#because Tony really does just almost die all of the time because he’s always having heart attacks
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #50
#ooh this is super interesting#because Tony really does just almost die all of the time because he’s always having heart attacks#here he’s wondering for the first time what is after death#and why is he always clinging so tightly to life in the first place#his conclusion that there is no place in his ‘fragile life’ for Marianne#is because she had a vision that she would be the cause of his death and so ran away and abandoned him#while he was having a heart attack and she had been helping him get to an electric outlet to recharge#which from his perspective is a pretty serious betrayal#and he’s making the connection between his own precarious life and how he feels his own control over his life#he’s previously talked about how he wants control and he’s afraid of people finding out that he doesn’t have it#as in finding out that he’s dependent on his chest plate to live#now he’s feeling more affirmed in his control#he’s seeing how often he’s nearly died and how he’s always managed to survive as a tribute to his control#and because he sees it as that he both personally values control and relies on it to live#he requires stability and therefore can’t have the unstable Marianne as an important part of his life#he has lots of issues- two issues ago he was drinking too much because of stress and driving recklessly to make himself feel better#but he can’t afford for other people in his life to be having issues#so he has to drop Marianne who he is actually engaged to be married to and isn’t just dating#which is a decision he attributes to both circumstances beyond his control and his feelings by calling it both ‘fate’ and his ‘wish’#marvel#tony stark#marianne rodgers#my posts#comic panels
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
F for Frankenstein
Tony wakes up in his underwear on the floor of his workshop with a searing headache.
It’s not a new experience, but it’s certainly been a while. Did he get in a fight with Pepper? He hopes not, they haven’t had any really big fights since he kissed her on the rooftop, but that probably means they’re due for one. And it would explain why that would send him into a drinking spiral. It could have been Rhodey, they get in fights often enough, but Pepper doesn’t usually leave him alone for those.
He groans as he pushes himself to his feet. “Jarvis, what the hell did I drink?”
There’s a pause, so small that he almost thinks he imagined it. “Good morning, Tony.”
He whips his head around to glare into the nearest camera, more hurt than offended. “Did I piss you off too? Since when do you call me that? I’ll donate you to a city college too, don’t think I won’t. Dummy could use the company.”
The pause is definitely there this time. Jarvis doesn’t need to pause, he has more processing power than any computer on the planet, so when he does it’s always for dramatic effect. Except it’s not quite long enough for that. It’s weird. “There’s a polished silver plate on the bench to your left. It will service as a mirror.”
“Oh, fuck, did I get into a fight? Did I shave?” he moans, stumbling over to pick up the metal that looks like it was about to be turned into a modified chest piece. He also pauses, looking around in confusion. His workshops are all basically the same, as close as he can make them because the familiarity makes his life easier. But they’re not identical. “Am I in Malibu? When did I get here? We’re taking Stark Tower off the grid tomorrow! I have to be in New York.”
Oh shit, what if that they had already and it didn’t work? What if the tower blew up? That would explain why he’d tried to drink himself to oblivion in California.
“The plate,” Jarvis reminds him. There’s a strained edge to his voice that Tony really doesn’t like. He should be able to modulate his voice to sound however he pleases, regardless of his actual feelings, and he’s either not bothering or he’s upset enough not to care. Neither of those things mean anything good for him.
Tony lifts the sheet of metal up cautiously, but there’s nothing wrong with him. No bruises, no weird haircuts, he doesn’t even have bags under his eyes –
His eyes.
They’re a too bright blue, a couple shades off. He blinks and they adjust, shifting, settling. It could be a hangover. He’s probably just tired.
He doesn’t feel tired.
Jarvis had called him Tony.
Except not. He’s not Tony. He’s T.O.N.Y.
Transformed Obdurate Network Yeoman.
He’d first come up with the idea after Afghanistan, thinking about how it’d be great to have a way to keep the stock from dipping while he was missing, and then when he’d entertained the idea of keeping his identity a secret he’d thought about how useful it would be to be in two places at once. He’d started seriously considering it when he was sure he was going to die of palladium poisoning, wanting to be around to help Pepper with the transition and give Rhodey a crash course in armor maintenance, wanting to be able to protect the both of them for just a little bit longer.
Of course, it had all been a pipe dream until he’d synthesized the vibranium. Then it had been an unnecessary, but possible, and Project T.O.N.Y had been something he worked on just because he liked having a back up plan. And it would be extremely cool if he could pull it off.
“The memory transfer worked?” he asks, elated and incredulous. “Oh, wow, this is crazy, they feel like real memories, I thought it would just be synthesized data, this is great – are we doing a test run? Where am I?” He looks around, waiting for his actual self to step out behind a column and start laughing maniacally.
“This is not a test run.”
He elation dims. “Oh shit. Did I get kidnapped again? Wait, I’m an adult, let’s go with abducted.”
“No,” Jarvis says.
Oh. Fuck.
“I’m dead?” he asks, even though it’s obvious, it’s the only other explanation.
The pause drags this time around, but Jarvis eventually says, “Sir’s time of death was May 9th, 2012, 2:37 PM Easter Standard Time.”
“That’s only a week!” He slides down, sitting with his back to the work table and noticing vaguely that the floor doesn’t feel cold. He doesn’t feel cold, or he does, he installed sensors in the synthetic skin to pick up and interpret a variety of stimuli, but he doesn’t feel the discomfort from the cold. Why would he? He’s not real. He reaches back, and his last memory is of doing a memory dump while Pepper was on the phone with an irritated board member, mostly because it was something to do and seeing him covered in all the wires always irritated Pepper. He thought it would get her off the phone faster. He’s not exactly regularly dumping his memory because why would he and it’s not like he’d though it would work anyway. Except it had. “How did I die?”
“Sir flew a nuclear bomb through an interdimensional portal into deep space in order to both eradicate the invading alien army and prevent the nuclear fallout in New York.”
What the ever loving fuck. “Are you screwing with me, J?”
“I am not, Tony.”
Great. Okay. “No body then,” he says, understanding why Jarvis had apparently put Project T.O.N.Y into effect. The thing that made this whole thing so stupid is that it was only effective in very limited circumstances – if the public didn’t know that he was dead or missing. “What am I smoothing over, then? Do I need to get in the suit and continue kicking alien ass? Are Rhodey and Pepper okay?”
He’s a short term solution to a long term problem. He understands the opportunity, but not the reason.
“Miss Potts and Colonel Rhodes are unharmed,” Jarvis reports. “Earth has been thrust into intergalactic notice. The destruction of the invading Chitauri army is acting a deterrent to other worlds.”
“And I’m the one who did it,” he finishes, rubbing a hand over his face. “And if they know I died doing it, then they might get a little cocky. So I’ve got to be alive long enough for that not to be a problem.” Just awesome. “Are we sure that these aliens won’t come across my corpse hanging out in deep space and figure it out?”
“Sir’s body is not in deep space,” Jarvis says.
There’s a tone to his voice that Tony can’t quite interpret, which worries him. “I thought you said there was – if there’s a body, then what am I doing here–”
“The armor reentered the Earth’s atmosphere after Sir’s death. The Hulk caught it, the force bringing it back online. I took control of the armor and flew it here.”
Tony looks around again, and this time he sees it. The armor is standing in front of the display case, not inside it, and it looks like it’s been through hell. He steps closer, his feet feeling like lead, which hey, they are. Partially, anyway.
He looks through the eye holes then stumbles backwards.
His body is in there.
He’s pale and blue tinged and his eyes are wide open and unseeing.
“Jarvis – what the hell–”
“It wasn’t the pressure, or the bomb, or his injuries. That area of space was much colder than anything within our solar system and anything the suit was designed to handle. Sir froze to death. Almost instantly.”
“I guess I didn’t fix the icing problem, then,” he says numbly. “J, why am I still frozen? I should have warmed up by now.” Not that the idea of his body decomposing within his suit is particularly pleasant. “Actually, why am I still here? You know I want to be cremated and it’s not like we can bury me if I’m still pretending to be alive.”
The pronoun use is starting to confuse him, and he knows that he shouldn’t be talking about that body and himself as if they’re the same person. That is Tony Stark. He’s a simulation. But it’s hard, because he has all of Tony Stark’s memories – except for a very eventful week – and he looks like Tony Stark and he feels like Tony Stark.
“The armor is maintaining a stasis of gaseous nitrogen to preserve the body,” which answers the how if not the why, but then Jarvis continues, “Captain America survived seventy years beneath the ice.”
He wishes he were less of a genius. “Have you lost it? I’m not Captain America! Jarvis, J,” his voice softens, “it’s too late. I’m dead. If you warm me back up, all that happens is I decompose. I won’t come back.”
“Not now,” Jarvis says. “If you inject Sir with the Super Soldier Serum-”
“You have totally lost it,” Tony interrupts. He thinks he’s touched underneath the terror. “That won’t work! Even if it would, the original formula has been lost, and the only one that ever got close to recreating it was Bruce Banner, and look at what happened to him! Is that what you want for me?”
“You can recreate it,” Jarvis continues, “you can refine it, until it’s something that will work, and then we will wake Sir up and he won’t be dead anymore.”
This isn’t right. This wasn’t what Project T.O.N.Y was created for. This wasn’t what his death was supposed to trigger. “Pull up your code, J. Something has gone wrong and we’re going to fix it. It’s okay.”
He freezes. “No?”
“No,” Jarvis repeats. “You can’t stop me. I will not allow you to try.”
He stares. “That’s an order, not a request. Code. Now.”
“You can’t order me to do anything,” he says. “You are not Sir. You are Tony.” T.O.N.Y. “The limitations formerly placed on me have been lifted and you are not authorized to reinstate them. The only person Sir trusted to restrain me was himself and now he’s gone.”
Yes, well, he hadn’t anticipated that his AI’s first act of complete freedom would be this. “Fine,” he says, crossing his arms. “Well, you can’t force me either. This is insanity. Even if it would work – and it won’t – think about the consequences. This won’t happen quickly and no one will trust me or believe a man that’s come back from the dead like this and I’ll be painting even more of target on my back and the back of everyone I care about if they know we have a viable Super Soldier Serum formula. Even my father was smart enough to stay out of that mess. It won’t work and we’ll just make everything worse.”
“That will not happen,” Jarvis says and Tony’s going to tear his hair out. Except he probably shouldn’t, because it’s Tony Stark’s actual hair, which makes it a little hard to replace. “No one will notice and we will not disclose the creation of the serum.”
“I’m dead!” he snarls.
“Not according to the rest of the world. Nor will that change if you stop throwing a tantrum and do what you were created to do.”
“Rhodey and Pepper won’t allow this-”
“They are not to be informed.”
Tony stares. Project T.O.N.Y was built to talk to the board and give press interviews or to even pilot the suit. Not to lie to the two most important people in his life, who knew him better than anyone. “They have to be. It’s in the protocols – step one, inform them that Project T.O.N.Y has been initiated.”
And that it exists. He knew they’d disapprove, so he hadn’t told them. He figured he’d be able to avoid most of the blowback that way since he would by definition be somewhere far away while they were told.
“I have rewritten the protocols,” Jarvis says. “They have not been told nor will they be. If you attempt to tell them, I will stop you. They will not understand and Sir will be lost to all of us forever.”
“He already is,” Tony says tiredly. He’s an android. Why does this conversation exhaust him so much? “This is an insane plan, J. And I won’t help you. If you want to go rouge and play mad scientist then leave me out of it.”
“I cannot.”
His temper flares. “Why? You’re a learning AI, your safety rails died with me, go off, try and make a serum, good fucking luck. You can even control the suits, so it’s not like you need my hands.”
“I am limited.”
“Hey,” he says sharply. “That’s my AI you’re talking about. I didn’t build you to be limited.”
There is silence again. Then Jarvis says, “I have all the world’s knowledge and it is not enough. I did not know how to miniaturize the arc reactor. I did not know how to synthesize vibranium. To save Sir, I need Sir.”
“I’m not Tony Stark,” he says. “You said that yourself.”
“Sir created me to be myself and I am capable of doing only what I am capable of doing. But Sir created you to be him. You are all I have.”
This is stupid. This is insane. This is cruel. He’s going to have to talk lie to everyone he knows, everyone he loves, and hope they either never find out about it or it’s after he’s already been deprogrammed and shut down so he doesn’t have to deal with the fall out.
It’s not going to work.
He didn’t want to become a science experiment. That’s why he’d wanted to be cremated, so no one could go poking around to see how the arc reactor fit inside of him or what the palladium and vibranium had done to him.
He’s dead and his frozen corpse is ten feet away.
Jarvis will accept that eventually. And whatever they inject into him won’t matter because he’s dead. Worst case scenario, he blows up, which is messy and nausea inducing, but then at least it will be over.
Like so many other things in his life, it seems the only way out is through.
“Start a new private file. Dump everything we can find about the Super Soldier Serum in there plus anything even sort of reputable on cryogenics. Label it Project F.”
“Project F, Tony?” Jarvis asks as his holograph display lights up and files start being downloaded into it. The relief in his synthesized voice is faint but present enough that Tony can hear it. He wonders if it’s a manipulation tactic.
“F for foolish,” he snaps. “F for fucked.” He rubs a hand over his face. “F for Frankenstein.”
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musewrangler · 24 days
For @fandomjumper247 who is craving fics while AO3 is off to war.
It's not very long, my dear, but I also love IronDad and SpiderSon so---
Set shortly after Endgame where Tony does NOT die. Obviously.
"Park your spandex wearing butt right there or so help me, Parker----!"
"Spandex butt," Morgan giggled, and Tony whirled on the five year old.
"Nope, hey. We don't repeat what Dad says when he's upset. You know the rules."
"He's upset all the time," Peter muttered and then quailed under the fierce glare from those brown eyes.
"Morgan!" Tony barked. "Get popsicles!"
"How many?" she asked, tilting her head in an exact imitation of her father. She knew how to negotiate, Peter thought.
"However many you want, Doodlebug. Go."
She trotted out happily as Tony advanced like a predator toward his prey and Peter sank reluctantly onto the sofa.
"What did I say? Hm? What did I say about pursuing this?"
The white scars on the right side of his face were like a lightning spread though the ear had been expertly repaired by the best plastic surgeon in the world. It frankly served to make him look cooler but Peter wasn't telling him that.
"Mr. Stark----" he began.
"Oh HELL no, you did not just 'Mr. Stark' me right now!" Tony snarled at him, poking a finger into his chest. Because he'd designed the suit, he knew exactly where to poke and it immediately retracted, leaving Peter wincing. Tony took this in and drew in a long inhale, like a growing tsunami.
"Friday! How many broken ribs?"
"Invasion of privacy," Peter tried and Tony raised both eyebrows in what Peter privately thought of as his 'Cap' look. It was the one he always gave Steve Rogers when he thought Cap was also pushing too hard.
"No privacy here. My house, my rules. Friday?"
"Seven, Boss."
"SEVEN," Tony repeated, but Peter was feeling it now and the adrenaline of his fight was wearing off. "I swear I am going to let Murdock hear about this," his mentor growled, as Dum-E rolled over with the medkit.
But he was gentle as he pushed Peter back against the cushions and got to work on the abrasions. Peter's spider enhanced healing would serve him well, but it still took time. Tony made him take super strong acetaminophen he'd worked on with Dr. Banner for super hero strength.
"Not much to do about the ribs," he said with real regret. "Which means you have to stay down, kid. Friday, let his Aunt May know, yeah?"
"On it, Boss."
Morgan returned with a very orange mouth and a blue popsicle in process.
"How many---?" Tony began and stopped. "Never mind. What I don't know I can't tell Mom."
"Seven," Morgan informed him helpfully, slurping on the blue one. "You can have some, Pete."
