#because it's after midnight now
lucreziagiovane · 6 months
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FRANÇOIS ARNAUD as MANFRED BERNARDO MIDNIGHT, TEXAS (2017-2018) || 2.06 "No More Mr. Nice Kai"
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napping-sapphic · 1 year
i love sapphic people so much we’re all so beautiful and deserve so much love i love you i love you i love you
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fictionalsownme · 26 days
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More Than A Woman | wilford warfstache x gn!viewer / reader |
chapter one - "I've known you very well"
A/N: hi everyone!! I'm so excited to post this! Usually I spend a long time on the stuff I write but I wrote a good chunk of this in a feverish burst haha, I've been wanting to write for Wil and had such a clear idea of how I see him in my head for so long :)) This fic will probably be around 10 chapters~ish and progress will probably be a little slow but I'm also trying to get faster at my writing so I guess we'll see! Getting it down is always the hardest, then you spend a bit of time hating it, then the fixing can start! Anyway, I hope you guys like this, I love this dorky weirdo a lot for whatever reason, and I'd love to write for other egos too :) ((there might be a guest appearance or two in here in the last few chapters if plans don't change 👀)) hope you guys enjoy the first chapter at least! lmk 🥰! word count: 2.9k notes: reader is gender-neutral, similar to all of mark's stuff :) -- the title is just after the song! no pronouns or descriptors are used other than the occasional they/them. reader is the viewer (& district attorney) from wkm, adwm, ahwm, iswm, etc, but that won't come up until later. wmlw wilford. story will be mostly fluff, some hurt/comfort & angst, lots of romance and flirting! story is adapted from an idea I had for my self insert. we will get into some lore stuff (or at least my understanding of the lore 👀) and filling in gaps with headcannons, but it's mostly about wilford & reader and I'll try to explain as we go so don't worry about it too much if you don't know all of it. especially since I don't know if my understanding is always 100% accurate 👉👈 let's have fun yall! 💞
masterlist | AO3
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The music playing softly over the convenience store speakers was pleasant, if slightly boring. Like elevator music— there only to help ease the passing of time. Your night shift would end soon, and the sky could be seen as it lightened more every minute through the windowed front of the building.
Other than that, the old store was quiet. Dusty. Pink and orange neon strips lined the walls near the ceiling. They overpowered the dated fluorescent lights, casting everything in a slightly peach haze. Like a dream. 
Different sections of the store were marked with neon too, the letters glowed against the wall denoting the drinks, the snacks, the hot food… You liked your little store. Even if the unyielding isolation of your work made you a bit… complacent. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d truly talked with someone.
The ice creams chilled your fingers through the wrappers as you pulled them from their box and slotted them into place. Even with the cold air of the freezer wafting over you, you could smell the cool summer air coming in the sliding front doors.
You liked to prop them open on dawns like these. The convenience store lights did draw in the occasional pestering bug, but they usually found their way out again before long. You did get a bat once. Albeit a little crazed and frantic, you were surprised to find it harmless. Maybe a little lost. Now that thing seemed like it would never leave. 
Refocusing on your task, you brushed your condensation-soaked fingers on your work apron, tied tight behind your neck and around your back, and shut the freezer door. 
The motion alert chimed a pleasant tune through the staticky old speakers as a customer entered the open doors from the street.
You called an automatic, “Welcome in~,” and went about straightening a shelf of snack bars and chocolate. You didn’t bother to look in their direction as you heard them make their way through the aisles.
“Pardon me,” said their strange, nearly British accent from beside you now. You turned to the source of the voice, the man who’d just walked in, and your eyes went to his outfit first. 
A silky-- almost sparkly in how it caught the light-- lavender shirt with mismatched buttons revealed expanses of his bare chest. It was paired with white bell-bottoms and a fake pink afro hanging half-off his head, about to fall off. He had olive skin and dark hair-- nearly black--, fluffy and sticking up every which way like hands had been running through it. Scruffy facial hair framed a thick mustache that tinted slightly pink where it turned up at the ends.
He looked… honestly, he looked ridiculous. But the 70s getup was fun, you supposed. And his eyes-- dark brown and monolid-- were handsome. Underneath all the… extra mess. You blinked, slowly, in a way that felt like waking up.
