#because it's like they wrote a special little secret fanfic just for me :)
katya-goncharov · 2 years
i love it when authors straight-up admit that their characters were inspired by a random side character from some obscure old book they loved as a kid, because it's like, bestie, me too!!
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dayseternal-blog · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Bunny-senpai!!! 💕
I answered an ask similar to this one last year in March and I don't think my answers have changed...
I rewrote each blurb haha, so it's not an exact copy-paste from before.
1 “It’s No Secret” - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata returns to Konoha after 5 years studying abroad in the Moon Kingdom. She just wants to enjoy her last year of high school as a normal girl, but blossoming love forces her to confront her future. - My top fave. Back then, I wrote this like I was possessed. This story consumed my mind, and I was posting chapters every 1 or 2 weeks. I'm amazed at myself from back then. No, it's not my technically best writing, but I was having so much fun thinking up all kinds of scenes!!! Oh, to be a fanfic writing newbie all over again. Major love to everyone who's read this flirty teenage shenanigans mess and enjoyed it!!! One day I will write part two 🥺
2 “Nightdreams” - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto and Hinata find comfort in each other after the war. - This fic idea came to me sometime after I read agitosgirl's "A Special Friend," and I wanted Moooooore!!! I wanted more of this hurt/comfort dynamic between NaruHina!!!! So bam, the fic almost wrote itself, it flowed so easily (except for when it didn't). I'm so happy that people reread this fic, and then tell me that they're rereading it :D. Once in awhile I reread it, too, and think, oh, I should fix that sentence, or whatever loll, but I don't. I kind of think it's nice to leave it as it is, imperfect in little ways to bother me. Please read this fic and recognize that I was copying Katarinahime's writing techniques throughout.
3 “Awkward Jocks” - Rated G, 1990s High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. She knows that if he were to ever ask her out, she would accept in a heartbeat. After all, he’s the star quarterback and basketball player. Plus, she’s liked him since…forever. But when her home phone rings, and he’s on the other line, she hangs up. - It's interesting to me that even after all the fics I've written over the years, it's a few of my oldest fics that take the top 3. I guess I really have been trying to write for myself since the start. This one is based off of my ex-coworker's love story. Even though I don't work with her anymore, I still think of her as my role model for good leadership. When you read this, I hope you can feel how much I love her!
4 “About You” - Rated G, 1970s High School AU, One-shot. A summer job at the Dole pineapple cannery, graveyard shift 10 PM to 6 AM. A long bus ride into and out of town. Two teens, shy beside each other. - This is my most personal fanfic. Based on stories my parents told me and stories I found online from people of their generation, I tried to dive into their time using NaruHina. Ever since I was inspired to write after reading emmykay's "Torch Song," I had wanted to write a fic with Japanese-Hawaiian pidgin dialogue. This fic is close to my heart, but it's not higher on the list because there are inaccurate details that bother me 😅. I'm thinking of writing a fic about my great grandparents' generation one day, I've done a ton of research for it! Anyway, I'm so happy that others love this fanfic, too.
5 “Matcha” from “Shared Vows” - Rated T, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Naruto calls Hiashi “father” for the first time. - According to my previous blurb, I picked this one because I loved how I structured it, I thought I wrote it really well. I also loved the notion of Naruto finding his own family. On deeper reflection, I think I also picked this one over "Finally Home" because I have a not-so-secret agenda for reconciliation between Hinata and Hiashi, fed by my own family's dynamic with my dad.
If I were to recommend any one of these for someone to read, I'd say they should start with Nightdreams or Matcha as an intro to some of my work since canon universe fanfic is always easier to digest.
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likeabxrdinflight · 7 months
so as we all know, the live action atla airs tomorrow. knowing me, I'll end up binging the whole thing in one, two days tops.
I think the majority of my followers on this platform followed me back in 2020, when the animated show dropped on netflix and saw a sudden resurgence in popularity. so most of you know me as a fan, and it's not exactly a secret. I adore the animated show. It's somewhere in my top ten favorite tv series of all time. it might even be the top, I've never actually sat down and thought about it that deeply, but if I did, atla very well could be number one.
it's not a perfect show, far from it. it has flaws. everything does. but I was there with atla from literally day one. I remember back in 2005, all the tv ads for this cool, anime-esque nickelodeon show that was gonna air soon. I memorized the date and time of the premiere. I made damn sure I wasn't gonna miss it. my 12-year-old ass forced my little brother to surrender the remote for that hour and refused to let him touch it. turns out I didn't need to, because we both got invested right away. and I tuned in for every new episode from that day on. even if I was at a friend's house, I made sure we watched if a new episode of atla was airing. I was that insane about this show.
I can remember making up fake bending routines in my parents' living room (usually firebending lol). in the summers I'd pretend to be a waterbender in the swimming pool. some of my earliest drawings are of katara, aang, and zuko, and then later azula. I remember when the blue spirit first aired and presenting my brother with the "zuko will definitely become aang's friend and teach him firebending" manifesto. he was not convinced. I was devastated by the season two finale, and so vindicated by season three. I remember how long the 2008 writer's strike felt when it delayed the second half of season three. and I remember when the finale finally aired- by this point I was now 15- and just the rollercoaster of emotions that was for me as a teenager. I remember not wanting it to be over, delving into the online fandom and discovering all the different ships, fanart, fanfics, and video edits (and drama). I learned how to use windows movie maker and pirate the episodes just because I wanted to join in on the fun. I wrote a not good zutara fic that I never finished. I put my shitty little azula videos on youtube. I've been in and out of this fandom ever since.
so to say I have a lot of love for the animated series would be an understatement. when I think of the media that defined my childhood, there's really five things that first come to mind- harry potter, pokemon, anime more broadly (special shout out to yugioh and sailor moon), disney, and atla.
I say this all to establish that there is zero chance the live action adaptation could ever overtake the animated original for me. I will always love it more, it will always be the more special version of this story. I was exactly aang's age when that first episode aired. there's no replacing something like that. when I think of this story and these characters, I think I will always default to the animated version.
that said, I really am feeling optimistic about the live action adaptation. I'm frequently skeptical of these kinds of projects, especially the disney remake trend, but there's a couple reasons I feel pretty okay with the adaptation of atla. one is that there has been a recent uptick in popularity of the original. it's a good time to re-visit this story, people are interested, and it can only serve to get even more people to watch the original given both will now be on netflix. two is that I'm very encouraged to see that both in front of and behind the camera, asian and indigenous people are taking center stage. I don't think we can discount the importance of that. third, everything I've seen about this show that's not a panicked hot take on twitter or a headline pulled out of context is fairly encouraging. I mostly like what I've heard from the cast and showrunners in interviews. several reviews of the first episode's premiere have been broadly positive, most importantly to me, from actual fans who attended.
I do have some reservations. I'm not totally sold on the visual aesthetic, with the somewhat darker color palette and the contrasting saturation of the costumes. for this first season, I'm easily most concerned about how katara is going to be written. I want them to make changes and tell the story differently, but I do worry they won't find the right balance. too much change to central character arcs could deleteriously impact the story. and I will always be concerned about the portrayal of azula.