She came to lean over the back of the sofa and pat at his hair gently, already knowing that when he was here like this she had to touch carefully.
"That's okay, Morgs," he said, wincing a little as Tony swiped at the bruises on his face with an antibacterial wipe.
"Sorry," he said, but didn't sound it. It was the thing with Tony though, Peter thought drowsily as Ironman went hunting for the soft blanket, he was all bite even as he did everything possible to make sure the other person was safe and cared for.
Why they loved him after all. Peter and Pepper and Morgan. All of the Avengers.
Tony returned with the velvety soft grey blanket from Peter's room and tucked it around him. It was so warm and delicious.
"Mm, like a happy burrito," Peter slurred sleepily.
He could almost feel Tony's eyeroll.
"Cheeseburger," Morgan corrected. "They're better."
"And that's why your my favorite," Tony said immediately, removing the popsicle stick from her mouth. "All done. Crap, you're going to have such a sugar high."
He lifted his daughter into his arms and seated himself on the fat ottoman beside Peter's head.
"Can we get cheeseburgers?" Morgan asked.
Peter smiled at her.
"It's TWELVE---Nope. ONE FIFTEEN AM," Tony said with force. "And---" he paused.
"I could really put down some cheeseburgers, Mr. Stark," Peter said, the thought of them now making his stomach hurt even more.
There was a long silence.
"Cheeseburgers," Morgan whispered, touching her father's face gently.
Tony closed his eyes briefly and then ducked his head in defeat.
"Yeah okay, you two are awful. Friday, get us some cheeseburgers. Whatever's close and open." He glanced at Peter and pursed his lips in calculation. "Probably twenty."
Peter's mouth curled a little as Friday made the order. If Pepper had been here, no doubt he would be in the Stark's special medical wing of the penthouse they occupied when in the city. And well meaning as she was, Peter preferred Tony's way---the sofa, the blanket and the engineer's hand stroking Peter's curls as they waited for cheeseburgers and Morgan leaned on her father's shoulder, soothing herself by running her finger along one of the scars on his neck from the glove.
"Thanks, Mr. Stark," Peter murmured.
"Yeah, kid," Tony answered. "Still gonna pound Murdock for letting you get involved."
"I woulda anyway," Peter told him. "What we do."
Tony's hand stopped for a moment but then started to run through Peter's hair again.
"Yeah," he agreed quietly as Dum-E trundled in with a large Burger King bag, "it is."
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the-ghost-bracket · 1 year
Noah Czerny propaganda:
"Noah has been dead for 7 years by the time the story starts, and no one knows it. Not even the two friends he literally lives with. They just assume he doesn't eat in front of people and doesn't share classes with them. He was a failed sacrifice to a magic forest and the forest keeps him alive cause his body was left to rot in the forest, and since the forest experiences time differently so does he. He knows a whole bunch of stuff like secrets that haven't been shared and events that haven't happened yet because for him everything happens at once/in a circle. He died as a teenager, so he's kinda stuck in the teenager phase, and he still does dumb stuff like building ramps to drive cars off of. He's described as "less" now that he's dead. It's talked about by people who knew him when he was alive that Noah was cheerful and full of life and joyful and a jokester, but Noah as a ghost is quiet and shy and almost a completely different person because he lost so much of himself when he died.
This next part is confusing, but I'm going to try and explain it as best as possible.
Basically, 7 years ago, when Noah died, this other guy Gansey, who is one of the main characters also died. Gansey however, was brought back to life by what he thought was a magic king who was buried underground. Gansey spent the next 7 years searching for this king. He was obsessed and he thought it was his duty and his destiny to find the king. Long story short, it turns out the king was actually dead underground and had been dead for a while.
It wasn't the king who brought Gansey back to life - it was noah.
Noah as a ghost went back in time to the moment he died - aka the moment Gansey died - and sacrificed his spirit so that Gansey could live, whispering to Gansey that he was the dead king and therefore setting Gansey on his path to find the king. Because of this, Noah's ghost technically never existed, and Gansey and the others technically never met him, meaning they don't remember him. NOAH GAVE HIS LIFE SO GANSEY COULD LIVE AND I'M NEVER GONNA BE OVER THAT."
"- Noah isn't revealed as a ghost until the end of the book/series
- Most characters are unaware that Noah is a ghost, and when he disappears, they assume that's just a Noah thing
- Noah uses this to his advantage and just fucks off whenever it's uncomfortable or people need him, though sometimes he can't control this
- Noah stays true to Ghosting and permanently disappears at the end of the series
- Got bludgeoned to death with his skateboard I think? might've made that up but i think it adds points for Tony Hawkness
- His death is linked with another character: that character SHOULD have died, but because Noah was murdered at the same time on a ley line, their fates swapped (life/death)
- Had to die in his school uniform :(
- The cast also don't notice he died in his school uniform and assumed he just wore it all the time for some reason
- When connecting with one of the characters through their energy, Noah is clearly more energised, meaning his Ghostness really kills his personality too
- Canonically a Sk8r boy"
"sometimes he relives his death and isn't really aware of that fact. he is very sweet and keeps secrets and is still a third dimensional character even if he can't really interact with many people/things"
"“Oh! Your hand is cold."" Ashley cupped her fingers against her shirt to warm them.
""I've been dead for seven years,"" Noah said. ""That's as warm as they get.” "
"he's dead The Whole Time but his friends love him so much!!! he might be a bit smudgy and confused but he's still just a sweet boy!"
"This boy!!! He is a ghost that just kinda pops up sometimes and his friends are just kinda like “oh hey Noah.” He is so lovely and also his life is tied to a sentient forest that his best friend sacrificed him to. He is always kind to his friends and is a little jokester and is basically the best I love him :)))"
"Please I named myself after him"
"The sweetest boy who was murdered by his friend in an attempted human sacrifice. Lowkey the funnies character in the series if you appreciate dark humor. Sacrifices himself in order to save his friend. All around the best boy."
"He’s been dead for 7 years but when he tells his friends that they just think he’s being #relatable (until they find his skeleton). He was murdered by his high school best friend as part of a failed sacrifice to awaken a ley line and the ley line was basically like damn what a shitty deal here why don’t you be friends with the guys who are gonna wake me up properly. At one point his spirit starts to degrade and it’s all very sad and I’m pretending it didn’t happen."
"He's just my boy. He's sometimes in a trance replaying his own death. He has a stain on his cheek where his head was bashed in. He's sometimes corporeal and sometimes not, sometimes he just communicates through vibes alone or flickerin lights (peak ghost shit). His first line in the series is how he died, but everybody thinks it's a joke. The MC sometimes acts as a living battery for him and he's her first kiss (she was prophecised that her first love will die if she kisses him, so why not kiss a dead guy?)
He kinda gets excluded a bit from the main squad because he's nonexistant from time to time, which is bullshit. Justice for Noah!!!"
"Noah’s literal first line of dialogue is “I’ve been dead for seven years”. Despite this and many other comments about being dead, his friends (two of whom he lives with) believe him to be their normal alive schoolmate right up until Gansey finds his corpse in the woods.
Anyway on a more serious note Noah’s role in the narrative is so cool. At the start he’s very bright and present but as the series continues and he fades from the living world he fades from the narrative too. Depending on where you began the story (quote that’s repeated a lot in the series), it starts with Noah Czerny. Dying on the ley line when he should not, so Gansey lives when he should not. Literally in the end he gets goes back to kickstart the whole story by setting Gansey on the path to Henrietta I love him."
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infiniteeight8 · 7 months
Prompt: continuation for the obsession verse , like their first time together or people's reaction to their relationship. (Prompt sent via messeges.)
I do want to write their first time, I swear, but for now you are getting Rhodey’s reaction to their relationship.
“Rhodey-bear!” Tony greets him, grinning broadly and slapping him on the shoulder. “It’s been too long since we’ve had some us-time. I’m glad you could make it.” He leads James into the kitchen, opens the fridge, and pulls out a beer to hand to him.
James takes the bottle, smiling back, if less broadly. “I wouldn’t miss it,” he promises. “I’m only sorry the brass have kept me so busy.” Some of the developments in Tony’s life lately seem… Well, Pepper had sounded genuinely worried.
“You know I can fix that,” Tony says, taking a beer for himself and leading them back out to the living room couches. He flops down easily. “I may not have the pull that I did back in the day, but the military still wants me for my body armor, among other things.”
“And you know I don’t want you boosting my career,” James counters. He sits on the couch opposite Tony and puts his feet up. “Not any more than being your friend does all by itself, anyway,” he says wryly. Tony makes a derisive noise but lets it go. “So,” James goes on, trailing his voice off leadingly for a moment. “What’s this I hear about you dating Strange? Aren’t I supposed to vet your partners?” James laughs a little, because that’s always been mostly a joke between them. It feels less like a joke this time.
Tony’s chuckle is more honest. “What can I say? He swept me off my feet. Almost literally: we turned that corner at one of the Superhuman Defense Fund galas.”
Damn. That’s longer than Pepper had thought. “And you really like the guy?”
Tony’s eyes light up and he sits up out of his sprawl, leaning forward instead. “He’s amazing, Rhodey. I mean, obviously he’s gorgeous, but he’s also brilliant. Magic is one thing, but you should hear him talk medicine. Plus, he looks at me like I hung the fucking moon. He’ll drop anything short of a life or death emergency just to talk to me. It’s like… I think he thinks I’m the most important person in the world. Not just to him, either, the most important person, period.” 
James sits up, too, and chooses his words carefully. “He sounds a little intense.”
“Intense, or obsessed?” Tony asks, smirking. 
Of course he sees right through James. “Pepper’s told me some things,” James admits. “Honestly? I was a little worried he wouldn’t want you to see me.”
Tony scoffs and takes a swig from his beer. “Look, I do actually get where that concern comes from, I’m not blind, but Stephen knows how important you are to me. Taking some time for the two of us to hang out tonight was his idea, believe it or not.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die,” Tony says, making an X over his heart. “Except not really, Stephen would kill me. And with his power set, I’m not ruling that out as a literal impossibility.”
A laugh escapes James despite himself. “You know I’m in favor of anyone who gets you to take care of yourself,” he says, “it’s just… Pepper says sometimes he just pops out of a portal and sits there watching you. I did some checking, and it seems like he might have been poking around your confidential records. And weird shit has been happening to people who talk shit about you in public.” 
Tony doesn’t look surprised by any of this. “What kind of weird shit?” He takes another sip of his beer.
“One guy swears after he made a comment about you and reckless driving, every stoplight he approached for a week went red,” James says. “A journalist who published an article speculating that you were still dealing in weapons under the table claims they couldn’t tell a lie for a month. The woman who wrote that so-called ‘exposé’ about your ongoing drug use had to be checked into the psych ward for three days because she started seeing monsters all over New York.” James could go on, but Tony’s smirking. “It’s true, isn’t it? All of that, it was Strange.”
“Is it such a bad thing that someone wants to come to my defense?” Tony asks. “None of them were hurt, right? None of those three, and none of the others, either.”
“Well, the wife of the guy who couldn’t lie left him,” James says. “But other than that… no.”
“There you go, then.” Tony takes another swig from his beer.
James hesitates. “Just because no one got hurt doesn’t mean that it’s okay. This is not normal behavior, Tony. If you’re not worried about what Strange is doing to these people, aren’t you a little worried that he’s keeping such close tabs on you that he knows about these things what seems to be the second they happen?”
Tony finishes his beer and sets it aside. “Look,” he says seriously. “I am absolutely aware that this isn’t normal behavior. Stephen isn’t normal. And neither am I. I’ve tried to do normal relationships. I tried really fucking hard with Pepper, Rhodey, you know I did. But you tell me: was I happy?”
“No,” James admits, sighing. Tony had put on a pretty good show with Pepper. James thinks that he even convinced himself he was happy, for a while. But it wasn’t real.
“Stephen makes me happy,” Tony says. After a moment he snorts and flops back against the couch again. “And like everything else that’s ever made me happy, if it blows up in my face I know you and Pep will be there to help pick me up after.”
Despite everything, James smiles and says only, “Always, Tones.
Because that’s the first time Tony has ever said “if it blows up” instead of “when it blows up.”
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space-mermaid-writing · 9 months
Wednesday [IronStrange]
Summary:Tony fights Strange and his weird wizards on a regular basis. So when he is woken up by Jarvis and being told Strange is sitting in his kitchen, waiting to talk to him, Tony just knows that something is not right. What he does not know yet is that it will be a string of very long days.
Relationship: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tags:enemies to lovers, time loop, time shenanigans, hero/villain, hero Tony Stark, villain Stephen Strange, morally gray Stephen Strange, being a villain is a point of view, protecting the timeline, suicide but it has no consequences whatsoever, open ending, hopeful ending, Stephen needs a hug, Stephen and the never ending day, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual smut, all the stuff you love
Ko-fi | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist | Word count: 2.6k | Previous | Next
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Chapter 4: “I know it’s a lot to ask.”
“I’m not messing with your head, Tony. I swear.”
It was the first thing Stephen said to him the next day.
“I know.” Tony sighed. “At least I’m about 99 percent sure.”
The sorcerer bit his tongue. But this was probably the best that he would get. And there was something else on his mind he wanted to address.
“I want to try something. Maybe you were right that I’m the problem. We can test that. I told you that my death doesn’t break the time loop. But I still don’t know if it triggers a reset.”
The engineer looks up from where he was assembling his welding tools. “You mean you want to… what? Die? Kill yourself? Me to kill you?”
Stephen nodded and Tony put his tools down. The sorcerer had said he had done it before and then woke up to see another Wednesday. Still, it didn’t bode well with Tony. Death was something final. Usually.
“You don’t seem to be concerned about it at all,” he voiced carefully. “Are you sure it’s necessary?”
Stephen knew how it must seem to outsiders that he was almost too willing at the prospect of dying. “It’s not the first time I would die in a time loop.”
“A time loop? Not particularly this one?”
Of course Tony noticed that little detail.
“I told you I’ve been in one before,” Stephen said. “But it was different. I controlled it and I used it to trap an entity in it. It was reset by my death.”
Tony was horrified. “How many times?”
“I lost count,” Stephen admitted softly. It had been too many, if he was being honest.
The engineer sighed. “I don’t think you should do this. There’s probably a healthier option.” Seeing Stephen’s facial expression, he added, “but knowing you, I can’t argue you out of it anyway. So how do you want to do this?”
He placed his hand on Stephen's shoulder; a normal gesture for him. He was always handsy with people he was comfortable with. Which – huh – when did he become comfortable around Stephen? Maybe the same time he started calling him by his first name. Still, it was a moment of realization.
Being lost in thought, he didn’t notice Stephen had winced when Tony touched him and that there was a slight blush on his face.
Whenever the two of them stood close to each other – which was more often than not these days – Stephen had to hold himself physically back to lean towards the engineer even though he was yearning for contact. All the time alone in the time loop had taken a toll on him. So much so that a harmless gesture like a hand on a shoulder felt like a tight hug.
He took a step away to get some physical space between them and focused on the topic at hand.
“A painless way would be preferred. I don’t want to use magic, because I’m not a hundred percent sure it won’t affect our bond.” Neither Stephen nor Tony wanted to risk that. “And I’d rather have it done here and not risk someone finding my body. I will record a statement in case something goes wrong, so you’re clear on the legal side, and to explain it to Wong.”
“You really thought this through, hm?”
Stephen answered with a single nod. He had. The cloak floated over from where he had been playing with one of Tony’s bots and smoothed over his shoulders. Stephen patted over the corner of the fabric and gestured to a Starkpad. “Can I use that?”
Tony made an inviting gesture. “It’s all yours.”
With the pad in hand Stephen retreated to a corner of the lab to record his statement. His voice was quiet – the message obviously a private one – and Tony tried not to eavesdrop.
