#because there’s not that other aspect of romance thats involved
ode-to-fury · 1 year
Friendship Astarion is so important to me. Like I know everyone is horny for the sassy elf but like… what if he learned to care for someone without sex? What if he tried to manipulate Tav into bed and they told him no? And then… kept being nice to him? Kept taking care of him and expecting the same in return? What if he doesn’t have to fall in love to realise he wants to live a life where he cares about things and makes his own decisions? What if he tells them about how he used his body anyway? What if they tell him he never has to again? What if they hug him and expect nothing back? What if they put their head on his shoulder and nothing else? What if, for the first time in 200 years, he felt safe enough to joke and laugh and not put on a show because it’s obvious they don’t feel that sort of attraction to him anyway? What if he just had a best friend?
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angy-grrr · 3 months
i understand ppl getting disappointing over today's ep, even tho I was expecting something like that it still look me by surprise too. But honestly, we got spoiled -we have been for a long time.
It means a lot to me the parallels between ep 7 season 7 and the memories ep where Izuku can't use black whip against Katsuki. Its so, so crazy. In this chat about romance, Midoriya gets extremely embarrassed over the concept of being someone's boyfriend, and Present Mic (one of the common narrators of the show) adds a little build up: he is really amazing and has earned great achievements, but for all of his triumphs, he is still, just a damn nerd.
He is still Izuku, that awkward kid whose childhood friend considers too nerdy to see or understand concepts like romance, boyfriend, and him getting involved in them. This call back to Katsuki is unnecessary, even more so considering he is not the narrator, but still, Present Mic considered the best way to describe him is to use the words his closest person says. With Izuku getting confessed, and him explaining what he considers to be a boyfriend's role, Katsuki's presence is still part of the scene. But what's even more interesting is the way he is also linked to the other part of the scene: what Izuku thinks about admiration and love.
When the word boyfriend comes out of Himiko's mouth is like his whole brain can just think about cheesy, typical movie stuff (thats what a boyfriend is, right? someone you hold hands with, share crepes and go to the amusement park with, right?) instead of feelings. Idk about how different the idea of love is in Japan compared to the one im used to, but Izuku seems to not know that, to be a boyfriend, first there are usually some feelings that make you want to become that -affection, curiosity, even love*. That word, boyfriend, is associated with many concepts, and instead of asking "boyfriend?! Like someone who makes you feel butterflies in your stomach?!" he focuses first on actions the boyfriend does -boyfriend is the one you hold hands with, the one who you share crepes with, the one who goes with you to the amusement park**.
But once Himiko explains her own idea of love and admiration he gets to focus on the latter part of the conversation, he does get what it feels like, but not like her. When its not associated with romance, its almost like he is allowed to express more freely about his emotions and opinions about love; he actually reveals some interesting stuff.
So first of all, Izuku seems to start thinking about it more deeply when Himiko explains that to her, being a couple means becoming the person she likes. That immediately reminds him of his own feelings towards his mentor -he does want to be like him, he gets that satisfaction, but not how that could be romance duh lmao, and he is the one who brings up the admiration aspect. He doesnt see it as a couple thing, or a romantic feeling, because he immediately associates it to pure admiration.
"Yeah I want to be like All Might my biggest idol, so I get how great it is to try it". That's his way of connecting to her, creating a bridge of understanding each other's perspectives -"I get this part, but I cant understand how you could not want to share the feelings of the person you love".
Then he follows it with "I dont want to hurt the person I love".
So, for Izuku, there's something more going on than just being completely clueless about everything -he does have an idea about what he wouldnt want to do to the person he loves, and an idea about what he does.
When he focus on the boyfriend or couple side, he gets all flustered, because those are embarrassing topics, and immediately jumps into a general, superficial idea about what those mean. Because... he doesnt get it when is described with those names -those names are related to things that look so unapproachable for a nerd like him. However, when he has something he relates to ("becoming the person... oh! like the admiration I have for All Might!"), he has a chance to actually explain his feelings and opinion about her confession.
Once this reaches an emotion he does understand, he spills how he wants to share the feelings the person he loves has. Which is... not that different from what Himiko feels. After all they both want to be closer to the people they love by having something the person has in common*** He also wants that kind of connection on a deeper, emotional level, rather than the superficial description he gave before; he is more free to express this when he can ignore the big name and connotation "couple" or "boyfriend" has.
When Izuku thinks about love without thinking about Love, he has an idea of what comes natural to him: to get closer to the person. Maybe thats why he doesnt think about Tenko the way Ochako does with Himiko -he feels empathy for his past and terrible present, currently he feels guilt over not being able to do more, reach out sooner, save... but he doesnt talk about feelings he wants to share with him like that. So, it makes sense thats how he views it.
For him, love is not only understanding the other, is sharing feelings of love. And the other key to Izuku's love is one Himiko cant ever reach: not wanting to hurt the person he loves.
This paralleling extra content shouldn't be that important, but considering Izuku is unable to use black whip when remembering Katsuki's sacrifice to him... doesnt it sound relevant?
Izuku confesses he doesnt want to hurt someone he loves, and it parallels a scene of him being... scared of hurting Kacchan the way AFO did, and deciding not to -whether it was consciously or not, black whip decided to not attack him.
He can train with him perfectly okay until his own quirk reminds him of Kacchan hurting.
Am i crazy? EDIT: alright I think I see some stuff about Izuku’s idea of love, and this will be the short, quirk version of this whole thing:
Admiration and wanting to be like someone, solely, it’s not enough for Izuku to consider it love —that’s what he does when it comes to All Might, and he knows he doesnt feel that way.
However, sharing the same feelings and not wanting to hurt them, thats way more important to him when it comes to love. Those, at least right now, are cores to his perspective of love.
He rejects Himiko's love because it has nothing to do with his from his point of view: she wants to hurt the people she loves, the biggest deal breaker, she doesnt share the same feelings as him, and she also considers imitation and admiration good enough to be considered love.
*it doesnt have to be romantic love, as platonic and queer platonic love and relationships can also start and continue to date and be wonderful for the people involved. Im adding this just to clarify there are multiple possibilities for a feeling of love, and its completely okay.
You can also date anyone for any reason really, including being confused by your feelings, expectations, social and peer pressure, etc., but im talking about what in theory would be the best case scenarios.
** This is in case we take into consideration the original meaning from the manga. In the anime, if the phrasing is actually different in Japanese as the subs suggest, then it would be "what a couple does".
