#because i'd hate to be a killjoy
hydrachea · 2 years
As a preventive measure, just in case, no need to mention the new mob season or anything related to it at all to me. Love the series, long divorced with the fandom. I want nothing to do with this pile of toxic waste.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Neil!
I don't want to sound like a killjoy, but I'm concerned about David Tennant's family being involved in the second season of Good Omens (or Michael Sheen's partner Anna Lundberg in a future season three). I absolutely have nothing against them, I loved Staged just like everyone else, but this is exactly the matter for me: casting them in the series would automatically make me think about Staged or something else while I'm watching GO, and it would distract me from the plot and the magic of it. It would feel somehow like a family reunion, no matter how talented they are as actors (not to mention that there would be nepotism accusations, above all against David. I hope this won't affect the popularity rating, since season three is still hypothetical). I'm not the only one who thinks this might be an issue, from what I read on blogs here on Tumblr (and on the Internet in general) but I feel like there's a sort of tension, like people are scared to say it out loud, because some fans get the wrong idea and accuse them of hating Georgia or Anna or Ty (and that's why I'm asking this anonymously, I don't want to start a fight). I hope you get what I'm saying, it only felt fair to me to let you know whatever concerns some fans might have, and maybe even give you a perspective you weren't considering? Of course you have the last word on this, and if you think this is not a big deal, I trust your judgement.
I wish you a fantastic day! (And sorry for my English, I'm not native, I tried my best!)
Yeah. So, I find that a little creepy, not very creepy, but definitely a bit.
I thought we were lucky to get Peter Davison in Good Omens 2. (He didn't audition. We offered him the part, as I've been a fan of his since 1978, and All Creatures Great and Small. He crushes it, and is heartbreaking, funny, and still somehow the moral compass of the episode he's in.) Ty Tennant auditioned, along with a number of other actors, and got the part because he did it best. (I didn't know who his family was when we cast him. I just liked the audition tape.)
If you're hunting down family connections, David's mother-in-law, Ty's grandmother, Sandra Dickinson, is in the Audible Sandman, too, as one of the Three Witches/Fates/Eumenides etc. And she was cast in it two years before David Tennant (although probably around the same time Michael Sheen was asked to be Lucifer). (I've been a fan of Sandra's since she was Trillian in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in 1981.)
Anyway, I'm sorry you're worried about Peter and Ty's performances, although I promise you have nothing to worry about, and I'm sorry that you worry that our possibly casting Georgia and Anna in a hypothetical and not-yet actually a real thing Season 3 might make people think of Staged and make them not able to enjoy Good Omens any longer. (Had I known people were this easily shaken I wouldn't have appeared in Staged either, in case my name at the front of Good Omens shattered the fragile illusion and revealed to people that the David Tennant and Michael Sheen who play Crowley and Aziraphale are actors.)
Starting in 2017 I was the recipient of mind-mangling quantities of Tumblr abuse for casting David Tennant and Michael Sheen as Aziraphale and Crowley, which was, many people made very clear to me, the worst casting in the whole entire utter history of casting, and something that Good Omens would never recover from, because for a start neither of them looked like the versions in people's heads, and I'd also miscast them badly because everyone knew that if you had to cast Sheen and Tennant, Michael had to play Crowley and David had to put on some weight and play Aziraphale. (It wasn't until May 2019 that people stopped grumbling.) So people worrying I'm going to cast Anna and Georgia in a season that hasn't even been commissioned in parts that haven't been written just makes me smile.
I hope this helps.
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campbell-rose · 8 months
V's Redesign - 2/3
The tv dude took me a bit to color, but i think i like what i settled on
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Featuring Stolas and my hatred of his design.
So for Vox, I'm not changing much. Like, at all. His character is fine in my personal opinion, it's just his design that i hate. I'll be honest, it wasn't until i'd done his antenna and tails that i realized he's like one step away from a catboy. That doesn't matter, it's just hilarious to me. I wanted to bring more TV esc things into his design - hence the no signal screen colors. He keeps his hypnosis powers and the electric stuff.
I've decided he was killed from a TV falling on his head, because that's the most comical thing i've ever heard. The crack in his screen is from Alastor when he made the choice to try his luck at figthing the radio demon.
Vox is the head of Voxtech and mainly handles the programs it shows. He hosts his own segment where he interviews demons, and Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench work for his studio because i said so. He owns their souls, they do the news segment of his broadcast.
His antenna might be thinner when i draw him again, i don't like how girthy they're looking rn.
