#because if my siblings were in a similar time travel situation i know they would hold the age thing over my head forever
headcanon for the kids' concepts of their own ages during the time immediately following the finale:
Post-finale, there was exactly one instance of Victor being unsure of how old he technically is. He regrets letting that slip, partially because of how concerned everyone looked, partially because Sam wouldn't drop the issue despite Victor very much not wanting to discuss it.
But Sam does drop it, eventually, leaving Victor free to ignore the age question. (Because seventeen feels wrong, but so does thirteen, and everything's a little fuzzy but some things are all too clear and he doesn't want to think about it.)
Until one day, he's talking to Sofia Belkebirs, and she's explaining why, exactly, he can't do [some risky thing with his powers, idk].
"You're thirteen-" She starts, slightly exasperated. "Seventeen." He interrupts, just to be difficult. "Fifteen." She continues without missing a beat. Victor blinks. "...okay." Average out the numbers; that was a fair compromise. Why didn't he think of that?
Romane doesn't care how old she was. She's fourteen now; that's what she wanted. She wants to be fourteen. And she can almost convince herself that it's that simple, except for the days when everything feels off. When she nearly stumbles with every step, disoriented. When she can't fight off the swirl of anxiety telling her how fragile everything is. When nothing feels like the fresh start it was supposed to be.
On days like that, she eventually figures out, it helps to count back and forth.
14 years old on that night in the bunker. 15 years old was her first birthday since age 10 that was spent without her friends. 16 years old was the birthday that Camille helped make cupcakes. 17 years old was the birthday her mom gave her a necklace and talked about the future with her for hours. 17 years old, in the bunker with Victor. 17 years old, in the bunker with Victor, Sam, and Bilal. 14 years old on that night in the bunker. 14 years old, at Bilal's house for cake and presents. 14 years old, remembering.
It's grounding, in a way, to straighten out the years in her head. The details don't matter as much, as long as she keeps moving forward. And she does.
Bilal doesn't want to know. There's too many contradicting memories, too many conflicting emotions. They all culminate in piercing headaches when he focuses on them for too long. Everything's more vague for him then it is for the others. There are gaps in his memory; sometimes he has no idea what he actually lived through.
A classmate asks him how old he is. He blanks, his head feeling like a static screen: inconsistent, loud, rapidly moving, and a signal that something was wrong.
Without looking up from her paper, purposefully nonchalant, Romane answers. "His birthday's [I forgot what his canon birthday is]."
"Oh. So...15, right?"
Yeah, that works.
Sam is fourteen years old. If the topic of age comes up, he'll recite birthdays and let whoever's asking do the math.
Sam is fourteen years old. When it isn't enough for Romane to go through the years in her head, he's fine with listening to her list what she can remember.
Sam is fourteen years old. As long as Victor stops claiming to be, "technically, in a way, older," he'll go along with the phrase "fifteen years old in theory".
(As time goes on, its effects begin to settle. Some memories fade; others sharpen. Within about two years, the kids feel more tethered to this timeline, and more normal about their chronological ages.)
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queenpiranhadon · 4 months
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A/N: okay NOW two more chapters left lol because chapter seven is turning into a pain to write 😭 Luckily school's out for the summer so I have more time to write :) TY @cashmoneyyysstuff MY ICON ILY Here's the masterlist!
Warning(s): Cursing, reader is the daughter of Aizawa, Shinso and Eri are biological siblings, reader is 20 years old, reader befriends Kaminari and Sero, Reader uses "Cattus" as her alias, reader's nicknames are Cactus, Cattus and Cat, reader's down bad LMAO, war, reader gets hurt, blood, reader wears a bra, bad war descriptions lol what do you expect from me, reader is AFAB and female, bakugou finds out 😀👍, ANGST, reader goes home, family reunion, Aizawa gets sick from grief, PTSD, KATSUKI'S NOT SEXIST I PROMISE
Pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪx: Cattus
Time seemed to stop.  
The red color of his eyes, such a warm color, turned so cold. 
“Y-Yer a fuckin girl?!” he spat, aghast, disgust clouding his features, he turns away, refusing to look at you. 
You couldn’t even more, nor speak. 
How could you have been so careless? 
Bakugou lets out an irritated snarl and looks back at you briefly. 
“If the others find out, you’ll be killed.” he says, tone icy and filled with venom. Your heart drops.  
“Get changed and get out.” He cuts you off, not wanting to hear what you had to say. “Now I don’t owe you anything.” 
He exits the tent swiftly, as if he couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as you. 
You were given a horse, and nothing else, leaving without saying farewell to your friends. They would be informed that you had died, and that your body was being disposed of.  
It gave you an icky feeling, faking your death- which was weird, considering you left your family in a similar manner.  
As far as they knew, you might as well be dead.  
Would they be happy to see you? 
The same thought had plagued your mind for days now, yet you never imagined they would come to reality so soon. Your heart sinks with the realization that as of now, you basically let down everyone you knew.  
A tear slips down your cheek, from your discharge, and from that loathing look in Bakugou’s eyes.  
Stupid feelings.  
You knew it would end badly when you found yourself falling for the captain, but just the acknowledgment wasn’t enough to prepare you for the pain brought on by your heart being ripped in half, only for those halves to be shattered beyond repair. 
It was moronic of you to even be feeling these things, just as it was to crush on your superior like you were a schoolgirl and not a warrior.  
But at least now, you didn’t have to pretend.  
You weren’t going to lie, you were going to miss Genken, Denki, and Hanta.  
But now, you were Y/N. And though you were yourself again, there was no doubt Cattus would still be a part of you.  
He always was, you reckoned.  
Cattus was the fiery side of you that defended his (?) friends when they needed protection. He was the side of you that took charge and cared for your family when they couldn’t take care of themselves. Cattus was a warrior. 
And you were too.  
Tightening your grip on the reins, you will your horse to go faster, riding into the night, returning home to your family for the first time in months.  
You found yourself staring at the border of your village after 5 days of travel, the sun setting and your brain half asleep, running purely on adrenaline.  
It was lightly snowing, signs of winter’s presence, though the cold didn’t nip at your skin as much as it used to before. 
Pain didn’t feel the same anymore after what you’d been through.  
Your wound still stung, but you refused to acknowledge the pain- telling yourself you deserved it after everything. Is this how your dad felt after the war? You didn’t know. Though your situations were vastly different, one spending more time fighting than the other, and one almost convicted of a war crime, you knew that the pain was all the same.  
But right now, you didn’t feel pain.  
Instead, anxiety clawed at your heart, dismounting your steed to let it graze freely among the nearby fields, where other horses resided nearby. He would be fine living there with his new friends.  
You walk along the streets of the village you grew up in. You’d one been gone for 7 months now, and yet it felt so foreign to walk down the cobbled streets you walked across so long ago. When you find your home, a pang of sadness washes through you- it looked so empty and lifeless now. You missed you family dearly during the past few months, and yet you refused to acknowledge the feelings because they were a sign of weakness. 
But here you were now, a truckload of emotions crashing into you as you walk up the steps to your porch, the same steps you sat on when you had the conversation that started all of this. The wood creaked under your feet, a sound so familiar and so wrong at the same time. 
So much had changed over time- it was hard to feel like yourself again.  
You gingerly placed your hand on the doorknob, feeling the bumps, ridges and crevices you memorized, your pounding heart was deafening as you sucked in a shaky breath and finally opened the door.  
It was quiet. There wasn’t a buzz of the happiness and joy that you always felt in your home, instead it felt null and void.  
The first thing you notice is the figure sleeping on the couch.  
Your younger brother looked exhausted, the dark circles he usually sported were now so prominent that it was unhealthy. He was skinnier, and a little taller, your heart ached to know that he wasn’t eating well and that he had grown up and you weren’t there to see him.  
Making your way over to him, you brush his hair out of his face softly, only for him to startle and jolt upright, freezing as his lavender eyes widened it realization that it was you.  
He slowly brings a hand to cup your cheek before patting the rest of your body, as if to ensure you were genuinely there.  
“Y/N...” he croaks, tears spilling from his eyes. “Is it really you...?” 
You want to sob, he sounded so broken, so helpless, guilt threatening to consume your every being. Tears slip from your eyes as you nod, letting out a choked laugh as he encircles you in his arms, whispering “You’re home... you’re finally home...” more so to himself than to you, as if to ground him. 
You and Hitoshi end up falling asleep on the floor that day, and you numbly allow him to redress your wounds and receive an ear load of yelling and scolding from your actions the next morning. He isn’t furious as you expected, however, he was extremely worried though.  
“W-What happened while I was gone...” you murmur, refusing to look at him as you sit on the side of your bed.  
“It’s...been a lot...” he sighs, telling you to get comfortable as he fills you in.  
Hitoshi had slept in the living room every night, in hopes that you would come home. At first, he slept on the porch, but Eri insisted he sleep inside saying that he was only harming himself. It was true, as he had gotten a nasty cold the next morning, leaving the ticked off 9-year-old to take care of him.  
Eri was upset with your departure, rarely going out after you left and taking up the chores you did to maintain the household, even though Hitoshi insisted he could do it. She slept in your bed every night after that and was currently sleeping as you and your brother were catching up. 
Your father, however, was a different case. He fell apart after you left, never talked, never ate – Hitoshi was terrified and had asked Hizashi for help, the usually humorous blonde now deadly serious as he and your father had gotten into a terrible argument. The only thing your brother was able to hear was “I lost my wife; I can’t lose my daughter too.” 
You sobbed uncontrollably as Hitoshi held you again, resenting yourself for the pain you caused your family, and resenting yourself for the hateful vermillion stare that you were sure would haunt you for the rest of your life.  
Though scalding tears burned through your skin, it didn’t hurt to cry as much as it used to. They didn’t feel suffocating, instead they felt liberating as you finally unloaded months of negative bottled up emotions.  
Your family was safe, thanks to you, and you were going to make sure it stayed that way.  