*** The main issue that separates them is the abuse Toga has suffered that led to her seeing herself as a unlovable monster. For her, deep inside, she has to become the other person in order to be loved, bc she sees the goodness and precious things in others, and the only way she could ever be that... is if she literally stops being herself AAAAA MY POOR BABY
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spicybylerpolls · 6 months
i genuinely think it's the emotional intimacy of a sex scene that makes certain bylers uncomfortable. like, divide sex into two kinds: physical, where its just two naked bodies doing things but with no chemistry or passion. it doesnt inspire much excitement does it, storytelling wise OR as a viewer? but even if you imagine mike and will being intimate together in a way where genitals/naked bodies arent involved, for example dry humping, or just intense eye contact or even conversations where they are both 'into it' but not actually doing or talking about anything sexual... well, it gives you shivers! and thats the frisson creators and writers are hoping to inspire with their intimate stories. after all, a romance or sexual storyline that falls flat is worse than one full of controversy that promotes engagement. they could be talking about a completely unrelated topic but with that frisson present, we feel it as an audience.
heck, this is what s4 was lmao. this is what all innuendo and chemistry is. and it's unresolved right now. it's called sexual tension!
i remember a bit from Sex Education on netflix where a woman was saying she wanted dirty talk from her partner, and in the end it didnt even need to be dirty in content, just in the way they spoke to each other. it was about the tone and the intention, not the act itself.
this is how euphemism has worked in st so far. lucas' 69 sign? objectively, just a spray painted sign above a sleeping teen boy. but subtextually, if you know? well. you know! the same for the hose scene. its a wink and a nod, and its meant to be fun. not shameful.
and arguably its what mike and will have been doing all along, except romantically not yet sexually. crazy together... its so intimate and sweet. AND sweet. because love and sex when together (which is what byler would share, if they did have sex - never JUST sex) often IS sweet, so why would they lose that aspect of it?
let's prepare for plenty of frisson scenes in s5 wherein byler are trying to discuss something normal but keep inserting innuendo by accident or just setting things on fire with their chemistry and eye contact
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Yeah! I mean, if there's this much sexual tension just while apologizing, or while talking, or while burying a body, I can't even imagine the level of frisson Byler will have during the apocalypse. Their whole relationship has been a tension-filled dance filled with subtextual allusions and accidental innuendos to their deeper bond/desire, and all of this has to be building to something spicy.
They are really about to be crazy together.
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pixlpxie · 2 months
What are your this thoughts on ships?
This was the ask i accidentally deleted my whole answer ... and i just couldn't get the energy to rewrite but now im good
Ships are immaculate things lmao i love shipping ive been a shipper ever since i learned to consume media consciously 😭 and ive always been a gay shipper too I'd only ship queer ships fictional or irl didn't matter. Ships are extremely important aspects of fandoms, they inspire the fans in many ways and help people to engage. They can also help you fulfil your desires but thats another topic. Without them I wouldnt be the horny freak i am today, literally. Yall needed to see my yoonmin chanbaek (and other mlm/wlw kpop ships) smuts lmao even this blog doesn't have that much freaky content. So overall ships are extremely fun imo, and you literally need them.
Irl shipping is fine too whether its just a bromance or romance. I'd say not bothering the people involved is important too, i mean it is, but after one point if they wanna get offended by the ship theyll get offended no matter what you do so at that point theres nothing you can ever do. (Regarding kpop) but as I grew up, its either bc i started to lose interest in kpop in general (i almost dropped the kpop fan life before stanning atz and svt) or bc I understood human relationships better I can't really ship idols romantically anymore. Most likely because I tend to compare how I act with my friends to them. It sometimes shocks me to see people think its a ship proof when they hug or wtvr, esp male idols, i think its the culture difference. South Korea is a collectivist culture despite having individualistic tendencies now. In cultures like that its literally normal to be touchy with your homies. In fact its not real love if yall don't act gay🧍🏻‍♂️they be fucking each other and still going bro... but you get the point. That's why I can't really ship them even if I wanted to. Like yungi. I've talked abt this before and you probably know what I think.
Overallll do whatever you want. Ships are fun theyre enjoyable. Ship fictional characters ship real life people just make sure you stay in your lane and boundaries. That's what ive learned over my years of pro shipping life. ☝🏻
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mirapteo · 9 months
top 5 apex characters and any thoughts or opinions on them?
hey anon yeah i love you also i am about to be so annoying i might need to hide this under a "read more" (future me here. yeah i did)
1. Crypto (obviously)
- everything about him (besides current lore 😒) is perfect to me i love backstories that include a wanted criminal aspect and the fact he is wanted but innocent just adds so much more flavor & i think the whole "to break the game i must do it from the inside" idea is badass. i also love all the familial themes surrounding his backstory i love that for the most part he is a cold and calculated person but despite being jaded due to all the misfortune that happened to him in life he still cares about his family and the few people he allowed to get closer to him, that he still has the capability to do that in the first place even when it has hurt him before.
- i love the whole crypto is just a protective mask to hide tae joon park and i like to treat them as 2 separate people. my gripe is that i wish we learned more about tae joon park, but i also sorta like that it leaves room for fans to interpret who tae joon park is on their own. from the very small bits & pieces it does seem like tae joon park is an overall softer more caring & trusting person compared to the closed off, on edge person that is crypto and it makes me all emo that all the unlucky shit that happened to him in life caused him to resort to being coldhearted and distrustful even when (i personally think) he doesnt want to
- also his design fucking rips idc. maybe im just a big jacket enjoyer but its so fun, it makes sense for his personality and the cybernetics ARE SOOOOO FREAKING GNARLY they r both sexy and lore important i love it
- for issues the most obvious one is FORCING A CHEMISTRYLESS ROMANCE BETWEEN HIM AND YOU KNOW WHO. i FUCKING HATE that they have written such an intriguing backstory for him & DONT DO ANYTHING WITH IT WITHOUT IT HAVING TO INCLUDE WATTSON. i hate how they cannot be their own separate characters and have to always have their stories intertwined in some way its like the writers are allergic to making them hang out with literally anyone else. kill code as boring as it was came so fucking close to that but the recent radio play had to ruin it because of course. of fucking course.
- i also hate the completely unnecessary age retcon. i hate that it frames him as a supergenius computer whiz at a young age. he was so much more likeable & easier to sympathize with as a completely normal office worker that just wanted to provide for him & his sister, only for it to bite him in the ass when he did literally nothing to deserve it. i hate having yet another character in their early 20s in this already oversaturated age range in media as a whole.
- i hate that with every lore update hes involved in it just further mutilates his character. i hate that i cant be excited when my FAVORITE CHARACTER gets lore attention because it just provides more opportunity for the writers to stomp on him. they dont care about him as his own character. they care about him in regards to the relationships he has with other people. thats not how u write a compelling, likeable, or realistic bond between people. it makes me so mad i wanna SCREAM
- anyway crypto tae joon park is my pookie bear he is autistic and he likes dragons and cats and kpop and elliott and being a good friend to the point of sacrificing himself i like him normally also he is my oc now
2. Mirage (obviously)
- mirage is just an objectively likeable character truly like there is a reason he is essentially the face of apex. he was my first favorite & for good reason. u get lured in with his endearing goofiness & then get smacked in the face with one of the most tragic and completely undeserved backstories. maybe im just a slut for characters that "wear masks" & have completely polarizing versions of themselves as a self preservation tactic because i love Mirage being the self absorbed, smooth, attention-seeking bastard on screen and i love love LOVE Elliott Witt with his crippling fear of loneliness and inferiority complex, slowly losing the things that mattered most in his life and feeling like it was somehow his fault & he deserves it
- but i dislike the flanderization hes facing in current lore. i dont remember the last time he was anything other than the goofy guy with a stutter that cant take things seriously. that old comic of him losing his friends because of his own douchebaggery & working to fix his wrongs is my prized possession. he is hurt & lonely & it causes him to lash out on people that dont deserve it and i wish they explored that more. i desperately need more asshole mirage in my life. nowadays he just feels like the one-note silly character whos only purpose is to fill in the comic relief role.
- also he has some of the worst fans ive ever seen im sorry they were like the main reason he stopped being my favorite. they baby him like he has never done nothing wrong in his entire life & in turn shit on characters like wraith or vantage bc they were "mean to him." as if he isnt capable of being an asshole, as if there isnt an entire comic dedicated to him being an asshole. i also hate that fans either lean in 100% into his mirage personality or 100% into his elliott witt personality. he is either a loudmouthed egotistical slut or an innocent wittle mamas boy that needs to be protected at all times never anything outside or in between and it drives me insane.
