#because thats honestly a masterpiece
I'm reading a paranormal mlm book, neither of which are my usual genre, and it's good but idk if I like the writing style, actually I don't think i like it at all, and I just miss my lesbian books
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jayskai · 10 months
btw i finished ztd and i love it so fucking much idk what people were on this game is GOOD. i love ze so much. the biggest brainrot i’ve had this year probably (followed by professor layton. only because i like ze a bit more).
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halfmoonaria · 3 months
pairing: joey (from abigail) x reader
summary: all you ever wanted was a home to call your own.
words: 4.4k
warnings: violence, mention of drug abuse & overdose, gore.
author’s note: this is more of a platonic/parentish relationship so yall dont have to worry about the age gap since it isnt meant in that way.
also i know joey isnt her real name, but it felt better to use that since thats what the character name is.
i have no idea how this is going to go, but i honestly don’t care bc im so tired of writing this.
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The second you stepped a foot into the van you could feel the whole atmosphere tense up. Especially Joey.
Her whole body stiffened noticeably, her shoulders tensed and her breathing almost hitched, an uneasy silence descended over the cramped space.
Was it because she could easily tell who you were by looking at you for not even a second? Or was it because she was anxious about the situation that was about to come? Perhaps it was both.
You could practically discern her actions without needing to look at her. Her movements were similar; her eyes were probably darting nervously, trying to look anywhere but at you. Her hands fiddling with one another, like they always did while she was uneasy.
The guy in the front seat looked back, his hair covered by a beanie, his features sharp and his eyes piercing behind his glasses, which had thick and prominent black frames.
As his gaze shifted to you, confusion flashed across his face. "What the fuck?" he spit, "How old are you, exactly?" his voice tinged with irritation.
Joey turned her head to you, suddenly interested in the subject and conversation at hand.
"Seventeen." You answered assuredly, shifting in your seat; feeling her gaze burn onto your skin. "Thought we weren't supposed to get personal though."
You crossed your arms defensively and sank down in your seat as you watched him clench his jaw in annoyance, turning his head back to the road muttering something about 'stupid fucking kids'.
Joey's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer, and despite your plans on not looking back, you did. You met her gaze with a defiant stare, silently challenging her unspoken question with your own: "The fuck you looking at?"
She turned away, her fingers still twisting together. Why did your presence make her so nervous?
Joey was the toughest woman you knew; she could effortlessly fix her own car, assemble furniture without instructions, and carry heavy groceries without breaking a sweat.
Her confidence showed in everything she did. So why did she look so incredibly agitated when you came along?
Possibly because of the past.
The van rumbled along, the road ahead illuminated by the headlights, casting long, eerie shadows in the surrounding darkness.
The man with the glasses seemed to sense the tension, couldn't resist but add, "You guys know each other or something?" Voice still as sharp as before.
His question hung in the air, cutting through the thick silence and forcing both you and Joey to acknowledge the underlying animosity that simmered between you.
You broke the silence, your voice low and edged with bitterness, "Not anymore." The words hung heavy in the air, signaling a past fraught with conflict and now, an uncomfortable present.
Joey's jaw tensed slightly, her gaze hardening as she stared out the window, a silent agreement in your response despite the tension it added to the already precarious situation.
You tried to steady your breath, the tension in the air making it difficult to relax. The silence in the van grew heavier, punctuated only by the occasional bump in the road.
You stared out the window, the night sky dotted with stars, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside the van.
The van rolled to a stop at the gates of the sprawling estate. Towering oak trees framed the entrance, their branches reaching skyward in a silent salute to the wealth that defined the property.
The mansion itself was a masterpiece of architecture. Gleaming windows reflected the moonlight, casting shimmering patterns across the manicured lawns that surrounded the estate.
Your eyes glimmered at the sight, staring at the mansion in shock. Wondering if this was how some people actually lived.
However, before you could open the car door to exit, the man with glasses glanced back again, his expression just as dark as before.
"Just to make things clear, you're not doing a shit." He snapped, jabbing his finger in your direction. "I'm not having some stupid fucking kid ruin everything for us."
"What the fuck?" you blurted out, feeling a surge of frustration. "If they didn't think I was capable, they wouldn't have sent me the message to come"
Your eyebrows knit together in annoyance as you leaned back in your seat, processing the implication of being underestimated. The comment stung, igniting a resolve to prove them wrong.
But you knew better than to act out. Three full-grown adults capable of kidnapping a child? They could do anything to you if you crossed them the wrong way.
So unfortunately for you, fortunate for the rest of them; you didn't do anything.
You followed them through the house, silent as a shadow, observing their movements. You watched as they found a secure hiding spot and brutally put the girl to sleep.
The weight of the situation pressed heavily on your shoulders as you stood witness to their intense planning, knowing that every moment counted in this risky endeavor.
Especially when the alarm went off.
You weren't much for panic or fear, but getting caught trying to kidnap a little girl would certainly not bode well for what was technically your first criminal activity.
But it worked out in favor.
Back in the van, the amount of people doubled. Some blonde chick with blue stripes of hair, a man with ginger beard and a black man who wore a leather jacket.
The house you arrived to later on was no different from the first one, standing out only for its poor choice of location and haunting appearance.
A man dressed in a black suit claimed his name was 'Lambert' and insisted to be the leader, the rules leaving his mouth as if they were simple.
You knew very well that the whole process wouldn't be so easy. Especially now that you knew that Joey would be there.
Arguing about the names seemed to be the main subject the first couple minutes, until they were randomly assigned to you by Lambert.
Riley? Was that the best he could come up with?
The name left a bitter taste in your mouth. It reminded you way too much of the girl in your seventh grade class who made fun of the woman you babysat for, claimed she was a junkie.
She ended up with a nosebleed and you with detention.
Then you remembered who the woman actually was. And all the memories came crashing down.
You yearned to shed those, to wipe the slate clean.
Which was why you thanked the Gods above for putting a bar in the house.
Everybody else seemed to be as impressed as you were, it was basically the room the whole group headed into.
The polished mahogany counter gleamed invitingly under warm light. And the pool table was not that long out of use, its felt still pristine and ready for the next game.
Amid the soothing clink of glasses and the murmurs of fellow conspirators, you felt a fleeting sense of release. It was as if this place had been crafted just for this purpose—to offer respite from the weight of memories.
You settled down into the seat next to 'Sammy', the girl with the with wannabe teenager style, who looked like she could've stepped straight out of a high school yearbook.
Reached for a glass to pour yourself a drink, but you all eyes in the room landed on you as Joey spoke up; sitting further away in an uncomfortable looking armchair.
"You're too young to drink." Joey said, her voice unbothered and determined as she leaned back in the armchair. Almost like she was your mother.
And for some reason, what she said and how she said it sparked a raging fire inside you.
"And you're too young to act like my mother," you countered sharply, your words laced with defiance and a hint of frustration you felt.
You filled up the glass and let it all slide down your throat, hoping that it fueled an irritation in Joey.
As tension hung thick in the air, Sammy sensed the atmosphere and looked between you and Joey, looking as dumbfounded as everyone else. Finally, she asked cautiously, "Um, were we allowed to share our ages or something? I thought we weren't supposed to share personal information."
