#beca's parents
mitchellbealess · 2 months
what are some of your bechloe + emily as their unofficial child headcanons
This took a while for me to think about but hopefully these make sense:
1. During rehearsals, Emily loses her things a LOT. Whether that be a hairtie, a hair clip, or her bandana, it pisses Beca off. One time, she lost something before a performance and Beca tried to keep her cool, so Chloe stepped in to calm her down.
2. Sticking to the collective agreement in the fandom that Beca and Chloe are like moms to Emily, I can see Beca meddling in Emily's relationship with Benji. She's cool about it on the exterior, but when it's just her and Chloe she goes off the rails ("She can't kiss him!"). There's that line between her being genuinely overprotective, but also she just really doesn't like the idea of Legacy dating (which is typical mom behavior if you ask me). Chloe talks her into realizing how ridiculous she sounds, because she's literally dating a Treble. Eventually, she realizes Benji isn't so bad after all.
3. This is kind of giving away my next fic idea but in my mind, it's Emily that opens Beca's eyes and makes her realize she's in love with Chloe. Beca goes home to the Bellas house after her internship and sees nobody is there, except Emily. They don't talk much at first but Beca makes the effort as captain to ask about Emily and how being a Bella has been treating her so far. And it reaches the point where the conversation is now passed to Beca and the topic is Chloe.
4. Another thing that came to mind is that Chloe picks Beca and Emily up from the studio (when they were presenting Flashlight to Beca's boss) and they go out to eat at a restaurant to celebrate, and Emily's kind of just there sitting awkwardly with her moms.
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rai-knightshade-art · 2 years
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"I got my ticket for the long 'way round, the one with the prettiest of views; it's got mountains, it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers, but it sure would be prettier with you..."
This oc has been living rent free in my head for weeks now and I'm about to make that everybody's problem! More about her, the concept that spawned her, close ups, and more below the cut; image id in the alt text!
(Also, for the record: they're girlfriends your honor 🥰.)
The Concept: alright I'm not gonna actually copy-paste the entire concept i have for this story here because it's long, so y'all are getting the quick and dirty tl;dr version from the get go. You're welcome. Tl;Dr: Pitch Perfect 4 but it's a next gen movie focusing on Bella (Stacie's daughter) as a senior at Barden and her adventures co-leading the Bellas and Treblemakers because the college has had some budget cuts and decided they didn't need four acapella teams and smushed the two rival groups together. Shenanigans ensue. Also there's a co-protagonist, Molly, an incoming freshman who's excited to join the Bellas because shock! Amazement! Not at all predictably, she's a Legacy just like Bella! (And unlike the rest of the teams actually they're all new except for one of the Treblemakers who's Donald the Rapper's son.) In fact, not only is she a Bella Legacy, she's technically a Treblemaker Legacy through her dad; her arc centers on the mystery of who could possibly be her parents among the original/second gen Bellas and Treblemakers?? (Admittedly it's not so much a mystery as it is a fakeout cause the clues dropped are just ambiguous enough to cause confusion on whether she's Emily's daughter--presumably with Benji based on the love of Star Wars--but close with Beca and/or Jesse as an aunt and uncle, or if she's Beca and Jesse's daughter who spent time with Uncle Benji and/or Aunt Emily. The answer is the latter btw the girl loves juice pouches way too much to be anything else but a Swanson.) The answer is revealed at the very end after the Bellas and Treblemakers have finally learned to work together and have won Nationals. We finally get the cameos from the original stars as they come to congratulate the new kids, including Stacie (who's very very proud of her daughter going out with a win!) and, of course, an absolutely ecstatic Jesse with a pair of twin boys in tow, followed shortly (after a brief but forceful phonecall with an assistant over a run-over flashdrive of music) by Beca.
The Characters: I say characters cause while it's mostly miss Molly taking up this page, there are a couple secondary characters that can be mentioned here too.
Molly (Swanson, tho that wouldn't be revealed at first): one of our two main characters, she's a 19-year-old freshman at Barden going into Music Education (she's always wanted to follow in her parents' footsteps into music but she's not particularly keen on being a celebrity like they are; she'd rather nurture a love of music through teaching, like her parents did for her). She's a veritable ball of sunshine with a love of juice pouches and Star Wars, has a near-encyclopedic knowledge of every single John Hughes movie (though Ferris Bueller's Day Off is her personal favorite rather than the Breakfast Club, something that she and her father have weekly play-fights over), a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor, and a love of mashups and remixing (and also checkered or plaid-patterned flannels); she is truly a mix of both her parents. She's also super excited to be a Bella! She doesn't mention she's Legacy to anyone but Bella (who she meets at the club fair and immediately clicks with) because she wants to get in on her own merits (rather than by being THE Beca Effing Mitchell's daughter), though that little tidbit of information quickly becomes impossible to hide when the first group activity they perform is to harmonize When I'm Gone and Molly's fully moved to tears. 🥺 Also of note, Molly is a Mezzo, a bit higher than her mother's Alto.
Bella Conrad: our other main character (and likely the one we would see first), this is none other than the same baby Bella from PP3! She's all grown up now at 22 and finishing up her senior year at Barden, and currently the only Legacy Bella (until Molly comes along of course) as well as a co-captain of the group along with a couple other seniors. She's much more reserved compared to her outgoing mother or the energetic Molly, but she's sweet in her own way and always eager to lend a helping hand or guide a new Bella into the group. She's a math major, intending to get a job teaching high school level math (something she and Molly bond over quickly). She is a Soprano.
Julian (Donald's son): a secondary character, he's the leader of the Treblemakers and a close friend of Bella's. He makes up the third leg of the little Legacy Trio and happily welcomes Molly into the group, subtly encouraging Bella to make a move on her quickly growing crush on the other girl as well as working as a voice of reason among the turbulent Treble-Bella combined team. He's very level-headed and holds rank as the best beatboxer on the team. Besides being a beatboxer, he is also a Baritone.
The Close Ups:
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becaexists · 2 years
Gonna vent for just a second because I literally have no one to talk to about this so y'know turning to the internet as one does
All over my social medias like Twitter and tiktok (I know they're bad but sometimes they're designed to trap you) everyone is talking about Brianna Ghey, the 16 year old trans girl that was murdered on Saturday. She was a year younger than me, I have friends that are the same age, and all I have seen all day because I've been travelling thus had nothing better to do than to stare at my phone, is so much of the same thing, the same kind of posts, just talking about how this sweet young girl was murdered, potentially out of hate for our community but they're "not sure", and it is really fucking getting to me.
I know it sounds selfish as hell to because it sounds like "oh there was a trans girl murdered and I have to complain about seeing it everywhere" but it's not that, it's the things people put in and under the posts about it. So many of the people trying to spread awareness are trying to be reassuring by saying shit like "to trans youths, we stand by you, this should not be happening" but that doesn't help, because I'm terrified out my fucking mind that if I start trying to be myself, I might get fucking murdered too. What's worse is all of the horrible things transphobic people are saying, like "she's a boy", and "she deserves it" and "example of what should happen to all those trans freaks" because those are actual things I've read today.
And it's not just her case specifically, it's the constant despair I feel as a trans person where my right to exist are constantly being questioned by the only government I've ever known. I open twitter and see stories of how trans rights are being stripped back all over the western world, how people were abandoned by family after coming out as trans, about how being trans is so incredibly awful with little silver linings of "at least you're yourself". So I open tiktok to distract myself, where I see more people talking about the same things, about how the people in government hate us so fucking much. This whole corecore thing is important to highlight the awful shit but when that's the only thing you're seeing with maybe a few cat videos and stupid family guy or movie scenes while someone plays with slime makes to split them up it really makes you feel nothing but despair.
I just wanna get away from it all. I want people to stop talking about it but that's not exactly what I want? I want it to have never happened. I want to live in a world where these things don't happen. I want to live in a world where I can leave the house without being terrified of being hatecrimed or murdered for being who I am. I didn't come out as a trans guy until this year even though I knew for ages I wanted to be a guy, I didn't come out because if I came out in high school, my "all girls" high school where I was already severely bullied for being autistic and queer, I would be fucking dead right now, either from being murdered like she was or from suicide, which I was so so so fucking close to doing after some girl publicly berated me for asking one of my teachers to not call me my deadname (I was going for a fem NB approach to my transness at the time and thought that Bee was the start of something much more fitting for me) because she was right, no one would ever see me as anything other than some pretty but unpopular girl trying to somehow both escape the torture of womanhood and make myself more intriguing
If I could choose anything else, I would. I would not be trans. I would be a regular teenage girl who likes parties and stupid roadmen and skipping lesson to smoke and vape. But I'm not. And my mum, my own mother, has said "if you would choose not to be this, why don't you? Why don't you just go back to being my girl?" And I want to. But I need to be a boy to live. If I don't transition, I might just die from all the self hatred of what I have to pretend to be. I just can't do it.
Sorry this was long, I just have many many emotions and if I said this anywhere else I might just be on the receiving end of some of the same stupid shit people are saying about Brianna. I hope she finds peace somewhere where there isn't so much hatred.
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eunoiaflow3r · 3 months
it’s you - draco malfoy x reader
(brothers best friend)
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requests open
warning(s): language, smut, unedited
word count: 3.7k
request(ed): no
summary: draco is your brother’s best friend. what happens when he can’t stay away anymore?
characters are 17+ (no war).
You’re completely convinced that you’ve never been more bored in your life. You’ve spent the last twenty minutes racking your brain trying to remember a time you’ve been more bored than you are right now, and to your luck, you can’t find a single instance. For the past two hours, you’ve been sitting idly by, twiddling your thumbs while you watched your brother and his friends participate in various activities involving drinking and hollering. The scenery was nice - they’re by the lake and have a little bonfire going, but you were hungry and tired. Your brother Caleb dragged you out here because he convinced you it would be fun, but you’re regretting more and more having ever agreed. You told him you wanted to go back to the castle but he didn’t trust you to make it back alone without getting everyone caught.
So now you were sitting here miserable. Before you could wallow any further, someone joined you at your side. You turned. Draco Malfoy. Of course. He was your brother’s best friend and your biggest pain in the side. Your brother and him have been friends for yours and you’ve never particularly cared for him. He was rude, snotty, and a know-it-all. He thinks he’s always right and when he isn’t he’s a baby about it. Granted, he has matured over the years but your distaste for him hasn’t.
“Y/N.” He says as he stands above you. His hair is messy and he smells like mint and alcohol. His cheeks are brushed pink and he has a slight smile adorning his flushed face.
“Malfoy.” You return. The moon shines behind him and for some reason, In this light, he doesn’t look half bad. Ew. What are you thinking?
“I’ve noticed you looking pretty lonely and bored over here maybe it’s time for you to find some friends.”
You roll your eyes. “I have friends. They just don’t have brothers who force them out of bed in the middle of the night.”
“Hmmm.” He stays silent for a moment. Like he’s contemplating something. “Well, I can take you to bed if you want.”
Your eyes widen. Wait. He didn’t mean it that way. Why did your mind automatically go the other way? It’s like he could sense what you were thinking because he chuckled lightly.
“Not like that. You’re a baby and your brother would have a conundrum.”
You roll your eyes. You were not a baby. Only one year younger. “Fine.”
“Alright let me go find him.”
You watched as he walked in the direction of your brother who was laughing and swinging someone’s jacket around. They talked for a few moments and eventually, your brother made eye contact with you and nodded in your direction - bidding you goodnight.
After grabbing his things, Draco headed back over towards you.
“Alright, Cinny let’s get going.”
Cinny was a nickname Draco gave you a while ago. Back when you were kids your parents arranged play dates for Draco and your brother. Your mom had cooked cinnamon rolls and you begged and pleaded for the last one but she had already promised it to Draco and couldn’t take back her promise. From then on, Draco teased you about how he got it and proceeded to call you Cinny.
You remember going to bed sad but when you woke up the next day there was a fresh one waiting for you on your nightstand. That was only the beginning of your little grudge against Draco.
“How often do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?”
Draco rolls his eyes and leads you through the trees to a clearing towards the castle. Once you got to the edge, Draco found an opening to the inside all the while urging you to stay quiet. You did but you didn’t want to just to spite him. Once you made it inside the castle Draco insisted on walking you to your room. He said your brother would kill him and you if you were caught and snitched on them.
You agreed because he was right but that didn’t mean you would like it.
You hated walking around Hogwarts at night. Everything bad that’s ever happened at Hogwarts has always been at night and you didn’t want to be the next witch it happened to. 
“Shit.” You hear Draco whisper.
“What?” You ask.
Draco nods for you to look straight ahead and about 20 feet ahead of you coming around the corner, wand raised. Undoubtedly Filch waiting to catch unsuspecting students. And you’d be next. Fuck.
Draco grabs your hand, turns you around, and pulls you forward. You wanted to pull your hand away but knew it wasn’t the right time. Draco pulled you to turn the corner and before you knew it you were pushed into the equivalent of a broom closet..except you’ve never seen this door or this closet before.
“Draco what is this?”
“Shhh!”  He whispers.
There was no room to move. You and Draco were pushed together and his ear was against the door listening. He muttered a spell to lock the door and urged you to stay quiet. All you could hear was the beating of your heart through your ears and each of you trying to calm yourselves down after having to run. 
Once a few moments passed you finally realized the position you were in. When he pushed you in you had managed to turn around as now you were pressed against him - face to his chest. Your hands are pressed against his stomach to try and keep some space between you - yet for some reason you were wondering what it felt like to close the gap.
He looked down at you and you watched as he brought his hand up to move your hair away from your face. For some reason, you couldn’t even find the words to stop him. You weren’t even sure if you wanted to.
You watched as he licked his lips and ran his other hand through his hair - making it even messier than it was before. He turned away.
“Come on let’s go.”
He unlocked the door and led the way to your room. For some reason, the air felt colder. It’s like his mood shift caused the whole environment to change. Was he going to kiss you? Was he thinking about kissing you? Were you thinking about kissing him?
After he dropped you off at your room you fell asleep almost instantly…the last thing on your brain was Draco Malfoy.
The next morning was rough. Your brother Caleb was hungover so he was being more irritable than usual. Luckily, he had ordered some sort of cure from Fred and George’s store but it hasn’t kicked in yet. The cure wasn’t exactly for sale - it was more so one of the things they’re experimenting with on the side. 
At breakfast, your friend Hanna was talking to you about the potions final coming up soon but all you could think about was Malfoy. The way the two of you were pressed against each other in that closet had you thinking of things that never really crossed your mind before. He was an ass. And your brother’s best friend. So now why all of a sudden do you feel the urge to know what his lips feel like against yours?
As you were leaving the dining area you noticed Draco walk in with some Slytherin girl Katherine. The two of you made eye contact but then your brother barreled past you and slung his arm across Malfoy’s shoulders. For some reason, your chest began to tighten.
“Y/N!”  Hanna yells.
That jolts you up. “Huh?”
“What on earth are you daydreaming about that you couldn’t hear the biggest news I’ve had to tell in a while!”
You both were in herbology and you must have zoned out. Distracted with thoughts of Draco and that girl. But you wouldn’t tell Hanna that. From now on, you would push them and him out of your mind. What were you thinking anyway? Developing a crush on Draco Malfoy! Ugh, no.
“Sorry, sorry. What’s the news?”
Hanna gave you a look and rolled her eyes but continued anyway. “Lillian heard from Ella who heard from Dina who heard from Neville who heard from Ginny that Ron was going to ask you to the formal!”
Your eyes widen. “What?” 
You and Ron were good friends. Despite your brothers’ proximity to Draco and his grudges - you never let it intervene with you. Those were his problems, not yours. So when you were in your second year and Ron was in his third and he needed help studying for a class you were good at (Hermione was busy) you couldn’t help but want to help and be his friend. From then on you remained close with him and had a good relationship with his friends as well. 
So hearing this…you weren’t exactly against it. You just don’t know if you could see Ron as anything other than a friend. Luckily, you wouldn’t have to.
Ron caught up with you in the Dining Hall right as you were about to sit down for dinner.
“You, me, the formal..and I know what you’re thinking and yes I like you but not like that - I just need to get back at Hermione,” He kept going before you could even get a word in. “She told me that I could never willingly get anyone to go with me. That it would just be a repeat of the fourth year. So please go with me to prove her wrong and make her jealous.”
The face he was making was so unbelievable that you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What’s in it for me Weasley?” You ask. 
“Oh c’mon don’t tell me you don’t have anyone you’d like to make jealous.”
For some reason, your eyes immediately shifted towards Draco. It was for a quick second but Ron immediately caught. All the other times he’s as dense as a rock but now’s the time he wants to pay attention. Of course.
“Y/n you can’t be serious.”
You blush and look down. “Of course not. I was merely looking around y’know….the scenery….”
There was a moment of silence.
“Y/n.” He paused. “I hope you know what you’re doing. What you’re wanting to get yourself into. But, I promise we’re gonna have fun at that dance. Alright?”
You nod. “Alright. And buy some robes this time. Please none from your mother.”
“Yeah yeah.” He rolls his eyes and gets up to meet with his friends but not before parting with a hug.
Before you could make your way into the common room you felt a strong force pull you away.
“Hey! What the fu-“
“So Ron Weasley?” 
You look up and that song force who still had his hands wrapped around your arm was Draco Malfoy.
You tug your arm away.
“Wow, word travels fast. What’s it to you?”
He walks down the hall further so that you’re out of eye-line from other people. You follow close behind.
“You’re my best mates sister you don’t think it’d matter to me?”
You cross your arms. 
“Why now all of a sudden? Didn’t seem to matter when I was with Daniel…or Gregory.”
You watched as his eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. Daniel and Gregory were both brief situations you had long ago. They didn’t end badly or anything they just weren’t the one for you.
You felt him breathe slowly.
“It’s a Weasley. And does your brother know about this?”
“I don’t give a flying fuck if he does Draco. This is my life. And you can calm down with this whole overprotective bodyguard cosplay. It’s not necessary nor do I need it. Plus you know you’re one to talk I -“
But before you could finish he was grabbing your face and kissing you like his life depended on it. His fingers are slender and cold against your face but it was a feeling you began to crave as he pulled you closer to him. He pushed you around so that you were pushed against the wall and one of his hands was on the side of your face while the other was wrapped around your waist. You nearly moaned into his mouth the way his tongue was dancing against yours. 
When he pulled away you found it difficult to catch your breath.
“Draco…” you began to say.
But he cut you off. “Goodnight Y/N.”
You went to sleep even more confused. What is going on? This hot and coldness coming from him is messing up your emotions. What did he want? What did you want? What would your brother think? He would probably have a fit.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Hanna walked side by side with you as you headed to your first class of the day.
“You know you’ve been distracted lately. Is this about Ron?”
“It’s not like that with Ron. We’re just friends.”
“Well, it’s like that with someone. Only someone in deep turmoil about a boy makes the faces you’re making.”
You roll your eyes and distract her by bringing up your dresses for the formal. It seemed to work as now she was rambling about whether purple or pink would bring out the color of her eyes more and if there was a chance she could go with this guy she’d been eyeing named Terry.
When you got out of class your brother was waiting for you.
“So what’s this I hear about Weasley?”
You roll your eyes. “He’s just a friend.”
“A friend who’s taking you to a dance. Yeah very likely.”
“I’m serious.”
“Fine. But I better not see any hands. And have you seen Draco?”
You perked up at this - more than you meant to. “No, why would I have seen him?”
Your brother shrugs. “I don’t know. Just around. He’s been acting weird these past couple of days just distant and short with me.”
You wondered if that had anything to do with you. 
The dance came faster than you knew. You were in the middle of getting ready with Hanaa and she was helping you fix your hair. She had curled it in a way that made it fall effortlessly down your back. You looked and felt beautiful. You only hoped that Draco would feel the same.
Like she wanted, Terry asked Hanna to the dance. They looked really good together. You, Ron, Hanaa, and Terry all made your way to the dance together. Ron led you over to where Harry and Ginny were but you knew his eyes were searching for Hermione’s just as yours were searching for Draco’s. You didn’t see him anywhere. Ron n led you to the dance floor and you danced together and you almost forgot all of your feelings for a moment. You let the music distract you, and you let Ron’s jokes keep you laughing.
You and Ron were in a rhythm until you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see Draco dressed and smiling down at you. He was in black from head to toe and looked amazing. You blushed and looked at Ron. He didn’t look amused. 
“Care to dance?”
You looked at Ron again and he shrugged. You nodded and took Draco’s hand. He walked you a certain distance away and you could feel Ron and his friends’ eyes on you. Luckily you didn’t care all too much. 
You put your hands around his neck while he wraps his arms around your waist.
“You look beautiful in red Y/n.”
“Thank you. You look nice as well.”
He stays silent. Like he’s searching for words. 
