#because when i send her a literal just bulleted list of items she ALWAYS calls me with questions about it. so this time i added context
ectonurites · 6 months
sometimes i think my mom was designed in a lab to make me feel the need to punch a wall
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justalost4girl · 3 years
" If anything can go wrong, it will."
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Good night!! (Here it's still night :p )
A few weeks ago I said I would do a oneshot Lorraine Broughton x F! Reader, but it got too big so I decided to follow the initial idea and turn it into a mini series. I have two chapters written and I'm going to post them here and in Ao3, I think there will be 3 or 4 chapters in total, but I'm not sure yet.
English is not my first language, so all mistakes are mine.
warnings: mention of violence, R cursing, forgery of documents (?)
Words: 4573
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Berlin, East Side
You feel in your bones, when you wake up, the consequences of last night and think that the famous Murphy's Law decided to test you. On this side of the wall few things go right, but having an order in your head two days after joining STASI's wanted list proves that nothing is so bad it can't get any worse. Courtesy of a dumb customer who messed with the wrong people and thought revealing where you find your customers would be enough information to escape death. The Local Gang (or Angels, as they call themselves) loves to eliminate competition from the market.
Now he's dead and you have to deal with the STASI AND the Local Gang (you refuse to call them Angels).
The local fucking gang that sent a team of idiots to break into your favorite bar and made you run out the back door before meeting a customer who was going to pay well. The local fucking gang who must be pissed that you shot the six dumbest members you've ever had to face in your life. No really fatal shots, but of course that won't matter as they do business with the KGB.
Sometimes you want to ignore the rules you've made for yourself, especially "never kill someone unless it's in defense of yourself or someone you love", but you think killing six agents who don't have the ability to set up an ambush of success would be a great waste of bullets. Now you know you're going to have to leave town soon and you have no idea how to break the news to your brother/partner, how do you honorably abandon a war before it's over?
Damn Murphy's Law
You know you need to sort this out, but you refuse to stay in bed crying over what's already written and decide to leave the wonderful Egyptian linen sheets you got from your favorite client last month to face the world and it's impossible to face the world without a good amount of coffee. After a quick shower with a cup of Blue Mountain in hand, your newest addiction, you sit in a robe in a nice armchair, look out the window at dying Berlin and thank heaven for the comfortable life you've earned by working with one of the greatest smugglers on this side of the wall, perhaps from all over Germany. Some desperate customers offer you valuable items from them in exchange for passports and unlike your idiot “brother”, you don't have a rule about only receiving cash. Almost everything here comes from gifts, from the sofa, pictures, bags, clothes and even some books on your shelf. You don't even remember buying that cup, or the coffee set, for gods' sake.
If he saw you now he'd complain about being soft with customers and say something about how items aren't a bargaining chip in the real world, you'd get into a tiresome discussion about enjoying the finer things in life and how bills don't compare in the importance of yours. silver chain with moon pendant that was once an amulet for more than three generations for a French family.
At the end of the day, Merkel has a large information network and an office that takes up half the block, where she keeps as much money as she has secrets, and you have a house decorated by other people where each object symbolizes someone you've helped.
Four walls don't make a house
The thought takes away some of the almost peace you feel and you decide to finish your coffee before it gets cold.
After a quick glance at the calendar you remember about the march that will take place in Alexanderplatz square and decide to go scream for Germany one last time, hopefully you'll be able to hide long enough to see the fall of the damn wall that divides this country. It's not your country, not really, you don't even like to remember how you got here, but the experiences you gained wouldn't be exchanged for anything, not even for an original Van Gogh. Also, Merkel asked you to go and bring a black umbrella, the reason was not explained and you didn't feel like asking, sometimes you think Gordon Merkel is not his name, but how to judge the man who is your only family in this end of the world? You smile when you remember that he shouldn't have an umbrella with a story as cool as his and decide to piss him off for it.
Your phone rings, and you notice you've lost track of time. Merkel was helping a blonde woman named L, he didn't give you more details other than a few stories about how she was a perfect and dangerous assassin that you should keep your distance, as few people know how to deal with her. You thought he overreacted, but you had to take over some business from him while she was in town. She seemed important considering the way he told you about her and you knew better than to deny help to the person who always supported you and declared himself a brother, you trusted him because not even the best agent in the world could fake so much sincerity and affection in claiming this title for himself.
You reach out, pick up the phone, and decide to answer it. “Hey little sister, how are you out there? I called to say that everything is fine for dinner today, but there was a mishap and the wine ran out, bring the best Bordeaux you have, I'll return the courtesy as soon as possible." A code, of course.
He needs your services ASAP. Wine is a passport, Bordeaux means two elements, courtesy involves a child.
You can combine business with pleasure "Hi brother. I'm looking forward to today, I'll take the best wine I have, don't worry. I already know how you can thank me. I need to clean the house and go to the office first, but I'll be there on time. wait for me." you say in a voice that oozes normalcy, you never know when someone's listening on the phone especially now that you're a fugitive, disgraced customer. Your body sinks into the armchair noticing the oncoming cloud of worry
Merkel now knows you need his help, as cleaning the house means getting away and going to the office shows you're in a hurry.
"Alright, do you want me to send the driver?" He asks like he's not freaking out and offering the bloody job of one of his mercenaries
“No, bro, thanks, I know the way.” You say as if you really have an escape plan besides getting a fake passport, emergency backpack and all the money you can find.
“See you later, don't forget the wine. Are you sure you don't want the driver?" You wonder if he has forgotten that knowing the way literally means everything is fine
“Relax, see you later” It takes a few seconds for him to hang up and you can hear his sigh.
He will be SO pissed.
You put the phone down as you get up to gather the passport forgery materials and put them in a briefcase. Your cookbook is already there along with some banknotes from different countries. As you pick up the black backpack of standard clothes and accessories that always waited for you in the corner of the door, you decide to wear the first jacket you bought, the dark blue jeans, the combat boots you got from a skinhead, the wristwatch you bought. you got for your brother's birthday, thick leather gloves and a thin white shirt that matches the rest of your outfit. After all, if you can die when you open the door, then die well dressed. Be sure to keep the Colt 1911 around your waist and the Russian dagger around your ankle, after yesterday you never know, Your pocket watch with the coat of arms of the Brazilian imperial family indicates that 15 minutes have passed since Merkel's phone call
You take one last look at the house you've been so proud of in recent years, snap a photo with the Polaroid you've won, and, with a bittersweet smile, close the door. One day when the wall comes down, the government changes and your face is forgotten, you can come back here, until then you will have to make do with the photo album you keep in your backpack and this photo.
Putting on your sunglasses, you arrive on the street and decide to take a taxi on the other corner, make sure you look around before leaving your home, no one knows your address, but you can't be sure the local gang is so stupid to the point of not following you after last night.
Getting a taxi was relatively easy. Neil, the driver, thanks to the boots, mistook you for a revolutionary and talked for 10 minutes about how he hoped he could take down the wall with his bare hands, you thought it was cool, but as you passed the big river that was just a few blocks away from the your brother's office, you couldn't hear a word from him.
A sign signaling that the river was closed to visitors made your eyes fill with tears. You used to go there when the day was bad, spread a blanket in a corner and watch the stars, or just laugh at the distinct reflection the water made of the moon and stars. Merkel accompanied you on anniversaries, justifying them as bonding experiences. After some freaks started swimming in the river and executions increased, STASI took over and you replaced the dark water for the restaurant's bright lights. But seeing it tightly closed gave him a feeling of anguish and rancor. You would silently curse the wall builders for the rest of the trip.
Neil seemed to notice but didn't comment on it, you thanked him, wiped your tears and left a good tip as you descended a block away from your final destination. This time you didn't need to look around because even though Merkel was super busy, he made sure to leave some security close to where your landing place was.
A tall man dressed in a red T-shirt approached you and hugged you as if he hadn't seen you in a long time. You've known him since the beginning of last year, when he arrived at Merkel's office begging for a job, and from the first moment the way he turned grief over his brother's death into a thirst for revolution made you admire the young man. The two of you walked through the great gate hand in hand as you asked about his life with genuine interest, and Klaus increasingly believed in Merkel's theory about you having such a pure heart that you didn't care about motivation or the number of lives they took, your explanation of the judgment not being your responsibility, crossed the man's head before he escorted you to the main office.
You thanked him with a smile, opened the door and stood in front of the table in the windowless room, where your brother was already waiting for you.
"What the hell happened? Are you okay? I was about to send J to get you, please tell me what happened"—he said hurriedly as he got up and pointed at the couch for you to sit on. J was one of the most dangerous women in the building and you were grateful for not wasting her time.
Putting your backpack and umbrella aside, you answered:
"I'll explain later, little brother, now let me help you. You need passports urgently, don't you?" Yes, you were stalling and postponing the conversation. He'd call you an idiot for going out on the street right after you got on the wanted list, and he'd feel guilty when he found out why you didn't tell him. Merkel wasn't going to understand that her fear of failing him was no one's fault but yourself.
Your sentence seemed to give him some responsibility back, but still, as he held out a glass of water for you, his eyes met yours with a glint that warned that this conversation was far from over.
"Yeah, I really do, but don't think I'm going to forget about it. Let's talk when this is all over. Even if it's the last thing I do today."
