#been feeling a ways lately so now i decide. some stuff i wanna create w ishtar will be more like this bc why not lmao
estrelladeishtar · 5 months
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mythicalninjas · 3 years
A Hard Choice To Make - Part 1
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"Go talk to him. It's the only way to wash your emotions away." April, the reporter of Channel 6, advise you.
"No!" Your eyes went wide "No, I won't!"
"Then do you want to live with it stuck into you for the rest of your life?"
You lower your head, not knowing what kind of response you should give besides this not-desired possibility. April is right.
Since you met the brothers—three years ago—you have created a strong family bond with all of them, specially with the fearless leader in blue who your heart shines for. You knew that something within you is brougth to life every time Leonardo is around, and it is kind of torture because you literally fell in love with this terrapin.
But there's a doubt haunting you: Is Leo with the same feelings about you? The objection behind it is almost invalid in your point of view. He is the leader of his group, known as being the only one who tries to keep his brothers in line, making decisions for each time they are out for patrol, dealing with the most heavy and difficult choices and moments throughout their adventures. And you... You are just a human as you always say.
You sigh, turning your eyes back at April "Ya know, I have no idea if he feels the same about me. I'm afraid of how he'd react from my declaration."
April leaves her desk, and sits next to you on the sofa in the living room of her apartment. "Y/N..." she said softly, landing her slender hand on your shoulder "Soon or late he will know; but if I were you, I would go talk to him. He won't figure it out alone". You nodded, staring at the floor again with your mind lost in an ocean of thoughts and emotions. "Try, Y/N. Do not let it consume you; or it will get worse" the reporter rubs your shoulder and embrace you in a comfort hug.
"Would you like me to talk to him?" She offered herself.
"No! No... I must be prepare myself first."
April let's out a soft giggle "Okay. Take your time, sweetheart. Call me if you need help." She smiled.
You let the comfort of her embrace take you completely as a help to try to kick out your anxiety, but your nervousness insists to stay. How would you say to the most respectable man that you're in love with? How would he reacts? Will he treat you in a bad or good way? You knew he wouldn't treat you like an idiot or something but even that you are not secure.
A few weeks has passed since April's advice.
You and Casey Jones were called by Chief Vicent to attend a meeting at NYPD police station for a debate about Shredder after his sudden disappearance in the day that Technodrome has appeared in the sky. And for your surprise you're not the only one who were invited.
Your mutant turtles best friends are there.
And speaking of them...
"Hey Casey and Y/N!" Mikey was the first one who came up to welcome you both as you enter in the police station. "Finally you're here! Chief Vicent is waiting for you" the young brother pointed at up stairs of the building.
You and Casey went quickly to the second floor.
Arriving there, Mikey pointed at one of the several rooms throughout the large corridor. From outside you could see three shells facing the only door of the small space, and your eyes shone. In the middle of the three massive terrapins, a blue and well-written kanji with a pair of katanas.
"Y/N? Are you coming or...?" Casey called, noticing your behaving.
You froze, desperate about what you would do with that handsome man a few steps away from you—actually standing on the other side of the table.
Gulping, you walked behind Casey as you both enter the room.
"Good evening, Casey Jones." the blond-haired woman nodded from the other side of the rectangular table, facing you both "And Y/N" she nodded again, sharing a polite smile. Other three pairs of eyes landed on you while you stand beside Casey "Hey, guys" Donnie waved with that cute grin he has. "Hey..." Raphael said with a neutral voice; and finally Leonardo who, as Chief Vicent, shares a nod and a smile.
Oh God, that smile makes your bones shiver.
"So what are the news, Chief?" Casey asked, leaning above the table to watch papers and pictures scattered above it.
"We got a prove that Shredder must be still alive" she continued "We have captured Karai who was with him in the day that Kraang has arrived on Earth for the first time, and has confessed that Shredder was teleported into Technodrome. It was the last time she has seen him" she finished, glancing quickly at Shredder's picture on her right side and then looked up at everybody there present.
"Wait, wait..." The hot head turtle interferes "Last time? But how? Karai and Shredder used to work together all the time! Perhaps she is laying-"
"We don't know, Raph." The leader cuts his brother, then Mikey continued "Or maybe Shredder is working for Kraang.", Donnie moved his body a bit to stand face-to-face with his brothers and continued "We do not know if all those suggestions are valid, but I fear what Mikey said. Shredder must be working for Kraang."
Chief Vicent nodded positively, leaning above the table "I wouldn't discard this possibility."
The idea of Shredder working for Kraang freaks you out. Shredder is known for being dangerous, and Kraang is known for being deadly; and the two of them together is a nightmare.
After a few minutes of silence, Casey questioned "So, what are we gonna do now?"
"Wait. For now." Chief Vicent responded, not breaking her eye contact with the Shredder's picture beside her, and the room was filled with Raph's indignation voice "Wait?! How much time of wait?!"
"Raph, more respect!" Leo punch his brother's arm, murmuring and shaking his head in disapprove by his brother's behaving.
You tried to not giggle by their brotherhood behaving.
"We don't know..." Chief Vicent replied "but all we can do now is use what we have available to find Shredder; and Kraang. I'm highly doubt that Shredder isn't on Earth. Maybe he was brought back by Kraang. As you said before, Donatello" she pointed "the atmosphere in Technodrome is toxic for those who have a normal cardiovascular system. Hardly Shredder would survive in that thing out there".
"There's an interesting point" Leo continued "But It's been months since his disappearance and till now no one has seen him. For sure, if someone have, they would warn us."
"Or they would help him" Raph participated one more time "We don't know if someone is his follower."
"You mean a new Shredder?" Mikey asked, surprised.
"I would freak out if it is true." You said.
"Me too." Chief Vicent agreed, sighing.
The worst nightmare of the boys is that another (or other) person ended up like Shredder. For sure someone out there have inspired themselves on that horrible assassin and perhaps will keep on doing his dirty work as a next generation of the Foot Clan. It must be happening in any city, state or country right now.
After two hours of debate, Chief Vicent has decided give a break, and then back to the reunion.
You are checking out your Pinterest in another small room of the building to spend some time. But your is mind busy thinking more about Leo than paying attention to the pics on your social media. You just scroll down, the pics passing through your phone screen quickly; then your mind focused in flashbacks of your conversation with April a few weeks ago.
You want to confess your love for Leonardo. You want to face him and say how much you love him.
But why are you feeling something negative inside you?
You sighed, without knowing what to do. Your eyes lift from the screen and scanned the small room around you. There's a desk with a deactivated computer in the left and a cupboard on the right. Cupboard? Why is it here in a office? Maybe this room is used like a kitchen. And speaking of it... where's the coffee machine and other stuff used by workers?
You shrugged, ignoring it and paying attention to your phone again.
"Y/N?" A familiar deep voice called from the door frame. You jumped and quickly looked up at the person.
Actually, at the turtle.
"Oh, hey Leo" you smiled, pretending you didn't got scared by his sudden apparence. But he was giggling a bit "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he came in, picking up a chair and sitting beside you.
Butterflies started to fly wildly in your belly.
"Come on, Y/N! Say something!" you thought. "So... How's things going?". "Really, Y/N?! Is it all you can say?!" You coursed at yourself.
Leo glanced at you and says confused "Um... Things are great. Thanks." he smiled.
Now is the time. You have to tell! You want to tell! But you're fucking afraid.
Your thoughts says to do not do it but your heart says yes. You took a deep breathe, rubbing your hands on your thighs nervously and finally looked up at him.
"Leo..." You called softly.
"Hm?" He looked back at you in the eyes. It seems that your heart will get out of your chest, and you could feel your cheeks burning.
He just tilted his head, waiting for your answer.
"I... am gonna take some coffee. W-Would you like some?" That's it. You wanna punch yourself in the face.
He lift an eyebrow—at least you could see.
"Um... Yes, please". He answered, still suspicious about why are you acting that way. You got up from the chair where you were and walked out of the room, but before you could leave, Leo grabs your arm and makes eye contact with you, worried "Are you okay?"
"Why? Yeah! Why wouldn't I am?" You tried to act as normal as possible, but you couldn't hide it from him. This man can notice if something is right or not. And you fear that. You don't wanna mess your moment. You just want to relax with him, and not put more worry into him. Leo and his brothers are already dealing with Shredder's disappearance which is shaking them inside out frenetically. And the last thing you want is bother him with your love.
"I'll be right back." You gently released from his massive hand and left the room, leaving him alone.
"Damn, Y/N! What's wrong with you?" the whisper leaves your mouth and suddenly you bumped with another woman, hitting your shoulder with hers.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Oh, no. It's okay" the red-haired waved, grinning "I must apologize, I was distracted".
"Don't worry, I was distracted too." You giggled, then kept on your way to find a coffee machine which you have no idea where it is.
For sure your thoughts are torturing and preventing you by something you wish to do. You've been hiding your love for Leo for almost three years.
After ask a cob where to find a coffee machine you finally have found it in somewhere on the third floor of the police station.
"Okay, Y/N. You can do this" you whispered while you fill almost to the top two cups with the dark liquid. "You can do this. You can do this..." You continued to repeat, trying to fill you with courage.
"I'm ready. I can do this!"
Picking up the two cups with dark coffee youheaded back to the small room where the handsome man is waiting for you.
Stopping beside the door frame—you can't see what is happening inside the small room—you took a deep breath and get yourself ready for the long-awaited moment of your life.
Smiling, you walked in.
And froze.
Leo was there, as you expected, but he was kissing the woman who you accidentally bumped early on your way to get the coffee.
Your heart broke like someone has ripped it out from you.
It seems that the world has fallen under you; your body falling into an precipice.
You prepared yourself for three years for nothing. All the worries, expectations, and hopes you used to have, all that moments you've spent practicing what you would say to your best friend, all the great moments you and him spent. Three years of your life were wasted.
Leo and the red-haired woman broke the kiss and directed their eyes on you, surprised. You have to admit that you saw a light blush covering on his cheeks.
"Oh, Y/N." He said, smiling "Allow me to introduce you my girlfriend".
You felt a knot forming in your throat.
"Y/N, this is Melissa. Melissa, this is my best friend, Y/N." He used his hand to mention you and his girlfriend while introduce you both.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Melissa waved.
"Nice to meet you, Melissa..." You shares a small smile, hiding your frustrating, and waved back.
You take a step forward to place the cup on the small desk next to you. Some drops of the dark liquid slipped out from the object "You should drink before it gets cold, Leonardo." You simply said, trying so hard to not cry. The leader got surprised when you said his full name. It's rare to you do it. Since you both got intimate—as best friends—you started to say his nickname as you do with the others. He doesn't understand very well the reason of your sudden change.
"Um... Yes, I will". He pronounced every single word slowly, tilting his head a bit as he looks at you. Melissa noticed your uncomfortable expression and asked worried "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
"No!" you screamed mentally. "Yes! I am. I gotta go. Sorry." You whispered the last word, turning and heading out of the room, leaving the woman and your best friend together. Your eyes starts to get warm and a wet feeling of tears disturbs you completely; you refuse to cry in front of important and serious people from this place. So you forced your legs to walk fast towards the exit.
You were so distracted that you almost bumped Chief Vicent. You gasped.
"Hey, Y/N. We're going to back to our reunion right now. Have you seen Leo? I can't find him anywhere." the blond-haired woman asked.
"He-*deep breath* He's in that room." You pointed at the door in the end of the corridor. C. Vicent lift an eyebrow, studying your facial expression.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
"No, I'm not!" You gulped as see Chief Vicent's eyes going wide by your anger, then you immediately completed, "I'm not feeling good..."
But before Chief Vicent had a chance to talk to you, you lower your head and ran away, the knot in your throat and the pain in your heart growing up wildly.
You couldn't stay in that building anymore, not with Leo there. Not with the news of his sudden dating with someone. All you want now is go home, lay down on your bed, bury your face into a pillow, and cry like there's no tomorrow—well, actually there's no tomorrow for you.
How much time Leonardo is dating? And why April didn't tell you about it? Or any of his brothers? Do someone know about his dating? Or does he didn't tell to anyone yet?
You don't wanna know.
Actually you couldn't blame him because he has no idea that you are in love with him.
And now you have to deal with a new reality.
