#beaver long-range attack drone
blueiscoool · 1 year
Moscow under attack
A drone can be heard flying into a building resulting in a massive explosion this morning.
The Drone used against Moscow today was almost 100% a Ukrainian “Beaver” Long-Range Attack Drone.
'Moscow City' is a very high-end business district just 2.8 miles from the Kremlin (4.5km). Multiple drone strikes reported.
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cyberbenb · 11 months
Ukraine's secret 'Black Box' project revealed to be long-range attack drone
The Ukrainian secret military technology project “Black Box,” was shown to be a long-range attack drone, named the “Beaver,” that can fly up to 800 kilometers, Ukraine’s military charity Come Back Ali Source : kyivindependent.com/ukrainian…
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kragnir · 1 year
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Trinkets, 34: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
An eccentric plum coloured hat decorated with a silver buckle and a long egret feather that droops over the bearer's eyes.
An unremarkable gray stone covered in myriad tiny pink growths, ranging in shape from rough textured flowers to near-perfect spheres. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as rhodochrosite.
A blank envelope containing a single jigsaw puzzle piece and a  note that reads “You have two months to find the rest of this puzzle. If you do not, the entire population in this forsaken area will die.”
A centaur hair pictorial prayer rug.
A small harp with little vines for strings and a oaken body with stray leaves. It appears to be alive, requiring water and light to sustain itself. Its leaves change with the seasons and it blooms in the spring. If broken or damaged, it will slowly but surely repair itself.
An accordion made brown suede of with bronze keys.
A tiny hourglass no larger than a man's pinkie finger filled with phosphorescent sand that emits a faint Random Coloured glow in the dark. It takes one hour for the sand to pass from the top end to the bottom.
A shiny leather doublets trimmed with seal fur and belted with checkered woollen sashes.
A single stick of chalk carved with swirls and twists across the powdery stone.
A finely crafted leather backpack that seems to have been handmade from excellent materials by a master’s needle and knife. The style is simple, but durable and effective.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
An eccentric plum coloured hat decorated with a silver buckle and a long egret feather that droops over the bearer's eyes.
An unremarkable gray stone covered in myriad tiny pink growths, ranging in shape from rough textured flowers to near-perfect spheres. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as rhodochrosite.
A blank envelope containing a single jigsaw puzzle piece and a  note that reads “You have two months to find the rest of this puzzle. If you do not, the entire population in this forsaken area will die.”
A centaur hair pictorial prayer rug.
A small harp with little vines for strings and a oaken body with stray leaves. It appears to be alive, requiring water and light to sustain itself. Its leaves change with the seasons and it blooms in the spring. If broken or damaged, it will slowly but surely repair itself.
An accordion made brown suede of with bronze keys.
A tiny hourglass no larger than a man's pinkie finger filled with phosphorescent sand that emits a faint Random Coloured glow in the dark. It takes one hour for the sand to pass from the top end to the bottom.
A shiny leather doublets trimmed with seal fur and belted with checkered woollen sashes.
A single stick of chalk carved with swirls and twists across the powdery stone.
A finely crafted leather backpack that seems to have been handmade from excellent materials by a master’s needle and knife. The style is simple, but durable and effective.
A small, flat slab of dark stone that, nondescript though it is, gives off an unmistakable eeriness.
A torc fashioned from a coiled length of interlocking chains, constructed of two unknown metals. Black and white, they swirl around each other like yin and yang, darkness and light.
An armoured gorget consisting of a metal throat-shield and a series of overlapping metal plates that encircle the neck. The entire device is connected to a belt made of leather. When worn, the battle gorget protects the wearer from physical strangulation and bites to the neck such as the case if they were hung by a noose or attacked by a vampire.
A clear crystal the size of a child’s fist, covered in eldritch runes. The gem flickers with a weak glow in various coloured hues depending on who its being held by.
A heavy iron bell inscribed with distorted musical symbols that releases an incredibly cacophonous noise when rung.
A magnificent goblet formed from a basalt-like stone permeated with veins of violet crystal.
A hauntingly terrifying mask that appears to have be fashioned from leather, metal and nightmares.
A druid’s staff fashioned by woodland spirits. The shaft is carved from sturdy oak and bound in vines. The head piece of the staff is a slightly oversized rose bud which blooms whenever its wielder casts a spell whose power stems from natural magic.
A peacock-feather quill that always writes smoothly and never needs to be filled with ink.
A large oil painting of some otherworldly sea, where creatures who are octopoid from the neck down but with human heads float in bliss.
A piece of torn red cloth bearing a royal insignia.