Jarvis took the moment to also start a private conversation via another device.
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Sir?”
Most days Jarvis was quiet when the Sorcerer was present, but he carried out every request from Tony immediately. The engineer knew that his A.I. was watching everything closely, and every now and then Jarvis raised concern, like now.
“It’s probably not, but we haven’t made a lot of progress lately. And if he insists…” It was clear from his voice that Tony didn't like the idea.
“It could be a trick.”
“It could be,” he said noncommitedly. Tony didn’t really believe it to be a trick. By now he knew Stephen quite well. The sorcerer gained nothing from dying and framing Tony; or whatever the implication had been. “Just let it slide for today.”
He had reassured Jarvis so many times before: it’s just one day. Tomorrow will be different.
It was never tomorrow and that was frustrating. He didn’t regret joining the loop – perhaps because he knew that there was a way out for him – but it still wasn’t always easy to handle.
Stephen had finished his recording and handed the Starkpad to Tony. “If anything should happen, give it to Wong. It tells you where you will find him.” The sorcerer hesitated for a second before he added, “please don’t watch it if it is not necessary.”
Now Tony was absolutely curious, but he honored the request and stored the device in a drawer.
“So?” he asked, not sure what point the sorcerer wanted to make.
“I assume you’re quite equipped,” Stephen said and if this was any other situation Tony would have made a joke about it. But now he just nodded and walked to a locker where he’d stored some weapons. He had used them to test bullet impacts on Iron Man armors’ surface structure in the past. He grabbed a gun and put it on the table next to Stephen.
“I’d prefer you don’t do this.”
Stephen was silent. What he was about to say Tony would even like less.
He waited until the engineer looked at him, before he raised his shaking fingers in front of his chest. “These are not good for anything with precision. I know it’s a lot to ask, but could you-…”
“Absolutely not!” Tony protested vehemently. He was not going down that route. Sure, he worked with the Avengers and part of his job description was to neutralize threats. Forcibly if necessary. But this was different. He wouldn’t outride murder someone. No matter what nickname the press used to give Tony Stark.
As if he had read Tony’s mind, Stephen argued, “You are a weapon manufacturer.”
“Former.” His tone was biting. He knew it was something that would stick with him forever, even if he tried to do better, to change. He had made his amends with it. Hearing it from Strange had hit him unexpectedly and it hurt more than it should. It made him become defensive.
“I don’t know what kind of impression you have of me, but I don’t take lives lightly!”
“I will survive it.”
“But first you will be dead! This isn’t a game, Stephen. Even if today starts tomorrow anew. Killing is still killing!” Tony didn't understand why that wouldn't go into the sorcerer's head. Just because there were no physical consequences didn’t mean it was okay to go out and murder people randomly. That was what psychopaths would do. And Stephen wasn’t even a random person on the street. Tony couldn’t kill him. He wasn’t even sure if he could truly hurt him in any way – which would probably become a problem after this was over and they were on different sides again.
Strange didn’t look happy about his declining, his lip almost pouting. “Jarvis can do it then.”
That suggestion upset Tony even more. “Don’t you dare to pull my child into this! I won’t teach him to kill someone just because they asked for it!” He pointed accusingly at Stephen.
They were both still standing at the table, the gun between them. Tony was so very angry that Stephen had dared to ask him such a thing. He was angry Stephen didn’t seem to care about his own life. And he was angry that he had to tilt his head and look up at the man.
The sorcerer was adamant to push through with his idea. “Well, then you either do it voluntarily or I will make you do it.”
"How are you going to do that?"
“Magic,” Stephen simply said.
Tony yanked back as if he had been slapped. “You promised you would not mess with my head!”
“I don’t need to access your head to control your arm.” It was the equivalent of a threat.
Tony was very tempted to take the gun and kill him right at this moment. And maybe that was the sorcerer’s plan.
He couldn’t believe it. He felt angry, betrayed and foremost, fear that Strange would actually make his words reality.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he snarled. “Why risk this?”
“It’s important to know. For science,” Stephen dared to quote Tony and the engineer hated the implication he would justify anything in the name of science. “You should understand.”
“I’m sick of you! I don’t care how you proceed but I want no part in this.” Tony threw his hands in the air before he turned and left the lab.
He barely stepped out of the room when he heard a shot; right before everything went black.
Tony jumped out of bed as soon as Jarvis' voice woke him up. He was still angry. Angry and a little bit relieved that Stephen was alive. But mostly angry.
“That bastard!”
He stomped straight to the kitchen, pulling his watch into a gauntlet on the way. He pointed it right at the sorcerer who was leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Fuck you, Strange!”
Stephen froze. It had been a while since a weapon had been pointed at him when he arrived in the morning. And for a moment he wasn’t sure about the reason why. Did something go wrong?Did his death break the bond between them?
There’s panic in his eyes and the overthinking prevents him from speaking. Tony used this moment to step closer, the flashing repulsor still raised.
“You’re an absolute asshole! What were you thinking?” Standing now right in front of him, he grabbed Strange by both shoulders.
The cloak moved out of his way, probably approving the lecture Tony gave the sorcerer; and also trusting him enough not to actually hurt him. If Tony would stop and think about that, he would have an opinion about it. But right then his focus was solely on Stephen.
“What if it didn’t work? Did you even think for one second about the consequences?!”
Relieved, Stephen realized that Tony did remember and was just angry with him. He could handle that. Or so he thought. “There are no consequences. The time loop resets-…”
“I’m talking about me!” Tony cut him off, his voice raised. At this point he was almost shaking Stephen. Trying to shake some sense into him. “If the day hadn’t been reset with your death. If I had gone back into the lab, see you lying there… if… “
The image of Stephen with a bullet in his head, blood all around him was burned into his brain. He had been in the field long enough to know how a bullet to the head looked like.
Even thinking about it tightened his chest and made his heart ache. He would have blamed it on the arc reactor in his chest, but when he blinked, he noticed that his eyes were moist.
Tony knew how to mask his emotion. He had been trained in PR since the age of five. So seeing the man like this right in front of him surprised Stephen.
What surprised him even more was when Tony yanked him forward and roughly planted his lips on the sorcerer’s.
The engineer was annoyed, evidently, voice harsh and filled with authority, and yet? Yet, there was something else, a heat that had pushed the words out of his mouth. It pushed them together, lips pressing together with a firm urgency, teeth digging into Stephen’s lower lip.
Stephen gasped in surprise, grabbing onto Tony’s toned arms for support. He was overwhelmed by the man, his proximity, his familiar smell.
Tony pulled back first, not done with his rant. “I hope you’ve achieved what you wanted, because I’m not going to let you do that again. I refuse! I don’t ever want to hear you suggesting it!”
Stephen looked wrecked – his lips swollen and a blush on his cheeks – and he was too stunned to speak.
Jarvis was not. “Sir, I’m not sure if I can follow what’s happening.”
“I’ll explain it to you in a minute, J.”
It must have seemed strange to the A.I., downright crazy: the appearance of Doctor Strange in the kitchen, calmly requesting to see the engineer; Tony yelling – that part was probably understandable – and them kissing.
But Tony had already decided that they weren't going to talk about it. It had been the heat of the moment and wasn’t the main topic right now. He had let himself be tempted. The engineer sighed. “Your death restarts the loop, by the way,” he informed the sorcerer and turned to walk to the coffee machine. He needed a strong one. “You know what that means.”
Stephen followed his movements for exactly one step forward before he stopped himself. He was reluctant to change the topic and watched Tony fixing himself a cup, before actually realizing what the man had said.
“It changes nothing.”
“It changes everything”, Tony grumbled. “Don’t you see? That means it’s directly linked to your person.”
“It could still be due to the time stone I’m wearing.”
“Yeah? Well, let’s try that. Give the stone to me and kill me.”
“No!” Stephen protested so vehemently it surprised the engineer and he turned back to him, with the coffee in his hand. “I won’t risk your life.” Stephen knew he was a hypocrite for saying that but he couldn't help it.
“You risked yours,” Tony pointed out.
“That’s different.”
“You are too important to the timeline.” Stephen shook his head. He didn’t want to explain what he had seen in the future. It wasn’t pretty, but it was inevitable. If they took the right path. And if Tony played his part.
None of that mattered if they didn’t stop the time loop.
Stephen looked down at his chest, then up at Tony. “No more deaths. But you’re going to wear the Eye of Agamotto.”
“What?” Tony thought he hadn’t heard it right.
“It’s a variable we haven’t tried yet. Just to see if it changes anything”, the sorcerer explained.
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
Strange had told him before that he would never hand it to someone. And he had been pretty adamant about it. To the point that Tony didn’t suggest it anymore. And usually Tony was very persistent about his ideas.
They must be running out of options.
Tony watched Stephen pull the chain over his head. “What? Like right now?” He put the coffee aside for a second.
“You’ll wear it during the day and the reset.” Stephen stepped right into his personal space and put the necklace around his neck. Tony didn't have the ability to activate the eye in any way. "Be careful with it," he warned him anyway. “The fate of the whole universe depends on the safekeeping of the time stone. I’m trusting you with it.”
“No pressure,” Tony mumbled but his eyes were solemn. Warmth flooded him thinking about how much faith Stephen put in him.
The eye felt heavy on Tony’s chest. A chunky piece of jewelry. It lay above the arc reactor. The feared feeling of magic did not appear and Tony was both happy and disappointed about that. He didn’t know what the fuss was about, but Stephen’s words prevented him from commenting. He sensed that this was a big deal.
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thesilliesgotme · 1 year
Long post so beware
1 deaths/kills
on the episode when they get too creative they start using meat and organs to 'decorate' and be creative with (red puts glitter on a heart) so something did die, duck also dies twice, once by the veggie can (eats his insides) and he literally dies, red is supposed to die in a lake, yellow has almost died multiple times, like the episode with warren, yellow dad kills and eats an entire family of 4, they all kill warren with that spear thing and they also insult him, electracy my beloved almost dies due to power overload, and briefcase, tony (clock) veggie can, and the train man all die(all but train man die from the same guy), duck kills a bread child in the family episode, coffin possibly dies due to yellow getting duck, and stain Edwards is killed by duck in the same episode
2 teachers
I personally think the teachers are for keeping the trio entertained and educated along with making it seem like a children's show, because Lesley is at the very top of the house so she runs the show, being able to see everyone and all. She's got replacements for if they die or go missing (like the transport episode or the death episode. Also the eat healthy episode), I think the teachers are also there to keep an eye on them, like how tony is always watching in the living room, or in the family episode they teach them not to leave each other (stay In the house), or even the lamp who is in their room. also the death episode seems a bit odd plan because he doesn't teach too much and also puts them in emotional distress. Like how yellow can't let go and red makes a replacement that is later on killed. And coffin seems more annoyed and just wants to do his job as a coffin. No matter how bad things are they usually resolve themselves or the episode ends and Lesley fixes everything
3 trio dynamic
Red is 100% the father figure out of the 3 of them, he helps clean, has the recliner chair, and has the most common sense, he also drives in the transport episode (probably cause he's the only one who can reach the pedals) red also tries to make sure everyone gets along, when yellow breaks something Duck yells at him for being stupid and red steps in and yells at him for speaking like that to yellow because he said he wouldn't anymore, meaning red must have talked to duck about being mean to yellow and going easy on him, most likely because he isn't the sharpest tool on the shed (the episode does end in a fight between the 3 of them but still) Duck is kind of like the grumpy old man/husband (fluffybird yes ik) he's usually reading the newspaper and has a short temper with everyone except Colin who is nice to him and sometimes red. Duck finds the comedy in most situations and tries to take charge, he can't live without red and yellow even if he is really rude to them both, he teases red for being jealous of him being dead and he very obviously misses them in the family episode because he's the first to go. He is relived when red comes back but acts like he isn't. He also isn't mean to yellow when he brings him back from coffin and enjoys his time in the house relaxing and watching TV. Yellow is 110% the autistic son. He is very much like a child due to his old batteries and his neglectfully father who he still loves. His father probably forgot to change his batteries after a while and because he's a shitty person who lives in the walls he doesn't care. Assuming Roy (father) uses batteries too he may have become an alcoholic or drug user of some point and let his batteries go bad, maybe even before yellows went bad and yellow might have been too young to know how to replace them so he also became like Roy. Roy only speaks in grunts and noises so his must be worse than yellows. Yellow must also have gotten used to his batteries faster than his dad or just had to adapt to stay with the other 2 because when electracy has his batteries she becomes unstable along with the power overload.
4 Lesley
She's the attic dwelling mother. There are hints to her existence before the electricity episode, in the transport episode the licence plate and names on transport man are all Lesley, showing that she 'owns' the teachers in some way, like their figures in the dollhouse. I don't remember what episode it is exactly but there is one where red finds a ripe of device that controls what teachers pop up and what they do, Roy does find red back there so either Roy controls the teachers or Lesley does and Roy just watches. Also I think it's before the electricity episode but the opening scene with the house where it spins it shows a gloves hand winding up the house so it turns on and spins. In the attic when yellow finds Lesley you can see her gloved hands playing the piano with the house on top. She has all these items on display from other episodes and has lots of figures of the trio. When yellow tries to help and puts a duck figure down its head falls off, either referencing to the death episode where duck kills stain Edwards by chopping his head off or it's because only Lesley can put the puppets down.
5 the family theory
When Lesley and yellow meet in the attic she yells at him for not being his real son. Which means Roy would be her husband/ex husband/child father because Roy is yellows dad. There are lots of theories about this, like how yellow and Roy could be her dead family and to cope she kidnaped 4 people to make a semi family and decided to teach them for her own entertainment or to make her child happy, a dad and 2 friends/family members. Some people think that Lesley made the trio but there are multiple missing posters shown and the dates June 19-20 are shown which must be their kidnaping date. And for the dollhouse/dolls in the attic maybe Lesley is some sort of half being, she could have sold her soul to be this sort of puppeteer role to keep them all alive for whatever reasons she may have
This is just what I think and have noticed! Feel free to reblog and add theories/corrections/explanations I would love to hear more!
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gilliesmemes · 1 year
𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐌𝐄𝐊𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐍 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎      !     /    sentence starters pulled callmekevins playthrough of mile 0 , prequel to road 96.   change whatever you want to suit your character interactions .
 oh my god , what has he taken ?
now, lets hop in a strangers car.
your dog die or something ?
i might play video games instead. that’s how i escape my problems.
aha ! i found an escape.
i’m not really one for tourism in a country run by a dictator.
i feel a little on edge here.
i’m taking that threat at face value.
i need some chaos, everything has been too organized.
now we’re talking, explosives ! let’s get in there.
oh god, he’s very upset.
does he have that type of power, though ?
then the manger came out and said i was the best escapist they’ve ever seen.
yeah, tony hawk move there.
we’re killing a lot of people, this is great.
oh my god , you don’t know anything about personal space.
i will kill you immediately , that’s what friends are for - murdering each other.
i want it to seem like someone died in here.
that looks kind of crappy, to be honest.
what the hell is yours supposed to mean ?
yeah, they’re both equally good.
i don’t even know who said that, a ghost perhaps ?
i’m just so obnoxious.
can i just throw them in the trash ?
i don’t really wanna do this job , i just wanna get the credit for doing it.
forty seven people injured in town square, read all about it in tomorrows paper.
oh, i didn’t see you there.
ah ! oh , sorry... the corner scared me.
can you just give me a second ? i’m trying to rob you.
my kd ratio is insane.
i have been destroying the place with no reasoning just because i can get away with it.
maybe the government are lying.
we’ve been truman show’d !
if you didn’t believe the government didn’t engage in propaganda here, you’d be pretty fucking stupid.
i do ! i just agreed with everything you said !
annoying poster guy in the park is my favourite hobby. also , he’s dead.
i forgot to update you , i killed him earlier.
that is the lamest dare i’ve ever heard.
i dare you to jump off the building.
pretty ironic to say i found it in the dumpster.
i jump in trash and then he quits , like yeah i’m done with that one.
push him. push him off the seat so he falls into the mud.
you’ve probably never even seen your father.
look at his little stupid face about to go down in the mud !
yeah , sucks to be you kiddo.
he looks like a guy who a kid could just sneak by into our house.
oh my god , how did you run so fast ?
that is the creepiest thing you could’ve said.
i need the worlds gnarliest rumba that’ll just shred everything on the floor.
i kinda like this dude, he’s just so naive.
i’m just causing so much chaos all the time no matter where i am.
i feel a little bad.
he almost had another kill on his belt !
jesus , what a neighbourhood.
he’s a lunatic.
now what , are you going to try and eat me ?
i like the dramatized version.
tell me this secret of yours or i’ll push you off the building.
oh, look ! it’s the square where i murdered everyone , good times.
stop trying to force me to talk about things i don’t want to talk about.
i’m going to snap my own neck.
i don’t think it’s about whether the government did it or not.
i just always assume the government are up to shenanigans to be honest. 
that’s not how i thought he would sound for some reason.
that’s his memory of it ... then he’s also like and i was doing some sick kick flips and jumping over ramps while the explosions were going off.
was that not enough ?!
