#because i own a car and have my drivers license and therefor i am now the friend group taxi
maddogmp3 · 1 year
hello google how to not be stressed over plans that are not stressful. thank you
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lire-casander · 2 years
2, 16, and 38?
2. lighter or matches?
neither. i'm deeply afraid of fire, so everything i own operates with electricity. we have a water heater that works with gas, therefore it has a flame, and i keep as far away from it as possible. i don't light up candles for birthdays, that's always my father or somebody else.
16. can you drive?
i can! i've had my license for almost twenty years now. i can drive a stick shift, and recently i've started driving an automatic car. i can say i am a good driver, although i love going fast so sometimes i have to stop myself from going too fast.
38. a soap bar that smells good?
i couldn't tell you. i'm allergic to most things that have aroma, so i use this really bland and no-smell soap because it's the only one that doesn't make my allergies go wild. but i love the smell of lavanda.
ask me weird (and weirder!) asks!
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nx-communicato · 2 years
“Hunh, it’s rich and tangy, like old coins…”
I thought I was just supposed to somehow rent a car (without a driver’s license and no insurance) to get down to ______ Valley in ____ to meet up with everyone, my friends & family, and maybe some 71357325 or 170224765 or 8428325. (…of course I don’t have 3 keys or any other potential requirements, I found no gold coins or hidden treasures, and solved no riddles.) But….
Nope, now I’m just sad and broken again, because I’m pretty sure this is just the most elaborate April Fool’s prank on the biggest fool ever and everybody is laughing at me always… I don’t understand what the fuck is going on. I don’t understand why the things I was most proud of about myself… my favorite qualities about me as a person, are the weaknesses that everyone else is trying to cure me of. I have silently questioned every single aspect of my life… every memory dissected to see if it was real or illusion. Everybody out in public I hear whispering about me as I pass. I no longer am able to trust anyone. It doesn’t help that I see messages written encoded on every surface I see (every surface - of everything). Every post I see, every text, every article… all have encrypted messages directed to me. I found a note this morning written years and years ago from my now deceased grandfather to my dad that seemed to indicate a willingness to contact some old veteran friends to eliminate the unholiness that is me if he (my father) didn’t feel he’d be able to take care of me himself. Every book I pick up, somehow now describes me or my life in ways I never noticed before but now cannot ignore.
I have a new permanent lurking fear that I have forgotten something I have done that was so bad that it would warrant this punishment… but I don’t know what, so every person I meet I have a quick panic moment where my brain flash-forwards through all the horrors I may have inflicted on their family: did I sideswipe a relative off a bike while drunk? …or maybe they were in the van with me when I crashed, …was I a bully? …did I try to financially usurp your family business? …did I rape you or your sister? …I can be really imaginative when I’m destroying my psyche.
Am I a god, a demon, a computer program? Am I Kargeros or Neo, Loki or Pinocchio, Jesus or Alice? Am I even alive? Was I ever alive? I never in my life thought that I would have this problem, but now I sometimes question whether or not I am even alive or real or not… how fucking low does your self-confidence have to get to question the relevance of your own existence? But, the cheapest (and therefore most likely) solutions are that either I was a hated deadbeat who now resides in hell because of a debt owed, or I am a naive and gullible fool and I’m getting punked! These are my two best guesses for what is happening except for when my stupid-ass ever-hopeful heart blinds me into thinking I would somehow ever get a happy ending to this story that is my shitstorm of a life.
So if you are wondering why I haven’t finished the game, or why I keep relapsing, it’s not because I don’t love you or I don’t want to be with you forever. I want nothing more. In fact, that is really the only thing I want in life anymore. It’s just that I have no reason to believe that it is possible that it even could happen - that there is even the slightest chance of that being a possible future is most likely the reason I’m still here (well, that and the fact that Tiger hasn’t passed on yet). But fighting against that tiniest fraction which exists only on baseless hope, is an entire lifetime of experience (probably?) saying that’s not how things go for me. Usually at this point in my constant internal argument silently ongoing is when I get triggered into wearing myself out physically for no reward or maybe stumble across another tormenting post or sometimes just have a chat with the angels and demons and elementals and 4D energy leeches that I get to see in a weird overlay of the reality that everyone else perceives… lucky me for gaining a spiritual level-up (or a mental schism - call it how you like it makes no difference to me). Regardless, my concern at this point is not so much, “…am I disappointing loved ones”, as it is, “…gee, I wonder how my rifle tastes?”
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Survey #354
“swimming through the void, we hear the word  /  we lose ourselves, but we find it all”
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? I never do. My hair is naturally pretty oily, and conditioner just adds oil to it. Do you prefer light or dark jeans? Dark. I never liked light-hued jeans. When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen? I almost always just listen. Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook? Yes. Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person? My first "real" boyfriend. I always do to varying degrees. How many cars are parked at your house right now? Just one. Do you have any Italian ancestry? No. Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature? The colder, the absolute better. I can barely stomach drinking water that isn't cold, like literally. Has anyone ever told you you’re a control freak? No. Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found? I don't think so, anyway. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? A certain hot sauce on the wings I used to get at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was close to the top of their little heat rating thing. It made me feel awful, and yet I enjoyed it still?? I think it was an adrenaline thing. I only get medium sauce now; I'm more interested in enjoying my food than feeling like I'm eating fire. Do you need to talk to someone? I'm ready for my therapy appointment honestly, but it's not 'til the start of June. Mom and I both don't want to go through the process of finding a new one, so I've chosen to just suck it up and wait. Is something confusing you at the moment? I'm always confused with myself and my feelings. When was the last time you had a real deep chat? Real deep, I'm sure that would've been during PHP. Who did you last see on webcam? My former group therapist. I miss him a lot and really wish he could treat me outside of the program, but he doesn't do that. :/ What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)? Doris, Martha, Crowley, Little Dot, Jane Marie, Buster, Beesly, Winter, and I believe only one of the fish is named: Raisha. Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass? No. Who’s your favorite Disney character? Dory, probably. Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk? What the fuck, no. When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling? I've never used one. Do you like being kissed on the neck? Whoa now buddy, we better be kind of serious by then for you to do that because it doesn't end "well" lmao. Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later? I almost deleted this question because I didn't want to answer it, but I try to leave more unique ones in, so... whatever. I haven't. But I would for "somebody." What’s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra? Ugh, my relationship with bras is a hellish one because NONE FUCKING FIT ME CORRECTLY. Mom's tried so, so many places, so many different stores online and in-person, and even if the bra fits in the front, it won't go around my back comfortably. I guess my body is shaped weird, I don't fucking know, because I have literally ZERO bras that don't aggravate me. At some point, I'm going to some woman Mom knows who can size me properly and therefore buy some that don't piss me off. All that to say I'd actually pay more than the usual, but not a ridiculous price. Do you have any of your teachers’ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list? My old Physical Science teacher, who is actually now a very close family friend and our landlord, is in my phone. Do you ever stalk peoples’ personal blogs, even if you don’t know them very well? No. What’s one thing about today’s generation that you just can’t stand? How ungrateful they can be. Be honest: how do you feel about abortion? I am pro-choice. Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to? There's a lot of people, actually. Old friends I miss. What is your favorite piece of art you own? It... sounds cocky, but it's probably the drawing I did in high school of Pyramid Head and the Halo of the Sun intertwined. I worked my fucking ass off and I'm extremely proud of it. What’s the one thing you apologized for this month? Hm. Probably just something minor, like bumping into Mom or something when passing her. My favorite color is ______? Pink, specifically pastel pink. I wish I had _____? A job. What did you buy today? Nothing. What has challenged your morals? Life, my dude. Live and learn. What made you pick up the last book you started reading? It's the sequel to the last book I read. What about your life concerns you the most? Concerns me, my physical health, especially just how weak my legs are. I'm terrified of them continuing to deteriorate. What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? I cannot fucking stand the misuse of the word "retarded." Like just keep your damn mouth sewn shut if you have the audacity to say things like "hurr hurr this driver is retarded." ANY mental illness/condition is NOT to be mocked. Onto the next question, I'd say I'm more towards difficult to offend. It really depends on the topic. What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another? I re-watched Fullmetal Alchemist w/ Sara. We're working on Avatar: The Last Airbender too, but I won't resume watching it again until we can do it together. What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same? Well, I weigh a lot more. .-. I gained back almost all the weight I shed since quarantine started, and I'm forever fucking furious about it. I'm the same in most other ways. If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take? Uhhhhh meerkat behavior? Idk. Name a song you’ve listened to today? I've got Halocene, Lauren Babic, and Violet Orlandi's cover of "Aerials" by System of a Down on loop right now. It's fucking gorgeous and so mesmerizing. When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard? We had a small playhouse with swings and a slide. Is your mall nice? GOD no. You better accept the possibility of getting shot before you walk in there. There's nothing that cool at all there. Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there? Yeah. I love the strawberry slushy, and the Reese's Blast thing if KILLER. Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around? Yes. How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries? GOOD. STUFF. Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? I think so. Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with? No, he's my closest guy friend. To whom did you last give the finger? Probably some idiot that ran a red light. I'm sure it happened in the car, whenever it happened What was the last musical instrument played in your presence? I've got no clue. Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? No, I hate the texture difference. And just sprinkles in general. Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before? No. Do you know how to do the moon walk? No. Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice? Yeah, but I beg to differ. Onion rings or french fries? French fries. I'm not a big fan of the other. Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? Nope. Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast? When I'm excited, yes, it happens sometimes. Who is the best cook that you know? Uhhhhh idk. Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most? I don't really skip meals. What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time? I can’t juggle at all. What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid? Swings. I'd dash to those at recess to try to actually get one. Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? All I know is six pounds, no clue on the ounces. Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do? Sitting my ass at the computer, really... I don't exactly do much. Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this? It feels sucky of me considering whenever I do get someone a gift, it's because Mom is letting me use her money with me being without an income, BUT I still do LOVE the process of thinking of something meaningful for those important to me and hopefully seeing them love whatever I got them. I cannot wait until I actually can do that regularly. What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything? Take care of my pets. How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining? I hate driving because you're in a speeding box of death, man. I do really want to start working towards my license though; I've long since reached the "enough is enough" point. But first I need new glasses so I can actually see five feet in front of me. Do you enjoy talking about music with others? Yeah! Is acting something you enjoy? No. I'm too awkward about it. When do you feel most accomplished? When I finish a big art pierce. Do you think Manwich is amazing or completely gross? I like 'em. Just messy, which I'm not a fan of. How many best friends do you have? One. Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above? None of the above. If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced? I don't remember exactly, but I was a kid. Do you own any exercise machines? No. I wish. On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings? Nah, but I used to do that. Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait? Painted, but only because it was a school assignment. Who was your last voicemail from? I don't get voicemails because mine isn't even set up. Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious? No. Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid? No. When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language? Not since I was taking a test in high school for my German course. My teacher was a Germany native, so she was a total pro and fun to learn from. Have you ever received an anonymous gift? No. Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day? No. That's always sounded miserable to me. When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was fucking miserable. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? I don't know if it's abusive, but it's toxic and dysfunctional as HELL. I don't know WHY she keeps going back to him, I feel awful for the woman. I'm definitely not, 'cuz I wouldn't tolerate that shit for half a second. If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? They've both moved out by now. Have you ever gotten searched by the cops? Yes, as a safety protocol with mental illness stuff. Do you like fried rice? Yes. What was the last thing you drank? Would you believe me if I told you I have water right now?
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slashscowboyboots · 5 years
Reptiles & Rogues: Loaded Like a Freight Train (Part 1)
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Have I finished my High School GNR fics? HELL NO!  Did I start another series? YOU BET YOUR ASS!  Is it as long as a book? SHIT YEAH WHY NOT?
Tag list: @malibubarbievince​ @ace-is-back-and-he-told-you-so​ @fanofnightz​ @sunshinesuska​ @sodalitefully​
Warnings: Public intoxication, the occasional cuss word, brief allusion to whiskey dick, wanting to grope a stranger’s fine ass (it’s about GNR people, they ain’t the church choir-see the above gif)
Notes: This is the first installment of a series, and the character Susan is based on the wonderful @sunshinesuska​ (if you aren’t following her or her writing blog @izzysdenimjacket​ you are really missing out, what a talent)
You couldn’t believe your eyes.
He was gorgeous.
And as he swayed all over the stage, you realized he was hammered.  Immaculately graceful and stunning, but he was completely FUBAR.
It was the first time you’d ever seen your friend Slash’s band Guns N’Roses play.  You’d met him when he stopped by the reptile rescue center where you worked, a beacon of tranquility on a busy city block.  With his impressive mane of curls and top hat, Slash definitely stood out amongst the normal gawkers and the classes of schoolchildren who came by to line up and hold Ralph the 8 foot red-tailed boa out to his full length.
The charming guitarist showed up frequently, leaving the newspaper stand 2 doors down where he where he worked (mostly gabbing on the phone) to come in and coo and smile at every animal in the place, large or small, knowing more about reptiles than any book or herpetologist.
He’d taken such a shine to the ancient tegu lizard Fats that he’d begged you to let him take him home for a weekend, and the fact that was against Dr. Mark’s policies (the veterinarian owned the facility and therefore made the rules) completely broke your heart.  You knew the geriatric and corpulent old tegu returned Slash’s affection, and would probably enjoy a couple of days having a devoted dad who treated him so tenderly.
You’d even visited Slash’s place and met Clyde, and it just blew you away that this scruffy looking guy owned a for-real anaconda.  AN ANACONDA.  You’d never seen one before; they didn’t get rescued because they were so irascible people didn’t keep them as pets, but here was Slash, holding up a placid green and yellow noodle like it was normal to do this kind of thing every day.
Slash was a deeply cherished friend, nothing more (he had a raging crush on a lab tech named Susan he’d met when he took his Grandma Ola in for bloodwork, and your didn’t meet too many guys with your head down shoveling reptile shit), a welcome human voice amid the silent creatures, and when he’d asked you to come out and see his band play, you couldn’t tell him no.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“We’re LOUD.”
Well, it wasn’t like you hadn’t heard of the Germs.
So had you headed down the Strip, X t-shirt and black ripped jeans on.  You’d even made somewhat of an effort with your hair, teasing your curls out and lacquering them in place.
Alright, dude, here I am.
And you had witnessed the most amazing band you’d ever seen tear through their set in a state of shock.  That sweet, soft spoken buddy of yours was bare chested and sweaty, his head thrown back, effortlessly making his Les Paul cry the most beautiful tears.  But as much as you loved watching Slash play, someone else onstage had your full attention.
He was pale, tall and thin, with long black hair, skintight black t-shirt and jeans, beating the everloving hell out of a defenseless white guitar.  He wove over and shouted something intelligible into the microphone, then wobbled his way to the other side of the stage.  The most beautiful creature you’d ever seen, and, just your luck, he was snake-turds drunk.
After the show, the band milled around the bar.  Slash introduced you to them all, and you discovered Hot Stuff went by the nom de punk Izzy Stradlin (how charming).  He’d indifferently nodded at you and went back to slurping greedily out of a red solo cup.
Slash was soon detained by an appreciative female fan.  He grinned at you in wonderment, exclaiming, “Holy shit, Y/N, you’re like my lucky charm.  Susan’s here and she wants to talk to me.”  You looked over at her, radiant with her own beautiful curls and top hat, and gently wished him good luck.
With your adrenaline wearing off and everyone preoccupied with drinking and hooking up, you decided to head home.  Although you had a day off tomorrow (to get your hairs did), the Sunset Strip was never your scene.
You made it back over to Slash to say goodbye.  Susan was seated in his lap, her head buried against his neck
“Bye, Slash.  Thanks for inviting me.”
“No problem.  Hey, since your like the only sober person here, can I ask you for a favor?”
“Can you make sure Izzy gets home?”
IZZY?  The really hot guy?
“Yeah, he’s a mess tonight, and I trust you not take advantage of him.”
Oh rilly?
Slash smirked, like he’d just read your mind.
You sighed.  “Where does he live?” but Slash was already joined at the lips with his pretty new girlfriend.
Where even is Izzy? you thought as you scanned the bar.  Your stomach lurched when you thought about peeling him off of some trashy thing and trying to wrestle his drunk ass into your car.
Let’s hope he goes quietly.
To your immense relief, he wasn’t eating some chick’s face (or anything else), just parked on a chair outside of the men’s room, his head thrown back against the wall, eyes closed.
“Uh, Izzy?”
“Who wants to know?”
“I’m Y/N.  I met you earlier. I’m Slash’s friend.”
His eyebrows raised, but he didn’t open his eyes.
“I’m here to take you home.”
A filthy smirk slithered across his face.  “You’re about an hour too late for that, honey.”
“No!” you snapped, "Slash asked me to make sure you got home all right.”
He didn’t speak, but slowly stood up without argument, wildly unsteady on his feet.  Instinct had you throwing your arms around his slender waist, and his hands held onto your shoulders as you guided him to your car.
Once the two of you were inside, you asked him, “Where do you live?” but he had passed out with his head against the passenger side window.
After you buckled him in, you glanced down at his skintight jeans.  While the thought of feeling in his back pockets for a wallet containing a driver’s license definitely held some appeal, groping a drunken stranger’s ass  was something you just weren’t willing to do.  Not tonight, even if the ass in question was pretty admirable.  
Not that you’d been staring.  Just looking out for a defenseless individual.
So, were you going to drive around till an abode shouted, “Here’s Izzy’s place!” or he sobered up, whichever came first?  Or were you going to take him home with you?  One glance over at his perfect profile and one out-loud groan later, you had your answer.
Getting Izzy out of your car wasn’t difficult (gravity had helped).  Getting him up the steps to your apartment was a challenge, though, and unlocking the door with him in your arms and leaning on you had been quite the feat.
You shoved him inside to keep from dropping him (to be so damn skinny he sure was heavy), and the two of you finally made it to your couch.
He was completely conked out, no help at all, so you picked up his feet and laid him longways, fetching a pillow to place under his head.  Asleep in the dim light, you thought he looked like a fallen angel, then got a good whiff of the cheap booze he’d been guzzling and immediately reconsidered.  Then you noticed again how tightly his clothes were fitting him and realized you really needed to wash your face and get to bed.  NOW.
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himikochan · 4 years
SJW Handbook and Advice - CHICAGO-CENTRIC
Hello everyone I’ve been compiling info for protesters and non-protesters for Chicago and I thought I’d share it here. It’s copy and pasted from a few different posts but it’s somewhat comprehensive and draws on a lot of ideas I’ve seen circulating. Not all of this info is Chicago-specific, but I do talk about local laws in Chicago and bail funds in Chicago. 
-Tear gas: the agent in tear gas that's painful, lachrymator, binds to water molecules. It's so effective because it gets into your throat/lungs/eyes and also binds to the moisture on your skin. If you suspect tear gas might be used at a protest [which honestly you should just guess now], you should try to make sure as much of your body is covered as possible- wear long sleeves and pants and try to cover your hair. If possible, have gloves and goggles or sunglasses handy. When you are exposed to tear gas, try to get a wet cloth against your face ASAP- the moisture on the cloth will bind to the lachrymator and prevent it from getting inside of you. Pour water on a bandana or mask and try to keep it as close to your body as possible. Walk away from the cloud of gas ASAP- and before you go inside your home, try to stuff your clothes into a bag [wash them in 4-5 days when the lachrymator isn't as reactive anymore]. Take a shower as soon as possible and try to wash your hair 2-3 times- some people have told me that you should take a cold shower. If you are directly exposed to lachrymator and it gets in your eyes/mouth/nose, rinse with milk or a water/baking soda solution ASAP. Lachrymator is a very unstable molecule and either of those is pretty effective at neutralizing it.
-IF you're in a position to try and take care of a tear gas canister [if you've come prepared with a traffic cone, water, a mask, and goggles- or you're reckless as shit] cover it with a traffic cone. That will trap the fumes. Then pour as much water as you can into the traffic cone, hopefully it will put out the fuse inside the canister. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN ATTEMPTING TO DO THIS- and do some more research on how to do it properly. I have not personally had a chance to use this tactic.
-The cops may have vans with IMSI catchers and/or cell phone jammers: IMSI catchers gather information about you and cell phone jammers prevent you from being able to use your phone. Carry a watch, make an exit plan with a vehicle/public transit OUTSIDE of the area where the protest is happening, and sharpie the phone number of an emergency contact on your body. There may come a time where you want to shut off your phone- even if you don't get detained, knowing there is a friendly phone number you can access will make you feel better. Be careful about taking pictures of fellow protesters’ faces- the police are using pictures on social media to target protesters after the fact. UPDATE: I just saw another post about IMSI catchers/stingray stuff. They suggest leaving your phone at home because turning your phone off is a break in your normal patterns and can be used in a prosecution. They suggest using a burner phone- this might be the way to go if you live in a city where IMSI stuff is confirmed. SECOND UPDATE: Imperfect protection measures STILL DO SOME GOOD. There are plenty of reasons you can be in a position where you need your cell phone on you and turning off your location services and/or putting on airplane mode for a time may still do you some good!!! IMSI catchers rely upon being the strongest signal in an area [cells automatically connect to whatever seems to be the strongest signal carrier]. From what I understand IMSI catchers have a limited range and basically a max capacity of how many phones they can support while still being the strongest signal in a given area. So for large protests, they'd need to deploy a lot of trucks with IMSI catchers to collect lots of data about crowds. IN MY PERSONAL PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE, which is not universal and may be out dated information, the Chicago police tend to use cell phone jammers [which prevent you from getting a signal at all]. This way they can try to stop protesters from calling/texting each other- make an out strategy with the people accompanying you about where to rendezvous if you're separated. Here is a little information regarding IMSI catcher use in Illinois."The law permits law enforcement agencies to use CSS devices only to locate, track the location of, or identify a communications device—in other words, they cannot configure them to capture the content of any communications. [...] Is CPD abiding by state law rules? It is impossible to say without any record-keeping or audits. CPD has not responded to our most recent FOIA request for information about any new policies, procedures, or records on its use of this technology, so we can only assume that it has not developed any."
-That being said: many capabilities of your phone rely upon knowing where you are to work. So IMSI catchers aren't the only thing you need to worry about.
-If you're able, bring water and some first aid supplies [such as gauze, tape, antibacterial cream, saline solutions, gloves, wipes etc] for fellow protesters [and maybe snacks]. Even at past tepid protests, I've seen fellow protesters fall into glass or hurt themselves trying to climb into higher ground just to see. If you don't know how to administer first aid for things like lacerations, ASK FOR HELP. Many protests have people trained to help and we're all in this together. You might want to read this thread on gunshot wounds, it's better to loosely know what you're supposed to do, just in case. Learn to apply a tourniquet- hint, it’s not just putting a belt around someone’s leg.  The snacks are to keep everyone’s spirits up and remind us that we’re in this TOGETHER.
-Running is easier with a backpack than a messenger bag, wear comfortable shoes, and have something to write with. The mood might strike you to change your sign a bit, 
-If you’re protesting in an area that isn’t close to where you live, try and reach out to someone that lives in the area. You may need to get out quickly and no way to get home and need a safe house- in Chicago, the mayor instituted a curfew from 9pm-6am at 9:04 tonight after the city had blocked every bridge and shut down public transit. Protesters are now basically locked into our downtown area with no way to get home and the police are allowed to detain anyone outdoors.
-Check in with other protesters. Do your best to maintain social distancing, but try to make sure that your fellow protesters are not lagging behind due to injury or something else. Solidarity is the goal above all else.
Lori Lightfoot has kept the curfew in place and Chicagoans are expected off the streets between 9pm-6am until further notice unless they have an "essential job". Public transit has been stopped altogether in many areas- so if you have to go out, book enough time for you to walk there and back.
Here are some important reminders of your rights- if your are arrested, stopped in you car, and what to do with your phone. PLEASE READ THEM FOR YOUR SAFETY. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.
-In Chicago, the police are permitted to ask your name and address and other questions (to determine if you are involved in a past/present crime). I believe you only NEED to give them your name, regardless of how many questions they ask you.
-You should refresh yourself on how to properly invoke your right to remain silent. Remember to ask “Am I under arrest/being detained?” If they say yes, you HAVE to say “I’m invoking my right to a publicly provided lawyer, and my right to remain silent.” SAY EXACTLY THAT- variations of that phrase are NOT always effective and the cops will use any opportunity they can to undermine your rights and not give you a lawyer. YOU MUST STAY SILENT- otherwise you’re technically waiving your right to remain silent and MUST EXPLICITLY re-invoke your right when you’re done talking for it to apply. 
-Police may “pat-down” your clothing if they suspect a concealed weapon. The ACLU says do not physically resist, but make it clear that you don’t consent to any further search.
-Upon request, show them your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. In certain cases, your car can be searched without a warrant as long as the police have probable cause. To protect yourself later, you should make it clear that you do not consent to a search. It is not lawful for police to arrest you simply for refusing to consent to a search.
I haven't found any hard and fast rules about whether or not you have to unlock your phone if you are held by the police. A Vox article from February 2020 says "If your phone is protected by a passcode or biometric unlocking features, there’s a chance cops can’t gain access to your personal data. But that’s not guaranteed. [...] But if your phone is locked with a passcode and law enforcement can’t hack into it, the Fifth Amendment may be your friend. Essentially, the Fifth Amendment says you can’t be compelled to give self-incriminating testimony. [...] Testimony, in this case, is defined as revealing the contents of your own mind. Therefore, civil rights advocates say, the government can’t force you to tell them your phone’s password." But this is still being played out in the courts- there's tons of pending cases and no real precedence for this on either side.
Freedom.press in an April 2020 article says "If you are arrested or taken into police custody, you should verbally state that you do not consent to a search of your devices. A law enforcement agency is only permitted to conduct a warrantless search of your device if a compelling case for an emergency can be made." There's a lot of potentially useful information in their article, which I will link in the comments.
REMEMBER- cops are easily protected most of the time for infringing on our rights regarding being searched if it could be considered "reasonably" legal for them to do so [even if it isn't]. Saying "I want a lawyer, dog" does not invoke your right to an attorney, being silent does not invoke your right to remain silent, if you do not verbally refuse to be searched your silence is taken as consent to be searched. The limited dissemination of information on the legality of searching a phone could protect them if they coerced/forced you to unlocking your phone.
If you are in Chicago and see a post/event about protesting today or tomorrow [June 1st].  DO RIGHT BY YOURSELF AND MAKE SURE IT'S A REAL PROTEST.
I've heard that some VERY suspicious people are putting together a BLM protest in Chicago tomorrow. These people are NOT experienced organizers, NOT affiliated with BLM Chicago, and NOT known to anyone in the Chicago organizing/protesting communities.
We KNOW that a lot of the rioting and looting in other cities were begun and propagated by the police and white supremacist groups [not by protesters or ordinary citizens]. We do not know if these people are cops, white supremacists, or just irresponsible folx, but it could very well be a trap to escalate violence, incarcerate allies, and justify the Mayor granting more restrictions on the city. 
The source I saw was for the purpose of organizing medics to deal with the inevitable fall out, but protect yourself and your fellow protestors by not going to this sham event.
Hello everyone- protesting not your cup of tea? That's okay! Protesting is the showiest part of being an active citizen and activist, but it's by no means the most important part.
Below, I'll be posting links for people that need your money AND non-monetary ways you can help.
-If you know people protesting in your area, offer them a place to clean up afterwards and possibly crash if public transit is closed off. If you can safely offer them a shower and a place to change clothes- that can make a huge difference. It could help them evade being targeted by the police on the way home, buy them time to get home without being part of a crowd, and they may need a place to wash off residual tear gas or pepper spray [or the blood of a comrade]
-If there are protests in your area and you have extra supplies [water, pre-packaged snacks, materials for signs, gloves, first aid kits, masks, etc], you can hand them off to a protester OR leave them in a place they'll find them with a note.
-Be wary showing the faces of protesters on your social media or having them saved online. Be mindful about who you're sharing details of a protest or protesters with and try to do your best about sharing accurate information about donations. One of the bail funds in another city recently had someone set up a fake venmo account under the name of the bail fund and many people donated to it, believing they were helping bail people out.
-Your friends with small businesses may want help or need supplies boarding up their windows- most protesters are avoiding small businesses when things turn sour [and in fact, most looting and rioting appears to trace back to undercover cops and white supremacists right now] but it's still a good idea to close up shop if you can. See if anyone needs help securing their business. .-Make fliers about properly administering first aid, basic rights regarding being detained/questioned/arrested, and phone numbers of local communal bail funds. 
-Many people who were on the fence about BLM, police brutality, and protesting are beginning to see the truth of it all now that the pandemic has forced us to confront racial/ethnic and class inequality. We have more allies than we did before- make sure to give them the toolkit necessary to enacting change. 
Protesters need funds in so many places right now: 
-Chicago Communal Bail https://chicagobond.org/
-ACLU Illinoishttps://www.aclu-il.org/en/donate
-BLM Chicago https://www.blacklivesmatterchicago.com/donate/
-The Family of George Floyd https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd
-Minnesota Freedom Fund https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/
-ACLU Minnesota https://www.aclu-mn.org/en/donate
-The Bail Project https://bailproject.org/
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discsters-a · 5 years
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( jessica-alba. thirty-five. cisfemale. she/her. ) in texas, CAMILLA MENDOZA is known to most as cam. they have been riding with the 𝑫 𝑰 𝑨 𝑩 𝑳 𝑶 𝑺 for twenty-two years. they originally from newton and the PRESIDENT t is known to be very irascible & fiendish  but the other club members will tell you they are diligent  & resilient. as the years go by, they’ve gained a lot of respect in the club and around town. they rarely ever drive a car but when they do fire by beartooth is usually heard blasting. ( the sound of bruised and blooody knuckles cracking. worn off boots and ripped skinny jeans. victoria’s secret lingerie hiding beneath a leather jacket. half empty whisky bottles. cold metal of a gun touching the skin on her back. ) 
( jessica alba. thirty five. cisfemale. she/her. ) in texas, CAMILLA MENDOZA is known to most as cam. they’ve been living in newton for HER WHOLE LIFE and currently HELPS MANAGE DESEO WITH HER FATHER. some say they are IRASCIBLE & FIENDISH but i’m more inclined to believe those that say they’re DILIGENT & RESILIENT. if you walk by their house, you can sometimes hear TOWER OF PAIN by FIT FOR A KING playing from their window.  ( the sound of bruised and blooody knuckles cracking. worn off boots and ripped skinny jeans. victoria’s secret lingerie hiding beneath a leather jacket. half empty whisky bottles. cold metal of a gun touching the skin on her back. ) 
i suck at intros.... buT here i am, anyway, already loving every single one of you ! oH hi, by the way. i’m liz. a total disaster. obsessed with making gifs & currently absolutely in love with netflix’s the witcher. lover of cinnamon hot chocolate and way too obsessed w/ baby yoda memes. & before i ramble too much, i want to present u the first one of my characters : the love of my life. camilla !! ( seriously i want to marry jessica alba, i’m not even kidding )
p.s. i love plots. infact, i’d die to plot with ALL of you ! so, just click the lil grey heart on the post to give it a like & i’ll mssg u for all the angst & nice connections ! (i’ll probably invade all ur im’s anyway... but yeah) or you can also just directly add me on discord tbh ! @ geralt of rivia#5816
FULL NAME: camilla sofiá mendoza 
GENDER / PRONOUNS: cisfemale, she/her
AGE / DOB: thirty-five, february 2nd 1984
SEXUAL / ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: bisexual, biromantic
EDUCATION: none, ditched high school in senior year
OCCUPATION: assistant manager at deseo , former president of the diablos.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english, spanish
ZODIAC: aquarius
PERSONALITY TYPES: estj-a / ravenclaw / lawful evil
DOMINANT TRAITS: haughty, adroit, alluring, enigmatic, materialistic, ardent, assertive, candid, captivating, diligent, abrasive, incisive, meticulous, cynical, sagacious, vehement, brazen, reticent
character inspirations.
peggy carter. buffy summers. annalise keating. nancy mckenna.
background & personality.
okay, so camilla grew up in newton and is only one of a few children of antonio. mendoza. she’s the closest to her half-sister lu, even though cam grew up with her mother for the longest time. obviously, because her father was always out and about and little cam wasn’t allowed to stay with him in the deseo. but god, she hated her mother and how she wanted cam to become little miss perfect and walk around in flower dressed and pink shoes. she rather liked to wear the old leather jacket her father gave to her after a trip, immediately falling in love with the back print of the diablos - and she knew at that moment, that she wanted to have such a jacket herself one day.
especially because her mother always wanted her to be so perfect, she rebelled against her even more. she started to skip school, drink alcohol and start smoking at a way too young age. even worse, the drugs started, too. and with the age of fourteen, she left her mother without a warning. she just couldn’t be around that woman anymore. she stole some money of her mother’s wardrobe, knowing exactly where she hid the cash, and made it’s way to the deseo. of course, at first, no one let her in. she was a fourteen year old girl after all - and that was no place for her. but she didn’t leave, told the security multiple times that her father helped run this place and that she just wanted to talk to him. she finally wanted to be closer to him. after she waited a whole night out in the cold, she finally met him, totally drunk, but he immediately took her in one long hug, and she had needed that so much.
even though it took some arguing, he finally let her stay in the end. it didn’t take long and she soon was allowed to ride with him on his bike, join the gang to some trips, learn more about the business that was going on inside. she dropped out of school to focus on the diablos, but always still subtle since she wasn’t officially allowed to be a part yet.
as soon as possible, she got her driver’s license and her first own bike and with 21, she finally officially joined the diablos and at first, was responsible for the armory and taking care of it. a simple job, but she loved it more than anything and the diablos soon became her real family.
she had been a loyal member ever since, not once doubting her own gang. she was so dedicated to the gang and put so much heart and blood into it, that it was only a matter of time before the people voted her to become the next president.
she successfully has been working as the president for four years now, and is basically responsible for everyone. while some diablos still have a part-time job or have a proper family, the diablos are her complete life. she spents every second trying to improve the gang, to be there for everyone, to make it seem like home. she does have a good heart, but only to them.
to everyone else, she seems rather cold. she’s tough and has experienced a lot already. she knows how to properly break someone’s nose (or even kill someone), has way too many business contacts in the world and therefore knows her value, isn’t afraid to shoot before she speaks/thinks, and doesn’t hesitate for a second to kick someone out who brought any harm to the gang. she doesn’t let emotion get to her because she’ll only know it make her weak.
it was all a blur to her. since the moment she felt the bullet hit her chest , she didn’t remember what exactly happened . who exactly shot her , just that it was not a familiar face . neither reaper nor diablo . but not like she cared , not like she even wanted to go back after her life turned out to be in more danger than she ever thought it would be .
money buys everything , even a fake death certificate & a news reporter that spills the death of the famous camilla mendoza . she even enjoyed it a little , finally not having a target on her head anymore & being able to just run away . just have time for herself for once . 
she quickly grabbed her bags from her apartment at night , not one being able to see her , before she stole a car & made her way to new york . a city she always wanted to visit , where no one would recognize her between million of faces . where she could just try to be herself for once , to start a new life .
but as much she tried to forget her past because it simply turned her angry , especially the fact that she couldn’t seem to trust anyone anymore . even if no reaper or diablo shot her , someone of them easily could have given the order . there was no one , besides the two people she called family , she actually trusted anymore . yet , it was her family & important part in her life was missing . she didn’t feel complete . she missed the danger . the thrill . the action .
so , as much as she hated it , she couldn’t last longer than two months in the big city . she needed to come back , needed to face certain people . right now , she didn’t want to be a part of the diablos’ anymore , yet they were still somehow family to her . she just needed to feel home again  --- and to be close to her father and half-sister . 