Eri wakes up a few hours later, her red eyes lacked their usual luster until they noticed you, the nine-year-old ran up to you and hugged you tight, her tears bleeding into your clothes.  
“Y/N...?!” she gasps in surprise, burying her face into your chest, inhaling deeply as if to memorize the way you smelled. Usually, it would have been weird, and uncomfortable considering you hadn’t showered in a week, but you allowed it, stroking her hair comfortingly, as a few more tears escape your eyes and roll down your face.  
“M’not going anywhere Banana.” you whisper, and she snorts and punches your arm weakly.  
“You know I hate that name.” 
You stayed like that for a while, before letting each other, drinking in each other’s appearance.  
“You look terrible.” she quips and you can’t help the laugh that erupts from your mouth.  
Eri and Hitoshi look at you in surprise – the you that they knew was more reserved, but they had to admit, they liked to see you let go more. You looked happier, and your joy was always contagious.  
Your siblings usher you into the washroom to finally shower, saying you smelled like shit (not really- if Hitoshi cursed in front of Eri you probably would’ve whipped out your sword) and you roll your eyes at their antics.  
You look into the cracked mirror on the way and get a good look at yourself- the first time you had to liberty to do so before you left.  
You truly didn’t look like Y/N anymore, you knew that much. But you didn’t feel like Cattus either. It was the strangest feeling, feeling like two people and neither at the same time. You sigh, dismissing it- knowing that maintaining another identity for so long would clearly have its side effects, but it was still uncomfortable to deal with.  
You were Y/N. But better. And happier with yourself.  
When you finally exit the shower, looking and feeling more like you, clean and in fresh clothes, a thought strikes you.  
“Hey... Toshi...?” You murmur, approaching the purplenette. “Where’s Dad?” 
Hitoshi looks away from you momentarily, before looking at you with sadness in his eyes. “He’s staying at Chiyo’s. Ever since you left, he hasn’t been eating well, and he’s been bedridden for a while. Hizashi says that he isn’t really stable for us to visit him.” 
You don’t listen to the last part- slipping on some random pair of shoes and bolting out of the house before heading over to Chiyo’s home.  
Your heart raced, in sync with your footsteps, one after the other.  
Your mind was even faster however- thoughts of worry and anxiety so strong you felt like you couldn’t breathe.  
Was your father okay? 
Was he mad at you? 
What if he doesn’t make it? It would be all your fault. 
As soon as your mind comes across the thought, your legs move impossibly fast, racing all the way across town until you reach the apocarthy center, also where Chiyo lived, and where she treated those in unstable conditions.  
You knock rapidly on the door, hearing a faint “I'm coming I'm coming...your generation is so energetic these days...”, the few seconds it takes Chiyo to open the door feel like a millennia each- as soon as the door opens, you see the small older lady look at you in surprise, but you pay no mind, slipping past her immediately and running down the hallway, turning the corner to find the room where Chiyo let her long term patients stay.  
And yet, you can’t bring your shaky hand to twist the doorknob and open the door. 
You feel terrible, knowing that any caring daughter should rush in immediately, but guilt wracks your mind, and your heart.  
You feel a hand on your shoulder and look down to see Chiyo looking up at you which a solemn look on her face.  
“He’ll want to see you, Y/N” she says softly, and you swallow thickly and nod.  
Twisting the knob, you finally push open the door and see your father sitting on a bed by the window. Turning his head, he sighs, “Chiyo, I told you I don-” he stops talking once he sees you. 
“Y/N.” he whispers, his voice shook and his eyes were wide.  
He was frailer than he was the last time you saw him, his skin that you always complained made him look half dead was now sallow and sickly. 
You walk over to him slowly and kneel in front of his bed, taking the man by surprise.  
“I’m sorry.” you sob, letting all the guilt and sorrow you felt wash over you. “I know I shouldn’t have left but I couldn’t just let you die.” 
You hear a small laugh and look up to see your father smiling while wiping incessant tears from his face.  
“Come, my warrior.” he says warmly. “You have made me proud.” 
It’s been a month since you returned home- news of the war spread through the village.  
You’d hear about the famed War Dragon and how he valiantly led his troop into battle, without losing a single soldier. It relieved you to hear it, knowing that Denki and Hanta were alive and well – but you still missed them.  
You reunited with Izuku and Ochako, both extremely worried but overjoyed to see you, nonetheless. Ejiro was still fighting for his country, and you missed him, worry bubbling in your stomach at the thought of getting hurt, but you trusted him. Ejiro was strong, and brave, no doubt a courageous soldier- he would come home.  
It was almost like everything was back to normal, but it wasn’t. 
You still jumped at everything, scraping a chair, someone’s limp brushing against yours, even a voice disrupting the silence, everything set you off.  
Eri was significantly more mature now, no longer the bubbly and hyper girl you knew, now more reserved and calmer. She reminded you of yourself, the knowledge was painful, but you were glad to see she retained her voracious appetite and distaste for bananas.  
Your father was recovering slowly, as you were now working overtime to stuff both him and Hitoshi with the food and nutrients, they needed to be healthy again. After you left, they deteriorated both physically and mentally, and so you decided to help them in any way you could.  
You tried your best to forget about the battle in the Chira Woods after that, but something just didn’t add up. 
How did the enemy know you were planning to ambush them? 
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Taglist: @andysdrafts @starieq @nemisimp @missa-archdevilme @coquettefoxxy
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@noodleryworld @yui-aya @ashiblossom @rv19 @wheezdostuff
@yannvi @liluvtojineteyam @ah-mya @surprisemodafakas
@kksmush @sagejin @cax-per @kit-katsukii @l-bozo-l
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Hi, I saw you were accepting requests, could you do sibling scara in SAGAU with a reader that’s oblivious to courting attempts of her yandere acolytes?
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❀ synopsis: how will the acolytes pursue the favor of an oblivious god? this is going to be a various x god! reader
❀ pronouns: They/them
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Ok, this solely depends if this is regular sagau or if this is my interpretation of cult au where the reader is a god who has existed since immemorial. If this is regular sagau the acolytes will lean into the idea of being your possible consort since you seem human despite the claims that you are the primordial god who created the universe. Some of the bolder acolytes like Venti, Childe, Kaeya, and Kaveh will be open about their attempts to woo you. While others like Xiao, Diluc, Rosaria, and Raiden Ei will be subtle with their approach.
While the big reason for wanting to be with you is because they (obsess over you) love you, some also like it for political power and the status that comes with being your lover. It would be easier to control and manipulate the people who aren't there for business to stay away from you, making it easier to cut off your personal ties and isolate you from everybody. Some examples of acolytes who would do this are Ayato, Zhongli, and Ningguang.
Poor reader, whatever profession they had in their old life wouldn't compare to their new life being the ruler of all of Teyvat. Your workload would double because of your followers trying to win your hand in marriage (that you never wished for). Some of your acolytes like Aether and Wanderer would try to reach out to you and convince you to take a break with them and steal you away to travel. Meanwhile, the others like Albedo, Ganyu, and Ayaka who promised to help you lessen your work will wonder where you left and notify the others of your disappearance.
Your obliviousness doesn't help in the acolyte's cases, and even some considered just yelling to you that they wanna (fuck you) marry you. But some are patient and will take their time in making you realize that their intentions are far from platonic and that they are more suited to be your partner. Ngl some of your acolytes might die in this situation since some of the characters will play dirty if it means they get to be your partner in the end.
Now, onto (my version of) Cult AU darling...
Cult AU darling has a bigger advantage here since 1. they have powers. and 2. they are one of the gods who existed before time so managing Teyvat is nothing to them. I would like to think in this case most of the acolytes would hesitate on courting you since, well, your YOU. You're the personification of life and death, your knowledge of the world exceeds every one. But there will still be some acolytes who will try to court you despite this fact.
Shenhe would be one of the followers who despite knowing she will never be your partner, will try to win your favor by being as helpful as possible to you. Every time you visit the adepti she would be right beside you waiting for your every order. Noelle is similar to her but she takes it to the next level, every lunch break she brings you a cup of freshly brewed coffee along with some of Monstadt's delicacies.
I feel like you wouldn't be oblivious in this situation since you are literally an omniscient/omnipotent god, but you just decide to ignore their advances. Which doesn't hurt any less for your followers. Some of the followers like Tighnari or Jean will cover up the hurt by working, but it seems almost impossible to not acknowledge the gaping hole in their hearts. But they understand.
Lovers are supposed to be the other's pillar for support, but your responsibilities as the god of Teyvat are too heavy for anyone to bear other than you. Lovers are supposed to have knowledgeable conversations with one another, nobody can match your knowledge of the universe other than yourself. Lovers are supposed to protect one another, you can easily defeat everyone without anyone's help. You can't possibly be anyone's match unless you duplicate yourself then it might be possible.
But you shouldn't underestimate their determination, some will try to look for ways to ascend beyond the heavens so they can be equal to you.
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umbrellalavender · 2 months
Umbrella Academy spoilers:
I’ve just finished the show.
I’m balling my eyes out on my sofa. Yet at the same time I feel so emotionally numb.
I enjoyed this season so much!
I don’t know if the ending was satisfying or not. I just don’t know. It made me feel something.
I was singing along to I Think We’re Alone Now just crying at the end. And I was screaming seeing all the characters back. And when Gabriel Bà was in it! (It might have been better if I watched it yesterday, considering that’s the day Pogo said?)
There were some moments that just really hit! Lila sending her family off to another timeline knowing that she’s going to have to sacrifice herself. Her and Allison knowing that their children aren’t going to have parents. And just seeing them on the field all happy made me cry so much.
I hate to admit that I wasn’t satisfied with Ben’s ending. I thought it would be a bit more emotional, but it just kind of sucked that he didn’t get that time with the others at the end. The effects when he was turning just made me laugh as well. Ben’s my favourite so I’m annoyed he didn’t get that time.
