#because 1. you do not have to listen to a version w words (and also sometimes the words are in latin so u can't understand it anyway)
gingerbreadmonsters · 5 months
organ music + writing about vampires is a classic for a reason
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bradtomlovesya · 1 year
Perfectly Wrong Pt. 2
Idiot! Peter Parker x Idiot! Reader
Summary: Peter tries to make up and get you back. Based on this request - HERE - / Part 1 here
Warnings: A bit Angst!, Fluff!, mentions of alcohol.
w/c: 1.7k+
a/n: I hope you like this one. I am very proud of how it turned out. Reblogs, likes and comments are much appreciated. SUPPORT AN AUTHOR BY SHARING THEIR WORK.
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6 months. 6 months since you closed that door and didn't look back.
Peter tried to look for you the day after you left, but you told him to go away. You told him not to come looking for you again, especially if he hadn't dealt with his shit on his own.
At first Peter begged and pleaded, but when you told him "You're only hurting me more" he understood that you were right. He had been a piece of shit to you and "I'm sorry" without real change was just empty words.
It meant nothing. He had to get better, to suffer, to learn, to do better and, although you definitely didn't owe him anything, he hoped out of the goodness of your heart you'd still be willing to listen to him when all his shit got straightened out.
And that's why he waited 6 months. 6 months in which he really took the time to heal. 
The first step was to go to therapy, which helped a lot. His psychologist advised him at a certain point to meet with his ex so they could talk about everything and, although at first it seemed like an idea straight out of a madman's confession book, a month ago it didn't seem like such a bad idea and that's why he found a way to contact her and they arranged to meet in a coffee shop.
To Peter's surprise, MJ remembered him, had told him that she had regained her memories some years ago but didn't feel it was right to go back to him after the years had passed. Besides, she wasn't the same person anymore and she was sure he wasn't either.
It was then that Peter, after hearing what MJ had to say, realized that even if he had sought her out and told her everything, things would never have been as they were before. People change, things change and you fit the new version of Peter. He was happy with you... Damn it! You were the only thing that kept him sane and he cursed himself for how he had treated you, how he had made you feel.
And so, without further ado, Parker was able to continue his healing process. The guilt of not having sought out MJ was gone, his vision was finally clear enough. After that he also came to the conclusion that alcohol was not a great ally, he had to moderate himself; maybe it was because he was a spider-man that he doesn’t tolerate much alcohol, it didn't matter too much why, all he knew was that he shouldn't test his luck by getting drunk again.
Six months later here he was, with a bouquet of peonies - your favourite flowers - standing in front of the entrance to block 2 of the university waiting for your English literature class to finish. Peter knew your timetable, had been studying it and had been watching you from a distance so as not to miss the little changes you were going through. 
He knew you weren't happy, you always stared at the fountain where the two of you kissed for the first time wondering how it had all ended up that way. Parker had to control himself with all his strength more than once not to run and hug you, but not before fulfilling his promise to heal himself.
You didn't want that conversation to be the end of everything. You knew Peter had had a bad time but that didn't make him a bad person. He was just a wounded person who needed to heal and you really hoped that, when he did, he would come to you so that you could begin the process of reconciliation.
And maybe you should get on with your life, stick to how he treated you that last time and not go back to him, as your friends advised you to do. But they didn't know him like you did, they didn't know that during the whole year you were together Peter never raised his voice to you, not even when you did. He was the one who taught you what real, healthy love was, who had helped you grow in so many ways to become the person you were now.
Even if you looked like an idiot, you just wanted to go back to him even if he was an idiot too, so you could be idiots together.
When you walked out the door, you saw it. He was standing there wearing one of his plaid shirts - your favourite, by the way - and holding your favourite flowers. Your face immediately lit up - this was the moment you had been waiting for? It seemed that Peter was looking at you with the eyes of a lover and he had indeed taken the time to heal, you didn't know why or how but there was a glow, an aura, an air about him that told you so.
"Hello" He said almost breathlessly and in a faint whisper. He was afraid you would reject him.
"Hi" You replied with a small smile of amazement and disbelief. You were about to ask someone to pinch you in case this turned out to be a dream.
"I brought you these," he handed you the flowers and ran his hand through his hair, tousling it a little. He had let it grow out and you could see those little waves you liked so much.
"Thank you." You received them and sniffed. You loved their scent. "You look nice," you admitted.
"Thank you" he smiled and looked you in the eye. "Do you want to... Uh" he gulped. "Do you want to take a walk and talk to me?"
There was silence around you, the few people who had stopped to look had already left.
"Sure, why not?" You nodded and began to walk beside him at a quiet but steady pace.
"I like your new cut" he added with his hands in his pockets. "It suits you. "
"Really? It doesn't really suit me" you laughed and shrugged your shoulders.
"Honestly, everything looks good on you" He looked you in the eye and then looked straight ahead again as you blushed. 
"I haven't heard from you in months, what have you done?" You changed the subject and got to the point. That was why he was here, wasn't it?
"Well I... I went to therapy, I'm still going" he nodded and walked looking at the floor. "I also talked to MJ, my ex from high school." You watched him closely, you were curious what he had to say. "I worked some things out, resolved some doubts" he sighed. "It was a long and gruelling process but I was finally able to move on, I really was."
"I'm glad for that." you said sincerely. "You had a lot of things to sort out.... That and alcohol were not a good combination." You paused for a moment and looked away. It was painful to think about that day.
"I didn't drink again either, one beer is enough." He stopped in front of you and took your hands gingerly. "I'm really sorry for everything I've put you through." The pain and tone in his voice assured you that he was being honest, he really was sorry. "Wait here," he indicated before running to a fast food cart and buying two hot dogs. "Hungry?" he asked as soon as he returned to you and handed you one of the hot dogs. "Just mustard for you."
Your heart went out to him, still remembering the little things about you. "Thank you. You took a bite and both of you walked on. "So it's all settled then?" 
"Not everything." He denied. "There's still something I want to show you. Something you need to know." He inhaled deeply. "Would you mind going to my flat?"
"Now?" He nodded. "Oh yeah, okay." You nodded too.
You both walked to his flat while you ate and chatted about trivia. The silence wasn't awkward, that was characteristic of when you spent time together. 
"After you." Peter said after opening the door. 
You went in first and when he closed the door you followed him into his room. He instructed you to sit on the bed while he went into the bathroom and, when he came out, you just nodded with a smile.
"You don't look surprised." He said with a raised eyebrow.
"Why? Because you're Spiderman? I knew that." You laughed and stood up. 
"What? How?" Peter asked, confused.
"You'd always disappear and then it would be on the news that Spider-man had saved someone, I found a suit while cleaning your flat once and there was no way a normal human being would lift the neighbour's truck because there was a cat under it." You shrugged. "I just connected the dots."
"Why didn't you ever say anything?" He frowned.
"Because I thought when you were ready you'd tell me, I didn't want to pressure you." You looked him in the eye. "I'm smarter than I look."
Peter was heartbroken to hear you say that. That night, he implied that you were stupid and that his ex was smarter than you. How could he have hurt you so much? You, the person he loved most in the world.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Tears appeared in his eyes. "What I said that night was horrible." He hugged you and collapsed into your arms. "You were right, you've always been right about everything." He clung to you. "I'm an idiot."
"Shh..." you murmured, stroking his hair. This was a new Peter. A Peter who had healed and now understood the magnitude of his mistakes. "I forgive you." you whispered softly and clung to him.
"I will be better, I will do better. I will love you better." He looked into your eyes and pressed his forehead to yours. 
"I know." You smiled slightly. "We'll do it together." 
Peter moved close enough to kiss your lips slowly, he wanted the kiss to show you how much he loved you, he regretted it and he had changed. 
