#because i didn't want her wings to be ginormous but i also wanted it to be at least partially logical
seastarblue · 16 days
(Me when the fifth order of the azari 💫💞💞‼️💫✨🙌💫💞💫✨🙌💫💞)
There was a killer in the forest. She knew it.
There was no one around for acres, as the rest of her team had gone off searching for game to hunt. It had been a particularly long mission, one where they had to venture all the way to the Daeyri Mountains, just south of the Faelands. Kaiden supposed she should have felt somewhat at home, considering she was so close to Daeryn, her hometown, but it was hard to feel anything but dread for the creature looming above her. The Wild Ones tended to do that to a person.
There was a killer in the forest. She heard it.
Rustling sounded above her, so slow she'd had thought it was imagined at first. She kept her back to the trunk of a ginormous tree and kept her sword in front of her. The crude campsite her team had assembled was just to her right, and to her left there was nothing but more trees. Movement flashed in her peripheral, but she knew she had to stay still. The Wilds did not like sudden movements, but they loved making them. They also loved the quiet, apparently, as even the ghosts stayed silent. Something suddenly dropped in front of her.
There was a killer in front of her.
They were short in stature, and had hair the color of cherries. Their bright yellow eyes swept over Kaiden, and she surpressed a shiver of rage that the creature brought. The Fae realized this, and their mouth curled into a cruel smile, complete with sharpened canines. They took a step closer and--
"...YOU BITCH!" Kaiden shouted, heedless of the actual threats all around her. She bolted upright and sheathed her sword with a huff. "I could have STABBED you, you know? Then you wouldn't be smirking like that!" When they were directly in front of her, Kaiden realized who she was talking to, and added, looking away, "Captain." She tried to wipe her eyes of the gold that had settled there.
The 'creature' barked out a laugh. "You know, I could have FIRED you for that, right? Hah!" Kaiden stiffened.
"But I won't, because the look on your face erased any anger I might have felt." They let out a breath. "Really, Kaids, no need to be so serious."
Kaiden huffed again at that. "'No need', Captain? What about the fact that we're in hostile territory? Or the fact that no one else is here? Or maybe even the deadly creatures roaming the place? I think I've earned the right to be as serious as I want to be, thank you." She offered a stiff nod and turned to the campsite.
"Aw, I'm almost offended. Am I really a 'deadly creature' to you?" The captain mock-pouted as they followed Kaiden. "And by the way, everyone else is fine and dandy, they're on their way back. And I came back early because my wings tore a bit--" They motioned to the shimmering purple dragonfly wings on their back, one of them slightly torn "--and ALSO I wanted to check on the scared little human we left behi--" The captain stopped when they saw Kaiden's hands shaking with the wood she had picked up. "Uh. You good?"
"... Yes, actually I'm perfectly fine. Not terrified at all, not worried for my life or for Felix's or Aleksi's or Dianthe's or yours or Aris's or--" Kaiden took a breath, and she loved how it shuddered in her throat.
This is gonna be fun.
"...Did I really frighten you, kid?" The captain stepped closer to Kaiden, concern written all over their face. 
'They know exactly when to show emotion and when not to-- no wonder Santhuff likes them so much.' Kaiden thought, staying put.
“Aw no, I did, didn't I? Noooooo," the captain walked even closer to Kaiden, arms spread wide, "I didn't mean it, really! Just a little prank, was all. C'mere you!" The captain hugged Kaiden, but they were so short their head barely reached her chest.
"...Captain, does this not count as workplace abuse?" Kaiden asked.
"...Oh shit, it might. My bad!" The captain pulled themself away. Kaiden followed suit. "Well, I mean, our work isn't really--" they were interrupted by a branch cracking from behind. Both Kaiden and the captain drew their weapons with lightning speed and faced the interloper. Said interloper was a dragonman, who blinked at them.
"Nice to see you too, Saffron. Kaiden." The dragonman said, nodding at the captain and Kaiden. He made his way to the tents and dropped some plants onto the ground.
"Aris? Where are the others?" Saffron asked. Aris gestured to the woods where he had come from, and surely enough, the rest of the team came into view. Weirdly enough, however....
"..Weren't you lot supposed to be hunting? Where's the food?" Saffron and Kaiden asked simultaneously. They shared a look and a small smile.
