ink? Did they even have that kind of ink back then? 
She picked up the girl’s journal and cracked it open. It was still the same. Every word was there, the band tickets and flowers still stuck between the pages. 
She went back to the other one and it was still blank. 
What. The. Fuck. 
Crystal set the journal back on the desk, staring at the first page in conflicted wonder. She had no idea what happened. She was certain the writing was still there when she got home. She remembered flicking through on her way to the desk and giggling over a story he’d written about a fox stealing his hat and he’d been forced to chase it. Unless she was currently dreaming, there was no logical explanation for why this journal should be empty. 
She caught a flicker of movement and refocused on the desk. As she watched in horror, a list and a map began to appear on the first two pages, the scrawl the same familiar cursive from before. Once it was finished, she turned the page to see it happening again, a massive drawing of a city filling both sides. When that too was done, her trembling hands turned the page once more, watching as an entry was being written right in front of her. 
I bought this new journal, after that last one got destroyed in that fire all those months ago, whenever it was. 
Haven’t written or drawn much in the past few months, but I was missing it more than I thought I would, and finally near a store, so here I am, I guess.
After all that business up North and the fire, we spent a few months in the wilderness, traveling down from the Northern Grizzlies,
Crystal watched those words appear with both bone-deep terror and maybe a little excitement. Terror, she reasoned, would be anyone’s first reaction. There was apparently a magic book in front of her like she was god damned Harry Potter and she was fresh out of Basilisk teeth to stab it with. However, she was still a bit excited because it was so crazy. Or maybe she was the one crazy, she wasn’t sure yet. Whatever was going on, if she’d bought a haunted book or lost her mind, this was exciting. 
As long as nothing tried to possess her or kill her or something. 
Crystal picked up her pen and clenched her jaw as she placed her shaky hand onto the page. Here goes nothing. 
Please tell me this isn’t Tom Riddle...
At least three minutes passed with nothing, and she started to relax. Maybe she was dreaming and it was starting to mess up. Or maybe she was hallucinating. Regardless, nothing was happening so she figured at the very least her Voldemort theory was out. 
Until she once again spied movement on the page. 
Who the hell is Tom Riddle? 
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There we go! My first RDR2 work. As I said, it’s kinda short because I was excited, but future chapters will be a bit longer. I’m still waiting on my invite from ao3 to go through and then I’ll post it on there as well. Please feel free to let me know what you think and my ask box is open if you wanted to hit that up. Since this is my first, feedback is CRUCIAL! Even if it’s just, “Hey, this is cool.”
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In Your Veins Chpt.1
Title: In Your Veins Chapter 1
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Tom’s behaviour starts to get weird after he got lost while on his way back home from the airport in the middle of the night.
Pairing: eventually Tom Hiddleston/Chris Hemsworth
Warnings:   Weight Issues, Side Effects, Exhaustion, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Trauma, Kidnapping, Survival Horror, Heavy Angst, Feels and Hurt/Comfort, Protective Luke, Mental Instability, Triggers implied/Referenced Self-Harm
Notes: This is like one of my “older” things on which I’m still writing. And it’s definitely one of my darker fics, too. I hope you’ll enjoy it anyways.
Word Count: 2310
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to London Heathrow Airport. Local time is 8 pm and the temperature is 10 degrees. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the ‘Fasten Seat Belt’ sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about.”
It was a squash landing. The airplane rocking and bucking as it tardily slowed down and came to an abrupt halt on the landing runway. Toms’ cramped fingers slackened off, allowing the white around the knuckles to ease off until they took on normal skin colour again. On the seat next to him Luke began fumbling with his seat belt and looking around in an attempt to get up as soon as possible. The pressure on his heart faded, he felt a sudden relief of being on the ground again. It wasn’t that he was afraid of flights. It was only the height making him inwardly anxious and nervous like a five year old kid.
“Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight. If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.”
Luke’s seat belt instantly snapped open when the signs went out and he sprang to his feet, eager to push past Tom who was still sitting with his hands curled into loose fists.
“On behalf of the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice night!”
“Tom, come on!”
Toms arm was grabbed and pulled wherefore he had to straighten up and follow his agent through the crowd of people. It still was beyond Tom how the other male always managed to get them through such a bunch of bodies without them either ending up hurt or killed by shortage of space.
“Come on, hurry up.”
Nobody was waiting for them. Aside from Toms’ bedroom, a cup filled with hot tea, and casual clothing in which he finally would be able to lay down again without having to worry about any dirt on the expensive suit trousers he was wearing. He strolled around absent-mindedly, not even noticing Luke who had taken hold of his upper-arm and was now guiding him down the stairs and into the waiting bus.
“You’re engrossed in thought again.” Luke placed his hand between Toms’ shoulder blades to steady him and let the man rest his head against his chest. He knew all too well that the actor wasn’t always capable of putting the stress of the flight and prior days of work away as though nothing had happened. All the more his desire to get home increased with every second that passed by. He pressed his palm flat on Toms’ lower back and led him straight to the baggage claim area where he quickly looked around for a bench.
“Look, you can sit down right over there whilst I’ll check on our luggage, alright?”
At first Toms’ mind was insistent that he was indeed well enough to stand and assist Luke with lifting down the suitcases off the baggage carousel. Then he noticed that said man had already steered him towards the bench. “I think I-“
Luke cut him off. “Not a word, Tom.”There were hands on his shoulders that pushed him downwards until he gave in and squatted. “You will stay here. I’ll come when I’ve got all our bags.”
He watched his agent as he walked back in the slowly growing crowd and scurried around hastily, every now and then coming to a hold to impatiently eye up the treadmill. The first suitcase had arrived within less than five minutes but the last one still wasn’t there yet and Luke got a bit uneasy the more time passed by. He repeatedly flashed Tom small glances, just to make sure that he was still sitting where he had left him. It wasn’t until he beheld the second bag that he had definitely reassured himself of Tom’s well-being and payed full attention to the luggage he now had to haul up. They had a schedule to keep and Tom would only have two days off to regain some strength and composure. At the mere thought of it Luke started worrying again. What about Tom’s weight that had been decreasing again and again over the past two months and the ever growing dark shadows beneath his eyes that definitely hadn’t been there before, or the small scratches on his wrists and underarms. The more he agonised about it, the more suspicious things that hadn’t caught his eye before, seemed to appear and destroy Tom’s at least somewhat healthy looks.
When he somehow had managed to carry both, the two suitcases and his own hand luggage, back to Tom who was still watching him, racked with guilt, he handed one bag over to him. Small worry lines formed on his forehead as Tom slowly dragged himself to his feet and obviously struggled to fight the dizziness, taking two small steps to the side and redressing his balance with the aid of the back of the bench.
“Hey there…Don’t rush it now.”
