#because academia is dumb
bluegraywilde · 8 months
Wish me luck
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decarbry · 2 years
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Yabureme 1-1
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comehereduck · 26 days
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akystaracer22 · 10 months
I like to HC that All Might official is not run by All Might at all but is instead run by Sir Nighteye and All Might does not get access to said account even after their falling out because All Might is the single most feral bastard online. Guy acts all family friendly in person because he was taught to but this fucker is a quirkless orphan before the era of peace. So I gave him the account name @quirklessnotworthless as a handle. He uses it to flame others and bring attention to quirk discriminations and quirkless people as well as getting into petty squabbles with @allmightofficial since Nighteye keeps responding.
Because lets be honest with ourselves. For all we love feral!Izuku my guy is domesticated compared to Toshinori. Toshinori was merely tamed by expectation and the combined efforts of Gran Torino and Nana Shimura. Toshinori is the Lion compared to Izuku’s Housecat. I can only imagine one of them dumpster diving for food and it ain’t Izuku.
So he’d get out his feral energy online by being an absolute menace to society.
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it’s so funny to me that if I asked someone from my family (pretending they knew the mha characters) who I was in mha they’d probably say jiro or todoroki but if you asked my friends they’d probably say bakugo
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whoopsie-daisie · 24 days
I'm first and foremost a chaotic academia denier
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nighttimeebony · 2 years
So I was rewatching the Final Exam arc of MHA, and then I realized something:
Why did everyone act like the early seasons rivalry between Midoriya and Bakugou is anyone's fault but Bakugou's?? In the final exam arc, both Recovery Girl and All Might talk about how they are equal parts responsible for their inability to work together, when really it's just Bakugou insulting Midoriya and refusing to communicate with him because he sees Midoriya as lesser than, and therefore, not worth the effort of working with. BAKUGOU WOULD RATHER LOSE THE EXAM THAN WILLINGLY COOPERATE WITH MIDORIYA. Even when Midoriya is actively trying to get past his personal feelings and cooperate and communicate with Bakugou, it's Bakugou that constantly rebuffs his efforts and tells Midoriya to fuck off.
Which, while we're at it, why are we acting like this is even a rivalry at all? A rivalry implies that both parties are on equal footing with each other and are constantly trying to win or defeat the other at something (see: Naruto and Sasuke, Wednesday and Bianca, Ash and literally every other Pokemon trainer/gym leader). A rivalry is a competition where both parties involved recognize and agree that they are engaged in a competition to best the other. The intensity of a rivalry varies depending on the story, as does the positive feelings the characters have with each other because of or in spite of the rivalry.
But Midoriya and Bakugou's "rivalry" is less of a rivalry and more an instance where an abuse victim decides to start fighting back against their abuser, and is frequently put in situations where they have to work with their abuser or suffer the consequences of failing to do so (like failing an exam or passing a training exercise). Because while Bakugou is actively trying to crush Midoriya into the ground in everything they do, Midoriya isn't trying to do any of that. He's not constantly trying to beat, one-up, or otherwise compete with Bakugou the same way that Bakugou does with Midoriya; he just wants Bakugou to stop kicking the shit out of him anytime he breathes wrong. The only time Midoriya engages in this "rivalry" and tries to win against Bakugou is when he has to, like when they're put on opposite teams in training lessons, or when they're fighting for first place in the obstacle course during the Sports Festival Arc. But again, ONLY WHEN THE SITUATION LITERALLY REQUIRES HIM TO DO SO.
TL;DR, Bakudeku is still an awful ship and I will continue to hit it over the head with a shovel until it stops moving.
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stellamancer · 29 days
on the topic of emo kids, i don't think i particularly slotted into a spot perfectly, tho i suppose being a weeb was a thing at the time too............
but there was one time i was on the bus ride home and a kid turned around and asked me if i was an emo kid and i remember i was wearing a bright green polo and regular jeans and wondering what in the world gave him that idea.
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I was finally getting around to catching up on MHA and got to episode 127. Seems the Sonic lookalike got animated.
Looks like it! The thing on the hero's back is the giveaway for which random guy this is. The palette is very 'Sonic' but the way the helmet(?) and the gloves are colored are a smart way to hide the look.
