#because we only got like 2 new songs for moonrise and sunrise because the albums were just a compilation of the other ed6 songs
exotic-wolves · 5 years
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Can y’all believer we’re getting 11 completely new songs tomorrow for the first time ever???? Ohmygod
(because we only got like 2 new songs (?) for moonrise and sunrise because the albums were just a compilation of the other ed6 songs + the 2 songs)
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11 questions
tagged by...who in the sam heck tagged me in this one?? it was in my phone, but I didn’t write who down because I was like “I’ll obviously remember” well OBVIOUSLY NOT, PAST STELL
1. favorite Christmas tradition?
Mmmmm…on Thanksgiving Night we watch Polar Express to usher in the Christmas season. It’s always a nice time.
2. if someone wanted to understand you, what would they have to read, watch, and listen to?
Emily Dickinson, Pride and Prejudice, Debussy.
3. if you could control one of the classic elements (earth, air, fire, water), which would you choose and why?
Either air or water, because then I could not only control those elements, but take them away from people. All you’d have to do is make people pass out from the lack of these things, and voilà! Problem = over.
4. if you were part of a fantasy story, what would your character be?
“I’m a damsel, I’m in distress, I can handle–wait, were those poisoned-tip arrows?”
5. do you write fanfic?
Look me in the eyes and ask me that question again.
5. do you write fanfic?
Oh. You did ask it again. Uh–okay. Yeah, I do. And I hate myself for it.
6. what movie do you never get tired of watching?
I get tired of everything eventually, but I’d get least tired watching movies from my childhood. Probably Disney.
7. what’s your go-to comfort food?
I don’t really have one, but whenever I got sick when I was young I would eat strawberry shortcake.
8. what’s your favorite quality about yourself?
Next question please.
8. what’s your favorite quality about yourself?
I said next, not–oh, all right! I’m thoughtful toward people and animals, resulting in my general gentleness towards them.
9. do you like sleeping in or getting up early?
I like being asleep. Unconscious to the world. And then I like to get up when I have nightmares. And then I stay awake so I won’t be here unconscious, but ultimately fall asleep and end up unconscious. And then I like being asleep.
10. what would you choose for your Patronus?
This is such a hard question. I’ve been described as a swan, a gazelle, and I’m not even going to address what Pottermore deigned to give me. Probably a Canada Goose, because it kind of seems like a swan, but it’s really just a grumpy and slightly better looking goose than all the other geese. 
11. who do you wanna be like?
People always ask this question and I have to admit I didn’t really have role models growing up. I still don’t, I just try to project my best self in the future and endeavor to reach that point. But if there had to be one…it would be Ms. Frizzle.
Part 2~ (tagged by @hobbitsetal)
1. what’s one of your favorite venues?
I don’t like eating out, I get really nervous eating in public. But I’ve recently taken a liking to Culver’s.
2. do you like visiting new places?
Hmmm, I think so. Provided I have a way of getting back home.
3. if you traveled to a strange city and had a day to yourself, what would you do?
Wander around, making sure I stayed safe. Just would soak the city in~
4. what fictional character do you relate to most?
Emily of New Moon, I suppose? Or Sara Crewe. As for adult characters, I don’t know, who is cheerfully self-destructive and still alluring?
5. what do you wish people understood about you?
My emotions are messy, and they spill out. If you’re annoyed with them, then I am more annoyed. It’s...not a game, or something I do for attention. Even if it’s silly, it still is very real to me. 
6. do you like your family?
Yes, I do
7. if you had a family, what’s something you would do for/with your kids that your parents didn’t do?
Teach them how to be independent relatively early
8. what’s something your parents did that you would do?
My mom set up a lot of traditions when I was a kid, so I’d like to keep those going
9. if you could spend 6 months anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I hate traveling, so I’m unsure. I think I’d like to just...travel. Go see everything I’ve read about in books. Check off the sites I have on my pinterest board.
10. ocean or mountains?
11. favorite album?
Mmmm...I think it may be Nat King Cole Greatest Hits
Part 3~ (tagged by @jayykesley)
1. What (reasonable) pet would you get, other than a cat or dog?
2. Juice or milk?
Juice. I’ve never been too fond of milk. Grosses me out a little, to be frank. 
3. Favorite book? Why?
This is like asking me to choose a hand. I WILL say that I recently read From The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler and it inspired a new aspect to my writing style.
4. LEAST favorite book, and why?
Anything by Ann M. Martin. Hate those books. They’re like special wrapped lies disguised as lovely presents that stab you in the mind. 
5. Video games you like, or have been wanting to try?
I don’t play video games, but I really always wanted to play Kingdom Hearts or Legend of Zelda! 
6. Ever found a really cool rock?
That was more my sister’s thing, but once I found a crystal in my backyard. And a shell. Which...is a weird thing to find in the desert. 
7. What’s a cool dream you’ve had?
Honestly my dreams are more often than not weird nightmares. But when I was a kid I had a lot of dreams where I could just float. I could always replicate the feeling in my dreams. 
8. How many blankets do you sleep with?
I’m sleeping with four right now, because it’s winter. In the summer I sleep with two. 
9. What would be your dream breakfast?
Protein first, fruit second. 
10. Favorite movie you’ve seen recently?
The Painted Veil, Moonrise Kingdom, The Big Short!
Right so now my questions
1. if you could go back in time with no repercussions, which era would you go to?
2. what is your best virtue?
3. what virtue did you wish you had more of?
4. what color is your voice?
5. what’s your favorite song right now?
6. if you had to recommend me a book in which would take the place of a first impression, which book would you choose?
7. favorite childhood movie?
8. if you could change/add anything to the Harry Potter universe, what would it be? (if you’re not involved with the Harry Potter verse, pick a fandom and tell me!)
9. what’s your favorite time of the day?
10. favorite prayer/Bible verse? (if you don’t have one, a favorite quote?)
11. Favorite candle scent? 
I tag @marshmallow-galaxy @wisegirlandseaweedbrainforever @ocean-sunrise @thelittleredheadedmusician @youvegotthatonering @soldier-poet-king @troublesfarbehind @moonlightangelwings @brooklynnbros @autumnhobbit @danderedreamer and gosh i dont know its 3 am here idk any more 
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