“M’ fine.”
“Yes, I’m sure you are.” He sounded more sarcastic than he had actually intended to. But then again he was quite determined that Tom hadn’t even realised the disbelieving undertone.
“Tomorrow is my day off, isn’t it?” His casual tone more and more shaded off into exhausted muttering while they stepped into the cool night air.
Instead of listening to Tom’s low murmuring, Luke called for a cab that would see them home, leaving Tom on a seating-accommodation nearby. The airport was merely empty, no fangirls and no paparazzi to take care of. They should be fine for now. Only the next side glance towards Tom dampened his optimism a smidgen. With his head propped on his elbows and his eyes closed Tom sat there entirely quiet. Not even moving one single body part. The unruly ginger coloured curls stuck out in a non-typical way. Luke got the stealthy overall impression that the other looked way too weak and pale. Silently he ground to a halt in front of his protégé and crouched down to look him in the eye without forcing Tom to lift his head. Dull eyes looked up to him as Tom responded to the movement he had sensed in front of him. No bright shine as it was normally the case. All that had remained of the usually so composed man was the small false smile that flickered on his lips. Out of maternal instinct Luke raised his hand and reached for Tom’s cheek to caress it lightly. It felt surprisingly cold under his fingertips and he was barely able to suppress flinching. Unlike Tom who hadn’t moved an inch or shown any other sign of recognizing the fingers put on his cheek.
“You’ve been looking ill lately.”
“That’s just the jet lag.”
“What, a jetlag for like a time period of weeks?”
“I’ve not been looking ill since weeks.”
An upset glance was thrown at Luke and he knew he should shut up but he couldn’t. He started this and there was no further opportunity to talk about this until they would leave for the next interview. So not before tomorrow, and the fact that Tom looked thoroughly ill and worn out didn’t make Luke feel any better about leaving him on his own for an entire day.
“Look, just promise me to take care, yeah? It would neither be good for you nor good for your upcoming appointments if you came down with something.”
“Yeah, I promise. I’m sorry I have bothered you.”
He couldn’t possibly be mad at someone who looked at him with eyes so big they could easily compete with plates.
“You haven’t bothered me. I’m just worried.”
He rose to his feet again and turned his back on Tom to keep an eye out for their cab that should arrive within a few minutes and take them to their flats. A hot shower would do him good, maybe even a bath after their long flight. And perhaps Tom wouldn’t look so critically ill once he had relieved a tiny bit of stress.
A small group of businesspeople crossed a pedestrian crossing in a hurry even though it was far past ten. A few taxis arrived and departed but none of them seemed to be on the lookout. The long wait made Luke feel uneasy and jittery, checking his watch more than twenty times on a whole.
“You know the dates for the day after tomorrow, don’t you?”
He was rewarded with silence. Wondering if Tom had fallen asleep, which wasn’t as unlikely considering his weariness, Luke turned around to check on the person he had to shelter. “Tom, you asleep?”
Luke furrowed his brow as he realised that the seating area was empty. No sign of Tom far and wide, as if he had vanished off the face of the earth.
Well, maybe he’s just headed for the bathroom. His attempt to assure himself failed miserably when he became aware of the fact that he would have heard Tom moving. And never ever would Tom leave without telling him where he’s going.
As he averted his eyes from Tom’s hand luggage, he was greeted by his own reflection in the glass behind the bench on which the actor had just sat. He looked tired, too, but at his sole discretion much better than Tom. Who was nowhere to be seen; what definitely boded ill. Yet Luke couldn’t accept that Tom should have disappeared out of the blue. Not Tom; not when he was so damn tired that he wasn’t even able to stand upright and hold himself steady. Luke has known Tom long enough by now to be sure of the fact that it was indeed not that common for the other male to offhandedly vanish into thin air. Only in extreme cases Tom tended to show weird or different behavioural patterns that didn’t quite match his usual manner. It wasn’t an extreme case. At least that was what Luke reasoned after looking around and concluding that within a radius of not less than one mile there was no possible danger or threat. Okay, either this was a really absurd prank or Tom had gotten lost while searching for the bathroom in the airport. Luke himself did prefer the latter even if that meant that he had to go and pick Tom up.
“Mr. Windsor?”
He nearly jumped out of his skin as he heard the deep baritone and felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. As fast as possible he spun around, careful not to look too frightened or scared. He was a man, after all.
A male in his mid-forties stood in front of him, light stubble framing his otherwise clean shaved head, a striped scarf dangling casually off his neck above his neatly smoothed dark dress pants. Piercing blue eyes were fixated on Luke’s. It gave him the creeps. Remembering that he wasn’t an impolite person he cleared his throat and eased off the frightened expression on his face.
“Yes, that is me.”
“I’m your driver then. Do you have just the two suitcases?”
“Uh, yes, that’s it.” He watched silently as the taxi driver carried both suitcases to the car and packed them in the trunk of the black cab.
“Sir?” slight confusion was written all over his face. “Are you waiting for someone?”
“Actually… yes, I am. He will be here in a few minutes.”
He wasn’t so sure anymore but decided to keep that to himself. Maybe he should call Emma or someone of Toms’ friends but would that change anything? What would he even say? Hey, Emma, I lost Tom, do you have any idea what to do? Stupid. He was a manager, god dammit. He could handle the situation very well himself. It wasn’t necessary to ask anyone for help.
A nervous gaze towards his watch told him that it had been more than twenty minutes since Toms’ disappearance.
“You know what? I’ll be back within a minute.”
I just want to make sure, he’s fine, he supplemented his line of thought but didn’t speak out loud. Entering the suddenly slightly deserted airport Luke followed the information signs towards the nearest bathrooms but haltered in his very movements right before stepping in.
The lights were out.
 Why are the goddamn lights out? Airport toilets do have motion detectors. That doesn’t make any sense.
Nervously he squared his shoulders and cleared his throat noisily before he switched the flashlight of his smartphone on.
Still there was no answer or reaction. Maybe he had fallen into the….. Luke pushed the thought aside. Tom had been dizzy and sleepy but not dumb. Also, the actor was a person that did everything, no matter what, with overwhelming graze.
“Tom, come on man. This is not funny. I’m trying to get you home here. You don’t wanna miss your warm bed, do you?”
By now Luke’s nerves were at breaking point. Permanently on red alert he spun round and scanned his surroundings systematically.
“Tom, I’m not really in the mood to play hide and seek with you. Come on now.”
He exhaled a subtle sigh and lowered the flashlight towards the ground, not expecting anything interesting there either. One second later a small gasp escaped his lips and his jaw dropped open. What the HELL?!
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twdeadfanfic · 6 years
Life at the end of the world Pt37
Summary: Your life as a zombie apocalypse survivor. It starts with the Reader settling into the camp at the quarry, before s1 and then follows the show events and storyline, more or less, but with the Reader in it.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Slow burn, violence, language.