Also, I do kind of ship Ben and Jennifer. I’m not that familiar with MCR lore, but they remind me of the demolition lovers. When I think about them, I think about the ending of I Never Told You What I Do for a Living, “And never again, and never again, they gave us to shots to the back of the head and we’re all dead now.”
Umbrella Ben’s death hit me so hard! I was expecting this really emotional moment, but the lack of emotions in it really made it.
One: Ben was sent on this mission despite not wanting to go.
Two: They were made to blow up something with a living being inside. Ben didn’t want to blow up someone.
Three: Reginald shot Jennifer and his own son with no remorse what so ever. In front of his siblings!
Four: Ben and Jennifer’s body being the title card felt so brutal!
Five: Reginald wiped their minds so they wouldn’t remember what even happened to their own brother.
Six: He put the blame on his siblings! And gave that utterly shit eulogy! Somehow, that funeral scene found a way to become even more shitty, which is quite impressive!
Honestly, I think this was the best way to do it. There are so many questions around it too. Was Pogo aware of what happened? Was Ben? I get the idea that Umbrella Ben remembers being shot, but he probably wouldn’t know who killed him. Ben wouldn’t know that his siblings didn’t know?
I love Abigail and Reginald! It took me by surprise that Abigail was responsible for this and that she wanted the opposite to what Reggie wanted. Reggie had done all this to bring her back and she wanted to end it all. In a way, Reginald is quite similar to the children with his motivations and it really shines through this season. Colm Feore plays him so well! He’s funny and detestable at the same time.
I also really enjoy the subway system! I think it was a really cool way to show them travelling through timelines.
This might be controversial, but I enjoyed the Five and Lila situation. I’ve seen quite a lot of hate for it. But it made an interesting dynamic when they got back. And it also makes sense for the characters. They had been stuck jumping through timelines for 7 years.
I love that there are quite a lot of comic references in here. A small one is that I recognised who Jennifer was before her name was revealed because her name badge was the same design as the comics. Pretty proud of myself for that one!
But mostly that Klaus got to have his Hotel Oblivion story arc (it is Hotel Oblivion, right).
I have calmed down a little bit after writing this. It really feels like the end, you know? There’s no easy way to just bring the characters back in my mind and I don’t like that. I feel like after every season, I just feel smaller and smaller because of how many timelines they introduce. And this one is the same. It does a much better job at making me feel small. I still feel like there are many mysteries, which would be fun to delve into fanfiction for!
So, yeah. Long ramble about season 4. I enjoyed this season so much. And this show has meant a lot to me over the years. I can’t believe it’s over.
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elisedonut · 2 months
so hear me out
James Potter/Percy Weasley
probably the Percy/Marauder ship I've thought the least about
just by virtue of having to craft a scenario for it
Peter and Remus both already kind of have one built in (both kind of fucked up ones but you know it's there) And Pericus has that whole leaving their families thing to lean on
While with James when he died Percy was like five so like
you have to like decide what AU you want to play with
with that in mind take all of this with a grain of salt im making stuff up as go
Like I do think Time Travel could work with them possibly if the scenario played out well
and by that i mean I think that the time travel method itself has to be kinda obvious and that the Marauders have to be the ones to find him
My logic with this is
we already know because of Remus that James would be interested in something that screams adventure and intrigue because it's already happened once so i just think as long as nothing else is putting him off about him.
Then Percy coming out of seemingly no where despite this being somewhere like Hogwarts where he wouldn't be able to apperate would be able to fuel his curiosity for awhile
I keep just thinking that James is convinced Percy's just also a secret Animagus
Also Percy's kind of like Lily if you squint, and take a step back, and turn your head to the side a bit so could make for a rebound
The only thing here though unlike a lot of other Percy time travel ships I feel Percy would be pushing for James to still get with Lily
unless this more like an Alternate Universe time travel scenario where it seems like the characters in the past but them all of a sudden
*gasp* Myrtle Warren is still alive???
Or you know a different tell that's just the one I've personally seen used
Showing that it's always been a different world entirely
But yeah i don't think Percy would try to take Harry away from his siblings no matter how old he was when he went back so i think he'd still be pushing for James to end up with her
Which i mean could also be fun also it would be funny if it back fired
It could also work in that one Soulmate Au concept i really like
The whole "Meeting your soulmate stupid young is a sign of one of you not living to adulthood" concept
Though for that one my brain is thinking less about James/Percy and more about Harry & Percy
and as with any soulmate au what stupid laws would be in place in that kind of world and could Percy try to claim guardianship over Harry on account of Harry being his soulmates kid (and so by the laws eyes his too) Since I think Percy would be paying alot more attention to him in that kind of universe
Oh and also who Lily's soulmate would have been and also maybe a that person/Percy situation
Let's see let's see
There's the obvious(to me) scenario of the Map having something similar to clones
I've seen it done once with Sirius I want to say? but idk it may have been James
but it's where a part of what they did for the map was stupid and led to one or all of them ending up with copy's of their younger selves stuck in the map for years and stuff
point is easy way to make any ship you want with the marauders imo because it can put them in a situation where their old world is gone and their only choice is to pick up what they can and move along
Even more so with Weasley one's since we know the twins had the map for years so you can have James "wake up" at any point you want
and added bonus for James/Percy
Percy doesn't share a room with anyone so if you were to have it happen pre-war and have the Weasley's just take James in. It would make the most sense to room him with Percy since even if James is the youngest he could possibly be he'd be closer to Percy's age then to Ron's
Yeah yeah Bill and Charlies room would be empty so yeah he could stay there too and it would work too because then he'd be pushed to sleep in Percy's room when Bill and Charlie come to the burrow for holidays and such which could be just as fun because then they would have short times of not being used to it vs constantly being in each other's space
even though I do think Story wise him being pushed into Percy's room with him from the start has more potential for fun interactions tbh
Last one
James lived somehow au
Maybe only James and Harry
maybe they all lived somehow
Divorced DILF James/Percy
its a simple one but sounds fun to me
I have no other thoughts other then that though
Maybe Percy's a tutor for Harry or something idk
Personality wise i think they could maybe work depending on how you interpret them and what directions you lean for them
James is an asshole but that's never kept me from shipping Percy with someone before
and James is a Quidditch boy and a Head boy like 👀 that's like two of Percy's types that i like to give him rolled into one If you find a way for James to live until middle age you can have him tick the older man box for Percy to
I do worry if i went looking for it though That Percy would be written like snarky/sarcastic and way mean for no reason and feel nothing like Percy to me and James like all the stuff i hate when reading really off (to me) Oliver depictions though so you know
Final answer idk Fun to consider though
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tar-maitime · 4 months
like my mirror years ago pt. 3
Rating: T Characters: Maedhros | Maitimo, Fingon | Findekano, Finwe, Feanor Additional: Years of the Trees, time travel, AU, fix-it WC: 1k
Read the previous installment here Apologies for the delayed update; life hit like a semitruck there for a bit.
“Maitimë? Who is this?”
Maedhros freezes in her tracks, causing Findekano to nearly stumble into her back. The plan had been for Maitimë to get them into her father’s house in Tirion, so they could explain the situation to Fëanaro and discuss their ideas for exposing Melkor. Good ideas, all of them - Maedhros would believe in them if her memories didn’t firmly contradict any of them coming true.
The plan had not involved running across...
“Haru Finwë!” Maitimë says, a little too brightly. “This is...a friend I have recently become acquainted with, and I had something here that I wished to show her. I did not know you were visiting today.”
Maedhros has a sneaking suspicion that she should bow, or do something similar. It’s been so long since she was at the court in Tirion, and even then, the rules for her and her siblings and cousins were of course different from those for strangers. She can’t remember any of the formalities properly now. All she can think of is the awful silence before the messengers finally said what she’d already begun to guess, that her grandfather was dead - the awful blankness in her father before rage had taken over - the way that her aunt Findis had put herself between Indis and anyone from Fëanaro’s family, all through the hastily arranged funeral - the broken grief-sounds that Indis had tried and failed to suppress...
Her grandfather’s death had shaped every moment of her life thereafter, and yet Maedhros had never really gotten the chance to mourn him, every moment being consumed with something that needed to be done, people who needed to be held together or managed.
And now he’s alive, right in front of her, and doesn’t know her. 
Her cloak and hood, she’s fairly sure, are covering the armor and her shorn hair, but the manifold scars on her face are still plainly visible, and she can feel Finwë’s concern as his gaze tracks over her, trying to figure out what happened to her, what’s wrong with her. 
She wants to wrap herself up in one of his hugs and cry, but that would be startling and abnormal even if he recognized her, let alone with her being presented as a stranger. 
“My king,” she murmurs, with a dip of her head, acutely aware of the roughness of her ruined voice.
Anyone who had lived in Beleriand for any length of time would have noted the things about her that don’t belong, would have disregarded politeness in favor of a healthy suspicion and investigated. Perhaps once, before the Great Journey, Finwë would have done the same. But the Finwë who is king in Valinor sees only his beloved granddaughter’s odd but harmless friend - everything here is harmless - so he merely nods and smiles benevolently and goes his way. “I shan’t keep you.”
She will keep him, though, if she can, Maedhros thinks with a sudden ache. She will keep him and her father and her cousins and brothers and Findekano, everyone she loves - keep them alive, keep them from becoming what she has had to become. She no longer cares if it is impossible. They have to try anyway.
“Come on,” she says, once Finwë has gone. “We need to find Atar.”
* * *
“Nelyafinwë! What has happened to you?”
That’s all it takes for Maedhros to feel her knees go out from under her, because. Fëanaro was looking at her when he said it. He looked at her and called her Nelyafinwë; he knows who she is.
“Atar,” she says, and that’s all she manages before she has to sit down on a mercifully uncluttered stool and Fëanaro abandons what he was tinkering with and crosses to her in three quick strides.
The actual Maitimë is beside her in another moment. “Atar, how did you know?” she asks quietly. “Even I couldn’t guess; I had to be told.”
