#because i don't trust the bug haters
technoxenoholic · 1 year
i am so sick of finding brand new mosquito bites in progressively more annoying places every day stop eating me you pieces of shit
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another-goblin · 3 months
I've seen a lot of interesting opinions about Dr. Ratio. Some of them I disagree with. So I decided to compile a little list of why I disagree with them. The first part will be about things that seem factually incorrect, and the second part is about things that are rather a matter of interpretation and context.
As always, I might be wrong, so feel free to correct me.
1. Things that seem factually incorrect. 
"Ratio is an egoist and does everything for attention and recognition" - I don't remember him ever saying or doing anything that would indicate that. He saved these researchers secretly and made our TB take all the credit. He later even calls himself a "supporting character". He gets angry if we ask him for an autograph.
"He doesn't care about people" - yes, if you skipped his passionate speech to Screwllum about how much he cares about people. But also, everything he does in the game is helping people (saving these researchers on Herta station, offering us his help later in the express dialogues and messages - offering us to enroll in university, participate in devates, turn the express into a weapon, later helping Aventurine with his plan, helping him to find information, and so on).
"He hasn't achieved anything in science" - the list of his scientific achievements is easily available, I wouldn't say it's nothing. But I'll also leave this here:
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Even his dedicated hater disagrees with this.
"Ratio's note did nothing to convince Aventurine to stay alive, it was all Acheron" - from how I see it, he was fully determined to end his life up until he read that note. Otherwise, why would they introduce the note at all? Why did Acheron feel the need to remind him of it?
"He never wanted to draw the gaze of Nous" and "He still wants it" - we can deduce that it isn't true from different parts of the game (he actually wanted it in the past but doesn't anymore), but that is a direct confirmation:
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(I trust Screwllum's opinion.)
"Everybody hates him in-universe" - this is interesting because I even heard this from his fans. And it might sort of feel intuitive, but I don't remember any evidence of that. He literally has an in-universe fan club. People who knew him closely talk about him warmly in his character stories. The only person I remember ever expressing any negativity towards him was some shcolar in the Simulatred Universe, but I don't think it counts. I'll talk more about his students in particular later, but short version: I don't think they hate him either.
"I hate it when he tells me 'Zero points, get out' and throws chalk at me, that's mean" - that's so weirdly specific, but I've seen it a dozen times already. And, like, why??? He tells it to his enemies, not to us. I mean, nobody's angry at Serval for electrocuting her fans with her guitar just because that's what she does in her fighting animation.
Speaking of combat voice lines, if we wait too long, most characters get irritated and try to hurry us up. Meanwhile Ratio:
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'That's okay, take your time, it's a turn-based game after all.'
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"He's physically abusive to his students, he throws chalk at them" - similar to the previous point. I don't remember any mention of him doing that. The only case of him using physical force against a (potential) student was when, as a TA, he threw away a rich asshole who tried to buy a degree. And yes, in the boring real world, I wouldn't approve of that, but in the world of the game - well done, good ridance!
"He doesn't tolerate people disagreeing with him, he thinks he's always right"
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"He's responsible for the crisis at Herta Station" - how though? I saw this opinion several times, and I'm really curious what people mean by that. Did he himself endanger these researchers by teleporting them who knows where, then faked the video from Duke Inferno, and so on? But why stop here while we're at it , maybe he also impersonated Ruan Mei, left the bug on the station, abandoned the poor cat-creatrures and drugged us with a cake?…
"He's worse than Dottore from Genshin" - technically it's a matter of opinion, but I think nobody will mind if I put it in the 'just wrong' category. But yeah, that's an opinion I've heard. I've got no idea what they meant, but it made me think, how many people did he help and save, both in the game and in his past? Probably more than most of the characters we've met so far. And he doesn't seem to discriminate, it's not 'I'll save my people'. He cured that disease for everybody's benefit, he saved Herta's researchers, he helped TB unravel the events on the station and then proceeded to pester them offering his help, he cosideres some troubled IPC executive 'his responsibility' and so on.
"He actually betrayed Aventurine" - no comments. Come on, play the game, read the dialogues.
1.5. A little intermission.
The thing that's hard to deny is that he definitely doesn't mince his words. Whether you see it as him being a rude asshole, being justifiably angry, brutally honest, sarcastic, or snarky, or showing tough love, or just being incapable of expressing himself in an adequate and socially acceptable way, it's up to you. I can understand how some people might be uncomfortable with that. I personally find it an interesting character trait. (I mean, he isn't even capable of expressing positive feelings in a normal way, what did you expect of him?):
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There is also a very interesting (but rather confusing) thing that can be missed if you are unwilling to see further than the initial shallow impression, but it is impossible to unsee once you've noticed it. He sees himself as a teacher in two very different ways. It can be missed at first because both ways are described in very similar words. These ways are: 
a teacher in a traditional sense (let's call it 'academic teacher'); 
and as something akin to a 'life coach', just helping people and making them realize that they shloud (and can) rely on themselves.
The thing is, we never see him in his 'academic teacher' role. As far as we know, he only acts this way with his university students. We never see him teaching anybody any scientific stuff, or berating people for their lack of knowledge and education. Yet he says that he considers everybody his students. But what does he mean if it's not about knowledge? He means it in the second 'life coach' meaning. Therefore, he sees literally everybody as worthy of his help and support.
BTW, I feel like his main problem as a character is that people tend to settle on the first impression they get of him and are unwilling to see further than that. Meanwhile, the game continues to explore his personality, revealing that most things about him are actually the opposite of what they might seem at first. That's why so many people think that he calls everybody idiots for being less smart than him, that he's egoistic and unfeeling, that he values knowledge above all, and so on. So if you actually have interest in him as a character, I'd encourage you to look at him more closely.
2. Now to the things that are more open to interpretation.
"He uses mean words" -to be honest, I'm not a big fan of writers making him use these words (idiots, fools, stupidity, and so on) because, first, they are usually used as just empty insults. (I'm curious whether he uses similar words in Chinese or something more nuanced). So I can understand how it can put some people off. And the second problem is that it feels like he means different things every time he uses these words. It's quite confusing. Here is a post where people helped me find different cases of him using these words; you can check it out yourself.
Let's look closer at some of these cases: 
-'While geniuses wander among the stars, the ordinary can't even trace their footsteps. Those less gifted have no choice but to walk alone, enduring a lifetime of tumbles and triumphs. But even a life marked by failure is a life worth living — it is only in moments of solitude and despair, when help is absent, that fools grasp how to pick themselves up' He seems to contrast geniuses with fools here, so fools are everybody who's not a genius. So if you are inclined to see him this way, if you squint, you can technically see it as him insulting people based on their intellectual abilities, right?… Except, he includes himself among these fools, so no:
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So it's basically 'all who are not geniuses are fools, including me'. Which is an interesting way to put it, but it definitely doesn't mean ''you are all fools for not being as smart as me''.
But he mostly uses these words when he talks about his fellow scholars:
-'First, with the headpiece on, isolated from my five senses, I can think without interference. And second, I don't have to set eyes on stupid people' - we only see him wearing the plaster head on Herta's Station, a place full of the most brilliant minds in the universe. We never see him using it again with normal people, so the word 'stupid' here can't be about people's intelligence.
There is also an interesting little detail:
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He admires her intelligence (although in a sarcastic manner) in his 'about Herta' voiceline. He doesn't wear his 'anti-stupid' mask when he's with TB or Aventurine, but he always wears it with Herta. Which is very telling, and indicates again what he means by 'stupid'.
Some other examples:
-'(…)the fools from the Guild with ambitions beyond stars should be banished from my sight and thereby mind' -'Don't invert priorities like these dolts from the guild' -'I cannot stand fools, idiots, or imbeciles. Seeing them fills me with dread. Regrettably, this space station is just like the Intelligentsia Guild — devoid of geniuses and filled with mediocrity' -'Ah, the Technology Department. Charming little place, isn't it? Madam Yabuli does possess some semblance of competence, but her subordinates? Oh, they're a riot — brimming with enthusiasm yet utterly devoid of intellect. It's as if evolution halted prematurely for them'
He is absolutely RUTHLESS when he talks about scientists, because he expects a lot from them.
So no, I don't think he'd call you an idiot for not being an A student, or having learning difficulties, or just lacking an interest in learning. He absolutely would though if you were a brilliant scientist, priveledged with great education, resources, and a personal lab, squandering your talents and funds on a useless vanity project, or hoarding potentially life-saving knowledge for yourself, to use as a commodity.
"But he does call people idiots!" - I've noticed that most of the time he uses these 'insults' he talks about some groups of people.
I could only think of 3 times when he called an individual an idiot. He calls Aventurine an idiot because he 'lost' the stones (but it doesn't count because he plays a role and pretends that he hates Aven). A scholar in an event in SU complains of Ratio calling him an idiot (I'm not sure it actually happened, it's just a story in SU).
But there is one case of him calling somebody an idiot and actually meaning it. And who is this poor victim of his terrible verbal abuse? It's himself. Whoops. (speaking of how he's supposedly full of himself and thinks that he's better than the others.)
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"He would call me an idiot because of my supposed lack of knowledge/education/intelligence" - I showed in the previous point why I think he wouldn't (he never seems to use these words to mean that).
But also consider this. During his interactions with Aventurine on Penacony Ratio mostly plays a role for Sunday, pretending that he despises Aventurine. That's why we can't draw any conclusions about his personality from most of their dialogues. But the moments when he breaks the role are extremely telling.
Let's look at one of them from the beginning. They argue; Ratio calls Aventurine an idiot for 'ruining their plan'. And then Aventurine mentions that he didn't go to school and lacks formal education. If there ever was a good time to call someone an idiot for being uneducated, that's it! That's what Sunday expects to hear (because his plan hinges on Ratio valuing knowledge above all else).
And what does he do? He fucking apologizes! Even for the role and for the sake of their plan, he can't bring himself to insult someone for being uneducated.
"He's mean to TB" - it's a matter of interpretation, but his behavior with us didn't strike me as mean or demeaning. He was just being sarcastic and snarky as always (and I understand that it's not everybody's cup of tea).
The situation was time-sensitive and precarious. We don't know how much control he had over it. He tried to make us realize what's going on as fast as possible, pretending that he himself is clueless. Because his goal was to show the recearchers that despite the presence of 2-3 geniuses on board, none of them were able to save them. If he just publicly saved everybody, it would be just another genius appearing out of nowhere and saving the day, which would go against his goals and his philosophy.
And later, our TB seems to regard him with a mix of respect and amusement (calling him Professor, asking for an autograph), no resentment here. So TB didn't think he was mean either.
"He values knowledge above all, he's obsessed with teaching people stuff, and he doesn't understand/accept that other people might have other priorities" - I'd argue that literally the opposite is true. He doesn't impose his knowledge on anybody against their will, and we never see him berate anybody for their lack of knowledge or education.
