#because he's an evil spirit dimple can really only seem to see the bad in people
magicdyke · 2 years
its so fuckin interesting to me that dimple is the only character to make mob so mad that he almost breaks. he's the only thing that knows how to make mob upset to the point that he gets overwhelmed by it and totally makes sense for his character bc hes an evil spirit yadda yadda. i think that dimple is like the only thing that's ever seen mob at his angriest, so it makes sense that he was terrified of him
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
Apple White didn’t have a clue what to think
First, she had pleaded to Raven for forgiveness after freeing her mom- the fricking Evil Queen- from her mirror prison, then they had some fruit for dinner and the next thing Apple knew, she was passed out. Then, she heard a voice that sounded so familiar and yet so distant, then something press against her lips, but... nothing. She returned back into her darkness. Moments later however, she heard another voice, far more clearer though she couldn’t make out what it was saying. It was smooth like silk and sweet as honey. Apple felt like the voice could ramble on and on for hours and she could lay here, half conscious for hours. Then, someone kissed her. It was warm, and sweet, and well- magical. 
Apple sat up, feeling instantly revived. She looked up and saw quite the floral arrangement around her. She spoke:
“What happened?” She looked around at all of her friends who were cheering happily. “Did Daring wake me up?” She batted her eyes and smiled at the prince. Immediately everyone’s faces fell. Apple glanced at Darling, who was right next to her, but neither of them said anything. Apple continued to look for someone who was going to answer, but noticed Raven was missing. After that, she rallied the troops, got on their dragons, and together they all stopped the Evil Queen. 
Apple was happy she had redeemed herself, but it seemed no body was talking to her about who kissed her, not even Daring; he couldn’t even look her in the eyes anymore. Whenever she’d try to slip it in to a conversation, Raven, Briar, and Goldie all quickly changed the subject. All she wanted was an honest answer. She was starting to not even care if it was Daring anymore, heck, she’d be willing to accept it was Dexter or even Sparrow at this point; the question was egging at her constantly to the point where her grades were starting to slip, which was most unlike her. 
One thing that she did notice in her Damsel in Distressing class was that Darling Charming had stopped talking to her. Instead, she chatted with Rosabella and Raven, which made sense, they were her two closest friends, but Apple felt something rise within herself she had never felt before. It was a burning sensation in her chest whenever she saw her laugh at one of Rosa’s jokes or when she whispered something in Raven’s ear. Apple didn’t have a clue what it was; she had never felt anything like it before. 
So... Great.
New emotions, friends who wouldn’t give her a clear answer about anything, and an even unclearer destiny than when Raven had decided against hers. 
Apple’s inner funk had gotten so bad she had hardly noticed when it started to snow outside in the middle of summer. It was nice to have a break from classes of course, but she couldn’t find it within herself to watch as Duchess and Justine show off their ice dancing skills. Instead, she sat at one of the outside tables and drank warm apple cider (you’d think she’d have a thing against apples after being poisoned by one but you’d be wrong, she loved them). She sat there sipping tiredly, and got so lost in thought she hadn’t noticed the person sitting next to her until they spoke. 
“Hey Apple, how’re you doing?” It was Darling Charming. Apple nearly fell out of her seat in surprise. 
“H-hi Darling. Wh-what’s up?” Apple cursed herself internally, not expecting to be that surprised by her presence. Darling’s laugh relaxed her. 
“I noticed you sitting alone and thought you might like some company,” She said sweetly. 
“You’re too kind,” Apple felt her face flush, which caused her to look away. 
“It’s really nothing,” Darling said, slight concern in her voice. Apple went back to sipping her cider in silence. Neither said a word, though they kept glancing at each other and sometimes making eye contact, which Apple would break instantly. 
Darling sighed. “Look Apple... I’m afraid I haven’t- none of us, really- been forward with you. We haven’t told you who kissed you because we were afraid how you’d react,” she explained. 
“And what good has that done me? I’ve practically driven myself as mad as a hatter trying to figure it out,” Apple groaned before gasping and covering her mouth. “I’m sorry- that was so rude, I’m-”
“No, no. Don’t be sorry Apple, it’s okay,” Darling smiled softly and touched her hands and brought them down. Apple felt her face flush again. The princess could only nod. 
“We know how important your destiny is to you, we just- we didn’t want to hurt you... But I can see now that it’s clear we failed,” Darling sighed and looked away. It became clear to Apple that ‘we’ was becoming a loose term. 
“Look, if it was Sparrow Hood, I’ll accept it with time but-”
“It was me, Apple.”
Apple blinked. 
“I’m sorry- did you say-”
“It was me.” Darling looked Apple in the eyes. 
“I-i... I don’t understand, y-you’re a princess, you take Damsel-in-Distressing with me” Apple looked away. “I-i need to sit down.”
“Apple, you are sitting,” Darling put a hand on her shoulder, before realizing what she was doing and pulled away. 
“I’m sorry, I should give you space- I should’ve let Raven do it,” Darling cursed herself. 
“No, no. It’s... I want you to stay,” Apple said. Darling blinked. 
“Anything you need,” Darling said and Apple felt her heart skip a beat. Apple went back to her cider. 
“S-so it was you? You kissed me and... it worked?” She said. Darling nodded. 
“I don’t know why but, I just got this... feeling inside- like... like it was destiny,” She said. 
“I think I felt that too,” Apple nodded. 
“You did? How?” Darling tilted her head a little. 
“I don’t know how, but I could tell when you were close- I got this feeling in my chest and I could hear a voice- your voice- and it just... it felt... right,” Apple said. Darling smiled a little. 
“I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way,” Darling scratched the back of her neck. Apple laughed a little, marveling at how the swave and daring Darling Charming could ever be such a nervous flirt. Darling had been such a tease and playful spirit at the Dragon Games that seeing her like this made her chuckle. 
“So... what does this mean?” Apple asked. “We might be- we probably are... destined for each other. I don’t think this has ever happened before,” Apple said, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. 
“There’s never been a blonde Snow White before either,” Darling shrugged, which made Apple chuckle. 
“That is true,” She nodded. She looked at Darling, and began noticing little things she hadn’t before; the way her nose scrunched when she was thinking, the way her blue eyes always looked so sharp and intense, her expertly done makeup that made even Apple a little jealous, and the little dimple on her left cheek. 
“You’re really beautiful Darling,” Apple said. Darling looked back at her. 
“You’re quite the same, Apple.” The way Darling said her name felt much more special and different than the thousands of times she had heard it before. It was like it meant something to her- which it clearly did: it was destiny.