(for anyone confused: we're talking about this guy)
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milk2641 · 1 year
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Cringetober 2023 (but actually 2022) 8 - crossover ship
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I couldn’t think of a crossover ship until I remembered I built these two on the same day
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aheckinmess · 5 months
Mind Over Mischief [Kaminari]
(One-Shot 7/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Kaminari x OC, Pro Hero Chargebolt x OC, Denki Kaminari, Original Female Character, Ichijiku Aoki, Kaminari and Kirishima are Besties, Kaminari Angst, Saving Original Character, OC is In Trouble, Because She Saved Kaminari, And I Mean Who Wouldn't, But Now She a Little Silly, And Kaminari a Little Dumb, So Here We Are
Word Count: 1,810 words
Summary: While Chargebolt and Tigress are fighting a group of villains, Tigress takes a hit for Chargebolt. It results in a concussion and Kirishima having to stand guard.
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
It’s overcast and smells like lavender the day I lose my mind. Denki draws a bath with lavender epsom salts prepared after the humid day of patrolling results in a grimy, sore body.
“C’mon, Ichichan, Shinsou said the smells would help.” He pulls on my arm. “Please?”
I stand and stare at the tub of water, unmoving. Denki pulls me again and I shift forward a few steps.
“Ichi, please.” His hand caresses my cheek.
I tilt my head as I look at him. Lavender invades my nostrils and my head throbs with splitting pain, pulling a shriek from my chest. Denki tries to soothe me, but it’s too late.
My head cracks against the sink before darkness swallows me.
. . . . .
5 hours earlier. . .
“Chargebolt, how many volts do you think you’ve got left?” I bark across the street, flipping around the large teddy bear villain in front of me.
“Ehh…heh…a couple hundred…or twelve.” His laughter tells me all I need to know as he bobs and weaves around his attacker.
He’s getting low on energy. A few more low-level bursts or one high-level and he’s done! We have to figure out how– But there’s no time to think. Teddy Bear lands a hit that sends me careening back into a nearby bench. Pain crackles all through my back, but I grunt and force myself to my feet.
“Don’t you know when to quit?” Teddy Bear laughs, suddenly pinning me down. My muscles strain and I grit my teeth to keep his weight from crushing me. “You ever heard of mind control, kid? Once your electric friend goes stupid, his mind’ll be easier for my pal to take over with just one dart! And you’re gonna lay here and watch!”
Like hell I am! I twitch under his weight before unleashing a roar through my mask. As expected, my quirk compels him to run. I’m freed from my prison, and as soon as I see Denki in the sights of a man with a dart, I bolt across the street and shove him to the ground.
“Chargebolt, you have to call Cranium for help. This guy can–” I stop.
Denki looks at me with horror, before rushing the guy throwing darts.
“Attack him.” The man smirks.
I do. No! No, stop! We can’t do this. Not to Denki! How do we stop it? There’s got to be some rules. Denki, call Cranium! I plead in my head, while my body leaps at him. I’ve got him pinned and he starts begging.
“Tigress, please! It’s me!”
Seeing his pleading face, I focus hard on keeping my body still. I can’t fully shake the mind control, but I manage to stall myself long enough for Denki to turn the tables and get me on my back.
“Cranium? Yes! You’re in the area?” Denki’s phone is out and he’s shouting directions to Shinsou as Teddy Bear and his pal tear down the street. “Tigress was hit with a dart. Come find us when you’re done, please!”
With no directions to follow, I sigh and look up at the sky overrun by clouds.
“Tigress, come on.” Denki slowly starts moving off of me. When I make no movement, he pulls at my arm to help me up. “Tigress? Sweet! I guess you’re better now, huh?”
I stare wordlessly at him. He extends a hand to me, which I take.
“Are you okay?” He asks, leading me down the street.
A few civilians watch on, whispering as their eyes stay focused on the two of us. I don’t say a word, following the trail of our two attackers.
“I know that must have been tough. But you can’t just keep it all bottled up, you know? You gotta let it all out of you, otherwise you’ll just explode.” Denki nudges me. “You know you can talk to me, love. We’re in this together.”