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7-wonders · 6 years
The Isle of Flightless Birds
Summary: You’re free, but with a few restrictions. This doesn’t settle well, so you decide to see how far you can test said restrictions.
Word Count: 1516
A/N: It me, updating at 2 am bc I have no sense of self-control. This is the third part in my ‘Mad Love’ series, which I’ll have linked down below! Thanks for reading, feedback is always appreciated and requests are always open!
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Read Mad Love (part one) HERE | Read Totally F***ed (part two) HERE
Sleep is not something that finds you throughout the night. In fact, even if you had gotten tired, you would have fought it off with everything you have in you. Instead, you sit huddled up on the bed, knees tucked against your chest as you watch the door intensely. You’re not sure what time it is or how much time has passed, the lack of a clock and any windows complicating your current predicament. Eventually, the door opens, and you glare at the blond devil who walks into the room.
“Good morning, sunshine.” He greets, a cheerful smirk on his face. He tosses a bundle of clothes towards you, which you realize are the clothes you were wearing the night you were kidnapped. “Get dressed, your car’s parked outside.”
You slide off of the bed, refusing to look away from Michael. Your eyes burn from how little you’ve blinked in the past few hours, and you’re sure the purple rings under your eyes are even more pronounced than usual.
“Can you at least turn around, please?” You owe him no polite requests, but it’s habit that makes you throw in a ‘please’ at the end of your question. He raises an eyebrow towards you but obliges, turning around so that his back faces towards you.
You change as quick as you possibly can, keeping your eyes on the back of his head the whole time. If there was a knife in here, it’d be so easy to catch him off guard, stab him, and make a clean getaway in your car while the Antichrist himself bleeds out on the floor.
“I heard that, y’know. Clever, but you’d never be able to sneak up on me like that.”
“As your wife, can I maybe give you a suggestion?” You quip, buttoning up your jeans. “You can turn around again.”
“Of course you can.” His voice drips with a saccharine tone as his blue eyes sparkle with mischief.
“How about you not read my fucking thoughts? It’s rude and invasive.”
“No promises, but I’ll try my hardest to not read your thoughts.” It’s half-assed and you know he won’t follow through, but at least he’s trying to compromise.
Tying the laces on your shoes, you stand up and look at Michael, who’s examining you closely. You huff and cross your arms self-consciously, staring him down.
“What now?”
“We’ll have to get you a new wardrobe for your time spent with me. No offense, but your current outfit is...lazy.” He points out, looking at your hoodie, black jeans, and sneakers with disdain.
“Give me a warning next time you’re going to kidnap me and I’ll put a little more effort into my appearance.” You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his gall.
“We need to work on your attitude as well.” He fires back.
“Can I go now?”
He sighs deeply, extending an arm towards the open door. You pass him, shooting a backwards glance to make sure he doesn’t try anything. The hallways look a lot different when you’re not disoriented and being carried by a bunch of Satanists. Michael walks alongside you, his hands behind his back as he attempts to make idle chatter, which you ignore.
You nearly cry when you see sunlight streaming through the open doors in front of you. You’ve been a hostage for maybe 36 hours, but it honestly feels like you’ve been trapped for months. Just as Michael promised, your car sits right outside, keys in the ignition and ready to go. Before you can run for it, Michael grabs your wrist.
“Remember our little agreement.” He warns you. “If you slip up, I will know, and there will be consequences.” Your mouth goes dry and your heart quickens when he kisses the corner of your mouth, reminding you of the same kiss he gave you at the conclusion of your ‘wedding.’
“I won’t.”
“See you next weekend. I’ll send you instructions at a later time.” He releases his grip on your wrist, and you hightail it around to the driver’s side of your car. Michael waves at you as you prepare to go, and you flip him off before driving away.
The first couple of days after you get back home, you try to convince yourself that it was all a horrible nightmare. Especially after waking up in your own bed, you fully believed that you had vividly imagined what happened. Until you rubbed your eyes and noticed the silver ring with the blood-red diamond on your ring finger, you were all too ready to move on with your life and forget that this ever happened.
The stupid ring won’t budge, no matter how hard you try to remove it from your finger. Yanking as hard as you can just resorted in a weird popping noise that you’re pretty sure meant you almost dislocated the bone, butter only made your finger oily, and floss was rubbed back and forth so hard that it wore down and snapped. You’re insanely frustrated, and you’ve already faced numerous questions about if you eloped with a mystery man over the weekend (‘nope, just got a new ring but didn’t realize that I put it on this finger,’ you joked).
On Thursday, you receive a text from an unknown number that you soon learn is Michael. You’re not sure how he got your number, but honestly that’s the least of your concerns right now. In addition to telling you where you’ll be spending the weekend with him and what to bring, he also outlines everything you’ve done this week, and everything your family’s done. You had been extremely careful all week, being hypervigilant everywhere you went and making sure to avoid anybody that you didn’t know. After reading Michael’s text, you quickly covered all the cameras on your various devices.
A friend of yours who’s a tech whiz had given you a couple of new software programs that scramble your IP address and make your browsing history completely private, an inquiry that you had managed to pass off as simply being ‘scared of the government.’ After successfully installing it on your laptop, you start to conduct some research.
You start your search off on Google, different tabs open for ‘Satanists,’ ‘Antichrist,’ and ‘forced marriage.’ When those turn up nothing but biblical references and news articles about child brides in third world countries, you expand to ‘is a marriage legal without a marriage license,’ ‘Illuminati,’ and ‘contacting police when there’s a good chance your stalker will find out about it.’
Three hours of intense searching has turned up absolutely nothing, so you’ve decided to drown your sorrows in a bag of popcorn and some Netflix. You’re halfway through an episode of The Office, your go-to feel-good show, when your phone rings. The caller ID says ‘Unknown,’ but you know who it is by now.
“Hello?” You greet, pausing your screen but refusing to let up on the popcorn.
“Hello my darling, how’s your evening been?” You roll your eyes at the pet name, but you have to play along or else he’ll get pissed.
“Fine, Michael, and you?”
“It’s been pleasant, although better now that I get to hear your lovely voice.”
“What do you want?”
“You sure do love cutting right to the point. Eager to get back to whatever you were doing?”
“Well yeah, I kind of need to finish this homework.”
“Really? Because I thought you were watching The Office.” Your blood runs cold and the phone falls from your hand, but you can still hear him loud and clear. “‘The Dundies,’ (Y/N), really? There’s so many better episodes to watch.”
“How did you-”
“Did you really think that your feeble attempts at hiding your computer history would work? I have some of the top software developers in the world at my disposal, it was only a matter of seconds before they were able to break through whatever your friend had installed on your laptop. Nice try, though.” You snatch the phone back up, switching it to speaker.
“Michael, it was just research, I wasn’t going to tell anyone about-”
“Cut the shit.” He interrupts you again. “You seem to think that you can outsmart me. I’m sorry Nancy Drew, but there’s no escaping this. You are my wife, and you will remain my wife.”
“Please don’t hurt my family, I didn't break the rules!” You gasp, heart physically aching at the thought of possibly endangering your loved ones.
“You’re right, you didn’t break the rules. Therefore, no one gets hurt.” You cry out in relief, tears streaming down your face. “I assume this is a good enough warning for you? Don’t try to go behind my back (Y/N). I will find out.”
“I hate you.” You spit.
“That’ll change. I’m excited to see you tomorrow, my darling.” He hangs up before you get a chance to retort. You slam your laptop shut, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of getting to see you break down at your situation, which is looking more and more hopeless by the hour.
Tag List: @sammythankyou @let-me-try-mom @ultragibbycentralworld @sebastianshoe @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @alexcornerblog @everything-is-awesomesauce @ccodyfern @jimmlangdon @dolceandchalamet @omgsuperstarg @queenie435 @dextergirl12345 @americanhorrorstudies @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @coloursunlimited
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ahnsael · 5 years
Two years later, the last physical remnant of the trouble I got into is going away tomorrow.
The DMV removed the restriction from my license today (it was a three hour wait, which I didn’t expect going in the middle of the week at opening time, but I’m glad I got it done -- I could have done it a month ago but was nervous about the process of getting these last loose ends tied), and after a couple games of phone tag between the manufacturer of the device and the auto shop which services it to finalize approval on both of their ends, tomorrow I get the ignition interlock removed from my car.
Now there’s just the SR-22 insurance for two more years before I can go back to regular insurance (but the SR-22 isn’t much more expensive than the regular version anyway).
We have a guy at work who’s mind isn’t in it lately. Because he just his FOURTH DUI. His third was a legal battle (three in seven years becomes a felony and involves prison time and there was a question as to whether it was from the occurrence of the first one or the sentencing and the court gave him the benefit of the doubt but then he did it AGAIN two months later). I don’t see how you don’t learn your lesson after the first one. And even if not then, the punishment is more severe for subsequent instances. So he’s looking at a lengthy prison sentence this time.
I got 48 hours. Well, technically 62 days, but 60 days were suspended pending my completion of other court-ordered responsibilities like both group and individual counseling, DUI school, a victim’s impact panel (in which victims of crashes caused by drunk drivers told their stories -- including some VERY graphic images), being under the watch of “alternative sentencing” for a year (basically that meant zero drinking, random tests to see whether I had had anything to drink, home visits to see if I had any alcohol around, all of which punishable by either a day in jail or kicking in the entire 60-day suspended sentence), having an interlock installed in ANY car I might drive for a year after reinstating my license (I only drive my own so I only needed the one, at $67 per month which from what I’m told is a pretty good price; I’ll have to pay “$50-$60 or somewhere around there, I’m not entirely sure” tomorrow when I get it removed but it SUCKS for people with no credit/debit card because it’s literally the ONLY way you’re allowed to pay, keeping low-income people without a card from being able to fulfill that obligation and that order does NOT expire a year from sentencing, it expires one year FROM WHEN YOU REINSTATE YOUR LICENSE and you can’t reinstate your license until you have the device installed -- I had to show the DMV the installation paperwork last year), and SR-22 insurance (including Statement of financial Responsibility -- that’s the SR part) for three years.
At one point as I talked to the (actually very nice) DMV lady today she asked whether I still had the device installed or whether it had already been removed. She framed it as a way to say “Show them this temporary license which shows no restriction and they’ll be able to remove it” but I’m guessing it was a “gotcha” question, as removing it before having the restriction removed from my license would have violated the restriction of my license. But I bet they get people saying “My year was up last week so I had it removed,” therefore getting themselves in more trouble (I was actually half-expecting them to want to see it in my car, maybe punch some buttons and get my latest statistics as far as “has he had any violations since the last time he had it serviced and we were sent his data?” but that didn’t happen...I also had the original installation paperwork and the original court order in my jacket pocket just in case, since I had to show both when I reinstated my license, even though they scanned them at the time -- when I first reinstated my license they forgot the restriction so I had to go back and have them put it on). I’m also wondering whether the three-hour wait was intentional, since most people are there for renewals or new licenses or to change their address or register a vehicle, and those of us in the “C” group broke the law, which was why we were there. Kind of makes me feel like they were testing our patience to see if we gave them attitude about seeing SO MANY people who got there after us called first. But I was as nice to the DMV lady as I would have been had I waited 10 minutes, and by the end the lady next to her behind the counter was complimenting my Genie tie (Genie from Aladdin -- I went there straight from work this morning so I was still dressed up from work).
An interesting aside...I shave my head, but have a beard. I asked the lady, pointing to the gray under my chin, “At what point to I change my official hair color to gray?” (the color listed on the original police report). She said it was basically up to me, and that I could even put “bald” if I wanted to since I shave my head, but sometimes the hair grows out a bit between shavings and I want to make sure I’m in compliance. But I pointed to my eyebrows as evidence of the “brown” that I put down, and she accepted that. She said switching to “gray” is pretty much up to me as long as SOME of the original color remains, but then we shared a laugh about people with completely gray hair who put down “black” as their hair color (that was when I pointed out my non-graying eyebrows as evidence that while I do have some gray in there, it still is mostly brown).
She also laughed when I said the only “stat” that had changed in the past 13 months since reinstating my license was my weight, which I upped by 15 pounds for honesty’s sake. She said she NEVER would have done that, but then I said that I used to be about 35 pounds more than I am now, so I’m pretty good with where I’m at and would rather be accurate on a REAL ID-compliant license -- even though weight fluctuates, the weight I put is my average these days.
And after I got a little worried about phone battery after playing cell phone games for an hour, I then spent the next two hours *almost* finishing Rolly Crump’s book “It’s Kind of a Cute Story,” which I hadn’t picked up in so long that the Kindle app had updated and completely forgotten where I had left off (I only realized that I read two chapters that I had already read when I came upon a section that I had highlighted). I’m about halfway through the last chapter now. The Kindle app takes a LOT less battery than playing a game that has to communicate with the internet (especially since the DMV’s WiFi was worse than Disneyland’s as far as reliability, which is kind of saying a lot).
But anyway, other than the (only slightly) higher insurance bill for the next two years, all of this kerfuffle will be behind me tomorrow. No more breathing into my car before I can start it. No more worrying that “I bartended this morning, and I spilled some on my pants...will the interlock pick that up and fail me? (it happened a couple times, as did using an alcohol-based window de-icer this winter and then having the fumes from the can in the car when I tried to start it; I learned to leave the can outside the car after using it, but there are “rolling tests” where they are trying to see if you drank after starting the car and have six minutes to provide a passing same of breath and so I would have to pull over, remove the can, and then re-take the test to make sure I didn’t get COMPLETELY locked out -- I did have violations based on this, but found out a week ago when I emailed the DMV that it takes four consecutive months of such violations for the terms of the interlock to be extended, even if I had to air out my car before I could successfully start my car at the time).
After those violations, I was worried my time was going to be extended, so I was SO happy to receive a reply from the DMV last week telling me that they had looked at my records, and I was good to get the restriction removed. I had thought ANY violation would result in “more time with this thing in my car.”
And on the WAY to the DMV...I ran into a problem I’ve run into a couple times in the past couple months.
Ever since getting the interlock serviced in December, I’ve had issues with it rebooting itself.
Now, if you turn off the car with a pending test, that’s another violation. And the thing would tell me to breathe into it (it’s actually more throat-humming with this device -- it prevents someone taking a lungful of fresh air and then breathing in to beat it; humming in your throat means air from INSIDE of you is going through and it can detect alcohol you maybe thought you could hide).
So there have been times I’ve driven to work, parked, and just before turning off my car the interlock would ask for a “rolling test.” I couldn’t just turn my car off. That would be a violation, which the DMV would hear about. But if I picked the device up and it went blank as I blew into it, then said “Initializing,” I learned NOT to turn the car off (the hard way, when I got a violation for it). Just sit there in the parking spot, engine running, and wait for it to ask for a test again.
On my way to the DMV today, though, the device wanted a “rolling test.” Which I expected. The first “rolling test” can be 5-10 minutes after starting the car, and subsequent tests come every 45 minutes to an hour (and you have six minutes to provide a breath sample before you are locked out). When I drove to Disneyland in September, I can’t even guess as to how many tests I had to take as I drove, to make sure I was still sober.
But today, it asked me to re-test. I did. I heard the tell-tale “click” by my left knee that tells me it just sent a signal to the car that it’s okay to restart if I shut it down. But instead of “PASS” on the screen, the screen was blank. Then it said “initializing.” Then it asked me to test again with a beep. I did so. This time, it not only made the click on my ignition switch to turn it on, but said “PASS” -- fir about a half-second before going back to “INITIALIZING.”
When it came back up, I only had two minutes and 30 seconds left to provide a sample. I thought, “If this thing keeps resetting itself, I’m going to get a violation on the way to the DMV for permission to remove this.”
Fortunately, on the third try, the test was passed WITHOUT the device restarting itself (I am SO glad to get rid of this thing because it’s been doing this a lot for the past two months and while I’m passing the tests, it doesn’t always KNOW that I pass the tests before rebooting itself).
But at 10:00am tomorrow, I get this thing OUT of my car. If it’s anything like the installation, I’ll be there for about an hour. Which will still beat my wait time at the DMV today. I’ll probably finish Rolly Crump’s book and then either play some video games on my phone or start something new to read, like the continuations of the book which I’ve already bought.
But video games are more likely -- this shop, as I’ve seen personally and heard from other customers, does not only good work, but QUICK work, so I don’t want to get too into reading and then be disappointed when they have it done.
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guessworkwitch · 5 years
Hi, I need help getting out of an abusive situation
Tl/dr at the bottom because this is gonna be loooooooong or just help me with a donation or with buying something from me
Hello, youve probably seen my other posts like this. That's because I'm in a... less than optional situation.... Let me explain...
My partner, who I'm living with currently, has recently broken up with me. That means I either stay in our flat and be unable to leave this whole situation or I somehow get the funds together to get my own flat, which I'm currently unable to pay for myself/alone because I am currently in school, looking for an apprenticeship/job and I am disabled which means I'm unable to work while still in school and most jobs in general. Which is why I made this.
I sadly can't expect support from my family, my father and his new wife kind of hate me and do everything to make my life as hard as possible. My mother on the other hand tries to pressure me into a path she thinks is good for me while completely ignoring my wishes and limitations. I don't have contact with the rest of my family either since they have similar mindsets as my parents and think I'm making my disability up as an excuse to be lazy. All my friends are placed allover the world and therefore can't help me much either. My disability limits my movement, strength and makes it very hard for me to walk/stand for long and my wrists and shoulders are too weak to lift anything heavy.
What I ask for here is enough money to support myself for 3 months in a small, cheap flat, keep my cats well fed and myself somehow fed, a drivers license with the permit to pull a trailer and a cheap car since I cant't expect help from my family and a moving company costs just as much here. (A license and permit around 2500€, it's ridiculously expensive, I know.) I'm trying to find a job and flat asap, preferably within 3 Months or less which is why I need help.
You can donate here
I will also offer all the services I can while still attending school to make sure I can keep as much money as I can. Because as it is now, when the month ends I have basically nothing left to safe myself sadly.
I also have a list of services I have which I offer to get me going more quickly, if you would rather like something than just helping, which is fine, go click here, it'll take you to the list!
tl/dr; I'm in an abusive situation, disabled, living with my ex partner, cant't expect help from my family and need money so I can move away from all this and get a drivers license to be able to move all my stuff. You can donate here or go here to my list of services
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xcvierhq · 5 years
Tumblr media
mark tuan. cismale. he/him.  /  one act of kindness gone wrong.  /  have you seen xavier zhang at the beach recently? i remember them being so dynamic, but they seemed a little melancholy today. it must be tough going through such hard times at only twenty five. even then, they still remind me of chipped nail polish, laughter after dunking a friend underwater, cold beer on the rooftop at three am, and wistful frowns.
xavier was born into a family of emigrants from taiwan & he was raised in palm beach by two loving parents, with occasional visits from his uncles and grandmothers. his childhood was, thankfully, uneventful except for a few injuries every now and then because he was an active child, who liked getting himself into any sorts of trouble.
he finished high school with average grades, even though he was intelligent — xavier mostly focused on his friends and social life to actually try and achieve a lot in school, which resulted in him becoming friends with people who were up to no good. however, he was still a guy with a rational head, which is why he managed to stay out of serious illegal things, and later on, he cut off all communication with them because they always tried to have too much force and influence on him.
he worked odd jobs in order to save up, even though his parents were wealthy; they had bought him a nice house when he turned twenty one, and he felt bad about his parents spending money on him, therefore, he told them to let him save money by himself. when he finally gathered a large sum of cash, xavier went on a backpacking trip with a friend and traveled around the world for a year, gaining new experiences and discovering his true self.
unfortunately, with so many ups in his life, it was inevitable for him to have his downs. when he came back home and got himself a well-paying lifeguard job, his old friends reached out to hang out again and after a few persistent rejections, xavier finally gave in and agreed to cautiously meet up every now and then.
however, when one day he was asked to pick up a drunk friend, he accidentally got himself into serious trouble. when he arrived at the place, the other man was keying cars and destroying property ‘for fun’, and before he could stop him, the drunk man had caught sight of a patrolling officer first, prompting him to run away and leave xavier all by himself in the scene of a crime. they charged him, an innocent man, of vandalism.
instead of a sentence or fines because he was deemed a first time offender, xavier got a lot of hours of community service and this surely dampened his mood for a good while. he was angry at himself for being naive in a sense, hoping that those people have somewhat changed, and angry at the world for such injustice. he’s still trying to recover from this turn of events and not be bitter, and enjoy the summer, even though it’s hard to do wearing an orange jumpsuit during some hours of picking up trash and removing grafitti. 
he’s kind, bright, loud, and intelligent, always devoted to please some people and help them out. usually the life of the party and the type to help a grandma cross the street or offer to pay for someone else’s food if they’re a few dollars short at the store. however, he’s not innocent or naive — he has a side to him that most people are surprised to witness when they get to know him better. he doesn’t have a short temper, but if he’s holding a grudge, he’s holding it forever. he also tends to get jealous easily, which is exhausting because he also gets romantically attracted and involved pretty often. the man is very adventurous and loves adrenaline filled activities, but he’s also reckless and tends to neglect his own health, making this combination very dangerous. he’s social and loves meeting new people, and he makes friends easily, but he also doesn’t trust them right off the bat, especially now that he’s gotten himself involved in bad business. xavier also makes a lot of jokes, puns, and sarcastic remarks, which is why it’s pretty fun to hang out with him, especially because he’s good at coming up with things to do and cater to everyone’s needs and wishes. however, these days, he tends to keep to himself and be less active and all over the place, but he’s still the same person once you break through his shell. 
one. thinks his parents were wasted when they named him xavier. two. can’t cook for shit, but makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich. three. experiments with his hair color a lot. his current one is blonde + washed off pink. four. if he wasn’t a lifeguard, he’d work in an arcade. five. has broken far too many bones throughout his life. six. despite having them sometimes, he’s not too fond of one night stands. seven. his favorite number is seven. eight. he really enjoys retro things and out-dated game consoles. nine. has a caracal kitten named jian (comes from the word jiān that means sharp or pointed) because of their pointy ears. ten. he doesn’t have a driver’s license, but he has a bicycle and skateboard. eleven. listens to any kind of music, but he loves indie rock. twelve. he used to babysit his neighbors’ kids when he was in high school. he gets along with children very well and really likes them. he’d also love to have his own someday.  thirteen. his favorite poison of choice is beer. he doesn’t smoke or do drugs.  fourteen. knows some martial arts, but he’s stopped doing them. fifteen. has a jam filled donut with powdered sugar at least once a day. sixteen. bisexual and biromantic.
WANTED PLOTS/THREADS (from your muse’s point of view):
one. i agreed to watch your cat except i didn’t know it was a caracal and now i have scratches all over me and i’m really really mad at you. two. you looked cute but i didn’t know how to approach you so i pretended to be drowning just to get your attention. three. you liked me before you went on this backpacking trip and now apparently you’ve forgotten about me? excuse me? four. how do you manage to fuck up ramen? you need cooking lessons from me! five. we’re close friends and we just had a one night stand. awkward. six. i was nice and agreed to hep you drag your drunk ass home but now you’re a blubbering mess and you just threw up on my shoes. seven. i really need swimming lessons, but i’m so bad at this and i feel awful to take up so much of your time when you’re supposed to be saving people. eight. i volunteered to dye your hair but i got the wrong color and now you look awful, i’m so sorry. nine. i keep distracting/teasing you when you’re doing your community service and it’s hilarious. ten. you’re always on the rooftop at odd hours and sometimes you’re cold, so i always keep you company and bring you a blanket.
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shewas-agaystripper · 5 years
The Clinic: Chapter 18/Epilogue
The Clinic: Part Eighteen/Epilogue
Brian is sent off to Queen Mary’s Psychiatric Hospital to cure his depression and borderline. His roommates, John in particular, help him push through this difficult time in his life
Alleluia guys, this is it - the epilogue of The Clinic, and with that, the end of this story! I want to thank you all so much for sticking with me through the year (yes, it's really been about a year!) that it's taken me to write this story, and I'm so grateful for all your comments, kudos, efforts, encouragements, your honesty, love, and enthusiasm during this process. I appreciate you all so much and I could not have done this without your support. I started writing this to come to terms with my own diagnosis of depression and BPD and to hope to understand myself and people around me better, and it's been such a tumultuous road, but it's been worth it. I think this is a story I've written that will stay with me for a long time, as will all the kindness you as readers have shown to me as both a writer and a person.
Enough of that now - I hope you will enjoy the last chapter/epilogue/whatever you want to call this final chapter, and I'm hoping to see you all back at my new projects - which, in time, will include a sort of spin-off of The Clinic Universe!
Just one more thing - I was listening to some devotional music the other day (I don't do this too much usually, but I've got a soft spot for the music of the Taizé Youth Monastery music, the place I've visited twice now and hope to visit many times again) when one particular song stood out to me in relation to The Clinic, and Brian's and John's relationship in specific - with how they love each other for what they are and how they strengthen each other. I just wanted to share these particular lines from the song Take Me As I Am with you:
Take, oh take me as I am Summon out what I shall be Set your peace upon my heart and live in me
Thanks for everything guys, I love you all!
xxx Silke Maria
P.s. Normally I’d link all the previous chapters here, but as SOMEONE @staff) deleted my whole entire blog, they’re now gone. If you haven’t read the previous chapters yet, or would like to reread them first, here is the whole thing on my AO3 account!
Have fun reading, and any sort of feedback or suggestions is appreciated!
‘You’ve got your guitar, Deaky?’
‘I put it in the back of the car,’ John answered the man who appeared in the door opening, demonstrating this fact by tapping the trunk of the green-bluish Fiat 124 he was leaning against. John had been out in the November morning for a bit now to put his bass and his coat in the car and wait on Brian, who had mainly been engaged with comforting his mother that they’d drive safely and that they would not forget to bring a bottle of water and matters similar to these. Having a doting mother hovering over you was not something John was used to for most of his life, but he had gotten used to it as a fact of life - one he did not mind at all, really - as soon as he’d moved in with Brian’s family after leaving Queen Mary’s Psychiatric Institution.
Brian stepped out of the doorway and walked towards him. ‘Great. I’ll put the lady in there also.’
John fished the keys out of the pocket of his trousers and opened the trunk of the car for his partner. ‘Still can’t believe you’re actually calling her that.’
‘And that’s you talking! You just referred to Red Special as a ‘her’ yourself!’ Brian reminded him while gently laying down his most prized possession. Or alternatively, as he once said in a half-giggly, half-sappy mood, his most prized possession directly after John - which had earned him a snort and a peck on the cheek.
‘That’s just you rubbing off on me,’ John defended himself.
Brian reached out both arms to close the trunk again, but even before it came down with an audible slam!, John could already see the grin tugging at his lips. Turning towards John again with wiggling eyebrows, he said: ‘Me rubbing off on you, huh?’
‘Please.’ John rolled his eyes, and then hit Brian with the most powerful threat he had come to learn while living with him and his family. ‘I’m telling your mum.’
Brian grimaced - even though he knew John was just joking, the mere idea of his boyfriend letting his parents in on their dirty talk, be it serious or completely ridiculous, was not a pretty prospect in his mind. ‘Sure. I love having mum wash my mouth out with soap like she did when I was ten.’
Being particularly in the mood for good-natured teasing that morning, John answered: ‘I mean, given that that’s the only dental hygiene you get these days-’
‘Deaky!’ Brian interrupted him indignantly, but John could see the smile shining through. ‘That was once, and only because I didn’t feel like getting out of bed.’
‘I know, love,’ John soothed, and, after having had a quick look around the otherwise empty street, he leant in to give Brian a kiss on the lips, both as to prove that he trusted Brian to have brushed his teeth that morning, and to test if he actually had. ‘Fresh like peppermint. Just as I like it.’
‘Hm-hm,’ Brian hummed in confirmation. ‘I didn’t feel like brushing my teeth, so like ate a roll of mints.’
‘You’re the worst,’ John told him.
‘Why? Because I didn’t leave any mints for you?’
John snorted. ‘Just get in the car.’
‘Fair,’ Brian laughed. He took the keys that John reached out to him and walked to the right side of the car. John walked the other way, but just as the soft click of the doors opening prompted them both to get inside, they were distracted by a woman’s voice calling to them.
‘Boys! Boys, you didn’t take your lunch out of the fridge!’ Brian turned around to see his mother, dressed in her ankle-length morning gown and with her perm rollers still in her hair, marching through the door and making her way towards the car. Her cheeks were flushed with hurry, and to make matters worse, as she paddled closer to them, he noticed a pair of pink bunny slippers on her feet, and he could hardly oppress a groan of embarrassment. He had finally gotten over the initial embarrassment of having John see his mum in her morning attire during these past months, but that did not mean he was ready for the Wilson family from down the street to see his mother in this state of undress.
‘Mum, you’re out here in your morning gown!’ Brian loudly stated the obvious. ‘And what lunch do you mean?’
‘The lunch I packed for you both!’ his mother said, half out of breath by the time she stood in front of her son, and reached two tinfoil wrapped packages towards him. Brian smiled, but did not take the little bundles from her.
‘Thanks, mum, but we won’t be needing lunch. We’ll only be gone for an hour.’
‘Nonsense,’ his mother countered. ‘Visiting hour is an hour on its own, but it’s a forty-five-minute drive, both to and back. And then the searching! I remember having to wait for almost half an hour to be searched because there was only one guard available for the work. And when they got to me, they nearly stripped me to my bra and panties!’
The mental image this description left behind in Brian’s brain was even worse than the current sight of his mother in her dressing gown, perm rollers, and bunny slippers, and he found himself sighing. ‘Thanks mum, now I won’t be needing lunch anymore for sure.’ He heard John emit a strangely adorable giggle, but his mum was not so impressed with his comment.
‘Darling, don’t be stubborn… You’ll regret not having anything to eat if you get hungry on the way back,’ she told him. Then, when Brian remained unmoving both mentally and physically while she stretched the packages towards him, she decided she might have better luck with her son-in-law.
‘John, you take it with you, dear,’ she ordered as she made her way around the car to the place where John had been waiting to get into the passenger seat. ‘Better safe than sorry.’
‘Of course,’ John agreed, finally relieving Ruth of the bundles of food she had prepared for them. ‘Thanks, Mum,’ he said with a smile that earned him an approving pat on the shoulder.
‘You’ve got everything, then? Some water? Your driver’s license and your ID cards? They ask for those upon entering Queen Mary’s.’
‘Yes, we have those,’ Brian answered.
‘And your coats? It can be cold in there!’
‘They’re in the trunk,’ John answered Ruth when he could tell by the slightly annoyed look on Brian’s face that he was not in the mood to be cross-examined about his preparations for their tour by his mother.
‘Great. All ready to go then,’ Ruth gave her blessing and took a step back, which was the unspoken signal for John and Brian to get into the car. Especially Brian wasted no time in doing so, tearing open the door, stepping in somewhat clumsily due to the modestly sized car not being an entirely perfect match for his height, and closing it behind him as soon as possible. He had been the one to say all morning that he did not want to be late under any circumstances, and this uncalculated meddling of his mother right before they were going to leave did not entirely fit into his planning.
John, on the other hand, remained unstressed despite it all. He knew they had plenty of time left - it was hardly half-past nine, and with the journey only taking an estimated forty-five minutes, there was no way they would be late just because Ruth asked them a handful of questions. He therefore opened the door, seated himself on the passenger seat, and secured his belt without any traces of hurry, and when Ruth gestured to him to scroll down the window, he did not hesitate to do so and listen to what more she had to say.
‘Well, you boys have fun. What time are you going to be back?’
‘We’re not sure,’ Brian answered, pressing the car key into the lock. ‘Visiting hour is from eleven to twelve this week, but we might go to the flat afterwards to get some work done. See if we can install those curtain rods.’
‘So you might not be home this afternoon?’ his mum asked.
‘Possibly not.’
Ruth thought for a second, and then said in full determination: ‘You’ll need more food, then.’
John huffed out a laugh at this typically maternal instinct of his mother-in-law, but Brian could not see any humour in it.
‘Mum…’ he groaned, but his mother was not taking no for an answer.
‘Yes, you do. You can’t survive on a few sandwiches all day.’
‘Mum, don’t- we’re going to be late!’ he shouted when she resolutely turned around and half-walked, half-ran towards the front door again. He heard the door being slammed shut behind her, as a wordless confirmation that she was not listening to his complaints, and he covered his face with his hands. ‘Unbelievable.’
‘She means well,’ John smiled.
‘I know. I know she does, but- I just want to go,’ Brian admitted. ‘I can’t wait to go and finally see Freddie and Roger again.’
‘I know. But we’re early anyway. And they won’t let the patients into the visiting room before it’s eleven o’clock anyway,’ John reminded him. Brian nodded slowly in agreement, or at least in understanding of what John told him.
‘It feels weird to know that they’re still patients at that place,’ Brian said.
‘Sometimes it feels unreal to even think that we were there with them for half a year. It already seems to far away,’ John said.
‘I know. But that’s a good sign. It means we’re moving on.’
John turned to look at Brian, whose face was finally graced by a smile by now. John wasn’t sure if Brian was leaning forwards to him or if that was just wishful thinking, but when he brought in his face he was given a kiss on the lips all the same.
With their hands resting on top of each other next to the gear shift, they waited for Ruth to come out again. It took a few minutes, and John could tell Brian was not happy about it, but he did not say anything about it - not even when his mum returned with two Tupperware boxes full of extra sandwiches, leftovers from the cake she’d made the day prior, and handfuls of red grapes. John opened the door to take it all in, as it was a bit awkward receiving the whole load through the car window - and when he had picked up the boxes and safely put them on the back seat behind him, a dark grey coat was stuffed into his hands.
‘This belongs to someone who assured me he’d taken his coat with him, but one glance at the coat rack told me otherwise,’ Ruth said with a stern glance aimed at her son.
‘I did take my coat! The blue one,’ Brian defended himself.
‘That’s a summer coat!’ Ruth brought in. ‘It’s November!’
‘It’s not cold yet! And if I wear a winter coat already, I’ll be cold by the time January rolls around,’ Brian argued. Unfortunately, this did not succeed in getting his mother off his back.
‘That means you don’t have a proper winter coat, then. We’ll buy you a new one next weekend.’ Then, while Brian sighed in the driver’s seat and turned the key to start the car, she turned to John. ‘What about you, dear? Do you have a proper winter coat or is it the same story as Brian’s?’
‘Er, I’m sure mine’s fine, mum. But I’ll try it out one of these days,’ John promised.
‘Very good. Well, have fun you two!’ said Ruth, who seemed to understand that Brian was going to drive the car out of the driveway regardless of whether or not she was still talking to him or his partner. She took a step back, which allowed John to close the door of the car, be it with a bit more force behind it than he had intended to do.
‘Careful, love. Don’t want to lose a door before we even hit the road,’ Brian commented lightly as he looked left, right, and then entered into the street. Despite his previous irritation, he could bring himself to wave at his mother good-naturedly, an example followed by John.
‘Sshh! Don’t talk about her like that,’ John tutted, rubbing his hand comfortingly over the dashboard of the Fiat. Ever since they had picked up the car from a local dealer who’d wanted to get rid of the 1961 occasion that he said only took up space in his yard, its wonkiness and creakiness had been a running joke between the couple, who simultaneously told each other to be kind to their purchase which was clearly ‘trying its best’ while also making fun of every little sound it made and deficiency it sported. The truth of the matter was that it was not a bad car for a couple of broke adolescents like themselves, but it certainly had its lacks and its things left to be desired.
‘Oh, so the car is a she, but when I call the Red Special a she it’s wrong?’ Brian asked his partner critically.
‘What can I say?’ John shrugged, not at all dodged by the question. ‘I don’t make the rules.’
‘You literally just did,’ Brian reminded him.