Author’s note:  I’ve been itching to write a fic like this for a long while and I write it for fun, I don’t claim to be a writer so if you find you dislike this fic, please be kind and just stop reading. English’s not my first language so maybe there’re some mistakes, I apologize in advance. For the same reason, I can’t write character’s accents and things like that. At any rate, I hope you enjoy it. There’d be several parts to this.
There was a quarry full of the biggest her of walkers ever near Alexandria, some trucks blocking them, but they were dangerously close to getting loose, and they would head right to you whenever that happened, tearing the town apart.
Not to mention their sounds were attracting more and more walkers.
Or at least, that’s what Rick explained to you after he came back from the outside with Morgan, making Deanna hold an urgent meeting with all the Alexandria people.
As if the events of the day before hadn’t been bad enough.
As soon as everyone arrived, Rick began to explain his plan. John was there too, glaring from Rick to you. You were sat down under the windowsill where Daryl had perched up. He followed your gaze and he glared at your stepfather.
“It’s fine.” You whispered to him.
Daryl nodded but placed a hand on your shoulder and you couldn’t deny it reassured you. You lifted your hand to lace your fingers with his on your shoulder, your eyes trained on John until he retreated to the back of the room.
Rick’s plan was ambitious and sounded dangerous, you could understand why some people were doubtful about it or directly disagreed, but it had to be done nonetheless. Deanna agreed too, she seemed to be leaning more and more on Rick.
The idea was to herd the walkers away from Alexandria. Daryl would lead them away and there would be two teams making sure the walkers followed him in case some began to scatter around, which would attract more and ruin the plan.
As soon as you heard Daryl’s role, you knew you wanted to go with him. It sounded damn dangerous, the idea of him riding in front of a massive herd of walkers made you shiver.
Rick had other plans for you though, and he laid it out before you could say anything. He still wanted you on the lookout and he wanted a team working there all the time. You were experienced and were good at it, so he wanted you, along with Rosita, keeping the other people from the lookout team on track, telling them what to do and making sure they did a good job.
You nodded your agreement in silence. You didn’t want to argue with Rick now, when Deanna was giving him more power while some Alexandria people still seemed to distrust him and disagree with him. You didn’t want to mine his authority, knowing it was beneficial for your family.
“You know I wanted to go with you, right?”
You whispered softly to Daryl, and he gave you a nod and a small, tight smile.
The rest of the day went on more planning and for the next few of days, all of you worked hard on getting everything ready.
Whenever you weren’t on guard duty, you helped the others out there, digging ditches, pulling up metal planks, doing anything needed for the plan to work. You wanted to help and wanted to be close to Daryl, even if you didn’t have much time to talk with him while you both worked hard, it seemed that lately, that was the only way you had of seeing each other.
You were at it now, digging under the sun, and you were truly exhausted, so you flopped down onto the ground for a small break, massaging your sore shoulders.
Daryl had come closer to pass you a bottle of water that you took with a grateful smile.
You took a sip and then made to pass it back to Daryl, but he didn’t take it.  Instead, he knelt down behind you and began rubbing your shoulders, his thumbs digging into your knotted muscles and you hummed half in pain half in delight.
“You’re overworking yourself.”
“Look who’s talking.”
You had barely seen him during the last couple of days, besides when you worked next to him. He spent as much time as possible helping Rick around and working on his plan.
“You’re at that lookout for hours and hours and then you come here to keep working.”
His fingers were moving now from your shoulder up to the back of your neck and you tilted your head down with a quiet moan.
“I don’t do anything in that lookout beside sitting on my ass looking from here to there, shooting at some random walkers from time to time, while you all are out here working your asses off.”
A thought suddenly occurred to you, making you snort.
“What’s funny?”
You turned around so you could look at him.
“My first times up in the lookout, I thought Alexandria’s placement was fortunate since there were barely any walkers around.” You explained. “Turns out probably it was because they were all going to that damn quarry.”
Daryl shared your humorless chuckle and pulled you close with a hand on your neck, pecking your lips. You smiled against his lips, capturing them for another kiss before pulling away. You hadn’t had much time together since he came back from his run, with all the bad things that had happened almost at the same time.
“I can’t wait for all of this to be over. I’m worried about you, leading those monsters...”
You admitted, biting your lip. You had seen how many walkers were trapped in that quarry and it might be the scariest thing you’d ever seen. The idea of Daryl on his bike in front of them, making them follow him, clenched your stomach with fear.
“It’ll be fine. Plan’s gonna work, we’ve thought it through.” Daryl tried to reassure you.
“I should have said something when Rick said I wasn’t in the team...maybe I’m still on time...” You wanted to be with him.
Daryl shook his head.
“I don’t want you out here when all those geeks break lose.”
“Neither I want you, but you’ll be.” You retorted. “And you just said plan will work out, didn’t you? So I’d be safe...”
“Yeah, I’ll stay in Alexandria...” You let out a sigh. “Just...be careful, please...”
You all had come back to Alexandria when the sun began to go down, it wasn’t safe to be out there at night, especially with people who didn’t really know how to protect themselves yet.
You didn’t have to go to the lookout until the morning and you’d hoped that would mean Daryl and you would finally have the night for yourselves, but as soon as you had stepped into Alexandria he’d gone to talk with Rick and to keep working in whatever he needed.
You were still sitting down on the stairs of the porch of the house when he finally came back, hours later. When he saw you out there, he reached you with two long strides.
“Hey...what’re you doing here? I thought you’d have gone to sleep.”
“I was waiting for you...I just...I’ve been missing you...”
“I know. I’ve been missing you too...I’m sorry...” Daryl said as he sat down next to you.
“It’s okay...”
You longed for the day you’d have time to be with him without having to worry about the future, knowing you were safe. You wondered if that day would ever come. You hadn’t felt like that since the prison, and look how that had turned out.
Daryl rested his head on your shoulder, letting out a tired sigh, and you kissed the top of his head before resting your cheek on it.
“You’re working too much.”
His fingers were drumming over your thigh and you knew him enough to know something was bothering him.
“Everything okay?”
You stayed silent, waiting for him to tell you what was in his mind.
“Rick doesn’t want Aaron and me going out to recruit people anymore...said it’s dangerous to bring people in, they could be a threat...”
It was kind of hypocritical, considering Alexandria had rescued you and welcomed you in, and your group had ended up almost taking over the town...which probably just proved Rick’s point.
Still, you knew that bringing people in need was important to Daryl, and no matter that the pass of time had made you harder and distrustful of strangers, you still agreed with him, it was the right thing to do. No matter you’d hate seeing him going out to recruit people again, risking his life.