- shes still my sweetie pie. my biggest kin. i love writing him sooo much. i want to chew him. i want to set him on fire. i want to tuck him in and give him a forehead kiss before he goes to bed.
coughs anyway now with all that out of the way
3. Conduit
- im filipino of course im gonna be biased but hellooooo she is also just so likeable it is insane!! a sweet, goofy fangirl we can relate to that is literally killing herself just to provide for her family ouch it hurts GIVE ME MORE. all her little easter eggs and her fun voicelines like the devs really really loved & cherished her & it shows & she deserves it! my main issue is that it is literally her season rn yet all they care about is revenant Revenant REVENANT give me more conduit! what is her story with her family? hows her sister in particular holding up? how does she cope with her illness? will she ever open up about it to any of the legends? are they ever going to try to help her? is crypto gonna help find her a cure like he did caustic & then they kiss
4. Lifeline
- love her. love her personality. a medic that also isnt afraid to get her hands dirty & chew ppl out? love that for her. i also like where the current lore has been taking her (me? liking current lore? what a shocker), the fact that she was willing to destroy one of her strongest & longest bonds to defeat a greater evil? BANGER. she hurt people & she made sacrifices to get to this point but what does she get from it? a best friend that doesnt want to speak to her & a whole fucking army of murderous robots that want her dead. i wonder if shell have a "is this really what i wanted? did i just fuck everything up?" internal crisis cuz atp i feel like she has to. id love to see it
- also i am no.1 lifeline defender idgaf the demonization shes facing in the fandom for hurting their pookie wookie bear octane is so blatant and laughable u ppl really hate black women. its ok for ur favorite male character to make questionable morally gray decisions but got forbid ajay does it. gtfo of here!
5. Rampart
- just another objectively likeable character plsss she is sooo funny & sassy and there is not a single rampart interaction/relationship she has with another legend that i hate. she also has the biggest wasted potential ever. they were cooking something so good with big sister and ramparts relation to her & NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH JT. its been 13 seasons and nothing has progressed in her lore and its so so sad. she needs a focus season soon. u dont just drop a fun character with an intriguing backstory and just ditch it.
look im not going to read this back to fix things around if it seems disjointed with a lack of direction IDCCCC i am cringe and free!
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poopscooplala · 1 month
(psa this is mostly referring to the movies)
ive seen a few posts that have bothered me. i searched "remadora bad" on google to see what people were saying and it came up eith tumblrs and reddits etc and they were all really weird.
i recently got into the marauders fandom after reading atyd and being a fan of harry potter since i was a child, this fandom made me really happy because of the escapism it provided. many of us have loved hp and then realised its problematic aspects and seen jkr being the worst and no longer can escape with hp.. and marauders fandom is a much more inclusive and feels safe space. i do ship wolfstar and i want to get this straight because one post mentioned wolfstar shippers and it was definitely a weird take.
the post was about how women who ship two men together hate women because if theres a woman in the picture its always a crime against her i guess? they also touched on fetishisation of gay men in a way that seemed to be encapsulating all of these people into that message.
1. not everyone who ships two men hates women. i mean this is absurd 😭 it seemed much more like this poster was more anti fanon, which is odd. anyone who defends jkr instantly puts me off, i understand if someone is confused by not following canon when talking abt media.. but it shouldnt go so far as to licking jkrs ass saying "shes the author she knows best🤓🤓" we know shes the author, thats half the problem. anyway, i understand this point but it didnt work in the context they were using it for (remadora/wolfstar). the marauders fandom has been criticised for misogyny, but the generalisation of shippers all having that belief is just untrue.
2. fetishisation of gay men is most definitely prevelant in shipping spaces but it goes eithout saying that an entire community of people wont all have the same views and opinions. from personal experience, i have always been wary of fetishising gay men and recently realised that my special interests being shipping different gay relationships has been involved in my gender identity. im not really sure of anything yet but i am exploring being actually a man or gener fluid or non binary.. as i said i dont know yet but i have realised that i have always put myself in these ships, wanting to be one of the men in them (of course this hasnt been the sole reason im questioning my gender). generally, i think shipping is very fun and just a great way of exploring romance in your favourite medias that represent you - which is what many people in the marauders fandom express. i do understand this concern though - fetishisation is a real thing and these ships shouldnt be objectified to be apart of that. i just dont think we should automstically assume every shipper is fetishising gay ppl.
nothing ive talked abt has rlly been abt marauders so far but i just wanted to set up some context and rant abt that post tbh.
as ive grown, ive realised how forced remadora was in the movies. i always felt like it came out of nowhere but i was a kid and i didnt care enough to think abt it like i just wanted to see harry running through the grass and shit. anyway, ive watched a few viedos abt the marauders fandom and about jk rowlings problematic writing and i have a few points to make about remadora and tonks' and remus' characters respectively.
in ootp, tonks is introduced as a fun, independent, and rebellious person. they arent afraid to speak out abt their name to someone more experienced in the field (mad-eye) and they have bright purple hair so obviously they r cool and awesome. they are a metamorphagus(?) meaning they can change some parts of how they look. i, and many others, see this as a symbol of trans teens. correcting the feminine "nymphadora" to a more unisex "tonks", the fact they can literally change how they look (perhaps showing their desire to change themselves ehich many trans people relate to), and their overrall childlike attitude. i think rowling makes tonks young and fun to show immaturity, therefore the transcoded character is sort of displayed as an immature teen that doesnt know any better (insert jkrs transphobic tweets here).
THEN in hbp the newly called "dora" is married. not only is tonks feminised by heteronormativity (a big aspect of stereotypical femininity is marriage) but their general appearance and attitude has changed. her hair is now like a light brown, and this natural colour i feel may allude to the natural order of womanhood is to maybe go through a rebellious gender non conformity teenhood, but eventually we all "mature" into our "natural" womanhood.. may be a reach buut?? anyway, their dialogue in this movie is very small - i assume its different in the book, but i feel like either way their dialogue would be similarly all focusing on remus (way to fail the bechdel test) which ironically is more represantative of jkr hating woman soo the ship they r saying is the anti "gay shippers who hate women" is one of the many symbols of misogyny in jkrs books.. i mean idk if i need to say this but a woman isnt defined by being married/with a man and i feel like jkr is trying to present it that way.
jkr seems to have unintentionally presented her transphobic views in the character of tonks. many people related to tonks because of their gender fluidity and hbp disappointed many with this character development.
now, the age gap between remus and tonks is 13 years which is gross. especially when you think about the more childish representation of tonks in ootp, like theyve been matured in hbp for the purpose of making the relationship less weird? idk but this is a point that really irks me because many ppl ignore this and always conclude that ppl who dont like remadora are just wolfstar shippers and also hate tonks because they r a woman. even if i hated wolfstar id still hate remadora because of this gross age gap😭😭
another post was from like 10 yrs ago so, perhaps the opinions are just outdated considering jkrs problematic behaviour has become more of general knowledge in recent years but they basically were the common "he not gay jkr mad ehim be with woman he cant be gay 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓" .. jkr has made lots of promises she couldnt keep.. like the whole can of worms that is the time turners (no cedric diggory would not become a death eater please go back to bed omg) so it really isnt unheard of that she could make a gay character and then just.. ruin it?