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rationalisms · 1 year
You mentioned that you don't think legally blonde is progressive and I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on that if you don't mind.
i mean, in the first place (and i promise i'm not trying to sound condescending i just genuinely don't know how else to say this) i think it's important to like... let go of the binary "progressive/oppressive" model of thinking about media, and instead pivot to talking about analysing e.g. films through different theoretical lenses instead.
so instead of trying to make a definitive declarative statement on whether xyz mainstream hollywood romcom IS or ISN'T feminist, fullstop, it's much more useful and conductive to actual productive discussion to analyse it from a feminist perspective instead.
because when you're no longer limited to ones and zeroes, that'll allow you to, say, in the case of legally blonde, both talk about the way that it takes some steps forward in terms of e.g. letting its protagonist succeed at things that are traditionally seen as male, such as academic success (aside: extra ironic bc in most countries women are better students than men but when has propaganda every cared about that), or choose academic success and her career over her erstwhile romantic partner, but also many steps backward.
like the fact that marketing that brand of hyperfemininity/beauty rituals/etc to women as So Empowering Akshually is part and parcel of misogynistic industries owned by men that prey on women's self-image, time, and money to sell them products that they at best don't need and that at worst are actively bad for them. like, they have caught on by now that shaming women for failing to uphold standards of femininity doesn't work nearly as well as selling them as part of a Feminist Identity in which your 50 step skincare routine that you spend 2 hours a day on so as not to show a single sign of aging is actually just Getting In Touch With Your Body and Expressing Your Womanhood. i honestly do not have the time to get into it right now but i recommend reading "femininity and domination: studies in the phenomenology of oppression" by sandra lee bartky, "beauty work: individual and institutional rewards, the reproduction of gender, and questions of agency" by samantha kwan and mary nell trautner, and/or "choosing to conform: the discursive complexities of choice in relation to feminine beauty practices" by avelie stuart and ngaire donaghue.
and so like, the fact that her Grand Crowning Moments in this film (like her win in court or helping jennifer coolidge's character) actually almost all revolve around those beauty practices and how well she manages to uphold them and not, say, the knowledge she's gaining in the incredibly difficult university course she's taking.
OR such as the fact that there's a whole character who's just there to be the frumpy, masculine, feminist lesbian who's suuuuch a killjoy and combative to our poor protagonist for seemingly no reason and just Hates Feminine Women sooo much, and who we are meant to jeer and laugh at when the Right Kind of Woman (read: feminine and heterosexual) wins against her. or how the protagonist's happy ending still has to include a man anyway. or how you can count the people of colour that even just appear in this film on one hand.
this is at this point definitely already long enough lol but i hope you get what i mean? anyway. there's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying this film obviously but it's good to be critical of the way these narratives are presented to us, as always.
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sinkpisser3000 · 5 months
been seeing a lot of danger days headcannons on my dash so i thought i'd share mine :3 Party Poison: Enby, they/them Aroace Is not allowed to put music on in the car Is not allowed to drive the car Can only read very simple things, and they absolutely fucking love Dr. Seuss. They found a whole bunch of old Dr. Seuss books, read all of them (with Fun Ghoul's assistance) and was heartbroken when they had to burn the books for heat. Always kicks their feet when they sit in a chair Constantly stealing Kobra's sunglasses Their boots don't fit them, but they refuse to wear any other shoes Kobra Kid: Trans FTM, he/him Bi Snores loudly He's the one that banned Party from playing music in the car Generally pretty quiet, but gets very loud and excited when someone brings up cars (it's his hyperfixation. that's right, autism blast) Will do the macarena to any music that is put on, and perfectly on beat Would give his life to save his sibling, but also beats them up frequently for stealing his sunglasses Jet Star: Male, he/they/it Pan Definitely has a huge crush on Kobra, who is completely oblivious He's the only one who knows how to drive Goes to bed at 7 PM The Girl (and all the other Killjoys) call them mom Can't read Not actually a very good mother figure. The Killjoys call him mom because it drives them everywhere. Kobra Kid once bit them because they punched Party Fun Ghoul: No gender, only rage. Any pronouns Gay Surprisingly, he's the only one who can read more than just basic words Both the most chaotic and the most responsible Loves to bother Dr. Death-Defying. Once played Christmas music (it was the middle of June) on Dr. D's station Has a TERRIBLE memory Dr. Death-Defying: Trans FTM, he/they Queer Former wavehead, recovered with Cherri Cola's help Pretends to hate Ghoul's dumb pranks, but he actually thinks they're pretty funny Once told Ghoul that if they lick a battery it'll give them superpowers He was in a band before the Analog Wars They're really afraid to be vulnerable in front of others, unless it's Cola or Show Pony, who've seen pretty much every side of him Definitely autistic, but doesn't believe anyone who tells him that Cherri Cola (every single one of these is just me projecting onto this poor, poor man.) Genderfluid, has silly little bracelets to indicate their pronouns on any given day Gay as FUCK Their favorite colors are bright pink and army green Do not let them near Val Velocity. They will kill that motherfucker dead. They're terrified of growing up, but they hate being treated like a teenager Once had a sore throat and thought they were going to die
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rainbowsky · 8 months
hey rbs
Twitter is such a killjoy nowadays for 🐢
I don’t understand why so much infighting happening among the 🐢 that is so sick and ridiculous
Some of the accounts involved in that fight are the og turtles who I have followed for many years, It’s really unfair for them to be slandered by others pretending to be 🐢
OK, here's the thing though...