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bangtanger · 4 years
was thinking for 84 hours where should i post it but as its my creator blog i m doing it here <3 i was tagged by @taemaknae @suhdays @ynki @honsool @jjeongukie @taeyungie @dearbangtansonyeondan @lifegoesmon @everythingoes @flipthatjacketjiminie @yoongi-bts @jiminslight @hopekidoki @cowboyjinbop @yoonqiful @jcngkooks @pjmsdior @hobeah @balenciaguks​ @jinvant @hobibestboy @vjimin @yoongikook AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME T_T ik maybe its not a big deal but its a big deal to me and im touched :(((((((((((( also gimme some time to check all ur posts 👉👈 also im in a mood to say that ive collected many pokemons here djfksfhsakjddld ok nvm 
also sorry for a long post ik tmblr fvcks things up sometimes when there is keep reading so dont fight me plz <3
❀ first creation and most recent creation of 2020 
ok this is the fist one (still very pleased with colouring here T_T the stage lighting was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well yeah as always lmao) and this is the most recent (TBH DKJSKDSDK I WISH MY MOST RECENT POST COULD BE A DIFFERENT ONE THE ONE I WANNA MAKE FOR A MONTH NOW THE ONE ID PUT A LOT MORE EFFORTS IN SO IM A LIL FRUSTRATED i literally just missed giffing but couldnt watch anything new so took an old vid i wanted to gif once I DIDNT EVEN USE MYCOLOURING PSD IT LITERALLY HAS ONLY COUPLE OF LAYERS uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( but whatever,,, it just kinda doesnt show the difference -_-)
❀ a creation u r really proud of 
well 👁👄👁 there r quite few,,, and the main reason is colouring most of these r comps and i a b s o l u t e l y sucked at comps and esp at making the colouring consistent there lol so lets begin lol  1 (u have no idea how muchi love this set) 2 (i fucking mastered it i wanted to remake it for two years and i finally did!! 60 fps smooth good moments iconic performance iconic hair colour his attitude bruh and ofc the fact that i could do sth with colouring,,,,,, and chose such an unusual colour scheme that i doubted jckdckfdk and it still worked out 🥺) 3 (lol i had this idea written down since 2018 as well and this year i could finally collect all moments i needed and oh boi yeah,,, AND COLOURING I COULD ALMOST yeah almost do sth decent with it there r still couple moments id changed but im pleased) 4 (im so happy whenevr i see this CUZ IT ALL WORKED OUT it was such an impulsive comp i literally only saw couple moments for past few years as well where i could see three of them in one frame and suddenly I WAS LIKE I FUCKING MUST POST THOSE MOMENTS SOMEHOW and im so proud of colouring it looks so well T_T) 5 (the colouring ofc im still :o that i could get rid of that shitty shit dkksjkj AND THE MOMENTS ITSELF?????? AND BLACK SWAN???????? EVERY PERFORMANCE???? HAIR?????? OUTFIT???????? EVRERYHTIGNM???????? HIS FUCKING STARE? FACE??? DONT MAKE ME CONTINUE AAAAAAAAAAA also if im not wrong this set in particular made me start my before/after posts 🥺) 6 (i jujst love everything about it e v e r yt h i n g also i could made ppl believe that jin fr has purple hair here when in reality its brown djhfdhskdf one of blending modes or adjustment layers worked this way lol) 7 (i wont even comment this tried a great tutorial with great beautiful resuls for the first time ever and it worked out so well and i like it so much and the whole yoongi here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also love me some borders that add cinematic feels to some gifs or just make them pretty in a dif way just like i did with prev post i mentioned imo lol) OK LAST ONE 8 (I USED A VIDEO OF STARS AND ADDED IT TO THE GIF FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I FUCKED WITHMASKING FOR 3 HOURS GRRRRRRRR THIS IS SO HUGE FOR ME!!!!! i cant even explain whew IVE NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE SO I WAS REALLY PROUD TOO even tho i fucked masking up on some layers lmao but lets not pay too much attention to it 👀)
❀ a creation that took u forever
ohhhhhhhh i think this one cuz the moments were long i couldnt decide what do i want to include + it ts file so u kno,,, the speed,,, of processing,, + somehow decided to put them all together + fucked with colouring + had to get rid of the logo and as we know japan likes a lot of big braight text around haha and draw hair in moments where logo made it look blurry + had to adjust the order and all that stuff but getting rid of logo was the longest part 
❀ a creation from 2020 that received the most notes
whew this iconic one im still amazed tbh they looked soso incredible and im glad how everything turned out here <3 (could change some colouring on bg tho so it could look better and more hq :c)
❀ a creation u think deserved more notes 
lol this one cuz i was so hyped to make it cuz their concert in saudi arabia is one of my fav things in the world and i waited for so long to have mood and energy to go throught it to find jk moments and i couldnt choose some for this comp for so long and just,,,,,, overall,,,, the way he looks here............................................................... its a special comp to me haha ill def gif more of it i have shit ton of clips left and also there r other members and i just want to sit and enjoy yhe whole thing to so may find more stuff to gif here lol
❀  a new fandom u joined an a creation u made for it 
i didnt join anything heurheru
❀ a creation u made that breaks ur heart
OKAY LISTEN DSJAKDJHFDKJ THIS ONE IF U KNOW U KNOW AND IM SURE IT BREAKS ALMOST EVERY HEART tbh whenever i see soft smiles or soft interactions or anything like this im just :’( <3 even my serotonin boost tag does it to me cuz its too precious T_T
❀  a ‘simple’ creation that u really love
this one cuz everything about it ah and this one 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
❀ a creation that was inspired by someone else
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk maybe this one ? cuz i never did anything like this before and maybe i saw someones beautiful headers and decided to try one too ? i could do a lot better there is not enough depth but oh well,,, lol
❀  a favourite creatin created by someone else
oh its gonna be hard :) dear every conten creator i hope u dont mind if i wont go though the whole 2020 gif tag but choose form the most recent ones i loved? u know how much i appreciate ur content cuz i never stop screaming about it in tags but truly there r more content makers and i want u to know that i really love ur content :(
@syubb welllllllllllll i wont even comment this is iconique.....
@jinv T_T val i miss u but there should be bday comps with that BIG ASS IMAGE THAT HAS ITS PARTS ON EVERY SINGLE GIF I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN that icant even find dfjksfskj
@jung-koook i literally couldnt choose ehdskjdjksd but i decided this one cuz its sososososososososososososososososososososo well made every single detail here is chefs kiss
@kkulmoon i truly really cant get enough of ur colouring lately T_T
@minhope !!!!!!LITERALLY EVERY PANTONE COMP OR ESPECIALLY 7 YEARS WITH BTS PANTONE ONE IM AAAAAAAAAAAAA and lmao i think this is one of the most reposted things ive ever seen on internet T_T
@jjoon hng amy u know how i feel about ur content T_T decided this one cuz f l a w l e s s 
@hopekidoki stuff like this makes my jaw lie in the floor dsjkdj
@flipthatjacketjiminie idk whats up but it makes me scream like a madman every time i see it.........
@lifegoesmon i cant even explain why i chose this one but everything here is so incredible !!!!!!!!1
@hobeah one of those good fucking bye ones.....
@taeyungie this made me feel so many things and a whole ass a w e so cool T_T
@jiminfilter i will never shut up about bts core jungkook one should also be here
@jinvant i wanna YELL but also u know how much i love ur quality and blacks  T_T and gfxs too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yoongi-bts i love everything here with my whole heart!!!
@joenns  I WONT EVEN EXPLAIN IM SO HURT HES SO THIS IS SO T____________________T 
@jjeongukie idk i cant get enough of skin tone!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chaylani i really love the colouring and love these posts with highlights T_T
@oncupid cant get enough of every colouring ive seen <3
@taee it was really hard to choose too T_T decided to go with this cuz,, u kno
❀  some of your favourite content creators from this year
ok i may forgot someone + in no order in particular + literally every creator that i follow/whose content i reblog @taeguks @tearuntold @cyphertaehyungie @love4hobi @kimnamtaejin @taejoon @jimiyoong @namkook @taeyungie @jinvant @jinv @6dis-ease @jiminrolls @daechwitas @syubb @syuga @jjeongukie @cowboyjinbop @hope-film @minhope @hopekidoki @joonie @namgination @jung-koook @faerieth @kooksv @lifegoesyoon @yoonqiful @j-sope @chaylani @jiminfilter @jjoon @everythingoes @varietae @seoksjin @dearbangtansonyeondan @ofkimtaehyung @yoongi-bts @gaypeople @seokjinyoongis @agustdfeatrm @joenns @houseofarmanto @namjoon (will miss forever) @thebtsgenre @honsool @vjimin @seokjinite @jiminswn @taee @hobeah @lifegoesmon @taemaknae @gukgi @kkulmoon @flipthatjacketjiminie @jintae @jcngkooks @ynki @yoongikook @yoongiandthebiaswreckers @jiminslight @gwkie @oncupid @eternalbulletproof and many more <3
OK SO i wanna say a special thanks to every content creator ever and also i wanna say that im really glad to be a part of this community all of u r so cool and creative and make such beautiful things and many of u made me feel EMOTIONS with ur sets or not only sets ill be forever grateful that i discovered bts and for everything they do to me without even knowing ALSO THANK U FOR STILL BEING HERE ON TUMBRLDSDFKJ yeah this year was less active there were few issues many ppl went on twt but thank u for still being here also happy new year <3333333 i think i sounded deeper and more emotional when i was commenting ppls gifs :| but its almost 2 am so i hope u will understand dkfjkfsjk im happy there is this corner on the internet that feels cozy and so welcoming <3 i love u i wish u a better year ahead <3 ok for checking notifications purpose ill tag my blog lol @eternal-bangtan
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gaerli · 4 years
Overthinking and Worrying
[Hawks x GN!Reader]
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[Hawks is concerned because Y/N isn't sleeping--]
It has been a while since Hawks stayed up late, as he always sleeps after 2-3 hours after arriving home, leaving you awake by yourself. You didn’t complain honestly, you loved seeing your fiancé sleeping peacefully curling up to you and you especially loved how he has this childish smile of comfort and safety while sleeping when you pet his head gently.
While the winged hero could sleep peacefully, you on the other hand had a hard time catching sleep, and this problem has been occurring for a while, however you did not want to worry him so you kept it to yourself. After all, this isn't the first time you go through this problem before. But how come you cannot sleep? Anxiety and the stress of everything weights on your shoulder during the nights. Overthinking and worrying very much for your fiancé takes its’ toll on you, leaving you with so much adrenaline of stress to be able to catch sleep. And how the media (and even villains) keeps an eye on you and Hawks isn’t helping your case either…however you were able to get a bit of sleep and the sleep deprivation wasn’t very visible on you…
This has been going on for a while, however after recent events and after Hawks told you about what the commission have been planning as he trusts you enough to tell you as he knows you would never utter a single word or be suspicious when someone asks about Hawks, though, let’s say this alone have kept you up at night. You can’t fantom the idea of how in the living heck does the hero commission throw your fiancé out in such a dangerous mission without a second thought. This lack of sleep problem of yours has gotten worse after the war incident and Hawks gotten badly hurt to the point of almost losing his wings and life in the process. 
Obviously the first weeks after Hawks was granted a long long hiatus from hero work to focus on his health was hard on both him and you. He kept waking up in cold sweat, tears and panic in his eyes and out of breath as he kept having nightmares of the fight with Dabi. When you asked him about what exactly went down, he couldn’t bring himself to say it which you respected and told him to tell you when he is ready. You kept being awake the first weeks for his sake, rarely caught sleep as not only your anxiety for his wellbeing is crash up the roof, but also you want to be ready whenever he was about to wake up in panic. This made your sleep deprivation even worse but you made sure to hide it as you wanted him and his wellbeing to be your priority #1.
After few weeks has passed, he has gotten better and he got the help he needed in order to deal with this borderline traumatizing event he went through and you were with him throughout the whole ordeal (he thanked whatever up there to have blessed him with someone like you in his life). However you on the other hand haven’t been able to get any sleep or any rest. And after a while it was nearly impossible to hide the sleep deprivation anymore as it was visible on you. Not to mention the fact that after Hawks managed to calm down from everything he did notice off stuff about you…
…he noticed that you barely have energy to continue with the day but keep pushing yourself as well as he is the first to sleep and last to wake up which proves his theory that you’re not sleeping.
He is concerned because you’re sleeping at all.
Hawks decided to confront you about this as now he is worried about your wellbeing. So while you two were cuddling in the couch, with him laying on your lap while you leaned against the couch cushion, he decided to ask you—
”When was the last time you’ve gotten a full 8 hour sleep?”
That question of his caught you off guard. How come he asks about your sleeping habit. This low-key made you nervous as you did not want to worry him with your problems-
”Ahah oh— w-w-well you see honey…I do get enough sle—”
”Don’t lie to me (Y/N), I know you well enough that when you begin to talk like this means you’re hiding something” he replied as he sat up and turned to around to face you, his face expression says it all. He is very concerned
”(Y/N)…dove…talk to me”
For some reason, the way he gently said that and the way he held your hands in his, looking into your eyes with love and care made you breakdown and cry which made the winged hero not hesitate to pull you into his embrace and hold you close. 
”I’m sorry dove…I can guess partly on the reason for the lack of sleep…” he said in a low voice, feeling guilty over the fact he made the love of his life this worry to the point of lack of sleep
”N-No honey, it i-isn’t only because of what happened to you” you managed to say, clutching to his shirt. After that you two didn’t say anything. Just you quietly sobbing onto Hawks chest while he held you close, not bothering hiding the pain he felt for seeing you in such state.
After a bit, you managed to calm down and Hawks handed you napkins to blow your nose while brushed away your tears.
”…during the night…I have a bad habit of overthinking and worrying to the point I can’t sleep” you said while looking down, feeling a bit embarrassed about talking about this as this is the first time in a long time that you actually talk about the sleeping problem.
”How come I did not know about this?” ”Because…I didn’t want to bother you Kei…”
His expression softened and he smiled gently, caressing your cheek affectionately.
”Dove…you would never bother me…I love you and I want to be by your side the same way you are by my side” Hawks said as he leaned to capture your lips in a gentle kiss, which you gladly returned.