Fëanaro looks downright offended. “She is my child. Obviously I would know who she is. Now,” he turns back to Maedhros, “Nelyafinwë - other-Nelyafinwë, I suppose - can you tell me what happened that did all this to you?”
He reaches to hold her hands, seeming disturbed when he only encounters one, but she grips his hand tightly in the one she has. Another person she’s lost, here in front of her again, alive and real.
“You’re not going to ask how I got here?” she says.
Fëanaro half-shrugs. “That is less urgent, probably, and I already have a theory or two. Travel back in time or from an alternate Singing seem the most likely. Right now I want to know what I need to do about whatever hurt you.”
She’d almost forgotten about when he was like this, when he genuinely cared for them and wasn’t lost to the grip of mania and paranoia. He’s so close already, at this point in the timeline, to falling into that, but perhaps that will change, too, if they can stop Morgoth.
“It was Melkor, Atar,” she says quietly. “A lot of things, but mostly Melkor. We have an idea of how to keep it from happening, and that’s why we came to see you. We’re going to need your help...and you’re probably not going to like the kind of help we need.”
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dazed-poltergeist · 2 years
Powers of Eden (I)
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Associated fandoms: Assassin's Creed x The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Altaïr Ibn La'ahad x Reader (Platonic), perhaps some Altaïr x Malik in later pieces
Warnings: One (1) spoiler for The Umbrella Academy
Summary: The reader, who is similar to the "The Umbrella Academy" character Five Hargreeves, attempts to travel back in time. While it succeeds, they travel a lot further back than what they would've liked..
Add. Notes: Allow me to give some background on Five, for those who haven't seen the show: The original Five Hargreeves comes from an adopted family of 9. The siblings' names are Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben, and Viktor, and his "parents" are Reginald and Grace. Along with his siblings, Five has superpowers, which in his case are teleportation and time travel. He used to work for a timeline related commission as an assassin. In this story, the reader/Five has no affiliation with the said Commission.
{ I've returned with a new piece! I'm pretty sure that I will write more parts for this, but I'm not sure how I should write a specific part related to languages without using Google Translate. So if any of you has advice related to that, I'd appreciate if you spare some for me. In any case, it looks like I managed to write something before St. Patrick's, so happy (still early) St. Patrick's Day! My so-called "spice" for this time is that I speak in English a lot more than in my mother tongue, which causes me to forget words in the latter language. }
-Eero, March 2023
Masterlist ✧⁠*⁠。
When you were younger, you would practice teleporting –and on a few rare occasions, time travel– with Reginald's guidance, starting with a few small units at a time and then building up from that. On these very few occasions, he only allowed you practice time jumping to the future, and whenever you questioned him for that restriction, he would say things along the lines of "A wrong move down the line could change the whole world as we know it," "Time travel is far more complex than teleportation," and "You were not educated enough to understand time travel."
Even if what the older Hargreeves had explained to you these days was true or not, he wasn't just a prick, he was the whole cactus. Today felt like a good day to not listen to what he had told you, just to spite him. It wasn't like Reginald was going to stop you anyway; He was dead, "playing tennis with Hitler in hell," as Klaus said before his funeral.
You told Grace and Viktor about what you were going to do, even though they weren't going to know that when you meet them yesterday, the day you planned to jump back to. You strutted to the Umbrella Academy's courtyard, where after two attempts you successfully opened a way through time.
Except, when you stepped through the ripple of time and looked for signs that you actually time travelled instead of teleporting in an arduous manner, you realized that you weren't in the Academy's courtyard anymore.
You were standing on the roof of a small, sand-colored building. You could see a city around you, with a bunch of houses and towers in different shades of yellows and whites. You recognized a large building as you took in your surroundings; a blue and white temple with a gold dome acting as its roof. With the famous temple in mind, you easily concluded that you somehow ended up in Jerusalem.
Once you came out from your daze of admiring the landscape around you, you realized that a hooded man dressed in white was behind you, staring bullets into your head. You wanted to tell him about what happened to you, but given your location, you doubted that he would understand you.
The assumption ended up being correct, because he began speaking in an unrecognizable language. The only useful thing you could do in that situation was gesturing to him that you didn't understand him, which was exactly what you did. Some gears seemed to align for him, and as a response he took you by the arm and into the building below you.
The two of you landed on the floor of what seemed to be an outdoor living room. You couldn't really take in many details, since the strange man continued dragging you through the building. The room you stopped in had a collection of bookshelves, baskets, pots, and many other things, but what caught your eye was a one-armed man standing behind a table.
The cripple noticed you the moment you and the hooded stranger walked in, and began to question the latter about you. They talked for a short period of time, then the man behind the desk walked away from the table to you and the other strange man.
The two men turned to you, and tried to introduce themselves in the most simplest way they could to someone who didn't understand their language; they pointed at themselves and said their names. The now formerly hooded man introduced himself as Altaïr, and the other one with a dark robe over his similarity white outfit introduced himself as Malik. You told tell them your name in the same manner; you pointed at your torso and said "(Y/N)."
Altaïr looked at the other man and said something in his language, to which Malik chuckled and made another comment as a response.
("A name. That's a start.") ("What a funny name. You certainly weren't wrong about the 'odd person' part.")
The two began brainstorming on what they should do with you now; they couldn't let you leave the bureau, because you didn't understand their language, you likely had no idea what the surrounding world was like, and you looked like someone out of a bizarre story told by a drunk bard. All they could think of with the given circumstances was that they needed to take you in.
Malik went to one of the shelves in the room, and began looking for books that could possibly help with the language barrier. You joined him to look for documents with dates on them; you needed some year written on a recent paper, to get an idea of how far back in time you actually jumped.
Altaïr realized what you were doing, and found some excess paper to write down the year for you. You took the paper and thought that you wouldn't be surprised about the year, since their appearances seemed to give it away. Yet, you were very surprised, even for someone who just time travelled on purpose. You had jumped into the period of the Third Crusade.
You quickly recovered from the shock that came with that fact, and wrote down "2019" onto the other side of the paper Altaïr had given you. You gave the paper to him for both him and Malik to see. The two froze in place, and Altaïr dropped the piece of paper onto the ground. They turned to look at you again, and visibly wanted to ask multiple questions about the future from you; you could see the eagerness on their faces. Unfortunately, the language barrier was no help.
The presence of an inability to communicate with you made the two white-clothed men determined to try and teach you their language while you were under their wing.
For a change of scenery to let you process what happened, Altaïr took you back to the main area of the building, where he sat you down. He walked into a third room to get you some food, after Malik had left you two alone to find you some clothes that would help you blend in—to make it less obvious that you've come from 900 years into the future.
As Altaïr handed you some food, Malik came up to you two and placed a small stack of clothing next to your legs. He muttered something to Altaïr in their foreign tongue as he was walking back into what you concluded was probably his office.
("If they need help with the clothes, you can count me out.")
Since the building usually didn't have any visitors of your kind, majority of the spare clothes were related to what seemed to be their uniform. The clothes Malik had provided you included a pair of dark pants, some white robes similar to the ones Altaïr was wearing, and plain boots fit for running and climbing, along with a leather harness to keep the clothes in place. Those clothes obviously weren't what you were used to wearing, but they were relatively better than the ones you had on at the moment.
You left Altaïr alone into the main area to go change into the robes. Only after you had changed you realized that your clothes looked like a downgraded version of the two men's outfits. You concluded that the clothes they wore had different features based on ranks. You didn't even know what kind of organization they worked for or what their jobs were, so you couldn't put more thought into the conclusion that you had just made.
As you got back to Altaïr, you only then felt the exhaustion from the energy-consuming time jump kick in. Even if you would've had enough energy to try time-jumping again, you wouldn't have wanted to risk accidentally travelling into the Stone Age. The little "living room" seemed comfortable enough to be used as a bedroom, which was the reason why you lied down in the bundle of pillows that were sitting on the ground.
The white-clothed man briefly disappeared into another room and returned to get you a thin blanket. As you prepared to rest, Altaïr sat down to begin contemplating on the things he could try to do in order to help you adapt to a possible life in Jerusalem. Thanks to a sheer lack of ideas, he only thought of recruiting you as a novice for the Assassin Order.
Now that you had fallen asleep, Altaïr went to Malik to consult him on what they should do.The latter thought that recruiting you—a strange person who literally emerged out of nowhere and couldn't even speak their language–into the Order was an outrageous idea that should be out of question. The dark-coated man also added that they couldn't even take you to Masyaf to swear you in and train you there because of the language barrier. But even then, their morals told them that teaching you was the best they could do with the lifestyle they had.
The two decided to show you a little thing or two about being an assassin, without making you an official member, and see how it would go. Malik proposed that he would teach you their language whenever he could multitask, and Altaïr added that he could show you a move or few while he trained or when he brought you along for an info hunt. All they could do now was to wait for you to wake up and get ready for a bring-your-novice-to-work day with the two men.
Personal pointers: A particular bureau for Assassins that Altaïr frequently visits in certain fanart is in Jerusalem, since Malik is the Rafiq there. Like majority of the buildings in that city, the hideout is in the color of sand and maybe a few specific spices.
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liliallowed · 2 months
ok guys imma be real with you I'm so tired of people saying proshipper with pitchforks. I'm tired of proship defenders raising their shields. I'm tired of a me vs them mentality. let's break things down.
