#because you KNOW Ricardo and Herald would fuck him so good
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witchfall · 2 years
i'm not passive but aggressive
[Fallen Hero series. Mid-Retribution, post Herald rooftop scene.]
[Chargestep implications; River Basri, Ricardo Ortega and Daniel Sullivan. 1450 words. Discussions of Heartbreak + death. (Kinda just dashed this one out in a flurry of inspo, apologies if it's not super clean!!)]
Daniel lingers in the doorway of Ricardo’s official office, looking for all the world like a wet puppy who just peed in the house. 
Ricardo smiles. He’ll have to tell River that one later.
“What’s up?” he asks, because he’s not a complete asshole. 
Daniel takes one step in. Starts hovering. Doesn’t stop hovering until he’s close to Ricardo’s desk, which prompts Ricardo to lean back in his chair until it creaks, because — what? Why is their heroic little flyboy looking at him like that? Like he’s about to break the worst news of his—
Yeah, get out of that thought spiral before it begins. Jesus.
“What is it, Herald?” he asks again, harder this time.
The use of his hero name gets the boy back on the floor, at least. “I just feel like you should hear about what happened from me…first…”
Nervousness and shame rolls off Daniel in waves so strong that Ricardo stands up. He’s not sure how to make that sudden motion casual, and any attempt to seem cool about it clearly fails by the way Herald takes an immediate step back. Ricardo puts his hands up.
“What?” he asks, hoping confusion is more clear than annoyance. “Did something happen during therapy?”
“Um, so, I talked to River.”
Ricardo feels gravity pull him hard into the floor. “Yes?
“And, I…I may have carried hertoarooftopwhereshefaintedandI’mreallysorryIdidn’teventhink—”
“Hey, woah, slow down.”
Daniel takes a breath. Eyes not meeting Ricardo’s. Face flushed red as a crack in the earth. “I’m sorry, I know I should have thought about it. I know—I mean it makes perfect sense that she has trauma around heights because of—”
Ricardo raises a hand. Keeps it flat. Get that tension out of your body before it starts tingling. Put the mask on. “Stop. Start over. What the hell are you going on about?”
Daniel grounds himself. Feet squared, like he’s ready to be hit. Ricardo resists the urge to click his tongue. Easy to knock over; stance not wide enough. “Well, I know how you are about…her.”
A weight, thunked right into the gut. That spit-up glop of words, coming together slowly. A rooftop where she fainted. A…
His heart twists, 180. Agony, right down to the gut.
“What did you do?” he manages to ask nicely.
Daniel’s gaze sharpens. Confidence coming back, slow and then all at once like sunrise. “At least give me a minute to explain myself before you punch me.”
Ricardo’s mouth twitches downward. He leans into his desk. Put the damn mask on. “Fine.”
He can almost see the heroic effort Daniel makes not to roll his eyes at Ricardo’s too-serious tone. “First of all, you're not her keeper. But I’m telling you now so everyone is on the same page and because I am sorry, okay?” 
He moves on too fast for Ricardo to snap back. He doesn’t get to say that. He doesn’t know how fragile this situation is — but then, even Ricardo is still left wondering, most days. He must not be playing his cards close enough to the chest if Daniel notices his concern.
“I wanted to talk to her about some…things,” Daniel says. “So I found her on the road and she said she’d listen to me so I…picked her up…and flew off…”
The earlier glob of words suddenly becomes clear as day and just as fucking scorching. Ricardo’s fists clench. “Good god. Are you shitting me?”
“I know.”
Hands. Clenching. Reach, reach, reach. No. Stop. “No you fucking don’t, kid—”
"Don't start with that," he snaps. "This is the problem, okay?”
"Come off it—"
"No, I mean the ‘no one telling me anything’ crap! I had no idea she would react that way—”
He can hear River’s voice in his head. Do you have a brain? “Because, for damn starters, you aren’t supposed to pick up civilians off the street!”
Daniel has the good sense to pause, at least. He sighs, frustrated, and holds his fingers to his temples. “I…know.”
It takes some of the wind out of Ricardo’s sails, but not enough. “You know how most people died during Heartbreak, don’t you? You at least knew that? Did you know she threw herself out a fourth-story window?”
Daniel’s gaze turns the poisonous kind of blue and he bites his lip but he stays quiet.
“This is what happens when you don’t fucking think, Daniel.”
“Oh, that’s rich.”
No. No. Let it go. Let the static in your veins just…go… 
“Is she okay?” Ricardo grinds out.
Daniel nods a bit too fast, but his frown sticks like gum. “She, um, recovered fast. But I…kind of wanted to ask you about that.”
“Really.” He needs to call her, he needs to fix this right now, right now before she— 
His glare turns ice cold. “Newsflash, Ortega, you don’t get to own all the rights to giving a shit about her.”
“She’s not Sidestep anymore,” he says. “Why do you care?”
Daniel steps back a half-step, eyes wide with shock. “Jesus. I forget how much of a fucking asshole you are, sometimes.”
Got the kid to cuss. There’s that at least. Still. You’re not a young roaring lion anymore, act like it. He puts his hands up. Truce. “Sorry.” The words feel hollow but he’s fucking trying. “You’re right. That was out of line.”
Some tension drains from Daniel’s shoulders and settles right on Ortega’s instead.
“I’m surprised you didn’t get punched,” Ortega can’t help but slip in.
“Something’s missing inside her. I don’t know. Do you know what I’m talking about?”
“Don’t,” he snaps, because it’s cold. It’s cold and it hurts like a bitch, hearing someone else say it. Hearing someone else see the ice behind her silver eyes. The sludge of terror and hate that prompts her whole body to freeze up moments before she screams in fury. Does she hate him? She would have the right. He wonders, every day.
“Do you even hear yourself?” Daniel asks, voice low. “She thought you sent me after her. Maybe you should think about that.”
In answer, Ricardo slowly sits back down in his chair.
Sometimes Daniel is like the worst of Wei and himself rolled into one — smarter than you’d give him credit for, tactical about it, and absolutely unwilling to quit once he’s got the scent.
“So she told you about Heartbreak,” Ricardo manages.
Daniel looks toward the window, squinting into the sun. “Yeah. Not a lot, but…enough.” He turns back. His voice quiets. “Have…do you…”
“Do you think about…why they keep so much of it classified? From us?”
Ricardo leans back. “What did she say?”
“Just…” Daniel’s fingers fidget together. His eyes glance around the room. Too many ears. Hmm. “Well, to think about who knows what. And why that matters.”
Yeah. That does sound like River. Make the map, connect the dots, pick the decisive action. Even at her lowest. Of course that’s what she’d say.
“We can talk about that later,” he says, gesturing broadly — vaguely to the cameras. He hopes Daniel is smart enough to pick up on that. “Just…don’t pull shit like that again, okay? Better yet…maybe don’t speak to her unless she talks to you first.”
“Well. About that.”
Ricardo tilts his head, jaw clenching. Don’t think about her falling limp in the sky. Don’t. Just don’t touch it.
“She agreed to, um. Help me train?”
He’s…not sure what to do with the weird pit that opens up in his gut. Is it jealousy? No, you’re too old for that. Anger? Worry? Confusion? Why is she training Daniel? Isn’t she retired? What does she get out of that? Does she want back in the fold, just not sure how to go about it because of her…family situation? That would sound like her; she hated even the smell of imposition.
He files it all down into a smirk. Confidence. You’re fine with this. You are. “Good luck with that. Maybe she’ll teach you how to use that big brain of yours.”
Daniel glares at him, though the heat isn’t so stifling. “Maybe you should ask for lessons, too.”
“Good one.”
“Whatever.” A beat. The boy is still a professional to the core. “If you need something, you know where to find me.”
Herald leaves.
Ortega turns to his phone. The big brick.
He wants to resist the impulse. She was just here.
But he can’t. He’s weak as shit. He knows this. He’s a fool. He’ll call himself however many names he needs to in order to get over it and pick up the phone — because keeping her here, safe, protected, is more important than anything else.
He’s not going to fail again because of some dumb kid.
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groan-taire · 1 year
sidestep ask game asks for ! Lucas: 1 3 23 Jonah: 5 20 24 Olivia: 1 3 33 Charlotte: 7 21 30
I see you're partaking in the all you can ask buffet, that's a lot of questions to answer (thank you <3) so I'll put them under a readmore
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1. what is their secret identity? do they have any nicknames? what is the meaning behind them?