"...We were. But the animals here are weirdly intelligent, and our traps only caught these." Aleksi said, holding up a few snares with rabbits in them. "When we tried to catch some one our own, they just... dissapeared."
"That's the Faelands for ya." Saffron streched. "Crazy magic, crazy animals, crazy-- GAH SNAIL IN MY HAIR!" Saffron flailed around in a panic.
They immediately turned to Kaiden. "You.... I apologized! I gave you a hug and this is how you repay me?" They gestured to their head, which now held a fat, slimy snail. Kaiden couldn't help it at this point, she snickered.
Saffron wasn't actually mad, Kaiden saw it in the twinkle of the fairy’s eyes. But she still thought it an excellent time to find some more water to drink. Far, far away from the now grumbling fairy.
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ambitiousauthor · 4 months
ok so because I'm ~so smart~ I didn't look up if Feathergaze already had familial relationships or with who.
I DID note that Twistedshine had a similar appearance and made them kin in A Night's End, but because I showed the concerned parents for one of The Flood's victims (Meadowtree), I wanted to go with something different, and made Twistedshine a sister.
The idea in it is that their parents were bad. The exact ways they were bad can be interpreted however, but basically Twisted was a young warrior/old apprentice when Feather was still a kit, and because their parents sucked, Twisted took Feather under her wing and practically raised her herself.
Thus the two became very close, and now Twisted is VERY UPSET that no one can find her baby sister (maybe she wasn't allowed to help during the first search patrols because of her blindness and she's bitter). And she lashes out, because she feels so much anger at herself for not protecting her, the one thing she had promised to always do. And she's double upset because Twisted has actual kits of her own now and hates that Feather will never get to meet them.
(I also added Bramble for some extra stuff, I imagine he and Feather were friends, and if they weren't mates, he definitely had feelings for her).
Anyways, thoughts?
Genius! Your brain is ginormous.
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
I've started remaking my first One Piece OC, Luna. Mostly, it was about the color palettes, but I also thought she deserved to be drawn in my new artstyle. Especially since she's from my MS Paint era...
Please click on the image and see it in full scale
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Base by Destinys-Heart on DeviantArt + kailnaiorsolya and We Heart It on Pinterest
So here she is in her pre-timeskip appearance. She's a moon spirit which is where she got the wings from - plus a little bit of magic. That magic is what got her the cracks on her eye and hand - her own powers backfired because her body had not yet fully matured and was unable to withstand them. The scars are from various battles she has gotten into for the Straw Hats. Moon spirits aren't supposed to fight. They're very vulnerable. But Luna wants to fight not only for herself but for her friends.
In case some of you are wondering: Yes, Luna does molt. It's a completely natural thing and part of her species' maturing process. She grows at the speed of a normal human, but her wings don't grow like her hair or nails, even though they're made of the same material. That's why she has to molt. Whenever her wings got too small to carry her, she has had to molt, rendering her unable to fly for a few weeks. Luna has already molted about ten times. Her growth spurt was a pain because that meant the molting intervals got smaller - and molting is exhausting! Being 18 before the timeskip, she hadn't gone through her final full molt yet. That started happening during the Sabaody Arc, to her dismay. It was also the main reason why she made no attempt to fly off the island she was sent to. She couldn't. Notice I said full molt. After a tought battle, she usually sheds a few of her feathers because they got damged. Thankfully, they grow back very quickly.
Her feathers, as you can see, are pretty big, especially her primaries which has led to some interesting quirks among the crew. Each of her crewmates keeps one of her feathers like a friendship bracelet. Luffy has only a small one that he keeps tucked under the red part of his hat. Zoro has it tied to one of his katana. Nami's is her most prized quill that she uses for drawing her maps. She may have picked up more than one and have a habit of sticking aroung Luna during fights. Just because the feathers can't be used for flying anymore doesn't mean Nami can't use them for writing. Some of them aren't badly damaged at all, they just annoy Luna. Usopp has a very practical use for Luna's feathers. He cuts them into pieces and attaches them to some of his ammunition, like the the feather part of shuttlecocks. There's a single long feather, one of the primaries, that he keeps in his workshop on the Sunny. Nobody knows where Sanji keeps his feather. But it's definitely somewhere very safe and he worships it. Chopper has a mid-sized feather tied to his backpack. Robin always finds a way to incorporate her feather into her outfits. Franky keeps his feather attached to his gold chain. Brook has the feather openly displayed on his hat. Luna is very touched by the gesture, even though she thought it was odd at first and admittedly got embarrassed about her molting, thinking it was annoying that there would be feathers lying around.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Yandere midoriya clan with a reader with wings, I haven’t seen many fics with a reader with wings and I absolutely adore your midoriya clan drabbles and your work is something I look forward to everyday it’s like my caffeine addiction 😳👉👈
Yandere Midoriya Clan x winged reader x Yandere LoV
Hmmm, okay so this is what I see:
Everyone is absolutely in awe with you. I mean, like they're completely all over you.