At any rate, being a recruiter with Aaron had made him happy and no matter what, you wanted Daryl to be happy.
“Well...it’s Deanna who should be deciding that, she’s the one in charge.” You said.
“Is she?”
You couldn’t really be sure. In theory, she was, but Rick seemed to be the one giving orders lately and Deanna allowed him to do so. If Rick said you wouldn’t let any more people in, you weren’t sure Deanna would disagree.
“Rick listens to you...you’ll talk him around.”
Daryl just hummed before kissing your shoulder and getting up, taking your hand to help you onto your feet.
“Come on, Y/N, you’ve to sleep.”
Next morning Daryl got up early, he had to go to the quarry with everyone to review the plan one last time, tomorrow was the big day. You got up too, you had an early shift at the lookout.
You found your brother standing next to the stairs that led to the lookout. You were surprised not only to see him out and about so early but also to see him there.
“Y/N? Can I talk to you for a second?”
You froze, surprised and a bit in shock. You hadn’t expected him to initiate a conversation. You still weren’t sure how to talk to him.
“Yes...yes, sure, of course...” You babbled, nervous.
“Okay...so...” He seemed almost as awkward as you. “I don’t think you are actually bad, alright?”
You just nodded, dumbfounded. You’d been worried, wondering why your brother had decided to talk to you, and relief washed over you at his words. You knew Carl had been talking about you with him, and you guessed his words had been flattering enough. You owed it to the kid, he’d made your brother talk to you and that was something you couldn’t repay.
“Whatever my father said you did... the past is in the past, can’t even remember it.”
You didn’t bother to try to explain yourself, to tell him how John was twisting everything. Speaking against Chris’ father was probably not a good idea, not now when he seemed to be accepting you, and your words wouldn’t win against his, you knew, no matter Carl’s words.
You just nodded, swallowing hard, trying to stop your emotions from overcoming you.
“But...you can’t just come here and expect me to be your brother. I don’t know you, Y/N. I’m sorry.”
You nodded, looking down so he wouldn’t see the tears that threatened to fill your eyes. You understood him, you were a stranger in his life who said she was his sister, who he didn’t remember and hadn’t seen in years.
He couldn’t turn into your brother all of a sudden.
“Just...know that I don’t hold any grudge against you just because my father does.”
You nodded again but this time looked up at him, managing to give him a smile. He didn’t hate you, didn’t think you were evil no matter what his father said, and that was enough.
“Okay...okay...I understand...” Your voice shook ever so slightly. “Thank you...maybe...maybe we could have a fresh start, get to know each other...” It was taking all your courage to speak and your nerves were almost closing your throat. “Maybe we could be friends...”
“Yeah, maybe...”
Your brother shrugged awkwardly, looking down, and you hoped you hadn’t overdone it. You didn’t want to pressure him. He didn’t really seem that enthusiastic about a potential friendship with you and you had to remember he had just met you a few days ago and not in the best way.
But he didn’t hate you and was willingly talking to you, and for now, that would have to be enough.
“Just...I just wanted you to know I don’t have anything against you...” He gave you a soft smile that had you smiling like an idiot. “See you around, Y/N.”
You walked up the stairs to the lookout with a big grin on your face, feeling like in a dream. Your brother was alive, in your same town, you’d found him after the damn apocalypse...and there was a chance of you sorting things out with him...he didn’t blame you for not having seeing him in years...he didn’t hate you...even if he never felt like your brother, you felt you had got incredibly lucky.
You couldn’t wait to tell Daryl.
You hadn’t been up there for long when you heard someone coming up the stairs.
“Hi, Y/N.” Richard greeted.
“Hey.” You raised your eyebrows at him, confused by his visit, his shift wasn’t until the evening.
“I was wondering...” He began, looking a bit unsure and flustered. “If we could change shifts...I might have a date with Helen this evening...”
He looked very shy and you couldn’t help your chuckle. You weren’t Richard’s friend, you didn’t even know him much, but you knew him enough to know he was a good one.
“Yeah, sure.”
It wasn’t like you could expect to spend your evening with Daryl, he’d probably be talking with Rick about tomorrow’s plan until late at night. You couldn’t wait for all this to be over so you’ll have more time together...until he inevitably left on a run or to recruit people again.
You felt you barely saw him since settling in Alexandria.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Richard beamed at you.
“Enjoy your date.”
On your way back home you found Deanna and Maggie making their way to the front door, carrying some shovels and talking about their plans for a farm.
“Do you need help with it?”
“We got it, Y/N,” Maggie patted your shoulder, giving you a small but kind smile. “Go home, I know you’re not sleeping much.”
“None is.”
“Then go and get some rest,” Deanna commanded you.
Back home you found Carol cooking something in the oven. You couldn’t deny the sight was still strange, not only electricity and an oven but also so many kinds of food, you were eating better than ever and all the neighbours wanted to get Carol’s recipes.
She was getting quite the reputation as a chef.
“Smelling good! I’m happy finally I’m going to be at home for lunch.”
“Then you’ll do the dishes.” Carol retorted with a smirk.
“Okay, fair.”
You chuckled and sat down in one of the couches of the living-room, intending just to rest for a bit without really sleeping.
“Y/N!” Carol’s hushed but urgent voice startled you from your slumber and you jumped to your feet.
“Be quiet!” Carol warned you. “There’re men in Alexandria, I saw them through the window...they’re armed, they’re killing people.”
How could that have happened? Alexandria had walls, people keeping watch.
“Come on, we have to do something.” Carol tossed you a gun.
“I’ll help.” Carl rushed to join you.
“No, you have to stay here, protect Judith,” Carol instructed.
You followed Carol outside, ducking and hiding from view. You could see several men armed with machetes and guns running around, and the bodies of some of your people.
“Shit, no...” You spotted one of them walking up the street that led to your brother’s house. “I have to go.”
Carol nodded, there was no point trying to argue with you about it.
You took the backstreet, trying to stay hidden but moving faster than the man, and you reached the back garden of your brother’s house. Carefully, making sure there were no men around, you made your way to the back door, knocking on it quietly but insistently.
“Y/N?” Your brother seemed confused as he opened the door. “What’s going on?”
“It’s your father in here?”
“No, he’s working.”
No matter how you hated John, you’d hoped he could protect your brother.
“Okay, come on, we gotta go.” There was no way you were going to leave your brother alone there while those men raided Alexandria.
“What?” He was still looking at you in shock.
“Come on, Chris!” You didn’t want to be harsh but there was no time. “A group of men got into Alexandria, they’re killing people.”
As in clue, one of them turned around the corner, probably alerted by your voices, and he spotted you. He raised his blood-stained machete but lost time smiling wildly to you and you aimed at his head and shot him dead.
“Come on!”