Lucas Basri, while not truly having a regular dayjob, is to the world (and Ricardo's possible snooping) employee of some computer repair store or something similar, something where he doesn't have to interact with people a lot and is just left to his tinkering in a quiet corner his nicknames are smartass and asshole, does not really go by nicknames otherwise
3. what is their villain name? why did they choose it? His villain name is Mirage because of the whole smoke and mirrors "I am not real I am not here" implications. He barely feels like a real person most of the time and does not really want to be a villain all of the time. But he will do what is necessary. He is on the anarchist route and trying to so he does not see himself entirely as a villain, but if the people need to see him as one to take him seriously then so be it. It's all an illusion anyways
23. how do they feel about possessing people? I think I answered this before but it's been a while so I will do it again. he thinks it's a useful tool at his disposal even if he is not entirely comfortable comandeering a stranger's body, but then again he is not super comfortable in his own body either... but until Argent he didn't quite realise the effect it has/can have on people besides making them lose a few minutes, so he's been feeling a bit more iffy about using it. If it's the only option he has left he will not hesitate but he will think more carefully about alternatives Eden/the puppet is a bit of a special case, he never super liked using him but he never felt bad about it cause there was no person left to affect... or so he thought until weird feelings and thoughts started happening more and more often.
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5. what is their zodiac sign? he's giving me Gemini vibes, don't ask me to elaborate, I do not know
20. how do they feel about death? been there, done that let's not think about it ever again died and came bacck wrong so now he is basically immortal right? haha like with most serious topics he tries to agressively not think about it, he is fine, everything is good
24. how do they typically come across to strangers? to friends? do they frequently use their telepathy to influence others’ perceptions of them?
he generally comes across as cheerful, friendly, extroverted, which he mostly is, to friends he will come across as a bit more chill and relaxed though, he's just vibing will certainly influence people's perception to make sure no one tries to dig deeper (which is why Ortega is such a thorn in his side /affectionately)
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1. what is their secret identity? do they have any nicknames? what is the meaning behind them Olivia Beck, unassuming little menace, disabled, cane user, couldn't possibly be a villain, officially got some boring 9 to 5 job - how believable that is is a different story Will respond to Liv or Livy, just short versions of her name
3. what is their villain name? why did they choose it? as a big fuck you to everyone her villain name is Sidestep, it is hers she's just taking it back, and it making people uncofortable and angry is just a nice bonus
33. how do they feel about herald idolizing them?
it's weird, she wishes he wouldn't do that, but she's also a little delighted by the irony of the Sidestep name hitting harder like this, mostly just uncomfortable with it tho, it is very distracting and overwhelming
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7. what is their dnd alignment?
At the risk of going with a slightly boring answer I would say true neutral, she doesn't go out of her way to do either good or bad for the sake of it. She is looking out for herself and her own (mob boss crew), she is pragmatic and not afraid to make tough choices
21. what is their philosophy?
Her philosophy is to do what has to be done and not letting feelings cloud her judgement, though she isn't always successful at the last part, she is fiercely loyal to those she cares about and will put herself at risk for loved ones, she does work to get rid of the SD but she's also not uninterested in HG's Position
30. what is their love life like?
in short: a mess She's playing the field but trying to not let anyone actually too close, not always successfully
Come get your own sidestep questions
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fallenhero-rebirth · 5 years
Okay, let's have a talk about words and their effect on people.
This is mostly tying in to the discord, but since it also has to do with design decisions in general, I am putting it on here.
First of all: I'm old. Well, not really, but compared to most of you. I'm 47, been queer since the eighties, and I've seen some shit. Done some shit too, if I'm being perfectly honest. I'm not perfect. I wouldn't even be bringing this up if it hadn't been brought to my attention from other parties as well (thank you anon from yesterday) and so I thought we might have a talk.
A talk about Chen.
Now, originally, Steel was not intended to be a RO. There was only Ortega and Mortum, but then this fanbase happened, and I started seeing Herald with new eyes, and Argent as well, so I added them. No issues there, the game got longer, but also better for it. People who've been around a while might remember that I was quite hesitant to add Chen, and warned that his romance might be a lot more slow-firing than the others. But, as time passed, and I got around to writing him more, I made the decision to revamp some things, and everything started to slot in place.
Except there was still one big problem.
You see, in my design document I had decided that every RO should be available for romance. This is very close to my heart, I don't want to lock people away from content just because they want to play a particular gender. Hell, this game is all about identity.
But, Chen was also gay.
Now, two things. Yes, this is a fictional character. He is nothing but what I am writing him as. At the time nobody had any idea, I think I had mentioned it in an author AMA, and as everyone knows, everything not in the published game is non-canon. And two, people's sexuality is subject to change. I should know. I've yeeted  myself through most parts of the rainbow spectrum by now it feels like (which is why I use the term Queer for myself). In fact, the way things like that change is very interesting for me, and I've very much liked exploring the various ways Ortega and Herald deals with same sex attraction in what still is a mostly straight world.
So there shouldn't be any issues, should there? I would have no problems writing  Chen discovering his bisexuality, in fact it could be a good way of talking about some things very close to my heart like what happens when your identity changes (went through a similar thing from the other angle, which is why I am no longer a lesbian).
Yeah. No issues. If this was a level playing field and a fair world, which it is not.
Even if I disregard the whole M&M problem with gay representation (if you have a bowl filled with candy and removes one, nobody will notice. If there's only five in the bowl, everyone will) there is still another thing, a bigger thing and this is where words come in.
I was gay online in the late nineties. Anime. Hentai. Yaoi. Fujoshis. I am not going into details here, but there is a VERY real problem with fetishization . I hope everyone is aware of the whole "fucked straight" trope. I am most familiar with it from straight men fetishizing lesbians, the classic "she just need some dick" and way, way worse. This is something I hope everyone agrees on is terrible. But... it's not only men that's guilty of that.
Gay men gets fetishized a lot, and yes, women are guilty of that. Everything from the ' infantilizing uwu cute gays' to the 'men get pegged' to... yeah, the thing we're getting into now.
He just hasn't found the right woman. This is big in real life, and that's a BIG thing in Chen's background. There is a possibility that a F!Sidestep romance route could be read as that, and I am not really okay with it. There is a real and marked difference between two old frenemies realizing they might have feelings for each other and that.
It's like the people modding Dorian's romance route straight in DAI. It's not just about changing a romance trigger to level the playing field (like with Cassandra, or Alistair), it's invalidating his whole background and what his father put him through (trying to use blood magic to make him straight). I am not really comfortable with being seen as catering to those people.
And then there is the last thing. The, for me, even bigger thing.
Yes, I have written a game that is pretty much angst fodder. You are going to get to kill a lot of people in book three, this is all about bad, dark fantasies but some of them should stay inside your head.
I would very much prefer it if you STOPPED joking about Chen not knowing how to perform oral on women, or just in general treating it as angst fodder. Like oh no, straight panic. Look, I will say it again. It is NOT a level playing field, gay panic Ricardo is not not the same as straight panic Chen. It's just not. All you are doing is making yourself sound like the kind of person I am quite sure you're not.
I don't think this fandom is filled with fujoshi's who gets off at fantasizing about  gay men learning that pussy is not that bad. I really don't. But honestly? Sometimes some of you sound like that. I know you're young. I know you learned most of your language around these things online, but the problem is that sometimes the origin of that language is bad, and the people who have seen that origin cringe every time you use it. I know that the top/bottom thing is used very differently now, but I still have to bite my lip not to rant every single time. I know that 'men gets pegged' is a meme.
I'm old. I've got thick skin by now. Not everyone does.
Just think about what you are saying, and how it might be taken. That's all I ask.  And we’ll see what happens with the Chen romance when I write it.
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chaniters · 5 years
Five Colored Warriors!
Well, Now I have most of the elements in place! This is really a lot of work!
Hope you enjoy it!
Spoilers for fallen hero!
The blue-skinned operators worked feverishly, handling the controls expertly in a unified motion
A few of them were constantly placing small flags over a large table shaped like the entire United States. Most of it was blue, but a stain of red flags was slowly creeping to the southern, Northern and Eastern areas starting in San Francisco.
The gate opened letting in the dark clad man, Doctor Blitz. The operators and soldiers saluted him raising a fist as he strode along, not paying them much attention. He stopped in front of an elevated control station. The figure sitting on the large chair behind it it had her back to him, as she listened to reports from her underlings.
"Grand Director!" He said raising his fist. "I return from my mission. Los Diablos has fallen to the Great Mutant Scorpius!"
She waved the regenes away, and the chair turned to him.
Regis had an amused expression. "Of course it did. They never had a chance against my superior planning. But tell me, Doctor... If it has fallen, then where are their rangers?"
Blitz looked down uncomfortably. "I am sorry... reports are conclusive, they weren't killed by the blast... We believe someone teleported them away at the last moment.They have gone into hiding... but they were no match for our forces"
"Ohh... Teleported you say?" she exclaimed "Only our forces control that technology... Who.. who could have created another teleportation device?"
"We don't know Regis. But we're looking into it right now... We will find them, and destroy them!"
"You don't know..." she repeated. “You don’t know...” And then, in a single swift gesture, she pointed a decorated techno-staff at Blitz. The device emitted a loud buzz, sending over a red stream of lighting, shocking him instantly. Blitz shrieked in pain, falling over and squirmed painfully all over the floor. The regenes looked at him, clearly terrified until the sizzling beam died off, Regis finally deciding it was enough punishment, a cruel glare in her eyes.
