#because he can tell anakin is uncomfy
kingdomhate · 6 months
They're Possessive Scenarios!
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Anakin Skywalker: It was a normal day in Coruscant, and you were helping around the Temple, acting as a humble civilian who only wished to keep things in order for those who keep the galaxy in peace and order and protect countless people. But it was mainly just for Anakin's presence.
As you were speaking to a few Jedi, a teenage Padawan, not particularly ugly, but not too good-looking, walked up to you and tapped your shoulder, and you turned. "Yes?" You asked, your tone patient and kind. The boy was obviously staring at your body, and your words snapped him out of the trance. "Um... what if I took you on a date?" He asked, his eyes unblinking as they stared into yours. This was just a child, what was he talking about? "Uh, what?" You ask, perplexed. "What if I took you on a date? Gave you flowers, chocolates and walked you home? To kiss you on your lips and have some fun with you?"
"No, thank you. I'm already taken." You tell him in a kind tone, mustering a smile. He frowns and presses further. As you were growing more uncomfy with the situation and this child's inability to take no for an answer and tenacity to still press on the wound to cause it to continue to gush blood, Anakin walked by. He just got out of a little lecture with the rest of the Jedi Masters and those who were speaking to you, had barely anything to say, thinking it was just a lovesick boy, but it was obviously more. Anakin, who could sense your discomfort from miles away, was incredibly surprised and angered to see no one taking action. He walked over to you, a reassuring hand on your shoulder, to keep things light, gazed at the boy and asked him to run along, and the boy, did so.
He turned to you, his blue eyes piercing. "Why didn't you just call me over? I was not too far away." His gaze was intense and his words were firm and you sighed. "Didn't know how pursuing little kids are these days.." Anakin ushered you from the gaze of others, and whispered the words in your ear that made your knees weak. "You're mine, don't you understand that?"
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Han Solo: You both were at a bar, Han was trying to negotiate some terms so that Jabba could have his money and Han his life. You were only there because you insisted and Han believed that you could reduce the stress of the situation and keep him relatively calm. One of Jabba's men approached your booth and Chewie, who also insisted to come, was on guard, and Han sighed. "Relax, buddy. We've got this in the bag."
The henchman sat in the booth, eyes roaming over the three of you, and particularly interested in you and your figure. Han, who noticed this, brought the man's attention back to the matters at hand. "So, *pal*, this can go easily if you can get Jabba's panties out of the bunch. The cargo's safe and the Millenium Falcon and my crew are more than capable of delivering it without any conflicts, eh? So, tell him I'll get the money as soon as that's done." The henchman frowned at this and shook his head. "No, Jabba wants his money now, Solo." Han's jaw tightened and it looked like he was seriously considering a better way to deal with this man. But your hand squeezed his in a comforting gesture and it brought him back to the ground.
"Can't he understand a man in business? Not everything's all sunshine and rainbows. It's gonna take some time." Han frowned and the man's gaze somehow drifted back to you, and every little detail of you, and he licked his lips creepily, speaking now in a more low tone. "Well, there can be another way, I suppose..." You visibly tensed up and a few not-so thoughtful words popped up in your head and were on the tip of your tongue and as you were about to say it, Han beat you to it. "Nope. No way. This, right here, is mine. Non-negotiable. And it'll always be that way, sorry, pal, but you'll have 'ta find your own." At this point, Chewie had began making his sounds of protest to the man's words and in agreement to Han's words. Han wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. Long story short, all three of you ended up leaving with the man blasted.
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Kylo Ren: He couldn't understand it. The idea of someone trying to take you from him, had they learned nothing from his outbursts and clear anger tendencies? Clearly not and that pissed him off. Why was there always someone who challenged authority? Why could no one just submit and do their part? Were all of the questions in Kylo's mind after one of his soldiers told him that you were in the training room and a specific low-ranking general thought he could sweep you off of your feet with words of no meaning.
Kylo had power-walked there, arriving in minutes despite the room being so far from his. He found the man and held out his hand, blowing the man back with the Force. He looked at you and you knew for a fact all he saw was red. He strode over to the pinned man and spat out the words, "What could possibly be going on in that dim-witted brain of yours to mess with something that isn't yours?! Did your parents not teach you simple manners? Or did you think you were above that, too?! Well, take this as a catching-up." He crushed the man further and further against the sleek-black walls of the Ship. He was so blinded by rage that he did not realize that the man was already dead. But once he did, he let go, and bit the inside of his cheek, bitterly. He could taste the copper-taste of blood and didn't mind in the slightest.
Instead, his eyes swept over to you and he motioned for his finger for you to follow him. And once you did, you were up against a wall with him all over you, his hands, mouth, everything while repeatedly saying:* "Mine. Get that. You're mine. Nothing less. No one else's."
A\N: A little treat before I'm away for about two weeks for testing <3
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tennessoui · 2 years
You look really tired for the actors au? The short ficlet or the bigger universe, whichever!
hey hello!! so this is a prompt fill for the actors au, but not the space actors one (someone else already asked for that!!); this is goes in the same universe as the ficlet up on ao3!
Actually, the thing that Anakin hates the very most about his job is the goddamn press conferences, the ad hoc interviews, the reporters who darken the room’s doorstep with a story they already know they’ll write, regardless of what Anakin says or does. 
All they need is a soundbyte or two, and Anakin hates it.
The movie trailer is out, the movie itself in post-production. Every day, he’s forgetting more and more of the dumb, stilted lines he’d had to memorize for it.
Every day, his co-star kisses them out of his mind until the only thing he can possibly think about is auburn hair and blue eyes.
If only he could find a way to tell Irene, the current reporter, this. It’s not like Obi-Wan and Anakin are in a private relationship. In fact, after Obi-Wan’s stunt in the restaurant six months ago, they’ve been very, very public. Contractually obligated to be public even.