she definitely didnt intentionally make anyone gay, because she ahtes gay ppl, but remus and sirius are very commonly interpreted to be queer coded. loads of ppl mention this, but even david thewlis (remus lupin actor) read the characters as lovers. many people saw them as lovers so thought remus was gay, then saw him marry tonks and felt confused. of course he could just be bi but jkr wasnt writing that i dont think lolz EVEN if that was the case, remus is meant to be a good character so why is he getting with tonks who is so much younger than him, to me it makes no sense. which is why many people think remadora doesnt make sense, why many marauders fans, including myself, dont see remadora as what would happen. like im not saying that sirius would be a live and blah blah because im referring to a still canon compliant story, it just would not include remadora and its weird energy.
also, jkr said once that lycanthropy was a symbol for rhe aids crisis (thats not a gay allusion at all 🤗). and hootsyoutube makes a great point about how this is problematic. remus lupin is not the only werewolf in the series, greyback is another one that is apart of the wizard nazis and was the one who bit little 5 yr old baby remus lupin. so.. this is very predatory behaviour, i mean he sliterally biting people (like a lion eating a gazelle or sumn idk r u getting what im putting down 😭😭). now, what is a harmful and highly perpetuated stereotype against gay people.. you got it - predatory behaviour. jkr connects the aids crisis to werewolves who are (except remus) presented as predators who prey on little children 😝😝 amazing!!! SO jkr does allude to gay/bi remus buuut its also in a very evil very malevolent light because shes a witch cackling in the night
i hate canon dick riders because not only is the canon problemstic and jkr is evil BUT its literally a made up story... why do you care abt whats canon and ehats not? some may not get it but i love the feeling of being in the marauders fandom, where everything is just made up by us like its so whimsy so fun.
another post that rlly grinded my gears was saying "yall will complain abt remadora age gap but then ship snarry and snermione" which if ur referring to only ppl who ship this then yes you ate down very demure very mindful.. but it wasnt. why ar eppl generalising so hard like i know for a fact I do not ship that... thats pedofilia guys!! and i know most in marauders fandom dont either because most marauders fans i see rnt disgusting monster people? but they also used this to undermine the age gap in remadora, like no they r both bad both weird and the fact that one is by the author of hp is very telling
okay thats the end of my rant uhhh 🥸
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sugar-r-rush · 1 year
This is a post to talk about ur headcanons for the Spiderman!Leo because I don't want to just waltz into ur dms lmao☠ and I also don't understand how reblogs work 💔
BTW AHHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!! these answers will be in order to your headcannons😼
2. I loved the goggles idea ! It's such a fine point to his Demigod persona :D
3. I LOVE letterman's! Mostly because sooner or later in getting one but who DOESN'T love the who 'jock' attire??! Plus I love Esperanza with my whole being and gods know we need more brown women ON SCREEN!! I love women 😼
4. It's actually also her pin! I love her sm She added it for herself and for the people around her <3
6. A essential piece for all outfits🙏
7. YES! I wanted needed to show the aspect of him just being 8-16 years old and having to help everyone around him :(
9. CAUTION I WILL BE GOING INTO THAT SO BUCKLE UP ITS A SHORT BUT LONG RIDE!! Sooo to start off Leo is still a demigod 100% and still got the powers and stuff! His mom died with the fire but its kinda mixed saying Leo "mixed the chemicals in the lab causing the fire" 😼 anyway the spider got loose and bit his ass lmfao ripe age of 8 years old bro turned into spiderman💔 time skip after being in the streets and what not he's taken to the wilderness school with Jason as his roommate (ganke) I do not like the whole memory thing so story is Jason was sent there on a mission and didnt come back to Rome because of Piper and Leo so Hera my beloved tampered with the memories giving him no memory lmao (Hera's so silly its okay she was feeling goofy :3) There on hes gotta save the world blah blah same story goes back to Houston to help and thats all I got SORRY that didn't make sense at all and I kinda came up with it as I typed
11. I haven't watched the spiderman movies in a hot minute but maybe Hazel as Gwen **but they didn't like each other** and Frank as MJ?? (No romance involved with anyone cause idk how it was in the movies!)
14. very small yes :D
15. They're for Jason and Piper the charms are things he's accomplished in life !!
17. please im struggling fr on the name
@stillcarmine 4 u 🙏
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thegildedvoid · 1 year
we've been slowly going through the process of.. processing our breakup with our boyfriend and I guess it's my turn.
I'm not surprised I took such a hit. I handle the positive aspects of relationships, especially romance. I was in love. I felt very safe with our ex. and had that flipped on me...
I feel weirdly at peace? Like I'm pissed, but somethings... changed. I want to connect more with the other parts of the system. Before I was so spontaneous and would do shit without caution and without really listening to the others. I knew them, but I didn't know them. I wasn't involved in our life either. I didn't care about our art or our hobbies. I wanted to be my own person.
Now, I don't think I feel the same. For the first time, I want to make a painting. I spent the night just existing with M and D. I opened up about my feelings.. they listened. It was nice. I felt close to them for the first time.
Somethings changed in all of us. The three of us have been with each other since discovery a few months ago, but this dynamic that we have now feels so much closer and fresher. It feels like a breath of fresh air honestly... It's not so tense. We're not at each other's throats or worried about what each other is going to do. There's a new understanding. A shared pain because we've all been hurt by the same person in different ways... We get it. We understand each other in a way that no one else ever will and holy fuck it's so nice.
Specifically my relationship with M has changed in a way that just feels so comfy.. Like we are each others other half. Literally. I'm the positives of relationships, he's the negatives. We are ecah other's other half. And now that we've both gone through this breakup we can connect in such a beautiful way... I- I just can't explain it.
It's just so nice knowing I'm not alone. Like I didn't go through this by myself. I'm not the only one holding all these memories. We have a shared trauma. Multiple parts went through this and we can share it with each other and heal together. It's made us stronger and helped us grow closer.
God, our ex fucked us up, but he also has helped show us that we can grow back stronger than he'll ever get to see. And I think thats kinda cool.
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sukifoof · 1 year
Ooooh! 8 and 18 for the ask game if you don't mind?
NICE I WAS HOPING FOR 8!!!! tbh in my heart all the characters i like are aro BUT there are some i feel Really strongly about and thats flowey and femt (unsurprising) i feel like. flowey is probably understandable. given his. Everything. but with femt i feel like it just fits with his character. guy who hates "normal" and seems to struggle to bond with anyone and considers himself a freak. also whatever THIS was
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"whats ur type" "i dont know i dont CARE just. be funny when ur suffering i guess." i love femt hes SO funny i think flowey and femt are the only characters ever
some other characters i like that i think are aro are haruka kokonose, mahiru shiina (milgram), and mr itto genshin. for haruka i think the fact that he feels so isolated from everyone else and how he gets Weird about the few friendships he has And how he desperately tries to understand what friendship Is is so. ohhh i love him.. and mahiru is just. the obsession with love and her trying to Define love and how she seems to think being in a relationship will fix her somehow. i have a really specific relationship with being aro and these characters just kinda Hit what its like to feel that way as an aro person <3 love them dearly. also i do not have any reasons for itto i just feel it in my heart <3
and 18!! i tend to avoid shipping mostly cuz i guess i dont really care for it?? it doesnt really make sense to me and i much prefer to explore character analysis and how traumatized characters react to those around them. if i Do end up shipping anyone its almost always in qpr way
YUUTA SAKURAI SECTION!!!! i never get to talk about him but this is a PERFECT time to talk about him. everyone watch net juu no susume IMMEDIATELY its one of my most favorite shows and severely underrated. i think yuuta is such an interesting character. so much of his character is him wanting to get closer to people but he has an emotional wall up both because of his parents deaths and because of his Various Past Experiences involving people wanting him romantically and him not at all feeling that way.