Frank raised an eyebrow, nodding towards you and Joey. "Apparently they knew each other before," he remarked, gesturing between the two of you.
Peter furrowed his brow, clearly puzzled as if he wasn't in the car when it was mentioned.
At that Sammy chimed in again, her curiosity piqued. "Are you related or something?" she asked, glancing back and forth between you and Joey.
You rolled your eyes, not in the mood for discussing the subject; you were never in the mood for it. Now everybody in the house knew about it, and it was clear that they would be asking about it.
Joey didn't seem to mind it one bit. Instead she smiled weakly and answered like she could've done it in her sleep.
"Her mother's my best friend." She stood up from where she was sitting, directing her voice to Sammy who raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"Was," you corrected sharply through gritted teeth, feeling the familiar sting of annoyance.
The room fell silent at that, the weight of your words hanging heavily in the air: nobody seemed to know what to say next.
Instead, the conversation shifted, and you sat back, happy that no one seemed to care much about it. You listened attentively to everyone and observed their behaviors and personalities; trying to find out what kind of people they were.
You quickly realized that the man wearing glasses was aggressive with a short temper. The big, muscular man seemed oblivious and not very bright, but he was strong enough to lift a mountain if he put his mind to it. The black man with the motorcycle style was mysterious. He appeared to have a crush on Joey — as he often looked at her when she wasn't aware and spoke to her in a flirtatious manner.
The smoker, dressed in rainbow-colored clothes, was childish and seemed eager for Sammy's attention, though it was clear that Sammy had her eye on Peter.
You were great at observing things, uncovering manners and nuances that nobody else even noticed. Listing out their jobs, family lives, and relationships came as a bonus.
You had picked up the skill from Joey. She had made up the game just between the two of you to play whenever you went out for ice cream every weekend.
Observing people, figuring out stories about their lives based on their clothes and guessing their secrets based on their body language. You were good at it, great almost, but Joey was always better. And you wanted to be just like her.
Everybody in the room was now paying her to do just that—figure them out and make assumptions about their lives. Watching her, you realized you didn't want to play that game anymore. It felt too invasive, too much like prying into things better left alone.
She confidently walked around the room, collecting every dollar offered to her. With unwavering certainty, she revealed her insights: Frank had a background in detective enforcement, Peter had struggled with paternal abuse, Sammy hailed from wealth and enjoyed outdoing criminal exploits for a rush, and Dean was a nonprofessional sociopath.
To no surprise she seemed to be right on every single one of them.
However, when she arrived at you, you met her gaze with a steely expression of defiance. She almost looked uncertain, like she wanted to look away.
You were not in the mood for her to dig up your past like it was a game. "Do me, and I'll cut your throat."
Harsh. Way too harsh, but it worked since Joey walked away.
It was the fact that Joey wouldn't even have to guess your past that threw you off. She knew everything already. Almost everything.
Which was unsettling. You didn't want to share a past with her anymore. You didn't want for your past to be exposed meanwhile hers was well hidden.
Which was why you couldn't help but discreetly smirk at Frank's words, "And you are a junkie".
It was ironic, a moment of relief even. Making you realize that even her past was more transparent than you'd thought. She couldn't shield herself from having her own past exposed, despite her sharp insights in others.
As if things couldn't get any weirder, the kidnapped girl — whose name seemed to be Abigail — turned out to be a vampire.
Both Rickles and Dean had been killed out of nowhere, and it was now clear that the little girl was the one who'd done it.
She had made attempts at biting every single one of you, successfully capturing a bite in Sammy's arm, leaving everyone panicked.
And now, you guys had successfully captured her in a human cage; although it was clear she didnt belong to that group of species.
Abigail, from her confinement, proudly stated that she had orchestrated the entire operation and planned everything herself. That Lambert worked for her and that the money everybody was there for, didn't exist.
And without missing a beat, she had begun to expose everyone's real names and tragic pasts, laying bare the secrets they clearly had tried so hard to keep hidden.
She revealed that Sammy's actual name was Jessica Hurney, that she had made a career out of siphoning money from her rich parents, next came hedge funds and private offshore accounts. All of the facts confirmed what Joey had guessed earlier; she only did it for the kicks, since she clearly already had enough money.
Peter's real name was Terrence Lacroix, clearly much more complicated and advanced than his brain and his way of thinking. Appearently he had history with the Montreal Broussard family; snapping next for them. Which surprised you a ton, the guy might've looked stately, but he acted like he wouldn't hurt a fly.
Then she arrived at you.
She turned her head to you with a big proud smirk plastered on her face. Her hands were clasped together as she spoke, swinging back and forth on her heels.
"Y/N L/N" She spoke proudly, everybody's eyes on you. "Deceased mother, unkown father and two suicide attempts before the age of seventeen."
You clenched your jaw, even though you weren't affected by the slightest. You already knew everything she was saying. You lived through it. And it wasn't like you were ever going to see these people again, what was the shame in letting them know?
Everybody had their gaze stuck on you, but Joey's was burning onto your skin.
"Orphan at fourteen. Going through foster care after foster care yet nobody seemed to want you  permanentely. Was it because you were nothing but a burden? Or was it because you were caught stealing alcohol from most of them?" Abigail smiled proudly, and you wanted nothing but to smile back; showing her that she didn't affect you the way she thought she did. But your lips didn't move.
She then moved through Frank and Joey, and it seemed like she had invited everyone to punish and torture them for doing something to their family legacy.
Sammy had embezzled funds from their empire, Peter had stolen from them. Frank had betrayed them and Joey had accidentally caused the death of someone very important to Abigail's father.
Everybody had done something to them, but you? Hadn't done anything, for once.
Thinking that pulling a book from a bookshelf would help you find the way out was stupid, but what was even more stupid was that Joey thought that the walls would be breakable containing only one layer. And the fact that she got frustrated when it didn't work was laughable.
Ever since Abigail had revealed your past and managed to escape out of the cage, Joey had looked at you with worried puppy eyes; as if you were going to break down any second. Which only annoyed you.
But nothing infuriated you more than Sammy sitting herself down next to Joey, clearly trying to engage in some kind of conversation. She probably thought Joey was this amazing person that got through a bunch of tragic stuff with drug addiction and a son in the picture. But she wasn't, not in your eyes.
Joey explained that she had gotten clean, that she was planning to go back for him and start a new life with the money she took the job for.
Everybody gave her sympatic looks in return. Even Frank looked like it was getting to him.
And you were tired of it.
"That's bullshit." You stood up from the chair you were previously sitting on.
All eyes were back on you, Joey's in particular. Her eyes widened, a mixture of shock and hurt playing across her face. The room fell silent, the air thick with tension.
"What?" Joey's voice trembled, though she tried to keep it steady.
"You heard me," you said, your tone unwavering. "You weren't planning to use the money on a new life, you were going to spend it all on drugs."
Sammy shifted uncomfortably beside Joey, clearly caught off guard by your outburst.