Still, I say nothing. I look down at my feet as I trudge forward with him. Right, left, right, left. If I could answer you, I would. But I took that dart in the leg, and now I’ve failed you. Don’t be so hard on yourself, Little One.
Silence stretches between us until we see a familiar tangled mess of purple hair walking in our direction. His mask covers his face, but it doesn’t hide the concern on his expression.
“Chargebolt! I’ve got those two under control. They weren’t much of a threat once I used my quirk.” Shinsou takes a step closer to me and looks me over. “It looks like Tigress doesn’t have any directions to follow, but right now that means she’s just a hollow shell. She won’t be a threat, but we need to find a way to bring her mind back.”
“Huh? I thought she was fine? She’s been kinda quiet but…” Denki turns to me and clarity dawns on him. “Oh, shit. How are we going to bring her back? Will she be stuck like this forever?”
“Unlikely. Worst case scenario? It’s long-term and takes a while for the dart to wear off. But I’ve learned a few things from my own quirk about what helps people take back control.” Shinsou waves a hand in front of my face. I mimic the motion. “Yeah. She’s basically just copying our motions at this point. Let’s get her somewhere safe before I start telling you how to help. Too many civilians right now.”
. . . . .
For the next few hours, I’m left in Denki’s agency under the watchful eye of Kirishima.
“She’s not a threat right now, but at least until I finish up my patrol, can you keep an eye on her? I’m hoping the quirk wears off, but I don’t want to take a chance of leaving her without a guardian in case the opposite happens.” Denki runs his fingers through my hair as I scout the lobby.
“Dang, this sucks. So, she can’t recognize us anymore?” Kirishima frowns.
“She can recognize us, but she’s not in control of her body functions.” Shinsou reassures. “It’s similar to my quirk. Your mind is still your own for the most part. I don’t control your thoughts, just your actions.”
“So she has to watch herself be a completely different person?!”
“In essence, yes. But once we get done with patrol, we’ll go to the store and Chargebolt can grab some items to help with her status. Try talking to her about things only the two of you would know. It might help her break the control easier.” Shinsou advises.
And then they’re gone.
Kirishima remains quiet and awkward after the two heroes leave. I sit obediently in my chair. Every few moments my body instinctively glances around, but otherwise I’m motionless.
“Hm, this is really weird to witness. Usually you’re so mobile!” Kirishima finally sits beside me, crossing his arms. “Hey! Remember that time you were getting so excited during our Mario Kart tournament that you knocked over Bakugo’s tea? I’ve never seen him look so guilty for yelling at someone when you started crying! But boy did he pay for it later when you let loose your tiger on him.”
I blink at him with a neutral expression. I remember! I felt so bad for knocking it over. I think that’s why I didn’t mind ripping him a new one later.
It goes like this for a while until Shinsou and Denki return. Denki disappears for a few minutes in the back and then walks out in his casual attire. Shinsou hands Kirishima several bags.
“This is for Chargebolt. Make sure he gets these when he comes out. I have to head out, but I’ll keep you updated if he doesn’t.” Shinsou fist bumps Kirishima before stepping out.
When Denki makes it to my side, Kirishima hands him the bags.
“Shinsou told me to give these to you. Do you need help getting her home?”
“Nah, I should be fine. I want to try these remedies right away.”
“Okay, if you’re sure. Keep me updated, okay?”
. . . . .
It’s overcast and smells like lavender the day I lose my mind. Denki draws a bath with lavender epsom salts prepared after the humid day of patrolling results in a grimy, sore body. That stupid Teddy Bear gave me a run for my money. He hit so hard! Ugh.
“C’mon, Ichichan, Shinsou said the smells would help.” He pulls on my arm. “Please?”
I stand and stare at the tub of water, unmoving. Denki pulls me again and I shift forward a few steps. Come on, please! We have to get back in our right mind.
“Ichi, please.” His hand caresses my cheek. A muscle twitches in my cheek and my finger spasms.
I tilt my head as I look at him. Lavender invades my nostrils and my head throbs with splitting pain, pulling a shriek from my chest. Denki tries to soothe me, but it’s too late.
My head cracks against the sink before darkness swallows me.
When I wake up, I grunt and look over to find Recovery Girl at my bed.
“She has a mild concussion it seems like, so make sure you notify me the second she wakes up.” She tells Denki.