"Fool! Is crucial that we find this new enemy! And those rangers should be dead by now... I WILL NOT tolerate this kind of failure Doctor!"
"I'm sorry Grand Director!" he cried painfully "We weren't expecting it! I had them surrounded when..."
"NO EXCUSES!" She said brandishing the staff against him... but she didn't fire this time. She looked startled for a moment… The light on the control room changed, as red light came forth through the ceiling. The hint of a smile crept into her expression.
"You are in luck Doctor Blitz... the apocalypse force itself speaks to me"
"Oh" Blitz bowed down in awe.
"It gives you a second chance Dr. Blitz. Defeat the rangers. Find the teleportation device.  Do this, and your failure will be forgotten"
"Y... yes! I will not fail you again, great Regis!" he said submissively.
A regene quickly took a red flag and placed it decisively over another city.
"It seems Doctor Terror has just taken Las Vegas" she smiled. "Hurry your plans, Doctor. I would love to have a red flag over Los Diablos too."
"Of course! Of course!" Blitz spoke hurriedly "Scorpius will find them, and take them out!"
"Good. You know how I always hated projects going behind schedule..."
"I will not disappoint you!"  he said raising his fist once more.
"Go then" she dismissed her,  turning her chair back onto the screen.
He turned quickly and was about to cross the entrance before she spoke again without turning.
"Oh and Doctor Blitz"
"Yes, my Regis?"
"Fail me, and I'll feed you to the Apocalypse force myself"
He swallowed hard, before leaving, the gate closing behind him.
"Stay still, will you?" Mortum seems less annoyed than you expected at having the rangers over. You guess his criminal nature loses meaning under this invasion.
You nod and do as he says as he goes on to change the bandages over your wounds. Ortega just walks away at the reminder of your tattoos. Herald's just staring while Argent and Steel have a hushed talk over at the table as Ortega joins them.
"You're a bit unpopular right now, I guess?" he says with a soft smile as he notices you glancing at them.
"Heh...That's putting it mildly," you say flinching as he applies disinfectant
"Well, look on the bright side"
"There is a bright side?"
"Indeed. Now, you don't have to convince anyone that the Special Directive is the enemy"
You raise your arms for him to wrap up the large gash on your chest. So tight.
"Convince them... What's the point now? They're out there toppling the government and taking over city after city."
“Jealous?” He asks managing to make you laugh.
Herald is watching the news. You stopped paying attention a good twenty minutes ago. Apparently, San Francisco's ranger team was killed in action and the city's fallen to this "Apocalypse force" giant monsters. The same thing in Vegas, except the city center was turned to rubble for the second time after the big one when Gigas tried to grow to the same size of the monster they sent there and fight it out only to be killed after good hour rampage. San Diego is still contested.
The army attempted to take the fight to the enemy, but Regina answered by unleashing a barrage of biological warhead missiles over to small towns over to the east Heartland causing thousands of casualties and spread of horrible plagues and diseases. Ever since then, they simply stopped their advance and have been fortifying the border defenses. The West coast is basically on its own and ripe for the taking. A cushion to protect the eastern heartland.
Mortum is looking at the rangers too... he seems focused on Herald and Argent mostly. You know that look and give him and inquiring stare but he just smiles.
"That's it, you're good to go. I'll be right back. Going to get some drinks for everyone"  
"THat's..." you start, but he's already gone. "...very considerate"
Steel raises from his chair and walks up to you.
Crap. Now he's going to tell what a piece of shit you are... how you're going to jail after this is over and...
"Cyrus…  how are you doing?" he asks cautiously.
His mind isn't particularly indicative of deception. He honestly wants to know how are you coping with the new injuries.
"Uh... it's nothing serious. Probably a few new scars" you say looking at your bandaged self. "Not like I was planning to go to the beach anyways" you're too late to stop your own joke...
"I see how that could be a problem" Is there the hint of a smile on his lips?. You shift on your seat, starting to freak out. Is he trying to be friendly?
"Uh... sorry. That's just a joke? I was following up on what you said and..."
"I get it Steel." you stop him. "It' just we don't joke often...
"No. We do not"
"So why start now?" you ask.
"What, can't you read my mind?" he shoots back.
That's more like what you're used to receiving from him.
"I could If you want." you send the words directly into his mind. That just freaks him out. You've never been so direct to him, and you're enjoying each second.
"Don't do that!" he asks
"Fine. Anyways, reading isn't as easy as you think though. It takes a while."
"So you don't know what i'm thinking?"
"I know you're trying to be friendly, but why you want to be friendly is a very complex question. I'd rather you tell me honestly."
He seems to chill out with that. "Sorry... it's just... I think I finally get you?"
"Oh," you say lifting your gaze to meet his "Yeah. I guess it's the first time you see my cards on the table"
"Well not all of them... But I can see where you're coming from"
"Yes.. you can"
“By the way, Ortega’s thankful that you pushed him out of the way… he just needs a bit of time to be able to say it”
“I’m getting the silent treatment… Don’t blame him. I’d be surprised if he ever speaks to me again.”
“Just some time, is all.”
“If you say so…”
"So, how come you're not riding giant beasts and trying to take over the country for the Regis or the Apocalypse Force?"
"It's not Regis... her real name is Regina... And she's the Director of the Special Directive. And the Apocalypse theme is new. They were perverted and evil when I escaped, but taking over the world wasn't on the menu. I have no idea what happened"
You can't help look at Argent and Ricardo behind him. He says a few rushed words at her, then stands from his chair giving you a brief glance and storms towards the other room.
Argent seems exasperated. She stands and walks up to you, sitting over the smaller couch.
"Well I tried, but he's really upset"
"He just needs time," Steel says.
“Well, we don’t have time. He should get his shit together already!”
"What were you trying to do?" You ask
"Get him to talk to you again, genius. He's been mourning your death since before I knew him, you were always this big mystery. THen you come back to life, and all hell breaks loose, and then here you are with all the answers and..."
"... and he doesn't want to talk to me" you sigh.
"Of course not, because you're a really shitty friend, you know that right?" she says "You sent him to the fucking hospital just so you could break your own statue. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"I don't know... everything?" you say sinking on your couch.
Mortum walks from the kitchen handing everyone beer drinks. He notices Ortega's gone, heads over to Herald who thanks him for the glass. Mortum seems next to him and they start talking. Ugh. His flirting is so obvious. The tone he's using... you've heard him before... You just shake your head.
"Can you tell us your story?" Steel asks. "It'd be really useful to know what we're up against right now"
"Sure" you offer. You never expected anyone to ask you about this in a way that didn't involve torture or trauma. "But I have no idea why they've rebelled against the government"
"Anything you know will help"
"Ok... let me... think about where to start" you ponder. You glance at the door behind which Ortega disappeared. But he's not coming back right now. Oh well...
And so you start telling your story...
At some point, Herald and Mortum move closer so they can hear too. It takes a long while for you to tell the whole thing. Steel stops you with some questions ever so on, and doesn't rush you. Herald looks at you with a sad expression, the hero he believed in breaking to pieces in front of his eyes as you go over the years of torture and enslavement you endured. Argent claws dig marks into the table at some parts of it. She really doesn't know you that well but hearing how the farm truly works is enough for her to hate them with a passion apparently. Mortum keeps bringing fresh drinks, and finally some tea as you finish your story.
Everyone stays silent as you finish. Herald has some tears running down his cheek ... and Mortum's there to pass him a tissue of course.
Finally Argent decides to break the silence.
"Wow. You're really fucked up, Cyrus" She sums it up with her usual grace.  
"I am"
"It's horrible" Herald lets on.
"Thank you for that" Steel says rubbing your arm.
Wow. He's being honest. He truly cares about the shit you went through. Unexplored ground for you, and you're not sure how to react.
"I'm sorry. I should have told you... but I was just afraid you'd..."
"Hand you over to the government and you'd be tortured again, I get it" Steel completes the sentence for you. “But the villain thing… THat, I still don’t understand…”
"I was confused! Shouldn't have targeted you guys but... that museum... Seeing all the statues just... I don't know. I couldn't stand it. I just wanted to destroy the past… gain notoriety and then fight against the farm... and Now I'm too late... This is all my fault."
"Hey!" Argent snaps her fingers in front of you "Snap out of it! You couldn't fight the Special Directive all by yourself"
"I don't know... I should have found a better plan... I should have..."
"Cyrus" It's Herald this time. "She's right. There was no way."
"Are you hearing this?" Mortum says focused on the TV
"What do you mean?" You ask squinting at him.
“The president just announced a full pardon for any powered criminals that help deal with the Apocalypse force”
“What seriously?” you ask watching the screen as the president goes over a press conference.
“Yep. And that includes regens that switch sides, Cyrus.”
You cross your arms and lean back. "It's too late to know... not like we can do much from here now"
“Oh, I think there’s a lot we can still do,” Mortum says "We can take back the city, and get rid of the Apocalypse Force. ISn't that what you always wanted?" he asks putting his glass aside.