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Sunday isn't the first person to misunderstand him that badly, and he's not having it. Even though at this point in the story, his and Aventurine's plan hinges on Sunday's misunderstanding. But I think his position is very clear: pursuit of knowledge above all is a matter of petty pride.
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He says it when we ask him why he doesn't nag us about getting our act together, before a party. So basically "if learning makes you feel bad (doesn't enhance your living) then you are doing it wrong, go and have fun".
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This probably isn't considered canon, but it illustrates how he sees knowledge. Here is an analogy. If I had an apple orchard, and I thought my apples were awesome and they'd make a great gift, and you should feel free to ask me if you want some. It doesn't mean that I shove my apples into people's mouths against their will and then call them idiots and spit on them when they don't like it.
"He's a bad person because he didn't help us fight the big bug" - he knew who we are. It's not in his habit to directly involve himself where he's not needed, it would go against his philosophy ('you should count on yourself; you can do it'). It's not like he left us to die; he must have known how capable our TB is. BTW, he was still looking after us, seemingly ready to come to our help:
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Besides, currently nothing indicates that (outside of the turn-based gameplay) he's anything more than a normal human being. He would be a hindrance in a fight. 
"He's a bad teacher" - (first, here is an interesting post about this from the point of view of an actual teacher)
So yeah, it's about the 3% passing rate. Yes, it can mean that only 3% of his students end up learning something. It's possible that he's such a bumbling idiot of a teacher that he doesn't even understand how bad he is. It's possible that he's somehow still allowed to teach despite being THAT bad.
But I think it's much more possible (and consistent with his philosophy) that he just has very high standards. A 3% rate doesn't mean that only 3% know anything. Students might benefit enormously from his classes, even without passing. They still have all their valuable skills and knowledge.
But also, let's not forget that he doesn't teach children. He teaches at the university. And I don't think it's some 101 basics; it's likely something related to his research and discoveries, some extremely advanced cutting-edge stuff. So his students are already extremely well educated adults, who want to achieve more. He would probably see lowering his standards as a betrayal of his students.
"His students hate him" - I didn't get that impression. On the contrary, they seem quite interested in him (some times in really creepy ways):
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The only indication that they might have something against him is this:
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It's either a literal roll-call of actual adults who shed literal tears during his classes, or it's just students being their normal cheeky selves, being overdramatic about a strict teacher. 
An example that came to mind: I can whine about how ruthless my gym trainer is and how I couldn't walk for a week after the last leg day. And his other clients would agree. But everybody understands that it's an expression of approval, not contempt. And maybe a bit of a humble brag.
Besides, if we decide to take that post at face value, then we'll have to take this literally too, meaning that his students consider him an actual God. And I don't think it's true:
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There are still a lot of hot takes I disagree with that I haven't mentioned, but I'm too tired. This took WAY too long. Other cases are mostly quote-mining and deliberatly taking what he says out of context, which isn't very interesting to argue against (just read the full dialogue and consider the context). And also different variations on 'he's an asshole, he hates people, he thinks he's better than others, he'd call you an idiot for this or that, he's elitist, he only values knowledge and intelligence' and so on, but I think I addressed it sufficiently.
So yeah, that was my little character research. This wasn't written for his haters (I dislike some characters myself, and I wouldn't probably read 3K words about how I should change my mind). It was rather for the people who kind of like him, but who feel sad thinking how he'd probably call them idiots or something. I hope I was able to help you see him in a different way. He wouldn't call you an idiot, he'd support you.
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kagakuoniryu · 7 months
Part 2 of the alastor x reader I written when I wasn't feeling well at all
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Summary : a new guest you knew from your past life arrive at the hotel, she was that one person who bullied you throigh high school, but she mooks too angelic to be guilty
Code : E/n (ennemy/name)
Tags : fem reader, etablished relationship, angst for the most part, there will maybe be a part 2, mentions of bullying, reader is TRAUMATIZED, english is not my first language, may have some inaccuracy about the show since I'm just projecting, and of course probably ooc characters
After that talk in alastor's room, you hardly left yours limiting contact with everyone...
Well, mostly everyone, nifty still passed by everyday to clean up a bit and chase the boug, you were thankful for it, she didn't treated you differently, she was the same sadistic, boys driven, bug hater lady you met, and you could talk her ears off
"Niff ? What do you think about E/n ?" You started warily, you never openly talked to her about it surprisinly until now
"Oh I hate her !"
Shocked you asked her to go on ; E/n, hated ? The E/n you knew...Well...she presented to others ?!
"Why is that ? Did something went wrong ? Did she hurt you ?!"
"She always interrupt my dead roack show ! She says it's weird and disgusting ! She even killed a roach before I could and that is an heinous crime"
You gulped, noting mentally that to stay in nifty's good side, you better let her kill the roaches herself
"But...isn't it weird how everyone like her ? And how they think she's genuinely nice ? Even alastor likes her !"
"And everyone likes alastor until they he shows his nature !" With that nifty finally stabbed that roach she was after
"You...have a good point...she's showing them what they want to gain what she wants...but...what does she wants...?"
"I don't know ! I have a lot of cleaning to do ! Goodbye !"
"Wait nifty !"
And the door was closed, you sighed, well...it was good for as long as it lasted you guessed...you needed a plan, but you couldn't think clearly in this hotel...you couldn't go to Rosie too...she ADORED E/n and they had their regular tea party...crashing to your friends place weren't use at all, one they adored her, two, it was still the hotel and three, since your words with angel you kinda ghosted them all, thinking they couldn't hurt yiu if you ghosted them before that ; your fiancee radio station maybe ? No, too obvious, and he spend all his goddamn time up there...and he isn't the exact definition of "privacy"...you thought for a second about mimzy, but that girl hated your guts for no reason...or well...maybe because alastor humiliated her last time...
Finally, a bell rang in your head ; alastor ! That's your solution ! He gave you a spare key of his actual house outside of the hotel, and he barely goes there since he is in his tower during the day and at the hotel at night !
Picking minimal stuff, just a few clothes, a notepad and a pencil, even leaving your proposal ring behind, not wznting to be distracted by alastor himself you rushed outside, surprising everyone in the lobby until you came crashing down into alastor
"My, my, my dear, someone here is in a rush"
"Uh yeah...I needed fresh air, you know, the old stuff, figured I could go camping ?"
Alastor's gaze darkened as he looked at your ring finger, well, lack of ring on your ring finger
"And does camping prevent you from wearing you ring ? Or perhaps you youngster has a different definitiln of camping that back in my day, because decades ago, men could hunt even with they wedding ring, and yet you can't sleep with it on ?"
"I just wanted some alone time, calm down al' if anything, send a shadow my way kf you don't trust me, I know you don't anyway for a few weeks now"
Without letting him finish you left the hotel, you almost feel pity to charlie, she'll have a very pissy alastor in her hands until you come back
Arriving at alastor's home you let yourself in, now you needed to brainstorm !
One hour...
Two hours...
Three hours...
Three hours and about 3 cups of tea in...you have little next to nothing for an idea...how the hell are you gonna show this pest real face ?! You needed a real confrontation with her, but she'll never gave it to you, and if she did, she would have a backup plan, just like when you were alive...alive...
That's it !
One of your imps friend that owe you one could go to the living world ! He could retrieve your phone and you could prove your point !
Getting everything ready, and after many days, the phone in your hands, you plugged it in for it to charge and once at 100 % your rushed to the hotel
"Guys ! I got my phone back I-"
Entering the hotel, they were all playing a board game together, not caring about where you went...but you've been gone for at least a good week or two now...did you mattered so little ?
"O-oh...Y/n...you're here ! We...uh...were playing monopoly ! You...wanna join us ?"
Charlie tried akwardly, chukling nervously at your empty expression
"No, I was happy to prove my point, but I guess it's no use, she is better than me anyway, charlie, I guess you can take an other sinner in...I quit the hotel..."
You missed the way her eyes showed her heartbreak at this sight of you, giving up, she really failed you this time ; as you went upstair to make your bags, the boarding game night was ruined, and alastor teleported right into your room
"Hello ma chère (my dear), may I know where you're planning on going ?"
"I don't know al, far ? You all won it, always pushing me to the side, y'all fucking won it"
"I believe such swearing isn't proper in a ladie's mout-"
"Well for once I'll fucking swear if I'll fucking please al ! Because none of you wwants to believes in me ! You knew me long her and you choose her ! Just...go and date her ! It's her speciality to just date whoever has been with me before anyway..."
"What do you mean...? Y/n...?"
No terms of endearment there, that was rare for alastor, even before you both started dating he was affectionnate and using pet names, he always does with women, just a way to make them feel appreciated
"What do you mean 'what do I mean' you didn't knew how my ex boyfriend cheated on me with her and that's why we stopped being friends ?!"
"No, actually...she told us the other way around, that she found her perfect someone...and that you tried to seduce him and flirt with him and when he exposed you you bullied her"
"Bullied her ?! She made my life hell before getting down here ! After I blocked her everywhere she used our common friend she turned against me or even her sister's social media to stalk me down !"
"Well, my dear, I do want to believes you, you know I love you, but I can't without proper proof"
Taking your phone's out of your pocket, and guiding alastor because of his obvious lack of modern technology skills, you showed him your call journal from that time, the recording, the screenshots, everything that proved you were in your right mind
"Well...my beloved, it seems I owe you an apology, with her honey words it seems I lowered my guard and lacked dicernment, could you forgive me ?"
Alastor put in hand gently on your cheek, lifting your face, you nuzzled against his hand before hugging him tight
"Apology accepted...and thank you...thank you so much for listening, even if it costed you to use modern technology"
"As long as you delete that picture I took by accident"
"I'll make it my wallpaper~"
"I'll rip this thing piece by piece"
Going downstairs with alastor was a relief, like a gentleman he offered his arms for you to hold onto as charlie jumped on you
"I'm SOOOO sorry to have neglected your feeling Y/n please !! I didn't mean to ! You were a good friend of all of us and would all feel awful if you were to really leave !!" She started, before being interrupted by alastor
"Well, my dear charlie, it seems someone is still leaving, but not our dear Y/n, someone who's suprisingly not that keen on getting redeemed it seems"
You saw E/n visibly tense as alastor grabs her rather forcefully
"Could you PLEASE tell all the others persons present here what happened between you and my lovely Y/n over here back when you were alive"
"I...I already told you didn't I...? She bullied me ! Y/n is just a mean bully and I always felt uneasy around her" E/n tried to defend herself, nervously sweating
"Really, care to explain this ? My dear best friend" you showed one of the most incriminating piece you had on your phone to the others, making their eyes go wide, and all fell into pieces, E/n wasn't trying to redeem, she was trying to ruin your life, all over again
She felt that for some reasons, many years ago, you were better than her, and that she needed what you had, by any mean and any ways, instead of finding her own hapiness she wanted to steal yours
Vaggie and alastor both kicked her out, charlie tried to say maybe she could be redeemed, but when alastor said that if he saw that girl put a foot near the hotel again he would turn her into jambalaya for everyone to eat...she was feeling rather discouraged
But that was okay, one bad sinners couldn't stray her from her dream ! Everyone in the hotel also apologized in their own way for not believing you and putting back through all your traumas all over again, and of course you forgave them
Alastor also made you a special contract this night, you could pet his ears, all night long, if the next day you didn't told the others about it
And of course you took the deal
Well, I don't know if this one was longer or shorter than the previous part, I went along with the random imp going back on earth as an easter egg of helluva boss and also because I was stuck in my story !