You accepted the glass with a bit of trepidation and stood up towards the large center table while opening the briefcase with the supplies you were going to need, if Merkel noticed the bills he didn't say anything. Once at the table, you made two passports for mother and daughter in record time. According to the clock, 10 minutes passed, faster than a car, this deserves a celebration. It would have been six if Merkel hadn't been so curious to make you waste time pulling your watch out of your pocket just for him to analyze.
Everything was going well and there was only one last detail for mother and daughter to be taken by one Percival to the other side of the wall. Percival, according to Merkel, was strange and fickle. Unreliable and extremely dangerous, you should also keep your distance from him, as this man had crucial contacts on both sides of the wall.
"He must have fewer contacts than you", you would answer
If a loud noise didn't break the silence
The annoying noise of the door creaking made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you almost missed the last signature, it made your body vibrate with irritation and your eyes follow to the offensive source of the sound. A tall man with short hair and blue eyes was holding the doorknob with a military posture and before you could release your anger and explain something about how people shouldn't be violent inside Merkel's office you noticed he was accompanied by a woman.
Your eyes connected to a pair of fierce, intent green eyes, surrounded by a pale skin tone and hair so blond it looked like snow. The barely perceptible frown showed she was surprised to find someone other than Merkel there, yet she looked ready for a battle. You looked into her eyes again and nodded in acknowledgment, this must be L, the woman he was talking about.
She looked at you suspiciously, but also as if she could see into your soul, and what must have been frightening, you found endearing. A few stories of murders orchestrated by her crossed your mind, but all you could imagine is how beautiful she must be when she's mad.
They say green eyes darken when we're high on adrenaline, does that happen to her?
Her analysis of the intriguing blonde ends when she notices that the man accompanying her has raised his voice and from his furious expression, it's not the first time he's repeated the question. You interrupt him before you hear him and make sure to direct the ghost of anger before him:
"Have you lost your mind? Who walks into the office without knocking? Surely you should be here asking about passports, but if it weren't for my experience and steady hands, they would be in the trash by now. Learn to be civilized. You're under two paws not four, so act human and not animal" you say in an explosive but articulate tone to make sure he understands what you say. Sometimes when you speak fast, you are betrayed by faulty diction. Not today. Today you want this man to feel every fiber of irritation that went through his body.
Hearing Merkel holding a nervous laugh, you try to relax, but judging by the cold, almost murderous look of the man in the doorway, you've definitely gotten yourself in trouble. Looking at the organized clothes, you notice it's an old police uniform, probably taken by your brother, and unless Merkel has hired new employees, you've never seen it around here. His eyes snap back to his and something inside you warns that this must be Percival. He probably wants to kill you.
Damn Murphy's Law
A brief silence settles in the room and you shake off the fear and turn away, refusing to play the glaring game with a man who almost spoils your art. On other days you might look at him at a party, but today you want to make him swallow the ink on the stamp in his hands and invite the blonde to dinner
And it's her voice that breaks the silence.
You're flipping through the two passports for failures when she says
"Sorry, miss. My friend is an unprecedented idiot. Shall I close the door and knock again? Perhaps your highness too--"
You turn her body towards her when you hear the slightest hint of irony in her tone and interrupt her with a fake smile as you look into her eyes.
"It's not necessary, I accept your apology, Miss. I always said that Merkel should have someone armed at the door to remind everyone of the need to knock on the door. Anyone who didn't knock would lose his mind as the law of my reign says. Perhaps I should start. for him, since the top head is the last thing he wears lately" you joke look at Merkel who doesn't seem offended by the statement, shrugging you look at those blue eyes again and say "the passports are ready. Let's get out of here."
You close the passports, reach for your backpack and umbrella and start moving towards the door, both agents let you lead the way and judging by the blonde's expression, she's not used to being interrupted, nor is she used to seeing someone talking like that with Merkel, but today it was acceptable. You really think she's adorable, but you know better than to let someone make fun of you, especially in front of your brother who wouldn't let you forget about it. Either she doesn't care, or she's a great actress. Anyway, that idiot is still by her side and you refuse to be the reason for his possible laugh.
Her friend probably didn't have the same acting classes and his resemblance to the local gang members, like he's going to kill you in the blink of an eye in a cowardly way, is almost frightening. If Merkel hadn't said L is a woman, you'd be scared. It makes you shiver a little and look for Merkel, but he's not following you. Looking over his shoulder you see him putting a few more piles of dollars and euros into your briefcase. With a snap of your fingers you get his attention and before you walk out the door, you hear the briefcase click closing.
Once out of the room, you look around and realize that nothing has really changed, all faces are familiar, except for three people: a couple talking to a child. After a brief analysis you find yourself facing the passport clients, mother and daughter. The man doesn't look older than 60 and has kind eyes, almost as if he doesn't live on this side of the wall.
They don't seem to notice you
Your observation is interrupted by Merkel's loud, proud voice, right behind you. Here it comes
"This is Elizabeth Loyd and Percival, two trusted clients. Elizabeth and Percival, this is my little sister, she will be on the march today, if you need anything in the future you can talk to her."
Hearing her name, you notice that Merkel really wasn't creative at all. Who would use the initial letter of a surname as a symbol? Anyone who heard the stories about L and met a loyde who knows a Merkel would make the connection. As you turn around, you swallow your nervousness and try to put on your best smile as you say your name to them. The blonde woman who finally has a name, Elizabeth, leans closer, her eyes never leaving yours, and you wonder if she can feel the jumble of emotions that is unraveling inside you.
She smiles a smile that makes you sure she does and reaches out and greets you with a firm grip, if she noticed the sweat on your hands, she didn't let on. She also looks a little more comfortable.
Maybe because she noticed you said her real name, idiot.
You hate yourself for one second and the next you want to be without gloves because it feels soft and warm.
The man, Percival, comes next and looks at you suspiciously and the smile fades from your face, you wonder if no one else can smell the strong smell he gives off, a smell of cheap whiskey and arrogance. Still, he holds out his hand and this time you thank the gods for the gloves. Make sure you don't bow your head or fail in your posture. He still looks at you like you killed his son. Useless even to pretend, for God's sake.
Merkel watches the exchange from afar and nods to Elizabeth, she responds and Percival walks away looking uneasy. You look around uncomprehendingly, feel a little left out, and wonder which computer must have Tetris installed.
You would kill for a distraction right now.
Going out on the street in a crowded march while being chased by two groups still makes you sick.
Your brother approaches and extends his hands around you. You've missed him for the past few weeks. He still wears the perfume you gave him for his birthday and it makes you sink deeper into the hug. You know he's going to be mad when he finds out what happened so you enjoy as much affection as you can
"Little sister, in addition to our conversation I need to tell you something" his voice is low in tone and you doubt you would understand the words if you weren't so close to him "but I can't do that until the march is over. Meet me at usual table at the restaurant where we celebrate our achievements, It's very important"
His even low voice is charged with strong emotion and you are genuinely worried, Merkel has never been like this before.
"I'll do it, brother, I promise. Whatever it is, we can work it out together" you say with all the certainty you can muster in your voice, because you need him to understand that this is true.
You feel eyes on you and as you look up you notice that Elizabeth keeps an eye on your exchange with Merkel while talking to the little girl's father, from the distance she probably can't understand anything and you don't know if she celebrates or cares with so much attention received. A little further away is a Percival who pretends to be busy with the coat he's wearing. He also pays attention to your exchange, but his talent for discretion is as effective as his ability to open doors.
Your eyes return to the concentrated blue eyes that are in front of you and Merkel speaks in an almost inaudible way:
"When I whistle, I need you to raise your open umbrella and stay alert. The three people we're going to cross are very important, nothing can go wrong. But if it does, I'll be at the restaurant, whatever happens find me there."
Noticing the proximity of Percival and Elizabeth, you place your hand on your brother's shoulder and smile as you speak a little louder:
"Don't worry man, it's always a pleasure to help you. I'll leave my briefcase here, then meet you to get it. Good march."
Merkel shows that she understands his strange move and smiles, you greet some friends of his that you haven't seen in a while and as you head towards the exit, you meet a pair of deep green eyes. Elizabeth is gleaming in the cold lights that are refracted by the mosaic of the gate, she looks into your eyes, ever alert, looks at the object in your hands and nods her head with a half smile, do you think the guard's idea black rain was hers.
As you wave back, you can feel that a pair of eyes haven't left your back since the moment of your brother's embrace, as the old man is saying goodbye to the family, you know who they belong to and decide not to look for them. If the STASI, KGB or local gang find you, he doesn't own the pair of eyes you want to remember before you die.
Taking a deep breath, you walk through the gate and blend into the crowd.
After leaving Merkel's office block, you take a hat out of your backpack and wear your sunglasses as you look around, not that a local gang member is here but because if he sees you in disguise he will ask a series of questions and he has enough problems already, plus STASI must be monitoring this area and the last thing you want is to be arrested. You decide to tuck your coat into your backpack to change your look, and while internally debating your ability to ignore the cold, your eyes catch the almost snowy blond hair in the crowd.
This signals that they are already on the march and you decide to get a little closer to them, but make sure you do this without drawing attention to yourself since the nasty man is still there. Elizabeth is on your diagonal absorbing all the extraneous details that might be a possible threat, she seems so focused on the job of passing the owner's gentle eyes in a safe way that it makes you wonder how important he is and if she's noticed you.
A few meters later a familiar noise floats through the march and you open the umbrella almost instantly, as do other protesters.