I feel zero sympathy for anyone involved. If I've said this once, I've said it a thousand times - block and ignore, block and ignore, block and ignore. There's no need whatsoever for arguing. No one wants to see this bickering and infighting. If someone's a dick - block them and move on.
And that includes me if you don't like me saying it.
The thing about arguing on the internet is - everyone loses. The people arguing, those witnessing it. Everyone.
'It takes two to tango', as the saying goes. You can 'pick a side' all you want, but they're all engaging in terrible behavior. And frankly, few seem to have any concept of self-awareness because most of them are doing all the same things they accuse the others of.
And being 'OG' should mean you know better, frankly. Learn from your many years on a warlike platform. Set an example.
My advice - since you wrote me about it - is to either block all of them or else take a few days (or weeks, as they seem unwilling to let it die) off Twitter for your own mental well-being.
PS] "others pretending to be 🐢" - I'd caution against this kind of gatekeepy, clique-ish behavior. There are as many different ways to be a turtle as there are turtles, and some are going to be ways you hate. That doesn't mean they're not turtles. We're all capable of being assholes every now and then, but at the end of the day we probably have more in common than not.
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comphetkoncass · 3 months
i think the biggest divide in fanon enjoyers and canon enjoyers is that there's a lot of hearsay and exaggeration on the fanon side, and it's frequently used to put down characters that canon enjoyers like.
certain headcanons and hurt/comfort bait are fan-favorites in fanon because they're tropey and easily digestible without thinking about it. they take popular character tropes from media at large (the hacker guy, the sensitive one, the sexy one) and reshape canon characters to fit into that trope more easily. but when canon enjoyers see these hcs pop up in our favorite character's tag, we're sort of left scratching our heads, because... well, that's not them. it's especially baffling when they take canon-adjacent scenes (sometimes even extremely compelling ones!) and reshape them to suit these fanon tropes. these often either didn't happen at all, or it didn't happen like that. all the context that makes the compelling scenes interesting to people that read it has been taken away and stripped of meaning, to repackage it as meaningful to people who haven't read it.
some of this also happens in the comics themselves, though. characters can be written as wildly ooc depending on the writer. sometimes they're made spicier and create needless drama, and other times they're made extremely bland and brand-friendly, taking away most of what made them compelling.
there's definitely some nuance here considering fanon and canon writers frequently do the same thing. and i'd hate to be more mad at fans who engage with this content for free, than the people who get paid to write some of the newer garbage.
at the same time though, fandom is clearly influencing canon. and for those of us who like certain characters who have gotten more and more bland and fandom-y... it kind of feels like the end of the road for us. because we can point to older, more consistent, more compelling characterization from older eras, 2 reboots ago. we can talk about how impactful and cool and moving our favorites were, back then. but they aren't like that anymore -- not in canon, and not in fan content. and myths get spread about them, or they're used as bland accessories that are a faint echo of relationships that used to matter but haven't in over a decade due to reboot shenanigans.
and that sucks.
and we frequently get painted as nags and killjoys for pointing out this stuff in fandom. when we say, "hey, that never happened. she literally never did that" or "hey, you might not know this, but due to weird canon shenanigans, that wasn't really them who did that awful thing, it was this other person pretending to be them" or "hey, X shouldn't be mad at Y for not being there, because Y was literally dead during this time" or "hey, if he's his love interest here, why doesn't he know anything about him?" it's seen as policing fandom.
we're really not trying to be killjoys. but it's pretty frustrating having these myths and misinformation and major mischaracterization spread when it's not true. especially when some of the myths and misinformation that get spread frequently overlap with sexist, racist, and ableist tropes.
even attempts at fixing dc's genuine issues with xenophobia tend to fall flat. and that's because because they frequently do this by giving more credence to the fanon interpretation of the character than how they were actually written.
gonna end this essay here, because i think i've said all i really feel about the issue.
but i truly don't hate all of fanon. i can enjoy a nice batfam hurt/comfort romp here and there. i know that every au is legitimately its own alternate universe and that's totally cool. it just gets to be pretty off-putting when these aus include characters that just... wouldn't do that shit. and people start believing that that's actually how these characters act.