It's nice to have a catharsis like this to be honest, I don't know if I'll write request or just silly story in one or multiple parts for hazbin hotel you can still send some in if yoj feel like it, just know that I'd be delighted to write for alastor again, he's my all time fav of the show
I hope you enjoyed it !!!
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jade-len · 8 months
bad svsss fanfic/au idea, pt. 2: random svsss anti-fan (or hater) transmigrates into svsss after tweeting "stupid author, stupid novels" and proceeds to solve 90% of the novel's conflicts out of pure spite by pretending to be a seer.
"luo binghe will not kill you, shen qingqiu. just trust me when i say that."
"please listen to me when i say this, luo binghe. focus on yourself for a bit. learn to love yourself too. yes i know you're hopelessly in love but you shouldn't just rely on his affection to hold up your emotional wellbeing, okay??"
"oh yeah no. the huan hua palace's sect leader is a pervert who preyed on su xiyan, which led to a bunch of conflict and misunderstanding and now he's kinda gotten away with it." *proceeds to explain the whole lore of it* "see you later, yue qingyuan!"
"zhuzhi-lang, i have very important advice, okay. just because you love someone and believe something is best for them, you should not force them to do it. by the way, can i see your uncle real quick?"
"yeah. uhm. it was all old palace master's fault. go fuck him up, tianlang-jun. just don't kill anyone else in the process. also uh, read better romance novels please."
"gongyi xiao, if immortal master shen qingqiu and shang qinghua ever ask you to look around for some special mushrooms, run right after you help them navigate huan hua palace. like leave the damn place. you will meet your fate if you stay here. ok cool bye."
"mu qingfang please introduce this thing called 'therapy' and 'counseling'. i promise you it will reduce qi deviations by 50%."
"mobei-jun... don't. don't beat shang qinghua up. look i know it's demon culture but maybe try to also learn some human courtesy too?"
"liu qingge. one day you will find someone who will have the same amount of devotion for you as you will for them. and you are an amazing person for it ok."
at some point they probably explain to sqq and sqh that they've transmigrated into a story that's about sqq transmigrating into PIDW, which is also a story.
there can be three routes to this:
1. there is no hurt. binghe's heartbreak points doesn't even exist. everyone is cool and there are no deaths. also tianlang-jun tortures and kill OPM, so there's that. maybe some romance or whatevs happens but it's all good.
2. while they stopped 90% of the original conflict, they proceed to accidentally create some more by simply being there. the system declares that they're the "new main character" for the audience, just like how sqq is with svsss. now, new and different plot points start happening to them instead of shen qingqiu! how will they use their knowledge now, with things they can't predict?
2. mid-way, they accidentally put a huge target on their back. unintentionally, they're going against the system's wishes and the whole point of the novel: uncover the hidden plot of PIDW. they're like a virus, a bug, something that isn't supposed to be there, but is. they don't have a system, they exist beyond that; so they can't just be sent back. they're accidentally ruining the story of svsss by not having any of the conflicts mxtx created to occur, and thus must be stopped before they completely flip everything over.
the new mission given by the system for sqq and sqh? [URGENT: stomp the bug, no matter what!]
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mywitchcultblr · 3 months
I find it amusing how some anonymous users call you a hater and a child throwing a tantrum (as if sending hateful messages wasn't). How can they be so blind to this?
The DLC writing is dogshit at best, and I am being generous. FromSoftware not only butchered Miquella's character but other things too. What happened to him wanting to cure his and Malenia's curse? There's no mention of that. The Haligtree—supposedly a home for the shunned and mistreated? Nothing. Granting Godwyn a true death? Nada. The Eclipse? Pfff. The Outer gods and the unalloyed gold? What about him being Torrent's former master? (As the promotional art implied) And the steed choosing the Tarnished? If I recall correctly, wasn't Torrent meant to pick lords? So this means Miquella trusted Torrent enough to let it choose him a consort, yet our role there is practically non-existent. Besides that, as far as I'm concerned, for one to become a god, one must be in contact with the Elden Ring, such as Ranni did, yet we don't see that in the DLC. And the thing that bugs me the most is Miquella abandoning parts of himself, like his love. Like, yeah, "Age of Compassion," but there's something you need for that and it is, y'know, love??? Where's the sense in that? Wasn't the whole point of him become a god and fix Marika's mess in the Lands Between? Not following her steps.
I'm not even going to mention Radahn because his presence here is as irrelevant as in the game.
THANK YOU ANON! Finally someone with sense! People who are saying "Oh you are just angry because the DLC doesnt confirm your headacanon or expectation." The expectation exist because of hints and lore that already exist in the base game, of course you will want to see the big pay off in Shadow. Imagine if you are Dr. Who fan and seeing 13th Doctor turned into a weeping angel but then in the next episode it doesn't go anywhere and she's immediately fine again
I will list others things that aggravate me about SOTE
The battle between Malenia and Radahn: In the base game, their battle is implied to be over runes, and because he was halting the stars and thus Miquella's fate. Malenia invaded Caelid to get Radahn's rune and solving the halted fate business, while general boi also wanting to accumulate more power so he can be Elden Lord with taking hers. Simple but effective.
But now its over a marriage with Miquella?
While it made sense for him to ally with the Haligtree so Radahn can get into the fast track of becoming Elden Lord through marrying Miquella, there's 0 build up anywhere in the base that will led us to believe Radahn even got to do anything with Miquella.
Also while he is a warmonger and certainly not a good person (I dont care what chuds on reddit said, just because a guy likes his horse that doesnt make him nice, I don't even hate Radahn or anything) he genuinely cares about HIS OWN HOLDING.
Now from what I gather from the DLC, he will agree to become Miquella's consort if he got an epic battle first. So now the motivation for Malenia vs Radahn iconic battle is... It was a deadly sparring ritual before the groom settle down? Radahn can you at least do it in a neutral zone so this battle wont destroy your OWN LAND?! There's no way Radahn didn't know that sparring with Malenia could endanger Caelid, especially with the fact that she has ROT. Radahn might be a brute archetype but he's not stupid, yet this DLC made him looks like an absolute oaf who doesn't care about whatever Caelid will survive or not...
2. Mohg: I always thought he will return, he gives me the vibe of a villain who say "I'll be back!" and I thought there's no way the Formless Mother will allow her champion to die just like that. Yeah he's back but in the worst way possible that will make his fans despairing and his haters say "I hate Mohg but he didn't deserve this."
His arc in the base is good, it is conclusive and it made sense.
A guy who was born hated, abused, and shunned by his own mother decided to say FUCK IT and created his own order, cavorting with an Outer God, committed heresy left and right, then kidnapped his half brother so he can force/convince/manipulate/doing blood ritual whatever so Miquella will make him a consort. Then the Tarnished ruined his plan, killed him. It was a well-rounded arc. Its good enough. I always admired his tenacity to give a middle finger to his family. But now? This weird over engineered brainwashing-kidnapping thing undermined the authority of both Mohg and the Formless Mother. Did she even care about Mohg? Why the Formless Mother didn't try to stop Miquella or at least warned Mohg about it?
And what the fuck Mohg is actually doing down there? What was his plan to elevate his order and replace Marika's? How he will do it if he never wanted to become Miquella's consort? With his drip alone? Maybe there are things that I missed about Mohg's plan in the DLC?? But this DLC narrative now undermined his arc and the Formless Mother.
3. Mesmer: While he is still intriguing and judging from youtube (No i havent reach him personally, because you know I'm busy but I spoiled myself, I always do for something as big as BG3 or Souls) I thought he would play a bigger role in Shadow, but not really? He's kinda overshadowed by Radahn who is not supposed to be there
Also Rellana's existence sounds like a sitcom level plot twist? Its kinda funny LMAO "Oh you think Renalla's boss fight sucks and you think she is weak? HERE WE HAVE HER TWIN SISTER RELLANA! ITS THE UPGRADED VERSION OF CARIA 1.0!" (I do like the expansion and exploration of the Carian's family tho)
4. "What about him being Torrent's former master? (As the promotional art implied) And the steed choosing the Tarnished? If I recall correctly, wasn't Torrent meant to pick lords? So this means Miquella trusted Torrent enough to let it choose him a consort, yet our role there is practically non-existent." : THIS YOU ARE SO RIGHT ANON, Torrent chose the Tarnished and Miquella asked Ranni to give the spirit calling bell to whoever Torrent chose. THAT'S MEAN THE TARNISHED ALREADY HAS A CONNECTION WITH MIQUELLA, I'm willing to bet over my right arm, this Promised Lord that Miquella/Malenia mentioned is either supposed to be Godwyn or THE TARNISHED THEMSELVES!
Look Miquella need a lord strong enough to back his claim and help him to change the world right? Why insisting on chasing after Radahn (that never mentioned to have any connection or alliance with Miquella) WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE GUY WHO DEFEATED RADAHN AND MALENIA THEMSELVES! The Tarnished is already strong enough to challenge MOTHER FUCKING GODFREY and won! It make 0 sense for us not able to become his consort. What do you mean you can make the dream of a guy who is literally called THE DUNG EATER came true and subjugated everyone into a world of pain because shit eater is an edgelord who thinks omens and their suffering are totally cool, but not MIQUELLA'S? Its so bullshit. In the grand scheme of things, Dung Eater is as relevant as a random Tibia Mariner.
I'm still hoping we can see Miquella's ending, I hope its gonna be added. I saw someone mentioned that there's actually Miquella's ending but not implemented? I hope it can be added and at least some aspect of the missing story/plothole fixed, because Elden Ring 1.0 was quite different than what we have now...
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This guy on reddit also echoed my statement
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5. Godwyn: I don't care what some people said "Oh Godwyn is not supposed to be there, its just your headcanon." Brother... This DLC is about Miquella and Mesmer (even though sadly Mesmer's role seems to be diminished :/) there's should be any mention about Godwyn because Miquella and Malenia loves him very much.