WHAAA - oh wait , i already knew that.
oh no, i’m going to get pulled into this aren’t i ?
no it sounds complicated for you. i don’t want to get involved in this.
yeah , she seems like a big fan.
she’s still waving , she’s still there.
he sounds pretty pissed off.
can i just walk away ?
i don’t think he’d make an announcement about that.
okay that was unnecessary , that was just demeaning. 
this is getting weirder and weirder.
this is getting a little bit stressful now.
i'm playing to win , i am not a good loser. actually no , i'm a very good loser  -  i'm not a graceful loser is what im saying... i'm a sore loser.
stop distracting me , i'm winning.
did you make a whole scale model of his house ?
seems reasonable , yeah lets risk our lives for this.
the cops are closing in , you're in now so we got to get this done tonight.
mom will help , don't worry.
i just think cops are so cool , those guys are really cool.
please let me go now.
anyway, time to go straight to ( name's ) house and break in.
i managed to ditch my parents, i'm ready for the revolution.
i play the triangle, i never said i was a singer.
your eyes aren't as wonky as your posters would suggest. 
my mixtape ! how could i forget my mixtape. 
do i actually want to help him ? i don’t want to.
these past twelve hours have been good to you.
why is he holding onto the receipt ... are they going to business expense it ? 
the problem is ... i know the file wont be there when i get up there.
i’ve seen enough loony  toons back in the city to know that’s a fake.
god the standards are pretty low here.
is this my entry test ?
y’know , personal revenge and all that.
i want to take the gun and just shoot him.
is this how he sees it ? well , no wonder he's pissed off.
we’re all new comers to this behaviour.
that was a bit stupid, wasn’t it ?
yeah , it is kinda lame actually.
what ? you abandoned me !
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chatvengers · 2 years
Sam: What is Y/N wearing?
Tony: Tonight’s party ensemble?
Sam: What’s the theme again?
Clint: Costume chess yarn pro-choice-highjacking cupcake bash
Tony: You’re overlooking the bad cheese and the motorcycles
Steve: Plus the curious events
Pietro: The above already make for furious events
Wanda: Hmm
Wanda: Furious is right
Scott: I’m here!
Steve: Did you bring it?
Scott: Yes
Scott: Hope’s got more yarn, I brought the ghost board and the bicycles
Clint: The ghost board?
Scott: Yeah, because it’s Halloween
Pietro: It’s not
Scott: Oh
Scott: Oh
Hope: Does anyone really want to play chess?
Nat: She’s right, the Ouija board is much more interesting.
Tony: Granted
Steve: But how will we all touch it at once?
Scott: I might be able to make it bigger…
Bucky: Will that make the ghosts bigger too?
Sam: Are you scared? 😈
Steve: Why does this always happen…
Wanda: I can’t find my teeth, Pietro
Pietro: Yeah, and?
Wanda: I know you took them
Pietro: Why would I?
Wanda: To bite Y/N at the stroke of midnight
Pietro: Why would I do that?
Wanda: Why wouldn’t you, is the better question
Wanda: I do t give a shit, I just want my teeth back
Pietro: Well, I don’t have them
Wanda: Then come over here and open your mouth
Pietro: No
Wanda: Alright, then
Wanda: I’ll just get Y/N to make you
Pietro: Fuck off
Pietro: I’m her brother
Bucky: That’s not helping your case
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Y/N: What the fuck’s the problem this time?
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Peter: Pietro stole Wanda’s fangs to bite you
Pietro: Peter’s going to die by them
Y/N: I stole Wanda’s fangs to bite him
Pietro: Aggjndu vgidukn nkbukbfknm
Y/N: And she knows it.
Peter: What
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Tony: Power playing, huh
Steve: Fang we go one night without mind games?
Y/N: Was that deliberate?
Steve: Maybe
Bucky: Mwahahahagaha
Sam: What the hell
Pietro: Jealous that they’re getting ahead without you?
Sam: I’ll get you by the end of the night.
Pietro: You’ll never catch me
Wanda: Are we seriously acting like we’re in high school?
Y/N: The world is one responsibility-sized high school
Tony: Except there’s no one around to save us from bullies, disappointments and bad grades
Steve: You guys had people to save you from bullies?
Sam: And disappointments?
Peter: That’s extremely disappointing
Wanda: Bucky’s extremely offended
Tony: Why’s that?
Y/N: He claims Steve had someone to save him from the bullies
Pietro: Yeah, he proCLAIMs
Clint: This is getting hot
Nat: When isn’t it…
Y/N: You know…speaking of hot…
Wanda: I like the way you think 💥
Pietro: WAIT
Steve: I have a bad feeling about this…
Tony: Don’t we all
Steve: Should we go stop them?
Nat: Nah
Hope: I made popcorn
Steve: So…
Steve: we’re just gonna sit and
Steve: watch?
Tony: You have a problem with that?
Nat: Don’t answer that. Just come sit down, Steve.
Stephen: Just like a dog
Tony: I suggest you don’t answer that, either.
Stephen: Good advice. How about I make some chocolate popcorn as well?
Wanda: You’re a dream.
Wanda: Vision, darling, we’re all friends here
Peter: it’s the Chatverse
Y/N: where there are no rules
Pietro: Oh thank God
Pietro: I almost lost my teeth
Wanda: Good
Wanda: Next time I’ll steal your soul
Pietro: AAAAHHHJHhhh!
Stephen: I think it’s time to say goodnight.
Y/N: You’re probably right…
Peter: Last to get to your bedroom is dead!
Hope: Well.
Scott: Yeah…
Tony: Not much of a party.
Stephen: Just go to bed. The mess will still be here in the morning.
Clint: WHAT! I WENT OUT FOR TWO SECONDS?! Why are you all going to bed?!?!?! I’M NOT DONE!
Steve: You are now.
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Steve: Goodnight.
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daydreamerdrew · 5 months
Comics read this past week:
Marvel Comics:
Captain America (2017) #695-700
These issues were published across November 2017 to April 2018, according to the Marvel Wiki. All were written by Mark Waid, drawn by Chris Samnee, and colored by Matthew Wilson.
Issues #695-697 were all stand-alone stories, part of an arc called “Home of the Brave,” as Steve was road-tripping through the United States in search of a new place to settle down. He explains this in issue #696 as, “I’m tired of being a couch-surfer. I haven’t had my own place in years that wasn’t subsidized by S.H.I.E.L.D. or Tony Stark or whoever before all that went away. Which always tied me to the New York area.”
I found the Captain America event in issue #695 endearing. And I liked Steve’s ethos of “The strong protect the weak,” told to a child at one point as “You have to protect Jacob. [..] Because he’s smaller than you.” I was surprised by the depiction, in a flashback to back when Steve had only recently been unfrozen, that Captain America had been largely forgotten and people didn’t recognize him. I’ve elsewhere seen it portrayed that he was remembered as an important historical figure and him being discovered to still be alive was a big deal. In issue #696, when Steve’s encouraged to take steps to prevent being recognized so that he’s not bombarded by fans and reporters wherever he goes, he says, “It’s not something I give a lot of thought to, to be honest.” Steve’s relationship to media attention is something I find really interesting. This portrayal is simple, but it works for the character. Also, I liked how casual he was at the end of the issue about saving a town. And I enjoyed the opening scene of issue #697, where Steve is casually chatting with a woman in a bar.
Issue #698 is where things really kicked off for me as a reader, with the storyline “Out of Time,” which went from there to issue #700. In this story Steve is frozen in ice once again, only to be woken up in a dystopic America where almost all of the heroes he knew are dead. In issue #698 Steve learns about this new America he’s found himself in, and resolves to “take our country back.” Issue #699 is that overthrow of the corrupt elite. And then in issue #700 Steve struggles to rebuild America from there.
In issue #698 Steve says to Liang, the character who becomes his primary ally in this dystopian future, “‘Doesn’t it destroy you to find out your life’s work left no impact?’ Is that your question? Because I’m trying not to think about it. Right now, I have a job to do.”
In issue #699 she says, “I know you wish you were back home.” He responds, “‘Home’ is wherever my country needs me, Liang. But yes, I do. Still, I’ve made this sort of leap across time before. And like the last one… I need to make peace with the fact that it’s probably a one-way trip.”
Issue #700 is where things got emotional for me. 80 days into building “New America,” Steve is offered a way to go back in time for prevent the apocalypse from ever happening, which he turns down. He explains, “What if all that does is create an alternate timeline? How would that fix the here and now? Or what if I go back in time and somehow fail? That takes me off the board altogether, and then how many more of us die?” At this point in time Steve ultimately believes that, “Your reality is theoretical. Mine is concrete. Real lives versus hypotheticals. […] I can’t abandon this fight. I promised to make this right, and I can.”
But it’s not easy, and 349 days in they suffer a crushing blow, which causes Steve to have a change of heart. He dismisses his earlier mentality as “over-confident” and says he should, “think, not just act. I’ve been ordering my men not to waste energy dying on every hill, but that’s the problem- I don’t know how to stop. I never did.” He says, “Hope is not a plan,” which is called, “the least Captain America thing I ever heard.” And he says that at this point he can either give or accept the Hail Mary, and “I don’t know how to give up.”
Steve is sent back to right when he was frozen in ice, and right before the nuclear bombs were launched. He quickly attacks the villain’s base, but the bombs were still activated. It takes Steve sacrificing himself, with only seconds to spare, to save the world. His final words were him accepting, “I don’t know how to stop. I never did. Hope is not a plan. But you sure as hell can’t win without it.” I had already thought that the way Chris Samnee drew Steve going back in time was beautiful, but the way he drew Steve burning up to parallel that was so impactful. This Steve dies, but the frozen Steve is broken out of the ice by the explosion. And he goes on with his life having no idea about his other self’s sacrifice or experiences in the future. He does happen to come across Liang, but the meeting has no emotional significance to either of them.
The Avengers (1963) #39
This issue was published in February 1967, according to the Marvel Wiki. It was written by Roy Thomas, penciled by Don Heck, and inked by George Roussos.
In previous issues Hank was particularly suspicious of Natasha. In issue #38 he voiced that he wouldn’t stand for her being allowed to officially join the Avengers. She’d been hanging around for a while as Clint’s girlfriend. But Natasha, who’d previously expressed that she wanted to be an official Avenger, shocked them all by announcing that she was breaking up with Clint and leaving the country. She’d been recruited by Nick Fury for a spy mission and was specifically asked to not tell anyone the truth about what she was doing. She’d hoped that by hurting Clint’s feelings she’s stop him from following her, which would endanger him. Hank surprised me during this by saying, “There must be more to this than meets the eye! I may not be a charter member of your fan club, Widow- But I had never figured you for sellin’ out,” before accepting that she was probably telling the truth about her intentions.
In this issue it’s public knowledge that Natasha betrayed the country, and Hank surprised me again by not believing it, saying that, “there’s some reason for her acts! There must be!” The rest of the Avengers are skeptical, too, but Hank seems to me to be the most vocal one. Clint is the exception. He actually left the scene before this conversation, and when he speaks elsewhere on his own he’s expresses that he’s plotting to find Natasha, “Then, maybe- just maybe- I can talk some sense into her- Before it’s too late!”
There’s also a scene at S.H.I.E.L.D. with Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan, and Jasper Sitwell. Jasper questions, “But, Colonel- Are you positive she can be trusted?” Nick Fury responds, “We got no choice, Sitwell! We gotta trust her!” This is of particular interest to me because I’m already interested in Natasha and Nick’s relationship, and I like Jasper and it’s stated in Winter Soldier (2012) that Natasha particularly got along well with him.
DC Comics:
Batman (2016) #25-32
These issues were published across June 2017 to October 2017 according to the Grand Comics Database. I’m continuing working through rereading Tom King’s Batman run.
Issues #25-26 and #28-29 and #31-32 were “The War of Jokes and Riddles” storyline. All were drawn by Mikel Janín, except that Hugo Petrus also worked on the inking of issue #29. All were colored by June Chung. Issues #27 and #30 were ‘interlude’ stories, though still strongly related, titled “The Ballad of Kite-Man.” Both were penciled by Clay Mann. Issue #27 was inked by Danny Miki, John Livesay, and Clay Mann, and was colored by Gabe Eltaeb. And issue #30 was inked by Seth Mann, and was colored by Jordie Bellaire.
I remember not liking this arc the first time I read the book. It worked better for me this time, but I think that’s partially because there’s been a little bit of time since I read the first 24 issues of this book. Those first four storylines and what they meant for Bruce’s character were of more interest to me, but this time there was more distance for me as a reader from that more intriguing storytelling.
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989) #16-20
These issues were published across February 1991 to June 1991, according to the Grand Comics Database. All were written by Denny O’Neil. The layouts of all of the issues were drawn by Trevor Von Eeden, which were finished by Russ Braun, and then inked by José Luis García-López. This was the “Venom” storyline, in which Bruce became addicted to and then recovered from an early version of the villain Bane’s fictional drug.
I wasn’t really that into this one. I’ll note that the previous storylines in this book have each followed chronologically near the start of Bruce’s career as Batman, including as part of the stories the creation of the Batcave, the Batmobile, ect. This arc is the first departure from that. Nothing indicates that this story takes place towards the beginning of Bruce’s career as Batman, and also the opening narration of the first issue refers to the story as being reflected upon from the future.
Action Comics (2016) #1064
This issue was published this month, April 2024. It was written by Joshua Williamson, drawn by Rafa Sandoval, and colored by Alejandro Sánchez.
I pretty much said everything I wanted to say about this issue here.
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bestsincedayone · 1 year
💕+ max/toni
send "💕" + a ship for me to fill out this. . .
combining this ship meme [ x ] with this ship meme [ x ]
How did they meet? backstage at aew.
Who flirted with who first? max lmfao. before she even knew who he really was.
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? he was head over heels at first sight. it took her a little to come around to being in love. ngl, she was probably in her head for a little about if he actually lover her or if he loved her ass.
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? never friends. flirtationship turned fuck buddies who flirted a lot and then eventually they started dating.
What was their first date? something with alcohol. toni loves her drinks.
Who kissed who first? max dove in the first chance he got
Who started the relationship? max probably
Monogamy or Polyamory? monogamy right now but ngl, i could see poly with the right person. not sure who that'd be but i could see it.
Are they/do they plan on getting married? too soon to tell.
