#beautiufl women
heydreamer09 · 2 years
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that one time I painted the queen
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3416 · 2 years
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girls when they skate
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man i had a dream some new neighbours moved in and they were like two girls maybe 19ish and they were roommates and i noticed they were selling miku merch outside and i was like hey thats cool i want something so i went over to their house and i sawe the two most beautiufl women ive ever seen in my life like Okay one of them had like curly brown hair and dressed very modern autumn city girl vibes and the other had a red wolfcut with piercings and vaguely egirly fashion and i instantly fell for this red hair girl and then turns out both of the girls had superpowers and the one i liked had the ability to create like illusion clones of herself but thats irrelevent anyway then i wouldnt leave her alone because i liked her and then for the other half of my dream i was mob for some reason and reigen was being annoying but whatever anyway then i woke up and i was so fucking sad that the girl wasnt real
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scarsonmyheart03 · 7 years
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Come be my friend!!
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finsterhxgel · 5 years
( original text copyright 1993 )
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iconicwomen · 7 years
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Anna Selezneva
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heydreamer09 · 7 years
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3416 · 5 years
the way i hate makeup culture guys i
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nerdycanible1 · 4 years
Izumi's Coronation
I hope you guys like. This took me maybe 3 and a half hours to write to 4. This is a funny story with some shared kisses between Lin and Kya and Lin and Izumi. I hope you guys like.
There is exactly 4,000 words in this. OwO I am happy. Please enjoy.
Izumi inhaled softly as she stared at herself in the mirror. The noises was muffled, she barely paying attention. She was going to be Fire Lord today and it was still sinking in.
She was fixing her robes, it either was too tight or too loose. She sighed as she took her glasses off and hoped she looked more better. Once she did she only saw a blur of reds and black. She growled and stuck her glasses on.
"Wow the future Fire Lord already to burn things to the ground." Izumi jumped and turned around seeing Bumi with a smile.
Izumi frowned and smoothed out her robes. Bumi was stationed there that month for extra protection for the new Fire Lord. Him and Izumi have been getting along pretty well and were still learning new things about each other. Which is fine, new memories.
"I didnt set a single thing on fire today Bumi now shush." She huffed a sshe went for retie her robes.
BumI rolled his eyes and walked forward and took it from her. He tightened it a bit and soon began to tie them. "You're sure are scared today." He mumbled. Izumi kept her head down as she tried to hide the blush from him.
"I'm fine." she insisted. "Its just nerves." She muttered. "I'm fine." she muttered.
"Yeah you're fine." He agreed a bit too fast to which Izumi glared at him through the mirror. He smirked and tilted his head. "What?"
Izumi scoffed and walked away from him and walked to her desk. In front of her were piles and piles of letters from different suitors around the Fire Nation. She sighed as she had a lot of homework to do by denying each and everyone of them.
Bumi watched her and stood there with his arms behind his back. He had a goatee and he kept his beard at bay. He had groomed himself. He was looking out the doors while Izumi secretly checked him out. His nose a little crooked though that's to be expected from a man in the military.
His chest sturdy and he was fit. He had dressed well that day, though it just was his uniform had been washed and polished. Jsut them a smirk formed on his face. "I see you checking me out." He fixed his coat and Izumi scoffed again and grabbed her lipstick.
Bumi knew Izumi had been self conscious of her looks from a young age. Due to that stupid Fire Nation school. It had hurt him really seeing her try and starve herself or when she ate food that was not her favourite. And now with the damn lipstick. Her lips were beautiful, plump and a perfect mix between maroon and purple though a lighter shade.
He strolled over to her and plucked the lipstick from her hands. "You dont need that. Less is more beautiful." He scoffed as he hid it behind himself. "You're perfect, stop fussing."
Izumi glared at him and held her hand out to him. "Give me the damn lipstick Bumi. Now." She demanded.
Bumi snickered and hummed. "Now you're sounding like a Fire Lord." He uncapped the lipstick and looked at it and then at her. "You know... I've always wanted to see why girls fussed over this. Maybe I'll try it." He hovered it over his lips and Izumi looked at him. Her stare cold and ready to murder.
Not a second later she was chasing after Bumi around the room. Bumi laughed and ran and jumped on her bed and jumped off running. Izumi laughed seeing him try and put it on his lips though he kept missing and either hit his teeth or he got it on his face.