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Percival taking the man's family across and sometime later Elizabeth does the same. You notice that her posture has changed and when she decides to stop for a better look, the crowd drags her and you can no longer locate her.
Her feet continue forward and as some signs are raised by the protesters, you try to find your brother. Unsuccessfully. You decide to trust their ability and hope that you can meet him again at the restaurant.
You also want Elizabeth to be okay.
Continuing on the march, after two or three long blocks you notice the familiar silhouette of one of the STASI bosses, he is watching the crowd as if looking for someone, but he doesn't seem to notice you. You notice observers on top of buildings and decide to leave the streets. Whether it's the Local Gang, KGB or STASI itself you don't know and decide you don't want to know.
Your brain tries to design routes to escape and your body mimics the movements of the closest protesters so as not to draw attention to you, but when some agents in black point in your direction and make space in the crowd, you run between people to seek shelter in somewhere you know and at every step you are sure that the day will be worse than you thought.
Damn Murphy's Law
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anonymous-hopeful · 7 years
A fanfic with Danganronpa characters in Homestuck
I'm just going to post it all in one go, then update as needed.
Like and reblog, all that fun stuff
A young adult male stands alone in his room. He dons his zip-up hoodie, t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and sneakers. At first glance, this teenaged boy seems normal, completely ordinary, however, this is not so. For you see, atop his head is an ahoge, passed down from generation to generation. They say it's a mark of destiny. This boy will be known in history. This boy is extremely special. This boy...this boy is...
==> Name The Boy.
"Actually, you're not that far off."
"See? You were pretty close."
Your name is NAEGI MAKOTO. Inside your dorm is your VARIETY OF INTRESTS, or rather, LACK THEREOF.  You don't really have much in your room, as every time you try to decorate it, IT PUTS OUT THE WRONG MESSAGE ABOUT YOU. The message being you're an INTRESTING GUY. The only reason you're even in HOPE'S PEAK ACADEMY anyway was because of the LOTTERY YOU WON. By winning said lottery, you were awarded the title of ULTIMATE LUCKY STUDENT, and the entrace into ONE OF THE MOST PRESTEGIOUS SCHOOLS IN JAPAN. While you try to FIT IN, you can't help but be intimidated by the other students who are TRULY TALENTED. Thankfully, someone connected you to CHAT-CHAN, a chat-room application that some students here use. You've made some friends under your CHANHANDLE, HopefulEgg. Unfortunately, you're too shy to talk to them in real life.
What will you do now?
==> Makoto: Examine your fetch modus.
Fetch modus? Oh yeah. That was the storage device you recieved when you came in on the first day. You look at your FETCH MODUS. It's the LUCK MODUS, of course. Once something goes in, whether or not comes out is up to sheer luck. You've avoided using the capchalouge cards for it. You don't need anything important getting stuck in the sylladex.
==> Makoto: Examine your strife specibus.
Strife specibus? Oh yeah. That was the weopon specializer you recieved when you came in the first day. You have the REVOLVERKIND, filled with a large supply of TRUTH BULLETS. You've avoided using that, too. Guns are dangerous, and you're no marksman.
"Uwuu! Someone wants to chat with you!☆"
Looks like Chat-chan's alerting you.
==> Makoto: Chat.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with HopefulEgg [HE]
MR: Are you available at the moment?
HE: as of now, yes. whats up?
MR: I was wondering if you had taken notes from today's lesson.
HE: yeah, i always do that, why, do you need them?
MR: If we were able to meet up somewhere on campus, yes.
HE: oh, i see what this is! you're not making me fall for it, ramen -.-
MR: What is that at the end?
HE: it's a squinty face. it enforces that i'm not falling for the trick.
MR: Sure it does.
HE: :)
MR: I don't understand why you are so self conscious. Surely after our many chats, you will have become more confident.
HE: i have! a little...
MR: Would you at least tell me your name?
HE: eh...why don't you go first?
MR: I inquired first.
HE: still, i'm not ready!
MR: Then my identity shall remain hidden as well.
HE: fine by me.
MR: Seriously though, I do need the notes.
HE: don't worry, i'll send them via internet file.
MR: Thank you. This will work tremendously in my investigation.
HE: what investigation?
MR: ...
MysteriousRamen [MR] ceased chatting with HopefulEgg [HE]
You hope that investigation had good intentions behind it.
*a knock at the door*
==> Makoto: Answer knock.
No one's on the other side, however, there are two envelopes left in their wake.
==> Makoto: Pick up envelopes.
You pick up the envelopes and look atbthe packaging. On each one, the logo for a game called SBURB in printed, but underneath, the text either says server or client. You have a vauge idea who left these at your dorm. After all, he's the only one that knows who you are.
==> Makoto: Chat with you-know-who.
HopefulEgg [HE] began chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
HE: hey, did you leave these disks outside my dorm?
You end up waiting a pretty long time. Eventually, you give up on the guy.
"SBURB...I wonder what it is..."
==> Makoto: Ask about SBURB.
You examine your chatmate list.
Other than CookiecutterPepsicola, you're not sure who would have any idea about this game. You decide to take to the internet for this one.
You find nothing. Literally nothing. Does this game even exist?!
Looks like he's on now.
HopefulEgg [HE] began chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
HE: hey, did you leave these disks outside my dorm?
CP: Yeh. Cool, right?
HE: if i knew what it was, sure.
CP: Yer gonna find out soon enough. Along with the others.
HE: others?
CP: Mmhmm. It's all part of my plan.
HE: so you made this?
CP: Sorta. Some of th' stuff I got from this random guy that keeps botherin me.
HE: aw man. internet troll?
CP: Self proclaimed too.
HE: don't you know to just leave those guys alone?
CP: That's just it. He won't, and every time I block 'im, it seems ta override.
HE: :O
CP: I guess th' guy ain't that bad. Though, I guess I get some weird feelin's from 'im. Like...he's flirtin or somethin.
HE: :(
CP: Hold on. He's on now. I gotta get back ta ya.
CookiecutterPepsicola [CP] ceased chatting with HopefulEgg [HE]
You're amazed. You can't believe that guy blew you off to indulge some internet troll. You almost feel offended. Actually, you do. Then again, you're not that surprised. He's a quirky guy.
==> Point of View: Switch.
Wait a minute! We're not done with this guy yet! There's so much more to...oh.  
It appears the point of view switches anyway. Bummer.
A serious, dignified, and one might even say stoic girl stands in the middle of her dorm. The lavender-haired lass is wearing her dark purple jacket, paired with a tie, black gloves,  heeled boots, a skirt, and a small bow in a single braid. One look at this lady, and you know she means business, and even though her lips are sealed, she's examining, analyzing, studying, completely aware of her surroundings, and that you're looking at her. Maybe you should guess her name.
==> Guess her name.
"You couldn't possibly have done worse."
Yeah. That's it. She wonders why you didn't get it sooner.
Your name is KIRIGIRI KYOKO. You go to HOPE'S PEAK ACADEMY as the ULTIMATE DETECTIVE. As expected, you've got quite a bit of DETECTIVE MERCHANDICE in your room. A POSTER OF YOUR FAVORITE DETECTIVE here, a NANCY DREW BOOK there, and and old-timey DETECTIVE OUTFIT hanging in your closet. Your FATHER got that for you when you were accepted in. Your father, of course, is KIRIGIRI JIN, the HEADMASTER of Hope's Peak. He's a pretty good father, you think, when he's not being a total nerd. Quite recently, you took on another case, except instead of finding a MURDERER, you're trying to figure out who's on the end of each CHANHANDLE. Just saying, you all claim to go to Hope's Peak. The least you all could do is talk IN REAL LIFE. Still, you communicate with them under your own chanhandle, MysteriousRamen.
What will you do?
==> What are those notebooks on the floor?
Nothing. They're not important.
==> What's on that corkboard over there?
You sure are nosy.
==> What-
Before you can finish, she snaps up the item in her sylladex. Even if you wanted to see it, it'd only be a photo-copy. This is the CLUE MODUS. The only way to truly get the item would be to follow the clues on the back of the card. Only the wisest of detectives use this modus.
==> What about-
Once again cutting you off, she pulls out a SHIV, which was stored in her KNIFEKIND. She thinks it'll get you to stop. She's right.
==> Kyoko: Continue investigation.
You go on your computer and examine all of your files. You've managed to get majority of your chans to send over something with their handwriting on it. You just need two more submissions, then some difinitive answers can come up.
==> Kyoko: Have that conversation with HopefulEgg.
You have that conversation with HopefulEgg. The one where you asked for a picture of their notes. They were apprehensive at first, but the mission was a victory. The next nut got a tougher shell to crack...
==> Kyoko: Chat with WealthyLiterary.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with WealthyLiterary [WL]
MR: If it doesn't bother you, I'd like to ask you a favor.
WL: Fun fact: I don't do favors.
MR: Fun fact: this is important.
WL: ...
WL: Fine. Make it quick. I have better things to do.
MR: Of course. Could you send me a handwritten document via comupter?
WL: Excuse me?
MR: There is an extreme emergency within Hope's Peak.
WL: You're bluffing.
MR: I'm as serious as a heart attack.
WL: If you're being serious, you'll tell me what's happening.
MR: Gladly. It seems a thief in in this school, and  they leave notes behind every time they steal. I'm examining everyone's handwriting.
WL: Either this is true, or you're the Ultimate Liar.
MR: I couldn't be. They graduated last year.
WL: ...
WL: You've barely convinced me.