But Irene seems to have temporarily forgotten this. She’s looking at Anakin and Padmé on the couch, and her eyes are narrowed in on the slim amount of space separating them. It’s not their fault they have to sit so close together. There are too many damn pillows on this couch.
This is one of those reporters who knows what story she wants to write, and Anakin knows it all too well. This reporter wants to write a trash-piece for a trash-website, about the chemistry between Padmé and Anakin, the forbidden romance of it all (given that, and this cannot be stressed enough, Anakin is in a relationship), the love that transcended the movie screen.
Anakin has been very, very quiet since the moment he clocked the reporter as one of those. It hadn’t been hard. She’d spent half the introductions stroking over his arm and the other half talking about how thrilled she was for such an unconventional romance to be shown on screen.
What is so unconventional about Anakin and Padmé’s characters kissing, Anakin doesn’t understand.
“Excuse me, I’m so sorry,” Padmé says suddenly. Her phone is ringing. Anakin silently begs her to stay, but Padmé is singularly incapable of ignoring a ringing phone. “I need to take this, I’ll be right back.”
The reporter croons and fusses and tells her to hurry, but there’s something very hungry in her eyes when she turns back to Anakin.
Padmé, please hurry, he thinks to himself and slouches back further into the couch.
“You’ve been so quiet, Ani!” Irene tells him.
“Uh,” Anakin says. “Yeah, sorry. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“You look really tired,” the reporter agrees, and Anakin is offended on behalf of the make-up team who spent at least thirty minutes trying to cover up the shadows under his eyes. There’s a flicker of movement at the door Padmé had exited through, but it’s been much too short of a time for her to have finished her call, so Anakin doesn’t bother looking away from the reporter.
“Thanks,” he says. “That’s sweet.”
“Up too late…running lines with a certain co-star actress?” 
Anakin blinks and furrows his brow. “The movie’s finished being filmed. Why would we be running lines?”
She smiles, and it’s a hungry, bloodless thing. “Oh? Were you up all night doing something else with her?”
“I believe,” says a very welcome and beautiful and familiar voice, “that would actually be my job.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi flops onto the sofa next to him, all purposeful indolence and spread limbs. Anakin relaxes at the sight of him, going so far as to move over so that their legs brush together from hip to knee.
“You’re out early,” Anakin says. Not that he’s complaining. He thinks they should definitely be doing more interviews with the three of them all together, seeing as how they’re basically the main characters in the movie, but every time the executives say no.
Apparently it’s alright when Anakin and Obi-Wan are pictured being loved up in front of various restaurants and bars around the city, but sit them next to each other in an interview and suddenly all the footage is unusable.
“Mr. Kenobi,” Irene says between gritted teeth. Anakin huffs and sits up straight because that’s not nearly enough respect in her tone. She’s gotta learn to separate reality from fiction: Obi-Wan isn’t a villain, he just sometimes likes to play one.
Yes, sometimes when the cameras aren’t rolling. 
But Anakin’s into that.
“And before you ask, yes, I did keep him up far too late last night,” Obi-Wan tells her, wrapping an arm around the back of Anakin’s shoulders and pulling him closer to his body so that he’s half on top of him. “We were celebrating.”
“Celebrating?” The reporter asks, even if it’s clear she doesn’t want to.
“Six months,” Anakin says before Obi-Wan can, and he tilts his head up for a kiss.
The reporter looks like she’s swallowed a lemon. “There are some people who believe the two of you are faking it,” she announces, as if Anakin cares what some people believe.
“That’s ridiculous,” Obi-Wan seems to be on the same page. “And anyway, even if we were to begin with—” they hadn’t been, Anakin had insisted on trying this for real and Obi-Wan hadn’t protested at all— “then we certainly wouldn’t still be doing it after six months.”
“The press circuits—”
“I mean,” Obi-Wan says as if she has not said anything at all, “he’s quite lovable, isn’t he? After six months pretending to be in love with him, I probably would have actually gotten there. What do you think, darling?”
Obi-Wan’s slate blue eyes have a special sort of super power: the ability to drag any sort of truth from Anakin, no matter the setting. “I thought I was in love with you when I was fifteen and you were a poster on my bedroom wall,” he admits. “I had no idea though.”
Obi-Wan grins and presses a kiss onto Anakin’s forehead. He likes that sort of admission, but then, he was a child star who practically grew upin the limelight. Of course he enjoys a bit of an ego stroke.
“Oh no,” Padmé says from the doorway. “It appears my seat has been stolen.”
Lazily, Obi-Wan tilts his head to look at her. “Apologies, darling,” he drawls, hand slipping low and proprietary over Anakin’s chest. “Only, I am the villain.”
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An episode/fic of Clone Wars I wish we'd gotten
(Inspired by a post made by @angelsaxis )
TW: Sexual assault/harassment, in-universe racism? (against clones:( )
I don't know the reason so don’t ask
But Rex, Ahsoka, and Anakin have to go to some fancy ass gala on Coruscant
(Maybe to celebrate a victory? The Chancellor is trying to encourage hubris in Anakin, but that almost backfires when he INSISTS that his Padawan and Captain are invited as well because they were Instrumental in said victory).
Ahsoka and Rex reeeeaaaaally don’t wanna go, Anakin makes them because he doesn’t understand why, until afterwards.
The actual party should only be the first 5 minutes or so of the episode, all we see is Anakin having a great time, regaling an attentive audience with many (exaggerated) stories of his heroics
We see shots of Ahsoka and Rex both looking very uncomfortable and unhappy at the edge of the crowd, maybe involved in some uncomfy looking conversations, always keeping an eye on each other and trying not to get too separated. They make each other feel safe.
Maybe it's on the journey back to their temporary accommodation? A hotel or something? I dunno
Maybe it's not until they get back to said accommodation
Rex and Ahsoka are still close together (even though it's only the 3 of them now) looking drained and unhappy, Anakin sat opposite them telling them how much everyone loved him, how it was so nice to be appreciated and get to relax for once
"So, how was it for you guys? I told you it wouldn't be so bad, though I barely saw you the whole night. Off telling stories of your own?"