“Denki…?” I whimper, blinking. How did I get here?
“Ichichan!” Denki rushes to my side and grabs my hand. “You’re back! You can talk again!”
Talk again? What…wait! I wince as memories from earlier flutter through my mind. I struggle, but I raise my arm and flex my fingers.
“I can…move.” I sigh happily, before sharp pain sparks through my temple. “Is the mind control why my head hurts?”
“Mind control? You didn’t tell me about that, Denki!” Recovery Girl smacks my husband with her cane. “You didn’t think that it was pertinent to tell me that whenever she had a concussion?!”
“I didn’t think about it!” Denki shields himself. “I was already worried.”
For the next few moments, Recovery Girl goes through a series of questions with me. Apparently, they’re meant to test my short-term and long-term memory, as well as my ability to complete complex tasks. When I pass those, I’m told to walk down the hall of our house.
“With some rest, she should be fine, Denki.” Recovery Girl says at the end of it all. “But keep an eye on her and make sure she’s not doing strenuous tasks.”
“Got it!”
Once she steps out, I instantly find Denki’s chest to sink into. My arms squeeze him tight.
“I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t you, lovely. I’m not holding it against you.” Denki sighs in relief and then pulls back to kiss my forehead. “The lavender must have worked then. What do you have that smells like lavender?”
“It’s in the pillow mist you use to help you fall asleep.”
“How’d you know that?”
“I hug your pillow when you’re gone and I miss you.”
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strawbebyjam · 1 year
unexpected kindness after unintended vulnerability. yeah.
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sivavakkiyar · 2 years
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seriously, a very funny book that you can get a lot out of
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mylittleversaille · 9 days
Gods as mythological figures within the anthropological context of studying ancient cultures VS gods as stock characters of living, breathing literary traditions VS gods as cult figures central to religious study and practice.
All of these are valid angles and I feel like people, me included, sometimes lose this nuance when talking about mythology, especially Greek mythology. It is the heritage of a people that very much still exist but those stories are also central to the modern Western literary tradition. We can talk about Greek gods in America but we can also talk about the history and traditions of the modern Greek people or the beliefs of ancient Greek-speaking societies.
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mise-en-papier · 6 months
people should stop talking to me as though i know what I’m doing
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sorry for diary posting so much on main but this is the last one today prommy
#it's in the tags anyway so#SO#i didn't go get my masters. or rlly try for a phd because i felt like i was bad at school right#(because i failed two classes in freshman year and i'd never ever done that before)#(and i failed those because. my meds made it very difficult for me to retain any information/make memories or whatever)#and it was just so WEIRD and i felt so dumb because never in my life had i been bad at school before like that#so that kind of killed my general confidence in academia#so even tho i got into a decent program i just decided to go work instead#(and yes a big part of it is that my current job is awesome and i didn't know if i'd get this kind of opportunity again)#and i kind of just realized#the last year and a half have LITERALLY JUST BEEN SCHOOL#OR WHAT A MASTERS PROGRAM WOULD BE LIKE#sort of. like an engineering masters.#except technically i have come up with new stuff too it's just operational and not research#but i spent the last year and a half learning something completely new that i knew nothing about at all.#and i've been teaching classes while i was learning and taking exams#and my exams went WELL#the last oral exam i had my evaluator told me it was the best one he'd seen#i went to talk to one of my senior instructors recently about the last big class i taught to become certified#to fucking important ass terrifyingly smart people#and he told me i was a model for all new people and i did super well#and then he told me not to tell anyone he said that because he didn't want people to think he was a softie#(he's a gigantic softie. i can't believe people are scared of him)#when he gets mad he expresses it and honestly he's valid for it sometimes people are dumb bitches and need to hear it. but apparently some#oh that's a tangent. anyways. if i can do this i can probably go back to academia right...#and jesus fuck girl it doesn't have to be mit. it can be a normal school#i can Lower my Standards because they aren't about to lower theirs. haha but what if.... anyways im gonna stick with the same major as my#bachelors cause i did actually enjoy it. and aerospace is boring in comparison. and i wanna figure out how to keep people alive both in#space AND under the ocean. at pressures we were never meant to survive at! Now THAT' would be fun.
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