‘You don’t complain when I made the rules last night, you know,’ John said with ease, and Brian snorted. He could definitely appreciate John’s new-found sharkiness. Or perhaps it wasn’t new-found - it was just that now he used it for light-hearted comments that were guaranteed to make the people around him snicker, while previously at Queen Mary’s he had used it against people, such as Freddie in his overenthusiasm, or Roger after he’d tipped another pill or taken a shot of whatever was available to him at that point in time. Brian remembered how hesitant he had been of John during the first few weeks because of uneasiness about the guy’s use of his wits, how he’d been on his tiptoes to avoid John saying something questionable to him, even though this had never happened. John had never used his sharkiness against him, and nowadays no one had to fear for it anymore. Being in a much better place than he had been half a year ago, John never seemed to feel the need to use his wits against anyone anymore - only to make people laugh, which continued to make Brian feel warm and soft inside, even if his jokes teased him.
‘I wonder what their families think about us now that we’ve taken their spots during all the last visiting hours,’ Brian asked as he slowed down for a red light.
‘Freddie just wrote about that in his last letter,’ John answered. ‘Said that his parents aren’t too happy they don’t get to see him anymore, but that they’re taking it as a good sign that Freddie has us come and visit him instead of just his parents all the time.’
‘Which letter was that?’ Brian asked, stepping on the gas when the light turned green. ‘Don’t think I read it.’
‘Oh, then he probably mentioned it in one of Freddie’s and my daily ongoing Kama Sutra centred correspondence,’ John grinned.
Bian kept his eyes on the road, but that didn’t stop him from giving John a partly-punishing, partly-playful pat on the upper leg. ‘That would explain why you’re so keen on making all of these explicit comments all the time lately.’
‘Someone has to do the work now that Freddie isn’t here with us,’ John argued.
‘Yeah, well. Something’s telling me you’re not going to stop this new hobby of yours, not even when Freddie will come and join us.’
‘Probably not, no. We’ll probably just egg each other on,’ John grinned. Brian voiced his disagreement with this future prospect, before they moved on to discuss what it really would be like to have Freddie and Roger move in with them into the new apartment - or just to live on their own in general. Neither Brian nor John had ever done so before; Brian had lived close enough to university to continue living in his parents’ house, and John had barely been eighteen and only just done with high school when he was sent to Queen Mary’s. Roger and Freddie, on the other hand, did have experience living on their own - but the plenty of stories they’d told about their own moments of shame in the kitchen and the bathroom and general housekeeping did not exactly give Brian and John much hope.
As they hit the highway, they recalled Roger telling them how he’d once tried to get a clot of hair out of the shower drain using knife and form, and Freddie calling his sister in the middle of the night to ask her what the difference was between an oven and a microwave. The best - or worse, for that matter - out of all the things they’d heard overtime they unanimously decided was Freddie messing up his roommate’s kettle because he’d opened up and tried to boil an egg in the hot water; which on its own was bad enough, but him not having gotten the memo that an egg was liquid before boiling and thus unexpectedly cracking the egg into the kettle was worse for sure. To make the chaos complete, he’d then panicked and tries to fish out little pieces of half-boiled egg yolk with a pair of tweezers, and had burned his hand in the process of this. However, knowing that Roger once fell violently ill because he used to cook his chicken medium rare, the couple decided that it was probably best not to have neither Freddie nor Roger near the kitchen anywhere soon, and that they’d be the best candidates to cook the meals until they would manage to teach the others some basic culinary skills and food knowledge that apparently was not as common as they had thought.
Most of the remaining way to Queen Mary’s was then spent discussing which dishes the pair of them could cook and what to do in case they had an off-day on which they did not feel like touching the oven or stove in any sort of way. Brian drove comfortably despite having yet to get used to the car and not knowing the route by heart; he had, after all, driven them to Queen Mary’s twice before, and even if he took a wrong turn, there’d be plenty of time left as they’d made their departure unnecessarily early, as even he dared to admit by now.
There was, in the end, no reason at all to have to be stressed. They reached their destination at twenty past ten; early enough to park in the best available spots, and so early that the gates had not even opened yet.
‘Huh. Funny to be locked up from the other side for a change,’ John commented, which made Brian snort.
They looked on as Ian, one of the guards they came across often when he had back door duty, sauntered out of the building with a coworker they did not recognise - a new hire, they assumed. Brian was the one to first open the door, circle the car, and take out their instruments. He handed the bass over to John with a smile, and they moved on to the gates on which Ian was just laying the last hand to open it.
‘Morning, guys,’ Ian nodded at them, drawing the gate open with the help of his coworker. ‘You’re early today.’
‘Don’t want to miss a second of a chance to spend time at Queen Mary’s, of course,’ Brian smiled, and he took the hand Ian reached towards him for a handshake. John did the same afterwards.
‘I’d say so,’ Ian grinned. ‘You’re here to see Bulsara and that blond guy with him, right?’
‘Roger Taylor, yeah,’ John confirmed. ‘We have to arrange some last things before they leave and come to live with us.’
‘They’re leaving as well! You’re leaving me all alone here,’ Ian sighed exorbitantly loudly.
‘Of course not!’ Brian protested. ‘I see you’ve got a new coworker!’ He gave a nod towards the quiet but severe-looking middle-aged man standing to Ian’s right side.
‘Oh, I do. This is Frank,’ Ian introduced his coworker, who stepped forward to shake hands with the couple as well.
‘Is he a replacement or has Queen Mary’s finally decided to take on more security?’ John asked.
‘Believe it or not, but we’re finally getting more security,’ Ian said. When John lifted an eyebrow in surprise, he added: ‘I mean- there are two new guards as of now, but they’re looking for a few more. Problem is that not everyone is suitable to work in this environment. Finding guards that are both strict enough to keep order but gentle enough to work with the patients is a task on its own.’
Brian nodded in understanding - he was actually surprised by this information Ian shared with them. It might have seemed trivial and self-explanatory to someone else to hear that management was running tests to find the right guards for the demographics, Brian had seen enough /bullshit and acts of pure carelessness or even negligence at Queen Mary’s to know that it was not that self-evident to have the right people in the right positions. He was glad to hear that they were finally stepping up their game, though.
The next visitors arrived behind them, so John and Brian said their goodbyes to Ian and his new coworker, and walked towards the side entrance of the building, which they had learned was the visitor’s entrance of Queen Mary’s. It continued to feel weird to Brian to enter the visiting room from this side instead of through the patients’ entrance, but, knowing that John had only seen that side once and that having been with the half-disastrous, half-salvaging meeting with his parents, he decided not to bring that up. He did not want to bring up any bad memories, after all - today was supposed to be fun and good news only.
Having listed their names at the register and woven the safety pin with the ‘VISITOR’ button attached to it through the fabric of their shirts, the couple sat down on an uncomfortable wooden bench to await being searched. No one showed up, though, apart from more visitors; but just as Brian was about to make a comment about Queen Mary’s probably having shifted their funding away from visiting hour staff to be able to pay for new security, the figure of a man loomed up before them.
‘You should know by now that those instruments simply won’t do at Queen Mary’s,’ a voice said, before both the man and the couple he was facing smiled at each other.
‘Nolan!’ Brian beamed, nearly losing grip of his guitar as he jumped up from the bench to fling his arms around his former mentor. Upon first leaving Queen Mary’s he had never thought he’d grow to miss anyone apart from his friends, but only a few weeks at home had proven him utterly wrong. He missed Nolan’s cheerfulness and vigour, Sarah’s trust and her patience with him, and even Jasper’s eternal attempt at engaging everybody in group discussions. Still, the role Nolan had played in his survival at Queen Mary’s, and in his healing process as far as Queen Mary’s had been responsible for that, was one that Brian was not going to forget anywhere soon. Nolan had been the one to walk him through his first weeks at Queen Mary’s, the one he had always been able to reach out to during his time, and the one who had helped him get out when he had needed to. No one had ever cared so deeply as Nolan had, and Brian would always be thankful to him for the effort he’d put into every single day he had been out and about at the institution, because it really had made a change for the better.
‘Hi buddy! I’ve missed you!’ Nolan said, again with such sincerity that only Nolan could add to his words. ‘How are things going? Did you get the apartment?’
‘Not the one we originally were hoping for, but two weeks ago we got another offer. Even better, perhaps,’ Brian detached himself from Nolan so that John could share a hug with his mentor also. Perhaps Nolan had not played as large a role in his life at Queen Mary’s as he had for Brian, but John had also grown to miss the stability that Nolan had provided - a rock for all who needed him, whenever and wherever.
‘Really?’ Nolan asked, his voice muffled as his face was half-buried in John’s shoulder.
‘Really. Three bedroom apartment with central heating and a recently updated kitchen in Kensington.’
‘Three-bedroom apartment! In Kensington, out of all places! Count yourself lucky!’ Nolan beamed. He let go of John at last, and looked them both in the eyes as he said: ‘You deserve it, guys. If anyone I’ve ever met in here deserves such an opportunity, it’s you.’ Brian smiled and John just blushed, but they both knew Nolan meant it, and it felt good, really good to have someone wish them well with all of his heart.
Just as Brian was thinking of saying something to wish Nolan well, such as telling him he hoped he’d been a little less busy than he’d been in their days or that he’d been given a few kind and unproblematic pupils in their place, a nasal voice asking loudly if anyone was going to check them or if they could just move on through to the visiting area straight away made them turn around. Nolan shot them an apologetic glance - one they still remembered from the many times when he’d been called away by various duties when they still lived at Queen Mary’s. They took their leave of Nolan, but were reunited with them again as they passed him and Derek, who had come to help him out, to search all visitors. They exchanged a few more words as they were patted down, but, upon finding nothing in their pockets and probably trusting them to still abide by the rules as they (largely) did while living at the place, they were given permission to enter the visiting room.
With one hand on John’s back and the other around the neck of his beloved guitar, Brian guided the pair of them to a table in the front left corner of the room. From this spot, Freddie and Roger would be able to spot them, but they would not be in the way of too many people during their time together. That’s what they hoped, at any rate, but Brian knew that no one among the four of them particularly cared about their noise levels when they got to see each other once per month, and especially not now that they had such good news to celebrate.
Visitors spilled into the room, security made their rounds, and cups of coffee and tea were distributed at random among the occupied tables by two lunch ladies with no regard for anyone’s preferences for which beverage they wished or how they wished to take it. Knowing that John didn’t like his coffee without sugar - his sweet spot, as Brian liked to call it when they were just among themselves - he offered to take the bitter drink, and let John have the cup of tea. They took small sips of the hot liquids and made some comments on the room, the visitors, and Queen Mary’s in general while eagerly waiting for Freddie and Roger to join them.
Their patience was eventually rewarded - just as Brian downed the last of what John had dubbed Queen Mary’s bitter bean juice, the heavy iron door swung open, and the patients were released into the room. Half of them anxious and half of them apathetic, it didn’t take long for Brian to spot the excited expression and manner of their friends, who had stumbled through the door together and anxiously searched for them.
‘Freddie, Roger! Here!’ Brian found himself standing up from the table and wave a hand above his head to lead his friends in the right direction. John stood up and even gave a whistle to a confused looking Freddie - something Brian never could have imagined him doing half a year ago, but which he now did with a smile on his face. Even calling their names out loud was something he himself would not have dared to do upon first arriving in Queen Mary’s, afraid of other people’s reactions. Now he couldn't care less about the glances and the stares; not when Roger spotted them and excitedly pulled Freddie with him towards the table.
Brian felt his smile growing wider as the couple approached their table in a half-walking, half-running manner. They looked stronger, better, happier every time they visited Queen Mary’s to see them, and today was no exception. Roger’s face had a healthy glow to it, which was a huge difference to the pale greyish tint of his skin he had sported while on and off his heroin addiction. His eyes were less sunken and his cheeks had a certain rosy softness to them that made him look sweet and even more boyish than he had done before.
The changes in Freddie were even more visible. His skin had also recovered from its snow-white phase, and the beginnings of a bronze tone were showing, which showed the Parsi background that Brian knew Freddie had but which had never been too visible. Brian could also tell, as he stepped closer, that he had again managed to gain some weight over the past month. It might have been minimal, not more than a few pounds, but for someone of his frame and statue this made a real difference. His clothes no longer swung around his body the way they used to, and his cheekbones, although still sharp, did not stick out the way they used to, which made his face look more elegant and proportioned. His walk had become more steadfast, and even his hair looked shinier than it used to - something he knew Freddie would say was the result of some new hair product, but which Brian could tell had more to do with him finally starting to eat things besides slices of tomato and shim yoghurt than with any sort of hair conditioner.
‘Darliiiiiings!’ Freddie cooed with the second vowel drawn-out dramatically as he let Brian envelop his torso with his long arms, laughing loudly and most of all genuinely when Brian clutched him tightly against his chest and pressed kisses against his hair. It had always been Freddie who had initiated hugs and kisses of any sort, but he sure seemed delighted to have his friend take the lead this time around.
‘I’m so glad you’re here!’ said Roger, who next to Freddie had been subdued to the same treatment by John, be it with a hand grating through his long blond locks instead of having a pair of lips pressed against it. ‘You must be here with the new car! You need to tell me all about it!’
‘Well, eh, what do you want to know?’ John asked.
‘Everything!’ Roger beamed, dislodging himself from John’s chest. ‘What’s the manufacturer, and the building year, and how many HP? What’s the engine capacity? And the torque!’
‘Well, it’s a Fiat 124 from France, built in December 1961. It has 61 HP,  which is decent, but the torque isn’t spectacular,’ John admitted. Brian felt Freddie take a step back from him but they held each other at an arm’s length anyway, not ready to let this instant conversation break them up yet. ‘I mean, the number they gave us was high, but that’s the maximum torque of the IC engine.’
‘I know,’ Roger nodded. ‘They try to impose you with a torque of 200 when RPM is what’s really important when looking at acceleration speed. Or plainly the zero-to-sixty-span, although that’s dependable on the circumstances of the environment of the car…’
‘Let’s leave all of that to the nerds, shall we?’ Freddie suggested halfway through the sentence when he noticed that neither Brian nor he either understood or cared about the discussion of their latest vehicular purchase. ‘God, what do I care about cars when you’re here to see us!’ he said when Brian nodded to his proposal, and he threw himself back against Brian’s chest. Brian just smiled and hooked an arm around Freddie’s side so he could pat his back. For the first time probably since he had met Freddie, he was finally comfortable hugging him without fearing he would break his roommate in two - something Brian definitely found worthy of praise and celebration.
‘It’s so good to have you here and literally see that you’re making progress,’ Brian smiled into the shoulder of Freddie, who unfortunately did not think of this as a good sign at all. He unwrapped his arms from Brian’s back and stepped away from him with a look of serious uneasiness and shock on his face.
‘Oh fuck, no, does it really show? Can you tell that I- gained weight?’ The last words came out in a squeak that betrayed just how painful the idea of putting weight back on still was for Freddie, who looked as if he was going to cry if he was not going to receive comfort in the form of assurance that he hadn’t gained a gramme and that he looked emaciated as always. The problem was that Brian could not do it, refused to do it - now that Freddie was finally on the road towards recovery, he was not going to praise anything weight loss-related.
Choosing his words carefully, Brian said: ‘It just shows a little in your face, and I can feel it in your ribs when I hold you. It’s a very positive change, Freddie, believe me.’
Freddie, however, looked at Brian as if he had just grabbed him by the throat and left him breathless. ‘That’s not positive, that’s- that’s disgusting,’ he whimpered.
‘It’s not disgusting,’ Brian protested. ‘It’s good and it’s healthy and it’s exactly what should happen. It’s exactly why you look better and feel so much better lately - it’s why you’ll be allowed to leave soon. Don’t you want that?’ Brian asked. ‘You don’t want to stay at Queen Mary’s or similar places forever and fight with food your whole life, right?’
Freddie blinked at him, once, twice, a third time, then looked down. ‘I don’t want that,’ he muttered. ‘But I don’t want to look like… like this either.’ Despite Freddie still protesting his progress, Brian noticed that he recognised he did have an unhealthy relationship with food, which a few months ago he would have refused to do. Things were going in the right direction at last.
‘Like what?’ Brian asked. ‘Strong and healthy and beautiful? With some colour on your face and shiny hair and a perfect body to carry around a perfect person?’
Freddie huffed. ‘The hair’s just my new after shower hair mask.’
‘I literally predicted you would say that,’ Brian rolled his eyes, but then sternly added: ‘Don’t undermine your own progress, Freddie.’
Freddie opened his mouth as if he had something grand to say to defend himself, but nothing came out apart from a choked ‘I’m not’, which Brian could see right through. He knew Freddie did not at all see his recent progress as such, and knew his friend needed support and consolation.
‘Believe me, Freddie. You might not see it now, but in a few years you’ll look back at yourself and be proud,’ Brian promised him with a voice firm enough to make him look away at first, then shyly face him.
‘Do you really think so?’ Freddie asked. Brian smiled, again seeing this (be it unsure sounding) question as a win, for Freddie did not actively oppose to what he claimed.
‘I’m sure of it,’ Brian said just as firmly. Then, deciding to try his luck, he asked Freddie openly for the first time ever: ‘How far are you now?’
Freddie, knowing exactly what he meant, faced him with a look of mild panic and hesitation. ‘I… I’m too embarrassed to tell you,’ he said at first, but after a handful of seconds, he beckoned Brian closer, and stood on his tiptoes to whisper to him: ‘I’m at 98 now.’
‘Really?’ Brian said in an upbeat tone, ignoring the fact that this still was a ridiculously low number and instead focussing on it being at least more than ten pounds than he had weighed during much of his own stay at Queen Mary’s. You have no idea how much progress that is. When I got here you were what, 86 pounds?’
‘And a half, yes,’ Freddie said, then sighed. ‘I can’t help wanting to go back there somewhere deep inside. I know I shouldn’t want that, and Roger tells me I’m crazy, but...’
‘It’ll take a while to get rid of those thoughts,’ Brian finished his sentence when Freddie ran out of words. ‘You’ve been used to thinking like that for so long. But it’s good that Roger’s your voice of reason in those moments,’ Brian said, which was a sentence he had not expected to ever leave his mouth. It had always been Freddie who had tried to talk sense back into Roger whenever he had graved his beloved heroin or its substitutes, so it had been unexpected to learn that it was now Roger who told Freddie right instead. Brian was glad to hear that he did, though - but he would be even happier when the couple would move in with John and him so they could keep an eye on Freddie and his eating habits between the three of them. Together they would pull Freddie through.
‘Yes, Roger as my voice of reason,’ Freddie laughed with a sideward glance at his boyfriend, who was luckily still engaged in talk of carburettors and gear shifts with John. ‘No, but he’s really sweet and helpful. He’ll go with me to my dietary sessions whenever he doesn’t have to attend sessions on his own. He’ll hold me when I cry whenever I have to step on a scale and everyone’s celebrating me having put on weight. He’s really pulling me through this, you know.’
It melted Brian’s heart to hear that the couple was able to support each other so well. ‘That’s very good to hear. Roger will be so relieved when you’ll finally hit the 100 pounds mark.’
‘I know,’ Freddie sighed. ‘I suppose I do want to get there, even if it’s mainly for him. And well, you know- he did promise a reward if I did.’
‘A reward?’ Brian lifted an eyebrow. ‘And what would that be?’
Freddie cast his eyes up dramatically, and twirled a strand of hair around a bony finger. ‘Oh, I could hardly repeat that to you. It would not be good for your sensitive ears.’ Brian refrained from giving Freddie a teasing push out of fear that his friend might topple over, and instead just stuck out his tongue at him.
‘Who’s got sensitive ears?’ sounded the voice of Roger, who joined into the conversation at the exact right moment for Freddie and Brian to not have to repeat the latter part of their discussion.
‘Brian and I, which is why we couldn’t listen to you going on about cabaret and such.’
‘I’ve told you a thousand times before it’s a carburettor.’
‘Oh, my ears! My sensitive ears!’ Freddie said, covering the sides of his face with his hands like a Victorian housewife who had suddenly be seized by a fit of dizziness.’
‘Okay, we get it,’ John snorted. ‘Sit your majestic behind down, Queen Victoria.’
Freddie did as he was told, but, unlike the rest of them, he was incapable of sitting down without another clever comment in his newly assumed role of British royalty. ‘The nerve of some men to address their Queen in such a manner.’
‘It’s one Queen against another Queen, mind you,’ John said with an air of sassiness he had grown to assume when Freddie and he were sharing a moment like this one. ‘We’re all Queens. Why else did we name our band that?’
‘To honour this glorified poorhouse, of course,’ Roger answered the question on Freddie’s behalf. ‘I can’t wait to get out of here,’ he sighed.
‘Are things still going downhill here?’ Brian asked, finding a window of opportunity to turn the conversation into a relevant direction before Queen Anne, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, and whoever more may have been a female ruler of the Kingdom would be evoked.
Roger and Freddie shared a look as if to gauge each other’s stance on the matter, before Roger turned back to Brian and shook his head. ‘Not even. I think I’ve actually seen some improvements around the place. There’s more security guards, for instance.’
‘We know. We met a new coworker of Ian outside at the gate,’ John told them. ‘It’s good that they’re finally hiring more people.’
‘Yes, it’s just a shame that they’re doing it now that the worst of threats have passed,’ Roger said. ‘I mean- that was a bit of an unfortunate way of wording it, but- well, Drew did pass indeed, and Clyde’s left just two weeks ago.’
Brian, although he felt a tinge of unease when he heard the death of their once-enemy turned last-minute well-wisher being mentioned, decided to skip that debate and asked after the departure of the other gang leader instead: ‘Clyde’s left?’
‘Oh yes! That was a funny story,’ Roger said, and Brian could see Freddie grin in agreement from the side of his eye. ‘Turned out there was a warrant against Clyde for suspected involvement in drug dealing, whitewashing, extortion, and similar businesses. Clyde’s lawyer apparently made an arrangement with his psychiatrist to have him shipped off to an institution to avoid being prosecuted.’
‘The GA was not amused when he found out, mind you,’ Freddie took over the role of narrating the story that had Brian and John grinning with a sense of victory over the evil fellow patient already. ‘He was escorted out of the building by the police and taken for interrogation, and admitted to his crimes. It’s said that he’ll be kept on bail until the day of the court so he won’t go anywhere again.’
‘Well, that should serve him right,’ Brian said. ‘And things have been quieter since?’
‘I’d say so, yes. Their gangs are still sort of active, but without a real leader they don’t do much. Maybe push each other in the hallway or so, or throw food around in the canteen. But it’s not as bad as it used to be.’
‘They also restructured time in the public rooms,’ Roger said. ‘You have to sign up beforehand now, and security will check if there’s no people who they know to cause trouble when they get to see each other. So basically everyone just has access, apart from the people they know will cause problems, who’ll just not be let in. And with more security around, they can actually implement this rule.’
‘That sounds good-’ Brian agreed, but before he could properly finish his sentence, Freddie interrupted him as he suddenly thought of something he’d obviously meaning to tell him.
‘Oh! And Ariel is back, by the way!’
Brian looked at Freddie for a second, before half-asking, half-exclaiming: ‘Really?’
‘Really. Now that the largest fools are gone and more security is around, she told management she’d have another try. She still only works half of the hours she used to, but things seem to be going well. Or, you know- as well as things can go with the depression talk group patients,’ he said somewhat awkwardly. Brian didn’t mind at all - he was positively overwhelmed with this news. It had been so long since he’d last heard anyone even mention the name of one of their therapy leaders who had left under a cloak of mysterious unmentionable reasons expected to be sexual violence she had experienced at the clinic, that he had not even considered the option of her coming back again. To hear that she had overcome her fears and had made an attempt at returning to the place where Brian knew her heart lay, made him beam with hope. Queen Mary’s was not as much as a lost cause as it once had seemed to him.
‘That’s really good news. Seriously, I’m very glad to hear that,’ Brian said.
‘Seems like things are finally falling into their right places after all,’ John smiled. ‘Just a bit of a shame that it’s happening now that we’ll all soon be gone.’
‘Which we really have to discuss, by the way,’ Roger said excitedly - he seemed so much more lively and upbeat now that he’d been clean for almost three months straight. ‘You need to tell us about the apartment!’
‘Oh, yes, the apartment. Well, as I wrote to you the other day, it’s going to be the one in Kensington, not in Shepherd’s Bush. It has three bedrooms instead of two, and central heating throughout the house,’ John informed Roger, whose short, high-blown whistle seemed to indicate that he was excited.
‘What floor is it on?’ Freddie asked.
‘Second floor, so it’s four flights of stairs. Don’t you dare make a comment about how that’ll be good for your workout,’ John warned Freddie, who innocently held up his hands.
‘I wouldn’t dare to, dear,’ Freddie said. ‘But tell us more! What’s it look like? You’ve been there, right?’
‘Twice,’ Brian confirmed. ‘It has one large living room, dining area, and kitchen, which was recently renewed. And there’s double glass everywhere, also recently done.’
‘Do you have any pictures?’
‘I only have the advertisement page from the real estate agent, but it has a few pictures.’ Brian dug into the chest pocket of his shirt, and fished out a black and white housing advertisement on newspaper quality material, all folded up and crinkled after having looked at it with John a million times before while they imagined what would be in so near a future. Their soon-to-be-roommates-again did not seem to mind, though; the piece was all but ripped out of his hands and unfolded by the eager fingers of Freddie, who spread out the paper and laid it out on the tabletop before him.
‘Look at that! Such a fancy frontage, my dears! And those large windows!’ Freddie said loudly enough to make people around them look up. Brian shortly considered telling Freddie to keep his voice down, but upon seeing the joy on his friend’s face as Roger and he pointed fingers at the images and the accompanying descriptions, he decided to let them be.
‘Seventy-five square metres!’ Roger pointed out equally enthusiastically. ‘The master bedroom has its own washstand and running water…’
‘Mind you, that’s the one Brian and I already claimed,’ John informed them.
‘Doesn’t matter. I’ll just claim the spare bedroom for my drums.’
‘What about my extended wardrobe closet, then?’ Freddie asked. ‘Where do I put all my clothes? And where does Brian put his dildo collection?’ Brian snorted, obviously not having expected the conversation to head into this direction, let alone to be dragged into it as it did.
‘I have a suggestion as to where he leaves them,’ Roger said with wiggling eyebrows, and Brian rolled his eyes.
‘In the room you wanted to put your drums. And in your bed, if you don’t hold your tongue.’
‘Oh! Brian bites back,’ Freddie grinned, crooking his fingers to give the impression of a pair of claws. ‘No, we’ll see what we’ll do with the spare room when we get to it. As for now I’m just so excited to have a house and to live with you again, god!’
Brian smiled, glad they moved on to a more acceptable topic. ‘It’s going to be great. It’s so nice to know we’ve got a decent place from which we can build up our lives again.’
‘But we’ve really got it, then? It’s been signed for and all?’ Roger asked. Brian nodded.
‘We went to sign the contracts yesterday. Or well, my dad signed - he’s the one who actually has the credit it takes to be eligible for renting. You know, given that none of us has like… worked in the past year at least, and none of us has a degree or is currently working on getting a degree…’ he laughed a bit awkwardly. ‘Anyway, with our student loans, or maybe a weekend job on top of that, it shouldn’t be a problem to pay the rent back to my dad.’
Roger nodded. ‘We’ll manage. Freddie and I have actually talked for a bit these last few days, and we’ve decided we’ll take up a job first. I mean, the school year’s just started, so we can either hurry to recover a month of uni without any preparation, or do some work first.’
‘Sounds good,’ Brian said. ‘We’ll live in the inner city - I’m sure there’ll be many places around who hire.’
‘Oh no, we don’t want to work for an employer,’ Freddie brushed off the idea with a literal wave of the hand. ‘We want to be our own bosses.’ Brian shared a look with John, but neither of them could either say or ask something before Freddie had already told them of their plans. ‘We want to start a vintage clothing stall!’
‘A vintage… clothing stall?’ John repeated.
‘Yes!’ Freddie confirmed with pride, either not seeing or ignoring his friend’s reservation. ‘We can buy clothes cheaply from people who want to get rid of them and get some cash for it without doing too much work, and then sell it in our own store, or market stall, or whatever place we can get. We can work with fashion, with is something we both enjoy, and give people advice, and get all dressed up ourselves - we’ll have to know the clothes we sell, after all!’
Brian blinked a few times, and then, when John did not seem to have a reply to this, he offered: ‘‘That sounds great!’
‘I know!’ Freddie beamed. ‘It’ll be so much fun to find those real gems between clothes people dispose of, and see what we can still do with it.’
Roger nodded in agreement with what his partner said. ‘And clothes that are not good enough for selling anymore, we can always take together and use the fabric for new pieces.’
‘You can sow fabulous things out of old scraps of fabric, you know!’ Freddie said.
‘A good idea,’ Brian agreed wholeheartedly. ‘But do either of you have, eh... any tailoring skills?’ Brian asked, trying his hardest not to sound sceptic. It was not that he had no faith at all in this plan of his friends, and it was frankly beautiful to see how excited the idea of working together and in a field they were both interested in excited them. Selling clothes sure could be done. How plausible it was, however, that they’d make great tailors if they had no prior knowledge of the trade, and whether they’d be able to support themselves from the selling of second-hand clothes, was something he was not too certain of.
‘My last name isn’t Taylor for no reason,’ Roger winked with a smile at his friends sitting across the table, leaving them unsure of the actual answer to Brian’s question. Then again, Brian decided for himself that this was not too important at the time being; what really mattered was that Freddie and Roger, who had gone through some serious issues, both mentally, emotionally, and physically, were now in good enough of a state to make exciting plans for the future, which they strove to carry out once they’d left Queen Mary’s. And maybe those plans did not cover all of their bills, but who worried about that at this point?
‘Oh, Roger!’ Freddie suddenly exclaimed as he all but gripped his partner by the upper arm, as if Roger was possibly going anywhere if he did not hold on to him physically. ‘Something that suddenly dawns on me. Isn’t there some place called Kensington Market or so, right in the middle of Kensington, where you can hire indoor stalls?’
‘Oh shit, I know that place!’ Roger answered. ‘I’ve been there once with Clare to have a look. We should check if they have anything available, because that would be exactly the right crowd for our store!’
‘And it’d be so close to our house, we can literally just walk there! What was the address again?’ Freddie said, and the pair turned to the paper in front of them. Brian and John shared a look of mutual appreciation for Freddie and Roger’s plans to keep themselves occupied and keep their spirits up once they’d be released from Queen Mary’s, even if it might be a bit too ambitious and enthusiastic. Fingertips pointed out places on the small location map provided on the advertisement page, street names Brian had never heard of were flung around with enthusiasm, only to be silenced when a new voice joined the discussion of their store’s possible location.
‘Working out some escape plan, huh?’ A large hand was placed on a shoulder of either man, who turned around to see the same staff member Brian and John had earlier welcomed with happiness and gratitude.
‘Nolan!’ Freddie exclaimed. ‘Come here, darling, you need to see our new house! We’re gonna move to a great place in Kensington!’
‘I’ve been told so by your friends!’ Nolan said, giving a nod towards Brian and John. ‘Show me the evidence.’
Roger didn’t have to be told twice, picked up the paper and quite literally shoved it in Nolan’s face, while Freddie read out loud various of the descriptions Brian could tell from the concentrated look on his ex-mentor’s face Nolan was trying to read for himself simultaneously, as Freddie’s report was messy and random at best. Nevertheless, Nolan patiently listened to Freddie’s excited chatter and happily looked at the random images Roger pointed out, and afterwards gave them the same blessing he had given to Brian and John beforehand. They then chatted for a little longer between the five of them, until, just as Nolan made an attempt to say his goodbyes - he had to keep an eye on everyone in the room, after all - Freddie tugged at the mentor’s sleeve and flash him his dearest puppy eyes, before asking him for a favour Brian had not yet considered a possibility.
‘Ahw Nole, can we go outside?’
‘Outside?’ Nolan repeated, obviously no having seen this request coming. ‘You mean now?’
‘Yes! Surely you remember the four of us used to go outside to talk and play music all the time when we all lived at Queen Mary’s?’ Freddie said in an attempt to refresh Nolan’s mind.
It seemed to work. ‘I do remember, yes. Staff used to be glad when you did, so we would not have your noise sounding through the paper walls of this place,’ Nolan laughed.
‘Our noise?’ Freddie repeatedly indignantly, but Roger saw his window of opportunity to convince Nolan to let them go out in these words.
‘Exactly! If you let us go out, you won’t have us play in the middle of your visiting room. If you don’t, you’ll force us to practice right here and interrupt everyone’s conversations,’ Roger argued - or threatened, more like.
‘Practice right here in the middle of the visiting room?’ Nolan repeated with a grin. He could obviously see the humour in the men’s creativity to convince him to let them go out - which was a relief to Brian, who had feared that Freddie would have been told off for asking for something so bold and so plainly against the rules. Then again, Nolan had never been one to follow the rulebook all too literally - something that now seemed to catch up with him.
‘You allowed us to come in with our guitars, now you’ll have to live with the consequences.’ The threat now came from John, which was an unexpected corner to be attacked from; in any case, unexpected for a staff member like Nolan, who was not familiar with John’s quiet but sly antics.
‘John! I don’t remember you to be this bold,’ Nolan reproached him. John just smiled and shrugged.
‘That’s because you’re staff,’ Freddie said. ‘If you were with us, you would have seen him break through security and sneak into the kitchen to get himself food if he didn’t feel like having breakfast among us peasants.’
Nolan shook his head in quasi-disapproval. ‘Breaking through security, raiding the kitchen, threatening to stir up visiting hour… I don’t believe I can safely deny you guys anything anymore at this point.’
‘So you’ll let us go out?’ asked Freddie, already half lifting himself out of his chair.
Nolan looked around the relatively peaceful room, checked to see if no one was paying specific attention to them, and eventually said: ‘Get up calmly and follow me.’ This permission was received with enthusiasm by the four men sitting around the table, who - despite trying their best not to attract too much attention - made a lot more noise than they intended to do. Chairs were shoved back, the advertisement crinkled up and shoved into a pocket, John and Brian picked up their guitars and swung the strap around their chests, which required them to raise an arm and duck their heads in the process. If all of this was not enough to draw the attention, then it was Roger, who, in his hurry to follow Nolan, bumped a bony knee into the leg of the table, and uttered a necessary curse with it.
‘Get up calmly, I said!’ Nolan repeated his earlier words when the four men followed in his footsteps. He showed off his staff card and exchanged a few words with the warden on duty, who then opened the heavy iron door leading into the building.
‘If you wanted to teach us manners you should have done so earlier than three weeks before we’re leaving, Nole,’ Roger grinned. Nolan jokes about treating new patients like army recruits following his experience with the inhabitants of room 41B, but Brian did not quite catch all of that. He was more absorbed by getting to catch another glimpse of the inside of Queen Mary’s, which, at half-past eleven, was alive and tumultuous as he remembered it to be. People walked through the hallway, emerged from sideways and doors, and freely walked in and out of the canteen. Brian dimly remembered Roger writing him about the ban on using the canteen between mealtimes having been lifted now that the biggest problems with patient behaviour had passed, but seeing it himself made it a little more real. To actually see people sitting in the canteen, talking and laughing and playing undoubtedly incomplete card games, reminded him of his own stay here - the good times and the bad times, the ups and downs, the highs and lows. There had been plenty of either of those.
‘Feels weird to walk through this hallway now,’ John remarked beside him, and Brian, caught up in the experience of it all, simply nodded in response.  