”…Kei…I love you”
”I love you too (Y/N)…but we gotta find a way to help you get more sleep”
”B-But how?” You asked, genuinely not knowing how. Hawks thought for a bit until he thought of an idea
”I think I know how… you said you cannot sleep because of anxiety and worrying right?”
”And overthinking…s-sometimes” you said while looking aside a bit flustered
”Overthinking, right. So I wanna know, what exactly are you worrying and overthinking about to the point of not sleeping- is it nightmares?”
”N-no!! I barely get these nowadays b-but” you looked down, a bit too shy to say it out loud, but at this point, Hawks is your fiancé, you two should tell each other everything, including insecurities ’He gotta know…he needs to know…’ you took a deep breath, looking up at Hawks who was waiting for your answer attentively-
”I…feel like I am a huge burden to you…I see what the media is saying about our relationship and I know the villains are still after not only you but me- d-don’t get me wrong I don’t care most of the time!!—” You tried to explain yourself, but then looked down and continued ”—…but…I feel like I am an extra burden to you, I feel like I’m holding you back…I feel like the media and the villains are always keeping an extra eye on you because of me as they think I am your weakpo—” 
”You’re my weakpoint, as in I would do anything to keep you safe and alive!”
”R-Right. B-but yeah anyways” you continued ”I feel like I am holding you back and that I am an extra baggage that you need to deal with as the same time as you deal with your own shit” you sighed, taking a deep breath.
”Not to mention…how much I worry for your well being and how much the hero commission is pushing you beyond your limits and to the extreme…” you looked up at him with worry in your eyes ”Keigo I am worried about you and about your reputation”
Hawks was silent for a moment, taking in everything. He understands it all now.
”I see…(Y/N) I am so sorry I caus—” ”N-No Kei honey it is not your fault!!” You quickly reassured him to which he smiled gently to.
”I love you (Y/N) and I want you to know that you are never holding me back, you are never bothering me and I don’t give two shits about reputation or what the stupid hero commission wants from me. I am so sorry that I keep worry you tho, you don’t deserve to be sleep deprived over me but just you know—” he leaned close so that his forehead touches yours, smiling at you with love and affection in his eyes 
”—that I love you. So much dove, the fact that you worry for me means that you care about me and…just thank you, for everything”
You looked at him with a gentle smile yourself and chuckled a bit. 
”No need to thank me sweetheart. You are my everything”
He leaned to give you a kiss on the lips, filled with love and affection, a kiss worth thousands of words of love.
”Tonight (Y/N)…it is all about you” he said after you two pulled away from the kiss. ”Tonight…let me take care of you”
You smiled, a bit doozy after the kiss. You did not complain or protest against it. After all— when Hawks is being the big spoon and in charge, he knows how to make you feel comfortable and loved, safe and protected, tucked away from the cruel world in the bubble of love.
”Alright…” you said as Hawks stood up, carrying you bridal style up to your shared bedroom—
As you two are laying on the bed, with you laying on Hawks’ chest, his heart-beatings calms you down a lot, however before those thoughts even had the time to creep up into your head, Hawks began softly speak reassuring and loved filled words while gently running his fingers from your neck down to your back before caressing your head. 
”I’ve got you (Y/N)…I’ve got you” he managed to say which made you smile. Oh how lucky you are to have someone as loving as him in your life. However as soon as he began speak about how you two’s future will be after marrying and after creating the family you both want with each other and how much he is looking forward spending the rest of his life with you, you felt a feeling of happiness and joy within your heart. You’ve forgotten to even think of how you both will have your future with each other because of the negative overthinking. This felt so nice to hear and you even imagined how your and Hawks’ kids will look like and how the wedding will be.
Not gonna lie, this lulled you to sleep slowly and surely. You yawned a bit before snuggling closer into his chest with a dorky smile on your face. 
”Thank you Kei…I love you”
And soon, you found yourself drifting to sleep and not long after staring to snore a bit. When Hawks heard you snore a bit (which he adores by the way), a smile plastered on his face and leaned to kiss your head adjusting himself before cuddling you close and drifting to sleep himself.
”Good night dove…the love of my life”
To say you two had the best sleep that night is an understatement and for the first time in so long, you slept properly and long enough as well as—
—this was the best sleep you’ve ever had and it is all thanks to your birdman fiancé.
AUTHOR NOTE: Hello!! This is my part of the collab with my friends at BNHA Sanctuary (btw, I love you all so much over there, dope ass people 100/10 I would forever protect). 
I also wanna apologize if Hawks is a bit OOC and I wanna apologize for my English and grammar errors as well as the inability to properly express the fic properly, English is not my first or second language and I am still learning it ahaha. *Sweats in Swedish* 
Anyways! Reader is gender-neutral here and I’m gonna try to be as inclusive as I can be. I based the events in this fic loosely on the manga and on what I went through back when I had a very bad case of insomnia, ahaha enjoy!! 
P.S-- please don’t hesitate to tell me how to improve as I am still working on being a better writer. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS ACCEPTED AND ENCOURAGED IN ORDER FOR ME TO PROVIDE BETTER CONTENT AND FICS FOR YOU GUYS!!
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samanthalightning · 4 years
She's Got A Date-EoWells X Allen!reader- Part II
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*The GIF is not mine. All rights to the owner*
Part I
Summary: A new meta is in town, and you are starting to want your secret relationship not to be not-so secret anymore. But Wells doesn't have the same idea
Warnings: Smut if you squint very hard.
You never really were one to wake up early in the morning. You hated it, actually. You never liked seeing the sun rising up, you hated the way it made you feel; that heart sinking and hopeful feeling. It reminded you of when your mother died. You stayed all night with your brother in the precinct, after a few hours of sleep, you woke up when the sun was rising, and you wished really hard to go home and see your parents again. But you never did. Your Mom died, your Dad went to prison for your Mom's murder, you never came home, and the Detective from the case adopted you. Barry told you back then that the sun was also a star, unfortunately, it wasn't the star for wishing.
You hated mornings, but of course, you have to pay bills and have to get a certain someone from your bed.
Your limbs ache, as you stretch your arms over your head. You went rounds last night, which shows how much you missed each other and how much of an animal you both were.
Still completely groggy, you moved under the sheets, propped your elbows, laying on your stomach to stare at him. You couldn't help but smile upon the sight of him.
Always so stern, well-composed, mysterious, guarded, seems like the kind of guy who's least likely to do something that will get him in huge trouble— except for the Particle Accelerator explosion, that was a huge mess— Now, he's in your apartment, sprawled out on your bed, specifically, naked under the sheets of 24-year old girl's bed. So relaxed and comfortable. The careful and stoic demeanor he radiated temporary vanished.
You ran your fingers through his brown, unruly locks. You remember how hard you gripped on them last night.
God, memories like this are what enters your mind when you talk to Barry and Joe; it makes you flustered and all scared to face them. Eventually it got easier to deal with, but the guilt doesn't fade, or it hasn't yet.
Despite Barry's admiration for the man, he would question it. You're his baby sister, and there are so many issues he could point out. But you know him, he'll get over it quickly.
Joe, on the other hand, the silent treatment is what he's going to put on. He's a tough man to break. Besides, he has yet to deal with Iris and Eddie dating.
You didn't want them to feel as though you betrayed them or left them out on a part of your life, because they're part of it. You really wanted to tell them.
You don't want to be all sappy, you want to take in this nice morning and this man in front of you. He usually wakes up before you. Perhaps you really worn him out last night.
You ran your dainty finger across his cheek, he stirred in his sleep, grumpily. You stifled a giggle. Even in his sleep, he's guarded.
"Good morning," you mumbled, leaning to kiss his pink thin lips.
That woke him up. Gradually gaining his consciousness, his lips moved against yours, passionate and sweet. He reeled you into him, his bare chest meets your naked ones. His hands roamed your body, up and down your sides. He then planted a hand on the small back softly, pressing you closer to him, while his other hand slowly moved dangerously low. He runs his hand on the skin of your thigh, up and down. At the same time, your hands gripped his biceps.
The kiss deepened, squeezed and nails dug on the skin of your thigh in the process. You tried to suppress a moan, but damn he was such a good kisser. You don't know how he managed to stay quiet during intimate times like this. The kiss was turning feverishly and intoxicating. You felt that warm feeling in your stomach, an ache between your legs, sending jolts of excitement through your veins.
Wells knew you better than yourself, and he knows how you get. So before things escalated further, it took him a decent amount of control to reluctantly pull away from your lips.
A beam already crossed his face, as he fluttering his eyes open, "A good morning, indeed,"
You gave him one more peck on the lips, before placing your head on his chest, and his arm around you. You snuggled further to his warm body. It's heavenly, because it's starting to get colder in Central City.
"Can't we just stay in bed today?" You looked up to him, pouting with puppy dog eyes. It has an effect on him, and you like to push your luck.
"We have to go to work. And Caitlin and Cisco will notice."
You sighed. "I know." Your fingers drew circles on his chest. "Don't you think it's time to tell them, Har? It's been 6 months."
"I just need things to wind down, then we'll tell them," he assured you, though it wasn't enough to convince you, because that was what he said the last time. You're young, not dumb.
"When will that be?" You tried not to sound as if you were forcing him, but sneaking around is becoming tiring.
Wells frowned, uncomfortable with the discussion. "I don't know. Let's not talk about this— come on, we need to get ready." He tried to sit up, but you pinned him down. Your legs over his and hugged him tightly.
"Y/N…" He warned. You didn't bugde, kept him pinned down on the bed.
"Let's just stay in for a little while. How about just one more round?" You suggested playfully, biting your lip.
He opened his mouth to object, but you didn't bother to let him start. You ghosted his neck, your lips trailing up, and planted a kiss behind his ear, his sweet spot. You sucked it to leave a mark. His chest heaved, licked his dry lips and hummed in satisfaction.
"Y/N, w-we need to go," he managed to stutter those words.
Ever so stubborn, you didn't listen. Instead, you hushed him, and started nibbling on his ear. You earned a growl from him.
"Just one. I promised," you whispered seductively.
Your fingertips brushed against the skin of his stomach, traveled lower and lower, down lower abdomen, painstakingly slow just to rile him up. His breathing was getting uneven. His face still maintained a leveled expression, but his blue eyes turned dark, boring into yours. You decided to go for it. You took his length, as he grunted. You slowly pumped the base, torturing him. He couldn't help but let out a guttural groan.
You don't wanna look back later today, and all you remember was you talking about going out in public again. So, make-up sex, even though you didn't really fight.
He gave in. One round turned into two, turned into three, until you both were very exhausted and fell asleep.
You didn't wake up until it was late. Harrison wasn't very pleased with this. You know he had every right to; this the third time he got late, because of you.
He scolded you for sidetracking him, hurrying out of your apartment, not before giving you peck on the lips.
The elevator dings, and the doors slide open. You exhaled sharply, mentally cursing yourself for having no self control. You and Wells went at it like bunnies in heat.
You hissed, stepping outside. You were a little sensitive, so sore, limbs are like jello. Your legs wobbled as you walked in the hallway. You feel like each step you take, you're gonna collapse to the floor. It's gonna take you a few days to walk properly again. So much for being subtle and discreet. The team will definitely notice.
You entered the cortex. Caitlin and Cisco were present, of course. Cisco was chilling in his seat, feet up on the desk, while fiddling with a pen. As usual was babbling, about how excited he is to know what kind of meta you have to deal with today to Caitlin who was invested in whatever she was doing on the computer.
He paused, seeing you entered the room.
"I take that your date went well last night," he teased.
Caitlin spun her chair around to face you, cocked her head slightly and an intrigued look crossed her face.
You rolled your eyes. "I didn't have a date, Cisco," you insisted.
You know that, of course, they would wonder. Usually, you would come to the lab around Dr. Wells would arrive, just so you can sneak into his tight schedule.
"I just overslept," you lied, not meeting anyone's eyes.
"Funny. Dr. Wells overslept, too," Caitlin commented with knitted eyebrows.
Your eyebrows lifted, surprised. Despite the fact that this happened before, it still surprises you how fast he can get here.
"He's here?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't he be?" Cisco scoffed jokingly.
Your face paled. Oh crap. You were not as good as him.
You opened your mouth, but luckily, Barry, Joe and Wells entered the cortex to save you. They got a case that needed some insights. Members of a crime family had been murdered. Poisoned by gas, specifically. And Joe thinks that it's a Meta.
Wells wheeled to the desk. "Fascinating. A meta-human that can manipulate poison gas," Wells commented.
"Is it just poisonous gas or he can control all aerated substances?" Cisco questioned, walking to the comms, and stood behind Dr. Wells.
Caitlin followed suit. "And how is he able to formulate the connection. Is it physiological or psychological?" She inquired, taking a seat on the chairs, immediately working on something on the computer.
"This individual can create a mental nexus using gaseous substances," Wells said.
"You mean connective gases on a molecular level?" You asked him, eyes lighting up in excitement.
"That is ridiculously cool," Cisco stated.
"This is so exciting," you squealed, rocking your feet in excitement like a child at an amusement park.
Barry laughed at your reaction, Joe looked at you incredulously.
You changed your expression and mimicked a frown, "I mean, it's devastating. People died. Sad."