You both knew it would be a long process and a long road, but you would walk it bit by bit, together and always trying to be better.
Peter Parker Tags
@raajali3 @fangirling-galore @powerpuffluuvv @itszulli @hallecarey1 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kaitieskidmore1 @lnmp89 @pure-a-tea @vixparker @Army24--7 @spiderydreams00 @my-name-duh @nani-2305 @Mochimms @ietss @prancerrparkerr @Lynnzilla3000 @hpsgirlrw @hollandweather
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elf-osamu · 1 year
hi!!! i hope you’re doing ok! so uhm i hope nothings missing but can i have prompt 15 from fluff list 1 w/ oda? i’m non binary and i’m also saying the line <3 both platonic or romantic is ok! i don’t really mind. thank u so much for your time and have an amazing day 🌷
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[ masterlist ] [ event ] [ reblogs are v v v appreciated ]
fluff, canon divergence, can be interpreted both as romantic and platonic, oda sakunosuke x non-binary!reader (no specific prns used)
warning(s) : food !
word count : 465 words
plot : “ you surprise oda with his favorite meal, cooked by you for the first time. what does he think? ”
a/n : hi vess !!! i've written this while listening to “eat your young” by hozier and, i must admit it, it has been an experience/pos. anyway, it's the first time i actually write about oda and i'm not really satisfied with it, but that's okay, i'm going to improve when i find time :].
prompt taken from here !!
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[ ☆ ] oda would be delighted to discover you are trying to make him happy with curry rice, his favorite dish !
[ ☆ ] whether you're a good cook or not, he would appreciate the effort regardless.
[ ☆ ] however, if you ask for his opinion on your cooking skills, he'd be extremely blunt. oda is a honest man and says what it's strictly necessary - not in a harsh tone, but in a considerate way.
[ ☆ ] if you happen to make his favorite version of curry rice, that is quite spicy and served with a raw egg on top of it, he'll be positively surprised.
oda had always been a soft-spoken man in his life.
he was easily described as a generally calm, collected individual who did what he had to without many pretensions, rarely acting on a whim.
he wanted a simple, quiet life, filled with domestic moments and things which were very dear to him.
he was modest in his tastes and dreams... and he was content like this.
“okay, it's almost done”, you muttered to yourself as you watched over the pan where you were cooking the rice.
you had been invited by oda at his apartment to have lunch together and discuss the plans that he had in mind for his future books; he had recently published a short novel which was being sold everywhere in yokohama, much to your (and his) contentment.
you were proud of his accomplishment.
so, you had wanted to make something to congralute him; you had been rummaging through his kitchen and shelves to gather all the ingredients needed, then you started preparing the dish.
finding a recipe that was very similar to the original one hadn't been an easy task for you, but ultimately you had managed to discover it.
then there you were, sighing because of the high temperature of the room.
you were about to make the final touches when you heard the opening of the apartment's door.
oda sakunosuke just got home when the pungent aroma of his loved spice met his nostrils. he happily hummed as he changed his shoes and took off his light coat, going to the kitchen.
when you saw him entering the room, you looked at him and your face lit up.
“oda, come taste!” you exclaimed, gesturing him to go near the pan. you offered him a ladle to take a bit of curry rice. “tell me if i need to add anything”, you smiled.
he carefully tasted it, silently pondering if anything was missing.
as expected, he took his time to answer.
“i believe”, he thought out loud, a pensive expression adorned his face. “you should add more spice to it”.
you chuckled and did as he told you.
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[ do not copy, translate, repost, etc. | by @ elf-osamu ]
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enemywasp · 3 months
UMMMMM ..... Rant bc it's so rare to find a kindred spirit in this shitty immature ""war""
it fr just means i believe we should ship and let ship??? why is the "i don't judge u for your preferences" thing seen as bad idfk like. it's fucking fiction.
if it's problematic then I don't condone it irl. but I'm human. I have curiosities and shit. Like,, ppl don't listen to true crime bc they condone murder and ppl don't go calling true crime fans murderers. so WHYYYY is shipping any different, in fact it's b e t t e r bc at least fiction. isn't. real.
like why tf is what i ship anyone else's business??? unless it's bc we have smthn in common to bond over, why tf do ppl care abt the ships we don't have in common.
istg ship wars are crazy af and this whole pro- anti- ship shit is just another way to try to control smthn that doesn't need controlling.
it's like U said no one fucking cares abt it irl and the damn DEATH THREATS ppl get over **not giving a damn what other people ship** instead of being the fucking fandom shipper police or smthn is disgusting and i hate that im never allowed to talk abt this w/out ppl hating me and calling me a disgusting monster.
why can't I just do what I fucking want when in my own privacy while not causing any harm???
like ppl are so damn delusionalllllllll!!!!.!.!.!
-> some proshippers just mean they support any and all ships bc fiction is fiction
-> some proshippers ship "problematic" ships and that is FINE because it is NOT REAL and THEY ARE NOT HURTING ANYONE and i meannnnm ppl are curious right. they gonna explore alien concepts some way or another. why tf would ppl stop them from exploring it in a safe. healthy. fictional. harmless. way.
why is it that it's okay to consume problematic content but not okay to ship problematic ships?? literally what is the fucking difference ships are a subgenre of content.
if you think it's okay to be a fan of lotr or american psycho or some shit then it is damn hypocritical to say it isn't okay to ship something problematic. same thing if you think it's okay to stan/simp for a villain character.
it's only even called ~problematic~ bc that's how the relationship would be if it were real. which it isn't. so it isn't fucking problematic bc it's fictional content and the ppl shipping it do not condone the irl versions.
also sidenote,,, why tf are proshippers and multishippers grouped together in the dni stuff?? they are not related. a multishipper just. ships the same character w/ more than just one (1) other character. how is that problematic too?????
okay sorreryyyyyy i just have so many thoughts on this that im never allowed to share pls feel free to let this one collect dust in the inbox. or just straight up delete it lol.
Do not apologise! I love a good rant!
If you want to interact with proshippers more the tags "proshipper", "proshippers pls interact" and "proship positivity" are usually very nice and lots of wonderful people post there!
And you could always make a side account for proship stuff if you want to be able to take a break from the intense pro vs anti stuff if and when it gets too much, whilst still having a place to enjoy that stuff.
Honestly I think a lot of the issue is people seem to take the word "ship" as their ideal relationship. Less so than a dynamic they enjoy in fiction. But I don't know, I can't pretend to understand the mind of antis.
Proshippers and multishippers getting clumped together is probably linked to the idea that a ship is a pairing you want to see canon and shows actually pandering to ship wars lately. Or maybe people are just weird!
Everyone takes shipping way too seriously now and acts like a fictional pairings existence will romanticise the topic and brainwash kids. My general rule is that its for fun, who cares ?
And feel free to rant in my inbox whenever! It's always open to anyone. Glad you could get that off your chest :)
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Looking Good
Summary: Peter 1 hates himself and MJ reminds him just how amazing he is ❤️
(First fic with Michelle Jones! ❤️ Zendaya characters still terrify me to write because I don't think I can do her characters the justice they deserve, but it doesn't hurt to try ❤️ This is for the one Anon who asked about Peter 1's MJ :) Also, I had to play on the fact Zendaya is 5'10 while Tom is only 5'7 😁 Enjoy!)
Peter studied himself in the mirror. He had always been grateful for the spider bite muscles and worked hard to maintain them, but he still felt self conscious about his looks. He was skinny but didn't have the height to pull it off. He had the muscle build but the wrong facial structure to go with it.
He was just forever a skinny, awkward teenager.
As he continued to study his body, another figure stepped into the doorway of his bedroom. "Peter?"
The young teen whirled around. "MJ!"