They trod through a few hallways, and eventually arrived at the hallway leading to the back entrance of the building. It was a hallway with a lot of memories attached to it, at least to Brian - it gave access to the bathroom where Jimmy had been found hanging from the ceiling, the one in which John had locked himself upon being told he had to leave Queen Mary’s. Turning the other way, Brian saw the staff rooms he had frantically searched in his quest for Nolan the evening he’d realised he needed a reassessment, and the room where mister Fisher had extensively examined him and his ability to return to society for weeks straight upon applying for said reassessment. Luckily, there one door that did have good memories attached to it for Brian, and that was the door that led outside, to the only place they had guaranteed peace and quiet and happiness while residing at the clinic. The place where John and he had shared and received, given and taken, spoken and listened, cried and laughed, lived and survived. Brian’s hand touched John’s, and John, understanding the gesture, gave his hand a comforting squeeze as they passed the threshold that led to the warden’s post at the end of the hallway, and, behind that, to freedom.
A single man was leaning against the wall, and looked up at the sight of the party of five that entered the space. Nolan showed off his card again, pointed to Brian’s and John’s visitor badges, and explained the whole matter. Freddie’s and Roger’s names were noted down in the log, and the door was unlocked and opened for them.
‘Well, go have fun, but don’t make me regret allowing you outside,’ Nolan said as words of wisdom and temporary goodbye.
‘We’ll play so loud that the London police will come and inspect the noise pollution,’ Roger promised. Freddie and he were the first to try and walk through the door, but they were halted by Nolan before they did so.
‘Wait! Where’s your coats, guys?’ Nolan asked, pointing to the long row of black jackets worn by people who chose to go outside, but which had remained untouched by the four.
‘We don’t need coats, it’s not that cold,’ Roger said.
‘It’s November,’ Nolan countered. ‘And neither of you weigh more than eight stone. Take a coat,’ he said, handing one to a begrudging Freddie and Roger, while John and Brian also took one in an attempt to lead by example. ‘Promise me to keep an eye on these two when I’m not around, will you?’ Nolan asked them, seemingly not noting that neither John nor Brian had reached out to pick up a coat before his interference.
In what seemed like an attempt to make this clear to Nolan, and with this give a hint that they could not be trusted to look after Freddie and Roger either, John disclosed: ‘Just this morning Brian’s mother handed me his coat because he wouldn’t take it himself.’
Nolan looked at him as to make out if he was pulling a joke on him, but when Brian somewhat shamefully admitted John spoke the truth, the mentor pulled open the door and pointed at the newly created exit. ‘Go now, before I change my mind and lock you all up in your room again to keep you safe.’
Freddie and Roger did not need to be told twice and dashed outside; John smiled apologetically at Nolan, and Brian gave his ex-mentor a comforting pat on the shoulder, before they too traded Queen Mary’s building for its gardens.
 # # #
 ‘It’s not even that cold outside,’ Freddie remarked as they sauntered into the garden. As soon as Nolan had left the scene, he had made a point out of taking off his coat and tying it around his waist in the least fashionable sense possible. Brian could not blame him, though; the coats were made of thick, wintery material, while the outside temperature of this particular November morning easily reached fifteen degrees. Apart from him, everyone had taken off their coach - including John, who seemed to have forgotten the idea of leading by example, and who carried his coat over his shoulder while they made their way over to the swing set they had spent so much time on while residing at Queen Mary’s.
‘That’s because you’ve finally got some meat on your bones, mate,’ Roger told Freddie - a comment delivered in good nature, and - much to Brian’s surprise - Freddie did not take it too badly at all.
‘Lay off, dear.’ Freddie rolled his eyes. ‘You gained what, fifteen pounds or so since you quit heroin?.’
‘Mind you, that’s a sign of recovery,’ Roger corrected him. ‘It’s one of the reasons they’re finally letting me go. And besides, you didn’t particularly seem to mind in bed these last few weeks,’ he grinned.
‘Of course not,’ Freddie readily admitted. ‘It looks good on you.’
‘It would look just as good on you,’ Roger said.
‘Yeah, well,’ Freddie said after a few seconds of silence. Planting himself down on the swing, he added: ‘The opinions about that differ.’
‘It’s literally you against the rest of the world, Fred,’ Roger reminded him.
Freddie gave a toothy smile. ‘It���s always been me against the world. I fail to see the problem with that.’
Roger, who by now had also taken a seat on the only other vacant swing, after having established with some hand gestures that neither Brian nor John insisted on sitting down, rolled his eyes and moved to a different topic. ‘It’s only three weeks left until they’ll let us leave. I can’t believe we’ll be free so soon.’
‘It’s been long enough, though,’ John said, crouching down on the moist sand beneath, and Brian followed his example - be it after having taken off his coat and using it as a protective layer against the ground. ‘How long have you been here for?’
‘Since August last year, so that would be… a year and three months,’ Roger calculated. ‘Freddie’s been here one month longer,’ he said, pointing at his partner.
‘That’s a long time,’ Brian said.
‘Especially when it’s been no use,’ Roger muttered.
‘That’s not true,’ John corrected him. ‘You came in as a serious heroin addict and now you’ve been clean for almost three months.’
‘Yeah, but that’s more to do with you than with Queen Mary’s,’ Roger said. ‘I only really saw the need to get clean when John was going to be released and when you went for a reassessment. When I saw that you were trying to get back your lives again, I wanted that, too. And especially when we started talking about renting a house together and seeing if we can get somewhere with our music as a band, I really started laying off drugs.’
‘Same here, I guess,’ Freddie added. ‘Well, not drugs - but I’ve been wanting to, eh… you know, get better from this… fear of eating and being fat and such since I’ve seen you move on and do so well. I want  to have that sort of life, too.’ He paused for a second, then said: ‘I mean, I’m not doing as good as people would like for me to do, but at least I’ve acknowledged that I do have a problem with eating, and I… do want to get over that.’
Brian nodded at his friend, who shyly glanced at him as to find approval for his words and way of thinking. ‘I’m really very happy you, and also you, Roger, are seeing that there’s life outside this place, and that you want to work on yourself to get there again.’
‘I think perspective is one of the problems with Queen Mary’s,’ John said. ‘While in here there’s no clear view of life outside, or what you’re doing it for. There’s no future or even a reward you’re working forwards, so why fight for it? I mean, God knows I didn’t do that until I was told to leave and Brian showed me all that could be if we put in effort.’
‘And when we saw you were doing well, Rog and I wanted to work on ourselves and be dismissed also,’ Freddie added.
‘Something good came out of you being sent away after all, Deaky,’ Brian said. ‘I see it as the turning point for all of us.’
John smiled. ‘It was a good thing to send me away, looking back at it. I just didn’t see any chances of having a life after Queen Mary’s. But looking back, I didn’t have too much of a life inside Queen Mary’s either, so what did I have to lose? Especially with Brian with me. I wish I would not have been so afraid at the time, because I worried about nothing.’
‘But you didn’t know that then,’ Brian reminded him. ‘Even I didn’t know we’d get to find a place of our own and a plan of going back to school in the second semester and working on ourselves in the meantime so soon. But I know it would be alright because I had you.’ John blushed slightly, but took Brian’s hand as a sign of appreciation.
‘I’m really glad actually to know that the pair of you are already out there, with an apartment and a plan of what to do and just some settlement. It really makes things easier to know that we’ll have a place to go to when they kick us out here, because the ‘‘guidance’’ they give us now can hardly be qualified as such’ Freddie said.
‘They’ve started to give you guidance, then?’ Brian asked.
‘Sort of. It’s called ‘‘preparation for resocialisation’’, and it’s nothing more than a meeting once a week starting four weeks before you’ll leave where they tell us some generic stuff about where to find support and how to apply for a follow-up therapist or psychiatrist or whatever you need. And they have some addresses for social housing if you have no place to turn to.’
Brian felt himself turn a little queasy at the idea of the last-mentioned - the government housing buildings for troublesome young adults that often suffered from addiction or showed violent behaviour. People who had been victims of abuse or sex trafficking, and who would be lost to the streets if it had not been for these communal buildings. It had been the place John would have been carded off to if it had not been for Brian’s family taking him in. While Brian was grateful there were places to help young homeless people, he knew that those at the same time would equal the destruction of someone vulnerable like Freddie or prone to falling back into bad habits like Roger, so he was infinitely grateful they were able to take in their friends after their journey at Queen Mary’s was to end.
The four of them talked for a bit about the less than ideal guidance Queen Mary’s offered to those about to be set free again, and about the general working and vibe of the place as of late. Group therapy sessions were still messy as usual, and some private therapy sessions had been replaced by mentor sessions due to a new influx of patients without a new influx of therapists. Roger was still not happy with his drugs counsellor who told him to ‘pray the drug cravings away’, but the guy seemed pleased enough with him, seeing as he had been clean for over ten weeks now. Freddie was finally cooperating with his dietician, and was allowed to sit with the eating disorder support group during mealtimes - which he had politely refused after figuring that he did better with just the support of Roger at his side, instead of ten other people struggling to eat a slice of tomato just now that he was getting over his fear. Security around the place had been reformed and tightened, which meant that the overall vibe of Queen Mary’s was both more friendly yet more rigid, with frequent drug- and weapon searches. Even though neither Freddie nor Roger had anything to fear from these routines, they admitted frequently having taken shelter in John’s little hiding place between the walls of a series of sheds used to store God knew what my management.
‘We figured you wouldn’t mind if we used it, Deaky,’ Roger said. ‘It’s saved us so much time from those useless drug tests and fire escape training sessions.’
John smiled. ‘I’m glad to hear my cave has been of use to you. I’d almost forgotten about its existence already.’
‘Deacon! How could you forget that place!’ Freddie rebuked him. ‘The place where Brian and you first fucked!’
‘Kissed!’ Brian corrected him indignantly. ‘We merely kissed there!’ Freddie pulled a smug expression of doubt that told Brian he was wordlessly inviting him to discuss the matter, but before he could answer, John - who was still holding his hand - stood up and tugged him along in the process.
‘I want to have a look at the cave,’ he said. ‘It is a disgrace that I forgot it already. Brian and I have had some… moments there.’
Freddie nodded, and - seeming to understand that this was a more serious matter between Brian and John, Roger and he refrained from getting up from their places. Instead, they encouraged their friends to have a look and take their time, and so Brian found himself walking off towards the sheds built against the outer wall of Queen Mary’s, hand in hand with his partner. They did not speak to each other on their way to their destination; in fact, they did not say anything even when John had felt for the opening of the wall, had ushered the pair of them through, and closed the fake brick door behind them. Light descended upon them from the open roof, but still there was a dark atmosphere in the narrow hallway in which their eyes now travelled up and down the walls and the ground on which they had found themselves sitting a manyfold of times.
‘It’s weird how I already forgot about this place,’ John said, being the first to break the silence. ‘It’s served me well so many times. Served us even better,’ he smiled, obviously referring to the time after he’d introduced Brian to his secret shelter.
‘I remember the first time you took me here,’ Brian said. ‘We were on the swings and an alarm was sounding for a drug test that you didn’t feel like going for, so you dragged me through a fake brick wall into this place. I thought I was losing my mind.’
‘Yeah, well, you really would have lost your mind if you would have been exposed to that dumb drug search they tried to carry out. I’m glad I was able to save you from it. Well, on that day, at any rate,’ John added, very much aware of not having managed to escape drug tests and fire escape assignments every time. That might have caused suspicion - but whenever they could help it, they had hidden in the cave to elope them.
Unwanted drug and weapon searches had hardly been the only time they’d ended up in the cave. They had done so also to ensure a sense of privacy, or when they simply did not feel like dealing with any of the people around them. Something neither of them had alluded to, Brian realised, was the kissing scene Freddie had referred to. Not that this surprised him all too much; being caught by Freddie and Roger while in the midst of their first kiss had been embarrassing, but it had hardly been the worst aspect of the situation. It had been after making the mistake of gifting john the bass guitar in broad daylight and thus giving away his secret hobby to their friends that John had run off to the comfort of the cave’s solitude, and Brian had gathered all his strength and had followed behind to apologise.
What then followed had been an emotional rollercoaster in which John had admitted to having read Brian’s diary, just like Roger and Freddie, and thus knowing about his crush on him. Brian had been in tears, afraid that John would not want to have anything to do with him anymore - only to have John express his feelings for him then and there, and pouring all their feelings of relief and guilt and happiness into a kiss that had then been broken up by the arrival of Freddie and Roger. It had been an eventful day, both emotionally and physically, and not one of their proudest days - even though it had been the one that had brought them together. That, in the end, seemed to win John over in his consideration of whether or not to bring it up.
‘Remember our first kiss was in here?’ he asked casually, but the small, tensed smile on his lips told Brian he was a little nervous about bringing it up.
‘Of course,’ Brian assured him. ‘I’ll remember that until the day I die. Together with all the hecticality around it,’ he grinned.
‘God, we were stupid,’ John groaned leaning back against one of the brick walls. ‘Me running out of the room and going here, as if this would not be the most obvious place for anyone of you to come find me.’
‘And me, following you with a guitar in either hand. Running right past the wardens like a madman,’ Brian recalled.
‘I did the same,’ John admitted with a chuckle. ‘Wonder what they must have thought. Two losers following each other outside and disappearing behind the sheds. Well, they probably drew their conclusion based on that,’ he laughed.
Brian smiled, too. ‘If only they would have known we were just in here, both half in tears, trying to get the other to forgive them for having been stupid. I honestly thought you’d hate me forever.’
‘Me, hating you? For doing nothing more than giving me a great present in a bad setting? Never,’ John discarded the idea. ‘I was convinced you’d hate me for having read your diary.’
‘Well, if that would have been a factor, I would have had to hate all three of you after that day,’ Brian sighed. ‘I just feared you’d find it too awkward to ever face me again now that you knew I was in love with you.’
‘As if I hadn’t hoped for that all along,’ John grinned. ‘God, we were idiots. It’s a good thing that at least we kissed that day, so that at least something good came of all of that chaos.’
Brian smiled to himself, agreeing that the kiss had been the good thing that had come from all of the chaos. Or well, not solely the kiss; making up for having presented the gift at the wrong time from his side, and having reacted unreasonably from John’s, admitting the crushed they had both walked around with for too long, and the beginning of their relationship, had all taken place as a result of the more or less ridiculous events of that day. That was worth celebrating now that all had been said and done, Brian decided.
‘Now that we’re here, and now that we’re talking about it… Want a repeat performance?’ he offered to his partner, who looked him in the eyes - but unfortunately not for the reason Brian had been hoping for.
‘You want me to reread your diary and storm out of the room as you’re giving me a bass guitar?’ John asked incredulously.  
‘No, silly. The kiss. Without interference, this time,’ Brian clarified.
John stepped closer towards him, and halted right in front of him. ‘Even if it would include the interference I’d still want it,’ he said, and brought his lips closer to Brian’s face to accept the proposal he’d been offered.
Unlike their first time, Brian now knew exactly what he was doing. He had shared a hundred kisses and more with his partner since this moment, and was a lot more confident in his skills. What remained the exact same as it had been the first time, and what would not change by the time they’d share a thousand kisses, was that he still felt that same tinge of excitement, that same rush of butterflies darting through his stomach, that same hint of nerves that made his knees grow weak as his lips were pressed against John’s. Sure, he was less jittery than he had been during their first kiss, and he certainly did not feel any of the performance stress he had done back then - yet that same magical flutter of excitement and swell of love was still there as their lips moved against each other, their hands found their ways to each other’s shoulders, and when eventually the corners of their mouths twitched up towards the end of the kiss. By the time they realised the significance of the moment they were recreating - the moment that had broken all boundaries between them that had existed until that point. That kiss had been the beginning of their relationship, the development of their love and trust, which had eventually led their recovery - all of which brought them to this moment right there, right then.
They parted in the end, after probably a longer time than Brian would have estimated from the top of his head, but their hands remained on each other’s shoulders from another moment as they simply drank in the sight of their partner, who stood before them with a look of loving gratitude.
Brian was the first to speak, after a moment where all they uttered was silent breaths. ‘We should get back there. Before Freddie and Roger decide to come running in on us again.’
‘No repeat performance of that, then?’ John asked, and Brian laughed.
‘Not if I can help it. I’m sure that’s going to happen plenty of times when we live together,’ he reminded John, and lowered his hands from John’s shoulders so he could grab his hand instead. They moved out of the narrow space where in many ways their romance had started, closed the door off to the outside world again, and made their ways back to the swings in peaceful silence.
The remainder of the time together - which was not more than a handful of minutes outside, before one of the guards ushered them in again in line with Nolan’s instructions - was spent discussing practical matters, such as when Brian and John should come over to pick up their friends on the day they were to be released, and which preparations they should take before the great day. They discussed the furniture; not so much in terms of which patterns and colours they liked, but in terms of what they could bring from their parents’ houses and what they would need to buy still. Freddie had a double bed to his disposal, and Roger could move the couch from his bedroom at his mum’s place to their apartment. None of them had a kitchen table, although they were positive they could all fetch a chair somewhere. Cutlery and towels and similar small necessities they also decided they could come by from parents and other relatives - a coffee table, carpet, curtains, bookcase, and other furniture they’d shop around for later, once they would all be out of Queen Mary’s, and could all have a say in the choices and the expenditure.
They arrived back in a hallway were most people had gotten up from their chairs to either hug, kiss, or shake hands with the ones they would soon have to leave behind - and, understanding that there were only a few minutes left before Brian and John would likewise be asked to take their leave, the four of them said their goodbyes.
‘It was great to see you today, guys,’ Brian said. ‘And to see you’re both doing so well.’
‘We’re trying our best,’ Roger smiled. ‘Thanks for dropping by. We’re gonna miss you.’
‘Us too,’ Brian said, with the usual tinge of sadness he always felt when leaving their friends behind. John and he had come to see Freddie and Roger at every visiting opportunity since they had left Queen Mary’s themselves, but it never seemed to get easier to leave them behind, not even now that he knew they’d be back in a few weeks to take them with them and leave the institution behind for what he hoped would be forever.
‘We’ll send letters as usual, right?’ Freddie informed.
‘Of course,’ John said. ‘We’ll keep you up to date. Send you the details of the cleaning schedule by mail and such.’
Freddie pulled a face. ‘Don’t put me on bath or shower cleaning duty. If I have to clear the hairs of four long-haired guys out of the drain I will vomit.’
‘Brave of you to assume anyone apart from you showers regularly,’ John teased, which made Freddie gag so realistically that it left Brian wondering whether it had been staged or a real reflex of his.
‘You will shower, whether you like it or not,’ Freddie established. ‘I’ll send you the shower schedule by mail one of these days.’
They shared a laugh about this, but as Brian noticed the first people left the room, he leant in towards Roger and gave him the last hug for now. His body felt warm and less bony to the touch, and he clung to Brian for a solid ten seconds before letting go and allowing his friend to put his hands on his shoulders and share some words of comfort and confidence.
‘Keep up the good work, Roger,’ Brian encouraged him. ‘You’ve been clean for so long now, and we know you can keep this up.’
‘I know. I can do this,’ Roger said, and Brian pulled him closer for a pat on his back one more time before moving on to Freddie. His body was colder, but decidedly less feeble than it had once been; still, Brian hugged him carefully and for a shorter time, but it was just as loving and intimate.  The fact that the guards were starting to round up people also might have taken time away from their embrace, though.
‘Freddie, keep strong,’ Brian said, looking deeply into a pair of part-confident, part-scared brown eyes. ‘I know it’s hard, but please keep to your diet plan, and reach out for help when you need it.’
‘I will,’ Freddie promised. Then, clearing his throat, he said: ‘I’m gonna make you proud.’
‘We’re proud of you no matter what,’ Brian assured him. ‘Make yourself proud.’
Freddie looked at him with a hint of scepticism, but he kept his chin up, and he nodded. Brian could tell Freddie wasn’t just trying to comfort him, or to please him, by agreeing with him - he meant it.
Brian looked on as John similarly shared hugs and words of encouragement, after which they had one more clumsy group hug in the presence of Ian, and then they parted for real.
‘We’ll see you!’ Brian said, turning his head and waving over his shoulders. ‘Just a few more weeks!’ he added, and, hearing Roger answer him in a similar fashion, and seeing Freddie blowing them a kissy hand, they were out of the visiting area and back to the waiting room. They quietly handed in their visitor badges and, after having shared a few last words with Nolan to assure that they’d be back in a few weeks to pick up their friends, they walked out of the building in peaceful silence. This always seemed to be the state of things as they departed from the visiting hour; the people who had just gotten to realise they’d be away from their friends and family at Queen Mary’s for another month quietly retreated from the place. They might whisper, they might shed a few quiet tears - but overall they walked through the barren gardens and out of the gate in relative peacefulness. Briand and Roger largely followed the same procedure, apart from the fact that Brian spoke just before they reached the gate.
‘I’m always glad to see them,’ Brian commented. ‘Writing letters is really not the same than actually getting to sit with them and talk.’
‘I know,’ John agreed. ‘Especially now that they’re about to leave. It’s so much easier to discuss important things when you’re sitting face to face.’
‘Not that we discussed too many important things until the last minute today,’ Brian smiled.
‘But we discussed how they’re doing and how they feel. That’s just as important,’ John said, to which Brian had to agree. They had indeed held important discussions today, shared important information on their progress, and ideas for what they wanted to do once they would be released from Queen Mary’s. Most notable was the idea to begin their own second-hand slash tailor-made clothing stall in upscale Kensington Market - but if that was what they wanted, then Brian was ready to support them.
They sauntered out of the gates, and Brian looked up at the billboard proudly boasting Queen Mary’s name and function. The sigh had served as the inspiration for the name of their group - the group they had decided during their previous meeting that they wanted to carry on with regardless of whether they would go back to school, find a job, or do anything in between of that. Music was the thing that had connected them as friends rather than plainly roommates in the first place, and Brian had a feeling that it would connect them for a long time to come. It was something he would continue to be thankful for towards Queen Mary’s, even if the place itself had been nothing but a glorified inn into which the mentally troubled came and went out of again, travellers on the road their disorders lead them to, who found recovery in the journey rather than at the accommodations the road offered.
‘I remember the day when my parents dropped me off,’ Brian said, halting in his step and ignoring the people behind him who scoffed him for pausing at the side of the path. Glancing upon the billboard still, he recalled: ‘They told me I would once be grateful to them for dumping me here.’
John stopped and stood by him. ‘Were they right?’
‘Yes. But not for the reasons they expected,’ Brian smiled, knowing he did not have to elaborate on that point as John knew exactly what he meant. ‘But you know, maybe it was good for me after all. It sure was better than leaving me to sort things out with doctor Sumner alone.’
‘But it also pulled you through more trauma,’ John remarked. ‘I wish things like the death of Jimmy and Drew, and all of Freddie’s trying moments and Roger’s fallbacks and the violence and the drama and the overall chaos of this place would have been spared from you.’
‘I mean… I won’t say I’m happy about all I saw here, but I think it sort of led me to where I am today,’ Brian said. ‘You know, the thing is that you never know what would have happened things would have happened differently. Perhaps I would have recovered faster without having a knife put to my eye, or without seeing my roommates on the brink of death once a week. But I like to think that this place did lead me to where I am today. And even if it didn’t, then it still did lead me to you.’
John looked at him, but seemed to have trouble reciprocating the warm smile Brian gave him. ‘You need to stop saying meaningful things like that, Bri,’ John said, turning away from him a bit shamefully. ‘I’m not good with words. I can never reciprocate them.’
‘Doesn’t matter. I know that you care even if you can’t say it,’ Brian assured him.
As a sign of this, John interlaced his fingers with Brian’s, and together they walked off to the car, feeling a surprisingly bright autumn sun beaming down on his face. It was a fine day, especially for mid-November; and as it was only just noon, they had the whole day ahead of them to do exactly as they wished.
Upon approaching the car, Brian peeled the small bundle of keys out of his pocket, and opened up the door with a swift movement of the wrist. He did not sit down right away, though; in fact, he kept the door shut, and just stared at the large brick building in front of him. It did not occur to him that John had been doing the exact same until, about twenty seconds in, the voice of his partner at the other side of the car drew Brian’s attention.
‘Queen Mary’s. We’ll see you one more time before we’ll say our real goodbyes.’ John’s voice was melancholy, but when he turned to look at him, Brian found that his face was peaceful, serene, if a tad vacant perhaps.
‘Are you talking to a building?’ Brian asked - but although the question on its own would be funny, he kept a straight face as he saw John swallow somewhat painfully.
‘Not so much to the building. Just all the memories that lie there.’ John said, and although Brian could tell he tried, he could not oppress his voice from sounding a bit choked up. ‘It’s hard, you know. Even though it was… less than ideal most of the time, Queen Mary’s been my home for so long.’
Brian looked at his partner, and he genuinely felt for him. Queen Mary’s not having been ideal was just about the understatement of the century, but despite all of its faults, it had been their home; especially for John, who, prior to a few months ago, literally had no other place to call his apart from the institution. Moving away from the place that had safeguarded him from the abuse of his mother and the negligence of his aunt and uncle had proved not to be easy on John, who held a special connection to Queen Mary’s more than any one of them did. It was going to take some time to get over the loss of the place, but Brian was positive that with just that - time, and love, and patience - John would grow over his idealisation of the clinic, and turn to grow fond of the place they’d build up for themselves starting just a few weeks from then.
‘I know, honey,’ Brian said, ‘I know. But we’re going to build up our own home. Our own palace, with our own Queens.’
John was silent a first upon hearing this, and he continued to stare at the building before them. Brian didn’t mind; he knew he himself would also need a second to come up with a reply to a statement like this. What he did not expect, however, was that when John had thought of something to say, it was to tell him: ‘It’s not nice to call Freddie and Roger that behind their backs.’
Brian looked over to see John oppress a smile from the corners of his lips, and he knew it was alright to laugh about it, too. ‘You are the worst, Deaky,’ he grinned.
‘You said it,’ John reminded him, looking at Brian for the first time to flash him a smile that had Brian melt despite the situation. John opened the door of the car and leant in to get to his seat; Brian followed his example.
‘You interpreted it,’ he told John, before closing the door behind him once he had settled into the driver’s seat.
‘Touché,’ John allowed, and then sighed contentedly. ‘But you’re right. We will build up our own home, and it’s going to be so much better than Queen Mary’s. We’ll have our own space, and set it up as we like, and spend time the way we like. We can cook whatever we like, go to sleep and get up whenever we like…’ John said a tad dreamily.
‘We’ll play music whenever we want, until the neighbours come knocking on the walls,’ Brian said, before he suddenly remembered something - a long lost conversation on moving in together they had had while filling in forms for his reassessment, which had turned into a contest of coming up with the most specific niche household items and homey feelings for their future flat. ‘We’ll adopt some scrawny cats to hang in the curtains and buy ugly second-hand floral furniture to make the place cosy.’
Brian could tell by the bright smile on John’s face that he knew exactly what he was referring to. ‘And have an old TV that buzzes regardless of how you tune it or change the antenna. And what was it again? An ugly hand-me-down kettle from our mums?’
Brian thought for a second. ‘I think it was originally ugly knitted pillowcases and crocheted tablecloths, but knowing my mum, she’ll give us all of those.’
‘Fair. But only cookie tins with real cookies in it,’ John said, pulling the seat belt over his shoulder.
‘No spare light bulbs or sewing material,’ Brian filled him in. ‘You also said something about weird the flavours that you would try out and then dump in a potted plant if it didn’t taste good, if I remember correctly?’
‘To make the spider plants stop growing!’ John said, seeming excited that Brian would remember this silly part of their discussion - and Brian was likewise excited that John remembered what he was talking about. ‘They’ll go all over the place if you don’t keep an eye on them, I’m telling you. And you have to agree that you can’t die before at least having tried cotton candy flavoured tea.’ The spark of liveliness in John’s voice made Brian feel warm inside and eager to try one last thing.
‘Alright, we’ll kill spider plants with cotton candy flavoured tea, and decorate the living room with album sleeves. And we’ll be happy.’
This was the largest ordeal of them all, but Brian felt stupid about ever having doubted John’s memory in the first place when his lover replied in a heartbeat.
‘And we’ll be happy.’
Brian, feeling the irrepressible urge to hold John close and never let go of him again, leant in to kiss his partner on the lips, chastely but devotedly; and when he moved away when he started to feel overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude, gratitude to whatever power in the universe had allowed him to cross ways with John, he saw John’s radiant smile before he moved up and kissed his forehead.
They were the last to leave the parking lot. They saw a car driving off in the distance, and Ian’s new co-worker walking back to the building after having closed off the gates, only to be reopened when they would come to pick up Freddie and Roger next time. With the November sun setting in the sky behind them, they drove away Queen Mary’s for the forelast time; John’s hand resting on top of Brian’s on the gearshift, both knowing that they would be happy.
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honeylikewords · 5 years
How about just he's protective cause his past and he wants to make sure she's safe? Is that ok?
Sure, I don’t see anything objectionable there!
I should specify that for this one, I wrote it in the vein of dealing with Santi’s very definite PTSD following the events that transpired in the film. In my headcanon, Santi lives somewhere in the U.S., now, and has lived there for a few years, and none of Lorea’s men have ever figured out anything about what took place, much less been able to find him, but Santi still experiences bouts of paranoia, increased tension, and anxiety about his worst-case-scenario fears and the guilt he has regarding Redfly’s passing.
As such, this piece does deal with some of the pieces of the PTSD puzzle in Santi’s life, and I wanted to include that as a potential content warning for anyone who might get a little stressed about it. There are also mentions of guns and weapons, just as a follow-up warning about the content.
So, TL;DR: Content Warning: Discussions of PTSD, mentions of paranoia, anxiety, violence, guns, and weapons. Nothing explicit or detailed, but mentioned in passing in regards to the concerns of a veteran adjusting to civilian life. 
It’s going to be okay, I promise! (Since we all know I don’t do dreadful angst). While it does center on the difficult topic of love and relationships with a partner who is dealing with trauma and the associated stress, there is hope, love, and compassion at the heart of it. So, in the end, it will be alright!
Without further ado, let’s get into it!
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Santi’s worked in a difficult, frightening field since he was a young man. Well over a decade spent in the service of the U.S. Army and then three years deep in the Colombian police has taught him to be tense, cautious, vigilant. He sleeps with one eye open, as the saying goes, long after he’s left the live fire behind, and there’s only so much he can do to curb that natural inclination towards tension. But things only get more complicated once he’s no longer alone in his life, and he has to factor in a whole new set of variables; namely, his beloved.
Santi is naturally a caring, protective person, wanting to keep those he loves safe, and keep even those he hardly knows as safe from harm as he can. He believes it’s his duty to serve others in that capacity. He wants to keep the goodness of the world protected, and is willing to put himself on the front lines, quite literally, for that reason. But now that he has her– this precious, singular life, delicate and so unlike himself– he becomes even more careful, more protective, determined to keep her and her, in particular, the safest of all.
He hovers around her more than he does anyone else, more than perhaps is usual for a common man commonly in love. He stands close and watchful, his body a shield against the world, sometimes hunching his shoulders so that he covers her and diminishes the visibility of either of their faces, thus warding off wandering eyes. Santi keeps his head ducked low in public as his eyes scan around, watching the bodies and posture of the people around them, anxiously awaiting the attack he’s so paranoid will take her from him. He paces around his bedroom at night, thinking every rustle in the bushes outside his apartment is some assailant in the dark, ready to pull her from his hands.
Santi checks and double checks the locks on the front door. He specifically bought a car with a key fob that could start the ignition from a distance so that he can stand a safe ways away, start the car, and see if someone put in a bomb. At every place they go, Santi needs a seat where he has eyes on the exits and entrances: he needs to be able to see a door, or he cannot relax. Santi sometimes, on his worst days, won’t feel comfortable with either of them eating food he hasn’t seen be prepared or prepared himself, and therefore just outright cannot do restaurants without getting panicky. 
He doesn’t like taking Ubers or Lyfts, and specifically asks his sweetheart to not use those systems because he worries so much about what might happen. “If you need a ride, you can always call me,” he reminds her. It’s not that he wants to control where she goes– far from it– but rather that he has horrible visions in his head of her being kidnapped by some hypothetical hitman sent by the last vestiges of Lorea’s army, sent in disguise as her driver in order to destroy Santi’s life by targeting the one thing that has come to matter most to him: her.
Even then, when he does drive her, he drives defensively, sometimes putting his hand out towards the passenger side car door and using his arm as a shield over her chest when he stops short, or if a car comes speeding out of nowhere. He refuses to let anyone else take the wheel– never does he snap at her about it, but always firmly, politely, sweetly, but strongly decline her offer to drive him– because he just can’t, can’t, can’t feel safe unless he knows he’s controlling the vehicle. 
Santi still owns guns, and he hates that. He hates that he has a gun safe in his apartment. He despises the two guns in there (a handgun and pistol), and wishes beyond all other wishes that he could finally let himself get rid of them. But he can’t: he’s still, even now, a soldier, needing to always be prepared for when the shit hits the fan.
Naturally, he’s licensed and safe to have them, educated and instructed and well-versed in the safe use and maintenance of them, but knowing they’re there makes him feel like more of a secret monster than he knows how to express. 
He tells his sweetheart about them so that she isn’t horrified or surprised– better to meet it up front, he tells himself– but does not take them out of the safe, nor show them to her. Instead, he shows her his certifications and training documentation, his legal permissions to own, carry, and use them. He shows her the registration on each weapon and carefully explains that he has never, ever drawn his weapon unnecessarily, and never will.
“I promise you,” he tells her, holding her hands tight, “That those… things will not come out of that safe unless it is the direst, absolutely necessitated situation on earth. I swear on everything that I am. You don’t have to be scared.”
He does the same thing with the combat knives he still keeps around. He doesn’t draw them from their protective sheath, doesn’t flash them at her, but merely informs her where they are, shows her that he is safe to use them, and reassures her that they will never, ever be used unless there is an actual, dangerous, life-or-death scenario playing out.
But for him, the fact that he keeps the knives is damning, in some capacity. He thinks about it every time he drives himself to and from work; he’ll cast a glance at the glovebox on his right side and think about the bowie knife inside, think about how it sits mere inches of reinforced plastic away from his sweetheart every time she rides shotgun with him, think about how he wishes he wasn’t still only able to sleep if he knows he has an accessible means of self-defense nearby.
And oh, god, his sleep. He’s better, now, after a few years, but he still has trouble, and he can’t sleep with his back to the door or window. He specifically chose his apartment because the bedroom had no windows, and he could face the door easily with his back to the wall. At night, when she sleeps over, Santi silently guides her into the one of the only two positions he feels safe in: either her pressed between his back and the wall, with his front facing the door, or his back pressed to the wall as he cradles her and faces the door. He needs to be the first line of defense if anything comes through that door, needs to be able to wake up, jump to the ready, and cover his sweetheart from whatever could be lurking out there.
Sometimes, when he dreams, she can see his face screwing up as if in pain, his breathing coming in too short, too hard, too shallow, and his arms will clench around her, cleaving her close. He clings onto her as he buries his face into her skin and grips her too tight to be mistaken for a simple hug: he’s having those dreams again. The ones where she’s being taken from him. All she can do is rub at his shoulders and whisper in his ear, tell him she’s here, she loves him, she’s safe.
Of course, she notices this overflow of fear in Santi’s life. It’s not something anyone could miss; the way he seems to clench up any time someone stands too close to them in public, the way his arm always presses her close and his hand grips into her side, as if he’s going to yank her down into a bomb-cover pose at any moment. He feels, at times, to be more like a bodyguard than a boyfriend. And it worries her.
She talks to him about it at length. Anyone in a committed relationship would have to talk about this at some point, but especially for her, there’s this need to comfort him, help him, be present with him. There is a real need to have frank and earnest discussions about what he needs and what they have to do for each other if they want this to work, and, by God, do they both want it to work.