"They get really excited about this stuff," Barry said to Joe.
"The only thing I'm excited about is putting criminals behind bars, except Iron Heights isn't exactly equipped to handle meta-humans," Joe stated.
"I guess it's fortunate the ones you've encountered so far no longer with us,"
It really is.
"Well, unless we're planning on executing every super criminal we stop, you geniuses are going to have to come up with someplace else to hold them,"
Joe was right. The number of people affected by the Particle Accelerator was huge, it's hard to track them all down, and killing them all isn't exactly the best approach for this problem.
"A meta-human prison? Sweet," Cisco murmured.
"Until we figure a way to remove their powers,"
"There is one place here that might hold them," All of your heads turned to Cisco in curiosity.
"You can't be serious," Caitlin scoffed. "We haven't been down there since— it's cordoned off."
"Cisco's right," Wells agreed. "It could be modified to acts as a makeshift prison,"
Caitlin looked at them in disbelief. Your eyebrows furrowed, confused. You tried to read the room, though you didn't get what they were talking about that made Caitlin upset. She's always been uptight, sure, but this was different. As if she was hurt.
"What could?" Barry asked.
"The Particle Accelerator," he replied.
It all suddenly clicked. Caitlin's fiancé died because of the explosion. Cisco told you he died down there. The details were vague, the team wasn't very open to discuss whatever happened that night.
Silence hung around the cortex, as everyone shifted uncomfortably. It was a touchy subject. To you, to Barry, to Joe, especially to them; the ones who lose more than anyone in this room.
"Uhm, I guess we should go down," Cisco spoke.
You all agreed. Cisco scurried out of the room immediately. Wells was about to follow Cisco, but turned over his shoulder, asking Caitlin if she wants to come with you.
Caitlin didn't budge. She stared blankly at the distance, lost in her own world. The doctor called out to her again, only to be ignored.
"Caitlin," he called her. Caitlin whipped her head around, raising an eyebrow in question. "Did you hear me? Are you going down the accelerator with us?"
Barry cleared his throat. "Actually Dr. Wells used Caitlin's help identifying the poison gas." He turned to Caitlin. "If that's okay with you."
Caitlin smiled at your brother. "Let's go."
Taking a step forward, your body reminded you how sore you were. You limped as you tried to exit the cortex. You weren't exactly subtle. The team noticed you struggling with... walking.
"You okay, Y/N?" Joe was obviously concerned. "You're walking a little funny,"
Your eyes flickered to your boyfriend's blue ones. He was watching you carefully, just to see how you are going to dodge this. You wonder are you going to, as well.
If you had a dollar for every single person who corners you, you'll have— well, two dollars.
"Yeah," you chuckled nervously. "Just a little sore. Took some workout classes last night, and the trainer was very hard and intense on me." He coughed at your choices of words, blush creeping up on his cheek.
Your lips curved slightly, only for it to fade when Joe pointed at your neck. "Your trainer gave you some hickeys as well?" He questioned.
Your eyes went wide, cheeks turning
into a dark shade of red, hands quickly flew your neck to cover whichever part of your neck he left a mark on. He's not a damn good detective if it weren't for his observation skills.
"I think I heard Cisco calling us. Gotta go! Bye!" You sprinted-staggered out of the cortex.
Joe looked at Caitlin for answers. Caitlin shrugged and answered, "She had a date,"
You all approached the entrance of the accelerator. You've never been here before, it's not like you have any reason to down here, but the thought of wandering the what's underneath the floor you work for that blew a hole in the city did enter your mind countless of times. You didn't want to ask, though. It was a sensitive subject.
It's huge space, hollow, dim, despite the number of lights it has, and there's a lot of pipes. There's not much to say, really.
"The copper in the tube is arranged to form cavities," Wells pointed out, wheeling inside. "And we can use those cavities as containment, which we have to design to counteract meta-humans abilities, but..." He paused, processing a thought.
"This is perfect," Cisco said with a heave of chest. He seemed reluctant, but it was the best option you got.
All of you take a look around, check for somethings that could be faulty or ruptured by the explosion, so you could fix it, before building the makeshift prison. Cisco took the other side, and you followed Wells.
You pulled your cardigan across your chest, and crossed your arms. It felt strange and bone-chilling, almost. Lurking around the place that someone died in. Ronnie, Caitlin's fiancé could have been anywhere in here, before he died. It must be so hard for Caitlin. It must have hurt so bad. She had to go to work everyday to the place where the love of her life was killed. You always wondered what he was like, prior to the whole mess 10 months ago. No one talked about him, and asking seems to be so insensitive for people you just had met. But it's been months, and you're all way past being just colleagues. You're dating your boss.
"You never talked about him," you began.
His eyes wandered around, too busy inspecting to turn to you. "About who?"
You wondered if he was truly oblivious or he just wants to confirm if you were asking about him.
"Ronnie," You saw the way his posture stiffened when you mentioned his name, but he didn't stop or paused.
You felt bad for asking. He never really says anything. You know he feels bad, but he was never vulnerable with it. 6 months of dating, he just never talked about his pain, and during the times he was actually in the state of it, you weren't in his life.
"He was a structural engineer for the project; he was a good man, a smart man," he said.
"And he died down here?" You inquired.
He nodded. "Yes,"
"How?" He slowed down, before eventually stopping.
You were met with silence. You instantly felt bad. You knew that you crossed a line and let your curiosity get the best of you. The details may be too much for him to explain.
You shook your head in regret. "I'm sorry. That was insensitive," you apologized.
"No, it's fine." He waved his fingers dismissively. "He contained the blast; adjusted it to make sure that it would go upward, not outward. He wasn't able to go out, since a lockdown was initiated. He saved so many lives that night, including mine."
You know he felt bad. For Barry, for Ronnie, for everyone. You took a step forward to him, and hugged his shoulders from behind tightly. You gave him a peck on the cheeks, then rested your chin on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry you lost him," you murmured to his ear.
He sighed, relaxing in your arms, as he put a hand on your arm and rubbed his thumb against the fabric of your cardigan, soothingly.
"Thank you," he mumbled.
"How about dinner again tonight? Just to cheer you up," you suggested.
"I thought we're gonna take a break from your cooking,"
You rolled your eyes, but you were the one who suggested it. You need practice, not spontaneous dinner with lack of experiences with cooking meals.
"I know—"
He straightened. "But…?" He already knew that there is an underlying agenda.
You were hesitant to even say it now, but it doesn't hurt to try. Again.
"There's this amazing restaurant that opened last month. They're not that pricey, but they serve a pretty decent steak. So I was wondering if he could go there too, you know, go on an actual date," you whispered the last part with a wince on your face.
You dreaded his reaction, because deep inside, you know what he's going to say. But you kept your hopes up that he might change his mind on the whole thing.
"Y/N…" He exhaled. "You already know what that means. "We talked about this, right? I don't think it's the best time for us to go public with our relationship."
You sighed, exasperated. You unwrap your arms around him. You heard those excuses enough today. "I know, babe. But why do these people matter? We don't need the public's seal of approval for being in a relationship." You argued.
He turned around to face you. You watched him, as he took your hands and kissed your knuckles sweetly. "We don't," he told you sincerely.
"Then why?"
"It's not the best time. Your brother just woke up and he has a new power to deal with. As long everything worked out, we'll talk about it, okay?" His eyes searching into yours for yes, so you look down at your feet.
You knew, of course. He told you that earlier, still you pushed. You always attempt to do this, using every reason and excuse, but it always leads to you being disappointed. You wonder why it still feels the same despite getting this reaction so many times.
This anger bubbled in your chest. "Yeah, I know. It's what you always say," you murmured through your gritted teeth, sarcasm dripping off of it.
He opened his mouth to reply, but you didn't give him a chance to do so, you walked ahead, past him. Wells, who was very aware of your frustration, followed you. He decided not to react or add fuel to fire. It was not the time nor the place.
While inspecting, walking quickly, so you stay a couple of meters ahead of him, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You fished it out. A notification popped out of the screen. It was a text from Iris.
"Hey. Are you busy tonight?”
Yikes. What do you think will happen?
Anyway, I'd really appreciate if you share this and give it some love. Thanks!
Part III
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a winnix! found family au with easy company as kids part one out of a million!!
hi, hello! i’m back on my bullshit again. the creativity train had once stopped at my brain. I may have a thousand wip’s but tonight I’ve decided to focus solely on this one. also a ton of credit to @apairofwingsforme for rambling with me about this idea, thanks buddy! anyways, my mind is literally a terrifying place 😁 please send help. i’m literally at my breaking point
Also this is part one out of..a lot! I wanna write a fic of this, but school is a bitch. This is just winnix at the moment, but I promise I’ll start talking about easy company as kids and how chaotic it is. Literally. Child! Luz is going to be a little monster. But hey, only seven more weeks!!
It's a modern au. Both dick and Lew have been married for seven years and are happier than ever.
Okay! But before the found family part, time for the backstory!
dick and lew both met in college when there were in the same intro to marketing class. dick was struggling in the class and absolutely despised Lew, who he stereotyped as a “typical New Yorker '' as Dick donned his bean boots and flannel shirts. However, Dick learned not to make assumptions about people. Their study sessions would turn into long conversations about the newest episode of Mad Men, their families in Lancaster and Manhattan, etc. Dick and Lew grew to be best friends.
Dick felt strange around Lew. He wanted to hate him, but he couldn't. He would catch himself staring at Lew for too long and a strange feeling in his stomach. Lew caught onto this, but said nothing. He was overthinking it. Dick was the poster catholic boy with his outfits head to toe from LL Bean, carried a tiny bible in his backpack, etc. Lew knew Dick was too good for him. Besides, there was no way he would be gay.
One thing led to another and the complicated relationship between Dick and Lew changed. Dick had sworn off alcohol, but had no idea that the orange juice was a screwdriver. Dick got intoxicated and Lew dragged him back to his dorm. Next thing he knew, Lew woke up, cuddled with Dick in his neat dorm room.
After that little incident, things became awkward. They were in their senior year; friends for four years and the awkward tension was high between them. After they graduated, there was an afterparty held at their old farneity. Dick, of course, had won vladicictroain and Lew won salutadorian (shockingly). Dick knew that if it wasn’t for Lew three years ago, he wouldn’t be where he is.
So in a little corner, Dick walked up to Nixon and gifted him an apple pie, fresh from The Winter’s farm in Lancaster, thanking him for all he’s done for him. Nixon smirked and knew that Dick would give him some pie, but he was still nice about it. He took Dick to his room and gave him cufflinks that he bought especially for Dick from Nordstrom because during their freshman year, Dick was in charge of planning events in their fraternity. It was movie night and in 2007, Casino Royale was all the hype. Nobody came to the movie night since there was a huge football game and party after. Dick sat there, popcorn all made and even pushed the coaches together, and nobody showed up. He considered just packing up and calling it a night until he heard the door slam open. As he was cleaning up, Dick ran right into Lew.
“Hi, hello. Sorry I’m late, I was busy doing...stuff.”
“Oh,” Dick would reply, “I was just packing up.”
“What movie?”
“Casino Royale. Nobody’s coming though.”
“Well, is the popcorn still hot?”
“Well, consider me your customer.”
Dick and Lew watched the movie. Lew never shuts up during the film. Dick talks ethier to tell Lew to be quiet or that he loves Daniel Craig’s cufflinks. Lew made a mental note of that.
The night of graduation, stuffed in Dick’s little dorm room, was the last time Dick and Lew ever saw each other. For a while, atleast. They had a heated makeuout session that followed with awkward but passionate sex. The next morning, it was a screaming match between Lew and Dick. Dick didn’t even remember what it was about-he was too upset. He simply finished packing, threw the stuff into the back of his subaru outback, and drove back to Lancaster.
Seven years flew by, and Dick and Lew hadn’t spoken a word. Both of them were no longer twenty two year old’s who had no idea what they were doing with their life-they were now twenty nine, both trying to figure out their lives.
Dick worked as an accountant in Philadelphia, Boston, Hartford, and jumped around the east coast. He didn’t really enjoy his job so he went back to Franklin and Marshall to become a History Teacher. He had been looking for work for some time and eventually found a teaching job at a boy’s school in Bronxville. It was a job, after all.
So Dick arrives in Bronoxville and gets an email. He recognizes the last time-it’s Lew. He heard about Dick moving and wanted to catch up. Dick was new to Bronoxville and as reluctant as he was, he agreed to meet with Lew.
Lew and Dick meet at Rosie’s, a nice little Italian restaurant in the middle of Bronoxville. Lew surprises Dick, and greets him with a “going my way?”. Lew looks different; he’s gotten more handsome with age, his hair is shorter but still unruly with a tint of gray, and there’s a good amount of stubble. He hasn’t changed one bit.
Their first meeting went well. Just like Dick, Lew had a rocky start after college. Lew had foolishly gotten married to some girl he had gone to boarding school with. They barely lasted a year, and Lew left the marriage with a child he had no custody with and a large penthouse in Tribeca. Life had been lonely. He worked as an economist for a while, but hated the job and quit. With no job and a failing marriage, Lew turned to one resort; alcohol. He had nobody and nothing left in life.
