#because (I still do this btw) I would always lie and say I was full to get out from under dinner
pathsofoak · 2 years
I have discovered the reason I am the epitome of "I will not eat new foods ever" is because my parents make sure whenever they make a dish I've never had before, that there is something in there I can't stomach to "teach me to eat it"
I'm autistic lmao. It's been almost 19 years now, you're not gonna magically cure me from picky eater-ness by still forcing me stay at the table until I finish my plate of something that contains taugé, or whatever that's called in English.
Seriously I get it's annoying when you cook and someone doesn't like it but like. It's a) not your fault, and if you're the parent/caretaker of this person it's b) your responsibility to not make your kid dread eating anything other than bread and rice cakes because you keep pressuring them to eat "normal food"
#*ACTUALLY stomps foot for a tantrum*#potatoes. just give me potatoes#(I can't cook for energy reasons btw that's why they're in charge of food. still)#I would eat more if I didn't absolutely dread dinner time. much less eating a stranger's place#potatoes or some non crunchy veggies like broccoli. I like broccoli. especially when it's a bit roasted#tomato paprika and mushrooms are an absolute no#(unless it's tomato sauce and not too much of it)#and spinach but I'm allergic to that one so sometimes that one gets left out#I wish there was some tool that just KNOWS what I will and won't like without me having to#either contain myself in front of people because there's a few textures and tastes that make me want to puke#regardless of how good a cook someone is. so I always feel bad#or that situation where I sit at the table for an hour and quietly sneak my food into the green trash once everyone else gets bored#to eat a quick sandwich instead#I've actually accidentally trained the ability to tell when I'm full out of me#because (I still do this btw) I would always lie and say I was full to get out from under dinner#so now my stomach can't tell anymore. You put Macaroni (unless it's carbonara) in front of me? *full*#this became a bit of a rant lol#btw when I say *normal food* up in the post#by my parent's definition that's either italian or chinese food. even though. WE ARE NEITHER. like. don't call that#*normal food* in my face when I like literally every type of fucking stew you refuse to let me eat#sorry for the rant again lmao
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newtdrawz · 1 year
Outsider HC's but they're mainly about Ponyboy,, cuz he is my fav,,
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Most of these are just Pony interacting with the gang and his brothers 😭 are they gonna be OOC? Probably. Do I care? No. Am I right abt all of these? Yes. (No.)
ALSO alot of them are post-main story/mention Dally and Johnny's death a lot cuz I am unable to let my favs be happy 🫶 (! None of these are ships btw,, they're all platonic and stuff lol)
Ponyboy & Johnny
Johnny and Pony regularly have conversations quietly around the gang, most of the time they have a whole conversation with just a couple looks and jerks of their head. They both seem to get what they're saying while the rest of the gang is completely lost on what they're saying/talking about.
Pony is the only one who calls Johnny, J as a nickname.
"We're not scared because monsters don't live here." Was a sentence said many, many time in the abandoned church.
Pony and Johnny can lie pretty well, but when they have to lie together they suck.
Ponyboy & Dally (ft. Johnny)
After Johnny and Dally died Pony stopped drawing and reading or writing for awhile. He picked it up again and his sketchbook is full of doodles and sketches of Johnny and Dally.
Dally has a soft spot for only Johnny and Pony. It takes a lot for him to get soft with the rest of the gang. He's still mean and tough but more just teasing with Johnny and Pony.
Before the fire Pony would read out loud all the time while Johnny would just sit and listen, sometimes Dally would listen too but interrupt with questions and criticizing the characters. Now that they're both gone, Pony will sometimes read out loud on his own, pretending that both Johnny and Dally are there listening.
Dally is very supportive of Ponys hobby in art. He's usually the one who catches him sketching or painting and just watches until Pony is either finished or notices he's being watched. Dally always nods in greeting and says "keep it up, kid." Or "nice job, kid." But Dally will brag to his other buddies that aren't the gang about how talented the kid is. ("Nah man, the kid draws from memory. He drew this one picture of his big brother, yeah the big big one, looked exactly like him. Like a photograph almost. Kids real talented.")
Ponyboy & Steve
Steve says he can't stand Pony and is mean to him, but Steve is very high on the list of people who care about Pony. He's the most frantic (mostly angry) one next to Soda when Pony got jumped. He secretly cares about him a whole lot, like he's his own brother.
Steve will give Pony rides to places or offer rides time to time. (He only does it if Pony's gone awhile without annoying him lol)
Steve (and Soda, but surprisingly it was Steve's idea) took Pony to his first drag race. He definitely should have not been there.
Ponyboy & Two-bit
Two-bit and Steve started sitting in and listening to Pony read, they're not Johnny and Dally but Pony appreciates it nonetheless.
Two-bit was actually so obsessed with toddler Ponyboy, he always insisted on bringing him with the gang and letting him in on games, he always wanted a little brother. He loved how easy Pony was to entertain and make laugh.
Two-bit was the only one who didn't think twice about Pony and Soda's names.
Two-bit sometimes steals art supplies for Pony.
Ponyboy & Sodapop
When Pony would visit the DX Soda would walk him through fixing a car and even let him help out on small stuff. Even Steve would help too.
He'll leave notes everywhere for Pony and Darry and sometimes the gang. They're either dumb jokes or funny little drawings.
Soda gets very excited when Pony asks him anything abt cars, he'll talk for hours abt them.
Soda was so obsessed with Pony when he was born, all he wanted to do was hold him and hang out with him. He would brag to Darry that he's not the only big brother now lol.
Ponyboy & Darry (I'm so obsessed with their dynamic & their growth)
"Dang it Ponyboy you're giving me gray hairs at 20!" Is a regular sentence said at the Curtis residence.
Darry always tells the other guys to be careful with Pony when they're rough housing. Pony thinks it's cuz he doesn't want them to break anything in the house, Darry just doesn't want Pony to get hurt.
Toddler Pony would follow Darry and Soda/the gang everywhere but mainly Darry. If Darry was doing homework in his room then boom Pony would be in there quietly playing or sleeping on Darry's bed.
Darry regularly cuts Soda, Pony and his own hair. They don't have the privilege of going somewhere to do it so Darry just does it and he does surprisingly well. It's a whole day activity.
The night after Dally and Johnny died Pony had trouble sleeping, even though soda was there. The first person he went to for comfort was Darry. Darry was in the kitchen cleaning, trying to distract himself when Pony walked in. Darry held him in his arms the rest of the night.
On the first father's day without their parents Pony makes a card with a drawing of him and Darry on it and leaves it on the kitchen table for him because he's embarrassed. Darry keeps it forever. (He did get very emotional over it but not infront of anybody. When he got home he hugged Pony, smiled and walked away. Those actions spoke a thousand words between the two and Pony knew he said thanks.)
That's all 🥹 (for now 😦)
I will be doing more of these 🙏 I wanna try to do individual characters cuz ik some here didn't have a lot as well as ALL of these being pony centric and I love them all lol
OH ALSO feel free to add on to these (or ask me about them) or add your own HC's cuz I love outsider headcanons ❤️
Also can you tell I love when Dally and Steve are nice to pony lol? Love it. Love the idea that Steve actually cares abt him and shows it sometimes or Dally caring just as much abt him. THEY ARE ALL A HUGE FAMILY YOUR HONOR 🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️ I'm also so obsessed with Darry and Pony,,, they are so,,, complicated sibling relationships get me everytime
Are some of these good? Probably not. Do they make sense timeline and story wise? No and idc. Am I so normal about them? Yes. Most of these are based of fanfic versions of them anyways so yeah
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onskepa · 9 months
No problem at all sweetie<3
Btw, can I get a part 2 (since you said I can) for neteyam x short human fem reader? The little human who is no taller than 5 feet and has Neteyam as her mate. Could they have a playful fight?? Pretty please
Yes! Absolutly! I did my best in describing the actions but I hope it is to everyones satisfaction! Enjoy!
Hi'i: A little tug here, a little pull there
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[idk but it felt right]
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In Pandora, many dangers lie in the lands, skies and the sea. Predators on the lookout for their next hunt. Their next target. 
For some prey, being small has many advantages. Better to hide, better to blend in with the environment, better to survive. Can easily navigate through tight areas and avoid bigger threats all together. 
Being small definitely has its perks. And more when fighting back against their enemy. Be fighting in groups or fighting solo, being small is mighty. So when a predator is out looking to strike, the prey will always launch in the most unexpected ways. 
“I got you!” 
“Dang it hi’i!” 
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What do couples do for fun? Well many go out explore things outside, create fun activities, spend some quality time. Or maybe just enjoy each other's presence. 
But for neteyam and hi’i?
Playful fighting to be exact. 
And it is always so much fun. Of course neteyam has to be mindful of how small hi’i is. He doesn't even have to use his full strength to easily push her down. But he is always gentle and careful, even when play fighting with her. Would even purposely let her win and take him down as she cheers. 
Her happiness is his greatest victory. 
So when hi’i jumps on him, climbs or tug his tail, neteyam will admit his defeat. 
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“You know nete, I am starting to think you are letting me win” Hi’i accused him one day as they lay in the soft grass on a bright afternoon. Her head lay on his chest. Playing with his necklace. 
“What makes you think that?” Neteyam asks. 
“Well, everytime we ‘fight’ I come out as the winner. And you always lose” Hi’i answers as she boops his nose. Neteyam twitched his nose a bit but smiled nonetheless. 
“Well if I win, it wouldn't be a fair fight would it? I can easily take you down and it won't take that much energy to do so” he replies. Huffing a bit, narrowing her eyes in a playful manner, “oh yeah? Just because you are big?”. 
Neteyam flashed her a handsome smirk showing his fangs, hi’i blushed like crazy and covered her face while making incoherent sounds. This little action made neteyam laughing, really, anything hi’i does is just too cute for him. “See? I didn't even have to move. And look at you, all blushing for me~” he says while tugging a stand of her hair. 