MR: Funny. Everyone else submitted a document. You are the first to downright refuse. This could cut out inveatigation all together. You must be the culprit.
WL: What? Impossible. I'd never stoop so low as to resort to thievery.
MR: Tell it to the judge.
WL: You really are serious about this, aren't you?
MR: As a heart attack, like I said.
MR: Now, either send me a document, or face jail time. Your choice.
WL: Give me a moment.
MR: (Time Lapse)
WL: Very mature.
MR: ; :)
MR: I try.
WL: Writtendocument.jpg
WL: There. Are you satisfied?
MR: Quite.
WL: Thank goodness.
WealthyLiterary [WL] ceased chatting to MysteriousRamen [MR]
"That guy's a total douche."
What? He is!
That also wasn't a lie. Technically, there is a theif.
And they've stolen your heart.
You enjoy chatting with them. Whoever they are...
==> Kyoko: Begin deeper investigation.
You pull up each file. You begin to try and decode each sample. To aid in this, you take out the (completed and graded) essays you've stolen from the classroom. The investigation is-
==> Knock knock.
Who's there? You decide to go check.
==> No one.
Of course. Practical jokery, ha ha. You're so mad about the jape you almost don't see the two envelopes on the ground.
==> Kyoko: Pick them up.
You pick them up, just like it says.
"SBURB, huh?"
Looks like a game of some sort. One's marked Server, and the other is marked Client.  You were never big on video games, but this one seems intresting. You decide to consult your local techie.
==> Kyoko: Consult your local techie.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
MR: SBURB, huh?
CP: What?
MR: Oh nothing. I would just like to know what's your aim in this game you've created.
CP: There ain't an aim in this. I just want everyone ta play it.
MR: It surprises me that you could purchace this for me.
CP: I didn't. I made it with the help of some internet troll.
MR: Oh?
CP: Now I know what yer thinkin, an' no, he ain't some creep.
MR: How does he describe himself?
CP: Um...it's weird.
MR: I'm sure I've heard weirder.
CP: He says he's an amethyst blooded, sea dwelling troll with a love for lusi, whatever those are.
MR: Intresting.
CP: Also, as rude as he usually is, I think he's bein' flirty. Endin every statement with ♡♤.
MR: Oh really?
CP: Yeah. He says he's fanscinated wit me.
MR: Hmm. Now that I think about it, a random person has began messaging me as well. Though I never indulge them.
CP: I suggest it. The guy I got's not bad.
MR: I will consider.
MysteriousRamen [MR] ceased chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
"Uwaa! ☆"
Speaking of...
treblemakingSongbird [TS] began trolling MysteriousRamen [MR]
TS: Are you on? <(^^)
TS: Please don't block me again. It took our tech troll over an hour to decode the system. <(UU)
MR: Not this time.
TS: >(' ')!
==> Random Douchebag: Appear out of nowhere.
Oh boy. Here we go again.
ACT ONE: Who's this douchebag?
A random douchbag appeared. You examine him a bit. Straight-laced green suit, perfecty styled blonde hair, expensive looking glasses, and a narssicistic scowl on his face. All doubt leaves your mind; this guy really is a douchebag. Textbook definition of the term. If you looked up that word in the dictionary, there would be no words, only this guy's photo. He looks at you and raises a disapproving eyebrow. He wants you to guess his name. Actually, he expects you to know it already. What a prick.
He says he's not going to acknowledge the degrading name you gave him.
He nods a bit in approval. You guess that's who he is.
Your name is TOGAMI BYAKUYA. As Hope's Peak's ULTIMATE AFFLUENT PROGENCY, you plan on letting everyone know YOU'RE IN CHARGE, and that you're basically BETTER THAN EVERYONE. In your dorm, you have decorated with EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE STATUES, BOOKS, AND FURNATURE, and in your closet is a wide variety of EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE SUITS. That's how rich you are. Of course, such is expected of the next owner of the TOGAMI CONGLOMERATE, one of Japan's BIGGEST BUSINESSES. You admit, you spent a long time working up to that level, and there's NO WAY YOU'RE BACKING DOWN. You also admit that you only went to Hope's Peak to see if anyone was as COMPETENT AS YOU. The only one that came close was the ULTIMATE PRINCESS. Well, also that really quiet guy, but that's for an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REASON. Still, you do frequently chat with these lowly classmates of yours on Chat-chan, via your Chanhandle, WealthyLiterary.
Because he knew you were about to ask, he demonstrates his CREDIT CARD MODUS for you. When an item is captchalouged, the card must be swiped on order for the item to be freed. It's reserved for only the rich, he tells you. You don't particuallarly care.
He now takes the time to show off his MEGAPHONEKIND. A pull of the trigger releases an electric blast. As much as you don't want to care, you have to agree it's pretty cool.
"Uwuu! Someone wants to chat with you!☆"
"If it's her, I swear...".
==> Byakuya: Is it her?
No it's not. It seems that MysteriousRamen wanted to chat.
==> Byakuya: Chat against your better judgement.
You chat against your better judgement. The conversation wasn't all that bad. Seems that there's a thief in the school. You hope they get caught. You don't need any of your precious items stolen.
==> *Knock knock*
You hope this isn't the set-up of an incredibly juvenile joke.
==> Byakuya: Check the door.
That doesn't seem to be the case. You do have mail, however.
==> Byakuya: Examine mail.
SBURB Beta. Sounds like a video game. You don't do video games.
"Uwuu! ☆"
==> Byakuya: Attempt to deter.
PsychoticLovestruck [PL] began chatting with WealthyLiterary [WL]
PL: Byakuya...
WL: Go away.
PL: I swear, I-I'm not hitting on you this time! O~O
WL: Leave me alone.
PL: I'm being s-serious! OnO
WL: Fine, but if you even attempt to make a pass at me, I will hit block user.
PL: I understand...
PL: Did you...happen to recieve any mail?
WL: Please don't tell me this is yours.
PL: W-what? No! Ò.Ó
WL: Then yes. I happened to recieve two envelopes today for SBURB Beta.
PL: Was there both a server and client disk?
WL: Yes. Why do you ask?
PL: I recieved one too...
WL: Odd. I don't remember anyone even mentioning this game.
PL: I can say for certain that this isn't your everyday game...
WL: Elaborate.
PL: I chatted with Cookiecutter earlier. He says he made it with some help.
WL: Oh, really?
PL: He plans on all of us playing it. H-he says it'll be fun O*O
WL: Are you sure he didn't send this to me on accident?
PL: He gave one to everybody. He seems passionate about it, so...m-maybe I'll give it a go.
WL: You? Playing a video game?
PL: I-it would help me socialize.
PL: Whether or not you play is up to you.
PsychoticLovestruck [PL] ceased chatting with WealthyLiterary [WL]
Wow. You almost can't believe it. You actually had a normal conversation with her. As for this game, you're thinking about playing it, but you aren't quite sure.
gothicSnakeeyes [GS] began trolling WealthyLiterary [WL]
GS: Play the game, douchebag ;3
gothicSnakeeyes [GS] ceased trolling WealthyLiterary [WL]
Great. Now internet trolls are after you. You dismiss the person watching to deal with with the troll.
==> Person watching: Watch someone else.
OH GOD IT'S HER. Large round glasses, uneasy smirk, two neat braids, conservative clothing. Wait. Why are you so upset? This seems like a nice, civiliized lady.  What could possibly be wrong with her? She says nothing, then looks away slightly. So shy...you'd be pretty surprised if this girl turned out to be a serial killer or something. She just says nothing. Hmm...
She cringes at the name.
She cringes at that one too, but slightly less.
Your name is FUKAWA TOUKO. As Hope's Peak's ULTIMATE AUTHOR, you're expected to be SOCIABLE AND CHARISMATIC, but in reality, you're very SOCIALLY AWKWARD. You AVOID PEOPLE often, and REFUSE TO SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO. In your dorm, you have BOOKS, PAPER, AND PENCILS scattered about, and posters of HOT GUYS hang on your walls. You're a bit of a PERVERT when it comes to some things, but you do speciallize in ROMANCE NOVELS, so you have a bit of an excuse. Those excuses don't help when you're caught STALKING YOUR CRUSHES, however, which, unfortunately happen often. The current guy you have your eyes on just happens to be HOT, but a HUGE DOUCHE, just the way you like them. In spite of not being able to socialize in real life, you tend to chat on Chat-chan, under the chanhandle PsychoticLovestruck.
==> Touko: Fetch Modus, please.
Your fetch modus is the LIBRARY MODUS. When an item is captured, it turns into a book, and is stored into the sylladex. In order to access it again, you have to read the book, which is essentally a novel about that item. It's actually some pretty good material.
==> Touko: How about that strife specibus?
That? It's equipped with SCISSORKIND, it seems.  She doesn't seem to want to touch it...
==> *Knock*
You wonder why they only knocked once. You're a bit offended by this. It doesn't seem like they're there anymore, so you decide to do something else.
==> Touko: Feed your stinkbug.
You feed your stinkbug. You found her when you were young. Her name is Kameko. You keep her in your dorm because everyone complains of her stench, but you don't care. Aftet all, she understands you better than anyone. If anything, you and that stinkbug are in it for the long haul.
==> Touko: Who knocked?
It seems that whoever was there has left something behind. Two somethings actually. You pick them up and instantly know who left them.
==> Touko: Chat to who left them.