Joey shook her head in determination to get you to stop, knowing what you were going to expose. "No." She let out, her voice almost failing her.
You scoffed, crossing your arms and looking around the room. "Do you guys want to know the actual reason my mom is dead?"
Nobody answered. You turned your glare towards Peter who watched you with nothing but pity in his eyes.
Joey's eyes, almost glistening with unshed tears, met yours. There was a flicker of something there—pleading for you to stop, perhaps.
"She died of an overdose." You looked around the room, seeing the wary and weary faces staring back at you. Feeling the weight of the words settle in the room like a thick fog.
Joey's face crumpled, and she turned away, trying to hide her regretful face with tears threatening to spill. Sammy looked between you and Joey, unsure of what to say or do. The rest of the group was equally silent, processing your revelation.
You continued, your voice growing steadier with each word. "She had been sober for 2 months until Joey decided to come over and ruin everything."
Joey's head snapped up, eyes wide but defiant. "It wasn't supposed to happen like that! I just... I wanted to-"
You scoffed, bitterness dripping from your words as you interrupted her. "Well you clearly didnt want to earn up to your mistake since you left the town the next day.
Joey's jaw tightened, her voice steady but strained as she tried to defend herself. "I panicked, okay? I didn't know what to do. I was scared."
The room was deathly quiet, everyone holding their breath. You took a deep breath and delivered the final blow, your voice cold and unwavering."Scared? You should be. Because you can't run from what you did forever."
The room fell silent again, everyone avoiding eye contact. The tension hung in the air, heavy and unspoken.
Finally, Sammy broke the silence, changing the subject to how she could lock up all the doors; that were covered with bars and lock if she found a power source.
The conversation rapidly shifted, but the impact of your words lingered, leaving everyone with a lot to think about. Mostly Joey.
You knew things would never be the same, but at least the truth was out.
The dumbest thing to ever do trapped in a house with a vampire on the loose would be splitting up. Yet Joey instructed everybody to do just that to find the power source Sammy needed, and since everyone had no clue what to do, they listened.
Peter willingly went with Sammy, since it was very clear that they liked each other. Either way it was stupid, you figured Sammy would turn into a vampire any second now.
In reality, you wanted to go alone, but unfortunately you were paired with Joey and Frank. The decision to split up seemed reckless, especially in a situation where safety was paramount.
Despite your reservations, there was no room for argument. Joey's instructions were clear, and you found yourself reluctantly following alongside Joey and Frank as they ventured into the corridors of the house.
In the midst of the tension, before you followed Joey and Frank into the corridors, Joey had pulled you aside with a determined look in her eyes. She spoke in a hushed voice, barely concealing her urgency,
'When we get out of here, you're coming to live with me. I'll make sure of it.'
There was no room for discussion as she hurriedly turned away, leaving you with a glimmer of hope in your eyes.
Every shadow seemed to move, every creak in the floorboards felt like a threat. The urgency to find the power source and secure the house drove you forward, but the unease never left your mind. Joey and Frank moved ahead with cautious determination, while you kept glancing over your shoulder, half-expecting for Abigail to appear at any moment.
As you anticipated,  Sammy had turned into a vampire no more than a few minutes into searching, killing Peter. Then exploded from the daylight Joey reflected from a small silver platter.
Lambert's true nature was exposed; he was the same species as Abigail, working for her and her father.
And Frank, in a moment of desperation, was foolish enough to accept Lambert's offer to join the them.
While you expected his transformation to take as long as Sammy's, it happened much faster. Within moments, after Lambert almost choked Joey to death Frank's eyes changed color, and his metamorphosis was complete.
Joey made a desperate attempt to call her son, assuming none of you would make it out in human form. Her attempt ended with her leaving a voice message, as he didn't answer.
After her unsuccessful attempt to reach her son, you and she hurried to the center of the house, aware that Frank was close behind, his footsteps echoing ominously through the corridors.
As you reached the center, the dim light from a flickering bulb overhead cast eerie shadows around you, intensifying the sense of dread that hung in the air.
And Frank wasted no time in springing into action. With a sudden burst of inhuman force, he threw both Joey and you up to the second floor landing.
You landed with a painful thud against the bookshelf covered wall, as if you were a weightless doll, struggling to catch your breath as Joey scrambled to her feet.
With menacing speed, Frank flew up to the second-floor landing where you and Joey stood, taken aback by his unnatural speed and power.
His eyes was now fixated on Joey. And in a terrifying display, he seized her by the throat, lifting her effortlessly off the ground. Joey struggled against his vice-like grip, grasping for air as her hands clawed his arm.
With a cruel twist of fate, Frank suddenly released Joey, throwing her backwards. At the same moment, he hurled you with his strength, propelling you over the edge of the landing.
Joey's cry of horror echoed through the air as you plummeted toward the hard cement floor below. Time seemed to slow as the ground rushed up to meet you.
And in the corner of your eye, you could see Abigail sliding on the black and white floor, allowing herself to catch Joey just in time.
But there was no one to break your fall.
It was abrupt and brutal, ending with the back of your head crashing against the cement floor with an unforgiving, bone-jarring impact.
The pain was immediate and excruciating, radiating from your scull down your entire body. You could feel the severity of the blow reverberate through your brain, a sensation that left no doubt about the damage it had caused.
Your vision blurred momentarily, and you struggled to focus on the chaotic scene around you.
Every heartbeat sent a fresh wave of agony through your head, and you could feel a warm trickle of blood pooling beneath you.
Each breath became a struggle, and your attempts to move were met with unresponsive limbs. The sounds of the fight above you started to fade, and the fact that Joey was calling your name to get up and help her, was inaudible from your side.
Not from distance but from your own waning awareness.
The cold cement beneath you was unyielding.
Numbness was spreading through your body.
And your eyes shut.
Joey didn't realize you were gone until the chaos had finally subsided. She had been so consumed with the fight for survival that your absence hadn't registered. It was only after the battle ended, and the adrenaline began to fade, that she noticed you weren't by her side and hadn't been at all since the fall. The shock and guilt hit her hard when she found your lifeless body, realizing that she had been too late to save you.
Joey had held onto you with tears streaming down her face.
The weight of your loss settled heavily on her, making her painfully aware that this was all your life was ever going to be.
Your life had always been a struggle. As a kid, your concerns weren't about choosing an ice cream flavor at the kiosk or picking out a dress at the shops. Instead, you worried about making sure the tap wasn't running and raising the water bill, and you focused on maintaining grades good enough to secure a well-paying job to help your mother with groceries.
What you didn't know back then was that you wouldn't get the time to find a job anyway. And now, the water bill didn't matter anymore; you didn't have a home to pay for it.
-this sucks and trust me, i’m aware, i just spent way too much dreading and time on writing this; it’s only be a waste for it to rot in drafts.