“What’s going with us Draco?” you ask, searching for his eyes. He finds yours and you never want to look anywhere else.
“I don’t know Y/n..but seeing you here with Weasley..and your brother I -”
“So you only noticed me because you thought I was with someone else?”
“Then what is it then? Why all of a sudden? Why are you acting like this?”
“Cinny, your brother -”
“It’s not about my brother Draco. It’s about me. What about me?”
You dropped your hands and pulled away from him. You didn’t want to be near him anymore. You didn’t want to be near anyone anymore. How could he make you feel the things you were feeling but not be able to own up to them? Not be able to stand up for you? How could he not know what he wants?
You found yourself leaving the ball area and wandering down the halls until you found a place to sit and think. You understood his gestation. He didn’t want to hurt your brother. Probably didn’t want to lose his friendship either. But how could he look at you the way he does and not want to do something about it? How could he kiss you like that and not want more?”
You looked up when you heard footsteps coming toward you. It was him. You rolled your eyes.
You stood up. “Draco go away. Find me when you know what you want.”
“I know what I want.”
And his lips were on yours again. Just like that, all the passion and the hotness - right there again. His lips against yours were the warmest, softest thing you’ve ever felt. And you didn’t want to stop feeling it. His hand found your ass and gripped it. He moaned into your mouth when your tongue found his. You wanted to ask so many questions but you didn’t care about any of it right now. All you wanted was him -against you, under you, over you…it didn’t seem to matter. Sooner or later you let him lead you to his room.
You thought you’d be nervous but you weren’t. You knew him too well, and you wanted it too bad. For a brief moment you thought about Ron - leaving him at the party - and you thought about your brother - what would he think? But all that was lost when Draco was locking the door and slipping your dress down and around your ankles. 
“You look so fucking beautiful. I’ve wanted you forever.”
He made sure you were comfortable in his bed and started kissing you again. You were so overwhelmed. The feeling of him on top of you - the smell of him clouding your senses - you practically naked under him. It was all a lot and you wanted more. 
“Draco take your clothes off.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You watched as he unbuttoned his coat and took it off. Next was his shirt that perfectly exposed his abs. You got up and helped him with his pants so that now all he was in was his underwear. You opened your legs so that he could lay on top of you and fit between them. He continued to kiss you as if his life depended on it.
He kissed down your neck and fondled your breasts. You were moaning his name and grinding against him.
“Draco please just give it to me.”
“Are you sure?”
You nod.
“No, love, let me hear you say it.”
“Yes, Draco I’m sure.”
He dims the light and grabs a condom from his bedside. You watch as he takes his underwear off and rolls the condom onto himself. You can’t see anything that well so you’re just waiting in anticipation. He rubs your clit with his thumb and you moan in return. He then brings his fingers down to your hole and slides a finger in. You grip the sheets in return. 
“You Draco. I’m ready for you.”
He positions himself so that he’s lined up with your entrance and pushes so that just the tip is in. You both gaspeed at how good it felt as he pushed himself all the way in until he bottomed out. You felt so full and he felt so good.
“Fuck Draco.”
He started to move and you started to wonder why you didn’t do this earlier. He got into a steady rhythm and he started kissing you which masked your moans. He moved down and started sucking on your neck - undoubtedly leaving a hickey. You couldn’t bring yourself to care. Just wanted him to go faster.
“More, please.”
He started going faster and a bit rougher while rubbing your clit. That really sent you over the edge. He moaned in your ear which only brought you closer to your orgasm.
“Baby I want you to cum for me. Think you can do that?”
You didn’t respond all you could was moan as everything he was doing felt so good and was sending you over the edge. You couldn’t even move it felt so good. It was like you were parlyzed by pleasure.
“Draco, Draco I’m gonna cum please don’t stop.”
“Yeah? Yeah? You’re gonna cum for me baby? Cum around my cock baby I know you can do it.”
And with those words you were cumming. Draco came too as he felt you tighten around his cock with your orgasm. You were the most beautiful things he’s ever seen and you were coming undone right in front of him. He felt like the luckiest man alive.
He slid out of you, took care of the condom and kissed your forehead as he took a warm rag and cleaned up any of the mess you made. A mess he wanted to clean for the rest of his life. When he was done, he put his underwear back on and brought you a shirt to wear. Once you put it on he laid next to you.
“I want you Y/N. I always have. I’ve wanted you since you put me in my place fourth year when I wouldn’t stop messing with people. I’ve wanted you since you started going out with those boys and I couldn’t do anything about it. Hell, I’ve wanted you since you threw a tantrum over a cinnamon roll and I made you a new one the next day. I’ve always loved you. I know what I want. It’s you.”
Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment (motivates me to write) Requests are open!
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izurou · 2 years
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synopsis: katsuki has never thought about children, but today the thought consumes him from the inside out, and so do you.
contains: female reader. adult pro hero bakugou. established relationship. unprotected sex. a creampie. parental themes ie; mentions of pregnancy and children + reader being a mother. kats has a raging breeding kink and is so super in love! 3.1k wc.
note: sounds so dramatic at the beginning but i swear it is not serious like that :c either way i hope you like it < 3
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you drive katsuki insane.
sure, you have your moments—times when you’re unimaginably annoying and butt heads with him over every possible thing, but that’s not what drives him up the wall—it’s the thoughts.
the pesky, never ending thought of you. you’re always there—day or night, rain or shine, like a pretty little parasite living between his ears.
he almost mistook it for a quirk, the way you spread like wildfire through his brain, scorching every inch in the process—but he’s since learned that that was just his way of experiencing love, which, at the time seemed a lot worse.
to this day, you burn hot in his mind—an eternal flame that has no sign of dying out anytime soon.
some days you’re dull, a soft yellow hue flickering in the background as he’s on patrol—too focused on whatever bastard he’s pursuing to ignite the thought of you. some days you’re bright, a fiery orange blaze glowing behind his eyes as you kiss down his torso—intensifying the lower you go.
and every so often, you’ll do or say something that threatens an all out explosion inside his head.
“katsuki!” you gasp, cupping a hand over your mouth as you shuffle into the kitchen, where your boyfriend is tossing spinach into the blender.
“what?!” he whips his head around at light speed, worry woven into his tone as he immediately sifts through a file of the worst-case scenarios. did someone die?
“guess what i just found,” you mumble into your palm, staring down at your phone in the other.
his features soften out upon hearing your words, and who knows, maybe it will be your dramatics that tip him over the edge.
he’s pretty when he’s not wearing a frown—with the morning sun seeping through the window and painting a streak of light onto him, defining the discoloured scar in the middle of his chest, and causing the thin silver chain just above it to glint.
“jesus christ,” he rolls his eyes, turning back to his half assed, thrown together smoothie. last he heard, you were shopping online for groceries the two of you had to pick up later this afternoon—so that tomorrow’s smoothie doesn’t end up like this one, shit. “what?”
“guess!” you grin, clutching your phone near your heart in a display of love for your recent find.
“hell if i know,” he mumbles—the muscles on his back rippling as he slices the tops off of some strawberries. “that damn ice cream you always inhale?”
he’s not wrong in thinking you had been browsing the frozen treats, he knows you well, you’ll give him that—but you placed the order ten minutes ago, and found a new website to entertain you.
“no,” you huff, dragging your slippers against the tile as you inch closer, stopping beside him. “and i shared with you last time, thank you very much.”
“huh?” he wraps an arm behind you, momentarily resting his palm against your ass before pinching at the fat. “one bite isn’t sharing, princess.”
you choose to let that comment fall on deaf ears, quickly spinning the conversation back to where you want it as you hold your phone out.
“look!” you beam, watching his gaze travel over the screen. it’s a picture of a little black onesie with two tiny gauntlets on it, and the words baby dynamight printed in orange and green lettering.
“what about it?” he mutters, not giving anywhere near the amount of excitement as you had hoped.
he thinks he recalls hearing about this—probably had the design shoved in his face the minute he walked into the agency and absentmindedly gave the go ahead because, he didn’t, still doesn’t, and most likely will never give a shit about what other people put on themselves, or their children.
“it’s cute asshole,” you huff, a little disappointed, but not surprised by his reaction in the slightest. you lean your head against his shoulder, looking on as his big, strong hands cut through the fruit with the utmost care. “doesn’t it make you want to have babies?”
“no,” he says, lifting a strawberry halve over his shoulder and holding it for you to bite. “does it make you wanna have ‘em?”
“yeah,” you confess.
“yeah?” he’s in disbelief. to his knowledge, you’ve never expressed the desire to have children, and if he’s honest, katsuki isn’t sure that he even wants them—he’s never given much thought to the idea.
“yeah,” you repeat, biting the fruit out of his hand. you lift your head up and smile—making sure that he knows you really mean it. “a mini us would be so cute, don’t you think? as long as they don’t get your temper, or that resting bitch face of yours.”
how utterly cruel of you to tack on a snarky little comment like that, especially after such a heavy one. he doesn’t know if that’d be cute, he’s never imagined it—until now, that is. he swears he can feel his skin heating up at the mere thought of having a baby with you, and when he thinks about what he’d have to do—no, what he’d get to do to make that a possibility, his mouth goes bone dry.
he doesn’t want you to take his silence the wrong way though, and so he mutters out the one word he think he can manage.
with that, he slaps the lid onto the blender and presses the power button, hoping to drown out any further thoughts on the matter.
katsuki spends the following hours thinking about you, specifically, about putting a baby in you. no matter what he does—from eating breakfast to sending a few emails, watching a movie with you to running all your errands together—he just can’t stomp out the embers from earlier that morning.
his thoughts carry over well into the late evening, though you’d never know how strong your effect really is—he’s too well versed in the world of fire and explosives to ever give himself away.
then again, he thinks there might be black smoke coming out of his ears when you invite him into the shower with you before bed—a horrible idea if he knows what’s good for him, but he doesn’t, so in he goes.
“katsuki, we should’ve bought it,” you blurt out, eyeing him up as he rinses the suds from his hair. the muscles along his torso stretch and twist with his movements—crashing waves against his skin that only further your cause.
“huh?” he gently shakes his head around, ridding his locks of any excess water before squinting at you through the one eye that didn’t wind up with shampoo residue in it.
“the baby onesie,” you clarify, snaking your arms around his waist and leaning against his chest in search of warmth—seeing as he’s hogging all the hot water. “what if it’s extinct by the time we have kids?”
we, you and him together.
honestly, he doesn’t know how you do it. he of all people should be indifferent to a little heat—but there you go again, burning him from the inside out.
“it’s my shit, can tell ‘em to make more,” he says, shifting your bodies around so that you’re under the stream of hot water—pure bliss for you both.
“a pink version?” you peer up, blinking through the droplets of water that flock to your eyelashes.
you want a little girl, is that it?
there’s a lump in his throat—another thick cloud of smoke, this time threatening to pour from his mouth. you being pressed up against him isn’t helping either, in fact, all you’re doing is sending all that heat south.
“anything you want, sweetheart,” he responds, pressing a rather short but passionate kiss to your lips—just enough to hold him over.
he’s quick to excuse himself after this, mumbling something about you taking for fucking ever to shave—which, while true, is not why he’s fleeing.
he needs a couple minutes to gather his bearings, to ask himself if he should really do this.
katsuki is responsible, whether it be a condom, or him pulling out the second he feels his cock start to twitch—he’s never finished inside you, but he’s always wanted to.
for him, it’s not the idea of getting you pregnant—that was the one reason he didn’t do it, because he wasn’t ready, nor did he know if a father was something he even wanted to become. instead, he gets off on the thought of him being the only one who gets to cum inside you—you’re his, and that’s one way he’d like to prove it.
however, now that you’ve so easily persuaded him into wanting a mini us—that possibility sounds a lot less like a consequence.
“‘bout damn time,” he scoffs, seeing as how it’s been over twenty minutes and you’re only just shuffling into the room now. “c’mere.”
you watch him sit up and scoot to the edge of the bed, patting his thigh as an invitation for you to come sit. you don’t know what he’s thinking—you’ve barely dried off, still wrapped in your towel and dripping onto the floor every now and then.
“yes?” you ask, holding the fabric tight against your body as you make your way over.
you come to a halt in front of him, seconds away from opening your mouth again to ask what it is he wants—but he pulls you down onto one of his thighs, spreading his legs so that you’re facing towards his vacant one.
“you really wanna have a baby with me?” he’s looking at you with tiny red hearts in his eyes, already sneaking his fingers beneath the fluffy white material sitting loosely on your thighs.
“of course i do,” you smile, how cute of him—like a little puppy begging for a treat. “maybe even two.”
your words set the hearts ablaze, forcing him to see nothing but you—and you might’ve meant of course i do in the future, but all he can see right now, is you.
he kisses you, letting his lips move against yours freely this time—letting his tongue explore your mouth at will. his middle finger dips between your folds, drawing a line from your clit down to the sticky mess waiting below.
you’re excited too.
he breaks the kiss upon feeling how wet you are, drawing his hand back and looking down to catch the little string of arousal that connects his finger to your cunt.
“katsuki!” you gasp, squeezing your legs together out of embarrassment. pressing up against him in the shower didn’t help your case either, clearly.
“want you just as fuckin’ bad,” he assures, gently urging you off his lap—just to tug you back on immediately after, this time to straddle him.
you let the towel pool at your waist, giving katsuki free reign over your tits—to which he swiftly pops one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around your nipple and tugging it between his teeth.
“katsuki please,” you sigh, rutting yourself against the bulge in his sweats as you fist a hand through the shorter hairs at the back of his head. you don’t have time for this.
“huh? please what? gonna need some more from you, baby,” he hums, looking up at you through hooded lids—his gaze a deep shade of crimson you’ve never seen before.
“fuck me,” you whine, tugging at his waistband. “please.”
a proud grin flashes across his face—no matter how many times he hears it, the sound of you asking to be fucked will forever be his favourite tune.
“move this shit,” he mumbles, tossing the excess fabric to the floor and running his hands down your sides, over your hips, and along the curve of your ass. “fuckin’ gorgeous.”
he tugs his sweats down just barely enough to free his cock—tip pink and wet, leaking onto his fingers as he lines himself up with your entrance. he runs the head of his cock between your folds, collecting a bit of you on his shaft before pushing in.
you’re warm, always welcoming him with a hug—a tight squeeze of your walls that makes it almost impossible for him to bottom out. he knows you need to adjust before he does that—the thickness of his cock proving to be too much every time.
“relax,” he orders, resting his hand at the base of your throat and kissing you once more—because he knows, all too well, that this combination will have you sinking down onto his shaft, melting into him completely.
once his cock is fully sheathed, and he has you right where he wants you—flush against him with your tits in his face, he gets ahead of himself, and makes the mistake of thinking about cumming in you a little too early.
“mmm, feels so good katsuki,” you babble as you start to move your hips, up and down over and over again, warm velvet walls dragging against the entire length of his cock.
and it’s as if someone cut off the oxygen to your bedroom, he feels like he can’t breathe—all he can do is stare, tunnel visioned on the spot where you and him connect.
he already wants to cum—wants to fill you to the brim, watch it come gushing out, and fuck it right back into you. the thought alone has the corners of his vision tingeing orange—a telltale sign that you’re taking over.
a couple more minutes of you bouncing on his cock, and he can feel a burn in his lower gut—this one much more familiar than the one inside his head. still, he might as well be pronounced dead on the spot when he glances down and sees the little ring of arousal you’re leaving at the base of his shaft.
“shit,” he breathes through gritted teeth—resting the crown of his head against your chest as he tries to hold it together.
being completely oblivious to just how close he is to turning to ash—you start to rub circles onto your clit, readying yourself to cum with him.
you start to flutter around his cock, mindlessly babbling about how close you are, about how you’re going to cum for him—and you feel so good, so warm and tight—but right as his cock begins to twitch, he lifts your hips up, and off.
“fuck, fuck,” he pants, chest heaving as he stares down, watching his precious cum spurt from his tip and run down the sides of his shaft. what a waste.
“katsuki,” you drawl, soft and sweet as you brush the hairs matted to his forehead back. “what’s wrong? too much?”
if he’s honest, he doesn’t know why he did that—maybe it was instinct, something he did out of pure habit, or maybe it was too much, something he didn’t want you to see up close.
“nothin’ baby,” he mutters, grabbing one of your wrists and pressing a kiss to it. you’re so cute, so thoughtful and sweet. “c’mon, switch with me.”
you’re quick to move, knowing exactly what he wants as you go from his lap to the bed. you get on your knees, lowering your chest until your tits are flush against the mattress and your ass is in the air—consequently putting your messy pussy on display.
“atta fuckin’ girl,” he praises, kicking his sweats away and grabbing onto your hips—pulling you back just a little to define the arch he loves to see so much.
his heartbeat pulses in the tips of his fingers as he slides back into you, and he knows, he’s not going to last—still sensitive from his previous orgasm.
he starts to thrust, and it’s just like before—the unmistakable feeling of being consumed, both physically and mentally.
it starts at his feet, the kind of numbness that can be compared to television static. it travels up his legs, bypasses his cock, continues up his torso, and ceases at his neck.
“please kats, cum in me,” you slur, a mindless plea thrown over your shoulder—but one that almost incinerates katsuki right there.
and he’s glad you can’t see him right now, he’s positive he’s never looked more pathetic—head thrown back, eyes screwed shut, and brows knit together in such a way that it makes him look like he’s about to cry.
in all of this, he knows that the one thing able to ground him is still you—and so he pulls you up, tugs on your arms until your back is flush with his chest. his skin is sticky, hot—save for the cool metal of his necklace pressing between your shoulder blades.
“fuck princess,” he growls—rough, coarse, and right against the shell of your ear.
“‘m close katsuki, ‘m gonna cum,” you gasp, cunt fluttering around him at an even faster rate than earlier.
a strangled moan rips from the back of his throat, uncharacteristic, he knows—but he’s never felt this good, never loved the burn as much as he does right now.
his grip tightens to an almost unbearable level, one hand on your throat, the other splayed across your tummy. his breathing is an absolute mess, a string of breathy little pants against the crook of your neck. his heartbeat is everywhere—blaring in his ears, pounding in his chest, throbbing through his cock—and he cums.
he cums hard, face scrunching up as he feels you pulsing on his length, vision going white as he feels his warmth shoot out—it feels so fucking good.
you fall flat against the mattress, resuming your earlier position and snapping katsuki back to reality as you force him to slip out of you.
his eyes are glossed over as he looks down, and it feels like a lifetime passes as he stares at your cunt, waiting—but it comes, his cum, sticky and white as it leaks onto the sheets.
“fuck,” he’s barely audible, with an incredulous look on his face—bringing his index and middle finger up to spread your lips and coax more of himself out. nothing could be hotter, he’s damn sure of it.
satisfied, he flops down onto his back beside you, and he feels calm—like he’s comfortably walking down the streets of his brain as they continue to go up in flame—like he’s in control.
“well?” you say, curling up into yourself as you look at your big, strong, fucked out boyfriend.
“you’re fuckin’ perfect,” he hums, gaze never leaving the ceiling. “gonna be a perfect mom.”
“fucked you that good, huh?”
he turns his head to the side, what the fuck written all over his furrowed brows and scowl, because no—he fucked you, and you know it.
“shaddup,” he groans, playfully placing his palm over your face and pushing gently.
he sits up, leaning over the edge of the bed to grab that towel from earlier—he knew it’d come in handy later.
“hey,” you call out.
he peers over his shoulder at you, and you have definitely, never looked more beautiful.
“maybe even three?”
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sukirichi · 4 months
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[ DUSK ‘TILL DAWN : 009 ]
“we who bear the burden of the crown do not need to love. you only need to stay here, with me, in power, in greed, in lust – in victory.”
c/w. 18+. modern royal au. infidelity. angst. gaslighting. toxic characters. very suggestive. toxic relationships. unedited. kiyoomi is horny. and uh suna too
notes. we are in kiyoomi arccc whewww, also i think i mentioned the word balls like three times. anyways.
wc. 10.8k
series masterlist 
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[ NINE ] i know a place, it’s somewhere I go when I need to remember your face. we get married in our heads, something to do while we try to recall how we met
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You were still reeling from your shock by the time your Mother showed up beside you. She must have noticed the quite interesting crowd of the royals and their parents, and couldn’t wait to indulge in the drama. A nosy creature, your mother was, but her presence comforted you. You had heard about it before – the tradition of having your last dance on your debutante ball would be your destined lover. Your mother would know; your father was her last dance. But you couldn’t remember it clearly, not when your only memory of your debut ball was the sinking dread of coming out into society and having to be removed from the comfort of your bedroom.
“My last dance,” you mused, plastering an apologetic smile as you turned to the older Prince. “Forgive me, Your Highness. I hadn’t known it was you.”
“As I’ve mentioned, I am the Forgotten Prince.”