All Might and Izuku literally see and call you "angel". All Might loves to see you fly in the clouds, laughing and whipping around; the whole scene is very...serene, very peaceful. It calms him down, reminds him who he's working so hard to protect.
Izuku has mixed feelings about your wings. On one hand, yes you look like everything good and pure in the world. On the other hand, he's scared of you flying away one day, leaving him all alone. He can't have that. So, whenever you're with him, he's holding onto your hand tightly, making you swear to him that you'll never leave him. You don't know that he's not joking.
Mama Inko loves to groom your wings. She'll sit you down and take out her special grooming kit, patting down your wings and cutting off the damaged feathers. She also washes your wings because they're ginormous! You have these 6 ft broad white, fluffy wings, so they're a hassle to wash. But not to worry, Inko has been taking care of them since you were a baby, so she knows her way around them. She also gives the best massages, easing out the knots and relieving your aching back muscles.
Inko and Izuku both watched you grow up, so they've seen their fair share of your injuries, and each time they feared this would be the time you wouldn't make it. When you were 7 and asked Inko if you could jump off the roof to fly, your mother locked the door to the roof and strictly forbid you from going there. But yknow how kids are, and Inko almost had a heart attack when she saw you leap off your pre school's roof, and fall a few feet before you suddenly flapped your wings and flew. Izuku was crying at the ground as he saw you flying, and while your take off was all good, your landing was rough. Your feet were scratched up and you fell on your knees and rolled off. Fortunately, you didn't break any bones.
When you're at the LoV, again everyone is in a trance at your wings. They really do see you as an angel among sinners when you're there. Toga is always begging you to fly her high, Dabi is annoyed when you put out his fire with your wings, Tomura just wants to sleep on your fluffy wings.
Your real dad, AFO, he is also enamoured by your quirk. He adores the way you look when you're up in the sky, flapping your wings, twirling around and giggling, smiling brighter than any sun when you're in your element. You're so... free, so full of life. Everything he's not, everything he's wanted to be. He looks at you and swears to himself that if he's not able to save this society, then at the very least, he'll keep his little dove save.
Tomura is a bit hesitant to be around you when you have wings. He's afraid he'll accidentally dust them off. He also doesn't think he's worthy enough to touch something so pure when he's so tainted. But when you pluck a feather out and tickle his face with it, he can't help but sigh and relish the soft feeling of your wing. And he's in literal heaven when he falls asleep on your back, literally making your wings a pillow so that he smush his face in it. Please don't move, he hasn't had good night's rest in ages.
I also see All Might and Izuku being very worried about you. Mostly, because Izuku believes that you'll leave him one day while All Might thinks your wings are too beautiful, and someone might hurt you because of them. So, when Inko is not around (because God knows she wouldn't let then do this), Izuku will hold you tightly to his chest, while All Might begins cutting your wings until you can't fly. You can thrash around all you want, but Izuku's grip on you won't relent and neither will All Might's scissors. The pro hero will just coo at you that he's almost done "grooming his little sparrow" while Izuku whispers in your ear that you're being such a good girl, and that they're only doing this because they know what's best for you. Sure, it breaks their hearts when they see your big fat tears as you scream at them how much you hate them, and sure, Inko is on a whole new level of anger when they see how they've butchered your angelic wings, but they will sleep well at night knowing you're not flying away somewhere, or running, since Inko locked you in your room in case you decided to make a break for it in your depressed situation. Don't worry though, mama Inko will send you to AFO while she teaches your brother and All Might a lesson.