Bumi smiled seeing her smile, he would do anything to see her smile. All seemed to have been forgotten about the coronation as Izumi and Bumi chased each other.
Though when Kya and Lin walked in Bumi wss pinned to the floor by Izumi was she was trying to put eye liner on it. "Damnit Bumi stop moving I almost took your eye." she snapped as she snorted and laughed seeing how wonky the eye liner actually was.
"Get off I said the damn lipstick." He chuckled. Lin arched her brow and crossed her arms as she watched it all unfold.
Bumi screamed again and Izumi huffed and finsihed up and rolled over and laid down next to him panting. Lin and Kya chuckled and Kya walked inside.
Lin grabbed Izumi's glasses and shook her head. "What did I expect, I thought, Hey I bet Izumi is already dressed and sitting in the throne. Hey maybe Bumi is doing his job for once and protecting the Lord of the FireNation." Bumi and and Izumi looked at Lin in surprise and Izumi squinted.
"Wait are you wearing a dress?!" Izumi asked seeing a blur of black and green on Lin.
Lin blushed and handed the other the glasses. Once it was on Izumi saw Lin was wearing a dress suit instead of a dress. Izumi was a little disappointed not seeing the dress but seeing Lin in the suit was hot.
Kya noticed Izumi staring too long and smirked. She helped the other up and pulled her hair a bit and whispered into her ear. "Don't even think about it."
Izumi blushed and scowled at Kya. Lin was ordering Bumi around and was helping him remove what they can from his face. "I wasn't thinking anything." she muttered as she began to take her hair out of its messy bun and began brush through it as Kya helped.
Izumi and Kya were finished as Lin looked at a loss. "It looks like Bumi was out at a night if hooky. Izumi, how do you take makeup off?" Izumi rolled her eyes and pointed to the dressers. That in the blue jar." Kya hummed as she finsihed pinning her hair.
"Wheres Tenzin and Suyin?" She asked glancing up at Kya.
Lin rolled her eyes. "He was caught up with some FireNation girls. Asking him about his tattoos and does he workout." She muttered.
No one said it but they all knew Lin had a small thing for Tenzin but didnt want to be killed by her. "And Su saw a boy and ran off." Lin sounded disgusted and sighed.
"You guys all ready?" Lin asked unbuttoning her second button. It was a lot hotter than she expected it to be. She took off her jacket and held it over her shoulder and looked at them. Bumi, Izumi and Kya all looked at Lin.
Lin may have not been a feminine woman but she sure as hell was a looker. Bumi was the first to snap out of it and brushed his hair back into a undo sort of thing. He had yet to cut it. Izumi on the other hand looked at the two and sighed as she needed to stop being a raging bisexual.
Kya walked to her brother and helped removed what they could of the eye liner. Now Bumi was 10x hotter than he was which was going to be distracting for most women that saw Bumi. "Your father is waiting." Lin held a hand out to Izumi to take, she would escort her there. Izumi smiled and was ready to take the hand until Kya placed her hand there giving a look to Izumi.
Lin rolled her eyes and held her other hand out to her. Izumi took that and Lin began to escort the women. Kya being a little frisky and tried to flirt with Lin. Bumi just followed behind and just smirked.
Once there Zuko looked at the women and smiled at them. It made him feel so old to see them all grown up. Lin was stronger and had a more muscular built but was a beautiufl woman none the less.
Kya was taller of course but had softer features and would break any person's heart. And Izumi, his own daughter.
She had a sharp chin, something she got from his family, and of course she was easy on the eyes. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her. The hall suddenly went quiet as the priests and court got ready.
Suyin was sitting on the bench talking to the boy before she went quiet and waved at Izumi. Izumi waved back and smiled before she got ready.
Suki was standing to the side though she did look a bit older that didnt mean she wasn't beautiful. Zuko stood before the court and swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. It only just hit him that his little girl had grown up and could care for herself... to a certain extent.
"We are gathered here on this special day. This day will mark a new generation, a new world." He took a deep breath and looked at his wife. Mai smiled and watched with pride and happiness in her eyes. "Not only have my friends and I helped return the world to balance but... we each were given children that we can pass the world too." He smiled and his features relaxed. "The newer generation will make great changes, not just for their nation's but for themselves. For the world to better themselves. A 100 years of fighting and now, here we are. Prospering into soemthing greater. We will not know now, but soon we will."