Removing her hands from her face, hi’i stares at him straight in the eyes. Neteyam knows that look. Determination and a new goal all is she has in her mind now. “Alright, let's go at it again. And this time, don't hold back, oh wait never mind you are big. Okay, just use a bit more force than usual. I am still tiny” Hi’i bets. 
Already getting pumped up, hi’i gets off of his chest and starts to pull his arm to get up too. “Are you sure? I dont want to hurt you” Neteyam hesitates. Hi’i scoffs confidently, “positive! Now, come on you big bone! Ready, set, go!”. 
With a quick tap at his arm, hi’i makes a run for it. Neteyam chuckles at her actions. Shaking his head as he gets up, he stretches, getting ready. 
Seems he has a little prey to catch.
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Soft giggles were heard, and rustles of the leaves shifted. Seems like hi’i does want to be found. “Ma’yawntutsyip, is this how you plan to hide? I can hear you loud and clear” Neteyam calmly says. His ears twitching to the source of the sounds. Hi’i is good at hiding, but to make herself known is unlike her. 
“I really don't see the point of-” 
Next thing neteyam knew, he was on his knees, hitting the ground floor. Grunting in the few seconds of pain, he controls his balance. 
“YES!” a cheer was heard from hi’i as she jumps from a high root. Smiling triumphantly, she walks to neteyam. “How was that? Bet you were surprised” she asks neteyam in a playful smug way. 
“Indeed, it was surprising, but you missed something,” Neteyam says, silently getting ready. 
Hi’i raised a brow, “Missed what?” 
Putting some weight on his knees, he lunged forward and lifted hi’i up from the ground, spinning her a bit making her squeal in glee. Carefully holding her by the hips, he swings her around and lifts her up in his arms as he fully stands. 
“I see how it is! Take this!” Hi’i challenges. 
Crawling around all over his body, hi’i playful tugs on his braids and tail. Would tease him by whispering in his ear. For neteyam, it was a bit ticklish. Hi’i can easily maneuver around his body like a little gremlin. To which some degree, she can be when she feels like it. 
“Hey, come on!” 
Easily grabbing hi’i by her ankle, he lifts her up in the air. Pulling her away from his body. “Hey! I was just getting started!” hi’i groans as she weakly grabs for his shoulders. Chuckling, he sways her a bit, “you wanted a challenge no? So, now you got it. Don't complain”. 
Letting out a war cry, hi’i swings her free leg to wrap around neteyam’s wrist and climb on his arm. Being careful, she goes to his back and makes sure his kuru isn't being harmed. 
“Who says I'm complaining~?” She whispers to him in his ear. Neteyam knows that hi’i knows whispering his ears is too much. A little weakness he hates to admit. 
“Fine then” 
He rolls down on the floor, making hi’i yelp. She let go for a moment, but it was enough for neteyam to grab her wrist. Pinning her to the ground, facing each other as they huff, catching their breaths. 
He takes a moment to admire hi’i cute face. Her sparkling eyes, cute nose and those beautiful lips. Honestly, it would be a bit cruel if he won their fight. 
“Nete, now isn't the time to stare at me. I know I look good but c’mon!” Hi’i says, breaking him out of his trance. Using her legs, she pushed him off. Turning him on to his stomach, she climbed on top. 
“And stop making it easy!” 
Alright, be careful what you wish for. 
Quickly getting up, he makes hi’i fall on her bum and turns to throw some light punches at her. This is what hi’i wanted, something to challenge her strength! 
“That is what I'm talking about!” She says gleefully. 
Keeping her composure, hi’i goes under him and pulls on his tail making him hiss, but not in pain. She makes a run for it, making neteyam go around in circles. “Hold still!” he hisses. This makes her laugh loudly, “never! I will keep moving!”. 
It was like that for a few hours. A little tug here, a little pull there, getting some laughs from each other. But did hi’i win? Well she isn't sure of standing on neteyam’s chest shouting her victory counts since neteyam went easy on her. Again. 
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Aaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Describing actions isnt my toughest style of writing but I hope everyone likes it! until next time! see ya!
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mychlapci · 2 months
Since you mentioned k9 prowl- something that always absolutely slaughters me in these kinds of scenarios-
Like we've talked about how badly Prowl picks up on the fact that he doesn't have to be an animal and that he can have his own needs and wants and he can do whatever he wants honestly. He still doesn't get it. Even when he's moved to his caretakers home- he doesn't really know why he's there. It would never occur to him that he would fulfil the role of a servant type bot either. He's not really a pet. Maybe he's a guard? He doesn't understand. The only thing he understands is that he works here. He doesn't quite have the concept of a 'home'.
He only does what he's told. He only goes where he's told to go. No matter how many times his caretaker tells him the place is his as much as it is his caretaker's, Prowl doesn't accept it. There's a part of his processor that doesn't understand.
But obviously Prowl isn't stupid. It's going to reach a point where he is going to understand. There's going to come a point where he trusts this caretaker, as weird as they may be. He would know what the caretaker says is true, and yet he actively rejects what he's told. His caretaker wouldn't lie to him, and yet he simply cannot allow himself to think that this is his home. He doesn't have a home. He doesn't DESERVE a home.
The fact that he's useless and has not had a real job or case to solve for so long still eats at him. This also becomes another active point of contention in his processor. Because his caretaker tells him again and again that he doesn't have to do that. He's not bound to that anymore. He should never have been. And that doesn't make him worth any more or less. But Prowl actively rejects it in his mind.
The mental stress often drives Prowl into states of what he would consider to be needless periods of being unfit for duty. He curls up and whimpers and holds his helm in his hands, the conflicting processes not just draining him mentally but driving his processor to physical pain. His caretaker would always sit by him and gently hold him, sometimes carefully stroking his shaking doorwings. (And honestly cos the more this comes up the more I'm inclined to say his caretaker is OP) If his caretaker is a bigger mech maybe they carry him so he can at least lie on something soft, like on the couch or something.
This is another thing that stresses Prowl out. Laying on furniture. Being held. The gentle servos on his doorwings that no longer hurt. They are all so... comfortable. Things he shouldn't have. Comfort shouldn't matter to him. But he wants it. And wanting is bad. And yet his caretaker says its fine. They say it's okay. They say he SHOULD want things. And it scares him.
Eventually, one day, when he's distressed and in pain, he drags himself over to where his caretaker sits on the sofa. He looks up, afraid, doorwings held low, as he watches his caretaker for any signs of anger or disapproval, before climbing onto the couch and curling up by their side, laying his aching helm on their lap. His processor screams at him when he does.
He's shaking. His processor screams at him that everything he just did was wrong in every possible way. He's ready to be thrown off or hit or-
Then he feels his caretaker's gentle servo on his back. Gentle strokes down his spinal struts have him slowly stop shaking. He's okay. He's not in trouble. The servo moves to carefully smooth over his quivering doorwings until they lay comfortably back down. He's. He's safe.
The caretaker is gonna heckin cry btw cos for Prowl to trust them? To finally do something of his own volition?? To actively seek comfort??
... I have literally been thinking of this exact same scenario for a few days now. it's sooo good. and also, gonna let you in on a secret, i have just been straight up imagining Optimus as his full-time caretaker for a long time now. I think he still works at the rescue, but if there's no huge crack-downs happening, his hours are short and he's mostly at home. It makes him perfect for giving Prowl the attention he needs.
Prowl is smart, he's resourceful, he's intelligent, but he just cannot put himself in the mind of a real mech. i suppose it's best he's eased into it, since he doesn't look like the type who'd take it well if his entire framework of life was shattered instantly in one fell swoop... Besides, the enforcers beat all 'normal' behaviour out of him, bit by bit when Prowl was still young and had desires of his own. That leaves a mark. He doesn't really remember it, being shoved down onto his knees, collared and muzzled, not understanding why. Being told that dogs don't speak, dogs don't walk on two legs. But whether he remembers it or not, it is cemented in his processor.
I imagine Prowl would have travelled between cages a lot, never having a place to call home, not even his cage ever belonged to him. So it's difficult to shake off the feeling of distrust. His caretaker will send him away, he knows that. It's going to happen one day, and he'll be back at the precinct, doing his job... it's a surprisingly comforting thought, one that withers away the longer he has to spend in this house.
aaaa Optimus feels so bad when Prowl starts getting sick in his care. It's not a physical ailment, just the stress of it all... which is almost worse, in a way, because now it feels like he's causing it. The day Prowl comes to him for comfort is like a miracle. He's never done that before. He's never asked or demanded anything nor has he really done anything out of his own volition or without being prompted before. I mean, if this was an ideal recovery, Prowl would have talked to him about it, but small steps count. They absolutely do.
... and, over time, maybe Prowl learns to want again. It's not perfect, he's still nervous and unsure, feeling like he doesn't deserve it since he's not working, but he comes to Optimus more often. If he wants a cube of energon outside of breakfast-lunch-dinner, he'll still ask for permission, but at least he's asking instead of just waiting until what he, in his processor, dubbed feeding time. He'll wander around the house more, and eventually, he'll take up the entire couch as he gets super invested in shitty detective dramas on tv. It's almost starting to feel like Optimus has a roommate instead of a distressed pet, even if things aren't perfect yet... And if this is the best it gets for Prowl? Well, at least he's comfortable.
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protectoratenova07 · 4 months
what are the bad undersiders opinions you’re seeing outside of tumblr? curious
Just as a precursor, this isn't any specific person or section of the fandom. You'll find these opinions anywhere and they've been around for years and I probably shouldn't get as annoyed as I do at it but whatever. It's (I'm paraphrasing btw) stuff like:
"Taylor would have been a hero without (evil/bitch/stupid) Lisa." Ignores the very legitimate issues Taylor has with authority and ignores Brian, who was the actual main reason Taylor joined the Undersiders. Lisa did lie in a few different ways to mislead Taylor, but nothing major enough to trick her into being a villain.