I also have mixed feelings about the sexism thing- I'm not necessarily pressed that they might tone down sokka's or even pakku's overt sexism, and frankly the "girls can fight too!" version of feminism is kind of tired in 2024. I also know several indigenous people have spoken up about how the water tribe's being sexist was not a great look. but I am concerned that, in toning this aspect down, they might inadvertently neuter katara's character arc or remove some of her best moments. I have to question how this change will impact suki as well. ironically I'm not as worried about sokka, his sexism was a minimal part of his overall character arc- but it's impact on the women around him was much more meaningful. that's what I'm more concerned about.
I've also heard that the first episode suffers from a glut of exposition that was felt necessary for new viewers but returning fans will likely find tiresome. and naturally I'm worried some things will look goofy, fail to translate from cartoon to live action well, or that some of the heart and charm of the original will get lost in translation. so yeah, there's concerns.
but generally speaking I'm more excited than not. if the show has as much love put into it as the cast and crew interviews seem to indicate, then I think revisiting this world and these characters in a new way with a new generation at the helm will be a lot of fun. the nostalgia market is definitely oversaturated right now, you can certainly argue this didn't need to exist, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not interested to see what they do with this. especially when we already got such a bad live action version- it's not like this is a new idea for atla as a franchise. there's a precedent already set for trying it again. so I'm going in with an open mind. let's see what they do- it's not like it's ever going to replace the original. it can't.
...also I think the tag I'm going to use is "natla spoilers". I've been tagging "atla live action" but I think I'm gonna switch over to "natla" primarily from now on. and believe me, I will be sharing my thoughts.
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coldflasher · 5 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @kitkatt0430 and @softboydepot - Thank you both for the tag :D
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
So I was about 13 years old, I was scrolling through my brand new One Direction tumblr, username "its-a-1d-world", soon to become "curly-and-boobear-stylinson", a harrowing username that genuinely makes me shiver like someone just walked over my grave. Like I'm sure this means nothing to someone who wasn't in the fandom AND an extreme larrie but let me tell you. Imagine the most intensely cringe superwholock url you could have. It's on that level
And I remember seeing what we would soon come to very derisively refer to as a "harry het fic" on my dash. So like, in 1D fandom, you had your standard self-insert Y/N fics, you had the queer RPF where you were shipping the boys with each other, and then you had the "het fics", which is where someone would make up a female character for one of the boys (usually Harry bc that man had and still has an insane chokehold on teenage girls everywhere) to date. If anyone has had the misfortune to read and/or watch After by Anna Todd... that type of deal
ANYWAYS I was totally unaware of fanfic as a concept, which is quite funny because as a little baby writer I'd been writing extremely derivative pseudo-fanfic for quite a few years by that point, like stories inspired by Young Dracula or Narnia or whatever without really knowing what it was. But this Harry het fic floated across my dash and a little switch went in my brain because I was like WAIT. I COULD BE WRITING STORIES ABOUT THE BOYS?? Like this was so exciting to me because writing is like probably my biggest eternal special interest and One Direction was my like, most intense special interest at the time, so I was like WAIT. I CAN COMBINE THESE THINGS. And also PEOPLE WILL READ THEM AND COMMENT ON THEM and I was sooo convinced I was god's gift to writing at the time so I was like well OBVIOUSLY everyone will read MY fics and I'll get super fandom famous instantly.
So I wrote an incredibly terrible Harry het one shot with an original character and literally got crickets. Nobody read it. Very embarrassing. I think I wrote a handful of these and nobody wanted to know, which is fair enough because I'm sure they were very bad. But THEN I was like okay fine, well everyone is obsessed with Larry, including me (though I very much liked it in a "bromance" way at the time, so I'll write a Larry fic instead. This is Louis and Harry for the uninitiated. It was the biggest fandom ship. We shipped all and every configuration of the boys but Larry and Ziam were the hard hitters. I think I wrote a few different one shots for various pairings but then I did my first Larry multi-chapter
ANYHOO the Larry fic was a big hit, I got all the outpouring of compliments and attention that my enormous thirteen-year-old head was convinced I deserved and that was kind of it really lmao. I was hooked. When I tell you I'd update my fics MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY because I was writing so fast and so obsessively, like god idk what the fuck was going on in my head but it was the greatest high I have ever experienced in my life. I also got incredibly deeply involved in the conspiracy theory about Louis and Harry's secret gay relationship and spent the next five years of my life tinhatting obsessively but that's a whole other story
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
In terms of what I've posted to AO3, only a handful—as mentioned, I started off in the One Direction fandom, I've written for The Flash and Legends, and dabbled in Doctor Who. In terms of fandoms I've written little bits for but never shared... so many lmao, the list (as far as I can recall) includes the following:
Batwoman, Supergirl, The Bold Type, The Devil Wears Prada, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Torchwood, Twilight, X-Men, and bizarrely, The Witcher, apparently??? I have ZERO memory of that, but it's in my fanfic folder. No idea what that was about
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I think I started in 2011/early 2012, so upward of a decade at this point... eesh.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely write. I do want to read more fic, but I have a hard time choosing what to read and I am very bad at using AO3's search functions to find what I want.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I've finally started finishing shit!! Big moment for me lmao
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I read an entire book on public defenders for a fic where Barry becomes a public defender instead of a CSI. I own a copy of a book called Forensics for Dummies which I'm slowly working my way through for fic reasons... I feel like none of these are that weird lmao
7. What’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Who doesn't love the mega long comments pulling out random lines the reader liked to yell about them. I sometimes get so excited reading these comments that I lose sleep over it lmao i love them so much
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Lmaoo this is a very odd one but I once wrote a Larry Stylinson fic where Harry was Slenderman and he was haunting Louis, and either Zayn or Liam was like a Van Helsing type who was trying to hunt Slenderman!Harry down and kill him. Or maybe it was Nick Grimshaw, the at the time host of the BBC1 radio breakfast show. He was the go-to fandom villain at the time
I never finished it but that was a cool time, someone in the fandom actually composed an instrumental piano piece inspired by Slenderman!Harry which is up there with the coolest things that have ever happened to me
In general I don't know if I necessarily go that fringe. I feel like it's somewhat obvious I have a bit of a thing for femdom, and also like. Coldwest/coldwestallen in general lmao, I guess that's fringe-ish
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Funnily enough probably pwp. I feel like smut is generally considered to be just an easy fun time but I feel like my line-editing process is not conducive to smut writing thing because I write the first draft in a haze of feral horny energy and then edit and revise it over and over to the point where I no longer find it sexy at all and am unable to tell whether it's even still hot or if I've totally killed the vibe in my quest to find the most poetic way of describing the way people fuck nasty. It's very frustrating ngl
10. What is the easiest type?
None of them. This is such a cop-out but everything I write is hard because I'm an insane perfectionist and everything HAS to be beautifully crafted so at this point everything is hard. But ngl I find multichapters easiest to draft in some ways just cos I can kinda cling to the high of "ooh a new idea" whilst also contributing to the same project because the "new ideas" are just new chapters, if that makes sense? It's fitting them all together that's the hard part lmao
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I use a combination of Microsoft Word, Scrivener, and a notes app on my phone called Penzu, which is where I scribble down all the random snippets and ideas and bits and bobs that come to me during the day. The bulk of my drafting and editing is done in Word and I basically only use Scrivener for its notecard function where you can move scenes around really easily, and then I transfer everything back into Word because of Tracked Changes. Does Scrivener have that? Probably. Scrivener has everything
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Honestly it's never really a case of "too nervous/intimidated" because I genuinely have never encountered an idea where I was like "hmm idk if I can pull it off", I have extreme faith in my own capabilities to an almost delusional level lmao, it's always just "I do not have time". But I do have this extremely long Coldwestallen fic that's inspired by Hades and Persephone, with Barry as Persephone, Len as Hades, and Iris as a soooort of Demeter figure which i know is weird because Demeter is Persephone's mother, but whatever, she more embodies the familial connection of the whole team rather than being an actual blood relative if that makes sense
So the concept is basically Barry as Persephone spending half his time with Len and the Rogues in the criminal underworld (I thought I was so clever for that one lmao) and the rest with Team Flash, and then the lines blur and it becomes coldwestallen-y eventually, but it's soooo long and basically split into four novels that I have written between 25 and 50k for each. It's gonna take me literal YEARS to tackle this thing so I've kinda put it on hold for now but I miss it so much