Suki and Sokka's son smiled and let out a happy whoop at that. The court looked back at him and Ridge blushed and shrunk. He was almost as old as Kya but maybe a year younger. Ridge looked a lot like his mother, same skin tone and everything. But his bright blue eyes and personality was Sokka.
Izumi blushed and smiled at him and looked back at Zuko. "It appears that I am for at a loss of words... I am just so overwhelmed with pride for my daughter. I've never met someone with so much spirit and leadership."
With one last inhale he smiled and lead Izumi to stand before the court. "Now a few words from my daughter before she is crowned."
Izumi's hands were trembling as her eyes were watering. Emotions were just hitting her and it was nice. Izumi saw the camera's and heard a few of them go off. Lin saw this and scowled at the cameras. She slipped from view and soon told them off.
Izumi watched this and soon her hearing went back. She gulped as she released a shaky breath. "I am Princess Izumi of the FireNation. I-" she gulped again and Lin smiled at her and nodded her head and told her to take a breath. Izumi followed her movements and kept her eyes on her. "I am honoured to be able to take the throne. I promise to withhold my father's words of keeping peace and I promise to give my Nation a chance to prove themselves and show we are no longer a threat." Lin gave her a thumbs up and went back to sitting down.
"I will uphold the new generation of the FireNation, and promise to keep the citizens safe. To protect my country is what I will do." She gulped and smiled at her mother before she turned and looked over at Suki. "The Kyoshi warriors will always have a place here. Employment and homes will be provided for keeping me safe and my family." Suki beamed with pride and smiled at the woman.
Suki was like a second mom to Izumi, of course there was always a place for her. Izumi looked at the crowd. "There will be a few changes of course but that will be discussed privately, but I will say that our military will ally with Republic City's. We will not break that bond." Everyone in the room was quiet and gave their silent approval with a nod and hum.
"ALL HAIL THE NEW FIRE LORD!!" Yelled the court as Izumi had finished. The people all gathered around outside have bowed as did everyone in the room. Izumi has the flame in her hair before she began to walk down the stairs. Everyone followed her with their eyes and soon she stood before her people. The people have bowed to the ground giving Izumi the respect she deserved.
The love and affection from the people, from her family made her so happy. She bowed to them lightly before she smiled at them. She took her glasses off and lightly dabbed at her eyes to removed any stray tear before she watched the fireworks go off and the confetti fill the sky.
Music began to play and soon people began to line up to greet her and welcome her as the new Fire Lord.
Lina, Kya and Bumi hung back and watch Izumi hold a child and kiss their forehead and wish them luck and then go back to shaking hands. "She's perfect for the job." Lin mused.
Kya nodded in agreement as Bumi hummed. "She really deserved this." Suki smiled and walked up to them.
"Nice to see you kids again. It's been awhile." Lin saw her aunty and beamed as she hugged the woman. Totally losing her facade. Suki was always her favourite aunty while Katara was her second mother.
"Its always nice to see you." Lin said looking at the woman. She was a inch shorter than Lin but barely noticable.
Toph was teasing Suyin in front of the boy. Suyin's face was on fire as Toph told stories of her as a punk child or a crying baby. Suyin huffed and gave up and went to go lead the boy somewhere else.
Sokka pulled Toph into a kiss and smirked. "You should really leave her to her own. I'm sure shes thinking of way to get back at you."
Kya smiled and just watched Lin. Her family was now all together and it just felt right. This was how it was supposed to be.
Izumi, Kya, Lin, Tenzin, Bumi and Ridge went to the beach side. They left the adults at the palace to do whatever the older people did. And Suyin was off with the boy probably kissing.
Izumi was sitting next to the water and just watched the waves. Lin smiled at them and hummed. She sat down next to her and handed her a cup of the drink.
"You were amazing today." Lin said softly. "I'm glad you didn't go into full panic mode." Lin says with a chuckle. She sipped her drink as she loosened a few buttons. She could relax now, they weren't in the public view and it was shot as shit in the FireNation.
Izumi blushed as she stared into her cup. "It wasn't that bad Lin." Muttered. She pouted and looked down at Lin. "I got it, it worked out."