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magpie-trinkets · 8 months
I hate what AI art has done to my enjoyment of art. I also hate AI art for multiple other reasons, but that is one of them.
Now instead of enjoying a piece for composition or colour or plain just "this looks pretty" I am instantly suspicious. Sus, one might say. I go through the piece with a fine toothed comb. Is there an inconsistent detail? A mistake a human wouldn't make so far in the process? A weird hand?
Most of AI art trying to pass as art (that I've seen) is heavily rendered, meaning a real artist should've spent hours or days on that thing, chipping away, seeing the piece, which means more opportunities to correct mistakes made in sketch or any other part of the process; it also implies that the artist has some experience and skill, and knowledge of their medium. Art tools, references, etc. Whether you like or dislike their style, their designs or concepts is another matter entirely. This is pure art analysis.
Let's expand:
- Inconsistent details: This is not "this comic artist forgot to copy a detail from panel to panel". This is forgetting bilateral symmetry. This is having fish from the same species have different fin placement. This is weird windows in a normal building, this is breaking a pattern up for no discernible reason. This is a line not connecting with another. This is a detail that shouldn't be there, be there. The AI is good at replicating how something looks, but is bad at paying attention to concepts in the foundation, and it shows with these little details. Concepts that are easily understood by humans by just looking at references and doing sketches.
- A mistake/uncanny wrongness: when you look at a piece for so long, at the same time your back suffers from the unhealthy posture you torture it with, you start seeing mistakes, or things you want to change, or improve, or remove. Like "that pose could be better" or "I forgot this in the background", or "this colour doesn't look good", or "this pattern is too concentrated, I'd better space this element out". An AI doesn't have observational skills or these thought processes. It's also hilariously bad at replicating text. If something feels uncanny, I have to think "did a human make this decision?" or "is the anatomy even correct? the perspective? the colours? the fucking text? it's the fucking text isn't it."
I would offer more specific examples of these, but I try to avoid AI art the second I feel the uncanny wrongness, I have the tag filtered. Once a detail is wrong in a wrong way (I'm not talking an artist accidentally drawing two right hands, I'm talking fingers coming out of fingers) I start to see other mistakes or uncanny decisions. It boils down to the little details.
AI is "trained" (stealing, copying) on multiple other pieces of art. But it copies without understanding. When an artist copies they're trying to understand, they are studying what they copy, and usually they are appreciating what they study. That's why they're called "studies", and they're often properly credited. When they borrow another's style (like Rembrandt) people often say "drawn in a Rembrandt style". AI doesn't do studies, doesn't understand, doesn't credit the thousands of artworks they've stolen from. Because it's thousands, millions. If you tell an AI to generate a painting in a Rembrandt style, you bet your ass the AI is using Rembrandt AND thousand other pieces from different people. But the person posting the AI art says "piece from X AI software in a Rembrandt style!", and that's even if they disclose that it's AI. They don't know which pieces and which artists have been stolen from for that piece. Hey, maybe the AI didn't even copy real Rembrandt pieces. Maybe it's not even Rembrandt style.
I am no longer able to enjoy heavily-rendered, semi-realistic pieces. And the moment AI art encroaches on other styles, we're fucked. Suspicion is such a killjoy, a party shitter and pooper. I hate feeling suspicion every time I see a piece, and I hate feeling right even more.
There's no soul behind AI art. There's no effort or skill. There's no "hours and hours of practicing hand poses". There's no observation. There's no appreciation. There's no intention. There's no love. There's only greed.
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infoglitch · 1 year
Weird head cannons that I had about the scrybes and probably accidentally inserted some trauma into their characters.
P03, I honestly believe that he has a inferiority complex or atleast something similar (the reason as to why I say this is because of the way he talks about Golly disliking her because of her "innocence" which most likely means nothing but It does kinda feel like he's insulting his old self for his innocence which his current form would most likely believe is weakness).
Magnificus, this is just me spitballing but to me he feels like a veteran of some sorts. (I personally believe the reason why he's so strange to others is because he doesn't show who he truly is, and the only way that he could express himself is via arts, tapestries, or just straight up painting, he shows his true self via artwork. And plus him shutting out his emotions would explain why his students are suffering such... Brutal final exams. He's wanting them to not have to suffer so he tests them but ultimately, some of his pupils grow to hate him. Aka lonely wizard.)