“Uh, hi. Are you coming from a costume party or something?” It was August, but you supposed it was never too early to start the spooky season. 
“Oh! Do you know of one? I do love a good costume. But no. Just the regular-sort. Just woke up from one.” He scanned the products near his head, grabbed a protein bar, sniffed the wrapper, guffawed, and put it back.
“You just woke up? Are you alright?”
“Oh, worry not, friend, this is normal for my level of reverie! I’m not even hungover!” He laughed, his hands going to his hips.
You stared at him.
“I was just looking for something to gnaw on! To nourish myself before I’m on my way.” His eyes were still traveling all over, not really seeing you.
Now in theory, a strange man coming in at this hour, acting even stranger, with his clothes disheveled? You knew you should be on your way to your safe space behind the counter to get him checked out and exiting the store as fast as possible. But there was something about him… 
Something you couldn’t place…
Instead you raised your eyebrows and relaxed against the cooler door. “Uh, I guess that depends on what kind of food you like,” You offered. After a moment, his gaze landed on you and he seemed to finally take you in. Your uniform, your crossed arms, your patient expression, your features. His face scrunched into confusion.
A moment passed, staring at each other like that. “Your shirt’s looking a little rough, you know.”
“Have we met, friend?” He asked as he began to fix his buttons. 
You watched passively as more of his chest came into view. He either didn’t notice or didn’t mind your blatant staring. You weren’t sure why you were staring, or what you were feeling as you did so. 
You weren’t gawking at his abs or anything-- well,-- not that he didn’t have abs. He did, sort of. The expanse of his chest and abdomen were tight with toned muscle. He definitely wasn’t lacking abs, anyway. Either way… this was about something different. 
You wondered for a moment if a vague familiarity was what you were picking up on, but quickly dismissed it.
“I feel like I’d remember meeting you.” 
You realized with a start that your comment could be seen as flirtatious, and added quickly, “Just, you know-- generally.”
But he just hummed and spun on his heels, turning away. You sighed and found yourself in-step behind him, hands in your uniform pockets. Like it was the most natural thing in the world. 
“Well, either way!” He started, his energy returning tenfold. “Let's see what this cute little shop has to eat!” 
For some reason, you asked, “Do you have money?” 
He froze. “Er, no~. You don’t mind, do you?”
“Mind what?”
“Well, spotting me of course! Let’s just say I owe you one, eh friend?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “Thought so.” 
Thought so? Maybe you did know him… 
It was your turn to squint in displaced confusion. “What’s your name?”
His voice came from behind you and you spun around, your shoes squeaking on the tile floor. When did he sneak around you? 
He bent over and twirled his hand, a flamboyant bow finally knocking the afro off his head. “Wilford Warfstache, at your service.”
“That’s your name?” 
He righted himself. “For now.” It suited him well enough, but for some reason it sounded misplaced.
… But no, either way, you definitely hadn’t met him before. You didn’t know many people in the first place, let alone someone so eccentric.
Still, you were curious about him. Curious about his personality and who he was. He felt sort of like a puzzle waiting to be solved. And so far, despite his quirks, despite how admittedly weird you’d also been acting, he’d been friendly. You couldn’t say the staring and prodding questions were too in-character for you. At least not when it came to customers. 
His hair looked softer without the wig to weigh it down-- parted at his brow and long enough to fluff over the tips of his ears and end where his neck met his spine. You reached down to scoop the curly mop of synthetic hair up off the floor.
“Where did you get this thing?”
He hummed something like ‘I don’t know’, his eyes sort of wide like a clueless puppy’s. 
“What, you just kind of have it?”
You squinted at him, a smirk forming on your lips. “How about I do you a favor and throw this away?”
He shrugged, hummed an ‘alright’ sound, and turned away. 
“Oh no, I was kidding! God, here--!” You had to grab his wrist to stop him from wandering off further and placed the pink afro in his hand.
You had just been trying to tease him, but now you just felt bad. “Look, Wilford, you want something to eat? We have to throw the hot food out every night. You can have a taquito or a slice of pizza or something if you want.”