Rex looks at the floor and we hear a muttered "It went about the same as I'd expected actually"
Ahsoka manages to look Anakin in the eye but only briefly before gazing out the window "You should have let us stay here Master Skywalker."
(That's odd in itself, they've been together for a while now, and Ahsoka NEVER calls him Master Skywalker. Occasionally 'Master' on it's own, but never his full title, its faaaar too formal for the brother/sister relationship they have at this point. Its normally just Skyguy.)
Anakin’s face falls, I can imagine him actually getting kinda annoyed at this point. Because they never usually get opportunities like this?? They got to dress up and be people instead of soldiers? They were being celebrated?? Why aren't they being grateful for this honour?
"Fine then. Why was it so terrible?? I'm dying to know Snips, Rex."
I don’t know who goes first. Maybe Rex? Because he had been watching what had been happening to Ahsoka all night and he did as much as could to protect her but he was Just a Clone. He figures she probably doesn't wanna talk about it to her Master, and he feels the need to protect her now that he's actually in a position to do so (even though she also spent the whole night trying to protect him).
So half the episode is focused on Rex. Telling Anakin what had happened to him over the course of the party, how no one respected Clones. He can't count the number of times he heard the phrase "just a clone" over the last few hours, he lost count after the first 30 minutes.
We see flashbacks of people asking insensitive questions, asking if clones feel pain, if he felt any emotion at all, being referred to as "It", and even "cannon fodder" by a particularly cruel senator.
(We see Ahsoka start to get angry in his place, about to yell at the senators and representatives, but Rex holds her back subtly, and the flashback fades before we hear her say anything. It's important to show the audience that Ahsoka was there, and defending him, but not the point of the story.)
We see him have to smile through conversations as he explains to Anakin that "I couldn't have retaliated, I couldn't Do Anything. They already saw me as Just A Clone, so they weren't exactly gonna ascribe any importance to what I had to say. And if I retaliated? All it would have done is confirm every bad thing they thought about me and my brothers, and then the next clone that comes along gets treated even worse than me."
He's clenching his fists and he hasn't looked up since he first started talking. At some point over the (very one sided, as soon as he noticed how genuinely distressed Rex looked, Anakin resigned himself to listening and not interrupting) conversation, Ahsoka had put a hand on his shoulder
Maybe Anakin makes a mental note, Rex is usually NOT a touchy person, but if he's allowing (and leaning into) physical comfort?? He must be pretty distressed.
(Before ya’ll get excited. This is NOT Ahsoka/Rex. They're just bros)
Maybe another couple of flashbacks, someone "jokingly" saying they don't know why Rex is being honoured, the mission only succeeded because he followed the orders of his Jedi, like he was meant to, he was just there to execute the vision of a higher lifeform, and had nothing to do with the actual victory.
At "higher lifeform" Ahsoka clenches her teeth, and the hand on Rex's shoulder tightens
At "higher lifeform" Anakin shouts, the first time he's made a noise since Rex first started talking:
"What? That's so ridiculous!! These guys know that you save my ass more than I save yours right?? And that you come up with at least half of the tactics we use??"
"Respectfully sir, they don't. And this is.... pretty normal actually. Like I said, the gala went exactly as I expected it to. The only people to really interact with the clones consistently are the Jedi. Pretty much everyone else thinks we're... things. Like droids."
Anakin looks very much defeated at this, slumping in his seat. He hadn't really thought about it before, the clones are a part of his life, they're his friends, they have names and favourite colours and opinions and ideas better than his sometimes (most of the time). The idea that the rest of the galaxy doesn't see them that way is... odd, and very much heartbreaking to him.
Rex goes on, he's thinking at this point that if he's gonna explain, he should explain fully
"One of them even..." he sighs. Clenches his hand. Coughs. Turns a little red, and looks away, even further from eye contact than he was before. "One of them quite forcefully requested I.... serviced him. "You're just a clone" he said. Apparently that means that's my duty or something. Especially since I don't feel anything, physically Or emotionally. Ahsoka saved me from that one."
(Maybe at that he and Ahsoka make brief eye contact, nodding at each other, Rex giving the hand on his shoulder a little pat, before she turns her head away again. Her hand remains.)
Anakin is fuckin Furious at this. He stands suddenly and starts pacing, he keeps going to say something and realise he doesn’t have the words. The Darth Vader theme plays briefly before he stops and sags. Sits back in his chair, looking at the floor,
He knows there's no point ranting or raving, Rex and Ahsoka don't need to hear what he thinks of it because they think the same, and he's starting to realise that it would be cruel to extend this part of the conversation any longer.
Quietly, "I'm sorry, Rex. I had no idea that not everyone sees you and your brothers the way I do. I'm really sorry."
Maybe that makes Rex smile a bit. He KNOWS he's friends with his general, but after such a shitty night, it's nice to be reminded
"It's alright sir. There's nothing you could've done about it anyway, nothing's gonna change the minds of that kind people. I know what me and my brothers do is important, and we know what we fight for."
Anakin seems to regain his anger at this a bit
"Yeah but Everyone Else should know as well!! It's their ungrateful asses that you're-"
Rex cuts him off with "I know sir, it's fine, really. Besides, it coulda been a lot worse."
Anakin sits back at this, it hadn't been said, it hadn't even been implied, to be honest Rex had been trying to keep the attention on him, but the "a lot worse" had reminded Anakin that Ahsoka has been very,,,, subdued through all of this. Her hand remains on Rex's shoulder, and she's obviously been listening, going by her small movements and barely-there facial expressions (she had witnessed all of this after all), but still, she stared out the window.
Rex notices that Anakin’s attention has shifted and
"It's late sir, let's just forget it and head to-"
"Snips?" Anakin interrupts him
She sighs, looks at Rex, nodding slightly. She knows he would've stood up to the general if she'd wanted him to, at the smallest shake of her head he would've demanded that it really was too late. That the two of them had an early briefing, that they needed to head to bed.