Apple was destined to be with Darling. 
Apple liked... girls. 
“Does Daring know?” Apple asked, not wanting to fully delve into that quite yet. “I-i feel like I’ve given him the short end of the stick here.”
“Hey, don’t blame yourself, it’s not something you can change,” Darling rested a hand on Apple’s shoulder again. “Besides, I wouldn’t be worried. He’s been hanging out with Rosabella a lot since you two have been split. I think he’ll be fine,” Darling said. 
“That’s good, he deserves someone nice like her,” Apple sipped her cider. 
“I always had a feeling you two weren’t destined. Daring was always so- I don’t know how to put this nicely... full of himself? It makes sense he’s now being drawn to Rosabella,” Darling said. “I love him and all, he is my older brother after all, but I think he could definitely learn a thing or two from her.”
Apple nodded. “I-i guess looking back I sorta knew it too. I mean, I never once felt anything between us. There’s always been so much social pressure for us to get together and yet we never have. It makes so much sense looking back,” Apple chuckled. 
“Life’s funny that way,” Darling laughed along. “Hindsight is 20/20 after all.” Apple nodded. 
“Yeah...” Apple said. Looking back, she had noticed her lack of connection with Daring, but she also noticed other connections. There were so many friendships in the past she was now starting to question. Briar, Ashlyn, Raven... at one point or another as she looked back now she could almost see how maybe she had thought there had been a little more than she originally thought, especially with Briar. 
“You having one of those ‘oh shoot- did I have a crush on all of my childhood best friends’ moments?” Darling elbowed her. “Because if so, that’s quite relatable. I’ve known I’ve liked girls since I was thirteen and I’m still realizing every day.”
“You got me there,” Apple laughed. 
“Just relax, take your time to digest it all. I know it isn’t exactly how you planned out your whole future, but... I still hope you can be happy with it,” Darling said. 
“Thanks Darling,” Apple smiled softly. Now, it was Darling’s turn to return the favor of looking into her eyes and examining her face. Apple felt herself blush.
“You have beautiful eyes,” Darling said. She was pretty sure she had said that before, but the way Darling’s intense blue eyes were looking at her so delicately and somehow so softly had Apple not even caring. 
“Thank you...” Apple felt herself leaning in. “You’re too kind.”
“I could never be too kind,” Darling smiled a little, leaning in too. 
“You’re too charming then,” Apple smirked. 
“That’s the family legacy for you, damsels falling at our heels,” Darling leaned in even more and the two princesses shared another sweet, tender, and all around magical kiss in the snow on a magical summer afternoon.
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
The Tower
“We are encouraged to love... We are encouraged to love... We are encouraged to love.” Word Count: 3169 [This is a repost]
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“When the Tower card appears in a Tarot reading, expect the unexpected – massive change, upheaval, destruction and chaos. It may be any event that shakes you to your core, affecting you spiritually, mentally and physically... Just when you think you’re safe and comfortable, a lightning bolt of clarity and insight cuts through the lies and illusions you have been telling yourself, and now the truth comes to light... The Tower reversed suggests that you are undergoing a significant personal transformation and upheaval... At times, the reversed Tower can be a sign that you are resisting change and delaying the necessary destruction and upheaval. You may be in denial that change is occurring. Or you may be clinging to an old belief system even though you know they are no longer relevant or healthy for you... You may be forewarned or have an intuitive sense that something big is about to happen, and you can plan ahead to avoid the destruction that lies ahead...”  
                                   ━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
You had known of Anakin for a long, long time.
You’d been padawan’s together, training side by side as comrades. In your youth, you hadn’t talked often. Hadn’t talked at all, really. He was far more charismatic and daring than you were. His potential was more renowned and promised than anyone else. This made it hard not to be jealous of him as younglings, for it was so tantalizing to despise the golden boy.
He had everything. The respect of the council, one of the best possible masters, and a prophecy, warning everyone of his power and potential. It invalidated everyone around him without even really existing, like a language, or oxygen. But you weren’t jealous of the boy- no you weren’t. You couldn’t explain why, but he made you very sad. He made your tiny body wake up in cold sweats at night, like a nightmare disguised as a dream.
It didn’t end as younglings, like you thought it would. It continued on years later, into your teens, young adulthood, and beyond. It lingered on like smoke after a fire, or puddles after a storm for years to come.
You couldn’t explain why the boy was so troubling. Anakin’s smile was warm and welcomed, and his eyes shone like all the stars he’d sworn to visit. Even as a boy, his face was symmetrical and held the promise of a handsome man. So why was he so often the source of your night demons? Why did he make your pupils dilate and your heart give out a great warning?
You had seen what Anakin was, what he would become. You had seen what was inside his heart. You had seen... Darth Vader. For all that he was, for all that he would be. You were more than aware of the darkness that loomed over him like a shadow, trumping his compassion and forgiveness more often than not.
As a youngling, it came to you in flashes. You could recall several occasions that you had simply looked at Anakin, and then suddenly been transported to a vision of him gripping a woman’s hand so tight as he begged her not to let go. Behind him, a large, broad figure in a black cloak and devious helmet watches in silent stoicism.
Sometimes, it was something less clear. More often than not, it was simply a vague promise of a threat and decay. It ran through his veins like an ancient evil, eating away at him slowly and carefully.
"Oh, well,” your youngling mind had said. “It’s nothing,” you told yourself. And you had every reason to try to brush it off, if not for the shaking of your heart. Nobody else seemed to sense what you sensed, and if they did, they didn’t not feel it warranted an action.
But as you grew older, the feeling didn’t fade away as you thought. It became harder to ignore the more time went on, and training under Master Fisto had only encouraged you to never ignore your instincts. For instincts are one of the most important aspects of a Jedi’s life, and heeding them could never result in too big a loss.
In your teens, it was then you realized that this was something real. The flashes, the visions, the anxiousness in the pit of your stomach- it wasn’t something to just skip over. It was a warning.
You stared at the Skywalker often. Some people thought it was because you had a crush on him. Some people thought you had an enormous amount of loathing, or jealousy for him. Both were wrong. You were wondering about him, thinking about him. Keeping an eye out for him and others. You knew better than to trust him, of course, but you were too quiet a person to confront him in anyway. There was too much of a distance between you, and you never talked.
That was, until you were about seventeen, and he was eighteen. He would be turning nineteen soon, and your master had told you that Obi-Wan may be in contact with a rather important senator in due time.