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i really like how they write his misunderstanding of how hes perceived and that hes convinced that hes going to get in the way of others relationships... thinking about the idea of people wanting to take up as little space as possible because they feel unworthy of being loved and i wanna shake his head and be like NO everyone LIKES YOU SO MUCH!!!
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i think his relationship with moriko is really special because theyre the only people they feel they can truly rely on. both of them have been so lonely and i just think a lot about how they both put so much importance on their friendship and partnership it just means a lot to me that the romance aspect feels more like an afterthought to their friendship because i rarely see that... i also really like how this handles the idea of wanting to be seen as Someone Else because firstly i like it in an aro way but also this show is. so good for trans people
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i just think a lot about the way he understands his relationships around him and how he hates being lonely and very rarely has people understand him in the way he wants i just love yuuta so much hes one of my most favorite characters <3 on that note i think him and moriko. they are so qpr to me
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imagine i have my head in my hands i am desperately begging people watch this show its only 11 episodes i love it so much... thank u for the ask these were fun to answer :)
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dykeomania · 1 year
i remember one of my first experiences reading tlou fics were with your writing as far back as late 2021/early 2022 (and if im misremembering when you first started writing, then you definitely fit in the early 2022 bracket hahaha). yours and others fics were things i looked forward to when i had some downtime. im white and always appreciated seeing fics specifically catered to black/POC fans and fics that never specified race, weight, gender expression, etc. it felt extremely inclusive to everyone involved and there was something for everyone to enjoy. i wont knock what others may be interested in because thats scummy and probably not what you want said on your behalf either, but these tags feel significantly less inclusive now and only fit the same exact mold of a hypothetical person involved with abby and/or ellie. its genuinely hard to come online and find anything worth reading because of how little diversity there is in whats being written. its far from what it used to be, hence why i still go back and read fics of yours and others from that time period. i am so sorry you and other black writers had to witness whats gone on recently. this is meant to be a safe space for queer people who enjoy tlou and fun little fantasies that should mean no harm to anybody. you guys do not deserve to have that tarnished and more needs to be done to change what this community has turned into.
i’ve like been thinking ab this and other asks that i’ve gotten expressing something like this because tbh, like,
i just,
idk i thought about it and like i don’t know really what to say. but, i do understand.
niche reader inserts are in fact, niche, yeah. (cont)
it’s really awkward when like the tag is filled with like, one specific perspective, and your personal experience or your desires just doesn’t click with that — like it relies a lot less on the sexual or romance aspect of things and more into bending into a particular role, a particular lens of desire and/or being desired, etc — and when it’s like one strain of that all of the time, people are bound to feel left out. right? (cont)
and it’s common sense, like that’s just how it is. like, back innnn idk early?????? mid???? ‘22, the tag was only filled with like dom!ellie fics. a big thing at that time was like, oh i wish there was more sub ellie fics, dadada, i’m a top, there’s nothing for me, and like, that was really real, and now we have more sub ellie stuff. cool. i think all of the shit that happened just speaks to the fact that not everyone can really like, vibe with certain things on here like that, and they would like to be able to. i dont think it’s appropriate to like shit on that vibe or anything like that, but it is a valid complaint to have. so, yeah, i’m really hoping that in light of all of this, more diversified content is added to the tag — not even pertaining to a particular race or ethnicity but things that just deviate from a particular aesthetic, trope, and other common things that are typically seen nowadays on the tag. that’s not to say that erasure is necessary because now you’re just dtm but like ideas get circumvented pretty quickly and tbh that’s not exactly harmful, but it’s nice that there is some change that is happening that’s allowing people to settle into something that’s comfortable for them. i’m not even saying this just cause you like my stuff, but i think what you + some other people are grated by is pretty valid and, yeah, i hope that when you do sift through the tag in the future that it’s easier for you to find a story that you can feel more comfortable in and it incentivizes you to come back.
and like, on the fuckin.. being black and being here thing as of rn thing…. hey. like, i mean….. the way i saw people telling black women how they should feel about like some black girl receiving racially motivated hate was absolutely nuts and the fact that people were either motivating others to either look past it or were trying to tell other people how they should feel about things / what they should do was. Sick. LMFAO. but i mean! hey. just… hey. juuustt….. yikes. and the way it’s (like random people policing black people on this app) still going is just so… ghetto i just….. yyyikes. little bit too comfortable, in that chair. i think that’s a bit of an understatement.
i just, yeah. i don’t have much to say. justtttt… justt.. just… yeah LMFAO
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transheimdall · 1 year
Proships remain odd to me. Like I'm not an anti or anything 99% of the time I don't give a fuck what people ship because I don't get the appeal of shipping period, like, you do you. But like... why do people feel the need to involve children in their fantasy. Like shipping toxic ships to explore the dynamic is one thing, but why involve child characters. Like why on gods green earth would anybody want to explore the dynamic of a pedophile. Whats the appeal other than them finding characters who are so obviously children attractive. They argue its just a drawing but its like, you still drew it? You still actively thought of that vision and drew it and shared it with the world to other people who wanted to see a drawing of a child having sex/being groomed. I do not understand it at all. Freaky mindset. This is why Nabokov was so upset when Lolita was labeled as a romance novel by publishers, when he wrote it to be a psychological horror lmao. Whenever someone even does attempt to depict a pedophilic relationship, doesn't matter if its meant to be a scary thing. The audience has an appetite for thinking about kids being abused and thats the end of it.
this this exactly this . like the whole toxic relationship aspect of shit is fine whatever everyone copes in extremely different ways . but the whole including ??? children ??? like what in your core malfunctions like that . theyll say its just pixels on a screen but then theyll go out and harass real minors / potentially and most likely worse as well . their entire view on everything is so incredibly strange esp when in most places even fictional content sexualizing minors is incredibly illegal - look up PC 311.11 for instance
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falsebooles123 · 2 years
Finding The First Gay Kiss - Diary of a Big Ole Gay 12/19/22
Hey Whores I meant to do this on Saturday but I'm lazy.
I did a lot of random stuff which included figuring out where I can watch all 130+ films on my list which includes quite a few on HBO Max
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(like seriously why do they have Jean Cocteau Orpheus Trilogy on there is there some Gay Arthouse section that I don't know about)
so Lets Get Into It
Twelth Night (1910) dir. Charles Kent, Eugene Mullin
Twelth Night is arguable the Most Gay of the Shakespear films so lets watch all of them right. This one is a very basic and not that homoerotic. If I'm watching Shakespear I want Bishonen Drama
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(Why am I turned On? That's A Guy)
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Pandora's Box {Die Buchse Der Pandora} (1929) dir. G.W. Pabst
Based on the Lulu Duology by Frank Wedekind, Pandora's Box is a "Sex Tragedy" that is basically a moral tale. Its a story of degradation essentially if your familer with that fucked up hentai Emergence then you have the concept.
We follow a women named LULU, (not to be confused with lola lola??? from Blue Angel). who is basically a tomie type everyone wants to fuck her and everyone uses her at the same time.
A series of awful things happen and she eventually gets murdered by the literal Jack the Ripper, which if that isn't a metaphor for male sexual entitlement and slut shaming I don't know what is.
These morality tales feel very similar to other films we've seen like Manslaughter! and I don't Want to Be A Man where we have this contrast between this "Wild Child", a decadent hedonistic empowered woman, and her more conservative daddy dom who is like totally not a fascist hes just obsessed with the fall of rome.
