criminol · 2 years
The Unsolved Disappearance of the Beaumont Children
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Jane Nartare Beaumont, Arnna Kathleen Beaumont and Grant Ellis Beaumont were three siblings collectively known as the the Beaumont children. 
Jane, 9, Arnna, 7, and Grant, 4, lived with their parents in a suburb of Adelaide, not far from Glenelg Beach, a popular local spot for children to play at. On 25th January, in the middle of a summer heatwave, the children’s father dropped them off at the beach. The next day, the children asked to go to the beach again, as it was too hot to walk they took the bus to the beach at 8.45am, they were expected to return home at lunchtime. Their mother became worried when they did not return on the 12noon or 2pm buses. At 3pm, their father went to the beach but could not find the children. After checking friends’ houses and searching the streets and route to the beach, the Beaumont parents went to the police station to report the disappearance.
Police searched Glenelg Beach and the adjacent areas including monitoring the airport, railway lines and interstate roads in case of abduction. The investigation found several witnesses who had seen the children in Colley Reserve, near Glenelg Beach, with a tall man with light hair, the man was wearing swimming trunks. The children appeared to be relaxed in the man’s coming and at around 12.15, walked away from the beach with the man.
The Beaumont parents described their children, especially Jane, as shy and not confident around strangers. As the children had seemed at ease with the stranger the police theorised they may have met him during previous visits to the beach and grown to trust him. A seemingly innocent remark by Arnna to her mother before they went missing, that Jane had ‘got a boyfriend down at the beach,’ may have been reference to the man. A shopkeeper also reported Jane had bought snacks, including a meat pie, with a one pound note, which further suggested the children had been with another person- this was more money than the children had been given and they had never bought a meat pie before.
Despite multiple suspects being named, including suspected serial killer Bevan Spencer von Einem, what happened to the Beaumont children has never been established and no traces of their whereabouts have ever been found.
The Beaumont children’s disappearance was linked to the 1973 disappearance of Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon, two girls who went missing while watching a football game, like the Beaumonts, the two girls were never found.
The Beaumont case remains one of Australia’s most notorious cold cases, a $1million reward remains for information relating to the disappearance. The case continues to be widely reported with headlines on new theories and clues being published regularly.
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Australia Day - 26 January 1966
            The Beaumont children are three siblings Jane Arnna and Grant who disappeared from Glenelg Beach, near Adelaide, South Australia. The children have never been found and their disappearance remains a mystery.
            The family lived near Glenelg a popular beachside which the children often visited by themselves. On 26 January 1966, at 10 am the children took a five minute bus journey from their home to the beach. The children were expected to return home by 2 pm, their parents Grant ‘Jim’ and Nancy became worried when they didn’t show up and called the police at 7:30pm.
            There were witnesses who had alleged they had seen the children near the beach in the company of a blond haired man aged in his 30s. The children were seen playing with him and enjoying themselves, they were witnessed with the male around 12:15pm. A shopkeeper said that Jane bought pasties and a meat pie, and that the children have been in her store previous times before. The children paid for their purchases with a $1 note, even though their mother only gave them coins. At 3pm a witness alleged that they had seen the children walking alone, away from the beach in the direction to their home.
            Arnna had previously told her mother that Jane had ‘got a boyfriend down the beach’ and her mother thought it was another child playmate and didn’t think any more of it. On the day they disappeared they had 17 items on them, including clothing, towels, bags - but none of these have ever been found.
            The children’s parents remained living at their Somerton Park home for years, hoping for the day that their children will return. The couple eventually sold their home and moved. Nancy died in 2019, aged 92 and Grant died in 2023, aged 97.
            In 2013 and 2018, an excavation took place at two locations at the North Plympton factory which used to belong to Harry Phipps, one of the many suspects. This took place after two men, who as boys were paid by Phipps to dig a hole in that area at the time of the children’s disappearance. The excavation found animal bones, but nothing else.
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skywalkersays · 13 years
beaumontchildren replied to your post: beaumontchildren replied to your post: “We accept... oh believe me, i saw it all. damn... can i not remain cool in anyone's eyes?
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skywalkersays · 13 years
beaumontchildren replied to your post: “We accept the love we think we deserve.” is from Perks Of Being A Wallflower, my dear. ->> I originally wrote that all in caps, then realised it sounded like I was yelling at you, when really, I just get excited easily. I get so excited easily too, I'm happy you're usually not on when I watch Glee.
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