#because yes henry ‘avoiding plans and sucking dick’ would absolutely say this
ninacarstairss · 1 year
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jackiearbs · 4 years
things that rwrb characters have said that i will never forget, a thread:
alex claremont-diaz, giving off dumbass™ energy (he has the most on this thread, for obvious reasons) 
- "put them in my room, put them in my room, put them in my room-" 
-  “Jesus Christ, it’s like they can see into your soul. cornbread knows my sins, Henry. cornbread knows what I have done, and he is here to make me atone.”   
- "do it for the 'gram"
- "leading member of korean pop band bts kim nam-june" 
- "whatever, fine. henry is annoyingly attractive. that’s always been a thing, objectively. it’s fine.”
- "see attached bibliography"
- "i said, you look great, baby!”
- "yo there’s a bond marathon on and did you know your dad was a total babe"
- "awesome, fuckin' love doing things out of spite.”
-”Huge Raging Headache Prince Henry of Who Cares”
-”it is amazing you can sit down to write emails with that gigantic royal stick up your ass.” 
- “who names a dog David? He sounds like a tax attorney.”
-” “Do I go on your side of the cubicle and turn off your Dropkick Murphys Spotify station, no matter how much I want to?” Alex demands. “No, Hunter, I don’t.”
- “for fuck's sake, man, you just had my dick in your mouth, you can kiss me good-night.”
- “Bake Off makes Chopped look like the fucking Manson tapes.”
- “You’re from Boston, Hunter. You really want to talk about all the places bigotry comes from?” (he really hates hunter goddamn) 
-”so, what? you want me to quit politics and go become a princess? that’s not very feminist of you.” 
hrh prince dickhead😎  - "the moment you first called me a prick, my fate was sealed. O, fathers of my bloodline! O, ye kings of olde! Take this crown from me, bury me in my ancestral soil. If only you had known the mighty work of thine loins would be undone by a gay heir who likes it when American boys with chin dimples are mean to him.”
-"“I’ve been gay as a maypole since the day I came out of Mum, Philip.”
-”i will turn this car around.”
- “yes, the cocaine, alex.” 
-”i am a delight!”
-”have i mentioned lately that you’re a demon?” 
- “are you psychoanalyzing me? i don't think royal guests are allowed to do that.”
- "i can't believe even mortal peril will not prevent you from being the way you are.”
-“the phrase ‘see attached bibliography’ is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me.”
-"i just mean to say, you know, Philip is the heir and I'm the spare, and if that nervy bastard has a heart attack at thirty five and I've got malaria, whither the spare?”
- “they wanted something less fruity than the truth, but truly, what is gayer than a woman who languishes away in a crumbling mansion wearing her wedding gown every day of her life, for the drama?”
- “You are a delinquent and a plague. Please come?”
- “fat and sexually conquered, snuffed out in the spring of my youth. Here lies Prince Henry of Wales. He died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock.”
june:  “- that is a clear quartz crystal for good vibes do not @ me.” 
- “He’s just so frail, it’d only take one good push-”
- “ugh! men! no emotional vocabulary. i can’t believe our ancestors survived centuries of wars and plagues and genocide just to wind up with your sorry ass.” 
-”sorry, are we not? did i skip ahead again? my bad. hello, would you like to come out to me? im listening. hi.” 
“prince henry is a biscuit. let him sop you up.”  
- “you’ve been, like, Draco Malfoy–level obsessed with Henry for years.”
- “i don’t know, man. I was in my junior year of high school, and I touched a boob. It wasn’t very profound. Nobody’s gonna write an Off-Broadway play about it.”
- “You need to get back to fucking England now, and if anyone sees you leave, I will personally end you. Ask me if I’m afraid of the crown.”
- “both sides need to come out of this looking like your little slap-fight at the wedding was some homoerotic frat bro mishap, okay? So, you can hate the heir to the throne all you want, write mean poems about him in your diary, but the minute you see a camera, you act like the sun shines out of his dick, and you make it convincing.”
-”come on, you backyard-shooting-range motherfuckers,”
ellen (should i say PRESIDENT claremont) 
- “Diaz, you insane, hopeless romantic little shit"
-  “I had Planned Parenthood send over all these pamphlets, take one! They sent a bike messenger and everything!”
- ”where? Are you hiding a turkey habitat up your ass, son? Where, in our historically protected house, am I going to put a couple of turkeys until I pardon them tomorrow?”
-“As your mother, I can appreciate that maybe this isn’t your fault, but as the president, all I want is to have the CIA fake your death and ride the dead-kid sympathy into a second term.”
PEZ !!!
- “frolic naked in the hills, frighten the sheep, return to the house for the usual: tea, biscuits, casting ourselves onto the Thighmaster of love to moan about the Claremont-Diaz siblings, which has become tragically one-sided since Henry took it up with you. It used to be all bottles of cognac and shared malaise and ‘When will they notice us’-” 
-”-and now i just ask henry, ‘what is your secret?’ and he says, ‘i insult alex all the time, and that seems to work.’” 
**extra: nicer quotes from alex and henry 
alex heartthrob diaz  - "never tell me the odds"
-"we were not afforded that liberty."
-“I hate this so much. I know. But we’re gonna do it together. And we’re gonna make it work. You and me and history, remember? We’re just gonna fucking fight. Because you’re it, okay? I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you. So, I promise you, one day we’ll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.”
- “On purpose. I love him on purpose.”
- “history, huh? Bet we could make some.”
- “But the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable.”
-“Take anything you want and know you deserve to have it.”
- “Someone else’s choice doesn’t change who you are.”
- “I am the First Son of the United States, and I'm bisexual. History will remember us.”
- “America: He is my choice.”
- “Give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart, There's so much of you.”
- the entire list of the things he loves about henry. i would die 
-”i’ll be damned but i miss you.” 
- “when you rang me at truly shocking hours of the night, I loved you. When you kissed me in disgusting public toilets and pouted in hotel bars and made me happy in ways in which it had never even occurred to me that a mangled-up, locked-up person like me could be happy, I loved you. and then, inexplicably, you had the absolute audacity to love me back. Can you believe it?”
- “it sounds like you did your best.”
- “I’ve bloody well had it. I’ve sat about long enough letting you and Gran and the weight of the damned world keep me pinned, and I’m finished. I don’t care. You can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse, Philip. I’m done.”
- “Should I tell you that when we’re apart, your body comes back to me in dreams? That when I sleep, I see you, the dip of your waist, the freckle above your hip, and when I wake up in the morning, it feels like I’ve just been with you, the phantom touch of your hand on the back of my neck fresh and not imagined? That I can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache? That, for a few moments, I can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all?”
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