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the-joy-team · 4 days
“HELLO!!!! And welcome to the Golden Shores Beach Day Awards Ceremony! Today we’ve had some AWESOME competitions running throughout the day, some that weren’t even planned, but we were so impressed we just had to shout a couple of you out!” -🐭
“This feels similar to what the kids would call bullying-” -✨
“But in a kind and rewarding way of course because we’re so proud of everyone’s joyous nature today!” -🐭
*Ellen rolled her eyes. Today was a shit show and anyone with eyes could tell that. Someone literally died and the High Seraphim who was supposed to be doing awards was no where to be found. Not to mention that… person Seraphim Adina was running around with for half the day was definitely a sinner. And honestly, there were several other halos that were suspect throughout the day as well! Calling attention to it would have caused a panic though so she let it slide but seriously? Joyous nature Penelope?*
“There were several moments we’ll be highlighting, so keep those clappers warm and ready to get to applauding! Today was a great day!” -🐭
“First we’d like to congratulate all of the sandcastle builders. There were 76 entries this year! Thats the most we’ve ever had compete during this event, and the competition was hot! With over six thousand votes turned in, it’s a surprise we even got the votes all tallied up in time!” -🐲
“Would have been a lot harder if you hadn’t set half of them on fire, but what do I know?” -✨
“Please, when you’ve been called, come to the podium to be recognized and receive your award. So without further ado, third place belongs to… number 34, Dahlia!” -🐲
“Our second place was a tight win, only a little over thirty more votes seperately these two placements! Second place was… number 33, Delia!” -🐥
“Our first place winner was an absolute landslide. This sand castle was entered a bit later in the day but still managed to get quite a lot of attention for their scenes from the skies! This castle was a masterpiece coming from an unsuspected source. With a tallied vote of 1256 votes, the winner of the sandcastle building competition is… number 68, Shamira!” -🐭
*Ellen remembered counting votes and laughing as she sorted through the paper slips. At least a third of them were all in Emily’s flowing cursive. But honestly, she loved Emily and if she was willing to turn in over 300 votes for the guardians castle, she would gladly count them. Even if said guardian would have won without any of them*
(( @exorcist-dahlia @exorcist-delia @askshamass ))
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gffa · 8 months
hot take, but bitches on my feed are saying that disney killed SW, but i will gladly accept all the trainwrecks past and future in exchange for the two masterpieces we got, those being the OWK show and Andor. disney SW is rarely good, but when it is, it knocks it out of the park, and for me, thats worth all the shit a million times over
Hi! I'll always say this--people have to be allowed their space for stuff like this, just like we have to be allowed our space to like or not like things as we please, too. It gets frustrating to hear about this kind of thing, maybe mute/blacklist their usernames for awhile to get them off your dash and take a break for a bit, be easy on yourself! But I will also say this, to anyone who feels that way: Honestly, aside from the handful of shows we generally like, once they stop airing, how much do you really even hear about them? The vast majority of the time I want to have discussion about the Disney era books, I'm the one bringing it up. Outside of the OWK and Andor shows and some cute moments from The Mandalorian, I pretty much only have OT/PT/TCW/Rebels/very occasional Ahsoka content on my dash. It's so easy to ignore the Disney stuff that we don't like, let it go, we don't have to carry that shit around with us, if we don't want! And I will finally say this: I love the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so much and it slapped so hard that I'm in agreement, any other stuff I don't care for is worth it over and over because that show was SO GODDAMNED PERFECT FOR WHAT I WANTED FROM IT. If I never get anything else from Star Wars, I have my movies, I have my TCW, I have my OWK, and I have my Lucas interviews. All I need now is people to talk with them and fic to read, both of which I have, check and check. It's okay for people to think Disney ruined Star Wars, I can see where they're coming from. As long as they're fine with me enjoying the stuff I legitimately enjoyed (whether coming over to talk to me about it or giving me a wide berth if they can't be around it, both are fine), then we're all good.
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I watched the entirety of fleabag today and honestly that was a cinematic and writing masterpiece.
It was so real and especially the relationship between fleabag and Claire. It mimics the same I have with my sister in more ways than one. They don't see eachother much and they're weird when it comes to emotional talks and the scene where Claire goes to hug fleabag a d she jumps back like it was scary was so funny to me because it's just like... YES THATS SUCH A SISTER THING. They don't always like eachother but as Claire said in the final episode, fleabag was the only one she'd run to the airport for
I could get into fleabag and the priests relationship too and why I loved ot so much hut it would make this post like 3 times longer so I will hold off on that for now cause I think I'm gonna re-watch season 2 to see if I can pick up on anything else.
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desire-mona · 6 months
dps boys (and keating's) favourite songs (aka me projecting because i love music) (also modern au because you cannot limit me to music before 1960 you just cant)
i made a playlist of all these songs in case you wanna give em a listen, you can find it here. if you totally disagree with me or wanna add more then absolutely let me know!
neil: talia - ride the cyclone (the musical)
yes i KNOW it's obvious to choose a song from a musical BUT. ride the cyclone is special, i think he'd really like the lack of an ensemble and enjoy the dark premise despite the comedic nature of a vast majority of the show. also i totally think his favourite performance would be by gus halper bc of the use of the projector. mischa or noel is definitely a dream role of his.
todd: vincent - james blake ('s cover, og by don mclean)
don mcleans lyricism is like catnip to poets and it has gone unacknowledged for far too long. a lyrically gorgeous, vaguely queer sounding song about a tortured artist, covered by someone with an ANGELIC voice. can you name anything more todd? not to mention the piano is so far beyond moving, nothing short of a masterpiece.
charlie: dear prudence - siouxsie and the banshees (again - a cover, og by the beatles)
firm believer that charlie was an avid beatles hater for a WHILE until eleanor rigby grew on him, much to his dismay. is now a casual beatles enjoyer, only due to the fact that their vocals annoy him. so a cover by siouxsie sioux (whom he most definitely has a crush on) is basically a blessing in disguise. loves the instrumentals, loves the vocals, loves all of it. insists that its better than the original and will ultimately die (correct) on that hill.
meeks: love on the line (call now) - her's
as much as i love and adore meeks, i have been loyal to my headcanon that he is an annoying music snob since day one. of course, this culminates in his favourite song being by THE indie pop/rock band that pretentious people love to bring up the death of. he is no exception, any time the band is mentioned he will without fail go "did you know that they died in a car crash?" either way, id be lying if i said this was a bad pick. the upbeat vibe mixed with the actual meaning of the song being about a guy wasting all his money on a sex hotline? it makes the whole song so fun, and thats right up his alley! super danceable too, which plays a huge part.
pitts: bad fruit - jean dawson
will mona ever shut up about jean dawson? signs point to no. anywho, if you've followed along with my pittsie musings then you KNOW that i consider pitts to be the most well versed music guy to ever step on welton academy campus. realistically, im sure his favourite song changes on a day to day basis, but he always comes back to this. jean dawson makes art that ive seen few do similarly, everything he brings to the table i find so incredibly unique and well crafted. definitely pitts' biggest music crush.
cameron: '39 - queen
absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, an extremely guilty pleasure. i take his parents as the type to ban queen in their household (for reasons that im sure youre able to pick up on) but i ALSO take cameron as a sucker for classic rock, match made in hell. of course, since brian may does the vocals on this song instead of freddie, he can listen on the dl and be fine. also, the concept of time travel in music is SO!!! INTERESTING!! would absolutely go on a 10 minute long tangent about the story and meaning of the song, which only mittsie would actually listen to.
knox: lavender buds - MF DOOM
fine, FINE. i'll give knox a proper headcanon, but i wont be happy about it. i think i would listen to MF DOOM a lot more if i was a former bully, but thats not actually based off anything so dont take that as an insult, avid listeners. honestly i dont really have an in depth explanation for this one, just look at the lyrics and youll understand.