You tugged at your brother’s arm. He was petrified, looking at the scene wide-eyed, but he recovered quick. You both rushed back to your house, staying out of sight, finding a man in your way that didn’t see you until it was too late and you’d already shot him.
“Carl! Open the door!”
When he did, you found Enid was there too and you pushed your brother inside.
“Stay there,” you instructed. “Take care of each other.”
You didn’t wait for their answer, already running towards some screams. There was a man stabbing one of your neighbours, seemingly having the time of his life and he didn’t have time to get up before you shot him.
Those men were crazy...
You couldn’t do anything for your neighbour but to aim at his head and close your eyes as you shot, your stomach clenching, and you forced yourself to swallow the lump in your throat.
You kept going and when you turned a corner your heart jumped out of your throat as you found yourself right in front of one of them.
“Y/N, it’s me.”
Carol uncovered her face when she saw you aiming your gun.
“Shit, Carol, you scared me to death...”
“They won’t see me coming.” She didn’t even stop walking. “You check the streets at the back.”
You nodded and kept going with your mission.
The attack didn’t last for that long, but it felt eternal. Several of your people had died, you didn’t know how many yet.
“Hey.” You found Carol smoking on a porch. “You alright?”
“Yeah...” She shrugged.
“That was a clever idea.” You pointed at her appearance. “Besides, you look kind of hot like that.” You teased weakly.
She snorted but gave you a small smile.
“I’m going to check on the kids.”
On your way there you found Aaron sat down on the ground of an empty street, surrounded by bodies and looking devastated.
“You okay?” You asked worriedly. “Where’s Eric?”
“At home, locked and safe,” Aaron said without looking up. “Look.”
He handed you what you recognized as the Alexandria pictures.
“That’s how they knew about this place. They found my backpack.”
“Hey,” You stopped in front of him. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“It was.”
You let out a sigh, knowing there was no point in trying to argue with him. It was one of the things he had in common with Daryl.
“Come on,” you reached out your hand. “I have to check on the kids and then we should find Deanna...”
“Get going.”
With another sigh, you left Aaron alone.
Before you reached your house, you found your brother walking down the street and you rushed to him.
“Everything okay? Where’re you going?”
“Yeah...I’m going to look for my father...”
“Oh, sure...alright...everything okay at the house?”
“Yeah...Enid left though...”
You frowned, wondering where the girl might have gone, but you were too busy to give it much thought. If all the kids were safe, then it was fine.
“Okay then...I’m going to try to find Deanna.”
Your brother nodded and turned to leave, but he looked back at you.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
You found Deanna and Maggie back inside the walls, close to the gates, surveying the situation.
“Y/N, you alright?” Maggie ran to you.
“Yeah...there’re many dead, though...”
Maggie nodded, face strained, and glanced at Deanna who looked half horrified half dumbfounded.
“It’s that...” You pointed at a burnt body on the ground.
“God...” You shivered at how close you’d been to end like that.
“How we didn’t see them coming?”
“Place’s big, too many dead angles...we should have more lookouts...”
You felt beyond guilty, you should have been on watch, maybe you should have been able to see the men and give the alarm...or maybe you’d have ended up dead too.
“We should start burying the bodies...”
You nodded and turned around. Your eyes opened wide in surprise when you saw Michonne making her way to you, and Maggie and you rushed to her.
She explained what had happened at the quarry, how the walkers had gotten loose before time and everyone had been forced to spring into action and carry on with the plan, but the herd had divided, some of them coming to Alexandria following the sound of a honk. In return, you told her what had happened in Alexandria, the brutal attack of the men.
Anxiety clenched your stomach as you wondered where might Daryl be now and if he was okay. Michonne didn’t know, the last time she saw him he had left to lead the walkers away with Sasha and Abraham. You felt Maggie was right there with you, Michonne had gotten separated from Glenn too, though he had said he’d signal his position as soon as he could.
Before any of you could do anything, you heard Rick’s voice from outside the walls.
“Open the gates!”
The sight was horrifying. Rick was running in front of a massive herd of walkers, the biggest you had ever seen outside that quarry. He made it inside on time and the walkers dispersed around, pushing at the walls and doors.
“Hey, I’m glad you’re okay.” You gave Rick a quick hug. “Carl and Judith are fine, don’t worry. Have...have you seen Daryl?”
“Not after he left to lead the walkers away...but don’t worry, they’ll take a detour and come back.” Rick patted your shoulder, trying to reassure you. “We have to keep this place safe in the meantime.”
You were still worried sick, thinking about everything that could have gone wrong but you forced yourself to not panic and help around, reinforcing the walls. That wasn’t enough, you had to think a way to draw the walkers away, and when the others came back they’d need a clear path to the door. But for now, it would be enough to keep them out of the town.
You were still working around Alexandria, trying to keep your mind occupied so you wouldn’t worry that much about Daryl that you’d break down, when you caught sight of Maggie and Aaron sneaking to the back side of Alexandria, carrying a big bag.
“Hey, where are you going?” You asked when you caught up to them.
“To find Glenn,” Maggie answered without even stopping.
You knew it was dangerous and a bad idea, you should stop them, but you didn’t. You wanted to find Daryl too.
“I’m going too, I have to find Daryl.”
Aaron led you to what seemed the entrance to the sewers and you all got inside.
Maggie believed Glenn had to be trapped, hurt, or worse, dead, since he had told Michonne he’d signal you where he was. Her words made you almost cry. On his side, Aaron kept blaming himself, even though it wasn’t his fault, but you couldn’t find any words of comfort, not at that moment.
When trying to open a ladder you were suddenly attacked by a couple of walkers, and what should have been an easy kill turned almost deadly as the walker’s flesh kept tearing apart in your hands, preventing you from holding them away, their jaws snapping way too close to your faces.
You managed to finally put them down, though you were all more than a bit startled.
All your efforts proved to be for nothing, when you reached the end of the sewer you were in the middle of the massive herd of walkers that surrounded Alexandria. You could try to clear your way through them and then ran, but there was a big chance you’d end up devoured.
Aaron seemed to want to try your luck and you couldn’t make your head about it, you couldn’t decide...you wanted to find Daryl though maybe Rick was right and he was on his way back right now, and going out there was potentially a suicide.
Maggie surprised you with his negative to go, seeming to give up, also asking you and Aaron not to go too.
“I’m pregnant...” She finally announced shakily.
You knew that was what she had wanted, a family with Glenn...but now Glenn was maybe gone and Maggie blamed herself for not having been with him.
There was nothing you could say, no comfort to offer and you couldn’t do anything but hug her, Aaron joining your hug too until you three made your way back up to Alexandria.
That night you stayed up at the lookout with Aaron and Maggie, neither of you talking much, just hoping to see your friends coming back.