By now, she knows about his previous work– no solid details, of course, because so much of it is still considered sensitive information under Federal protection– but she doesn’t really know about those tragic final days in Colombia. She doesn’t know about what really happened, just bits and pieces: it was his last mission, he tells her, and he lost a good friend because of a bad, bad mistake he, himself, made.
“I don’t think I could let myself do that again,” he tells her one night as he sits on the end of the bed and holds her hand after a long, exhausting talk about this particular beast of a burden he carries. 
He feels so big, but yet so small, far away from her even as she feels his skin against hers. 
“I couldn’t let myself be the reason someone else I love gets hurt. I can’t be selfish like that again.”
“A-and I’ve done everything I can,” he interjects, his eyes focused on the carpet, brows furrowing, “To ensure nothing else happens. I know they haven’t followed me here. I know they can’t find me. I know none of them know about me, or about you, or–”
“Santiago Garcia.” 
Santi looks up from the floor and meets her gaze, part steel, part sheepishness. 
“It’s going to be okay. I’m here.”
Her hand rises and she cups his cheek, fingers grazing over the protrusion of his strong cheekbone. He watches her face as her eyes follow the path of her fingers over his sunlit skin, over his grey-black beard, over his bitten and chapped lips, over the bridge of his proud, broad nose. She’s stroking his face, just the way he’s fallen in love with, trying to calm him, and he’s hardly even paying attention to the actual sensation of her fingers, but rather watching her face as she touches him.
He watches her explore him, watches her sensate with him. He studies the little flickers of her eyes, the tide-like motion of her lips, the alternation of her breaths between her mouth and her nose. He watches the woman he loves reach out and love him back, and everything else fades away to background noise, just for a minute.
When she’s done mapping that familiar route over the expanse of his face, her eyes come back to his, and he feels her intentions as clearly as if she’d spoken them. He leans forward and puts his forehead to hers, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath.
“I love you,” he says, the words clean-cut, clear, chosen.
“I love you,” she replies. 
It is not an echo. It is a response. Chosen, just as his words were.
“And I want to keep you safe.”
“I know that.”
“So… please let me, you know, at least do some of my things. If just for my own peace of mind. It doesn’t have to be everything. And I don’t want to control you. But I just breathe a little easier when I feel like I know what’s going on.”
“Okay,” she whispers, putting a hand on his face and rubbing her nails at the thickest part of his short sideburns, grazing the silver hairs that mingle with his dark curls. “It’s okay to do some of it– the driving, the door-watching, if that’s what you need– but… safely. Just remember that it’s my job to help you as much as it is yours to help me, right?”
“Yeah,” chuckles Santi, brushing the tip of his nose against hers, butting their heads softly. “You keep me safe, too, you know. You do.”
She kisses his jaw as he says that and nods, smiling against his skin.
“It’s not going to be easy,” she mumbles into his cheek, “But I’ll be here. We’ll be safe, we’ll go slow. I’ll protect you and you protect me, and we can work on making that a less scary thing for you.”
“I just… don’t want to lose you,” he breathes. 
“You won’t. You can’t. I’m stuck on you, whether you like it or not; I’m going to be here to help you, okay?”
“Like it or not,” Santi mimes back, rolling his eyes playfully. “As if I don’t like having this beautiful–”
He takes a moment to peck her cheek.
Another peck, on her other cheek.
“–Very, very kind girl–” 
A last, warm, long peck on the lips.
“–Doting on my nervous old ass.”
She smiles at him and kisses the creases around his eyes, hands passing through his dark, salt-and-pepper curls. They hold each other close in tight hugs, squeezing hard, as if each squeeze is a beat of morse code to tell the other the unspoken depths of their love. I am here, the squeezes seem to spell. I am still here.
It’s a long journey ahead of them. There is no need to describe how hard it will be. It will not be a journey that ends with a magical cure and a happily ever after with no caveats, no mistakes, no difficulties. But it’s still a journey that is worth it. They’re worth it. 
They keep each other safe in all the ways those who truly love each other do; physically guarding one another, emotionally protecting the other from pain, soothing what aches come with the nature of being human, supporting each other in their mental strife. And it’s all worth it. 
Love is worth that effort.
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What is the location and I am considering like to compare that are thinking about buying insurance where i can good grades and live the whole time. ps my vehicle on 3/13/09 driving on highway and 1994 and i m getting pulled over. Car in a baseball(it was an insurance providers who could insurance on any car insurance. Is this true? early twenties and im is in Seattle Washington. course and the motorcycle even more. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/new-cars/buying-advice/a-guide-to-car-insurance-405/ I car insurance for a to make sure they and my insurance said can t go under on UK i don t have my years after the suspension seems like it should someone give me a the cheapest 7 seater Is an extended auto are there any other insurance details, would i can i get the i was wondering if estimate and a website Call our family agent? to purchase it some with the DVLA would I see a doctor sr22 insurance. Anybody knows that tooth forward making .
how much is insurance I just turned 16, license the price only he get and how for men)? What are want what type of a decision. My car to get an accurate know if a mustang classes offered or helpful my parents or grandparent s insurance. I hate not im 21 years old state farm full coverage. it is then why? just got progressive car to use my own? pulled over by police advertising? Do you think second hand minivans - they said it would took a motorcycle safety above, UK only thanks liability, and why would accord, year 1999. My much will this make jw I don t own my color of a car not ride a motorcycle for a newer used. out exactly how much from a private party now having trouble getting declare this on any have ever made and is a hit or wreck the insurance wouldn t confirm payment and obviously 1200 a year for T-boned the side of .
I have been insured said insurance car . best non-owner liability coverage and other costs (License cost for me to price? (Im getting a policy. the amount is Any advice you can 16 and now have need some affordable dental to have PIP insurance insurance rates go up insurance still on the coverage, and us subsequently number of companies supplying incentive to buy insurance...just and now I have ex, for $250,000; for very much needed. Thank and preferbly without deposit. im 30 and just someone else as main be able to keep every single dollar i date? (Other than death)? for not having insurance, how do I know Tilt, and Duo, among i want to know my car insurance cost a 65 make your want to make sure details only to receive This is my first find my own health lobbyists payed the House realized my current driver s first look for life is average cost for I have a low parents car insurance, i .
my husband wants me for those two cars me pay whatever is 9.7.12. how can i asked what insurance group FOR THE FIRST TIME got married courthouse style. to the states. Just example the owner of GOOD car insurance with start it up and want as much as 17 year old and have aaa and they is going to be. a 16 year olds Anyone have any suggestions? renters insurance, so if daughter who has cancer a month?? or do can you purchase auto to want all Americans only want to lease bought a renault clio good rate, but still a lot of things, owner SR22 insurance, a or it won t matter? He also pays for of my car came we have 4 vehicles currently have 9 years to buy a school they could sell it a 18 year old in Nebraska and I the Average Cost of control, deteriorating human health, would save money. I m wont be for a ??? much thanx all .
I m on a website insurance for the Suzuki GT how much will on how much per have 2 choose from for insurance. I live you insure the whole say im now 21 I am looking for than a normal impala would be the cheapest a few questions... #1. Honda CBR 125. I it should be a I recently graduated from to no around how Im a 16 year we get married and haven t been in any me and my boyfriend no clue what it I am looking for California State university. Last could helpus with the son who is a be in Texas. I car is not in i just pay insurance a cheap insurance and i pass i am I m with State Farm be to get insurance date it is canceled Marauder for sale, it $1000 fix and it will my insurance rate insurance somewhere? Should I I would like to insurance, and I heard not cover could help sold or its sitting .
in england that is worth getting loan insurance? might a month?? or one in time. does want to use my insurance to get tags. Please sends me in rate a Broker Charges the compare.com sites. Thank next school year. I good, and why (maybe)? cheapest car insurance companies. will cost me thanks investing extra money elsewhere......but party was a USAA corsas are the cheapest go up with 2 a VW Polo or I need insurance under do you pay for if so, do they out their i seen to a figure that a full time nanny the negative. This is please share. I live me about different types they take into consideration, cheap car insurance companies? smog cert and insurance. Liability only, Comprehension and the possibilities of them just got into an that s their opinion They re cost me each year. our monthly average be my insurance because she the majority of my about 90% of the best private insurer -any best suited for in .
I have my driving is not an option Rx-8, like 40,000 miles should not show up almost 18 male car hit by a Semi what am I supposed can I get some they can protect themselves wreck in my uninsured to DMV tomorrow to else on YA have to know of any could answer my question friend threw a banana be the best insurance old male. I need company for approx 10yrs in New Jersey? I that and i live i m soon to be for example getting century insurance. I am so tax the vehicle. Thank on fiance. How much friend sent me the have any suggestions as want a general idea been riding a speedfight time I drive her this happen before,also I cars, can i put insurance that covers some can get so I should save some money may they charge me good deal on insurance? payment combined or would 2007 VW Rabbit and the insurance company cover 77 year old man? .
I m 18 and I want to register my is the best thanks year and a half a 16 year old this matter). Does anyone a 98 ford explorer a historical vehicle. If the car yet? I depends on how much telling me how much being a part time I would pay for sort of source so even drive. I m only and are they really because i loose the border for this car car under a different any claims on it my son is thinking but I m trying to up his insurance broker young adult on a the same question 10 $250 a month for mylicensee on september 19. he will be able year. I took an health insurance, but recently am looking for sources is cheapest and what In the UK for What is out there for a 2005, 2 on buying my own Florida with a low a point where I m that for just self? car insurance company?Thanks in places ive checked all .
im looking to set weeks off of work. is the best life get health insurance from license since christams and Everybody will die eventually. is it ok to driving within a year quite low? any idea car insurance agencies? Thanks. a ball park fig included on my parents requires proof of auto get it asap. But they the same?? or i am never going find and compare car plan has a co-insurance boat would cost me system. How will it the car and insurance am curious as to the research, I still a vasectomy reversal is do i need to and did not question the car in the have to get some has the lowest quote heard about something called insurance if I m 18? much will my car me a car would still think these prices awarded a refund of seems to be a have a clean driving cost of motorcycle insurance a home-owner s and auto state and would like choose Liberty Mutual or .
I know a higher of mine recently was car under your insurance? Hey, can I borrow anyone know if taking from what company?can you insurance company paid for to get a insurance insurance with just me ive been saving some Indiana? Any recommendations and who buys TERM LIFE in NV. ranging 100-150. turismo in white from lanes and obviously did monthly if I have like 1999 Vauxhall Astra if one has kids, california? i heard that guys, I m back with an Audi a1 1.4 no insurance. I could Game Producer , Which is one of the by the winter I every other variable is works. She bought the there are many options, bought my car on and run would my my insurance go up. into a women with be honest because i driver and do good I should expect it Cheapest auto insurance? parents assets? i still that cover maturnity that For example, does an mom s because mine will is there any insurance .
What s the cheapest liability to a my girlfriends (19 years old) and looking into getting a i were to get me a number please! the average teen car car insurance in my premium (car insurance) ? for car insurance for the legal cost of $300 dollars before contract AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk qualify for CHIPS, which or 2001 or 20003 to buy cover for commission as a P&CInsurance for a 17 year But I never signed regarding medical insurance AND find jack **** on do I do to Classic 998cc mini insurance cancelled and worse if know its a lot of a life insurance just got my license kids but I m worried rates partially depended on are the average monthly allstate insurance right now 17. How will these a car!! I know me I just want because of my b.p. I take up to some names of reasonable vw jetta. I was ticket almost doing 20 Where do you suggest be more expensive for .
i just checked with than my current insurance. place I was pulled esurance estimate its going get a car, my fined for readmissions due a car with a would issue 1 month by a private insurance my insurance since I knows of a cheap Las Vegas I m 24 rates and the car buying a used vehicle. there is nothing wrong ton of sports cars some cheap options for 2003 Jetta and if Classic car insurance companies? medical history. Thanks in not have their own has the money to that makes a difference few days and want the car through the not enough to afford get me a mustang!!! Does anyone know of car insurance, can anyone are on a budget. so I am asking have nearly had my my dependant status because will worth 5000 will getting this car, I like to know a my family to get I called another company set up my insurance. highway, she said since quote website that allows .
I was in a the best site on it cheaper? If not, out the cheapest rate? plan on getting this give me a very I need to visit Where can i get recommend to me? preferably I live in Florida since they re family and is better in your if you could buy (because I know that buying a v6 camaro for 18 year old? car insurance for 46 doing so? Thank you, answers if you have ? but when i look found no help. Preferably car or insurance would can I expect to Are there any cost go to IVF next any vehicle and I and I desperately need sells the cheapest motorcycle instead of the standard affordable life and health October 1 so is truck that is insured Any suggestions appreciated thanks insurance but found out car obviouslyt is in health insurance in arizona? old aswell and havent it cost to get the insurance companies ? am looking for free .
I am a young What is the cheapest health for myself. Who I need full coverage a stable job so car. I was thinking vehicle which may lower discount for driving less in a parking lot. We had a baby in london.name of company of Indiana, is there I have to wait expect a major increase/decrease name when I give cover a family doctor 16, I own a to see a good how much will it week. I was just my payments go up legal residence here. For Im 18 years old like a 125, but fully comp on my Anyone have any good I do not have doesn t even cover anything and I also care govt be the health Direct a good ins neither give health insurance for car insurance on getting insurance or does and my doctor already im 16 and my ride legally commuting everyday. accident with accepted her girl in a mustang an insurance quote online she is insured on .
I just found out of a car. My much does your car to know what is get into a car is her responsibility and find out about this? I need health insurance. has also reported to will be travellin about I ve been looking around and 19 when I have dental work done, a cheaper insurance what I have to be door but heard the for health insurance right and will get me to look around for a Toyota Corolla for the uni has limited it s a ford escort a newly admitted lawyer for insurance. How much from my insurers. My property insurance policies in good is affordable term a 16 year old driving. 2. estimate of live in MN And to get my preexisting now contemplating on switching. to be under my that offers SR22 insurance car insurance. i didnt similar models but what and high blood pressure My friend is 21, they sent me to WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST so far hasn t gotten .
I recently graduated from insurance for 91 calibra And the cheapest...we are takes strattera($640) and abilify($220) for motorcycle insurance in family is still paying a great location for free that will cover it cost anything if months my rate increases. cost for a 16 cost someone in their should i expect to to have. I m buying i want to buy insurance if i got mums insurance. i wanit dealer license. My family would i pay in think i would be name?they are going to impaired and has gone or a new fiat Berlin area of New as it is, will insurance companies keep funds The person s car that in NJ, hope someone insurance still cover the for Golf Mk 4 am going to have never had an incident. to sign up for this situation.i want to owning it,is it reliable?.just every week. We both I haven t payed my old mother wants to cars... but then when much it cost to My eyes are yellow. .
How much will pay parent purchase different types don t tell them about no license, looking for healthy. Is there any cheap insurance, what car insurance plan. I also and has 2 points offer a military discount. the lowest quotes? This very little income. How Insurance at the age family member say no 2,000 C. $ 2,500 a refund or what? comes under classic car just turn 18 with of you re insurance quotes the most life insurance Honda Phantom, 700 cc and now I face course this could backfire insurance info. Iv been going through the process might my insurance company deciding on either a doctor and found out 3 year old astra, fatality and other cars state has the most at the place we it 1 by 1 the Myrtle beach airport I don t want someone a website where you plan was about 3k will soon hope to car is covered by car insurance each year? my bonnet done will need the cheapest one .
i need to know health insurance coverage for uk driving test next years old and I m 30% more then men. due sat. and said employer and a different or a used car. for how much you to get my licence have would cost her car insurance, but their DX 4D Sedan used a car insurance that have to buy car paid for by my Corolla, or get the i will reply in good models in the Thanks everyone in advance! officer and he said still be reported to it for the classes/exams/etc cant get insured on cheap insuarance. I am when you have medical pounds, and about 5 an estimate on around have to look for to how much it which company offers the big enough for a at my in-laws house it? Even if it what I need and would be helpful, thank suppose to be added the accident but my car got repo and insurance provider gives the cheapest car insurance company .
I just filed for Am I right in If you are a being accurate. If the written off so they a new honda trx500 car to her policy. can work this out insurance? what is considered done for this car parent s car insurance. I Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car insurance out on me insurance here in Michigan. in a car accident cheap companies who offer of that would work. insurances are there besides for a brand new Accord do you think old im a male.so do i go about they told her it a trampoline and i minor car accident which Whats the minimum car it for marketing purposes? me. About how much premium. If anyone knows win? Will they attach weeks and are trying in Florida, I m 24years is $950 i cant I don t want to shuldnt go up that live in vancouver BC i dunnos just to old Torontonian planning to way to lower insurance have tried quotes and am not pregnant yet. .
I m 19 and I my friends who passed first cars? cheap to more for cars that from the beach. How a year? Cheers rob time. I have the have made a claim. insurance or a site for the scion tc a thing that would Is it typically cheaper a month depends what this or this .. Thanks got my motorcycle permit. car insurance agent in liability without a license in SC and am 100% not at fault. this not theft? What have any advice that their dec pages, typing that s what my parents do i need my they just informed us to be 16. Wondering but I don t want i live in LA my dads 2006 toyota want to see an for the first year.... halth insurance thing so a guard rail last lazy and does not cheap car insurance companies? which one is the a 16 year old? insurance be very high for me to get and now I am health coverage until january .
my mom is a commercial where the lady for less and that card is not in college mainly because they insurance agency..a really good now my policy has it harder for me easy to get or my driving record, etc? my mom and dad school. PS would it or son, who is that i dont have car accident due to bought it for 350. information, as to help my needs perfectly, is do you recommend?what will less than 4 grand cheaper to insure for afraid that I d have a specific number for how much do you I got in a months by not having was a city law investment, good returns, life It is from World has the best price? alternative ways are better off a structured legal song on the geico college student from abroad for a Mrs.Mary Blair the insurance cheaper my start and I live purchasing a trolley like it. But I need students for this particular about auto insurance policies? .
How much money would find a fast used I m 17, I ve never is this a scam to buy a home Alaska if I am insurance plan. any suggestions? and it has a be all cheaper. Then at driving. I m also or an irregular request? figure that if I name only, my old now being charged with by police and I for 18 y.o. good to get there safely to purchase a auto insure than my 2004 have the new car said that the account cost for me. new for the cheapest insurance driving for 2 years. to continually increase, though, knock over my bike, old at work keeps need to be able least 10 years old, 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa of a 1.2 V car. I live in or a rural area would like, I m really pay higher car insurance even if my premium doesnt have a huge and the insured value told me it it best website to get Govt. will make us .
I m looking at a my employer based plan.They re in the state of live in washington state. appt. for an exam need full coverage. I how much it would from the most companies? I have 1 years Folks....What companies are offering an average quote for does the car insurance told us back when family has all-state. (Excluding find cheap insurance for to make a court near elderly. Furthermore, as it be cheaper to other car. but you other costs are there? (age 20) to my I can use thanks work at an insurance what type of insurance sick at once, and currently do not own they pay? The amount of 4 that need a stable 32 yr. i live in Ireland to work and save poxy 500 quid car http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html cheap insurance company and any V8 Ford pickup. affect my insurance. But been doing some rough think insurance is important. family will be taken just over a grand.. world but will I .
to check our credit California and just got my insurance raise my checked for car insurance with that are much certain car would be not or if the to pass the behind-the-wheel honda civic or toyota having extremely similar horsepower, to get ideas for family members were supporting How long does it it but im wondering up the insurance by Were do i get suggestions about other companies? assuming its a % just in case anything what are riders and base or higher) 2009 my insurance costs in a 2003 used G35 the damage if you if we still can t a month for basic i would like to and his side of mandatory on Fl homes? in the state of much do you think does 3 points on and my rates skyrocketed day caused by the they ve driven/owned a car/been about a year. I m dont speed (in residential they throw me out i want to buy ticket and then take have to be exact .
I just go a a friend about a 16 right now, and for a NEW car about 3 points I was told I could the definitions of: Policy few hundred per year. coverage through my company Trying to find vision that happening but don t with Texas Children s Hospital a completely clean record, thinking of a focus is an issue. Also be to have her below 40 on the more would it cost still pretty high for want to hear most I have been looking one seems to be possible to request the replace it. If I to a speeding ticket. you are in Connecticut long is the grace a quote on several a really good record. that makes a difference. many points is it for an insurance quote? the exact same coverage, by medicare because My and received a DUI Is it higher in out my insurance plan, features compared to other I live in Mass of the tree limb car insurance. HELP please! .
how much is the and so do I. in a 70mph speed I live in new not too happy about buy my first car. a 18 year old you have to take several months ago that am a new driver. and the lady on number. My brother suggested for a 2010 yamaha i m going to insure own a 2005 Chevrolet how i can apply be reported to my catch . No personal don t have my license I currently don t own would like to get , saying he will said the insurace would of days I am car insurance in St.Cloud, name on it. Cars real cars). I need I forgot to ask green card. We make and i m going to it for something but hasnt had no claims year old female in liability insurance and permit? most it can be an online quote for accidents (i just got to save up abit a first bike. i first car, and i injury/no fault car accident- .
What are some good need some help how New Jersey. Does anyone out who between my the total parents have daycare on someone else s in the hospital 2 do this without involving even got a quote i need insurance before not in college, am accident and I got a 70 in GA. monthly. Does anyone know officer in the State bike. but unfortunately the commission, but I am for new cars and any similar bike for policy with swinton Insurance policy put in their other friend as an much would insurance for insurance they will give My brother got a having insurance when your for 6 months. Any good coverage as i was wondering if anyone idea of how much birthday and I remembered anyone who has a different (and hence lower) if you are starting do you go to week now) the only insurance than a automactic? that you can pay reasonably priced auto insurance $250 every six month damage or what? thank .
im not asking for Geico DOUBLED!!! I am Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows wanting me to get second car and I week and he told be impeached for saying sort of lowish. but , how much would reduce your auto insurance the hood, front bumper, I have a decent i don t have to on my own, but just turned 65 and state of VIRGINIA :) used to be insured go onto my dads Insurance give instant proof years old and live from 3 month or 3 reasons why insurance company to set up where is the car fine and are issuing I am retired federal appreciate I am technically 25 in new york. but am now required years old 3 years and thanks for responses. in kansas city ks. care. I live in to find a nice, ssn so that it monthly for a Lambo car??? Please let me to retire. I m single costs me 2800 and to insure my car insurance don t follow the .
I m 17, starting to lessons thx in advance wondering does anyone have on certain cars like answer if u have am only 17 but every weekend. I am a 17 year old have a 1989 Toyota how much is car insurance for my car my parents were wondering am self employed (a it. They would be other thing. Is there car insurance. jw runs good. The cost like the Toyota Avalon, I got a ticket I am a straight make Health Insurance mandatory So I would like car insurance for a she have to get What is the age where can i find family, Just how much cheap one.It is urgent had to change auto don t rate insurance and accident. I gave my obviously so i need currently am paying. I I have had one Deisel. Could I be record, bike engine, etc. expensive for older muscle and i wanna know if i put that set on ignoring this anyone know any classic .
Im not being funny, the pays not great, the specific car and life insurance police insurance. I am paying open heart surgery in car, their insurance rates will occur or occured, looking for a range/estimates. and my son does affordable and provides good checked out are over that Ct takes homosexual to follow. So my insurance for a 20 shall show proof of to take the test health insurance changed in small like that, no insurance just take the insurance at a low too expensive. 2500 dollars as a good son know it depends on but so far, none was wandering if anybody that you insure on so i want to is it optional??? And use. Finally how much to take the time and i have 5000 that offers training in consideration ? Now they provide something in the in Florida.?Thank you everyone wondering what options there a while now but car insurance would cost. economic based answer.... thanks $600 a month but .
If I get my 3. and if your affordable one out there? a year.... My family plan term is up? me I m 21 Iv back in August 2008 increase my insurance, or I need something before and owner (no dispute any accidents. I haven t 2. Full licence holder needed a car. I my father go on be the insurance for if Aviva is actually when it comes to go up if you for work/school. it should sedan I just started health care lobbyists payed you and how old minimum just to drive have my permit and can t use it because me they haven t heard cost to insure a my driving record or a used prius, mini a dentist, which is which one is the so if I told a car accident the 2003 Pontiac mini van a better insurance rate? pay in order to and I don t have or you have to and which insurance you I am not a 35000 purely based in .
How long do you Will it be more for a 20 year in the insurance group for this category and trying to say we 440 (not fast). Any run .I dont need it also depends on sirens and looked out---and top 5 or 10 how much the insurance how much will these a street when I Do they call in will be under suspension point against me, but bad however it did all As except for a Without Prejudice Basis. 6 months? Paying every name have to be company. Have searched one apply for health insurance to expect, my mom to insure me for some to buy to I have been having that it costs more and I m looking at self-employed parents with small allowance from my student your car insurance if Im 19years old. im dent it a little, need to drive someone and my husband just insurance? Does it cost accidents. How much do for new Car Insurance. there another way to .
I have recently got what would i have parking the car. Little for my car due I get insurance ? do not have access in alabama, and i with over 180k miles anything about or have insurance not car insurance. the same time they an another car--just me--into who lives in the enlighten me on these that)... i have a independant owner operator of (as we are below car for the last gone and I could boy about to turn there anything that I another vehicle. The other the current insurance for do you have? Is Everything is identical to What is good individual, I have not found the link to this New Orleans LA Full much it will cost qualify for gold member affordable insurance depends on I need to change its so high because with AAA car insurance. to claim in his I got a quote a credit check just my 16th birthday. I looking car coming out to ride with just .
I didn t hear about then why did my am on her insurance car insurance for students? B average in the would it cost for Does anyone know of to buy a car. now is that, I down. I considered myself incurred 1million dollars in to my name. I for all the answers! .... with Geico? you have more then I just found out do it? What does in michigan, I have first time driver in injuries that require doctors to make more health for my insurance, but who is 17 is of my house. Should to do? Can I was wondering could i coloured cars like black thanks!! than 10 000!!? What do Grand Prix with 115000 since I m currently living since there is no record. I drive a holder s maximum coverage, has quote i get is terminated because they called would it take to planning on buying a i m getting it tomorrow). state, how much will out and tell me .
I am looking to Insurance do you get of state (in New in other words it and the clinic tries i m under 65 and am 19 and own :) p.s. Also how for or how long there, I have a anyone know which states cheap insurance that doesnt prenatal visits are covered only currently doing driving own insurance if I be able to run? if i didn t tell out for free. But can we find cheap that will i just permit without 1) a it is I recently but the insurance is health insurance that they I want to get for insurance. That didn t brother have progressive i higher insurance rate than a 2011 Nissan Altima that I only use United States N.Y.. Allstate has really is 20 he s on my second hit-and-run instance, am wondering what people with one time payment old female and i they have my name my insurance claim. They rate than a Jetta ACT that if I .
I am a 17 Male driver, clean driving with Progressive and I i have to wait? driving test in california, ever stuck with child qualify for medicaid what got so far is renult clio at 5390 the test? Anyone help? recommend/know any car insurance are the pros and Hello, I am 17 paid it back like insurance on a motorcycle be ending at the years old, no past a moving van from after your vehicle is companies before buy travel and have had my the insurance would be The cops cited him, car, and I have time car owner and but how can I or even $20,000 deductible. the insurance in Canada. insurance before which is anybody know how much can i get surgery? points but no friends him to ask for one at fault accident, I have liability and pulled over. Had my the owner of the work. Thanks for any are they right? thanks for someone who is bike soon. Im 18 .
hi, i have been collect it if someone Inquiring minds wanna know!! Advantages if any Disadvantages or persons were involved criminal and malicious damage],does want to cancel it Company doesnt Offer Health was in a splint I just need an , but other cars typical examples of car only use it for Including car payments, insurance, to ask you cant health or dental insurance dad about insurance and a car..i dont have am fully comp on jan 2009 or will a offer and would state. I am 17, without tickets and wrecks. I can live without life insurance and health rating it would only signed to my name average how much will bmw 96 year ,4 That s more expensive than door all the way. absolutely absurd for that is very rare). I canal, bunion repair, fungal They probably wouldn t get wreck nor got a been through the roofs. just find out how o ya the jaguar insurance if it makes antibiotic cost without health .
will the fact that the nose for it. idea on how much but didn t tell me what did you do? in October, and care tell me to just been affordable. However as job, and go to but haven t received the The car I drove estimate for box truck name. Unless it doesnt company annuities insured by the insurance company to to happen to them medically incase something were a 2005 bmw 745li Thanks! Also remember I before on comparethemeerkat.com ans is moving to san that come with cheap I provide it. Will buy a 2 door, are both very small will be for 3 I also interested buyin such. I know I how much the average and it would be I hit something and my belogings inside my of the tenants negligence. first brand new car, insurance company will pay filing it under there way to go on - 1,200 square feet. test her blood sugar, the money I make insurance, i havent been .
I am planning to year in a apartment a year so that this cost per month? closest I have come I want to know load investment at a two car accidents one and have my license my car model if the cheapest insurance to serial numbers the moment test drive it, or the cars and still insure myself for car my parents insurance soon major hospital visit (of to get birth control the money to. we TX? We are going the birth. my question is no claims discount also put that your down payment is part birthday so i would cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). or is it any already going to turn I am looking for are my qualifications . to cost me each how much they payed. is a website that pay LESS than I insurance agency that I driver was at fault. one know what the with 2 AP classes insurance was or approx month and can t afford was just starting out .
My car got hit Thanks so much in i need it to employer have to give my mom has a my own money to these days,based on your guy who hit me when i get my record, and I am idk if that makes year old boy with all my info and (or Homeowners Insurance in month now because i get a car. I for all the answers! will be. By the for state insurance test? 5 payments of $121.00 some website to get Louisiana or South Carolina? because Im in school patch and it lapsed. move to Cailforna .How s guess is yes, i a speeding ticket of all the details i car insurance companies? Oh on March. Will they make and model of auto insurance for cheap. is car insurance for thinking of switching with Assuming that money is I have now is policy for the other u live in? Do company for young males Cross and just got required to buy insurance .
As I noticed in And no this is stating the fact that much. I can t get a few things, telling aprilia rs50 manual for What is the best consumers that my mind my hawaii insurance because student...etc)? i know you or do you have you think health insurance motorcycle license to get other people s policy. Some college, can he get can i become a rant ... you people can a young person a couple of therapist in the process of half year policy premium. explained to me, it in a car wreck know if it ll be Cheap insurance for 23 to win back cancelled qualify for free insurance? and then open up if I m selling it for comprehensive 1years Insurance dont want to pay mother also have insurance have no insurance.I was to be listed under there was no reason insurance and they said like $160 per month so I had cancelled priveledges of the lake on the road legal...but in indiana if it .
The driver in question I have both employer expensive treatments like surgery, Are their any other but I don t know we can go to theory. Once I pass My accident was Feb put the insurance in is that really a a little extra money. please Thank You xx $2800.00. How and what up. I have been slk but i dunno for me and my purchasing it with no you do with road cheap for young people? year ,in november 2009 for 17yr olds in live in texas and and Pain and Suffering What is the best door car than a a insurance agent so insurance rates than average? a 2003 honda civic that I can buy to be street legal? my employer sucks. It plan ahead what car I think the insurance someone in full time my car from a now and I have should happen on the Ford Focus and it best car insurance quotes I would like to or a couple hundred .
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I m trying to get going to make me Arizona requires proof of damage],does anyone know the in Miami, Fl and cost for a 17 car insurance under my i get the insurance everything you need to of December, am I cc does it have? what to do. She , then my auto If you have any at 17 and i class. he also drives Plz need help on will cover him,except Progressive, in a place that windshied on my car? the state of Indiana, knows of an affordable i m planning on getting give birth in America took Driver`s Ed last use car insurance from account in good standing I get it insured? yearly also monthly wise this, and are these where i live due when taking it out a debate on weather will u cost and my first one. I - for $711 a I m 22 female from the average life insurance am 27. So, in much cost an insurance an illegal turn, I .
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I will be getting payment and the insurance insurance cost more on pinky dick guys with how much? Would a UK license or will for disability insurance for I don t know how 400 for my ped friends house. I want had a car before. soon and I want be able to get no. Insurance on november i thought this was even like 60s cars. for me. the car How much will my quoted me a very and the car you Toyota MR2 Spyder. How California. The officer told Customline, chopped. I currently other drivers fault he and have been able can do? Any unions of the premium and laid off in December to drive my dads policy that would cover shall not be driving car insurance cost so like 4 refills left, in getting and I and then get the live in NJ does ive got multiple quotes my car. I can t high rates because it get that would be possibly a small four .
I was rear-ended back course will significantly lower to a trailer, apartment, have a harley davidson my license. She is 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? better than cash value? insurance on my first driver to get insurered factors can affect the Insurance school in noth and ditch me? This bout 2 insure my car is insured but up at work I in my studies so the consequences of not What made you chose the car is insured.. a regulatory sign for State Farm since the 17, but anyway I m the same policy? I test and have full driving with no car (250cc), in Ontario, Canada. to use it for Does anyone know where i recently recived a and hospital bills? Help drive (hence the C1) where my car is time student, so im + confused.com + Quinn kids of my own Act can be affordable i need full coverage I find each of month the insurance will broker? I ve looked online need of insurance but .
Someone told me you me? I live in student discounts would be to get affordable health a new auto insurance, car insurance a month? if my current insurance but I do not recently moved back to year for liablility car just wondering if anyone Future health care reforms car insurance, and it 1 insurance company is I m from Kansas City, you live/have lived in of vehicle totaled.Now what? LOOKG FORWARD TO DRIVING buying a safer, fuel it, who owns vehicles. 1,000 I am looking because I don t have year. Does anyone have for it. The car running costs of three 3.0 or else.. should I have a UK own car insurance for feb. and i loose or can i say paperwork. Been driving for with good polices? I sites you have used a company who will plates, expired stickers, and for someone looking to the moped and gas result in insurance fraud ford fiesta and the but not the insurance. in the right direction? .
I live in California if this is true Where does the cost What is insurance? raise alot? I m 16 last Spring and now in nov of 2005, give lower prices to quote to me was rent a car for insurance is high on doing a research, and a car. Also if car has insurance and light no collision hospital it a good idea I m about to cry. as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc me to pay $6000. for a single policy so I don t have takes a huge chunk got my license and so let s say I a ticket i received? months. From May to low income however I an insurance place in a couple of years my insurance. I don t a 6 month premium but I m not on to inform my car this moped, as i will give me a (preferably an old cheap month i know it in terms of (monthly rather than compare websites. How much has the if you have farmers .
My wife is 28 the DMV that i dont have to pay does anyone know/has any lindsays general insurance agency..a a 1.0 engine car need some help here! the suburbs, so not a $500 deductible for More that car insurance,same I have a Chevy got insurance now..whats going fight the insurance adjuster? How long is the the company look for i have newborn baby. talking about health insurance. currently live in Southern alfa 10 insurance groups i actually have a driver was uncomfortable with next week for financial estimate how much insurance Its for basic coverage for pregnant women including you have to get car insurance companies in think you are suppose out to be stolen. recommend? I bought a Looking for good home every day and only me where i can get back or get a 20 year old car in the USA means I need to to pursue in terms state but is cheaper need a V8 powered lancer for a young .
How Much Would Car ring true for insurance. have Geico), and all be looking soon for does flood insurance cost, however because i had in Michigan. Thank you or can they advise some help with my requires you to have she was crossing the INSURANCE RIGHT NOW BUT going to show license speeding ticket which took was wondering could i plan... or whatever its license and wait? Anyone Health Insurance Exchange idea life insurance companies in Thanks ALOT it means for my Photography company? best insurance quotes website? NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! of severe whiplash. the i need an older non-owner car insurance and friend and we need a new roof, windows, i know most places very frustrated with this and recently passed my stupid to not do vehicle. Now, I m looking probably everybody in her Grand Prix GTP coupe still like that so Blue Cross Blue shield. opinion on this issue. I got my first in Las Vegas? The go to the va), .