PsychoticLovestruck [PS] began chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
PL: Is this...what you've been w-working on?
CP: Cool, right?
PL: What is it exactly?
CP: A game. Once I finish deliverin em, we're gonna play.
PL: Um...
CP: What's up?
PL: I don't...really d-do video games...ÕnÕ
CP: You'll enjoy this one. It'll be fun.
PL: ...what's i-it about?
CP: I don't fully know. I got some help from my troll friend.
PL: Ugh, I hate internet trolls. T-they make so much trouble.
CP: This one's good, don't worry. He's real helpful.
PL: S-so...the game?
CP: All I know is that we can like, manipulate out enviroments and shit. Plus, we need to use both the server an client disk.
PL: Manipulate environments? L-like a simulator, or...?
CP: I think the guy meant in reality.
CP: Yeah, pretty awesome.
PL: I-i admit, I'm on board...
CP: I'm proud o ya! I'mma go make more deliveries.
PL: I guess I'll chat with you l-later...
PsychoticLovestruck [PL] ceased chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
You think you want to inform your crush about this...
"Uwuu! ☆"
...and here's a sidetracker.
==> Touko: Answer sidetracker.
CrystalClairvoyant [CC] began chatting with PsychoticLovestruck [PL]
PL: Yes...
PL: Huh?
PL: Really? Ø.Ø
PL: Remind me why I'm on the recieving end of this?
CC: You sound like Kyoko, smh.
CC: You were the first one I saw on my dash.
PL: Even still...why w-would I care?
CC: I'm at least 33% correct...
PL: Chat with me when you're not acting like a lunatic.
PsychoticLovestruck [PL] blocked CrystalClairvoyant [CC]
You'll unblock the guy when you're done chatting with Byakuya.
==> Touko: Think about cool pjs.
What? You already know about the cool pjs. At least in your dreams. You've even chronicled your adventures in the dream world. You can't help it. The ominous purple aura really brings out your creative side. In fact, it's inspired a good chunk of your stories. You kinda wonder if that guy's there too. After all, you've seen Kyoko, Byakuya, and a few others there too. Sound asleep, but there. You wonder if they'll awaken soon. Maybe you'll tell this to the crazy guy. Well, after chatting with Byakuya.
==> Touko: Chat with Byakuya.
You chat with Byakuya. He doesn't block you, and actually, he seems to listen to you this time. Maybe there is a chance...
"Uwuu! ☆"
trippyPillpopper [TP] began trolling PsychoticLovestruck [PL]
TP: *please talk to me* ]:'(
trippyPillpopper [TP] was blocked by PsychoticLovestruck [PL]
You don't need any of this troll mess. You just can't deal with it. Instead, you go to bathe. After all, if you're going to be social, you might as well smell nice.
==> Veiwer: Considerately view someone else.
You considerately view someone else. Touko appreciates it, but now a random wierdo seems to be freaking out at your sudden arrival.
A random weirdo looks at you. You look at a random weirdo. His hair sticks up in all directictions, he has the slightest beard stubble, and he gives off a very strong hobo aura. He also looks too old to even be in this school...and you'd be right. Then again, he was never the brightest bulb.
Okay, whoa. Calm down man, it was a joke. Just a joke...um...
It doesn't look like he's calming down anytime soon.
" Huh?"
Your name is HAGAKURE YASUHIRO. As Hope's Peak's ULTIMATE CLAIRVOYANT, you...don't really do much. Often, you'll offer to READ PALMS, and SEE INTO ONE'S FUTURE, but the STEEP PRICE usually turns others away. In your dorm, you have everything a shaman needs, CATCHY POSTERS, INTERESTING ARTIFACTS, and GIMMICKS GALORE. You would think that a BUSINESSMAN LIKE YOURSELF would stay out of SERIOUS TROUBLE, but it seems that a CERTAIN YAKUZA has a large TARGET ON YOUR BOUNTY. You haven't left your room since. Luckily, your classmates can supply you your work through Chat-chan, under the clever chanhandle CrystalClairvoyant.
==> Yasuhiro: Consult your fetch modus.
You have the CRYSTAL BALL MODUS. Rather than captchalouging spare items for later use, your modus captchalouges random items that you'll need for later use sometime in the future. Sometimes it's the near future, and others, practically months. It also doesn't help that you can't captchalouge immediately.
...looks like the crystal ball has sent a hamburger. Sweet!
Whoops. It got stuck in that extra strife specibus card the crystal ball sent earlier. Now you have a FOODKIND to go along with your MAGICKIND. The MAGICKIND has a WAND inside. You haven't figured out how to work that yet, but when you do, all kinds of cool stuff's gonna happen.
At least you have a use for the specibus portfolio you got months ago.
Hey, what's in the crystal ball now?
==> Yasuhiro: Look inside.
It looks like a copy of a game. Two copies of a game actually. Those had to be coming your way eventually. After all, the crystal ball modus knows all. Once you retrieve the card from the sylladex, you take the copies of the game and examine them. SBURB Beta, server and client copies. You haven't heard of this game before. It must be new on the market. You decide to see what it has in store via your clairvoyant powers.
==> Yasuhiro: See.
You take out the disks and hold them in your hands. Closing your eyes, you begin to see new, complex contraptions around your room. A hail of meteors rain outside, but then the scene shifts to a beautiful planet with little chameleons running around. At a moment, the scene blacks out, and you're on a planet of gold. You're wearing some pretty cool pjs.
==>Yasuhiro: Drop the disks.
You gently set the disks down. After that exclusive preview, you don't want those disks destroyed. Wait. It occurs to you...
==> Yasuhiro: Tell someone about this.
You tell someone about this! Unfortunately, they block you. Oh well. At least she listened to the majority of your spiel.
Oh boy.
punkrockBallpark [PB] began trolling CrystalClairvoyant [CC]
PB: get hacked
CC: Nooo
PB: nice line driver t⊙ y⊙ur c⊙mputer
PB: tech tr⊙ll hit a h⊙me run
CC: Leave me be ;_;
PB: i've tr⊙lled y⊙u this l⊙ng, what makes y⊙u think i'm st⊙pping n⊙w?
CC: Why must you terrorize me so?
PB: eh, i'm b⊙red. my kismesis is ⊙ut d⊙ing whatever, s⊙ i'm just kinda here
CC: Kismesis?
PB: wh⊙⊙ps. i mean ⊙ne ⊙f y⊙ur human b⊙y/girlfriends
CC: In this case?
PB: b⊙yfriend
PB: Out there flying and shit
PB: y⊙u aren't dead, g⊙⊙d f⊙r y⊙u
PB: but it makes me hate him m⊙re, s⊙ i can't c⊙mplain
CC: Why do you want to hate your boyfriend ( ? )
PB: y⊙u're g⊙nna have t⊙ wait f⊙r that talk
CC: You realize I may be older than you...?
PB: i'm 9 sweeps
PB: translate it y⊙urself
punkrockBallpark [PB] ceased trolling CrystalClairvoyant [CC]
You have no idea what sweeps are.
==> Yasuhiro: Ask someone what sweeps are.
CrystalClairvoyant [CC] began chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WS]
CC: Do you know what a sweep is?
WS: Something a broom does ~u~
CC: Haha! Nice. Seriously tho.
WS: No...I'll find out though.
How rude. You came in just as she was about to find out.
She looks around. She may have forgotten what she was doing already. Oh well, at least we can get on with the intro. A swirled ponytail, athletic clothing, and an inordinate amount of donut boxes? Certainly contradictory, but she seems to be in great shape, so you don't judge her. She offers you a donut. You would take it if you could reach through the screen. She apologizes, then eats the donut herself. You feel like you know this young lady's name...
Nice save there.
"Hehe! Yeah!".
Your name is ASAHINA AOI. You go to school at Hope's Peak Academy under the title of ULTIMATE SWIMMER. You do admit to feeling like a fish at times. Anyway, in your dorm is EVERYTHING YOU POSSIBLY NEED, including VARIOUS PLUSHIES, GIFTS FROM YOUR LITTLE BROTHER, AN AQUARIUM, A COMPUTER, and of course, DONUTS. LOTS OF THEM. You love donuts like crazy. Almost as much as you love swimming. You learned the hard way not to mix eating donuts and swimming. As much as you enjoy being at Hope's Peak, you miss having your old friends around, as NO ONE IS PASSIONATE AS SWIMMING AS YOU ARE. Maybe someday soon, you'll have a friend who ENJOYS A GOOD SWIM LIKE YOU DO. It would be nice. For now, at least, you chat with the friends you have on Chat-chan, under the chanhandle WaterloggedSprinkle.
==> Bzzz.
You look at an annoying fly and decide to use your BUBBLEKIND against it. A swift blow traps the fly in a large bubble. And they said that bubbles would be useless.
You decide to captchalouge the bubbled fly in your HYDRATION MODUS. Basically, the cards in the sylladex are dehydrated, and in order to use an item, you need to put the card in some water. This usually backfires when you go for a swim in the school's pool.
==> Aoi: Isn't there supposed to be a knock now?
Nope. That happened a few minutes ago. At your door, you found two envelopes containing the game Sburb inside. You don't play video games often, but you think that this one's worth playing. At least it looks cool.
==> Aoi: Ahem?
==> Aoi: Didn't you have a prior engagement?
Oh, that's right! You had to find out what the heck a sweep was. You think you may know someone who has that info.
==> Aoi: Chat with the troll.