There's a statue of them hugging each other, and if I'm not mistaken there were people who data mined and found tidbits about Miquella trying to resurrect him and there's stuff about Miquella giving up his throne
Show us Miquella failed to resurrect Godwyn, show dont tell! (so it wont impact Fia's ending) or please give us a mentions about him by Miquella, or knights who used to serve pre-dead and rotting Godwyn appearing in Lands of Shadow, something, anything! its like his own family, doesn't give a fuck to solve the problem that his rotting body caused.
6. The gloam eyed queen and Melina: I thought GEQ will be mentioned, since this DLC also delved into Marika's past, I mean GEQ was her rival and she's nearly becoming THE God instead of Marika. But eh nothing about her or Melina :/ Tho I do like tidbits about Marika's past and her village
There's other things... But eh I'm tired of typing lol. I do enjoy Elden Ring, I really do, and I had such a high expectation for SOTE :/ so yeah I became loud about my disappointment because I'm invested
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breezybeej · 3 months
The Verity by Colleen Hoover Post
I want to put some of my highlights and notes here so I can reference them without needing the images on my phone. Warning: this book sucks and you will see some really stupid and weird shit in here.
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This is the description of blood splashing on Lowen (the main character) after she witnessed a man get run over. I've seen some car accidents. I don't think it's very common at all for someone's head to pop like a water balloon in these circumstances.
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What is cryptic here? He (Jeremy, the romance option) has seen worse than a man getting run over. I think it's pretty straight forward, babe.
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This is from Verity (jeremy's wife, a comatose woman). Most of her stuff should be taken with a grain of salt for plot reasons but some of these are so ridiculous on their face that you can't really save them
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Licking someone's thumb like a postage stamp is just so FUCKing SExy
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I cared, I heard, and I minded. Please don't talk about getting fingered at steak 'n shake
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Meeting Jeremy makes you want to jump off a cliff????? Well, to be fair, me too, girl
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Why is this how you describe it, Lowen. You are reading her autobiography but you are thinking about her underwear.
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Okay, I love this one because there's a lot happening. 1. He walks backwards A LOT in the first half of this book and I don't know why. 2. He was on his way to the kitchen to heat up leftovers but they were already done when they arrived? 3. He pulls out a plate of pizza. So in one very short paragraph we have pizza said three times. I think this book wasn't carefully edited.
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So what does that mean. If someone has a plate of peas and they do this, I imagine them poking and prodding and scooping but pizza? Is he like... picking it up and putting it down? Sliding it around the plate?
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It's just SO weird to go with your wife to her first pregnancy appointment for the baby you squirted into her, isn't it.
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So this is again Verity writing from opposite land but like. They very much do have sex constantly so does she feel this way or not.
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This one really bugs me just because she flubbed the parallel structure on "with a broken wrist" and "covered in blood" like the reason we have mechanics for parallel structure is that the sentences feel clunky without it.
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I lost count, I didn't highlight every one, but I think this is in the book at least 10 times. Colleen does NOT trust you to remember this.
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Lowen, why is this a dammit. Why is that messed up. What.
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Just like Layla in the other book, Layla, Lowen is a girl who knows how to eat and she's quirky for eating tacos
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So why didn't she just list the vegetables. It would be faster. "He grabbed cilantro and onions." or "He grabbed onions and peppers." Like... Colleen, you live in texas and you write about tacos in your books more than once.
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People hate me for suggesting Lowen is bi but..... i mean.... she was diggin through Verity's drawers too, you remember.
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Why did anyone let her say epic burn in a book. Why does she use epic again moments later.
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Ope, I got this one though.
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Thankfully Verity has two breasts.
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That's how I felt reading this book. You DO get a feeling that Colleen partially wrote this to call out her haters.
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Don't say that
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Here's another line that gets repeated like 6 times. I don't even know why. It doesn't play into the plot or the themes really.
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God isn't that insane. Who does that. Also this is Verity Opposite land so... does she wear lingerie often?
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Babe. What.
Someone pointed out that license picture are usually the worst pictures of you possible. That makes this so much funnier imo
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When you say "He groans" as a single clause, it makes it sound like he's disappointed. "Ugh, babe you forgot your bra AGAIN?"
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aquilacalvitium · 6 months
Rating my favourite fictional characters on how much I'd trust them to do my top surgery
Wander 🎩🪕(Wander Over Yonder) - Bugs Bunny level antics that waste about eleven minutes of everyone's lives and leave every single person convinced he couldn't do it. It would be the cleanest and easiest top surgery on record and I would walk away unscathed.
Commander Peepers 👁💥(Wander Over Yonder) - He'd take it deadly seriously and spend the whole thing nervously sweating. He would get it done but it wouldn't be flawless. Gods help me if Hater walks into the room during the surgery.
Jack Skellington 💀🎃(Nightmare Before Christmas) - A scientific and analytical mind bodes well for surgery. However. He is a skeleton and I'm fairly certain he doesn't understand how human bodies work or that we can't dismantle ourselves like some monsters. 0/10. Love him to bits. Wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw one of his rib bones.
Fantoccio 🧵🎭(Billie Bust Up) - I mean... I think? He'd take it seriously enough but I'm not sure he'd know what he was doing.
Barnaby 🦉☠️(Billie Bust Up) - Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. ☠️☠️☠️
Alastor 🦌🔪(Hazbin Hotel) - Must I repeat the above. ☠️☠️☠️
Ingo/Emmet 🔼🔽🚂(Pokemon) - Yeah actually I think they'd do well. They'd take it seriously, do it flawlessly and I'd walk away with a chest flatter than Emmet's hopes and dreams after Ingo got Isekai'd
Sun/Moon ☀️🌙(FNAF) - Ha. HA. HAHAHA. I can't trust them with children's safety scissors.
The Innocent 🪁🐕(Koozå) - Sir/Ma'am/Other title. That is a child.
The Trickster 🪄🎁(Koozå) - Wouldn't even need to go under. I have seen this man summon people out of nothing, my chest would be flat before I could blink. He'd make a performance out of it though and probably make me feel not entirely safe because he is peak moral ambiguity.
The Doctor ⏳️🌌(Doctor Who) - One would take it seriously but I wouldn't trust his unsteady hands. Two would probably have an anxiety attack so that's a nope. Three, Four and Five I trust to get it done safely and seriously. Honestly Six is... well he's certainly the most eccentric regeneration so probably not. Seven I'm not sure would do it properly even though he could take it seriously. Then again he could surprise me, he's more compitent than he appears. Eight and Nine? Ah shit I dunno honestly. Ten's a yes, Eleven is a huge nope, Twelve is a very safe yes and Thirteen is also a safe yes. Fourteen is just Ten repeated so also a yes. I don't know Fifteen well enough to say yet.
James "Jamie" McCrimmon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🗡(Doctor Who) - He's got the steady hands and seriousness needed, yes. Unfortunately he is from the 18th century and about sixty years before anaesthesia was invented.
Sebastian 🖥🕸(Stardew Valley) - Yeah, actually. I think he'd take it seriously and have steady enough hands for it. I'm in safe company there 👍
Nico the Accordion Man 🪗⚙️(Kurios) - ??? I have no idea??? He's a handyman which bodes well and whatever he was doing with his fingers during Hypnotique tells me he's got the hands for it, but also Have You Seen the Way This Man Moves?
Chief Clown 🤡🎪(Classic Doctor Who) - (Oh yeah I'm getting hella obscure for some of these characters.) I'm pretty sure this man is a homicidal maniac. I have seen the face he makes when he kills someone. I wouldn't trust this lunatic within one mile of me while I am fully conscious and he is unarmed. Especially considering he has been unarmed every time I have seen him kill.
Sweet Cap'n Cakes 🎶🥯(Deltarune) - I love these three adorable sweethearts with my whole chest. And if I let them near my chest with anything sharp I'm afraid I won't have anything left to love them with.
Rouxls Kaard ♥️♦️♠️♣️(Deltarune) - This man. This indigo beanpole. This walking homosexual disaster. Can't make a puzzle more complex than "put box on button." Respectfully and deeply affectionately... ✨️no✨️
Wally Darling 👁🍎(Welcome Home) -
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Hatbox Ghost 🎩🦯(Haunted Mansion) - NO. To both film and ride versions for different reasons.
Ghost Host 🪓➰️(Haunted Mansion) - 2023 film Hosty? Never. Put that axe down, sir. Ride Hosty? Well... He's a goober who's not half as dangerous as he appears. But I still wouldn't trust him to know what he's doing or particularly care too much if he accidentally killed me.
The Phantom 💀🎩(Phantom Manor) - Quite honestly I couldn't say. This man was adept at murder but only when given a reason, like his victims wanting to marry his daughter. I can thankfully say that I am queer enough for that to not apply to me. Doesn't make me trust him though.
The Prophet 🖤🎤(Legion of the Black) - Uh. Yeah, I think so. Yeah I think I'd be in okay hands, it wouldn't be flawless but it'd get done well enough.
Captain Rex 🪖🚀(Star Wars: The Clone Wars) - While I'd like to say battlefield first aid would give him some experience - which is true - surgeries are left up to droids. But even so I would say I'd be in safe hands. I trust him to get the job done well.
Ahsoka Tano 🗡🔶️(Star Wars: The Clone Wars) - Oh yeah. OH yeah. Safer than a Jedi holocron in the Jedi Temple library vault (before Cad Bane showed up, anyway).
Natemare 👁🎸(Natewantstobattle) - Ah yes because that is a level of mental instability that I trust to safely and confidently give me surgery. /s
Phantom 📜✒️ (Natewantstobattle) - If you know Phantom you're probably expecting a no, but he holds up his ends of any deal he makes! I absolutely trust him to give me the easiest, cleanest surgery ever. What I don't trust him to do is let me enjoy it for long because whoopsy-doopsy I'm now trapped inside his cane forever.
Lukas 🐈📖(Minecraft Story Mode) - Oh honey no, you stick to your books. He can kick ass and write a good story but he could never perform a surgery.
Helsknight ⚔️🔥(Hermitcraft) - The only things this man knows are Quote Meme, Rap and Be Pathetic. He made a pitfall trap for Welsknight because he forgot that literally every single Hermit has elytra and can fly, and then boasted about it, only to get deeply humbled. He has a total brain cell count of -1. I think you know my opinion.
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izzysillyhandsy · 1 year
Some Too many thoughts about episodes 4 and 5 and "Moving On"
This got wayyyy too long and rambly... but I had to write this down because it's been bugging me since last Thursday.
I have some issues with the last two episodes, episode 4 and 5, regarding, of course, my favourite character Izzy Hands and his relationship with Ed in particular.
Don't get me wrong - there was so much great stuff. I love Izzy finally being able show his feelings without having to pretend everything's alright - all it took was fucking things up so spectacularly that even Izzy didn't care what everyone thought of him. One could argue that the Kraken phase was necessary to "burn it all down" so to speak - Izzy and Ed needed this cathartic event to get out of their mutually harmful relationship.