13. What made you choose your username?
So I wrote a joke in a fic that I genuinely have no idea whether I even posted it or not, it might have been in Aftermath. But basically Barry's suit gets blown up and he gets photographed literally streaking through the city totally nude (you can't see anything bc he's moving too fast but you can tell he ain't wearing any clothes lmao) and there's a newspaper headline that's like "THE FLASHER???" Let me tell you I was very annoyed the other day when I learned they already made that joke on Supergirl
And then I just added "cold" for Len lmao
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beaker1636 · 1 year
First Christmas - Vinny Mauro
Background: Y/N is the newest drum tech for Motionless and they are on tour, only having 2 days off for Christmas it was spent away from home and in a hotel.  I also made her dad a famous musician in this but never said who so…. Theres that.
Also Welcome to Christmas in September thanks to @tearfallpixie and @nerdraging4point0 encouraging my unhinged ass to post a Christmas fic in September. Also please be gentle, this is literally 3 years old so back when I first began writing fanfics so while I think it is cute and love it I also can recognize that I have come a long way and would have changed a lot if I wrote it now! Enjoy!
Well, like usual you were awake before the boys, not that it bothered you any as it gives you some peace to yourself before you are forced to figure out whatever is going on this time.
“We all are still gathering in Rick and Vin’s room this morning, correct?” You send in the group chat before walking into the hotel lobby to grab some coffee from the in house coffee shop.  In doing so you accidentally bump into Gabby, Rick’s girlfriend who just flew in and he has no clue about.
“Hey y/n,” she says, pulling you into a hug. “Has Ricky figured any of this out yet?”
“Not a single person has a clue that I arranged with you to fly in for Christmas.  I figure we can still do the secret santa thing with it… just like we planned hence me paying for your ticket,” you tease, smiling at her and happy to help make her and Ricky’s Christmas special.
Both of you grab a coffee and then make your way up to your hotel room, she didn’t book one as she figured she could stay in your room with you and then with Rick once he knows.
“Do you mind if I jump in the shower quick? It was a long flight and I could really use it,” she asks you, the hint of jetlag visible on her face but still not outweighing the excitement that is there.
You nod and as she does so you quickly get dressed, not bothering to try much because it is just the guys and they have all seen you in your lounge wear so you just throw on jeans and a hoodie… that you are pretty sure you stole from Vinny but you don’t remember anymore honestly.
Your phone dings and you finally get a response from someone in the group chat, Chris.
“Yeah, we are all planning on it in like an hour, still correct?” he asks.
After multiple replies that say that is correct you set your phone down when Gabby steps out of the shower, getting to work on her hair and makeup as she wants to look decent for the first time she is seeing Rick in months.
“I’m anxious and we have a little time left, can I do your makeup y/n? I know you hate doing it yourself,” she asks you, already coming towards you while hoping that you will say yes.
“Sure if you want to, it will kill time,” you respond as you get your makeup bag out, avoiding her eye contact when your mood falls slightly.  “Honestly I didn’t plan to do it  because I know at some point today I will probably cry being the first Christmas since losing dad.”
“It will be a rough day for you for sure, but you still will have all of us here for you today.  We all love you and are here for you.  The boys already have said that they aren’t going to let you leave if you try.  I also think there is one that really loves having you here… close your eyes,” she says, teasing you about your not so hidden crush on Vin.
“Yeah, only because I keep fixing all his broken shit,” you respond as you do as she asks, closing your eyes,
“We all know that is not the only reason why he likes you, but whatever, keep lying to yourself.  Open up and I’ll finish with your lashes,” she says to you.
You choose to ignore what she just said but do open your eyes, glad that she is almost done and that you can get away from this awkward conversation.  You love your best friend and love that she got you this job… but she definitely can be irritating when she chooses to tease you about things.
“Well, get your bow on Gab, it’s time to be there and I can’t wait for everyone to find out my secret santa gift for Rick,” you say, helping her put her bow in her hair before you sneak off ahead of her towards the hotel room you are all meeting in, she follows behind you keeping back so that when Vin let you in the door nobody sees her.
You instantly walk in and demand that you get to give Rick his gift first as you had to leave it in the hallway as you find a seat on the floor, Vin taking a seat next to you.
“Okay, so clearly my gift is for Rick and I am not trying to rush anything but even if we wait for everyone elses he has to go get it like now.  Sorry, it was too big so it’s in the hallway still,” you say with a smile as you watch the confusion on his and everyone else's faces as he makes his way towards the door.
“What the fuck could you have gotten thats too big to bring in?” Ryan asks you softly as everyone watches the door.
The second the door opens you hear a gasp and look up to see Rick pulling Gabby into a tight hug and kiss, clearly happy that he gets to see her for the holiday.  Everyone starts chatting to let them have their moment, waiting for them to come into the room before continuing.  
Rick instantly pulls you into a hug when they do, whispering a thank you in your ear which makes you blush and smile, excited that you did something that he really appreciated.
They all slowly make their way around the room, everyone passing out their secret santa gifts, laughing and having a great time before it’s finally your turn to open yours.
“Okay y/n, last gift is yours and clearly it is Vin who drew you so,” Chris trails off glancing over at you.
“Wait, give me a second to start recording before she gets it… okay and go,” Ricky says, you now embarrassed about the fact that for some reason Rick is recording only you opening your gift.
“Can I ask why the hell you are only recording my gift?” You ask, looking up and annoyed about the prospect of being recorded.
“Your sister helped me with your gift and made me promise that we would get a video of your reaction.” Vinny says as he hands you a rather big box.
“Oh god, should I be scared about this?” You ask, trying to make a light joke to make things less awkward.
You slowly remove the paper, slightly disappointed to see that the box is plain.  Opening the box it takes you a second to register what is going on, but when you do you can’t help the gasp that escapes your lips as you slowly pull the blanket that is in the box out, instantly tears are flowing down your face.
“It’s…. How did you?” you can’t even get your words out as you look closely at all the details of the quilt that is in front of you.
“I got your sisters phone number from Gabby so I could ask if she had one of your dad’s band tour shirts so that I could have one of those bears made with it for you and she mentioned that she had an entire tote full of old merch shirts that he kept over the years.  So I asked my mom who sews a lot to help me make a t-shirt quilt of all of them for you.  I knew that having something of your dad’s for Christmas would mean a lot more than something stupid from the store,” he says, watching you with a big smile when he can clearly see how much you love it.
You glance up at him, meeting his eyes with tears still falling from yours. “I-I love it, I.. thank you,” you say softly, leaning over to pull him into a hug. 
He moved slightly, pulling you into his chest while you cry, a hand moving to brush through your hair to comfort you as you cry. 