WaterloggedSprinkle [WS] began chatting with muscularProtienshake [MP]
WS: Heey.
WS: Would you happen to know what a sweep is?
MP:  J(`v')J "why, yes, i do.".
MP: f(`o')J " a sweep is a year in alternia."
MP: h('v~)h "though it takes about two of your human years"
WS: Ooh, thank you!
MP: y(~v~)y
WaterloggedSprinkle [WS] ceased chatting with muscularProteinshake [MP]
WS: Hey, Yasuhiro?
WS: A sweep is about two human years.
CC: Good. Now I have to deal with this punk troll.
CrystalClairvoyant [CC] ceased chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WS]
Well that's that-
CookiecutterPepsicola [CP] began chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WS]
CP: Hey Aoi. Pay attention. I have some instructions for ya.
WS: Go on.
CP: You need ta be the first server player.
WS:  For Sburb?
CP: Yeh. You connect to Makoto, who'll connect to Kyoko, who'll connect to Byakuya, who'll connect to Touko, who'll connect to Yasuhiro, then he to you.
WS: Wait, why are we splitting up?
CP: From what I know, we're still gonna end up in the same session. By doin it like this, it should take a shorter time to get started.
CP: Essentially, I  should be the last player in.
WS: I think I may understand. Should I communicate this to Makoto?
CP: I reccomend it. Also, start running your server copy. It takes a while for it to load.
WS: Got it! Thanks, Cookie!
CP: Ey, ain't nothin!
You decide to keep him on in case you need help. After all, were doing this man. Were making this happen.
A young troll is travelling in the vast expanses of space. He has finished playing his session quite a while ago, and he was one of few in his session who went god teir...though he had to in order to live through his session, for he was on the brink of death when he entered his land. Assisting him is another troll who went god teir, as well as a consort from his land. The troll himself is the Page of Time, his assistant the Rouge of Life, and the consort so generously named Delegate Hornliza. At once, this troll stops what he's doing, and rushes back to home, or at least what he and many others call home now. The reason? Another session is about to start, and he swore to guard a certain player...
==> Aoi: Communicate with Makoto.
WaterloggedSprinkle [WS] began chatting with HopefulEgg [HE]
WS: Hey Makoto, good news!
HE: what is it?
WS: You get to be the first client player! How cool is that?
HE: pretty cool, i guess. cookiecutter tell you this?
WS: Yep, and I'm your server player!
HE: ah, sweet! do i enter in the disk or...
WS: Yeah, just put it in your computer. It should instantly hook you up to my server program.
==> Makoto: Insert the disk.
You put the disk in. Just like Aoi said, it connects to her server.
HE: i have confirmation we're connnected.
WS: Oh cool, I can see you!
HE: wait what?
WS: You're the shy new guy? I would have never guessed!
HE: ...thanks.
WS: Okay...lets see. We start with a cruxtruder, alchemiter, totem lathe, and punch card designix, as well as some extra captchalouge cards.
WS: You may want to move some stuff out of the way.
HE: why?
==> Aoi: Deploy Cruxtruder.
WS: That answer your question?
HE: i got it. so what's this do?
WS: It apparently deploys an unlimited amount of cruxite dowels according to this instruction pamplet Cookiecutter included. If you can get it opened.
HE: how am i gonna manage that? i'm kinda short...and weak.
WS: Wait, I have an idea!
==> Aoi: Act on your idea.
Using your cursor, you pick up Makoto's bed. He seems to be in protest of this idea, but you continue on nonetheless. After holding it directly over the Cruxtruder, you drop it on top. The bed almost breaks in half, but the Cruxtruder is now open. A small, flashy thing flies out as well.
HE: um, aoi? any idea what that is?
WS: Consulting Cookiecutter's guide...it's a ...kernelsprite. try putting something in it.
==> Makoto: Put something in it.
You look around. There doesn't seem to be much you want to prototype in the Kernelsprite. A ton of stuff from the school shop, but...oh wait. You remember that pinned butterfly you got from a nature museum. Papillio xuthus, or something. You decide to grab the case, remove the lid, and toss the butterfly into the sprite.
*Swift Toss!*
The Kernelsprite and the dead butterfly fuse, creating the Butterflysprite.
HE: okay, what was the significance of that?
WS: You'll see later. For now, get a cruxite dowel from the cruxtruder by operating the crank.
==> Makoto: Operate the crank.
You push the crank with all of your might...just a bit more strength ought to do it...and...nope. Nothing. Nice try, Macookem.
==> Aoi: Pity assist.
You pity assist Makoto. With the magic of the cursor, you push the crank and extract a cruxite dowel.
HE: what's next?
WS: The...totem lathe. Clear some room, Makoto!
HE: alright, alright!
==> Makoto: Clear some room.
You remove some random items from the floor in order to make room for the Totem Lathe.
WS: Whoops...
HE: what now?
WS: The totem lathe isn't going to do much without the punched capchalouge card.
HE: so we need the designix?
WS: Actually, there's a pre-punched card included.
HE: oh good. also...what's this countdown for?
WS: What's it set for?
HE: four hours and thirteen minutes now.
WS: I think we'll be fine. I'm dropping the punched card in now.
==> Makoto: Examine the pre-punched card.
Yep. That card's punched alright.
WS: Now put the cruxite dowel into the lathe and slide the card into the scanner.
==> Makoto: Do what she said.
You do what she said. The Totem Lathe carves the dowel into an intricate totem. These things are appropriately named.
==> *CRASH*
WS: What was that??
HE: i...don't know :(
==> *CRASH*
WS: I think something's happening outside.
HE: should i check?
WS: No. I have to get you into the session so you can connect to Kyoko. I'll probably check it later though.
HE: okay. so i have the dowel carved. what do i do now?
WS: I need to put in the alchemiter. This will read the code on the totem and create an item that you'll need to utilize in order to enter your session.
HE: oh, okay. let me make more space.
==> Makoto: Make more space.
You scoot your bed over to the side of the room, then oush aside some random items. That should be enough.
==> Aoi: Deploy Alchemiter.
You place the Alchemiter in the area Makoto cleared.
WS: Boom! Alchemiter!
HE: so just put the totem on the pedistal and press a few buttons?
WS: That's pretty much it!
==> Makoto: Use the Alchemiter.
It takes a moment, but the device eventually scans the dowel and makes...a flower. You think you know what to do...
You pick up the flower by its pot and turn to face Butterflysprite. It slowly flies toward it, then sticks out it's proboscsis and drinks the nectar. As Butterflysprite drinks, a white light consumes Makoto. As he enters the session, the troll waits for the right time to communicate. After all, one slip up could make the difference.
A HALCYON EASTGOER travels upons the vast expanses of dry, deserted land. He doesn't know where he's going, or where he'll end up. All he knows is that he'll be there soon.
==> Makoto: Communicate with Aoi
HE: so...that happened.
WS: I can't believe this! You're literally in the game!
HE: yeah, so is my room...which is miss a couple walls.
WS: I'd be able to build on it if we had more build grist.
HE: build grist?
WS: The stuff you need to build on to your dorm. Looks like you're gonna need a lot.
HE: amazing. just perfect.  how do i get grist?
WS: The pamphlet says you need to kill underlings and collect their spoils.
HE: underlings?
WS: Yep. They should be getting near you any moment.
HE: you realize i can't waste my time on this, right? i need to get whoever my client is into the session.
WS: I know. By the way, it's Kyoko.
HE: kyoko? oh...
WS: What?
HE: it's nothing.
WS: Mmhmm.
WS: The more you try to hide, the more obvious you are.
HE: :C
WS: Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret.
HE: what good is that gonna do? i like more than one person anyway.
==> Aoi: Squash the imp.
.   .   .  *SQUISH*
"Did you have to use my Midnight Crew comics for that?!"
==> Makoto: Collect spoils.
Looks like you've gone up to six whole build grist. That's going to do absolutely nothing.
WS: Okay, here's an idea. I'll fend off the imps while you connect to Kyoko.
HE: good idea.
WS: Team break!
"E¥. ¥a jus up an' left me. \/\/hat the glub \/\/as that all about?"
"My 4p010g13s! 1 h4d a pr10r 3ng4g3m3n7 th4t c0u1d n0t b3 pu7 0n h01d!"
( My apologies! I had a prior engagement that could not be put on hold!)
"\/\/hat? I'm ¥er motherglubbin' matesprit, I am ¥er prior fingagement."
" Y3s, 1 4m w3ll 4w4r3 0f 0ur m4t3spr17sh1p, 8ut 7h1s c0u1d n0t w41t!"
(Yes, I am well aware of our matespritship, but this could not wait!)
"W47ch y0ur l4ngu4g3!"
(Watch your language!)
"Shell, if \/\/e \/\/ere still on Alternia, I'd be th' glubbin' emperor by no\/\/."
"Mmhmm, 4nd wh47 w0u1d b3c0m3 0f m3?"
(Mmhmm, and what would become of me?)
"¥a'd be my peasant-blooded matesprit, that's \/\/hat."
"Y0u kn0w 1 d0 n07 3nj0y 7h3 us3 0f 7h47 d3r0g4t0ry 73rm! 83s1d3s, 7h3 3n71r37y 0f 4173rn14 w0u1d r107! 4 fush14-b100d w1th 4 v3rm1111on! 1 c4n h34r 7the pr073s7s fr0m h3r3!"