But she figures Rex has told his half. Now it's her turn. The next half of the episode is Ahsoka's explanation.
At her nod, Rex takes the hand that had been on his shoulder and holds it between his own, loosely, she could pull away anytime she wanted and it would look natural, but she had helped him through his explanation, it's time for him to help Ahsoka through hers. His turn to gaze out the window, paying attention, but not wanting the eye contact.
While Rex had been sorta hesitant, Ahsoka jumps right into it. She's angry but she's resigned, and she's been dealing with this practically her whole life (whenever she left the temple, anyway). If her master, who was practically her big brother at this point, didn't understand, or brushed it off like so many others had, then he simply wasn't worth the respect she originally thought
(which was what she was scared of I suppose. That Anakin would be like everyone else.)
She holds her head up high and looks Anakin directly in the eyes, her face neutral, but hardened, hoping for the best, but expecting the norm:
"I'm a young woman master. Who is also a Jedi, who is also a commander in the Grand Republic Army. People don't like that."
At this we see flashbacks of conversations where Ahsoka gets spoken over, politicians who have never even touched a blaster, trying (and failing terribly, unknown to them) to explain battle tactics to her. Men calling her "sweetheart" and "girl", condescendingly asking about broken nails and makeup and clothes.
She tells the story of a particular representative asking what it was like to "watch the great Jedi at work, whilst she twiddled her tails in the background?"
At this Anakin is once again furious:
"The plan was your idea!! We would've been Screwed if you hadn't been right in the middle of it shouting orders!! You told them that right??"
She responds swiftly, her tone biting:
"And what do you think would've happened if I had? What exactly, Master, do you think I could've said in that moment, to change their minds? To alter a lifetime of thinking like that? They think I'm a child. They think I'm a weak little girl who's far too stupid to know how to put on my own clothes, let alone come up with complex battle tactics on the spot, in the middle of a firefight. There's no changing their minds"
Anakin clenched his teeth, he really has no response. What could she say? Nothing that wouldn't get her laughed at even more
"But it's fine. I'm used to being underestimated. I'm small and I'm young (I'm gonna say this is late in the series, Ahsoka is 17ish, still young, but not a child) and I'm a girl. Hell, YOU underestimated me when we first met."
(Anakin cringed slightly at that, he doesn't think about their first meeting often, but up until now he'd thought about it with fondness, now he thinks about how annoying it must have been for Ahsoka, to once again be underestimated by someone only a few years older than her.)
"It's fine. It's not like I'll ever meet these people on the battlefield. And if I do? I'll have them beat before they have even a second, to laugh at me."
At this she looks down, and her voice drops, likes she's talking to herself, rather than her master. He hears it anyway.
Next time she speaks, her voice raises in volume once again, back to normal, but she keeps her eyes on the floor. Her feet shuffle slightly, and her hand visibly tightens in Rex's, searching for comfort (he provides without a split second of hesitation, squeezing in return)
This worries Anakin, Ahsoka, whilst very physically affectionate, was NOT one to seek comfort, or burden others with her problems. So he sits and listens, quietly thinking that the worst is yet to come (he's right).
"That wasn't even the worst part. I'm used to it. I mean I'm used to the rest as well but it's just so much worse in a crowded party and everyone had had a few drinks so it was even worse and I just wasn't-"
"Snips?" His voice is quiet, she was breathing deeply, and her hand gripped Rex's increasingly tight. Her eyes were widening, and she looked a little panicked.
At his quiet reminder that he was there, and everything was calm and quiet and OK, she relaxed. She took a deep breath and relaxed her hand in Rex's (though didn't let go) but she still doesn't look up
"Like I said before, I'm a young woman. Wearing the only dress I have, at a crowded party full of drunk politicians who always get what they want. It was a little... handsy... in there. People think they can take what they want. I didn't drink anything the whole night because I was scared to go to the washroom alone, it wasn't like Rex could come with me. I almost overheated because I was scared to go out into the balcony alone. We tried to find you at one point but..."
She hesitates at this. Rex is visibly angry, eyes furrowed, glaring out the window, but not Once, does he release, or tighten, his hold on Ahsoka’s hand.
(I just want this to be really emotional ya’ll. I need my bros being bros and protecting each other, but also the reality of 20ish year old Anakin, the chosen boy who was also buds with the Chancellor himself, to not understand (but desperately Want to) Rex's and Ahsoka’s troubles).
"But?" Anakin prompts. He is unimaginably furious at this point, not even trying to hide it on his face, but being gentle with his words and actions, he's gotten a lot better at controlling himself and he KNOWS that Ahsoka is not the one who deserves to meet the other end of his anger right now
"The group of guys you were with, telling some story about man eating plants to. They had already mentioned that they were gonna try find me after the party for a... "little fun" they said. And they had been the... touchiest... of all. I didn't wanna encourage them or anything so, we went to the other side of the room and just waited it out for the rest of the night."
I can imagine her voice sort of trailing off at the end there. Maybe in the beginning montage we see Anakin telling said story to said group of guys? But this time we see it further zoomed out? Anakin and the group just in the background, with Ahsoka in front looking kinda scared but mostly uncomfortable? And Rex by her her side looking angry? Before they turn and walk in the opposite direction.
That's the end of her story, her recount of the marvellous party they'd just got home from, and she sort of deflates as she realises what she's just talked about. It's normal for her, but it's not something she was ever planning on having a conversations about, least of all with her Jedi Master.
When Anakin realises she's finished, his hand sparks, and he looks down in surprise, to realise that he's clenched it so hard that he's damaged the wiring without noticing. It's fine for now, but he'll need to get it checked out at some point in the next couple of days.
But overall, that does nothing to calm him down. He's in a range of anger that he's never been before. So powerful that even Rex can feel it, despite him not having a lick of force sensitivity.