"Aisha could have been a hero if she knew what the Undersiders were REALLY like." Aisha would get annoyed that her brother can be cool and only does it when he's not around her. Also, she knows, but people ignore that or else they would be forced to realize Aisha has an actual character instead of a manic pixie girl they can ship with whatever hero of the week they want.
"Brian is stupid for joining the Undersiders and not the Wards." I've talked about this before, but no he fucking isn't. Choosing to not become more like his dad is actually a good thing. Also pretends that cps is both a) not incompetent at best malicious at worst, and b) ignores how they're considering the Laborn's mom again as an alternative to Brian to house Aisha after their dad failed so badly.
I'm beginning to realize the main theme with these is that people don't want to think about how the Undersiders have legitimate reasons to not like authority.
"Alec is evil for not turning himself in after escaping." The heroes have only ever made his life worse and I'm sure the cops didn't make it any easier in the time between running away and joining the Undersiders. Also, blaming people for shit they did under mind control is a dick move. Despite Worm having lots of comic book fans they don't seem to remember every annoying mind control arc or the Purple Man.
"Taylor (and the other Undersiders) would have been happy and fine if they joined the Wards." Lol, lmao. Ignoring Sophia for Taylor and Coil for Lisa, I don't think any of the Wards had their lives improved by joining anyway. Even if, for some magical reason, the PRT helped them with their parents they'd have issues with the organization itself. Not to mention their risk of dying gets upped tenfold by joining. Piggot is more than happy to use her child soldiers until they break.
"Lily got manipulated into leaving a good career with the heroes." Foil mention?!? I know, but I can't forget that half the time this is brought up, they always mention her career. Fucking bleak. Also, Parien isn't even her full reason for leaving. She left before confirming her relationship with Parien, because what she really got tired of was the heroes not being heroes. It's why she investigated Armsmaster, why she listened and respected Parien's choice to get help from Skitter. There was more I think, but yeah.
Nothing really to say about Rachel or Sabah. People don't talk about them that much. Oh, wait
"Rachel would have gotten help if she got captured and been a Ward." That wog was specifically if Rachel got captured early on, is only with Boston, PRT therapy actually helping (lol), and she still doesn't have anyone close to her tying her down to Boston so she could end up like Foil.
There's more. I could write pages on Lisa alone, but it's been a few days and I'm not currently in the mood to be annoyed rn.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Time to wrap up and close shop.
3 years.
That takes us back to when?
I guess it is time for me to say my goodbyes, accept that JM and JK are not together and that Tae and JK are married.
Before I go, I guess I have a few questions...
Can't help but wonder when this happened and how exactly Tae agreed to marry JK after JK sucked on his soulmate's ear and tattooed his soulmate's name on his hand.
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Was it before or after Tae's soulmate sucked on JK's neck and JK, his husband then already (?) paraded said hickey around for all to see, caressing it so lovingly and proudly?
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Kind of wondering how this marriage is working back in 2020-21 with JK and JM living together.
So, Taekook married while JK is keeping on holding JM?
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And bridal carrying JM in LV.
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And telling JM he loves him out loud and the finger hearts.
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Always the finger hearts.
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Wow, what a show JK was putting on...
Talk about dedication.
Hiding out in a dark corner touching... JK probably knew the camera was coming, he had to. Same with his arm on JM's waist.
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And talking about waists... was this really necessary?
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And all these latest lives. It must have been Tae's way of supporting his soulmate. Must have been. No other explanation why his hubby would be acting like a love sick puppy every single time JM showed up in the comments, or dedicate a full 90 minute live to JM.
See that smile?
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Definitely put on, and all for the love of his beloved husband, who, btw didn't publicly congratulate his soulmate himself for his first solo album, or for his record breaking achievements. Nope. He sent JK to do it for the two of them.
Ok, I guess the joke is over.
Because if I don't stop here there might just be some that will actually think I'm serious.
Taekookers are reeling. They are devastated and throwing punches in every direction possible.
This one, TKK being married for 3 years is a new one. Well, sorry, I lie. Not first time I've heard the marriage story. The 3 years is new. The level of delusion here is wow, hard to describe. The story I heard was of marriage in LV, adoption of 2 little American kids, living with Tae at home. Sorry, with Taekook at Tae's. These beautiful children they adopted in LV and are now raising together.
So yeah, there's that level of delusion.
Now with Taenni out and public we have new stories.
We have the denial, of course, with the stories about cosplayers, all disproven (these fuckers stooped so low they stole a woman's photos claiming her to be the Jenni cosplayer only for her to go public about it).
And then you have those that are still towing the line and claiming it's all a publicity stunt.
Cause yep, the 2 super popular idols in the 2 biggest Kpop bands in the world need to have a supposed relationship to boost either of their popularity and help their careers.
Fucking morons.
a. Seriously? These two need that to boost their publicity. These two rival companies working hand in hand to create this fake relationship going on for over 18 months to what? Have Tae go from 58.8 million followers to 58.9 million. Talk about a failure of such an elaborate plan... Lest we forget about the hate Jenni has been getting all this time from TKKs all this time. Definitley a publicity stunt.
b. I'm infuriated at how ignorant these people are. Because with even minimal understanding of Kpop culture they would know that for an idol to go public with a relationship there is a price to pay. Idols don't have the right to have private lives. They don't have the right to have relationships, especially not in the prime of their success. the very few who had gone public with their relationships in the past had done so before marriage. They apologised for having a personal life.
Moon Hee Jun, Taeyang, Chen, Bobby.
The fact that there are so few of them should be an indicator as how this really is not a career helping move.
Having a personal life, being in a relationship, being emotionally unavailable for your fans is not a publicity stunt in Kpop. It can be a career killer. And even if it doesn't kill the career, it definitley does not promote it, quite the opposite in the short run.
And Tae, well he's already paying a price. We already saw all the angry fan messages about how they were betrayed by him, about how he's supposed to be theirs. Putting him together with JK is an easy fix, it's not realistic, it keeps him available for them (well in their twisted minds).
So yeah, definitely not a publicity stunt.
And then you have those that are turning on him. Well on the whole maknae line, because why not? Why not bring JK and JM in on this if you can (especially JM, right)?
The ones that are mad that he is in an actual relationship with another woman, the scorned.
The ones that are now angry claiming the maknae line were queerbaiting.
Like wtf?
How in the fucking hell were TKK queerbaiting?
Real genuine affection for the others? Yes.
Fanservice? Heck yeah.
Tae is the king of fanservice and teasing and flirting with the members. He loooooves it. And some play along more than others. As a matter of fact JK is one of those that plays along the least. But again, TKKs lack the brain capacity to watch original content and see that.
The hugs and affection and closeness isn't put on. It's genuine.
As for JM and JK, well they aren't fucking queerbaiting. They are just literally f***ing.
When Taenni did this, went public (and again, this was their choice of doing, walking hand in hand by the Saines river, identifiable managers walking 5 steps behind, Tae stopping to give autographs to fans),
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I knew this would come back to hit us too. But you know what? I don't mind it. I love Tae and Jenni for this. They are very brave, both could pay a price for it. Tae is literally telling us all, the industry and the fans, that his personal life takes precedent. I love him for that.
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We talk about BTS being the trailblazers, and this is the start of it....I hope.
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lotomber · 11 months
Hello! I really love you work it’s really interesting to read! (I’m not going to lie you’re one of the reasons I started writing) but could you maybe do a chuuya x gn!reader? Like the Reader is struggling with self harm and chuuya is helping Reader through it, with going out on fun dates, cuddling etc to get reader’s mind off it? Feel free to ignore! (It could be scenarios or headcanons! :3
Hello! I am really glad to know that you like my work.❤Actually I just couldn't find time to write due to studies but I'll still be working on the requests. Sorry for the delay. Btw what do you write about if you don't mind me asking ?👀
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Pairing: Chuuya x gn!reader
T/W : self harm, mentions of cuts
W.C : ~480
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It all started when Chuuya noticed how you were wearing full length clothes, then he noticed the cuts on your wrist and arms.
He was mad as hell thinking someone tried to harm he instantly wanted to rip apart the person who did this to you.
But when you told him that you did this yourself he was just so heartbroken, he just couldn't understand why you would do this to you.
He asked you why you did this to yourself was it because of him or did someone say something to you?
"No Chuuya it's not because of you or someone else. It's just too complicated. I...I mean i just get these sudden urges and everything just feels too blurry and indifferent around me and I don't even know how to explain this. I'm sorry" you sobbed as you told him.
He hugged you tightly telling you that you have nothing to be sorry for and that instead he's sorry for not noticing earlier.
He didn't asked you anymore after that, he didn't want to push you away.
After that he started spending more and more time you to make sure you won't do something like this again.
He would come to pick you up from your college/ work. And takes you out to romantic dinner.
He even got many board and card games to play with you when you don't want to go out or he arranges a perfect movie night , as you both cuddle and watch a wholesome rom-com.
He even cooks your favorite meals for you to make sure you eat properly. He just loves to spoil you.
Gives you lots of kisses and hugs, tells you how glad he is to have you in his life and just how beautiful and perfect you are for him.
He would always be considerate and encourage you to talk to him about anything and that he would try his best to understand and help you.
He would even take you out on dates to cheer you up like to a cozy cafe, beaches, a picnic besides a lake or your any favorite place.
On dates he make make sure you have fun time, makes silly jokes just to make you laugh.
Once you both went to a amusement park and chuuya was denied on a ride because of his height, he got pissed at the guard but you started laughing as you saw him bickering with the guard.
Seeing you laugh like that made all his anger fade out in an instant.
Chuuya may act as arrogant, rude and short tempered but he is someone who wears his heart on his sleeves and for you he would do anything, so being denied on a ride did hurt his pride a bit but he won't say anything cause he got to see you laugh so heartily.
And if you decided to take therapy he would encourage you and go with you to show how much he supports you and your decision.