"Can't you see what's going on? We're not an army! We could barely escape because you saved us last time!"
"We don't need an army"
"Is this friend of yours also crazy Cyrus?" Argent asks.
"I'm not crazy! And I believe we can take them down"
"That's Impossible," Herald says sizing him up and down.
"I am Dr. Mortum! And Impossible is what I do!"
"Oooh, now I get it... you're the one handing him his evil gadgets" Steel speaks giving him a distrustful look.
"Evil is a strong word Monsieur. In any case... I am interested in helping the Rangers out"
"So you're just doing this for the pardon? IT's a bit too risky, isn't it?" Steel asks.
"Let's just say I have ... hmm.. many crimes that need washing up. Even more than our fallen hero friend here. It would be on my best interest"
"Wait wait wait, just how do you propose to take them down?" Ortega asks, standing next to you all.
"I'm glad you asked," he says with a smile.
"THe power of Nanites is unexplored! Where others see a blunt weapon of mass destruction, I see a tool to construct a new world!"
"But nanites are dangerous!" Steel complains
"I've completely reprogrammed and redesigned them! The new batch just constructs thing! It doesn't even have a deconstruction setting"
"Let me get this straight" Ortega interrupts. "You want us to use these boxes full of dangerous Nanites you invented..."
"Henshin Bracers. The Nanites are not dangerous. And I didn't invent the bracers, they're already used by special forces in Japan" Mortum corrects him word by word.
"Thank you for the corrections... So, as I was saying, you want us to use the scary nanite device to deploy untested combat armor, battle the enemy, and then use it to create giant robots"
"Battle Titans"
"Yes, yes sorry. Does anyone else think this is insane?" Ortega, he asks the others. The Henshin bracers lie on the table in front of him.
"I'll take the pink one," Argent says, simply walking over and taking her new bracer
"Oh, you think I'm not feminine enough? I like pink."
"No no... I mean... you're seriously going to use that?"
"Science guy is sure shady, but he saved us from being vaporized by the giant scorpion-thing. I’m going to trust him for now" she smiles at Mortum.
"You just can't..."
"Yellow" You turn. Herald walks over and fetches the second bracer standing by Argent.
"Excellent!" Mortum grins.
"Daniel you don't know what you're..."
"Then I'll take black," you say walking up and fetching one for yourself and taking your place. No way you're going to miss fighting the farm, injured or not.
Chen simple walks over, looks at the two remaining bracers and takes one as well. "Red for me..."
He turns to Ricardo, standing on his own "It's honestly our only chance."
You know the true reason he wants nothing to do with it. He had nanites covering his whole body during the nanoswarm. He can’t admit it, but he’s scared of them.
Reluctantly, Ortega goes over and takes the last one. "I guess I'm sticking with blue then."
"Are you getting one too?" You ask Mortum
"Didn't have time to make more than Five... " he ponders "But you should familiarize yourselves with the controls"
All of you examine the bracers.
"They are easy to activate... you just need to..." He starts explaining
"Stand back Mr. Governor!"
He hid, behind the historic governor's chair. The security service agents drew pistols aiming at the locked doors. This wasn't supposed to happen to him. Not to cherished governor Jace Bern… first, that lunatic threatening the gold reserves… then a whole invasion.
"Proximity alert! They're on the other side!" Everyone of them took positions, waiting the crucial moment... until the door blew up in pieces unleashing a torrent of Apocalypse soldiers.
The firefight was intense but brief. Several soldiers fell but were quickly replaced, and it wasn't long before the agents started falling one after the other.
"This is madness!" he cried trying to crawl away. An agent tripped and fell on him, his chest smoking from energy impacts. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" he cried trying to go through the corridor behind him.
He heard the footsteps and knew they were coming for him. He wasn't going to go like this... he had fought in the war.. he turned and took the fallen agent's gun then pointed at the soldiers. Seven of them. all pointing at him.
Well... now it was over...
"Hold" a dark figure walked into the room, as pieces of the wall fell over from the explosions. "Governor Bern..." he says "...I like your spirit."
"Dr. Saito?" Harding asked in disbelief while pointing his gun at the large figure.
"I go by Dr. Blitz now..." He said giving another step
Harding closed his eyes and fired. *BANG!* One shot... *BANG!* ... after another... *BANG!* ... as he started screaming at his enemy. *BANG BANG BANG click click click*
He slowly opened his eyes, and Dr. Blitz was still there, holding a palm to him. The bullets he fired were floating, inmobile, in front of him, surrounded by a dark purple energy field.
"As I said... I like your spirit. And I am in a forgiving mood" he said closing his palm and releasing the bullets, which fell to the floor, harmless. "You're going to be working for us Governor. Before you know it" he said waking the remaining distance as Bern kept pulling the trigger of the empty gun. Finally, his hand took the gun from his hand, and Bern stepped back in fear.
"You won't be needing this. Take him to one of the reconditioning center. Kill everyone else." .............................................................................
You walk through the mansion's ground, droves of apocalypse regenes still combing the area for stray soldiers. A few of them come straight at you.
"Who are you?" he asks pointing his energy rifle.
"Infiltration cuckoo unit. I bring news for Dr. Blitz" you answer calmly.
"Prove it" He barbs back.
You take off your shirt, showing your tattoos. They nod slowly.
"Clear," they say as they walk away.
Now, this is one trick you never thought you'd be using. Your tattoos are your best defense right now. Regen conditioning means they're not easily manipulated. You'd have trouble dealing with more than one or two at a time, even with your increased powers.
You walk to the door... just in time. A group of them is bringing the Cabinet members and the governor outside. A small truck stops nearby  
You time your walking right and...
The driver comes off the vehicle, hands you his hat and you take his place. You push him into entering the manor and looking for something that he lost. It should take him a good half hour to realize that he doesn’t know what he’s looking for.
You can't help notice he has your same hair. You probably share some DNA. He must be one of your many cousins. But he’s blue.
As they load the prisoners on the truck, the intercom on your ear activates.
"Well done. WE'll be waiting by the hill outside. Mortum is ready with his teleporter.  Lower your hat if you hear me"
You do as Steel says.
Saving politicians. Ugh.
But you can't let them take the state so easily. You've got to start somewhere, and Bern is a leader who can probably help organize a resistance, or so Steel thinks. Also, if he's alive he can pressure the Eastern government into sending help.
You start the engine and slowly take your truck towards the gates. Everything's going smoothly...
No. No, something's wrong. The soldiers are fixing on you. One of them's calling Dr. Blitz... he's telling him to stop you...
Your telepathy gives you fair warning before the alarm actually sounds. You have a few seconds...
You step on the gas and accelerate. The guards at the gate jump to the sides as you run it through.
You hear gunshots.
"Coming in hot!" you yell at the intercom.
You take a sharp turn, and soon enough you meet up with steel and the others.
"They are coming!" you yell
"I know!" he ushers the prisoners out and gives them the teleporting beacons.
"What the hell is going o..." Harding says as he banishes.
"All hostages are out...!" Mortum announces through the intercom. "Good to finally meet you Mr. Governor! I didn't vote for you but..." his com closes finally.
"They're coming...  It's time for payback!" Steel says standing at the front.
You nod preparing your Henshin bracer. Everyone does the same...
"RANGERS! There's nowhere to run!"  You see Dr. Blitz and his soldiers approaching with motorcycles and trucks as they surround you.
"I’ve been waiting for this! Exterminating you will restore my status with the Regis!"
"NANO RANGER FORCE POWER!" You all shout pulling the levers on your bracers.
The colored nanites surround each of you, instantly generating your combat suits from thin air.
Luckily Mortum allowed you to customize them a bit.
Yours is black with some teal lines, for old times sake. Steel's is bright red, with some white linings and extra armoring. Argent's Silver and Pink, she really spent some time fine-tuning the colors. Herald's is yellow and gold and he added a wing motif to the shoulders. Ortega's blue and white, with lightning details.
You all perform Katas, ready to act as a coordinated team, showing them fierce fighting stances. An excess of colored nanites blows out behind you, forming distinct colored explosion -Red, Blue, Black, Pink, and Yellow- that startles the enemy.
"What Is that supposed to mean?" Dr. Blitz asks surprised
"It means that your days are numbered! Surrender or face us!" Steel threatens him with an aggressive posture.
"Wearing fancy colors won’t change the outcome! Kill them all!!" He orders his minions.
"So be it!" Steel says sprinting forward.
Your team charges onto the incoming enemies.
The suit's power is impressive, to say the least. It points out your next target, lets you know about threats and automatically balances your every move. And you are stronger... MUCH stronger.
A trio of soldiers charges at you. Instead of stopping, you run into them. The armor locks itself into place, making you much heavier as you clash, and the force of the impact is enough to send them flying backward. You smile. This is actually fun.
Someone catches you from behind. Herald. He aims you at an incoming group of the soldiers who stops dead in their tracks seeing what he’s planning
“Oh, I like the way you think!.”
“It’s them who are not going to like it” he chuckles launching you against them.