(The next day, Anakin receives a transmission from an off-world Obi-Wan, asking if he's alright, because he'd felt something strong, and bad, and he's sure he's just being paranoid but wanted to check in, just in case)
So Anakin is quiet, and still, but breathing deeply and clenching his hands and jaw, and how dare they? How dare people talk to his captain like that and how dare they underestimate his Padawan and how Dare they lay a hand on her? How DARE they talk to him about what a smart and capable pupil he had, moments after treating her like an object to be played with? How DARE they??
He forces out a breathy "Ahsoka I am... so sorry. I had no idea it was that bad. I mean Padme has mentioned a few things before but you're just a kid, I mean you're a Commander, I guess I thought everyone took that at face value and gave you the respect you deserved. I'm so sorry that I was wrong about that."
He's more sad, than angry at this point, looking up at Ahsoka. She slowly raises her eyes to his, a small smile on her face, all three have tears in their eyes. For Ahsoka and Rex, it's from a slow build up of stress and fear and annoyance and offense and resignation, over the last few hours. For Anakin, it's the sudden realization that people he cares very deeply for, are being treated this terribly, right in front of him, and he hadn't noticed it, and it had been happening so long, that they were resigned to it.
(No one notices the slip up when Anakin had said "Padme", or if they did, no one mentioned it.)
Maybe the episode ends there? Maybe it ends with a flash forward to Anakin scaring the shit out of those guys (with the Vader theme playing of course)? Maybe it ends with them all going to bed? Maybe they all fall asleep on the same sofa? Ahsoka and Rex kinda still need a comforting hand, and Anakin never wants to leave them alone again.
But we know, through flashforwards, or implications in future episodes, that Anakin talks to Padme about moving for legislation that protects the rights of the Clones. And that every chance he gets, Anakin forcefully talks about his confidence in his Padawan, how She regularly outsmarts him and saves his life, about how she is a wonderful learner, fighter, and tactician, and the army would be in bits without her (and his Clone Captain).
I dunno man. This is super heavy. But I just really wanna read something where Anakin, young, humanoid (is that what they call it in star wars? I've no clue), chosen one, friends-with-the-actual-godman-Chancellor, Anakin, realises that life is VERY different for his Padawan and the clones. Yeah, when it comes to BIG things like the war, and the council, and his marriage, he experiences a lot of shit, and has big problems. But in the small everyday life he has between the war, he's got it very easy, in a way that the other two don't. I also think it could add to the reason he fell to the dark side. No one can be stupid and judgemental to people HE cares about if HE is in charge, building a new empire in exactly the way he wants it to be.
I'm shitty at writing so if anyone wants to like,,,, turn this into an actual fic, credit and tag me lol
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justalitlecreacher · 4 years
Anakin Skywalker Deserved Better
Ive made this post before but it was really rough and i meant to edit it later and its later now but its been so long that i don’t feel like finding the og post so here we are. If it’s not obvious i care more than a normal amount about Anakin Skywalker.
Tl;Dr: I firmly believe that there are so many points in the prequel series, the clone wars, and even the comics that some level of intervention could have steered Anakin away from falling in Revenge of the Sith.
The Phantom Menace 
This is our first encounter with Anakin, and it does a decent job at introducing us to him. This movie sets up his tragic backstory™️ and gives us a good look at his personality; Anakin appears selfless and eager to help complete strangers in return for nothin when he first brings Qui-Gon and crew to his home to give them shelter, and then risks his life in the podrace to help them afford the part they need to fix their ship. Aside from introducing and developing Anakin not much else happens until Qui-Gon brings Anakin before the Jedi Council where they decide he is too old and there is already too much anger in him to be trained as a Jedi. Qui-Gon disagress, but we move on to Naboo where 9-year old Anakin blows up a very large ship all; by himslef w/ autopilot ( they grow up so fast), Qui-Gon dies, and we get our first look at Palpatine being creepy in hindsight, “And you, young Skywalker, we will watch your career with great interest.” not all that weird out of context but uncomfy when you remember who Palpatine is.
Before we move on i actually want to flashback to Anakin’s first encounter with the Jedi Council. For a group of people who constantly take in and raise children, the Jedi seem to do a poor job interacting with them. A kind of infuriating thing about this scene is that the Jedi seem to shame Anakin for being afraid (no matter how much Anakin himself denies that fear). This scene does a really good job at setting up how the Jedi consistently fail to take into account that Anakin is fundamentally incapable of being a “normal” Jedi. Anakin has had a fundamentally different childhood than any other Jedi and absolutely needed more help and support than the average Padawan from the very beginning. Granted it is possible that the Jedi tried to get him the help and support he needed, but if they did we can infer they failed from Dooku’s line in Revenge of the Sith, “I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate, you have anger, but you don’t use them.”
Obi-Wan And Anakin Comic
The Obi-Wan and Anakin comics take place sometime between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. The story focuses on Anakin and Obi-Wan investigating a distress signal on a planet that has been destroyed by war. The comic also flashes back to reveal that Anakin is thinking of leaving the Jedi Order after Palpatine shows him the dark side of Coruscant, and tells him that neither the Jedi nor the Senate will be able to do anything about it. We get more creepy (not just in hindsight this time) moments out of Palpatine here. The first one is when he uses his position as Chancellor to gain access to Anakin under the guise of “helping” him.  “Why young Skywalker is a Jedi, is he not? The Jedi are under the Senate’s jurisdiction. And as I am the Chancellor of the Senate...”. Palpatine proceeds to take Anakin to a club of some kind where they see a corrupt senator gambling; Palpatine also mentions how “Lives are bought and sold here everyday” he then makes a show of apologizing for bringing it up considering Anakin’s past.Without context this would seem harmless enough, but with the context of Palpatine’s true identity it is more likely a ploy to subelty remind Anakin of how the Jedi and Senate are unable or unwilling to intervene on Tatooine or the rest of the Outer Rim. Palpatine reminding Anakin of the Senate and Jedi’s inability to help everyone seems to be a running theme in their meeting as the series continues. 