Dick could see the fire that was once in Lew slowly dying out. The once sarcastic and dry Lew became a self--deprecating and lonely man with too much money and time on his hands. Naturally, Dick pitied him. He could see that Lew still loved him-if he didn’t, then how did he find out about Dick moving to Bronxville? How did he find out about Dick’s new job? Why did Lew take Dick to the nicest restaurant in Bronxville. And still, even though seven years had gone by, Dick was still in love with Lew. He’d come up in his thoughts once and while, but now, when faced with him-it was hard to resist those old feelings.
Dick was worried about Lew. So being the Architect he is (mbti type wise, he’s an INTJ), he creates a plan. Lew comes down from the city to Bronxivlle on Fridays and they meet at Rosies. They catch up on their week. From court cases to annoying students, the little things that they share each make their day a little better.
Dick was well aware of Lew’s alcoholism. It was noticeable in college, but it seemed to have worsened as Lew got older. Dick encouraged Lewis to go to therapy. When things had gotten to the worst, Lew enrolled in rehab (all thanks to Dick). He saw the stubbornness in Dick and the clear frustration. Dick wasn’t one for emotions, but when he saw Lewis with a bloody forehead because he fell down the stairs, barely able to speak, Dick sobbed in the waiting room at the hospital. Lewis had never seen Dick ever be that emotional. He was hurt.
That’s when Lewis realized two things. One, he needed to fix himself. If he kept living this deductive lifestyle, he could end up dead. He didn’t want that. And Two, as much as he repressed it-he was still in love with Dick.
Lew finally deals with his issues, ranging from alcohol to his childhood trauma and abuse. It was all with the help of Dick. Dick was there for him every step on the way, playing the role as that supportive friend. Here they were, two thirty year olds. Lew would’ve never imagined being friends with a Quaker that was too good for him, but there he was.
One night, after they had dinner at Rosies, Dick and Lew go back to Dick’s tiny little colonial house. It’s not his house, but a shared apartment. It’s small, but it’s something. Lew is shocked by the living conditions, and Dick simply finds the place charming. They laugh, lock eyes, and next thing they know their lips are clashing together, rushing to take off their clothes as they fit onto Dick’s small bed.
Seven years later, they finally realize they're in love with each other and officially start dating. Dick moves to Lew’s apartment and they live there together for a while. Both getting sick of their lives in the city, Lew decides they need a break from the city and the states.
A year later, Lew proposes to Dick at Rosies, all thanks to the help of Anne Winters, Blanche, Kitty Gorgan, and Harry Welsh. Dick happily accepts, and yes; he sheds a tear. And so does Lew. Everybody sheds a solid tear; it’s a beautiful moment.
Three days before their wedding, Dick and Lew elope on the rooftop of their apartment complex. They invite the same people who helped Lewis propose to Dick. It’s a small and intimate ceremony. Their dance song is “Flightless Bird, American Mouth”. They wanted to get married without the big crowd and Lewis’s “rich jerk friends'' and “daddy’s money”.
For the next seven years, Dick and Lew travel the world. They live all over Europe. From London, To Austria, to Tokyo-they do it all. Dick always ends up sunburnt and Lew is always wearing his classic aviators, wanting to take a photo of Dick. Whenever they go to a new location, Lew always forces Dick to pose next to something, whether that be the La Fontana Dei Quattro Fiumi or the Tokyo tower, and then he sets the photo as his lock screen. Now THAT is romance right there.
Seven years of travel is a lot. Dick and Lew traveled back to the states once in a while for Holidays, but spent most of their time overseas. They are both now in their late thirties and a little exhausted from travel.
Whenever they go to a forgien country, Lew has a tendency to buy shot glasses from each country even though he’s sworn off drinking. I just want to imagine Lew, dragging Dick into a little chaka shop and being like “Oh look darling! Aren’t these adorable” and Dick would just sigh.
So after their final destination, Greece, Dick and Lew decide to retreat back to the states. They don’t wanna live in the city, so they choose to move to the quaint Lancaster. Dick mentioned that he and his friends used to go explore this abandoned farmhouse that wasn’t too far from where he used to live (about 20 mins). Lew wants to be a romantic so he decides to pay a whole lotta money to revinate the barn into a modern mansion. Here’s a picture for reference. Lew goes the extra mile and Dick is like “ *insert eye roll emoji* lew, were two people. Lew would give him a little kiss on the cheek, “and? I’m making room for the dogs.
Oh I should add that Lew officially retires (he has loads of money, it’s called inheritance baby!) while Dick considers it, but chooses not too. He chooses to live the peaceful life of a farmer.
OKAY, but here is the very juicy part
Reminder that there house is like...fucking huge. Like ridiculously big. Like there are so many rooms, and they are furnished. Like what is the point of having furnished rooms if you only have two people living in the house??
Also Lew and Dick adopt a whole armanda of dogs. If you want specifics, they have a collie named Lassie, two westie named Lovey and Duffer, A carin named Toto, Beethoven the St.Bernard, and Copper the hound dog. Oh-and that’s the start. So. Many. BUNNIES.
Dick knows Lew. He already has a child that he’s unfortunately not been able to raise since he barely has custody over his child. He seems to like his own dogs over his children. Dick doesn’t mind. Sure, he’s worked with kids, but he’s okay not having them. He does like his dogs, after all.
Harry, Dick and Lew’s best friend from college, doesn’t live far from them. He’s been married to his college sweetheart, Kitty, for five years. Together, they have a little son named Louie. Harry comes over a lot with Louie, and Louie plays with the dogs in the backyard. Dick’s a very observant person; he sees the relationship between Louie, the dogs, Lewis, and Harry. Lewis doesn’t mind Louie. Actually, he likes the kid. He’ll run around the backyard with Louie and their dog.
So Dick starts thinking about children. Maybe he’s changed his mind; maybe he wants a kid. One or two would be fine. It could be through adoption, help a family out or a kid who’s stuck in the system. Dick is like a mother when he wants to help others around him.
One night, Dick and Lew are sitting in bed. Did I mention all the dogs sleep in their bed. When shopping for furniture, Lew wanted to pick out a bed to fit all of the animals they were gonna have. Dick didn’t like the idea and made the dogs all sleep in their crates. But one night, Lew walked in on Dick snoring, lovey and dovey tucked right next to his stomach and feet. Lew once again, takes a photo, and shows it to Dick, who’s as red as a tomato.
Dick does a little sigh and Lew looks up from his book, his reading glasses slipping down his nose. He’d be like “oh, what is it now sweetheart?”
“We have such a big house, Lew. Twenty rooms and only two people live in the house-”
“Actually Six dogs and three rabbits. The dogs sleep with us and the rabbits...wherever they sleep.”
“Lew, I know you don’t like children but-”
Lew holds up Toto, who tilts her head. “But look at her! Yeah, you’re a good girl aren’t you? Daddy's little girl!”
“You love Louie-”
“Yeah, cause he’s not mine. He’s a nice kid. But children, especially teenagers, are the devils of this earth. You need to fear them, pay for them, do all kinds of stuff. With dog’s it’s easier.”
“I love our animals, but just one or two. We have so much space in the house. Help out a child who needs it. I know you don’t wanna admit it, but your great with kids-”
“Not my own. I don’t even know my own daughter. Kathy got married to some damn twink. How the hell do you think I’d be a good father?”
Dick gives him that *insert pouty emoji* look. “Just think about, Lew.”
So Lew actually thinks about. He walks around the house, feeling and seeing the quietness. They do have thousands of empty rooms and a little too much freetime on their hands. Plus, Lew hates the puppy eye stare Dick gives him.
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pwnyta · 4 years
OK THIS IS MY IDEA FOR LIKE A VOLTRON SEASON... keep in mind I didnt watch the last season but nobody liked it so Im sure no one cares if I accidentally retcon stuff.. HERE GOES-
Starts off with Coran. Hes staring up at some screen with a bunch of weird alien science bullshit on screen. He looks kind of more aged and tired which is a little concerning because his species is seemingly like immortal. But hes staring up at this screen and hes starts talking to Allura... whos not there its more like ‘where could you be, I still feel like youre out there somewhere‘ that kind of thing...
Romelle comes in and starts like ‘Coran you gotta stop with this. You gotta move. whens the last time youve talked to someone besides me or this screen.’ etc and Coran just looks sad because hes kind of been left behind and he misses the last family he really had left. and hes all ‘I feel like shes still out there... I wish she’d just give us a sign‘ and Romelle feels bad but tries to convince him to step away...
WHEN SUDDENLY some of the alien tech starts picking up some weird interference and Coran and Romelle are like !!!!! Holy shit... and now Romelle is a little on board and Coran grabs a communication device or w/e.
hard cut to Pidge and Hunk. Theyre just fucking around.. I havent decided more about them but lets just say theyre like playing a game late at night and goofing off surrounded by weird inventions and random junk... Pidge loses and Hunk gloats and theyre surprised when their phone rings... (of course Coran would contact them first) but MOVING ON
Lance is still like working on a farm somewhere or w/e he was doing at the end of the series, just with his big family and looking pretty pleased... little girl runs up and tells him grandma said hes got a phone call so he picks her up and heads in.. and then you find out the little girl is his daughter and hes a good dad and its very cute. also he has beard in these moments cuz it can be funny later.
Then we get to Shiro... whos sleeping. Hes all stressed out.. think that scene in IM3 with Tony... like hes not gotten any sorta therapy. And he wakes up all sweaty and startled and Curtis comes in and is like ‘Oh honey are you ok... I thought I heard you wake up‘ something something showing a cute relationship with the fellas. PHONE CALL.
Then were with the Blade. Full suited up Blades are training, ones way bigger than the other, theres some other smaller Blades at the side watching... its clearly some kind of battle instruction... This is were Keith is gonna be re-introduced but boom smaller Blade gets knocked back and helmet phases away to reveal some little gremlin mad that they got bested. A little hot headed moody thing and then the instructor phases his helmet away and its KEITH. Fully purple. Those hints that Keith was getting more Galra-like... now this. Krolia comes in to tell him Coran has called and asked him to come by because something important happened.
At where ever Coran is at the Paladins start showing up. Make it really clear that they havent really kept in touch much...
Pidge and Hunk meet up with Lance... see his beard and start RAILING on him. Like WHAT IS THAT?! And Lance fights back because he thinks the beard makes him look manly but Pidge laughs and Hunks like...//strokes his own beard and Lance is like ‘HUNK HAS A BEARD!‘ but Pidge is all ‘HUNK HAS THE FACE FOR A BEARD YOU LOOK GOOFY AS FUCK‘ And Lance is like ‘Whatever what do you know!‘
then Shiro is like ‘Geez you guys are already bickering?‘ Pidge is super excited to see Shiro and Lance is like ‘AH YES. A man of great honor and refined taste!! SHIRO... Tell them my beard looks good!‘ and Shiros all :).......... yeah. But its obvious hes just trying to be nice but hes a bad liar and Lance is like ‘GOD DAMN IT‘ and the others laugh.
Keith comes in fully Galra.. the other Paladins are like ?!!?!? WAT. And Keith is like hey! all casual about it, offers a hand to Shiro for their little hug thing even tho even Shiros still like ‘Purple? also youre taller than me now? Dont like that.‘ but Keith is like ‘wtf is up with the beard?‘ and Lance is all ‘I DONT WANNA HEAR IT FROM YOU.‘
Cuz hes fucking purple.
But they get to Coran and Coran goes off with a bunch of alien tech speak and only Pidge and Hunk are really following along but they look a little skeptical when he starts trying to mash pieces together like ‘Oh this could be Allura trying to communicate with us! Maybe we can get her back!‘ which of course hooks Lance immediately.
At the chance to maybe create some cool new device Pidge and Hunk are ready to work with Coran to make some device to pin point the anomaly and maybe create some kind of universe jumping portal... they remember that comet thing from that weird AU episode so they know its technically possible. Keith thinks its a bad idea and Shiro trusts his instincts cuz he wasnt really there for that so he has no input.
BUT it happens anyways and more information on the anomaly is given with Pidge and Hunks machine. they find its one life form thats not like something enormous and they get a little more into Corans mind set. Maybe this really is a Allura.
Theyre willing to risk it. 
Something something they build a machine and some kind of containment area to try and ease Keiths mind. Theyre suited up prepared for whoever it is that might come through.
But its clear when the figure steps through the portal that its not Allura and probably not an Altean at all. Weird number of toes, really tall. They suspect Galra and they know there are still rogue Galra out there so they keep their guard up but then the person looks over at them and immediately removes their mask and its Ulaz! and hes like ‘OH FUCK! Shiro!!! (not exact words... I dont do dialog leave me alone)‘
and Shiros ‘ULAZ!!!!‘
Ulaz can look a little different, maybe his mohawk hair is longer and braided so he looks all cool but also like he hasnt been able to maintain his hair, hes got some scars on his face, maybe he lost an eye or something.
And everyones a little excited to see him especially Shiro and even Keith cuz thats one of his Blade brothers! The first one hes met really... (Coran and Lance are not quite as happy...)
After a brief moment of joy Ulaz is quick to inform them of the AU Alteans.
They get filled in. They find out that those Alteans are also looking for Allura... which Coran is like ‘Allura really is alive!!‘ but its not that important to Ulaz at the moment cuz hes just going on about the number of followers Hiras got and theyve been fucking around in the universes gathering followers and power and shit.