In the temples library, you studied an old text. You felt more relaxed at the moment, melting as you ran your eyes over each of the words. Finding solace in the quieter things of life was welcome to you, because your mind was always so loud and intense.
“I have a question,” a voice suddenly said. Maker, it was so recognizable. Soft and calm, but still passionate and masculine. It was unique and both filled with emotion and lack of.
You look up from the text, turning around to look over your right shoulder. Anakin stood there, looking down at you with a long brown robe and padawan braid hanging over his shoulder.
Looking at him now, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d spoken to him. A month ago? A year ago? Five years ago? Never?
“Okay,” you said, calmly.
Anakin didn’t look like a threat. Although your veins were set ablaze at the mere thought and sight of him, the boy looked soft. He looked like a simple boy. Not a lord, or a Sith, or even much of a warrior. Anakin looked like the type of boy that was very easy to fall in love with. He looked like the type of boy that way easy to simply imagine yourself falling in love with.
Anakin licked his bottom lip before continuing his dialogue. “Would you happen to know if there’s any books here that mention Naboo? I thought you would know since I always see you reading in here.” He added the last part quickly, his deep blue eyes twinkling.
You hadn’t realized you were the only one that had been observing between the two of you. It made you a little warm inside, but in a muted way because of how the Order had trained you to regard emotions. You were an expert at keeping yours in line, and the thoughts about the young man in front of you had only accelerated this process from a young age.
You didn’t know the next time you would see the boy from this view ever again. It must’ve been the closest you’d ever been to each other, and you didn’t mind it so much. Anakin was handsome, probably the most handsome man you’d ever seen. The visions of him you’d received as younglings had been correct about his looks. He’d been blessed with starry, ocean colored eyes that crinkled and shone when he smiled. Dimples appeared around his smirk and his skin was easy to make pink with flattery.
“This one,” you said. You picked up the text you had just been reading, and flipped back to the page that mentioned Naboo’s culture and political stances. “Here.”
“You’re reading it. I’ll just read it when you’re finished.”
But you insisted. “It’s alright. I promise.”
The ancient, thick book slipped into the boys intelligent hands quickly. After everything he had given you, even if he hadn’t realized any of it, it was the first time you’d given something in return.
Anakin smiled in that little way that you’d observed so many times. The way that made one of the corners of his lips rise higher than the other, almost like a smirk. It wasn’t a smirk though. It was always sincere and soft, like maybe the boy wasn’t entirely sure how to smile. Even if Anakin had been destined to bring havoc to the galaxy, it made you incredibly sad to think that Anakin didn’t have much to smile for.
He looked down at the text with the smile for a few seconds before looking back at you. “Do you think Jedi are allowed to love?”
Your eyes lowered to the marble floors in thought. “Compassion is essential to a Jedi’s life,” you began, looking up to him slowly. “So I guess you could argue that, we are encouraged to love.”
Anakin smiled a little more. You could tell it hurt his cheeks a bit, like he had just been informed he’d been right about something, or gifted something he’d always dreamed of. “We are encouraged to love,” he repeated. “I like that.”
Anakin wasn’t a monster at all. How he would turn into one was beyond you. He was being... sweet. Kind and coy, like a man that all women lust after and men are jealous of. Almost like a dream in the form of a person. It’s had to remember that some dreams become nightmares.
It didn’t take long for you to fall in love with Anakin after that. Watching him during training and occasional classes felt more fluid, and the love you had for him grew into something that felt alive and tangible.
He was a good person, whatever the flaws he had. He could be emotional, and act out when he felt things were unjust. But he was also loyal to the bone, even when it hurt his relationships more than helped. He could be moody, and overly decisive. But when he loved someone, he would defend them with everything he had, until the last minute he had. This fact made it more than painful to see the future in which he was alone, only Anakin at some points, and responsible for the suffering of so many people.
You could see children- a boy and a girl. They would grow up differently, but have the same spirit and sense of justice, just like they’re father. They would be driven even when lost, and stand up for what they thought was right. They would’ve probably made bad Jedi, but good people.
No, they weren’t your children. This only bothered you a little before you accepted it and moved on. You weren’t sure who the mother was, but you know if a Jedi had a lover, it could only end in bad things.
One day, the nightmares and visions only grew worse. They had been menacing before, but by now they had grown into something more frightening than you had anticipated. In sleep, you could feel the suffering of men, women, and children. You could hear screams echoing and bouncing around your skull as the weight of detached heads rolled in circles. It was all a long, dull, prettifying rotation of oncoming doom, and you had managed to fall into love with the person who would be responsible for it all.
Desperately, you wanted to talk to Master Fisto about it. But what would he do? Surely, he would’ve believed you. But the council was... iffy. You didn’t always agree with them at times, often wondering if they themselves were corrupt. You didn’t always agree with the way that spoke to and about Anakin, even if you knew they would end up having every reason to be. What would they do with your information? They wouldn’t believe you, of course. They would keep a closer, distrusting eye on you. Especially Master Windu, who you respected and admired, but disagreed with all the same.
And so, you were in a bind.
You were bound to the love you possessed for Anakin, who was beginning his descent into the metal man. You knew what he had done to the people of the sand, to the men, women, and children. You knew how the desert had claimed so much from him throughout his life and his lungs, blooming into cacti in his lungs that would leave scars.
You were bound to the will of the Jedi Order, who you had submitted to and lived your life according to its rules. You were everything a Jedi should’ve been- calm, cool, neutral, understanding. Quiet and reserved, often, but dedicated and civil. This made you unsure when thinking about the last thing you were bound to.
Bound to the will of the future. In a way, everyone is bound to the will of the future. But you could see it with a clairvoyance that few could explain, and the knowledge that there was nothing you could do to change it. Even if you could, you wouldn’t.
It grew troubling. Seeing Anakin was a gift to ones eyes, but it began to make lumps form in your throat. Sometimes, you could look at him and see him set aflame, crying in agony. As someone who cared for him, it was painful. But as someone who could see into the future, it was confusing. He was, to all eyes, still a good and true person.
But you could see through it. You could see into his chest, to his core. Where his heart should’ve been was instead an ink black growth, which was spreading in every direction. Like a corruption, a virus. Living and breathing and existing inside its own entity, possessing the handsome boy.
One day, you looked at the boy you loved, and you saw something you couldn’t unsee. You could see your brothers turning on you. You could see the soldiers the Republic revered and held dear, aiming their weapons at those they had sworn to protect. You could see the Chancellor, in all his glory, rising into something above a Chancellor. He would become an Emperor, a King. He would last far beyond the bounds of life, with Anakin had his side and heel. And if good and evil had not existed before, it would begin to come alive with the number “66″.