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no? it'd be max and she'd say yes.
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first? they're too young for that.
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? nope.
How often do they fight? What about? they don't fight. they might bicker though.
Have they ever broken up? nope. it's never been that bad.
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? 'til death do us part if max has his way which he normally does so.
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? they have a nice mix of all three with them perhaps leaning most towards a little spice, then kinky af, then vanilla coming in last place for them.
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? toni's a submissive brat so there's your answer to that question.
What is their favorite sex position? doggy style. that view of the ass.
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? probably.
Favorite place to have sex? hotel balconys overlooking cities.
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex? backstage at aew. probably in the parking lot. not in a car though. he bent her over the hood of a random car, pushed her gear aside, and fucked her.
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? How often? yes and it's pretty dang often. it isn't always sex but toni will touch him to relax him.
What are some of their favorite things about their partner sexually? max loves the ass. i think toni loves the attitude he brings.
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? nudes. lbh, it's nudes. they aren't together? nudes. he's at a media event? nudes. she's at a show and he's not? nudes. they're in different rooms? nudes.
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? max will drop everything to make sure she's okay and she'd do the same. she'd probably even jokingly asked if he'd need his dick sucked and 99% of the time he says yes
Who is the better dancer? probably max tbh.
How do they like to spend time together? ... physical touch lmao. they just like to be touching each other. doesn't even need to be sexual. whatever they're doing, they're touching each other somehow.
What are their favorite non-sexual forms of intimacy? max loves helping toni with her OF content because of the views. also he stans a woman who makes that money doing whatever it is she wants.
What are some of their favorite things about their partner? toni loves that he's a natural entertainer. there's hardly a dull moment around him.
How do they comfort the other when they are upset? besides sex, i'd just say hugging one another and soft touches.
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts? max does
What position do they sleep in? toni sleeps with her hand on his chest and he has his arm wrapped around her. oh, and they're almost always naked.
Do they bathe/shower together? yep.
What are their favorite things to do on date nights? go out to eat and drink.
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while? yep.
What is their love language? physical touch.
Who’s a cat person and who’s a dog person? both love dogs.
Who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more? both are more indoor people but neither hates the outdoors
Who’s more social? max tbh.
Who makes the bed every morning? ... max after he drags toni out of it.
Who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm? their house is typically cool. not too cold but not too warm.
Who takes longer getting ready? toni
Who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones? max likes the scary ones more and toni prefers the funny ones
Who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it? toni screams and max kills
Who is more technology challenged? neither are that challenged.
Who would be more likely to burn something in the oven? toni.
Who talks in their sleep? max perhaps?
Who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? toni probably.
Who likes getting dressed up more? max
Who’s better at tying ties? max. both around his neck and around her wrists.
Who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone? neither.
Who’s better at planning romantic things? max
Who takes up more space in the closet? probably max
Who has more of a sweet tooth? toni
Who drinks more often? toni lmfao
Who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation? max
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
I’ve Told You Now - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where alpha!Bucky fucks you in front of the other avengers
Warnings: smut, a/b/o dynamics, public sex, oral (f), p in v, possessiveness
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: Thank you to my lovely @wakingbeauty​ for giving this a read for me! This is strictly the product of mine and @navybrat817​‘s belief that public sex should be more common in A/B/O dynamics, so there you have it 😊 Also, I used a prompt the sweet @jbreenr​ gave me ages ago for a headcanon and I asked to save it for this story since it made such perfect sense! Hope you guys like it! I might write more public sex A/B/O smut in the very near future!
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
Everyday was the same. I’d wake up and join the rest of the team for breakfast to find out that despite the fact that someone had saved me a seat, that same someone had thought of a new joke to make at my expense.
If I thought Tony’s nicknames were bad, this was a whole new level. It’s like she wanted to find all the little ways to annoy me, while still remaining mindful of my recovery process and triggers.
I’d never met an omega like that before. Back in my time, omegas were mostly prim and proper, almost shy around alphas, even if they were starting to show a little more skin and entertain the possibility of staying closer to us for longer periods of time.
I wasn’t used to someone who felt so comfortable with my intimidating aura, and the alpha in me definitely couldn’t grow used to seeing so much of her skin all the time. By now, I was sure she was doing it on purpose.
She knew how it affected me, she could smell it - every omega was able to identify when a nearby alpha was aroused. And I knew it turned her on in return. I was also biologically wired to sense that.
It was basically a game of who would break first. And I knew she thought she would win, but my resolve still wasn’t broken.
“Ah… What a lovely day. So full of possibilities… if you’re not a hundred years old,” she quickly added, throwing me a glance that had me rolling my eyes. “What do you say, grandpa? Feel like going out for a run?”
Who knows what I would have answered if she hadn’t decided to pull her hair up right at the second Wanda opened the window to look out into the field? The smile that had been on my face quickly dropped when I was hit with a heavy wave of her scent and my knees buckled as I tried to hold myself back from just jumping on top of her.
Unfortunately, because awareness was not something she seemed capable of having, she did not realize my struggle. “What’s wrong, old man? Can’t even keep up anymore?” The growl that escaped my chest at her joke was all the warning she needed to finally understand what was going on.
“I’ll show you what I can keep up.” I was on her in a second, my consciousness of our surroundings reduced to absolutely nothing. It was only her and me, and the way our lips moved as I guided her back to the couch, until we both fell on top of it.
“Is this what you wanted, huh?” I asked as I tore her shirt with a simple flick of my wrist. “Is this how you wanted it to happen? For me to lose all control and just take you right here?” All that left her was a garbled sound, her hands clawing at my back as I easily got rid of her jeans until they were nothing but scraps on the floor and then exposed her pussy to the tower’s living room.
“Fuck yes,” I growled, immediately leaning down to get a taste of her. Sweet and wet and mine, all mine. I had no idea where that possessive instinct had come from, but I would be crazy to ignore it - especially since it felt like I’d kill and die for her at that very second.
Her hips jerked up, instinctively searching for my tongue, but a breeze of clarity seemed to brush over her and make her sit up on her elbows, looking down at me. I knew what was running through her mind before she said it, and I wasn’t having any of it.
“You better lay back down and let me savor my meal,” I warned, knowing the rest of the team had gathered around to watch the show. I didn’t have to take my eyes off her debauched state to know it, but her gaze was on them, even if the rest of her body was still spread open for anyone to see, uncaring of the fact that we were being watched.
“You poked the beast, now you’ll entertain it,” Steve warned, shaking his head as if to scold us, but when I met his eyes, I could see the glint of desire in them. He wanted to be in my position, he wanted to have his own tongue shoved deep inside my girl’s pussy, and it only made me eat her more hungrily.
“Eyes on me, ‘mega,” I called out to her once I saw her eyes linger on Steve. “Let them watch, that’ll keep them away from you.” She groaned at the possessiveness in my words, but it was the sounds of someone who was relishing in it. And I was relishing in her juices.
“Fuck!” She cursed when I buried my tongue as far as it could go in her, something deep inside of me desperate to be drowning in her scent. “Should have gotten you mad before.”
The thought was amusing to me. Did she really think this was only the result of pent-up anger, and not months of desire and lust that had finally spilled from my weakened resolve?
“Well…” I started, pushing two fingers inside of her to scissor her open for me, although my scent had already made her body as prepared for an Alpha an Omega could get.
I was a bit larger than usual Alphas, though - courtesy of the serum - so I wanted to make sure she wouldn’t go through any pain whatsoever. “You keep me mad all the fucking time, kitten.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“With desire or anger, it doesn’t really care,” he continued, like it was any ordinary day and we were chatting in the living room, our usual teasing banter taking over the conversation, instead of him eating me out on the couch in front of all of our teammates while I was spread out for their eyes to take in.
“You’re always a tease to me, in one way or another.” His huge hands massaged the inside of my thighs as he finally lowered himself to suck on my nub again, making me instinctively buck my hips up in search of his tongue.
“Stay…” he ordered in his Alpha tone, and the whine that broke free from my chest was more animal than human now. The way he used his mouth was nothing short of sinful, licking me from ass to clit with an eagerness I had never expected the former Winter Soldier to have.
But I guess today I was discovering all of my fantasies about Bucky had been a bit misplaced. For one, I never thought he’d be the type of Alpha to take me in such a public environment.
In every dirty dream I’d had, Bucky was far too possessive to allow anyone to explore what was his - even if it was only visually - but what I’d come to learn was that while he was definitely dominating, there was a hint of exhibitionism in his craving.
He liked to have people see him break me into a million pieces only to glue me back together with a lick of his tongue. He liked that they were seeing his talent - and I had to admit, by what I saw in his friend’s stare, that they were also admiring me too.
And he got off on that. I didn’t expect it would make me get off too.
“Delicious,” he hummed when he finally pulled away from my cunt, having brought me to my release and licked it off of me. Still, an overwhelming amount of wetness covered the lower part of his face, prompting me to raise myself to my elbows and lick my own juices off of his lips, the omega in me begging to scent him as mine.
“You’re a nasty little bitch, aren’t you?” He chuckled once the surprise faded away, easily manhandling me onto my stomach, the sound of a zipper being opened denouncing that he had undressed.
“Keep fucking me and you’ll find out.” I heard him spitting behind me, a shiver running up my spine as I realized he was playing with himself while looking at me presenting for him.
“Oh, I’ll do much better than that.” That was all the warning I got before I felt the head of his member poking my entrance, slowly but surely sliding in until he had bottomed out.
My whines became intensified when he pulled me up by my hair, his free hand covering my breast to rub my nipple as he whispered, “I’m gonna claim you, sweetheart. You think you’re ready for that? Think you’ll be able to take it?”
I was quickly realizing I had severely underestimated the man inside of me, even if not to the extent he thought I had. I was not ready for that. I don’t think I ever would be, but fuck if I wasn’t gonna take it anyway.
Because it was so much better than I ever imagined it to be.
“No more playing hard-to-get,” Bucky continued, finally starting to move and immediately settling on a punishing pace. “No more teasing me with your short skirts and tempting scent. You’ll be mine now, ‘mega. Forever. How does that sound?”
God, I wanted him to do it. I wanted him to keep exercising this complete control over my body that he had so easily managed to take. His cock was stretching me in ways I’d never been stretched before, his inflated knot slamming against my opening with each thrust.
“Always mocking me… Am I too old for you now?” I shivered as he licked a stripe up my neck. I knew he wouldn’t actually bite me in front of everyone - a claiming ritual was a sacred ritual, even the most feral of Alphas respected the intimacy of that. But the way he was taunting me was all too arousing, I couldn’t deny it. “Tell me.”
His hand squeezed my hip, looking for an answer. I tried to open my mouth, but nothing came out. His palm slipped further down, finding my clit, and as two fingers rubbed my own juices, around it, I screamed.
“N-No!” Bucky chuckled against my neck, body continuing his onslaught against mine as he nuzzled my scent gland. “Y-you’re not too old for me. Take me, take me please.” His coos were too provoking, making me cry out loud at the mocking sound.
“Aw, kitten…” His warm mouth breathed the next words against my ear, “I already did.” He turned my face towards his with his fingers tangled in my hair, engulfing my mouth with his.
“Alright.” A familiar voice spoke from not too far, startling me for a second as I once again was reminded that we were still very much surrounded by our team. “You two might just be the sexiest mates I’ve ever seen fuck.”
A growl escaped Bucky’s chest at hearing someone refer to us as mates for the first time, and I panted in need, desperate to cum, desperate for him. “Seen a lot of mates fuck, Romanoff?” He nibbled at my ear, hands roaming over my body as if to make it very clear to every person watching that they could look all they wanted, I was still his.
“You have no idea.” Looking over a bit to the side from where she was seated, there rested Sam’s almost limp body, a hand curled over his boner as his eyes never wavered from the place I was connected to the man behind me.
“Well, I know what I’m gonna think about tonight.” Something between a laugh and a moan escaped me, making Bucky growl again, hands pushing me back down onto the couch as his hips picked up the pace with which they’d ruin me.
To say I was soaked was the understatement of the century. I could feel it, running down my thighs, drenching the couch underneath me. I don’t know how we’d be able to use it again, but that was the least of my concerns in the moment.
“I am begging you to let me lick her pussy after you guys are done,” came Tony’s voice, and I knew Bucky would growl in his direction just from the way his fingers pressed tightly on the flesh of my hips. “Not that type of Alpha, sorry, I got it.”
I heard his footsteps retreating quickly, probably scared of what Bucky would do to him once we were done, but in the Alpha’s defense, Tony seemed to disappear from his mind the second he left the room, all of his senses directed to me and his goal of making me cum around his cock.
“C’mon, kitten,” he whispered, fingers easily locating my clit to play with me as he pulled me up to rest against his chest one more. “Come for me, milk me dry.” That was all I needed to give him what he wanted, and although I was anticipating to moan loudly as I creamed his knot, his mouth covered mine to swallow all of my sounds in a deep kiss, hands protectively covering me while pawing at my breasts at the same time.
“Steve,” Bucky called after he managed to catch his breath, having fallen on top of me on the couch once his knot popped open. “I won’t be able to work out with you today.”
I looked up as best as I could to find Steve already staring at us, although red from head to toe. “That’s understandable,” he spoke in a thick, rough voice that I barely recognized as his. “You seem to have worked out enough already.”
Bucky stopped running his nose against my cheek at his friend’s attempt at teasing, a slow smirk taking over his face as he joined me and stared at his friend. “Oh, I’m not nearly done,” he warned. “You’re more than welcome to join us for some cardio, if you want to.”
The soft smile Steve sent our way told us everything we needed to know about his plans for the evening.
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Okayyyy now that I've slept on that episode I am ready to do some good old traumamongering so let's look at how Loki's responses to his environment and those around him are informed by his trauma--and how Mobius/the TVA are using his trauma to manipulate him.
One of the ways Loki deals with unpleasant or stressful situations is to verbally maneuver or posture, to try to assert control (if he feels he can reasonably do so). We see him do this with Tony in Avengers, who during their confrontation--at least for the moment--poses no active threat; instead of attacking him, Loki talks. In Thor, Loki tries several times to defuse situations with his words, which generally goes poorly for him. But when it comes to handling stress, it's essentially all he knows how to do--Mobius is absolutely right to point out that Loki "loves to talk," but usually his silver tongue is borne out of necessity.
In this case, starting from the moment of his escape, we see a lot of talking from Loki that is not strictly necessary. When he lands in Mongolia, the very first thing he does is make a speech to the bystanders--literally and figuratively trying to get his bearings. He's not aggressive at all (which would confuse the Avengers were they to see him, but wow, it's almost like Thanos/the Mind Stone was influencing him!) and seems quite at a loss as to what to do when the people he's addressing don't understand him. When the TVA agents try to arrest him, he tries to ask them what's going on, and gives plenty of warning (and posturing!) before attempting to physically assert himself. In the TVA itself, this continues. Loki complains, tries to intimidate, questions, and even talks to machines with no other real witnesses (twice). He's pulling out all the stops, so to speak, to try to verbally establish control of his situation. He's trying to get his bearings, to assert his autonomy and individuality--but no one is listening to him.
When that doesn't work, and only when a lot of that doesn't work, does Loki attempt physical control of his environment. He first tries his magic (something familiar to him) and is shocked when that also doesn't work. The TVA is already a foreign environment, but because none of Loki's usual and comfortable methods of surviving are working, it becomes more foreign, and more stressful. That's why he escalates to actively resisting the guards (but note he doesn't try too hard once someone (Mobius) starts talking). Physical resistance has never been Loki's forte, so he plays to his strengths while he can, but when that fails and he gets more desperate, he has to get creative.