(You know I do not enjoy the use of that derogatory term! Besides, the entirety of Alternia would riot! A fushia-blood with a vermillion! I can hear the protests from here!)
"The¥ couldn't do a glubbin' thing. ¥er the matesprit, not them."
"Y0u kn0w, H1s 1ns4n17y Crys7411ys4710n k1113d h1s H473m473. "
(You know, His Insanity Crystallization killed his Hatemate)
"His Insanity Crystallization also up and left the glubbin planet and...oh yeah, was a big, cod-suckin tyrant."
"7h47 1s n0 w4y 7o sp34k 0f H1s 1ns4n17y!"
(That is no way to speak of His Insanity!)
" ¥ou shoal about that?"
"...1 4dm17, 7h3y h4d 70 c411 h1m H1s 1ns4n17y f0r 4 r34s0n."
(I admit, they had to call him His Insanity for a reason.)
"Told ya."
"S7i11, 1 h4v3 4 k1sm3s1s b4ck 47 h0m3 7h47 1'v3 b4r31y  p41d 4773nt710n 70,  4nd 7h3r3 1s s0me0n3 1 mus7 a773nd 70!"
(Still, I have a kismesis back at home that I've barely paid attention to, and there is someone I must attend to!)
"First of all, glub your kismesis, and second, \/\/e \/\/ere kinda in the middle of-"
"4s much 4s 1'd 11k3 70 dr4g 7h1s 0n, 1 mus7 134v3."
(As much as I'd like to drag this on, I must leave.)
"W47ch 4f73r H0rn11z4 wh113 1'm 4w4y!"
(Watch after Hornliza while I'm away!)
==> Makoto: Communicate with Kyoko
HopefulEgg [HE] began chatting with MysteriousRamen [MR]
HE: do you have your copies of the game ready?
MR: Yes. Yes I do.
HE: get ready for some intense instructions. when they you're going into the session, you're going into the session.
MR: Of course I will.
HE: alright, don't say i didn't warn you...
==> Makoto: Run your server application.
==> Kyoko: Run your client application.
HopefulEgg [HE] began chatting with MysteriousRamen [MR]
HE: alright, we should be connected now.
MR: Yes, I see the confirmation on the computer. What happens now?
HE: i have to put in some fancy techological junk into your room. by the way, i can see you
MR: ....
HE: anyway, you might want to clear some room, this stuff is pretty big
MR: Noted. You never told me who you were.
MR: By the way.
HE: oh yeah. um. later.
MR: Why am I not surprised?
HE: well, thats not important! what needs to happen now is that you successfully get into the session. right now, im going to put in this cruxtuder thing. when you open it, a kernelsprite will come out. it seems to like dead things, so put something dead in it.
MR: Will the bones of a desceased family member work?
MR: That being the example.
MR: I don't have any dead family member's bones...
HE: ...
HE: im just gonna put in these gizmos now...
Meanwhile, years in the future, but not many, a Mindful Refuge finds herself roaming the expanses of a dry and sandy desert...
In the same time, but different location, the Halcyon Eastgoer seems to have found some sort of shuttle. He messes around with it for a bit before finding a way to open the door. Curious, he wanders inside, only for the door to slam shut behind him. It seems that he will be stuck there for a while...
==> Page of Time: Is it time yet?
Oh, no no no. It's nowhere near time now! He hasn't even stepped foot on his land yet; how could it possibly be time yet? Besides, there's a specific system to this yet to happen chain of conversations...at least yet to happen for him. Man, you love these time shenanigans. Anyway, you decided that this would work like a clock; clockwise for him, counterclockwise for you. It's simple really; (12=1)(11=2)(10=3)(9=4)(8=5)(7=6)(6=7)(5=8)(4=9)(3=10)(2=11)(1=12). You're really looking forward to the 7=6 meetup. This meet, you two will talk in real life! At least, the one of you still on his timeline. Once again, thank you time shenanigans.
==> Rouge of Life: How's it hangin?
"Go glub ¥ourself."
Wow, rude.
==> Makoto and Kyoko: Any Progress?
Actually, yes. All Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, and Alchemiter have been deployed, and the kernelsprite has been prototyped with a bee that had flown into it accidentally.
==> Kyoko: Add in a secret sauce.
What sauce? All you have is this box that may or may not have the bones of your father, the headmaster, who may or may not be dead.
Swift toss!
Beesprite is now Jinsprite.
Makoto is now thouroughly weirded out.
HE: uh...
MR: What?
HE: just...use the totem...
MR: You're judging me.
HE: yep
MR: At least you were honest.
==> Kyoko: Alchemize.
The carved totem creates...a box, with the word evidence engraved on the side. You've seen enough detective movies to know what to do with this.
With a bit of effort, Kyoko lifts the box and carries it to her window. Staring outside, she notices that the weather has changed, and that there are a few craters in the distance. She decides to use this to her advantage, and toddes the box out of the window. Something comes outbof the sky and destroys it, maybe a meteor, but she does not see this happen, for as soon as the item was hot, she was transported into the session.
ACT ONE: Land of Snowstorms and Thought
==> Kyoko: Where are you?
She doesn't exactly know. Some of the walls on her room have vanished, and she is now quite cold. In the distance, she sees a whirl of flurries dance their way to the ground, and a group of shivering reptiles. One thing for sure; she isn't at Hope's Peak anymore.
==> Kyoko: Get in touch with the Egg.
MR: I'm cold.
HE: looks like you are.
MR: Is your place anything like this?
HE: nope. actually, it's called a medium. i think you may be on a specific land though.
MR: Interesting...perhaps you have yet to make it to your land?
HE: most likely. sprinkle's working on that though.
MR: Do you at least have walls?
HE: she's still on that. right now she's kinda protecting me from imps and stuff though so...
MR: Imps?
HE: oh yeah, stuff's going to try to attack you.
MR: Aren't I someone's server player?
MR: That douche? Also, you could use names.
HE: i know, i'm just annoying you.
MR: Quite hilarious.
HE: :)
MR: It was a joke.
HE: :(
MR: So, what's your plan? Help WS get you to your land or keep back imps while I get WL in?
HE: which do you prefer?
MR: Honestly, I can hold my own. Though I am cold.
HE: are you sure?
MR: Yes. Help WS. I'll get WL in.
HE: alright, but keep me on standby.
MR: Will do.
==> Kyoko: Talk to Jinsprite.
Kyoko: So...how's being a ghost thing?
Jinsprite: I admit, not the first time I thought about thiszz.
Kyoko: Also, the bee thing..?
Jinsprite: Eh, it doeszzn't bother me. Though...how did you have my remainszz on hand?
Kyoko: The police let me keep them. I know, so irresponsible.
Jinsprite: I mean, I szzuppose it was foolish of me to partake in a volunteer zzspace expedition.
Kyoko: Without telling me.
Jinsprite: Yeah...at least I know szzome szztuff about this game.
Kyoko: Oh really? Like?
Jinsprite: Your land izzs called the Land of Szznowstormzzs and Thought.
Kyoko: Hmm...anything important about that name?
Jinsprite: Don't you have szzomething to do?
Kyoko: Ah, if there was anything I missed, it was your ability to hold a secret.
==> Kyoko: Chat with the Wealthy.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with WealthyLiterary [WL]
MR: Put in your disks.
WL: Time already?
MR: Oh yeah. Hurry up, I'm freezing here.
WL: What?
MR: You'll find out why later.
WL: Fine. I'm running them now. What else do I need to do?
MR: Clear some space in your room.
WL: What did Cookiecutter do now?
MR: I can certainly say it's something.
WL: Okay, my room has some cleared spaces.
MR: I see. Ah, so you are Byakuya.
WL: You can see me?
MR: Yes, just like Egg saw me, and Sprinkle saw Egg.
WL: Wait, I'm not the first one in the game?
MR: Nope. That was Egg.
WL: I'm slightly offended.
MR: When are you not? Whatever, we need to get started.
==> Makoto: How's the imp slaying?
This was the first time he used his specibus...and surprisingly, it's going well. At least imps are dying quicker, and grist can be collected quicker. Though, there's something about these...
HE: hey, have you ever noticed these guys looking a bit odd?
WS: Uh, yeah. I checked Cookie's pamphlet. You know that stuff you put inside your sprite? I think everyone's affect what the imps look like.
HE: that's why they look like late principal kirigiri.
WS: Mixed with a butterfly and a bee. Seems like after entry prototypes don't affect them though. Is that a picture of your sister?
HE: yeah, why?
WS: Prototype Butterflysprite with it.
HE: uh, okay.
*Swift Toss*
Butterflysprite is now Komarusprite.
"Hey bro!"
==> Makoto: Talk to Komarusprite.
Makoto: Could you help me with these imps?
Komarusprite: Sure.
Makoto: Also, is this really you or..?
Komarusprite: It's actually me! Mixed with a butterfly.
Makoto: But what about Earth?
Komarusprite: Actually...I kinda died...
Makoto: Huh?!
Komarusprite: These meteors were barreling down on us at home and while mom and dad got out I didn't...
Makoto: You say that like that's normal...
Komarusprite: I didn't feel anything when it happened. It just did. And now I'm here with you, as a ghosty thing!
Makoto: I guess that's a plus, but what about mom and dad?
Komarusprite: Well, um...huh.
Makoto: ...
Komarusprite: ...
Makoto: Let's just.. fight these guys.
Komarusprite: Yeah...
==> Page?
Everything's going delightfully to plan! It shouldn't be long now...