You actually form a crater sending them flying like bowling pins. You stand to look for your next target.
Argent’s moving faster than a gazelle, clawing at the enemy with no mercy. A few try to escape, but she shoots her bow out of nowhere, blasting them away.
Ortega’s fists sizzle with lighting bolts, blasting opponents easily, sparks flying everywhere. Steel, meanwhile, seems to be impervious to their attacks and is sorting them out with a power sword.
Dr. Blitz seems quite enraged at the turn of events. It's hard to believe these same enemies beat the crap out of you not a day ago.
“Enough of this nonsense rangers! Prepare to fall! TELEKINETIC DARK FORCE!” he says as he starts to drive the energy wave at you once more.
“Oh, no you don’t!” Argent says placing herself in front of him and swiftly slashing at his face with her claws.
“Aaaaargh!” Dr. Blitz cries out in pain, his mask half-destroyed. His energy weave explodes, not strong enough to knock Argent. It simply drives her back next to the rest of you.
“HOW DARE YOU! I will crush you all!” Dr. Blitz says raising both hands, activating his energy suit, creating a large wave of energy aimed at you.
“TEAM NANO BLASTER!” Steel calls out. You have to give it to him, he’s a much better leader than Ortega. You summon your weapon (An oversized axe) as everyone does the same.
“Nano Battle Axe!” you say, following Mortum’s instructions. Where did he come up with all these ideas?!
“Nano Battle Bow!” Argent assembles her bow on your axe, a loud click telling you it’s working.
“Nano Energy Daggers!” Herald says connecting them to Argent's bow.
“Nano Energy Lance!” Charge engages his weapon on top of the device.
“Nano energy Sword!” Steel swiftly drives his sword through the middle of the device. His boots dig into the ground as he braces to fire.
“NANO TEAM BLASTER!” you all command standing behind him, as Steel pulls the trigger.
The weapon emits a strong energy blast that collides with Blitz dark energy wave. For a moment the result is unclear… and then Blitz’s power simply fades against the beams terrible energy.
“Noo… this is impossible…” Blitz cries as the beam strike him causing a loud explosion.
The remaining soldiers start running away seeing the mighty weapon you’ve created.
“Well done rangers!” Steel seems satisfied.
The fire and smoke clear out… revealing Blitz, his armor torn to pieces. He seems badly injured.
“D… damn you rangers!!! But… this isn’t over! Scorpius!” he calls “Come to my aid!”
A teleportation device activates, and the familiar monster materializes.
“GROW Scorpius!” he commands.
A red beam comes from the distance, causing Scorpius to take on a titanic size once more.
“You’re doomed rangers! Hahaha! Doomed!” Blitz screams as he teleports his injured self out of the battle.
“How are we going to deal with that?” You ask as the giant monster turns on you menacingly..
“Remember Mortum’s last weapon!” Steel commands.
You all nod.
“Nano battle Titan!” the five of you command.
Your Henshin bracers emit a cloud of five-colored nanites that quickly begins to take shape, constructing a massive superstructure.
In a matter of moments, the battle-titan is assembled.
Scorpius turns to face the new treat.
“Let's end this!” Steel says jumping inside, followed by the rest of you.
The command section has five chairs that you quickly take.
“Nano Battle Titan activated!” you all say activating your controls. The mecha’s eyes shine brightly as it prepares to face the incoming beast.
Scorpius points at you with his eyes and shoots it’s energy beam, making the titan stumble backward.
“We have to get the fight to him!” Argent says as she and Herald control the legs bringing you closer. You take the right fist, and strike at the monster, sending it down.
“Again!” Steel calls.
This time Ortega controls the left fist, smashing it into the ground.
You’re going to strike it again, when it’s scorpion tail wraps around the arm, then emits a torrent of powerful energy that causes sparks all over the cockpit.
“We have to stop this!” you cry.
“Agreed! Titan Sword!” Steel calls. The Sword instantly materializes in the Titan’s hands.
Using the sword, Ortega cuts the tail in half, causing Scorpius to scream in agony.
“Now’s our chance!”
“ENERGY SLASH!” you all command.
The sword starts shining in five-colored energy, and the Battle Titan slashes through Scorpius in a single movement. It then turns, giving it’s back to it’s defeated enemy. Scorpius falls down to the ground and explodes in pieces.
You all start cheering madly inside the cockpit. Surprisingly, Ortega pats your back… but then he remembers he’s not talking to you and looks away.
Well. That was a different way to go about the hero business… You can’t deny it’s colorful, to say the least.
____________________________ My fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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vegetalass · 6 years
super self indulgent fic of m!Ortega and my female puppet named Lemon!!
I dropped my phone in the toilet (water was clean) after reading fallen hero and writing the first draft of this!!!!
Thank you so much to @jedimasteramell for beta reading, all their insight and tips made this possible! People whose names start with C unite!!!! ;)
Warning: contains self harm references
FH:R belongs to @fallenhero-rebirth
m!Ortega/f!Puppet - 1462 words
Ricardo Ortega is not a man who believes in coincidences. He is also not a man who believes in luck. Kindness? Yes. Faith? Maybe.
But coincidences? Never.
It takes enough out of him each day just to watch Angie glitter in the sun, or witness Herald as he leaps from tall buildings and lives, that he doesn’t even want to bother with thinking about the other types of insane things that the people of Los Diablos can do because of some dumb diet pills.
This has always included you. Ortega knows that you can read people’s thoughts. He knows that you can predict somebody’s actions. And he knows you can enter into someone else’s mind. But that doesn’t mean he ever really thinks about why, especially since you’ve never been able to mess with his.
And that’s how he likes it, having this balance between understanding and ignorance. Peace and war.
Push and pull.
Ortega also likes you, and it’s both a good and bad thing that you can’t read his mind.
It was funny, at first. Watching a frail-bodied vigilante dance around the Rangers until they let you team up. Watching as you helped take down enemies that he couldn’t even dream up in his imagination. Watching himself as he fell into the deep hole that concluded with falling for you and then no one else ever again.
Even if he didn’t know it at the time, the world was dark before those days. The world was even darker after he watched you die.
It was as if the fucking sun went out with the Heartbreak Incident, and didn’t come back on until you came back into his life with it.
He honestly didn’t know you were still alive. He watched you jump.
Death isn’t coincidental. It can be explained.
And to him, you were dead.
He���d tried everything after that: booze, sex, pills… There’s not a thing you can name that Ricardo Ortega didn’t try. And damn, did all of it hurt. But it never once fixed him, and it took a lot of pull Ortega from that sadness.
He can’t say he was ever really cured.
Until suddenly, there you were. Back from the dead, like a zombie, or as he would insist later at your frown, like some kind of “Sleeping Beauty.”
Christ, he fell hard.
He knows he doesn’t know the half of what happened, or tries to understand that at least. But really, when has he ever really understood a thing about you?
You always act like there’s not a thing he could know about being left behind. Yet, you left him for seven years after at some point deciding as Sidestep to never let him in, either. He doesn’t want to blame you, but knowing you were reluctant to be with him at all hurt more than any kind of fucked up self-harm he could ever cause himself and ever might.
He was never reluctant about you. He never would be.
Because he believes in kindness. Forgiveness. Faith.
He’s trying to at least.
So meeting Lemon must’ve been some kind of serendipity.
She is someone different. Someone who smiles at him, and laughs, and cries, you know, when she gets hurt. Someone, who in all forms, is kind, and normal, and open. Someone who lets Ortega smile at her and take her out as though he isn’t a modded freak the public loves to fuck over.
Even though she always dances away after every single meeting; never to be touched, or violated, or broken, she’s never jumped from Ortega’s arms out a window into a world that doesn’t play catch.
But Ortega plays catch.
You always run away, too, though now you let Ortega kiss you more. But there’s that separation; the line that exists between you and grace, and everyone else. Lemon dances, and you run. You kiss Ortega, and Lemon runs.
Lemon is a variable, replaceable, but the difference is that you keep coming back.
That’s another thing that’s funny: That you even still exist. He hasn’t really gotten used to thinking that you always have, even after those long seven years. The fact that you still kiss him is funny, too.
Maybe it would’ve been better if you had died for real. Then he wouldn’t feel so guilty, or lost when he looks at Lemon and thinks of you. You could’ve stayed the sad and mistreated love that died in the Heartbreak. But you’re alive, and the two of you have to cope with that, even if living and loving is a cruel thought.
Because Ortega does love you. It’s just hard to keep it up when he knows you don’t want to be. Whether you actually do love him back is a different conversation all together.
He doesn’t want to call this girl, Lemon, “another.” He could never do that to you. But sometimes it’s fun to play all these pretend games, because at least Lemon plays them back, and because they’re the most painless form of self-torture that he is capable of. The kind of torture that he knows will never leave visible scars and that no one will ever be told about.
Lemon is good with secrets like that. It’s almost as if she’s not really there.
Too perfect, too happy, too... far away for anything past going on dates and smiling but never touching. He’s not sure if he even wants to touch her.