The taller teen smiled at her boyfriend before her eyes trailed down to his bare upper half.
Peter blushed as he wrapped the shirt in his hands around his body like a towel. "Hey! Hey. W-what's up?"
MJ furrowed her eyebrows as she studied her boyfriend's face. "Peter, everything okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
"Because that's not how you wear a shirt."
"What do you mean?"
MJ raised one eyebrow.
Peter cleared his throat as he turned away. "Yeah I-I guess you're right."
While he moved to pull the shirt on over his head, MJ stepped further into the room. "Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"
One whirled back around to his girlfriend. "No way! You could never make me feel uncomfortable."
"Are you sure? You seem really tense."
"It has nothing to do with you MJ. I promise."
The taller female wasn't ready to let the subject go just yet. "Did something happen?"
Peter scoffed. "Absolutely nothing."
One looked up at his girlfriend with no vocal response.
"Peter, please?"
After a moment of silence, Peter finally responded. "I don't know. I just wish . . . I was better looking."
"What are you going on about?" MJ wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's shoulders.
"I wish I was taller."
MJ smiled. "No you don't. You'd have a higher chance of hitting your face more than you already do."
This managed to pull a smile out of the teen. "I wish my face looked better."
"What?" The taller teen couldn't resist smushing her boyfriend's face with one hand. "This adorable little face right here?"
Peter playfully pulled away. "Ihim serious."
"Pete, listen to me." MJ pressed her forehead against his. "I don't care if there were a million different versions of Peter out there. You will always be my favorite. Looks have nothing to do with it by the way. Those are just an added bonus."
Although MJ wanted to boost her boyfriend's self-esteem, he still seemed unsure of her compliments. The taller of the two wracked her brain for a cheerup when a wonderful idea suddenly made her grin. She knew something that was sure to put a smile on her boyfriend's face.
MJ led Peter over to his bed and sat down. "If you won't believe my words then I'll just have to show you how amazing you are."
"What are you up to?" Peter asked suspiciously.
"You'll see." MJ pulled her boyfriend toward her. "Come here."
Although he was still suspicious, Peter let his girlfriend pull him between her legs and rest his back against her chest. "If you wanted to cuddle you could have just asked."
"Where's the fun in that?" The taller teen wrapped Peter in a hug. "Plus I didn't think you'd willingly be the little spoon."
Peter's blush reappeared. "I like being the little spoon."
"I'll remember that." MJ snuggled closer to her boyfriend. "But now you need to listen to me compliment you on how amazing you are."
The smaller teen groaned. "I could get free."
"But you won't. I know you won't."
"You're such a jerk Michelle Jones."
While Peter was distracted, MJ slipped a hand under his shirt. "No. I just know how to put a smile on your face."
The smaller male's eyes widened. "What are you---?"
MJ started spidering her hand across One's tummy. "Nothing."
Peter squeaked before dissolving into giggles. "Ehem Jahay."
"What was this negative talk you were saying about yourself? About your looks?" The taller teen let her finger lazily trace her boyfriend's abs. "Because I could trace these abs all day."
"Nohoho! Dohont yohou dahare!"
"Just think, if you were any taller, you wouldn't fit so perfectly in my lap."
Peter didn't respond. He was too busy giggling from the finger gliding around and around his hyper ticklish stomach. However, he had yet to move her hand or squim away from her either.
MJ lifted her other hand to scratch under his chin. "And if your face was any different, your smile wouldn't look right."
Peter's giggles became higher pitched from the affection.
Now the taller teen's finger circled her boyfriend's belly button. "You know, you and your belly button have a lot in common."
"Yeeees," MJ teased as she ran her nail around the rim of his belly button. "You're both tiny and cute, you went through a lot to get here, and you're both so very important."
"Well, your belly button gave you a lot of nutrients in the womb. Now your torso looks incomplete without it." MJ finally paused her tracing. "And now my life would look incomplete without my tiny and cute little boyfriend."
Peter collapsed into a puddle of giggles, but the grin never left his face.
"Yeah, my life wouldn't be the same without you Peter Benjamin Parker."
With two of her fingers, MJ gently lifted her boyfriend's chin so she could give him a kiss on the lips. Both of them stayed quiet as the kiss lingered on, MJ's hand laying still on Peter's tummy.
Once the two pulled away, the taller of the two brought her hand up to run her fingers through her boyfriend's hair. "Feeling better about yourself?"
"Aha littlehel." The blush on Peter's cheeks darkened. "Think Ihi mihight neheed some extraha persuahasihion?"
"Oh absolutely." MJ immediately started dragging her nails across Peter's tummy with the lightest touch ever just to drive him up in pitch. "You're too stubborn to give up right away."
And for several minutes, MJ 'persuaded' her boyfriend to see just how amazing he really was.
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piganatur · 1 year
"actually what jaewon said in the photography shop cut x1000000 times deeper than the english translation of it": Do you mind sharing what he said? Thanks in advance! " i get what they wanted to say w/ the presentation scene but i don’t get why they had to say it that way though": I'm not sure I understand what the whole presentation scene was, especially with the Hedgwig one before it. Why were they mocking the Hedgwig presentation? I don't get it? Thanks for all the context!
hello dear, i've already answered what jaewon said in this post aaaaaand my take on the presentation scene is that, as we’ve seen in previous episodes, the class they have to make the presentation for is a liberal arts class and it’s also an elective (although for some students, like aeri, it’s mandatory). their professor even warns them to prepare well and don’t try to half ass it just because it’s a liberal arts elective. at the start of ep5 that girl giving the presentation didn’t seem to remotely know what she was talking about nor what class she was in lol. she obviously did not prepare for the presentation.
in contrast, hedwig did prepare by dressing up to complement the themes of his presentation but it’s like the other end of the extreme. that girl did the bare minimum (yet made a show bc of how ridiculous she was) while hedwig kinda overdid it (also made a show that others could enjoy, just look at their faces, everyone is ready to giggle). that presentation was literally a show, theatrical and over the top (making aeri and jihyun waiting for it to end asap....i've also seen kids in other dramas pull this same trick when presenting for an elective, often when the content of their presentation was lacking). even their professor chuckled when he said, you’ve done well. hedwig tried to cut corners by making it seem like he prepared a lot (which he did, just not in the way the assignment would require). no one could say he did not put work into his presentation, but i wonder what he’d think if their professor suddenly said grades are solely based on the written version of the assignment they have to submit.
in contrast, yet again, the aeri/jihuyn presentation was exactly like that, succinct and to the point, sticking to the core theme of the assignment. they took it seriously and that’s what made it (for others) so stale. just look at everyone listening to them, the light almost left their eyes lol (there’s like 1 (one) girl smack in the middle paying attention – and the prof) bc the professor did pay attention. i think, out of every presentation, he paid the most attention here. he also sincerely praised them and that’s what made hedwig so furious (he became hedwing and the ANGRY inch *ba bam tssss* pls don’t take me seriously) hedwig stalked them down, pushed them and taunted them for failing their presentation. it’s another show, one to hide his insecurity about his grade and to make aeri/jihyun seem less because they didn’t get as big of a reaction. hedwig mocked them saying he saw the prof giving a b- (but like would anyone believe him?) aeri also said (in ep3) that their professor was known for giving low grades even though it’s only a liberal arts class but like can anyone blame the man when the presentations are like that?
oh, but the joke's on hedwig bc jihyun didn’t care if they got a b-. he was not shaken by empty words someone said (they still didn’t know their final grades at this point) but even if they did get a b-, jihyun and aeri did their best, and they know that for a fact and that’s what matters. seeing jihyun’s flippant attitude to the provocation, hedwig was kinda blindsided, so tried to switch lanes but by that point, it was too late. so he played the victim (when he was the one who aggressively started the whole fight) yelling after them, kim jihyun you’ve changed (but like what did he expect???)