You left in the night. You’d tried to tell Master Fisto, Maker help you. He hadn’t believed you, like you’d thought. You hadn’t told your troops, or said goodbye as a Commander. The only person you’d said goodbye to had been the person that had driven you to the decision.
“You look well,” he’d told you, doing that smile that caused you to fall in love with him in the first place. The one that made everything about him far more beautiful than it had been before, simply because smiling communicated to others that he was somewhat happy.
You hadn’t looked well, actually. You looked rather ill. Your mind, heavy with the burdening promise of the future, had turned your body pale. You bruised much easier, even though they were all covered under your robes. Deep plum and maroon circles rung your eyes from lack of sleep and excessive stress. But Anakin had always thought you were a pretty thing, and so he’d told you you looked nice anyway.
“And you,” you told him politely, watching as his face distorted between happy and covered in burns.
“The Council tells me you’ve been extremely efficient this year,” Anakin says, beginning to walk next to you with his hands clasped behind his back. It’s something he inherited from Obi-Wan, who was the person you had wanted to tell about his apprentice more than anyone. “They say you’re growing into a powerful Jedi, and a cunning warrior.”
You keep your eyes humble, glued to the floor below you. “Obi-Wan speaks highly of you.”
“But not the Council,” Anakin says. His eyes fall to the ground with the weight of his own words. You yourself can feel the darkness within spreading further through his chest, the frustration clouding his mind.
“I’m sure they see your abilities.”
“Do you?”
You tried not to look at him, but you did. Anakin’s hair had grown out and fallen in a way that you rather liked. He’d grown older, though not by much since you had decided to fall in love with him. His scar had added character to his face, and his full lips looked very nice and kissable. He was handsome, always would be. No matter what the future had in store for him, Anakin, burns and all, would be a sight to behold.
“I see you for what you are,” you told him. It wasn’t a lie. You really did. Anakin took it the way that he thought was best, as you’d hoped, not realized you could see in his mind and heart and what was yet to come.
“Master Y/N,” Anakin said, twirling around so he was walking backwards. The signature smiled appeared on his face again. “It seems you’ve been encouraged to love.”
You hadn’t known what to say. If someone were to ask you now, you still wouldn’t have known. You watched Anakin walk away then, his brunette hair dissolving into a final vision of flame and ash.
There was no note following your disappearance. No explanation that you had already given that was truly decipherable. Although you had tried to warn the Master you cared for so much, he had not believed you and suffered in its stead. Everyone had suffered in its stead.
One day, you would die. But not yet. Leaving the Order and your life was no easier than it was leaving Anakin, who you had repeatedly asked yourself not to love. You would live past his betrayal, past the Inquisitors bred to hunt you. Whether he wondered about you as you had him was unknown. That was past what you could see with your ever watchful eyes, who, conveniently, had ceased to show you glimpses of what was yet to come after you avoided the worst of it. You could only see the present, under the hood of your cloak and surrounding your walking stick.
And at night when you would remember your love, knowing what he had become by now, you would always remember your words like part of a meditation routine.
“We are encouraged to love,” you’d say, hoping he’d repeat them from across the galaxy in time with your own. “We are encouraged to love... We are encouraged to love.”
And then the tower falls with your dead Order, and you miss him all the more.
                                  ━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
Good evening. I hate mobile tumblr. Please read my stuff on a laptop if you can because mobile tumblr does me dirty. [this one is a repost]
Also was this good? I can’t tell if I’m satisfied with it or not. Remember to drink water.
This was not requested. I just didn’t want to put more words before the cut off because i thought it could ruin the look and there was already a lot of words. lolz. did i check for spelling errors? no
@omg-we-really-doo​ @fanficsforheartandsoul​ @haztory​ @kit-jpg​ @chokemeanakin​ @anakinswhore​
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tswiftandtsn · 5 years
TSN x Lover Album Breakdown
So I see Lover as the album about Mark & Eduardo finally making up honestly, ala The Social Network 2, while also touching upon what happened in The Social Network
I Forgot That You Existed - Eduardo @ Mark after he got his fucking money
(HOW MANY DAYS DID I SPEND THINKING HOW YOU DID ME WRONG (EDUARDO) I FORGOT THAT YOU EXISTED AND I THOUGHT THAT IT WOULD KILL ME BUT IT DIDN’T (EDUARDO), IT ISN’T LOVE IT ISN’T HATE IT’S JUST INDIFFERENCE (BOTH OF THEM)  Got out some popcorn as soon as my rep started going down, down, down, laughed on the school yard, as soon as I tripped up and hit the ground, ground, ground, and I would've stuck around for ya, would've fought the whole town, so yeah, would've been right there, front row, even if nobody came to your show (THE CHICKEN INCIDENT) But you showed who you are, then one magical night (DILUTION), 
Cruel Summer - Okay but like that was a cruel summer, but this is like the anthem for when Mark & Eduardo first got back in touch like
(Devils roll the dice (Mark), Angels roll their eyes (Eduardo), WHAT DOESN’T KILL ME MAKES ME WANT YOU MORE, I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone (EDUARDO TO MARK),  And if I bleed, you'll be the last to know (EDUARDO TO MARK),  I'm drunk in the back of the car, and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar, said I'm fine, but it wasn't true (EDUARDO TO MARK) I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you (MARK TO EDUARDO),  And I screamed for whatever it's worth "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? (LITERALLY, BOTH OF THEM WOULD SAY THIS DUMB ASS SHIT), HE LOOKS SO PRETTY LIKE THE DEVIL (AGAIN BOTH OF THEM WOULD SAY THIS ABOUT THE OTHER)
THE ARCHER: SAD AND SCARED MARKWARDO more in depth version on my blog
I think he knows, His hands around a cold glass, Make me wanna know that, body like it's mine (Mark),  He got that boyish look that I like in a man, I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans, It's like I'm 17, nobody understands (MARK, EDUARDO THE SWEET LOOKING BRAZILIAN AND HE IS THE ARCHITECT OF FACEBOOK),  Wanna see what's under that attitude  (Eduardo’s attitude),  I'll make myself at home, and he'll want me to stay, I think he knows, he better lock it down, or I won't stick around (EDUARDO: MARK BETTER PROPOSE SOON OR I’LL SMASH ANOTHER LAPTOP),  Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh (Mark’s indigo eyes!)