“Okay so can I look at it? I haven’t seen it yet,” Gabby asks, you nod your head without moving, still needing another second to compose yourself.  Listening to everyone around you talk while you gather yourself.
Slowly you get yourself a bit more composed and lift your head away from Vin’s chest, wiping at your eyes with the sleeves of your hoodie before realizing that some of your makeup is on Vinny’s shirt now from where you cried.
“Shit, sorry Vin, I didn’t mean to stain your shirt,” you mumble glancing down, embarrassed.
“It’ll wash off, I don’t mind,” he responds softly with a smile. “You on the other hand, why don’t we go wash it off your face now that you look like us after a show.” 
You can’t help but giggle at his awful joke as you get up and make your way to the bathroom, grabbing a washcloth to wet in the sink, unaware that Vinny has followed you until you see him in the mirror behind you. 
“Here, let me help you.  After all I am the reason that you are crying,” he says  as he gently takes the washcloth out of your hands to begin cleaning your face with it, careful not to rub your skin too roughly.
Once he is done he pulls you into another hug for a minute, just standing there holding you for a moment before you both make your way back out to the main part of the room towards everyone else, both of you standing in the doorway for a second while you watch everyone talk.
“Hey guys look up,” Chris says with a smirk as you both glance up at the ceiling.
You instantly blush bright red when you realize that what he was trying to show you was mistletoe that is hanging from the bathroom door frame, no clue what you should do in the moment.
“What the fuck? I don’t remember us putting any up?” Vin asks, glancing at Rick with a confused expression on his face.
“That’s because there wasn’t, I just hung it up while you both were in the bathroom so we can trap you guys.  Figured the two of you deserved a second gift,” Justin says, winking at both of you when you look at him as he speaks.
“And you did ask us how you should make a move so we decided to make it for you,” Ryan adds with a laugh.
“None of you are going to shut up until I actually do it are you?” Vinny asks, glancing around the room while avoiding your gaze as everyone nods at the two of you. “Fuck, please don’t punch me for this.” he says softly.
Next thing you know his hand settles on your cheek, lightly making you look up at him.  For a second he hesitates, and you aren’t fully sure what you expect until you feel his lips gently on your own.  You hesitate yourself before you start to kiss him back, shy and unsure what to think when he pulls away, both of you quiet as you process what has just happened between the two of you.  
“You’re welcome,” Chris says loudly. “Now stop being shy and admit that you both want to be with each other so the damn tension is finally gone…. And then we will figure out Christmas dinner.”
Feeling shy you go and take your seat on the floor again, embarrassed but honestly happy with what just happened.  Even more so when Vin rejoins his spot next to you and takes your hand, pulling you into his side as his way to confirm that Chris was right and he does like you without saying it out loud.  You can’t help but think that you should probably talk about everything but decide to enjoy the moment while it lasts, the two of you can always talk about this at a later time when you are alone. 
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leatafandom · 1 month
So, for the WIP Title Tag Game, I want I know more about the following:
Pinocchio and the Trickster Roleplay movie rewrite with spideypool VHS Cannibalism/Hunting Horror OG Story The Witch King Chronicles OG Water Dragon Horror OG Story Vessel Fic Trek-Expanse Verse
that’s a lot but I’m very curious. @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Thanks so much for asking, I love talking about my WIPs especially my original works!
Pinocchio and the Trickster
This is a really new WIP that came out of a soulless Sam and Gabe smut fic I wrote, Choke Me Like It Matters, where Sam and Gabe have a history of being lets say frenemies with benefits. During Choke Me Gabe takes to calling Sam Pinocchio which is where I got the title and also suggests that he's sticking around for a while because he doesn't really have anywhere to go and a less uppity Sam is more fun even if he thinks he's an ass without his soul. Soulless Sam agrees if only for the fact that Gabe is better with humans and could make interactions easier. I haven't written much more than a diner scene where the two finally talk for more than an five seconds. Throughout writing it I really enjoyed playing a very morally flexible Gabriel who was a little dark, but still not too dark, and was much more Trickster than Archangel and Soulless Sam. Its been really fun to play around with, but I'm not a 100% where its going.
Role Play movie rewrite with spideypool
Oh yesss, this one, I am very excited for this one. I love spideypool. I just have a special place in my heart forever more. I miss writing them and when I watched Role Play (which I recommend if you want some fun, Kaley Cuoco was great) I instantly thought of Spideypool. The movie's about a family, where the mother has a secret job as an assassin who's went out on her own but wants to get out more and gets her cover blown, everything kinda spirals from there. It's funny, its cute, there is a lot of action, and I adore their relationship throughout the movie. There was this one part that just reminded me of Peter so much about how "killing is bad, and you should definitely not do that anymore... after we get out of this alive." Doing a rewrite with them has been slowly simmering in the background of my thoughts and hopefully, I'll have time to write it soon. It would be so nice to write for them again.
VHS Cannibalism/Hunting Horror OG Story
Thank you for asking about this one! I don't often get to talk about my horror stuff. This is an original short story idea that my friend asked me to write and I just haven't finished it yet. Maybe for the spooky season. She wanted a story about a woman who's father died. As she's cleaning up his hunting cabin, deciding what to do with it, and she finds a bunch of old tapes labeled hunting trips with a few years marked on them. She of course misses her father greatly and watches them. The more she watches, the more she realizes that all of those wonderful dinners with her father and his hunting buddies weren't the meals she thought they were. It's probably gonna be grisly especially since she said she didn't care if the woman lived at the end.
The Witch King Chronicles OG
Thank you for asking about Witch King, I need to find more time to flush this out. I originally planned it to be a fanfic but the more I worked on the lore, backstory, characters, and moral of the story, the more I realized it was its own thing. Its a bit of horror, dystopia, fantasy, and sci-fi. I'm pretty sure if I ever get it published it would be a series or a very long book, but it spans a very very long time and begins with the focus on a cursed spellbook found on a planet that seems to be driving the new colonist mad. No one really remembers who owned it, there are rumors since it's such a powerful book, but too much time passed, and it was originally made light years away from where its found. This is where everything starts, Terrence, one of the main characters, does remember and makes sure he is the one tasked with removing the book and taking it to the Collective for "safe keeping". He doesn't, and it starts a very long journey to find out how to properly destroy it relying on legends, old stories, and trusting an old alien he really probably shouldn't.
Water Dragon Horror OG Story
Oh I wish I had gotten further with this one. I'm pretty sure this one started based off a conversation on my discord server with @lucathepanman and @huntressandlioness1 maybe? It was about the biggest lake in the world that is so large and that there weren't enough water dragon stories out there. The doc is a lot of notes about lore for the lake, lore about water dragons, and the beginning of mapping out a story for a sacrifice gone wrong, but I really haven't had a lot of time to work on it >>"
Vessel Fic
This is a fun one! I answered an ask about this one, which you can find here. Hopefully I'll write some more on it soon since I've been fiddling around with it more lately or at least give it a proper title.
Trek-Expanse Verse
Oh, this one I haven't touched in so long, honestly kinda forgot about it. This is one I was working on with my husband, its a bit of mash up of the expanse and trek universes. I think the last time we sat down and worked on it we figured out the adjusted timeline for things and the ships we both wanted to see between both verses, and what people we really wanted to see, since I wasn't sure how many I would write of it and there are so many great star trek characters.