Kanami ignored her son’s remark and clapped her hands. “It was a beautiful last dance as well. In fact, I’m certain your Mother remembers it.”
“I do! Oh, Princess, Miss Sakusa is right. I still remember that first time you danced with one of the Princes! It was magical!”
“It must be,” quipped Suna, who possessively wrapped an arm around your waist. He was close enough you could feel his breath on the nape of your neck, and even without looking at him, you could tell he was glaring at his brother.  “Kiyoomi is a fantastic dancer. But tradition aside, fate sure has a funny way of working out because I wasn’t her last dance, yet she married me. I am a lucky Prince for that.”
“You weren’t even at her debut ball,” mumbled the Second Prince, causing your eyes to nearly pop out your head.
You knew it was rare for royals to attend the birthday balls of even noble families, but finding out that your husband hadn’t danced with you on your special night was a different kind of hurt.
“The Crown Prince is a lucky man, indeed,” sighed Kanami dreamily, unaware of the tension between you four – with the brothers ready to tear at each other’s throat, and Iris’ smile slowly transforming into a grimace. An eventful night, indeed. “So, Your Highness, any thoughts on my invitation?”
You didn’t give it a second thought.
“I would love to visit Itachiyama, Kanami.”
“Splendid! Oh, come, come, we have much to talk about!” she stole you away despite your husband’s protests, and soon, you were led away from the crowd. It was all up to your Mother to hold Rintaro back. Glancing back at your husband worriedly, all the worries faded away. Because he wasn’t even looking at you, but rather at Iris, who clutched her head and murmured something while Rintaro fretted over her. The only person who looked at you was Prince Kiyoomi, his handsome face stoic while his mother yapped in your ear.
“You have no idea how happy you’ve made this old woman.”
You turned away from her son’s intense gaze, waving a dismissive hand in the hair. “Please. You are hardly old. I can only hope I look as good as you at that age.”
“Dear, you flatter me too much!”
Smiling at her cuteness, you glanced around the room to look at her again. It seemed like she knew she would be the tonight’s topic, as the Princess’ red lips flattened into a thin line. You almost had the urge to smile wickedly. Almost, if she hadn’t been leaning against your husband for support. You wanted to scoff. She really had the audacity to pretend she was the poor one here – and because of what? Because her mother in law disapproved of her?
She had everything already. She had your husband’s heart, and you couldn’t even keep his attention on you for longer than ten minutes.
The Princess needed to stop acting like a kicked puppy. Otherwise, you would truly give in to the desire to kick her until she whined and cried at your feet.
Gods. Since when had you been so violent?
“As much as I am looking forward to our trip, however, I cannot help but wonder why you seemed… against Princess Iris,” you voiced your thoughts out, feigning innocence. “I am only assuming, of course. I do not mean to say you hold any animosity towards Her Highness.”
“You are not wrong. I do hold some ‘animosity’ towards her,” chuckled the free-mouthed Kanami, almost as if she didn’t care anyone could hear. She was too laid-back for a foreign guest, but you supposed with her wealth and fame, along with the fact she was the biological mother of the Second Prince, her confidence made sense. “I am well aware it is wrong, and I could be gravely punished for speaking ill about the royals, but… I never quite liked her for my son. They were never a great fit.”
“Is it because he is older?”
“Pssh. The age gap hardly matters. He is only three years older. But there is something about Iris… something… off. I mean, I know my place. It is not like I married the King or was promised any security or titles when I birthed his son, but I am still his mother, and surely I have the right to care about his future. That includes who he marries, and quite frankly, I dislike his wife. She seems ingenuine.”
“How so?”
Kanami’s cheeks puckered out. “Well, imagine my shock when my son – who spends most of his time hiding away in his room with his nose buried in a book – suddenly becomes a husband in a fortnight! And to her, no less. It is all too suspicious, I tell you. I have never heard nice things about that girl and her mother.”
“Her mother was an honorable and loyal follower of the Crown. Despite being from Itachiyama, they pledged their lives to the Crown.”
“Which is odd in itself, because Itachiyama is a great country. We are peaceful, and if there are issues within the people, it is resolved immediately. So that whole sham of a story of her mother ‘defecting’ and moving here for a better life sounds unbelievable,” she shook her head, lowering her voice as she hid her lips behind her palm. “And I know her mother. Kate. She has always been ambitious, scarily so.”
“And you know this because…?”
“Because years ago, when His Majesty visited Itachiyama, I was not the one who meant to end up in his bed,” she admitted with a wince, “Kate had always set her sights on greater things. If she couldn’t be his wife, she could be his concubine, at the very least. And oh, His Majesty was smitten with her. She was a wonderful performer, and they shared too many drinks, but… Well, I, myself, am lost on what happened next. The King and I conversed the whole night, and I felt a spark, you know?”
Your head spun with all this information. You always knew the Royal Family Tree was a mess, thanks to the late King’s trysts with multiple women. But hearing about the history of it all caused your head to ache.
“I see. And that night, Kiyoomi was conceived.”
“He was. And Kate never spoke to me again. Next thing I know, I heard she moved to Inarizaki, and I figured she still hadn’t given up on the King. So when my son informed he was now married to Kate’s daughter, I was restless. I am most certain this had to be her doing.”
“Where is she now? Iris’ mother?”
“I don’t know,” she blinked, as if realizing this now, too. “She disappeared one day, and each time I asked Iris how her mother was faring, she’d stop speaking completely.”
“Perhaps she is not on good terms with her mother and is uncomfortable about the topic.”
“Perhaps,” she agreed, and then tilted her head to the side, a smirk on her pretty face. “Is it rude of me to say I wish my son married you instead? I know you are smitten with your Prince, but a mother can hope, can she not?”
The rest of the night, Miss Sakusa terrorized the guests. It was uncanny seeing how different she was to her son, who barely spoke a word. She was bright and lively, lived for sarcasm, and seemed to have a penchant for making Iris uncomfortable. You honestly would’ve felt bad if you didn’t agree to the mean things Kanami said about her. But that aside, you still couldn’t move over the fact that Iris was a huge contrast to Maiko. Maiko and Oikawa’s marriage, you understood. She came from an influential noble family, and so did Tooru. But who was Iris, exactly? How exactly did a citizen from Itachiyama, without a father and a mysterious, greedy mother end up being married to a Prince also in line for the crown?
Could it be that Kanami was right? Did Iris’ mother plan all of this – all to have a spot in the throne? If it was true, then you couldn’t cross out the possibility Iris may have seduced Rintaro when they were teenagers. He was the Crown Prince, for goodness’ sake. There was no quicker ticket to the throne than to have the rightful heir be smitten with you.
All this thinking wasn’t good for the night.
You were supposed to enjoy, and so you stole a glass when a servant passed and down the drink, uncaring if people thought it to be ungraceful for a Princess. It was an intimate gathering, anyway, with only the royal family and some of your closest friends and relatives. Surely they would understand you needed to loosen up.
Breaking free from Kanami, who had now taken her attentions to fixing Kiyoomi’s unruly curls, you watched as your Mother stood in front of the podium. She tapped the bread knife against her class, the clinking sound catching everyone’s attention. When she had them, your mother took a deep breath, searching for you in the crowd as a smile lit up her face.
You stiffened in your seat. Beside you, Rintaro took his place, his hand snaking down to rest on your thigh.
“I would like to thank everyone who graced us with their presence tonight,” your mother began, raising her glass in the air. “And I would like a toast in honor of Her Highness’ marriage, and to the Crown Prince, as well. I wish you both nothing but happiness and may you reign supreme.”
“To the Prince and Princess!” cheered the crowd. Feeling everyone’s eyes on you, you leaned back against Rintaro’s chest and smiled, the perfect image of a couple in love. Rintaro played the part, too, squeezing your thigh and pressing a kiss on the curve of your cheek. You let out a giggle – though it sounded more like a gurgle at the shock. Rintaro chuckled at your reaction, his chest vibrating with the sound.
You couldn’t deal with this anymore.
The night went from perfect to messed up, to you being slapped in the face with reality. You felt bad for yourself for not learning. Just because your husband danced with you, and he’d been perfect the past few days, didn’t mean he wouldn’t run to Iris if given the chance. You’d seen it with your own eyes. How if stuck in a situation where he was forced to choose between the two, he would choose her. And it was pathetic. You had his ring on your finger. You had the burden of his crown and title on your shoulders when all you ever wanted was love. And he couldn’t even give you that. Worse, he meant none of it.
How was it so easy for him to laugh and kiss you like it was the most normal thing in the world when both of you knew deep down he did not want you?
It was becoming unbearable. You needed to leave. Now.
Prying yourself off his grasp, you ducked. “Excuse me.” Rintaro couldn’t get the chance to speak when you darted past him and into the restroom. There, you heard the racing of your heart loud and clear – a song of both yearning and hurt lingering deep in your bones. You couldn’t understand it – not when you glanced at your reflection in the mirror and wondered… why not me? You were beautiful. You were educated. Surely, he must have seen good qualities in you if he chose to court you for two years when there were other more charismatic bachelorettes out there. Or… did he choose you because he knew you were inexperienced? Because you were lonely, shy, and therefore the easiest to manipulate?
The worst part of it all was that he had already made his intentions clear. You knew he loved her. You saw it in his eyes – the way his eyes drooped when he spoke about her, and his voice grew softer. How he yearned for her so badly talking about her hurt. But Maiko had given you false hope, and his sweet gestures didn’t help. This would all be easier if he hurt you, like he had back at your honeymoon, because then at least you would have a greater reason to hate him.
And that was what you wanted, wasn’t it?
To turn all this love into hate.
So letting him go would be easier. Although it never was.
Gripping the edge of the sink, you forced yourself to take deep breaths. Breathe in, breathe out. Count from one to eight with your eyes closed and focus only on the sensation of your lungs expanding and retracting. Do not think about him, do not think about his kisses, or his hand on your thigh, or how he called you beautiful –
“So this is where you were.”
You raised your head. Rintaro swung the door open, leaning against the doorframe as he watched you inquisitively. You both stared at each other like that for a moment, letting all the unspoken words just hang in the air until he broke the silence. “I’m sorry,” he sighed, sounding defeated. And this time, it sounded like he meant it.  “You know I don’t wish to lie to your parents like that.”
You shrugged, turning on the faucet and splashing some water on your face. It became harder to breathe when he was around – all handsome and every bit the piece of your greatest desire.
“It’s just another night we have to see the end of.”
“Are you really going to Itachiyama?” he craned his head, eyes narrowed. “I cannot accompany you.”
“I did not ask you to.”
“I know, but,” he tried to argue, crossing the distance in three long strides. Just like the other night at the Palace hallway, his large frame engulfed you, trapping you between him and the sink. With him this close, you could see the unmasked desperation written all over his face. The frustration. “It’s… it’s Kiyoomi. I am uncomfortable knowing you would be spending days with him. Alone, at that. At least take someone with you.”
“My maids are coming.”
“I do not mean the maids.”
“Then who should I bring? His precious wife?” you rolled your eyes, “In case you weren’t aware, she isn’t invited either.”
“She should be…”
You couldn’t stop yourself from planting your palms in his chest, and gave him a shove. Your stupid husband, all lean with muscle, barely budged. It irritated you further. “Oh, come on, Your Highness. Do not act like this inconveniences you. I will be away for days, and so is your lover’s husband. The two people standing in your way will be out of your hair. Shouldn’t you be rejoicing in delight? No better time to frolic around with your lover when your wife and her husband aren’t around.”
Rintaro’s jaw clenched.
“You are saying I should be happy my wife is going on vacation with another man.”
“It sounds to me like you are afraid of your own shadow,” you mocked, and Rintaro flinched back. He hadn’t expected the harsh truth of your words would pierce this deep. “I am not an adulterer, my Prince. It has never once occurred to me to seduce someone else when I am married. Besides, Iris seemed rather relieved at the prospect of having you all by herself for a week,” you reminded him, having seen the Princess’ newfound relief only moments after Kanami had announced you would be having a trip with her son. It made you want to laugh. “You should enjoy, my Prince. You can even fuck in our bedroom.”
Whatever distance he previously put between you disappeared.
Rintaro growled, slamming his chest into yours until there was nothing but your clothes separating you. He shook with fury, and you delighted in it. How you could provoke this reaction from him. And you laughed, or tried to, because all the noises you made got swallowed in your throat when Rintaro grabbed your throat. Not tight enough to choke you, but the pressure served as a warning. Swiping his thumb on your lower lip, Rintaro huffed.
“Every day you test my patience. I think I rather preferred you when you were more malleable.”
“Sounds like you married the wrong person, then,” you spat out, and Rintaro’s dark chuckle reverberated in the empty space of the room.
“Oh, I made no mistake choosing you, that I assure. You are perfect in my eyes, whether you believe it or not,” and sooner than you liked, your husband was off of you again. But he was still close enough that his fingers intertwined with yours, the touch shockingly gentle despite his apparent anger with you. “And because you are my perfect wife, and my Princess, we will go back out there with all smiles and laughter. We are to appear in love. Do you understand?”
You glared up at him defiantly.
“Fuck you, Rintaro.”
Your husband smirked. “Darling, I wish you would.”
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You began packing for your trip to Itachiyama. It wasn’t supposed to be for another three days, since Kanami still had work and wanted to be free by the time you and Kiyoomi arrived, but after everything that happened between you and Rintaro, you were eager to leave. After that dreadful night at the ball where he forced you to hold his hand the entire time, your legs felt uncomfortable with slick.
As shameful as it was to admit, you hadn’t expected your husband’s anger would make you feel things. Sinful things that led you to sneaking your hands down your thighs when you got home. And by the Gods, you bit your lip so hard to not scream his name when he was just in the other room.
Another moment spent with him was just pure torture. So, you were running away.
It wasn’t the bravest thing to do, but you already tried braving it all, only to fail spectacularly. You were still weak around him, and until you managed enough strength to actually pretend you didn’t care about Rintaro, the distance sounded like bliss. Even if your husband eventually supported you in this trip, because ‘he can finally spend more time with Iris.’ Right. You wanted him to be happy about this, but heavens, couldn’t he act a little less eager to have you gone?
You think you would lose it if he truly fucked her in your bed.
“Call me when you get there,” Rintaro’s voice drifted through the wind, and you swallowed. You were now at the airport, and he stood there below the staircase, hands shoved in his pockets. Your heart ached at the sight of him – so handsome with the wind messing up his hair, his cheeks just slighty flushed from the cold, and his lips plump and swollen still from the farewell kiss he gave you. It was all just an act, of course, since there must be some lingering paparazzi, but you still felt him. You could still taste the mint of his toothpaste on your tongue, his strawberry candy lingering at your taste buds.
But of course, he didn’t love you.
You felt the lack of that, too.
“I’ll see you,” was all you said before turning around, already looking inside the plane and spotting Kiyoomi.
He sat on the seat across from you, his eyes closed with music playing in his headphones. He looked so peaceful like this. For once, he wasn’t frowning, and it was then that nervousness settled in you as you awkwardly shifted in your seat. You still weren’t quite too fond of the Second Prince – his dry remarks always baffled you. He always left you wondering if you should laugh it off, or if you should apologize. If not that, his silence itself was completely unsettling. And when he opened his eyes, his body as still as water when he regarded you, you were certain you stopped breathing.
“Are you ready to go?”
“Huh? Oh. Oh, yes. I am.”
The Prince nods, looking outside the window. You did, too, and then regretted it when you caught sight of Iris and Rintaro outside the limos, huddled together for warmth. To other people’s eyes, it would just be two people waving goodbye to their spouses as they left. But you and Kiyoomi knew better.
Wriggling back to make himself more comfortable in his seat, Kiyoomi turned up the volume in his phone. “Well, this is going to be fun.”
You wished you could agree.
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When you woke, you had arrived in Itachiyama. It was only a forty-five minute flight, but you dozed off nonetheless, and when you did, Kiyoomi had already wrapped a blanket around you. You thanked the silent Prince for it, but he made no gesture to say whether he heard you or not. He was a gentleman, at least. Holding your hand as you made your way down the plane, opening the doors for you into his car, and offering you drinks as the driver headed to Kiyoomi’s farmhouse.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with my mother. She can be quite persuasive.”
You looked back at Kiyoomi. You had been staring at all the billboards of Kanami; commercial ads, movie promotions, and the like. It stunned you again how this loud and flashy woman was the mother of a silent, brooding man. Even now, he had himself glued to his seat, adamant to put distance between you both with his arms crossed against his chest. “I was delighted by her invitation,” you tell him, glancing outside the windows again at another huge billboard of Kanami eating local ramen noodles. ‘MUST TRY!’ it was captioned, and they colored her cheeks red from the spicy flavor. You chuckled. “Wow. She really is everywhere.”
Kiyoomi followed your gaze. “She’s Itachiyama’s darling,” he shrugged, and then leant forward until his elbows rested on his knees. Sheepish wasn’t a word you would use to describe the Second Prince, but he definitely looked like it right now. “I must let you know, my mother didn’t invite you to visit just because she felt like it. She… well, she wanted you to somehow see Itachiyama as your home.”
“But I already have a home.”
“Yes, but she is fond of you, and she’s delusional that you should’ve been married to me,” he scratched his cheek, purposefully avoiding your gaze. Then, his cheeks flushed red, and you felt heat crawling on your neck at the implication of his words. “Sorry. That was awkward.”
“It’s fine. You are a great man, so it’s not like being married to you sounds entirely bad.”
“Definitely beats being married to my brother.”
“I guess so,” you chuckled, expelling any thoughts of being married to Kiyoomi instead. It wasn’t such a bad thing, to be honest. He was tall, handsome, and respectful. All of the Princess were good-looking in their own ways, but Prince Kiyoomi held the type of regal beauty that you would have oil portraits of hanging on the entrance of your home. He was large, stood tall and imposing, but never did he actually make you feel small or irrelevant. And even with his mysterious and silent demeanor, his intimidating features did little to hide his humble and bashful nature underneath. Which you found adorable, but you would never say it out loud. Instead, you watched as a crowd gathered in the middle of the city. Children ran around laughing, and parents bought trinkets from the stalls set up at the edge of the road.
“What is that?”
“A culture festival. They hold it annually around this time of the year to welcome autumn and give thanks for prosperous harvests. It’s called Kōyō no Matsuri, or ‘Festival of the Changing Leaves.’ It lasts about eight days where the farmers come together and celebrate.”
Unable to contain your excitement, you pressed your palms against the window. “I heard about this from the Crown Prince. Something about Itachiyama being one of the main suppliers of harvest and livestock?”
“We’re mostly a farmer country, whilst Inarizaki is the more advanced and modern one. It’s mostly to do with how our terrain is just richer in natural riches, while Inarizaki boasts in academics and politics,” he informed, “On the third day of the festival, the farmers visit some shrines to offer thanks for their harvest, and on the fifth day, they gather around the old temples and castles before Itachiyama and Inarizaki were split into two.”
“Wow. I hadn’t known your country would be so rich with history.”
“Technically, both countries share the same history. They just took separate paths at the end of it all.”
Pushing yourself off from the window, the driver drove past from the festival commotion until more trees surrounded you. You figured you’d left the city and now travelled somewhere more remote – fitting for where Kiyoomi lived.
“Do you like it better here?”
“Yes. It’s much quieter, and here, people don’t care too much on how I’m supposed to act as a Prince. I’m not their Prince, after all. I’m just a half-blood who happened to be their spokesperson.”
Something about his tone told you there was more he wanted to say, but chose not to. You pondered over it – how the Princes were so different. Some loved their titles and basked in their wealth, while some took their duties seriously to serve their people better. And then there was Rintaro, who was nearly crushed by the pressure to become better than Ushijima, and Kiyoomi… Kiyoomi, who remains an enigma to you. From what you heard about the Second Prince, people called him lazy, rarely attending meetings and showing up only when needed. It made you wonder how he was like as a little boy, who probably just wanted to live normally and in quiet, but because he was a Prince, he had to become someone else entirely.
Letting it go, you decided to change the topic. You were certain the Prince would share more with you about himself when he was ready.
“Your Highness, I would love to attend the festival.”
“Really?” his brows raised, and your eyes caught the motion of his vertical moles following the movement. “I mean, you can, but there would be lots of people. Wouldn’t you rather rest?”
“I’ve been doing nothing but rest the past few days. It would be nice to go out and do something. Besides, I wish to know more about your people.” And you meant it. You were barely a few hours in Itachiyama, but it already reminded you of the peaceful Greenville where you were raised. Itachiyama was starting to feel like home, like Kanami hoped.
Across you, you remained unaware of the Prince’s soft smile.
“I see. I shall take you to the festival tonight.”