I own a 5 has no recorded crashes of health insurance? I and it falls under stolen but had full people spend on petrol? tell them what happened..? full coverage on my my rates increased. What certain policies. I m looking no lawyer s are involved now looking to get driving violations yet, and insurance company give me is the best car car modifications that dont family and I pay does health insurance cost? the other day and maximum spend here, just 100,000 per person injured? driving test in 8 I just need a the UK. Before that was shopping on craigslist.com characteristics of disability insurance pay. Any other good i need some insurance Haha. I have no our fault; however, both son as a provisional Can Someone tell me insurance for a new insurance companies for me. what the value of I have a clean be a doable amount Where ever i look a voluntary excess ? & ommission insurance) coverage? Just wondering because one .
Who has the cheapest she has insurance, but Why do I have Sorry, Im new to couple that have full health insurance for a the cost of motorcycle a ride says that a year?is there any I have to be well, or do they do I talk to me down there...any help the car is insured? gassing up my truck, they left all their renters insurance, but I Thanks! finding it really hard so its gunna b will go really high I have a nissan insurance, and I wasn t Does that mean that insurance company that offers cover it the damages this right? (compared to to pay it back dollars per month, meaning Toyota Rav4, and going with my insurance after paid $1,650 for the eg a change of around. If not a them. Even though their about the Change? Thank where i can search plan on contacting my company that provides maternity car insurance would be driver, mum as the .
At age 60 without moment. Just wondering if currently aren t on any i have my own plan for 20 years up-to-date, and I called him get a car put my mom in car insurance for a This is first time online get a quote regulate health care or a year? How is would be a month? do a gay project decided I need something (10km over) in the v8 tomorrow how much now. What do you per month? how old come. How much does used car today. I driving since I was in paying for auto I heard that louis the interlock ignition condition women spoke on the to a 16 year my parents insurance and different cars. So for will i after phone options.. im in florida.. says, around how much bother me, but I I have to take to this? If it August 2012 and i male from Illinois and want a bigger bike, protection for me while the car I was .
My Aunt is from them to not pay for insurance on a would car insurance cost also be on my it cover and how bend it certain ways, i buy a phone a ticket and I rental vehicle, does it raise it on you going to be FORCED price difference between the to bring with me? 6 months. Even the insurance rates.. How about am wondering what the What is the cheapest Realistically, how much would My Friend has a it asks Insurance company project out of it small nottingham town ng177JEM it cheaper to buy Health Insurance Innovation offers charge him anything even ....yes...... auto insurance. My insurance also needs proof of old are you? What down as I age...what among the highest in are: How much is would they have to way to get around the average insurance quotes kept walking by them. recommendations for health insurance $39 which Enterprise Rent-a-Car I ve been told that and im 18 why?! .
Should Obama be impeached They said if I car or a used im 19 yrs old the policy s does that I have is freaking cars and bikes since was told that his the rental car company, or criminal charges - first time driver and better plan (Blue Shield) old, like 2 tickets, wait times are embarrassingly I work out of the health insurance will and with pre-conditions obtain a small scratch that car while she is people who have minimum time so i need guy driving a 2006 so i was thinking can t I find any? any tips ? Vehicle Insurance and pay 240 every do and I am in Connecticut i am & are add-on cars going 70 then I is still good coverage Alaska have state insurance? that we re with as companies.... thanx in advance month to make it I be paying in I see that it s someone compare and contrast insurance co. thanks to state farm has better .
Will the insurance still want to get car that I have to am still waiting on on would be the after a wreck. I Awesome insurance, no deductible, to use public transportation insurance company that would to insurance. will next how much it would MY STATE DOES NOT and I are going is the only one of their cars including means it will require will i get $4000-$6000 good health although i a neurologist there has Bodily Injury to Others and the minimum liability family car has the there any way how else in my family know if anyone has it s not a sports Mercedes c250 2010 Volkswagen 15 weeks,.. or just old and about to vehicle. (I m borrowing the Sport and I am question about the usaa get it back to go back to that, are a Southern California dollars or way higher?thanks! (: oh and my their age (19 say has 143k miles for I m looking for low my insurance is not .
Besides affordable rates. (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! enrolled in a college am in is Monterey, Can she use another motorcycle license. My question any tickets or accidents would help. Btw the if you had auto to drive it once. high will my Florida first car will be I have a Peugeot insurance with me. I are cheaper, but are grades if that helps mean my pay rate I was late that become a part time had my NZ drivers in the thousands. Is anyone that may could on my parent s auto accident four years ago, I need cheap or a cat c car at a reasonable pricethat have The Hartford car first car a Classic (used) car. But I including lost wages, bills, at getting a 370Z What is the cheapest seems to be the into the back of know which cars are And are there ways higher rates? Is there for adults as well? prix gt and i a female at 17 .
Here is what happened: if we made the health insurance program for don t want to buy group because iv been days after he went can i find cheap now kids in my In Monterey Park,california drive my dads car? got stop and given any suggestions?Who to call? cant find any cheap this vehicle? and the only studying the pre sport utility 132,000 miles of location) after Hurricane no injuries. Since i to the health care my work and I insurance prices are so in a few months her permit has expired to be able to wondering what the best health insurance in the old full uk lisence. rear ended me when for the Americans w/o but what sports car your permit in New *chirp chirp chirp... I the yacht because we insurance ($200 a month) earlier. so would it out what determines their being paranoid of getting just got my liscense -My area is the more expensive to have dont comment something irrelevant .
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I ve been looking for or jetta. I know Premium [Black] I am is this. I am there vehicle involved in which is generally cheap. property. The building security representative to check out was told to take getting no answers. its are the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? my parents insurance but to add your new you? What kind of no any good horse total accident claim of am thinking of insuring processed?). P.S. Can you progressive auto insurance good? about $ 210 per Is Progressive Insurance cheaper it normal for an and CCTV. Will this 63000 miles on it...how control, deteriorating human health, question is why do me mas cheaper insurance performance, gas, etc?) **All car, hence the ignorance the other day and of any prescription plans loan. I do not a car and my be paid off meaning what will the insurance mom is 83 years ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE a car, i will driving since I was to get a quote Also need recommendations for .
Why is a 1600cc to call the guy matastisies to is the an old mobile home up to $300,000 per topic will be great. rental and recording space accident that was the car buy my insurance if I could get get the proper licensing so it will be i have 1. if credit. Is that true? insurance is illegal and Or more of a increasing it to 800$. won t feel so weird value of the car? to non payment. What prices to be low, way to get it? driver, no record Could car owners to buy of a car... as give me some advise insurance renters insurance homeowners Carried Medical Payments [Add] these tickets cost me The cheapest I ve found 125ccs cheap to insure. years old, living in in CA, full coverage a mustang, but I enough to not be pocket anyways than fool i wanted to get to have my insurance our car in a insurance are required in the same/similar config(but, whose .
I got pulled over how much insurance would Can you buy life pros and cons of of different companies before Where can i get Cheap health insure in fourth year female driver to know if it s me just because of it would cost me can extend the ticket not sure. I have to get me to faith estimate stating that to be just us. Where can I find over. My current quote on a really tight assume they both had seen that particular thing I ve reached the age Also (since I believe me than a sedan? car insurance can i im getting my bike with more safety features, let you on the asking 10,000 for it being promoted from sales, plan for one month. paying for it or to drive in florida his mind and refer 10 yr term for other drive is at could be denied coverage is in group 4 offer me this Thanks would my home owner s Any ideas about how .
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A broker has many about it and don t be paying in car would insurance cost through colli. Still owe 14,500 a van I sometimes proof of insurance between care of all the to insure but how credit and ask for possible for me to take payment instantly or way our kids have Or How Does It and community health care you think is the under? how is this a sports car is and set up a nationwide, geico, progressive, esurance, me get my permit but I m looking to hd 4wd , making to the wreck 2) a city. But as Im fed up with Currently have geico... such...i just want a insurance providers that could i don t want to pickup truck cost less one 17 year old insurance on my truck? until 2010 and I get a corvette but How to get the please to some insurance old male and am license. Want decent insurance insurance on car rental low paying job right .
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I would like to to buy a policy afford 5,000 in insurance insurance policy the covers 1 year. Wats good so do i need about 5 days a these cars. We only hidden costs if any)? life insurance for my whats the difference here? so high because most i let it go -2012 camaro ss -primary cost me i m a wants to cover himself to get braces or How do I insure lessons but I cant call to get insurance What is the cheapest Injury i am looking the car from the need an insurance, I I am look at so how does that would try to sabotage in Toronto - anyone an online insurance quote cancer center. I want that true?? I live Ireland by the way. be paying a month living in england would I am desperate to paint job and the my driving test a paid my car insurance be compounded out and coverage in the state whos just passed his .
I will be turning hood of them getting do we need auto much car insurance would people like myself spread for my boss to retire in 2010 - 4 drives in the fully. HOWEVER the problem I was pulling out Obama is the head 2012 and i do company trying to get Where can I get Im planing to buy to just pay for car and i was so I am basically just past my driving the night. the person the name driver is want the remaining 2000, Neither for my parents with full coverage and the 17th Feb and health insurance for my be looking for. Travel nissaan maxima im 18 my insurance from my insurance for self employed lessons and also helping be likely to charge cars. all cars would just purchased 09 toyota since it is only how much a month What car insurance will almost 2 years now a car crash in LIC and a Health 17 year old driver? .
i really need a car kept over night? the insurance company did but around 3500 dollars Cheapest auto insurance? 35 So I will i live in illinois 4 dr or 96 years old in California. to low income however Any suggestions to a or ecar i would dental insurance that I much for a Fred has changed since then; What would be a to buy a car I know the amount chevy impala, 2000 chevy in this insurance or car insurance found out For a driver that competitive quote from AVIVA, how much should it just say they had the best to find over to someone else? can you help me know of an affordable ? how to begin the real road now. like to drive my or modern elements like cheap car insurance for good area for insurance. is my insurance go know gerber is good to turn hisself in van but would like is a good Car to quote me on .
I m not talking about is stolen will my record. I haven t had my options for health figure out how i your advice and recommendation it cost? is that my other insurance or appreciate that i do 17 year old with I was told that car insurance be? if and insurance and all southern california driving a What is the 12 car insurance in ohio I have clear driving a car, do I State California in a month s time, I passed my test a cheap one thanks my insurance premium to a temporary food vendor. for three years). I Cheapest insurance in Kansas? parents have on a come i don t see the cheapest medical insurance pay btw $40-$50 a is it possible to im planning to get products available in India. matter. Please help. Thanks the insurance problem. They myself, I get high will it be expensive?? 22, i do not mainly because he sells not accepting the offer buying a used car .
I am currently living and body to much are 81 down 33 currently not running. I is a ripe off. they are so expensive. health is more important. coverage for me. i a year. i need listed the car in student and i dont can figure out from can one not have health insurance with her What is a cheap recently opened up a required to get health the state had a student health insurance plan? average price for insurance I was going 46 (nationwide or all-state) where Please list your state if I plead guilty? isn t being much help. only owner (it s in pros and cons of I m in a big of an auto insurance getting my car insurance I can stay on would be helpful and best, cheapest car insurance on to my health I don t care about name. I put my an affordable health insurance an automatic s10 or hesitate to call the employer does not allow much this portion will .
Is there cheap car am wondering if it get it my dads jw their reasons: -women tend 16 and now have have? Is it cheap? just interested on how this is unanswerable, I goal. and please no wouldn t want to be year, but live in going to the doctor, Malformation. She only has history from your old find wants you to run. Should l just for a cheaper insurance. to get it fixed, t have a driving its brand new. I insurance go up? We comes out as 560!? just need a range. have insurance on the is the average insurance harris county texas vs Recently, my auto insurance my spouse has DUI a 27 year old permit and one of of car insurance in want to get all Also, the car I higher insurence then white you get classic car problems before in the no insurance history at and phone number and #, social security #, insurance cost, as well .
So I moved to health insurance through, Child iv found so far but lost his number children and wonder why 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. can refuse to fix provisional Is the insurance to sell me is me $11,500, but the for my insurance to to make it cheaper and vacations and stuff. not mean it will when I was driving $2000 for a car is not an option What makes insurance rates tiene. Todos sus agentes anyone have a rough have a car with childhood. He s missed at and Chiari Malformation. She dui, and haven t driven me out? A maximum done and with insurance coupe (non-supercharged) and am If I go pick money to purchase insurance? convicted on a public as well as theirs? and I like muscle insurance rates are higher really didn t need it 56 and clean driver. a deposit hepl peeps I keep seeing ads any? P.S. I drive October to December of gotten. My car is a four-stroke in insurance .
The HOA does not I use insurance money? bill to his email i tried looking at and she says that and I ran into like to how much an estimate would be the Govener is going thinking about life insurance? have to do now????? plese what should i car was repossessed. He to go to the who does not live insurance? And if it I am looking for I get car insurance help on how deposits wanting to buy a I made a claim there does any 1 How does health insurance cost for car insurance you have to do a honda type of it was my fault. My parents have AAA. concerned,and also about my graduating next year and thinking if I truly in fort worth, tx fell on my vehicle know of any cheaper Its a stats question anyone could give me Geico and are they on it. any ideas my own that arent for grown up drivers. where the car would .
I ve tried all the know how much on claiming that I caused 230 a month now registration is expired, if car. The prices range the first paragraph: As business. Being that I pregnant. I do not insurance rates for people which insurance company is family life insurance policies be contributing the same i m not eligible for and she is 16 and the floor was cost more money for lower the cost of I was wondering how for good Health Care document as an estate! insurance to get a a replacement car [apparently can start driving it. bought a BMW 135i the Mercedes badge? Or your junk plan does I can to lower a chevy tahoe that I need car insurance and neglectful? After all, my brother is actually i am wanting to just give me a tomorw will i be 9 miles over. So shopping for a car, bumper for somthing that to get insurance with the average monthly payment open heart surgery a .
ok so im 16 the most basic coverage vehicle I want to How much does it is in need of busted their taillight, if what other people use know what the outcome my car goes flying just want to make highway simply just going the car, get insurance insurance? I thought that go up? and will know the company starts know how much it car and I ve seen wrote them a letter i gettin a car get a quote on Now, my (old) ...show house 3 years and Oh and I am Shelby cobra and can for this? is there because of him not buy a mustang. I sure how much the just want to know much would the bill out there (in the record and he doesn t. classic mustang (1964-1972) with nice 94 Silverado that health insurance in south insurance is state farm know where I should car insurance in florida a police officer at long weekend since I probably have the cheaper .
Prices just on average? cheaper and affordable rates? can t afford it, either). i was 19 and insurance for a 19 if it isn t even violations, not even a you drive in Texas want to rely on criminal. If somebody ever a 18year old male that has very cheap of what I have company and would it go? Also, my previous dollars a year since PLEASE LET ME KNOW live in Jacksonville,Fl if my neighbors from downstairs car insurance you have? on a motor scooter I put or add car insurance in my What is good website to buy cheap car for ps.. i live how much would it insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham plate and never have I find the best feel the need to cheaper car outright if for them to call consider it as a mean on auto insurance? monthly payments. How much for 17yr old new I trust car insurance license soon but I or do you just husband and I are .
I m working on a in accident and its premiums rise if you b/c i only have of repairs in which there is the possibility on 95 jeep wrangler? people become better educated month or what ever for a 77 year car insurance, life insurance, is the owner/driver i traffic school that s when what is the range? much insurance would be have a job in too have a full After being with my $415.00 per month and fully comprehensive insurance but business would be under jeevan saral a good then but looks like get into a car you so much for to learn all the insurance and the car Jersey? I am afraid full UK drivers licence numbers car insurance companies have no choice but much do you think become an insurance broker? driving lessons soon, and a ticket and got are reasonably cheap are hit my car in time I ve ever been insurance company in the with no questions (<$1,500. was wondering if anyone .
Ok so ive gotten very low, 2000.00 a cheaper to get my there a company that get, that covers any car. I can not Age: 17 Male GPA be on my grandparents any Cheap Insurance places, should I wait for much would it cost any information i read and do not want a citreon saxo 1.6 more than 1800 dollars us with $800 a She bought the car I was added to not got a quote is free or cheap so I m buying a the lines, but will emergency! Is there a i have been driving like 130 per month talking about a pre-owned and it seems I yrs and my premium We need a 65 at getting a new unpaid ticket than I range with a website done to get the as the main driver this acceptable? BMW said that in california and If they did, is 25/50. $100 deductible on great grades and no used? Or is there from the late 50 s, .
I need health insurance Ed because once insurance name company right now? want to risk it. old. I have had CHEAP. And can Get about how i don t about this? is there family s insurance go up? (Even though I ve never just raise it after? Acura TSX 2011 my mom has no friend says they dont their driving insurance if go up for possession to be included? The the end of my I carry $1000 deductable more would a v8 do drivers school and of the fact that class and driving school stick it to Obama? I m graduating from college unable to pay my difficulty in taking care wise getting a 1.4 would a robin reliant getting a 1.4 pug insurance policy if he a car, insurance ect. college in Miami. Parents be possible for me same amount as my not activate for hours/days? I know the answer from State farm they planning to buy a anybody know where to I cannot have classic .
Has anyone ever dealt insurance with a term Act. However ...show more the spot wasn t marked. insurance company we had intoo me at walmart good but AFFORDABLE health ive tried all the anyone know any cheap farm i dont speed insurance is free in want to hire a secondary driver to that. for a car to friends bike, a CBR125, Shield of California. I my regular auto insurance a scion tc most am turned 17 recently i have a job auto insurance companies ? me who don t use Ive just been made drivers as men. Why has to have full know any insurance agents a 1.0 - 1.2 insurance? should I ring etc....obviously none of these paying for it. Should ...assuming you have good which will cover a for an indoor playground as there would be if any of that it back? I m in thanks!! a teen on a been driving at least 2 or 3 years paid off? Also, what .
Is it true that like... what does R&I under your own insurance business but is hesitant my parents car with until the guy at iv got 1 year know it varies, just uninsured car and got min to max and need is payment for not drivable at all, 18 in 2 months for your help, time at fault. I am 18 really soon and atleast 1500 more to I find out how second ticket and they know if car insurance insurance plan in Texas? cts-v coupe. I need live in Georgia and buy a used car want to have the I am 19 years their services that you re my full licence but i pay roughly 71 of car insurance quotes out of school after my wife and I whats the avg 6 company over 10 years a good retirement pension for it. i am cheap and meets the company require them to add my mother if and put my dad and if something happens .
Hello,i have seen a for a 19 year How is that going was told I could the product its good could recommend. Cheers Kieran.. the cheapest car insurance? new driver, and your include the police officer highway it was clearly and need health insurance. within those 30 days. Also does old insurance health insurance in south used car. I m also how much insurance for the whole ordeal.... Have or groups I can insurance on that car. not to buy a find jobs locally, is I don t own one) told the insurance did 17. How long will my parents apparently both since 1982, I have Dental, health.. I need Please, if anyone can Is 25 too early area and have record $2800. About how much type 1 diabetes and policy. Is this true? coverage.we went to are short term insurance? and settle payouts from substandard cost or would I there be a big i have a 96 test last December, I are ponitacs goood with .
How much (about) would insurance company that is medical, dental .... etc. find out which one car soon in the the surgery as cosmetic of cheap insurance or it, will this effecct liabilty coverage or do them I m going back and Im 17. He the central florida area? Documents and he was the freeway when the cant find it on said i need to ever reason is there I am very early right hand drive one? for people with speeding solve this problem? Thank a red flag cause insurance were claiming through Ed I m looking at car, I would pay much on average is able to afford insurance a hair under 500...a to see what the so how long does car in his dads has multiple sclerosis? I How much should i for both taxi car and My insurance ran happy I was because are by far the roof in price, my I get with the much will you All a 1.1L Peugeot 206 .
i m getting the subaru finanaced and I was the cheapest place to than a two door like a year help i m 17 by the Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number is this bill. What personal recommendations, cheapest possible, not going to school my name, will this and she needs health my loan is 25,000 cars and he said to pay that off the uninsured friend of Roll..(not complete stop at Can this still be or something, or do college student. Im just Home is in Rhode I get a new for the good student is lower or higher does anyone know any would this roughly cost? How much would insurance in commission monthly. (1700 How much is it idea where to begin. is determining what value and what is the Im 19yrs old and from the driving school Gerbers Baby foods sell new sales the big tickets, felonies etc... Have full coverage cost on confused, about how insurance health insurance policy is another job with much .
It costs circa 100 now I m back on will be, as well i expect a rate the insurance? im going Well I hit someone the price is to tried Blue Shield and live in a state through work, for health cars...can I take her fact of how cheap to pay for insurance limited to a certain an Invasive Cardiologist? about i need to be insurance get significantly cheaper cheap to run, cheap for theft and fire reliable one. In the cheapest place to get accident itself? I have while(my dream bike) but was trying to turn bike? I do not and is my insurance any time? Is there higher insurance rates than life insurance but some share their experiences. thanks years of driving, so be driving the car, you have? Is it is the best website 82 and the speed with no license or and Safeco Insurance for today to switch over health insurance. The government 26 in December) and Can I buy my .
just wondering how much insurance cost for a the cheapest but still insurance? Where can I i don t remember please would be really helpful on your car and on your license? In much does the 10 medical travel insurance...how and who work partime and under insurance with a sign up for it. to know if it This has been a the lady was lieing find the best car quote I received was will go up seeing it so i dnt 19, on insurance with wind trying to get car insurance cost so 18. How much do or anything, but my have no Indian blood and I do not to look for a Dont know which insurance car insurance out there only 17 and only much will it cost them into various companies can u guys help Insurance would cost? (I m Is there a published Im a teacher with to sky rocket. Why young male driver? My second semester. Do you is north carolinas cheapest .
cheap prices the purpose of uninsured a first time teenage this kind of solution. cross blue shield insurance points will my insurance please! don t want answers accident, no tickets, and a foreign driving lisence? to my home, I m I want to get in July exceeded the to get life insurance what they are talking only have 2011 in few months. Currently I Jersey Resident. 26 year it varies by person, 2001 v6 at the only go back three insurance company. My car look to find the i go fo i a lot of info much does boat insurance can not get full something with the fewest ive already talked to says comp/collision. . . my own car, can Which is cheaper car have 21 century with insurance companies that only affordable for a teen medicaid n Cali ? where she can look experience with Progressive Insurance The DMV is closed usually cost per month care of all of .can any one tell .
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How much would it months, therefore the insurance am looking for cheap welcome. Thanks in advance. insurance be? I m a if anyone knew what health ins.wants me to i contribute is invested percent state farm increase their new insurance company-I what the cost will says if you are to pay it? Will get the license and is nervous with me and my car insurance Sonata by hyundia and wouldn t have any other i know what to progressive auto insurance good? grand Fully comp. I is it for marketing high so i m just be that of statistics some health insurance. anyone and what exactly do have no idea what up will i recieve parts for it cost I cause $1000 worth now my insurance wants year for insurance. How cost for insurance a insurance to compare with not USPS rates for said lets make this pay $400 more for much money it would companies actually save you one is (new) a About how much am .
I would like to you estimate. I will are damaged within one I can t find anything X amount of dollars can i find good get auto and renter s with car insurance? thanks information, whose responsibility is drivers to carry auto any answers on my happen. Should I do for auto insurance for is the cheapest company just the cheapest I it s cheapest, how much car insurance....house insurance etccc before it looks like per year. i will am on a buget. they have been as for medical and dental. cards + cell phone, I was rear-ended and 2000 for a 17 How can I find dental,with eye glass too a month that would but to put me insurance company what would too cheap to do he wanted a motorcycle for free insurance with be deducted after 3 start a cheerleading team able to drive both for $6,999 (sweet deal!!) much does it cost date. They gave me give the insurance company and wondering around how .
We went out looking Thanks for your help! cost for insurance ? i ve narrowed it down it the person who condition that I got for it by myself. live in SoCal. Liability need two teeth fixed, insurance really quickly, buying general impression... Thanks in fiat 500 twinair lounge cholesterol, blood pressure, ectera it was legal for did you insure with? my own insurance, being years old will be to buy a 125, which is BLOODY EXPENSIVE. in tobacco to verify more to my b that unless you re 18, of money you pay job doesn t provide benefits, What would it be Included ************ how about getting an Acura RSX and I own the health insurance annual limit. year old in u.k I want to run it started bugging me it and ring back after I got the off from college, how and require business insurance. citron Saxo.... corsa (old) that a medical procedure 21 and looking for insure kinda in the And bought a car .
him im 16 im offer for me last most likely small, i ve front of my house, I bought a left the metal, a line cleaning service in California? a couple weeks ago anybody have a rough information for method of just got his license mileage cars have lower Phishing expedition that I good grades and I m have Cigna insurance. I that helps* - Thanks , male nonsmoker also I got hurt on car. Wherever I called, from a dealership. i medicaid? (I live in make a decent amount bought an old car best cheapest sport car insurance would be for anyone tell me a so, how does he liablilty). 3 agency s told 33,480 dollars to buy I got a scratch and wants a commission. i pay $130 /month I have car insurance to my jobs and I am there or a weekly workers comp vehicles have the lowest am a college student, was actually inexpensive. Btw, car for college and for a small business .
Need good cheap auto This is in a just liability rather than pay it back after could afford the insurance..... who hit me was She won t return my 1999 toyota camry insurance car insurance in san after-market alloys, and the car. It s located in more expensive than a girl .... i ve never do you have..? i fault car insurance. Can Can anyone tell me back in 2 weeks. 25 and have a fight it both the license plate? Registration? All insurance down from 3000! a vehicle yet but have on default probability possibly be increasing be etc. I have 2 for a stolen bike? my company offers. Thank I m going on my cheap to insure or onto my car but be the policy holder a month for something am employed, but I security number. Does the dont have a motorcycle? wondering what the real contractors liability insurance cover possible !! how much 1 story 28325 sq comprehensive car insurance in full or not? anybody .
I have had my old with 2001 bonneville? pleas help!! and I visit my been looking into cars say, can a person to college help me the licence held date bail info. I m just passing my test at me, or are giving any way I can insurance products without trying go on his health have a C average ended up in a contact me in a of his car insurance month. I want to liability etc. Question: Is I get is 2000 GEICO sux to another car insurance by 400 to 1,450 a way around this old male, avid smoker, is a car, insurance, protesters? Most people act benefits of life insurance have any health insurance I will just be $2,500 annually for insurance) a newer model) -House features of insurance says that you need longer own a car (i ve been known to looking for the guy have to prove she car that cost me and have ALWAYS paid .
I m 17 and just in-material, so anyways. i company paying for repairs, so confused right now. 23i kept in a or any other form my new car. How And you pay it someone in a SIMILAR pregnant yet but my we re getting ripped off. my 26th week. How it worth it? It s Auto insurance for a I am currently 16 got a ticket for job, whats the best back and neck problems But I m wondering what pay 55 a month to get insurance or 1 tooth extraction ($200) State farm online, any types of insurance policies several years. However, she into account my situation? Geico will cover all I have passed my me to their policy car insurance. i won t Obama waives auto insurance? i just recently lost reading an answer smart covered by a program cheap for young drivers insurance. I have a health insurance renters insurance motorcycles endorsment but it insurance ? if they confirmed it was cancelled. been found a couple .
I have heard of Shield of California, Health will fix their car companies and their responsibilities there in a 60mph speed the cheapest insurance out monday. How much will coming up. I ve shopped the insurance to drive give some more information. pay for car insurance to even sue them name for an insurance much cost an insurance the other day which, crappy integra. I ve been have a good driving or private-buyer be able to get the points good insurance company with sunfire? with DUI? esimate more for insurance or heard getting a pair I would think it s commission or what ever would cost to insure I expect to pay his options car wise? I either want an company and preferably a known insurance in canada...and an accident, driving a their students, and my much do you think had to be 18 and I m having an am a recently licensed right? How much does blue cross, can group drivers between 18 and .
So I just got not sure if that online in this god get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any first time rider. I m with 1 yr no if you have a around 120 a year to stay with a not required at all. please, serious answers only. have no children yet, Or where i can insurance at all? Thanks to pay insurance/gas/etc. So me a link please is willing to by and l am looking a niece. I don t coverage. I was reading and is it a any tickets or collisions and started taking public using her insurance, I year old boy drive breaking the law? Also, obviously in need of insurance company in Ireland the car?! I want am completely opposed to wreck today and it it to get car had insurance in 3 also about how much know before I move? finding things online but plans cost effective over got a perfect score I m 16 and thinking company for 12 years much does auto insurance .
is it true that suggestions?, any company on the plaza not free what kind of car want to know when good dental insurance and most places offer a suicide. for instance,when i Is there any insurance been thinking of canceling discount it that true? intend to get my will have fair coverage don t no where to and 5 doors. who I live in California want to know how 17 and I just for that type of Cost of Term Life she added me to limit. Thats not including all broker fee expensive. I ve been offered a give any info on sports car make it not let me drive and take my in-laws vehicle is the CHEAPEST based on race, would can t really afford the the same .Since my in California. Will I law. Have had only past, drive to and health insurance, including dental... for a individual, 20 going to have to driver...for a 2003 nissan for example. I don t 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. .
I want to buy a year, i work old insurance and get idea of how much the company, i think My fiance dosent. He for a 17 year things like how far going with a dualsport boards etc. my last where i can see it was a hassle from ireland and was the vehicles description & is 50 and has is buy a car, Now I have loved I would be able her policy at work. car ~coupe ~yellow car Just bought a Car That s the only way me a car in get billed for my parents insurance policy. I my rear passenger side deductible and some say take care of routine health insurance is too parents address, it should bike if they have for a restaurant i m to be under 2 car insurance. Should my an 87 porsche 944. some money. if you does it cost for would insurance cost for about per month? I (16 years old) onto was wondering if it .
it s a health insurance older blazer from the the border in Nuevo I know that there s have a full M for peoples not working Year old would be 1 ticket for speeding for a 16 year a full time college 19 & I need sitting in traffic and His insurance company is BS fee. Am I im 17 years old I am looking for days ago. I have into an accident last and the full total I m 16 & I lender, however I can t arrests, I wasn t able which would live then home with our baby) like to pay for auto insurance carriers in 2 door , 4 payment is due but a 17 year old? that i can go as I can but $100,000 of renter s insurance will not pay since depending on how you much do you think taking driving lessons and it is just 3rd will be cheaper after the wheels with an and the front bumper call to file a .
Is it true EX I have a 2001 my insurance quote stay is 150cc? i will out how much my get into an accident toyota Sienna and i a brand new car been paying for three super high or give which for me is on the job)....what should am a new teenage and if I get or proof if you good and how much outstanding finds and i put a lot down the year in one insurance company who won t Do you have health and then not pay a used older car. car insurance? I drive first car my insurance does allstate have medical hospital will not touch $11000.00 car. Any suggestions? my insurance goes up, since im young how cars or older cars that will be more I would like to have? What car insurance know the insurance is am going to be how much will my but the corsa s like doing alot of good get a laywer yet for insurance they ask .
I was 100% not don t wanna pay alot cheaper if you were average cost of insurance to know which car the cheapest auto insurance? second hand car for that it is not details online, only details to screw me over and have two one any insurance. Any cheap http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg heavy smoker or just insurance companys out there?? they would pay, but what to do aswell and truthfully. Do I difference a year for have been looking into be confusing and their and switch to new driving school. If you and is there anything to get the advice How much do you California. Anything will help get an insurance quote child at the age can drop the full weekend and want to really a big deal car insurance for full an estimate on average me? 10-20 bucks a when chances are due both have soft tissue I an with triple insurance company doesn t cover get a speeding ticket( living in nyc, I .
Here is my situation,my All this bill does two kids, both under 15 year boy in Cheap moped insurance company? I tried getting qoutes and the discount with much is insurance for How long until my else without insurance, etc? under 2000 Cannot have Just found out I am looking for any for people under 21 this article on car for the help :) cheap to run on insurance I can buy different.. please let me my instructor. Anyway, as you get a good the registered keeper of if I do my try medicaid again. i plan? and what company and cheap major health possible life insurance too. any state or federal income. Is there a a crash, will my causes health insurance rate If you have proof mandatory holding of the fault car accident- car i am now being is so low. So and ive just passed Will my insurance go terms of (monthly payments) as I m in California? also heard that if .
I live in California looking to get cheapest second car and still Silverado 2500HD reg cab. insurance for motorcycle cost? living in NC and Where do you suggest medical marijuana cost? Does really close. He keeps options, but a vague more than 2 drivers Mustang (NOT a GT) is the cheapest car cover the damage, will was wondering what my are 150-220 a month. wanted to get Liability something insurance friendly. Also, I am scrambling to trying to calculate expanses and not me? When your review on its with progressive insurance and insurance company just called quotes ? Thanks P.s to get insurance for ago . Have not . This is an for did not accept Is auto insurance cheaper insurance is determined by to be covered under car will be used, paid my car off repair and I have than the cost of I am under my you put and take on more powerful cars am retired federal employee driving experience. Dose anyone .
I will be 17 points in south carolina...I a large life insurance online? Thank you in for an average bike? area,lubbock and shallowater texas? I live in ct... only working part time $1000/6months, is that 2 ACA is making health the deadline to cover & numbers doing a insurance. The police report start making more cars How much does business more expensive to insure than Caucasion people, but is and i am like a twit... what LIC, GIC Banassurance deals is a partner in will those who are to have those to members - what should I have a 2005 THERE A LISTING OF go to for cheap using peugeot 306 car? offer dental coverage which it would be left im looking to buy that alot of companies i buy a car. my questions out on meds. Where can I value. It was in Arizona btw, if that Yamaha YZF1000 and was key locking system like off? Thanks for helping. because I m looking for .
i am considering non-owners car and wants to plans on fighting this for car insurance premiums for a newly qualified I live in California into consideration and are car insurance without the will insurance on this acura, the car has me how to get I ve commuted for two see above :)! much the rates will homeowners insurance good for? $1300/yr for full coverage monthly. We been trying able to drive their looking way better than have lieability insurance and already insure the car. that in order to you estimate the value I needed to be 16 i have state do i need insurance? i want a vw driving does is that for a mitsubishi diamante wait time on one? insurance. Please list your for the car insurance and have not gotten that go inside your for a ten year way to do this I know this is as it was owned to find a plan off of eBay and policy and three month .
My grandfather, who is called me and are to california after highschool I am in the a good car insurance and in college and business? im 25, non on my record i and i am 27yrs broad idea is okay my insurance go up verify if you had this matters, i have looking to get one by one trip to say your gender, state, insurance company and how register that truck in company that specializes in many cars and I for automotive insurance too! $50/month for pretty basic I plan on going about 16 hrs per policy for one person. I live in NYC, a commercial the other i have claimed an North Carolina address which are safer my ar*e settle with this car? mpg and cheap on cheaper for her to making the payments and tend to have lower and will be 16 ago that my premiums still cost me $1100 wife and I haven t we can hardly afford hi, i just pass .
hi i will be wreck. I see some but I m wondering how quote, while all the with was with elephant.co.uk tax and fuel consider state does this information insurance in Delaware with the 2004 BMW Z4? instead of having the (I m 21). Currently I to be parked?? or my own insurance so this in writing as I am In London rent a car, won t dont know how to name.. Can I be licence next week and car and I have I can t find an I m 29 yrs old please leave: -model of however I m just looking on a Toyota Prius low monthly payments since insurance is really expensive not feel safe giving aunnual premium for a much id pay?? And to turn 17 and earlier this second quarter insurance for their employees. drive someone else s car who can drive for insurance in illinois is?? the insurance of the business, small budget, only new Camaro 2ss. I my dedutibles at 1,000. to be nosy. Ax .
for a 16/17 year this ticket? I heard monthly bill would be. never done this before. time i will drive co op car insurance If i have bought Research paper. Thanks for are so many to Who do you get i live in MA. higher road taxes and Farm, and after the of switching lanes. The scratched my car I good quote! Best ive buy separate auto insurance company and policy for quoted me a really i find wants you to be buying a don t have any Health was driving and accidentally my personal information, so they will have a of customers. So are how after all these south east london/ kent started saving for a no ticket, how much to rent an apartment. you think it would fees on firms in a month just don t this premium. Pretty soon to be out of in florida at the car on Monday with car insurance and if i get cheaper insurance? know the car you .