Thanks again for asking, it was wonderful to talk about these. <3
For WIP Title Tag/Ask Game
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midgardian-witch · 9 months
1, 9, 24, 25?
fanfic end of the year asks
Hey there! Thank you for the ask(s) 💙
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
That is a difficult question. I'm going to go with the one I am proudest of because it took me so fucking long to finish it because the hell that is writing werewolf cunnilingus had just stumped my brain for so goddamn long. It's Blame It On The Moon - I have worked on this since Werewolf By Night came out last year and has become my biggest fic as of today. So I am kinda proud of that.
9. longest wip of the year
Since I finished the WIPs I had written most for during my little pre-holidays vacation that award goes to my still not definitively named Robbie Paulson multichapter D/s fanfic with service sub!Robbie getting together with Dom for hire!reader from a phone sex line. The Robbie fic I offered you sneak peek rights to too, if you remember 😉
24. favorite fic you read this year
HOW COULD I PICK ONE?! I refuse to pick just one!
For example we have @reallyrallyauthor's wonderful Anselm/Birdie saga which has gripped my heart and loins Then we have @youvebeenlivingfictional's continued masterpiece Bateman Begins which if you haven't read it yet is a Nathan Bateman Batman AU that will fucking rip your heart out and you will love it goddammit! It's just so good I keep re-reading it and I eat up every new chapter like a rabid dog I swear. Of course I can't go without mentioning everything @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction has put out this year (or ever). One special mention here to their Miguel fic Infected which I was lucky enough to read a bit of before it was finished and posted and it has haunted my brain since then 🥰 And there are so many more I can't remember on the top of my head because I have the worst memory 😞
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
All of the above! And if you write? Read your own fics! Especially the ones you don't remember writing. There is some good shit there I swear! It's like somebody wrote exactly the stuff you're personally into. It's wild 😂
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WIP Wednesday (or Thursday?)
I am taking advantage of @bitbybitwrites saying the water is fine,so here I am. (Also I love doing this. Please tag me too. Cause I need some motivation).
The month of December has been very lucky for me in a way because I actually wrote something with the reason of challenges. What am I working on ? I am going to debut into Red,White and Royal Blue fandom. I had signed up for 2 fanfic events and I am working on one. The other one is gonna be hard with the fact that I have to start from the scratch.
What's happening with Klaine? @ericdooley 's second part of the secret santa gift is on list as of now. If I complete the 2 rwrb fics,that's the thing I should work on.
What am I working on apart from gift exchanges? I should make a new year resolution (which is not gonna happen anyway) that I should write some multi chapter fics. I already have one,I should complete it 😭
So,I have a bunch of oneshots that I'm working on. Here is an excerpt from one of them:
“Hey,” Kurt greeted back in low tone,” Go, take a shower and come back. I've made dinner.”
What happened to him? Blaine would usually expect him to yell at him to shower first before touching him because hygiene was important. Also, the low tone was suspicious. Anyway, Blaine just nodded and left for a quick shower.
They sat down for dinner and started their dinner.
“ So how did your day go?” Blaine asked as he self-served some Mac and Cheese.
“Nothing. Just a normal day.”
It was still in low tone. And Kurt was visibly sniffing and clearing his throat. Something was wrong.
“How was your day?”
Change of topic before getting down with the thing that was troubling Kurt. Great. Blaine went through his day, recalling everything that happened including interesting cases he dealt with, the seminar, a little gossip and stuff.
Kurt didn't hear any of these. Don't get him wrong. He was usually a good listener but now the thing that was bothering him was blocking his ears and brain. He didn't know.how to ask him. He didn't know how to let him know that they were also connected in some other way , way before they met.
I love hurt/comfort and angst/comfort and I can't stop writing them someway. Do you think I should be posting soon? I don't know.
cc: @kurtsascot @rockitmans @cryscendo @forabeatofadrum
Tagging:@fallevs @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @kirakiwiwrites @cerriddwenluna @hkvoyage @little-escapist and anyone who wants to self invite just like myself!!
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
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What inspires you to finish writing a fanfic, and what makes you quit writing one at any stage in the process?
So with a lot of my work, when I start writing it I don't know where it's going to go so it's a fun journey. This is why I love prompts so much because you never know which way they are going to go.
Often a string of prompts will become a series because my mind gets set on that trajectory. So for example Beau and Ally started off as a prompt from Cold Heart by Elton John ‘I’m not the man they think I am at home.’ It was never meant to turn into this epic series.
The idea was that he comes off as very cold and aloof in work, but he’s a completely different person with his personal life. I had to wonder what would make that switch flip and that’s where the idea of her coming home from a deployment came from.
None of his colleagues would ever imagine Beau Simpson as the kind of man to defile, the office or the uniform, but his wife coming home after six months, it makes him snap. From then on I knew that they had this wonderful, passionate relationship what was always bordering on duty to the job and each other.
What then followed on was ‘Rumours’ because I was like huh well the Top Gun programme was kind of new and she’s been away so maybe they’ve never seen his wife, which led into that idea and then that sudden revelation of Beau picking up on Ally having a secret and I wanted to play that out and it sort of spirals from there.
That is what happens with most of my series, it’s the characters and the little details they give me that drive keep me writing because I want to go on that journey.
The nature of this can also be counter intuitive too because sometimes I don’t know where to go so I get five pieces of work in and I’m like… ok lets take a break from this and work on something else to allow my brain some time to percolate on it.
This happened with Dean Archer’s ‘The Study’ I wrote five pieces into it and was like well, where do we go from here because there were a lot of potential directions. I left it for a few weeks, worked on some other stuff and then came back to it with fresh eyes and knew exactly what I wanted to happen but then it took me in a completely different direction leaving me with a new character to play with in the future: Jack Dayton who I sort of fell in love with because of the way I had written him in Part Seven.
Other reasons I stop can be something as simple as I lose interest in the fandom, or something else captivates me.  I’m a bit of a magpie like that. Sometimes I pick up something new, or return to something old.
I keep everything in a special WIP folder so when I finish something and I’m not sure what to work on, I flick through and go oh ok, that’s taking my fancy, let’s go back to this piece I’ve forgotten about. (This happened with EXJoe Part Five – I had the whole thing rough drafted but it wasn’t working for me, I left it and came back to it a few months later and I knew what had to happen between the two of them, I just couldn’t see it at the time and also I had stopped watching L&O: SVU because I was in a mental health crisis and a show about that stuff at the time was triggering)
So I guess mind set comes into it as well. I’ve put pieces on the back burner because I’ve not been in the right mental space to deal with them at that time. I had to do that with Beau Simpson’s Syria Series at some points because what he was experiencing was so dark, it was becoming a little too much for me. It wasn’t until I was in a better state of mind I could go back to it more objectively and go ok, so this needs to happen, this is where we’re getting him too.
I know this is a lonnnnnng answer, sorry about that!
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izupie · 6 months
Hi! ❤ (IzuOcha sipper here) First and foremost, I would like to thank you so much for your amazing fanfics!! I have read all your works and I can't express how much I enjoyed and loved them, now that I have finished them all, I miss them soo much. "Unfortunately" your fanfics were the firsts that I have found and now It became a little bit hard to enjoy other's work, because my standards are so high after your amazing stories. You brilliantly portrayed the characters and their personalities, I was so in love with them..Anyway, onto my question ^-^ if you don't mind, could you please recommend other authors/or actual fanfics that you find good? I would really like to continue reading IzuOcha stories, but I just miss your style and deep understainding of the characters so much that I can hardly find anything that I truly like. I really appreciate if you find time to read my question, thank you! ❤ Nyadri
Hi there !! I have to say this message made me honestly tear up - thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️
I'm so honoured that you enjoyed them! It fills my heart with joy to know that my stories are being so loved !!!