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Seeing as Kanami still had her schedule filled, you and Kiyoomi had the rest of the day to yourselves until she returned. His mother did his best to welcome you, though, even in her absence. When you arrived at Kiyoomi’s farmhouse, she had already left you a bouquet of roses and a handwritten card telling you how happy she was her ‘daughter’ was now in her home country. It made your heart soften, even more so when she lent you a black-and-yellow floral yukata for tonight’s festival.
“You look nice,” Kiyoomi commented when you descended from the stairs, some flower pins in your hair. Overall, you felt pretty. It felt nice to be out of corsets and long-sleeved dresses. You could tell Kiyoomi approved too, as his eyes lit up, but his lips remained the same with an impassive expression. Offering his arm, you gladly took it, letting him lead you out and into the awaiting chauffeur. “Did my mother tell you to wear that?”
“She did. She said it would be more appropriate to wear traditional clothing fitting for the festival,” you gave a little twirl, and Kiyoomi’s lips curled by the slightest. It was enough to make you happy, and you were practically bouncing in your seat as the city lights came into view. Kiyoomi’s farmhouse rested on the countryside; surrounded by nothing but hills and endless amounts of grass. Signal couldn’t reach there, too, so you left your phone behind.
Tonight, you would simply enjoy this trip.
“Do you attend often?”
“When I can, yes, but… It’s a rather intimate celebration for the farmers, and I feel like I don’t do much for them, so I mostly sit out at home.”
“But you are a farmer, too, aren’t you?”
His eyes narrowed, but the reddening of his ears told you it was more of embarrassment. “Who told you that?”
“Your mother,” you chuckled. Once you’d arrived at the city, and the driver had parked somewhere else, you looped your arm around Kiyoomi’s and ventured into the heart of thefestival. “And I’m not stupid – you live in a farmhouse and have your own barn. I just never thought you would be the nature type.”
“There are lots you don’t know about me.”
“I can always learn.”
Kiyoomi’s gaze casted downwards. You couldn’t read his expression; he was always so guarded. But before you could contemplate on it further, you were swept up in the festivities. Everyone around you wore a yukata, and young couples held hands while wearing matching bracelets. Kiyoomi had told you those bracelets were special only for this festival, that the symbol of the moon was to pay respects to the Heavens for the blessings they bestow. Parents also joined in the night, with their children eating caramelized apples, and other candies. Mostly, the stalls offered food from their harvests such as roasted chestnuts, rice cakes, and pumpkin dishes. There was such a strong sense of community within the people that you were overwhelmed – Inarizaki didn’t feel as homely as Itachiyama.
An hour later, your stomach was well beyond full. You’d tasted and tried everything the farmers and their wives made. And when they saw the delighted way you closed your eyes and moaned at the delicacies, they offered you more and more. Kiyoomi paid for everything despite your protests, saying he was the host, and your only job for tonight was to enjoy.
Well, you surely wouldn’t complain.
Once you’d eaten your fill, and purchased a fox mask that matched your yukata, a group of young men started banging their drums. A woman played her flute effortlessly even behind her crow mask. Beside her, more people in matching crow masks sang in a foreign language. It sounded like a serenade; something about the voices were sweet, calling out to you like you were being seduced, and the hypnotic beats of the drum made your hips sway. But the most shocking part of it all was when people began to join in and held their partners, bumping their masks as if they were kissing, their hands squeezing each other’s waists and chanting along to the song.
You were mesmerized.
“That’s the Harvesting Dance,” Kiyoomi whispered in your ear, “They dance in hopes to bring joy to the ancestral spirits for blessing them with good harvest this year.”
“Must it always be a man and a woman?”
“It’s… an intimate dance,” he struggled to let out, and you craned your head towards him. He’d bought himself a fox mask to match yours, claiming he’d feel more comfortable if people didn’t recognize him. “Like the union of man and woman, they have become one with the ancestral spirits. It’s a time for reconnecting to their old ways, and showing gratitude for the family they’ve been given. And, uhm…” he scratched the back of his ears, which had turned pinkish again, “Well, it’s not just about harvest, really. It is also a dance for fertile crops and fertile wombs.”
Realization dawned on you.
“It is a newly married couple’s tradition to participate in the dance.”
You nodded at the information, feeling both flustered and entertained at the Prince’s bashfulness. You almost wanted to tease him more about it until you were dragged by a young woman, her male partner already waiting for her in the middle of the dance. She rotated her hips in a circle and jumped to the beat, head thrown back in laughter. You couldn’t help but laugh with her, too – her laugh was contagious, and Kiyoomi was right. There was a sense of freedom when people didn’t know who you were.
“You lovebirds! Don’t miss out on the dance, unless you want the ancestral spirits to take away your virility!”
“Oh, thank you, but–”
“You are newly married, are you not?”
“I am, but–”
“Then come dance so you may be blessed with many healthy offspring!”
Sending a halfhearted apologetic smile to Prince, you dragged him with you. You realized he couldn’t see you, exactly, but your eyes were crinkled enough from your joy. He grumbled a bit, but otherwise didn’t complain. When the music played again, you mimicked the locals’ movements and giggled so hard your stomach hurt. Some of the steps were suggestive – a flirty brush of your knuckles on Kiyoomi’s chest, or him rubbing his mask tenderly at the sensitive spot of your neck. Through it all, you had to remain connected to each other. It was hard to tell who held who tighter – Kiyoomi had his hands planted on your hips with a deliciously vice-tight grip, and the fronts of his kimono had been undone by your teasing, restless hands.
You now understood why the dance encouraged fertility. There was so much seduction with only just your bodies, with no words needing to be spoken. And you couldn’t help but wonder – is this the way to Kiyoomi’s heart? Because he is not the best with words, so you had to touch him at all the right places?
You received your answer when the drums came to a crescendo before immediately halting. Like a growing orgasm, until it exploded from within, and you found yourself pressed up against Kiyoomi’s. Pressed close enough that his breathing matched yours. His eyes, already dark, grew impossibly darker.
“That was fun!” you bumped your mask with his, breathing hard underneath. “Has anyone told you you’re a great dancer?”
The Prince snorted. “I would be surprised if I wasn’t. I spent the good half of my childhood enduring dance lessons, thanks to my mother.”
You laughed hard at that. Already, this was becoming one of the best nights of your life. Back in Inarizaki, you didn’t go out much to socialize. All the other unmarried ladies seemed to be well-versed in charismatic social skills and effortlessly landed a husband within months after their debut into society. You, on the other hand, having grown up as an only child with busy parents, had no one to talk to. You stuttered a lot, and always stumbled on your own thoughts when voicing them out loud. It truly was a surprise to everyone that the Crown Prince found you interesting – even if that seemed a lifetime ago.
But you supposed you really weren’t the same person anymore. Because if you were still the same shy, bumbling young woman from years ago, you wouldn’t be here in Itachiyama, laughing without a care in the world with a handsome Prince at your side. He’d bought you more trinkets, and another set to gift to your mother when you returned home. You found it incredibly sweet, but of course, Kiyoomi only grumbled in embarrassment when you told him about it.
By the time Kiyoomi’s arms were filled with shopping bags, the crowd began to lessen. It was getting late, yet you were in no hurry, walking at a snail’s pace along the closed roads.
Silently hoping this moment would last forever.
“Your homeland is beautiful, Your Highness.”
“Thank you,” he said, and his brows furrowed deep in thought – as if hesitating. “They end tonight’s celebration with a Lantern Lighting Ceremony. Would you like to see?”
Your jaw dropped. Can this night get any better?
“I would love to!”
Since some of Kiyoomi and your security were still discreetly following, he handed them the bags before leading you away from the roads and near a lake, just beside the heart of the city. There, floating hydrangeas decorated the water, looking like it came out of a painting. Lanterns were already being lit up from where you stood – some with a rented wooden boat, and the rest content to just remaining in the concrete pavement, their hands weaved together as they mumbled themselves.
You turned to Kiyoomi in question. “It works like a birthday wish,” he explained, politely bowing to the old man who sold lanterns and match sticks. “You say your greatest desire, and then you let go of the lantern. The ancestral spirits will hear of your prayer and grant it to you.”
Doing as he said, you close your eyes. You could hear Kiyoomi lighting the match as he lit up the lantern, and you wished for more of this – more joyful, peaceful nights. It seemed like a simple wish, but with your current predicament, you had to jump at any chance of luck you could get. After all, you would have to leave Itachiyama someday. Your life wasn’t always going to be like this – of dances, of candied apples, of lighting lanterns and simply feeling alive. Because you knew once you returned home, reality would set in. So you prayed, and desperately wished, to experience happiness.
Satisfied, you cracked your eyes open, beaming at how the golden lantern burned even brighter in Kiyoomi’s large hands. Seriously, his hands were so big and his fingers long he almost encompassed the entire paper globe. However, he only had his eyes on you, his expression somber and lips tight – almost as if he knew you had wished for something impossible, and he, too, wanted your wish to come true.
“Did you wish for anything?”
“No.” He shook his head, “I already have everything I could need. The farmers need the prayers more than I do.” Again, you were stunned by the Prince’s thoughtfulness. He turned to you to ask if you were ready to let go of the lantern, and you nodded, the both of you watching as it soared up high in the sky – the dark night decorated with a hundred little lanterns like stars rising from the lake.
It was pure magic.
“Whatever it is you wished for,” Kiyoomi mumbled, “I hope it will come true.”
Your lips wobbled. “I hope so too.”
He nodded, feeling awkward once more, and you nearly laughed. The Prince clearly wasn’t great at dealing with genuine emotions. “Are you tired? We can return home already.”
“I’d like to walk on the way back to the car. I don’t want the night to end just yet.”
Kiyoomi wasn’t against your idea. You shared the silence in peace, gratitude and pure, unabashed happiness blooming from within your chest. You suddenly missed your mother; wishing you could’ve taken her with you. She would’ve loved it here. She would shamelessly do the Harvesting Dance with your father, because they were still enamored with one another even after years of marriage. They were the reason you believed in true love and hoped to have it for yourself. But alas, fate had different plans for you.
It had made you fall in love with the wrong person and made you a Princess in the aftermath.
Sneaking a glance at Kiyoomi, you noticed he’d already taken off his mask. His handsome features were bathed in the moonlight, making him look even more ethereal than he already was. His features, strong, and dark, and sharp, yet his lips were curved so softly, his dark eyes nothing but tender and patient.
He held none of the malice or greed the other Princes had.
“Do you enjoy being Prince, Your Highness?” you blurted after a while, because talking seemed to be the better option than ogling at his beauty. No, you couldn’t do that. You were both married to someone else – and you would rather lose your title than be unfaithful like Rintaro.
Rintaro. Just the thought of his name soured your mood.
“Not quite,” he admitted, “It isn’t as grand as it sounds. There are lots of things to do, and a myriad of rules to follow. But I still think this responsibility bestowed on me is an honor. After all, not everyone has the privilege to be born with a purpose. Many people spend the rest of their lives looking for it, but mine was handed in a silver platter.”
“Hm. I never thought of it that way. I�� I always thought you hated being Prince.”
“I do not despite it, but neither do I like it.”
“What would you be doing, then, if you were born as a commoner?”
He side eyed you, a hint of a smile appearing on his face. “Farming.”
You both laughed. Of course that was his answer. “Why am I not surprised by that?”
“What about you?” he asked, tilting his head to the side and briefly glancing at the fat, extravagant ring on your finger. The sight of it made him wince, but he schooled his face into impassiveness before you could think about it. In return, you searched for his wedding ring too, frowning upon the realization he hadn’t worn it. “What would you be doing if you hadn’t married my brother?”
“Hmm… Managing the household… learning the business, although if you ask me, I really would have wanted to get married, regardless if it was to a royal or not. In fact, I never even dreamt of being a Princess. It just never seemed to be possible for me.”
“You’re a great Princess,” he commended, and that warmth blooming in your chest had fully sparked. “Who would you have married, then?”
“Anyone who loved me and cherished me,” you scrunched up your nose, feeling bashful. “I am quite the simpleton, aren’t I?”
“There is nothing wrong with wanting simple things.”
His words held nothing but sincerity. Coming from a Prince who didn’t indulge in the lavishness he could have with his life, and opted for farming instead, you believed him. And it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulder, like a breath you’d been holding had been released. Kiyoomi was like a breath of fresh air. He was so different from his brothers – so detached from the crown, yet so connected to the world and its humble gifts. Kita was different, too, but he held a sharp edge to him. He wielded his intelligence and knowledge like a weapon, because living anywhere near the throne was a battle in itself, but Kiyoomi was just… different.
In a world of polished gems, he shone brightly as a raw diamond.
“Your Highness, I… I know most of royal marriages are arranged, and rarely does it happen out of love, but why Iris? You are the second Prince. Anyone of you could have had anyone you wanted, and Iris didn’t seem wealthy or influential enough to be a royal spouse candidate. Why her?”
“Because she’s from Itachiyama.”
“That’s it?”
Kiyoomi licked his lips, thinking about his answer before he spoke them. “You are aware I’m the only son with a foreign mother. When I was born, they saw potential in me, to possibly unite the two territories into one again. But I was aloof, and liked to keep to myself, so I lacked in that department. When Iris had been presented to the Queen by her mother and they pledged their loyalty to the throne, she was made a royal scholar,” he glanced at you, gauging for your reaction. “You are right that she isn’t anyone’s first choice to be a Prince’s wife. She comes from a common family with nothing to her name. But she is intelligent, and she has always shown dedication to the throne. That was enough to convince the Queen we were the most sensible pair.”
“And is it working? Are we being united to your homeland?”
“No. Iris has barely stepped foot in Itachiyama,” This time, Kiyoomi turned away from you and licked his lips. “She mostly does work at the Palace.”
“Because Rintaro is there?”
“Precisely.” You knew he would answer that, but the image popping in your head was unkind – of Iris and Rintaro making love to one another while you weren’t around.
“Do you love her? Or hold affection for her, in the very least?”
“Not at all. I never wanted to marry, and my opinion of her hasn’t changed since we married,” the determination in his voice surprised you, a hardness settling over his features. “Royal marriages are always done with a political purpose, Princess. It was, and never will be, out of love.”
The conversation died at that. You didn’t press further, either, because you knew Kiyoomi hadn’t said those words to hurt you. He only meant to remind you. And you were thankful, because he chose to be honest, albeit cruelly, when everyone else made you a fool – a weak fool who had to be fed lies because people believed you wouldn’t be able to stomach the truth. Perhaps they were right, perhaps you were weak, but Kiyoomi didn’t look at you like that. He only looked at you like he despised everyone for even lying, or keeping secrets, and he’d made it his mission to be truthful.
Truly, your unexpected friendship with the Prince had been the greatest gift.
“Thank you for the lovely evening, Your Highness,” you bowed to him, quite ready to retreat back into the guest room once you’d reached his farmhouse.
“It was my pleasure,” he returned the bow, yet remained frozen at the bottom of the staircase, tongue darting out to lick at his lower lip nervously. “Oh, and Princess? Would you… come and like to meet my horses tomorrow? I think you would like them.”
Somehow, the thought of Kiyoomi introducing his horses to you, and nerding out about them, put a smile on your face. Getting to know the Princes was like unwrapping a gift – you never know if you would like what was inside. But you most definitely liked Kiyoomi, and you remained true to your word that you would learn everything about him. His horses, his history, the contents of his heart, and every inch of his farmhouse and barn if he would let you.
“I would love to.”
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You couldn’t stop tossing and turning in your bed.
Today’s events still played on your mind like a loop. The festivities, the freedom that came with anonymity, the connection of the citizens to their culture and history – you realized they were so different from Inarizaki. Inarizaki had its great parts, too, like their dedication to the monarchy and the power they held. It was a country known for having many scholars as the academe was greatly funded by the monarchs, but somehow it always felt… detached. Detached from nature, detached from the basic aspects of humanity.
Inarizaki cared about greatness, and so did its people. It was the sole reason why they had such strict customs and adhered to the law like their life depended on it. Itachiyama was different. They weren’t the most advanced – their buildings not as tall, their country mostly surrounded by beaches or forests, with their people preferring the old ways. Yet somehow, you felt more at home here.
It reminded you of Greenville and summers spent chasing dragonflies and lying on the grass to sunbathe.
It reminded you of a childhood long gone.
Sighing to yourself, you slipped out of the covers. The clock read it was just quarter past two am. Kiyoomi’s staff were already asleep, and you were certain each footstep you took would cause the floorboards to creak. Still, there was only so little you could do in your room. The TV didn’t have cable, Kiyoomi wasn’t interested in having Wi-Fi, and the place was rather empty of anything that could entertain you.
Surely a little exploring wouldn’t hurt, though. Slipping your arms into your robe, you tied it around your waist and exited your room. The hallways were dark and empty, and you held your breath, tiptoeing around the halls. You didn’t know why you were so nervous to be caught. It wasn’t like you were doing something wrong, although you did look suspicious turning every knob and groaning when none opened.
What was the point of all these rooms if you couldn’t enter them?
Walking around, you studied every bit of Kiyoomi’s farmhouse. It was grand in size, and nothing about the chandeliers and marble floors were the least bit modest, but it felt homey. There were knick-knacks everywhere, messy childhood paintings and poorly drawn stick-figures hung up on the wall. Upon closer look, you saw Tobio and Tooru scribbled upon the drawings. Smiling to yourself, you took it all greedily – the lack of family pictures replaced by these artworks, the fresh flowers with Kanami’s name tagged on a card lovingly taken care of, and a single portrait of Kanami with a younger Kiyoomi on her lap.
You could imagine how once in the past, the brothers spent many nights in this house, ran around chasing each other with their high-pitched squeals.
They were boys before they became Princes.
They were brothers before they were rivals.
Your hands reached out for the drawings. Even Shinsuke’s was there, and to no one’s surprise, his was the best. The colors were always within the lines, and he had clean, smooth strokes of his brush. Keiji’s was second best, but his looked more like scribbles and sketches than a polished end result. Ushijima didn’t have any drawings, but a certain stick figure drawing from a little Tobio counted eight brothers holding hands. ‘Brothers forever’, he scrawled underneath, causing your heart to ache.
He hadn’t included Rintaro in the picture.
Letting go of the drawings with a frown, you took a step back and collided with something solid. You gasped, a scream nearly torn out your throat when you studied the figure now standing in front of you. Broad shouldered, with unruly curls surrounding his face, and his head tilted to the side in confusion – Prince Kiyoomi looked like a dream come true. One shouldn’t look this ethereal in the dark hallways of his house, with nothing but the moonlight slipping through the glass windows illuminating the sharpness of his cheekbones.
He stood so still and quiet you couldn’t hear him breathe. Had he been here for a while?
You placed a hand to calm your racing heart. “Your Highness. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’d still be awake.”
“It’s okay,” he mumbles, looking past you and to the drawings just as his brows pinched together. “I didn’t know you’d be awake, too. Is your room not to your liking?”
“Oh, no, no, it is. I’m just…”
“Feeling homesick?”
“Not quite,” you scrunched your nose, “Today was just amazing. I’m still reeling from the joy of it all.”
He nodded, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. You watched him have an inner debate before he nodded again, gesturing to the staircase. “Follow me. There’s something I’d like to show you.”
The Prince led you to the hallway where his room and Kanami’s was located whenever she visited. At the end of the hall stood two grand double doors that could only be opened by a key from his pocket. The doors squeaked as it open, and you both coughed as dust fluttered through the space. Clearly, it hadn’t been used in a while, but that mattered little when he switched on the lights. Rows upon rows of books stood tall enough to nearly hit the ceiling. The room had a dome-shaped structure, with the walls carved in to make more spaces as bookshelves. In the middle sat a velvet red couch with a wooden table decorated with a vase of flowers. However, it wasn’t the books that took your breath away – it was the grand spiraling chandelier that slowly flickered to life like candles being lit, bathing the room in a warm, soothing light.
Unable to help yourself, you stepped inside, jaw dropped at the beauty of it all.
“This is my library.”
“This is marvelous,” you chuckled out, breathily, running your fingers over the spines of the books. They were covered in dust, but otherwise in pristine conditions. Most of them were classic collections too – the types of books you would only find in antique shops. And was that an official journal from an ancient royal? You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. This couldn’t be just a personal collection – these had to be an official record room.
“Are these all yours?”
“Some of it were my father’s. His Majesty liked to read.”
You glanced at Kiyoomi from under your lashes. He stood at an arm’s length away from you, casually leaning against the bookshelf whilst you pull out a random book. The Anthology of the First King, it read.
“You’re the first Prince who ever spoke of him.”
Kiyoomi’s gaze flittered over yours, from your fingers caressing the ancient book delicately, to the way a smile graced your face upon inhaling that addicting old book smell. His voice, if possible, grew quieter. “I know my brothers all dislike him, and I don’t blame them,” he continued, “But His Majesty raised me as best as he could. It may have been because of the power I could wield as a foreigner, but he came here often. He was the reason I grew up with a fondness for books.”