Lin looked at hwr before she rolled her eyes and smiled. "It did work out." She sipped her drink. "So what now?" She asked softly. "I mean... we all have our jobs we wanted and we're all living our lives now."
Lin was sad to have the thoughts drawn on her. Lin was a police officer now and Bumi was in the military, Izumi the fricken Fire Lord, Ridge a Kyoshi warrior and Kya... just living in the moment.
She felt fingers lace with hers and she gulped softly. The soft and warm feeling spread up her arm made Izumi blush. "We do what we always did. Stay together." She whispered softly. Izumi looked into Lin's dark green eyes and squeezed her hand lightly. "We're not dying Lin, we have years to be together."
Ridge yelped as Bumi pinned him down. Kya smirked as she held the alcohol to his lips. "Drink it already!! Lose your drinking virginity Ridge!" She laughed.
Lin blushed and smiled as she caressed her hand lightly before she stood up. She held a hand out to the other. "Let's go join them." She smirked.
Izumi smiled and grabbed Lin's hand and Lon lifted her without effort. Lin lead them to the fire and Lin laughed seeing Kya drowning Ridge in alcohol. Bumi had let go and was on his ass laughing. It was safe to assume they were tipsy. The alcohol their parents had during the dinner was stronger than most. The only ones that seemed the most sober was Lin and Izumi and partially Kya.
Kya finished up when she made Ridge finish the cup. Ridge was panting and wiping his face off as he blushed. He glared at his cousin and wiped his face off.
Bumi and them all gathered around the fire. Kya sat next to Lin on her left and Izumi on the right. Lin smiled as she finished her drink before she asked them to fill it. "So what game do you guys suggest? I'm tired of Never have I ever... you guys get too nasty."
Izumi laughed as she drank hers and looked around. "Well, I dont have any. How about you Kya?"
Kya smiled as she sipped her drink and hummed. She asked for another refill. "Alright you have to drink after every question okay? Cant skip or anything. We just ask questions to a random person okay? I should go first." She looked around the group and then looked at Lin of course. "What's the worst date you ever been on?"
Lin blushed and smiled a sshe looked down. "I didn't like this one, his name was Jin." She shook her head and everyone snickered. "We went to this cheap restaurant and he was cute." Her cheeks flared red.
"Anyways this man orders two big orders of fried noodles, a arctic hen, some stir fry. Just everything on the menu. He was a big dude so of course he'd eat that much." She groaned and shook her head. "This damn idiot then continued to talk with his mouthfull. You can practically see the food spot from his mouth." Bumi began to laugh as Lin huffed and smacked the ground. "That idiot then up and left when I told him to shut his mouth and left me with the 200 yuan dinner." She grumbled as she was heated up again. She sipped dher drink and smirked. "But I did get to arrest him for destruction of property."
Izumi laughed and Lin leaned back a bit. "Hey Ridge, what's the most illegal thing you've ever done and got away with?"
Ridge immediately blushed and shook his head. "No! No! I refuse this question." He avoided Lin's eyes as he blushed. Bumi chuckled and now everyone was looking at him.
"Don't say anything now Ridge and we'll cut your hair off." Bumi got ahold of him and Izumi pulled out her knife.
Ridge tried to squirmed but Lin bended up the sand and solidified it and locked him in place. Ridge screamed as Izumi grabbed his ponytail. She barely even got to touch it before he screamed out again.
"MY BOYFRIEND AND I RAN THROUGH THE STREETS NAKED!!!" Everyone was stunned and Lin was the first to crack up laughing. Lin let the sand go and it turned back to grain.
Lin's face was red as she just lost her mind. Who would've thought her older friend was a streaker. Lin didn't care about his sexuality but Izumi and Kya were surprised.
Bumi let go of him finally the laughter set in and everyone began to laugh. "Did you hear his squeal?!" Kya laughed holding her stomach.
Ridge blushed and threw sand at Lin for asking such a terrible question. "Meanie." He huffed. "Bumi you go." He grumbled.
"Well what's the question?" Bumi asked watching him drink his alcohol.
"I know you at least kissed one of the girls, which one?" He huffed as he fixed his ponytail. He had an under cut and he had tattoos on his head though it was a mix of earth kingdom and water tribe tattoos.