Aaaa that's so sweet of you to say!! I had so much fun writing Izuku and Ochako - whenever I wrote an Izuocha story it was like soup for the soul. Their characterisation and dynamic was always what really drew me to write Izuocha stories, so I'm happy I did a good job with them for you!
Well I have a special treat for you if you enjoyed my style..... I actually orphaned off a few Izuocha fics when I was tidying up some older stories from my AO3, so they don't show up in my works. But I'll link them here for you - secret extra Izupie stories! Hope you enjoy them! But I will warn that I orphaned them off a while ago, and once they were out of my works I couldn't edit them, so they might be a little rough around the edges.
One Little Question - ask me to the dance fic
The Light Inside - fantasy AU
When We're Together - ficlet collection
Memories That Make Us - fluff future fic
Popcorn Blanket - teenage shenanigans
As for other writers - there's a few I can recommend!! If you enjoyed mine I know you'll enjoy theirs - they're all amazing writers! And they're all lovely, with so much love for Izuocha
@encyclopika - bnha works
@amynchan - bnha works
@citrinediamondeyes - bnha works
But really, thank you again so much !! If it's not too much to ask, I'd be really curious to know your favourite ! ❤️
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peachparakeet · 10 months
2023 Walkerverse Fanfiction Awards
Here's my choices for @theladywyn's fanfic awards event. Thank you to everyone who wrote fanfiction this year—I read so many great stories! Special shoutout to both @theladywyn and @walker-extended-universe for carrying the Walker fanfiction community. You guys are phenomenal!
+Favorite Character Centric Fic
Randall's Story by Descended_from_Hufflepuffs (@walker-extended-universe)
The title explains it all. Randall gets the love that he deserves. Honestly, we need more Randall fic.
+Favorite Angst Fic
when your floorboards start to rot, pray there are not bodies buried beneath by @theladywyn
His fist connects with real solid flesh and there’s a familiar surprised cry. Cassie.
A beautiful fic about accepting your past and learning how to be vulnerable. Plus, it really showcases Cordell and Cassie's relationship.
+Favorite AU (completely new setting) fic
Of Love and Honor by Descended_from_Hufflepuffs (@walker-extended-universe)
Cordell is the knight assigned to Princess Emily's personal protection. They were never meant to fall in love, but they do.
This is perfect for anyone who enjoys secret lover fics. For only a little more than a thousand words, it really ropes you into their relationship!
+Favorite AU (divergence from canon event) fic
See No Evil by sakuranomi808
An Alternate Universe story where Cordell doesn't leave for his undercover case with the Rodeo Kings after Emily's death and Liam becomes the District Attorney. Some things stay the same and some things very drastically change.
What can I say? This fic is beautifully written. It's a fascinating exploration into morality vs legality. It's the perfect mix of unsettling and tense and had me on the edge of my seat at times!
+Favorite WIP (a fic not yet finished)
What are the odds? by Descended_from_Hufflepuffs (@walker-extended-universe)
A strange coincidence leads to a mix up that our heroes may never recover from.... Assuming anyone realizes the mistake. Or: in which Cordell dies and Sam gets mistaken as a Texas Ranger.
An intriguing SPN/Walker fic. I would absolutely love to see where this goes. It sets up so much potential for a good emotional hurt/comfort fic!
+Favorite Episode Tag/Missing Scene Fic
To Lead Me Home by sakuranomi808
Timestamp between 3x15 and 3x16. A quiet, emotional moment between brothers when Cordell returns home to the ranch.
A sweet moment between the brothers shows how much their relationship has evolved since the beginning of the show.
+Favorite Sick!Fic
Hold my hair, Wipe my face by slytheringraven (@the-slythering-raven)
Cassie Perez really really should have stayed home today. She even had all her medical leaves intact because she never got sick. Until now, that is..
Such a cute story! This fic just highlights all that I love about Cordell and Cassie.
+Favorite Hurt/Comfort Fic
there's a white flag waiting just to find out what we're made of by @theladywyn
Things go very wrong at the medal ceremony for Cassie and August. 3x14 AU.
This is just *chefs kiss* This fic reminds us all why we hate Kevin Golden and why Cassie rules. As if it couldn't get any better, it also has such cute moments between Cassie and August!
+Favorite Ship Fic
Pounding Headache by Catxx
Trey keeps the fact that he gets migraines from Walker, which is fine until one hits.
Our Neck of the Woods by Descended_from_Hufflepuffs (@walker-extended-universe)
Liam convinced Ben to come out to one of the family cabins for a special couples get away. Ben still has his doubts but Liam can be very persuasive.
For those who like cozy, fluffy slash fic, these two are perfect for you!
+Fic You Can't Stop Thinking About
oh the past has no teeth, reaching for something it holds dear by @theladywyn
“I know I taught you better than that, Liam.” Cordell?! It’s been over twenty years since Liam last heard his big brother’s voice and he thinks this is it; he’s really and truly lost all his marbles.
Such an emotional fic! Had a few things gone differently in the show, I feel like this is something that could have happened.
+Funniest Fic
Tree Trouble by @theladywyn
AU. Firefighter!Cordell gets a call from Liam to rescue a cat stuck in a tree. This turns out to be a slight misunderstanding.
I knew right away that this was the funniest fic I've read this year. I absolutely adore the banter between the characters!
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rubberduckyrye · 7 months
Okay so it's been a hot minute since I read your fics(I should reread them soon) but the fics/parts that stick out to me is.
That part in the chapter 5 fic where Kaito saves Kokichi, where Kaito gives Kokichi the makeshift antidote and he almost dies.
That soulmate chapter 5 fic with the kiss and color.
The introductions in twins au(specifically Mui and Gonta's), and the part where Monokuma starts beating up the kubs and Kokichi comforts Kurochi.
That part where the warriors of hope tend to Kokichi's wound.
That Kokichi Kurochi hotel fic where Kokichi reveals that secret.
Oh and the part in your wanderer fic when he sees his memories, specifically that scene where he starts panicking due to seeing how a certain doctor treated him.
(this is just off the top of my head/the first ones I thought of)
In relation to this post!
I'm so happy that you like so many of my fics--and especially my Genshin fics, since you don't play Genshin :'D Honestly I'm sorely tempted to make a full LP of Genshin and like 50% of my inspiration is so you can watch it and get the lore tbh--
Okay, let's go through them one by one!