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rafecameronsslxt · 2 years
Helloooo, could I request a imagine for Rafe Cameron inspired by this TikTok ?
Warning: Implied smut, Friends with benefits
Synopsis: Rafe takes you by surprise, a sin wrapped in one.
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Hoping this is what you expected, btw this song has had me in a chokehold for a year now!!
JJ introduced me to the infamous pogues when we became a “thing.” In other terms, a situationship which turned out to be one of the most aggravating ���things’ to happen. He wanted more, and I did not. I couldn’t lie because JJ does everything for me: pulls a chair out before I sit down, dinners when he could afford it, and the sex was fucking everything, and I felt like I was taking advantage of him. I didn’t deserve someone like JJ. He was too good for me.
   His wholesome kisses and his sky-blue eyes peered into mine that told me he loved me without saying it or consoling me when my mother decided to kick me out of the house for any reason she could find. 
   The beautiful blonde-haired boy is sweet and appealing and broke the guarded walls for me. He confided in me when he needed me the most when I had been eyeing a kook, who would only use and spit me out because that kook, in particular, was a complete douche and marked girls off as if they were his conquest to gloat about later. JJ, hell- even defended me when the conceited boy came an inch too close just to tease me and whisper filthy and spiteful words in my ear with his soothing voice that wavered through my body each time.
   But- because there is always a but to any story. 
   Sometimes JJ would be too clingy and overprotective to the point where if a guy even hugged me, it was an argument. You’d think every girl would want and love the suffocating boyfriend ‘thing,’ and it became insufferable, but that was the only flaw I could think of because he was still perfect.
   Everything Rafe Cameron wasn’t.
   Rafe Cameron is the prince kook. He thought the world surrounded him, bowing at his knee. Rafe is a coke addict who can’t keep his nose clean or abstain a day without the white powder and heaved his father's money around like it's candy. 
   He was full of himself- a fucking conceited boy that had no care to make me feel like the waste of the earth, to patronize me. Rafe thought he was above every pogue because he could throw money in someone's face to force them to like him, and people would do anything for money. 
   Speaking of the devilish being, he comes waltzing into the convenience store, and JJ isn’t around to keep me calm or something stupid.
   I turn around quickly, trying to find a drink I like which makes my stomach twist in knots, not wanting to be in proximity of him. Finally, I grab a bottled water and pace to the cash register when I get pulled by my wrist. My body spins into his chest hard. 
   I grab Rafe’s shoulders to keep myself stable from falling onto the dirty tiled floor. 
   Rafe has a backwards hat on, which makes my thighs warm, before removing my hands from him rather quickly to stop these thoughts that form too fast and shouldn’t. “Where are you going, sweetheart?” His voice was sweet, with a sly smile on his gorgeous cherry lips that seemed so kissable and soft to the touch, yet I think he’d be more of a rough k- never mind. 
   “Going to pay for my water and hope you leave, sweetheart.” I mimic him childishly, which encourages him to play with me more. He chuckles, following me to the register. I don’t acknowledge his presence until I’m speed-walking out the glass door, hearing the bell ring as it shuts.
   “Where’s your boyfriend?” Rafe carelessly throws his arm around my shoulder, bringing me to his side. I clear my throat, remembering JJ and his angelic white smile. “We’re not dating,” I say firmly, tossing his muscular arm off me. It makes me imagine if they were wrapped around my waist while he kissed my neck, leaving purple circles to show everyone I’m his. The thought makes my fingers tingly and my body tense. He lets out a chuckle. 
   He turns his face to mine: a well-defined jaw, slightly sweaty from the raging heat, and his lower lip between his pearly teeth. Rafe squints at me for a minute. “I’ll give you a ride on my motorcycle. You know, so you don’t have to walk for another ten minutes, sweetheart.” The fucking nickname and his too-friendly tone are throwing me off. Before I can protest, I’m thrown over his shoulder, getting dragged onto the sleek red bike. 
   Rafe swings his leg over the bike and hands me a helmet. I take the black helmet hesitantly and sigh. “You’re gonna have to hold on to me.” He looks back at me smugly as I lean my head to the side, annoyed and freaking out. I am terrified of motorcycles. 
   I wrap my arms around his waist securely because my bones feel like I’ll fall to the pavement if I let up. He grabs my thighs, yanking me closer to his body. “Asshole,” I mumble into Rafe’s spine. My breath catches in my throat, and I close my eyes, hearing the engine revving, then the wind blowing my hair. I don’t open my eyes but tighten my grip on Rafe’s abdomen. 
   A cold metal hits my thigh again, and I jump slightly, opening my eyes to see we’ve stopped at Rafe’s house- “Rafe, what the hell?” I say, taking off my helmet and gliding a hand through my brunette hair. He shrugs. “I have work in an hour. I don’t have time for this.” I throw my hands up in the air officially over this. “The country club isn’t far from here, chill.” He arches a brow and backs me up into the wall. “I never thought someone like you could look so fuckable.” He hums out, whispering closely to my ear. His nose touches mine ever so lightly. Shivers roll down my spine.
   “That dirty pogue you sleep with doesn’t deserve a woman like you.” Rafe was so biased. Before I realize what I’m doing, I close the gap, pressing my delicate lips to his. He makes the kiss rough as I imagined. The kiss was taboo, but he slipped his tongue into my mouth, and the guilt flew down the gutter, yet it’d be back in a second. It was fervent, and he pushed his clothed lower half into me, but I could still feel him against my inner thigh. 
   I’ve never felt a spark like this in me. The eagerness I’m thriving off of has my insides aching. What we’re doing would have my friend's spiralling querulous and- or could disintegrate our friendship. Oh my god JJ! “Rafe.” I let out a deep breath, looking around at the bright sky and the flawlessly landscaped yard, too-green grass, trimmed edges, and the Tannyhill estate in place behind me. 
   I keep my hands on his chest. “If we plan to fuck around- no strings attached I expect this relationship to be on the D.L. and exclusive, but I want late-night talks. Not just a hook-up.” 
   “Doesn’t sound much like no strings attached, sweetheart.” He smiled at me, but it had an underlying meaning I was clueless too. Rafe’s blue eyes pierced through me like he was reading every thought, but I couldn’t read him. People could read me easily, Rafe especially, as if we’d known each other for years.
   “No, we’re not coming in together,” I whisper scream at him. What part of ‘down low’ did he not understand!? Rafe puts his hands in the air, surrendering, a smirk on his face. 
   When I walk into the Country club, I spot Topper and Kelce occupying a table, most likely waiting on the third of the trio. I advert my eyes, tying my apron around my waist. About a minute later, JJ shows up. His ruffled blonde hair, eye bags, and furrowed eyebrows mean he is overwhelmed. 
   JJ quickly finds me, throwing his loving arms around me. My body stiffens at his touch. Meanwhile, Rafe stares at us and seems satisfied when he catches me uncomfortable while JJ wraps his arms around me. 
   JJ pulls me in for a kiss. His kisses were familiar, compassionate, and soft, and his hands held my waist just to keep me close like I’d leave. JJ’s hands are hooked to my waist as if I am going to leave. I kissed back lightly, not with so much meaning. 
   I pulled back. My head filled with the idea of Rafe’s hands touching the soft flesh of my waist, having my back arched while kissing him, his strong arms picking me up. Rafe’s callous yet lustful lips pressing to mine with such intensity had me wanting more. 
   I wanted his veiny hands curving my ass, his callous lips on every inch of my body. I wanted my hands tangled through his sweaty hair wishing to make scratches along his back my mind filled with him until it felt like a fever dream.
   Rafe is a sin that had me descending in his arms from above.
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whispangleblogger · 1 year
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I am not somebody that hops onto the "comic discourse" a lot. I usually prefer to talk things through with my friends and share opinions in private.
But since Tangle more or less got ignored so far i take the chance and talk a bit about her appearance in 64
She jumps in as a supportive character towards Whisper and helps her to prevent another breakdown. While yes, there was a scene in Urban Warfare that did the exact same thing, i feel like with issue 64 we finally see how strong of an impact this support actually has on the page. (I talk a bit more about Urban Warfare further down this post.) I don't even dare and call this bait (Edit: Not my words btw. i saw this used in another heated post. I personally never felt baited in any form. If anything, the girls relationship is one big highlight in these comics.) because it simply isn't. Here is a character that cares for her partner and also is uncomfortable with the whole situation to begin with. She has to decide where her priorities lie. Her reaction is to be expected to be focused on a trembling Whisper and all i can say is i'm glad we finally have a good depiction of that.
Tangle has the right to approach Whisper in ways i think no other character is able to, she earned it and it pretty much shows on this page. Softly taking down Whisper's mask and checking on her, the body language in these panels is chefs kiss. She's truly a bouncy girl, but it's good to see her being serious every now and then, i feel like it's a side of her that people usually tend to ignore. (And i really don't know why that is.) Evan Stanley does always an amazing job if it comes to showing Tangle in a different light or how she cares about her friends and loved ones. In regards about the current arc and even the last one, i feel like this post is a good chance to add my personal take to it as well, since it's been on my mind for a good while now. I feel like 64 finally makes a step into the right direction again.
To elaborate a little on that, i wasn't really a big fan of Urban Warfare, simply for the fact that it's pacing is all over the place. There were a lot of things that needed to be covered, to name a few: - new team building - Whisper's trauma - Lanolin introduced as a new character - a LOT of other teams jumping into the scene - the city itself all squeezed into a 5 book arc. One more book compared to a mini series that usually gives full focus to a set of chosen characters.
To make this clear, there are also good things in Urban Warfare as well but thanks to the fact how rushed the whole story felt in it's core it's a bit hard to enjoy the good bits as well...