Then hard cut to Hiras fleet and that bitch is PACKIN.
THAT WOULD BE FIRST EPISODE SET UP. //a fanfiction by Ewim
what do you think...
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rickssugarplum · 5 years
Rick’s Assistant
Alright, this is a first for me. A Rick and Male Reader! I got this request from an amazing anon, who I want to thank so much for this! They know who they are! Hope you like it! ❤
(Rick C-137 x Male Reader) NSFW-ish, Hints of Depression, Male Reader, Ice Cream, Fluff, Making Out, 2,700+ Words
As Ricks lab assistant, you start to develop feelings for him. You are struggling inside and Rick shows compassion.
In the garage-turned-lab, you were assisting Rick with an experiment with chemical mixing. You immediately took the offer since he couldn’t have Morty help him whenever he wanted anymore. Not that you minded. Science was something that always interested you and it was practically an honor to be in the presence of the smartest man in the universe himself.
As you watched Rick mess around with his beakers, you paid close attention to his hands. Something about how active they were, knowing that they had created so many incredible inventions, held deadly weapons, and destroyed many different parts of the galaxy. They were dangerous, yet...right now, they were just holding on to some beakers.
“Can I ask what chemicals are you planning to mix?” you peeped out.
Rick, his eyes still focused on his work, answered properly, “Serotonin and Dopamine. The-they’re considered the happy chemicals in our brain. Good to help treat different mental illnesses.”
Your mind hoped his experiment could benefit you somehow. Lately, life for you was a constant struggle just to get out of bed. Whenever you looked in a mirror, it was almost torture looking back at your reflection. There were many things you wish you could magically change about yourself, not simply just physically.
But you continued to fight through since taking this internship. Something about Rick was extremely fascinating about him. He has lived a long life filled with extraordinary adventures, quite the ying to your yang of your current life; uneventful and boring. You felt your heart swell whenever you spent time with him.
You watched Rick very carefully mix the chemicals in, trying to create the perfect concoction. He finally looked satisfied enough to place it in a test tube. Sealing it shut, he hands you the newly mixed chemical, brushing his fingers against yours in the process. The contact gave you slight shivers.
“Alright, just place it on the shelf and we should be-be done for the day.” he instructed. You were more than willing to follow his instructions.
“Y-yes, sir.”
You mentally scolded yourself as soon as you heard him sigh. He had told you many times throughout your internship to just call him Rick. But, you always made a habit of addressing every adult formally. 
Next time, you’ll get it right, you promised yourself.
You placed the tube in it’s rightful assortment, and turned to Rick for confirmation.
“Alright. Think-I think we’re done here.” he said pleased with today’s progress. He then turned to you. “Thanks for your help today. I must say, you really have been doing a good job. There aren’t many who work out as long as you have.” he confessed.
Your eyes went wide and face felt hot at his praise. It was honestly such a surprise.
“Oh thank you very much, Si-Rick!” you corrected yourself. “I’m-I just really appreciate the opportunity to assist you. Science is just so fascinating to me.”
Rick gave you a friendly smile. “Well...It’s good to see some people are appreciative of actual genius.” he confessed.
Rick grabbed his flask out of his lab coat and took a swig before he answered. “I usually have my grandson help me with everything, but now I need his “permission” to help me out.” he explained annoyed.
If there was one thing you learned about Rick for these few weeks, it’s that he doesn’t like to follow rules.
“Yeah, family can be a pain in the ass, am-am I right?” he chuckled.
Looking down on the cold floor, it was hard to think about family sometimes.
“Yeah...they sure can be...” 
Rick squinted his eyes, trying to read you. He could tell something is bothering you. But, he wasn’t one to have anyone elaborate.
“Hey uhhh..How ‘bout we go get some ice cream? T-t-to reward you for your good work, I’ll take you to the best fucking ice cream place in the galaxy. How’s that sound?” 
Your eyes bugged out in shock. So overwhelmed, you took up on the offer. “Yeah! I’d love to!”
Rick smiled. “Great. I’ll take you in my ship.” He grabs his car keys and climbs into the driver’s seat of the vehicle. “C’mon in!” He gestures at you. 
With the excitement of space traveling, you get into the passenger's seat and frantically put on your seatbelt.
Rick turns the key to start the engine. “Alright, let’s get some ice cream, dawg!” he yells as you fly away into the atmosphere. 
“Wow” you exclaimed, looking out the window, You heard Rick chuckle.
“Ever been outside of Earth before?” he asked you.
“Never. Th-this is incredible!” 
The ship was now driving before trillions of stars. “Well, just wait until we get the ice cream. You won’t enjoy the Earth stuff the same way.” he promised
Something in you gave in. There wasn’t a time you could remember anyone doing something so nice for you, especially someone you barely knew still.
Out of nowhere, you felt your throat go tight, eyes started pooling with tears. You placed your hands in your face so Rick wouldn’t see. However your loud sniffles got his attention.
‘Woah. woah, heyyy what’s with the w-waterworks? Is this-this all about the ice cream?”
You were humiliated. Thinking you already ruined your chances to make a good impression now, you sobbed into yourself trying to hide in your seat. Rick started to realize there was something more serious. He pulled over in the middle of the atmosphere to help access this.
One of his hands started rubbing your shoulder, trying to soothe you.
“Hey, man...breathe...It-It’s alright...” he cooed softly.
Thinking back to when you were in the lab watching his hands, your mind thought to how now one of them were comforting you.
His gruff voice was so gentle. His hand was now stroking your back to put you at ease.
“I uhh...don’t do this really but...c’mere...” 
His arms opened up for you to fall into. You swore you were dreaming, But you went into them and it was so real. His body was warm to the touch. His sweater was soft against your cheek, his heart beating led you to take it all in and relax for a moment. As if, he had all the time in the world for you.
“Shhhh...It’s alright. Just try to take it easy...” he murmured in your ear. You did your best to quiet your sobs as hard as it was...
Suddenly, you felt a soft kiss on the top of your head. It gave you shivers and made you cling onto him even more. You couldn’t believe he could be so gentle with anyone.
“Y-you don’t need to tell me what’s on your mind, but I can tell y-you’re struggling with something....” he stated. You simply nodded in his chest, confirming his suspicion.
“I’m sorry, Rick...” you cried. He just hushed you and rubbed your back. “Shhh...No it’s okay. There’s no-no need to be sorry for how you feel...”
All you could do was sit there in his embrace, trying to get yourself together.
“It’s...It’s real hell, huh?” he spoke up. “T-to keep trying to get by, pretending everything’s just fine when you just wanna cry out?”
You just nodded again, too afraid to speak. “Well, I’m not-I’m no expert, but ice cream usually softens the blow for me.” he chuckled.
A tiny laugh sneaks out of you, and you feel his hand stroke your hair. “There’s a smile.” he said relieved. He grabs your face gently and wipes your tears away.
“Thanks, Rick...” you say quietly.
“Don’t thank me, yet. Best is yet to come, motherfuckaaa!!” he shouts as he drives off once again into the stars.
When you finally enter the ice cream shop, your eyes are immediately met with a wide variety of flavors in a pastel setting with fluorescent lighting. The child within you would love this place. “Oh my god, this is incredible!” you exclaimed. 
Rick smirked. “Uh huh. What did I tell you? Best ice cream place in the galaxy!”
You both walked up to the counter, where there were multitudes of flavors all around. It was almost overwhelming to pick one. You decided to go with something simple. Going with the Vanilla with some crazy toppings that Rick recommended. When you got your treats, you both sat down in a booth.
It was quite nice to see the delight on Rick’s face as he was taking a lick of his ice cream.  Who would’ve thought the smartest man could find simple happiness from a frozen treat? 
Your eyes were suddenly glued to his tongue caressing his treat. In the cold parlor, your cheeks started feeling really warm.
“Heh, you okay?” he broke the silence. Immediately looking back to his eyes. “Oh uh..y-y-yeah!” you nervously laughed.
“You should start eating it before it melts, dawg!” 
Looking down at your hand, your ice cream already was starting to melt down your cone. Flustered, you quickly gave a lick and your tastebuds were met with pure sweetness. More than anything you’ve ever tasted in your entire life.
“MMM! Mm-Oh my god!” You muffled with ice cream in your mouth.”This is amazing!!”
“Yeah, see? Ha-ha this is the best fucking ice cream you’ll ever have. Trust me. I-I’ve been to many places. This-this place is the top-tier!”
Swallowing your treat, you replied, “You sure have gone to so many places. I wonder what it’s like.”
Rick seemed to appreciate your curiosity. “Well, for me, I love the freedom of it. Knowing I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. I’m m-my own boss in this rodeo!”
“That’s amazing.I wish I could feel that kind of freedom...” you lamented. You took another bite of your ice cream to calm yourself.
“Well, hey. I could show you around the universe. If you ever want to see a really special place, I could take you there...” he proposed.
You look in his eyes. There was no deception in them. His wrinkled smile was so warm and inviting. You knew he was being real.
“I’d...I’d like that very much...” you nearly whispered, smiling back at him.
Happy with your answer, he reached his hand across the table and placed it on top of yours. You swore you could feel your cheeks blush like crazy. His cold calloused hand was stroking yours oh so gently. His thumb caressed the back of your hand with fondness. 
Your skin was getting chills all over, and it was not from the ice cream.
He smiled at your timidness. “You wanna get going?” he murmured.
Not able to trust yourself, you simply nodded and let him take you by the hand out of the shop and back into his ship. He starts his car to get you both back to Earth.
From his peripheral vision, he could see you shaking. “Woah. You’re trembling...You alright, babe?” he asked softly.
“Oh! Y-yeah, I’m fine! Must be the excitement of space I guess” you nervously chuckled.
He hummed in response. You were still shaking. Putting his ship on autopilot, Rick held his arms out once again for you. “Here. Let me help...”
Your heartbeat went a little faster as you climbed into his lap and fell into his embrace. 
“Jesus...” he muttered. “Y-you’re shaking like a leaf.” he added as he held you tight in his arms, rubbing your back. You closed your eyes and took deep breaths, letting yourself relax in his arms. 
It had been such a long time since anyone held you like this, and he was doing it for the second time tonight. Knowing him only on a professional level until this point, you had a hunch that he wasn’t like this to just anyone. You wondered, if maybe, he had similar feelings for you that you have for him.
No.That’s crazy. Do you really think the smartest man in the universe would want to waste his time with a mediocre person such as y-
Your thought were interrupted when you felt his lips brush against your cheek. It made you gasp out in surprise. Rick laughed softly. “Sorry, was that unexpected?”
“A-a little...” you answered quietly.
“So, you didn’t like it?” he asked with a light smirk. 
“I didn’t say that.” you argued. Rick’s brow rose up. “Well then, you won’t mind if I did it again?” You shook your head. He placed his lips on the other cheek this time, to make it even. Your shivers crept up again. Now in this closed space, in his lap, planting kissed on you, your mind wanted this all to go further...
“What’s on your mind, baby?” 
Looking up at him, your cheeks red with anticipation. You were scared to tell him what you wanted. 
“You don’t need to tell me, babe. You can just show me what you want...” he whispered in your ear.
“Don’t be shy...”
That gave you enough bravery to finally make a move. Placing your hands on his face, you leaned up and placed your lips gently on his. They were surprisingly soft, with a little hint of alcohol with the ice cream he just had. You let go after a short time, looking at his face for his reaction.
He said nothing, only placed your mouth on his again in a more passionate kiss, You let out a soft hum as his lips caressed yours. This must be a dream, you thought. Wrapping his arms around his neck, you took it further by sneaking your tongue into his mouth, wanting to explore. He let you in with ease.
You could not believe this was happening. but all your senses were working together for this experience. When you stopped to breathe, Rick moved his lips down to your ear, planting soft kisses down to your neck. It was overwhelming how good it felt to have him like this. 
“Rick...” you whined.
“Mmm, yeah baby?” 
You felt so hot, the heat in the car had blasted up, you felt that were spiraling.
“Ahhh..t-t-too much...” you whispered. Suddenly Rick stopped to make eye contact with you. “You okay?”
“Y-yeah. I just..I’m sorry didn’t mean to ruin this all...” you apologized, quietly scolding yourself once more.
“Heh. Hey, no biggie. It’s quite a lot for a first date, don’t ya think?” he laughed.
You nervously laughed back. “Yeah..heh. Guess so..”
“We can make this a regular thing y’know. We can just...how ‘bout every Friday after our work, we can go get ice cream, o-or hell even something else you want. Anything your h-heart desires.” he offered.
“Really?” you said in disbelief. Rick nodded in confidence. “Yeah, just us. We’ll make it a regular thing.”
Leaning up to him, you seal the deal with a kiss. It’s short, but it got the message across.
“Heh. Guess that answers that question,” he snarked.
With that, he turned off the autopilot setting and with his hands back on the wheel, you were on your way back home.
A short time later, the ship lands in front of your home. Rick offers to walk you to your door. What a gentleman, you thought.
“Thank you for tonight, Rick, I..I really had a great time...” you confessed.
His arm drapes around your shoulder. “Yeah it was fun wasn’t it? Can’t wait to do this again. It’s gonna be great.” he said. As you approached your door, you said your farewell.