How to Stay Behind the Doors of Life - One of the first RPs turned into fanfic, I cannot talk about this without giving @aroseandapen credit here too! While I did ficify it, my favorite part of it was actually roleplaying it. Writing with L is extremely fun, 10/10 I highly recommend
Our Colorless World - This fic!!! I sometimes come back to this fic, and I just. Oof. This fic was fun to write because it's one of the few times where I technically wrote a tragic ending instead of a happy one. Fun fact: If I ever write a tragic ending, I always imagine an AU extension of the ending where the fic continues and it's revealed that everyone's alive and they get a chance to heal from the Trauma. In this fic's case, it's a VRAU and Kaito has to win over Kokichi after realizing their soulmates. ANYWAY. My favorite part to write for this fic was probably Kokichi's story about the boy under the yellow slide up until the end. Just, so much oof that Kokichi knew his own soulmate hated his guts and thought he was the worst person in existence...... and still hoping (but not expecting) a second kiss from the person he was bound to. There's a lot of tragedy in this fic hhhhhh
Danganronpa V3R: Graduation - Twins AU, Twins AU! I knew this one would come up, hueueueue. Twins AU has a special place in my heart and forever will, and I really aim to one day complete and post the fic in full. While Twins AU had a lot of RPing done with L, I actually think my favorite part to write (and subsequently, to reread) was the introduction of the fic itself. I tend to go hard with surreal imagery and I think that it's one of my strong suits in writing--so of course to this day the introduction of Twins AU is such fire that I can barely hold it without burning myself from how much I love it. I'm currently editing Twins AU's prologue and what little I had done for chapter 1, so hopefully the scene is even better now!
A Change of Fate - Hey, this is the commission you got from me! I had a feeling you might bring this one up too~ Writing this fic was overall a very interesting change of pace as I was HEAVILY in the Genshin Fixation at the time--I think I ended up putting this fic on hold for a long time in favor of "Chasing the Voided Moon" actually (I'm still sorry for that, the fixation wheel refused to free me--) and tbh it did remind me that I love the Twins so very much. I think my favorite part to write was when Junko appeared--there's something very cathartic about writing a really chaotic evil character, not gonna lie. But I also liked how Kokichi was acting during that confrontation--it was overall a great interaction.
Can you really call this a Hotel, there weren't even Mints on the Pillows - To this date this fic has the LONGEST name, and I love that for it. The chapter you're talking about was really fun to RP and ficify, too! Kokichi finally revealing that he saw Kurochi's half-written suicide note is oof. However, I think that the Korekiyo chapter deserves some credit too, since it does change the context of the LSE to one of BDSM and consent than... whatever the fuck canon was trying to do LMAO. Still, this is ALSO a fic I plan on continuing for Twins AU! I even think I know which character will appear in the next chapter >:3
Chasing the Voided Moon - The fact that you've read this fic and enjoyed it even without knowing much context for Genshin is a thing I take GREAT pride in. Though it's actually interesting that you chose that scene in particular, since the favorite scenes of that fic are often chapter 12 and chapter 16. Yet I think you're right in that there is a haunting, disgusting revelation in that chapter that is never spoken, but doesn't need to be spoken. The fact that it is canon that Wanderer's body was mutilated to the point where the big robot he was put in was his life support and his initial reaction to the idea being "Yeah that sounds about the same as what Dottore's done to me before" is. Honestly the fact that Scaramouche theorists on YT miss the severe torture/abuse implications of that scene in canon alone is staggering. It's definitely not a top favorite of the fanfic, but it really does highlight that Scaramouche didn't just suffer three really bad instances of trauma and nothing else happened to him--he endured so much off screen that was so heavily implied, and who knows how much for how long. Anyway murder maim kill Dottore. Though as for my favorite par to write... I'm sorry to say, it is chapter 16 :'D I went hard on that chapter and I'm very proud of it. Chapter 12 too, but I prefer catharsis over pure angst tbh.
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geddy-leesbian · 6 months
20 questions for fic authors
tagged by @courtofparrots
1. How many works do you have?
2. What is your Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Resident Evil rn, but I've written for Starcraft, MTG, Fire Emblem, pokemon, and X-Men. (Some of them aren't things I've bothered putting on ao3, and I know I had one X-Men fic on AO3 at one point but I deleted for reasons I can't remember tbh.)
(Also for the rest of these questions I'm just going to focus on my RE fics since my others are all ancient)
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
1. How Do You Talk To Girls?
2. oh my god, it's my life, what am I doing kicking at the foundation?
3. Something A Little More Plain
4. Digital Man//Open Secrets
5. The Analog Kid
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but I'm not always great at it. I 100% do read and appreciate all of them, brain machine is just bad at responding
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a long-awaited treasure at the end of my cruel fate
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well it's not posted, but the series that starts with sum of my confession will have the happiest ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet (I would welcome it tho because spite motivates me. I came up with my entire "Luis was groomed by Umbrella and went to a special Umbrella boarding school" headcanon because someone said the timeline for Luis is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE and THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he could believably be 28 in RE4 and I was mad and wiki deep dived for other RE child prodigal and found out they had a whole ass sketchy boarding school for child prodigies they poached)
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I try, but I always feel so cringe about it and don't post it so ://
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Not seriously
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back when I was in middle school on quotev lmao
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
For "all-time" I'm going to have to be niche and say Valerian Mengsk/Matt Horner because I have shipped those two the longest/most consistently out of everything I've ever shipped
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh god so many. mostly the second chapter of my "first" (technically it was my second and another was first but I deleted it for Reasons) Serrennedy fic. The draft just got too messy and there's so much that I've just given up on it
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say dialogue!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything except dialogue lmao, but especially action
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not brave enough to
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I was literally writing pokemon fanfic in first grade. any time we had a creative writing assignment where it was possible I would write a pokemon story.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh god that's a tough one. Generally whatever I'm working on the most is my favorite, so I'd say Is Any Killer Worth More Than His Crime? but that feels like a cop out so,,,, Digital Man is really high up there, but I feel like the fact the fic that comes before it in the series (New World Man) is 100% my least favorite and my worst fic drags Digital Man down by association. So I think the number one spot should go to oh my god… instead.
as usual anyone who wants to do it can say I tagged them :3
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 6 months
are there any ships you hate? (or just don't like?)
Y-yeah, there are......... a lot. 🫣 But I won't write the specific ship names because sometimes I suddenly like a ship that I thought I didn't like or would never understand because of some fanart or fanfic.
Incidentally, YamaCele (Hifumi/Celestia) is a good example of such a case. (I prefer to call it CeleYama, but YamaCele is the established name of the ship, and the person who wrote the fanfic that made me fall in love with this ship described it as YamaCele, so I'll just write it that way.) At first I thought it was absolutely impossible to see these two as a ship, but when I read a fanfic about how Hifumi found out Celeste's real name before the killing game, I realized that this ship is very nice.
The fanfic went something like this: Hifumi had to go to Celeste's parents' house for some reason (I think it was to deliver an important school letter or something, but I can't remember), and that's when he learned Celeste's real name and that her family was very poor because Celeste's father is a gambler and in debt. Celeste was bullied a lot when she was little because her real name was so lame and her family was poor, so she expected Hifumi to make fun of her, but Hifumi didn't care about that. Because he himself was bullied as a child for being an otaku and for his body shape, and he knows how uncomfortable it is to have people laugh at something. Then Celeste's view of Hifumi changed a bit.