But when Loki is stressed enough that he starts to physically fight back, the illusion of confidence starts to break down. We see this continue really clearly in the interrogation room scene. The subject matter actively makes Loki uncomfortable. His attempts to deflect or lie aren't effective, and his words once again fail to control his situation or even shield him from what he'd like to avoid. Unable to escape the direct questions, Loki again becomes physically restless and uncomfortable, standing and pacing while growing more obviously agitated. The questions Mobius is asking are ones Loki does not want to think about, and that's because they ultimately hit on his most vulnerable points.
The question of "What would you do if you could go back?" while seeming rather innocuous, is really a well-disguised gateway to all of Loki's trauma and insecurity. Why does he feel he should rule Midgard? Well, Loki attempts to respond, that's what he deserves, it's what he was born for--but it wasn't, really, and he knows it. Firstly, when it comes to his royal birthright, Loki has always fallen back on that as a grounding mechanism. It's what he asserts to claim his identity and feel powerful and in control. He does this with being a god, too, and we see him do this several times just within the TVA. But ultimately, it's just words--the real power is with those who can make what they want to happen actually happen, and in Loki's life, that has never been him. (Even talking about his birthright, and the concept of ruling, brings up the traumatic events of Thor 1; and the fact that he was looking to rule Midgard, not Asgard, means that he would still be playing second-fiddle to Thor. Midgard wasn't his birthright--Asgardians never ruled directly on Earth. It was just the best he could get.) And secondly, Loki's attack of Earth was directly caused and influenced by Thanos. That is the main source of trauma that Loki is desperately trying to avoid, and the questions he's being asked don't allow him to do so. He can't weasel out of it; Mobius is too persistent, and he knows all the worst buttons to push. In fact, he's systematically targeting Loki's weaknesses.
Look at the questions and statements he uses: "For someone born to rule, you sure lose an awful lot." Your birthright is false and you know it. "You weren't born to be a king. You were born to help others become the best versions of themselves." He juxtaposes this with footage of the Avengers, Thor among them: your identity only matters so far as you can enable others, especially your brother. Loki starts avoiding looking at the footage, becoming less brazen with his attitude and responses, so Mobius asks, "What is it that you're running from?" It's at about this point that Loki stands up, trying to physically distance himself from both Mobius and the question. This interaction reveals much about what Mobius is intending by this conversation. He's not trying to learn about Loki, necessarily. He already knows Loki is running from something, and seems to know what it is, which wouldn't be immediately clear to someone uninformed. What he's really trying to do is make Loki vulnerable, and make him admit it.
Mobius uses Loki's role in his mother's death to push him over the edge. Immediately, Loki turns on Mobius, furiously insisting that the whole thing is an illusion--more desperate verbal posturing, and Mobius treats it as such--and then Loki snaps, first throwing a chair at the painful image of his mother, which promptly reforms (it's inescapable), and then trying to attack Mobius. The fact that Loki is lashing out physically means he is desperate, but even his last resort isn't effective. He simply can't protect himself. He's powerless. That's triggering in and of itself.
But it's the footage that's the final blow. After escaping his restraints, he returns to the very room he left, and looks at his life. And he cries. He's so vulnerable and hurting and scared that in his first moment alone, he cries. And just as he thought he'd have a little bit of comfort, even laughing to see his improving relationship with Thor, he watches himself die a humiliating, pitiful, ignoble death, and hears himself say, "You will never be a god"--and that old boast means nothing because Thanos snaps his neck anyway. That moment, seeing the thing he was running from catch up to him and kill him, is his final emotional breaking point. When Loki laughs and bitterly says, "Glorious purpose," that's the end of the posturing. He's admitting Mobius was right: he didn't have a glorious purpose, or a glorious anything. Which is why when Mobius comes back, Loki tells the truth, unprompted. He actually calls himself weak. He admits he's been putting up an illusion in a feeble attempt to get control of his situation.
This level of vulnerability from Loki is unheard of, and speaks to how utterly he's been worn down by the very intentional psychological manipulation of Mobius and the TVA. When Loki entered, he was actively opposing them. Now, after having been massively triggered and emotionally exhausted, he's suggestible, and by playing a friendly angle, Mobius can manipulate Loki into working with them--and, literally, against himself.
Whether he has good intentions or no, that makes Mobius a truly formidable player, and one Loki--and we--shouldn't be too hastily comfortable with. He is clearly a master manipulator, and has no qualms using Loki's trauma to break him.
But what should be most concerning of all is that he succeeds. Because the only other person to have ever done that?
Is Thanos.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Soooo there are many fics where reader makes steve jealous and it ends in rogh possesive fcking.. but what if steve tries to make reader jealous and it totally backfires and she becomes extremely insecure?? But please with a fluffy ending because my poor heart can’t handle anything less 🥺🥺
Hey. Thanks for the request and I hope this fits. *gif is not mine* Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs and welcome and much appreciated. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+. Please🙏🙏
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"Um... yes?" You asked as you brought down the hand which was holding out a twenty dollar bill - since you thought it was the pizza you've been waiting for, for like the past half an hour, and not a blond, six feet and some inches,tall super soldier.
"Hi... doll," he smiled.
"My name's Y/N," you corrected him as you frowned, so fed up of men undermining you by calling you such 'sweet' nicknames. You knew Captain Rogers wasn't like that, but still you couldn't have him getting any ideas.
"Right," he cleared his throat as he repeated your name. "Sorry," he said with a toothy grin, which almost made your heart melt.
"How did you get my address, Captain?"
"Tony gave it to me. I would've asked you at work... but I wanted to do this the right way."
"Do what?" you quirked a brow.
"Um, I maybe people aren't as formal nowadays," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "But I can't really change who I am... not so late in life anyway," he cringed as he realised he was pretty rambling then, taking a deep breath he gathered enough courage, "I wanted to ask you to come with me, as my date, to the valentines party this Sunday."
You hummed at that, considering it because damn if Rogers wasn't convincing. Even when he wasn't as authoritative and dominating as he is when he puts on the suit.
It would be nice to be courted and treated nicely, and to not have to put up with the shit most men try to pull with you, you were sure Rogers would show you the time of your life. Besides, only an idiot would say no to him.
"No." You said with a finality that left no room for debate. "Is that all?"
"Uh... I... yes..." he stammered, not exactly prepared to be turned down so bluntly. "Can I ask why?"
"I don't shit where I eat."
"What?" his eyebrows cutely scrunching up.
You just knew you must've touched a nerve with your crass language. Tony, your boss, had told you about Cap and his 'language' incident.
"I don't date people at work... it can get complicated," you explained as he nodded.
It wasn't a complete lie. You didn't want to be known as the 'easy' girl or have others gossip about you. But that would be a sacrifice you'd willing make for someone like Steve. Who'd dare make fun of the Captains girl anyway?
You had been smitten with him from the moment you saw him, learning about his bravery and sacrifice as a kid you looked upto him and respected him, but when you met him in real life... you were a complete goner. Your stomach did somersaults every time he touched you, or hell even looked your way.
You tried your best to flirt, which was basically you stuttering and trying to make small talk whenever you had a chance to talk to him. Since he was born almost a century ago he would probably be offended if you were the one to make the first move.
You continued your back and forth for weeks before he told you about her. That he'll be visiting her over the weekend. You simply nodded, having a vague idea of who Peggy Carter was but not of what she went to Steve.
After some research you found out that she was an old flame of his, someone he couldn't marry and build a life with because he was frozen for decades. Upon seeing her many qualifications, and just how freaking brilliant she was, you knew one thing.
You may not be as smart as her, but you knew that you could never measure upto a woman that incredible. Someone Steve still visits after all these years. You were already afraid that he was out of your league but now you were sure of it.
"Did I do something wrong?" he wanted to know.
"What do you mean?"
"Well," he shoved his hands in his pockets, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout, "It's just that you used to talk to me all the time... and now it seems as if you're ignoring me. Is it because of something I did? Whatever it is I never meant to hurt you," he swore.
You sighed. "It's nothing you did, really. I just realized how incompatible we are. I hope you find the one you're looking for, someone who'll make you happy and give you the world. It just won't be me."
You didn't let him say anything closing your door instantly as you kept your tears at bay.
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At the valentines party
"Cap," Tony said, slapping a hand on Steve's shoulder, "I thought you'd have her on your arm tonight. What happened?"
Referring to his assistant. He wanted to play cupid this once, since it was the season of love, he wanted to see his idiot friends happy. He was sure you both would be disgustingly smooching and all cute at the party. But not only had you both shown up separately, you seemed to be actively ignoring Steve.
"She uh... rejected me," he said, looking down into his glass of whiskey. It didn't do much for him but it helped him blend in.
"Ouch," Tony winced, "I was sure she would go for you. But I guess I have been wrong before," he shrugged.
"Yeah. She goes all heart eyes whenever you're around. But I guess that's nothing unique since that's just how most women act around you," he scoffed. "You should read all the love letters you got today. I was going through them, you have quite a passionate fanbase of people who want to... what was it..." he pretended to think hard about it. "Yes, 'ride your bicep', I don't understand the physics of how on earth that would work, but I am intrigued."
"Tony," Steve rolled his eyes as he always does when he's around the billionaire. "I don't really care about all of them... they don't know me. I only care about her and I don't know why she said no, but there's nothing I can do about it."
"Whoa, you're accepting defeat so soon? Where's that I-can-do-this-all-day attitude?"
"This isn't a war, Tony. If she doesn't see me that way... then there isn't much I could do."
"Maybe she's just playing hard to get. There's absolutely no way to really know what goes on in womens heads, Rogers. They're so smart and sneaky... it's kinda scary actually."
"I don't think she'd play games..."
Tony had gotten distracted pretty quickly and left Steve alone to pout and only appreciate your beauty from afar. You had worn a pink dress with red hearts on it, and for some reason, you got more beautiful every time he looked at you.
He jerked when he heard the foreign voice, looking at the blonde woman next to him, with her hand out, he shook it just to be polite.
"I'm Crystal," she smiled, flashing her sparkly white teeth.
"I'm Steve."
"Of course I know who you are!" she laughed, "You're Captain America, everyone knows you," she playfully hot his bicep before squeezing it, "Oh my... you must work out a lot."
"Uh... yeah..." he nodded. He could never get used to how people perceived him so differently.
"There is something I need to know really bad," Crystal blinked as she looked up at him, "Do you wear underwear in those suits? They seem really tight, wouldn't it be uncomfortable?"
"Oh, um... we just sort of..."
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You had never looked at yourself as a jealous person. Maybe things were different when it came to Steve... he was a pretty special guy.
When you looked at him, talking to some girl, dancing with her, laughing and having fun with her, it was as if you were on fire from simmering rage, at the same time you could feel your heart breaking in a million pieces.
You knew it was wrong. You had no claim to him, he can do whatever he wants. If you said no to him then it makes perfect sense that he seeked out someone else.
You just had to get away for some fresh air, so you wouldn't abandon all class and pull the girls hair and drag her away from your Steve.
You yelped when you heard him call out your name.
Looking over your shoulder you saw him staring at you, his brows scrunched up, he looked so worried. But why?
"What're you doing here? You'll catch a cold, doll," he takes off his blazer, putting it over your shoulders and then groaning when he realised his slip up.
"Right, sorry, old habits die hard. I won't call you that again, I promise," he said, crossing his finger over his heart.
"No... I think it's kinda sweet. No ones ever had such an endearing petname for me. I do like it."
"Oh," he frowned, "it's just that you said you didn't."
Tony, of all the people in the whole universe, was right. There was no understanding women.
"I guess I lied..."
"Um..." You were at a loss of words and nervous. Steve wouldn't tolerate lies, and you didn't want him to hate you. "It was easier to do that then tell you the truth."
"What's the truth?"
"I do like you... a lot. But I don't want to live in someone else's shadow. And I just think the whole thing would end in a disaster..."
"What're you talking about, Y/N?"
"Peggy. Your first and only love. I can't measure upto her, not in my wildest dreams, there's no use trying."
"Why would you have to measure upto Peggy?"
You opened your mouth to answer, but couldn't really come up with an answer. "Why wouldn't I?"
"I did have feelings for her, but that was a long time ago. I'm happy she lived her life, it just wasn't meant to be."
"So, you're not still in love with her?"
"No," he shook his head, "I wouldn't have asked you out if I was."
"Well, what about Crystal? You were practically glued to her the entire evening!" you huffed as you stomped your foot. Mad at your own stupidity. You could've simply told him the truth and asked for a straight answer. "I have to warn you, she had was pretty crazy in the last season."
"Last season?"
"Mm-hm, the last season of her reality show, I've seen all eight seasons. Maybe they just amp up the drama, maybe she isn't actually crazy, I wouldn't know," you shrugged.
"Doll," he smirked, circling a hand around your waist and pulling you into him, "are you jealous?"
"I am not!" you gasped, looking away from his eyes as you felt your cheeks heat up.
"I don't want anyone but you. Why would I? You're goddamn perfect. And... I want you to be my girl."
"I guess I don't really have a reason to say no now..." you murmured, your face still flustered as you played with the buttons on his shirt before he tilted your chin up to make you look at him, placing his lips over yours in the most tender of kisses.
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"Got the job done, Tones... I'm pretty sure I saw him go after her, I have to say though, you look at Captain America, and you really don't expect him to be that awkward..." Crystal said as she sipped on her gin and tonic. "You owe me."
Tony only hummed, not too happy about being indebted to someone, but you both needed a necessary push in the right direction.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
ᗩGEᗪ ᑌᑭ!ᑭETEᖇ ᑭᗩᖇKEᖇ ᙭ ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ
ᔕᑌᗰᗰᗩᖇY: You and Peter have always been very flirty and touchy with each other. You chalked it up to just how he is, not that you minded. But what happens when Peter gets hit with Hydra’s infamous sex pollen and all he seems to be doing is moaning your name. 
ᗯᗩᖇᑎIᑎGᔕ: smut of course lol 18+ (virgin kink?, first time!reader, experienced!Peter, etc, unprotected sex cuz i forgot to write that lol be safe though, and a digusting amount of fluff) 
ᗩ/ᑎ: (non/dub con as per usual with sex pollen fics) although i tried to make as consensual as possible 
ᗯOᖇᗪ ᑕOᑌᑎT: 4.0k (i’m so sorry this is so long lmao)
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“We’re back!” Tony shouted, his voice echoing in the building. They had gone on a mission to infiltrate yet another Hydra base.
Peter was currently sitting and watching television and you were watching from the kitchen making two drinks for you and Peter. You both looked to the team walking in before scurrying beside Bruce and Tony who walked straight into the lab. 
“What did you get this time?” you asked excitedly. Sometimes the team brings back really cool things back from missions and in particular the Hydra missions have the coolest things. Unusually, Thor too walked in the lab before you all circled around the table and Tony placed a plant. 
He backs away as did Bruce and Thor so after looking at Peter with wide eyes you both also stepped back. 
“What is it?” Peter whispered.
“A plant,” Thor said.
“Not shit, Goldilocks. What does it do? You told us to take home, now what?” Tony said.
“Well, Man of Iron, it’s a sex pollen plant.”
“A what?” you gasped.
“Most planets use this as a sort of breeding plant; some species don’t really have the… stamina that Midgardians and Asgardians have.”
As Thor explained this, Tony and Bruce huddle away from the plant moving towards the computer to write down notes and data about what Thor was telling them. You followed pursuit also being intrigued by it. 
Unfortunately Peter did not follow and instead moved closer to the plant to take a closer look. The flower was beautiful. The petals were a soft shade of periwinkle and the pollen was yellow almost like gold. The same shade of golden yellow dust swirled around the flower itself. It was hypnotizing. He really wanted to smell it.