Grimora and leshy are more difficult. Because in truth they very honest and truly wear their hearts on their sleeves. (As weird as that may sound it is true, they show themselves for who they are)
But if I could, I'd say the reason leshy might have a distaste or just hatred for magnificus is because he's closed off, leshy is somebody who enjoys a good game but also somebody who isn't a "killjoy" as stoat would say. Leshy most likely prefers an honest person over a unknown. Which might explain why he made magnificus into the STUNTED wolf, magnificus is so wrapped up in his own problems he can't pay attention to anything until it's too late.
As for grimora? Yeah I got nothing she completely honest on what she wants and she doesn't really have any beef with leshy, magnificus, or the sassy android- I mean p03.
So yeah that's all
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grimmusings · 1 year
⭐️ James Rhodes (Marvel) + Clint Barton (Marvel): I'm only vaguely familiar with the crossover in their comics (and I don't think there's a lot?), but hear me out. Clint's chaos is not wholly unlike Tony's chaos, which makes Rhodey particularly adept at wrangling disaster humans. Forced to work together on a mission or something, they might be a lot of fun, or they might totally hate each other, but I think the result would be interesting either way! (I adore your Clint though, and I'd be glad to pair him with any of my Marvel muses!)
⭐️ Castiel (Supernatural) + Liandra (Fallen Angel): I'm not familiar with her comics so Cas and I would have to learn together, but I think a crossover with the fallen angels would be such a vibe! From her bio, it sounds like it would be super easy to fit Cas into her universe, and I could see him coming to her occasionally for help on a case. Same for John Constantine, but with significantly more bitter arsehole energy.
⭐️ Red (The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys) + Pepper Potts (Marvel): Her blog is in progress because I've only written her on Discord so far, but Red is an android from a dystopian future universe. In her Marvel crossover verse, she arrived broken with her battery almost dead and is restored by Tony Stark (who looks a lot like her god, Destroya, in his iron suit). I'd love to see how she vibes with Pepper!
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computerpeople · 2 years
the characters i have the most issues with are matt, mike and sam i think. i just find them kind of generic, and i can't get a spin on them that makes me latch on easy. i've slowly been getting one for sam, examining her character and finding a couple traits i can really work with. she isn't funny, for one, which i personally think is HILARIOUS. but that means she's likely the "killjoy mom friend" of the group which i can sympathize with. she dresses mnnn... like they couldn't choose what lesbian stereotype they were going for, but i love her more "punk" look with the pleated skirt and leather jacket so i trhink i'd lean into that a bit heavier (plus i just hate having a huge group of normies). she also seems to have a hard time with sarcasm or "bits", and is seen as rather "uptight" about her morals. all point to an autistic lesbian horse girl. she reminds me a lot of my little sister, but i don't want to take too much inspiration from my sister for any characters since i'd already be taking inspo from them for hannah and beth (its so funny ive told them since i was like 15 years old that i want to remake the game and base it off us. its so cringy but id literally force them to watch me play and be like (points )thats me, and thats ytou two) anyways. i think sam grew up on the lower side of the rich friends and is likely a girl who is told shes intimidating or "too cool" but then you talk to her and shes the nicest person youve met. i think she likely struggles with loneliness, and relates to josh a lot because of it. anything past that i sort of struggle with.
matt and mike are sort of a mystery to me
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dreamwreaver · 8 months
To any antis (particular charlastor antis) posting in the ship tag; "do me a favor and block me, 'Kay?"
1. Stop posting in the ship tag, since I go there to find content I enjoy, tagging it anti chalastor as two separate words also puts it in the ship tag.
2. Instead of asking randos to block you, how about you do your due diligence and fucking block the tag if you hate it that much? It's not my job to block you, it's your job to curate your own internet experience and stop expecting other people to do it for you. If you're old enough to be on the internet you're old enough to know where your limits lie and where the fucking back button it
3. To anyone bashing charlastor because "it's proship" grow up. The show is about demons in hell, not a single one of the hellaverse ships are morally pure and inherently better than any other. This is just like when the pilot came out and people lost their shit over Katie killjoy being a homohobe and "how could they put a bad character in the show". Again, the show about hell, where the inhabitants of hell are bad people, and wow a homophobe wound up in hell.
Also, y'all must have missed the saying "don't feed the trolls, since the fact the show went out of its way to decry the ship instead of, i don't know, maybe spending that screen time on making chaggie feel more like an actual couple means we already won. If so many of y'all weren't pissing me off I'd actually be angry on your behalf, since I do think rep is important and y'all are getting shafted
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the--highlanders · 1 year
choose violence ask game (loving the name of that btw) - 8, 16, & 23?