But Ricardo sees things in her, things that he could never voice lest God come down from his throne in high heaven just to personally ask him about. Though the crinkle of her eyes is different, and the color unfamiliar, her laugh is the same and the quirk of her smile remains etched into his mind as though the corners were turned up by someone entirely different.
Ortega doesn’t believe in coincidences. He doesn’t believe in luck, either.
So why is this the only explanation?
Why is he trying so hard to believe that it’s more? Like part of you sits with Lemon when she sits with him. This time, it has to be more than just another little slip made in one of his many attempts to finally forget about you and move on. More than just another admission that he still thinks about you all the time and can find your face in anyone.
But it’s never just that, is it?
Specifically in some random girl who bumped into him. He knows it wasn’t on purpose. Why would it be, even though it hurts?
But Ortega lets himself have this. Occasionally.
He lets himself think about marrying this random woman, Lemon, who is not you but has your smile, and same order of coffee and chocolate, and even the mirrored image of your goddamn forehead crease when he makes a joke so incredible that even you have to raise your eyebrows in a laugh.
It’s silly of him to think he could ever be normal, and that even if the timing is correct, Lemon bearing the ghost of your face is more than just a weird fluke.
His fault.
Mamà Elena would be disagree. Mamà Elena would be happy for him, and happy for Lemon, too. It would different, you know, after you, but it would be one more reason to make her happy and convince her that he’s finally safe and happy and well. Even when he’s not.
Even when he misses you. The old you. Mamà does too.
And when people get old, they expect certain things. Mamà expects good things for her son, and her son, Ricardo, wanting to laugh and cry, is no different.
Because after losing you and then watching you come back to life all bitter and still sad, it’s hard to stand by and feel hated by the very person you would die for.
Ricardo loves you. He really, truly does. But he’s learning to care for himself, too. To stop waiting for people who do not want him. And one day, he will run out of time.
But that’s fine, because when looking at Lemon is a temporary pleasure and reminding him of the old you, he allows himself to think of her. To think of what could be, had a part of him not died with the old you. He also allows himself to think of you after that, and forgive you for running away.
And though Lemon is a sweet dream in place of you, Ortega still cannot say that he believes in coincidences, because just as she dances away and never wants to go farther, at least he can say you came back.
Because it’s peace and war. Push and pull.
And he can’t be mad at you for trying.
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depressed-sock · 6 years
Reveal AU Part 3
A Fallen Hero Fanfic
This series will have spoilers! And Kiyo has the suicidal scar!
A Plan Gone Right and so Very Wrong
Ortega 28 Hours Earlier:
 “Are you fucking serious,” Kiyo lets out a loud laugh, something that feels so rare these days. You can't help but mirror his smile. “Chen would not have let you fucking get away with that,” he takes a sip of his smoothie, eyes crinkling happily. It makes you want to forget the suspicions brewing in the back of your mind. More importantly, though did he just call Steel Chen?
 “Chen huh?” your smile grows as he immediately frowns and glares at you. You love teasing him.
“Don't make something out of nothing,” he looks away from you failing to hide the blush from you, “I used to call him Chen back then too.”
“Sure except when we were alone,” you take a long sip of your own smoothie staring him down, “Then he was Sir Hardass.”
He hides his face in his hands letting out a laugh, “Fuck, I was trying to forget that,” he peeks at you through his hands and you're overcome with the urge to pry away his hands so that you can kiss him, “Don't you dare tell him that.”
 “Uhhhh,” you cough into your hand and look away guiltily.
 “No,” he groans hands falling into his lap, “Ricardo! You didn't!” he looks at you utterly betrayed.
 You scratch the back of your neck, “To be fair it was when…” you lead off because you both know when it happened. During the time Kiyo was dead... but he wasn't dead… no, he was in someone's hands suffering while you were here trying and failing to move on with your life.
How can he even smile at you? He should hate you… maybe he does and all you’re doing is making things worse. But you can't give up on him, not again. You’ve already seen the results of that mistake. Kiyo looking so broken, like he'd given up on everything in that small dinner. You've also heard what he's said to the therapist and thinking about it still makes your blood run cold.
“Have you ever thought about taking your own life?”
“Fucking hell Rubbleguy,” he sighs in exasperation leaning back against the bench and you let out a surprised laugh.
“Haven't heard that in a long time,” the smile isn't fake and your mask slips easily back into place. It’s been slipping more and more often, something that's been happening to the both of you it seems. Skirting around the truth, avoiding talking about what's really going on with either of you and neglecting to talk about your relationship. Only ever a few kisses between you both but never anything further.
He hasn't asked to go farther and you’re afraid of pushing. You don't know what he was forced to experience during his time held captive. You want to ask but you doubt he'd answer. He never talked about the things that hurt him in the past and you have a feeling that's not something that's changed. Like everything else.
 “Well my smoothie is done,” he sighs as he shakes the empty cup sadly.
 “You’re going to get another one aren't you?” you grin at him, maybe not everything is as different as you thought.
 “Of course, Do you want anything?” he tilts his head sideways as he asks and you can't help it. You reach out and cup his cheek, he lets you pull him closer, lips pressing together to turn into a slow languid kiss.
“I'm good,” you say pulling back with a small smile and he responds with a snort.
“I'm sure,” he shakes his head, his own smile never leaving his face. You watch him as he leaves only noticing the car after he passes it. You glare at it as you recognize who steps out.
Steel Present:
You race past straight towards Ortega. He smiles at you weakly letting out a small, “Hey.” You let out a loud relieved sigh as you reach up to try to take the chains off. At least he’s conscious, that might make this a bit easier. Even though this entire situation feels far too easy.
“Be ready to catch him,” the voice growls behind you and you barely have time to react as the chains melt into nothingness allowing Ortega to sag forward into your arms. “The way back should be clear, I suggest leaving now,” They walk past ignoring the look you give them and stand in the center of the room. “Bye~,” they wave before the floor evaporates beneath them and they drop down to the next floor.
“Wait,” Ortega responds weakly reaching towards them but you shift him and toss him over your shoulder before he can say anything else. “Fucking hell! Chen don’t let-”
”Ricardo shut the hell up,” you grit out not bothering to hide your anger as you make your way out of the room and down the hall, “It’s a temporary alliance to pull your problematic ass out of the fire.”
 “That’s not what the issue is,” he’s weakly struggling against your grip but ends up giving up easily enough. “We can’t leave him here.”
“Ortega I don’t know what-”
“This entire shitshow is a trap!” he yells at you, frustration clear in his voice. Your grip tightens and you’ve shifted into a run. If it’s a trap you need to get him out as fast as possible. “Not for us! For Heartbreak!”
“What?!” you ask confused. Why would Hollow Ground use Ortega as bait for Heartbreak?
“Just trust me! We’ve got to get Heartbreak out with us!” his voice is pleading. Something isn’t adding up, he’s pleading for someone who has time and time again taken apart him and the Rangers.
 You reach the shattered window with no one in your way to stop you. Gently, you set him down leaning against the wall and open up your coms to give Herald the signal. You’re silent as you ignore Ortega’s pleas to go back until something in your mind clicks. You turn a glare onto him,“Who is Heartbreak?” He shuts up and almost immediately goes a few shades lighter. He looks out the window and hesitantly back to you.
 “I don’t know for sure…” but he has a suspicion. How long has he had this suspicion and not told anyone? How many times could he have stopped this person if he had told anyone who he thought they were? Who is so worth protecting...
“Godfucking damnit,” you mutter pinching the bridge of your nose. You know exactly who is worth protecting. You know exactly why he wouldn’t tell anyone because he’s got some vain hope of helping him not become what he’s clearly heading for.
“I don’t know for sure,” he states it like a fact but all you can hear is the denial he’s forcing onto himself. You don’t get the chance to respond as an alarm suddenly blares through the entire building just as Herald arrives.
“Sounds like I made it just in time,” Herald smiles at Ortega who looks away from him and back down the hall, worry creasing his brow.
 “Get Ortega to a hospital,” you say and Herald nods his head eagerly. He reaches for Ortega who bats his hands away.
 “Chen…” you don’t have to look at him to know that desperation covers his face.
 You ignore him as you click on the com, “Argent we need a distraction.”
 “Finally!” her voice crackles over the com and you immediately hear an explosion on the ground floor.
 “Uhhh Steel? We’ve got Ortega?” Herald looks at you confused but you’re refusing to meet anyone’s eyes as you glare down the hallway.
“I know. Get him to the hospital and be ready for another extraction,” you move down the hallway from them and towards Heartbreak.
Kiyo Present:
“Sounds like someone finally realized they’ve got guests,” you comment as sirens begin to blare throughout the building. You run down the hall, heavy weapon case in hand as you whack someone over the head with it.
“You realize you could have just taken the weapon out of the case right?” Mortum chuckles, fingers rapidly typing away.