Werner du Plessis cited Hedwig and the angry inch as his favourite film. i have not seen it but that explains why they used that film. my problem mainly lies with aeri’s halloween costume comment followed by the walk down to Itaewon comment :///
i rambled A LOT and idk if any of it helps but thanks for the kind words and your interest in my opinion, i am but a simple farmer weeding through drama episodes and their layers
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welcometoteyvat · 8 months
thanks for sharing the post. have the user blocked. hate it when people apply western (e.g. english) practices and cultures to other practices and cultures. it is not the same :( either way, what is the canto accent? i am not a native chinese so i don’t know what’s the accent they gave gaming. could you explain (if you can!)
oh no problem i don't think it was like a terrible post on the relative scale of internet takes, but op pissed me off lol like a native canto speaker spoonfeeds you info and you just refuse to engage with it. it's not even being curious it's just dense as hell. they eventually came around but man the reading comprehension-
anyways the canto accent—idk how to describe it tbh. some of the syllables sound more canto? like the way they're broken up and which words get more emphasis etc. tons of ppl (on bilibili) said it sounds like very realistic/authentic "guangpu" which is shorthand for cantonese accented standard chinese. the best example of this imo is when he says 本领嘛 (běnlǐng ma) in the suanni papercut teaser; the stress/emphasis on each syllable like separates them a lot more than in mando? ben and ling especially sound sharper when he said it, like if you use more force w your tongue/lips to pronounce the b and l sounds. i am not a linguist so this could be completely off (but there's more unrelated talk about canto vs mando under the cut)
the more explainable thing he does is use phrases that aren't used in standardized mandarin. 我埋单(wo3 máidān) ("my treat" in eng dub) is a canto phrase—i think(?) mandarin speakers would say 我结账 (wo jiézhàng). 埋 means bury in mandarin, but in cantonese it can mean to close/settle (accounts), or come together (as in closing a wound). closing the check in this case ig. importantly 埋单(canto) and 买单(mǎidān, mandarin) do not mean the same thing (unlike i originally thought haha), even though the tones are v similar
he also says 勤力点 (qínlì diǎn) during the suanni trailer which i assume would be 尽力点 (?) (jìnlì diǎn) in mando, they both mean the same thing (to work hard) it's just diff words. qin is the first word of qinkuai 勤快, hardworking
his 喔 (wo, filler word) and 哪(na, also filler word, except he says it like 那哈 na ha to me lol) also just sounds so canto jfsdkfj. they both exist in mando and are used but idk the pronunciation sounds a bit diff?
DISCLAIMER: this is all written by a mando only speaker. I watched the trailer and just listened to everything gaming said that I've never heard spoken in mandarin before, then searched it up to see if it was actually canto, but I do not speak Cantonese. if any of this info is incorrect please tell me, i don't want to spread misinfo. thank you! <3
cantonese vs mandarin rambling utc
more about how the accent differs: I thought about this q a bit and ended up searching for canto text to speech. This likely won't help much, since ga-ming spoke accented mandarin, not entirely cantonese, but if you're curious and want to hear the differences between standard mandarin and canto, you can go to https://fanyi.baidu.com/#zh/yue/ and paste some chinese text into this, and click on the speaker/audio button at the bottom of the text boxes to hear it spoken. the left is mandarin, the right is cantonese. if you'd like you can also paste the text into google translate, which will give you the mandarin pinyin. i extracted some of gaming's most noticeable lines here if u wanna try. Honestly, it might be more helpful to listen to his lines in mandarin and then listen to gaming's version to see if you can hear any differences, because his audio from the livestream is a lot closer to mandarin than cantonese
舞兽戏 你们听说过没有 (said in standard mandarin, beginning of 4.4 trailer)
舞兽戏在沉玉谷地区还是很有名的喔 (at 0:10, 4.4 trailer)
去新月轩喝个早茶怎么样?(std mandarin) 我埋单 我埋单 (at 0:31 in the 4.4 trailer)
本领嘛 多学多练 勤力点,总能行的。哪,你看文仔也觉得对喔!(1:38 in tidings of an auspicious beast)
"所以是真的吗,老先生" is the one other thing he says in the suanni PV, but there's a very slight difference that i don't know if i'm hallucinating it
there are 2 more lines that I didn't include (his skill and burst voicelines) but i can't tell if there's much diff in his accent. his skill sounds a tad diff but idk if im just not familiar with the words L
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anab-starr · 4 months
The List of BG3 OC's... so far
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Resist-o-Durge: Oona, The Ghost Spider of Bhaal Szarkai Cleric of Eilistraee/Monk
Born of a ritual where an Underdark cult force-fed the flesh of Bhaal to a drider. She was then unceremoniously dumped above ground at the doors of an Eilistraeean church. Oona grew up with love, compassion, and a firm belief in redemption no matter the crime.
When the Slayer came for her, she razed the Church to the ground after murdering everybody inside.
Canon: Loves Gale Besties w/ Shadowheart & Astarion Hasn't killed any of the named drow. Nere, Drouin, Araj, Minty... all safe!
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Yes that includes "he's drow enough" Kar'niss. She just knocked him out, dragged him somewhere safe, and left a moonlantern beside him for when he came to.
Crazy Fanon: Has a li'l Gortling daughter. I imagine the reunion would be Gortash bringing her to his office after she gets rid of Orin and being like "I mean you could kill me instead of helping me, but wow that would really upset OUR CHILD." Oona doesn't know this but the baby is exactly what caused her to rethink her Absolute plans. She didn't want to destroy the world for Father anymore, she wanted the world to be worthy of her Gortling! And maybe she could convince bae to just settle for Archduke of Baldur's Gate! She went to Moonrise Towers to talk to Ketheric about her second thoughts since she felt he'd be most apt to listen whether or not he agreed.
And that's when Orin struck.
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Embrace the Durge (for now): Edeva the Black Tiefling Rogue/Assassin
I wanted to do a tiefling version of Origin Durge, I just love the creepy white and red look. I don't know her background yet, I just know she has one rule: TIEFLINGS ARE OFF LIMITS. Everyone else is fair game, but when she walked in on Lump the Enlightened eating a tiefling, she went berserk. She also did not allow Lae'zel to be mean to Zorru.
But those Gnolls... were SO COOL.
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Anyway, here's what I have of her: Canon: Crushing on Karlach, no besties yet :( unless you count Sceleritas Fel? Does NOT like Raphael, very much scared of him, even though she's the one who gets that good Devil-D in all my RaphxTav fanfics ^^;; Crazy Fanon: She's Orin's #1 hype gal, believes in her art skills, beat the absolute snot out of Sarevok for, as she puts it, "being mean to my girl". I figure, Sarevok is the driving force behind manipulating Orin into replacing Eva as Chosen because the thinks this Absolute Cult stuff is a waste of time and he feels Bhaal has better uses for Edeva.
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My very first Tav, Meadowlark High Elf Druid/Circle of Spores
She's a Bard and a Druid, a happy woman with an 8 year old son who was playing with friends when the Nautiloid showed up. She hopes her kid's ok, neither one of them expected her to be kidnapped and tadpole'd. She did send word via the grove that she was alive and getting home ASAP.
She's giving me wicked Mommy vibes, which is why I felt she should have a child already. No romantic prospects at the moment with how badly she mother-hens her companions. She's especially protective of Lae'zel because of the gith's youth and naiveté.
That being said, she's crushing heavily on Barcus Wroot, and she hasn't met fellow druid Halsin yet...