Bumi blushed and looked over at Lin. Lin looked away and held her hand up. "Before you guys ask how let me just say it was my fault." she laughed.
"It was a party meant for any military personal and of course I was invited. I was drunk and I was dared to kiss the first man that bought me a drink. so I hung around the bar and Bumi was being nice and bought me a drink and I kissed him."
Lin rubbed the back of her neck. "Now who's turn-" Kya pretended to gag as she looked between the two.
"Gross!!! Ew!" she teased. Lin glared at her and she laughed.
Bumi laughed at her and hummed. He sipped his beer and looked around for Tenzin. "Anyone seen Tenzin?" Lin nodded.
"He went inside. One of the firebender girls took him." She sighed and rubbed her lip.
Bumi hummed and looked at Izumi. "Izumi, I have a question for you." From his tone of voice Izumi knew it wasn't a good question. Kya seemed to perked up and everyone began to listen in as well.
Izumi lcneched her jaw and sipped her drink lightly. "And... what is it?" She looked at him hoping she didnt need to kill him.
Bumi giggled before her got serious. "If you could kiss anyone in the group who would it be? And if that person accepts it you have to kiss them." That sneaky bastard. Izumi thought ready to kill herself instead.
Ridge bit his lip to bite back a smile as he knew the answer. practically everyone knew the answer except Lin. Lin looked at Izumi, expecting an answer.
Kya gripped Lin's hand ready to protect her. Izumi cursed under her breath and gulped. She released a breath and took her glasses off. She then turned and looked at Lin. "You." Was all she said.
The air was knocked out of Lin and her face burned red. "M-Me?" She began to lean back and look behind her making sure Izumi wasn't talking about Kya.
Izumi squeezed Lin's hand to get her attention. "You... Lin you."
Lin blushed as she had no idea what the hell to do. Just.... Lin squeezed her eyes shut before she leaned forward and kissed Izumi's lips. Lin's lips were surprising soft. Her lips were moisturized, and she appeared to have applied lipstick that because it had smeared all over the others lips.
Izumi leaned into the kiss to deepen Lin pulled back and panted. "N-No." She blushed. Kya pulled her hand out Lin's hand ready to walk away before Lin grasped Kya's hand. Kya stopped and glared down at Lin ready to let go.
Lin pulled Kya down and kissed her lips and Kya exploded. Izumi blushed and watched as she tried to compose herself. It was safe to say Lin was drunk as fuck. Turns out Lin cant hold her alcohol.
Kya gulped as she stared into Lin's eyes as she could feel her ears burn. Lin pulled her fully in the sand and soon broke the kiss and she panted. Her lipstick was all over her lips as she squeezed Kya's hand and Izumi's hand.
"Okay I'm tired now." She mumbled. She stood up and looked st the ladies. "I'm gonna go seep, you're welcome to join." Lin slurred lightly. She stood up and wobbled a bit before Lin was walking off to the palace.
Ridge was so confused but happy, there was no fight that's a plus. Bumi was laughing as he watched the girls in shock. Lin's lipstick was over both of the girls lips before Izumi scampered up and Izumi followed after. Chasing after Lin.
Bumi laughed and sighed as he drank his drink. The night was warm and the fire left the area soft and warm. "Well that was an interesting dilemma dont you think? Did you think Lin swung both ways? I'm glad, she deserves a night."
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guardiannymph · 3 years
2 am check lmao
So basically, I started crying when I went to buy ice cream at my dorm and like, there was this english TV show and idk what the name was, so I was watching it while the lady was ringing me up and my god, I legit teared up listening to the girl sing cause 1. I love when women sing in their native language (europeans, asians etc)  2. she was so beautiful, but they had to make her wear a ton of makeup. So when I got back into my dorm I started crying for like 10 minutes over how pretty and how beautiufl her singing is. Why am I gay?? Why can’t I be bi?? I would love to have her as a gf or a friend my god.