Now, when you have wings this big, you're bound to be a bit careless. You sometimes forget how big your wings are and when they're not tucked around your back, they knock into a few things. Now, if you're in the house, everyone is pretty understanding and no one really gets mad. When you're at the LoV base, and you break a few bottles around the bar, or knock into some of Tomura's action figures, again, no one is really mad, but Tomura is expecting apology cuddles or at least, let him play with your wings. However, people in public aren't always so compassionate. So when your wings accidentally knock into someone and they begin yelling at you, even as far as going to push you, don't worry. You have a dust blowing step brother, a blood drinking sister, a pyromaniac, a very clingy, strong, overprotective brother, the literal no. 1 hero and no. 1 villain as your fathers to protect you.
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burritodetodo · 3 years
Tuca and Bertie went from being the adult animation revolutionary series to be (one of) the most important animated show aimed to adult people on media now. Season 2 picked up where we left: Bertie (Ali Wong) on her own pastry business and Tuca (Tiffany Haddish) trying to improve as a person, which this season makes focus. Speckle (Steven Yeun) remains where he comfortably is: being a supportive and cute sidekick. After a rough path on limbo thanks to Netflix' cancelling the show, Adult Swim picked it up as a valued player and let Lisa Hanawalt continue her story about the songthrush and the toucan.
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The main thread of this season is Tuca and how she wants to be commited to a relationship like her bestie Bertie. She tries the reality show way on the Sex Bus, date apps, until she meets a nurse named Kara while visiting Aunt Tallulah. They fall on each other and start dating, but this relationship becames co-dependent and even toxic when Kara stops Tuca to be herself and transforms the hyperactive toucan into someone Kara would like to be. This ship becomes toxic and finally Kara dumps Tuca before moving in with her in a very, very shitty way. Tuca also does wacky things this season, but she has time to tell Aunt Tallulah off again and reconecting with her elder sister Terry and her niece on their own version of Halloween.
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The main characters are millenials on their early 30s and having the same age of them I can feel identified on how this item is tackled (and many others I'll tell y'all later). Knowing someone and start great but then one of them shows their fangs and this becomes a one way relationship that sooner or later ends badly. And the crew did a great job on Kara (Nicole Byer) portraying as someone you really want Tuca to be with to a toxic and revealing her true facade: a controlling and self centric woman who wants people to be around her. Hopefully Tuca can grow again and be happy as we saw on a flashback of Bertie meeting Speckle on a party with her, but there's a lot to go through.
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Bertie has less development, but she made a great first step: going to the shrink and talk about things that give her anxiety and how to fight them. One of them is Pastry Pete's reapperance after being cancelled for sexually harrasing Bertie. But therapy made her face things like her parents for the first time and their lousy role when she was abused at the lake when she was 12. They didn't believe her and she had to carry all that guilt and pressure of her parents pushing her to excel and not letting Roberta to be herself. And don't forget her co-dependant relationship with Tuca and some bumps when she is with Kara, or holding her move to the house Speckle bought.
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Bertie and Speckle are one of the healtiest couples ever on animated shows, like Josh and Emily of Close Enough for example. Both are very supportive of each other, they have their doubts and struggles, but they help to deal with them. Or commit to please one another too, like Speckle going to buy that fancy door knob far far away.
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And there is a whole arc that involves all main characters: gentrification. Represented by an annoying moss, T&B tackles the process of gentrification on neighbourhoods. This is: real estate investors buying properties on certain zones that are neglected on purpose by (generally right winged) goverments. Investors buy cheap, but change the population of those zones by making buildings fancy and trying to attract higher class tennants or people who rent. What happens to low and low-middle class people? They're forced to leave on more neglected hoods because they can't afford living there anymore. Capitalism at its best!
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Moss *buys* Tuca and Bertie's building and Bertie has to move. Tuca plans to do the same soon, but in the meanwhile a Valley Girl moves into what was Bruce's the creep apartment and no one likes her because she doesn't fit there. Then Moss expands to all Bird Town, something that the Mayors (who are Tuca's twin siblings) let happen because basically they didn't care, and too much moss caused a ginormous flood that basically destroyed the city in the season finale. Because social issues are part of what is being a millenial and this one involved everyone in the town which is a thing that isn't treated so much in adult animation (except Simpsons who have many episodes about that).
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This review of Tuca and Bertie's second season reflects how important is this show. I really love this show, it keeps getting better and better and not surprised on how the people who made Bojack Horseman could nail another great series on a row. Friendship, romance, gentrification and wackiness on 22 minutes of the best adult animated show at the moment which will come back in some time for Season 3 (take that Netflix!).
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