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Funny thing is, she's inspired by someone else's character! A long time ago I was in a Dragon Age fanart group on FB and someone created a mage named Meadowlark. The inspo pic the person used was of an absolutely gorgeous Turkish model. When I saw this face mod (Vamperen's Head's 2.0 I believe) I thought "omg that looks like Meadowlark!" and decided to make her a Tav.
Crazy Fanon: Her son is still in Baldur's Gate waiting for her... just not at home... :/
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vanadiumheart · 1 year
🎶✨ when u get this u have (the option) to put 5 songs u actually listen to. then send this ask or tag 10 of your friends/followers/just some guys you feel like if you feel like✨🎶
I make da rules
1. Dream Sweet in Sea Major from Hawaii: Part II
My friend Megan first sent me this song. It is long and I love it very much and it's one of the songs that we will send eachother lyrics from at random. I like that it feels like dreams feel, or how moving through any like area feels to me sometimes. Like traveling through scenes, all more or less connected or distinct from one another. Someone us doing a radio announcer voice. It may reference 9/11. I like how the visions anf words roll around in my head, and isn't that really all we can ask for?
2. Kansas Remembers Me Now by Orville Peck
I don't remember if this song is on my crazy playlist (playlist that is for songs that feel like they touch the things that happen in my brain that make me feel crazy or that are called being crazy) but maybe it could be. The radio static and the strange off kilter twang to the guitar (?) make this song warm and eerie and the color of red gravel and rocks and 7 pm. If I remember correctly it's referencing a murder but in general it's about infamy and consequences and those being however temporarily eschewed in the face of this other guy. Calm after the worst has been done and can't be cleaned off your hands. Also don't ask to see the crazy olaylist because it's been years since I made it and it's almost definitely embarrassing now. Ask me back in 2018 and I'll look at you with a tight expression and wide eyes and ask how the fuck you heard about it.
3. Kamikaze by. Who other than. One Carly Rae Jepsen
I will tell you that I listen to almost every Carly Rae Jepsen song sans I guess anything off Tug of War (sorry to Tug of War) and you will believe me if you have any sense or eyes or have spoken to me about music even once whereupon I will have shyly announced to you that she is my favorite and you will have added a mental note next to my file in your mind that just read "Gay little bitch?"
Kamikaze is the one from The Loveliest Time that dug under my skin from the first time I heard it. When The CD Arrives, Then You Will Realize. I love the sharpness of it and the fatalism. I like the clarity about how it's decisions being made in the song, not necessarily helpless but made against better judgement. Carly Rae I'm free Thursday and
4. Good Wife by Mika
All of my go to favorite Mika songs are sadder Mika songs and idk what to tell people about that. I am normal for having Erase come to mind before Grace Kelly. Don't ask. I love the kind of like railing against God's design and taking on the idea of a good housewife but doing it sideways style. I love this sad song about the impossibility of like heterosexual ideals and dreams and feeling desperate to save people from them. Let's not talk about it, rest your head upon my shoulder.
5. Oh Maker as covered by Left at London
This cover. Feels like my heart is breaking and also being held in someone's hands. It feels like a ringing light. Like a humming cord pulling through me.
Ringing like light rings faces. Like voices ring out. Aggyhyyhhh
This is the first version of the song I heard. I've heard and liked the original but this is always the one I go back to
Ty @deneviere and I hope neither you nor the original crafter of the game minds me taking mentally ill liberties w the rules
@angelofsappho @knifekirby @battybiscornu @skyberia @astropups
Don't feel like you gotta but also get fucking tagged, fools
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pan-de-queer · 11 months
20 Questions Game
Tagged by @jadedloverart! for once, i've finished work early and am free to write fic and answer tag games today hahaha thanks for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
31 lmao, feeling a lil fandom old or whatever haha
2. Total AO3 word count
157,459 ??? wild considering i mostly post one-shots hahaha
3. Fandoms you write for
for the past few years it's been supercorp but you can also find bechloe, junksen/embry, some choices (the cyoa game), and les mis sprinkled in my ao3. all wlw too
4. Top 5 fics by kudos -
ruined nights make for perfect first dates (bechloe)
'cause you know all of my secrets (supercorp)
maybe i matter (because i knew you) (bechloe)
love tastes like spring and blood (bechloe)
kept my face to the sun (you drive away my shadows) (supercorp)
most interesting thing for me abt this is that ruined nights is the shortest one out of all five of these??? love that ppl liked it so much tho
5. Do you respond to comments?
as much as possible yeah! which reminds me that i haven't replied to @jadedloverart's comment on my fic. and other comments. i should do that hahaha
6. Fic w/ Angstiest Ending -
i don't end with angst haha i'm angst with a happy ending or bust lmao BUT the closest to angst would probably be love tastes bc the issue isn't solved until the very end
7. Happiest ending? -
all of them 💕 but if i had to choose then probabbbly cause you know
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not that i'm aware of!
9. Do you write smut/what kind?
nope! never been interested in writing it mostly bc my brain sees it as "action with even more emotions" and i have a hard enough time with action as it is lol
10. Do you write crossovers?
used to! and if you count the mcu+comics!marvel crossover i only posted a tidbit of, then yes, i still do
11. Ever had a fic stolen?
again, not that i know of
12. Ever had a fic translated?
yeah! can't remember for what tho but someone very kindly asked and i said ofc!! and then they sent the link but i can't remember where lmao
13. Ever cowritten a fic?
a long long time ago haha, wouldn't be opposed to doing it again though!
14. Favorite ship?
it's been supercorp since the pandemic! but who knows where the winds of my silly lil whims might take me?
15. A wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
all of them 💕 lmao jk jk but seriously i have a LOT of wips and i put them all under ONE file so it's like wading through a garbage dump trying to see what i'll do next and that's just for supercorp, i have separate untouched wips for allll my other old fandoms too lmao (some wips i doubt i'll ever finish for sc though are the undercover fake lovers one, the coastal cleanup one even though it SHOULD be easy in theory, the hanahaki au that's lena's version instead of kara's, and the one based off of emily the song by jeremy zucker)
16. Writing strengths?
anything descriptive! i can go in depth about shit forevveeerrrr
17. Writing weaknesses?
dialogue. like i can WRITE it and i can even write it WELL but that dialogue came from the bloodbath of thousands of drafts so
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in a different language?
many thoughts! number one being that if you don't know it, get someone who's above average fluent to help you if you feel like the language is needed in the story! and if the language is fake (like using kryptonian) then make the inclusion of it make sense! other thoughts are for my thinking only 💕 (and my unfortunate friends who have to listen to me lecture)
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
MAYBE ranger's apprentice or percy jackson
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
i can't pick favorite for my babies but i'm hella proud of all my supercorp fics rn! it had been so long since i joined a new fandom that i felt suuupppeerrr awkward posting at first! but it's been a nice experience shifting fandoms ever since :)))
for the no pressure tags! @nostradamus0 @sssammich @ridiculously-over-obsessed @tiny-maus-boots and anyone else who wants to join!
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vegaseatsass · 2 years
Just wanted to say that when you said you consider yourself "autism-adjacent" I felt kind of understood. I think I'm always between calling myself allistic or autistic or maybe just ND or something else. I don't know to which extent I mask or to which extent I am just faking autistic experiences, and while I love being in the autistic communities online (and having autistic friends to whom i will never ever breathe a word of my own doubts about my self dx), I do feel like an intruder so I never want to share my experiences or talk above someone else.
Oh anon, I'm so glad to hear that resonated for you even a little bit! This is a post that really helped me: https://vegaseatsass.tumblr.com/post/706935614630772736/tamlin-the-thing-is-you-dont-have-to-have-a so maybe it will help you too.