Then he was frozen again-- staring down at where your fingers wrapped around his wrist. Your eyes followed his gaze down and then you were staring too.
A moment passed. Then two. Finally, you let go and crossed your arms again, tucking your hands away where they couldn’t embarrass you again.
“... Fuck, I’m sorry. I-I don’t know why I did that.” You did your best to clear your throat.
But he was still stuck there. He blinked a few times and his gaze met your eyes, his brows gathering together. 
“Wh-What did you say your name was, friend?” He seemed so… serious all of sudden. So dire.
You hadn’t mentioned it yet, but told him with a hesitant voice. 
His expression blanked, eyes widening. He brought his arm, the offending afro in tow, to his chest, touching his wrist where you’d held it.
You raised your brows and asked softly, “Sorry, do you know me, then?”
“Hm?” And he blinked like his mind was clearing, like he’d forgotten you were there. 
He cleared his throat, smiled-- ear to ear-- his mustache lopsided like a cartoon. “Oh-- nevermind about that! Some food would be lovely, if you don’t mind.”
His eyes were sparkling. 
“Sure. I mean, it’s nothing fancy. Here,” And you walked over towards the front counter. Wilford trailed close behind you-- holding onto the wig in his hands like a school kid holding a lunch box-- his gaze wandering over the store again like he hadn’t seen it the first time.
You arrived at the hot foods section, a glassed-off section of day-old food over heated rods. You shrugged. “If you have a sensitive stomach, maybe don’t,” you started, “but it’s mostly fine to be honest. I eat it if I’m in a pinch, you know.”
You hopped up to sit on the counter, your legs facing Wilford, and leaned back to reach around and grab the tongs waiting there. You straightened and clapped them together twice. You offered him a smile. “What’ll it be, Mr. Warfstache?” Then a quieter, “--that was your last name right?”
“Do you gravitate towards anything yourself?”
“Can’t go wrong with a slice of pizza, I guess. Even here.”
His smile grew sort of soft. “Then that. If you please.”
“You got it.”
You leaned over again and served up the slice of moderately warm and slightly greasy pizza on a brown napkin and passed it off to him. 
“Much obliged.”
You got one for yourself too, and when you righted and your eyes found Wilford again, he was sitting in a retro-style diner chair you’d never seen before-- his feet against the edge of the counter beside you.
You couldn’t help the surprised laughter that choked out of you. “Wha-- where did you even find that?”
The chair teetered on its two legs as he leaned precariously back, tilting his head at your question. The pink wig sat in his lap and you couldn’t help thinking it looked like some weird dog.
“Well, there’s no need to worry! I’m only borrowing it, I’m not a barbarian.”
And you just knew you weren’t getting more of an answer than that.
“So who even are you?” You asked as he took a bite of the pizza, somehow pulling all the cheese right off the top in one piece. He pouted down at the offending mozzarella, slurping it into his mouth and swallowing it. “Do you live around here?”
“Mm. I don’t really live anywhere. Much more the exploring-- ever on the move-- type.”
He was so expressive. It really felt like talking to an old cartoon come-to-life or something. You turned to lean against the side of the glass cover, swinging your legs so your feet rested on the counter, not far from his still against the edge. You weren’t touching at all, but you were surprised at how quickly the two of you fell into a casual-- albeit timidly curious-- rhythm. 
“So what do you do?” And you began to eat too.
He beamed, his smile reaching all the way to his eyes. “I’m an interviewer! Warfstache Tonight, that’s what my show is called! It’s quite a professional endeavor!”
You smiled and hummed around your bite of pizza, impressed. That actually explained a lot. And it suited him nicely enough. “Sounds pretty glamorous.”
“And what about you? You can’t just be a convenience store clerk!” He seemed so affronted by the idea. Crinkling his nose, dropping his voice an octave. “How dreadfully boring.”
You winced. “‘Just a convenience store clerk?’ Ouch, Wilford…” You couldn’t help frowning down at your slice. 
 “Oh! No no, pardon me!” He let the chair fall back to four legs, waving the idea way with a panicked hand. “I only meant that… this isn't what truly stirs your passions, is it? Do you do anything at your leisure? For work or just… something you enjoy?”