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: MARKWARDO SAPPY SADNESS
I counted days, I counted miles to see you there, to see you there, it's been a long time coming (SINGAPORE IS FAR AND THEY SHOULDA BEEN TOGETHER A LONG TIME AGO),  It's you and me, that's my whole world They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl" The whole school is rolling fake dice (MARK AND EDUARDO AGAINST THE WORLD, MARK IS A BAD BAD GIRL),  My team is losing, battered and bruising, I see the high fives between the bad guys, Leave with my head hung, you are the only one Who seems to care (FUCK THE WINKLEVII),  and I don't want you to (Go), I don't really wanna (Fight) Cause nobody's gonna (Win), I think you should come home (EDUARDO MOVE TO PALO ALTO PLEASSEEEE)
Paper Rings:
The moon is high like your friends were the night that we first met (DUSTIN WAS FUCKING HIGH THE NIGHT THEY FIRST MET),  Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet (MARK ENERGY),  Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street, Cat and mouse for a month or two or three, Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe (WHEN EDUARDO FIRST DIDN’T WANT TO MAKE UP WITH MARK),  Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night (Oh) Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright (Uh) Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life (JUST YES), I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings (MARK ENERGY HE LIKES SHINY ELECTRONICS AND MARRYING HIM WITH PAPER RINGS IS HIS ENERGY),  Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this (MARK AND EDUARDO YESSSS),  In the winter, in the icy outdoor pool, when you jumped in first, I went in too (PALO ALTO GOTS POOLS, ZIPLINE SCENE) I'm with you even if it makes me blue which takes me back to the color that we painted your brother's wall (MARK IS COLOR BLIND ALL HE CAN SEE IS BLUE, EDUARDO HAS A BROTHER 0.0) Honey, without all the exes, fights, and flaws we wouldn't be standing here so proud (THEY STRONGER NOW),  I want to drive away with you, I want your complications too, I want your dreary Mondays, Wrap your arms around me, baby boy (EDUARDO ENERGY IN FIX IT FIC)
I rent a place on Cornelia Street (MARK’S PLACE IN PALO ALTO),  We were a fresh page on the desk, filling in the blanks as we go (THEY STARTED OVER),  And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends, I'd never walk Cornelia Street again (YEAH),  And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name (PALO ALTO SCREAMS MARK’S NAME) And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away (MARK TO EDUARDO),  Jacket 'round my shoulders is yours  (SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECHING THE NORTH FACE JACKET),  We bless the rains on Cornelia Street (RAIN IN PALO ALTO HAS TO BE BLESSED CAUSE IT HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN EVIL),  Back when we were card sharks, playing games I thought you were leading me on, I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street, Before you even knew I was gone (EDUARDO)  But then you called, showed your hand I turned around before I hit the tunnel  (MARK SHOWED HIS HAND AND <3),  I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends (MARK AND EDUARDO),  That's the kinda heartbreak time could never mend (MARK AND EDUARDO),  Sacred new beginnings That became my religion, listen (THEY WATCHED IT BEGIN AGAIN)
Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts, Flashbacks waking me up I get drunk, but it's not enough ’Cause the morning comes and you're not my baby (EDUARDO),  I look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up (STILL CAN’T HELP BUT WATCHING ONE ANOTHER),  'Cause I can’t pretend it's okay when it's not it's death by a thousand cuts   (EDUARDO),  I dress to kill my time, I take the long way home, I ask the traffic lights if it'll be alright, They say, "I don't know" And what once was ours is no one's now I see you everywhere, the only thing we share Is this small town (EDUARDO AND MARK IN THE SAME CITY DURING THE DEPOSITIONS),  You said it was a great love, one for the ages but if the story's over, why am I still writing pages? (THE STORY AIN’T OVER YET THE SOCIAL NETWORK 2),  My heart, my hips, my body, my love, tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch gave up on me like I was a bad drug (MARK DITCHED HIM LIKE A BAD DRUG AND TOUCHED HIM EVERYWHERE),  Our songs, our films, united, we stand Our country, guess it was a lawless land Why are my fears at the touch of your hands? Paper cut stains from my paper-thin plans My time, my wine, my spirit, my trust Tryna find a part of me you didn't take up Gave you so much, but it wasn't enough But I'll be alright, it's just a thousand cuts (FACEBOOK WAS THEIR COUNTRY IT WAS A LAWLESS LAND, MARK’S HANDS, EDUARDO’S TRUST, HE TOOK SO MUCH AND EDUARDO GAVE SO MUCH AND IT WASN’T ENOUGH, THERE WERE SO MANY CUTS)
But something happened, I heard him laughing I saw the dimples first  (MARK’S FUCKING DIMPLES),  And then I heard the accent, they say home is where the heart is, but that's not where mine lives (MARK HEART EDUARDO’S ACCENT AND HE’S IN SINGAPORE NOW :’( )  He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet (EDUARDO LIKES MARK’S AMERICAN SMILE LIKE A CHILD WHEN THEIR EYES MEET), 
I know delusion when I see it in the mirror (EDUARDO),  I just pretend it isn't real I'll paint the kitchen neon, I'll brighten up the sky (EDUARDO),  Soon, you'll get better, You'll get better soon, cause you have to (EDUARDO TO HIMSELF),  But who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do. If there's no you? (EDUARDO THINKING OF MARK),  This won't go back to normal, if it ever was It's been years of hoping, and I keep saying it because, cause I have to (EDUARDO YEARS AFTER THE DILUTION) 
We were crazy to think, crazy to think that this could work remember how I said I'd die for you? (EDUARDO)  We were stupid to jump in the ocean separating us Remember how I’d lie to you? (MARK),  And I can't talk to you when you're like this, staring out the window like I’m not your favorite town I'm New York City, I'd still do it for you, babe (EDUARDO),  They all warned us about times like this They say the road gets hard and you get lost (YEAH BIG MARKWARDO VIBES),  When you're led by blind faith, blind faith (EARLY FACEBOOK DAYS),  But we might just get away with it, religion's in your lips, even if it's a false god We'd still worship, we might just get away with it, the altar is my hips even if it's a false god, we’d still worship this love (EDUARDO AND YEAH),  Hell is when I fight with you, but we can patch it up good, make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness (VERY THEM),  Daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you (MARK)
I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue, put you in jail for something you didn’t do, I pinned your hands behind your back, oh, thought I had reason to attack, but no (MARK DILUTING EDUARDO),  Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves, chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there’s no us Why'd I have to break what I love so much? It's on your face, and I'm to blame, I need to say (I MEAN EDUARDO’S FACE DURING THE DEPOSITIONS UGHHHH THIS MARK),  Hey, it's all me, in my head, I'm the one who burned us down, But it's not what I meant, Sorry that I hurt you I don't wanna do, I don’t wanna do this to you (Ooh) I don’t wanna lose, I don't wanna lose this with you (Ooh) I need to say, hey, it’s all me, just don't go Meet me in the afterglow (MARKS APOLOGY),  It's so excruciating to see you low just wanna lift you up and not let you go  (MARK TO EDUARDO),  I lived like an island, punished you in silence (MARK) Went off like sirens, just crying (EDUARDO),  Tell me that you're still mine, tell me that we'll be just fine, even when I lose my mind (LAPTOP SMASH MUCH)  I need to say Tell me that it's not my fault, Tell me that I'm all you want (EDUARDO TO MARK)  Even when I break your heart, I need to say, Hey It’s all me (Mark)
