#bee’s Linksona
fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
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Babe wake up Bee’s linksona just dropped
(Very nervous to post this. His name is Leo and I love him very much. Don’t look at the hands too closely. Or my handwriting. Ot the weapon. Or the line art in general. As a matter of fact just squint when you look at it.)
I will tell you more if even one person asks😭 I’m still working on a real specific design, I just kinda went off of what Link looks like in totk I was more focused on giving him more of a personality(not that regular Link doesn’t have one, I just had something very specific in mind, and he’s very snarky)
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rj-opp · 5 years
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Zinnia please you didn't have to call the guard out like that @anxioussailorsoldier thank you for giving us shirtless leeroy <3
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icekirbys · 6 years
I’m super late to the party as usual but: linksona!!!
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Nickname: Terror
didn’t talk to the old man when leaving the resurrection shrine,, was immediately killed by bees
runs and climbs (rather than quick travel) as much as possible, stamina > hearts
fights ALL monsters comes across, especially to liberate wild horses
hoards EVERYTHING. faves: lizalfos horns & fire chu jelly
likes to shield surf and throw himself off cliffs!
First thing off the plateau, caught a wild horse 
bad at reading map, gets lost and distracted very easily 
doesn’t do the shrines how you’re supposed to (fire arrows all the way)
Makes friends with monsters (masks & luminous suit), then uses urbosa’s fury on them all 
loves friends!!!! loves revali and sidon!
takes selfies with everything, names each korok he comes across
meanaces cuccos
Horse Names: 
bubot (butt), ilong (nose), gatas (milk), sneaky, Epona
loves to change constantly!!! matches outfit and weaponry to exact situation in non combat areas,, but wears whatever dumb shit in the overworld
monster disguises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fave colour purple
uses thunderhelm rather than swap out metal equiptment
always outfit > effects potion
tri-boomerang!!!!!!!! always has at least three on them. when they break, farms lizafos in hebra until get more
throws bombs (and blows self up) a lot
also likes to poke with spears
when running climbing or swimming, unequips weapon shield and bow
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
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Here’s updated art w scarring✨
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
Your Linksona. Hand it over.
HAJAHASV thank you so much
I’ll use this to tell yall a bit more about him
-He grew up in hateno; his father was a knight-turned-farmer after getting honorably discharged(I tried to look up how that works for royal guards, couldn’t find anything on it so I’m just gonna assume it’s the same as it is for US military)
-He(Leo) was always a pretty snarky guy, though before the calamity it was mostly in his head. After the calamity, though, he has a bit of trouble keeping his thoughts to himself. He kind of just says whatever pops into his head
-And because of such, a lot of people talk, and you can imagine where that goes.
“That can’t be the princess’s knight! He’s way too disrespectful!”
-This causes some major insecurities for Leo. First he had to train for the master sword, when he used to just have it, and now he can’t even control his mouth?
-Hehe funny boy trauma.
-He also has a lot of pent up anger towards the goddesses, especially after choosing him again when he failed. Is it just so they can laugh at him? Watch him fail again? He thinks so.
-He doesn’t wanna do this. He wants to save Zelda, of course, but he wished he didn’t have to.
-And don’t even get me started on how tragic it was when totk happened.
-The panic attack this boy had, yeesh
-I’m thinking about giving him scars, I’m just not sure where they’ll be yet, but know he’s got some.
-Now onto some fun stuff—this boy loves animals. Dogs, his horses, all of them.
-He likes the caves. They’re like little mazes and it’s fun to go through them.
-Shield-surfs. Literally. Everywhere. And I mean Everywhere.
-Hates the depths, thinks they’re terrifying
-Ironically though, he does like treasure hunting in there.(Will do anything when there’s treasure and money involved)
-Loves to fight lynels and boss bokoblins.
-Also loves putting majora’s mask on and getting in the middle of a crowd of bokoblins +boss bokoblin and grabbing a dual handed weapon and spinning to attack. Thinks it’s hilarious.
-He and tulin are a chaos causing duo.
-You should’ve seen the look he had on his face when he found out about Yona and Sidon
-And the look he had when he saw Yunobo with that mask.(he almost fully got into a fistfight)
-acts like he’s not all that smart, but likes to do research on things. His favorite, and most dangerous subject is the gloom hands.
-loves helping Purah and Robbie
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