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
(this fandom is so small that I don't want to sound like I'm vagueblogging or @-ing someone or anything so I'm just gonna preface this by saying this also goes for plenty of licensed media)
oh man ok. at risk of sounding like a total killjoy who takes everything too seriously & looks too much into stuff. I'm pretty sensitive about. primitivism in the way jamie gets portrayed?? is the best way I can think to describe it?? anything that implies that where & when he comes from means that he's inherently less intelligent, or equates his lack of knowledge on some things with him being stupid. can't stand him being reduced to dumb guy who hits stuff. idiot who has no critical thinking skills or reasoning.
and like, I get that it's a fairly common assumption, the idea that people from the past weren't as smart because they didn't know as much (even setting aside the devaluing of /different/ ways of knowing & understanding) - but, say, victoria never gets this treatment. despite also being from the past. which then leads you to think, hey, why would people make that assumption about jamie and not about victoria?
and then you get to a bunch of ideas which have been kicking around since. before jamie's time, real-world-historically speaking. which depict the highlands as savage, as populated by 'wild' people, by - well - 'primitives'. speakers of a primitive language. violent, at worst, strong, at best, but never intelligent. & this is all starting to sound a lot like the ideas that buttress colonialism and biological determinism, isn't it?
idk. this is a silly 60s family tv show & a very very small online fandom. it's kind of not that deep. but any time jamie gets written off as being inherently stupid (often /because/ of where he comes from), and any time that idea is the foundation of a joke, it rubs me the wrong way, and this is why.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
gfdhkjsg once again this is a v small fandom so 'so many people' is kinda like..... 2 people max probably. & also I've been sort of keeping more or less to myself for a couple years now in terms of actually discussing thoughts & headcanons (except you obviously and also @ettelwenailinon who is always right about everything despite not being super active in dr who fandom on tumblr anymore <3)
gonna go with shipping jamie and victoria tbh. absolutely no hate if you do bc I can definitely see where it comes from in canon/behind the scenes stuff but it is just,,, not for me at all, and so antithecal to how I write/interpret their characters.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
tenrose?? weirdly?? not that I'd say I actively ship it (there is one (1) tenrose fic in my ao3 bookmarks but it's really there bc it's a pretty charming magical realism au and the voices of all the characters are just so spot on rather than bc I ever crave reading about the ship) but. when I got into dr who in 2013 there felt like there was a pretty solid line between rtd fans and moffat fans. & I have always vibed with moffat's era more (neither of them are above criticism obviously, the scifi fairytale aesthetic/tone of moffat's era is just so so so so tailor-made for me personally).
and for some reason tenrose and elevenriver were kind of. bundled into that opposition?? not sure if that was just in my head or something other people noticed/experienced but I felt like if you were a moffat fan you had to ship elevenriver & if you were an rtd fan you had to ship tenrose, and they were like. rivals. (yes I did try very half-heartedly to enjoy elevenriver. no I never succeeded). so I always had this thing of like, I don't like ten, I don't like tenrose.
like I said I still don't actively ship it, I don't get any warm fuzzy feelings from their relationship, but I did go back into rtd's era looking to actively enjoy stuff (after being tired of really not enjoying uh. recent seasons ajhksglf) and found that I didn't hate the concept of tenrose as much as I used to. I genuinely believed they liked each other, I felt the hubris of their relationship worked and built well narratively. never thought that ship would get a redemption arc in my head but I've definitely gained more appreciation for its role in the narrative.
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calechipconecrimes · 1 year
sorry this took so long but im back now with the plot of the music videos/some stuff you can kinda pick up from the songs. SOOOO
i sure hope you remember the characters from last time because im not putting pictures again. perish.
we start at the analog wars, big fight between BLind and the people who would become the killjoys. the fab four were a big part of them and they were led by the girl's mom, who was captured and got draculoid'd at the end though we're not supposed to know that yet. also the killjoys lost the war.