Aside from Palpatine being a creep; we see that Anakin is still just as willing and eager to help as he was in The Phantom Menace. His skills in mechanics result in him being briefly kidnapped so that he can fix weapons that will help one side to win the war that has destroyed the planet. Seriously Anakin is just so ernest in these comics that i shed tears because i know how his story ends. 
One character that Obi-Wan and Anakin team up with to reach the distress signal first mistakes Anakin for Obi-Wan’s son, and then tells Obi-Wan, “He [Anakin] doesn’t think so. Kid idolizes you. You can see it” when Obi-Wan admits that he’s not sure he is the best suited to teach Anakin, and fears he has failed him in some way. As the story progresses, it is revealed in a flashback that after Anakin told Obi-Wan he wanted to leave the Order, Yoda sent the two of them on the mission they are currently on to give Anakin a chance to reconsider his decision, and Obi-Wan tells Yoda that if Anakin returned from the mission still wanting to leave the Order, Obi-Wan would leave with him to continue his training and keep his promise to Qui-Gon. 
Attack of the Clones
Back to the movies. Attack of the Clones reunites Obi-Wan and Anakin with Padmé Amidala when they are assigned to protect her from an assassin. One of ( if not the) most important elements to this movie are Anakin’s dreams/visions of his mother. Towards the beginning of the movie Anakin doesn’t explicitly say what the dreams are about, but it can be assumed that the dreams are unpleasant as he says, “I don't sleep well anymore.” in response to Obi-Wan commenting on him looking tired; going on to claim that he cannot sleep because of his dreams. Anakin later admits to Padmé that he worries about his mother. This is one of the key moments in Anakin’s life that set him up to fall in Revenge of the Sith. There is no reason i can think of that Anakin should not have been allowed to check on his mother if he was having dreams about her that prevented him from sleeping properly and made him worry for her safety. As Anakin says, “Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love.”. If compassion truly is central to a Jedi’s life, then surely they could at the very least send one of their 10,000 Jedi to check on Anakin’s mother if he could not? Is it compassion to deny someone the help they need? I find it hard to believe that Anakin would not have told Obi-Wan that he was worried about his mother going off of how close they appear to be in the previous comic. Especially after Anakin responds to Obi-Wan joking about Anakin being the death of him one day with, “Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain.” 
Anakin and Padmé arrive too late to save Shmi, and she dies in Anakin’s arms. This is a crucial moment leading up to Anakin’s fall as it shows Anakin that his dreams have a very real potential of coming true and likely results in him blaming himself at least partially for not insisting on checking on his mother or getting there sooner or doing anything different that may have allowed her to survive; it’s also the first time we see Anakin really lose control. There have been instances of him lashing out in anger before (turning a pair of padawans’ lightsabers against them when he hears them making fun of him behind his back), but nothing like what happens in the wake of Shmi’s death. Anakin wipes out the entire village of Tusken Raiders; children included. And while Anakin does express genuine remorse for his actions, he never faces consequences for them. It’s not even clear if anyone but Padmé ever finds out; Yoda claims to feel Anakin’s pain in the wake of his mother’s death, but does not appear to see Anakin’s actions, and is not shown to discuss what happened on Tatooine with Anakin at all.
Some light googling on my part revealed that in the novelization of Attack of the Clone, while Anakin did tell Obi-Wan about his mother’s death it was Padmé who told Obi-Wan how she had died, but Obi-Wan is unaware of what happened afterwards. “Anakin had told him of Shmi’s death; that was why he and Padmé had gone to Tatooine, he said. Obi-Wan had talked to Padmé later, and she had explained that Shmi had been kidnapped and killed by Tusken Raiders. Neither of them had been willing to go into much detail, and from what Obi-Wan knew of the Tusken Raiders, he didn’t blame them. It was no wonder Anakin seemed shaken, if his mother had been tortured and killed. One day, perhaps, Anakin would be willing to tell him the whole story.” Obi-Wan appears to know that there is more to the story than he has been told, but it content to wait until Anakin is ready to talk about it. I wonder if they ever had that conversation.
Anakin’s inability to save his mother even after the warnings he receives in his dreams likely leads to his desperation to save Padmé form the danger he believes her to be in later in Revenge of the Sith. He has been shown once before that his dreams can easily come true, and he is desperate to prevent this dream from coming true no matter what the cost may be. 
The Clone Wars
This is gonna be a long one; it’s gonna have to cover the most relevant episodes of The Clone Wars and oh boy that’s not a small amount. Im gonna try to go chronologically but bear with me (if you actually read this far you know what you got yourself into)
Assassin s3ep7
In this episode Ahsoka begins having visions of Padmé being assassinated similarly to how Anakin dreamed of his mother’s and later Padmé’s deaths. The difference with Ahsoka is that she is able to prevent the visions from becoming reality.  What i want to focus on in this episode is the reaction Ahsoka gets when she tells Yoda about her dreams. Yoda explains to her that her dream may be telling her something and provides her with the means to act on her visions to prevent them from becoming true.
When Anakin approaches Yoda about his dreams in Revenge of the Sith, Yoda simply tells him that death is natural and he must train himself to let go of everything he fears to lose. We could chalk this up to just a writing inconsistency, but i dont think i will. I would instead like to wonder why Yoda treats Ahsoka’s visions like they are something that can be changed but then treats Anakin’s like they are set in stone. Anakin has already proven himself capable of having true visions, and is more force sensitive than any other living Jedi. It makes no sense to dismiss Anakin’s feelings like this. All this to say looking into and helping Anakin to examine his dreams instead of telling him to let go when he has proven over and over to be incapable of doing so would likely have been significantly more helpful in the long run.
The Mortis Arc S3 Ep15-17
Honestly i dont have a lot to say on this arc aside how much psychic damage it dealt to see Anakin briefly turn to the dark side because he was so desperate o avoid the future The Son had shown him ( really hope everyone had the common sense not to bring that up to Anakin after the fact though).