I haaaaate people who use the whole: "it's just fiction." or "the bad affects will be addressed" then proceed to never aknowledge the wrongness as if it's normal...
bro crimsondust is not normal they're fucking crazy. I assume I don't need to say it right? it fit's the characterization. the story flows nicely and they WOULD stab each other to death while kissing because of the corrupted codependency.
anyways more proshipper thoughts and rants below. avoid if not comfortable.
but like I get it there's this ick that's different with like other stuff because murder is so cool and edgy in fiction. probably something to spice things up despite being morally wrong.
but other stuff erm... kinda creepy. if it was addressed or part of the intended characterization it'd still be icky but not this much. because your mind would EXPECT that from the character.
anyways what I'm saying is I don't like in*est I don't like age gaps I don't like those stuff because it's OUT OF CHARACTER.
if I was in character then I'd be more lenient to endure it and wait to see how it's addressed as something harmful. as long as it's not condoned and the psychological impacts are explored I think it's okay...???
like the coffin of Andrew and leyley. those guys that ship is IN CHARACTER. it's weird. it's messed up but you... kinda get it because they only ever had each other to rely on... and the toxic stuff about familial bonds IS ADDRESSED. leyley can easily manipulate Andrew because they grew up together. that's like one of the base problems with in*est. too much information. too much private access to stuff that you normally wouldn't know if you were partners...
like I think we should take the time and think WHY is in*est wrong instead of treating it as an alarm to run away.
controversially I think the coffin of Andrew and leyley handles the conceptualization well and takes accountability for how fucked up the situation is. they live in a [SPOILER] FOR FUCKS SAKE!
anyways in that context I actually don't mind it. it's fitting it feels like it fits in the world. and it's like... tragic even. it's sad.
now back to the utmv fandom. when you ship Frans or fontest...
it feels like broken glass or nails on a chalkboard for me. like HE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT. no I'm not talking about proship bad, anti good. I don't care it's all fiction.
I'm talking about people activity ruining a character bending the rules just to get to the pairing. that shit makes me angry. that's insulting. that's kinda character assassination.
go make ocs as siblings and have them make out or some shit. it's weird sure but I don't really... care? you do you man.
just don't do that to these character.
like if you had a character that's so self obsessed that they'd probably fall in love with someone similar looking then it's in character to ship them with a sibling (blegh). that can WORK. if it fits in the story if it dices deep INTO the psychological aspects and explores the good and the bad unbiased.. that's GREAT even!
like I don't really care about the moral implications. my fucking pairing is a serial killer and a time loop maniac. they're horrible people but because it's "in character" nothing is bent out of proportion to make ends meet it flows nicely together.
I care about character assassination and people RUINING the characters.
like I already shared my thoughts on Frans. I get the dynamic. it's friking cool! time traveler x the judge. but uhm... you DO realize frisk is just a child you're guiding through the underground right?
and sure you can say they eventually grow up... then marry sans or some shit...
isn't that a little fucked up to you? that someone knew you as a kid and now they're your partner? these relationships are problematic for a reason. partners should not know private life matters without consent. partners should not be RAISED tougher in one place.
childhood friends works because it's still two seperate lives.
Frans is still equally fucked up even if you age frisk up. and I'm not saying sans would do anything. no absolutely not. he in fact would push frisk away and... uhm possibly call them to go see a therapist maybe? don't soul bond bullshit me. he's their fucking uncle. he's their dad. HE CARES FOR THEM as if they're his own child.
ahem... okay anyways. I don't like Frans because sans would know better. and you know he wouldn't so you use soul mates as an excuse. that's gross. that's character assassination. that's bending rules.
just have the friking SOUL fall in love with him. like plop out frisk's soul. frisk is free to go do their own think then u can have that dynamic. leave da child vessel out of it.
as for fontest... uhm... okay Frans might have been a bit excusable but this is just straight up out of character. I don't even feel like I need to explain why it's icky right? I've been rambling on and on about the importance of established characterization. they would not fucking do it. HAVE YOU PLAYED UNDERTALE my guy. have you touched grass.
okay you may argue you can ship what you want sure. why don't you ship everything else then. just put a character randomizer and ship unbiasedly.
again I hate how the fandoms developed into proshipper vs anti when uhm... you know there's people who just aren't on a far side right?
-"oooooh lili likes coffin of Andrew and leyley she must be a perverttttt"
I mean if that's what you think you're free to leave now. I believe I've shown you enough of my true self for you to understand.
and no this isn't emotional manipulation I'm coming clean so moots that feel uncomfortable can leave and I can stop pretending to be neutral.
I'm NOT neutral I have tons of opinions!
but to call me proship or anti is... idunno feels like you're trying to just put me in a box without listening to what I'm actually saying.
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starlightfyre · 9 months
Thank you for answering my questions! It’s alright for not getting to them sooner, you’re not obligated to answer them, and I got the feeling that everything keeps trying to stop you from accessing your Tumblr haha.
You’ve clearly put a lot of thought and effort into building your world of Dracos, and I’m curious to know how dragons like Landia and Ice Dragon would fit in, if at all, since your world leans more towards anime lore than games. (Sorry if this question isn’t welcome, I’m going through a Kirby dragon world building phase of my own and want to poke the brain of another dragon enjoyer)
You would be right, haha! My devices and usual situations sometimes prevent me from checking Tumblr xD
I'm glad you asked! :D our AU draws a lot from the anime while fusing quite a bit of the games in. So I'll happily explain the wider lore of dragons! Dragons are some of the mightiest of beasts found in the Starlight Dreamers and Dreams of the Stars universe, and are often respected or feared. So any beast that falls under the species of "dragon" is treated with caution or high regard.
There's various kinds of dragons that fall under certain categories. I'll explain the category that ice dragons fall under first.
There are dragons that are demon beasts and/or monsters, which are dragons made or commonly used by Nightmare. Ice Dragons fall under the demon beast/monster category. Demon beasts are creatures that are usually made of negative energy, so most dragon species of this category are usually not nice! But you can come across some that are raised by good people or even Star Warriors as companions of war. Overall, ice dragons are neutral unless raised good or bad! A common name also used for demon beasts are Nightmares since they're often made of corrupted Dream Matter. So an ice dragon qualifies as a Nightmare Dragon. There are many other types of Nightmare Dragons as well, some worse and more evil than others!
Dracos fall under a category that is similar to demon beasts, interestingly enough! Except they're positive magical creatures made of Starlight and untainted Dream Matter. So holy/star beasts, I guess? Creatures that fall under these categories are called Dreams– a concept that belongs to my sister @blazingstaro (check out her stuff for more on the various species of Dreams outside of the Dracos!). So in contrast to Nightmare Dragons, Dracos are Dream Dragons. They're capable of traveling the stars and traversing the realm of sleep when they rest, as well as developing Super Abilities as they grow old. Dracos were born to combat Nightmares and were born in the image of their ancestors, the Origin Dragons, which I will explain after this. In their birth to the galaxy, they evolved and improve on the weaknesses that led to the near extinction of Origin Dragons to have better chances of survival. Because of their similar make to demon beasts, corrupted Dracos become Dracomares. So, a Draco CAN become a Nightmare Dragon.
Origin Dragons are the ancestors of which Dream and Nightmare Dragons were made. Origin Dragons are primal creatures of Dream Matter that were generally neutral depending on the individual. Unlike their Draco descendents, they couldn't traverse space, but were masters of elemental manipulation, such as mastery to cause storms, breathe fire, move earth, and other elemental powers! Landia in particular has lore significance. Eons ago, Landia ruled as kings over a dragon city long before the Dracos or Nightmares existed. The four siblings guarded the Master Crown until the day would come that it would be gifted to a worthy ruler who would lead the Champions of Starlight; wielders of four sacred blades made by the elements and blessing of four powerful dragons of that time (two of those blades being Galaxia and Galacta's lance). The Crown was stolen though, leading to it's misuse and eventual corruption. Landia was lost in an unknown space in that battle and the world was torn asunder, starting the decline of the Origin Dragon's near extinction. As seen, eventually the crown does end up back in their possession, but they guard it for the purpose of it not falling in the wrong hands until Magolor stumbles upon them.
Here's some art examples!
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Landia, when split into four dragons, are actually kinda small xD they become large when fused! The sketch of one of the Landia dragons between two others is another Origin Dragon on the left (Athrodite) and a Draco on the right (Branwen. She's young here, but she grows up to be around Athrodite's size).
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Here are examples of demon beast dragons/nightmare dragons. On the left is my stylization of Ice Dragons! On the right is one of the fiercest of nightmare dragons; the silver dragon, based on the dragons sometimes seen in the anime. This one in particular is my character, Cynder. Silver dragons breathe fire and are quite large, easily rivaling Origin Dragons in size! They don't speak but understand speech, so are highly more intelligent than they give off!
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Some colored Origin Dragons! On the left is Azymondias, on the right is Elyna. She's the only dragon of her era to have manipulation over the element of space and Starlight and is rather important to the backbone of my story lore. She is thought to be the base of how Dracos work modernly! Azymondias is a storm dragon, and aided in raising and teaching Branwen. Both of these characters are no longer around.
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And lastly, examples of powerful Dracos and Dracomares! The left is the Alpha Queen Draco. On the right Firush, a Dracomare. Dracos come in various body types that are close to Origin Dragons!
Dragons are an important part of the lore of our stories! Dream and Nightmare Dragons are what came after Origin Dragons. The four dragons that aided in the creation of the sacred blades are an interesting topic I plan to talk about at some point. But I hope you enjoyed this dive into our world's lore on dragons! The Dracos and Origin Dragons are very important in my stories, so I'll be sharing more about some of the those characters as my stories go on ^w^
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So I just saw one of yours umbrella academy post. Imagine if Umbrella academy familly met cursed princess club, how do you think it would go?
(Sorry I just woke up; so my thoughts might be a bit jumbled)
Umbrella Academy x Cursed Princess? Now that a crossover I haven’t seen! But!!!
Now I feel like if the umbrella gang from season 1 meet the princess; it would probably be chaos.
- for one thing; if the UA somehow got transported to the Princess world; they’d be so so confused? (“Five you can travel to different dimensions??” “No??? Idk how this happened”)
- s1 Luther and Lorena would get along. Maybe Diego too…All three of them are very strong and they all want to protect their family.
- Alison would probably try to remember as much detail about this world because she absolutely going to tell this story to Claria. She probably hang out with Maria
- once she find out the princess are actually teenagers she probably get a bit worried for them.
- Klaus and Jamie would hang out. But Jamie would definitely get uncomfortable around Klaus since S1 Klaus is an addicts and idk if the pastel kids like, know what addict are.