You hadn’t heard of that before. As far as you knew, the late King seemed absent in all of his son’s lives, but then again, the royal family had always been a complexity.
Turning away from the historical section, you beamed at the Prince. “Well, this is quite an impressive collection. His Majesty has taste.”
Kiyoomi fought back a smile. The gesture shouldn’t have looked as adorable as it did, and now you were fighting back a smile, too. You liked him this way – you like him much better here in Itachiyama. Whenever he was at the Palace, you could see the walls he surrounded himself with, how he closed himself from the world. But here? Here, he was just a man eager to talk about the things he loved, and you eagerly followed him when he gestured you to.
“This is my section,” he pointed to a rack spanning from floor to ceiling, then to the shelves next to it. “And that is Tooru’s. The one at the back is Keiji’s.”
Tooru’s section was… surprising, to say the least. He had all of Shakespeare’s books, with a multitude of romance and tragedy novels. His books looked to be the most loved out of everything you’d seen – with cracked spines, folded paper edges, and annotations on the pages. “Tooru’s? These are all romance novels.”
“It may be hard to believe, but he is a hopeless romantic,” Kiyoomi snickered, “Keiji, on the other hand, loves to read historical fiction. And don’t tell him I told you this, but he wrote three of these books here.”
“He’s a writer?!”
“A splendid one,” he boasted, pulling out a book titled The Fall of Belle. “He wrote this about Belleview Manor when he was eighteen. Belleview was notorious for housing the most, er, complicated royals, you see. He was inspired by it and turned it to a kingdom, writing something about soldiers and poets and kings. It’s a really good novel. I highly recommend you read it.”
Kiyoomi was already shoving Keiji’s novels into your arms before you could say anything. Next to Keiji’s was Shinsuke’s collection – unsurprisingly again, were mostly textbooks. The Itachiyaman Law, the Governance, the History of Inarizaki, The Fall of the Union. You weren’t too interested, so you moved onto the next shelves and blinked back at what you saw.
Beside you, the Prince cleared his throat in an attempt to hold back a smile. “That is Tobio’s section.”
“These are… balls.”
Instead of books placed on the shelves, they were balls, all held up carefully by expensive looking holders. Each one of them had signatures written on them with markers, along with a tag underneath of several dates. “Volleyballs, yes. He had these signed by his favorite players, and those are the dates of the matches,” he explained, slowly moving behind you until you could feel the heat radiating off of him. Looking up at the Prince, you saw he wasn’t looking at you, but rather at the sports equipment with what seemed like fondness, and regret, in his eyes.
“He’s always loved playing sports as a child. He was rather good at it, too. Shame he couldn’t go pro.”
“Because he’s a Prince?”
Kiyoomi nodded. “He may be the youngest, but that doesn’t mean he’s freed from his duties. The Queen knows the kingdom loves him so she has quite a grand plan for Tobio to start tours by himself and see if he’d be more successful in establishing connections with others,” shaking his head, the Prince closed his eyes. “He may marry soon, too.”
“He’s too young to be married.”
“He isn’t that young, but I know what you mean,” he said, “Although I think Tobio will find it the hardest to marry out of every one of us.”
“Why so?”
Kiyoomi shrugged. “He’s a romantic. Not like Tooru in the sense that he would recite Shakespeare’s sonnet to seduce a woman he likes, but in the sense that he still innocently believes he can marry someone of his choosing. That’d only work if she was a noblewoman, though. Otherwise he might experience the same fate as Shinsuke.”
Ah. Shinsuke and his maid – a tragedy in the making.
You looked away from Kiyoomi. Shuffling the books in your arms, you shuffled to the lone seat in the room and plopped down on it, wincing when your arms ached from the weight. “You know a lot about your brothers.”
“I’ve spent a long time watching them,” he confessed, and the sofa dipped beside you. He leant back against it, his long legs crossing over the other as he tilted his head back, watching what little he could of the stars visible from the dome-like ceiling. “It wasn’t always like this. There was a point in our lives we used to be closer and didn’t care too much about the throne.”
“Who were you closest with?”
“Tooru and Keiji. They both loved reading, and so did I. I wasn’t very close with the younger ones because they were rambunctious, especially the twins. But I like Tobio a lot,” he smiled, albeit sadly. “I hope the crown never fails him. I would do anything to ensure he stays unaffected by the harshness of it.”
“He’s a precious boy,” you agreed, and then thought back to the drawings in Kiyoomi’s living room. Biting your lip, you suddenly stood up and headed for the last shelf at the end of the room. Silently hoping, wishing, it was Rintaro’s section. Behind you, you heard the Prince shuffle on his feet as he followed you around. “And… Rintaro? Were you close with him back then, too?”
You already expected the answer, but it didn’t disappoint you any less when you heard it.
“No. The Queen always kept him isolated. I rarely saw him growing up, but on the few times I did, he always looked like he wanted to play with us. He wasn’t allowed, though. Her Majesty was… eerily wary of him getting too close with his brothers,” Kiyoomi let on, his handsome face contorting to that of discomfort when you blankly stared at him. Then, his ears reddened, and he coughed out of nowhere, his large palm covering his mouth. “I fear I may have talked too much. Please, look around. I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll like.”
Happy to do so, you left no inch and corner of the library unturned. Tooru had the most interesting collection with his romance novels, but you found Keiji’s section to be the most curious. A moment later, you had a dozen books stacked on top of each other at the nearby table. You just wanted one more – a book about Tobio’s favorite sport so you could ask the sweet Prince about it when you returned home.
Unfortunately, the first five rows of Tobio’s shelf consisted of his signed volleyballs, and his books sat at the top ones. You had to stand on your tiptoes, only for your fingers to barely graze the spine of it. Damn it. Taking your slippers off, you bunched your nightgown and robe in your hand and used your free arm to hoist yourself up. Your feet landed on the wooden boards of the shelf as you struggled to reach for A Dummy’s Guide to Volleyball when your foot slipped.
The ground disappeared beneath you.
Gravity consumed you as you fell, the book you’d been reaching for sliding out of its place and nearly knocking into your forehead. But it never came. Your face never smacked the ground, and your bum seemed safe, too. Instead, strong arms wrapped around your waist until you landed on a hard body with an ‘oof’, the breath knocked out of your windpipe.
Kiyoomi groaned underneath you.
Gasping, you realized you’d accidentally elbowed him in the chest. The poor prince had turned red in the face as he struggled to breathe, and you hoisted yourself up to move yourself out of the way, realizing a little too late how little you wore. Or how thin your nightgown was. Or how you didn’t wear a bra to sleep and forgot to wear one when you left the room, and now your hardened nipples were brushing against his chest. Underneath you, Kiyoomi inhaled in sharply, his dark eyes darting from your cleavage and to the books – the movement so fast you wondered if he had whiplash.
You froze. This was… quite a predicament to be in.
If you slid your body upward, your lace panties would brush against his crotch. If you slid yourself downwards, you’d graze your sensitive nipples on his silk blouse. But if you slid sideways, that would mean you had to rise your upper body to get your knees to stop straddling him, and he’d have an even closer view of your breasts.
In conclusion, nothing would work.
“Let me, just, uh, move,” the Prince groaned beneath you, and you nodded fervently. He could do whatever he wanted at this point as long as it meant you’d both be separated. However, luck was not on his side either. As soon as the Prince gripped your hips to lift you off of him, his hips rose on instinct, accidentally thrusting into you.
The Prince stopped breathing, and so did you.
Within the blink of an eye, the Prince had torn you off his body – and he was suddenly at the other side of the room. Color drained from his face just as his skin from the neck down blistered red, the poor Prince snatching a nearby book to hide the growing tent in his pants.
“My apologies,” he blurted out, looking at everywhere but you. “I didn’t – I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay,” standing up, you dusted yourself off and wobbled on your feet. Great. Your legs felt weak, and your voice didn’t come out as confident and composed as you liked it to be. Rather, you were both breathless – and you couldn’t tell if it was from the adrenaline, or the delicious way his body molded to yours.
A pleasure you would not be thinking of. Ever. Again.
“Uhm. Thank you. Your library is really nice.”
The Prince nodded, taking his lips between his teeth. “I should, uh. I should go.”
“Yes, that might be for the best,” you croaked out, and just like that, the Prince was gone. The heavy slamming of the doors was the last thing you heard before you were engulfed in a deafening silence.
That night, you did not get any sleep at all.
And you were restless for all the wrong reasons.
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midnightmah07 · 2 months
daiggie's intro post ––✧
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'Daiggie' is the ship name for my main oc x canon of Daisy and Ruggie, Daisy being my Yuu/MC based on Cinderella.
In this intro post I'll be sharing their relationship timeline, as well as a few random fun facts about them. This is mostly because I want to ramble about them, and because I think it's a nice way for newcomers to learn about them if they're interested! (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) ♡
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How'd they start?
Ruggie and Daisy officially met in book 2 as per canon storyline. During their first interaction (not counting the one where Ruggie used his UM to get Grim's sandwich) they felt attracted to one another, but since it was just physical attraction they paid it no mind, especially because they quickly made wrong assumptions about each other. Ruggie believed the "pretty Ramshackle prefect" was a boring goody goody and a pushover, while Daisy thought the "cute hyena from Savanaclaw" was simply an insensitive and cowardly thief. Ruggie stole Daisy's earrings during the part where HeartShackle chases him as a way to mock/tease her, and this made her dislike him even more because her pearl earrings were from her mother.
Daisy's ideas and thoughts about Ruggie started changing during Leona's OB. All of Daisy's prejudices against Ruggie changed once she saw him being almost killed by Leona but refusing to give up regardless; his will to move forward and his perseverance made Daisy start to admire him as an individual, and in a way relate to him because she also always strived for a better life back home.
As a way to apologize for judging him too fast she started trying to help him heal his arm, but Ruggie didn't feel comfortable with the idea, so Daisy told him that if he felt more comfortable with it, she could help him take care of his arm in exchange for her earrings back. He begrudgingly accepted but even after that Daisy kept checking on him because she was still worried about his arm.
In book 3 Ruggie still not accepting when it came to Daisy's help. He felt uncomfortable with her trying to take care of his health because in his mind there's no way she's doing it out of the goodness of her heart, so, when Daisy came asking with Jack for a place to her and Grim to say, he immediately went to convince Leona, telling him his injury was making it hard for Ruggie to fulfill his chores at Savanaclaw, and that Daisy could be a good help. After Leona let they stay Ruggie made it known that he only helped because he felt like he needed to do something to pay her back for her aid.
During the events of book 3, because Daisy and Grim were also helping Ruggie around Savanaclaw with his chores, they naturally became close. Daisy surprised Ruggie for showing that she was actually really helpful despite looking like "a spoiled princess", and he grew curious of her because of that. It was during this time that Daisy felt comfortable with him to share her life story before coming to Twisted Wonderland, and both of them bonded over the fact that they were orphans and needed to look after themselves from an early age. Their differences were on how Daisy clung to her parents' teachings of "have courage and be kind" while Ruggie grew learning to trust only on himself and the little family he had left.
At the end of book 3, after Azul's OB, Daisy finally allowed her body to feel tired and she immediately passed out. She had been trying to deal with Azul's contract, working at Savanaclaw and last time she stayed awake to force Leona to help her and Grim get Ramshackle back. She had been doing too much and she finally let her body feel it, so she passed out. Ace and Deuce immediately tried to pick her up and go to the infirmary, but Ruggie said he'd carry her since it was partially his fault that this happened.
After the ADeuce duo and Grim left Daisy and Ruggie alone in the infirmary for a while, he opened his heart to her for the first time and told her it was nice to have her back at Savanaclaw, not only because of the help but because he really did enjoy her company. He told her she was definitely not what he thought she was, and said he was looking forward to seeing more of her at campus. This is when both of them realized they started having feelings for each other.
In between book 3 and 4 Ruggie started being 'nicer' to Daisy. He usually helped her around, asking for minor favors in return that didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, and after a while Ruggie started giving Daisy some of his food (mostly he gave her desserts the cafeteria would give to students, claiming he "didn't like it". They were usually pumpkin flavored because Daisy had told him her favorite food was pumpkins). This made basically everyone question him and lift an eyebrow to what their relationship was exactly, while Ruggie denied it by simply saying that Daisy's just a good friend who helped him out a lot, so he's paying her back. He said this because he never truly believed Daisy could ever feel the same way that he does, maybe she could like someone like Leona, Vil or Malleus if they ever happened to meet but him? Nope, impossible.
Meanwhile Daisy was left very flustered and very confused. She knew Ruggie wasn't the type to do this sort of thing for just anyone, but was she really that egocentric to believe that he might like her back? He was incredible, and she was just a useless magicless girl, there's no way he'd feel the same... But everyone kept telling her that he probably did, so she worked up the courage to tell him that she liked him.
One day Daisy confronted Ruggie about how he was acting and he obviously said it was just because he wanted to pay her back for all the help at Savanaclaw, but Daisy insisted, saying that she liked him, and that if he was trying to do all of this to win her that he should be more direct about it and just ask her on a date. She felt super embarrassed and self conscious after she said that but she stood there waiting for an answer regardless, and Ruggie said he would, but that she shouldn't expect anything too grand or expensive because ya know... He's broke.
After that they went on exactly 2 dates, and on the second one they had their first (very, very, VERY awkward) kiss and Ruggie asked her to be his girlfriend officially. They've been together ever since!
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Fun & random facts
Daisy and Ruggie agreed to date each other a bit more casually (not in the sense of seeing other people, because they were just interested in each other, but in the sense of if they happened to break up then "that's just life") at first because Daisy was still trying to go back to her world, but they very much underestimated their feelings for each other since after a month or two they were in wayyy too deep.
Daisy and Ruggie's love languages overlap a lot, with both of them being very into physical touch, quality time and acts of services.
Daisy has the tendency to make a bit of extra food whenever she can to gift to Ruggie. His favorites are her pumpkin pies, a family recipe from her parents.
They both have pet names for each other. Ruggie calls Daisy "flower", "pumpkin" and "princess" (this last one is more in a joking way), while Daisy calls him "love", "dear", "Rugs" and "RugBug" (again, this last one is in a joking way lol).
Ruggie started walking Daisy to her class every morning so they can spend at least this amount of time together if he happens to get busier during the day (which mostly happens). Yes, Grim's complaining the entire time about being a third wheel.
I went a bit crazy once and made them soulmates... Daisy and Ruggie had constant dreams about each other a few weeks before Daisy came to Twisted Wonderland, but they didn't recognize they were seeing each other after much, much later, so when they first meet they have a sense of deja vu.
Daisy DOES stay in Twisted Wonderland bc I'm too attached to everyone and because I'm a sucker for happy endings.
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All the content I post for them in this account can be found under the #💙! daiggie tag! If for some reason you're not sick of them (ily) I have posted a few of my stories about them in my writing account @mahs-dumpster <3
The dividers for this post can be found here.
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songmingisthighs · 8 months
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xlv - pb&j
neurosurgeon!hongjoong × reader
buy me coffee ?
where love and peace is held, i never expected for this to happen. i planned and i planned, i expected, and i hoped, but it was never you. you held what i wanted hostage to make room for you, the thing that i needed but has no means of acceptance. deny me, live your best life.
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Hongjoong is not one to be surprised easily. Well, by events or situations. He's a scaredy cat who had fallen victim to his son's pranks at least 20 times. In the past month.
But the sight of Kijoong's teacher, Mr Kang, lighting up as you produced a bag of sandwiches from your bag and handed it over to him almost made him choke on his own spit. Honestly, he didn't know why he was so surprised as he had seen (peeked) into your (private) conversation with Mr Kang the other day. Maybe he had been in denial (for some darn reason) about the exact identity of the Yeosang you talked with, thinking that it could be someone else with a similar name. That's possible, right? But seeing the way you adjusted the sleeve of his rolled-up shirt, Hongjoong was hesitant.
When you took Kijoong inside to settle in his cubby and spend some time before the classes started, Hongjoong found himself walking towards the guy he was eyeing.
"Ah, good morning! Mr Kim, right? Kim Kijoong's dad?" Yeosang asked politely with a warm smile. Even Hongjoong had to admit that his heart fluttered slightly so his "baseless" annoyance curiosity has decreased slightly. "Y-yes," clearing his throat, Hongjoong slipped his hands into his pants pockets, "How are you? How's your dad? I heard he was at the hospital?" "Yeah, yeah, he's fine! We went to the other KQ branch hospital so he was taken care of well. His recovery was even better when (y/n) sent him soup," he chuckled.
At the mention of the teacher's dad knowing you, Hongjoong couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that. "Oh, I didn't realize that you two were so close," he nodded casually. Yeosang shrugged, "I guess in a sense we are, but (y/n) just cares about people and she takes it upon herself to take care of those who know her from her roots. Another hint, you two had known each other for a long while. "(y/n) didn't mention that she knew you to me and she often tells me about the people she knows from her youth." Hongjoong cringed slightly, realizing how easy it could be for Yeosang to twist his words and make it seem like he was jealous. Which he kinda was but it's not like it's obvious. Thankfully, if he did realize, Yeosang didn't let it show. "That could be because I haven't seen her in a long while and it didn't even occurred to us that we knew each other until the second day I came back," well that made Hongjoong more curious and Yeosang could sense it based on the way Hongjoong nodded along and putting all of his focus on him which made him rather nervous. So this time, it was Yeosang who cleared his throat and mended his posture, "S-see, (y/n) and I knew each other from way back in high school. We met because we had entered the same debate competition and we were in opposition. She was formidable with her arguments and it actually made me fear her in a major way. I didn't even think I'd get to talk to her but as you can guess, I did," "How so?" Hongjoong asked, engaged in the story, "Well, she made my teammate cry and she just wanted to make sure that the know-it-all 12th grader had his mommy to wipe his snot. We were in 10th grade at the time." The revelation made Hongjoong let out a snort which caused some parents and their children nearby to jump in surprise, looking at him who had to turn around in shame.
"So, is that how you and (y/n) started dating?" Hongjoong asked after calming down, not really realizing the words that he used. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows momentarily before chuckling, "Oh, no. We are not dating! We became close again after the realization of our connection and became even closer because I found out that my spotter at the gym is actually Kijoong's instructor so we just shared and bonded and got even closer because of that!" he explained.
Though he was not even supposed to feel that way, Hongjoong felt a sense of relief and his posture even relaxed considerably. Though, he tensed up again when Yeosang continued, "Although, between you and me, (y/n) seems to be interested in this other guy." "What other guy? Is it someone she's close with? How'd you know?" At that point, Hongjoong didn't even care that he was acting rather ridiculously, asking random, personal stuff to his son's homeroom teacher. How professional. "I think you'd know him too," Yeosang stated and for one moment, Mingi came to mind but considering how you still deny him ice cubes, that seemed irrational, impossible, and positively stupid. Yeosang turned around slightly and pointed to where you were inside. "There."
Slowly, almost dramatically, Hongjoong turned his head, following Yeosang's finger to see you talking to the guy he recognized as the other homeroom teacher in Kijoong's class, Choi Soobin. While you were kind and affectionate towards Yeosang, you were more... Flirty with Soobin. That was the only word that seemed suitable because your stance was more passive yet open while still maintaining some boundaries with Soobin. Very different from the way you were with Yeosang whom you treated in a more motherly manner, like how you would Kijoong. With Yeosang, it was tidying him and giving him what he needed but with Soobin, it was more playful what with the gentle pushes and allowing him to guide you so your head won't hit the shelve nearby. You both looked very comfortable with each other, being as close as you both could and remaining respectful at a kindergarten while Kijoong tried to climb up Soobin's legs. His eyes glazed over the way you gently chastised the boy and tried to pry him off but Soobin grabbed your hands away from Kijoong and made gestures that suggested he was telling you to just let Kijoong be.
It was then that Hongjoong realized that his gut feeling was correct but he had jumped to a conclusion.
A lot of thoughts ran through Hongjoong's head, trying to make sense of things as if correcting an assignment, marking parts that were wrong and putting notes on certain parts as if pointing out which information needed elaboration. Above all, one thought seemed more prominent compared to the other. The thought that questioned whether or not he was supposed to feel bitter, jealous, and, well, hurt. Knowing that he was questioning his action did nothing, however. He just kept staring at the two of you in the corner while he was there, at a distance. Because that's what he had made his persona towards you to be since the beginning, right?
Distant, unapproachable.
Like he always was.
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sc0tters · 1 year
Birthday Blues | Jack Hughes
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summary: it’s Jacks 22nd birthday but when you’re so caught up making things perfect he starts to think you’ve forgotten what day it is.
request: yes/no
warnings: mentions of alcohol, use of the word y/n once or twice.
word count: 1.53k
authors note: literally started this piece in Australia and finished it in Bali but I rewrote so many parts of it that it took me a whole 6 hour flight to get this edited 😭.