But still... there is this underlying unfairness of it all, the disproportionate hate and aggression, the destruction of Izzy's whole life, sense of self and reality. What even are you?
Was this really necessary? Or, in other words, did Izzy have it coming? Did it serve him right?
And now that Izzy has decided to keep on living and has to deal with the trauma of being literally taken apart by the love of his life - is the only option available to him to completely distance himself from everything that happened (blow your brains out or move on)?
What happened in the first 3 episodes wasn't just Ed lashing out in anger, a payback for Izzy's betrayal. It wasn't just Ed going off the rails as a reaction to his most trusted friend pushing him towards violence at the lowest point of their lives. This wasn't "just" cutting a toe off in a moment of desperation and emotional breakdown.
No, Ed kept on going with destroying everyone and everything around him (and it was Ed, not whatever "Blackbeard" is supposed to be - Ed can clearly switch between the two and it is a concious decision to put on the Blackbeard mask to distance himself from his own cruelty).
And the person who he targeted almost exclusively was the person he was closest to, the person with obvious love for him (and of course Ed knows this), the person who kept falling apart before his very eyes and still tried to be there for him and, in his way, keep him safe.
I'm still not over the fact that Ed kept kicking Izzy who was already down, and just didn't stop until he was literally on his deathbed. And even then it wasn't over, there was one more act of cruelty left. Izzy killing himself felt natural and logical (and isn't that absolutely horrible?), almost a relief - "quick and clean" as Izzy'd put it.
Only the most ardent Izzy haters would still insist that Izzy deserved this (fucking hell, nobody deserves this, ever). Also, the show absolutely didn't frame it that way, Taika and Con (and the rest of the crew) didn't portray it that way - in my opinion, what Blackbeard did to Izzy was supposed to be seen as unforgivable (as opposed to other instances of casual violence depicted in the show).
So, as happy as I am with Izzy moving on to discover who he actually wants to be without Ed, episodes 4 and 5 left me confused and a bit frustrated. After all that happened in episodes 1 and 2, Ed can just go off be soft with Stede? He immediately comes back to the ship after being banished and gives the most half-arsed apology in history, then has fun showing off to everyone how nice he is now?
(Disclaimer: I love Ed, I love all the Ed/Stede scenes, that's not the point)
Where are the fucking consequences, show? That can't be it surely? Ed almost gets rewarded for just being Ed - contrast this with how the narrative (and parts of the fandom) kept on punishing and condemning poor Izzy for much, much lesser transgressions.
And it's apparently got to Izzy too, because now he blames himself as well:
Don't know what you're talkin' about. A shark did this. Dangling my legs over the side of the ship. Served me right, too.
NO IT DIDN'T, IZ. You thought you knew this man.
It actually makes sense that he'd see it this way, though.
Izzy's last conversations with Ed were his "I have love for you" (Come on) and Ed's "I dreamt that you killed me" (It was good for me - It wasn't even like that) where Izzy realized that nothing is/was as he thought it was.
Up to the end of S1, I believe this is what Izzy's whole life was built on:
a. Ed and Izzy are a team, captain and first mate, relying on one another. They've been together for a lifetime, they love and care for each other - not in so many words, not romantically (at least not for the last years or so, if ever) - but Izzy knows he would do anything for Ed (and I'm sure he has, many times), and Ed would probably do anything for Izzy (I'm not sure if Izzy's belief here is based on concrete events in the past, but I very much hope so).
b. It is Izzy's job to see that Ed is content and, above all, safe. Ed wouldn't trust anyone else with this.
c. Izzy talking back and challenging Ed's decisions is not only tolerated but expected.
d. They trust each other above everyone else, they know each other better than anyone has ever known them, noone can really come between them.
Now, it seems like:
a. Ed has/had no use for Izzy's love and concern.
b. Izzy has failed his job, and noone else could have failed as spectacularly.
c. it is Izzy's fault Ed lost his mind and will to live because Izzy dangled his legs over the side of the ship.
d. Ed's kept Izzy around because he's useful and convenient, but he's not irreplacable ("the hands that kill" if you excuse my pun, even used one last time to kill their master), and it only took a few weeks with fuckin' Stede Bonnet to make Izzy redundant.
In Izzy's mind, his whole life was a lie - he was never loved, appreciated, or even safe. And it was his own fault too.
DJ said in an interview that Izzy shooting Ed was him finally breaking up with him, and I agree (very generous of me, I know).
Izzy goes through the breakup phase alone - at first, he thinks Ed is dead, then he believes he has nothing else to say to Ed and Ed's said everything there was to say as well, no apology needed or expected. It's done.
We know this isn't true, right? What kind of conclusion would that be to the most important relationship in the series (apart from that other guy, I forgot his name)? After all of this, all the implied backstory, all of Con's and Taika's brilliant acting choices - there must be something more satisfying coming then Yeah... well... Not movin' on is worse.
I hope I'm worried for nothing and the next 3 episodes will address this (but there's so little time! And there is so much else going on!).
Also, I'm fully aware that in episode 4 and 5 Ed was 100% in his arc with Stede (we had the Ed/Izzy arc in episodes 1 and 2 after all). Ed and Izzy didn't interact at all in both episodes (excepting the one look during the apology). While Izzy was shouting at headless unicorns, himself and an indifferent universe with his hair attractively in his face, Ed wasn't even on the ship. Izzy moved on without any confrontation, apology, without any contact to Ed at all. To keep on living, he had to distance himself from all the trauma and throw himself at Stede.
I just felt a bit drained after episodes 4 and 5 - for me, Ed and Izzy are the central relationship of the show, Ed and Stede are like an added bonus. And after the first 3 episodes, I felt the showrunners kinda went in that direction as well (not as completely as I did obviously). And then they put Izzy on a different path and decided not to waste time with Ed actually thinking about poor Iz at all.
I really, really hope they don't drop this fascinating dynamic just to make Izzy accept that life is great without Ed and Stede and Ed running off into the sunset. Izzy (and us) have invested too much energy and love into that relationship. I want them to come to an understanding, an acknowledgement of what they were to each other, and what they are now.
Some healing stuff, or whatever. To quote Hornigold, of all people: You gotta move on, ya know? Or... you blow your brains out. Or, we could just make some soup.
(Also, Ed has to suffer because of (losing) Iz. It's only fair.)
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Since I've read some of my other incorrect quotes stuff I wanted to make another one with the adults so
Stranger Things incorrect quotes generator (feat. Robin+ the Adults, +Bonus)
Pt. 18
Murray and Robin
Murray: Give me everything you’ve got!
Robin: All your friends secretly hate you.
Murray: Wait, what?
Robin: I’ve got anxiety.
(Oof. I feel that)
Murray, texting Robin: Text me when you’re home safely.
Robin: I’m home dangerously.
Murray: Stop it.
Robin: I’m home lethally.
(Just some more modern AU fun)
Robin: You know me, Murray, I don’t take any shit. You know what I say to my haters?
Murray: What?
Robin: I say: “Please don’t hate me, I’m really nice.”
(she is really nice. But she would fight you if you insult one of her friends)
Robin: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess?
Murray: Your life?
Robin: I- well yes, but-
(More like my room. It's very messy. And oof)
Murray: Look, Robin, it's the third time this week you had a mental breakdown and its Monday.
(well a lot is happening rn so let her be)
Robin: Surgery is basically just stabbing someone to life.
Murray: Please never become a surgeon.
(I think she'd hate it anyway)
Murray: I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you are.
Robin: Okay?
Murray: …
Murray: …
Murray: Actually it’s gonna bug me if I don’t, so—
(You know. The longest he has not told her how wrong she was, was only 5 minutes)
Robin: You know what I’ve realized?
Murray: Some thoughts are better left unsaid?
Robin: Nice try, anyways-
(he is getting tired of telling her she's wrong lol)
Robin: Don’t trust everything you see on the internet.
Murray: Pfft. What possibly nonsense could come from the internet? Oh. Did you know that the Earth is actually flat?
Robin: *Takes away Murray’s phone* Yeah, that enough for you.
(omg no. He has discovered the false conspiracy theories. This is gonna take a bit of arguing and debating with Robin to get him back to reality)
Robin: Awww, why don't you like cats, Murray? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love??
Murray: I don't know Robin, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor.
Murray: I'm ALLERGIC.
(Robin is a golden retriever that loves cats. You know the black cat, golden retriever thing. And Nancy is the black cat that loves dogs. You know with Max's dog. Love that scene)
Robin: I love you.
Murray: How many people have you said that to?
Robin: Everyone.
Murray: What?
Robin: I told everyone that I love you.
(After she got officially adopted, she loves to say she loves her dad, again. Also her dad and Murray would have gotten along well. Because I say so)
[Karen and Robin]
Robin: I have an idea.
Karen: A good idea?
Robin: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
(Robin in that Halloween story)
Robin: Please, Karen, after everything we’ve been through together. You can’t do this.
Karen: I’m sorry Robin.
Robin: I’m begging you. Don’t do it.
Karen: It has to be done.
Karen: *Places +4* Uno.
(just some game night with the family playing Uno. And Robin thinks Karen doesn't like her because of that)
Karen: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you.
Karen: Ask me to kill for you.
Robin: ...First of all, calm down-
(Oop, that escalated quickly.)
Karen: Why don’t you go talk to them?
Robin, sarcastically: Oh. Yeah, sure.
Karen: What? So you go tell them they’re cute, what’s the worst that could happen?
Robin: They could hear me.
(Robin accidentally mentions she has a crush, while they had a little party with the party)
Robin, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks.
Karen: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks.
(Robin drank a bit too much and stayed over)
Robin, playing a video game: This game is so frustrating! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!
Karen: Ok, I think it’s time to turn off the game for a little while.
Robin: But I’m having fun!
(I feel that. I am it. It is me)
Robin: You know, you were right.
Karen: About what specifically? Because I’m right about a lot of things.
(Probably about the game)
Robin: Dinosaurs aren't extinct. I mean, Ted is walking in this room.
Karen: *wheeze*
(I don't know how dinosaurs are an insult but ok. Just wanted to bring Ted in for the transition)
[Ted and Robin]
Robin, handing a balloon to Ted: I have no soul. Have a good day!
Ted, walking off: I don't have one either.
(I mean that man is literally Ted. That is what he would respond)
Ted: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing their name to Robin.
(Robin annoys him every chance she gets)
Robin: Guess what I'm about to get!
Ted: On my nerves.
Robin: :)
Ted: >:(
Robin: Turn that frown upside down!
Ted: ):<
Robin: Not sure what I was expecting...
(Me neither)
Ted: There's nothing worse than people using big words they don't understand.
Robin: I photosynthesize with this.