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awisa-moved · 4 years
i dont actually remember what happens in succession wars all i’ve retained is nurse leorio, beautiufl strong women, and kurapika losing 3.5 years of his life cuz of a bug
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thenameismaynard · 7 years
Ok folks, just got back from my viewing of the last jedi
Overall, it was a fantastic movie, finally a truly GREAT star wars film after the lackluster TFA. It is a marvelous anti-war film, an intelligent movie, an ORIGINAL film, that had something to say, that had complex characters all around the board, my god why is JJ taking this back and dumbing down 9 when everything is so fucking great and well written and original
and it is a multishipper’s wetdream
however, oh boy you thought the fandom is horrible now, lol, we were summer children, the fandom is gonna be batshit from now on and it will be a shipper bloodbath, tumblr will drown in shippers blood
anyways without further ado
so since i know most just want spoilers , i’ll just do a clinical recap of the movie and then for those interested my feelings about it, and there are lots
Reylo is onesided on kylo’s part and could be seen as real but it will definitely never happen on screen, and will be relegated to fanfiction (which i am very ok with). Their bond and relationship IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC THO and wow, just wow, i’ve never seen such a balanced, complex relationship written between a female and male characters of equal strength, of equal power and with an equally devastating past that just make them all the more tragic. It is fanfiction ambrosia but with a very bleak ending, so be warned. and for this Rian thank you so much, i hope other writers take fucking note
Damerey is real guys, this is the craziest, damerey might have a shot at being endgame actually(i’ve always shipped it so i’m happy)
Finnrey is real and strong (AND WAS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL) and might have a shot at happening in 9 but it might also end up being friends and may be replaced by
Finnrose that could also be the final endgame for Finn
Kylux is fucking real as well, Kylux is gonna rise after this film
And we have a fantastic rebel OT4 that will carry on the star wars saga but yeah the skywalker line is gone tbh
As far as i can remember, Rey is gonna be on the island for the first part trying to get Luke to train her, while Luke is very unwilling to
Kylo was reprimanded by Snoke and because of it leads a campaign to kill the last of the resistance, wants to kill Leia but can’t because mommy ( these two, MY HEART, they had no scenes, i’m so pissed). however his fleet succeeds in bombing leia’s ship but the force save her and she’s in a coma and is replaced by admiral holdo
Finn wakes up, is afraid for rey the whole movie and meets Rose just as he wants to escape. then both him and Rose talk with Poe to find a way to infiltrate Snoke’s throne room and blow it to pieces. they go on a mission to canto bight to get DJ so he can help them get into Snoke’s throne room
Poe is given a lot more to do in this film and his arc is fantastic and a great coming of age kind of way to become a true military leader. he comes against holdo’s way of doing things without having the big picture
Rey tries to sway Luke into becoming the hero of the resistance again and finally gets him to train her but while she’s alone on the island the force bond between her and kylo starts to manifest and they start to have conversation ( ACTUAL DEEP CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THEM BOTH, THEY’RE SO ALIKE BUT REY MAKES THE GOOD CHOICES WHILE MY TRASH SON FUCKS UP EVERYTIME)
anyways, Rey doesnt tell Luke about those bouts of conversation with Kylo through Force bond and learns from Luke why Kylo failed him, and Luke tells him what reylo peeps have been sayign to that damn fandom the whole time. Snoke targeted Kylo because Kylo had a lot of darkness in him, han didnt know how to react aroudn that and leia put Kylo under his care and Luke tried to train Kylo but he realized that Snoke won all along as the darkness in kylo only grew more and more and one night he went ot his room and realized how dangerous he would become and kylo woke up and destroyed the temple
however through another force bond convo, kylo tells rey that luke lied and that he was sleeping when he woke up and found Luke tryign to kill him whit his own green lightsaber and then his power went in overdrive and he destroyed the jedi academy
rey confronts luke and luke confesses that the night in question he went to kylo’s room and realized he was too dangerous and ignited his saber as his first instinct was to kill him but then he came to his senses and only felt shame to want to kill his nephew but too late as kylo woke up and thought his uncle tried to kill him and went dark phoenix style like int he xmen and destroyed the academy
such a fucked up family, anyways
there is a gaping hole under a cave in the island and it’s kind of a force well that pulls you and is filled with dark side, rey is attracted to it and after Luke’s final story on kylo goes into the well to know what it’s all about and there comes the greatest, freakiest, force scene ever
and then we seen rey and kylo talking in the infamous hut , sharing their loneliness, and they touch hands through the bond (CRAZINESSS) and rey tries to bring kylo to the light, he’s tempted but luke crashes literally in on them and the bond is cut, and luke and rey fight (reverse blue saber scene in the storm scene) and rey tries to persuade luke to go to kylo and bring him back to the light so they can defeat snoke at ast. Luke says kylo is too far gone so rey offers him the anakin saber so he can come with her and help with the resistance. luke refuses so rey goes with chewie on the falcon to try to get kylo back to the light, but for her there it’s only to use his turn to the light to defeat the resistance.