anyway now the killjoys are raising the girl (probably not a great idea considering they're literal teenagers but its fine)
the fab four are just doing their thing blowing shit up hating captilism etc when uh oh the girl done gets kidnapped by korse and a bunch of draculoids so the killjoys go after her and heres where things get confusing (from here on when i say killjoys i probably mean the fab four)
at the end of the na na na video we see all the killjoys on the ground, presumably shot by korse, and the only one who shows any kind of life is poison (he opens his eyes i think)
im really not sure if the killjoys died here or not. judging by the next video i'd say they didnt but also??? idk??? theres a lot of this story thats very up to interpretation but for my own sake we're going to say they didnt die here
so now we're at the SING music video and we learn that BLind have taken the girl back to some kind of headquarters, probably in bat (battery) city, and that the killjoys are coming after her. important little aside here that you dont learn until the comics, cherri cola decided to stay behind despite being the best sharpshooter out of the og killjoys
the killjoys bust on into the BLind building and precede to kick ass for aproximately 30 seconds before poison fucks up and is pinned against a wall by korse and immediately shot (hes dead now) (oopsie)
they get the girl back but as they're going out kobra kid dies, fun ghoul locks himself in to slow down the dracs and then jet star gets shot like five feet away from the getaway car that dr d and a few other killjoys have brought, leaving the girl as the only survivor. sad :(
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and with that i leave you with the best panel out of any of the comics 1000/10
oh they just get taken out immediately that's interesting
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Random (with ♏ENFJ cameo)
♊ENFP: I don't have a type ✨😌✨
♎ENTP: um, I hate to break it to you dumbass, but you do, you're an ENFP
♊ENFP: *screams/screeches fast* I-SAID-I-DON'T-HAVE-A-TYPE!!! 😤🤬 I can not be labeled 💁🏽‍♂️
♎ENTP: everyone has an MBTI type, yes, people with the same MBTI may behave differently duh, you have to account for upbringing, their moral compass, whether they're ND, etc-
♊ENFP: I said 😐, that I don't have a type 😐, period, point blank 😐.
♎ENTP: fine whatever makes you sleep better at night 😒 stay dumb that ain't my problem
♒INTP: I mean technically MBTI isn't backed by science anyway, it's just a theory some psych philosophers came up with, it doesn't even hold much merit
♊ENFP: seeee? You're the dummy 😌
♊ENFP: ;A; *gasps* OFFENDED 😤🙏 💀
♎ENTP: ;^; I'm sowy *pokes INTP on the cheek* please forgive me
♒INTP: I'm not even mad I'm just annoyed
♎ENTP: tbh at this point I'd rather you be mad 💀
♎ENTP: idk, I don't do well with disappointed looks, but angry people look funny
♒INTP: oh I can ASSURE you I don't look funny while angry.
♏ENFJ: he really doesn't 😐
♎ENTP: I mean... come ooon ;D
♏ENFJ: you've never had him be mad at YOU.
♒INTP: honestly you're correct
♎ENTP: it can't be thaaaat bad
♎ENTP: I mean, you being scared isn't much of a high bar 💀
♏ENFJ: 😑 name one thing I'm scared of...
♎ENTP: well... see... um... FUCK.
♏ENFJ: wow you're an asshole... *leaves*
♒INTP: I mean you're also not wrong 💀
♊ENFP: y'all are dicks 💀
♎ENTP: right because you aren't
♊ENFP: I'm a nice dick ✨😌✨
♎ENTP: you can put glitter on a dick it ain't gonna make it more aesthetic I'm sorry 💀
♎ENTP: Don't. Shhh. Stop. Right now.
♒INTP: but like haven't you seen Hentai dicks?
♒INTP: but what if they did 🤔
♊ENFP: ooooh I'm curious 🤔
♊ENFP: wtf did I get into 💀
♒INTP: stfu I saw your search history, do you not know what an incognito tab is?
♒INTP: you are like, REALLY freaky 💀💀💀
♊ENFP: 😐, if you dare, talk about my search history, one more time, at all, anywhere, at any time, 🔪
♒INTP: I'm not really scared of you lol, besides I'm into knife play 😏
♊ENFP: I give up 😑
♎ENTP: yeah they think they're a vampire lol
♒INTP: I AM ONE *hisses*
♎ENTP: it's not gonna happen, let it go
♎ENTP: ok Dracula
♊ENFP: *snorts*
♒INTP: make fun of me all you want, but I will be the one to make an entire race of vampires, genetically modified and everything, but it first has to start with-
♎ENTP: see I'm a simple man, I just wanna be a ghost 💀
♊ENFP: but in order to BE a ghost you have to die
♎ENTP: I know 😎
♊ENFP: ......
♎ENTP: 🥲 put me out of my misery already
♊ENFP: y'all are insane, I just wanna be a pretty elf ✨😌✨
♒INTP: lame
♊ENFP: 🔪
♒INTP: kinky
♊ENFP: *chokes INTP*
♒INTP: *moans*
♊ENFP: *drops INTP*
♒INTP: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
♊ENFP: I can't believe I like them...