Its hard not to see these films as fascist propaganda against the notion of decadence and degenarates and the aspects of queerness within them feel like they are meant to codify those aspects. After all the queers as hedonist fops isn't a hot take by any means.
I still like this film and I don't necessarily think of it as fascist propaganda but its also hard not to see these notions of decadence and hedonism from this lens or at least this conservative moral position.
What I mean is that its hard for me to understand the author as believing these things. Personally I love that all these women are telling men to fuck off and being on some hoe shit.
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The Wild Party (1929) dir. Dorothy Arzner
This film is on its surface a story of Clara Bow being a Wild Child albiet one with actually depth and its her lack of responsibilty and immaturity thats criticized not the fact that she likes to drink and drive cars. She has a very hot and cold relationship with a man which is so emblamatic of this era of romance and overall its a lot of straight nonsense which is not the last time your'll here me say that.
What Makes this different is that Arzner is a lesbian
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so even though this film is very very very straight on the surface its kinda gay visual, this shit has the lesbian gaze. We Stan
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Blood and Sand (1922) dir. Fred Niblo
That Gif is from the 1941 film but its also as heterosexual.
The reason why this is on the list is because on the talk page for WINGS (1927) some guy mentions how this film had a gay kiss in it. The reason why noone mentions it is because 5 minutes in some dude kisses a dead guy on the cheek and then its another 120 minutes of a guy being so straight its boring. Wow i'm a man I can't stop falling dick first into some vagina that doesn't belong to my wife.
You don't even get to be gay for Rudolf Valentino in this because its so boring and blandly shot.
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Murder! (1930) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
So this film is not very gay, its definetly cool and I'm kinda glad that I get to watch Hitchcock Films for this project.
Hitchcock was kinda weird when it came to gay shit. He loved to put these queer coded characters and he constantly employed or involved himself with other queer persons, (the writer for Jamacia Inn and The Birds was suposedly Bisexual).
The reason why this is on the list is as a primer for Hitchcocks more explicity queer coded villians, in this film it is a female impersonater who kills because it is about to be revealed that he is "half-caste", (the version I watched had spanish subtitles and the translation was 'Mestiza' so its pretty clear the tone of the term).
Hitchcock has this obsession with it which totally doesn't come off as closeted gay homophobia. So expect more of him to come.
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Morocco (1930) dir. Josef Von Sternberg
Yes we finally get to all the famous gay moments in history, lets get into it.
so the scene in question comes in very early into the film where Marlene Dietrich, (who is also Sapphic), dresses up in tails for a Caberet Act. As we all know caberet is super gay and in her butch mode she steals a kiss from a women. The film itself doesn't make a big deal of it and in general its very much lesbian bating for a straight male audience.
On the other hand this film in my mind has a bisexual gaze, its a lot of men and women pining over each other and being sort of gender expansicve??? Like I can't explain what makes a film Bisexual but this is one of them.
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(my definition is that everyones hot for no reason and everyones just kinda slutty??? like you just want to kiss every single person openly on their sweet little mouth.)
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Madchen In Uniform (1931) dir. Carl Froelich, Leontine Sagan
So one of the first films with an all female cast this is also the most explicetly gay film I've ever seen. Like pretty much only Anders die al Aldern comes close and that one literally has a lecture by Magnus Hirschfield.
this one features a scene where this girls teacher/matron kisses her on the lips to say goodnight instead of on the head and wow that gay. Like this film said Mommy this film said praise kink. This film is honestly a kinky lesbians wet dream, (can women have wet dreams we asked 10 men).
this film is just generally queer but strangly enough it also got a lot of criticism for its anti-authotarian messaging. Regardless I found this shit on youtube go watch it.
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Various Comedies.
On this list is also Doughboys (1930), Sidewalks of New York (1931), The Play House (1921). There not in the possible bit queer but I watch them as part of getting background on the whole Role Reversal Drag Trope.
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Everything Else
Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day (1915) dir Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle
Hidden (2020) dir Jafar Panahi
The Kiosk (2020) dir Alexandra Pianelli, which is actually a really lovely documentary which you should find if you can, this is not to be confused with Kiosk(2013) dir Anete Melece, which is a very lovely animated short that you should definetly seen.
Anyway whores I'm gonna talk to you in about a weeks time so stay frosty.
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chappell-roans · 6 months
I dont always skip those songs except maybe cowboy like me. I like sad songs or even slow ones, but it just feels like a slog to get through that one in particular. I dont really love the chorus of happiness so I think that might be it lol. I do like evermore, I just dont love bon iver's verse. I liked the background vocals but I didnt like the switch up between her part and his, it takes me out of the song so I think I got used to skipping it. my most listened to rn I think is no body no crime, it's just such a vibe and has that narrative element that I like and could just picture it being a movie.
yeah I was hoping for gothic romance, or dark academia vibes just based off of the name of the album so I think thats why I was a little ehhhh. I would have loved her indie style applied to those aesthetics and subject matters, especially because evermore and folklore had more interconnected storytelling aspects and you can do so much with that applied those aesthetics. Focusing on something like dead poets society or a secret history would have also been something new for her and if it veered more into gothic romance I think something crimson peak/horror like would have been interesting.
OOooh okay interesting and tbh I've heard that complaint too so I get it. I skip various ones really just depending on my mood, if I don't want something slow I definitely don't listen to "cowboy like me" but that song just hits when I'm in the mood, phew. That's all fair critique tbh and interesting. I'm realizing I don't listen to evermore all that often but most recently I've mostly been listening to "dorothea," "tis the damn season," "cowboy like me," and "coney island." omg "no body no crime" is seriously great and I've definitely had it on repeat before, it definitely has that narrative element and such an idk attitude that I love. It's very fun and clever. I also adore "right where you left me," can't remember if I mentioned it before, but that's an all-timer for me. I had it on repeat a LOT in the past it's... I love it.
Mmmm oh yes absolutely! I honestly didn't expect this toooo much because I knew it was gonna be like, well, a breakup album, but also you can have hope because I know she freaking loves Crimson Peak and Guillermo Del Toro's movies generally. So I could see her leaning into that at some point, but I also feel like there's a chance that reputation is as "intense" (or however you wanna put it lmao) she's gonna get in that sense. But you never know? But I do definitely hope she continues that type of writing style from folklore and evermore. I really wonder whether Justin Vernon (of Bon Iver) or Aarson Dessner (of The National) are involved in the production, because they were both pretty heavily involved in both folklore and evermore. She gets the credit, of course, but their influence is undeniable. (And you can tell from her collabs w them on their other projects -- Big Red Machine is Bon Iver x The National and co, essentially. "Renegade" and "Birch" by BRM and "The Alcott" on The National's recent album.) SO there's that. There's hope? Lmao. She's also gonna have a song on Poets with Post Malone who's apparently making country/rock now (I haven't listened ngl) and Florence and the Machine which... love. There's hope for your dreams! Maybe isfdlkmsifdnlk
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olives-life · 2 years
Webcomics I've read
Im separating these into categories because that will make it easier as I have a webcomic reading addiction 💀 🤭
btw this is everything ive read since I started reading webcomics, so if I dont remember something oops...
tip: if ur looking for a specific web comic search it instead of looking through the categories for it
unfinished unless marked otherwise
NOTE: If youre looking to check on a fighting based comic (whether thats hand to hand, system related, magic related, or something else, check the category definitions because my definitions might differ from yours 🙃
Category Definitions (some adapted versions of the ones on anime-planet others are my own versions) -
Apocalypse - Set in apocalyptic worlds, but are NOT permanent transmigration
exs: I Have A Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World, etc.