==> Kyoko and Byakuya?
WL: I'm sorry, what?
MR: Take Shinobu's ashes and put them in the Cricketsprite.
WL: You think I'm going to desecrate my half sister by tossing her ashes into some bug/sprite abomination?
MR: ',:)
WL: You disturb me.
MR: Wasn't she your secretary anyway?
WL: Does it make a difference?
MR: No.
WL: ...
*Swift Toss*
==> Byakuya: Talk to Shinobusprite.
Shinobusprite: Why me?
Byakuya: I respected you enough to keep your urn.
Shinobusprite: When I was told I would get another chance at life by some offbeat clairvoyant, this wasn't what I was thinking.
Byakuya: I missed you as well...
Shinobusprite: *chirp chirp*
Shinobusprite: Fused me with a cricket, huh?
Byakuya: It jumped in...
MR: Fun, yes?
WL: She's resentful.
MR: You're surprised by this?
WL: Just give me my next instruction now.
MR: Use the carved totem with the Alchemiter.
Shinobusprite: Already done...
WL: Alright...a stack of cash? What am I going to do with that?
MR: You know. ;)
==> Byakuya: Make it rain.
You make it rain as a meteor crashes in the distance. Looks like it crashed into the Conclomerate. This is the least of your concerns, however, as a white light engulfs your room...
==> Years in the future, but not many...
A WISE LONER comes across a destroyed building. He looks around. No one is near him. Not even close. Suddenly, something begins to rise from the ground in the near distance. Curious, he gravitates toward it. Perhaps, there will be someone there, waiting for him...
ACT ONE: Land of Heatwaves and Fortune
==>Byakuya: How's the weather?
HOT. So hot that you feel the need to remove some of your clothes. But you don't  because that's aginst your protocol. Seriously though, why the heck is it so hot out here?!
You look out across the land you ended up in. You see towers of gold and silver, and even some of crystals. Across this sweltering place, you notice some sort of reptillian creatures seemingly unphased by the heat. Shinobusprite also looks unphased. Are you the only one roasting here?!
==> Byakuya: Consult Shinobusprite.
Byakuya: Well, any idea of where we are?
Shinobusprite: We are in your medium, more specifically, the Land of Heatwaves and Fortune.
Byakuya: I understand the heatwave part, but fortune?
Shinobusprite: That, too, will play a role in your session. I can't tell you yet, though.
Byakuya: You don't habe to act like a secretary anymore, Shinobu.
Shinobusprite: It's Shinobusprite now, Byakuya.
Shinobusprite: *chirp chirp*
Byakuya: Fine...who are they?
Shinobusprite: Those reptiles are desert tortises, and they will be your consorts, your loving helpers.
Byakuya: What does that make you?
Shinobusprite: As your sprite, I am your guide. Nowhere did it say I had to be loving.
Byakuya: ...
==> Byakuya: Let Ramen know their mistake.
WL: Let's see. My sprite hates me, and my land is as hot as Hell. What is this game again?
MR: SBURB. Wow, at least I could wrap myself in a blanket.
WL: Aside from my land, and my obvious issues with my sprite, what the heck am I supposed to do?
MR: You need to get the next player in. I'm sure Sprinkle or Cookiecutter know who it'll be.
WL: Why don't you find out?
MR: Yeah, okay.
==> Kyoko: Find out.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WL]
MR: You're Egg's server, yes?
WS: Yep!
MR: Did Cookiecutter tell you the order we enter in?
WS: Yes! First was Makoto, then you, then Byakuya, then Touko, then Yasuhiro, then me.
MR: Hold on. That's just our class, or some of our class. What about the other class? Surely he's playing with them.
WS: Well, duh, but they won't start until we're all in.
MR: Ah, so once you're in whatever land you have, you'll tell him?
WS: That's the plan. Although...I am worried they may not make it in time.
MR: What's going on at Earth?
WS: Meteors are crashing all around. I'm surprised the internet hasn't been knocked out.
MR: Oh my. Stay safe, Aoi.
WS: You got it!
MysteriousRamen [MR] ceased chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WS]
==> Kyoko: Give Byakuya that sweet info.
MR: Guess what?
WL: Just tell me.
MR: You bring in Touko.
WL: PsychoticLovestruck?!
MR: I think that's her.
WL: As if my session couldn't get any worse...
WealthyLiterary [WL] ceased chatting with MysteriousRamen [MR]
==> Meanwhile...
The Mindful Refuge notices someone in the distance...but is he friend...or foe?
==> Byakuya: Let's get this over with.
WealthyLiterary [WL] began chatting with PsychoticLovestruck [PL]
WL: Who is it this time?
PL: You know who ♡□♡
WL: You know what? No. I'm not doing this with you.
PL: Oh, come on, ya know I'm more fun than she is ',8)
WL: I'm blocking.
PL: Ugh. You're soooo playing hard to get U♡Ó
WL: What even is that?!
PL: A winky face U3Ó
WL: Get her now.
PL: Fine...ÒnÓ
==> Touko: Where are you?
You're in your cool pajamas right now. It's a nice tradeoff. When...she...is out, you are here, and of course, the other way around. It's nice, being in this dream world. You dispose of your cares here. You fly without chains. Sometimes, you wonder what she does when she's here. Other times, you try to wake your friends. They're there too, but they're always asleep. You leave notes and letters every time you visit them, though. At least let them know you were there.
She's trying to wake you up, but you don't want to go. Not yet...
Seriously, stop. You aren't going back.
PL: Okay, slight little problem.
WL: What...
PL: She's refusing to come to. Probably off on dream world again.
WL: Dream world? Now I've heard everything.
PL: I'm serious! It's like purple and dark, and there are people there, but they're like...covered in some black shell thing.
WL: A carapace?
PL: Yeah, we'll call it that. There's a golden one too. I've seen both. There's also these towers with everyone else in them, though I'm not sure why they won't wake up. It's like...you have to be conscious enough to wake up here...
WL: Alright, fine. I'll get you into the game then, and I guess I'll fill her in later.
PL: Yesss
WL: On one conditon.
WL: No flirting. At all.
PL: Hmmm.....
PL: Can I write them on a piece of paper?
WL: As long as you don't tell me.
PL: Deal! Now, tell me what to do.
==> Mindful Refuge: Inspect the loner.
It looks like he's heading toward the building rising out of the ground. You squint your eyes to see him better. It looks like he doesn't notice you at all. You aren't sure whether or not that's good. After all, you're seeking to find a place of your own. Slowly, you back away. As you do, your foot touches a hard surface, not at all like the sand you feel. You dust away the remaiming grains of sand to see some sort of symbol. Surprised, you jump up. This requires some investigation.
As this happens, you fail to notice the PEASANT LIGHTHEARTED wandering in the distance...
WL: I'll repeat this one more time. You can put whatever you want into the kernelsprite.
PL: Anything?
WL: Anything.
PL: In that case...
You open your drawer to find your not-so-secret stash of model magazines. Cosmopolitan...Vogue...ah, Playboy! Slowly, you tear out a poster of a rather risque woman and toss it into the sprite, which becomes a...Modelsprite.
Huh? Kameko?! You should have seen this coming. She was always a sneaky one. Luckily, you were going to need her anyway.
*Sprite Ex-Machina!*
This was used several times already.
Modelsprite is now Kamekosprite.
WL: I'm almost surprised you didn't prototype a photo of me.
PL: What?! I'm not THAT obsessive!
WL: Yet you put your stinkbug with a model...
PL: She wanted to be pretty. Did ya think I sat around and looked at that smut?
WL: You didn't?
PL: No, I do.
WL: Disgusting.
PL: You asked! Now what's next?
WL: Get one of those dowels of cruxite and carve it with the totem lathe.
Kamekosprite: Ooh, what are you doing, Syo?
Syo: Trying to start some game.
Kamekosprite: Is that why you mixed me with the pretty lady?
Syo: Well yeah. You're joining the ride, too.
Kamekosprite: Aw, thank you...though did you have to do the one from Playboy?
Syo: It was the only one with a poster that didn't have an ad for cologne on the back.
Kamekosprite: But...I smell bad...
Syo: Nonsense, you smell amazing.
Kamekosprite: *w*
WL: How nice. You and your sprite get along.
PL: Wait, can you see me?!
WL: I thought you knew.
PL: Damn, if I did, I...
PL: won't say what I'd do.
*Noice Save!*
WL: Totem?
PL: Lathed.
PL: What's up with your sprite?
WL: Let's just say Shinobu didn't like being my secretary as much as I thought.
PL: Eh, she'll come to realize that you love her, too.
WL: She's also part cricket, so...
PL: Like Kameko is half model?
WL: Correct.
WL: Syo.
PL: Yes?
WL: ...
WL: Put the totem on the Alchemiter. It'll make the item you need to enter your land.
PL: Okie.
Kamekosprite: Allow me.
PL: Seriously? A book? I read enough of those to get my stuff out of the fetch modus.
WL: Well, what would Genocider Syo do to the book?
PL: Ahh...
==> Syo: Do what you'd do to the book.
You get your scissors from your strife specibus and go to work cutting up the book. You feel Touko cringing within you as you desecrate the piece of literature, but personally, you couldn't care less...that is, until an unprompted sneeze switches you two. Gosh darn it, why doesn't she tell you this beforehand? Why couldn't she do the sneeze earlier? Still, she takes over as your room is covered in white...
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