Misadventures still deals with the same pacing problem and i believe that is where the real issue lies. As a reader/collector of the books and longtime fan of them, all i can say is:
I wish the comics would get their old, well cared, time for details back. Yes, a story like the Metal Virus was a long run but in the end it was a fantastic read. Mini arcs like Trial by Fire (Still one of my favorites), that focus on other things instead of the usual action, are also very important for character development and add a lot of depth to them. Endless Summer is a great example for such addition as well. These books provide insight into character interaction we usually don't see otherwise. Of course i have no idea how much SEGA is involved into everything if it comes to general decisions like how long one arc is supposed to last and when the next one should start.
(The next part is based on my personal taste, this has nothing to do with the general narrative of the books. I just want to share my thoughts about this since i really don't write them down a lot.)
As a little side note, i feel like Lanolin is a great character so far. Her stubborn and rule book like demeanor as a leader is refreshing to say the least. She also seems to be really close to how her creator ABT imagines her to be and i really appreciate that. But i can't help it and feel like her team dynamic with Tangle and Whisper comes of as rather… rocky ? On a combat level of things it works really good but on a friendship level it's somehow lacking atm. There is this boss and coworker relationship going on that feels more like real work. Obviously though she's new and needs more time to get better established. I guess we will see how this plays out in the future. I'm all in for a good or funny team dynamic but i also can't help it and feel like she works better as an addition to Jewel, running the restoration, the navigator typ that sends intel via com instead of a field combatant. Even if she proved she's good at close combat as well during her encounter with Whisper in 64. That being said, i am all open for surprises and more character development on her part. This is really just a "now" opinion and can easily change over time. I like the sheep, i really do.
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avelera · 1 year
Hi! Sorry for a long ask, but my head has been filled with Hob thoughts lately and I had to vent it somewhere
One of the reasons our fandom treats Hob as "just some guy" is because the rest of the characters in the series include: personifications of fundamental concepts governing a good chunk of the universe making sure the reality as we now it stays intact, the literal Satan, several angels, demons, gods and goddesses from different cultures and religions and many other ridiculously overpowered beings. After all that immortal being who has been alive for six centuries and who has lived through one of the biggest wars in humanities history pales in comparison.
Do you think Hob finds it refreshing to be the "normal one" in a relationship for once? Before Dream whenever he got on with someone he always had to be careful to keep his immortality a secret. He had to remember the details of his fake past, had to make sure he always talked age-appropriate or didnt mention some kind of historic fact no one else could now, keep his Intensity in check, stuff like that. But now he's dating Dream of the Endless and suddenly he's no longer the strangest person in the room. Do you think that after being with Dream for a very long time he forgets to put on his Absolutely-Normal-and-Ordinary Humansona and his mortal friends go "wtf, were you always this fucked up?"
(Absolutely adore your fics btw)
Thank you! And thank you for this ask!
One of my first bits of Hob meta was talking about how Hob is only "Just a Guy" when compared to the Endless. By any other measure, in any other story, he'd be the most powerful individual you'd ever encounter. True immortality that isn't a prison because you can die when you choose? I've said it before, but if Hob ever went full persistence hunter, he'd be one of the most unstoppably powerful forces in the world.
Now, to your question, I think the answer could be complex?
- I think on some level it could be strange in not a good way to be the normal one in the relationship for Hob. I only say this from a pride perspective. I do think that for the most part, Hob's reaction would be positive, but I want to first carve out a nod to how it might also be a bit... humbling or even irritating, for example if Dream or others discounted him as beneath notice because of it. 600 years is still a lot, Hob is by most standards the most supernatural thing anyone would ever meet. I could see him thinking he's chill with being the less interesting one in the relationship but having moments of like, "Whoa, hey, wait a minute, just because I'm only an indestructible human who has lived over 600 years doesn't mean I'm boring for fuck's sake."
- I think it would be a much bigger deal for Hob-with-Dream to not need to lie anymore all of the time. With each lifetime Hob lives, he has to remember to cut away or gloss over or alter more of his life and achievements. It must be second nature but still painful at times to have to switch over from, "I achieved this," to, "My "father" achieved this and I just inherited it."
- Suddenly with Dream, he doesn't have to do that all the time. He can just casually mention things like the late 1300s in the first person, or his marriage to Lady Eleanor, or the fact that Robyn died when he was 20 (most likely as someone who looks mid-30s, Hob can only talk about Robyn or his death by making it sound like he died as a child, given how young Hob looks, especially in modern times, he'd get odd looks appearing 35-ish and saying he had a son die at age 20). Not needing to filter his personal experiences through historical anecdotes he'd "read" or altering the details to fit would be I think, strange, refreshing, perhaps deeply emotional, and very rare for him. Not because he'd never been able to be candid with others (like other immortals, or perhaps people he was close to that he opened up with) but Dream was actually there. He actually walked the streets of Tudor England, he actually knew Hob in 1389. I think it would be an aspect of being with Dream Hob would, y'know, "know" would be an aspect he looked forward to, only to be truly blown away by the reality of being able to openly, without thinking, talk about himself in a way he hasn't been able to do... possibly ever, with anyone.
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agent-cupcake · 2 years
Felix doesn't get enough love! Could do cypress, peony, hydrangea, and/or magnolia for him?👀
Big fan btw dunno if I ever mentioned it
The things you find while looking through your drafts....
Cypress - How does this yandere comfort their upset darling?
Before considering this question as it applies to a darker version of Felix, I am of the opinion that while he is an incredibly caring and loving individual, he isn’t an empathic person. He's not going to necessarily read or understand your emotions the way you might hope. That’s not to say he wouldn’t want to listen to your problems, understand why things bother you, and comfort you when you’re in need, just that he doesn’t naturally connect in that way and it would be really easy to suffer miscommunications as a result. He favors action over emotion, changing what can be directly controlled rather than ruminating on the intangible. If you have a problem, there must be a solution. 
This gets very messy very quickly in a toxic relationship where it’s in his best interest to remain blind to your feelings even when confronted with them. I think the most likely reason to be upset in a situation like this would be because you’re in love with an aggressively obsessive man who’s endlessly paranoid about losing you. And Felix is self aware, he knows full well what he’s doing by keeping you in a controlling, domineering relationship. The obvious lie he tells himself is that his actions, destructive as they might be emotionally, are necessary. Prioritizing action over emotion. Your feelings cannot be controlled (you would be just as likely to be unhappy without him than with, right?), but your physical safety and well being can be managed. By him. Only him. So, if you were to express that you’re upset with your relationship or his behavior, it would be treated very coldly and negatively—possibly combatively. The worst case scenario for how he would “comfort” you is a full on fight where he meticulously points out why he’s right to be so possessive, that you can’t survive without him, and how weak and childish you seem. For what it’s worth, I do think this would always be followed by a period of genuine remorse where he tries to make you forget everything and prove his love and adoration. Notably, Felix would never out and out try to justify himself to you. His excuses are all his own, he knows that they’re paper thin, but he also doesn’t feel like he should have to explain them to you. He will apologize when he goes too far, but not for the underlying reason you’re actually upset. 
More often, he’ll probably try and find another cause for your unhappiness, something that can be fixed or at least something more manageable. If necessary, he’ll try his best to fix your problems materially. You know, the type to beat a man half to death because he made you cry and then caress your face with bloodied hands, telling you that he took care of it (nevermind what “it” is). Despite everything, Felix is still a caring and loving person. He doesn’t have you entrapped in a disastrously unhealthy relationship for nothing. He does listen and as long as you’re not upset about anything sensitive, he definitely cares and is willing to hear you out, hold you while you cry, and do things to distract you. Felix trying to comfort you would be cute on the side of clueless, especially when it comes to gifts. "I'm sorry you're unhappy, here is a new sword." As much as he can, Felix wants a normal, healthy, loving relationship.
Peony - How shameless is this yandere? Do they care about their public image and or private image, and how does that affect how they treat their darling?
Felix knows that there's, generally, a way he should act as Duke Fraldarius and he follows that. Public displays of affection would be very uncomfortable for him anyway. Physically, I can't see Felix doing anything more scandalous than putting a hand on your back or holding your hand/arm. Verbally, there's definitely less impropriety. He is a snarky bastard. If somebody is flirting with you (although, let's be honest, flirting can mean somebody even looking at you the wrong way) he'll loudly point it out even if it means embarrassing you. If he feels you're wandering too much, he'll demand you come stand by him, or order you around like a child. Or a dog. It's not about humiliating you or even for his own pleasure, from his standpoint it's necessary. There are few people more vulnerable than the loved ones of important political figures, if you're not acting with proper care, he'll exert his control over you to ensure your safety. It's all perfectly reasonable and has nothing to do with jealousy. If it happens to make him feel a little flash of satisfaction at how easily you obey him, that's incidental.
Hydrangea - How would this yandere react if their darling gave them affection? What is their internal thought process like?
It begins with Felix freaking out at the unfamiliar discomfort of being vulnerable to somebody. Stiff, uneasy, uncertain of himself. It wouldn’t really take long for him to get hooked on affection. Hugs, hand holding, and cheek kisses—the holy trinity of weakness for an emotionally and physically repressed tsundere with trauma relating to neglect. Obviously Felix tries to play it cool, acting like it doesn’t melt him whenever you bury your face in his chest or entwine your fingers with his, but internally he’s trying to commit every detail of it to memory just in case. He grumbles when you throw yourself at him for a hug, but he’ll squeeze you so tight you can’t breathe. Sure he won’t look you in the eye when he tells you how much you mean to him, but when you say it back, the love he feels for you is overwhelming, even suffocating. That’s why he’s doing all of this in the first place. Unlike many other yanderes, there is no artifice to Felix’s interactions with affection, even as the relationship degrades into something very twisted. He never uses it or interprets it as anything less or more than it is. He doesn’t even use it against you in arguments, or hold it over your head when you say that you’re unhappy. Your affection is sacred to him.
Magnolia - Would there ever be any time that the yandere would reflect on their actions and wonder if they should stop/change their ways? Or do they always believe themselves to be in the right?