In this fanfic, Celeste and Hifumi don't really hook up, they just end up sharing some secrets about their backgrounds, but when I read this, I thought they could relate to each other in some way. In fact, in the main story of DR:THH, I think it is kind of a mystery why Celeste chose Hifumi as the person to have her tea prepared. Because Hifumi is not Celeste's type in terms of looks or personality, right? I would not be surprised if she did not want to be in the same room with Hifumi. After reading the fanfic, I have come to believe that this is because Celeste is actually dependent on Hifumi, and it may not be a romantic feeling, but I have come to believe that Hifumi is a special part of Celeste. :)
Well, sorry for the long answer 😅 Anyway, if you ask me if I like or dislike a particular ship, I will give you my own opinion, but I will not write which ship I dislike overall, in case I might like the ship in the future 😌
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tejoxys · 11 months
I didn't read the whole list. 4, 9, 13, please?
ask game for fanfic writers [x]
(secret fact, I can never read too many question at a time on these long ones without pen & paper to write down my choices, or else I'll lose them by the time I go to whomever's inbox to ask them 0u0)
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
fghsjfh if we're talking fanfic, this prize might go to a Moomins (novel canon) fic I started thinking about at least fifteen years ago. It was a direct continuation from the end of Moominvalley in November, the last in the series, following Toft as he grows up. There were a few things I was doing with it: 1. I'm fascinated with characters like him who are unique beings (Toft is ambiguously orphaned and is compared to, but not of any, canon species) who have no way of knowing what stage of life they're really in, or how long their lifespan might be. I decided what Toft's parentage was. 2. Because of what Toft is, he was then in a position to lift a curse on someone else that I believe has basis in canon. 3. Endgame polyamorous pile of creatures. As one does.
I wrote around 5000 words of this thing, and it was good, damn it. It survived the deaths of three different computers and still exists on an external hard drive in a box somewhere. I stopped writing it for the usual reasons: got stuck, lost momentum, and forgot 80% of it. :/ My brain is a sieve, and yes, the existential dread is real.
For original work, it's a tie between KM and the Nightmare Story. Both of those date back to when I was 13 years old. Walk Twice is a little younger, but I started doodling what became the main character when I was 16. The reason none of these exist yet is basically just paralysis because art is hard, writing is hard, and all of these could/should involve both, unfortunately. Also I hate being perceived. I dunno, man. Bits of all of them exist, it's just... hard.
9. in an ideal world where you’re already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not?
I'm gonna quote the Stardew Valley creators on this one and say, Only if Studio Ghibli is interested. (But seriously, it is one of my wildest dreams for that studio to pick up the Nightmare Story. Got your flying creatures, got your bizarre magical powers that work in cryptic ways, got sentient landscapes, got kids of various species saving each other - it's got a bunch of elements Miyazaki loves, why not??) I can't say I'd ever want to see live action for any of my stuff. It's not built for it, and I wouldn't want any actors' faces stuck to anyone.
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
Uhhhhh hm, well, there is that special category of fic that springs fully-formed out of nowhere and simply works, just lets me write it in one go from start to finish. I have two of these on AO3; they are Vicious Circle and Black Tuesday.
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thelonelybrilliance · 9 months
2023 Fanfic: TolkienGirl
Delighted to say that I wrote a mix of old and new this year! May 2024 bring the end of The Figurehead, some exciting new Silmarillion Gold Rush AU installments, and the reveal of a delightful project @mapleymood and I have been crafting!
You can find all relevant updates to the Silmarillion Gold Rush AU, "All That Glitters," here. Is it a wildly niche special interest? Yes. Is it wholly addictive for both readers and authors? Sure is! Go forth and prosper, 'tis your Manifest Destiny.
Friday Night Lights:
Nostos - [Tyra, S5] In the grey, quiet hours spent packing up her things, Tyra can admit that there’s something bittersweet about the ease and uncertainty that go hand-in-hand in her new life. Turns out you can mix with other people pretty easily in the day-to-day, but the friendships don’t stick at the end of a semester; the end of a year.
doubt truth to be a liar - [Tyra, Pilot] It’s a quiet exodus, for ten thousand people. Sure, there’s the thunder of footsteps—the growl of city-like traffic, a town come alive for one night only—but that’s all. There’s no victory. The loss covers everything, heavy and silent as nightfall.
elemental - [Lyla v. Tyra, S2] Summer hits hot and heavy, no chance of rain. Thunderstorms crackle along the edges of the sky sometimes, but mostly, the sun just holds the whole world in its white-hot sway.
all the worst things in life come free to us - [Tyra, S1] Tyra isn’t easy, exactly—it’s just that life is hard.
holding the matches - [Lyla, S1] There were lines between all the lives you used to live, before Jason fell—classroom life, cheer life, school life, home life. Now there’s a secret life you can never bring into the light. Now, you have to consider the difference between little white lies and the kinds of sins that damn you.
the thief of joy - [Lyla, outsider POV, S1] The thing about Lyla Garrity...
a dim light far in the distance - [Matt, Pre-Series] Matt doesn’t know if he’s more than halfway decent at anything.
nothing that still bewildered - [Tyra & the Taylors, S1] Life’s been turned on its head, and now Tyra is corrupting wide-eyed Julie Taylor and feeling weirdly protective while she does it.
Red Rising:
either way, I forgot his name by heart - [Cassius & Julian, Pre-Series] Cassius is half a whole.
something warm roars at tonight's torn edge - [Darrow/Mustang, Red Rising] Here is how the balance between them settles: he catches her gaze, when she is hiding, and he lets her go. She finds him wounded, cut down by the one who seemed to love him like a brother, and she makes a home with him.
in the interest of truth - [Mustang & Victra, Iron Gold] Virginia will never let herself be too soft for any world. It is Mustang who has become weak—the girl who survived too stubbornly to ever truly learn wisdom.
deep worlds you lived before, deep worlds hereafter - [Roque & Mustang, post-Red Rising] “The question, I suppose, is whether one can love a man one does not understand.”
Teatime - [The Jackal, Morning Star] Your whispers, your offers, must seem gift-like. Before long, the rust-stained bastard will be wholly yours, body and mind. You don’t believe in souls.
born to raise the sons of earth - [Mustang & House Telemanus, Pre-Series -> Morning Star] She’s proven Eo right. And it wasn’t because of me. It wasn’t because of love. It was because it was the right thing to do, and because mighty Kavax was more a father to her than her own ever was.
The Summer I Turned Pretty:
even a river will die of thirst - [Jeremiah, S2] “You have so much love to give,” your mom says to you—at five, at seven, at sixteen. Maybe she’ll be saying it when you’re forty. You try to imagine your mom old, with white hair and wrinkles, carrying the years like wisdom. You can never quite picture it.
till forever falls apart - [Jeremiah, post-S1] They’re going to bury your light with her.
a reminder that all mistakes are not reversible - [Jeremiah, S1] Being a Fisher is a closed-door affair.
we possess nothing certainly (except the past) - [Jeremiah, Pre-Series] Conrad comes home early on a Tuesday, and just like, the world turns upside down again.
my name a past tense (where I left my hands for good) - [Jeremiah, S2] You’ve gotten everything off your chest, which leaves your heart exposed. It sucks, coming in second place all your life.
Stranger Things:
The Figurehead - [Stancy, speculative S5] When the first flakes of living ash begin to fall, Steve isn’t ready. He’s never ready. That’s not what counts.
to the young who want to die - [Steve, S4] You don’t get used to the end of the world; you get used to the time it takes the apocalypse to actually get on with it. 
Lockwood & Co.:
Convalescence - [End of S1] Lockwood assures them that the pain is nothing, and more importantly, “They’re letting me keep the bullet.”
more heaven than a heart could hold (an exquisite extreme, I know) - Lucy considers all the contradictions that make up A. Lockwood.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
among the vanishing - [Steve & Bucky] How can you give what was never yours?
much ambition and an irrepressible hopefulness - [Mary Garth/Fred Vincy] Mary could not refuse a proposal he had not made, and she could not urge one that she did not believe herself able to accept.
And a fun little update to @mapleymood and my other project, Still Life!
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