-Jamie’s would forcefully try to talk to Five. Because one he thinks he’s a kid (oh thank god there a another kid here around my age) and two he wants to talk to fashion with him. And three, Jamie probably wants to help five because he could tell something was off.
- also??? Victor and Gwen??? Oh my god those 2 are super similar. But Victor would like low-key be uncomfortable with how happy and positive the Pastel kids are and how they have healthy (at first glance) relationship.
-if S1 gang meet the Curse princess club? They would probably fight. But after the fight they probably stay and try to figure out how to get home with their help (the UA gang are reluctant but they don’t have any other choice)
- Prez would try to help them, with different levels of success. (Luther, Klaus, and Allison I can see Prez being successful). But with the others; it take a longer time to help.
- the UA gang once again feels weird that an actual 25 year old has better communication with her emotions then them….
-They have mixed feels on the Plaid Princes and King Leland. (That dude is totally suspicious.” “Ew plaid?? With pastel?? That a horrible look” “why does he keep wanting to have them be married?”
- five is so so stressed. First he in the body of a 14 year old, then his siblings don’t believe him about the apocalypse THEN he’s transported to a new colorful world. That boy is so angry and anxious; he just wait for the commission to strike. (He half believes that he’s in a situation or he’s having a weird dream)
If the S2 UA gang meet the Princess? Nothing super major would change.But there would be more talking and less “fuck around and do whatever type of plan”
-S2 Allison would immediately try to adopt all the pastel kids. (Were is you dad? Wait he leaves for super long trip? You don’t know what he does for work???)
- s2 Diego would be like 100% more suspicious of King Leland. (He would also definitely teach the kids how to throw a knife)
-s2 Klaus would actually try to talk to the kids and try to figure out what is happening. But in like a odd semi cryptic way? He would go from place to place gathering info and making enemies.
-s2 Luther and five are just…exploring and learning about the world. Probably end up helping Klaus.
-s2 victor lose his memory so he like super confused about what’s going on. But he like, help take care of the palace and kids and teaches them how to play the violin.
-s2 gang meeting the cursed princess? They still try to fight; but less so. They actually try to work with them; but not try to communicate on what their feelings.
S3 gang? Oh there so fucking tired of dealing with the apocalypse and whatever that this might as well happen!
-S3 Allison is so so angry and bitter but she try not to take it out on the kids. (Jamie forcefully try to talk to her)
S3 Luther and Diego are just vibing. They talk and question Leland and his motivation because why the hell not? What gonna happen? Another apocalypse yeah, whatever.
-s3 victor would try to talk to Gwen because damn; the little girl is so painful like him. He would also probably get along better with Prez too.
-S3 Klaus and Five also try to find out what going on; but this time they would actively go to the plaid kingdom place and search for clues.
As for how the family would get home? Not a clue? Maybe either a magic object or thought the power of love?? Idk
Oh my goddd I forgot about Ben!! Ok so like he’s a ghost? So there like a 50% change that ghost can be seen in the pastel world; so depending on witch season goes to the Pastel world, there different reasons.
S1 gang is shocked and upset that Ben was here the whole time!!
S2 gang are still upset that he’s here but yay! He’s here!!
S3 ???? :( no ghost!ben in season 3
(Ughhh hope this rambles was to you’re satisfaction! Sorry that not like a whole lot of characters analyzing…But this was pretty fun to do?)
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mysterybooks-world · 5 months
I would like huge applause for @chiquitafresa
For my giving great idea name for my OCS
Visuelle sister & Visuel brother of Vox
I was thinking about their early childhood Like old cartoon kids having adventures for example The Chipmunk Adventure
when they became a teenager They were like The Three Stooges They traveled around the world and worked in different jobs
Vox is like Moe, Visuelle is like Larry and Visuel is like Curly
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They made many acquaintances, friends, and enemies on their journey
when they became adulthood They became CEO Of their company
They bought lands. They built their own Studios
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(note some ghosts are haunting here, they were friends of the triplets When they were teenagers) in the years They protect the place and take care of it.
They do the coolest and greatest shows
You could say they were like (the greatest showman) (JINGLE JANGLE)(movie Cats Don't Dance)(Singin' in the Rain)
You know, like old movies
Visuelle is married to my other OC he is man, Let's say Vox and Visuel spy on their date, like the siblings of overProtect In Each Other
they mess with him Like pranks and tricks But in the end they accept him In family.
the reason vox in hell Although he killed some people who tried to harm him, his family and friends
Vox didn't tell his siblings
In hell vox changed
He does not regret his actions, but the only thing vox regrets is not telling his siblings the truth.
poor Visuelle and Visuel They miss Their brother
In heaven They started their own company like Vox They know all the information about heaven
Their appearance like demon vox. suit Light blue colour And a TV for a head With light blue wings and a halo angel.
Visuelle and Visuel find out They have the ability to open portals between Heaven, Earth and Hell
They decided to search for their brother The first changed their form into demons like vox.
vox was in his office when he felt vibrations From two familiar Signals
From nowhere his siblings They appeared from one of the screens. vox couldn't believe the two people in front of him And he said Visuelle ,Visuel Is this really you?
Visuelle: Who else are we similar to each other, you dummy?
Visuel started crying and He jumped on Vox for a hug, Visuelle did the same thing And the three of them started crying While they curse each other, After the family reunited
They started scolding Vox In not telling them anything But the important thing is that they are together again
Visuelle and Visuel like Velvette BUT Valentino oh boy So let's say, they taught him politeness.
If they meet Because they keep it secret
Vox talked about Alastor And about his behavior with him They both tapped their hands on their screens and They shake their heads
All the while Vox was in hell losing a part of himself. vox no longer cares about anything like before, not without siblings.
Because he lost his desires And his determination Without his family So he began to treat the world like his stage He doesn't care about anything, he just plays the role
So when they started spending time together Some things in his life improved in hell
Vox moved on about His past with Alastor Because with his siblings he can be his true self
So yeah that's the story of my au.
I have other au for them like (assassin triplets AU)
Do you know Yor Forger and Yuri Briar from (SPY x FAMILY)
They are a mix of both
All three of them died at the same time At the age of 43 When they were fighting enemies and They sacrifice their lives for the lives of thousands from a dangerous type of weapon.
They fell in a park on the bushes. They try to make sense of the situation while The three of them hid in a tree. Visuel says something silly About their appearance
When a random Sinner was walking Close to them. They caught him And They squeeze all the information out of him. They threatened him not to tell anyone About meeting them.
Anyway After they realize that they are in hell
Visuel: This is funny, whoe knows death has a future
Vox: What do you think we should do?
Visuelle: This is a simple question my brothers We will live a peaceful afterlife Or at least we try live a peaceful afterlife, look at the chaos
Visuel: Yes, we deserve eternal rest
Vox: Sorry to break your optimism But we need a job and a home. Here's the plan. So we'll open it as a TV store and Devices & Studio
Visuelle: sound like good plan
Vox: And the important thing We don't become a overlords or meet overlords And I mean this Visuel
Visuel: Why I didn't do anything?
Visuelle: YET
They by electricity After they discovered how to control their power
After they settled in an area in their home
The first floor and the second floor are a shop and the rest of the building is their house.
Vox was on his way back to the store When he saw everyone running away and screaming The Radio Demon, Vox teleported over a building to try to avoid him, And when he was inside the store
The doorbell rang
welcome to the VoxTek store How can I help you?
But his facial expression changed to one of shock when he saw it in front of him Alastor
Alastor: Alastor a pleasure to be meeting you quite the pleasure
Vox: Hello, I am honored to meet you Radio Demon What brings you to my humble Studio store?
Alastor: Call me Alastor is Enough
Alastor: I've heard a few things about your store From some Sinners
Vox: So I hope what you heard is a good thing
They start a conversation with each other.
Visuel and Visuelle entered the store
They were ready to kill the Radio Demon Behind the door But Vox told them do not do at by through their shared frequency.
so They stand With Vox behind the cashier
Alastor: It's rare to see three Sinners similar in appearance,
Visuel: You don't say, looks at him With sharp look
Vox kicks his foot under the table
Visuel: What did I do
Vox invited Alastor over for lunch
While they were eating
This scene happened The spoon got stuck in Vox's mouth
When they looked at the instead of Jam jar It was a jar of glue
While Alastor burst out laughing as he watched vox chases his Siblings
And that's how they became friends
But later they became overlords Because of a certain deer.
Because Alastor can't stop laughing when he's with them
to Alastor He feels found treasure of entertainment from the pure kind
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midnightmah07 · 6 months
fiiine if you say so, but I'm still gonna make you something!
Plus I said it'll probably make you cry! No guarantees it will!
Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you've ever thought about how Rigel is essentially doomed to be alone for his whole life*pushes away the OC made to be his gf*
Just think about it, Rigel age regresses and reverts back to acting like a child when in overwhelming situations, making me viewed as childish by peers and strangers. The only people that actually know why Rigel is this way are Idia, Ortho, and the other STYX workers(I don't think Perse would know what happened to his uncle, she'd just know that Rigel acts childish and doesn't ask why). He was a child when he lost his uncle in front of him and no one, except the Shroud boys, were the only people to comfort him, until they were gone, he lost his friend and had no one else to turn to, because his only source of comfort is now gone for good.
So he's now manipulated himself into thinking the death was his fault and that it's now his duty to carry on his legacy, even if he doesn't want to, even if it's not who he is. He's lost himself in trying to become the image of his uncle so as to pretend he's still with him and that he still has a family, because due to the neglect of his parents, he's forgotten what they even look like whilst they are trying to reignite the long dead relationship of parent and child.
However things changed when he and Perse became siblings, he finally had someone who'd be able to lift him up, allow him to be himself, and finally have a family member who'll stuck by his side and reciprocate his love
Everything is finally going right. Except for when it doesn't. Book six.