A leather bandolier that can be worn over one shoulder and runs diagonally across the chest and back. It has small loops or pouches for holding eight objects the size of a flask or small dagger. The bearer can easily retrieve any of the items stored in it during combat without having to dig through their pack.
An obsidian icon of a forgotten deity.
A recorder carved from brilliant white ash.
A short necked, round bottom flask that could hold about a half-gallon of liquid. Clearly visible through the glass sides, though, is a city. When viewed extremely closely, such as under a magnifying glass, what appears to be tiny people walk through the streets, conducting their daily lives. No matter how the bottle is moved or tilted, those within don’t seem disturbed.
A leather military horse saddle, engraved with battle scenes of human knights slaying kobolds.
A damp beaver skin bagpipe.
A marble sculpture of an elven woman being swallowed by a large wave.
A twisted warhorn blasted into a dark ebony hue and wrapped in bands of bronze with draconic runes that glow with purple eldritch fire. The low moaning drone of the horn discomforts all who hear it.
A wooden armband, intricately carved with interweaving vines and snaking dragons’ heads,
A silver horseshoe with foreign writing etched on to the side of the shoe. Roughly translates to "Trailfire".
A high, conical mask, intricately decorated with dried corn kernels of different colours.
A war banner depicting a bone-white skeleton on a field of midnight blue.
A maple linen chest with false bottom holding a number of lewd porcelain figures.
An innocuous-looking, fist-sized piece of faceted glass. When placed upon a flat surface the object floats about three feet into the air, glowing and chiming softly.
A fist-sized orb that resembles the eye of a dragon and dangles from a heavy gold chain.
A simple quartz crystal with a series of emerald green and brown straws extending from within its central structure. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as tourmaline in quartz.
A colourful ball formed from silk ribbons that randomly unfurls in a multi-hued explosion of noise and whipping fabric, before suddenly reforming.
A small cut glass bottle has a hinged silver top emblazoned with a caduceus.
A bronze rattle with a set of small openings that allow you to see the glowing purple stone within it.
A lacquered wood-carved mouth instrument resembles a duck-hunter’s call, except for the red band along the mouthpiece and the hooked dragon’s claw wood-burned into its side. Blowing into the object causes it to sound like a drake's mating call, barely resistible to any draconic creature within earshot.  
An empty djinn lamp. There is a note attached on which are written the words: “It's out. It is coming for you.”
A pair of small ceramic vials stoppered with corks. The sigil of the local constabulary has been stamped into the sides.
A handful of small, silver and copper coins pressed with unfamiliar faces and strange lettering.
An empty, crumpled leather belt pouch with a large hole opened along the bottom seam and a snarling beast embossed on the side.
A set of thieves’ tools that includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers.
An egg-sized smooth white stone poorly carved on one side to resemble a grinning skull. The tiny eye sockets appear far deeper than should be possible on an item this size.
A dozen brass keys in various sizes linked on a polished steel ring. One of the keys appears far too intricate for any mechanical lock you have ever encountered.
A polished dark wood box inlaid with silver tracery and lined with velvet, suitable for displaying a single piece of jewellery.
A small metal cube with dark glass on two opposing faces. Holding the box up to a light source causes it to project a colourful image of two men in orange robes, arguing over what appears to be a carefully flayed human skin.
A garish tabard made from simple red cloth, with gold-coloured trim that has frayed badly. The effect of the wear is such that the tabard’s edge appears to be fluffy; the strands of cheap gold fabric float like tentacles in the slightest breeze. The front of the tabard is dominated by a somewhat-successfully stitched image depicting a drop of blood. The back is adorned with a single letter “I” and has undergone the same transformation as the gold trim. Donning the tabard causes several wayward strands to drift upward into the bearer's face.
A doss lute carved from alder wood in a graceful, pear-shaped form. Abstract designs were inlaid in the wood in copper.
A mask of smoked glass cut into a half shell that obscures the bearer's features.
A golden, translucent bracelet made of a lightweight, silky material that resembles warm amber. In fact, small creatures can be seen trapped within. If watched closely, they seem to move.
A disguise kit consisting of cosmetics, hair dye and small props that allow the bearer to create disguise and change their physical appearance.
A coinpurse crafted from shimmering bronze-hued fabric that features humanoid teeth as part of its clasping mechanism. The incisors seem particularly pronounced.
A rough, milky white gem with a red crystal grown directly through one side and tinged with yellow discolorations. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as realgar.
A curious jade rod tipped with a glowing knob of crimson that shimmers with eldritch phosphorescence like a live thing.