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(this repeats 3 times)
i also take him to be a big r&b/ blues enjoyer, also based off nothing at all, so the sample probably appeals to some sense of nostalgia.
keating: clair de lune - claude debussy
yes, even modern keating's fav song would be classical, you can rip that from my cold, dead hands. this song was based off the poem by the same title by paul verlaine, which i'll include because it is just so damn beautiful.
Your soul is a select landscape
Where charming masqueraders and bergamaskers go
Playing the lute and dancing and almost
Sad beneath their fantastic disguises.
All sing in a minor key
Of victorious love and the opportune life,
They do not seem to believe in their happiness
And their song mingles with the moonlight,
With the still moonlight, sad and beautiful,
That sets the birds dreaming in the trees
And the fountains sobbing in ecstasy,
The tall slender fountains among marble statues.
Paul Verlaine, 1869 (originally written in french, so this is a rough english translation)
now the song itself does SUCH a good job at capturing the beauty and moving parts of this poem, and it fits perfectly with a plethora of different emotions. i know without a shadow of a doubt that its his kryptonite. is that me projecting because i love this song and i love keating? absolutely, but i still think its true either way.
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channel-eclair · 9 days
rating every major nintendo series on how well i think they'd work as an open world game
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Super Mario - Bowser's Fury is an EXCELLENT showing of how this would work, and honestly I want a 3D Mario thats open world! I think it could work well! The only major challenge is having unique enviroments, as many open world games tend to have very standard enviroments. If you can make the world as unique and whimsical as Galaxy or Odyssey, we are absolutely set! Also maybe have like, Yoshis you can customize and ride for transporation. Also remember that Minecraft Mario pack that lets you see the Mario world all big and open? So good. - 9/10!
The Legend of Zelda - ....yeah. Even if you don't like BOTW/TOTK, open world really feels like what Zelda has always been building up to with Ocarina of Time's Hyrule Field and Wind Waker's Great Sea. It's perfect. - 10/10
Animal Crossing - uh...???? uhhhh... I mean like,.. I can imagine maybe, you have a portable camper home and you travel a huge world with every villager somewhere in the world.. but like.. no, no this isn't good. - 3/10
Splatoon - Actually I think more big open enviroments in Splatoon would be REALLY nice! I'd love to have fully inkable huge 3D areas! BUT I would prefer it more in the style of Super Mario 64/Odyssey where its just simple big sandboxes and not a full open world. I'd honestly LOVE a 3D platformer Splatoon spin off - 7/10!
Pokemon - This may be a hot take; but I think open world Pokemon is AMAZING. SV is the first time the games have ever felt like the anime to me honestly, a big open adventure with my dear Pokemon. Seeing a Pokemon Center in the horizon after a lot of battles, finally making it to the nearest town, camping anywhere... its AMAZING and I want more of it! (also while not open world Legends Arceus is a literal masterpiece) - 10/10!
Kirby - Forgotten Land is a masterpiece but lets stick to level by level! I just don't think this would compliment the series well at all tbh. - 5/10
Fire Emblem - Trying to picture this in my head... like... I could imagine Genealogy of the Holy War where the maps are HUGE. Maybe have proper walking around like 3H and SoV and you travel a huge map, and make camps, get into skirmishes, and one battle is literal several in game weeks. It would really capture a good war like feeling. Like some sorta mix between SoV's dungeon roaming and Genealogy's huge maps? I think it'd work great for a FE4 remake but really need specific circumstances elsewhere - 7/10
Pikmin - I actually remember people theorizing Pikmin 4 would be open world! Yknow, I think it could work well! Have spots to move your ship and various bases, and lots of different enviroments you gradually go to.. also, make it so you can get Pikmin types in any order depending on where you can go! I think it could be great, but I don't think I want it over what we have now. - 8/10
Metroid - Nope this would not work this game is supposed to be enclosed and mysterious - 1/10
Kid Icarus - Okay this isn't a major Nintendo series but I'm including it anyways because I think this could translate fun to open world! Like you have the on ground battle gameplay, but you can take flight whenever to explore the world... but if you fly around for 5 minutes, Pit proceeds to PLUMMET to the ground at full speed, leaving you stuck wherever you landed. I actually think it'd work a lot like say, a concept for open world Star Fox or any space game where you can fly around and get out of your ship, but without the stress of having to make tons of planets and instead making towns. I'd still prefer Uprising's style but I wanted to throw out ideas - 7/10!
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desb3ar · 7 months
ok this was originally gonna be an anon post but i decided to STOP BEING A PUSSY!!!!
your art of miggle is sooo osooooo osooooo sososoo coool..... i love the way you draw him so big but he also just looks sosososo soft and gentle!!!!! i saw the horror art and thats what really made me want to write this because ur ability to absolutely make him turn a 180 is awesome........ i remember seeing that art of him as a weighted blanket and tbh it really spoke to me because i'm autistic and ykw i want a big muscley bf (miguel) to lay on me and be my weighted blanket!!!!!!!!
and your nonviolent communication fanart is sooo good.... granted spoilers for me cus i haven't finished it yet (school unfortunately) but greensagephase must be elated everytime they see u post because i think you're bestowing a writer's greatest honor to have their fic have fanart!
AAAAAAND NOT TO MENTION U ARE A WRITER URSELF AND THATS AWESOME TOO i read all of your works and tehy'resoooo!!!! they're soooo!!!!!! YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE MAN it rlly adds depth to mig even if it's soso simple and domestic your talent really shines in both areas!!!!!!!
so... haha..... we are both artists and writers (x reader writers to be specific.... and we both like The Specimen.... whadya say... buddy..... mutuals???? 😊 (THISISSOLONG IM SORRY YOU CAN DELCINE IF YOU WNANA)
im still so stunned i am even capable of turning miguel into this lovable guy. i dont even mean to 😭 i honestly thought i was doing the complete opposite because i wasnt meaning for him to be made out that way, which is funny and somewhat cute. many always say that and im always beside myself when it’s mentioned . him being some sort of weighted blanket, that drawing? one of my favorites ngl. i just might draw some more soft miguel, have them all in one post to relief dashboards of my spam LMFAO
i could go on and on about nonviolent communication. #1 fic of all time. I spent more time than id like to admit reading it, its that good. thats why i draw the things i do, its such an enjoyable read 😭 i gotta draw more of it instead of waiting on the next chapter because theres so many amazing moments i read that i really wanna put on the canvas. green deserves so much fanart for how well-constructed their story is and for the amazingly done writing that makes miguel come to life even more. it’s astounding, green is really the reason i was writing to start with ❤️☺️
on the subject of writing, ive GOT to write more, just need some ideas that isnt too far from how he is in canon (i love him for what ive seen, not because of the fantasies ive hd lmfao). writing takes so much thought and i commend those who take their time to make amazing pieces, i can barely crack 2k words without thinking this is a masterpiece when the talented can make 4k words and its only the mf START. ITS NUTS. but im not here to compare, just paying so much gratitude for authors on tumblr haa im rambling UGH
THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS!! and dont worry, i dont get a lot of long messages in my inbox, its rare, so this means a lot more than you think <333
and amazing on having balls, respect <3
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autumnteawithfriends · 6 months
Okay, I feel like I’m going to give the impression that I’m genuinely frustrated, but honestly, I want to say this. Also keep in mind this is coming from someone who grew up on Mario.