meanwhile, the FO has the las ship of theresistance surrounded as it is only surviving thanks to its shield but it’s running low on fuel so Holdo is commanding an evacuation, Poe discovers the evacuation and is against it as he wants to fight and orchestrates a mutniny but Leia wakes up and stops his mutiny and finishes the evacuation, as their plan is for the resistance to survive to be able to fight another day isntead of going into suicide missions that have no tomorrow.
Holdo stays put in the ship as last resort as everyone evacuates, and FINALLY A FUCKING DISCUSSION BETWEEN TWO WOMEN. Star wars finally passes a bechdel test for the first time in its history ever. it’s beautiful to see thoe two badass female war general veterans talking together and sayign their goodbyes before Holdo makes the ultimate sacrifice.
Finn and rose infiltrate the FO huge ship while Rey infiltrates the same ship after sending chewie to hide away with the falcon. she is met by Kylo and his guard of stormtroopers to bring her to Snoke. they are in an elevator ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and that CONVO IS FANFICTION GOALS, and rey tries again to bring Kylo to the ligth while calling him BEN, (you can die now reylo peeps) and sayign that teir shared vision when they touched hands showed her that he would turn to the light. but kylo says that he too has seen her and she’s the oen to turn in his vision and he has seen who her parents is
Finn and rose are betrayed by the DJ dude (benicio del toro) aboard the ship and are arrested and brought to Hux and Phasma
Luke is fucking lost mentally and is saved by YODA appearing as a force ghost and delivering the msot beautiufl message of the film, that they were the old gen and they have to pave the way for the gen, and let the past and old structures go to build new ones upon it ( HEAR THAT SW FANBOYS). and yoda also tells luke to stop beating himself down, that yes he failed ben, but failure is the biggest teaching experience and he has to learn from his failure to rise harder and stronger (like the fucking greyjoys) and that rey is the new jedi hope
Snoke welcomes Rey and Kylo into the throne room and kylo bows, he’s uber strong and tells rey to give her luke skywalker’s whereabouts so he can defeat the last jedi and have darkness reign upon the galaxy
rey refuses and asks ben to turn to the light as she has seen the cracks in kylo’s darkness (also here snoke says that he thought rey was a skywalker but apparently is not so REY SOLO and REY SKYWALKER HAVE BTH BEEN FOUD DEAD IN MIAMI BEACH) . Snoke laughs as he says he knows everythign about kylo and exploited that chunk in his armor to use the force bond so he could bring rey to him and kylo here looks up, surprised and betrayed (Dude gets fucked up by everyone he thinks kind of cares about him). then rey tries to fight snoke and escape and calls for kylo’s  saber when she is surrounded by guards and the anakin saber is taken by snoke but snoke takes kylo’s saber away from her and it falls near kylo.
Snoke gets into rey’s mind (the rey toture scene) to get luke. kylo looks conflicted but doesnt do anything. snoke then laughs and turns rey to kylo so he can kill her, essentially telling rey that kylo has no will and will do anythign snoke says. kylo picks his red lightsaber and acts as though he will kill rey but uses his hand behind his back and the force to turn the anakin lightsaber that snoke had put beside him and ignites it effectively cutting snoke in half ( i was udnerhwmlmed at how easy it was to kill snoke after he showed he was more powerful than both rey and kylo)
but now is where it goes to shit for the kylo redemption as he will not be redeemed. Rey is ready for her and kylo to escape and help the resistance who is fighting still the FO ships but Kylo tells her that they shoudl let everything burn and rebuild from the ashes, this is where he says let the past die thing to rey (SOFT FUCKING VOICE AND ALL) and asks her to join him so they could rule together
- (which is kind of understandable on his part as he has been betrayed by everyone in his life, so rebuilding from scratch is his way of surviving and being free of all the pain that has paved his life because he was always kind of seen as a threat to be eliminated by his own or a tool to be used by his predator mentor or an obstacle to be dealt with with hux- this is not woobifying, the dude has had a fucked up emotional life, added to him being weak emotionally and making all the wrong decisions every fucking time. kylo is so relatable it hurts, but in the way no one wants to admit) -
you can see then Rey beign really distraught because you know she wont come with him and i think she is them mournign the kindred spirit she coudl have had with him and she feints giving him her hand and calls the her lightsaber instead but kylo understand her move and calls the lightsabe rback to him so the saber is stuck in the middle of both their outstretched hands pulling in their direction with the force
and then Holdo drives the last resistance ship into one of the FO ships that were attacking the evacuating pods while the resistance goes to crait to fall back there. the blast makes rey and kylo fall and anakin saber is cut in half but Rey takes both of the parts of the saber and escapes leaving kylo who got knocked out.
