#bee's psa
tadfools · 7 months
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A heads up that this toggle now exists in your blog settings and might not be on by default (it doesn't carry over from your main to sideblogs so if you got more than one like me check all of them)
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biowho · 1 year
I hit another follower ‘mile stone’ here so I just wanna remind everybody about how much I love trans people and I would die for each and every single one of my queer siblings
You are beautiful and amazing and you are loved
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z-nogyrop · 2 years
truly cannot overstate how important it is for everyone to do research into local insect species and just try to notice them when you go outside. there are beautiful metallic blue mud dauber wasps where i live and they’re common in the summer but i just never noticed them until this past year. there are so many dragonflies at the local park. in one walk this june i found ebony jewelwing damselflies and an enormous stinkbug and an emerald-coloured tiger beetle and there is honest to god so much beauty in the insect world if you are willing to look for it
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powdermelonkeg · 28 days
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Oh look, a new phishing scam! Dunno how they got the weird anon/not anon thing going at once, but whatever bug they're exploiting, it's clever.
They're asking for email verification through anon. You know, the thing Tumblr users can opt to turn off. Legitimate Tumblr staff would have a banner at the top of your screen, like the kind when you first MAKE an account, not something that users can opt in/out of.
"If you did not create an account with us, please disregard this message" sent to my Tumblr account? The one I have definitely created and am currently accessing to read this? My dude.
Hey, that's the old Tumblr colors. That's original True Blue from like 2017. Why would official Tumblr not use the current color scheme?
On top of that, Tumblr HAS a @support blog. Why would there be an account with support-random generated number?
Now if you're thinking "who is this ask even fooling?" It's email users. It's people who have email notifs turned on. This would show up as a "You got a message!" in someone's inbox, looking like a legit message, verified as coming from Tumblr itself, with a link embedded.
Hey, @support, you're being impersonated. That's against TOS, right?
Bonus tip: If you ever get a message you aren't sure is a scam or not, highlight a paragraph of it and put it into Tumblr's search bar. Chances are, they've mass-sent it to like 10+ other people who can spot things like this.
Pasting the plain text of the ask below the cut for that reason:
Image ID: An anon ask that reads as follows:
"Dear powdermelonkeg
Thank you for being a valued member of the Tumblr community! To ensure the security of your account, we kindly ask you to verify your email address.
Please click the link below to complete the verification process:
[Verification Link]
If you did not create an account with us, pleaase disregard this message.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Best regards, Tumblr Support Team"
End ID
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baconcolacan · 1 year
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He needs a hobby.
auch, anyway, I think Tord can benefit from having hobbies so he doesn’t turn into a weaboo incel that wants to blow up his friends’ house. Why build one giant robot when you can have fun building a bunch of tiny ones??
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busybussinbee · 3 months
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rumade · 2 months
Nature PSA: DO NOT LET YOUR DOGS WILD SWIM if you treat them with spot-on flea treatments
Flea treatments are pesticides and are having a knock-on effect in the wider environment, especially aquatic environments. Most of these flea treatments are neonicotinoids, the same family of pesticides known to be catastrophic to bees.
This is yet another reasons why cats should not be allowed to free roam too- when they are treated with flea products and then go and roll freely in gardens they are spreading around these harmful pesticides.
Insect and other invertebrate numbers have plummeted in the past 20 years. We need to get serious about the damage we are doing to this foundation of the ecosphere.
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 months
New Threadfic Announcement + Sugar Baby AU Threadfic Update Status
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(TNotG’s prologue can be read here)
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The one addition I forgot to mention, I probably may or may not drag the Truce universe’s Supe!Butcher & Homelander into the threadfic’s multiverse shenanigans, because why not? It adds a bit of extra danger & incentivizes TNotG Billy to want all of his parallel universe selves to gtfo back to their worlds.
If you want more context details about the threadfics, you can read about them here that I organized for easy reference.
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Tl;dr let’s cross our fingers that Twt doesn’t shadowban me because this’ll be a lotta tweets that’ll be tweeted within a span of a few days (I’ll of course screenshot them and crosspost those tweets over here on tumblr for y’all). I’m hoping they do not mistake my account as a spambot when these updates come out 😬
And regarding the next update for Operation Babylon (the Sugar Baby AU) which’ll be posted first:
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cpericardium · 2 years
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jenfoundabug · 8 months
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Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) in central Pennsylvania
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tadfools · 11 months
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Stop! Are you actively making Tumblr.com worse???
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thebashfulbotanist · 1 year
Spring garden cleanup? Wait for the bees!
If you haven't yet cleaned up last year's debris from your garden, consider waiting a little bit! Native bees could use the help. The Xerces Society, a insect conservation group that works with researchers and the US Department of Agriculture, has a really good guide about this here. As a general rule, if you can wait until the temperatures are frequently around 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius at night, the bees will have had time to emerge.
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Thanks for reading! Here's a bumblebee resting in a California aster (Symphyotrichum chilense) flower for your trouble. It's often male bumblebees that do this, since they don't return to a nest like female bumblebees do.
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trickster-spirit · 2 months
important bee/pollinator psa!
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meet sumac. this tree has a subspecies that is often seen as a pest plant to humans, due to its propensity for giving humans itchy, scaly rashes on contact with skin or mucus membranes. poison sumac will yield whitish/yellowish/greenish berries, while other, non-poisonous sumacs will have red berries with little hairs on them.
another way to identify poison sumac is that the flowers on poison sumac sprout from below the leaflets on the stem, while non-poisonous varieties have the flowers at the terminus of the leaflets.
however, poison sumac as a subspecies is ONLY poisonous to humans. other animals have no problem with it, in fact, pollinators LOVE sumac of all kinds.
the winged or "shining" sumac pictured above is NON-POISONOUS, and is blooming where i live (Ashland, KY). there are tens of thousands of wild bees of many different species swarming it, as well as pollen-eating wasps, pollinating flies, and pollinating beetles.
consider leaving this plant alone when landscaping, unless it is in a highly trafficked area or is likely to have kids messing with it.
your local bees will thank you!
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janeyjhoward · 3 months
just to clarify, I am not forcing divorce baby on anyone. If you like the idea to get some thoughts going and maybe you want to write it, cool, I can make a new verse. I have verses where Janey has siblings with people who are okay with it. Not all of my content will be for you, and that’s fine. I would never assume you were going to play in the verse without talking to you first. unless you’re heavily affiliated with this account, I wouldn’t dream of forcing anything like Barb/Cooper being together or divorce baby. It was just a thing my brain latched on to, and I had to put out all my thoughts on a scenario that happened in my head. I think my ideas are fun, so I post them. If they’re gonna cause so much discourse, I’ll stop posting them. It wasn’t meant to start a conversation about children in general or anything. It was just something I felt passionate about. Her feelings will not change on step-siblings unless the factors work out to give her some say in how she handles it, as they are a more likely scenario. I would never assume what your character would do, but I can assume that the invisible set could do this thing and how that would affect her.
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fruitsaladc0wboy · 1 year
I think the thing a lot of people are misunderstanding the “everything post s13 is just a simulation run by epsilon” thing is that like. yes it’s just a simulation but it’s also a probable future of something that COULD happen to the reds and blues. like I feel like the route they’re taking is less “none of this matters anymore because it wasn’t real lol” and more “here are some more things that COULD happen to the reds and blues but there are also a million other adventures they could hypothetically go on and it’s up to you to decide what’s real” so really everything post 13 is as canon as you want it to be. I could be totally wrong but that’s just the vibe I got from the trailer and also my own wishful thinking
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