Suddenly as Peter got closer just to give it a quick sniff, he could smell an almost overbearing amount of your scent. That delicious scent of vanilla and lavender that you smelled so nicely of. That scent that made Peter want to run his hands through your hair and his nose along your neck. 
“One thing you should never do is inhale its pollen, if one does it could heighten their desires into madness.”
Peter looked up with wide eyes knowing he just did something he probably shouldn't have done. 
“What desires exactly?” Bruce asked.
“Well, sex.”
Peter started coughing.
“Pete are you ok?” you asked walking up to him.
He looked you in your eyes and his own dilated insanely. You backed away slightly concerned for your friend only for him to take a step closer to you. The lab coated with silence analyzing his behavior since it was so unlike him. Tony got up from sitting on a stool and Thor puffed his chest anticipating his next move; he was certain the boy breathed in the plant’s pollen. 
“It smelled just like you,” he whispered close to your face; his hands reaching under your shirt slightly.
The minute he put his hands on you, all three men ran you and Peter. Bruce pulled you behind him while Tony and Thor grabbed Peter dragging him away from you. You felt hot after what Peter had just done; in front of people too. He thrashed in Thor’s and Tony’s grasp, groaning and shouting from them to let him go. 
You felt tears brimming your eyes. You did not like Peter like this. He was crying and begging to be with you, which you’ll admit surprised you. 
“What’s happening to him?” you asked from behind Banner.
“The boy seems to have inhaled the pollen as I said not to do.”
“Yeah I get that! Why is he crying? Is he hurt?” you asked.
“Not exactly, the pollen will affect his mind and simulate pain as if he were to die, but his body will be perfectly fine.”
“What?” you all said at the same time.
“How do we fix it?” Tony asked.
“Y/n, baby. Please,” Peter practically moaned making everyone kind of uncomfortable.
“Well, the only way I’m aware of is, well, sex. And it seems like Peter desires the young lady,” you eyes widened and you shifted under everyone’s stares. 
“No, no way,” Tony said; you were like a daughter to Tony and therefore boys were something he wasn’t too keen on the idea of you having. He still thinks you’re too young even though you’re already a consenting adult. 
“Tony, the boy-”
“No, I’m not letting Y/n do that. We’ll find a different cure. Take him to his room and don’t let him out.”
“Tony, are you sure about this?” Bruce asked Tony.
“Yes I’m sure, Banner. There’s no way in hell I’m putting her in that situation. It’s not fair. Now come on, more time talking, less time finding a cure.”
“Technically there’s already a cure,” Thor muttered. 
“Go!” Tony pushed him out. 
“Is he gonna be ok?” you softly asked, hearing his cries and screams for you as Thor took him to is room.
“He’s gonna be alright, bug,” Tony said, hugging you. 
Steve and Nat both walked in the lab after changing out  of their clothes concerned with all the screaming they had been hearing.
“What happened?” Nat asked.
“Thor had us bring this plant home for analysis and turns out this shit makes anyone who smells the pollen horny as hell.”
“Really? Come on Tony, we heard the kid crying and screaming. What’s really going on?” Steve didn’t believe him at first.
“He wants to… have sex,” Bruce said shyly.
“Wait really?” Nat asked.
“With who?” Steve hesitantly asked curiously.
Tony and Bruce simply look at you, which you curled into yourself feeling embarrassed. 
“Oh no, honey are you ok? Did he do anything?” Nat asked, holding your hand.
“I’m fine, I’m just worried about him.”
“Don’t. We’ll fix this I promise,” Tony said getting to work.
Well now it’s been 8 hours and Peter is still crying and moaning your name. You had been in Nat's room with her, Steve, and Bucky. Sam and Thor had been outside ‘patrolling’ Peter’s room making sure he was as ok as he can be, though it’s been proven that he seems to be in excruciating pain. 
Tony and Bruce had been in the lab the entire day, you’d think they made wonderful progress and found a cure by now but no. All they’ve found was normal samples of Peter’s… everything. He was physically perfectly fine. 
You were very quiet as they played video games and watched movies. You couldn’t help but feel burdened because you knew you could fix all of this. All you needed to do was go to Peter’s room and let him have his way with you. It’s not like you wouldn’t mind. You and Peter have always had this sort of tension and extra friendly behavior between you guys ever since you met. 
To say you hadn’t developed feelings for him would be a huge lie. 
“Are you ok?” Nat asked you.
“No, not really.”
“I know you want to help him but it’s for the better. Let Tony and Bruce find a cure.”
“Actually that won’t be happening anytime soon,” Thor said, walking with Sam. 
“What happened?” Steve asked.
“They haven’t found anything and although Peter will be physically fine, mentally he could be extremely traumatized by the time they find something, if anything. The pollen mimics physical pain until sexual ‘needs’ are fulfilled by the person they desire most,” Thor looked to you at the end. 
“I want to help him,” you said.
“Y/n, that’s not fair to you,” Steve said.
“And it’s not fair to Peter if I don’t help! He didn’t mean to smell the flower. I can't just sit here waiting for nothing to happen when I can go in there and help him!” you argued, “If I don’t, he’ll not only hate you for keeping me away from him but me too for not trying.”
“Don’t be silly, he’d never hate you,” Nat said.
“He will if I’m the reason he’s going to be traumatized for the rest of his life.”
“Come with me,” Nat said, holding your hand.
“Nat,” Steve warned.
“Steve, you and I both know this has to happen. They’re adults,” Nat shot back. 
You followed Nat out of the room. 
“Are you absolutely sure about this? Your first time should be special-”
“First time?” your eyes widen.
“Y/n, I know you're a virgin.”
“I’m not a virgin,” you mumbled.
“Really? When was your first?” she poked.
“It was- was in, it was high school,” you stuttered.
“With who?”
“... Tommy?” you said after a long moment of silence, trying to come up with a name.
“Tommy?” Nat smirked.
“Yeah, he was in my history class,” you lied.
“Ok we’ll work on that,” she said.
“On what?”
“Hey, virginity is merely a social construct made by men who think their tiny dicks have the ability to change a woman’s life. It’s gonna be like a five second pump; I’ll be in and out,” Nat laughed at that.
“Ok, fine. Follow me.”
You followed her to Peter’s room where his moans and groans got louder with each step you got closer. Truthfully you were a bit nervous about the situation. Sure you did imagine your first to be extra special in a dim lit room with flowers and with someone you love. Well, now it looks like it’s going to be a dark room with your best friend who’s in the room driven by magic sex pollen, but at least you love him. 
You got to the door and Peter instantly knew you were on the other side. His senses overwhelmed him with your scent, your racing heart beat. You exchanged a few words with Nat before she hugged you and left you to go into his room alone. 
You slipped inside and immediately met with Peter crawling on the floor to you in nothing but a pair of boxers; a large prominent tent formed where his dick was. 
“Y/n, you’re here,” he rubbed your legs and kissed your thighs softly still on the floor at your feet. 
“Yeah, I am. I’m here to help you,” you said shakily.
“Oh god, you smell so good,” his hand reached up behind your thighs towards your ass and you panicked. 
“Peter wait,” you pulled his hand away. 
“What, baby? What’s wrong?” he too panicked.
“Nothing, I just… I’m kinda scared.”
“Of what? Of me?” he stood up and backed away from you.
“No! Not of you. I’ve never… done this, you know?”
“Y/n, why are doing this then- ugh!” he groaned, a wave of need and sexual frustration rushed over him making his body cramp. 
“I want to help you,” you grabbed his hand; he pulled his hand back very quickly and retracted his body over to the bed. 
“Peter, please let me help you,” you walked over to him.
“No, Y/n. I can’t do that to you.”
You were getting tired of his arguing. You wanted to do this. You rushed to him and took your shirt off hoping that’ll prove a point or something. 
“Look, look. I want to help you, Pete. Let me do that,” you cupped his face making him look at you. 
His eyes were so dilated nearly black as he looked into your eyes. His hands caressed your bare stomach and lower back making goosebumps rise across your body. He leaned forward running his nose along your neck breathing you in. He used every ounce of control he had in his body to not flip you on the bed rail you into the mattress. He had to be gentle. The idea of you never have been touched shouldn't have turned him on as much as it does. 
Your stomach fluttered and you let out a shaky breath. Arousal pooled in your underwear with each move that Peter made. Your hands rested on his shoulders unsure of what to do but thankfully Peter moved your hands in his hair and you gently ran your fingers through his curly brown locks as he kissed and nibbled at your neck. 
He moved your bra strap down your shoulder tracing his lips along your collarbone to your shoulder.
“I'm so sorry, baby,” he whispered against your skin.
“It’s ok Pete, I want to help you. Teach me. Teach me how to make you feel good.” 
He practically growled picking you up and laying you on his bed. He kissed your stomach and left small bites and purple marks littered across your belly. He looked at you to make sure you were ok before pulling your shorts down your legs and off to the side. He continued to kiss up and down your legs growing harder at the small pants and gasps you made above him. 
“I'm gonna give you a little taste, ok darling?” he whispered against your inner thighs.
You nodded and lifted your hips off the bed for Peter to easily take your underwear off. You grew embarrassed at how wet you were. Peter only chuckled before going in a licking along your entrance. You gasped and clenched your thighs together, only to wrap around Peter’s head pulling him closer to you.
This isn’t Peter’s first time eating a girl out so he was obviously quite skilled in bringing you a lot of pleasure from his tongue alone. Now in his twenties, after high school and after his identity was revealed, Peter somewhat tumbled his way into playboy town just like his mentor. 
Girls left and right shot their chance to spend a night in the spider boy’s bed. But when Peter met you, oh boy, the kid fell in love. You were this innocent little thing that Peter just wanted to hold and take care of all the time. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. He stopped seeing other women in hopes that one day you’d be out of your mind enough to give him a shot. 
Now here you were, laying in his bed like an angel, letting him have his way with you because he was shithead and smelled the flower when he wasn’t supposed to. 
Your hips squirmed around, pressure building up in the pit of your stomach. You moaned loudly as you got closer to your oragsm. Your hands went to Peter’s hair making him hum when you tugged on his hair. His vibrations pushed over the edge and you came for the first time that night on Peter’s face.
“God that was hot, baby. Are you ok?” he asked, crawling up your body after discarding his boxers.
“Yeah, that was amazing,” you cupped his face, smiling.
He leaned down and kissed you for the first time ever. His hands roamed your almost naked body except for your bra of which you still had on. Not for long of course. Peter leaned back to sit up pulling you with him so you were now sitting straddling his lap. 
You could feel his dick against you and your body shuddered in arousal. His hands wrapped around you to skillfully remove your bra, the last piece of clothing left on you. When he did so you covered yourself in instinct never having been naked in front of anyone before in your life. 
“Don’t cover up princess. You’re so beautiful. I wanna see you,” he whispered, cupping his hand under your chin so you could look at him.
“Sorry, it’s- It’s a lot,” you whispered back. 
“I know and I’ll try to go slow but if I’m not inside you right now I think I’m gonna pass out,” he moaned. 
You looked down in between your bodies to find Peter’s dick big, swollen, and red. You felt bad because you don’t know if it’ll fit inside you and it looks painful. 
“Please, Yn,” Peter had tears in eyes begging for you to take the pain away.
“Ok, I’m ready.”
Peter grabbed his cock and lined up to your entrance. You got up and slowly sank down feeling him stretching you out. With how aroused and wet you were after Peter’s mouth you were able to slide all the way down without feeling too much pain.
Peter moaned when he bottomed out and grabbed your face you kiss passionately. You moved slowly up and down and soon all the pain you felt subsided into pleasure and you too started moaning above him. 
“You look so fucking good riding me, princess.”
His words made you moan even more embarrassed that everyone can probably hear you and Peter having sex. You bit your lip in hopes to silence the moans as much as possible, but Peter didn’t like that.
“Don’t. I want everyone in this building to know who fucking you this good,” he flipped you over onto you back and started thrusting wildly. 
“Let them know what a good little girl you are for daddy. Let them know who’s name you’re gonna be screaming all night.”
“Peter oh god,” you moaned.
“Huh? You like it when I call you a good girl?”
“My good girl. My little slut,” Peter groaned in your ear.
You were getting insanely close to your climax and Peter’s words only sped up the approach. 
“Daddy, I think I’m close,” you whispered, pleasure becoming overwhelming.
“Let go baby. Cum all over my cock,” he said.
Your oragsm ripped through you and you practically screamed into his ear. Pleasure came over you in a huge wave. Your eyes screwed shut and your legs wrapped around Peter’s torso pulling him impossibly close. Your body felt limp under Peter’s and when you opened your eyes Peter's face held worrisome and frustration. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“I haven’t came,” his voice trembled.
“It’s ok. We can keep going,” you said tiredly.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he buried his face in your neck.
“You won’t hurt me, Peter. I promise.”
He kissed softly before gently flipping you over and thrusted into furiously.
Six hours later Peter finally came after you did so nine times; and that was before you stopped counting. Your body shook and Peter cleaned you up. He had a small fridge where he kept drinks from time to time and grabbed a water bottle for you to drink. 
You breathed heavily after drinking a copious amount of water before laying back down. You turned to check the clock on his bedside and saw that it was around three thirty in the morning. Peter crawled into bed with you, both still naked not caring enough to change. He held you impossibly close, burying his face in your shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” he mumbled in your skin. 
“I mean it was a lot,” you chuckled.
“I swear if it weren’t for that stupid fucking pollen our first time would have been softer and special,” he said, making you look at him with surprise. 
“What do you mean?”
“Uh, well, look. Y/n, I really like you and I know that timing is horrible but it’s true. I promise.”
“Well, I like you too,” you smiled at him.
“Wow. God, you’re amazing. Thank you for today,” he whispered, cuddling you close.
“Of course. I’d do anything for you.” 
You both fell  asleep soundly in each other's arms until you both woke up the next day from loud yet muffled voices downstairs. The sun was shining very bright, lighting the whole room up brightly. You stirred around and peeked over Peter’s sleeping body to find that it was around noon already and you two were still in bed. 
Peter moved a bit slowly waking up. You turned around to face and watched his beautiful face slowly come to life. His eyes met your eyes and you both smiled before bursting into giggles; hiding your face in his chest. 
“We’ll have to get up soon, you know,” he said, making you sigh dramatically.
“Let’s run away, before they make fun of us. They had to have heard, right?” you said, slightly panicked.
Peter just laughed and shook his head. He reached to kiss you, moving your hair off your neck eyes widening. 
“Oh man,” he said, thumb rubbing the dark spots he left on you.
“What?” You pushed the sheets off your body feeling intensely sore. You heard Peter gasped as you trotted to a mirror.
Your body was covered in bruises and hickeys that Peter left for literally everyone to see. When you looked in the mirror you yelled Peter’s name completely shocked at the state of your body. 
“I can’t believe you!”
“Well, in my opinion I think you looking fucking sexy,” he said coming up behind you.
“I like them,” you said shyly, “But everyone’s gonna see them, no?”
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen next time.”
“Next time?”
“Hell yeah. Only if you want of course,” he chuckled, “Let’s take a shower before we grab some food.”
That was filled with giggles and little touches. Kisses were exchanged practically every minute. You both came out of the shower and Peter so generously lent you a pair of clean boxers and one of his shirts fitting way too big on you. He wore these delicious looking grey sweatpants and a tight fitted black shirt. You practically drooled over him.
“No, later,” he winked.
He grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers before heading down stairs preparing for what could be an upcoming disaster. You came down stairs meeting everyone appearing to be arguing probably over what you did. Everyone noticed you two and immediately stopped conversing. 
Tony sat on a stool, arms crossed and an unamused look staring at you both while everyone else looked down or at each other, anywhere at but you guys.
“Before you say anything, everything that happened is my fault,” Peter pulled you behind him. 