They’re happy in their individuality now there’s a more in-depth look on my blog
It’s Nice to Have a Friend:
Lost my gloves, you give me one (Mark) "Wanna hang out?"(Eduardo) Yes, sounds like fun (Mark) Video games, you pass me a note  (What Kirkland fic doesn’t have them playing video games?) It's nice to have a friend (Best Friends),  You've been stressed out lately, yeah, me too, something gave you the nerve to touch my hand (Classic Markwardo fic move),  Call my bluff, call you "Babe" Have my back, yeah, every day, Feels like home, stay in bed the whole weekend (Mark)
My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in, everyone looked worse in the light There are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven, I'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye (MARK ENERGY),  I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you, I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night and now I see daylight (EDUARDO),  Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky and so I became the butt of the joke (EDUARDO ABOUT THE DILUTION),  I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked, clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke (Mark wounded Eduardo and trusted Sean, trying to make Facebook stronger he ended up hurting Eduardo),  Maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down (Mark ran with the wolves (sean) and refused to settle down always working still),  Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town (Eduardo storming out of Facebook),  Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now it's brighter now, now (They’ve resolved their issues now),  And I can still see it all (In my mind) (Their past is their past and it’s still there but they’re stronger),  All of you, all of me (Intertwined) I once believed love would be (Black and white) But it's golden (Golden) (Eduardo thought love should be simple and easy and no fighting) And I can still see it all (In my head), back and forth from New York (Eduardo having to fly back and forth, and them being apart) I once believed love would be (Burning red) But it's golden (Mark believed love was nothing but passion but he discovered it was more complex) You gotta step into the daylight and let it go, just let it go, let it go (They had to let go of their issues and focus on the fact they were meant for one another)
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Conflicts and Challenges Within Mob's Mind
Emotions have been at the heart of Mob Psycho 100, and that’s even more true with the new season. The empathetic start to Mob Psycho 100 II has shown that Mob is changing, slowly but surely. Some of these changes have been brought upon by himself, but others have come about due to outside influences. Mob’s been conflicted about whether or not he should use his powers against simple bullies and confronted the idea of whether all spirits are bad and should be eviscerated. The biggest question to come out of these new issues is how they will have an impact on Mob and his overall continuous growth?
From the first season to where we are in season two, Mob has undergone significant changes. He's been able to gain legitmate friends, learn how to not feel as if his powers are a burden on him, and has taken Reigen's advice of not having to fight if things truly get out of hand. While he's still not as emotional as other people around him, he's coming to terms with them more and more, which leads Mob to being able to handle these issues in season two. The Mob of season one would have a much harder time with these than where he is now and it's thanks to the growth he experienced in season one through facing his own problems and with the help of others that he can face what's about to come.
  Mob dives straight in this season into a situation that potentially could have ended up worse than it did. Following learning about being deceived by Emi, the negative emotions garnered from that could have been fuel for Mob’s psychic powers. Mob is Mob though, so instead, he doesn’t let it truly get him down and instead helps her when Emi is bullied by her own friends. He shows his sympathy for Emi and belief in her skills as a writer by standing up for her and helping to reassemble her manuscript.
What was surprising here is that he willingly shows her his esper powers. For the first time in quite awhile, Mob lets a non-psychic person see this side of him in order to help her feel better and show that despite what happened, he trusts her. It’s a surprising way to show his emotions in a way that we haven’t seen from him in the previous season. The Mob we then wouldn’t do this nor would we expect him to, but the growth he undertakes throughout allows for this beautiful moment of vulnerability that Mob shows.
Early on, we’re seeing Mob fighting various internal dilemmas that are also going to push him toward changing as a person. The third episode raises two distinct questions that Mob has to mull over. Question one comes from when Mob gets bullied, but is saved by Ritsu and members of the Body Improvement Club. Musashi asks why Mob didn't just fight back and Tenga tells him to use his “powers” in situations like these.
The first question is perhaps easier for Mob to come to terms with since it’s unlikely he’d use his powers for personal gain in that type of situation. He could have easily dispatched those bullies and been on his way. With how some people perceive him as White T Poison, they wouldn’t be surprised to see him use his powers to get rid of anyone in his way, but that’s not Mob. Even Ritsu tells him not to waste his powers on people like that. The only part that could change in the future is if he decides to stand up for himself verbally, but not physically. However even that might be a stretch, since Mob is pretty non-confrontational.
The next question rears its head when Reigen and Mob are tasked with exorcising a spirit. Up until this point, everything has been cut and dry when it comes to spirits. If they’re causing a problem, Mob will get rid of them, no questions asked. With the exception of Dimple, the idea of spirits has been binary—you’re a spirit who will willingly pass on or are looking to cause trouble. What happens when we introduce shades of grey and spirits who aren’t looking for trouble, but just want to stay where they are?
Mob’s reaction to this question is not as simple, and by the end of the third episode, it has him visibly shaken because he’s unsure what would happen if he used his powers for evil. In the heat of the moment, Mob truly is conflicted and doesn’t know what he should do: exorcise the spirits or let them be? His empathetic nature leads him to the decision to let them be, but it’s a choice that can shake the foundation of what he’s been doing all this time. With Mob’s more laid back nature, this is something that can allow him to grow more as a person and push forth his journey into being more emotional.