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Jack didn’t consider himself to be a nervous person.
Truly, it was tough to be one when you were the first pick in your respective draft year and as a middle child.
But around you it was a different story. You were on the media team for the devils and honestly he didn’t know what it meant to feel starstruck or in awe of someone until he met you.
Without any effort at all you managed to totally knock him off of his feet. Maybe it was the fact that you were older or maybe it was the fact that in a stream of people treating him like some he was a godsend, you were there to remind him that at the end of the day he was only human, but you never made him feel bad.
Jack had learnt your coffee order and after a while he started bringing it to you every day “he likes you, know that right?” Nico asked with an amused smirk on his face as he watched his teammate walk out of her office.
All you could do was smile “he’s just being polite.” That was what you told yourself each time the forward did anything for you.
Like the time he brought you a tub of ice cream from your favourite ice cream parlour in New York when he learnt that your cat passed away.
The things he did went from grand like the ice cream to just saying hello and goodbye at the beginning and end of each work day.
Part of you had to admit that you liked Jack but an even bigger part of you had to admit that you appreciated him. Since he came to the team there wasn’t a single night out that you went on where you had to walk home alone.
You had learnt after meeting his parents that it was a value that was most likely instilled in him through his parents.
All of those things made you wonder if that was the reason why you were putting so much effort into his birthday celebrations.
The boys didn’t know why but you seemed to enjoy party planning and as a result you were the one who would get tasked with planning what the team would do for the in season birthdays.
Luckily for Jack this year his birthday fell on on the first day off of a four day gap where the team weren’t playing games so they were allowed to celebrate the Hughes boy with a bit of alcohol involved.
The boys had an early morning training session where they were all so invested in the events of the day that it gave you the time to sneak out for some last minute errands “y/n!” Jack called out causing your eyes to go wide.
You had gone to pick up his present, not because you only decided to shop for it today but because it was only ready to be picked up today. You had gotten him a bracelet that had ‘go get em’ on the underside of the plate that had the day he made his debut engraved on it. The saying was something that usually fell from your lips before a game “hi Jack!” You awkwardly forced a smile onto your lips as you tried to hide the bag from him. Jack had a knack for being nosey when it came to you and the things you did.
So it was safe to say that you were somewhat panicking “you got any plans tonight?” The hockey player asked as he cocked his head ignoring your awkward stance.
He assumed you were going to be at the bar but nobody seemed to mention anything “nope,” you lied as you began to panic “I’ve got a night at home calling my name.” You explained as you shrugged. Lying was never your forte especially not when the guy in front of you looked as sad as Jack currently did “I should get back to my office,” you announced as you quickly spun on your head as you make your way back to your office before you blurted out what you had done. Jack knew his parents were in town because they were coming for the game, but what he didn’t know was that you had convinced both of his brothers to come into town for it too and you actually had to go pick the two of them up.
To say that Jack was heartbroken was dramatic but truthful. With the amount of messages that he had gotten about his birthday he truly thought that you would have at least said a little happy birthday to him, you usually did but now it seemed like you had forgotten about the day.
He also felt a little bit isolated in a sense because he hadn’t told anyone that he liked you, sure Nico and most of his teammates had picked up on it and sent the relentless string of teasing his way but he usually just ignored it.
The Devils player actually had to be dragged out of his apartment by his parents to go to the bar because he truly didn’t want to go out. Part of him wanted to show up at your door unannounced just so that he could give you a piece of his mind, but the more clear thinking part of him knew that it would never work as he could never be mad or even try to yell at you.
On the other hand you were feeling like you finally had a moment to breathe now that Quinn and Luke were in the bar “he’s gonna be fine,” Quinn smiled as he squeezed his hand on your shoulder. Both boys could tell that you were nervous wanting everything to go right for Jacks birthday “what are you doing here?” The Devils player only seemed to care that the girl had arrived “yeah I’ll just go back to Michigan then.” Luke scoffed drawing a laugh from your lips.
You had met the youngest Hughes boy a few times over the years especially after he got drafted by the Devils and his bluntness never failed to make you laugh “shut up,” Jack rolled his eyes as he pulled his brothers into a hug.
The older Devils player was surprised to see his siblings too “y/n actually got us here,” Quinn pointed out as he sent you a smirk, after hearing Ellen gush about you last year at the lake house the eldest Hughes boy knew that you were special to his brother.
Your cheeks turned pink as Jacks eyes never left you “thanks for this,” he grinned as he wrapped his arms around you.
All you could do was nod as you tried to remain calm “just doing my job,” you smiled as you shrugged.
Jacks party had gone down a blast. You seriously didn’t think that the players found a moment actually stop moving as everyone just continued drinking and dancing.
But like all good parties and age this one was one you were starting to feel in your feet “where are you going?” Jack asked as he watched you begin to make your out of the door.
He always seemed to notice you like wherever you went his eyes followed “it’s time for me to call it a night.” You explained as you were looking forward to the warm bubble bath that was calling your name.
The boy couldn’t help it when he frowned “I’ll walk you home.” The hockey players favourite bar was only four minutes away from your apartment.
Your heart warmed at the offer “stay with your family.” You shook your head as you turned down his offer.
But Jack didn’t seem to listen as he placed his hand on the small of your back “they won’t notice that I’m gone.” He pointed out as he started walking with you.
You sucked at your teeth as you finally found the curiosity within yourself to ask him what Nico continuously pointed out “why are you so caring?”
Jack smiled at the compliment “you’re an easy person to care for,”he pointed out as he shrugged.
The street was dead silent as you turned to face him letting the street light hit your face “how’d I get so lucky?” You blurted out as you pursed your lips together.
The boy licked his lips at your question “I ask myself that all the time,” he confessed as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
It drew a laugh from your mouth “you’re such a simp,” you pointed out with a smirk “only for you,” Jack was quick to shoot that statement back as it caused you to realise that Nico was right.
Jack did have a crush on you.
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed the collar of his shirt “shut up,” you mumbled as you captured his lips in a kiss.
It was something you had waited to do for months.
Something Jack wanted to do from the moment he met you.
This was officially the best birthday he could have ever asked for.
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garfinkelstingle · 2 years
heyy, I absolutely loved you timothée's fake ig posts. if you don't mind, could you do a part 3 for that one with blanca as face claim? that's ok if not. ty <3
social media au | timothee chalamet
click here for part one
click here for part two
pairing: timothee chalamet x celebrity!reader
warnings: swearing?? should be about it
a/n: HELLO!!!! it's been a hot minute! life has been lifing pretty hard right now (not even necessary in a bad way just in a "a lot" way) and so i've barely had time to breathe let alone post stuff on tumblr! but alas, winter break is here and i thought why not!!!! hope everyone's doing well & that you're happy with part 3 nonnie, even if it took me a literal eternity!! enjoy :) oh and also merriest of chritsmases to everyone celebrating!!!!
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh and 1,321,439 others
yourinstagram fries before guys ;)
view all 38,392 comments
sydney_sweeney too cute
yourfan97 oh to be a fry on y/n's place...
yourfan62 timothee chalamet is stronger than me because if y/n were to look at ME this way, i would be a puddle on the floor and in no way or shape capable of taking a picture of any kind of her 😭
tchamalet but not all guys right????
yourinstagram obviously
*liked by tchalamet
timmyfan81 timmy really won the jackpot with y/n huh??????
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liked by yourinstagram, austinbutler and 1,922,348 others
tchalamet stay spooky
view all 91,392 comments
zendaya scary boi
yourinstagram the scariest
*liked by zendaya, tchalamet
florencepugh you should do a edward scissorhands reboot lol
tchalamet this is my petition for just that
*liked by florencepugh
timmyfan72 he literally looks so good how?????
timmyfan99 pov you've never seen edward scissorhands and now don't want to unless timmy plays edward
yourinstagram the edward to my kim ♥️
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan62 no but i'm like 113% convinced this was a couple's costume you cannot change my mind ever
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liked by yourinstagram and 2,834,283 others
tchalamet feliz cumpleaños mi amor ❤️
view all 132,438 comments
yourfan62 will i ever be okay with this??? the answer is NO NEVER EVER EVER
timmyfan89 timmy really is beyond in love with her it's too cute i literally can't 😭😭😭😭
tomholland2013 hey y/n happy birthday mate!
yourinstagram thanks tom!!!
timmyfan91 happiest of birthdays to the one that makes timmy the happiest (thus making us fans even happier) 🤍
*liked by yourinstagram
yourinstagram ti amo ❤️
tchalamet ❤️❤️
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liked by timmyfan13 and 27,382 others
view all 1,392 comments
timmyfan73 they are my literal parents i do not care what anyone has to say i am their child and that's that
yourfan62 they were seen together in LA not too far from timmy's house yesterday 😭😭
timmyfan66 honestly i'd bet my left foot that they're living together i mean she's seen there CONSTANTLY now even when he seems to be out of town
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liked by tchalamet, haileesteinfeld and 3,283,128 others
yourinstagram forever vacay w u <3
view all 45,283 comments
jennaortega too cute!!
florencepugh crashing your vacation next time cause this just looks too good to pass up on
yourfan62 ok but they are literal soulmates i said what i said
timmyfan18 the arms around her neck no i'm nOt okay 😭😭
tchalamet forever & always
*liked by yourinstagram
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liked by yourinstagram, tomholland2013 and 2,381,482 others
tchalamet 365.
view all 98,329 comments
haileesteinfeld can't believe it's already been a year of you and tiny foot!!!!
yourinstagram my feet aren't tiny his are just... never mind 💀
*liked by haileesteinfeld, tchalamet
harrystyles i do feel entitled to credit considering that i took this masterpiece of a picture
yourinstagram & counting
*liked by tchalamet
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh and 4,382,419 others
yourinstagram time really does fly by fast when you're happy, huh? can't believe it's already been a year of absolute and utter bliss with my favorite person by my side ❤️ here's to infinity to come!!!
view all 373,328 comments
yourfan62 i wanna gloat but i'm also crying because these two are absolute and utter perfection 😭😭😭
timmyfan90 thanks for making timmy happy you're literally all he talks about in interviews!!!
niallhoran happy anniversary bubs!
zendaya otp
timmyfan19 i want what they have 😭
tchalamet i love you
yourinstagram my everything 🤍
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liked by yourfan62 and 7,382 others
timmyfan82 timothee posted this picture on his story yesterday of him and yourinstagram in the car together and honestly my life has not been the same since 😭
view all 162 comments
yourfan62 they are literal couple goals i can't with them honestly
timmyfan18 the way there's nothing i wouldn't do for them
timmyfan73 no bc if they ever break up i will NEVER believe in true love ever again 😭
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liked by tchalamet, ,zendaya and 4,281,390 others
yourinstagram addition to the family <3 say hi to oscar!!!!
view all 180,284 comments
haileesteinfeld omg oscar's the cutest thing ever!!!! can't wait to hang out with him soon 🥺
florencepugh the cutest wee little puppy i have ever seen
timmyfan77 never have a i ever wanted to be a dog more than i do right about now
tchalamet oscar's officially my second favorite living thing in the world
yourinstagram the first one being?
tchalamet you. only you.
yourinstagram's story
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1K notes · View notes
wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 10 months
Jeff Davis just ruined everything! Everything! Do you know if there's any fix-it fics yet!
Anonymous asked:
Love your page! Can you recommend fix-it fics for the movie?
angelofthetrenchcoats asked:
do you know if there are any tw movie sterek fix it fics yet?
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“Take me back.” by Theo4thestars
(1/? I 979 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles finds out Derek is dead. He’s hurt. He finds out Allison is alive. He’s never been more happy. He’s conflicted so he goes home.
we're all burning. by unholyturtle
(2/2 I 2,400 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles came home and Derek did not die.
Broken Things (It's Complicated) by PalenDrome (nerdherderette)
(1/1 I 3,880 I General I Sterek)
It's been fifteen years, and Derek still has feelings about that Jeep.
Crawling back to you by ads1008
(1/1 I 10,901 I General i Sterek)
Stiles gets a call from Eli that Derek has died. He runs home in time to be at the funeral where Eli barrels into him crying shaking like he is five years old again after a nightmare. Stiles holds him tight looking up at the pack he walked away from years ago. The ones that hurt him and his family too many times to count. His eyes landed on Scott, who looked sad and sorry. Stiles didn’t care for his pity. Rage boiled in him at just seeing his ex-best friend. The man that almost ruined everything for them 15 years ago but it looks like he already did. Stiles pulled Eli away, handing him off to his dad. Stiles walked over landing a hard punch to Scott’s temple.
“What did you do?” Stiles shouted.
Stiles knew he had to bring back the love of his life and the father of his son, with the help of Lydia and the rest of the gang. Stiles must fight one last demon of his own to bring Derek back. By doing so, secrets of the past fifteen years will be told. His young son, Eli, will know more about himself and his parents than either Stiles or Derek was ready to share.
We'll Take On The World by lookingforatardis
(1/1 I 26,000 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek grew quiet, eyes searching Stiles’ face. “It’s called True Mates.” “Do you think we…” he started, but cut himself off. He wasn’t sure he wanted an answer. “Maybe,” Derek nodded anyway, eyes cast down. Their hands were intertwined on the bed where they sat, and Stiles traced Derek’s knuckles with his fingers. “How would we know?” Derek sighed and leaned over to rest his head against Stiles’ shoulder. “There’s always a sign."
No More Martyr Bullsh*&t by Arieanna
(12/12 I 35,230 I Mature I Sterek)
Thank god someone had the brains to call him. Now he was running through the preserve to that stupid stump, hoping that he gets there before it's too late and he loses his reason for living.
"X" marks the spot by mmspring
(3/3 I 39,796 I General I Sterek)
"Please, bring my nephew back" Stiles stays silent for a second, before clearing his throat and speaking again. "Do you remember that time when you asked if someone in this town could stay dead?" he asks, and waits for the other man to confirm that he, indeed, remembers. "Well, let's hope the answer is still no".
Stiles has to save the day once again, but he doesn't want the recognition for it.
Nothing Ever Stays Dead by Violet_Michelle
(22/22 I 79,189 I Mature I Sterek)
Following Derek’s death, Eli took the Jeep and went to find the only person he thought could get his dad back.
Yoda Said It Best by OKDeanna, thePurebloodPrat
(21/21 I 99,128 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale knows he as a problem. Contrary to what some might believe, he isn’t stupid. He knows the Jeep has meaning to him, real meaning. The kind of meaning that he doesn’t want to think about, let alone stop and have to analyze. Except… his son keeps pushing him about it, prodding at him, and then before Derek knows it, Stiles is back in Beacon Hills, driving the one thing in the world Derek wishes he never had to set eyes on again. If Derek isn’t careful, he could open himself up to a fall, and that would affect more than just his son but also his own traitorous heart. Because with Stiles back, Derek finally has hope again, and its making him want the things he knows better than to ever crave: a home, a future, a life—love.
One-Sentence Premise: To find the happiness they both crave, a lonely stressed-out single dad and a disillusioned FBI agent must confront their shared past and accept the feelings that have always existed between them.
277 notes · View notes
yuri-is-online · 2 months
You know I misread that last ask but now I'm curious, which of the yutus look like which parent more? And what are some distinctive features some yutus have?
Well, I try to leave things like hair color/texture and skin color up to the reader. Not everyone looks like me so if I just base the way Yutu looks off of me it'd be sort of isolating I think.
There are some things I think the various Yutus would take from their parents though so make of this what you will, and do not feel bound by it if you don't like it
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Riddle's Yutu is shorter than his father, I like to think he has similar facial expressions. They pout and scowl the same way. I think he would have similar strands of hair as Riddle's little antenna that behave the same way when he's animated.
Trey's triplet children are all very tall, Yushi is a head shorter than her siblings and Yutres is the tallest. The three of them all have some issues with eyesight, Yutres is as bad as her father, Yushi doesn't need glasses until she hits highschool and Yutu is able to get away with only reading glasses. I like the idea of them having darker colored hair but that's just me.
Cater! Yutu takes more after Yuu physically, but his voice sounds very similar to Cater's. They have similar laughs and smiles, maybe due to having a similar sense of humor but you suppose he wouldn't know.
Ace! Yutu... I sort of like the idea of him being a copy paste of his dad. He has Yuu's hair and skin tone, but the build, eye shape, even his nose are the spitting image of his father. Ace is super smug about it until the kid learns to talk back.
Deuce and his mom both have dark blue hair and bright blue eyes, but other than those two features I think Yutu would take after Yuu.
The beast men and merfolk are a lot more complicated due to their inhuman appearances, in general I think that these Yutus would take their color schemes from the animals their fathers are based off of, but things like hair texture, body shape, and physical mannerisms would be taken from Yuu.
Leona! Yutu's hair looks more or less like a mane, and it is on the darker side similar to his father's. He is naturally tall and muscular, though how much so is dependent on Yuu.
Ruggie is smaller and has a tendency to hunch over, the same goes for his Yutu.
There are many colors of wolf, so Jack's Yutu does not need to be a carbon copy of him, but the color scheme does stick to what he would look like if he could turn into a wolf.
The twins are moray eels. There are a lot of different colors of morays, I'm particularly fond of the polkadot ones, but they both have a streak of black in their hair. I like to think that their Yutus would have a streak in their hair of Yuu's natural hair color in a similar space. I also like the idea of them inheriting their father's heterochromia, but with one eye that is the same color as Yuu's and one yellow eye.
Azul! Yutu is more or less a carbon copy of his father in his merform, but his eye color and hair texture come from Yuu. His skin color is tricky, but I would default to it being the same as Yuu's, just with an unnaturally cool purple undertone. He is bulkier and taller due to needing to maintain a degree of stamina and physical strength to use his unique magic.
I think Kalim's Yutu would have his eyes and hair color, but he looks a lot more like Yuu, which makes his father very happy. He has his father's laugh and smile, and he really enjoys doing both.
I like to think that Jamil's Yutu inherits his hair. He is just as obsessed with taking good care of it as his dad is, but other than that I don't have much sorry.
In general I think if a character has an unnatural eye color it would trump Yuu's, so Yutu is getting those lovely lavender eyes of Vil's. I think he would also get the long lashes, but that's because I enjoy drawing those.
In Rook's case I gave both Yutu and his older brother Rook's eyes, both color and shape, because I like them but also his unique magic is related to his sight (sort of) so I like his genes being very determined to pass that feature on.
Epel's hair and eye color are both things I think would trump Yuu's, and I think he would be on the shorter side.
Yahoo you know your boy has sharp teeth and that rgb enabled fire hair. I think Yutu Shroud's eyes would be yellow too, but he likes to style his hair like Yuu's it helps him feel closer to them.
Malleus! Yutu does eventually grow in small horns and black scales, but his hair color is the same or similar to Yuu's. His eyes are the same as his father's and he has some sharp canines. Princess Tamago sort of looks like a clone of her dad, but she has the same skin color as Yuu. I'd like to think she has their eyes, and that this bothers certain people in the senate but filled her father with joy.
Lilia is short, his Yutu is short, they both have the same very cute eyes and little fangs. He will dye Yutu's hair fun colors when he gets older, assuming Yutu hasn't decided that's cringe.
Silver's hair is silver due to blessings from the fae, so while Yutu doesn't have that (at first) I think his son would get his eyes
Sebek's hair color and eye color are passed on to Yutu, but other than the colors he looks a lot like Yuu in a twist of fate that doesn't annoy him as much as it would have when he was young and in denial.
Edit: Extra
Rollo, please don't ignore me and refuse to come home -;-;- because i forgor you for 10 seconds
I think Rollo! Yutu would be very very tall and have his father's rbf. His eyes and hair color would be the same, but his facial features and mannerisms come from Yuu so he doesn't look uncannily like his father until he's much older.
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elizabethwritesmen · 10 months
𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜
chapter 1 - i remember everything
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pairing: firefighter!steve x reader
summary: in high school, steve and y/n were the best of friends. now, she’s moved back to hawkins, and he hasn’t seen her since her graduation 7 years before.
warnings: smut to come in later chapters.
a/n: this is a christmas fic, split into parts. this part does not mention christmas because it is not christmas time yet. also, steve is 28 and reader is 25. this fic is basically a hallmark script but make it sexy and angsty. italics paragraphs are flashbacks. all parts will be out by december 25.
chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
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I remembered everything.
The bumps in the driveway that tousled my car like a carnival ride. The sparkling lake glistening with the sun’s reflection, reminiscent of all the times I snuck out there with my friends for a swim in high school. The beautiful cabin, two story but still small and cozy, haunted by all the scary stories that were told in it by high school students goofing off because they didn’t know what real life was.
The crack in the window where Robin tripped and fell into it that never got fixed because we never told my parents.