Felix constantly reflects on his behavior, but he buries that pretty deep. Since his main justification for keeping you as a glorified prisoner is your safety, and that you could not possibly be safe in any other circumstance, it would be pretty hypocritical for him to let you go. It’s not that he thinks he’s right, although he does for the most part, it’s that Felix is an absolutist for the ends justifying the means when it comes to your safety. It’s not like his perspective is without merit. Even if you were to leave him, you already have a target painted on your back and could be used by any of his political enemies. You are, genuinely, in too deep to just leave him. Worse, if you died because of that, it would be his fault. But then, all of that justification is meaningless compared to the very fundamental driving force of his actions: Felix can not and will not consider a world without you in it. He’s a traumatized, vulnerable man who has lived for so long simply trying to be recognized as his own person and when you say his name, he feels seen. When he lays his head on your chest and hears your heart beating, feels the warmth of your skin, listens to the sound of your voice, he feels a profound sense of purpose that’s utterly unlike his loyalty to the crown or dedication to becoming stronger. No matter how terrible things can be, his need for that feeling, for you, is too devastating to reconsider the path he’s taken.
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theboyandthepeach · 7 months
… okay, clearly everyone else here is just making you more upset. Let me try. Sorry if I offend you at all during this, it’s not my intention. I really do just want to talk. 
Hi, Kieran! You can call me Dusk. 
Listen… I have a few questions. You said you only remember little bits and pieces from before Dokutaro, yeah? 
Don’t you find that concerning..? Like, at all? I know that it’s probably due to whatever deal you made with him, but… don’t you ever wonder what you’re forgetting, who ELSE you’re forgetting? What about your whole life before him? The good AND the bad? The people and Pokémon who cared about you? 
I mean… you even forgot your sister during this. Sure, she was mean, overly controlling, and a fair bit bossy… but she cares. She’s worried about you. I mean, I have sisters myself. Do they annoy me, anger me, and get on my nerves sometimes? Yeah, all the time. Would we all still fight someone to defend the others’ honors? Absolutely, NO hesitation. Something tells me that Carmine would do the same for you, she just… doesn’t know how to not go overboard.  
And… I hate to say it, but if you had LOST memories from making the deal with Dokutaro, then isn’t it entirely possible he could be MANIPULATING what remains of those memories? Making you believe things that aren’t true? 
I’m not accusing Dokutaro of lying, don’t get me wrong. I’m just saying that… he may not be telling you everything. Now, I know what you might say to that. 
“But… he’s my friend! He’s helped me to get stronger! He wouldn’t lie to me, would he?” 
Hate to say it, friends lie to friends as well. They tell them what they want to hear. So I want you to think about it, think HARD. Hasn’t this whole situation seemed… weird? I mean, have you even seen yourself recently? You’re… barely even human now.  
Sure, it’s in the pursuit of strength, but is strength REALLY worth losing who you are fundamentally as a person? You don’t need to become someone completely different, just because you want to get stronger. You just need to learn how to balance the growth with who you KNOW you are.  
Some deals are just too good to be true, after all. And does it really matter how strong you are, if you lost everything you had in order to get that way..? 
On that point of balancing growth with who you know you are, if you’re not sure of who you are yourself… maybe we can help you figure that out! You don’t need to go through this alone, Kieran. 
Again, I’m sorry if any of this offended you, angered you, or made you upset in any way. I just genuinely wanted to talk to you about this. You don’t need to make a choice about it right now, but… just think about what I said here, please? 
-With respect, Dusk (and her Shiny Hisuian Zoroark, Thanatos). 
P.S. (from Thanatos the Shiny Hisuian Zoroark) 
We all just want to help you, Kieran. We’re all worried. It’s up to you whether or not you’ll believe us, though. I may not know you well, but as a ghost myself, I know full well… There’s always consequences for your actions, and they can poison your future ones, chain you down, and turn things… toxic. Thanatos out. 
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"I... I never really thought about it. I mean yeah, I want to get stronger... but recently I've been wondering if it's all worth it. And even if Dokutaro got rid of some memories, the memories still come back, despite his efforts."
"Don't tell Dokutaro this, I know he'll get mad, but I've been thinking, and i.... I want to go back, before I made that deal."
"I want to see my sis again."
//ALSO IM GLAD YOU LIKE MY AU!!! You can keep talking to him btw, he doesn't bite (well maybe he does now XD)
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destinygoldenstar · 15 hours
☀️ AnalyzGolden's Reactions To Disventure Camp Season 1: All Eliminations, Plot Twists, Etc. * Pre-Merge COMPILATION* ☀️
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This Post is compilation of my reactions to Disventure Camp's Eliminations, Plot Twists, & Overall Big Moments.
For those of my followers who don't know, Disventure Camp is an independent animated YouTube show by OddNation Cartoons, that originated as a Total Drama fanfiction.
But due to legal stuff (Fresh TV HATES it when fan stuff of their shows get attention), they found a way around it by changing up the show to make it original, with completely original characters and settings. Because of this, they remade the first season after Season 2 was already done and published, and the remake (which is the version I watched) is the one that is canon to the show's story.
Btw, the original Season 1 that they made before this drama is now considered the 'beta' version, and it's not canon to the show's story. So you don't HAVE to watch the beta to understand anything, but it's there. (maybe one day I'll react to that too)
Obviously, BIG SPOILERS for this show.
So if you haven't watched it yet, I encourage you to watch it first and then check out these posts from me. The show is free on YouTube. They have it both in English and Spanish.
Check Out This Post For A Fast Travel To My Full Reactions To The Season
I AM planning on making more posts about this show, so look forward to those. (Including A Tier List post, compilations of the more funnier bits, etc)
With the exception of a couple of meme bits, THIS COMPILATION POST WON'T CONTAIN THE SCREENSHOTS. Tumblr has an image limit of 30 images per post.
So if you want the screenshots, see my episode reactions.
I also had to split this into two parts (again) because it got too big and Tumblr wouldn't allow it.
Merge Compilation >>
Without further ado, let's get right into the CHAOS that ensued with this!
Fakeout Elimination
"Right now, you're gonna vote one person off each team."
This has to be a psyche. There's NO WAY.
"Gabby from the purple team and Fiore from the teal team."
This is a psyche.
You shouldn't have threatened anyone.
What did Fiore do?! Sorry for being a child!
*Team Swap*
Oh thank god, it was a psyche.
Fiore's True Personality Reveal
Oh, you little...
Don't underestimate children.
I didn't even realize he had the wrong flag. That's impressive.
"Alec gave it to me."
Oh... but she still kept it hidden. So she still deserves some credit.
"I'm a little scared of the dark."
Is your whole character being a coward?
"Why did you give me the credit for that flag thing?"
Oh wait, that was a lie?
"I prefer to go unnoticed."
That's actually smart. She's a child, and children are "stupid". So she doesn't pose a threat to anyone in Tribal Councils.
"These assholes are really buying into the story that I'm a helpless little girl."
Immunity Idol Found
Grett's gonna steal that from Gabby, isn't she?
But either way, Gabby's immune, LET'S GO!
Episode 2 Elimination
Oh we actually SEE who votes who!
This is like Survivor much more, cause they flip these cards over to share the names, and you can see what the numbers were.
I always imagine what the eliminations in Total Drama would look like if they did that as well.
Okay Lilly's being smart.
That's Ashley's vote
That's not Lilly's handwriting. Is that Will or Nick?
That's Lilly's.
Not Alec's writing... Fiore's?
Alec, Fiore... Ellie?
And that's it.
(Unless Will voted himself)
I mean I don't really care about his character, but that could've so easily been avoided.
Episode 3 Elimination
I can't show the images of the votes this time because of Tumblr image max.
We already know who's going, right? This is not a shocking elimination at all.
"The boys alliance will get me further in the game."
Dan really just said "I don't work with women."
NOW I have a reason to bully him.
"I may have messed with Drew's notes just a little."
What did you do exactly?
Also her handwriting's pretty.
This isn't a shocking elimination. We already know who's going.
Yeah, yeah, we know.
It's gonna be 3 Gabby. 3 Drew.
And this is the part where Tom flips.
Yep. Bye bye.
He was fine. I just kept forgetting he was there.
Thought Dan was gonna be more mad about that. "ALRIGHT WHO'S THE FLIPPER?!?! SOMEONE HAS TO EXPLAIN THEMSELVES!!"
"Drew was ejected"
Best Boy Claiming His Title
OMG are you kidding me?! XD
"We too are aware of Golden's presence! So we decided to entertain her with pinning the best boys against each other!"
"Sorry Golden, but here in Disventure Camp, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE BEST BOY."
"Jake scores! The Teal Team win Immunity and reward!"
Welp, guess that's that. The show has decided.
Unless Nick stays, which is pretty likely, so.
FOR NOW, Jake has my crown as best boy. We stan a guy who has no shame in denying another guy the right to have kids.
"See that's my own personal true personality reveal Golden! I'm an asshole too, just like Grett! Don't you love me?!"
Yes. Yes I do.
Episode 4 Elimination
"Lill, it genuinely frightens me that you handle kids."
Just shut up.
"If I had a kid, I wouldn't let em anywhere near you."
"And I never will because SOMEONE busted my balls today!"
Ashley, once again, being the most reasonable one here.
Yeah, yeah, we know.
"Because you're one of the worst in the challenges. Also, I can't stand you."
Wow. It really was that petty.
RIP Jake's Grandma
Go call your grandma Jake. Tell her how you love her and you're gonna help her with the money.
Maybe this one will be a bit wholesome.
"Hey Shawn!"
"Hey... Jake..."
"What's up? Is everything alright?"
"I'm sorry..."
*I covered my mouth to hold back a gasp*
"A couple of days ago... grandma passed away..."
*I'm actually upset for him*
Oh my god...
"Mom told me not to tell you till you came back... but I had to..."
He's still going. Oh my god...
"You're lying..."
"She was conscious for a few hours before she got worse..."
"She wrote a letter... I'll give it to you when you get back... I'm sorry man..."