 The Deception Arc S4 Ep15+18
In this arc Obi-Wan fakes his death in order to go undercover as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen and uncover a plot to kidnap the Chancellor. This wouldn’t be a problem if they had brought Anakin in on the plan; instead they use Anakin’s reaction to Obi-Wan’s “death” to better sell the illusion. Obi-Wan even says, “Keeping Anakin on the outside was critical. Everyone knows how close we are. It was his reaction that sold the sniper. I'm sure of it.” Obi-Wan and the Council are fully aware of how much Obi-Wan means to Anakin, yet they all decide to use those feelings to their own advantage with little regard for the consequences.
On top of betraying Anakin’s trust; this move leads Anakin to doubt the Jedi Council and wonder what else they may be keeping from him if they  were willing to let him believe that Obi-Wan was dead as long as it suited their interests. “How many other lies have I been told by the Council? And how do you know that you even have the whole truth?”. 
I just cannot imagine why they thought they even had to use Obi-Wan for this plan. In the Obi-Wan and Anakin comic, Obi-Wan claims that there are 10,000 Jedi; surely there is someone less connected or with less attention on them who would be more suited to go undercover without the element of faking their death. Or if faking their death was necessary, surely they could have picked a Jedi who was not closely attached to arguably the most emotionally unstable Jedi in the Order. Anyone else would have been better. I don’t doubt that Anakin was telling the truth when he said, “If it was up to me I would kill you right here! But lucky for you, the man you murdered would rather see you rot in jail.”.
The Deception Arc just really grinds my gears because it really is almost like the Council wants Anakin to fall. There really is no excuse for how they use his bond with Obi-Wan against him for their own gain. The Council and Obi-Wan know full well how much Anakin loves Obi-Wan (see Anakin referring to Obi-Wan as the closest thing he has to a father in Attack of the Clones), and chose to use this vulnerability against Anakin in the worst way possible. 
This arc really sets Anakin to later doubt Obi-Wan and the Council in Revenge of the Sith, and make it easier for Palpatine to convince Anakin that no Jedi would understand him and that they would likely kick him out of the order and not help him. ( heck he even has a recent memory of the Jedi expelling a 14 year old from the Order for the sake of not looking bad in the eyes of the Senate. “I understand your sentiment, Obi-Wan, but if the Council does as you suggest, it could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate. I'm afraid we have little choice.” i might go more in depth on this one later but this doesn’t feel like the right place as this is a post about Anakin and i don’t want to make and Ahsoka centric arc all about him).  
That wraps up the Clone Wars! Finally!
Revenge of the Sith
Ok big finale. Revenge of the Sith; so close to being my favorite Star Wars movie, but it almost made me cry in the library so its my second favorite (Attack of the Clones is my favorite). 
I’ve already touched on the dreams Anakin has of Padmé’s death in the Clone Wars segment, but it bears repeating and i have more to touch on. Im not 100% if im misremembering or not but i cannot recall Anakin ever explicitly telling Palpatine about his dreams, but Palpatine knows that Anakin fears for Padmé’s life anyway. It’s possible that Anakin just told him off screen but a fic i read recently ( It’s called give me one more night by Spongyllama��on AO3 and it is so worth the read) introduced me to the theory that it had been Palpatine sending Anakin the dreams to begin with.
This theory has a good amount of legs to stand on honestly. As mentioned previously, Anakin never tells Palpatine about his dreams, but Palpatine still knows exactly what to tell Anakin to best manipulate him. Furthermore; Anakin’s dreams very likely would never have come true if Anakin hadn’t fallen; Padmé reportedly dies of heartbreak, something that could not have happened had Anakin not fallen. All signs point to Palpatine being behind the dreams (and we know that Anakin and Palpatine are close by the time Attack of the Clones occurs so it’s not out of question that Anakin may have told Palpatine about the dreams about his mother, giving Palpatine the idea to use those dreams against him later)
Honestly the biggest thing i think the Jedi could have improved on was just trying to understand Anakin better. The average age for entering the order is 2 to 3 compared to Anakin’s 9. Anakin entered the order years after any other Jedi, and because of that was able to remember his mother and had formed attachments (or attachment but i digress) before he had even reached the order. It should have been obvious from the start that if Anakin were to ever become a successful Jedi he would need significantly more help than the usual padawan.
We frequently see Anakin scolded for forming attachments or being too emotional (see Clone Wars s1e6-7 where R2-D2 goes missing and Anakin suggests taking a squad out to look for him “Anakin, it's only a droid. You know attachment is not acceptable for a Jedi.”(Obi-Wan) “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”(Yoda). etc etc)  But, to the best of my knowledge, we never really see anyone showing Anakin how to let go. Anakin lacks the tools he needs to properly deal with his emotions, so the best he can do is shove them down and pretend they don’t exist because to him that’s what a proper Jedi does. No one has ever told him otherwise. The explosion was inevitable.
Anakin Skywalker was a traumatized child who was most likely never taken to therapy or told how to deal with/ healthily show his emotions in any way other than to ignore them or push them aside on top of being manipulated by Sith Lord from a young age. With all these factors is it really a surprise that Palpatine was able to turn him?
ok im done; see yall next time ig
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I finally finished the OG Star Wars trilogy for the first time!!!
Since the beginning of the year I'd kinda made it my goal to watch all of the Star Wars content in chronological order, because I haven't actually watched it before now! (Also my classes kept including it in the lessons, so it's for research too lol-)
Today though marks a very important date to me, because I just finished the OG trilogy for the very first time!
A very vague non-spoiler reaction, is that I enjoyed it! The first movie was kinda hard to get through, the second a bit better, but I realize that's because the formatting of the story is a bit different than what I'm used to?
To me, it seems like you have to watch all three movies for it to make sense. The first movie set the stage, the second had character development and raised the stakes, and the third closed everything off.
It's kinda hard to explain? Most movies don't do that - they each have the beginning middle and conclusion that very much seperate each film from one another, and connect to one another in a different way?