(she knows big words but she just says stuff like that to annoy him lol)
Robin: Go big or go home!
Ted: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
Robin: I'm going big!
(he just wants his peace. Poor Ted lol)
Robin: I’m serious! They’re watching me! They’ve even got an agent following me! Don’t you believe me?
Ted: Look, it’s not that I don’t believe you… It’s that I don’t believe you and I don’t care.
(he doesn't care. And he doesn't believe her. He is just annoyed)
Ted: Knock, knock.
Robin: Who's there?
Ted: Boo!
Robin: Boo who?
Ted: Why are you crying?
Robin: I'm not crying.
Ted: Hello notcrying, I'm Ted.
(He wanted to annoy her back once and pulled a dad joke since his kids hated them. But jokes on him. She also makes dad jokes they bonded over it somehow. Just a little bit)
Robin, holding a scooter: Ted! Can I go outside and play with this?
Ted: Sure, whatever. I'm not your parent, okay?
Robin, running outside: Thanks Ted!
Ted, running out after them and screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY!
(omg. He does care)
Ted: What do you want for breakfast, Robin?
Robin: Gay Cheerios.
(Ted is not homophobic. He just doesn't give a fuck. Any Robin just loves to annoy him. Also he doesn't really yell or scream he just says it with a very frustrated voice. Also Holly picks up on Robin's jokes and also calls them gay Cheerios. She just likes to copy Robin)
(lol just realized gay Cheerios is basically the Unholy Trinity from Glee. Love them)
[Joyce and Robin]
Joyce: *Turns on the kitchen light*
Robin: *Sitting at the table, eating bread*
Joyce: It’s four in the morning.
Robin: Turn the light back off.
(this is funny. Also Robin couldn't sleep so she went to the kitchen eating one of her comfort foods. ✨🥖Bread🥖✨)
Joyce: Robin, can I ask you a question?
Robin: Sure, anything.
Joyce: Why don't you go back to your own house and leave us alone?
(Robin wants to steal Will lol. Like in the last one. And when the Byers moved back she was there a lot with Murray tho.)
Joyce: We all have our demons.
Joyce, grabbing Robin: This one’s mine!
(trying to steal her son)
Joyce: Hey, what’s the name of the guy who lives down the hall?
Robin: His cats' names are Walter and Rose.
Joyce: That's not what I asked.
Robin: That is all the information I have.
(The Byers visiting Robin in her new apartment)
Robin: Can we get a birthday cake?
Joyce: It’s not your birthday.
Robin: The cake won’t know!
(Robin wants a cake for the little apartment tour/party)
Joyce: Robin, why does your bucket list have ‘Die’ on it?
Robin: So I can die feeling at least a little bit accomplished.
(Joyce noticed it in Robin's bedroom when she was looking around. Also oof. But smart. I need to write it down)
Robin: Don’t mansplain this to me!
Joyce: Wh- I’m a woman! I can't mansplain anything to you!
Robin: …Well, I’m a feminist, and I believe a woman can do anything a man does!
(I just found the quote funny)
Robin: Hostage or not, sometimes it’s nice being held.
Joyce: Are you okay.
(talking about the time with the Russians)
Joyce: Life could be worse, Robin.
Robin: Life could be a lot better too!
(so true. So true)
Joyce: How would you rate your pain?
Robin: 0/10. Would not recommend.
(yeah. Like not at all good 👎)
Robin: If bees can be fish and boys can be girls, then why can't my mom love me?
Joyce: I thought I was going to have to yell at you, but now I think I should hug you.
(yes Qvq give her a hug)
Robin, to Joyce: If you see Hopper, give them this message *makes a neutral face*
Robin: They'll know what it means.
Joyce: oh, and Robin said to give you a message.
Joyce: *makes a neutral face*
Hopper: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
(he's seen it a lot when he was at Murray's... The reason is still unknown 👀)
Hopper: Nothing feels better than winning Monopoly. Not love, not sex, not free pizza, nothing!
Robin: I’m sorry, have you tried pizza?
Hopper: Yes, and it doesn’t compare to owning half the board and watching the light die from your friend’s eyes as you take their money and feel your friendship slowly deteriorate.
Joyce: I like you.
(jopper UwU yay. Also oof and yes same)
Hopper: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm Bisexual right?" and watch the look of terror on their face.
Robin: I like you.
(omg Hopper is Bi 👀 is that why he is at Murray's 👀)
Hopper: What are you drinking?
Robin: Vodka.
Hopper: Straight?
Robin: No, gay. Why?
(Gay vodka ✨)
Robin: School sucks.
Hopper: I know, but you have to do it so you can get a job.
Robin: What are jobs like?
Hopper: They suck.
(Oof. Depends. But yes)
Robin: *sighs*
Hopper: You bored?
Robin: Yeah.
Hopper: Wanna start drama for no reason?
Robin: I thought you’d never ask.
(they love drama. Also they just annoy the others with puns)
Robin: Anyone down to take couples counseling and see at what point the therapist realizes we barely know each other?
Hopper: Idiots to lovers, 20k words, angst with a happy ending.
(omg maybe he definitely was reading AO3 in the other incorrect quotes. Also I would love to read something like that)
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends.
Hopper: Which one? I have seven.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up.
Hopper: Ah. You have Robin.
Robin, distantly: HEY!!!
(he loves her tho. He is just as loud and annoying when they start making puns)
Robin: I’m so tired.
Hopper: Did you get to bed late?
Robin: No.
Hopper: Did you do something strenuous?
Robin: No.
Hopper: Then why are you tired?
Robin: I’m alive.
Hopper: Sounds exhausting.
(Ah yes. It is)
Robin: How would you like your coffee?
Hopper: As dark and as bitter as my soul.
Robin, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
(he has a big heart)
Robin: I have a 1:30 appointment.
Hopper: Which doctor?
Robin: No, I want the regular doctor.
(They are always trying to get each other with a joke. It's like an ongoing war. And if someone gets tricked the other gets a drink or a snack. Like a little prize)
[The Sinclairs]
*Sue is casually searching around the room*
Robin: Hey Sue, what’re you looking for?
Sue: My will to live.
*Charles walks into the room*
Sue: Oh, there it is.
(Love this)
Sue: Hey, are you okay?
Robin: Yeah.
Sue: You don't look okay...
Robin: Then stop looking.
(Her mother is being a bitch)
Sue: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Robin?
Robin: No.
Charles: I do!
Sue: I know, Charles.
Charles: I’m sad.
Sue: I know, Charles.
(Sue and Charles always talk about their feelings. They are a healthy couple and good parents)
Sue: Are you alright?
Robin: Short answer or long answer?
Sue: Short?
Robin: No.
Sue: Long?
Robin: Nooooooo.
(Lol. Also why. What happened? 🥺 also she finally talked about her emotions)
Charles: I did?
Sue: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven't been eating anything today Charles.
Sue: *walks away*
Charles: They're gone Robin.
Robin, coming out of the closet with bread stuffed in their mouth: Twankh uh!
(Robin loves bread. Also Sue would have said the same to Robin. But Sue also loves bread. They bond over that.)
Robin: One time I went to hand Sue a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.”
(omg yes be careful. Soup could be bad and not good soup 👀)
Nancy: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Robin!
Robin: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
(Nancy finally confronted Robin about Steve and Robin came out to her lol. Idk)
Robin: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!
Nancy: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?
Robin: I don't know, surprise me!
(I hope it was the first option)
Nancy: So you like cats?
Robin: Yeah.
Nancy: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
(like I said before. Robin loves cats)
(also this is just all just Nancy trying to flirt with Robin since she came out to her)
Nancy: My hands are cold.
Robin: Here, let me hold them.
Nancy: My lips are cold too.
Robin: *covers Nancy's mouth with their hand*
(Nice try Nancy nice try. But maybe something a bit more obvious)
Nancy: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
Robin: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
(oof. Well I guess you just need to straight up tell her if she doesn't get this l)
Robin: I'm trash.
Nancy: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
Robin: You smooth motherfucker.
Robin: And yes it does.
(omg it finally worked. Also that was smooth)
Nancy: I feel like doing something stupid.
Robin: I’m stupid, do me.
-- (bonus from the Generator)
Nancy: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
Robin: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, Mon amor.
(and well the rest is history. Robin speaking in different languages is like the same thing when Careless Whispers is playing for Nancy (if anyone still gets that joke. I don't know who made it)
--(another Bonus from the Generator)
Nancy: Stop doing that.
Robin: Stop doing what?
Nancy: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
Nancy walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Robin, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Robin, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
(Oh god. This is why she can't have coffee. Who gave her that)
Robin: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
Nancy: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
(Woop. Damn. But you would be crazy if you'd say no)
Robin: Two bros!
Nancy: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Robin and Nancy, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
(two bros. Sitting on a tree. B e i n g g ay )
Nancy: *Holding up a pack of pencils* These are kinda cute.
Robin: Nancy, that’s gay.
Nancy: We’ve been dating for 2 years—
(I wish)
Leave any requests for groups or just people you want to see interact.
So that's the end again. Hope you enjoyed it.
I kinda wanted to add more of Sue and Charles, but there weren't any good ones.
Also here is the other one with the adults if you haven't seen it. There is the context to some of the jokes I made.
Bye and lots of love ✨💕💖✨💖💕✨
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This isn't my usual content, but this has been bugging me all day. After watching one of those "cat haters meet kittens" videos, I think there are only two groups of people who actually dislike cats. People who had one or two bad experiences and people who want to be fawned over/adored constantly. Both of these are red flags in my humble opinion.
For the people who have had a few bad experiences, it's much more forgivable. Yes, it sucks that a cat scratched you when you were five, but hating an entire species for one encounter is stupid. Seriously, you're choosing to severely limit your understanding of the world.
Cats aren't toys, they're living creatures, with distinct personalities and sometimes trauma associated with humans. That's like deciding every human is evil because someone yelled at you. Grow the fuck up, honestly. The people in the video were in their thirties, like, seriously, how have none of you bothered to learn about why cats don't like you/your actions?
Something the people in the video kept saying was "they'll just randomly decide to scratch the shit out of you." Well let's examine why they'd do that. Cats will scratch someone most often for two reasons: their prey drive was activated or they didn't like what you were doing. So the cat was either trying to play or was telling you to back off. From what I've seen/heard it's usually the latter.
Children and people who don't understand cats will often try to force things onto the cats. Whether it's forcefully holding them, petting them, or grabbing them (cat owners do this too, we just understand what we're doing and what to expect). Literally in the video one of the people grabbed a cat's paw to shake it. That cat tolerated it, but if they did that to other cats, I'm not surprised they've been scratched. Cats will very clearly communicate if they don't like something, which these people apparently take offense at.