Like, there are huge issues when people with a mild version of an experience (whether that's like, an experience of oppression, a disability, anything else), or the most "relatable"/palatable-to-the-power-structure version of an identity (like autism), become the spokesperson for the entire group; I firmly believe it's worth staying mindful of that and actively working to center and amplify the most vulnerable and/or norms-challenging members of ANY community one is a part of.
But I think it starts to get really complex beyond that! I don't think sharing experiences is automatically talking above anyone else or taking up space or resources. If there are behaviors or traits, or strategies or accommodations, that fit an autism diagnosis, which it really helps you to identify with or apply to your own life, it is not imo hurting anybody else to incorporate those into your identity and approach to the world.
But I still feel so weird about doing it myself!!! I've been diagnosed with 7 or so different labels over the past 20 years, which leads to me feeling like I'm faking at all of them. My current dx (Non-Verbal Learning Disorder) has helped me the most in terms of strategies and accommodations, but I still feel like a faker because I don't fit all the different criteria, and the parts I do fit mostly feel mild (except for the executive dysfunction, which was so debilitating to me it's taken me decades to get to a place where I can feed myself or work - but this is hardly the only dx w/ executive dysfunction as a symptom!!!). Then even with NLD, there's like debate on if it's even a real??? learning disorder??? or if it's just a non-stigmatized name for a particular kind of autism??? or what, and it's just all incredibly confusing to me LOL.
What I've found the most useful is 1) identifying symptoms, and not worrying about connecting them to an umbrella term. Just focusing on managing the symptoms that are obstacles to the life I want to live, and on embracing/reframing the ones that are authentic/benign parts of who I am that don't need to be managed beyond pressure to seem "normal" 2) letting myself relate to anyone describing experiences that resonate for me, quietly and internally. Not running up to anyone sharing something personal I relate to and acting like we're the same, but just letting my own "I feel that too! I see myself in what you're saying!" response be a way I connect to the world while staying quiet/private about a lot of my own experiences, outside of therapy and a few really close, really safe friendships. Friendships where I know it will be validating to hear that I see myself in what's being described (and/or where we can communicate about the times when it's not) instead of risking invalidating or minimizing somebody else's experience.
I know there has to be a better way for people like you and I to express our authentic experiences without this level of second-guessing, and a way to create spaces where it doesn't feel like getting ourselves "wrong" comes with any risk for a community we care about, but I'm at least not there yet so it's easier for me to like, do more listening than talking for now, and also get really wrapped up in fiction where I can relate to whoever I want to however deeply I want to. Khun Sam 😍
I also strongly feel that the beauty of terms like neurodivergent is that, like "queer", you don't have to be able to lay out every detail about who you are for anyone else. You can have questions or some internal suspicions about who you are and how you work that connect you to a community/a sort of general scope of collective experiences, and figure out the specifics with time and care, including if/as those specifics change.
I HOPE THAT MADE SENSE, I am not the most clearheaded today at all but I really wanted to respond. Thanks for sending me this message and I so hope you start to feel like more of a beloved member of the communities you're in instead of an intruder.
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allthemusic · 9 months
Week ending: 13 January 1955
Starting out in 1955, and man, are we starting with a bang! Three songs, all of which I knew before listening to them - and all of which I reckon the average person on the street probably would know, too.
Mambo Italiano - Rosemary Clooney and the Mellomen (peaked at No. 1)
Well this song feels like it's clearly cashing into the Italian trend that you're seeing with songs like That's Amore, combining it with mambo music. This works - well enough that I assumed as a small child, hearing this played in Frankie and Benny's sort of restaurants, that mambo was an Italian dance. Which is nonsense - the whole joke here is that people in Italy are doing the mambo, which is Cuban.
The thing that apparently links both these phenomena is New York City, where you got a lot of Italian-American entertainers, but where you also had a bit of a mambo craze through the 1940s and 50s, under Cuban-Americans like Tito Puente and Pérez Prado. All of which is pretty cool.
The beginning, with the slower pace, mandolins and references to going back to "Napoli" does feel like a direct nod to Dean Martin and That's Amore - which makes it all the more interesting when Rosemary sings that "wait a minute, something's wrong" and speeds the tune up to mambo speed, complete with more mambo-ish percussion and saxophones, and a crazy glissando down the piano.
It's full of various Italian or not-so Italian clichés , and so we get in quick succession references to Napoli, pizza, mozzarella, a bambino, vino as well as Spanish enchiladas and goombas and jadrools, both of which were apparently slangy adapted Italian. Plus Rosemary's putting on an Italian-American accent with alarming amounts of gusto - and it is put on, because she was Irish-American as they come, apparently.
The overall effect is chaotic, with Rosemary's delivery, the slightly slapdash piano that comes in halfway through and just the nonsense nature of the lyrics promoting a sense of informality and comedic charm. Lines like "You getta happy in the feets-a" are apparently also drawing on Italian-American vocal jazz artists like Louie Prima, who were known for similar nonsense-Italian for similarly comedic effect.
It's not rock and roll, but it's got the right energy, just about. Tell me that the piano solo in this couldn't be a banging guitar riff. In fact, I'd like a hard rock version of this, I think? Rosemary is giving it her campy, overdone best, and the Mellomen, who remain in the background for most of this, earn their keep with a vehement "uhhhh" at the end. Which you've got to admire.
Mr. Sandman - Dickie Valentine (5)
I know this song pretty well, and I do like it, and to be honest, I don't think this helps Dickie's case here. It's not that his version is bad. But there are a lot of versions I can compare it to, and in most respects I think this lacks some of the magic that other versions have. The Chordettes' version is hard to beat, for example, and the Mamas and Papas version is also pretty nice.
We have all the beats you need, though, from the iconic "bom bom bom bom" opening chords, to a bit of celeste over the title lyrics, and the song itself is solid. Dickie's singing to the Sandman to bring him a dream of a person he can love - simple enough, and whimsical, but still earnest enough not to fall into the novelty category. And it really is a beautiful tune, full of fun barbershop vibes and tight vocal harmonies, if you do it right.
But there are issues even in the intro, as the "bom" bits are just a touch too longer. Likewise, Dickie seems to hang on notes just a bit longer than he needs to - this song works because of how crisp it is, so this hampers it, for me. It's subtle, but it makes words like "saaandman" sound off, somehow.
There's also a slightly awkward thing where Dickie, being male, changes the pronouns in the song ("Make her complexion like peaches and cream") but the female backing singers don't ("Make him the cutest that I've ever seen"). Which changes the song from being about a lonely person dreaming up a lover who doesn't exist into a song about two euqally lonely lovers who exist but just haven't met wanting to dream about each other. It's fine, but it's a different vibe.
And then, towards the end, we get a mildly swung musical interlude and then a very swung repeat of the chorus. Which is a choice. It's quite a cool choice, actually, in principle, and I'd listen to a whole version done like that, but it's just a bit unsettling to change to the swung rhythm. Something about it hit me like a car crash, the first time I listened, and the way it speeds up out of it right at the end is also just far too lively for a song about sleeping and dreaming!
I've made it sound like I hate this song, which I don't, but it's definitely not my favourite version of the song to exist. Oh, well. I still did enjoy it!
Shake, Rattle and Roll - Bill Haley & His Comets (4)
Okay, this is undeniably rock and roll. Initially by bluesman Big Joe Turner, and covered more famously by Elvis, this isn't mixed with anything like gospel or jazz or country music. It's just some straight-forward rock and roll, and it's good fun, not going to lie!
I do wonder how known the sound was in the UK at this point - was the vibe, "yeah, sure, that's a rock and roll record" or was it more "hey, what the heck is this sound?" I suspect more the former, actually - it's energetic, but not a million miles off the energy of things like Mambo Italiano.
There's not a straightforward story to it, unlike some songs we've seen - at the start, we've got Bill exhorting us to "get out of that kitchen" and to "shake, rattle and roll" so it feels like it might be just a song about partying, in general. And the vibe would support that, to be honest. I've listened to this song for years and just assumed that.