The closest thing I can think of would be Avengers Infinity War to End Game - you can't watch one without the other. They are meant to be the same story.
My more specific thoughts
I really should have taken notes, but here are my most memorable thoughts on it over all!
This is your last warning - there are spoilers up ahead!
Shakespeare who?
It's super funny to me how much the lines the actors would say would remind me of something out of an old English play
I think what was the most jarring in this sense was how Luke acted during the last of the OG movie. He was no longer a 'farm boy' but now a proper Jedi, and acted very stiff as a result. Yet he was still super dramatic???
Omg wait - have you seen the Romeo and Juliet version with Leonardo DiCaprio???
That has the same energy to me lmao-
One of the biggest things that irritated me whilst watching the prequels was how much the clothing reminded me of 1500 Europe. The clothing itself was really pretty, but the way they used it to sexualize Padme was something I had a LOT of salt with.
While there was a lot of different outfits for Leia, I was surprised that she wasn't as sexualized in her outfits? (With exception of when she was with Jabba - but is that really surprising???)
She was objectified more than I thought necessary, but the scenes with Padme and Anakin in the prequels seem way worst to me...
Whomst do I simp for???
A huge part of why I stick to content is because I simp for a character. The more attached I get to them, the more I want to watch things they're in, and the more I'll buy their merch
I mean, everyone does this lol
I'm actually super surprised though, because I don't simp for anyone in the OG trilogy?
When I was on the outskirts of the fandom, I tried to get into it by reading stuff with the characters and was surprised when I couldn't really find anything good with Luke?
Based on characters I like, Luke seemed like he would be one of them
But I don't find myself attracted to him at all during the films???
Ahsoka Tano is so far still the best and only character I simp lol
Luke / Leia - it's not what you think!
I was really surprised with this one! I thought Luke and Leia actually had a relationship prior to finding out they were related, and there was going to be a whole Oedipus Rex thing going on, but it was just heavy flirting?
It was still REALLY awkward by the last movie though - because they admitted to always kinda knowing in a really dramatic way, but there was quite a bit of sexual tension between them in the two movies before???
It just made me uncomfy :/
Leia / Han?
...please don't kill me, but I don't really ship it?
The iconic I Love you / I know was literally the only time I thought they were cute together?
Oh, along with when Leia took Han out of Carbonite. That was cute
Like He was waking up thinking he would never see her again, and she had spent months trying to track him down to save him-
That was really precious
Their dynamic though, is why I don't ship them
It reminds me of prequel Anakin/Padme, and seems kinda toxic?
Like at points she was clearly telling him no, and he kept teasing and coming onto her
Also they were bickering in a way that isn't good, and just not properly talking things through?
Consent and proper communication is sexy, and that was missing at times
...it still isn't as bad as the prequels though, and there is hope for their relationship to grow and get better
(Insert character here) I am (insert reveal)
There were so many dramatic reveals lol
It's not really a surprise to us now, but Vader and Luke are related, Leia and Luke are related, Vader was Anakin, Vader is Leia's dad-
On that note though!!!!
Vader kinda traumatized Leia in the first movie????
Also how did he know that Luke was his son, but not Leia???
That still makes no sense to me-
I'm probably missing something???
Like the only reason he was going after Luke was to convert him because he was his son-
But if push comes to shove Leia seems more likely to be a Sith than Luke??? She was way more impulsive and emotional at times than Luke???
I feel like trying to convert her would have been easier???
Idk, that was a missed opportunity there :/
The last movie in the OG just makes Padme's death seem even worst!!!
Like Leia goes on about having vague memories of her mother, but Padme dies in the prequels giving birth to her???
So Leia is either more force sensitive than Luke (my head cannon honestly) or Padme should have raised the twins in secret for a while before dying on like a rebel mission and prior to Vader working beside the Emperor. Then Obi Wan swooped in and relocated the twins
Honestly, both those should be canon to me
Leia being trained with the force is something I really regret not seeing :(
At least there's fanfic
Vader confused me at first?
He seemed really obedient to the general (i don't remember his name - I think he's the one in Bad Batch and Clone wars???) in the first movie, and followed his orders????
Wait wasn't his name general Tarkin???
It was weird to me because I had just come from SW: Rebels and Rogue One, and Vader seemed like this illusive right hand man to the Emperor
But then he goes and obeys this guy way lower in power to him?
In the second and third movie he gets more power though, so maybe he was supposed to be the empire's dog originally???
Actually, it was weird seeing Vader be as obedient as he was
Anakin was super rebellious, so seeing him as Vader was weird
He was also a lot calmer than I thought he would be. Sith rely on anger and emotions to fuel them don't they???
...I didn't like the interaction between him and Obi Wan very much also
Jedi training line
So Obi Wan was originally trained directly under Yoda himself???
And Qui Gon and Dooku never existed-
So the entirety of the conflict in the prequels would have been super different to what it is lol
The edits
Since I didn't watch the OG versions, I'm not really aware of all the edits that were made to the movie
There is one though, that is really what spurred me to write this
They really just replaced the head of ghost OG Anakin with prequel Anakin LMAO-
I'm actually pretty neutral to them doing it since I'm not attached to the OG version but like-
This is just so fucking funny to me-
It's kinda sad though, cause the OG Anakin actor was dead for like 10 years, and then he was replaced with his angsty double
....still funny lmao
I think they also added in a bunch of Jarjars onto the roof of a building in Naboo XD
End thoughts
Overall, I enjoyed the content much more than I thought I would, and would watch it again!
I wish Ahsoka had helped train Luke and Leia ;p She would have been a great teacher, and I think she would have helped Luke and Leia in a way that would have been better for them?
...I really just wasn't a huge fan of Obi Wan. He reminds me of that one meme about movie Dumbledore vs book Dumbledore in Goblet of fire :/
I'm really struggling to find the words for it...
I'm super excited to watch the Mandalorian and see Ahsoka again though!!!
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