You squinted at him. But you didn’t really think he was trying to insult you. And he wasn’t wrong. It just… wasn’t always the most fun when someone pointed it out. Especially like that. 
You sighed, fidgeting as you considered his question. “Not right now… This job keeps me pretty occupied. But you know, it’s not too bad. It keeps me, I don’t know, grounded I guess.”
He thought for a moment, then nodded, taking another bite. “I do hope you get more opportunities soon, then.” He said, surprisingly grounded.
You looked at him. “... Thanks.” And you meant it.
“And… my apologies for the earlier, uh, miswording.”
 “That’s fine… I’d be curious to hear more about your show, though! Have you interviewed anyone interesting or anything?”
A beat. A sort of tiredness settled into his shoulders and he peered up at you. “The odd gold-star guest did wander in from time to time. I’m not sure if my skills were quite deserving of them at the time.”
Was that… shame?
“The truth is, I couldn’t quite live up to the role. I--” He laughed, pained. He cleared his throat. “I’m taking a bit of a break from show business for the moment.”
Ah. So that’s what happened. You offered him a sympathetic smile. “To party? That’s probably why you don’t have any money, Wilford. And why you have to rely on shitty convenience store food?” You held up your greasy napkin like it was evidence.
“Now don’t underestimate the power of a good party! And this food is fine, I’m grateful for it,” He crumpled the now empty napkin and gestured wildly with it. “The truth is I get by just fine. I’m just not sure what else I should be doing.”
You looked out the front windows. The sky was getting lighter. The timer marking the end of your shift would go off any minute.
So maybe that’s why he’d been asking you about your passions. You felt bad for him. He was strange, to be sure. And a little hard to follow. But he was also… sweet. He had a softness about him.
And still… there was that feeling that hadn’t disappeared since meeting him. Like… like your soul recognized him. Maybe not deeply. But distantly. Like you’d met him in a dream. It was a ridiculous notion. Ridiculous didn’t seem beyond his territory.
You turned, legs coming down from the counter once again. You leaned forward, your hand landing at the junction of his shoulder and neck. His silk shirt was soft under your fingers. His eyes jumped up to yours and you looked down at him with a smile. 
“You liked doing your show right? You want to be an interviewer?”
He nodded slowly. His lashes fluttered. 
“Then that’s what you should be doing! You just have to try again!” You shrugged with one shoulder. “It might suck a lot. And you might fail again. But pick yourself back up. Keep going. I’m sure you can do it if you keep at it and think outside the box, you know. Failing only means failing if you stop.”
You leaned back, your hand sliding away. He stared at you.
“That’s what the rest of us do, anyway. Honestly, maybe you should do your show online! You know, livestream it or something. I’m sure you’d find your own way to it.”
Slowly, a smile crept back in, the corners of his eyes creasing. 
“What a wonderful idea…” 
God, his eyes… 
You looked down at your own napkin, laughing a little at yourself. “Wilford, I promise, the advice I just gave you was nothing crazy.”
“Well, perhaps it’s just a little too rare that I get a pick-me-up.”
You hopped down from the counter. “Swing by whenever, I’ll hand them out for free. Though, if you’re always on the move, I guess you’re probably not in town for long, huh?”
He quickly followed your lead and stood, his chair nearly falling in his haste. “Uh— w-well I, I don’t know, I could always… linger for a day or two. Hard to say really.” 
“Uh huh.” You smirked at him, raising your brows. “Well, if that constant partying you have going on brings you back here, feel free stop in, okay? … It’d be nice to have someone in here every once in a while. Well, someone friendly, anyway.” 
“Right. Will do. Of course.”
You gave him two solid pats on the chest and turned to throw the napkins away behind the counter. When you turned to face him again, he was gone.  Only slightly confused, you quickly recovered and yelled a quick, “bye~!” to the now empty store.
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decarbry · 2 years
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dabi: *insults* yabureme: master has given yabureme a connection with a loving, living creature?