Ortho convinces Rigel to join him in resetting the world by promising the reunion of him and Charon, his uncle, or his father because the two are so similar in every way, they might as well be father and son
The plan fails of course, which deepens Rigel suppressed depression, true Perse yelled at him, but she still loves him, she wouldn't hug him if she didn't because no one who didn't love him hugged him
But when Perse eventually leaves and Idia and Ortho take over STYX, he's not going to have anyone left to stick with him, and with his and Perse's argument and the hurtful words said, did she actually love him or was it just pity for the hurting boy? Was everything fake and he was just being ignorant as she went along with it? Or was he just being delusional into thinking that he could actually have someone who loves him so much where he could be called their family? That's up for debate
But the blot that has compiled ever since he was six certainly knows the answer, or so it thinks. It just wishes to feed and give him the reunion he's always wanted.
Maybe he is the splitting image of his uncle with the repressed depression and the love of boat rides on the river
I'll have you know that I'm definitely going to make some sort of drawing of Rigel's pov of Perse during his overblot *bats eyes cutely*
Literally why are you guys so mean to your OCs... Like let them be happy people oh my Gosh y'all are messed up😭
Also wait as I read this I'm unsure if I made Perse's roles with the Shrouds clear, Perse is basically another worker at STYX! Her family has served the Shrouds for generations and she's basically stuck to Idia and Ortho's side ever since she was a child! Plus not only that but when she's older she ends up marrying Idia (which yes basically breaks the Achillea-Shroud relationship but like... She's "stuck" with him now but willingly) and this basically solidifies that she's not leaving his side lol
Granted, she does travel for work a good amount of time, so maybe in those instances Rigel could've felt alone? But other than that she doesn't really have a reason to leave STYX/the Island of Woe and by consequence Rigel's side
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wolfsplosion · 1 year
Do u have any specific things ud like to see n the new stranger things? :>c
Mike and Max friendship; I KNOW it's probably not gonna happen bc there is Shit Going On and they are probably not going to have time for slice of life interactions (this is going to be a reoccurring theme on this list methinks) but the little crumbs of madwheeler bestieism we get make me CRAZY like they are so similar in a lot of ways but also the opposite sides of a coin (e.g. uncaring family situation, Mike coming from wealth and Max from poverty) and every time we see a flashback of the events directly prior to s4 they're next to each other and it only makes me crazier .. I just want like ONE scene of them being platonic best friends PLEASE
Will happy ending; this can mean a lot of different things tbh I just cannot have him die or end unhappy .. this also means that anyone he cares about has to be safe too like Joyce and Jonathan and El and the rest of his friends!! if he's not unequivocally happy in the final episode I will change the trajectory of the Duffer Brothers lives
Eddie flashbacks; like how we see the aftermath of Max's brother's death effecting her, I want to see Dustin mourn too (I mean, I don't Want to see it, I want him to be happy, but like. I want to see it. you know what I mean.) also the rest of Hellfire, especially Lucas and Mike and Erica .. show their reactions too I'm begging . my little pet headcanon is that Eddie made Mike realize some things about himself (🤨🏳️‍🌈❓) (not in a ship way I'm not a freak I just think he had an Awakening) so like seeing him process Eddie's death would be so. it'd be so
Byers-Hopper found family; I think I am almost guaranteed this in some way but I'm still crossing my fingers for it! show me WillEl twin behavior or ELSE
more siblingism in general; I appreciate s4 for giving me more Lucas and Erica screentime crumbs bc they are so sweet and I love their sibling dynamic sm, I wish we got more of that with Mike and Nancy as well like remember in s1 when they were like "no more secrets between us!" and then didn't fucking do anything with that. let them be siblings please
Byl3r (<- censoring for superstitious reasons a.k.a. I do not want to invoke ship discourse here); I have extremely controversial thoughts abt this ship, like as in I don't . I don't really think the writers are gonna . no I shan't say for fear of my life . but it'd be nice if it did!!!! Will deserves to get what he wants all the time always
Steve surviving; I am so fucking scared
parallels between Will and Henry; weird little boys with strange(!!) powers and trauma....... I think they're probably going to do this at least subtly considering the lines are already there in s4 but if they were more direct I'd be happy, I'd probably care a lot more about Henry's whole thing if Will was involved I'm not gonna lie to you
Max getting out of That Whole Situation; I'm not saying what exactly happens at the end of s4 because Ro might be reading this and we haven't watched the end together yet & I don't think he knows what happens . Ro if you are reading this it's fine everything is fine but also it's so not fine and I'm so scared and afraid. Max bestie we gotta get you out of there
more Argyle; speaks for itself, I'm obsessed w that funky lil stoner & I need him to give Jonathan more terrible therapy it's awesome
El autism diagnosis; this one is a joke. or is it. no it is. or is it
time travel; I'll get a little more into this down there ↓ but I think it's likely to be an element of s5 .. we'll see
now hear me out. here's some things I either do Not want or would be very nervous if they included:
Eddie coming back; WAIT STOP HEAR ME OUT PLEASE .. I want him to not be dead as much as the next Eddie fan and I think the ending they gave him was complete horse shit awful. but I also do NOT have any faith that they'd do a bringing-him-back storyline properly . I've read some good fanfic about it which only would make the reality of whatever they'd do more disappointing ! BUT the exception to this is if they pull some time travel bs, which I think is a good possibility tbh, like with the upside down being stuck in the day Will went missing and stuff, and then they could prevent all that from happening in the first place. I'd still be nervous about the quality of the writing but I'm on board w this conclusion nonetheless! but Eddie coming back as Kas or whatever.. well. I'd just be nervous putting that in the hands of the stranger writers I'm sorry
M!leven endgame (<- censoring for superstitious reasons a.k.a. I do not want to invoke ship discourse here); I just don't know how anyone likes them romantically I'm ngl . it's fine if you do please do not come for me I just don't get it . I fear they will end up together anyway but I don't like it . I'm a Mike apologist but El deserves better than a guy that can't even physically say that he loves her
Will with a gun; this sounds like a joke but I'm so serious hglkjfdgk, I know a lot of people want him having a badass moment with a gun mirroring the shot in s1 where he's taken by the demogorgon and that sounds cool but I just. don't think it suits his character I'M SORRYYY I love that he's a protagonist who's gentle and sensitive, there are other characters who can kick ass violent style rather than my special little dude
anyway that's just off the top of my head, I have so many thoughts swirling around in there so I might be back to add more thank you so much
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akmu-archives · 10 years
[140410] ['Raise Your Voice High!'] Article by Woman Chosun
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As the lyrics of an anime theme song goes, the two brother and sister musicians who are ‘not pretty but lovely’ have returned. Suhyun and Chanhyuk, the behind-the-scenes stories before and after their debut as they became Akdong Musician.
Do you remember the sibling duo Akdong Musician who came from Mongolia? These two friends captivated the audience two years ago with their unique lyrics, unconventional looks, and kind voices. They recently released their first full-length album and revealed their inner selves through an essay. From homeschooling in Mongolia to becoming real "celebrities" after the audition, listen to their story.
Akdong Musician's appearance has as much "impact" as their music. First, they don't look like identical artificial humans, and second, it's surprising how cute and lovable their slanted eyes and protruding mouths can be. Above all, they're firmly against cosmetic surgery.
"My nose is very small. People send me pictures of flat-nosed ugly dolls, saying, 'Suhyun, there's someone who looks just like you.' But what can I do, even I think the ugly doll’s nose looks very similar to mine! One day, President Yang Hyun-suk also laughed and said, 'Suhyun, your nose...?'. I was surprised and stood there, and he said, 'It's really cute.' That's a relief. He didn't say that I'm ugly like everyone else does, but that I'm cute because my nose is small." (Suhyun)
Chanhyuk has been wearing glasses since he made it to the finals. It's not because he has bad eyesight. He thinks they are the 'high point' of fashion in their own way. He also says that they are like a frame that brings out different aspects of himself and captures them like a work of art.
"I wear glasses because I think they make me look much cooler on stage, but also as I want to look a little more like a musician than I do now. At the age of 18, the word 'musician' still doesn't feel familiar to me. [...] Of course, my eyesight is as good as a Mongolian eagle, so glasses are just the accessories on my face. What I need is a frame to put my image in. At some point, the number of frames gradually increased, reaching 40. During that time, I met a variety of people and showed myself over 40 sides of myself." (Chanhyuk)
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Have You Ever Tried Homeschooling in Mongolia?
Two years ago, Akdong Musician was in the spotlight with their unique music style and unconventional looks. A columnist at that time interpreted their free-spirited musical world as "the bottom line is free-range." It's true. How could the emotions of these two who rode horses and ran through the grasslands while being homeschooled instead of going to school and attending academies be bland? It is undeniable that their out-of-the-box thinking was the musical nourishment of Akdong Musician.
"It didn't take long for me to realize that not going to school is not all good. If you avoid doing something just because you don't want to, it becomes even more difficult! [...] In conclusion, studying at home is a dozen times harder than studying at school. [...] What I realized after dropping out of school is that school isn't such a bore after all. How ironic!" (Suhyun)
Chanhyuk, who had an ordinary school life in Korea until the 5th grade of elementary school, found himself in the situation(?) of attending MK School in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia the following year. However, his worries were just temporary. It was only a matter of time for him to adapt to Mongolia, the land of Genghis Khan and the grasslands.
"My Dad wanted to come to Mongolia so much that he persuaded my Mom for five years, convinced us by telling stories about Mongolia. My parents came to Mongolia with a 'missionary' purpose, but I followed them without knowing anything. It was the same for Suhyun. [...] The landscape of our family's travels also changed. On weekends, when the uncles I knew came to pick up my family to go play in the meadow, we would get in the car and drive through the field. It was as if the earth was round, I ran and ran across the fields as if I would meet the whole world if I kept going forward." (Chanhyuk)
Dad, a warm and friend-like presence
'It was a sight that I couldn't have imagined within the framework of what I understood about Chanhyuk. I realized that I had misunderstood Chanhyuk before.' This was what Akdong Musician’s father Lee Seunggeun said in an interview with a daily newspaper. It seems like the father was quite surprised by seeing his son's lively presence on TV. However, if you listen to Chanhyuk's story, you can see that it is his father's interest and love what makes him who he is today.