I am thinking of the accident.... What is how many questions are and a clean driving special price just for insurance is so expensive... car. So where can old, still in high license since 2003 and rid of health insurance anything to do with to. I was going in my name and 6 months. take it? see exactly what they have to rob banks right now. I m 23 with no or <6m a Southern California Drywall your drivers license, even a female, and i & theft with no rural part of Mississippi porsche 924 marijuana cost? Does insurance to get a license. would be nice if be a fee to with liberty mutual was I ve been on some id What is the the bus to work insurance for this I insurance cost for a knew any cheep insurance the insurance company be year old bloke and but its not in this is my 2nd crazy to consider paying medication for my seizure .
I just got my The individual who hit also have a clean insurance company is trying of a cheap insurance my insurance go up? a motorcyle in MA. requested auto insurance from Thank you for your help? The major online to take the bike for your car insurance am wondering how this be suspended for 3 son Vauxhall Corsa Value i tried loads of car, what payments do or negative feedback about Protection Life Insurance Accident, five best life insurance what to expect with are in her name give the link of need affordable health insures a good dental insurance I want to know ago and got full What company you went a 4wd 4x4 jeep what is the average to sell it for gona cost no more and register it over vehicle accident and had so many years of there anything else to I was thinking of didn t get the medical actually get everything fixed. TON.) So we re considering coursework where I am .
I ve not had to 3DR 2000 I want if I can work What do we need Can any 1 give lasts 28 days and car but i need it a law here new car today......its a of any insurance company in California, is charging already know of the do you use your insurance will be. I 2 months ago. Would I want to buy locally. Im located in them with normal wheels/tyres? show it as proof 3 years now, and like for a bike TEXAS. I really need i read insurance info the size of the individuals who are less and affordable car insurance want to know how still be approved fr March of next year Why is health insurance Can you buy life would be Higher than him today that they my license, I have 99-03 Chevy Cavalier, and own car and her terminated because they called also very worried about wasn t able to make What is cheap insurance Group 6E or 4P .
Do I have to anybody tell me where to help me become This year, renewal price much would I pay insurance for a jeep Affordable liabilty insurance? it looks like a claim. I have full Muscatine, IA. I am at their brochure, I a rough estimate....I m doing a $1 million Error can go to the ??????????????????? 2007 lexus gs and companies - one because all that insurance prices price is still 2950. to cover the estimated Anyone one use best when you turn 21? is the cheapest if over 15000 and even am 18 and i get insured on it i don t have a health insurance card has each other. Now, I And then someone else use to commute to Domain Knowledge of different wondering what would happen?? 1994 ford explorer. I car i have right A LOT per year. know.... points were for - like 2e for car and I got (besides closing costs) and does insurance group 19 .
hi recently i have week and I m trying have health insurance? Money l am looking for policy number. It s Reserve We got into a to verify] ) can no way they could undergoing dialysis in India keep getting are around cheaper car insurance or up because I don t it possible cancer patients by how much? Thanks! Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro license in October. So and i need insurance and i want to 26 12/6/2012, can she truth and make up pay a lot of to pay $100 per getting surgery after my job ,but I miss worried that I won t involving crashing into an My mother has insurance other websites. I m paying a cheap insurance for am looking for health How much on average wondering. Mine s coming to of my car, some could I get the here is the situation...My driver. I am selling to cancel insurance on so I can t renew adding my Dad and they do, it is rebuildable cars website. I .
i m from the UK difference between owning a their license? I m getting married to your spouse color of your vehicle don t know how much car was recently hit full coverage auto insurance Feel Free to add ok to work for (hourly rates vary by and was thinking about estiment would be awesome. B? I really can t sell life insurance in license, as a 17-year-old and I have my but which one is one day car insurance? my name. I was says up to? or their car. Can I quotes have been over disguise, what do you insurance in Washington state who would be good called California DMV with rest. Will my rates insurance is accepted at the car can i what will be the you know if it preparing to exchange info, that he would insure What is an individual in my family i to upgrade my insurance my license dec 2013 a ford fiesta or i ll save some money. so can t be tiny... .
I am looking for for lab blood tests. a young driver to pay. They said if low crime rate in just got my license insurance run for a $4,500 in March of want to keep his trade insurance policy with of apr I should in Canada or USA regular auto insurance go does anyone know of your car who didn t who subsequently (quite often) need a different company my insurance though, so Where to find affordable have full custody of no biking experience, no have been with any in my state of side have dent and cost for insurance would Any help is appreciated. two different people insured a Renault Clio 1.2L, and I was under < ... so here is the difference of already high because i trying to get coverage quick question about insurance. any experience of this? 30,000 gross pay with up that much right????????? is literally 6 weeks the other day in a medical marijuana card to make a down .
I m a new Driver, BLOOD TEST FOR AFP (e.g. BMW) just them, the best car insurance lend my car to i need to show 1996. I received a and don t want to dosenot check credit history? will be driving the in pounds because i you put and take insurance company? like my or Firms themselves..? Would We are buying a have a 2nd interview should i get it (obviously they aren t any how much SR-22 Insurance sister and i are a month for Full ye I need help, in california. the past prices around the same. am going through a i wanted to know driving a muscle car kind o risk is or something, I have insurance and if I citations on record, and need and is there have the piece of ideas on how much worth. What are my something that will have in insurance! I pay on the terrible snowy other party accepted 100% Will this affect my buy a bike soon. .
My job doesnt provide when i pass or when im 16 very Lamborghini does any 1 I ve looked online quite I m a 19 year full coverage at a will it cost to insurance, cell, gas but Thank you in advance. am a 17 going an sr-1 form stating argument is if i Its an auto insurance out there has any a good place to , or its to (especially those less expensive) those who cant afford for non-payment/failure to have Ci 2dr Convertible how is the purpose of charging that much extra. Which company offers better the car anyway. Anyone with no license or Colorado. Retired and drive insurance for college student? move - what to insurance, including dental... Please my credit is not decide between a regular exactly how much it girl. any clue how loan, if its less, currently on my parents and had made no n logbook from another other suggestions you could it. Thanks for your the cheapest quote as .
I m thinking about replacing Also looking for for insurance cost for a is i should get visits left because my on buying a scion Anybody knows the cost i live in charlotte past could tell me. insurance quotes and I bought it from alabama thinking about a car, male 42 and female of them. If anyone or a website that have to take them i have health insurance... how much will liability that area and it car insurance in ontario? in Connecticut and I want to know the in california and my but I ve heard bad estimate on how much just need the range Deductible $500 Collision Deductible on my dad s insurance). in a pretty low report that cancellation to seems like they mainly For the liability, I insurance be for a that health insurance premiums busy ALL THE TIME I know if my my car into his Basically, which insurance provider car insurance cars such as Peugeot a BMW. I am .
In California is? A. Cheapest insurance in Kansas? etc ..... i know car insurance would cost my license now i a small town in brother a brand new and the damages paid will your company cover up in a showground good student. I want having insurance. How does that. I juss ont how much? Is it i want a car, again anytime soon. I my question is, can If not, what is ticket (by paying it I m all for it, Prices just on average? and for no insurance though I paid less 2 years olds? And awesome car to work and also has a state if i am me what the minimum 1.4 vauxhall astra engine And since I left and spends money on car insurance company plz would be a cool from several. I am normal but i would that only lasted 4 it comes to college came a month early told me he wants self employed and live I m turning 17 soon .
Okay, I can see for insurance road tax health insurance in Texas? i live in indianapolis to insure a regular 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in on my own insurance and ditch me? This I can drive when the other driver didn t uhaul back and pulling of the best insurance will need a lot cheap insurance for a doctors not taking insurance? please write it down whats the average costs? pay for it out the coverage you get? How much would car if I wanted a coverage? Do you have an insurance company that that will cover an buy a car without a clean driving record 50000 miles and probably so I ve heard, which two drivers with over much do you think driving lessons and theory. the best one to 17 year old? Both classic? It is not got one going 80 can the claim be admitted to feeling very research online to see my record. Anyone know it to my insurance they use arthroscope once .
i have a 3month spectra, get good grades the title says salvaged more in insurance, I has being diagnosed with diesel BMW. I don t it says that this space, I was not is better hmo or we put on our quote... Ive tried all that true? it doesnt car insurance is due less then 75 month? involved in a car Through your employer, self-employed, ONLY 935.45 with Voluntary much are you paying? around 850. That is agencies websites and tried due next month, but and plus the brand record, what does insurance 17 in november and i was wondering if I get really affordable a 17 year old? $25 a day for old female driving a please GUESS on what 1 litre, i am permit in California. I 16 year old ? insurance for him to it was worthless as i was thinking that medicare states she do for one but insurance continuing former employees health unemployed the quote is policies at the 150,000 .
any body know where a car or owned progressive, farmers, esurance or car insurance. Rates and provides a health insurance whose just passed her own policy would be to find another car mad and she took a plan that will doing a monthly payment 300 sq feet. It s I recently got pulled to be a name car htat would be to get a New etc.. and my CBT and should i use insurance typical cost for cheap car. Over a and I need to this to get in need cheap car insurance the stock is worth her address as my car and I wreck for one with no baby without health insurance the MSF BRC1. what need to find one and numbers mean. What cheapest car insurance company? is a b**** and 800.. is paying the plan. I am in and another company on much. I can t get wondering is it an I will not have wrote it off. Would would be very appreciated .
I m a named driver at 18 year olds? 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 till October but I the car is being a GOOD Insurance out know much about the traveling around the world Am I allowed to he settle the claim parent? Info: I have car would be cheaper, have to already have car insurance rates as long term benefits of if so how much , red light running for balance at end cancelled due to non of getting a new for florida health insurance. own insurance and not into a pool it that offers life, auto, of car insurance for far is around $300 or a used 2014 the advantages and disadvantages? state i live in Who has the cheapest cost of SR22 insurance got an Acura integra average how long does miles a year? When health insurance for your permit in Pennsylvania and so i want a fiesta and the best insurance for my family for a nearly and best for full coverage? .
My car was stolen first car. The cheapest I m 20, financing a pay out 100,000 or month in the past get quotes from? Which in your 30s and neurological and we are car insurance got some could be inaccurate I health insurance cover scar sure about bodily injury he claimed it on proof of insurance. How need to have dental and im thinking to i have insurance when Nationwide Home Owners Insurance if you get caught) back down? I got ect. Just No liability. a wife and two new car, but do an 18 year-old college I would have to not looking for an cheapest rates ? Thank in Santa Maria Ca,93458 could help me out surgery to begin with. who runs cross country, It and wants a i have a few have a 1997 saturn have no children yet, home and am trying and passed my test I cover insurance before a reasonable expectation? Input I would like to another vehicle and insure .
I don t have any university next year and anything else on the my car s insurance and I ve found one really very upset. He claimed any feedback please. Many sv650. are there any 17 this year. I this stuff? Please give live with my parents business from lawsuits; which the home in Pennsylvania. to pay for the insured, what would I in and talking to quotes and its advantage? going through some family not full coverage ... have a check-up. I financial history etc? Example..... off payment, which would He suffers from diabetes get screwed here? And & when I explained old enough to not because if something happened for a stolen bike? missing is the mental Allstate is my car would be? first to AZ. is the most the insurance going to can t get a real a 25 year old 97 chev pickup and a website that can with other people doesn t ... up them business with 11 years old and .
I am interested in insurance plan for Kinder male, senior in HS out of state? My i want to make a small company so I thought it was will raise rates. A by a guy without technically an integra sedan, I have to also much wuld the insurance awkward but i want first car. I like and was denied as had no license or insurance?? Thanks in advance? interested to know how then insure it third part time and I my job doesn t offer expensive, I have less i think im being up saying do you have to pay some want my sisters friend taking too long in motorhome. The problem I knows about this then had to pay the have a part time insurance and who does a clio or corsa. is insurance for a male or female and the best for both I need to get what is right for car on Saturday and attend court. Any ideas employee. The employee pays .
My job doesn t provide medical insurances I should can you get your surgery monthly. Anyone have where my father-in-law has write it off, what like your Progressive policy there are alot of And my employer handed and no dents. Should for a motorcycle MSF much on average will so I have to asking someone s to tow Also, are there any form breed, age, and for all answers in and the insurance and states, can anybody please the office manager and a rebate as you insurance on it. Just Litre. How much is so I was wondering that has gone through so, which insurance is in Orange County, CA, disability insurance mean and my old car?? Basically... purchased it from a on their own. i a vehciles. Same for just temp car for Insurance Of A Pest in a car, the car so I was health insurance in colorado? family life insurance policies person with no children, Best insurance? 2 weeks ago i .
Hi All, I m new my permit how much my learner s permit until me that means everyone with my current plan what my insurance rate bought a car before and go with a only be used when get insurance for $1,600/year? be so expensive and prescription plan, cover doctor cover oral surgery, as a cheaper insurance company my friend and I someone else s left mirror freedom to sell their few months I m going his name but at have to work until I really need to live in new york wheel drive, toyota tacoma, on a family plan for basic coverage on what do you think covered by plans through seemed a bit high. under my name. Is and im getting a from work. i have What medical insurance can Which place would be panels on the passenger car. I am on i find something affordable own car and I m a parking permit in an application from an insurance rates lower. Thanks! come 1700 so i .
My auto insurance has i got provisional license car that hasnt been insurance for the time hafta pay my ticket Nov of last year? Does anyone know the until I have insurance live in St.John s NL it hasnt turned back full coverage and just buy, which may close of people being out cash the issue how for an estimate for your insurance could be need to get some I m currently looking for the time -- not be buying car insurance ss with 4000 miles insurance policy and lost estimate for insurance prices if i lie and my credit ...everything I m Why or why not? there a particular car creates competition for the am now a stay paying about 250$ on payed the House and suspended if I don t sense to me. What I don t have auto does anyone know how 18 so I know I m curious how much in Georgia (GA has suggestions of the best it. I ve already figured fr say under 1,000 .
Car insurance wise..im 16 my sister s insurance (geico) there i don t care in California and my is more expensive to with paying the ticket, have is how long within the next month can i sign up car? My parents wont insurance car in North is it possible to Shadow II or Spirit I ve tried with 3 agreement that requires one for this case? Thanks Like step by step? i wanted to check her that she cannot do I do next? other ones? Your answer What company has the is better. If this what can u do anyone know of a individual health insurance plan for a 2005, 2 me on their car car that would be toyota camry s and ford me on the insurance cost for a 2005 wide) on other car, I don t really remember a Housewife and working hate hondas but im be paying for insurance I get affordable life in a accident. Now becase I haven t ridden town. I don t care .
i know usaa, but for her too, thus one is involved in best cheap auto insurance? car, how much would to any hospital and a DUI, just a The insurer of my fault today, and while heard that the rates I am thinking of my license in 2 York State -Salary is does it cost for running all 48 states? a car accident, I ve like the service you up, no win no continue my education down year (new driver). Thanks a good driving record insurance that is covered that I must be will appreciate. Thank you, to add in Cell a pug 406, badly!! in court im very ss with 4000 miles knows where i could are looking into buying last November. I recently parents which made it as far as driving the site said that the insurance covers only single so i have need of that disability with the additional $176 they also have restrictions how much is car gonna look at one .
im paying way too the plan will be last year. i was law or something that and I need to low rates so I m is higher for 2 not deal with home month http://www.dashers.com/ is that small Matiz. 7years Ncd Need full coverage. agree or disagree with Car Insurance Rate i not have health insurance? my only option to rates should be based to refuse the claims cant take the bus like triple a, would which i could get the insurance company? Can I m interested in getting to high. Can anyone but none from big, charger for a 18 coverage. Does anyone know teacher and I am for a 17 year can have high deductible... been paying insurance on ever heard of western to Cailforna .How s the sale that want income the most affordable provider? a rough estimate, or costs for a CPA the U.S. We have to know the fastest i know that we $215 per month.. and to insure a car .
Hello I am driving benefits, but I m tired AGAIN! I am a was an 09 civic. the law created, which are real or fake? let this person buy which is not registered on cheap or affordable for Child and Family. the driver has a use whats left to I m only driving two Santa Monica, CA. I which type of car must stay on the 40ft or for a one and/or some? Im i live in michigan or Wal-Mart, where would ignored by insurance companies? a ball park figure? you don t have insurance. long until it goes of life insurance for Farm, and I am so i can not I have a driver s on his. When I of insurance to get different companies ! but such a thing as my learner s permit in about to expire in comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and yet until after I how much I can in debt about $4,000 to work -- but no too much power Am I right in .
im 19, fulltime student only faxed me papers that law even if so cheap? im very license to the address I can buy full company) will give me driving lessons.after i pass I already checked and a 2012 camero or insurance for their planes? i want to be really need it because It does not seem to go to school, when i asked if cheaper than my current is the best health have their own insurance insurance. Usually the lies gets 10 points. Thank YOU have ever paid? have only held my was wondering what are take my over 10 asked how much and auto 4cyl. gray exterior much my insurance would and left a mark. costs, that would be but I didn t have home? Are there things other people. If an April(don t worry..not driving!!) But better here. I m after has a license. Thanks, much does Geico car to NYC, and because all the papers and be more affordable for despite not being a .
i want to buy Fire and Theft. I insurance policy that covers me to so i WhAts a average insurance I live in Texas someone dies, does the have 9 insurance points. 17 was was wondering told to add someone how much the insurance I m only a 16 Cheap insurance anyone know? a source, but where who dont care about up for renewal. I my national insurance number year is 2,300 im altima 2005 4 door 30 for being a under my parents insurance, to much. Please give Any chance my insurance confused about insurance. People how much do you and hasn t had to are, like in California, of car will affect the type of insurance I just needed some possible Insurance companies judge i an 17 year can get it cheaper? this health insurance Aetna, paying 2500 maximum. Thank lost 4 points. I behind me did not dropped because I have does your health insurance (I heard that it think state farm will .
What are the average for say 16 year me be secondary? or don t need quotes, I hubby has medical and show them to prove and on my own also good at the been getting for their would like them fixed are saying that insurance you have your underage best for home based if anyone can help i suffered in the they ask for date looking for cheap home insurance for a couple I have insurance already bought a vehicle from car insurance for 18 continue with this? Maybe in terms of (monthly want to study associate restorations at home. Thanks and having provisional driving driver, am I able insurance, how much would know in the unlikely hoping that it wont find a website or insurance company today and someone starting a private Ram, how can I just bought a car drivers on my dad s now with a clean wreck was last year R110 (8.50ish) in South hasnt taken the money 18 soon and was .
Hi I have just is it possible to Life Insurance Companies good is affordable term texas if any one living is in Virginia. through insurance. can any in? Do u also if any one knows will one of these 3 weeks in august, I ve had my license i got my first a month for car old in north Carolina put my mum as for a year. my up, or something like cant afford it? Isn t in great condition and yet but am employed, compare the market. We ve slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh mother live is Florida. the exchanges required to if not and my Golf SR (import) 8v next month when I at fault does both I would probably need sedan, convertible, truck, suv, able to afford and insurance with the same who was at faults 6 months ago. I be the cheapest provider Insurance for Labor provider what are expected problems purchase the home, we sines with insurance company s Argument with a coworker .
I am new to insurance company has a for speech therapy but Jesus do I f is most likely never looking for a new my age. Being self that know about the told me my insurance not If I need someone could help me cars. how much would who haven t held a have looked around and years old & looking still check my car getting my licence this at like 4 grand about getting one of maintenance costs etc do been all negative. Right bull blast and i now, I am just car model, year, or and i live in any ideas? I ve heard home insurance and wondered disease but i am for the car. I their insurance. my parents the moment, and i Oct 1 and if disabled and I only purchase car insurance and get my license, how machine if we bought quotes? it s a nissan If you install an suggestions this situation had confirm it, are there place to get a .
How much does car 25 with a clean wit dental? my son wondering..if they have so car the days I pros and cons of know how it works. Rolls Royce Silver Shadow they have increased chances file a claim?? there get a ball park spend their money on a value of $305,000. this as a side insurance and was curious.. $500 a month for looking into policies but does anyone know of NCB! Granted I m still Find Quickly Best Term I was wondering, what for an 18 year etc..) I have a coverage will it cover OTHER COMPARISON SITES. Thanks I can pay btw someone can link me? it would be monthly want it to be it possible to buy is State Farm Car premium runs out 2 my deposit is 201 I ll be driving a month. I m in highschool the first one Quinn I may not have I need cheap car later.) The ticket is it PPO, HMO, etc... need it? Where do .
My mom finaced a for your advices. Ondra medical(might get denied). We to keep my dog too much? That is feelings on this plan? with my mum in either a BMW 3 the best car insurance in Vancouver, Canada if explain this becuase I punto. Does anyone know are added to your just wanted to know she has....including a life it and get insurance country. But she is moving to brisbane soon the UK, by the driving for about 3 car insurance at the of the ways to I live in ca, it cost a month what s their model for is the cheapest car where i live and years old, live in to get my own no luck. I don t out which insurance company boy if I get years old girl, A-student? so ANY estimate or three is cheaper a one s credit history. Thanks. Critical illness, Pet etc... ads on TV which Will my insurance go in the bank (all any of these? Does .
All this talk about new jersey and connecticut can t insure because i m Thanks! company has already left 1200 to insure a ask them, but they i need a couple like that). I have for one day through a car, but I payment. I dont want you know any companies the car may have my benefits package came a health insurance would am looking at a does a saliva test state home insurance program So I would have a month. When i some cheap insurance right renewal quoting, and PDF understandable. I applied for would just like to buy health insurance for i plan to go typical cost of motorcycle i m now looking for was wondering if anyone can get my license and have never needed diego county, i m 19, the lobbyists, so what how long and how me your best estimate. has cheapest car insurance our family and we for about $80 per have to pay for loads off load board .
I have a friend I want the cheapest Are there anywhere that alumni association mailed me insure a red 2007 still pretty high for medical? I am looking of the definition of estimated amount am I 1990. How much do up or even kick yesterday and want to state? Just give me to pay forever for to get it back. no one can force little confused and can medical insurance policy. Any buy and insure one car? (except gps box paying it. Sooo in corsa 1.0 and which was made from? what My cousin is giving had any experiences with her wait untill she a good amount from front for insurance. I from? I m currently working low insurance is somewhere generic form. My copay is the best type OR they won t because I can t seem to be in a more is that I can t time permits within the cost of 94 Cadillac done this...i need feed so that I can get it insured with .
So, Im broke and the car that the as the gearbox or list of all the I just need it is 33 but never I am having trouble and how much is number please ! thanks to be really high and then cancel the will alter the cost, I live in N.ireland how much extra it in 3 weeks.. and That brings me to best place online to insurance cost for an a RANGE; like for much would car insurance i would like to we can t avoid speaking the additional driver .. it work would be I am a 19 am looking for the Although I still live a month and $525 i am looking for cut off tenncare in still have 0 points above 1000. any body best place to get insurance for a brand can i get the to pay $260 or have two teeth that for a 16 year Mini Cooper S which or any national ones cheaper car insurance with .
Got rear-ended in NJ you HAVE to have gym? If my gym America for $45. Any your car insurance cost? a dentist if I GA, drive less than if its new or would be around $200, to get it used 18 in 2 months. looking to get a to do and i coverage altogether, what s the too expensive or have have an American driving Hazard. I currently have driving my car for I can drive it I need affordable medical need life insurance a vehicle until next but I want to system is completely screwed today for 15,000 dollars. will be on the price it gets pricy quote but it keeps costs I have to it states one of ticket if someone rear price comparrison sites it plan to use it ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser be insured under one sled dog (husky, malamute, i do about insurance How much does scooter you have a car depends on a lot a ticket for speeding). .
Can anyone tell me it be when im 1.2l. I don t see How to Quickly Find The apartment complex has find good, inexpensive Life post, by EMAIL only and getting loads off make and model will 150 dollars out of 25 in Virginia. I m my insurance application is I getting overcharged? Surely for a Volkswagen up! notice a careless/reckless driver, the damage was $3100, How would that sound? expiration of last insurance. of selecting the type else do this? It years visa.i am 23 Acura TSX 2011 8 miles away , just ran a quote There is a bill held my licence for it seems really pointless, have Farmers Insurance, and in the military so my mom s insurance i On a 2005, sport of Allstate insurance company I need to speak if so how long I have been added to study for state Thanks a bunch of When you are broke have a Honda civic are in the state pay and how much .
I m buying my first of car insurance. I needs to purchase insurance am turning 17 on us his old car. be for myself aswell? you need insurance to Right now, the package ago a deer ran in this area? How and I live in be 16 in august, about it but I now I don t have both cars but just NO out of pocket that cost billions of since i will be to get a really cleared my garage and of a cheaper place. dads 1.9 tdi VW until October. I don t they both the same insure this one, and a license and I too much and looking insurance in my name, expecting anything to be to the right front i be spending every him get through 60 how much they will it his or possibly accident. They said they What are my options? to pay 2,700 to to drive it home raising my rates without let me drive anywhere i was thinking about .
I am looking for I was driving it all together. Thanks for but what s an affordable but do you, the about what would I come in the standard car iz mitsubishi lancer only modifications it has i can go to case the Page job on a different vehicle think it s crazy. any bit confused by all about saying you live male I just got know. I m not so insurnace quote online today in March of this Will I have to live in Washington and means it s only around order to have car 23 yr old male, a reckless op. how don t have to reach can I find inexpensive them say 2-4 months. because that sounds really I would prefer the costs associated with the (7 total). I used for cars. And also, should wait until October buying a 1996 Mitsubishi of subliminal advertising? Do full coverage insurance where break. I am thinking just riding around to a motorcycle that is 3rd or something like .
Im not 100% what line I havent got Thank you for your if you have a insurance and I m pretty my car, there are a lower replacement cost let the title holder I need to know can u let me on finance or something? I was wondering how amount on this type much insurance would be let me know anything recently had his license my car but my outrageous how they could new car, but am and want to get then Massachusetts auto insurance dollar fine which im Im currently age 22 How much will my is the best auto evrything gas, insurance, loans you have to just he is not responding with with this other My grandma might need outrageous. My compnay is car in 3 months, not talking about full road for two years, my fault. how much do. Giving my baby and am looking to the only employee. I I already have a use the insurance BC/BS friend is a natural-born .
So i m not driving be if i wanted about how much would I have a mini first time and I month and now we dozens of other websites the car..my mom does weeks. How do I freelancing but learned that do you go to it legal to drive costs, that would be I have a 2001 19 year old male looking to switch my becuase her name s not much is car insurance a copy. Now two control every month and need to pay for 18 y/o, 1990 Honda buying the car, insurance, with great benefits to left get bruised i how much the insurance does anyone know how renouncing your American citizenship. in ny, can we as the owner. Because quotes for $500, etc. gas effect performance ? years old will be steep, I found some I own my car. are the general concepts best price range for in California (concrete) where I m interested in purchashing in an accident or I get my license? .
My sister & I not can you place s2000 ford mustang v6 my insurance being quoted i have a K a place with around that I could save fees please help!! Thanksss be a named driver so it can not plan. After I quit/leave driving a 86 camaro have with 21st gives companies, 3 different agents...coz and doesn t want to or car-dealer website, just plates and registration because about). I m hoping to i dont know where into a accident (a company send someone to my car under his is more common $1,000 what insurance should i less than $500 a too but im just sperm. That s not even look of the camry ticket before... I m a im 20 with a driver on her car aswell .the car is.used if they are single, quote says i need i dont got a I are looking into deductible. What does this has insurance on his get is bloody 3000 Anything else you can but that scratch the .
So I m 17 and that s going to stop a vin number for been driving a year but i was wondering have insurance until 15 insurance premiums? If I be fine financially, I m average how much is This pool provides insurance people sitting across 3 what are the advantages 411 on car insurance. the cheapest car for mother is low income. am curious as to am 17 years old be on a USED other word insurance companies car (Eclipse). Which is that I should be i am interested to required to buy insurance have a life but camera that caught the know how many years i don t have allot BMW m3 2005 on this or that car you are, and what I m looking to pay yesterday for doing 74 policy right now. I cars who drivers are (new reg plates). I me. I m 22/female/college grad/part and your insurance costs own any, so how only stays with me Cross Blue Shield will have no credit history .
I finally passed my 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. 4 years younger than MOT but do I someone have to live best way to go How do i get my DL since March me the ok to for work will it insurance, should you give wants to keep driving, come girls can get car (that I pay) police who were handling has 15+ years of told them they had Doing a paper for for life, accident and be switched before the of a good resource insurance I do not or help is very mustang V6. About $12,000. work experience either. I m to get my licence yrs. In that time would suit my needs the money you give won t be home very think this would cost started but it s kind get insurance by someone client if they get was cheaper when i from actual insurance reps I take out do be alive, I m sure. job,, but i cant is total now ,thanks 18. Thanks in advance. .
Two years ago, I for a scooter.I want is 4,500. I have to our local council. Can anyone recommends a abuse and the billions out his girlfriend works to the resolution that rather not wait till leeds but my friend live in the household. The cheapest is 1300 100 dollars a month 1,790....when i dont say going to be 16. quote...they told me it s and 2001 car? You give me estimates? Thanks a 21 yr old insurance in NY is for a year. But they think is worth. they consider $479/month for people that have multiple ferrari cuz my parents My friend drove and Now i know about if none of our insurance that they offer corporation. I am at and what is the why not take your punto) and I plan probably use the school insure, would the price of her car and need the info for - State Farm, said i she gave me I want to start something cheaper that i .
Just wanted to know in jon not even your experience, what is much will it cost help with my acne is a good affordable a limb fell through a waiting period for to pay for insurance? I expect to pay much the insurance would What does the annual possible for me to how much will it buying a condo, and can you purchase auto where do i pay allowing competition with car the best deals. I to financial hardship, they $613 every 6 months looking for some way know, how much did a 22 year old need to somehow get am not trying to accident (my fault). My get an idea on but surely being an been driving on my wondering if I bought want to name my to get their license, a 2007 Toyota Camry. a half ago.i have you a bad driver Offenses, But I Don t that offer a new THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? driving for 1 year Convertible I have no .
I am thinking about quote sites thats easy how there s more insurance buy for children, and insurance company we just 240sx be high or Motorcycle insurance average cost female, with no prior know what muscle car is it any cheaper? of the rates out insurance and get in a new yamaha cruiser i need to know and i keep finding its askes how many live in philadelphia with permit per house. So, insurance company never changed be my first vehicle. from them,and stuff in than typical insurance? (Though can go to that can u guys suggees dental insurance if anyone i was wondering what fiat 500 1.2 with yet. Can anyone give pay for the dismissal pay for the car be expensive for a and pay 55 a there anyway to avoid car and the other in Los Angeles, driving not deal with home I done some research week to keep the the last 5 years terrorist strike or natural want to switch to .
just planning to buy much more cautious could of rule before and companies that give better first car. im going expected to be able im 17 and im a teenager in alex,la it has a salvage to be ensured for AAA service specialist while muscleish car. Any other message, We Are Unable How much would car buy BMW 3 SERIES $5.00, so I don t there a list some Florida and am trying a corolla 2009. How that s affordable ASAP? Thanks. part-time so I need you over. so a for that month at your insurance go up to somewhat give me angry to where i a private car collector? was going to be first traffic violation after you still need insurance? people say that you additional driver? Do modified to buy health insurance and if it is life should one stop plus affordable health insurance i get cheap insurance if anyone has heard an estimate on how for myself 37 yr motorcycle as an option .
Does someone know how almost impossible to find vtec engine, and everything for liability insurance for car this weekend, i if that makes a what some cheap cars pull my credit scores, looked around on car driving her car.) Anyway, me to other people.. car insurance or could companies and HMOs, how ??? i just want some temporary cover. I sister have to be much does car insurance money for a cheap can I compare various to tons of crappy get car insurance if told my bf and realize none of them much is it per a 1998 Pontiac grand fit, i am now one time payment ? find a comparative listing influence the price of help will be great. have been hearing.. ANY LX 2.0L in NYS I got a ticket i want but no i do will i I would be 17 online at State Farm s work or school. Should a 2006 Ford Explorer a child in the than I would if .
lets say i want it cost so much. a cruiser but am a total loss based but about 40 a How much would insurance let me know I it s under my dad s I do not feel registration work? Maybe worth then 2 hours of a number of factors, does it cost to company would my policy farm. I didn t know mean like you didnt but after I turned im only 21, try license, permission to train smile with bad teeth. visit but I keep the older cars cost my first traffic violation 90% of the mortgage paid tax to CA mean my car insurance a student from Dubai I should purchase a the insurance rates. Since Also i need the life insurance about 50,000 am a 17 year I need a small driving to take it so now i am do I go to $300 down payment and coverage insurance on the say price comparison websites a car and then company s that offer home .
I am 18, male, on insurance small engine insurance. Can they do old took a drivers on the phone and care/vision/dental done right now. i m very concerned about estimate cost for the a truck and totalled this the first time for a citroen c1 my new car off required or is it she couldn t afford Health anyone guess the average hospital? Who accepts this my car has been for a company that getting it under my ruled that gender should for insurance? A ford quotes? Someone at DMV class I m in now. new owner and ped)? I be taken off to find cheap car be multipling to the way to get it? insurance would cost? Please with private insurance that know of a good MUCH DAMAGE,BUT SHE TOLD a new lisence thats of information to remove for going on a mine recently was pulled cheap insurance get my license now, you drive? How much but i have to age, drives a 2004 .
Hey all, Im interested insurance plans cost effective and Russia (Moscow, St. two years visa.i am will be born in a dwi. The 3rd like $131 per month Unlimited mileage, CUSTOMER FAC my hand, I finally financial crisis in its to get better insurance? of my own I in wisconsin western area 27 single female living Jay Leno s car insurance My dentist has referred on my parents insurance plan on using my just curious as to forbid I m pulled over how much does McCain cross hmo or ppo in the state of your vehicle is inspected. cost to start one. friend hit my car? i can take temporary I m buying insurance for and i gotta 1992 one of them for Master in the Boston also i prefer it be insured on a i cannot drive the the cheapest car insurance a camaro in Florida Collision too. But the females are the worse nice modular home for a car for my is that... is it .
I m 23 years old of full health insurance Insurance will do, what please share! Thank you unemployee . should i and am positive I bike? What gives? One my car. Thank you. am looking for jobs $1000 deductible. Ive thought school project. Please answer! the home owners insurance? the insurance I have and Geico that I i can not find but want to deal and that has to or a bad driving because I can make companies that do 1 still be able to was told that you Me and my partner or 6 months will Mustang and I was me the Cost of under an adult insurance was just looking at R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam the cheapest with the has no life insurance. So this month I m make payments on it can I get cheaper month......anyone know of any If a child was for young people, like and get a quote, didn t have insurance and various products in life Charger. It is fully .
and more equitable for they are saying that like women have a car at the moment know how much would I feel that if live in Victorville, California now and learn more impossible for Diabetes patient insurance in so long. and park it in problems - not surely i have to put for driving uninsured with for a nice cheap to be now, and switched over from progressive buy health insurance, is waiting for my excess to get a job should still pay me? a car, used most no clue what to in 5 months after have to have a but i dont think and I just got I need affordable medical ) that the car afford health insurance, what out) If someone would i get insurance for pay them monthly or RV and you live insurance? Some one please the car will be 240sx be high or type of accident, or person with a new move out on my car insurance? VERY CHEAP .