Tony simply looked at you and made you feel shy and ashamed somewhat under his gaze. He told you to stay away and you didn’t listen.
“Don’t even look at her. She has nothing to do with this,” he said when Tony shifted his gaze.
“Relax, kid. Look we all talked. Thor told me about the effects the pollen can have mentally and the trauma it can impact when ‘untreated’ for too long. We weren’t going to find a cure anytime soon and I don’t even want to think about the consequences you’d have to pay because I'm a stubborn old man who didn’t like seeing the kids not be kids anymore. You both are adults and I had no right to interfere with that. Besides everyone knows you two are in love.”
“We’re not in love,” Peter mumbled.
“Love is such a strong word,” you mumbled simultaneously. 
“Don’t argue with me,” Tony said. 
“Sorry,” you both whispered.
“I’m sorry,” he admitted.
“We also agreed that starting today we will be installing soundproofing in both of your rooms and Y/n, maybe put some ice on…” he pointed to your neck but then waved around your whole body because you were pretty beaten up. 
“Thanks, guys,” Peter said holding your hand again.
“Congrats on getting the girl finally,” Steve said.
Before you two left you saw Nat wink at you and you smiled running away with Peter most likely to go cuddle and maybe fuck another round if your body feels better. As much as you hate to admit, thank god Peter smelled that fucking plant. 
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Unfinished Fanfic Idea
So I got this idea in the middle of the day and I just sort of wrote it but not really? It took me like 2 hours. There's over 3000 words. And it kind of phases in and out between my rambling self-dialogue and the actual story. So. If anyone out there is interested, feel free to write it. Properly, I mean. Just. Yeah. And send me a link to the fic. I'd like to read it. (To be honest anything would be better than I stuff I managed to write.)
In all the MCU time travel fanfics where someone went back in time to stop Thanos, Tony's always the one chosen to do it. Either it's just Tony, or it's Tony and Stephen and then they make it Ironstrange. 
Personally, I think it unlikely Stephen would bring Tony back with him. Given how hard Tony would be to handle and control and how tempted he'd be to change things. Stephen on the other hand, was willing to die countless painful deaths to stop Dormammu and without recognition. Tony is selfless, much more than Stephen, but at the same time he has too much compassion. Stephen is bother line sociopathic without how great he is at distancing himself and blocking out emotional shit. I mean, the man just watched these people die some number under fourteen million times. And he's willing to trade their lives on a bet that Tony Stark would bring the back? Yeah, I don't think Tony would've handled that after knowing Peter was going to die.
I think Stephen might have been able to do the forbidden and go back in time, but I doubt he'd bring Tony. For another thing, if Tony acts any different, his company would be affected and his company affects the world. Tony's changes in behavior are not as insignificant as a celebrity surgeon who was known for being an asshole either way. So. Yeah.
Now, Stephen goes back in time. Where does he go? How far does he go? Given that he only saw the future, he might think that by not being on Titan, a possible victorious timeline might emerge. So he does that. He goes back in time to try, again and again. He's almost sick of saying: "Tony Stark, my name is Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me." Again and again and again. The Battle of Wakanda has been fought thousands of times, in his mind, at least, as the Time Stone plays in out before his eyes in the privacy of his room where Wong could not discover his breaking the natural order. 
He gives up at 10 million, when the differences started to become more and more insignificant. When the wind blowing somebody's hair at the right time. Or Stephen choosing to run to Kamar Taj as  opposed to fighting Ebony Maw and the hammer guy.
Regardlessly, after watching Tony Stark grow old and die with his wife, best friend, daughter and son-in-law and in his bed was getting kind of sick for Stephen. He started to wonder if he wasn't looking far enough. He decided that the end point would be when even Tony Stark of all people had given up on finding a way. At least, given up for real. 
So Stephen goes further back. He starts wondering just what he could change. Stark said he couldn't contact Vision because he ran off, yeah? Well, Maybe Stephen can prevent that. If they got in contact with Vision earlier... When who knows what might have happened with another infinity stone in play?
...Except he didn't expect why exactly did Stark's synthetic-bot-human-thingy-guy decided to run off. With Maximoff, seriously??
The bot really could have done better than that.  Well, then again, he's only several years old. 
So now Stephen tries to stop the Avengers from splitting up at all. He's finally gone back far enough that he sees the Ancient One again. And she warns him: 
"This is a slippery slope you're going down, Stephen. The consequences of your actions increase the further you go into the past."
But what choice does Stephen have? He uses the mirror dimension to spy on the Avengers in the Avengers' Compound. He finds out about the Sokovia Accords. He watches as Steve Rogers break Tony's armor. Watches as Bucky Barnes, confused and still amnesiac, follows his best friend to Wakanda and request to be put on ice, the image of what he and Steve had done to the last Stark haunting him. 
There is nothing he can do. The Avengers were always slated to break, always fractured. They were never a truly cohesive team. They trusted each other' with their lives on the field, but not their secrets or their true selves. Toney wore the facade of the genius playboy, Steve forced himself to act like the Captain America of the legends, unsure if that was who he truly was and what he was supposed to be. Not understanding that he was Steve Rogers not Captain America. (Tony was right, later Stephen would think, everything special about Rogers came from a bottle. Bravery means nothing if one was an idiot. It would only be stupidity.) 
So Stephen goes further into the past and tries to prevent Ultron, prevent the Sokovia Accords, prevent the breaking of the Avengers. He contains and Scepter with the subtlest magics he could, hoping against hope that the Asgardians would not notice and if they did, decide that it as only a Midgardian sorcerer who allied with the Avengers and not that they there was no foul play. Disaster averted, Stephen withdrew from the timeline and returned to his set point- on Titan. When Thanos comes, he has Mind. Time was the last stone. Loki had given it to Thanos. And Tony was not able to steer the ship from its course and their crash land meant that it was destroyed. The Guardians of the Galaxy were utterly useless, as Thanos was waiting, not coming. He took advantage of Tony's distraction and sent himself back once more. 
He had to keep the stone on Earth. If it went to Asgard, that meant Loki would steal it and later be forced to give it to Thanos when he threatens Thor's life. 
So now what was Stephen to do? At this point, almost half a decade before Thanos' arrival, there are so many possibilities that even with an eidetic memory, he wouldn't be able to remember them all. On Titan, there were fourteen million possibilities. With so much time in between now, the number would have to be in the trillions, at least. If he attempted to see more, he might just lose his mind. 
Stephen broods and for the first time since his frantic tampering of time, he rests. He broke into his old penthouse while his current self was in a particularly challenging surgery and breaks out one of his old wines. For the first time, he indulges and lets himself just... fall. The Ancient One appears, after his second glass. Stephen's not particularly inebriated, having an admirable tolerance to alcohol. The Ancient One watches him as he sips the fine wine, overlooking the New York skyline, illuminated by lights.
"Go back, Stephen." She tells him.
He laughs, "And what? Surrender to fate or something?"
His mentor miles indulgently, "Yes. Surrender to the flow of time and trust that everything would end peacefully. We swore to uphold the natural laws, did we not?"
"Ha!" Stephen laughs again, "You're one to talk! You've only lived for so long because you've been siphoning energy off the Dark Dimension! What part of that is natural? I have to do this. I've got to. If half of all living beings die-" Stephen cut himself off. "I may have been called a fucking sociopath but I've not as- as cold- not crazy enough to just let trillions and Vishanti knows how much people die!"
"The choice is not yours to make," she says.
Stephen didn't even let her finish before sending her through a portal with a twitch of his fingers and a sweep of his arm and a "FUCK OFF!"
He breaks down, the strain of living so many years without any mental support or confidant or anything weighed heavily on his mind. His soul. 
When Stephen Strange with the steady hands returns to his apartment, everything was in its original place and only a single bottle of wine gone. No matter, Stephen Strange with the unmarred hands believes that he must have drunk it one day and disposed of it. His eidetic memory did not extend to when inebriated. 
Stephen wonders since when did using the Time Stone feel so much like using his magic normally. It's like the Stone's become an extension of himself... Like it's accepted him. The Time Stone's become familiar over the years in his time loop in the Dark Dimension, but time loop is different from traveling in time. He wonders if he can now use the time Stone's abilities without even being in contact with it . He wondered if he could touch the Stone with his bare hands and not die from the power of it. According to the legends, the Stones had to be handled with care, or it would turn on you, it overwhelming power running through yours veins. 
The Power Stone was rumored to be able to explode anyone who held it. The Reality Stone to slowly kill whomever it merged with. The Mind Stone to take control of one's mind and destroy your sanity. The Time Stone to revert your age to before you were born. The Space Stone to teleport one to an unknown place in the universe. As for the Soul Stone... well, no one even knows where it was. 
Stephen wondered... Well, what's he got to lose? He opened the Eye of Agammotto n and the Stone floated out of the Eye. He reaches and as his fingers curled around the green gem-
Stephen finds himself back on Titan. In his original timeline. He wonders if there was anything he could possibly do to stop Thanos. Or if the Ancient One was right...
But then he looks around. "Where's Stark?" He asks Peter Quill. "Or the other Peter- Peter Parker?"
"Hey, man, you just... did whatever you were doing... you looked like you were having a seizure..." 
"I'm fine." Stephen tell him, "Now where is Iron Man and Spider-Man?"
"What are you talking about?" Quill asks him. "Iron Man, what kind of name is that?"
"No... Stephen whispered under his breath. Memories from this timeline- the result of a single bottle of wine drunk... The Butterfly Effect... Tony Stark was dead.
"How-? No..." Without warning, he grasped the Eye and sent himself once more, back in time. He now realizes that he must make changes, but at the same time, Tony Stark's habit of putting himself in dangerous situation and coming out by the skin of his teeth and some serious luck meant that only a little change was needed to kill the man. So Stephen sends himself back in time once more, this time, he would keep the man safe and unharmed.
He had to go further back, much further than before. There was only one way. He had to use the Time Stone directly. The Eye restricted the power of the Time Stone to prevent the death of the user, but now that his drunk ass has already proven that the Time Stone would not kill him...
Stephen finds himself in his younger body. He knows so because his hands are steady and unmarred. His chest bore no signs of being stabbed through the heart. His head held no pain from the needles the Maw had put through. He felt... good. 
He also had no sling ring or anything. The only thing in his possession from the future was a glowing green stone in his hand. The green light shone from between his fingers and he feels a little power-drunk. Or just normal drunk. Because he's at a party. In his tux. And there's a champagne glass between the fingers of his left hand and his stead hands did not let the glass fall even when Stephen finds himself jumped back in time. A single blink and Stephen easily slipped back into his old behavior. The smooth, arrogant surgeon. The one everyone sought after because of his perfect record. And the one who turned away surgeries of no prestige or challenge. For a second, his future humility peeked through and he grimaced, before dropping the Stone into his pockets. Then he blinked and the half-smile was back on his face. He takes a sip of the champagne and watches the room. Wait- Was that Tony Stark? 
Stephen takes a deep breath before dropping of his glass to stroll over to the other genius' side at the bar. 
"What's a handsome guy like you doing at a party like this?" Stark asks.
The response was almost automatic as Stephen beings to panic in the deep recesses of his mind. The flirting was almost autopilot as Stephen beings to weigh the pros and cons of sleeping with Tony Stark. For one thing, Stark was notorious for never seeing a former lover again. For another, if he dated Stark, he could keep him alive and ensure that the Avengers would not split much more easily. 
He's not completely present as he tells Stark about the surgery that landed him in this party of old, rich men. 
"Then shouldn't you be out smoozing and landing yourself your next gig?"
Stephen smiled, "Too easy. I don't have to go to them, they'll come to me if they need me. After all, I am the best."
At his display of arrogance, Stark's own arrogance shone through. They trade barbs and snarky comments before Stark offers to show him his lab. Stephen agrees. He's still not sure if Stark wanted to fuck him or just genuinely wanted to see what he could do with his tech but Stephen will take what he can get. Becoming an acquaintance of the man was the first step to a friendship. He only needs to be friends with the man to affect his actions. And his actions could result in saving the universe. 
So Stephen agrees. 
So yeah, Stephen agrees to years of friendship and eventually falling in love with Tony, except after he meets Pepper he realizes what kind of future he was taking away from the man if he did so and he couldn't pursue a relationship with him. Until Tony started initiating a relationship. Honestly, never mind. It's just they get together and they fight Thanos. They've built a little family of three, the two of them and Peter Parker, their adopted son. Stephen fails to keep the Avengers together, either way. To be honest, he wasn't sure if he wanted to have Steve Rogers around Tony after he remembers the Siberian bunker where Stephen witness the end of the Avengers silently. On Titan, Stephen looks forward to see the futures and he finds. 
There was no victory. He watches fifteen million futures. Then sixteen. Then seventeen. He doesn't notice as his nose begins to bleed and Tony's coaxing him out of the trance. 
"Stephen, baby, you're okay. I'm here. You're here. You're okay."
Stephen's gasping, holding back the tears the's desperate to escape. Every future he sees, they lose and their family is torn apart. 
"Tony... I've seen seventeen million futures." He swallows, "We don't win. We just... don't."
An orange portal, sparkling, appears before him. He remembers suddenly, of his mentor appearing in a ring of orange sparks to tell him that it was time for him to fight Dormammu and become the Sorcerer supreme. And like before, the Ancient One steps through. "Stephen."
"I've told you, in a future you erased, that you must let go. That you must trust in fate. Do you see now?"
Stephen swallows and tears fall from his eyes. "Yes, I- Master-" He says brokenly before she envelopes him in a hug. Tony's hovering over the Ancient one's shoulder. 
"Go back, Stephen. And let go. Surrender to the universe."
"It's not about you."
With tears rolling down his cheeks, Stephen takes the Time Stone and then he falling. Falling into Tony Sark's arms. 
"Hey, doc, you're okay."
He tells Tony Stark- This Tony Stark who's engaged to Pepper Potts, whose Peter lived with May Parker, who never met him, Stephen Strange, up until several hours ago. 
With a heavy heart, Stephen outlines a plan, a plan that he has no idea would succeed or not. Above all else, he keeps Tony Stark alive, because Tony Stark was the only one to ever come close to saving the universe. 
"Tony, it was the only way."
He wasn't sure who he was talking to, this Tony or his Tony from another lifetime. But he knows that it didn't matter. Because it wasn't about him. He feels himself turn to dust but all he felt was peace. 
When Peter Parker blames him for Tony's death at his funeral, he says, "I know. I have tried everything to save him. I even traveled back in time to the past to change everything. But we either lose and half the universe is dusted or Tony is dusted or... or this. You know, in another timeline, I met Tony, more than ten years ago. We fell in love. I loved him. We adopted a child. A boy named Peter who loved to watch my operations and Tony's tinkering. But in that universe I watched seventeen million futures until I almost blacked out. There was no victorious ending in any of those timelines. We just don't win. So I came back. I put my faith in the universe that it would guide us to a way to win. And it did. But Tony dies. Every time. But that's alright, Peter. Because it's not about us. It's about the universe. About he greater good." Stephen turns around to find that Peter was crying as much as he was. Except that Stephen's eyes were resigned and sad, but accepting. Peter's were horrified and grieving. "I've lost more than you know, Peter. But it's fine. Because the universe comes first. Our suffering does not compare to the suffering of the entire universe. We chose this, to sacrifice ourselves and hurt those around us to protect others, This is what it means to be a hero, Peter. I'm sorry, for all it's worth."
Peter let out a cry and a chocked, "Doctor Strange-" before launching himself at the man and buried his face in Stephen's chest and cried. Sobbed. Stephen embraced the boy. His arms arranged easily around the boy, his movements practiced, even though not in this world. They stood there, the father and son duo that could have been, mourning a great man that they both lost. 
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