Perhaps one of the interesting by-products of these changes that Mob is dealing with is how they affect Reigen. Unbeknownst to Mob, Reigen has picked up on how Mob seems to be changing. What could be intriguing about this situation is the reverse effect where this could cause change within Reigen as well. That probably won’t lead to Reigen being less shady, but it seems he’s really going to be more perceptive about looking out for Mob when he’s having trouble or problems as seen in the third episode.
With emotions being the key to psychic powers, what exactly will these new changes mean for Mob? Mob’s empathetic side is going to continue to grow which could help unlock some of the restrictions he’s placed on his emotions that have been locked away because of his powers. That could in turn lead to Mob having a better control over his powers so he doesn’t go completely overboard or out of control when he reaches the upper limits of his emotions. He's able to let loose a bit more because of his power not feeling like a curse anymore or that he has to use it when things are bad. Now, he has more of a choice. Hopefully, it allows Mob to truly experience the human spectrum of emotions without having them be associated with his powers getting out of hand.
The first real test for Mob’s new view on life and the changes he’s had to confront came in episode four and five. Here we will see how he will put everything together and what that will mean for him going forward for the rest of the season , including how to effective use postive emotions and seeing how people's hearts can change. Everything that’s happened to him early in this season looks to be good changes to help Mob, but it’s up to him to decide where to go from here.
What do you think of Mob’s recent dilemmas, and how do you think he will end up as the rest of the season progresses? Let us know in the comments below!
Jared Clemons is a writer and podcaster for Seasonal Anime Checkup. He can be found on Twitter @ragbag.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features! 
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gallifreyanlibertea · 7 years
a/n: ‘Cause you know Arthur doesn’t let things go, and omegaverse pettiness is something I’ve always dreamed about- you can’t exactly be passive-aggressive with all those hostile scents lmao...
This is my first time writing a post-break-up fic so forgive me if the situation is messed up a bit. I just wanted to do something else, rather than Alfred loving Arthur or Arthur loving Alfred..
Day 4: Summer Camp for the usuknetwork’s Summer Getaway event. 
Alfred hadn’t been too happy when he had found that his ex-boyfriend was his daughter’s camp counselor.
Of course, he had nothing to fear. Amelia was only four years old, and with a face like hers, one couldn’t even fathom the thought of hurting her. Chubby cheeks, blonde hair curled into pigtails, big blue eyes, little dimples just like her father’s- well, Alfred supposed anything of hers that reminded his ex of him would be rather unfortunate, but the point was that she was a child.
She was a cute, cute child, and even an ex as crazy as Arthur Kirkland wouldn’t do a thing to her.
Hell, Alfred had met the omega in high school. High school! A hell of a long time ago. Alfred could barely remember the mathematical concepts he’d learned there, let alone an old fling.
Yet as he took Amelia to her first day at a tots’ summer camp, upon hearing positive reviews about an eccentric camp counselor who’d taught his neighbor’s three-year-old how to say the ABC’s forwards and backward, he was almost immediately pierced through the chest by those molten green eyes.
“Alfred Jones.” 
Arthur practically hissed the name and it was like a scene out of a western movie. Alfred could feel his Adam's apple bobbing as Arthur sized him up from behind the counter, hair just as blond and wild as he remembered, brows, if anything, wilder.
And that English accent. It was the same exact one he’d sported all throughout high school and if Alfred didn’t fear for his life just then, with all the bitter scents being thrown at him, he would’ve cracked a joke about how Arthur had to have been practicing it.
“Hi, I’m here to sign my daughter up for the program?”
Arthur emitted yet another tart scent, this one put a crinkle in Alfred’s nose, and Alfred wondered exactly what he’d done to hurt the man.
He had remembered Arthur as a boy he used to date, and that was it. An ex-boyfriend, neither sane nor crazy, because those details didn’t matter to him, he didn’t care. But that itself had been taken to the next level that day, as his arm automatically shot out to protect his little pup, who’d taken to cowering behind Alfred’s leg at the warning scent the alpha had thrown off, just for a split second. With his jaw clenched, brows furrowed in slight worry.
Arthur Kirkland was crazy, and for whatever reason it was, hated Alfred Jones. 
And Alfred should’ve turned and taken Amelia away right that second, but she seemed completely and utterly unaware of the hostility, and the reviews were good, and the charge was even better-
As Arthur had led Amelia away, her little hand closing around Arthur’s finger, he turned to shoot one last parting look in Alfred’s direction before turning back to Amelia with a rare, soft smile.
Through all of this, he was somehow flattered that Arthur would care enough to remember to hate him. Alfred, however, had not one clue as to why. He remembered the face, he remembered the name, he remembered that he had done something and they had broken up, yes, he remembered to that extent.
But it was around ten years ago.
It couldn’t possibly have been so bad that Arthur felt the need to throw a bitter scent in his direction every time their gazes met. That he would ignore the fact that Alfred existed, that he would dismiss Alfred’s small-talk in every weekly parent meeting, not even so much as looking him in the eyes.
“It’s kinda hot in here, isn’t it?”
And Arthur would frown, flipping through the papers on his desk like Alfred hadn’t just spoken, plucking out a file labeled with Amelia’s name.
“Your daughter takes well to group activity and assumes leadership quite easily, but that can serve to be a problem seeing as she is equally disruptive at times.”
He would do it all in those teeny tiny shorts too, crossing those legs sternly, leaving Alfred torn between wanting to strangle Arthur and wanting to strangle himself in between those thighs.
“She’s usually pretty calm.” Alfred would say and Arthur would cock an eyebrow.
“Maybe at home with you, sir, but she’s picked a fight with at least ten other alphas in the span of five days. Nevertheless, she has been improving.”
If that was the truth, the camp definitely benefitted his daughter.
Yet every single day, every day he felt that boiling hatred hit him like a bag of bricks, whenever he walked in to pick his daughter up. Hell, it would take just a single complaint from her little lips and Alfred would take her out of the program. One little peep. A complaint that Alfred waited for every day.
Yet it never came. Amelia came home with a brighter smile every evening, gushing over the way Mr. K helped them make puppets, or how Mr. K had taught them a neat poem on how to spell Mississippi. She adored him, worshiped him, and for her happiness, for her education, Alfred would have to keep undergoing the Herculean labor that was walking to pick her up under the piercing gaze of Arthur Kirkland, his very own, personal demon.
Alfred could’ve easily reported his behavior, yet Amelia seemed adamant in her adoration toward her father’s crazy ex-boyfriend, it would break her little heart. 
“Daddy! Daddy!” She would say and Alfred would give her a silent smile in response. "Can Mr. K come over for dinner?”