“I’ll see you on Monday, ready for my assistance.” you promised meekly. 
“Can hardly wait already, babe...” 
You smiled back at him as you were ready to turn around when suddenly-
“Oh one more thing!” Facing him again, you wondered what else he wanted.
“I’m not the best at talking out feelings but..d-don’t be afraid to come talk to me, okay? I think I can understand what y-you’re going through..”
You felt tears pool up your eyes again, but you were able to keep them in this time. “Thank you, Rick...”
He gave you one last kiss and wished you goodnight. Then, he was on his way back into his ship. You walked inside your home feeling lighter than air. It was the best you have felt in weeks.
Now, you were already looking forward to wake up on Monday morning.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
Harringrove for Australia: okayshitbird
hi there everyone! ♥ the amazingly magnificent and so insanely sweet @okayshitbird​ requested this fic from me for #HarringroveforAustralia! for anyone thinking “wow you’re incredibly late with this”... you’d be right! but I tried and it’s finished now and isn’t that all that matters?? ~♥
prompt: Billy has to meet Steve’s parents, w/ fluff and enough angst to make the fluff hit hard
tags: mentions of non-graphic sex after the fact (I don’t know how else to tag that 😬), humor, fluff, angst, romance, Dumb Boys TM
You can catch it at AO3 right here  if you want!
Word Count: 18,910 (way over word limit you say?? sorry can’t hear you, woops...)
thanks hun, and thanks again to @tracy7307 for being SUCH an amazing doll and putting HfA together for all of us!!
alright i’m gonna go pretend like I have the attention span to deal with my responsibilities, bye babes.
Stay safe! ♥
More Than a Crush
It’s a gorgeously warm summer evening. The chirping of the evening birds mixes with the hum of the bugs creating a far more pleasant chorus than anyone could ever expect, especially someone from a place so different than this. The sound of the world outside is what Billy thinks the sun would sound like. The feeling around him is what he thinks happiness feels like. True happiness. The pure feeling of being content. There’s a short list of things in Billy’s life that have ever felt as gorgeous as this moment.
He’s really not sure why Steve insists on ruining it.
“My parents want to meet you.”
It’s Steve’s voice, saying it plainly, as if he’s talking about the weather. There’s immediate silence, Billy’s fingers digging into the warm-to-the-touch flesh of Steve’s arms as he’s holding him.
“Excuse me?” Billy asks, Steve’s statement hitting Billy sharp in his chest because what the fuck.
“My parents-”
“It’s been a good day, right?” Billy cuts in, because he’s not sure he can hear that again and stay calm. “We’re having a good time?”
They pause again. Steve just blinks from his position on Billy’s chest.
“Yes?” There’s obvious trepidation in Steve’s voice. “Are you having a good-?”
Billy cuts him off. He’s antsy.
“We got lunch, we smoked a little bit, we watched those birds… we fucked. Twice.”
Steve rolls his eyes like he’s trying to make a point of the action, but nothing hides the smirk on his face.
“It’s been a good day.” Billy says again.
“Yeah,” Steve nods. “It’s been a good-”
“So why are you screwing it up?”
Steve’s face pulls into something that looks appalled, rearing back to punch Billy’s shoulder lightly.
“Shut up!” Steve is indignant. “I’m not screwing with anything!”
Steve’s face is so genuinely irritated that Billy feels like the one screwing things up right now, and he definitely doesn’t appreciate the feeling.
“You should be screwing me-” Billy says with notes of resentment he’s sure he’d never be able to hide.
Steve shoves at Billy’s shoulder again before leaning down to bite lightly at it. Billy squirms involuntarily at the feeling, his body running a bit hot at the feel of Steve’s teeth. It always does that.
“Yeah yeah, shut up.” Steve mumbles against Billy’s shoulder, soft lips grazing the tanned skin as he flops his head down on the pillow next to Billy. “Look, I’m just saying, my parents told me they wanted to meet you.”
“Why do your parents even know about me?” Billy’s voice is a lot softer now as Steve traces little circles around his chest. It’s not voluntary. It’s those damn doe eyes and those damn soft touches that knead his heart into something more malleable; something more gentle.
It lasts for about a second, because he has to slap the hand of his stupid boyfriend who decides he wants to start pulling at Billy’s curly chest hair. Steve chuckles.
“Because I tell them about you.”
Billy sighs. “That’s my question, dipshit. Why are you telling them about me?”
Steve props himself back up on his elbows. His eyes are earnest. It feels like Steve’s hands have reached into Billy’s chest to play with his heart instead. Billy doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to someone looking at him with so much… care in their eyes. So much admiring love. It’s so much that Billy couldn’t even put a finger on what it was for months. He just felt this gut feeling bubbling up in him, even lashed out the first few times out of confusion, but now it just makes him feel weak at the knees. Weak all over. Billy’s not used to feeling weak.
But here he is, falling into that now-familiar weakness as he looks into Steve’s eyes that search him like he’s Paradise. Like he’s got all the answers within him.
“Because…” Steve starts again, voice silky smooth and hitting Billy’s heart all over again. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me.”
It’s… earnest.
So earnest it makes Billy sick to his stomach.
Billy lightly slaps the top of Steve’s head.
“Shut up, Bambi.” Billy can’t find an ounce of malice to inject into his voice, but it’s not for lack of trying. He hates all this mushy stuff. At least… he wants to hate it. “You’re gonna ruin everything.”
“Am not! My parents always meet my friends.”
“I-th…” Billy pauses. “They do?”
Steve nods. “They’ve known Tommy since we were toddlers and they met Carol a few years ago.”
Billy must get some kind of wistful look in his eye- on his face -because Steve nips it real quick.
“It’s not as sweet as you might think.” Steve pipes in quickly, groaning a bit as he lays his forehead on Billy’s chest. “They do it for their… reputation or whatever. They just wanna make sure you’re not ruining my image. They probably hear shit from their friends.”
“Am I ruining your image, babe?” Billy asks, holding the sides of Steve’s head gingerly to pull him up towards his face. He runs his tongue along the shell of Steve’s ear, revelling in the breath released before he twists his tongue around to stick it at least somewhere near the inside of Steve’s ear.
Hey, Billy’s the first to admit he’s a brat.
He gets pushed away, a disgusted sound coming from the boy on top of him. Billy chuckles, liking the feeling of Steve’s weight on top of him as his chest vibrates from his laughs.
“Cut it out!” Steve groans, scooting away minutely. “You’re not ruining anything. They’re just stupid. And they wanna meet you.”
“Okay, well…” Billy’s not sure what else there is to say. He finds no other words fit in his mouth. He gives in. “Okay.”
The air between them turns still and Billy watches Steve’s shoulders stiffen as he looks up, eyes impossibly wide.
“Okay?” There’s so much hope in his voice.
Billy sighs, his chest tight from more than just Steve laying on him. He’s being constricted by every expectation, but he’s not moving any time soon. There’s no way he’s moving away from Steve.
Billy nods.
“Yeah, okay. If your parents wanna meet me… fine. Alright.”
And now the pressure in Billy’s chest is mostly Steve, who has decided to squeeze the life out of Billy in a crushing hug.
If the sound that comes out of Billy could be labelled as a “squeak” or even “unmanly”, he would never in his life admit to it.
“Alright, alright!” He shoves at Steve’s shoulder until the boy lets up. “What are we gonna do? Dinner at the Harringtons? Do I need to wear my slacks?”
Billy wiggles playfully under Steve and winks at him for good measure. Steve rolls his eyes.
“Uh… not exactly.”
It’s not what Billy expected to hear. His heart skips with nerves.
“Well, what are we doing?” Billy couldn’t explain the racing of his heart if he tried. “Your dad doesn’t seem like the type to take me hunting to protect your honor.”
Steve shakes his head. “No, no… uh…. Well…”
“Well what? Spit it out, Bambi.”
Steve bites his lip and it takes all of Billy not to get distracted so he can hear Steve say: “We’re gonna need to go shopping.”
Billy hates shopping.
He hates the bright signs, he hates the fake smiles… he hates capitalism. Really, there’s nothing redeeming about going shopping. Not even Steve Harrington can help his hatred of shopping.
“Billy...” Steve sounds like he’s about to chastise Billy and it’s really not helping.
“Shut up.” Billy hisses, near snapping, but he holds himself back enough to take a breath. “Why do we have to be here? Why can’t I just borrow something?”
“Because you’ve already ripped enough of my clothes trying to fit into them.” Steve says, face blank as he turns to walk into the Polo store. Billy’s mad about it, but he follows after a few steps.
“It’s not that bad.” Billy mumbles, sauntering as much as he can until he walks through the doors and effectively feels himself shrink down. He hates the Polo store. He’s come here a couple of times before, only with Steve. His family isn’t rich enough for this and, truthfully, he can’t imagine going anywhere that would warrant these clothes anyway. All these pastels and collared short sleeves… it��s semi-idiotic to Billy. Not to mention those stupid little shorts…
And… yeah, don’t get him wrong, Steve looks great in all of this stuff. There’s nothing like Steve’s ass in some preppy pants, sure, but that doesn’t mean Billy has to wear them just to appreciate them.
“What about this?” Steve asks, pointing out a baby blue shirt that makes Billy gag.
“Are you kidding?”
“I think it’d bring out your eyes!” Steve says, sifting through the sizes. Billy can’t think of a single thing to do with himself except stand there and watch his preppy boyfriend sort through preppy clothes to dress him in like a doll.
“I think it looks like I’m going to brunch on my parent’s yacht.” Billy pulls a face as Steve chuckles, with some kind of pity.
“That’s kind of what we’re going for, here, babe.” Steve says, keeping hold of the shirt as he searches for more colors. Or something. Billy’s really just being pushed by the wind, here.
And he wants to throw more of a fit. He kind of wants to be a brat about it. He wants to be that little kid inside of him that’s kicking and screaming to leave because he feels uncomfortable and out of place and exhausted… but…
But he knows he can’t because this actually means something. This is meeting Steve’s family for the first time and yeah, they’re not telling them about their relationship or anything, but it’s still important to get this right. He doesn’t wanna give Steve any grief because his parents think Billy is an asshole, and he definitely doesn’t want to have to hide in public any more than they already do. They hide enough, he doesn’t want it getting worse.
It’s just…
“It looks like the Easter Bunny ralphed in here.”
“You’re not wrong.” Steve says on a chuckle before shoving a few shirts into Billy’s chest. “Alright, try these on.”
Billy pulls a face.
“Uh… real funny, princess, but no.”
Billy has only admitted it out loud a handful of times, but Steve looks cute when he gets all defiant like that with his hands on his hips.
“You’re trying them on.” Steve orders. Billy won’t lie, it gets him a little hot watching Steve order him around. “You’re not going to this with a ripped shirt.”
“Like you wouldn’t love that.” Billy says on a scoff, but his voice is quiet. The more he talks back the more sour it tastes on his tongue.
“You know I’d love to rip them off you myself but you have to-”
“I don’t want to go into that stuffy dressing room.” Billy raises his voice. He’s pouting like El. Like a brat. He feels it on his lips without even thinking about it but honestly, he’s not sure how he can be rightly blamed for this. He’s so deeply uncomfortable that he’s slipped into default mode, which happens to coincide with “bratty mode”. So sue him.
Steve’s eyebrows are knitted with irritation. He looks like he wants to do more than just sue him.
“Look,” Steve starts darkly, hitting Billy with a look that immediately shuts him up. “You’re talking to the guy who went through a major growth spurt the same summer that his mother decided she needed to go to every stupid country club function. I was in that stuffy dressing room every week. You can handle like, one hour.”
Billy doesn’t want to say he feels sheepish… but he’s feeling pretty sheepish. He watches Steve pant a little bit from the energy he’s exerted. It’s kind of cute, even though Billy’s heart feels sore for having to be told off.
Because he knows this means a lot. Steve knows this is killing Billy and he wouldn’t make Billy sit through something so draining if it didn’t mean a lot and… and Billy’s been kind of an asshole. He’ll be the first to admit… he’s the only one allowed to admit, thank you… and…
Billy shrinks about 3 sizes. He eyes Steve through thick lashes.
“One hour?” He asks, voice small. Steve is the only one to ever get him this way.
Steve gives a hopeful smile and nods, holding the shirts out yet again. He looks triumphant. Billy lets it slide.
“That’s about as long as I wanna be here, too.” Steve admits, raising an eyebrow to get Billy to accept the shirts.
He does with a sigh.
Billy heads into the dressing room with an irritated flair, aiming for melodrama. He’s standing in the dressing room and feels physically pained every time he puts on a new pastel polo. Which isn’t to say he’s unable to pull off these looks, because he can wear a garbage bag and still be one of the most fuckable people in Hawkins, it’s just… all this pastel and these stupid collared shirts. If anyone were to see him like this, he’d have to beat them up. There’d be no option.
He purposefully ignores the tags, knowing Steve is going to insist on buying everything no matter what he says. He still remembers the time that Steve insisted on buying Billy a new pair of fancy shoes, saying he had just been given some “emergency money” that actually equated to “you just caught your dad cheating for the 3rd time this year, please don’t talk about it to anyone” money before his parents left for yet another extravagant business trip.