The guitar picks Eddie left all over the place, never remembering to take them home with him.
The small stain on the carpet from where the kids spilled a beer they’d stolen.
The huge tree by the water with Steve’s name carved into it, right next to mine, and a poorly shaped heart scribbled beside them.
Yes, I remembered everything.
I sighed as I unpacked my boxes, putting things away where I thought they should go. I never thought I’d be back in Hawkins, and I hadn’t yet decided how I felt about it, but the cards were dealt to me so I had to play them. It wasn’t so bad, though. I moved away less than a week after I graduated high school thinking that if I went to college in another state and started a new life, I could get away scott free from the things that were weighing on me. But it doesn’t work that way. You never get away from matters of the heart. They stay, and stay, and stay.
I stopped abruptly when I heard a knock at the door, going to check it and seeing Robin standing on the porch. I opened it quickly, “Rob!” I exclaimed as I pulled her into a hug. She squeezed me back with just as much force.
“You’re really back,” she sighed, “Your mom told me you’d be here and I was worried it wasn’t true!”
“Well here I am,” I giggled, pulling away reluctantly and letting her in. She walked with me to the dining room table where I had my things laid out and started helping me put them away.
“So how was Florida?” She asked.
“Hot,” I blandly offered, and she laughed.
“Seriously. You disappear the day you graduate and I hear from you maybe four times before we lose touch. I wanna know everything!”
I sighed, pausing for a moment, “I’m sorry about that, Robin. I didn’t mean to disappear on you, you know you’re one of the best friends I’ll ever have and I love you.”
“Oh, you don’t have to apologize to me, honey. I was never mad at you, but only because I understood why you left. Steve and Eddie, though… they went through it for the first year you were gone. Don’t even get me started on the kids.”
“Eddie understood, I know he did. He knew I was leaving, he was the only person I told because he caught me talking about my plane ticket on the phone. And the kids would never have understood, they were too young. Just needing to get out for a while would’ve sounded like a lame excuse to them.”
“But you didn’t just need to get out for a while, you needed to get away from Steve for a while”
“That’s not the only reason.”
“But it was a reason. Right?”
Hesitantly and carefully, I answered her, “Yes. It was. I couldn’t keep letting him break my heart. I needed space.”
“You couldn’t have found space in Hawkins? You had to leave?”
“There was no space in Hawkins. Wherever I went, he found me. He never left me alone. Even when I asked him to.”
“Because he loved you.”
“But it wasn’t enough,” I sighed exasperatedly, “Can we talk about something else?”
“Of course,” she smiled, “We’ll discuss Steve more later.”
“No we won’t,” I rolled my eyes, tossing a trinket from one of the boxes at her. She dodged it with a laugh, carrying on the conversation.
“Really though, how was Florida?”
“It was good. I dunno, I don’t think I fit in there.”
“Why’s that?”
“I’m not all beachy and outgoing like most people there were. But they were all super nice anyway. I made some friends at the college I went to, but I didn’t stay close to any of them after I graduated and started working.”
“Is that why you moved back? Cause you had no friends?”
“Robin!” I scolded, mouth dropping open. She laughed again, lighting up the room. “I did have friends, I’m just not a very social person!”
“Then why did you move back?”
I shrugged, “Florida isn’t the place for me, but I don’t know where is, so my mom suggested I move back here in the mean time.”
“And she’s just, like, letting you live in the cabin?”
“Yeah. I mean, they didn’t pay for it, and I’ve spent more time here than they have anyway. When my grandpa left it to them, they thought it was more of an extra bill than a vacation house. That’s why they’re gonna put it in my name if I decide to stay.”
“What?” she squealed, her eyes going wide as saucers, “So you could be little miss homeowner! That’s amazing! As bad as the economy is, I’d take that deal in a heartbeat!”
“I know, I know. I’m thinking about it. It is nice to be around family again. And you.”
“Just wait til you see the others. They’re gonna be SO excited you’re back! As a matter of fact why don’t we have them over here for a little reunion?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Do you even still hang out with them?”
“Eddie and Steve, yeah. We’re all still pretty close. The kids are all kinda doing their own thing now, but we still see each other a lot too, around town and such. And we still have a group chat, we just don’t send much but dumb memes in it.”
“Damn, Rob. Thanks for including me in this group chat!” I huffed, smacking her arm jokingly.
“You left, you gave up your groupchat rights!”
We laughed together and talked some more as we finished unpacking my boxes. I didn’t have much, no furniture or anything because the cabin was already completely furnished. My grandpa had impeccable taste, everything was extremely elegant while also being perfectly warm and rustic.
“Okay,” she sighed after we threw away the last piece of cardboard, “It’s dark now so I should probably get home, but let’s hang out again tomorrow! Come up to town! I opened up a music shop, you can come see!”
“That’s amazing! I’d love to come see!”
And with that, she was off. I breathed in a deep sigh, a smile on my face as I fell onto the couch and turned the TV on. It was nice to have Robin again. I was impressed with how quickly and swiftly we fell into old habits, gossiping and chatting like no time had passed and we were still just two kids. The person I was nervous to see again was Steve.
The next day, I woke up and showered, preparing myself to go to town. I needed to pick up groceries, and I also wanted to stop by Robin’s music shop, excited to see her hard work paid off.
I slipped on a pair of running shorts and a crop top, throwing a loose cardigan on over it and slipping into a pair of tennis shoes. My hair was curled and I had on light makeup. I felt pretty, but not overdone. I wanted to at least look decent enough that, if I ran into someone I knew, I wouldn’t be mortified.
The grocery store was desolate as I pulled into the parking lot, only a few cars in the spaces and a firetruck parked by the door. I supposed public servants do need to shop, too. I wondered if it was someone I knew, I remember my dad was friends with some of the town’s firemen when I was younger, but I shrugged it off, wanting to get in and out hassle free.
As soon as I walked in the door, though, I was greeted with a high pitched voice, “Y/N?”
I turned to see who it belonged to and was delighted to see Max, behind one of the registers wearing a store polo.
“Hey!” I grinned wide, rushing over to her and going in for a hug. She’d been like a little sister when I’d lived in Hawkins before, and I had to admit, I missed her while I was gone.
“What’re you doing here?” she asked, leaning back to stare at me, “I haven’t seen you in like… five years!”
“I know, I know. I moved back!”
“What? Like forever?” she asked, hope creeping into her voice.
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet. But definitely for a while. What about you? How long have you been working here?”
“Two years now. Dustin works here, too, but he’s off today.”
“That’s a shame. I’ll have to come back when he’s here and see him!”
“Oh, you should see everyone! We’ve all missed you so much! Even the ones of us that won’t admit it,” she giggled with an eye roll, “Mike has always been stubborn and dumb.”
“Well that’s okay,” I hummed, “I’m here now, so it’s all okay.”
“Yeah, but next time you leave, can you warn a girl first? I missed you a lot!”
“I know, I’m sorry. Scouts honor, next time I’ll shove you in my suitcase and bring you with me.”
“Perfect,” she beamed, her teeth as pearly white as always. She looked older, and she’d grown up beautifully. I didn’t know if she was still with Lucas, but if so, he was lucky.
I let go of her, getting started on my shopping. I didn’t get much, just the basics, and a few minutes later I was done and ready to check out. I wasn’t paying attention and accidentally bumped into the guy in front of me in line.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry!” I rushed out as I pulled my cart away gently. He turned around and my mouth fell open as I recognized his pretty face.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice steady but his face gave him away. He was in utter shock.
“Steve,” I offered back, staring at him, waiting for what he had to say.
Max interrupted the short awkward silence, “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you Y/N’s back.”
He sent her a glare then turned back to me, scanning over me, settling on all the parts of me that had changed. I’d filled out more, and I could tell he noticed. I could tell he appreciated it.
I scanned over him as well, taking note of his khakis and the Hawkins Fire Dept T shirt he wore. So the truck was his. Interesting. He looked good, better than ever. He was more chiseled than I remembered, and it worked for him, from his head to his toes. And his hair was as iconic as always.
“Why’re you back?” he asked me, his voice devoid of much emotion.
“Just wanted to come back for a while.”
“A while? So not forever?”
“I dunno, Steve. I haven’t thought that far ahead,” I breathed out a laugh.
“You never did.”
My eyes dropped, shame creeping in. “I’m sorry for how I left, Steve. I just had to go.”
“Yeah,” he deadpanned, “It��s fine. Is what it is. It’s your business anyway.”
“Steve, please don’t do that,” I sighed.
“Do what?”
“That thing you always do where you pretend you’re not hurt.”
“I’m not. I might’ve been seven years ago, but I’ve had a lot of time for that wound to close, Y/N.”
“So you’re not happy to see me at all?”
“Not as happy as I would’ve been to see you on my doorstep that day.”
I knew exactly what day he was talking about. It was the Saturday, two weeks after I graduated. He’d asked me a month in advance to come over, and I agreed, not even thinking about the fact that I was leaving. He’d consistently asked me for reassurance that I would be there, and every time I promised I would. But I wasn’t.
“I’m just so sorry Stevie. I can’t even tell you how sorry I am. Of all the people I hurt, I regret hurting you the most.”
“It’s fine. Like I said, seven years,” he shrugged, grabbing his receipt from Max and walking out. I watched him go, dejected, melancholy overtaking me.
“You ok? That was rough to watch,” Max gave me a sympathetic look and I forced a smile.
“I’m good, Maxy. Like he said. Seven years.”
She stared at me for a moment, as if she was deciding what to say, an internal battle behind her eyes. “He had a party planned for you that day.”
“Yeah. With me and the other guys and Robin and everybody. He was so excited, he never shut up about it. Then he found out you left and cancelled. He hasn’t really been the same since.”
“How’d he find out I left?”
“Your dad told him. He went over to see you and you weren’t there.”
I sighed, my eyes welling up. I couldn’t believe I’d screwed up that badly. All I wanted was a getaway, I never knew I’d be hurting so many people. I never knew he cared so much.
“Max, I-“
“Was in love with him. I know. Everybody knows. That’s why we didn’t understand why you left.”
“He wanted girl after girl after girl. And it was never me. I was never his type. I needed to get away to get over him or I was gonna live a life full of heartbreak and disappointment. But now I see how selfish that was.”
“It wasn’t selfish. Just not well thought out. Have you at least gotten over him?”
“I thought so, til I saw him look at me like that.”
I finished checking out and promised Max I’d be back in to see her, then headed to the music store. The exterior was nice. It was a painted brick building, colorful and bright. There was a huge mural on the side of it, and I knew it was all Robin’s doing because I remembered that particular building being boring and run down before I left.
I walked inside, looking around to see the inside was just as amazing. I was honestly impressed with how well she’d done everything, from organizing to decorating.
“Rob, this is awesome!” I exclaimed as I walked up to the counter. She’d been looking down, doing some kind of paperwork, but when she looked up and saw me she put it down and ran around the counter.
“You really came!”
“Of course I came, have I ever let you down?” I asked, laughing, then added, “Well, other than that one time.”
“You’re right. You did always used to come through. I don’t think you ever missed anything.”
“And I definitely wouldn’t miss this! If I’d known you opened it, I would’ve been here that day to watch you cut the ribbon or whatever!”
“Oh, it’s okay, it wasn’t that big of a ceremony. You know nothing is big in Hawkins unless you’re rich. But I get good business and I’ve kept the doors open. Plus, all the high school girls like to take pictures in front of the mural outside for their instagrams, and that’s actually drummed up a lot of business.”
“I’d imagine so. Show me around?”
She took me to the instruments section, explaining why she’d organized it the way she had and how it made the most sense. Then we wandered to the sheet music, and then to the records. Finally, we hit the cds and a little caddy full of Apple, Spotify, Iheartradio and Youtube gift cards. She also had a small section with assorted local snacks.
“This is great, really,” I smiled, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Well, I actually got the idea from you,” she nonchalantly shrugged.
“When?” I furrowed my brows and asked.
“One time, I was talking to you about how I’m just a band geek and you told me band geeks make it far in life. You suggested I either get famous or open up a huge store full of band stuff and make tons of money. You really thought I had it in me to do both.”
“You did have it in you. You could be in a real band right now if you wanted.”
She full on belly laughed, waving the thought off. “Whatever. Change of subject, I heard you saw Steve.”
“Heard from who?”
“From Steve. He called me mad because I didn’t tell him you were home.”
“Why was he so mad?”
“Well, he’ll say it’s because he just wasn’t expecting to see you and would be happy if you’d have just stayed gone. But I know it’s because he does want you here, more than anything, and all his old feelings are coming back, and he would’ve liked some wanting before seeing your face in the middle of the grocery store after seven years.”
“It wasn’t the middle of the grocery store,” I rolled my eyes, “It was the front. And he was not happy to see me, sorry to be the one to burst your bubble. Old feelings can’t come up if there weren’t any in the first place, Im just a girl he used to be friends with.”
“It was always more with you and Steve,” she shrugged, “Everyone else saw it.”
“If I’d known he planned a party for me, I would’ve been there that day.”
“I know. And he knew, too. That’s why he told us to never tell you. He didn’t want you to feel guilty, and he didn’t want you to have to come back just for him.”
I sighed, feeling even worse than I did when Steve was staring at me with that look in his eyes. I knew him, I knew his faces, and I knew what he looked like when he was hurt. I really did a number on him.
“I don’t know if I can make this one better, Rob.”
“You can. He’ll get over his anger, I promise. The way he felt about you doesn’t just go away, he has a big ol’ soft spot for you. There’s nothing he could ever hold against you, not even this.”
I nodded with yet another sigh, “Anyways, what about you? Any ladies on the roster?”
She looked shocked I’d asked, “Bold aren’t you?”
“Always have been!”
She proceeded to tell me about all the girls she’d been interested in, and all the ones she’d dated since I left. It was nice to see her so comfortable with herself, and it was even nicer to hear that she’d gotten some really cool girlfriends.
“So who are you dating now?” I asked, leaning on the counter, fully intrigued.
“Well, there’s this lady, Shelly. She sold me this building. She’s older than me, but goodness, what I wouldn’t do to -“
“You don’t have to continue that,” I giggled, “I catch your drift. Is she into you?”
“Well… she’s recently divorced from a man, but sometimes she flirts like she’s curious or something.”
“Maybe she is. Maybe she wants to taste your cherry chapstick,” I stuck my tongue at her jokingly.
We were interrupted by the bell above the door, and I turned to see Steve walking in, Eddie on his tail wearing the exact same uniform.
“Oh,” he stared blankly when he saw me, “I’ll come back later.”
“No,” I stopped him, “If me being here is that big of a deal then I’ll go.”
Robin scoffed, “Neither of you idiots are going anywhere. We’re all friends here.”
“It’s ok Rob,” I sighed, “Really, I’m fine with leaving.”
“Steve, she doesn’t have to leave, man. We’re not gonna be here long, and she’s not hurting anybody,” Eddie put in his two cents, and I smiled.
“Hey Eddie,” I walked over to him and he opened his arms wide for a hug.
“Hey Y/N. I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you more,” I poked him as I pulled away, taking in his short hair and muscles more formed than I’d ever seen them. “Fire department make you chop your curls off?”
“It’s a nice look,” I shrugged, “Very handsome and mature.”
Steve cleared his throat and we turned to him. “Relax,” Eddie sighed, “We’re not flirting, bro. That’s what you guys do.”
Steve blushed. He couldn’t stop himself. “Give it a rest, Eddie.”
“Not until you stop your temper tantrum and let the past go.”
“I’m not throwing a temper tantrum,” Steve rolled his eyes, and Robin took it upon herself to lighten the mood.
“Anyways,” she smiled brightly, “How’s work going today, boys?”
“Well, we have a kitten in the firetruck,” Steve sighed, and she laughed.
“A cat?”
“Yeah, Steve rescued it from a bush, it’s little foot was stuck in one of the branches,” Eddie patted Steve on the back.
“It looks like that cat Y/N used to have, the one that she cried for a week straight when it died,” Steve mused, smiling at me for the first time since I’d seen him again as if involuntarily. He caught himself though, and turned away.
“You remember that?” I asked.
“I remember everything,” he shrugged, “Wanna see it?”
“Of course!” I squealed, and he walked me outside, opening the drivers’ side door and pulling it out.
It was cute, white with silver spots all over it. It meowed as he handed it to me, climbing into my arms and clinging on to me for dear life.
“Oh, he’s perfect,” I hummed as I stared at him, holding him close to me and giving his forehead kisses.
“He’s yours,” Steve said, his eyes trained on me and the cat, “If you want him, I mean.”
I looked at him, seeing if there was any sign of joking but there was none. “I’d love to take him!”
“I thought of you when I saw him,” he admitted to me, staring at his feet and swaying nervously.
“I didn’t think you even still thought about me.”
“All the time.”
His voice was almost too low for me to hear, but I caught it and my heart sped up.
“Steve, I’m sorry again. Really. I missed you every day. If I could go back and be there that day…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” he sighed, “I was angry when I first saw you. I’m not now. I just needed to get over the initial shock, that’s all.”
“So you don’t hate me?”
“I couldn’t if I wanted to. You were my best friend. I just… I just wanna understand why you left. You never told me. Nobody ever told me.”
“It’s…” I hesitated. How could I explain it to him? “It’s a long story.”
“Of course,” he nodded, “Well whenever you’re ready to, we can talk.”
We stared at each other for a moment before Eddie broke the silence, “You ready to go Steve? They’re gonna be sending out a search party soon if we don’t get back.”
“Yeah,” he nodded then turned to me, “See you later, Y/N. Take care of the cat.”
“I will. Bye,” I smiled, watching him walk away.
Well, at least the anger had subsided. But I was never going to be able to explain the reason I left.
The night of my graduation
The ceremony had taken ages. I wouldn’t have cared if not for the heels that had been cramping my feet all day and the tight white dress that I wanted to rip off. I groaned as I walked to the parking lot where my family was waiting, along with my friends.
The first person that greeted me was Steve. He was always the first to greet me, no matter the place or occasion. In his hand, he held my favorite slippers, fuzzy and cozy and just what my feet needed.
“Aww, Stevie, you brought me slippers?” I cooed, pouting at his kind gesture.
“When you told me you were wearing those ridiculous heels I knew I needed to bring them so I wouldn’t have to listen to you complain about your feet hurting.”
I ripped my heels off with a vengeance and replaced them with the slippers that had cute smiley faces on them, and my face matched the expression. I pulled Steve into a hug so tight I thought we might suffocate each other, breathing him in.
“This is why you’re my best friend,” I hummed into his chest.
We didn’t let go of each other for a minute or two, soaking in the moment. Our hugs were always like that. It always felt like we were never going to see each other again. Only this time, we really weren’t. He didn’t know that, though.
He pulled away, looking in my eyes, a sparkle in his that was all for me. His eyes trailed down to my open gown and the dress under it, and he raised his brows.
“You look good.”
“Just good?”
“Really good.”
And that moment dragged on with a heated glance shared between us, eyes locked on each other and refusing to move until Robin barreled over to us, kids in tow and Eddie following.
“Quit hogging her, dingus, she’s too pretty to only talk to you,” she rolled her eyes, hugging me tightly and chit chatting about the ceremony. Steve stayed quiet though, and that heated gaze didn’t dissipate. Something felt different. Something was off, in the best way.
My family joined us, offering to bring us all back to the cabin for a barbecue and we eagerly agreed. I rode with Steve, naturally, the kids rode with my parents, and Eddie and Robin took his van.
The ride felt longer than it should’ve, tension in the air.
“Steve, what’s happening?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
“We’ve never run out of things to talk about,” I shrugged, leaning over to brush a stray strand of hair behind his ear.
“We haven’t run out of things to talk about. It’s just, sometimes when I’m with you, nothing needs to be said.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“I think so,” he glanced at me, his eyes sharp and cutting into my heart, right where I wanted him most. Right where he already was.
Minutes later, we pulled in the rough driveway, my hair flying all over my face. He chuckled, smoothing it out over my head before we got out, joining everyone else by the lake.
“They’ve got it decked out,” I commented as we approached, and Steve just smiled bashfully. “Did you have something to do with this?”
I giggled lightly, turning away from him to greet everyone else.
“Y/N, Steve, you made it!” my mom beamed, pulling us into a hug, “I see you ditched the gown!”
“Yeah, it was itchy,” I grimaced, remembering the horrible material.
“Well I wanted to take pictures but we can do it later,” she shrugged, leading us to the picnic table. The benches were full, though, so Steve pulled a big folding chair up and sat down, pulling me down beside him, my legs over his lap. That wasn’t unusual for us, we were always touchy and feely, always beside eachother somehow. Nobody even found it odd anymore, though the jokes about us getting together never ceased.
Everyone laughed and had a good time, and as the night wore on, I got a little sleepy. Steve and I had been up and about, but we were back in our chair, my head laid in the crook of his neck and his arms around me.