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planetarythorns · 1 month
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I'm so tired but I'm in top 5k now
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mokulule · 3 months
Remind me not to post fics around my night shifts thinking I could use the pick-me-up; I am clearly way too touchy when I am sleep deprived. While I am trying to take things in the (hopefully) meant-to-be-helpful spirit of things, it is currently just not working because my mood is so low as to need a magnifying lense to be seen.
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summeroflove-if · 1 year
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Early release, anyone? Okay, as I posted earlier, my laptop fucked me over, and I've lost somewhere between 40k and 50k words, which is everything I'd written for chapter 6 so far, so after re-editing the bits that hadn't backed up for chapters 4 and 5 (coding all related to events in chapter 6, tbf), I am releasing this so I feel less guilty and feel less pressured to rush a chapter that is going to be pretty big.
In this release:
Have a chat with Izzie or Theo (your choice).
Have a breakfast date with the person you're coupled up with (and potentially fall out with your partner).
Meet the first bombshell!
Participate in a challenge that might include quite a bit of kissing and dirty secrets.
Set your MC as trans and/or demisexual.
Word Count:
Total of 573k words (+331k words) - as said in the last release, the playthroughs are a lot shorter, probably only about 41k words, but the word count increases stupidly fast when you have so many scenes that you have to rewrite slightly for each person you can couple up with.
Game Summary:
Welcome to Summer of Love. You and nine other singles will enter a luxury villa and couple up, spending a month in each other’s company, along with a few extras along the way – you’ll live together, eat together, sleep together, and hopefully, fall in love together. Sound familiar? Thought so – but instead of coupling ceremonies being split by boys and girls as is typical in shows like these, the public will be the ones deciding the order of who gets to pick, and as the cast is an all-bi one, you can pick whoever you like, so long as they haven’t already been picked. At the end of the month, the most popular couple could win as much as £500,000, depending on what challenges you win or lose and how well you win over the public. As for the other couples? As there are no dumpings, everyone has the potential to find love, and those in exclusive relationships by the end could also win as much as £100,000 per couple. So, how much you win is entirely down to you. Ready for your summer of love to begin?
Play chapters 1-5 on Dashingdon now!
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pinehutch · 1 year
The Silt Verses my absolute beloved: I'm relistening and was so excited to get back to Chapter 17, and the way that most of the episode just sweeps over you with an unexpected degree of kindness. Important to be reminded that kindness — or something like it — is possible, even in this brutal world.
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animalcrossingshowdown · 11 months
Hourly tunes round 1 results:
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1pmNL 85% / 1pmNH 15%
1amNL 82.9% / 1amNH 17.1%
8amNL 82.6% / 8amNH 17.4%
8pmNL 81.8% / 8pmNH 18.2%
11pmWW/CF 81.4% / 11pmPG 18.6%
11pmNL 79.7% / 11pmNH 20.3%
4amNL 76.9% / 4amNH 23.1%
7pmNL 76.5% / 7pmNH 23.5%
11amNL 75.5% / 11amNH 24.5%
Noon WW/CF 75.3% / Noon PG 24.7%
10pmWW/CF 73.9% / 10pmPM 26.1%
2pmNL 73.3% / 2pmNH 26.7%
9amNL 73.2% / 9amNH 26.8%
9amWW/CF 72.7% / 9amPG 27.3%
3amWW/CF 72.5% / 3amPG 27.5%
6amWW/CF 72.1% / 6amPG 27.9%
Midnight WW/CF 69.8% / Midnight PG 30.2%
11amWW/CF 68.9% / 11amPG 31.1%
9pmPG 68.6% / 9pmWW/CF 31.4%
1amWW/CF 68.2% / 1amPG 31.8%
6pmWW/CF 67.5% / 6pmPG 32.5%
3amNL 67.4% / 3amNH 32.6%
5pmNL 67.2% / 5pmNH 32.8%
Midnight NL 67% / Midnight NH 33%
cut at the halfway point bc there is a per-text-block character limit
4pmWW/CF 66.6% / 4pmPG 33.4%
8pmWW/CF 66.2% / 8pmPG 33.8%
3pmWW/CF 65.9% / 3pmPG 34.1%
5pmPG 62.7% / 5pmWW/CF 37.3%
2amWW/CF 61.7% / 2amPG 38.3%
9pmNL 60.5% / 9pmNH 39.5%
7amNL 60.4% / 7amNH 39.6%
2pmWW/CF 60.2% / 2pmPG39.8%
5amNH 60.1% / 5amNL 39.9%
3pmNL 59.7% / 3pmNH 40.3%
10pmNL 59.1% / 10pmNH 40.9%
5amWW/CF 58.4% / 5amPG 41.6%
2amNH 57.2% / 2amNL 42.8%
10amNL 56.2% / 10amNH 43.8%
1pmWW/CF 55.5% / 1pmPG 44.5%