If you want daddy in the oven as your main course, then sure, honey.
The situation had definitely warranted a visit during the camp’s work hours.
Besides Alfred desperately wanting her to learn something, the reason for enrolling Amelia into the camp was the freedom it would give Alfred to work in peace. Most parents sat at the picnic tables that lined the perimeter of the play area to watch their kids in action, and Alfred decided to do the same that Friday, despite the fact that his boss wasn’t too happy about his “sick leave”.
Alfred simply had to do it.
You see, no one had ever outright hated him this intensely. Not ever, not to his face, and Alfred was going to get to the bottom of it. No matter what it took.
He watched as Arthur set the kids down to eat their lunch, seeking the shady shelter beneath a tree as he struggled to catch his breath. He was close enough for Alfred to see the red flush in every inch of exposed skin, the sheen of sweat glossing the area beneath that damp blond fringe.
Alfred had quite enjoyed watching the game of tag. Besides having to see Arthur run back and forth, winded, trying to tag little, spirited kids, Amelia was quite the runner and it put a sense of pride in his heart as well. That was all.
It definitely wasn’t from watching Arthur parade around in those shorts that seemed, if possible, shorter than the last time he’d seen them.
No, because Arthur was evil and not attractive in any way whatsoever.
Alfred made his way to the tree. “Would you like some water?”
The omega glanced up to shoot Alfred a glare, gaze dropping down to the bottle being thrust in his direction.
“You need water, your bottle is clear and it’s obviously empty.”
“Oh, you’d know exactly what’s best for me, wouldn’t you, then.” Arthur snapped before crossing his arms, marking the first ever string of words he’d said to Alfred that weren’t professionally motivated.
It was progress.
“What is your problem, dude?”
“You, if I haven’t made that obvious.”
And Arthur had stomped away, leaving a smattering of other parents throwing curious glances at Alfred as any people wanting in on a drama would.
He gave them a dismissive, if not embarrassed, smile.
Take two. He’d cornered Arthur after the hours ended, deciding on a different approach. “Hey, I’m sorry if I did anything to hurt you, but-”
“Nice try, Jones. I can tell when you’re actually sorry.” Arthur said. “You get all trembly and you can barely form sentences, so quit the act.”
Alfred suppressed a growl and Amelia clung to his legs yet again, sensing her father’s anger.
“Listen, I don’t even know why you’re mad at me in the first place.”
“So you’d apologize without knowing?” Arthur sneered before turning his back, tossing a look over his shoulder as he headed toward the door, to possibly leave, start up his car and lock up behind him, “It’s nice to know you don’t remember me. Really rubs the salt right in the wound.”
“Wait- I remember you, I just-”
“Yeah, you’ve chosen to forget how you ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped all over it for three years of my life.”
Alfred definitely did not remember that.
Arthur must’ve read the open-mouthed expression on Alfred’s face because he scoffed, turning to face him, “Your daughter is tired, just take her home and get her some rest.”
“Arthur, what did I do?”
Amelia’s groggy tug to the leg of his trouser didn’t go unnoticed. He hoisted his daughter up to sit at his hip, tucking her soft blond head into the crook of his neck and Arthur’s stony green eyes seemed to soften. Just for a bit.
“Are you married?” Arthur eyed Amelia’s weary, bouncing leg and Alfred chuckled.
“No, my boyfriend, her birth father, left us a few years ago. Not many omegas would want second-hand merch like me.”
Arthur clasped his hands, averting his eyes to stare at the reflection of the ceiling light on the polished tile floor. “That sucks.”
It seemed genuine enough. Still tinged with that lemony, tart scent of hatred, but a more watered-down version of it. Alfred was used to this type of reaction from anyone that asked about Amelia’s father.
But he had more important things in mind.
“Just tell me what I did.”
And Arthur chewed his lip, looking smaller than the hissy act had made him appear to be. In that large, camp logo-adorned jacket, belted khaki shorts, socks rolled up his shins, frown tugging at his brows- he didn’t look so crazy.
He just looked sad. “Nevermind, it’s childish.” 
Alfred just looked at him and Arthur heaved a sigh, “You told me you fell out of love with me a few months into our relationship.”
“Things like that happen, Arthur.” Alfred reasoned, to which Arthur glanced up, eyes fiery yet again.
“You told me over text.”
“I saw you making out with your new boyfriend the same day, one or two hours later.”
“And despite the fact that I had never stopped loving you for the rest of high school, you never once attempted to give me closure. I had to see you shift from lover to lover, casting not one glance at me, as if you’d never known me.”
Alfred could imagine it. Having to see someone you loved with someone else, having to see them pretend you didn’t exist, for three whole years until different choices of university drove them apart, and now here they were.
“Arthur I’m… I had no idea. I was an asshole, I- God, I-”
“You were young, it was wrong of me to hold a grudge until now,” Arthur muttered, the slight scowl on his lips a pleasant contrast from the rest of the expressions Arthur had served him for the last few weeks. “We’re all adults here.”
It was true. The prospect of having someone hate every fiber of his being had put a bit of stress on Alfred’s shoulders. He’d never expected to have faced such a situation in this day and age, but it happened, and if Alfred was being honest, he deserved every second of it.
He would be kept awake at night by the things he did in back then. A dumb, beefcake alpha who thought he ruled the school, terrorizing his poor teachers, mind clouded in the delusion that he owned every single person that walked the halls.
How many others had he trampled on?
“I’m sorry, Arthur, but don’t forgive me so easily.” Alfred found himself saying, voice hushed as his daughter snored softly by his ear. “What I did to you was not okay.”
The furrow between Arthur’s brows softened and he crossed his arms, tossing his head to the side with a gentler defiance. “You’ll regret giving me that kind of power.”
Alfred smiled. Just a little. “Make me work for it, Kirkland, do your worst.”
Of course, Alfred meant it as a joke, yet he found that he didn’t complain when Arthur quite literally printed a weekend work agenda for him the very next Monday. A long list of chores to help out at the camp, and Alfred got right to it, working until his forehead beaded with sweat and Arthur sat cackling at him from under a tree, trading bits of Amelia’s peanut butter and jelly sandwich for his own packed salad lunch.
At the very least, it wasn’t a scowl.
And when weekend work became sharing meals in local coffee shops to bitch about the camp managers, watching animated movies after work, with Amelia nestled in between- exchanging sweaters because Alfred’s were definitely warmer, then candle-lit dinners-
Alfred told Arthur that falling out of love was no longer an option.
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