Eventually, Aaron left when Eric came looking for him but Maggie and you stayed there, there was no way you were going to be able to sleep that night.
I never thought anyone’d like to be tag in any of my stories so thank you! It means the world!
If you want to be tagged please let me know.
@momc95 @jodiereedus22 @osweetdevilo @sapphire1727@coffeebooksandfandom  @the-destielr @checkintoreality @daddys-little-princess67 @sesshomaru-lover @crossbowking @coltcas @feartheendlesssummer @izumi37 @gruffle1 @drina365 @kuolematkorjaavat @daeshaunex2 @xtinkersimsx @stressed-lasagna @moraglefay @phantom-fangirl-stuff @teenyforestfairy @yenne-yen-illustrations @mychemicalimagines @hyphymanatee @nikkipea @crazycatladyalustriel @miniprz
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The Light In Your Eyes and The Dark In Your Heart
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Pairing: Calum Hood/ Reader
Requested By: Anon
Word Count: 1,536
   This thing you had with Calum, whatever it was, had been going almost as long as you could remember. A few thousand years at the very least. It was wrong, and both of you knew it. Everything about it was against every single rule that either of you had. But there was something about it- something about him- that made you just not care when you were near him.
   You’d met him in China, sometime during the Shang Dynasty. He was on Earth collecting souls for Hell, just like you were doing for Heaven. You both had the abilities to completely camouflage yourselves among humans, just like every other angel or demon that ever had or ever would exist. But you knew as soon as you saw him just what he was. You could practically smell the sulfur emanating from him the moment you touched down on the outskirts of the city.
   Disgusted and annoyed you had made your way into the city, your list of souls to collect memorized. You were speaking with your first human, an elderly homeless woman who's wrinkles told the story of her long life, when you saw him. He was tall, towering over everyone around him. He was tan, as if he'd spent a month sunbathing in preparation for his trip to Earth. And as much as you hated to admit it, he was handsome. So incredibly handsome. You were instantly distracted by his beauty and absolute confidence, your conversation with the elderly woman stopping almost completely as you watched him laughing with a young man of about 14.
   Your jaw slacked slightly as you watched him. His movements so calm and fluid that you were almost impressed. You'd been collecting souls for over six hundred years and you still had to give yourself a pep talk before every trip. And here he was, walking around the city like he owned it. It was infuriating and captivating all at once. You were just about to return to your conversation with the woman when suddenly he snapped his face up to look at you, winking with a smirk before continuing down the road with the young man. You couldn't find words in any language to describe the way that look made you feel. Even know, thousands of years later, you still couldn't.
   You were in Heaven, preparing for another trip to Earth. Your list was short this time, only fourteen names. This wouldn't take more than a week at most. Part of you was glad, this was your last trip for a while since you'd decided to take a few years off to fully explore the place you called home. But part of you, the part that ached for his touch, was disappointed. You never knew when Calum would be on Earth, and you never knew where. All of your meetings were just by chance, and the shorter the trip the less likely it was that you'd run into him.
   You touched down on the side of a highway a few miles outside of a small Indiana town you'd been to a dozen or so times before. Walking along the familiar road toward town you couldn't help but let your mind wander. You thought about Calum and the last time you'd seen each other. It was in Germany, nineteen years ago.
   You remembered the way his hands had fallen so easily to your hips as he pressed you against the door of his hotel room. You remembered the way his eyes switched from deep brown to black almost seamlessly. You remembered how it felt to run your fingers through his thick, black curly hair.
   You shook your head, snapping yourself out of your memories. It couldn't happen again. It could never happen again. You both knew how much trouble you could get into if anyone ever found out about you. But neither of you knew what exactly would happen, since no angel and demon had ever been caught sleeping together before. You couldn't speak for Calum, but you definitely did not want to find out.
   You got to town just before 9:00 pm and found your hotel. Once you were checked in you manifested all of your supplies into the room. The wonderful thing about your job was that you always had complete access everything you would ever possibly need, but never had to carry any of it. As you were hanging the last of your clothes in the small closet you decided to stay in for the night and get an early start in the morning. You took a long shower and changed into a simple, white pajama set before curling into the slightly uncomfortable hotel mattress before falling asleep.
   The next day you were walking through town, the name of your first soul, Amelia Sanders, burning in your eyelids as you tried to find her among the crowd. You eventually found her, sitting on a park bench reading a book. You sat down on the other end of her bench, and she smiled up at you politely. She was young, only twenty-seven years old, and she should have had a lot of years ahead of her. But you knew that in just a few months time a distracted driver would run a red light and hit her, killing her instantly.
   Every single human is predetermined from birth to go to either Heaven or Hell. But sometimes, more often than either side liked, they would exercise their free will and it was your job to step in and either try to guide them back to the right path or note that everything was going as scheduled. Your job was not to tell people that they're going to die, or to be on their best behavior. You were, essentially, a glorified Jiminy Cricket without the musical number.
   After a few minutes, Amelia stood from the bench and turned to walk away. She turned back as she was putting her book into her bag, “I really like your top.” She said with a smile. You returned her smile with a small “thank you” before she turned again and walked away from you. You pulled your notebook and pen from your pocket and began to take a few notes about your short encounter with her when you felt someone sit down next to you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a pair black jeans, whoever was wearing them had their long legs spread wide enough to take up half the bench.
   “Morning, angel.”
    Your heart leapt into your throat. Everything around you instantly silenced. You looked to your left, your eyes trailed up his body before meeting his. The black t-shirt he wore made his arms look absolutely massive as they laid across the back of the bench you were now sharing.
   “Calum.” You answered, looking back down at the notebook in your hand. He slid closer to you, a playful chuckle falling from his lips.
   “Come on, now. Is that any way to say hi after all these years?” You kept your eyes on your notebook, determined not to look at him again. But the way he was dragging his fingertips across your shoulder blades was weakening your defenses. “I've missed you, angel.” His voice was low and husky. You heard another chuckle from him as you felt a shiver run down your spine at his words.
   You shot him an annoyed glance, “Can I help you, Calum?”
He brought his left hand to his lap, moving it down his thigh as he sucked in a short breath. “Better than anyone I've ever met, baby.”
   You rolled your eyes and turned away from him. “You're disgusting.” You groaned as you tried to stand up to leave but were stopped by Calum's large hands on your hips.
   He pulled you back down, this time much closer to him. “What's with this attitude?” He smirked down at you, and you felt your stomach start twisting itself into knots. “Haven't you missed me, too?”
   “Nope.” You lied through your teeth.
    His smile grew as he placed his right arm over your shoulders, his left hand coming to rest on your thigh. Your proximity to him was enough to make your knees weak, making you suddenly thankful you were sitting down. “You sure about that?”
   Clenching your jaw you answered him again. “Absolutely positive.”