A tiny finch made of overlapping metal plates. A gentle tug on its tail causes it to unfold into the shape of a small flower. Touching the centre of the flower causes it to reconfigure into the shape of a small lizard.
A tightly rolled vellum scroll, apparently blank on both sides, but with a deep blue shimmer as it catches the light.
A simple clay pin in the shape of a human face. Its eyes dart about and its mouth moves as though attempting to speak.
A small brown leather bag contains a double handful of black shale shards that ring like coins as it moves about.
A slate-grey box covered in tiny blinking lights. Along one edge is a panel which folds down to reveal a seemingly random assortment of letters and numbers on individual buttons opposite smooth black glass.
A padded trunk that contains a device to extend and display several small drawers when the trunk is opened. Beneath the display drawers are several additional removable padded drawers, all of which contain neatly sorted tiny decorative beads and wires.
A simple silver mirror that shows a perfect reflection delayed by several seconds.
A soft fur stole lined with black satin. Something solid has been sewn within the lining at one end.
A filthy, mummified monkey’s paw, curled into a fist and clutching what looks like an egg.
A tiny, polished wooden coffin. The lid is sealed with wax and the sound of tumbling glass shards can be heard as the box is moved.
A pair of excruciatingly detailed false glass eyes, in grey and green. While held or placed on a solid surface, they gradually turn to face each other.
Some garish crushed velvet pantaloons, monogrammed with the initials ‘AJW.’ So obviously out of fashion that they can only be antique.
An old, thick coin, dented but cleanly cast with bas reliefs. Some runes on the obverse; and on the reverse: the cruel-eyed face of a woman with spiral horns. The con has a scent of mildew and copper that rubs off when handled.
A small glass cube filled with a faintly luminescent blue fluid, with a small latch on one side securing the top. Something about the liquid suggests a degree of consciousness to its movements.
A leather drawstring pouch filled with a dozen perfectly spherical polished stones. The stones stick together as though magnetic, but come apart again with almost no effort.
A hard black leather case containing a flawless set of well-used professional kitchen knives, one nearly as long as your arm.
A coloured glass hemisphere made to resemble a distant galaxy seen on a clear dark night.
An odd red badge in the shape of a hunting bird’s head. The maker’s mark on the reverse appears strikingly similar to the local duke’s seal.
A folding leather wallet filled with strangely coloured bits of paper. Tucked within, you also find a small pewter badge showing the symbol of a great wyrm atop a castle wall, with the initials ‘GG’ on its reverse.
A shattered magenta stone with two dark green edges and that vaguely resembles sliced fruit. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as watermelon tourmaline.
A miniature castle constructed from a series of slick, modular blocks. Tiny, smiling figures man the parapets.
A well-polished brass oil lamp covered with intricate characters and a strange landscape in relief.
A brass and steel orrery, animated by clockwork and magic in real time. The spheres are nearly perfectly aligned.
A military chest with silver handles, three drawers, and iron-edged pigeon holes. The chest is covered in crossbow bolt holes.
A bronze candelabrum depicting angels being chased by stirges.
A crystal-beaded gossamer headpiece that sparkles with the slightest movement. The pattern of beads is that of an icon for a long-dead religion.
A clay pot with four faces; one a jackal, one a crocodile, the third a vulture, and the fourth a grinning hawk swallowing a human eye.
A large pot scarab filled with mummified human fingers.
A flat brass clockwork dial so richly studded with circles and hands and curious symbols that it looked like a cross scowly face.
A painted limestone incense burner set with a garnet.
A black basalt statuette of a lion wearing a gold crown and crushing slaves beneath its paws.
A leather wallet stamped with the design of a market stall, containing a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the merchants guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
A pouch filled with a dozen silver coins of great age, depicting forgotten gods and god-kings engaged in carnal acts.
A terracotta lamp with silver filigree work depicting lions killing escaping slaves.
A suspiciously clean wallet made from sewn mice and rats.
A scroll case made of sewn snakeskin and metal plates.
A fancy snuff box made from carved whale bone.
A set of flint and steel in an old calfskin wrap with the tail still attached held in a wool holdall.
A walnut, iron, and onyx pipe with a clay bowl depicting a swan.
A set of dice carved from white dragon bone. They will chill small quantities of liquid if placed inside a vessel of any kind. If rolled the dice will cover a small surface in a thin layer of ice.
An ornate linen headband with brass decorations.
A strange looking stone made of a material that looks like basalt, only with small insets of strange red, almost gleaming, material. It is slightly warm to the touch, and if one examines it very carefully or is very tactile to the touch, it seems to be almost pulsating.
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