Not only do I think Illumination’s Super Mario Bros is mediocre, but I don’t give a shit about any of the references. I went to watch the movie with my mom and younger brother around the time it came out and was expecting at least a fun experience considering it’s Mario, and not only did I find it lacking, but whenever I tried to bring it up to one of my friends, they said it was made for the fans. Hence why there’s so many references, and apparently that’s supposed to excuse the other problems I had with it. (The plot was fine, it fits Super Mario and it’s simple. But the characters were not strong enough to make up for it, the pacing is all over the place, etc.)
Like, as someone who grew up on Mario. Something I can say is that throwing in tons of references to the 90s cartoons or Mario Kart games doesn’t automatically make your movie the pinnacle of Video Game Movie adaptations or a masterpiece that succeeds in adapting video games where other adaptations fail.
For example, I loved the Sonic and FNAF movie, both of which are movie adaptations of video games. And I actually liked them because they actually feel like proper movies with the game elements included naturally instead of new Mario movie where it just felt like “References: The Movie”
I don’t know, I just wanted to get this off my chest. If you like the new Mario movie, thats fine, I just wanted to get this off my chest.
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sethdomain · 1 month
want my shipping takes that ill still probably get hanged for??? here we go. theyre basically all "everyone chill out" ...it seems like most people are just submitting ships theyd get cancelled for, not takes on shipping. ill do that after in case i completely misread what you were asking for
if ccbeeduo didnt want to get shipped they shouldnt have made their characters get married and have a son and fall in love. natural byproduct, really shouldve expected it. i still think ppl should have chilled fr but like, they both had plenty of examples of what fans were like, they shouldve taken that into account before making those character decisions.
cdapduo discourse was absolutely batshit insane and everyone who posted with a banner saying either "slime is quackity's son and if you ship them you're weird DNI" OR "they keep flirting, if you call slime quackity's son you're weird DNI" pissed me off. how about no one's weird because actually its a roleplay with lots of different perspectives and you can do whatever you want forever . obvs i understood people who were like "i believe this thing, dont fucking yell at me for it" but it sucks that people had to make banners for that fr.
in the same vein, the discourse with emeraldduo. though that one i dont/didnt see as much, i did still see those same banners. even as a family sbi fan, i never saw someone shipping emduo and thought "yeah let me go yell at them and tell them not to interact with me because i personally think theyre family-coded." the devotion is ambiguous but powerful.
Heat Waves was the funniest fic ive ever read because idgaf about either of those guys so it was just like 20 chapters of some guy crying and jacking off and then getting rejected.
i think rarepairs are based as fuck and mischaracterizing guys to fit your ship is fine do whatever you want forever!!!!!!!! people complained to hell and back about fanfics tagging characters and ships and them being ooc . WHO GIVE A FUCK THEY WROTE THAT SHIT FOR FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!! ALSO MANGOBALL'S MONSTER/CHEATER CHEATER WAS A MASTERPIECE
karlnapity was not perfect polyamory i see people glossing over the fact that when they first talked about polyamory quackity started attacking and biting when karl and sapnap kissed and thats fucking FUNNY i want to see more of THAT.
sorry for writing so much i have a lot of opinions
JESUS ANON, honestly idgaf bro i take any spicy opinion as long as its not going straight to 'i love pedophilia/incest' territory that my only rule man
For beeduo, idk if u mean the cc ship or the c ship cause honest to god i was a huge inniter back then and dont follow their stuff closelt that much, but im just gonna assume u mean the rpf cc shipping. Honestly, I don't really agree with ur take, its a bit victim blamey, both ranboo and tubbo were like young and in their naivety expect their fans to uphold their boundary to just not ship them in a rpf way and i think you should've respected their wishes man. You sometimes gotta be reminded that dsmp was just them guys having fun and if they want to rp as a husband then whatev man :p
I agree bruh, i think people were just sscared of a little doomed faggot in action
phil and techno doesn't even act like father/son in the dsmp canon anyway, they act like old bestie
imma be fr idgaf abt heatwaves but that sound awesome
sometime the back of my mind say that, but the evil demon that wants everything to be perfect take over anon.. its hard... I need to get mad at people...
no cucking is allowed in karlnapity... #lame
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
ur work is sosooosooooo good omg can i request a lil skz reaction if you aren’t too busy? it’s not close to valentine’s day yet but i’m in the sentimental mood, could you do their reaction to their s/o doing a big romantic gesture for them? love the fluffy vibes you give!!!!
stray kids when their s/o does something romantic for them
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genre: fluff, romance
word count: 1.4k
warnings: not proofread!!
please like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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arranges a spa day. let's be real; a spa date was long awaited. if anyone deserves a little spa sesh, it's channie. he works so hard, gets himself all stressed and worked up about things. he has so many responsibilities, so many things to think about and people to take care of. so yes, when you tell him you're treating him to a spa date, he very much welcomes and appreciates the idea. its something he would consider as romantic because he needs it, and the fact that you thought he would like it makes him feel super happy.
he loves the steam room because he thinks it's so cool and he is so surprised about how much he relaxed during his session. honestly, he thought he was still going to be tense and be thinking about things. but being with you in this experience just makes him feel so much more happier. the massage treatment was his favourite, obviously. he will continue to thank you forever because his joints feel better, his shoulders feel lighter, and he just feels so much more at peace.
lee know
takes care of his cats. we all know minho worries about his dear little precious fluffy babies a whole lot. and rightly he should! they are his family and mean so much to him afterall. but on occasions where they aren't feeling well or had just had a visit to the vet for an operation or something, thats when he worries about them the most. he wants to be there and keep an eye on them to make sure they keep out of harms way and try and make them as comfy as possible, but his job doesn't allow him the same flexibility as it used to.
you decide to take it upon yourself to volunteer to look after these fluffy little creatures. you dont even bat an eye when you tell him you're staying to look after them. you don't know just how. much this gesture means to him. with you, he knows that they are in safe hands and that he doesn't have to worry as much about them. he's so forever greatful to you. your relationship with his cats are important to him anyways, so this is just the icing on the cake.
goes on a trip with him. changbin has quite a sense of responsibility, but he also has a real lust for life. he has this incurable sense that there is more to life than just: wake up, workout, got to work, sleep, and repeat. he likes exploring and experiencing new things. variety is what keeps him going. so when you say you want to take a spontaneous trip away with him, he is so down. he loves the idea of just escaping the realities of every day life and spending time with you elsewhere, to focus on you and just having fun.