But then we also get references to a woman who keeps herself looking nice "But your heart is cold as ice". Plus, references later on to how "I believe you're doin' me wrong" and how "The more I work / The faster my money goes" rather suggests that this lady is a bit of a gold-digger. It's spiteful and mean in a way not many songs have been until now.
And then we get the rather dubious line about how "I'm a one-eyed cat / Peepin' in a seafood store". Not sure what that's about, but it feels dirty, somehow? Plus we've got "doggone", which isn't a swear, but is so clearly meant to be "god-damn". Again, pushing things - until now, these songs have all been very G-rated, but this is at least gesturing to something a bit more daring.
And the sound fits, from the raucous sax/electric guitar combination, to the heavy walking bassline, to the raw, bluesy delivery and the souted "roooooolllll" at the end. It's delightfully unpolished and full of energy and I love it!
A strong set of songs, as I said up top. One, however, looks like the future, while two feel firmly of their era. And to be honest, I also just really appreciated the arrival of proper rock on the scene - a breath of fresh, informal, unpolished air, after a long run of gorgeous but somewhat fussy string-drenched ballads. Not that I think the string-drenched ballads are going anywhere soon, but it's nice to see the alternative making headway in the charts.
Favourite song of the bunch: Shake, Rattle and Roll
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1, 3, 8, 17, 27, 30, 41, 44, 60, 67, 83, 85, 88, 90, 95, 99
1) 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Jort Storm by Slimecicle
Lil Nugget by Chi-chi
Surface Pressure from Encanto
Big Bad Wolf by Scratch 21
Keep It Down by Oh Geeez
W(h)i(t)ch Way from Central Park
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
Having trouble deciding what counts as one line.
I think it's either
"I mean to say I've been here before, all the way to Pandemonium and even further."
"I honestly and truly only want to know where I am--I'm not a hunter, and I don't want to get married for a long while yet."
8) Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are a social construct, boys are also a social construct.
17) What was the last lie you told?
Don't remember for certain, but probably my mom asking if I was okay while I was being depressed and me saying "m-hm".
27) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
Hate the sound of people watching things on their phones without headphones when I'm trying to watch or listen to my own things.
Love the sound of farts because funny.
30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
If I stick them out forwards, first thing I touch with either of them is my computer.
To the sides, I can't reach anything with my right arm, but I can reach the sofa/bed by the window with my left arm.
Diagonally, first thing I touch with either arm is a book.
41) What was the last book you read?
Last book I reread was parts of The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland And Led The Revels There.
Last book I read for the first time was some of this year's Girls Write Now anthology.
44) What was the last film you saw?
Minions 2: The Rise of Gru (I didn't get to finish it AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
(last one I saw all the way through was Encanto)
60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
A notebook. Some card envelopes and cards. A sparkly gel pen. My Trolls headphones. the erasers on some pencils. A flair pen. My blanket. My Trolls bag. Some books. A large plastic bead-thing that's shapes like a heart and full of butterflies and other designs. A post-it note.
TLDR; yes.
67) What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Listening to Speak Now (Taylor's Version)
83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "heart".
Cure Heart from Dokidoki Precure lkfhsdjkghslkjg
85) What’s the last song you listened to?
The end-credit theme of Kirakira Precure as I was watching some?
Apart from that I relisted to Electric Touch by Taylor Swift today.
88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
Having trouble deciding between Muskrat, Bezos, Ron Desantis, and Soman Chainani.
90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Freak out at first. Freeze all tensed up. Kinda stare a bit. If my mom hasn't already been woken up by the light being turned on, I go "Uhhh...Mama??" in hopes she might have some better idea what to do ifhsaiulghwraiugahrs
(If they continue just standing there not doing anything we probably both just kinda go back to sleep, though I might wanna keep the light on.)
95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Uh-- Errrm--
Oh wait! I could fly to where you are, couldn't I! We could meet irl! :-D
99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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icecannibal · 3 years
native appropriation, ft. the ice cannibal
do not tag as: "horror", "gore", "long post", or any variant of the name of this creature (even censored) okay to tag as: "ice cannibal", "cultural appropriation", "racism", or any variant of native-targeted racism
i do not want this tagged as "horror" or "gore" because i'd like for people who are not native to see this post. i apologize for preferring it to not be tagged as such, but this is an important post that i'd rather not be glimpsed over due to content warnings.
before reading: please do not tag this or reblog with unnecessary comments. this includes reiterating what i said and white guilt ("i'm so sorry i never knew"). i do not want apologies; i want action. i do not need to hear you say you will change; just do it. i do not want to see tags saying "it's so hard, but i try not to say it." it is a word. simply do not say it. i apologize to those who have a screen reader saying this to them, but i will be censoring the original names of the ice cannibals (however, i will be putting in the vowels missing for context). i am only mentioning these names censored so that there is no confusion as to who these are. do not tag my post as their names.
i will continue to contact people who do not respect my wishes and block if i am not listened to. i screenshot all behavior for later usage, if anything were to come up.
summary: please stop aestheticizing, romanticizing, and sexualizing native creatures- especially evil spirits. please stop using our beliefs and creatures as parts of your identity and aus. it is tiring, racist, and disrespectful. when dealing with evil spirits, it is also very dangerous.
here is the link to my original version of this post.
what are ice cannibals, and what do they look like?
what are some examples of ice cannibals and appropriation?
why is it inappropriate to refer to the ice cannibals by name and to incorporate them into your identity?
what is a good replacement for ice cannibals in media, if one enjoyed their "aesthetic" without knowing it was racist?
the ice cannibal is an evil spirit from commonly algonquin beliefs. they are highly associated with that of other nations as well, and go by different names. the one they are most commonly known as is the w*nd*g**g (i, e, o, a). in other nations, they are also known as ch*n**k (e, o, o), w*t*k*w*k (i, i, o, a), and k*w*hq*y*k (i, a, i, i). (i repeat myself once again, do not tag this post as these names. please tag it as "ice cannibal" if you must. i feel disgusted simply typing these words censored. i am only putting them here so there is absolutely no confusion as to what i am speaking of.) their stories vary from nation to nation, but their relativity within these main stories tend to overlap in many cases. in these stories, people become ice cannibals through committing sins (most notoriously cannibalism, hence the name "ice cannibal.")
the most common descriptions of them (in order of named creatures) are listed as:
The apperance of a ... is huge, monstrous, and made of or coated in ice, but the human it once was is still frozen inside the monster where its heart should be...
(the next two are virtually the same, but refrain from commenting on their physical depiction, but rather how they become ice cannibals through sins, particularly cannibalism.)
The appearance of a ... is huge, monstrous, and made of or coated in ice. In some Cree stories, looking directly at a ... will leave a person paralyzed and helpless against it. ...'s heart is said to be made of ice, and the monster can only be permanently killed if its heart is completely melted.
(sources: 1, 2, 3, 4) (archive 1, 2, 3, 4) - this site also lists these creatures under the monster type as explicitly "ice cannibal", hence my reference to them as such on this post.
another set of descriptions to take into account is from this site. however, it is possible to take this with a grain of salt; this website is ran by the canadian government, and this article was written by a white man. there could be credibility to this information, but i am unable to confirm nor deny this at the moment.