6pmNL 55.1% / 6pmNH 44.9%
10amPG 53.6% / 10amWW/CF 46.4%
7amPG 53.2% / 7amWW/CF 46.8%
8amPG 53.2% / 8amWW/CF 46.8%
Noon NL 53.2% / Noon NH 46.8%
4pmNL 52.5% / 4pmNH 47.5%
4amWW/CF 51.9% / 4amPG 48.1%
6amNL 51% / 6amNH 49%
7pmPG 51% / 7pmWW/CF 49%
I colour coded these again since I found it difficult to parse with all black text. I tried to pick four of the available colours that are easy to tell apart while avoiding red and green since that's the most common type of colourblindness. I gave NH yellow and PG purple since those are the hardest to see on light & dark themes respectively and I figured those colours wouldn't be around very long lmao
round 2 starts tomorrow!
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mejomonster · 2 months
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I dyed and cut my hair babyyyyy 💙💙💙
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
Sometimes I find myself thinking about Din Djarin a little too much that I get concerned and think that I really should go to therapy...
Well, I'm finally doing that (again) tomorrow... :)
Feeling pretty nervous about it but hoping that because I now know I'm autistic it will help me understand/explain things a little better! Hopefully this is the start of a journey to finally become a healthier, happier version of myself :)
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something about that whole incident must have changed something in my brain chemistry cause my insomnia’s gotten bad again
the past few days i’ve getting to sleep at two or three. kinda sucks i guess, but i don’t really want to resort to taking melatonin again
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nonbinary-octopus · 4 months
me: I'm gonna go lie down, and maybe I'll even go to sleep early
me, after doing stuff on my phone in bed for a while: What if I watched cartoons for an hour
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scoobydoodean · 9 months
the reaction to that quiz was very funny. definitely a 'how fake dean!girls look when real dean!girls come at them' moment. never seen so many people start frothing at the mouth over a harmless joke
Tbh my perception of the uquiz was that it mainly upset deancrit casgirls, though the deangirls who follow them certainly weren't happy with me either. Granted, I didn't take very much care not to offend people when I posted the uquiz, because I didn't expect it to spread (I intended it for a handful of mutuals and followers). But literally the questions were like, True or False?
Dean is not largely responsible for Sam and Cas's emotional issues.
Dean desires to control everyone in his life. It's a defining facet of his character.
People should have laughed at Dean's jokes more.
Dean is the better brother.
The finale is bad.
And multiple replies in the notes were like, "I just love nuance!" Ah yes... the extreme "nuance" to Dean being largely responsible for two other adults problems and choices... his adult baby children who need to suckle at his nursing tits. <<<< This sort of "mean" language from me developed... almost immediately after the uquiz drama cooled off because I kept seeing even more condescension being hurled at Deangirls on their blogs and at that point had a lot more first-hand experience with the underlying arrogance and mean-spirited desperation for control behind it. I simply had enough.
Literally I had a meme blog at the time I posted that uquiz (well—still do but don't use it much) with about 40 times the followers I had on this account when I posted that quiz in April, and I used my meme account for years to make fun of Sam, Dean, Cas, and a variety of other characters, and my jokes weren't always super nice. People got mad at me sometimes, but never more than two or three at a time. Never once over years of using that blog to post memes every single day (while the show was airing too—so more traffic) did I get a reaction even remotely like the reaction that uquiz got and it is endlessly funny.
I returned here in early 2023 (after being mostly absent in 2022) seeing a lot of very odd things. For one, people were freely interacting with each other more, which I thought was great (I remembered an spnblr characterized by extremely insular attitudes). However, within the notes of some of the posts that I and others were writing, I noticed a thinly-veiled message from certain camps responding: "I don't like this post. I don't like what you said, and neither do my friends, and you should watch what you say."