his favourite trip yet has been going back to his hometown. this was actually your idea; you felt it would give him great comfort. he was able to revist some important, nostalgic places form his childhood, as well as places he took for granted at the time, now able to look at them with fresh eyes and a developed brain. he got to appreciate these things as the adult he is now, and that is something truly special.
paints a picture of him. hyunjin was at first shy sith his talents with art, but soon readily showed and taught you how to paint, considering your keen interest in his new hobby. he didn't realise it himself but he was a very good teacher, and you got to learn many good skills from him. and so, with these skills, you decide that you would create a beautiful masterpiece of your boyfriend, showing him that he is the perfect teacher and giving him something to convey appreciation for him.
when you finally gave him the finishing product, at long last, he teared up. there was a note that came with it: 'you are the art i see in every day life. getting to know you and the way you see the world has been such a beautiful experience. may we continue to share the world together, my dear artist.'
writes him a song. of all the songs he has written about you, expressing his feelings, his adoration, the articulation of his love for you through the lyrics he had written late at night, you figured it was about time you gave the same amount of effort back to him. your talented, hardworking boyfriend inspired you so much, so writing a song about him was the least you could do. you even asked for a bit of guidance from changbin and channie to perfect the song.
but writing the lyrics was easy. this song was an expression of love for him. and hell, you could go on and on about how much he meant to you; how much he had changed your life for the better. its safe to say that when you finally played him the song you write for him, he cried buckets. he had no idea you would put this much effort into a gift for him. how greatful he was for you now.
completes the bucket list. felix has a bucket list his been adding things onto since he was a child. part of him didn't think he would actually complete most of those things on the list; some things were really specific, and others were super vague. but you had the idea to complete the things on his list with him. that way, he would be motivated to go and you would both make memories together.
so when he showed you his bucket list again, ideas decide to form in your head. you saw different things on it: go to disneyland, learn to ride a horse, bungee-jumping, marvel marathon, tie dye a t-shirt - clearly all very random ideas he accumalated over time. you'd surprise him one day with one of these things, perhaps starting off small and working your way up to the bigger stuff. "you really want to do all this with me?" he will questioning with a beaming smile on his face. "of course" you'll reply, not knowing how touched he felt by this.
set up a zoom date. honestly? covid and the whole lock down situation took a massive toll on seungmin. being isolated from everyone and not being are to see his favourite people really made him feel low. he felt restrained and trapped in his own environment. but not being able to see your face everyday hurt him especially. he felt so hopeless without you, and his mood got from bad to worse. he felt like there was more of a disconnect and he was worried that his relationship with you will weaken and slowly fade away due to the circumstances.
so when you come up with the idea to a zoom date for the first time, seungmin was deeply touched. you would get dressed up for him and everything, have a little candle on the side and try to eat the same thing for dinner as if you were sharing food. he found it so adorable and his deep love for you was affirmed by your kindness and persistent love that kept him going during these difficult times.
buys him something important. jeongin likes shopping for different bits and bobs but jn general he is very good with his money. he likes to save money for the future, but also save up to buy something expensive to treat himself after working so hard on a new comeback. it's a habit he has gotten into and he likes having that freedom to buy something meaningful and well thought out after so long. and so he has a specific item in mind that he's been saving up for and wants to buy, getting excited to purchase it when the time is right.
and that's where you come in with the idea to buy it for him instead. you know how much he has wanted this gift and you thought that it would be a grand gift to tell him how amazing he has done and how his efforts have paid off. honestly, when he sees that you have bought it for him, he is so shocked, totally stunned out of his seat and doesn't know what to do with himself at all. he would have never expected you to do this at all and he feels to loved and appreciated by you.
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dabislittlemouse · 5 months
I see you as the authority on Touya so I want your opinion if that’s okay. If some villains working with him captured Fuyumi and planned to do terrible things to her to hurt Endeavor, do you think Touya would help her or just walk away and let it happen because he knows it would hurt their father?
*ahem* okay this one’s tough, we remember how Touya said “that means endeavor would suffer” when Shoto told him that Natsu was in danger and could die right?
I never believed for once that Dabi actually didn’t give a shit about Natsu, though his hunger for revenge is much much stronger. ( I need to rewatch the episode of Natsu getting attacked cause honestly I might have forgotten some details). You know when a person has gone completely insane, saying the most unhinged shit, thats how Touya was in that moment, out of his mind, but that doesn’t mean all his words were true. AHH MY POINT IS- try to see it more in depth, Touya doesn’t always show what he truly feels, despite saying the most heinous shit known to man. Just like he’s with the League, he says that he doesn’t care, but you see how he comforts Toga and Twice right..
As for FUYUMI, I personally think that Touya would never let that happen, he actually hasn’t done anything to her so far has he? He wouldn’t go as far as to hurt her just cause of the old man, Touya and Fuyumi literally grew up together, and I just KNOW that he always had a soft spot for his younger sister, no matter what. That’s my opinion.
Toya had a connection with his two siblings, something that he didn’t have with Shoto (knowing that Shoto was constantly separated from his siblings) Touya grew up seeing Shoto as his competition, as the masterpiece that replaced him.
His resentment was never towards his two siblings, it was mostly towards his dad and also Shoto who was his dad’s masterpiece, the replacement of the failure. Sadly Touya doesn’t really see Shoto as his brother imo, constantly calling him a masterpiece, Enji Todoroki’s little puppet, objectifying him in some way, and it’s really sad to see. Hence the reason why he doesn’t hesitate to kill him, to break the masterpiece as Endeavor watches. And to him that is the best version of revenge, the failure killing the masterpiece while his father watches.
My point is, even though Touya is consumed by the need for revenge, I still believe that he still has a place in his heart for Fuyumi, Rei and Natsu. We see it in the episode when he is lying down on the couch, mentioning all his family member’s names: “Mom, Fuyumi-chan, Natsu-kun, Endeavor, Shoto” so Endeavor and Shoto are the only ones who don’t get called like the others do, (Shoto-kun for example, and Dad).
So yeah I yapped this much only because I wanted to bring out this fact on how Touya’s relationship and feelings towards his siblings is.