Cultivation - manhua focused on extending one's lifespan or growing stronger through the practice of mystical and martial arts; cultivating Qi; combo of Wuxia and Xinxia; this overrides all other categories (transmigration into novels or other categories don't apply)
exs: The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Mo Dao Zu Shi, etc.
Fighting - hand to hand combat, or with weapons (knives, guns, tonfa, baton, etc.); set irl; does include unrealistic fighting
exs: Weak Hero, Castle, Supernova, Eleeced, The Boxer, Dice
Fantasy - anything that involves fantasy / science fiction / supernatural elements and doesn't fit into Magic Worlds, Transmigration into Novels, Villainess; Cultivation, Systems, or Video Game Worlds
exs: Lessa, Noblesse, etc.
Magic Worlds - Set in worlds where magic, but not systems exist; these webcomics are centered on the magic
exs: A Returners Magic Should Be Special, etc.
Systems - Set in worlds with systems, like towers, leveling, or game menus (includes people who were transmigrated into a side by side world); does NOT INCLUDE video game worlds
exs: Solo Leveling, Second Life Ranker, The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower, SSS Class Suicide Ranker, etc.
Sports - self-explanatory, however e-sports are included in this
exs: No Scope, Top Corner, etc.
Transmigration Into Novels - Set in worlds where people were transmigrated into the novels they were reading (or similar concept); overrides all other categories (except cultivation)
exs: Omniscient Readers Viewpoint, Trash of the Counts Family, etc.
Video Game Worlds - Set in worlds with either systems to a world like a video game; DOES INCLUDE worlds with video game aspects; (includes people who were transmigrated into one of these worlds)
exs: The Gamer, Second Life Ranker (yes its in 2 categories), Hardcore Leveling Warrior, Overgeared, etc.
Video Games - Worlds actually set in Video Games; does not include people who were transmigrated into video games
exs: The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, etc.
Villainess - about a woman who is written to be the villainess (or someone related to them) in an otome game or novel, and is thus on the road to ruin; usually transmigration; usually in medieval times; MINE INCLUDES SIMILAR SCENARIOS + GENRES (main female mc in medical times)
exs: This Girl Is A Little Wild, Villans are Destined To Die, etc.
BL / Yaoi
Magic Worlds, Systems, Video Game Worlds, Video Games
Thrillers / Horror
Transmigration Into Novels
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bunkernine · 2 years
i dont know why riordan made it so jo and emmie were coerced into leaving the hunters by artemis having an exclusionary policy against bi/lesbian women, instead of just that jo and emmie were tired of immortality and wanted to grow old together so they left the hunt of their own volition. i feel like thats the main problem with the hunters, but given that its written by a cishet man who definitely does not understand aro/ace identities and the split attraction model it isnt shocking :( but i feel like a lot of the other issues like neglecting female characters are less symptoms of the hunt and moreso underlying critiques of riordans writing; there are definitely instances of him neglecting to provide female characters perspectives when it wouldve been beneficial (an example i would use is thalia, we barely got any interaction between her and jason, and im sure there are many examples of female characters not getting their time, but its been a while since i read the books so i may be misremembering?) like the neglect of fem characters is far from isolated to the hunt.. anyway yeah i didnt like some aspects of how the hunt was handled but i dont think theres a problem with it specifically if that makes sense. its hard to tell where the problems with one aspect of a story end and when that problem being imbued into the writers perspective starts, but generally i think the hunters have good aspects to them, like i think even beyond inclusion of ace/aro identities having groups of demigods and people involved in the mythical world outside of CHB/CJ is really needed, the dynamic they provide with the more organized demigod camps is interesting, and i think they fit well into the rrverse. i think the themes they represent in thalia and reynas lives about responsibility and the weight of authority are interesting insights into their characters. ok thats all idk if any of this makes sense im sleepy srry for the paragraph
Oh boy
So. Ok. Sentence by sentence I guess. Agree with no need for exclusionary wlw rule. Think he was just going for the "no romance" at all, but idk, Artemis' tale in various myths would suggest otherwise when it came to wlw.
That exclusion only made a point in TDP, which is probably when Riordan thought about writing Piper and is post the development of other LGBT characters u know, Alex, Nico, Magnus, um... The others.... LOL. So idk why he did that. Maybe to provide some cushioning for Reyna?
Split Attraction Model is controversial. Idk why you want him to touch that too much, especially after fumbling with LGBT characters prior.
And Reyna being aroace was also controversial????? 😭 do we forget fandom history so quickly? I am not getting into that because 1, I don't care rn and 2, I don't care rn 💀💀💀 but like, it's not that simple to just say "Riordan doesn't know anything" when he's literally a writer who makes explicit choices. Have little opinion on Reyna and her sexuality.
Jason and Thalia see each other in TLH, MoA, and BoO. They see each other plenty considering that both of them barely know each other and have duties that they're resigned to during the end of the world 💀 but also it's mentioned that they have seen each other between TLH and MoA, however long that visit was. Don't really say that an issue considering the circumstances, there's only so many book pages, and there's only so many ways for Thalia to be relevant in a story that has little to do with her.
Thalia's a horrible example because she's literally not a main character in most books 😭 Riordan mostly mistreats love interests. Most of the girls in the series have strong moments and arcs, but are overshadowed by 1, the sheer amount of boys (which makes sense genre-wise and why Riordan even wrote PJO), and 2, fandom perception.
HOWEVER, I will not deny that girls get to be a back burner to other characters more often. Reyna would've been a good example post-BoO: giving her a POV slides her from secondary character to main, but then completely throws out of balance what her weight is compared to Nico, for instance, who is also given a main role in BoO, but has impacted the series more obviously. 😵‍💫 I highly disagree with them having POVs in BoO partially for that reason, and what it does to Frank and Hazel later, who now have less POVs despite playing a strong role in major events of BoO and the series. Sidelining main characters.
Rachel could possibly be another example, but Calypso would be a great example from her being in TDP and never showing up again 😀 But Reyna, Rachel, and Calypso a have in common that they are introduced as love interests.
But... None of this is relevant because the topic was about the hunters so that's for later. The Hunters aren't more inclusive of aro/ace ppl than any other group in series, but they are a nice group to join if a character is aro/ace. Reyna is the only one confirmed, and it would be helpful and appreciated if more characters could be confirmed. The hunters are just... Not in relationships at the current moment 😭 which anyone could be regardless if ur aroace or not.. as shown with jo and emmie
They do fit well as an alternate to the camps though, agree. It's amusing that they know about Waystation but never told anyone. They just actively go around hunting and fighting monsters???? Didn't understand why annabeth wasn't really interested but sure
For Thalia those themes are present when she joined the hunters. That is... Literally a whole thing. For Reyna they are not at all due to the Hunters! Those themes are only present because that was Reyna's whole thing!!! Her joining the hunters directly erases them 😭😭😭😭 Reyna is genuinely a character who lost potential by being thrown into the Hunters 😭😭😭 She could've been aro/ace even without them, it's so mind-boggling to put her in the Hunters. Like... Okay. She and Thalia were bonding throughout the series in the background. She didn't need to join the Hunters to talk to her friend 😭 It's so crazy especially next to Jason who deals with the same issues and themes but is allowed to just step out and go to boarding school. WHY WOULDN'T REYNA JUST JOIN THE AMAZONS????????? WHY WOULDN'T SHE JUST RETIRE????? Absolutely baffling. There are so many reasons why Thalia being a Hunter is a Meaningful Choice, and Reyna being a hunter is a Careless Choice.