That leads into the other group of people, those who expect animals to adore them for no reason. Typically these people love dogs (no hate to dogs, I love them too), however their reason is because "They just love me, no matter what!" Now, what does that say about a person? Well that they don't want to have to earn something's love.
Cats will usually make a person work a lot more for their trust and affection than dogs will. Cats are more untrusting of strangers than dogs are. Certain people don't like that, they feel entitled to an animals love immediately, even though they're strangers. I always wonder if that thought extends to other people, do they expect everyone to adore them? Seems kinda delusional, just saying.
There are people that cats will never trust and they're usually this type of person. Cats are amazing judges of character, they can tell if you feel aggression or anger towards them. If you come into an interaction already feeling anger towards the cat, the cat won't want to be near you. Forcing it to be near you will only make it lash out.
Basically what I'm saying is, disliking/hating cats is a massive red flag and a mark of immaturity. There's always a reason for a cat lashing out, and choosing to hate all cats because of one or two instances is ridiculous. People who expect cats to love them and tolerate everything they do are stupid and entitled.
Please note: I am excluding people who have trauma related to cats, as those are extreme circumstances. The people I'm talking about have not been traumatized by cats, they simply chose to dislike them. This also doesn't mean I expect everyone to adore cats. Feeling apathetic or just liking them a bit is fine, it's when people actively dislike/hate them that the issue arises.
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doppel-dean-er · 2 years
im really tired so probably none if this is canon compliant but hhh Community characters and what pets they would have
Jeff: A big dog, maybe a rottweiler or any kind of mastiff. defo will use the dog to win women over emotionally. he considered buying it clothes so they could match (double the women points) but he thinks that's corny, so he just got the dog a raincoat and called it a day. for the name i'm thinking something too human sounding like "Hank" or "Brenda"
Britta: we already knows she has one-eyed cats, but why not some three-legged dogs? a lil bird missing a wing?? she's gotta name them super stereotypical names like "mittens" "beef soup" "fartshitter the squeakquel " you get the gist
Abed: betta fish. he doesn't trust himself to take of something bigger and frankly likes how quiet fish (not the filters. fuck the filters are so loud) are. they're (almost) all named after movie characters, and even though they're basically indistinguishable Abed always knows which is which. there are actually two named nemo, one after the Disney character and one after Point Nemo which is the furthest place from land on earth.
Annie: Annie seems like the type to get a ferret on a whim because they're cute (after doing extensive research of course to make sure she has enough space and the means to take care of it), and then continue to love the little guy after it fucks over her sleep schedule and makes her room smell like rotting shit. she also likes to hold the top in one hand and the bottom in the other and then wiggle it around (but not often because she doesn't wanna hurt it)
Troy: the exact opposite of Jeff, only small dogs like a dachshund or a yorkie. he likes to pick it up and put it under his arm or in a bag like rich people do in movies just for funsies. not for transport or anything, that would be cruel, but just for little bits and such. whenever the dog stops to sniff something or hears something in the distance, Troy always goes out of his way to investigate too because he wants the dog to feel important. for a name i'm thinking more movie references, maybe a name. imagine "yeah this is my dog Indiana jones, and my other dog Paul". also he HAS to match with the dog, he has a bunch of harnesses with different colors on em just to match
Shirley: so many hamsters. so many. there is a graveyeard in her back yard full of small animal carcasses in boxes because her kids have no idea how to take care of something. at one point, after buying like 50 hamsters, she just got them one of those mice people buy to feed their snakes and it lived for two years. she never gets to name the things because they're her kid's animals, but she frequently has to stop them from naming them "fart" and "butthole"
Hickey: firm animal hater. he definitely has some sob story about how when he was a child he had to kill his dog, and that dog was his only friend or something and now has a deep-seated distrust of all animals because they all will hurt him. so sad for you cry about it, ration man
Frankie: I don't think she would ever commit to having an animal because having to deal with the Dean is like having a dog anyway but she always dreams about having a cat one day. a little orange one that's lazy that she can talk to and pretend it talks back just for funsies... yes she does want Garfield, okay? are you happy? she dreams about having Garfield. she doesn't even like Garfield and god knows she hates Jon Arbuckle with every fiber in her being but god dammit, she wants a Garf.
Pierce: friends with a dog breeder. treats dogs the way the Kardashians do except n o o n e thinks its cute when he does it
The Dean: honestly I don't think we should allow this man within 50 feet of a Dalmatian. no pets
Chang: befriended the mice and bugs that live in the walls. has a cat named "shit"
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dumplingsjinson · 9 months
(don't mind me if we've moved on, I'm just a simple follower with my bindle, showing up late to the party)
I'm by no means going into relationship counseling for my degree BUT I do work at a psychiatric hospital for raw experience (I work FL, baker act laws an all, very, uh special compared to other involuntary laws anywho-) and my physical degree is in research for broad psychology.
With that being said, let me be as brief as possible. I'm super proud of you for speaking up to this guy, a good handful of my patients can't even do that and they end up with me short-term because they said the wrong thing to the wrong person (oh FL, and your special wording) or another involuntary placement happens (ex-parte or marchman) because not all relationships are great or have boundaries or what have you.
(Also again, not 100% my forte here, but I've been burned in real life to the point that my two extremes became "study the human psyche like a bug" and "study the human body like a bug" but in a villain origin story sort of way, and I'm almost done with the psyche part, I'll be a real villain with the other part, not the point-). I did kind of scroll past some of your other vents about this and skimmed them so forgive me, I lack the attention span for things. I want you to know that your concerns look valid, and some of your friends (not us) also seem concerned (and some of us, here, also have concerns). You have a decently broad support system and you're using it in such a good way, don't let anyone take it from you (block out the haters. Spoons, CDs on the glasses). The reason we get suspicious from past things is also 100% valid, we've been burned (or however you personally want to describe it) before more likely than not. I'm not here to tell you to break up with your significant other immediately if there's no reason for it. You're allowed to be suspicious. But you're also doing great by working up this courage to speak up, that's one of the hardest steps. I know for me, speaking up in some situations (even coming off anon sometimes, I'm also super anti-social and I picked psychology as a degree, research as a pth and a psych hospital as a job, which is the most social thing I could find, 0 stars) often feels like those movie scenes with intense fear and anxiety, almost fishbowl-like, y'know what I mean?
Make yourself come first at the end of the day no matter what. You don't have to have main character energy in the sense that you own everything and get away with everything, but you should make sure you do things for you, not to keep the peace. If you're not happy, you've got a support system from what you've demonstrated, you can do anything with that. If you think something is amiss, trust that feeling, investigate safely, draw your own conclusions because obviously you know more than your devoted tumblr followers because we do not live in your head (that'd be weird, a constant party I'm sure, but still weird).
I personally don't know the full story, so I don't want to dictate your decision and I'm just some girl on anon who's crying over a piece of paper from a university, I've got my own life struggles beyond my piece of paper that I probably could've bought off Amazon if I were smart (alas, am not, went to school instead; I could probably solve my other struggle like that too right? anyone know a good neurologist I can buy off Amazon at this point. Mine completely forgot which patient I was LMAO she keeps asking if I'm her chronic TBI patient like bro? huh? so I'm back at square one with 0 treatment because of her stupidity, maybe worse because of how it happened, anyway this leads into my next point). A little venting only hurt people who want to be mad that they didn't blacklist what they don't want to see, a little venting might help you think straight, do what you gotta do so you can do what's best for you. This bubble is your world, not his, not mine, not some other anons, not another tumblr user's.
Like I said, I'm not very social, this is my anon two cents worth. My psych charcuterie board, my social interaction for the week. Time to fuck back off into the woods into my witch cabin once again, recharge, cause psychic damage to someone to balance out this anon, y'know, girlie things. (I said brief earlier and gave you a thesis I'm so sorry LMFAO I do that a lot).
First of all, I am very honoured you're out here writing out a thesis for me LMAOOO.
This was a really entertaining read I'm ngl, and I'm a little at a loss for what to reply with so excuse me for my brevity but thank you so much for the encouragement.
Ever since getting into this relationship, I feel like I've wracked up the nerves to communicate my needs and confront someone when something's gone wrong, or when something's irking me. The anxiety, or the want to get rid of that anxiety, is what drives me to do what I never thought I'd do. I'm starting to realise I'm someone who cannot let something sit on my chest or it'll absolutely suffocate me, so I let that be the driving force of getting me into action.
My brain basically works like this now: "We need to alleviate this anxiety now by talking with them. Is it nerve wracking? Yes. Does it feel like you're gonna die? Also yes. But could you let this sit on your chest for any longer than it already has before it actually fucking kills you? No. So just fucking do it and don't look back."
And yeah, my support system on both here and within my own friend group has helped immensely, I don't think I would have been able to do this alone.
Obviously, the mix of opinions and advice can sometimes make me feel a little bit muddled up on what to do, but I do end up taking some of the advice on board, mixed with my original plan on what to do, and it's full steam ahead after that.
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nityarawal · 4 days
Down In The Roots
(Behind The Veil)
Morning Songs
Down To The Roots
Into The Roots
Down To The Roots
Where Else Would
You Want To Be
Into The Roots
Down In The Roots
I Feel Your Presence
It's Really Deep
Down To The Roots
Into The Roots
Natalia Called It
Down To The Roots
We Feel Bone
Down To The Roots
B.B. King
Celebrates My Birthday
Down To The Roots
Mexico Too
Independence Day
September Sixteenth
Down To The Roots
Whoever Else
Would You Want
To Be
Down To The Roots
You Got Sap Too
Don't Take Mine
Down To The Roots
Psyche Warfare
Down To The Roots
A Million Americans
But You're Still
Down To The Roots
Was It The Sap
My Therapists
Into The Roots
Don't Look So Grande
Down To The Roots
Was It The Reiki
In Your Zen Dispensary
Down To The Roots
Big Pharma
Hurt Me
Down To The Roots
Pines Umbrella'd
Down To The Roots
I'll Be Leeching
Acorns Next
Down To The Roots
Elon Don't Want
Sunita's Bad Juju
In Our Bedroom
Lost In Space
Down To The Roots
Who Transed
Down To The Roots
Trans Widows
They Call Us
We'll Keep Our
With Pride
Dead Named Parents
Stop The Genocide
In A Draft
Now It's Legal
To Call A Spade
A Spade
Do You Want Me
To Host X TV
From The Road
Or Flying
Do You Want Me
To Host The Lemon
Law Show
We Can Do It Ever
So Sensitively
Let's Have Candace
Owens On
Russell Brand
Joe Rogan
For Tea
And Re-Monetise
My Ladies
All Our Refunds
Thanks For Being
And Standing By
When No One
The Crazies Almost
Got You
The Crazies Almost
Cancelled You
The Crazies Almost
Got You
Hopped Up On Meds
The Crazies Almost
Got Me
Dyke Discrimination
Not Funny
They Say Only Boys
Will Have Uteruses
At Riverside Healthcare
Insurance Discrimination
Elon Wants My
To Feel Safe
Like Sunita Does
And Not Butchered
In A War
Trans Widowed
Lost In Space
For A Gay Man's
With Super Space Bugs
Thankyou For Saving
Sunita Williams
Don't Need Her Ghost
In The Bedroom
Or A Tar Stain
On America
Thankyou For Saving
Sunita Williams
I Pray Her Husband
Still Loves Her
And Not Just
Another Divorce
With Space
I Pray For Sunita
Because My
Son Was Lost
At Space X
And I Got Trans
Or Trans De-Mothered
By The Haters There
The Sue Makers
The Sue Nils
The Men That
Bought Our Lingerie
On Our Wedding
Gay Husband's
Let Us Down
Chose Strippers
The Men We Loved
And Trusted
They Tricked Us
Transvestites Hurt
My Family
With Vasectomy
Infertility Abuse
Forced Drugs
And Kidnappings
Peace Now
Peace & Love Eternal,
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal
Tumblr media
0 notes
phrootsnacks · 7 months
jjba thursday part 4: ep 16-18
it's jjba thursday. usually im excited for jjba thursday, usually im looking forward to it throughout the week. but today I don't know. im not feeling the best. hmmm let me get some ice cream
anyway. sometimes you just gotta watch jojo's bizarre adventure, even when you're not in the mood to watch jojo's bizarre adventure. because you gotta. you gotta see jojo's bizarre adventure
episode 16 - Let's Go Hunting!
wait im just noticing jotaro's dolphin themed outfit. because hes a marine biologist. thats so cute.