(THOUGH Touya is still unpredictable, a walking contradiction, you can never know what he actually has in his mind, his character is just so interesting)
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jolivira · 2 years
in case you havent seen it, theres this initiative going around by taka to share stuff we love about doctor who!
so heres my list of stuff, in no particular order:
I could write for hours about how important thasmin is to me but to spare all of you I wanted to focus on how the ship happened on the show, how chibbs, mandip and jodie saw our love for the characters and how much we related to them and decided to make it happen for us! and ended up gaving us one of the most beautiful wlw storylines ever
series 5
the whole crack in the wall plot is so well written and so mysterious and fun, honestly for me s5 is a capsule of everything good in doctor who! I loooove the fairytale/peter pan storyline sprinkled through amy's character, the humour, the episodes, river coming back, thE VAN GOGH EPISODE????
the van gogh episode
(I thought it deserved its own topic thingy because its that good)
its such a good episode, the visuals are stunning, the character parallels are great, the humour is good, it has so many iconic lines ("did she say brains" "thats why you smell like a dead bird" "Im a sucker for a scientist"), DID I MENTION BRAZILIAN QUEEN GABRIELA SPEAKING PORTUGUESE, the episode also takes advantage of the tardis potential and we go to new places outside europe/north america, gay kiss, its just such a good episodeeeeeee
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missy what a beautifully complex character... sillyness combined with terrifying seriousness, danger, unpredictability and tragedy, with a potential for good just under the surface. basically I really like her and I will defend her to the end of times
yasmin khan god where do I even start. I think yaz has one of the most beautiful character arcs Ive ever seen, subtle and gentle, just like her. yaz is a character that at first glance people dont really get, and youre not supposed to, slowly she grows inside of you, opens up and develops. her journey from struggling with bullying and mental health issues, to desperately looking for something important to do and then meeting the doctor, falling in love with her, repressing her feelings to then finally come to terms with it and love her life like she never thought possible before (I need to stop here otherwise Im gonna bawl my eyes out) ((but you get the gist))
just any time the doctor speaks/pretends to speak with animals, aliens that dont speak english or babies, thats my shit right there
coatless 13 in the magenta shirt (I love her so much)
anytime the doctor Fixes or Builds Things and they are surrounded with steampunk tools and helmets and shit, like yes little nerd go make something explode
this one is a bit of a cheat cause its not about the show itself! but I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who creates stuff as well as supports stuff being made here in the fandom! in special I wanted to thank fanfic writers yall are fucking incredible and those masterpieces have helped me a ton, they also truly inspire me, so yeah keep on being amazing!!
I think that's all for now at least, and if you reached the end of this enormous post make sure to make your own, go go go!
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i-sveikata · 2 months
Hi Gabby!
I have another great song for VegasPete playlist!
Masterpiece by Motionless In White
"All the stupid lies and the stupid games
Left a vacancy in this picture frame
A prisoner by my own hands
'Cause if I can't have me, then no one can
I need to heal what I inflict
But I'll burn that bridge when I get to it
As I play roulette with a broken gun
I confess these sins with a sharp and spiteful tongue
So how do I apologize
And put the tears back in your eyes
When every canvas that I paint
Is a masterpiece made of my mistakes?"
I think this could be about Vegas. Putting Pete as a prisoner but also his own self too? Vegas is a prisoner of his family heritage, trauma and mafia life but Vegas puts himself in the cage where no one else can reach. He doesn't think he deserves anything, love or affection. His own thoughts are sabotaging him. He needs to heal the wound he inflicted on Pete and himself. More actually on himself. How long did he battle with emotions through physical pain to distract himself? He will burn many bridges before he gets there. And with his sharp tongue he will push Pete away to .. do what he will in the next chapter lol
This one made me think, did Vegas or Pete ever cried in your fic? We know well that series Vegas is a little pitiful meow meow cry baby. Cause I don't remember if they ever did, and if they didn't.. will they in the future?
I'm not gonna lie. I love unhinged psychopath Vegas but I also love his soft and broken side in the series too.
The scene where Vegas and Pete cried at the same time, alone, after the safehouse. It's one of my favorite scenes. And the significance of food there too!
Anyway, hope you have a nice day/night and week!
It's 35C these days here so I always wonder how people in Australia can survive this temperature. I'm literally melting in my house 🫠
hello again!! and thank you (i will add it to my to listen playlist ;) now) oh yes i totally agree vegas is very much a prisoner of his own heritage and traumas and also the circumstances hes also created for himself. he is definitely self sabotaging but the worst part is that he fully believes that he has no control over it- that him screwing things up is just inevitable. he is definitely doing his best to heal the harm that he inflicted on pete and himself tbh but yeah healing is not a straight line and he is absolutely going to screw up before he gets there!
vegas has cried in the fic (during the high tensions and angst and grief of the pool scene) but pete is a bit of a tougher nut to crack- i think he might have teared up a little when he first went home to his grandmother shellshocked from the hell he just crawled out of (but my memory is terrible i could be wrong lmao) theres no current scenes i have planned with pete crying currently- but who knows theres so many extra moments that havent come into my brain yet we might all be surprised!
oh yeaaaaah this is the moment where vegas let him go right??? and they were both really emotional! didnt really play out the same way because pete escaped in my fic but honestly who knows- their emotional confrontations are always pretty feeling heavy so we could possibly have a similar kind of emotional scene - pete might definitely be in the right headspace for it now that his house has been destroyed. i think once they're alone again (and safe) they're both going to process a lot of these things together.
im doing alright thanks hope you are too!!! oh dear thats terrible sorry to hear that youre melting in your house! its always so much harder to cool down than it is to warm up i hope the heat drops quickly for you! (yeah tbh the things you can get used to are wild- 38-40 degrees and higher are considered more intense 'hot days' here in australia- but also we're a bit better prepared for that- most houses have been built for those kind of temps an AC is a godsend- honestly we're smack bang in the middle of winter at the moment and a couple weeks ago it was 3 degrees at 7AM and i honestly couldnt get out of bed it was so cold hahahahahaha) good for snuggling up and writing though!!!
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internet-overdosed · 6 months
What's the point of living? like, genuinely. All i do is wake up, dread the day, power through the day, and then go home and go to sleep.
There's not much to it, I'm not smart, i never study even though i want to, and when i do get the motivation to study i never actually remember anything. I'm a below average student, no one in my family would be proud of that.
I have classmates who consider themselves my friends but honestly i feel no connection towards them. People online are a similar story, i do care about them though. Sometimes i love someone so much it flips a switch in my brain and i start hating them or i start being so scared of them that i cry whenever i even see their name.
I have no one, and no one has me. I'm in a constant cycle of loneliness but its no ones fault other than my own.
I don't have talents, i suck at everything. And even in the things i have skill in, its never enough, im always worse than the people around me. Art, music, dance, everything.
I'm ugly, im overweight, im just a fly that happened to land on an incomplete masterpiece. a fly that dies from being trapped in the drying paint.
I have a terrible personality, a personality i steal from the people around me. And right now ive stolen it from someone who didnt care for me or my friends and deeply hurt them.
I've hurt so many people. People who loved and cared for me. I've abandoned so many people. I myself am scared of abandonment, which is why i leave people first. Which is something i didnt even notice about myself until my best friend (who i later abandoned) pointed it out.
When i try to make friends or talk to people i always mess it up and say the wrong thing, they always end up hating me or thinking i hate them and i just dont know what to do anymore.
I'm always sad and lonely and i just wanna die. I don't even deserve to feel that way cause ive had a pretty good life.
My mom tried her best, she had a fucked up life and turned into a fucked up person. She tries her best though. She deserves better than some rat child who hates her because her best just wasnt enough apparently. sure, i live in a room where theres no space cause theres trash everywhere, i have to share a bed with my mom, but thats nothing compared to everyone elses issues.
My life doesnt matter, its just a cycle of pain i put myself through.
I just want one person i can love and who loves me back, thats all. Thats all i want before i end my miserable little life.
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