“True but I’d rather use it as a last resort,” you grunt as you block an attack from a heavily modded women, your armor crunching beneath her fist, “Fuck… Is Ortega out yet?” You kick out unbalancing her so that you can easily swing the case up into her face. Who needs weapons when you can just whack people with heavy objects.
“3..2..1, He’s out!” more typing before he lets off a confused curse, “But it looks like the Marshal is in the building still and Argent has started her decoy assault?”
 “What the fuck are they doing?” Gunshots ring out and you pull yourself into the cover of a nearby room.
“They might be trying to rescue you,” you don’t have to see Mortum to know he’s frowning, “Did anything you do give away who you might be?”
“No,” Ortega knows, you shake your head. He can’t know, he would have stopped you if he really knew. Wouldn’t he? “It’s probably just Steel not wanting to let me get away.” That has to be it, you don’t think you can handle any other option.
  The gun clicks empty and you take the chance to run back out and around the corner at the end of the hall, “We never did test just how much damage the suit can take, did we?” Ahead of you three very angry men with bats. Hollow Ground must not be paying these assholes well or they were on their way to go play baseball. Either way you find yourself dodging one bat only to have another crack and break on your chest plate. Metal armor one, wooden bat zero.
 “No we did not,” he sighs, “The distraction Argent is providing is keeping a good number of people away but you’ve still have a good number of people converging on your location.”
“Fan-fucking-tastic,” your fist slams into broken bat guy’s face and the other two look intent on running away so you let them. You just need to focus on escaping.
  More typing and a shouted curse, “The Marshall is being overwhelmed!” No, fucking-fuck-shit.
 “Which way?”
 “Which way!” you yell stopping a moment to catch your breath.
He sighs in exasperation, “Turn left at the next hallway.” You move as soon as he says it. You didn’t risk everything just to lose someone else.
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chaniters · 6 years
Fallen Hero AU Fanfic 6. Ranger Adventures
Part 6
Beginning to steer this to it’s conclusion. Spoilers for Fallen Hero Series as always. 
Some thoughts on how MC would be treated by the world if they were not  forced to hide their secrets. How far would Ortega fight for them? Herald and Sidestep centered plot. Also, explores some of the (original?) villains I came up with for this. I’m trying to get better at writing villains right now.   
Hope you like It ! 
And thanks to Malin! 
Ranger HQ. Evening.
"Any changes?" Steel asked Moira, one of the professionals on their strike force. She was a military doctor.
The Dark Energy Man lied motionless on his bed. He had just barely eaten some food.
"We have biometric Id. Jake Black. His wife got died to overdose so no surprise he hates the cartel. But changes ? No. He's got brief periods of activity where he gets really excited, and then falls unresponsive. I think he's hallucinating too, we've seen him talk to himself."
"Hmr.. and we can't get Sidestep to check trough an energy absorber..."
"Not unless he wants to run the risk of getting his brain fried" She smiled
"I'll keep it as a last resort" Steel said, impossible to tell if he was serious.
"What's your assessment?."
"He only took the Hero drugs what four days ago? His body must be still adjusting. Changing"
"Very well.. keep me informed. I'll go meet the others..."
Steel strolled to an elevator to the ready room. He adjusted his shirt and pants examining himself in the mirror. It was kind of a routine. Their headquarter had many floors now. Ever since Sidestep had the old one destroyed by HG that is. That's how Steel lost almost all the clothing that used to fit him. Stupid Sidestep. He had to buy new sets of everything and it wasn't easy for someone with so many mods.
"... and that's how they'r creating the Demons" Herald finished explaining. Steel already knew that part.
"So what happened to Cyrus? He didn't seem alright"
"I'm not sure.. I thought I'd lost him. He was't listening to me at all, he was just petrified... and then he went back to normal... sort of."
"He's got a history with mad scientists experimenting on people" Argent pointed out.
"He told me he just needed some time." Ortega spoke a bit worried "He's not sure why, but he admitted he was a bit spooked. I'd be more worried if he had denied the whole thing, which is what he usually did in the past. I.. I think he needs a bit of alone time. Then i'll go talk to him."
"True. Very well... what's your take, Anderson?"
"We have enough to go on against Ellison now. The pictures you got really tell the whole tale Herald. They'r developing a hero drug, it got stolen, sold on the streets, and then they killed the thief to cover it up. Oh and let’s not forget  they are turning people into demons. I think that qualifies as an exception to the west-coast protection he has."
Steel nodded. Time for action then.
"Ortega. You and me go to the Last Gate church along with our strike team... we have to put an end to the experiments"
"Argent... Ellison's car was seen entering FarmaCore's main building's garage so..."
"I get to kick his ass"
Steel smiled "Yes. You and Anderson head to FarmaCore and arrest that twisted shit before he can do anything else."
"What about me?" Herald asked
"You get to stay at the base this time."
"What? Why?"
"Because, we have an immensely powerful boost in our cell, and if contention fails, I don't want Sidestep to be alone to stop him"
"He's not coming either?"
"Not this time... for the same reasons as you. Also, I don't like taking chances if he's not at his best. You tell him. We'll get ready".  
Sidestep's room.
Cyrus lied back on his bean bag, completely covered by a blanket on top of it. Hidden from the world.
He didn't know what got to him. The voice had been silent. He had made an *almost* full recovery. He had taken his medication on the hour every hour every day. He hadn't missed a single therapy appointment. He had a fucking psych report saying he was ALMOST normal.
And he just walked into that fucking basement and it triggered next level hallucinations, a panic attack and a complete recalling of the Heartbreak and his first attempt on his life. He had been close. He had tried a few times later after that...
The last one was when he had almost made Herald drop him. The teleporting ray had also been one, he didn't like to admit it but he had hoped it would fail, and that he would just disappear.
But he didn't feel suicidal. Not anymore.
He was starting to like this life he had bargained for.
Even if he wasn't human.
Even if he didn't really had rights.
How.. how had he relapsed so strongly?
He felt he was failing... failing at getting better.  
He didn't want to fall into that hole again. He didn't know if he could crawl his way out again.
"I have to get better" he said aloud. He owed it to Ortega.
After He had pushed Ortega into signing that deal for him...
He owed him for his new life.
Just like he owed him for teaching him about all the things that made him a real person after he broke out.
He owed him so damn much, and he was going to disappoint him. Again.
He remembered what Steel said.
Don't fuck it up.
Well he was going ahead and doing just that just to keep things interesting.
He closed his eyes and covered his face, trying to escape his own thoughts.
On his bean-bag, under his blanket.   -----------------------------------------------------
6 months ago.
"Say again?"
"I want to take the deal"
"You can't be serious!"
"I am serious."
"But this is just... insulting! It's like... like a license to own a dog! No Cyrus! I can't let you...I'm not going to ..."
"No. Definitely not. I won't..."
"Out of the question!"
"Ricardo please. Can you not fight me on this?"
The governor took the chance to speak
"Look,  I can't legally make you a human. But nothing stops me from doing THIS under the economic free zone regulations. It's a middle ground"
"If he takes this, people will think this is how it's supposed to end... there is momentum in the media! If we keep at it we can..."
"I can't."
"But this is your fight!"
"I know.. but... i just... can't do it anymore.. please"
Ortega just stood silent. He couldn't give up. He couldn't let Cyrus give up. They had fought so hard... there were online petitions .. people mobilizing to protest in the streets...
Then he looked at Cyrus. He was pleading with him.  With testimony to congress, along with reporters all day long and the hate groups that had emerged against the re-gene cause, the last month had certainly been hell. Panic attacks. Nightmares. His psych test had been a total mess. He was furious at having to use the wheelchair after HG shot him. The physical pain of rehab itself... Trying to walk again....
He couldn't ignore it... he was falling apart with each day. If they continued... he would pay the price.
He took a deep breath and tried to swallow every emotion and intuition telling him this was the wrong choice.
He looked at Cyrus straight in the eyes and asked.
"Look... if we do this, there's no turning back. So I need you to to tell me. Are you completely sure? Is this what you really want?"
Cyrus took a few moments to answer. "Y...Yes. Yes, I want to have a life now, not in 10 years.
Ortega rubbed his face as he tried to cool down.
"Shit...” This was hard... 
“Ok then." I'll sign. I'll sign the thing.. whatever you have to throw at us, i'll sign it. Just... " he pointed a finger at the governor "Just don't cheat us. Please, just don't cheat us later" he pleaded. He felt defeated.
"It's in everybody's best interests. I do stand for the Re-gene cause, but there's only so much I can do without a congress law" He slided the papers to them. "Maybe congress will solve this in the near future, and this doesn't mean others won't continue the fight he started"
Only Ortega signed. Cyrus's signature wasn't valid, since only humans could sign legally binding documents.
"So" he forced himself to ask, as he signed, paper after paper. "How will this... how's this going to work?" He spoke in the most neutral tone he could manage, when in truth he wanted to break the table with his modded fist.
"You'll be assigned guardianship. You are entitled to acquire the equivalent of monthly payment of that of a ranger as long as Cyrus works as a "Honorary" member. You can administer it as you see fit to cover his expenses. Also you can ..."  And they went on, and on, explaining how Cyrus's legal non-humanhood, whatever it was, would work.