Hope that captures everything, especially after the previous asks. Feel free to follow up ofc, always up for talks about things 👍
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Quick explanation of why I ship Shigadabi:
Personal and important note: The other day someone sent me an specific ask that was pretty controversial, specially because of the way the person expressed about Shigaraki and Dabi and the fans that ship them. The person asked me to take down the ask, but I didn't want to lose my answer, so I'm copying it and pasting it, while adding some things that I didn't explain well enough and others that I think are interesting to considerate.
Feel free to contact me if you think I'm doing or saying something wrong. I prefer directly talking to people and acknowledging my mistakes in front of everyone, so I can apologize for them and find a way to make up for that same mistakes. Now let's go with the reading!
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You see, I'm kinda new to the fandom.
I started watching mha / bnha maybe two or three months ago? Yeah, no more than that. Which means that all the content I consume is totally new to me. However, I missed the shigadabi hype that happened when I was not yet on the fandom.
It can also be because I'm used to being on BIG fandoms, but when I started looking for League of Villains and Shigadabi content, I didn't find as much content as I would want to. I got so frustrated that I came to tumblr and create a mha / bnha account to share my thoughts and the things I like and don't like that much.
Right now, the most popular pairing with Dabi is kinda Dabihawks, which I don't ship for some reasons, but the point is that most content I consume about Dabi, it has Hawks involved. I need a place free of Hawks to celebrate the League and I wanted a safe place for villain stans, you know?
People can create as much content as they want about what they want. I'm not over here saying anything about Dabihawks shippers or whatever, because I just don't engage with those post. As simple as that.
Also, it is a personal opinion that I am sad because many great written characters are pushed aside because they don't have a ship or they don't have romantic or sexual content. If the character is not shippable, it's like it doesn't exists sometimes! I'm not saying "don't create shipping content", instead I'm saying "I think there's a lack of platonic content". Both things can and should co-exist.
Now, if you read my headcanons or my blog in general, you're gonna be surprised for one fact:
I don't post about sex stuff most of the time. And when I do, it's only implications linked to a more complex dynamic.
I don't ship things just to ship them (if you do thats totally valid), not at least when it comes to my favorite pairings. For me it's never about "they both are cute and they'd look cute together", because for me the physical aspects couldn't care less and I see no sense in shipping something just for the sake of it. I'm done with society making everything about romance and sex, putting the platonic relationships (THAT ARE CRAZY IMPORTANT TO US AS HUMAN BEINGS) in the trash. It's not a fandom thing, it's more like being tired of the media and the way great companies portray characters.
If I'm saying this, then why do I ship Shigadabi?
What in the story inspired me to do it?
Mostly because it amazes me, how they just click on the canon. Not in a romantic way, they just— they just click as people, you know?
To this day, there's no good explanation to why Shigaraki gave Dabi a nomu. He never gave a Nomu to other member of the League, then why? It is not like the narrative told us Shigaraki gave a nomu to Vanguard Squad. No, he gave it to Dabi.
I think that was the moment when I started shipping them. That tiny detail, as stupid as it sounded, made me think "wait, why?". In the manga, AFO giving Tomura a nomu was a symbol of how he wanted Tomura to keep learning and growing. It was a form of stating a bond between a man we couldn't see and his sucessor. It was a display of trust.
And then Shigaraki went and did the same with an almost stranger? Maybe it was also a display of trust in Dabi, because he was leading the attack against the Summer Camp. But still, the first person outside AFO and Kurogiri that stablished a good relationship with Tomura was Dabi. And it just happened off screen. Why?
It still amazes me every time Horikoshi decides to show us that Tomura trusts in Dabi like it is something natural, like it's not a big deal. Dabi can come and go as he likes, but when Shigaraki calls him, he quickly answers the call. It doesn't matter if Dabi never took good recruits back to the League or if Dabi had clearly his own agenda, if he was doing a good job or if he was being suspicious.
Shigaraki just trusted him again and again.
And for Dabi, even if he claims he just follows Shigaraki because it's convenient, it doesn't look like it bothers him to follow Tomura. They fall perfectly into a dance they both knew since the beginning and we don't know how.
It's almost like it had to happen, just as that.
It became normal to see them side by side, but contrary to the other members of the League, we never got a big moment between them. There are only quick interactions, a word or two, and yet they just know the other will be there if they called?
It drives me crazy. Even in their first interaction, they worked perfectly together.
Now, the asks I was asked to delete implied that Shigadabi was disgusting, specially because it can be "some random horny stuff?"
I wanna clarify that no ship should be judge just because of its NSFW content and no ship is disgusting from being two men having sex or engaging in sexual activities. That's NOT A FUCKING VALID REASON to judge a ship. If you don't like it, don't engage with the content and that's it.
Now, for me it has never been about they having sex, because that's not what I'm interested in. One of my personal headcanons is that Shigaraki is demisexual and Dabi is demiromantic, which means Tomura feels no sexual attraction unless he has a deep bond with someone, and the same with Dabi but with romantic attraction. I just can't create NSFW content, it makes me personally uncomfortable but not because I have issue with the characters or the pairing but because I don't like consuming sexual stuff. It's not my thing, you know? Like, I get bored with the sexual stuff. I prefer writing about the symbolic implications of them in the narrative.
For me it's about how they display something really really important in any relationship: trust. They don't force the other into anything. And of course, which is in my opinion the best thing about this ship: the potential of them both healing together.
There's no one in the manga that can understand Tomura as perfect as Dabi can. The abusive father, the negligent mother, the siblings and relatives that do nothing to stop the abuse— they both have gone through it. They know what is like feeling like you need to kill your father to survive, they know what is like being homeless, walking on the streets, with people abusing you and kicking you and no one rescues you, it's like you don't even exists.
They don't need to explain any of that to the other. They don't need to imagine it. The chronic pain, the self-destructive tendencies, the hatred, the destructive quirks, the need to do something to feel less like you're dying.
Dabi and Tomura trust each other because they are like mirrors. They can't lie to the other. They don't need to.
The idea of them both looking for comfort on each other, that's what I love about this ship. The mundane stuff, the daily basis.
The way Touya's red hair matched Tomura's red eyes, or the way Tomura's blue hair matched Dabi's blue eyes.
The fact that they both have quirks connected to burial or death ceremonies, that are so widely portrayed as something bad when in fact both flames and dust are related to reincarnation, to a fresh start, to purifying.
How they show their looks and scars and marks and they're not ashamed, because there's nothing to be ashamed of. They survived, they don't care about how their faces look.
The narrative is constantly paralleling them, bringing them together. You know how the narrative opposes Hawks and Dabi, for example? Well, Horikoshi loves to draw Tomura and Dabi side by side. Some how they're always finding each other in the middle.
You can also notice that I've spend a lot of time studying Dabi and Tomura as two separate persons. I'm all the time rambling about the Shimuras and the Todorokis, about Dabi and his personal issues, about Tomura and the implications of the manga. I ship Shigadabi because I have a lot of background to do it. The more I think about them in separate, the more it gets clear to me that the best ship for each of them is them ending up together.
Also, I don't ship Tomura or Dabi with anyone in the canon. The narrative hasn't given me good reasons to do so. So my Shigadabi shipping behavior is mostly on aus and fan content.
I can't speak for other users, but at least these are my reasons and my opinion about Shigadabi.
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