   He traced his fingers slowly up your thigh, touching you barely enough to even be felt, but enough to cause your breath to hitch in your throat. He moved his face closer to yours, his lips landing just a few centimeters from the curve of your ear. “I know you're lying, angel.” His lips grazed lightly against your skin as he whispered, his hot breath clouding your mind.
   Another shiver made its way through your entire body before you turned to finally face him. He switched his eyes from brown to black, that same beautiful smirk on his full lips. You noticed a single black curl had fallen onto his forehead, nearly touching his cocked eyebrow. You bit your lip, forcing back a moan that threatened to escape. And just like that, he had drawn you back in.
I loved writing this so much! My first AU in a very very long time! There is definitely a part two in the works, so be on the lookout for that! If you’d like to be tagged in future 5sos fics, please let me know!
And a super huge mega thank you to @gotta-try-something-new for helping me with the graphic for this! You’re the best!!!!! 
Tag List: @crownedbyluke @sweetcherrycal @blue-skies-are-alright @lmao5sosimagines @therainydays4 @rosecth @thesoundsyoumake
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Summer of '89 Chap. 1 (Trixya) - Tyler
a/n: Heyooo. This is a crossover with Firewatch, with eventual Trixya. You shouldn’t have to be familiar with the video game to understand this fic, but feel free to look it up. (it’s worth it)
This is pretty much just a rewrite of the game as of right now, but I promise once we get things going it’ll branch out into it’s own thing. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it so far.
Hit me up on @aaagays if you wanna talk about it.
Flashbacks are in italics. (there’s a lot of them, it was weird to write it like this but i hope it’s still understandable. if it isn’t, let me know!)
1975. Brian sees Violet from across the bar. She’s around his age, late twenties. She’s laughing with well-dressed professors and grad students from nearby CU Boulder. Brian was out drinking with his friends, but decides to ditch the three men to approach the stranger. The man was drunk, to say the least, a goofy grin set on his lips. “You… You’re pretty.” Violet looks up at him, a small smile toying at the corners of her lips.
“You’re pretty,” Violet responds, coolly. To be honest, Brian wasn’t pretty. No, he was the picture of a future hangover. It didn’t matter what the truth was.
“What,” Brian says, brow furrowed in confusion. Violet chuckles at the man, smiling.
“Someone should buy you a cheeseburger,” she says. She flags down a waiter, orders Brian a cheeseburger and Brian doesn’t even bother to tell Violet he doesn’t like onions. He eats it happily, only wincing once at the harsh taste of the onions piled on top of the melted cheese.
Talking to Violet seems to come natural to the man who’s used to isolating himself, it feels different but it feels good.
A week later, Brian becomes Violet’s boyfriend.
Brian taps his foot as the elevator dings. He grabs his backpack, swinging it over his shoulders for the brief walk to his truck. After tossing the bag inside the back, he climbs inside the old pickup. Settling into the driver’s seat, the man smiles to himself as he starts the engine. A country song fills the truck, static over the words but Brian feels it somehow.
They date for over a year. Violet drives Brian absolutely nuts, but Brian loves it. They move in together, an apartment near the school with a view of the mountains. They drink beer together out on their deck, hands clasped between foldout chairs and content smiles on their faces.
Brian drinks beer just about anywhere and life is good.
After a while, Violet wants to get a dog. Brian is hesitant but agrees, he knows it’ll make her happy. They adopt a German Shepherd and name him Mayhem. He’s an excellent dog. Mayhem loves wrestling with Brian in the park and goes with Violet on her runs.
He’s a friend, child, and pet all rolled into one.
1979. Violet and Brian are sitting on the deck, hands still tightly clasped between two foldout chairs as they sip on cold beers. It’s summer and they feel like the heat is never ending. They sit in pleasant silence, until Violet speaks up.
“What do you think about kids?” She asks.
Brian looks up at her. “Kids…? They’re not very smart. Or good at much.”
“I’m saying if you and I have some. A couple little idiots.”
“One day. Why rush?” Violet looks away, out towards the mountains. “We have plenty of time, Vi.” He grazes his thumb over the back of her hand, an attempt to reassure her.
Violet pulls her hand away. “Speak for yourself.”
“Don’t worry,” he says softly. Brian looks up at the moonlit sky, sighing. “Vi, I-I  really don’t know why you’re worried. You have the body of an undergrad, sweetie."
"My ovaries didn’t get the memo,” she says, laughing it off. Brian suddenly feels guilty.
“One day, Vi.”
Six months later, they get engaged lying in bed on a warm Sunday morning.
He climbs out of his truck, slamming his door shut and grabbing his backpack. Brian takes a deep breath, a content smile curling the corners of his lips as he walks toward the open gate. Brian makes his way down the path, smiling at the sounds of nature. It feels like home. There’s something comforting about the sound of a creek, along with the chirping of the birds high in the trees.
1980. One Thursday night, Violet is for hours late. She doesn’t call to let Brian know she’d be home late. Brian is getting worried and getting angrier by the minute, but heads to bed anyway.
Violet walks in after he’s settled in bed and Brian can tell she’s been drinking. He huffs as she climbs into bed, placing a sloppy kiss to his cheek and then turning to face the wall. Brian’s had it, he calls her an inconsiderate asshole. She tells him to fuck himself and to not be such a baby.
Brian calls her selfish. Violet knows he means it and it hurts, more than the other comments did.
They fight it out and eventually go to bed happy. At 4am.
1981. Violet likes to draw. She draws plants from research, all the places they go. She draws Brian. He giggles like a girl and frolics like a Victoria’s Secret model, which gets a laugh here and there from his fiancée.
Turns out, Violet was right: Brian is very pretty.
Brian hums to himself as he walks through the woods, sweat trickling down his forehead as the harsh rays of the sun make contact with his skin. He climbs over a log in his path, panting as he takes a moment to collect himself. Brian looks at the mountains, squinting through the sunshine to make out the trees. It’s a gorgeous view.
1982. During the summers, Brian and Violet enjoy taking Mayhem for walks at night. One week, there’s a festival in town. It brings folks from far away places, including a few who weren’t all that pleasant.
One of them tries to mug them with a knife. Mayhem runs away, leaving Brian and Violet alone. Unprotected.
“May-mi-moo-fuck-d…d…dog!” Violet calls. She gets flustered and has trouble speaking when she’s stressed. Brian takes a deep breath, jaw clenching as he approaches the attacker. He could beat the guy’s face in if he wanted, but he knows it would upset Violet.
Instead of physically attacking him, Brian simply reaches into his pocket as if he has a gun and threatens to kill him. Fear flashes in the stranger’s eyes, along with Violet’s. He takes off in the other direction, but Brian doesn’t move until he’s out of sight.