I'm actually hurt as well!
I thought he was here to help her! I didn't think she was gonna die before he can even get back! That's horrible!
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Okay, okay, I'm calming down, I'm calming down...
Jake, if you hate me for this, I understand. I deserve it.
"Why won't you take the slay pass?!"
"Because slaying killed my grandma, okay?!"
(I'm sorry)
Episode 5 Elimination
"Remember when you vote me out at the first day?!"
"Gabby has a red marker. She will write the name of one of you and when I read the name of that one unlucky contestant, that person is immediately out!"
"It was a slay pass granted from Golden to Gabby because whoever Gabby hates probably deserves it."
I know how these shows work.
I have the gut feeling...
Ellie's not gonna side with the good guys.
Yep. I was right from the start of this. They're voting Lilly.
"I'm voting for you so you can crawl back to whatever Disney movie your wrinkled which face came from."
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Why does she look so evil?
"See, that's why you have bad taste Golden. All the favs you picked are evil and/or have serious issues!"
Yep. We know.
I feel like it would be hilarious if Gabby wrote Fiore's name.
Ellie would be like, "See, that's what makes me the swing vote! Good or Evil? I choose NEITHER."
It's Lilly.
Ashley, it's up to you cowgirlie! You gotta take up the mantle and survive!
I had a feeling she was gonna do that.
And why did Gabby use the slay pass on Ashley! I specifically told you to use it on Fiore!!
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"I'll give it to you sweetie. Use it for whoever."
I feel like I should blame myself for this happening.
"Ellie, why did you do that?"
"I'm sorry Lill, we were getting down to the wire and Fiore could be helpful if we reached the merge."
How would she help you in the merge exactly?! She's a KID. She has limitations! She's not exactly a good alliance member to have.
And who's to say she's not just gonna ditch you after this?
I'm sorry Ellie, but I'm calling you out cause I do not see your logic there.
"Not to throw a hissy fit, but this is seriously unfair!"
I feel like Ashley is saying that to ME specifically.
"There's three of us and only two of you. Even a six year old can do better math than you."
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Fiore secretly takes Algebra. The highest level. And she's a straight A honor roll student.
"Y'all WILL regret this decision!"
Specifically Ellie. She's gonna regret this, I can already tell.
Honestly, Ashley was robbed. I get it, limited episodes, but really? That's how she's eliminated?
Awwwwwwww 💗
At least they're besties till the end.
Tom Role Reveal & Jake True Personality Reveal (AKA Me Flipping Out Over Gay Quarreling)
Oh shit here we go...
"Golden told be awhile back to tell you something very important!"
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"Hey Grett. Maybe you should tell Jake something. Just a thought.
"For some reason I have the urge to tell Jake something. Huh, wonder who this Golden Voice is.""
"Tom was lying to you. It was Tom who voted for Drew."
Ooooooohhhh god...
I'm like preparing myself for the blowout.
"Because Drew found out his little secret."
"What secret?"
"The whole sun sensitivity story is fake. He lied to you because he's a spy."
"What are you talking about? Is this a joke?"
"He's here for work. You mean nothing to him other than a way to blend in more."
"Come on Jake, Grett has clearly lost it."
I'm CONFLICTED. Not my best girls HURTING my best boy!!
What do I do? Do I support her...? I don't know...
At least it's earlier in the season so they have a chance to bounce back... I don't... I don't know...
This is gonna be so ugly. Jake is gonna be HURT.
"I get hurt and traumatized by my ex! I lose my grandma! AND NOW THIS SHIT. I CAN'T CATCH A BREAK!"
"Tom! You're not gonna believe this!"
"Believe what?"
"Grett was saying the strangest things about you!"
"Wh-what did she say?"
"She said you were the one who voted Drew because, get this, he found out you were a spy?!"
I mean I don't think he should lie any further, but...
"I can explain!! It's not what you think!!!"
"Wait what? It's true?!"
"It's not that simple!"
Just hear him out! I can explain EVERYTHING! I know you're upset, but please hear me out!
"Oh my god... it really is! So you're just here for your job!"
"And our friendship, was that just to blend in too?! Did you ever care about me at all?! Was any of it real, HUH?!"
I know you being upset is understandable! It still hurts!
I can imagine what's going through his head though. His loved ones have a habit of either dying or lying to him and hurting him, and now turns out his new crush is a spy?
"Jake, calm down-"
"I don't owe you anything! It's my life! Step off, Jake!"
"Oh EXCUSE ME if I don't want to be part of your 'super cool' spy plan!"
"Can you stop telling the whole goddamn neighborhood?!"
And they got shot...
Oh my god, I need a minute to CALM DOWN.
Was that... I mean I know that was a Tom liar reveal, but was that a Jake true personality reveal?!
Is he an asshole?!
Goddammit, he IS an asshole, isn't he? I WAS ROUTING FOR YOU.
I'm calming down, I'm calming down...
Tom and Jake are gonna drive me FUCKING. CRAZY.
Gabby Roasting/Defeating Grett
"It's my plan. I did all the hard work. I deserve it."
...I mean she DID do shit, but also...
"I know you weren't helpful today! We all know that without me, you couldn't have made it this far."
"All day I've been doing what you say, AND YOU NEVER EVER SAY THANK YOU!!!"
I mean, I love Grett too... BUT.
Episode 6 Fakeout Elimination
Alright... let's see what we've got this time. This should be interesting.
Dammit, why'd he have to be an asshole, huh?
Of course Miriam writes in cursive.
"You can fool these Gen Z'ers..."
Miriam's climbing up my tier list.
Alright, Teal's up first.
I mean, I prefer it be Dan just cause I like Grett, but also...
I don't think I'm gonna be mad.
I like how Trevor says her name.
And then the last vote is Grett.
A fav is gone.
"Sorry. We won't tolerate you any longer."
"You think I care?! Because I don't!"
I think she does care though.
*Gabby/Ellie Kiss*
Ellie's gone, isn't she?
I thought she was gonna make it further, tbh.
"Good luck winning challenges with a six year old."
Wah wah waaaahhh...
"I've already won a lot in my life..."
The shakiness of her voice. OUCH.
*I got a safelife repair ad*
Team Swap
Oh we're starting right where we left off last time.
Episode 7 Elimination
Oh come on Jake. Why Gabby?
Yeah, we know this one.
I thought Gabby and Ellie would convince Jake to vote with them and tie it or something. But no.
"I have an immunity totem and I want to use it."
"I want to use this totem to nullify the votes against Ellie!"
Gabby, SLAY. Successfully reading the room, saving her only ally!
The subtitles XD
"Any votes on Ellie will not count!"
There's three, right?
So this was a successful idol play?
That's Jake throwing his vote.
It's gotta be Dan. He's gotta be gone!
"Why would you waste your totem on Ellie?"
Dude, Ellie was Gabby's ONLY ally in the game. She didn't protect Ellie, then they'd both be screwed.
"I didn't waste it. I saved her cause she treats me like a person."
That too. 💗
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I have full executive authority to modify my text posts for another audience - to express the exact same sentiment but in words that the new audience will understand. To translate, if you will, from "broad and unknown Tumblr audience" who speak the Tumblr lingo and dialect and who could be literally anybody, to "close family with a humongous bunch of shared experience and similar language to talk about them," who share my worldview and understand what I'm saying without getting offended by a caveat I forgot to include or a specification or detail that I thought was unnecessary. (E.g. on Tumblr I might say "my friend X", but to family I'd just say "X")
Translation from one to the other, and vice versa, is necessary for both clarity and brevity. Different audiences require different approaches.
Tumblr audience might have sentences providing caveats or clarity or introduction to a concept that the family audience already knows or doesn't need. For brevity, I would cut those out, but I might also add sentences to help with transition or to aid in pacing of the ideas, concepts, or story. (This also goes for fic; is the fic for fans only or is it friendly to fandom-blind readers? Same story, told in slightly different words sometimes.)
But they are still my words and all those words remain as true as they were in the original form (assuming I didn't decide to lie to one group). In fact, if somebody had access to both versions (and understood both), they could see more of my mind, heart, and will than otherwise; for example, my willingness to even do such a thing as translating or providing two different versions. A family member who forgot my relation to X might be reassured by the label "friend" when describing her. (It might also mean a lot to the friend, if she read both accounts.) It always helps to see further caveats, examples, side notes, details, or even just different phrasing that I thought would help one group's perspective but wouldn't be too useful for the other unless they were doing a deeper study of my words, for whatever reason.
Now if I DID decide to lie, of course, you can't believe either version (or any new one I came up with), because now I'm a liar and you can't trust anything at all. But assuming I'm not a liar (and nobody has messed with my words, or it's not an outright faked screenshot or deep fake or whatever) - assuming I am truthful and you trust me (and/or my messenger), you can learn a lot from the differences of how I convey the same idea.
Between the two versions I might also do things like update typos or accidental occurrences of misgendering, clarify grammar, institute proper capitalization, and so on.
It makes me think of a post I saw once about the differences between Hunger Games books and movies; how the books tell a story of how awful war is to kids, and how awful the capitol is to make them have a love triangle to survive, and how awful it is for them to sit back and watch it as entertainment. And how the movies have us sit back and be entertained while children have a love triangle and fight each other. It seems like a classic case of "movies butchered the books," but the author was actually involved in and had quite some say in the production of the movie. Looking at them, they both together tell a more powerful story than otherwise. I'll see if I can find that post because it was a JOURNEY.
Anyway. The author has ultimate authority to translate their work to different audiences, with different emphases and details, whether the work is a Tumblr text post or an essay or verbally telling a friend what happened to me today.
Same goes for the Lord Jesus Christ, the word of God (John 1). (For one thing, translating God Himself into human form while preserving his divinity? Major translation skills there.)
The four gospels are an example of this; Matthew, for example, is addressed primarily to the Jews and includes many extra details, adding things like "BTW this was in fulfillment of XYZ prophecy" and including the genealogy through David and all like that. Luke is written by a Gentile to Gentiles, and tells similar stories but often with different details.