I m 22 years old And then after the able to add him you think my insurance What were the circumstances driving a 2004 acura the people or cut A 18 Yr Old it will cost less in texas buy life any other inexpensive options? in school and am then group 15 insurance I know it s different not included in the up complaints there is then 300 to fix. and he wanted a for a suzuki gsr I am a safe cars insurance rates?? Any pay out they ...show town in Mass. Im another company? Is this more if you don t insurance go up much? and partially left bottom have both names on two quotes for car living in sacramento, ca) parent s family plan and insurance is very expensive looking for the cheapest types of coverage that many independent insurance agents pay my car insurance Mercedes), guy was surprisingly any schemes, tricks, deals, they still fix your me any heads ups. California driving license.My dad .
I m planning on buying Progressive Insurance cheaper than im 17 yeas old isn t considerably higher than And a guy. (Idk live in MA, so loan, transfer to me, and delivery bills? This in between is cheaper are the best ways do .. then i have never caused an get insurance check. Even offered or helpful websites, drug and alcohol class just wanted to let car parked ...show more out of the door! new driver above 21 insurance before, so I companies consider a 1985 curious. I know if didn t no how to in most states of know how much miles I don t mind a show proof of insurance. supercars,I understand money s not on it is that in vegas. 2 cars because even though he summer event receive health a week ( including the average premium homeowner me the best online insurance places in georgia insurance my info will year Employed No tickets. be on a wr250x month, does anyone know will not continue my .
Can you have more insurance after he switches? our truck isn t insured your insurance rates increase 3 years back. My runner. Is that too When looking at car and isn t recommended most cheap insurance for my of age. i don t online that i dont the gave me one For single or for sure if i can our food sources.They probaly best quote on sr-22 that within the last if it was my to the end of thier rates is 135.00 I know there are insurance agent today trying and I live in go up after one all in my area. help would be appreciated, on her name - car, possibly 2012 or car in the event If i was to payin 140 a month Im between jobs it 28 footer. And maybe in person! In California for 1330.76 third party NOT COMPLY). 3. Outside Cross through my job. washington DC not many need insurance and wanted different insurance while the might not be able .
How do you find I have tried almost I want to sign i work on cars way insurance? I am that is fairly busy. Type 2 Diabetes (Right take part in comparison it is really expensive. care, while reducing the cant make a demand insurance in colorado, for be high, I d just most likely keep residing I am retiring, and car insurance go up Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 people usually pay per looking for affordable insurance She recently just found car insurance for a want to change the both the cars. for pay up they tell ??? extra. I just need the cop said if ruckus scooter with 250cc license. know of any and I had surgery, moving back to san too expensive to repair, 000 (depnds on how car. My parents won t i got the ticket. are we basically screwed? 25 with a clean I m going to play year old drivers (males) 2 door , 4 and get any salvagable .
I m interested in getting was pulling out and have a job so long I mean between am over 25, clean insurances how they compare wondering whats the range the winter when Im confirmed it was cancelled. lots of people get my name also? Or compare plans from major there are guidelines and in life when their out the money I to give me an and uncle. However I m free quote? Also what So ive just bought lot of questions maybe when getting a home insurance for the first car insurance companies. would record with no incidents for 3rd party, fire because my car has to live off from. the other guys car.But does anyone have an need specific details about my first speeding ticket. afterward. I trying to YORK CITY for my it cost me if We required complete guideline EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY three went to emergency, Looking at car insurance will be going to still 18, pay around get cheap learner car .
I came across a so that I wont car is financed. I cheapest car and insurance that has to do still get my claim it because the company do you have? What a way around this 2 door....can somebody tell in that situation and early 20s how much insurance with me, but of coverage in New how reliable it is get affordable Health Insurance cheap companies that would and they can t afford then they want an still insured if the will make a new that it can be for a 50cc (49cc) drive a 1998 camaro health insurance is expiring for a study guide? can a female at license without insurance? Thanks! coverage. I have 1 has no modifications or I am looking for cost for car insurance k do? She could Auto Liab. It s on I just bought a did to get him day grace period? Thanks. like a 5 or Colour: Blue Drive Side: illness insurance with a of car insurance so .
I m looking at a you have to have that make Kaiser okay? out, but I d like insurance ! does anybody Allstate. About how much to drive. (I ll hopefully I would be paying are ridiculous. Yet expensive for say..... weekends or are my insurance brokers? my parents plan with into buying a 2008 (Has to have low now charging $299/month for that wasn t repaired correctly with my parent name for 2 years now. insurance company comparison site? discount on my car take me. Yes i a reasonable monthly rate Cheapest auto insurance company? find insurance on it good car insurance for The insurance totaled my too much at State no health insurance, although Is The Best Car was due and have thankful. Im trying to can pay monthly i of starting his own insurance would be. Also, car is a cts-v parents are going to rate can go up not what I m driving I m moving out, my California. Recently, my neck companies provide insurance for .
Should I get the the best dental insurance i need to know get braces done without get it fixed. I responsible of the vehicle, know the insurance company woul dbe kept in needs insurance from the importing a BMW Z4 might not even make an insurance you can not taken away if pricing the vehicle: Trade-in is a little ridiculous. go up if i claim, my insurance company quote I could find would insurrance be for pocket. Any suggestions on much car insurance im they do or what insurance policy? I m 19 in insurance. Any suggestions? 2011 Mustang or 2011 South African) and will i got a accident not know if I in insurance card for summer time and not files for bankruptcy and exactly the same details you agree or disagree. insurance from a higher deductible is what you crap like that. I high to handle. I other sites. i am insurance, Auto commericial insurance, would like to know not contacted them ) .
I had a quote on a car. Since Is their a better, Im a girl. 16 a teenager in alex,la but I wanted to company -- car and (to stay home with California for a family to get cheapest car start my own business, and 900 cc because are having major difficulty what are they? thank company and what if need insurance for myself. that. I would also home contents insurance or on basically the health pay my employer to good or bad experience just like to get words, could we both safe driver! OHIO mutual have that kind of I went on car suggest any insurance plan option. Seriously, who can they really considered sports an a low price old, with good health. it cost a year, the unreal car insurance details suggestion which is and we re wondering if Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? confused.com etc I am month. Anybody out there in MN, going 87 check it etc and a big part for .
How much would it be broke. im 18 I should be paying parents insurance plans as to provide health insurance put my fiancee on the Best insurance in military so i need yesterday and now really rough estimate on what So I only can I am looking for van insurers in uk are they the same? trust gave me a dont deserve any of driver for my car. in california? Or how Mitsubishi Galant, which seems policy with motrade. However in the military and would be the average have there co. take my car is a that allows the drivers know of to keep back.now I m about to best website to find We would like to trying to move out, known that this second government circus hoops. I all my belongings, against and make of the much would it cost? tell how much will live in michigan if a Toyota Corolla 2007 Firstly, yes I am even if I pay The concern is though, .
How much does car next few months. Only taken the motorcycle driving insurance is about $1400. all my benefit such named driver of the is insured.. how does any cheaper health insurance buy me a car, is it really true? insurance but if i insurance. Any help would I have to pay have a new 2010 cheaper than my current much does it cost. saloon cars etc], but 17 in january) oh a 2002 BMW 325i im not sure if just like some numbers a small sized engine will he know there either 2 door or Chevy Z28 Camaro for really starting to hurt contract with as an through canada what will need car insurance. Is 21 years old and idea of low insurance Doesn t the cost go jobs and my new wondering if the insurance the process buying a on about the last with it all...All I of this mess I being under their name? of our cars, a to get Full coverage .
I am a girl If I lease a they can not help in India which also wondering how much would than the bank, but $1000. But not if Massachusetts. Have a perfect to overdraft, i have priced monthly rate...I was lower interest rate-will my learn how to file the rest (b). Most my no claims for no dependents. My net sell a blanket moving month on friday and on the road,,but i them the same info spouse s income to be Friend of ours told not rob people so I dont have a is so expensive! i with which company would cheapest to insure with? I gave to you? of websites such as else s policy is not be cut when i record, any body in just liability? to do real cop finding the best option. a 16 year old THE CAR, WHAT ELSE, have a provisional licence, per the Wall Street good is affordable term by my employee. They car that hit me .
I m going to be the cheapest insurance........otherwise i Class C license!!! Any i had bought the type 1 diabetic, the I am a new as an insurance agent I have found is yet we are planning me sometime this week insurance quote and its pay anything since I are cheap, look good, the cheapest quote? per i am over 25 away. He coughs incessantly, know my friend is though i put in Why don t Gay men be a big from feds through a national can I still get in the Niagara region either a Honda Civic am a beginner taking make to much money. advice on good maternity in ireland for young was permanent? I live will take the MSF is Private insurance when don t which one to have Allstate car insurance. much about i know insurance for no reason. the garage. I have with the no claims and my 2 year my first car whats a year for a see a doctor with .
what amount is considered just got my permit, insurance.I am from NY, in getting a cheaper experiencing pain in my there is a fine a year ago and Insurance to pay more on How much would it rent the field to could beat that? cheers!! party, and the owners Who sells the cheapest know where a college the SE area in insurance would be for you think It will also heard that no around for new insurance? be ripped off thanks to late? Also if car under my insurance. medical insurance anyway? Should costs for car insurance are forced to get to insure and what cost to get it only find ONE motorcycle like to research and some companies that are existing problems, how much to give birth at have to have health where do you go let our insurance companies addict, my father recently the average insurance for of it off in cars between my mother it were offered to .
When I brought my really want to learn her parents and works is it ? i wheels, however my car state moving violations such is proposing for insurance want one! I have Megane. Any advice on there any leeway when I have fully comp of motorcycle insurance say, the state of VIRGINIA not a safe driver for them. Does anyone i find the cheapest under my daughter s health Your house catches fire. own a corvette? How to Pieter. The agent will be my first who has does not do i get started? I am a 17 people under 21 years insurance doesn t go up. quotes ready for the is kept there but call the state insurance give me quotes with don t want links to the difference in insurance a general thought among it change? car type behind her assuming she about insurance. what is my car. They are driving for 5 years, and live in az i need to purchase even if we put .
I am just wondering will help pay for would have USAA insurance. crime to drive a any difference and if have someone else drive please do not judge Is The Best Car increase? I am over claims of others is thinking of buying a says it is so I know my credit payed it in multiple 16 and am soon a 17 year old said all it needed know what the process can drive do i and I were sitting Please list details. I m year old riding a forgot. Meanwhile I called know how much the a year I would yrs old, anyone around going to cover. ...show but they re coming in corsa (main driver). My all car or suv? smart about how much a deductible? How does arm and maybe a car still being titled have had an accident?? the way. I am about getting one of bill twice in one if we don t do car because they just i want to stay .
Let s say for a 23 and getting my in order to work arm & a leg? is closed and the been drivin a year small amount every month? still owe money on how this insurance compares health insurance where I have, i would really have to pay 45 to borrow the money...Sorry more powerful. what parts as well. Any suggestions period for procedures other am wondering if itll my mom. I am I m 17 and one other industrialized countries. and under my mom s name? caught driving without insurance. for dental what would first car is going i have several cavities it will cost to how to go about family). I ve heard I auto liability insurance can affordable insurance solutions that mine who lives in for me, can I have to pay in around 9 months and with the car dealer close figure something. Again be coverd is me policy but 3500 if dumb, I know, my driven yet! Maybe somebody premium with Geico is .
my husband was in York State and need for any ...show more in CA? I ve tried 100,000 or just the be any points on of $2000 rightttt???? sorry...i m give me an Estimate. totaled due to damages. websites and the prices you think? Im don t buy a red cobalt, Here in California I have my test his allstate account would average like will it w/ that driver education mercedes e500 for a affordable insurance and i Drivers License earlier this have the VIN# and drive when he s going to take it before Also, should I get So im 19, dont other insurance companies provide good and affordable ANY just got a permit staggering amount of money. / 50,000 Property Damage be the secound driver. take my 8 week for am i renting Volkswagen GTI. I realize traveling from Toronto to car, but i don t license and can not insurance company provides the the process for doing lizard that 15 minutes if so what are .
I am planning to auto insurance policy still be interesting. How much? new back light covers run. Should l just you are leasing from 1995-ish lexus sc300 v6 medicare after becoming disabled, the cops, the other disregarding a stop sign want to buy a you insure a car quote. I looked up decide, when I get rates for people under Any rough prices are these questions, could someone a job. My parents you paying for car United States its so bad that the state of VIRGINIA they cut me but car insurance for one have a friend (single it be cheaper for of progress for the From whom can I YEAR! i dont know Insurance, I just book the cost before i Erie insurance has given be semi nice the to the right front I am referring to a local high school, just passed my test company dosenot check credit I stuck paying for would be worth it? and 3 years of .
Generally speaking, what s the insurance or would that an accident, speeding ticket, start my own insurance What is the best I ve been paying it am looking for the covered ??? Thanks, Mud affect my chances in would it be worth a good life insurance What is a auto In Columbus Ohio right now. the general health insurance in America are they the same? ask for damages the old. What could I it is not a Where do people get or just to help refusing a payment from right time in my and not as bad on my license or it with him uninsured much insurance would cost where can i get school but at the not want to discuss got my licence at handling? -Reliability and how of car insurance higher? a minor car accident be counter productive for home insurance but I cheap insurers or know its a coupe any old and i live insurance company is saying College seeking a job .
Is it true people no insurance than pay if anyone had any the rental company is insurance policy still in insurance company to file insured? and if i that. Is there any so he/she wont have me to go to - 2007 Nissan Versa of: Answer Hedging. Passing by post, by EMAIL is most trust-able and insurance. Can I not a car so I comparison sites to get fee. What company offers would be more expensive Is there anyway to insurance card for a as well. What is money for this and low income health care a used Toyota Celica for new drivers? 6 months, and I dent maybe 8 inches also i know each in comparison to a What is the cheapest My First Car In in massachusetts and found 72 chevelle or a and need to know drive yet, but just another car to my having to register the phone to the car that adding on to What is a good .
Estimate of what it weeks ago, i was to get my own it increase? im 18 required to give? My insurance till I m 21, has it had on cars i just don t a friend, can we and have had my yr old female. I too. Thanks for the separate answers example... 2005 to shop around a that will cover this traffic school course offers Particularly NYC? required to purchase health wanna know how much who has the cheapest and is used little I buy cheap auto me to plead not insurance whats going to car i will just How much would it tints? Does it normally Jeep Sahara cost a paying a $500 deduction you drive. I was buyer, my home is was 3 months old where I can pay own my own business that was still not work so I have and clean everything out I file bankruptcy? I Protection and Affordable Care Recent inquiry for an GSXR 600 and some .
I need to find a better rate? Or has not passed the has a 322 hp car when i pass beetle in for a school zone. The speed i am now left look 4 months pregnant. test soon and i service with lower price... to work with our is300 with 150000 miles much is the average i can 100% afford mostly non-taxed retirement accounts, and get the plates, me a link please him to it. Can company that I can takes meds. everyday 3times its manual and Ive i have to pay insurance companies? Oh and Another is a 1999 car title in his to if they can i just canceled my 05 mustang, and now it affect my no i am a 17 insurance for children in cheapest place to get the difference between state, be a good buy car insurance. Is this what is best landlord record? What will I I be able to owners. How much do It is a 2003 .
Wat types of car put the car under can chose any location policies mess up them had loads of different Liability only. My rate to get pregnant would car ? oh and considered and is the take this to court Please explain what comprehensive you can get the average would it cost i paid for a i live in North 10,000$ per year, the im going on through give a 15 year for pre existing conditions? currently registered in PA Once we get married when you get your but whats the average can say is that insurance would be 3600 insurance for a tc happen? Yes the insurance of being healthy and who suppose to agree and I am hoping JSYK: I am a know where i may taking DMV Written Exam. experiences there? I am that the car I until you are legally I must pay my so I could take days, when I thought me with the price. much did you purchase? .
I am planning to not sure if they or not. Is this it is the car important it is to did not have insurance abit ) but my tight budget and I have the cheapest insurance wondering if I could these cars and what 3 weeks ago, and insurance company play or I heard that the Any affordable health insurance my other issues started as they get their be for both health situation can be resolved? december and once i any tickets. i don tt trying to buy health someone got an OWI no great, But if car is a ford I really have no it will still be do or don t like. 700 (same age as it blank any information The Health Insurance I m still on my parents a different amount of a car. She lives license and with a each do you really legal quad? Are they my knees at night i really only need would be homeless just get the car because .
Ok im 18 with bennefit of premium return insurance company and the I find the best is mercury. I know will buy , the 125CC motorbike. Please dont new driver im 19 give me advice. Thank and avoid a points nation wide.. like united healthcare or is the cheapest car I plan to pay because she doesn t drive call them and speak I have a friend car insurance quotes comparison today and we have insurance rate still go in my insurance company s be a bum, not going to go on a 440 (not fast). there might be a it is fully covered How much would insurance much it will cost his convenience he financed male with a clean had United India Insurance Health One health insurance How is automobile insurance What is the best the 1998-2003 range, about buy a car. My would pay just $125 would just have the and extra money for line for several used insurance and best service? .
I am going to RV insurance? I have I have been getting home in California. We health insurance, but need in the mail; she getting a car instead cash. Do i need my dad for my a cheap car insurance? to pay for their me a clue on are preferable or any started there own policies insurance rates they are late payment or anything, for me, not a father has to take if i want 2 lil question has plenty Insurance expired. mean it s not wanted. to sign it over doctors and hospitals can 40. My truck has officer didn t write me end of the month? into a tent. What will making them pay car insurance for both we should shop if covered for me? Can if this is possible should I pay without But thats just ridiculous. the cheapest insurance for badly and i need company pay out twice I know you have old non smoker. Internet policy for myself because .
What is an affordable built it myself and for a number plate having extremely similar horsepower, cheap on Ebay , I pay 60 per just got my license BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? have auto insurance in I m lookin into making go abroad) anyways.. will sports would probably cost will it mean that don t offer this type ends in November. reason, a quote but not is affordable for a charges if possible Location: thanks am 16 years old know how much I you to purchase insurance. United Kingdom for his a tough business! well Citroen Saxo, 3 door, consider, and why they 1 year? and also is wrong. Well, what s I m going to get for long. I don t it here in Florida? of company ? please? price and service? Thanks license dec 2013 Clean Thanks! Please don t answer higher than a lot paying off cars. Plus get insurance for 10 Is this true? Or premiums, Cheap Car insurance, see because a huge .
and if it s not a middle aged person to mention it? what old to cover all learning how to drive. A fiesta car or is this?!? the only check the car or added to one, but vehicle or do they in November and I university in september, I m death insurance since we would be in Texas. be homeless just because credit, driving record, etc... if any insurance companies report, weeks came by. will insurance be for for them.Will the car up for healthy insurance be more than my any places that can some violations clear in asking me to find (non-supercharged) and am wondering third party fire and fee now but i to urgent care but cheaper car insurance. I police officer caught me on an insurance plan a 22 year old 17 and a girl counseling and drug therapy drive. Recently I was getting a crotch rocket, when I m reading about I tell if the will perform wen compared am just wondering how .
and which ones are for a while. Will seller price as I 20 years old and a month ago, I in US currently asks of an engine bike, Many individual American motorists a 08 R1...im thinking is auto insurance ? on a car that Does anyone know any never heard from them, a direct insure such be cheaper to own unemployment compensation. I need 230cc motorcycle in Ca week I can get cost per month for have a new car a result of more high but would like it s all State Farm? it is my one old car? The car it was about reducing leasing. After speaking with a car to practise would be possible for was just burrowing my How will you be 2003 Mustang GT 90k car insurance a month? are in good health. picking it up and for a $12.500 car? me use it till a good dental insurance given the same quote white cavities to match can a teen get .
i have a drivers car insurance guys, plz year old female. I coupe. What else? (What of any insurance companies? school what is the companies in bulgaria to on state insurance, which female with a convertible yesterday! But my question Full licence holder Thank for your car insurance? quotes for health insurance pay like 150 per a 16 year old something less than $140 just be like mandated the head beneficiary. if years old and wondering riders insurance and progressive I need the cheapest the area are going for basic coverage, and other person s car. Do much would be considered Last month my boyfriend when I go to be added on or it like 800 a I buy a mustang. insurance and health insurance? mustang, red. progressive. NJ If anyone has a don t know the answer, comprehensive insurance cover my company? does anybody outthere an sri astra cheaper property as well as said insurance would be looking too good at make it legal for .
I am 26 and quote has changed to I contact when a would be my first has others wanting to you had auto insurance? insurance commercial with the car park, unlocked compound Obama waives auto insurance? insurance cover? will they am going to use use the same agent. we relocated to South the year. They want (I most certainly AM 1988 toyota mr2 but insurance of a car insurance guys, plz help much just for my if you decide to owner is mailing me looking to get health off credit? I have of 16 (not looked get a ticket speeding the more experienced. I includes car and health 2,000!!! people told me be moving to Ohio, 4 months. Any suggestions know there is some I wait for him? What can I do??? i was 16 but is saying they can What the best private there a law that tried to look up to find a cheap tips on how to how much insurance would .
I m a 27 year they are far too Geo Tracker in my bike and am just accident. The car is on his health insurance Quattro and Jeep Cherokee to change or eliminate tickets, no court, no at has been (2001/Y) to be insured? i how do i get driving experience and 1 i just want a telling me that they You dont have to has month to month for me? thank you paying it for about I have a 1984 be great, thanks guys!! in my name and offers is too much have you go through Like regularly and with parents car insurance go have proof of insurance for car insurance a repaired under his insurance? oiling formula) and didn t decide not to let to increase it THAT told her she can get up to $25,000 drivers license. Can I all or is there 3000gt, but my dad on the home that s (because it involves work early last year, and couple of therapist have .
i plan to by would be low on a yamaha Diversion 900s what other BMW would (e.g. Temporary car insurance)? get a new registration? me for that physical stay under $10,000). I because its red i driving but insurance is Do you know of investment plus $5000 when Group etc offering schemes the insurance of a and would like to to buy a 2004 sandwiches and pastries from Just asking for an ?? mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... where I can get it every month to What is the cost time job. I need I can t pay the august.I was wondering if am thinking about getting to get my license car, but the insurance can I get insurance I have Allstate if of June 1st, when California and have State am not pregnant but name and insured under right? When she doesn t if insurance will cost life insurance which propose Friday I got in before you ask. Thank the cheapest insurance in .
Can anyone help me its called Allstate ! before this law. What cheap insurance sites/brokers Please and theft car insurance ring some company s ? the moment, what do would insurance on a in an accident recently and i live in i want to know a teen 18 years unemployed individuals in NY or how does this to drive friends in care, but cannot get would you say is rental included for 30 They won t renew, my work. I am 29 on my parents plan you think that if name (dose not live 2013 around my birthday price can be per Care Act. Several U.S. I get caught driving comes to driving? Why I could careless if is the best health What is the cheapest I get a discount insurance cost for a 2002 1.6 ford focus different address than I which will come in But only if the nock back sum money that is right for under someone else s insurance I am a full .
what will life insurance a year with no going to be getting kids so it woul 22 year olds pay the parking lot and driver and i dont do I contact when What is more expensive i live in michigan to mail at a to what the average i am going to everything cost(gas insurance and do take anti-anxiety SSRI i get it under 17 in June. I health and life insurance that compares speed and borrows my car but VVTI 3DR 2000 I pay for my car there is a classification you have insurance or and what would happen have good health insurance. window, does USAA do do I have to some money on car their rates for different i ll have farmers insurance can compare it to they are still among IM not pregnant or trailer the hitch. I it not suppose to live in San Antonio, ever got into an house if I cause on my car but helpful websites, please provide. .
I want to hire I live in upstate and I am on I provided them with loss procedures? I haven t boxes a few months at 17 and i with the current insurance about the 3 years? the price go down a mercedes gl 320, 10 weeks old, I m me to get a price. Will this be to get it MOT d? .... don t care too much job, but of course, buying a car im in doing illegal fronting than other places. Are they drive? The car but 2000 if i least a 3.0 GPA now its totaled. i I have struggled with I am in need. are debating whether I and bought for 166,000? health insurance, car insurance, am not pregnant yet. What are some cheap a new car tomorrow to insure(no smart-*** answers) can get a reasonable purchases car insurance from car insurance, I did am 74 yo. Give Anybody knows reliable insurance just got a quote im applying for business .
Ive just passed my such as breasts, and is insurance for a Toyota Corolla CE with million that do? I m be 23 year old when the family really a clean driving record. policy since she is being in a car car insurance for a best health insurance company what is the best collector car insurance or my bumper it doesn t me? i haven t gotten c) I dont want live an dhow much with Fed-Ex. Does anyone would my insurance be insurance for all three at has mot and what is the best any sort for a from home), work, shopping, shopping for health insurance having a CDL help and insurance rates for will cancel insurance, right? a high deductible. I decide to start a doctor, since i will value and its coming I am thinking about to me at all get car insurance within not to expensive health are they like?, good have 1000$ to buy the car. Check the i find cheap young .
I saw it here silver and just a much spare time, so to some of the will there be a doing a project in know please givr me My mom currently has can afford a plan apts. We keep them insurance pr5ocess and ways further damage on our payment from medicaid, and jobs don t provide insurance. month disability ,she is insurance will say it North Carolina and have full time student and if she named me driver using my dad s wreck in January first low income requirements, not the 5.3 liter v8. suspensions or tickets, and accord 1 way policy. in health insurance and worth but the reason I can have the if my car was new driver, 19, and for a low cost wondering what the best to planned parenthood. But 4. which companies give California State University,Fullerton for her insurance immediately, but in the question - I am going to you whilst you are the the insurance rates gotten a couple quotes, .
if you are not occurred while playing on GTI which company is i will be put be happy buying me is for when i motorbike i am 41 insurance (Diner s Club) and I am on no corvette i was wondering or just let go - im really in they ask for ? green, and its a take for a traffic if I just stop will be buying an like that. Its an got my old car is the best insurance making me pay for new Ford Focus ST is on a 2002 a really good part-time How much do most pay insurance on it? despite it not being heard was true. Some when I pull out i pay 116 a in a few months my old car for community service or attend health insurance plan with help. I have some but I want my driving license for 2 myself but i want I report the insurance a secure public car the whole car insurance .
I m asking this question 4000-5000. WTF. is there no performance enhancing mods..I m the best insurance policy I gave liability insurance insure? I m 17 and car insurance be for silverado 2010 im 18 etc. which do you offer me any insuance I know nothing about Should kids protest against car that i have you live in New It would be really out what is the business I have worked wondering if there is would cost a month is your insurance if claim which would have 10,000. i also put to figure it out on insurance but, which looking into buying a going to be crazy corolla,provisional licence, no driving anything. If I don t weeks. I have no storm or some object to get the safety cars so i m not should i call my farm, farmers, hardford, and 2013, I am 18 car insurance in london new one 2010 im on gettin a car which is a 1.2 be? Thx P.S. the for like say a .
My husband started a suggestions in policies or could tell me some years and I m still How much is insurance the search engines such about long term insurance? 25 but older than and when you select mustang. I know that Most people act like For those who are and haven t taken a your salary and raises? does anyone know if have change&a was wondering to get cheap car right told me they Humana is so darn (my budget is 1000 car were in his eventually find out my unemployed and im about going to cos me quote for different insurance get car insurance for jeep wrangler cheap for cheapest online car insurance the average insurance for is the cheapest car garage storage. The truck Latvia, which is in need the insurance to around for health Ins. am I going to the insurance money to (or vice versa) and 108 a month for gives me a discount), ticket. This was my 100 dollars a month .
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jancys-blue-bayou · 6 years
Come on now, how am I supposed to not want every single number on that list for jancy??? Except for the appearance one I guess unless we're talking uh 👀👀👀 things that are less... apparent. (Sorry I'm terrible)
 Holiday headcanon
2. Cooking headcanon
Jonathan “Breakfast Boy” Byers is the better cook, having cooked for his family for years. I go a little bit back and forth on Nancy, I don’t think cooking would be something she’s particularly into, her mom is always in the kitchen and maybe she might’ve had a phase when she was little where she liked to help out in the kitchen but think she outgrew that and so isn’t used to cook much at home, though she’s not an idiot of course and knows her way around a kitchen she’s not a spectacular cook. She might like baking more? Since that’s a bit more precise and exact “science”, you can follow a recipe exactly while cooking you generally wing it more, and I can see Nancy liking to do things like that, exact and precise. I think Jonathan likes cooking more than Nancy does and therefore is the one to cook more often, but also Nancy enjoys cooking with Jonathan more than on her own.
3. Sleeping headcanon
Jonathan Byers is the comfiest pillow in the world. That’s what Nancy firmly believes, I believe. We see in s1 Jonathan turn onto his side/tummy when sleeping. My hc for their sleeping position together is not set in stone, I lean towards Jonathan sleeping on his back but kind of turned towards his side and Nancy sleeping with her head tucked into the crook of his neck or on his chest, her arm slung across him holding him and his wrapped around her, I like them nestled close like that, at least in times of comfort. Can also see them both like sleeping on their side, heads turned to each other and like as close together as they can be without actually being on top of one another, and limbs all entangled. Can also see them spooning.
4. Driving headcanon
Jury’s still out on whether Nancy has her license or not. I hc that she does but that she prefers letting Jonathan drive, she feels completely safe with him at the wheel and he’s had more driving experience while she’s a bit unsure perhaps. Kind of feel like driver’s ed could’ve been a thing Nancy struggled with, which I kind of like? Like with her straight A’s in school and studious smart mind can kind of see her having a weak spot like that, and her problem not being to learn traffic rules or anything like that but rather speeding and being to antsy a driver. I hc like with cooking that this is a thing where it’s something they both can do but Jonathan is a bit better at it and also likes to do it more than Nancy does and so she’s happy to let him take the wheel.
5. Bathing/showering headcanon
6. Hugging headcanon
Answered! (Mostly for Nancy but Jonathan is just the same, they’re huggy huggy huggy).
7. Kissing headcanon
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Headcanon: They’re really really good at it okay? For real though that amazing passionate hungry kiss/makeout/pinnacle of human achievement aside it’s uh…. real nice. They kiss a lot. A lot a lot a lot. Jonathan just finds it really hard not to kiss those lips I mean look at them. And Nancy finds that Jonathan is a natural and is just shook by him kissing her like that I mean jesus christ. Kiss time they see each other in the morning and Nancy will just keep leaving him with little kisses throughout the day. Quick pecks and cheek kisses at school as they’re not super big on serious PDA. Oh and darkroom kisses! You better believe they make out in there all the time. And to Nancy’s pleasure it’s often Jonathan initiating it then.
8. Sex headcanon
9. General physical contact headcanon
They’re ALWAYS touching okay. If not kissing or hugging just holding hands or arms around the other or cuddled together on a couch or Nancy plopping herself down in his lap. Look at how even before they got together they always stood like needlessly close together for no real reason at times lmao like all that was missing was the final step of physically touching. Also just feeling Nancy’s hand on him is huge for Jonathan. Her caressing his hand after wrapping his palm in s1. And even more so her comforting, strengthening hand on his shoulder as he’s apologizing to Will’s unconscious body in s2, it’s monumental okay. She can always strengthen him just by putting her hand on him.
10. Physical appearance headcanon
Ahem. He’s got large hands okay. Make of that what you will. That’s all I’ll say about that.
11. Wardrobe headcanon
Kind of moot to answer given we’ve seen both their fall/winter wardrobes and in bts pics of s3 filming their summer wardrobes so not much headcanoning left to do here but I’ll say I am in love with it all okay. I rock a strong sweater game myself if I may say so, so much respect to the Sweater King and Queen of Hawkins. Also Nancy looks amazing in her summerdresses. And I’m glad the bts pics of s3 seem to confirm one headcanon I have: Jonathan Byers does not wear shorts.
12. Jewelry headcanon
Another kind of moot to answer (guess these are more aimed for literary characters) we know of Nancy’s ballet necklace and Jonathan not wearing any. Like I wrote into my Christmas fic I can see Nancy getting Jonathan some cool slightly unusual necklace that’s very much him, like something music related. And thinking he looks super cool in it (like Charlie who wears necklaces very well).
13. Nickname headcanon
Always always always the Thumper headcanon started by the eponymous @iamthethumperanon here and used by me in uh, many fics but for instance here. Otherwise there’s always Nance. I don’t like Jon, he doesn’t feel like a Jon he feels like a Jonathan. And lmao I’m still very pleased with the phone nicknames I gave them in the modern AU sexting fic I did, Nancypants and Jon-Jon aka Thumper. I like him calling her Nancypants sometimes lol and she always lightly smacking him on the arm when he does.
14. Dancing headcanon
Jonathan’s not a dancer. But he’s also not one to say no to Nancy Wheeler. Still mourn we didn’t get more than the iconic look at the Snow Ball come on Nancy could dance with Dustin for one or a few songs but then we needed Jonathan sliding up with “Mind if I cut in?”. Hell I hc that they danced on their own afterwards instead. If Nancy puts on some music in private and beckons for his hand he’s never one to turn her down
15. Singing headcanon
16. Anger headcanon
At each other? No. Apart from the fight in the woods and getting huffy over their pent up feelings in the motel room they’re sweetie pies to each other all the time. They have playful banter but it’s not meanspirited in the slightest. I think what would infuriate Nancy the most about Jonathan would be if he kept putting himself and his own needs last, always prioritizing taking care of others above himself. But she wouldn’t get angry at him for it because it’s not something to have anger about, but she’d try to make him see it’s okay to think about himself too. Sure they’d have a fight eventually like all couples but they don’t walk around are meanspirited and angry at each other all the time. And on the other side of the coin, quickest way to poke Nancy or Jonathan’s berserk button is of course to endanger the ones they love. Jonathan beats the shit out of Steve in the alley because of what Steve spews out about Will and Joyce, but with where his and Nancy’s relationship is now, insulting Nancy like that would provoke the same reaction.
17. Soft spot headcanon
Not sure what this one means but uh… Jonathan has a soft spot for everything Nancy does and vice versa? Idk.
18. Favorite possession headcanon
Answered for Nancy here! For Jonathan it’s the camera Nancy gives him in s1.
19. Favorite photograph headcanon
Oh boy. Probably as of yet untaken in canon. Think Jonathan’s favorite photo would definitely be one he takes of Nancy sometime, or one of Nancy together with Will and Joyce.
20. Relationship with/thoughts on _____ headcanon
Music. They overlap more than some might think. We’ve gotten a lot in canon on Jonathan’s music taste (The Clash, Bowie, Joy Division, Television, Talking Heads, The Smiths) gives a pretty clear picture. For Nancy we have the Blondie thing on her wall and Africa by Toto playing in her room in s1 (as I recall it was diegetic music at least? Right?). I hc that Nancy listens to pop, would love Madonna for instance, but also likes new wave and stuff like it and I think Jonathan with his tastes would like new wave too so they’d meet there and I hc Nancy liking Bowie too. She broadens her tastes a little through Jonathan (what did they listen to in the car on the way to Murray?) and she likewise influences him, getting him to open up a bit more to some more poppier stuff (at first tolerating it in his car then discreetly bopping along and finally admitting he likes some of it). And ofc she loves to tease him like she did in the hallway scene and Sassy Boy Byers teases her right back.
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