“Wanna go for a walk?” he asked me, watching everyone else continue their good time. I nodded, standing up. He stood up after me, grabbing my hand and leading me away.
We walked through a trail in the woods we’d found the first time we snuck out to the cabin together.
“Remember the first time we came out here?” he asked me, and I nodded with a laugh.
“I slipped in mud and fell on my ass. I fractured my foot, too, and I couldn’t walk. I was disgusting, but you still carried me back to the car.”
“I don’t mind getting a little dirty,” he shrugged with a wink, and I rolled my eyes. “Not with you, at least.”
Finally, we reached our destination, a clearing by the water. It had the prettiest view of the sky.
“Swim with me,” he stated, as if it was more of a demand than a question.
“Steve!” I huffed, “I can’t swim in this dress!”
“Then take it off. You have on a bra and panties, right?”
“Well… y-yeah, but-“
“Just do it. You only graduate high school once, do something crazy with me! We’re best friends, right?” he coerced, squeezing my hands and pulling me closer to the water.
I sighed, nodding slowly. “Will you unzip me?”
He walked behind me and laid his hands on my shoulders. They were warm and heavy, his grip on me soft but firm. his fingers trailed down my back to the little metal piece and he pulled it down, exposing black lace and my plain black thong. I turned to him, letting the white material fall to the ground, and the way his eyes lingered in all the places a friend shouldn’t look was hard to miss.
“Why would you wear that to graduate?” he asked, “Were you planning on getting lucky tonight!”
“I’m already lucky tonight, Steve,” I sighed, “I’m with you. Now take off your clothes and come on!”
He chuckled, his eyes darker than they’d been a moment ago, and pulled his shirt over his head, then kicking off his pants. I was greedy taking him in, his boxers tight and leaving little to the imagination.
Steve and I had seen each other like that before. We’d walked in on each other changing, and we’d swam in regular swimsuits. All of our insecurities had already been exposed so many times, so none of them even mattered at all. This felt different, though. Being in nothing but dainty lingerie had me shy, exposed.
He approached me slowly, his hands landing on my hips, his eyes meeting mine and staying. He was so close I could feel his body heat radiating off of him, goosebumps prickling my skin.
“Race you,” he smirked suddenly, twirling me out of the way and sliding past me, running to the water and jumping in. I rolled my eyes and laughed, following him and jumping on his back. We fell into a fit of giggles together as he tossed me off, pulling me into his front instead.
The giggles died out, replaced by heavy breath.
“I won,” he whispered.
“What’s your prize?” I responded breathily.
He groaned, leaning his head down into my neck and inhaling.
“You’re driving me crazy. You’re my best friend. I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t…”
“Shouldn’t what?”
“Shouldn’t love you so much.”
“I love you too, Steve,” I giggled, but he stopped me, his thumb running over my bottom lip.
“I don’t think I could’ve made it these last couple years without you,” he admitted. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me. Don’t tell the kids.”
“Oh, I won’t, they’d be crushed,” I nodded dramatically.
For a second I thought he’d kiss me. I thought he’d kiss me and I wouldn’t have to leave. He leaned in so close, his lips were less than a breath away from mine. But then he pulled to the side and kissed my cheek instead, then trailed his lips down, ghosting over the sensitive skin of my neck.
I let out a raspy breath, “Steve,” I barely moaned. I needed him so bad I could feel it, I could hear it and see it. I’d been in love with him for far too long. His hand tangled in my slightly wet hair, tugging lightly, pulling me in. His other landed on my side, trailing down my thigh and pulling my leg over his hip. I could feel everything, and I didn’t know how to take it all.
All of a sudden, he pulled away, his hand still in mine but the warmth gone. I whined at the loss of contact.
“We’re supposed to be swimming!” he chuckled, haphazardly pulling me under with him. And like that, the moment was replaced with something lighter, friendlier, but still close.
Later that night, Steve drove me back to my parents’ house. As he parked in the driveway, he turned to me.
“I can’t wait to see you again,” he whispered bashfully.
I stared at my lap, not knowing what to say. I wanted to tell him I was leaving, but he would just beg me to stay and wear me down until I agreed, and I would spend the rest of my life hanging on his arm next to whatever girl he wanted more than me. I was never going to be it for him. I was never going to be what he wanted. I wasn’t enough.
“Goodbye, Steve,” I gave him a sad smile and got out of the car, running inside the house.
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f4nd0m-fun · 3 months
It was getting too long so...
Okay this was VERY long but I love it all. So much food, and very much alive when possible. And yeah they're very much venomous.
... oh gods you're making me hungry for food that isn't even safe even if it existed 😂
Also, I feel like Ivy's plants would, ah, sometimes move if they don't like where they're currently planted. If your neighbor is taking better care of your flowers then you might wake up and see them over there, you just learn to deal. 😅
Ooooo I love that. And I feel like, to Aquaman, it would be like speaking in Pig Latin + Esperanto mixed with the heaviest Scottish accent ever. He can tell it's words, but he can't really understand it.
Also, Bruce singing lullabies to the kids, just imagine. Jason or Dick or anyone shows up having a panic attack and Bruce starts calming them down. First in English, then aquatic, and slowly morphing into a lullaby.
Oh definitely, those other heroes will be struggling. Almost feel bad for them.
The medical professionals must be paid well, and Gotham University probably ends up with a very heavy metal degree that most people might assume is for vets not human doctors. 😂
Oh my gods Helena yes. Poor Supes, and I love the JL freaking out. Also, her bottle HAS to be a little pink, because of the blood that's probably in it. Also, I imagine they're born with weak venom, and drinking their parents' blood lets them process and produce stronger toxins.
I bet Dick and the other kids probably have the same weird food habits and their teammates aren't really sure what they're supposed to do. Sometimes Tim will fall asleep in the middle of lunch and whoever is in the same room will get to see his lunch run away. Probably a bit unnerving. 🤣
I like the idea they might do them for 'major holidays'. Not on the holiday, because Calendar Man (on the holidays is Gotham only, they fully expect him to show up, he's practically invited without saying anything outright), and that's the Outsider Galas. Not just one a year, but not like 20 of em either.
And yeah, aside from runaway food, Tim is pretty good with outsiders. He probably wouldn't eat 'normal' (normal for Gotham anyway) around his team if he didn't trust em or something either. This is probably another reason Bruce made him CEO. 😅
Yesss uncanny valley please. Everyone is freaking out internally, and yet at the same time they can tell they're safe... for now. Servers doing their job, and Gothamites not revealing anything, unless someone does something wrong.
Yesss the rogues. Honestly I just want an AU where the rogues are basically family.
"Oh yeah that's aunts Harley and Ivy, they can be fun but don't drink the wine."
Then (controversial I know but also heavily depends on the AU)
"That's Uncle J, we're on tense terms with him but he's got the best drinks if you don't mind letting a bit."
"There's not-dad Harv-"
"he's Uncle T right now-"
"-that's Uncle T, don't gamble with him or ask about his coin collection unless you want to stay a while."
"Don't mind Uncle Cobbles, he's a little competitive with B about their family histories, but other than that and birds he's pretty calm."
"Yeah don't mind Uncle John, he's probably more nervous than you are, doing spook him and you'll be fine."
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Yesss so many photos.
Also, there's two wedding photos. One he shows to outsiders, the other is up at the major as a painting and is the same wedding photo but underwater.
... Ras don't bother your son-in-law's friends please, they have enough on their plate. Seriously, stop. 😂😅
Bruce probably confuses everyone even more by knowing the assassins.
Oooo yes. Sharks, aquariums, oh my. I love all the animals you mentioned too.
... so I randomly looked up 'Victorian modern punk' because why not and...
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This was the top result.
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Maybe some Percy Jackson HC’s or Hellva boss
-🍼 anon
Helluva Boss Agere Headcanons!
A/N: This is only part one, and for this part I’m just doing my favorite characters. But I’ll do more characters in separate parts!
Characters: Blitzø, Moxxie, STRIKER!!! (MY FAV 💗💗💗)
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Flip, with a little lean!! He’s mostly an age regressor, he needs some way to let out all that trauma and stress. His little ages are about 4-6.
He is VERY chaotic when he’s regressed, like even more so than usual. He’ll run around the IMP HQ, jumping on furniture, leaving his toys everywhere, etc.
Moxxie and Millie are his main caregivers, actually! He loves Stolas, even though he’d never admit it, but he doesn’t trust him enough at the moment to tell him something that vulnerable about himself.
When he’s a caregiver, he’s not really a suitable dad caregiver. He’s more like a silly, chaotic older brother or the uncle that’s fresh out of jail.
He likes to spoil littles, he thinks it’s cute when their faces light up and they start giggling.
Thinks it’s super funny to help littles prank their caregivers. He does this even when he himself is regressed too.
Like. Imagine Little!Blitzø hanging out with Moxxie’s and Millie’s little or something. That would be so chaotic pls.
He LOVES coloring, and he hangs his own drawings up himself. He draws horses a lot. He also gives some of the stuff he draws to his friends and caregivers.
Controversial opinion, but flip with a cg lean!! He’s responsible enough to be a caregiver, and he wants kids himself one day so this is good practice he thinks. He does regress sometimes in order to relieve some stress.
He does well with littles of all ages, but he finds that baby regressors are surprisingly the easiest! They aren’t hyper and chaotic like a lot of toddler or kid regressors. He just has to feed them, give them attention, make sure their hygiene is good, etc and it’s fine!
He’ll play his guitar and sing little songs! Maybe while Millie dances around and helps tell stories or sings with him or something.
Him and Millie do everything together, which includes taking care of a little, so if you ask Moxxie to be your caregiver, that’s going to include Millie as well.
He’s actually one of the best people to play pretend with, surprisingly enough. Like it takes him a while to get used to it and he’s not too good at making stuff up on the spot, but when he gets into it, he gets INTO IT.
When he’s little, he also still likes to sing and play his guitar.
He reads kids books a lot or those small little science books for kids.
Or books about history for kids.
He is a nerd. And I love that. Me too, Moxxie.
His caregiver is Millie, of course. And he CLINGS to her when he’s regressed, like hardcore clings. Will not let go of her and has to be at least holding her hand at all times.
Okay I have a feeling this one is gonna be long. He’s my absolute favorite and I love him so so so so so so so so so so much.
I may or may not have the fattest crush on him.
Caregiver! He had absolutely no clue what age regression was before you told him about it, and it took him a while for him to warm up to the idea.
Like it took him a fat minute for him to fully process what it is.
He feels bad when he realizes you do it because of trauma, though.
Like…you had a bad childhood??? You were abused??? Do you want him to like…kill your parents for you…?
Cuz he will. You know he will.
You’re like the only person he feels any amount of sympathy for. It may take him awhile to get used to it, but when he does…MAN.
This guy is clingy and overprotective. If he notices you’re slipping at any time throughout the day, you’re immediately being carried or you have to hold his hand TIGHT for the rest of the day. He knows you’re vulnerable, and he knows it’s very dangerous in hell; obviously, it’s hell. And he wants to keep an eye on you at all times.
The first time you called him “dada”, he blushed. Not because of anything weird but because. Wow. You trust him and love him like that? Like…you care about him and see him as your protector? …Woah.
It takes him a bit to get used to parental nicknames, but he likes it nonetheless!
Does pretty much the same with any type of regressors, but because I’m projecting, I’m gonna say he likes the dependency of baby regressors.
He likes being leaned on and trusted and relied on. And when you’re regressed so deep like that, you need help with a lot of things, and he’ll do them for you.
Feels bad because he can’t be around a lot. He’s got an important and demanding job that he’s absolutely not letting a little baby like you witness.
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Newsies (1992)
But it's only David Jacobs' lines
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Wha- uh-” *getting tossed around by the Delanceys*
“Uh, twenty papes please.”
“I paid for twenty, I only got nineteen.”
“No, I- I just want my paper.”
“Oh! I- I don’t want another fifty-”
“I don’t!”
“I don’t want your papes! I don’t take charity from anybody, I don’t even know you, I don’t care to, so here are your papes.”
“Wait, wait, wait! Who said anything about partners?”
”Well if he’s the best then how come he needs me?”
“Wait, wait, hold it! It’s gotta be at least 50-50.”
“That’s disgusting!”
“Bad headline.”
“Extra! Extra! Trolley strike drags on!”
“Hey, what?” Wait, where’s that story?”
“Trash fire next to immigration building terrifies seagulls?”
“Our father taught us not to lie.”
“You’re just making up things! All these headlines…”
“Wait, wait, hold it,” *sniff sniff* “You smell like beer.”
“Is he a friend of yours?”
“Come on Les, come on!”
“Hurry up, come on!”
“Come on! Hurry up! Hurry up!”
“You here?”
“Alright, I got you, I got you, come on let’s go.”
“Okay, jump!”
“Hurry up, hurry up!”
“He’s right behind us! He’s right behind us!”
“Ah! Uh?” *confused look around* “Les, where-?”
“Come on!”
“Sit down!”
“I’m not running any further.”
“I want some answers!” *shushed by Jack* “Who is he? And why was he chasing you? And what is this refuge?”
“Oh, right. Food.”
“He called you Sullivan.”
“Well, you have a way of improving the truth.”
“Why was he chasing you?”
“I’ll bet it was the mayor. Right?”
“Oh, I love that. I loved it. It was great. She is beautiful… how do you know her?”
“Oh, It’s getting late. My parents are gonna be worried… What about yours?”
“Jack! Why don’t we go back to my place and divvy up? I mea- You can meet my folks!”
“Jack, let’s get outta here!”
“Nothing, Mama. He’s just sleeping.”
“Well half of it’s Jack’s- This is our selling partner… uh, and our friend. Jack Kelly my parents. Uh, that’s my sister, Sarah.”
“I’ll get the knife.”
“It’s only the beginning, Papa! The longer I work, the more money I’ll make!”
“Here’s your knifffe.”
*flustered laughing*
“Uh, the factory. It was an accident.” *scoff* “He was no good to them anymore so they just fired him. He’s got no union to protect him.”
“Jack! Why don’t you stay here tonight?”
“See you tomorrow.” *gay hand shake thing* “Carrying the banner!”
“What do you mean, like a strike?”
“Jack, I was just joking! We can’t strike, we don’t have a union.”
“No, we’re just a bunch of angry kids with no money. Maybe if we got every newsie in New York, but-”
“Jack, this isn’t a joke! You saw what happened to those trolley workers!”
“Stop and think about this, Jack! You can’t just rush everybody into this!”
“Shut up!”
*sigh* “Pulitzer and Hearst have to respect our rights.”
“Tell ‘em… That they can’t treat us like we don’t exist.”
“We stick together like the trolley workers and they can’t break us up.”
“We’re a union now -the newsboys union! We gotta start acting like a union!”
“No! We can’t beat up kids in the street, it’ll give us a bad name!” *is ignored* “Jack!”
-the world will feel the fire and finally know!
“Uh, ambassadors?”
“Sure, uh- Just as soon as you take our demands to Pulitzer.”
“You’re the leader, Jack.”
“Uh- We’re bringing our demands to Pulitzer.”
“The newsies’ demands. We’re on strike.”
*little laugh*
“He has to.”
“Are we really an important story?”
“I’ve never been to Brooklyn, have you?”
“So is this- Is this Spot Conlon really dangerous?”
“But we’re not playing- We are going on strike.”
“Well we started the strike, but, uh... We can’t do it alone so we’ve been talking to other newsies all around the city.”
“They’re waiting to see what Spot Conlon does- that you’re the key. That Spot Conlon is the most famous and respected newsie in all of New York, and- and probably everywhere else. And if Spot Conlon joins the strike, then they’ll join, and we’ll be unstoppable. So you gotta join us, beca- well, you gotta!”
Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay
Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away
Arise and seize the day!
Now is the time to seize the day
Send out the call and join the fray
Wrongs will be righted
if we're united
Let us seize the day!
Friends of the friendless seize the day
Raise up the torch and light the way
Proud and defiant
We'll slay the giant
Let us seize the day
Neighbor to neighbor
Father to son
One for all and all for one!
Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay
Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away
Neighbor to neighbor
Father to son!
One for all and all for one!
“Fellas! Fellas!”
“N- Jack, just, don’t-”
“Jack! Jack, hey-”
“Les! Les!”
“How can you be sure they sent Crutchie here?”
“So how come you brought the rope?”
“Oh, yeah. Teddy Roosevelt’s right?”
“You mean it’s true?”
Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay
Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away
Arise and seize the day!
“Alright! Everyone, remain calm!”
“Les! Get out of here! GO!”
*not audible: talking while trying to pull Jack back*
“Are you alright?”
“AH-Aw! Aw!”
“You got us on the front page!”
An editor's desk for the star reporter!
Tip your hat
He's the King of New York!
In nothing flat
He'll be coverin'
Brooklyn to Trenton
Our man Denton
I gotta be either dead or dreamin'
'Cause look at that pape with my face beamin'
Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it
But I was a star for one whole minute!
Starting now
I'm the King of New York!
Holy cow!
It's a miracle
Pulitzer's cryin'
Weasel? He's dying!
Flashpots are shootin' bright as the sun
I'm one highfalutin' sonuva gun!
Don't ask me how
Fortune found me, fate just crowned me
Now I'm King of New York!
Look and see
Once a piker, now a striker
I'm the King of New York!
Front page story, guts and glory
I'm the King of New York!
“Well, we gotta show people where we stand.”
“We’ll send a- We’ll send a message to the big boys!”
“Hey, you guys. To our man Denton!”
“No! No, no! That’s what they want us to do! If we get violent, it’s just playing into their hands!”
*warns Spot*
“Jack! Jack, it’s Snyder. It’s Syn- It’s Snyder! Right there!”
(1:15:58 - ???)
“Get outta here! Get outta here, Les! Go!”
“Go up there! Alright, no, go over here. Come on!”
“Push me!”
“Get out of here! GO!”
“Hey fellas, you alright? Where’s- Where’s Jack?”
“Why didn’t the Sun print the story?”
“Wait- What happened, did you get fired or something?”
“We get Jack out of the refuge tonight! And from now on we trust no one but the newsies!”
“That’s where we saw Crutchie.”
“Sh! Shh, sh!”
“There’s one way to find out. I’ll meet you guys at the square. Racetrack watch him.”
“Come on! Come on!”
“Hurry up!”
“Beat it! Beat it”
“Come on! Keep running!”
“I don’t care.”
“I don’t understand..?”
“Racetrack! Racetrack! Race-? Race! Help me! I need some help!”
“So this is why you didn’t escape last night. You’re a liar! You lied about everything! You lied about your father being out west, ‘cause he’s not out west. You didn’t even tell me your real name!”
“I don’t understand you.”
“You had the newsies.”
“Well that’s good! That’s good, ‘cause we don’t need you! We. Don’t. Need. You. ‘Cause all those words you said? Those were mine.”
“I do now.”
“Never! Ever!”
“What happened, are you hurt?”
*david getting beat up sounds*
“What, you couldn’t stay away?”
“A scab?”
“What are we gonna do, put an ad in the newspaper?”
“Yeah it is. But what do we know about printing a newspaper?”
“Yeah, but I think our man Denton has something more important to do. I mean, he’s going to be an ace war correspondent. Right Denton?”
“Is it gonna work?”
This time we're in it to stay
See old man Pulitzer, snug in his bed
He don't care if we're dead or alive
Three satin pillows are under his head
While we're begging for bread to survive
Joe, if you're still counting sheep
Wake up and read 'em and weep!
You got your thugs with their sticks and their slugs
Yeah, but we got a promise to keep!
Once and for all
Something tells me the tide will be turnin'
Once and for all
There's a fire inside me that won't stop burnin'
Now that the choices are clear
Now that tomorrow is here
Watch how the mighty can fall
For once and for all!
This is for kids shinin' shoes in the street
With no shoes on their feet every day
This is for guys sweatin' blood in the shops
While the bosses and cops look away
This is to even the score
This ain't just newsies no more
This ain't just kids with some pie in the sky
This is do it or die
This is war!
Once and for all
We'll be there to defend one another
Once and for all
Every kid is our friend
Every friend, a brother
Five thousand fists in the sky!
Five thousand reasons to try!
We're going over the wall
Better to die than to crawl
Either we stand or we fall
For once... once and for all
“Jack! Sarah!”
The world will feel the fire and finally know!
“And what does that make you?”
“You talk about self interest, but since the strike your circulation’s been down 70%. Everyday you’re losing thousands of dollars just to beat us out of- one lousy tenth of a cent. Why?”
*dramatic pause* “Hundred papes.”
“Headlines don’t sell papes,” *puts on newsie hat* “Newsies sell papes.”
*spit shake at last!*
*not audible: talking with Denton before interrupted by Jack*
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