I thought we already knew non humans could have stands. what about that one ape on the boat. wait a minute. was that ape also ..... bored?
new opening! cool
im not used to jotaro talking this much
they're gonna livestream the rat's nest
dead rat cube
yeah why the hell are you poking it
this really isn't a hunting trip, you're in someone's house
spOoOokY fridge!
dead human cube (well. mostly dead)
yo why's this rat's stand a missile launcher
jotaro! your hand!!!
jotaro is really carrying this episode
oh wow
I like that in the moment jotaro stops time he says "good grief"
I also like that jotaro named the rat bugeaten and is also the only one calling it bugeaten
tfw your nephew who's older than you is trusting you to locate a rat based on its missile launches and then kill said rat
tfw your nephew who's older than you gets hit by the rat's missiles and starts turning into black goo
ok. im not gonna call you that josuke
"Akira's mutant stand rats got me thinking. They are reflections of our destruction of the environment. I'm not sure how to feel." ??? why did jotaro say this
episode 17 - Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
who... voices this guy...... I see
the map is wrong? for sure this is the work of an enemy stand
ok I know the character's don't know what show they're in but. I feel like if I had a stand and I knew stand users attracted each other and I was in a bizarre situation?? I would not be surprised by it being the work of an enemy stand. I would be more surprised if it was the work of a walrus
"haters like josuke" AHHAHAHAHAHAH
hey. why are you reading all this
she's a true crime girly
she's a prankster
oh. ok
I feel like. if you live in a world with stands, ghosts are pretty believable
um. rohan???
Morioh, a small quiet town.... with a SERIAL KILLER who is KILLING CHILDREN!!!!!!
koichi I thought you said you just have five minutes
tfw you're in the myth of orpheus. except its the opposite in the sense that you do feel like somethings behind you
um. ok??
who. what?????
come on koichi. we only go after serial killers that have stands!! obviously
um. um. um. um.
"look at this! you're dripping. not at all becoming of a lady. I expect you to clean this up!" WHO wrote that. or is my mind just...
no, this guy is intentionally saying very horny things to a severed arm. naturally
episode 18 - Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
"the public doesn't realize it, but there's an Evil lurking in Morioh" again!!! what!!!!!!
god damn the fear mongery lines just dont end huh! true crime girlies would like jjba part 4
is... the roach the stand user??
how. how are you barely keeping up with this lil bug thing
check it out
they're just hustling. 24 7 grindset mindset
okuyasu. stop hitting on everyones mom!!!
shigechi!!!!! :,)
"you sneaky dick" thats a new one lol
this episode started so dark. but now it's :,)
they are being so cute!!! right?? even if they are being a lil sketchy
friendship IS the coolest
I love this weird little guy and how much josuke and okuyasu are hyping him up
yeah!!! seize the means of production!!! workers' of the world unite!!!!
hey. do people ship josuke and okuyasu. because
did you know?? its SG group 121314
this episode is so SILLLYYYYYYYYY
communist shigechi!!! hell yeah!!!!!! dont let them steal your wages!!!!!!!
ok. so yeah. im glad I watched jojo's bizarre adventure. I feel a bit better now :)
0 notes
deerydear · 10 months
The way I looked at the world, back then:
"Who even cares if there could be negative consequences of HRT? I want to be happy!
If I have to sacrifice my health for happiness, then..."
I remember befriending people who said that we should have a right to commit suicide, if we want to. I honestly don't know whether I have a definite opinion about this.
I remember people who would cut themselves, wanting to graphically harm themselves, blind themselves.... and they'd get pissed off about being thrown in the psychiatric ward for it.
Although, I find that relatable.
Even if the psych ward's mission is to save your life, sometimes they are staffed by people who get off on having a power trip.
Sometimes, they incarcerate people who don't really need to be there, just to charge them money for staying there. It's really gay. A luxury hotel where you have to sit in a windowless room all day. All you have are some playing cards, books, crayons and paper.
No pencils, because they stopped giving kids pencils after a girl stabbed someone with one.
Then they say, "no, you really do need to be here. You say that you don't, because you have a serious mental illness and your judgement is impaired. Trust us."
The law was unfairly on my legal guardians' side. If they could be persuaded by a greedy conman, then I was treated by them as if I were chattel.
"Don't trust your daughter. We know what's best. We're the professionals, after all!"
I was saying a lot of confusing things.
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...but most of them were things that I didn't believe.
This started off being a testimony of how one can warp under pressure.
"I should have the right to kill myself. I should have the right to maim myself, grievously injure myself. I should have the right to harm myself with drugs."
What this really means, in effect:
"You should sit back and watch while I do these things. If you try to stop me, I'll scream.
You aren't allowed to care about me. Caring goes against my political code of ethics!"
Unless you alienate everyone from you, with your fucking psychopathic "code of ethics"... then there is no one to care if you kill yourself, except from afar.
A wall in-between me and them.
I typed "us" and them, but every person could be "them"-ified. I even did it with myself. I locked myself away from myself. Until I was a hollow shell of nothing.
Rereading 1984.... it's like a mirror. It's like Winston was writing from inside my mind, like he was living in me.
I was originally just going to make a joke that this was my old "transition goal":
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I wanted to sacrifice everything.
I wanted to become proof of a concept.
Except, I've always been a breathing, pretty girl... blushing like a flower.
The flowers come up, the bugs taste their sweet nectar, the ovary swells with seeds, the petals wilt, the next generation springs up in the next year. It's a gorgeous dance, full of color, form, groove, music....
Why would you give this up to try to become a cold marble statue that sits alone in a museum all day?
In our museum collection: An old, worn picture of the suffragettes marching for freedom.
I have kept returning to that article about bearing false witness.
I see such a parallel with the online feminist groups that I've been a part of. Armchair activism. Yeah, there's people that actually make a difference. There's people out there serving the needy and helping people out of bondage.
...but at least on tumblr, "men" becomes synonymous with "patriarchs" and thus "woman-haters" and then from there your imagination may take you on a ride. It's like stepping into a completely different life.
...but just the way that other people write, "as a woman...", or "as women, we..."
To me, it's so...
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Although, I feel like my attitude towards "online activism" was quite selfish.... I wanted to go blame this on the fact that I was twelve, but I know there are people who wouldn't have become the way that I did, if they were twelve at the time.
Can I blame tumblr?
Do you blame a fish for being entranced by an anglerfish's light? ...but wouldn't I be an anglerfish, too? Yin and yang...
We aren't actually predator and prey. We're authors, writing on computers.
Ahhhh... I think that my problem is that I kept the framework of "oppressor" vs. "oppressed"; which in neutered-SJW-speak seems to mean, "big meany butthead" and "innocent person who could never do harm, and never has. O sinless lamb."
I do question whether some people's Christian upbringing influence how they view politics, even if they renounced their faith.
I don't think the fact of Christian faith is the problem, I think that it's HOW you understand it.
That's so... unattractive to someone who wants to be a mindless consumer. "Buy buy buy! The instant cure to take away your sins! Fix your problems!"
No, but it's really a more intricate question. You have to discern truth from falsity.
The Devil doesn't create anything. He doesn't have the power of creation. He can only twist things that already have existed. He tries to twist Truth a little bit, so it doesn't fit into its socket anymore. This is how the Devil tries to take apart the machine.
Then he says, "oh, we need to rebuild the entire machine to fit around this twisted joint! Create a twisted reality to fit an injury!"
Instead of going back and just fixing the joint which was working smoothly and properly, before he deliberately injured it.
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Is there any clear winner?
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
*putting on my kinn's defender hat* nah bc ppl in kp fandom are trashing kinn for locking up porsche and not trusting him but i'd honestly do the same after seeing him chilling with vegas & drinking wine by the pool few days after that bathroom incident (like porsche???? are u a dumb lil baby or what's going on here?) and having tawan adding his own two cents with the whole "you have a rat here"
no bcs this is exactly it!
i think people tend to forget that we, as an audience, have the benefit of being able to see things from all sides, so we know what porsche was doing when he bugged tawan's room because we got to see it. we got to see his logic and thought process behind it all, we have the privilege of knowing that he's not going to betray kinn, that he's never going to betray kinn.
but kinn doesn't get that.
from kinn's perspective it just looks like an act of betrayal, because all he sees is porsche spying on him and following him around, and that coupled with the pool scene where he's drinking wine with vegas after everything vegas has put the two of them through absolutely will have doubts clouding his judgement.
people seem to think he should just get over what tawan did to him as if that wasn't a huge, traumatic thing that scarred him for life. of course he's probably looking back on everything he had with porsche and over-analysing all their interactions. after the show spent 9 episodes establishing kinn's trust issues it shouldn't be a surprise to us that the first thing he does when confronted with a potential betrayal by the first person he loved and trusted in years, is close himself off and push porsche away to protect himself.
the majority of their conflict comes from the fact that they don't communicate properly and use sex to try and solve their problems which obviously doesn't work. porsche should have told kinn that he bugged tawan's room, kinn should have told porsche about tawan's plan (which, he actually was going to until he saw porsche and vegas drinking together so huge L for the kinn hater nation), then this drama could have been avoided in the first place.
tldr: kinn's trauma is just as valid as porsche's you guys are just mean
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