Other re-genes where being offered similar deals. Not as good as this one tough, they couldn't even choose guardians they trusted.
"Non human person". A new legal status, only valid in the west coast.
If Cyrus agreed to this, most of the others would too, that was a given. And they would probably forfeit the right to be truly heard by the public... they would become yesterday's news. The legal case would be off the front page.
The Governor nodded as he signed the papers as well.
"Very well then... it's done."
"I know you think i'm giving up" Cyrus spoke as Ortega pushed the wheelchair through the underground tunnel to avoid the media.
"I understand why... But it feels so wrong."
"I know but... yesterday I was just a piece of property  owned by the state Ricardo."
"And what are you now?"
"A protected piece of property"
"That's still not a human"
"We've talked to the lawyers... It's better than spending 10 more years in limbo. I don't think i can do that Ricardo. This way I can join the rangers... I can be someone useful..."
"Even if you'r protected, it's not..." Ortega began
"Protected by you." Cyrus interrupted "And that's enough for me"
Ortega hadn't known what to answer to that. He still didn’t. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The present.
As the ranger vehicles left the headquarters, a man in a nearby bar dialed a number
"It's time"
Herald was at the situation room.
Steel and Ortega had found and defeated a few demons in the church's grounds after a small skirmish. After that, the church had surrendered and the leaders where being arrested. Several people being held in cells were released too.
Argent and Anderson had faced resistance from FamaCore's security. They were looking for Ellison inside the premises.
Patrol cars were at his homes, and several other locations... still no sign of him.
He was about to call Steel again for an update, when an explosion shook the building. He braced himself. All the lights turned red, then the security cameras died. All of them. Then the alarm sounded.
Gunfire and screams. Herald ran to help,.  
A group of veteran strike team members where fighting the creatures already emerging from the elevator shaft. Demons.
One of them  was already lying on the floor, bleeding from several energy weapon wounds.
He activated his wrist energy emitter and took cover, firing at the things as well. Another one fell down the shaft. Two more came from the stairs. He activated a panel on the wall, sealing the entrance with a thick metal bars coming off the ceiling. 
“Quick! To the emergency staircase!" They did as he said. He flew trough the corridors towards the armory. He was going to need heavy weapons to face these things.
He couldn't prepare for the figure materializing in front of him.
"Going somewhere?" The fist connected straight to his gut, and given his current speed, it made him bend over in the air.
Herald managed to roll away. Durability was a good power to have sometimes.
He looked up at the grinning figure.
A dark ninja-style suit. A mercenary villain called Darkfist. Ortega, and Argent had been beaten by this one in single combat before. Shit.
"What's the matter? Giving up already?"
Herald remembered. Darkfist's powers was very specific. when he attacked, he could teleport short distance, with energy infused fists. So anyone fighting the Villain usually got pummeled before he could do respond.
"Just warming up" he stood up. He had to distract Darkfist so the personnel would be safe.
He aimed his wrist emitter and took his shot... Darkfist teleported in a puff of black smoke... he braced for the worst.    
The building shook. An explosions. Alarm sounds. Sidestep removed his blanket. All lights were red.
He rushed out of his room. He had to get to the stairs to get to the ready room... Only there was a demon in the stairs. He froze. He could feel the minds.. many demons.
There was an emergency stair hidden behind a panel in the living-room. He could get up trough it and...
"Hello Cyrus. I hear that is the name you took now?"
He paused. He hadn't sensed this mind. An old, thin and tall man, with grey hear and a black diamond mask, with brass engraved cane. He wore a dark suit, black gloves and a black sweater. Not the most creative Villain suit. Standing in his way.
"Who are you supposed to be?"
"You can call me Phatos."
"I can call you whatever I want after i beat you down!" No time for this. Sidestep lunged for a quick takedown.
The old man just moved out of the way and he missed by a longshot.
"Oh.. you've goten slower" He pushed Sidestep with the tip of his cane, and he almost lost balance
"What the...?" He attacked again, but this time, his enemy wasn't even there. He hit a wall, and cursed at his pained fingers.
"Tsk Tsk... What a disappointment. And you had made such a name for yourself. Sidestep and all."
"Who the fuck are you?" Sidestep knew the voice... but he couldn't place it. And he could not sense his mind at all.
"Oh come now. Don't you remember me ?" He lips turned into a smile under his mask.
Sidestep focused. There it was. He could sense it. It was hiding... but no longer. He could sense it's shields. Strong shields. Very like his own.... familiar shields...
He took a step back.
He knew this man... he had trained with him. Him and his brothers. He had been at the farm.. he had taught them... everything.
"Carl?" Sidestep asked finally
"It's Pathos now... But i'm glad to see you brain hasn't melted... yet" He took a step forward.
"What the heck are you doing here?" Sidestep said assuming a defensive stance
"What does it look i'm doing?" He clicked a button on his cane and a short blade emerged from the tip.
He trusted the cane and Sidestep dodged... but the blade wasn't where it was supposed to be. He got a nasty cut on his arm.
Pathos sneered. "You know ever since i retired, I've found there's a really enormous demand for people like me. I do charge a lot for my services, but i'm doing you for free"
Pathos slashed again, but Sidestep trapped the blade with his bare hands.
"Oh. I see you haven't gone totally soft"
Sidestep took the cane off his hands and pointed it at him.
"Why? What could you possibly gain from this?"
"You really don't remember?"
Sidestep felt the immediate pressure against his shields. He strengthened them as hard as he could... but his mind just went trough as if they weren't there...
"It's no use being in the strongest of Alpha leagues if your opponent, even a Beta like me has the key to your  front door Fivofour."
"I'm Cyrus!" He strengthened his shields again and pushed him back. He trusted the cane at Pathos... but it became a snake in his hands, hissing and biting at him. He dropped it. "How the fuck.."
"Experience makes the master. Remember I taught you everything you know. And you have let yourself develop a huge weakness... let it fester even" Pathos smiled. "It's a secret we share, do you remember Doll? Do you remember how I fixed you after they brought to me in pieces?" For the Briefest instant, his face turned into that of the monster... the origin of the voice... the Heartbreak.
Sidestep recoiled... but his back hit the wall.
"Do you remember when I came to help you because you wanted to kill yourself ? When you made me your tool, and tried to have me strangle you?  This obsession you gave me.. it never went away." Phatos continued, clearly enjoying Sidestep’s pained expression.
The old man raised his cane and attacked again. Sidestep dodged and blocked trying to disarm him once more, but he just couldn't outsmart his old mentor. Every move, he did, Pathos could predict. He gave him another cut on the left leg this time.
"When you escaped I realized i had lost my chance... only killing others gave me some respite...But we both know how these induced obsessions work right?.. If i finally kill you.. Then maybe if I'll be free, don’t you agree?."
They engaged once more. Sidestep was stronger... faster.. but there was little he could do against someone who could dodge faster than he could think.
With a final deception, Pathos knocked him down, driving his head against a wall. ......................................
Three strikes in quick succession. Each time, Darkfist had teleported in the middle of his swing. There wasn't any time to react... Herald was just getting beaten over and over against this guy.
His back was against a window when... A window.
He shot his wrist weapon shattering the glass.
Darkfist ran at him, ready to strike again.
Herald waited.. he waited...until...
The moment Darkfist's body started blurring and preparing his teleportation, he jumped backwards.
As predicted, he got another brutal fist to the face.... but after that he flew upwards.
Darkfist didn't fly at all. His powers where teleporting to attack. There was no reports of him ever teleporting without performing his "Dark Punch". So he had no way to avoid the fall.
The 7th floor was probably high enough.
“Splat” Herald said.
Ellison entered some commands in the console, and the power dampener device deactivated, opening the containment cell.
Pathos entered the room followed by a Demon carrying the unconscious Sidestep.
The Dark Energy man stood up, with a smile on his lips.
"Ahh.. High priest. It’s good to see you again. It’s been so many years"
Ellison bowed to the man.
"I am sorry. We didn't expect your return to take place in this unclean vessel... one of our workers was... unfaithful. He has been dealt with."
The Dark Energy man simply walked out of the cell.
"It is of no consequence. I have almost consumed this man's personality. I am in control. His quests for vengeance was pointless.. but entertaining" The inhuman thing behind his eyes smiled. "Your technology and the teachings of the Elder one have created the right tool to tear the veil between our realms. I am pleased."
"You honor us. If you would follow us, we will guide you to our preparations, oh great one"
They began walking towards the exit, as countless demons cleared the path outside.
Ellison whispered to Phatos. "Where is Darkfist?"
"The flyboy killed him. Can't say I saw that coming."
The Dark Energy Man stopped and turned to the Demon holding Sidestep.
"An offering? The one that killed my last vessel too.  Most appropriate high priest." He nodded to Ellison "The elder one will devour his power immediately after his coming." Pathos smiled as well.
My Fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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