Only one gospel mentions that when Jesus fed the five thousand, it was at evening; only one mentions that it was a little boy who had the five loaves and two fishes; when Jesus asks a disciple what they're going to do, only one gospel mentions that Jesus said it "to try him."
John is far more focused on Jesus' divine nature, including many stories not included in the others. Different details, different emphases, different audiences, although ultimately, all four are available to us who have lived after the first century AD.
The gospels also show off another aspect of the author having final authority to translate while still being pure, truthful, and accurate: quotations from the Old Testament.
The OT was written in Hebrew. Jesus reads from a Greek translation and calls it Scripture. (I.e. equally as inspired as the original.) The apostles and writers of the New Testament often do likewise.
The same can be true of other translations as well. Translations into Latin, into German, into French, into Old English, into Early Modern English... God is the master of language. He created it, after all. Jesus is the word. All Scripture is inspired and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness...
But only the author has that authority. If I tell my sister one thing and she tells my friend something in anything other than my own words, it may still be true; but it's slightly less true than my own words. Hopefully, usually the difference is negligible, but in a contest, anything I've ever said or written on the topic is more accurate than what somebody else said.
Hence, if there's something strange about the story my sister tells, my friend would do well to take it with a grain of salt (or more than one, if she knows I have a bad relationship with my sister.) If not, this can pass from one to another like a game of telephone until it devolves into gossip that's wholly untrue, outright malicious, etc.
I and only I retain the right to point to two different versions of my words and say both are equally true. My sister can't say "her words and mine are equal" unless she was there, and even then, any differences would be down to her own different perspective (and level of honesty), not mine.
You never know when somebody might embellish a Bible translation. I hear Satan has quite the interest in perverting God's words (just see Genesis 3). Compare your translation carefully with both itself and others.
On that note, let me share some comparisons to get you started.
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One of them has to be wrong. What do you think?
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thatanimewriter · 3 months
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➳ request: Can i request a Lie Ren from RWBY just doing cute fluffy things, I don’t mind if you want to add multiple characters too. Btw I love all your rwby fics its hard out here finding rwby fic fr
➳ character/s: lie ren
➳ warnings: mentions of marriage like once, references to ren backstory
➳ notes: omg my husband- i love ren irrationally i will never forget him for being the only one with sanity in atlas, even if he was a bit mean ._. also this is long, because i have a lot to say about this man and i don't think i'll get a ren request for a long time
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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he loves you so muchhhh, but that's for private stuff, he won't express love a lot in public cause he doesn't wanna be annoying
for other people, that is; he doesn't care if he's annoying you to a certain degree
imma be real, if he's dating you, you're probably gonna get married, i don't make the rules
and if you don't want to get married, you're never breaking up, because he's probably liked you for millennia and he's somewhat emotionally constipated
often cooks pancakes for you in the mornings if you're not a morning person or if he wakes up before you (he always does)
butterfly kisses to wake you up because he doesn't want to scare you and you just look too peaceful, he feels bad about ruining it
cups your face and strokes your cheeks with his thumbs and will just stare into your eyes because he feels like it
is probably so down for parallel play, which means he's happy to do his own thing and not talk, and you can do your own thing and not talk, but you're doing your own thing together in the same vicinity
will let you style his hair and put clips in it and stuff if it makes you happy
skincare together 100%, no matter if you do it yourself or not, he'll do it with you
if you don't do it, he'll do it for you when he does his skincare, and if you already have a routine, he'll do it with you
picnic and stargazing dates, probably both at the same time tbh
isn't one for spooning, but if you can like, hug each other instead, that'd be great
acts of service KING, he will do everything for you without question and he also remembers all the little things
he's kinda like a dad in that way
you mentioned you liked that snack one time?? suddenly the pantry is FULL of them
would never tell you "i told you so" because that's condescending to him and he doesn't wanna disrespect you
calls you his little lotus even if you're taller than him, that's just what you are
is lowkey kinda sad that you'll never meet his parents, but he's very happy knowing that they would love you if they were still here
will come with you anywhere, even if it's not his thing, because if you like it and it makes you happy, he'll come with just to see that smile on your face
probably has a playlist of 'your songs' when you're away for various reasons and he misses you
is not infallible to gossip though, if you tell him any tea going on in your life, he wants 103% of the details but no involvement whatsoever
those tiktoks where people pretend to have a gossip session over the phone and the boyfriend tries to eavesdrop and peep
that's ren.
he would probably be in on any friend therapy session, especially with relationships, cause he wants to be aware of any other problems that might happen
so then he can fix it or avoid that issue altogether with you-
also we know man's a chef, so any food you crave at any point in time, he will make it for you
and you can eat in bed together while you watch whatever you want, or just have late night existential conversations
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
LH x skating AU when? 🤭
anon, whoever you are, i'm a little bit in love with you right now. i was initially going to reply that i love yuuri and victor so much i haven't really thought about levihan while watching yoi, but....... as always, everything is levihan to my sick obsessed little mind, and that would have been a big fat lie.
i do genuinely love these new characters, so much more than i expected.
but since you insist... here we go for not just levihan skating AU, but actual, full on levi on ice headcanons:
first off, and you guessed it from that title, Hange = Victor. i know this is not the most popular hc in the snk fandom, but i'm convinced Hange's is at least as old, if not older than Levi is, and they perfectly fit the part of being a nearly retiring athlete whose sole purpose in life is to surprise their audience
so yeah, they've had a crush on Levi and his late-blooming but impressive ice skating abilities since they were up against each other in international competitions, and it did culminate at that banquet where he got black out drunk and openly flirted with them
but Levi's dog Hanjo (named after his idol, and of the same breed as their own dog Moblit (i mean that as a compliment, guys)) died during the season and the pressure was too much and Kenny is a useless fucking coach.... and so Levi fucked up his finale, and gets back home all defeated and unsure of his future
until his childhood friends Petra and Oluo's kids film and post him imitating Hange's years old dance on the local ice ring!!
can i add smth real quick btw? i just love the idea of Levi having a family, and him being Yuuri in this AU provides that. he deserves to be surrounded and supported by living loved ones (his sister Isabel, the childhood friends i mentioned before, and his alive and well mom Kuchel who's running the onsen), and i love that for him here
anyway back to the plot and come on, my guys. what's more Hange-like than spontaneously jumping on a plane and moving to another country/into a near stranger's family just because of a video that went viral and the memories of their crush on this very cute, very short, very intoxicated guy showing amazing dance moves (including pole dance!!! like what) and asking them to coach him bc he's such a fan??
you know the "fell first/fell hard(er)" ship meme? i go back and forth on it for levihan because there are so many ways to interpret their relationship in snk. but in this AU, i have no doubts: Hange fell first (no, i am not counting Levi's childhood crush on them here, bc that ain't love bitch) and planned the whole thing. and okay, it was chaotic planning and they had no clue what they were doing and mostly just jumped at the chance to train this rough diamond and maybe try and seduce him if he let them along the way.... but still, they're the one who went it and gave it a shot. Levi, on the other hand, thinks he just has a childhood crush, and he is absolutely the one who ends up falling hard, head over... skates (shut up, i'm hilarious), which he shows by having Yuuri-level Gay Panics anytime Hange's too close to him or by, yk, dedicating his heart WAIT NO THIS ISN'T SNK whole performance of the season to his new coach (but iT'S jUsT bC hE adMiRes tHem riGHt?? (wrong, Levi, you're so wrong. you idiot, ily so much aaaaah))
also, i dare anyone to tell me that flaunting their nakedness around complete strangers and then foregoing all societal bounderies by harrassing Levi so he'll let them into his secrets and life isn't the most Hange thing ever. yeah, you can't, because that is practically their canon relationship in snk, minus snk-Hange's aversion for baths and with an emphasis on just how clueless they are about wooing someone (and just bulldoze right into it so violently everyone mistakes their insane lovestruck behavior for Hange-usual eccentric behavior. what a romantic disaster they are, they desperately need help. i love them!!!!)
i was initially going to say that Zeke is Levi's biggest rival through all this, but something felt off, and you know what? Yurio is actually a dead ringer for the other insufferable jeager brother!! and so, lo and behold: Eren = Yurio! he's young, talented, ANGRY ALL THE TIME, wants to annihilate his competitors... really the only difference here, besides hair color (and the ability to turn into a giant monster, i mean), is that he becomes a decent human being and not a genocidial maniac in this AU. good for you, yoi-au-Eren, it's what you deserved.
i haven't decided yet if Zeke is more Christophe Giacometti or JJ Leroy material. i will have to think on it, anon, my apologies.
anyway, of course, in this AU (just as in my hc of snk, but don't tell anyone) Levi's a blushing virgin. and of course, Hange steals his first kiss after his stunning performance during China's tournament, as a way to surprise him back after he blew their brains out with his dancing (spoiler alert: it's Hange's first kiss too, even though everyone thinks they're a player who fucked their way through the competitions they've won before -nope. they're both ridiculous I LOVE THEM DEARLY)
oh but whatever you do, anon, don't think about yoi-Levihan using snk-Levi's final salute to snk-Hange as a way to support each other every time Levi gets on the ice (well, Hange used to do the simple salute on their own chest before hugging Levi, until the Russia tournament when he grabbed them by the tie, delivered That Iconic Yuuri Line and then transformed the salute into this much more intimate gesture for the first time). and especially don't think about these two fucking assholes choosing to put the hand that wears these ridiculously closeted romantic identical """""lucky charm""""" rings on each other's chest, right before Levi launches himself on the ice and towards breaking Hange's free skate world record. don't, okay? it's dangerous territory.
right. i'm going to stop here (and i've deleted a big chunk of other stuff actually), but i could go on and on and on...
the point is, anon
you win
there is now a "levi on ice ugggh fuck my life" titled document in my precious, already full fics folder
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