Sometimes, ... are described as exceptionally thin, with the skull and skeleton pushing through its ash-coloured, mummy-like skin. Other stories describe the... as a well-fleshed giant who gets proportionately larger the more it eats. According to other legends, the ... has pointed or animal-like ears with antlers or horns sprouting on its head. A ... eyes have been described as sunken or glowing like hot coals. Sharp and pointy teeth, extremely bad breath and body odour are also often traits of a ... .
it is important to take these descriptions into account when we go over how people appropriate the ice cannibals.
the essential "awakening" of ice cannibal myth within "modern" tales (read: by those who are not native) stems from stephen king's pet sematary (1983) and the girl who loved tom gordon (1999). it takes place as an antagonist. while it is not described (as i have read in my research, as i will not be reading it for my own comfort), this is what essentially broke the conversation for ice cannibals outside of native groups.
the bastardized depiction of the ice cannibal is seen here. you can see the difference between this and the original is that these ones do not even appear to be ice cannibals. the earliest depiction i can find of this are from the 2001 film by the same name as these monsters (uncensored algonquin name), directed by larry fessenden. while i cannot elaborate for this movie- as i refuse to see it- it is depicted in this trailer (archive) (tw for paranoia and flashing lights). the most recent depiction of this is in the 2021 film, antlers (directed by guillermo del toro). it is not depicted in the final trailer (archive) released in 2019, but by googling the title with the word you will find the image after a little diving. i will also be refusing to watch this movie and will not go further than google searching for my own comfort.
here are some images of the bastardized and colonized ice cannibal:
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[IMAGE ID: there is a set of two images, each depicting what is thought to be an ice cannibal. they look different than previously described. the one on the left is a black, lanky figure with a deer skull and trees in the background. the right one is an emaciated humanoid figure with antlers peeping from its head, staring down. /END ID.]
these are some examples of appropriation of the ice cannibals. some more recent ones can be found upon tumblr with an easy search, as seen here:
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(source archives: 1, 2, 3)
[IMAGE ID: there is a set of three images. each of them are screenshots from tumblr posts and a page from a tumblr desktop blog. the first image is by user "termcoiningtime". this post consists of a flag, which is described as "w*ndidawngender (e) is a neurogender describing gender impacted by trauma caused by the w*nd*g*s (e, i, o) in until dawn" the second image is a screenshot by user "cryptidgenderoftheday". this is an image of an ice cannibal with the aforementioned bastardized depiction, and is captioned as "today's cryptid gender: the w*nd*g*" (e, i, o). the third image is a screenshot from user pronoun-provider which contains a set of pronouns. these pronouns use the explicit word for ice cannibals. /END ID.]
here is an example of the ice cannibals being used improperly for a "monster au", especially for that of a group of racist minecraft youtubers.
the usage of these spirits in such a way and the open usage of their proper name is inappropriate for at least two reasons:
their name gives them power. by speaking their name, especially in the cold or while in snow, you are more likely to summon them to you
the bastardized depiction puts an aesthetic to the ice cannibals, and makes them seem less foreboding. it makes them appear in a way that isn't horrifying.
a way that you could relate this to is how depictions view the "devil." they see him as true evil, and by saying his name you are letting him into your world. this is the only way that there is a similarity between the two.
let's say you like how the ice cannibals look in their bastardized form. i cannot stop you, but i can give you an alternative that is not racist: the leshy (especially the witcher 3: wild hunt depiction). while the leshy is only one being who shapeshifts, it is commonly depicted in a way similar to the were-deer that is the bastardized ice cannibal.
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[IMAGE ID: two images side by side. they both depict a leshy, which is a slavic forest spirit. it has a skull and antlers in both of them and a treelike body. the first is found from pinterest, and the second is from the witcher wiki. /END ID]
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tinydestinybear · 2 years
Hi, I’m not sure if you’ve already done this but I can’t find it on your masterlist so I’m assuming not! I would love an NSFW version of the Candid Photos collection!
hellooo, thank you for sending in the request! i hope you enjoy reading, please send across feedback! this is a collab with @watermelonlovershigh because i absolutely love their ideas and wanted to do this together with them 💕 
warning: 18+, nsfw content
w/c: 910 words
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1. I think it’s pretty much evident that Harry has a lot of recordings varying from soft, casual morning sex you have to pure filthy ones too. They don’t make up for your absence when he’s on tour but definitely help him out whenever he misses your touch.  
2. Whenever you send unsolicited nudes to each other, he’ll probably have the best reactions. Let’s say you send him a picture of you in bed wearing a lace teddy  *** and here’s how it goes:
Haaaang on a second I love this You’re so sexy m’love Now please, pick up my call baby gotta see you for myself. Miss you so so much
3. There are some days Harry feels like edging himself and the best way to do that is by watching videos he took of him edging you. The videos contain him rubbing your clit until you're seconds away from coming and then he'd remove his fingers, leaving you very much edged. Or in some videos, it's of him holding a vibrator on your clit, sometimes dipping it into your dripping cunt, and then removing it before you come. So as Harry watches these videos in his hotel rooms, as soon as he edges you in one of the videos, he'll remove his hand off his hard and throbbing cock to edge himself. It can last hours or minutes, just depending on his mood or schedule.
4. Harry absolutely loves taking pictures and videos with you, of you so there are hundreds of them, even candid ones when he just sets up the phone at a corner - one where your head’s resting on his chest or his resting on your boobs on the couch or on the bed on a lazy day or even his rings print on your ass after a hot night. He’ll probably have short videos of you kissing with soft background music and he’ll watch it when he feels extra lonely and misses your kisses.
5. Harry has to self pleasure a lot when he's away on tour and the only way he can manage to get off is either looking at photos or videos of you during sex that's he's taken for this purpose. When he has a little extra time to unwind and masturbate, he enjoys looking at this specific video of you where it's just your face. Harry loves seeing how your face scrunches up in pleasure and the way your eyes gloss over. It really gets him going.
6. You both enjoy recording and don’t feel pressure coming with it so when you try out new toys and film a few days later when you’ve adjusted to the toy, it brings even more pleasure. Rather than just giving pleasure when you’re both away, it also highlights your relationship journey with him and how you’ve explored different boundaries with him. 
7. Sometimes Harry never actually filmed you during sex but more so had his phone picking up the audio only, screen black. He enjoys listening to this audio when he has some time to take an extra long shower, including some self pleasuring. He'll connect his phone to a speaker and while he's in the shower, the sounds of your beautiful moans echo through the hotel bathroom walls, helping him to jerk off.
8. Typically Harry watches a video of you giving him a blowjob before one of his concerts if he's got a raging boner and needs it to go down before going up on stage. If you were physically there with him, you'd be giving him a blowjob in person. But without you there, the video Harry took of you on your knees, deep-throating his cock will work. He'll sit on the toilet in the dressing room and with his lubricated hand, tug his foreskin up and down his shaft until ropes of warm, sticky cum shoots out his head.
9. Most of the videos saved in his camera roll are filmed in the comforts of your home but when you both wanna enjoy the thrill, you film it in public, especially bathrooms. Maybe he’s carrying a vibrator with him and he’ll put it on for you before you leave and adjust your outfit, “Love you, you’re so pretty. Will make you feel good at home if you get through it today.” And when he sees them while on tour, he misses you even more because as much as he wants to give you pleasure and enjoy that thrill again, you’re not there by his side. But well, you both make up for it when you reunite.
10. Being on tour without you is tough and sometimes Harry feels sad and horny, leading him to wank off to his most favorite video of you. A video that barely has any picture but mostly sounds. And it's the sounds of your love making. The love making you had right before he left for tour where you shared your love for one another in sweet kisses and sensual touches. Soft praises and loving words. He'll have the phone beside his head, on his pillow, and have his hand under the duvet, masturbating his cock off while tears run down his face. It may not be the most euphoric orgasm to come out of this session but it's one that will temporarily fill the void in his heart from missing you. Harry just can't wait until he sees you again because he's going to make love to you over and over again.
watermelonlovershigh’s masterlist | tinydestinybear’s masterlist
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list ☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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