After finding Mayhem, the couple goes home to relax.
They take a different path from that day on, by the river.
1984. Plans to have kids get waylaid by work. Violet gets offered a job at Yale, which is two thousand miles away. It’s a great job: associate department chair. She wants to move. Brian does not.
Brian can tell she wants the job more than anything, so he agrees to let her move if she visits. Violet agrees, even though it’ll be hard. She flies back to Boulder three times each semester.
1985. Violet is sent home from Yale on paid leave after having “an episode.” She lost it at a colleague for borrowing books that were important to her research. She didn’t remember she had happily loaned them to him just two days prior. Violet was found crying in a stairwell.
Brian suggests that maybe they should talk to someone about it. Violet is hesitant, but agrees. After seeing multiple doctors and having many tests, they’re worried Violet might be suffering from early onset dementia.
She’s only forty-one.
They decide to keep it a secret for now.
Brian leans forward on the foldout chair, gaze trained on the leather journal on the tree stump in front of him. He grabs it, flipping the snap lock off of it and flipping through it. Violet’s sketches adorned the white pages. A small, fond smile is painted on his pink lips as he comes across the nude drawing of him in a ‘sexy’ pose. The page is littered with hearts, and the word pretty above it. Brian grazes his thumb over his wife’s handwriting.
Mayhem is getting older. He’s got silver hair running down his back and slows down at night. Brian and Violet bring him to the bar to see their friends and it feels like nothing has changed, even if it has. Mayhem is gentler than he was before, nuzzling up against hands and legs the whole time.
Violet goes back to the university.
1987. Violet’s affliction gets worse. She can’t remember things in class. Her research is in shambles. She drives her car to the next town over, for no particular reason, and has to be brought home by the police. Violet is devastated, to say the least. She’s sent home on permanent medical leave. Brian welcomes her with a hug and a cold beer.
Some days Brian gets the Violet who calls him a dope and his unborn children little idiots, the Violet he loves. Other days, he gets a stranger.
One night, she pulls him into the bed to make love and within five minutes, she’s in a panic thinking her dad is at the door. Brian decides to tell her family. They’re crushed and begin to make trips to and from their home in Atlanta to visit her.
For a while, their friends come by with little things to brighten the day. There’s nothing that can distract Brian from the fact his wife is getting worse though, so the visits decline and soon the only people Violet consistently interact with are Brian and her family.
1988. Brian spends his days following Violet around the house and counting the seconds between the two weekly visits from Kurtis, the nurse. He suggests that Violet could live somewhere else with 24-hour care. A home. Brian thinks about it for a few months, but eventually decides that it’d be best to take care of Violet himself.
Kurtis doesn’t exactly approve of his decision.
Brian is tired. He’s been hiking for an entire day, he isn’t even close to the lookout tower. Brian is about to reach up to readjust his cap when his gaze falls on an Elk. The creature is eating and as much as Brian wishes to not disturb it, he’s way too tired to wait for it to finish. He steps toward it, watching as it’s head jerks up before he bounds away. Brian can’t help but chuckle as the animal leaps off of the hill.
It is impossibly hard. The worst is when he gets mad at Violet for trying to cook her own food. Brian is constantly worried that she’s going to get hurt, he really wishes he would’ve taken her to a facility.
When she goes to sleep Brian stays up for a few hours, drinking on the deck. Watching baseball in the summer, college football in the winter. Drinking then too. Eventually, he starts going out after she goes to sleep. The first time Brian does it he worries about Violet getting up and walking around while he’s gone, so he puts a chair in front of their bedroom door.
Not exactly the best solution, but it’s what puts his mind at ease.
Brian goes to the same bar at the end of Pearl St. It’s nice there. Over time, he tells Derrick, the bartender, everything. It feels good to talk about it to someone. He’s home and in bed by 1am a couple nights a week. Brian looks forward to those nights.
1989. One night, Brian is stopped at a DUI checkpoint. He blows a .10 and is taken to jail for the night. Brian considers trying to hide it, but he tells his sister-in-law. Violet’s parents take the next plane from Atlanta, they can’t believe the state their house is in. They tell Brian that Violet is coming to live with them. He doesn’t argue, says he’ll visit soon. He doesn’t.
A few weeks go by. Summer is coming and Brian sees an ad in the paper for a job as fire lookout. He takes it.
Brian pushes past a tree, smiling in victory as the lookout tower comes into view. “Finally,” He mumbles to himself. Approaching the stairs, he makes his way up them and takes a few minutes to observe his surroundings. Brian can make out another lookout tower in the distance, he assumes it belongs to his supervisor.
He enters the building and looks around for a moment. It’s dark, save for the blinking red light of the generator switch. He figures he should probably turn it on, save his eyes from straining to see. Brian pushes the button, watching as the ceiling light comes to life. He begins looking around, examining the books tucked neatly into a shelf.
The silence is broken by his walkie-talkie.
“Hello, Two Forks Tower!"
Brian jumps, startled. He reaches for the radio, pulling it up and pressing the talk button. "Um, hello? Whoever this is?”
“It’s Brian, right?"
“I’m Trixie.”
“Yeah, that’s what the guy said on the phone.” Brian looks around the room before starting to unpack his things.
A few seconds pass before Trixie speaks again. “So, what’s wrong with you?” Brian raises an eyebrow, slightly offended.
“Excuse me?”
“Well, cowboy, people take this job to get away from somethin’. So what’s wrong?” Trixie asks, sounding a bit playful but Brian doesn’t exactly want to respond with one of his borderline offensive jokes if she was being serious.
So, instead he replies with the only other thing he can think of. “What’s wrong with you?”
Trixie laughs. “That’s a great idea! Go ahead,”
“Look, I just hiked for two days so I don’t really follow whatever it is you’re doing right now.” Brian can almost hear Trixie roll her eyes.
“You take a stab at what’s wrong with me,” she says.
“Fine, then can I sleep…? Forever?” Trixie laughs, but it’s closer to a scream than anything this time. Brian smiles. He gets up, walking outside to look around now that he had everything settled.
“Sure, cowboy. Now, go ahead.” Brian doesn’t respond, too tired to come up with something. “You’re just going to wait me out on this?! Fine. But I’m gonna take a second here and have a guess about you,” she pauses. “I don’t know anything about you, other than you’re white and you have a hat on.”
“What? How do you know that?"
"I can see you from my tower, dummy.” Trixie giggles. “Anyways, I say you got fired from your job and have finally decided to write your novel. Yeah. That’s the sort of bullshit reason you’ll find a man out in the woods."
"What if I just enjoy the wilderness?”
“Who the fuck enjoys the wilderness?” Trixie responds, making Brian chuckle.
“You have a point."
"I know I do.”
“Goodnight, Trixie.”
“Welcome to the job.”
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