♎ENTP: I can 💀
♊ENFP: 😐 what are you implying?
♎ENTP: 💀💀💀 like INTP said, yous freaky 💀
♊ENFP: 🔪
♎ENTP: *grabs ENFP's wrist and smirks*
♊ENFP: *sweats*
♎ENTP: *slowly puts ENFP's arm down* that's it, be a good boi
♎ENTP: then what are you waiting for 👉😎👉 *sings* "if you gave me a chance I, would take it"
♊ENFP: 💢💢💢💢💢💢
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Ep: 🎛 song: The Promise - When in Rome
theme: 80's punk rock NYC
(Some kind of wonderful, maeve wiley vibes, san junipero, stealing back fridge from ex adventure, cheesy 80's romcom-ish) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A straight edge NYU scholar who gets dumped by his girlfriend decides to have the ultimate college experience 48 hours before his graduation. He goes to a club and meets a group of punk rock enthusiasts and ends up hooking up with one of them. The next day he wakes up in her apartment and meets her roommate, whom he was acquainted the night before. She offers to drop him off at his dorm but he asks her to help him in his mission of having the 'ultimate college experience' which ends with going to his ex's dorm and retrieving his 8track player. They go around the city and check off his bucketlist one by one. After getting his 8track player back, they then part ways and she tells him how good people like him never stay in her life that long. After his graduation ceremony, he goes straight to the record store she works at and shows her that he has no intention of forgetting her. (The Promise plays as end montage: At B's graduation, while someone makes a speech, he looks down at his hand where G drew on a temporary tattoo with a marker. He smiles. Cut to G opening the record store for the day. She turns her back and arranges the vinyls when someone plays a familiar track, she looks up and sees B in his toga and smiles)
Moral/Heart of the story: G sees that B has potential and tries to stop him from making regrettable decisions even just for a weekend because she used to be a scholar like him when an ex boyfriend got her into different vices that caused her to lose the scholarship. She lets him experience some kind of fun but ultimately reminds him of his brighter future ahead.
B: You're the girl from last night G: Hate to break it to you, but I'm not that girl. That would be my roommate. B: No, no. You're the girl who wouldn't let me do coke. G: Yeah, because A) That shit's expensive and B) You seemed a little out of place to be doing a coke line with us punks. B: Yeah, well. You see, I have this wild notion, well plan actually, to do the things I should have done during college but never had the chance to. Before I graduate next week. G: And that is to do drugs with strangers? B: Yeah. But I wasn't able to do that because someone had to be a killjoy. G: Oh so you're calling me a killjoy? B: Yeah. G: Ok whatever. I thought I was being the good guy here, preventing someone from get into things that are hard to get out of. B: Listen, I'm not here to be a junkie. I just want the experience of it. A whiff, a puff, a smoke then poof. I'll go back to my old routine and I'd still have a story to tell. G: Yeah well, be careful what you wish for. Shit's addicting in case you haven't heard. B: Yeah well I think I have a strong sense of will power. This is all just for experience. G: Listen, I have some errands to do. You want me to drop you off somewhere?
B: Uh yeah um NYU dorm?
B: Ok, can I ask you a favor? Will you help me tick off this list? G: Man, you've got some priorities. Get 8track player back? You do know we have cassettes now, right? B: It was a vintage hand me down from my uncle, and I made the mistake of sharing it with my ex. Ive decided that I kinda want it back. G: Get a tattoo?
B: Yeah, I think well you know. It could give me some edge.
(At Tattoo shop) B: Oh okay, um h-how about uh.. this one? TA: And where would you want it? B: Um.. how about on my shoulder. No wait- how about make it in the leg? Umm, which uh hurts less? G: Look, I'm not one to be a killjoy- B: Again G:..again. But you know you don't have to prove anything to your ex that you're as good as the douche she cheated you with. B: I know. I'm going to show her I'm better. G: i don't think Getting a tattoo out of spite and possibly jealousy is the best decision as of now. B: I don't think so either but that makes it the ultimate college experience so um let's get right into it.. G: You're sweating. Buckets. You're not even 100% sure about this. It may seem like the cool college experience but having a good story to tell is not exactly worth something this permanent and entirely regrettable. B: Uhh I umm G: Listen, Gary we'll just come back another time. When Mr. Spontaneous here gets his head cleared up and realize he was just using a stage name all along.
G: Here, give me your hand (draws on permanent marker on his hand) If you really want one so bad, here's a placeholder till you finally decide on getting an actual one. When you're thinking straight.
G: Nothing good in my life stays. When they come around, I have to remember they're not a permanent fixture. They're better off not with me.
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