It was honestly pretty transparent in a few different cases despite, often enough, a friendly mask. I was told very quickly, for example, that discussing Emma as if she was actually Dean's daughter (she quite literally was) is considered old and tired and no one wanted to hear it (this was on a post Emma's parentage had... almost nothing to do with btw, and that more largely, was about hypocrisy in deancrit circles over Dean committing acts of violence against children—and that post had done well, so clearly other people were actually fine with it). Tbh, it felt like, covered by a "friendly", "joking" exterior—someone was putting an arm around my shoulder as I entered a new environment and telling me "the way things are" and how I ought to assimilate.
I was told that making memes pointing out the gigantic blinders people spewing deancrit were wearing was in bad taste, because Dean is "popular", therefore it makes sense that he receives the most criticism (Thor voice: does it really?) and saw other posts stating the same. I saw multiple posts where people said they were "tired" of people talking about Dean... not a specific take on Dean—but Dean as a whole—when absolutely no one was preventing them from controlling what they saw on their own dash, unfollowing accounts that largely discussed characters they didn't want to talk about, or filtering whatever names they wanted—no—that wasn't good enough—they needed to control what other people were posting, and make them stop talking about Dean on their own blogs. They were literally trying to control how other people had fun in their own spaces.
At the same time, I was seeing someone I'd just begun following for a string of posts (and subsequent brigading that occurred over it) getting hounded for nothing more than posting a poll featuring events that canonically occur in Supernatural around the season 14 finale—facts that deancrits apparently found inconvenient enough to spew hate mail over for literal months. I saw multiple accounts I was newly following receive deeply condescending notes and mail from people who engaged with them in blatant bad faith and acted superior for it. I saw even completely harmless "fun" posts get notes from little groups of fans huddled together openly mocking the OP in tags for not sharing their clearly "superior" taste.
Meanwhile, deangirls, as far as I saw, were not engaging in this behavior back. They were endeavoring to be polite when people came onto their blogs to debate with them in condescending tones (and even make ridiculous claims about their personal morals). They weren't going on these people's blogs and talking down to them (as they shouldn't). They were having fun, engaging with people whose company they enjoyed, and deancrits apparently couldn't stand this. It suggested to me and reminded me... well—that deanfans have long been expected to be made of heel skin in fandom circles, to shoulder and accept absolutely any and all criticism of Dean, while samgirls and casgirls consistently tend to be made of tissue paper and can't handle the barest shred of criticism of their fave without having meltdowns (that can and do, in fact, sometimes include mass bullying and hate mail and suicide bait and death threats). The fact that my uquiz was somehow interpreted as "seething hatred" for Sam and Cas was fucking laughable.
I still won't go onto other people's pages or bring disk horse to them. In fact, I'm very protective of my personal dash and curate my experience as much as I can. But I did decide not to be made of heel skin anymore from my personal blog just so other people can be made of tissue paper. If that's received by some as me being mean, well—I'll take a page out of the deancrit playbook and say my feelings are largely their responsibility.
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 3 months
I need to figure out the actual plot of my au beyond sheep lore and soft narilamb marriage arc.
I did figure out character motivations for eden present and future (very loose present but, ya know) which is first and foremost surviving to try and bring back enough of their race that they aren't needed anymore and once that's complete, ensuring that there are no gods at all themselves included. I'm doing this mostly because I wanna find a way to make the Fox a follower within the au and defeating all who may seek to ascend to greater heights seems like a great way to do that. Plus I imagine that having your entire life ruined because some gods threw a hissy fit would make you tired of that while ordeal.
To make the transition from one god to no gods easier, I wanted the cult to gradually be run more like a city rather than a cult y'know? Plus I know how most cities are run way more than I know how cults are run
Anyway TDLR: I'm gonna pull up a story planner and spend the next little bit writing actual story and strongly contemplate posting to ao3.
I fare thee well, until next time o/
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zkretchy · 1 year
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Have a doodle of them resting up as well because I firmly believe they deserve it
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