"In truth, all this time, I've been writing novels and composing music just to see my Dad feel happy. Every time, my Dad would look at me with eyes full of expectation, which gave me infinite courage. So I wanted to work harder, more and more, to do well every moment. […] My Dad's compliments are filled with sincerity. In the past, his praises were just at the level of 'Good', but this time, he pointed out specific things about each part of the song I sang, like the finishing touches were good, the sound was good, and so on. My Dad said he was living alone in Mongolia, and would watch the parts we appeared in repeatedly at night when he came home. On my dad's SNS, there were posts about me every day.
'Amazing, amazing, amazing.'" (Chanhyuk)
Dreaming of Music
A girl dreaming of Berkeley College of Music, a boy who didn't even know he had a talent for composing. The younger sister with a clear dream and the older brother who couldn't figure out his future were unknowingly sharing one intersection called music. Moreover, since they are siblings bonded by blood, there couldn't be a better compatibility than this.
"Is there any place on this planet where you can't go even if you say you want to? Even if it's a difficult place like Berkeley, I wouldn't cave in. I thought that one should always aim high when it comes to college or dreams, and Berkeley was the highest goal I could reach. When a goal had been set in my mind, I would draw a picture of it." (Suhyun)
Unlike Suhyun, who said she would go to Berkeley College of Music no matter what anyone said, Chanhyuk unknowingly had music ingrained in his body. He learned the guitar watching his dad, who played it so well that his hands were full of calluses. Then, after listening to a song composed by an older brother he knew, he thought, 'Should I give it a try too?' And that became the beginning of his composition. As his family continued to encourage him, Chanhyuk realized. 'Ah, I guess I’m good at something too.'
"Since I started composing, I have welcomed a new life. They were just songs I made just as they came to mind, yet they were met with reactions from my parents that were truly 'big bang.' Especially after dinner, my Dad said he wanted to hear our songs as a dessert. [...]
When I opened my eyes to music like this, melodies that were hiding somewhere inside me came out of my head as if they had found an exit. It seemed like there were so many songs hidden in my heart, since wasn't it true that I had had a lot to say all this time? Some days, I even received song orders from my friends. "Don’t cross your legs, how about that?" (Chanhyuk)
I Want to Become a Hardworking Genius
"It is said that a genius cannot defeat a hardworking person, and a hardworking person cannot defeat someone who enjoys what they do. Effort is always a necessary condition for success," says Akdong Musician.
"Before, I didn't know what it meant to work hard. I thought it was different from just doing what you like, that studying was what it meant to work hard. [...] A hardworking person must succeed. That's what makes the world fair! It is said that everyone in the world is born with some amount of talent. To make the most of that talent, you've got to work hard. [...] Only by putting in effort would you become something in the future. I am optimistic about my future. I love my practice room more than anything else, as if it were my own home!" (Suhyun)
YG Entertainment, home to Big Bang and 2NE1, became Akdong Musician's new home. In their early days, they attended concerts by Daesung of Big Bang, who was also known within the team for his entertainment skills. On that day, Chanhyuk confessed that he saw a 'charismatic' Daesung, not the 'funny' Daesung. Witnessing firsthand how Daesung captivated the audience made him realize the tangible results of hard work and sweat.
"After <K-Pop Star> was over, while we were still swept up in the excitement of victory, Suhyun and I went to Japan with CEO Yang Hyunsuk and Lee Hi. It was to attend Big Bang Daesung's concert. Perhaps because we went with the CEO, our seats were in the VIP section on the second floor. [...] To sum it up in a word, I was literally in 'brain freeze' mode. Until then, our stages had always been modest and small. It was the first time I fully felt what it truly meant to dominate a stage, and what it meant to communicate with fans." (Chanhyuk)
Source: 악동뮤지션의 못 다한 이야기
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pachecodayanna · 11 months
English Project
Story: a description, involves a main character who pursues a specific, measurable goal that provides the audience with a means of gauging progress from the time the goal is made clear until the outcome of its pursuit is expressed clearly in terms of success or failure.
tale: is a narrative that is typically shorter than a story and often involves elements of folklore, mythology, or legend. It may be fictional or based on real events, and is often told to entertain or educate the audience.
Science Fiction: a form of fiction that draws imaginatively on scientific knowledge and speculation in its plot, setting, theme,etc.
I wake up at 6, and then get up five minutes later. However, for the first time, I fell down of bed. Consequently, I woke up saying, "What happened?, Maybe it was a nightmare, that happens to anyone."
I wanted to have breakfast in some restaurant, but I had no money. Therefore, I went to prepare breakfast. I defrosted a pizza and put it in the microwave. While waiting for it to be ready, I saw through the window how the sky was strange. On one side, it was sunny, and on the other side, it looked like a tornado was approaching. Perhaps it was the climate change that caused that sky to color.
While I was eating on the sofa, I turned on the TV to watch the news. There, they were reporting that the level of water had fallen off. As a result, I said, "It can't be!. Could it be that I am dreaming?" My brother Franklin woke up in a happy mood. Meanwhile, I was processing the information, so I dish up him a yogurt with fruit. Until our babysitter named Lucy arrived, she said people were like crazy because there was no water. For this reason , she told me, "We should get out of here!". Hearing this, my brother jokingly said, "To a magic world?" Being in his 20's, I did not find his comment funny, knowing the situation. Nevertheless, we could only do one thing to travel in time.
Therefore, my family kept a secret under the house, a lair. My parents were scientists and inventors persecuted by the FBI because they had built a time machine. Then, I had to tell the truth to my brother and our childhood nanny. As a result, we made the decision to travel from 2023 to 2000.
As soon as we arrived, we tried to warn people about the consequences in the future. So, I was able to have an appointment with the president. When we met and I explained the situation, he told me, "You are crazy." In response, I told him, "You will regret what you just told me." He called his guards, and until a community believed us, we did campaigns, surveys, everything.
Finally, we came back to the present knowing that there would be a change. Consequently, that is how we realized that not always the person we think will help us does, and that a small community can make a global change.
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I used a website called Picsart to create this picture with artificial intelligence. To get this image I used the statement ''Siblings and babysitter hiding".
Rueff, R. (n. d.). The difference between a story and a tale | Discovering the soul of your story. https://soulofyourstory.com/the-difference-between-a-story-and-a tale/#:~:text=the%20other%20side.-,Simply%20put%2C%20a%20%22story%22%20involves%20a%20main%20character%20who,related%20to%20an%20overarching%20goal 
Manaher, S. (2023). Story vs Tale: Deciding Between Similar Terms. The Content Authority. https://thecontentauthority.com/blog/story-vs-tale
Science fiction Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com. (2021). In Dictionary.com. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/science-fiction
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hiraya-rawr · 3 years
Family Roots (Diluc, Kaeya)
note: a little drabble about Diluc, Kaeya, and reader who's been looking for their brother after being abandoned as a child
first (current) || second
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Diluc met you one gloomy evening.
The tavern only had a handful of customers when you walked in, cloak over your head, ordering a simple meal. He whipped up your order and you ate in silence; but when the time came for you to leave, the skies darkened with thunder and rain. You decided to linger a little bit longer, indulging yourself by the bar.
"What would you like?" He asks, hands cleaning a wine glass.
"Um... Grape juice?" You reply and sure your answer was odd and it definitely told him you weren't a local of Mondstadt, but it isn't a first. He prepares your order and you start to make small talk with the bartender, to which he only acknowledged to satisfy his own curiosity.
Information was power, after all.
"So what brings you to Mondstadt?"
"I'm looking for my brother," You say, swishing the grape juice in your glass.
What is up with people looking for their siblings? Diluc thinks, recalling a certain blonde traveler.
"He's in Mondstadt?"
"That... I'm actually not sure." You give a dry laugh, "To be honest, I barely even remember his face."
Diluc turns to you with an eyebrow raised, "Yet you're looking for him?"
"Gotta know the family roots, I guess," You shrug, "There are... a lot of things I want answers for."
The redhead decides to entertain you; he has access to a pretty large information network after all. Helping out a stranded stranger in his bar sounds like a good way to pass time before the rain subsided.
"I'm quite familiar with the people of Mondstadt — as a bartender and resident myself. If you don't mind telling me a bit more, perhaps I can be of assistance." He offers and you smile.
"Thank you but, I really don't know where to start. The situation is kind of... complicated,"
"I insist."
And who were you to deny the help of such a good looking man?
"I was about 5 years old when my father dropped me off in Fontaine," You start with a sigh, eyes glossing over, "He gave a lot of instructions, I don't remember them at all anymore but I do know that he left my brother somewhere alone as well."
Diluc hums. So it was a basic case of abandoning your own kids, honestly, some parents...
"Well, long story short, although I did make a life for myself in Fontaine, I just thought that maybe if I found my brother... I'd feel a semblance of home, y'know? Or closure, at least."
And Diluc does understand because what is this man if not family issues.
"5 years old.. How long ago was this?" He asks you, refilling your cup of grape juice.
"15 years ago. My brother was about 8 years old back then."
"And your brother... Any prominent features?"
"Well, It's a bit blurry but... he had a pair of beautiful... mismatching eyes." You say slowly and Diluc freezes because he knows a pair of beautiful, mismatched eyes.
He knows someone hiding one eye behind an eyepatch, abandoned 15 years ago on a rainy day much like tonight. He knows of a little 8 year old boy, shivering in the arms of his father, Crepus, as they entered the winery.
He looks at you and he notices the resemblance; the subtle hints of similar features and it's all too similar with him.
The door chimes open, the rain and thunder break the silence between you and the bartender. Boots clank on the wooden floorboards as someone makes their way to the bar where you sat.
"I can't believe there are actually some people other than Diluc who would drink grape juice,"
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part two is up 💗
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