#beastybeak says a thing
beaktube · 3 months
Decided to try something new with the Beak model I'm working on, related to some of the weird stuff they can do with their body. I first figured out this was possible to do when I saw a clip of Dynomutt from that new 3D scooby doo movie, since that model had limbs that could infinitely extend without being distorted/stretched like they would with a bendy bone setup.
Unfortunately it would take a few weeks before I knew what exactly the method was, since not many people tend to talk about arrays and curves in animation rigging. I only found one tutorial that covered it.
So, here's a little test of what I've been messing with so far:
It still needs some work, scaling the curve will mess with the scale of the bones that the curve adjustment bones are connected to. So the non-arrayed meshes (purple) with shrink and stretch if I mess with the scale of the curve. As of uploading this, the parenting hierarchy of the torso array has been fixed so it works properly.
Later on maybe I'll figure out how to setup an array with different objects in a collection organized in a pattern so I can have some more freedom. While an armature cannot be added to an array, probably the animations performed on an object that is part of the array will show up. It's something I want to experiment with in the name of making Beak more trippy looking with their behavior.
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beaktube · 17 days
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I got a test render going for my Beak model, since it's mostly finished aside from a few things that need some final touch-ups.
So far I'm really liking how this model works aside from a few things; one of which is the back leg IK acting a little weird in certain positions (mainly due to trying something new instead of my usual IK setup), and I would like to experiment more with mating a curve to a rig so I can have more control over the extending neck/middle for more natural looking movements.
Unfortunately no one seems to have made a tutorial for this regarding Blender, so I'll have to figure it all out on my own.
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beaktube · 2 years
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Nine followers enter! One clown leaves!
All the followers are probably in the clown!
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beaktube · 2 years
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“Lads! Beak put themselves in a bubble!”
Update on Bubble Beak, methinks I mastered the bubble. Also I found out I could stick bloom and ambient occlusion on my animations at any time and I had squandered it.
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beaktube · 2 years
Anyway, here’s a death cookie I made when I got dragged into cookie decorating.
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Wouldst thou like to die deliciously?
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beaktube · 1 year
I'm making a new post regarding the nature of this blog vs my main since people still don't fucking get it.
My main blog beaky-beast, is where I just post art and maybe some blurbs about other stuff!
Go there instead, leave this blog the fuck alone!
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beaktube · 1 year
Well! Of the new followers, I can tell which ones have brainrot and hit the follow button on impulse.
Because those are the ones I'm blocking for not having an age displayed in their bio or pinned. I can't fucking determine if someone on the internet is an adult through telepathy, and frankly the age number thing has its own flaws.
But its better than nothing and if I find out someone is lying I can report them.
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beaktube · 1 year
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I decided to take some screenshots of my favorite boy in Istaria today. Barraugh has such a good looking earthy palette to him.
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beaktube · 2 years
I slapped togethr the idles and talk animation for Bubble Beak’s thinking animation. I think it came out pretty well, but I might cut back on the eye jitter. At first I did it to make Beak look like they were thinking pretty hard about something, but that might not have translated well.
Ah well, messing with bones is quick and easy at least.
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beaktube · 2 years
Here I go back on my avatar related bullshit again, but! I think I have ideas about how I would like to attempt a 2D avatar of Beak.
Feherlofia (1981) has a lovely style (which frankly looks much better in motion than as screencaps)
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If I were to try out a 2D avatar of Beak, probably I would go with this style, it's simple enough that I probably can do a lot of experimental sort of shape shifting and the like with them without worrying so much about how to make it technically feasible on a free to use license, and it is incredibly pretty.
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beaktube · 2 years
The current recipe for a Robeak thus far:
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And just stick that in a blender for several weeks. Replace blender as needed.
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beaktube · 2 years
I baked out a quick compilation of the neutral animation states I worked on today, I’ll probably rebake them for use as a gif and test them in veadotube later to see how they hold up with it’s version of transparency.
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beaktube · 2 years
Sort of thinking about going full feral with the headworld, omitting any cellular structures, and make everything based off of some archaic four/five elements sort of thing to tie into how everything was crafted by a deity.
Everything is a construct, life is a form of magic.
Or alternatively, make it so that the first living things are constructs in that vein, prototypes of life, and everything after became some form of the usual cell based life form, somehow.
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beaktube · 2 years
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So far as I know, only two people had looked at my stream, so looking at this once I got out of the stream was fucking weird.
Was this some sort of bot activity? I know there was a bot in my chat and I smited it, but I never saw them hosting anyone aside from maybe fr33w33d when I investigated to see if I had been correct.
idk this is the weirdest activity I have ever seen.
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beaktube · 2 years
change of plans with the vod, It will need some more time, sine somehow streamlabs really fucked up the resolution but only in some ways? It will need a pass through openshot.
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beaktube · 2 years
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Abandon all hope, ye who enter here, for this is the lair of Beak!
I am a creation myth entity/monster giftuber, and my specialty is creating whatever I please. Whether it is through drawing, modeling, animating, or any other medium I can get my claws on, I will find a way to bend it to my will and birth forth monstrosities of my own making and design.
Beak does not suffer the fool, so beware what you say or do- lest you leave with one less limb, or head, depending on my mood.
Regardless, do try to make yourself at home among the darkness of the void. I’m sure the icy chill won’t linger on your mortal form for too long.
Archival Playlists (Youtube):
Hi, I’m the human behind this pain arcade.
In summary I’m a 31 year old nonbinary/agender from the USA, I like body horror, blood, guts, bleak as fuck horror, old animation styles, and monsters! I also prefer being around other adults around my age, hence the 18+ note on my blog, and my streams.
I stream mainly as a way to focus on my work, and having an avatar of my sona in the corner is just a way to have fun with it. I only recently sort of stepped into the whole vtuber community thing, and frankly while I like having fun with my avatar and streaming my work, admittedly the community is lacking to me and there’s not a ton I like. You will find out what those things are from scrolling through this blog, I’m neither shy nor quiet about it. You won’t find a whole lot of bubbly, surface deep niceties either. I have nothing to sell, and no burning drive to gather in a numerous tide of followers for ad revenue, all you see here is me.
So naturally I’m something of an outlier. I think it’s fitting though, given that my sona is a monstrous entity from a different universe.
That said, this account is just a place to stick all my stream related stuff so I’m not cluttering up my main blog with it. I like to call it a quarantine. I’ll reblog monster designs I like, and things that remind me of my sona.
Last but not least I keep the askbox open, but you are not allowed to hide behind anon like a little bitchy coward and make petty jabs. If you’re going to be a dick, you should have the balls to put your fake, also technically identity hiding name, next to it. I would rather deal with a complete set, if you will.
Here are some tags I use, to make it easier to find things:
Monster Appreciation - I reblog monster designs I like here, any commentary on them will be in the tags.
beastybeak says a thing - Text posts! Anything I talk about will be found here, including stream announcements. But beware, you may be in for an opinion you do not agree with and therefore a scare!
Character vibes - A place where I stick things that remind me of my sona, Beak. This could be music, memes, images, anything.
Beaktubin - The tag I use for stream related posts, Including stream and vod announcements.
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