And this helps Finn fight Phasma and the fights i kinda too short lived but he beats her and then escapes with Rose who is just the ultimate BAD ASSSSSSSSSSSSS
Hux finds kylo in snoke’s throne room and is about to shoot/kill him but he Kylo wakes up and takes on snoke’s mantle and becomes the new supreme leader and he’s pretty much gone all full dark side, even worse than vader as everyone he wanted left him or betrayed him so he wants everyone and everything dead.
then the resistance hides in a cave in crait and behind a huge metal door but Kylo orders the FO to go to crait and kill everyone
poe and finn and rose go on the resistance kinda old tie fighter to try to shoot the big FO metal killer bazuka (the scenes of the rebel squadron tearing red lines on crait), however they’re losing a lot of people so Poe learn his lesson from Holdo and Leia and asks them to fall back so not to,lose more people but finn does not want to let the FO win and wants to sacrifice himself to shoot the FO weapon but rose save him in extremis, kisses him and falls into a coma from her wounds
then they all fall back into the cave and try to find a way out while Kylo and the FO continue to attack the door that keeps them safe, kylo is all the way gone now, he doesnt even care about leia. while rey gets back into the falcon and taers some FO ships apart and finds the rest of the resistance that were blocked behind a wall of rocks
and then we see Luke astral project and appear in the cave to talk to leia and it’s very emotional and they talk about kylo and leia resigns herself to accept that her son is gone so luke tells leia to save her people while he will try to save them
leia and  poe and finn, and rose and the rest follow the salt foxes and come against a wall barring their route but they are amazed to see rey lift all those rocks with the force and save them and they all board the Falcon to escape after REY AND FINN HUG IT THE FUCK OUT, PEANUTS ARE BACK
meanwhile Luke gets out of the crait cave to face the FO alone and kylo orders them to kill him but he survives and kylo then tells the FO to stay put and goes to face luke alone . they fight and Luke says that he will always be conflicted even though he kills him just like he killed his father, this enrages kylo who slashes through luke but we discover it was a projection. luke stayed on the island and projected himself into crait and then dies of too much use of the force
as rey and everyone board the falcon rey stays behind and looks behind her, she feels kylo get in the crait base now deserted and there is a last FORCEBOND MOMENT where kylo looks up imploringly to rey but rey loks back with pity and then close the falcon door on their bond
Aboard the falcon, Rey FINALLY meets Poe in the falcon and SPARKS FUCKING FLYYYYY and it’s pretty much the cute deleted written scene in TFA and those two have hearteyes for each other so yeah.
then Rey watches as Finn covers Rose who is still knocked out and as he watches over rose. Rey smiles as she watches finn with rose and them Liea comes to her and the SECOND GREAT BECHDEL TEST PASSSSSSS with Rey telling leia she felt luke go but he’’sin peace and asking leia how they can build a resistance with just them and Leia says it’s more than enough and the rebel OT4 and leia will become the big resistance HEROES
So, GREAT FILM, blows TFA out fo the water a thousand times over, written perfectly, KYLO is definitely the big bad and he has kind of to die and that’s why it will be the end of the skywalker line. JJ has not a single original bone in his body so he will be more than happy to copy Return of the Jedi and have Kylo die in rey’s arms or at rey’s hand so this conclusion is pretty much obvious if it was rian, at least we would have had kylo paying for his actions and delving deeper into his psyche, because his character is so fucking rich and complex and interesting and just wow
so much fanfic material it’s insane
ok gotta go watch it again in an hour
let me know if you have any specific questions
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