Billy felt some kind of pride in “taking money” from an asshole like that.
Now Billy is going to have to meet that asshole...
But still, he doesn’t like money being spent on him. It always leaves a weird type of pain in his chest, knowing he can’t reciprocate all these gifts to his boyfriend who very clearly is acquainted with the finer things of life. He can’t spoil Steve as much as he wants to. Not that he’d ever in his life admit to wanting to… but still. He knows. He knows how badly he wants to give the world to Steve and how incapable of doing so he is, but that doesn’t change a whole lot. Steve seems happy with what they have.
But will he always be?
“Billy! How long does it take to put a shirt on?”
Billy jumps, stepping out of the dressing room with a scowl on his face that looks far more like a pout.
“You look so good!” Steve nearly coos and Billy is about to throw something at him.
“Shut up.” His face burns and if he’s blushing he’ll punch someone for pointing it out.
And as Billy tries on the handful of shirts that Steve shoved his way, he starts to feel like he’s in some kind of cheesy movie montage. He pouts his way through it, walking out each time and giving his best unimpressed look, spinning when Steve tells him to spin before going back in to change his shirt.
He walks out in a particularly vomit-inducing polo with pale pink and blue horizontal stripes, spinning slowly with his arms out at his sides, before turning quickly to look over his shoulder with a single eyebrow raised. He figures hamming it up is the best way to give himself some entertainment.
Steve laughs.
“You’re a stunner!”
Billy winks in response and saunters back into the dressing room, turning around to face Steve, still eyeing him sexily before saying: “I hate them all.” and closing the curtain with a swish.
And if he smirks at the loud, frustrated groan Steve gives… well he wouldn’t necessarily call it sadistic...
They take another walk through the store, and Billy refuses to drag his feet. He may hate it here but he’s not a child, thank you.
Then, the unthinkable happens: something catches his eye. In a good way.
Steve seems eager to see what Billy’s talking about, turning quickly. His face cracks into a smile before it’s replaced by a (probably forced) scowl, because there’s no fooling Billy. He knows the boy was about to laugh.
“No… no Billy.”
“Billy they… they have skulls on them.”
They do. They’re a bright, almost Pepto-Bismol looking pink with tiny skull-and-crossbone images embroidered on them. They kind of make Billy’s stomach ache because of how heinous they are but they’re also the best things Billy has seen in this hell of a store and he thinks they match his own “image”, so… he’ll take them.
“You bet babe.” Billy adds a wink for good measure, picking up the shorts in a couple of sizes before sauntering over to the dressing room. “It’s this or I’m going in just a jockstrap. You know I mean it.”
Steve takes a breath, makes like he’s gonna speak, but Billy turns and gives him a look that lets him know that whatever he’s about to say isn’t going to effectively reach Billy’s ears.
Steve sighs, but there’s a laugh on his lips and its twin can be found in his eyes. That’s one of Billy’s favorite things about this stupidly good looking boy.
When Billy gets to the dressing room, two shirts are being thrown in after him.
“You have to wear a shirt.”
Billy sticks his tongue out.
Steve leans forward to steal a kiss, lightly and playfully biting Billy’s tongue before separating and closing the curtain.
Billy’s mind feels so fuzzy, he barely registers the clothes he’s putting on.
The day has finally come and never in his life has Billy felt like this much of a dork.
Something about this really does feel like torture. Even though he knows that right now he’s only surrounded by people who love him wholeheartedly, this still feels like a form of sadism. Billy suddenly thinks he might understand what those little toy poodles go through.
Because right now everyone is… cooing at him. Joyce has stood Billy in the hallway (where Jonathan said the lighting is probably best) and is currently attempting to work Jonathan’s camera to take pictures. Jonathan is right next to her, trying to show her the buttons to press and where to look when she wants to take a picture. Jim is standing behind them, deep chuckles clearly bubbling up in his chest and a smirk he can’t keep hidden smeared all over his face. Every now and then he makes eye contact with Billy and tries a little harder to keep his laughter down. Billy tries to find something to appreciate about it.
El is bouncing around in the back, giggling and pulling Will over to whisper to him. Will just shrugs, face red and laughter hidden in the corners of his smile. Billy knows he can’t get mad at them.
Jonathan though…
“Oh here, you just take it, honey.” Joyce concedes, handing the camera back over to her son with exasperation in her voice. Jonathan scrambles for the camera, hanging it around his neck before turning to Billy with a smirk on his face- a smirk that says: you’re never living this down. It’s in his raised eyebrow and all.
Billy’s gonna kill the boy.
“Say cheese.” Jonathan says with the smarmiest grin possible.
“I’ll kill you.” Billy says through gritted teeth, keeping his tone as sweet as possible. Jonathan laughs before taking the shot.
“Okay, okay, now I think we should get one over here!” Joyce is bouncing, tapping Jonathan’s shoulder excitedly. “The wallpaper is nice over here.”
Jonathan is cackling now, mixing with the low rumbles of Hop’s laughter as they walk down the hallway. Will and El move out of the way, heading to the kitchen for something.
Billy’s teeth are still clenched tight.
“I’d really rather not.” Billy says with as little anger in his voice as he can muster.
“I know, I’m sorry, dear, just a few more pictures! It’s just, I have pictures of all the other kids all dressed up and you look so nice!” Joyce brings a hand up to replace a curl that’s slipped out of where Billy has attempted to grease them back. Everything she does is so maternal- it all has such a loving touch that it softens Billy instantly. “Just a couple more pictures? Is that okay, honey?”
It’s just them in the hallway now, the chatter of the other people in the house sounding distant enough that the irritation in Billy’s chest simmers down to just about nothing. It’s just him and this woman who somehow always makes him think about the good memories of his mother. Not even the tangible ones, but rather the fuzzy ones that crop up more as feelings than as pictures. It’s something he’s not sure he knows how to truly appreciate. It’s something he’s not sure he’ll ever get used to again. It’s warm. It makes this whole place seem a little more like home.
It also makes it a lot harder to say no.
Because there Joyce is, looking at him like he’s one of her children. Like he’s her son all dressed up for picture day. He’s not fully sure what to do with himself. Especially because she’s asking his permission. So few authority figures ever do that.
He sighs.
“Alright.” He says, giving her a tired smile when her eyes light up at his response.
He follows after her into the living room, exhausted just from existing in these stupid clothes, having to look at all of these stupid smiles laughing at him like he’s a clown. He feels like a clown.
They’d probably insist it’s out of love and care. He’d definitely beg to differ.
But he’s still standing there, chin tilted up and hands clasped behind his back, doing his best to puff his chest and broaden his shoulders to look as manly as possible… even though he’s dressed like a damn Easter egg.
“C’mon, son, give us a smile!” It’s Hop, humor dancing in his eyes. “Let us see those teeth!”
Billy’s teeth are still gritted, mirth and pain definitely visible in his eyes.
“I swear to God.” He mutters under his breath before allowing the corners of his mouth to tilt up into a smile.
“C’mon a little wider.” Jonathan says through a smirk.
“Just take the picture.” Billy says through his smile, followed by the click of the camera.
Joyce fusses for a bit, moving over to the wall where all the kids have their pictures hung and trying to figure out the best place for Billy’s to go when Jonathan eventually produces it. Jonathan, still with that amused smirk on his face, wanders over to Billy.
“Hope you know how blackmail worthy these are.” Jonathan says with a glint in his eye. Billy makes sure to shoot daggers back.
“You better sleep with that camera under your pillow tonight, bud.” Billy says with sugar in his voice. He elbows Jonathan, who elbows him back, to which Billy responds with a harder hit.
The two are tussling about like a couple of kids before there’s a knock at the door.
Everyone stops at the sound, but when the bubble pops in the next second they’re all moving to answer it.
“I’ve got it!” Billy calls over the sound of them rushing to the door, taking long strides to push past them and get them away from the knob. “God, you’re a bunch of animals.” He chastises as he swings the door open.
On the other side of the door is Steve all dressed up in matching Easter colors. He’s looking down at his shoes, kicking a bit at the doorway in a nervous kind of gesture the second that Billy opens the door, and in the next he’s looking up with wide eyes.
He’s nervous why is he so nervous now I’m even more nervous oh God...
Billy squirms a bit where he stands.
Steve blinks hard. Billy doesn’t appreciate the silence, or the gathering of everyone behind his back that he can sense.
“Well? You got something to say, Bambi?” Billy’s foot is tapping incessantly. He can’t help it. He cracks all the knuckles on his left hand just by using his fingers. He’s nervous... and he swears he can feel everyone’s collective breath on his back.
Steve shakes himself out of his stupor.
“You look so good.” Steve nearly breathes it out. It kills Billy.
There are more than a few coos behind him, followed by a few amused chuckles. Billy’s face is currently burning red hot, but it’s not distracting enough to keep him from turning around and glaring at his family.
They’re all crowded together, doing their best to look at the scene in front of them without getting too close. When they get caught, they scatter.
Billy turns back to Steve, face still bright and hot. He absolutely hates the feeling, so much so that he can’t even think about wiping the scowl off his face.
“Yeah, whatever. You do too.” Billy feels sophomoric. Like a young girl who got asked to prom by a Senior guy. Like he’s waiting for his corsage or whatever. He feels so foolish.
“Thanks.” Steve says, eyeing Billy up and down. “You slicked your hair back.”
Billy reaches up for it self-consciously. He feels that curl that fell out earlier and brushes it back.
“Yeah, what of it?”
“Why?” Steve asks, a little smile on his lips.
Billy’s not sure why he’s so irritated by the question, but he wants to believe the red on his face that he’s deeply sure is out of nervousness is actually red out of anger.
“I tried to look presentable. This is about impressing your parents, isn’t it?”
Billy’s trying not to snap, but it’s hard not to after being so strung up all week. It’s all he’s been able to think about is standing out in a field of flowers with a bunch of stuffy rich people.
Steve nods. His eyes turn softer, even though Billy’s close to barking.
A tiny shoulder is pressing into Billy’s arm then, shoving him out of the way with surprising strength.
“Hi Steve!” El says cheerfully, beaming her little smile up at the boy.
“Hi kiddo.” Steve says, smiling back just as bright. Billy shifts in place.
“Steve!” Joyce calls from inside the house. Steve and El turn to look at her, but Billy is staring at the stupidly nice shoes on his feet.
Nervous nervous way too nervous why am I so nervous please don’t ask him in...
“Won’t you come inside? I’ve got lemonade!”
Pictures she wants pictures don’t ask for pictures...
“I’d love to get a good picture of you both, too-”
Billy cuts in. He doesn’t feel too bad about it.
“We’re running late, already.” Billy says, loudly, to try to send a hint to this room full of people who can never seem to take one.
Billy still has his back facing the house, so he can’t see Joyce’s face. He figures it’s better this way, otherwise they’d be dragged into another photo session and Billy really cannot handle that right now. Not when his heart is trying to pack it’s bags and run away to the fucking city. He just looks up at Steve, shooting the boy his biggest, cry for help, ”please-have-my-back-here-babe” face that he can.
Steve takes the hint and gives a little nod.
“Yeah, we really are kind of late. My parents don’t like me being late to this stuff.” Steve shrugs. There’s more words on his tongue, Billy can see it. Steve kind of word-vomits when he starts talking about his parents and all the ways he seems to think he disappoints them. It makes Billy’s chest hurt more often than not. It ends in Billy kissing the guilt away more often than not.
“Oh of course! No worries then, dear!” There’s not a lot of disappointment in Joyce’s voice. Billy lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He leans himself against the doorway, facing the other side of the threshold’s frame.
“You can’t drive us?” El asks, looking up with puppy dog eyes that could pull at anyone’s heart.
“Nah, can’t today, kiddo. We have to be somewhere.” Steve says. It makes Billy think something so stupid he wouldn’t even admit it to himself.
Kids kids kids kids…
He pushes the thought away to briefly wonder why Jonathan can’t take them. Figures it’s something with Nancy. He’s not dressed yet and the kids seem antsy to be somewhere. He’s fine with his mind on that, on anything away from where he’s about to be headed.
“It’s okay, El, we can just take my bike.” Will says, suddenly showing up at the side of them.
The four of them push through the door, giving their respective goodbyes before Billy and Steve climb into Steve’s car and El crowds Will on the back of his bike. They make the bike look a little small, but they’ve done this before. It still makes Billy laugh a bit. Seeing the two giggle a little when Will loses his balance for a second lightens Billy’s heart.
“Ready to go?” Steve asks, like they didn’t rush out to the car to get going. Like they aren’t really late and like Steve didn’t really mean what he said about his parents, even though Billy knows he did.
Billy nods.
“Yeah, let’s just… do it.”
Steve nods for a little too long. He can’t get the keys in the ignition without fumbling a bit. They drive and Billy can’t even think about how much he dislikes the song currently playing.
He’s fidgeting still.
Nervous nervous so nervous why am I so nervous what the fuck is wrong with me-
“You nervous?” Steve asks around a bubble in his throat. He clears it with a cough after he speaks.
Billy snorts unattractively and pushes back his hair, even though the curl isn’t loose anymore. He reaches for the top of his button down, unbuttoning and rebuttoning because he needs to do something.
“No.” he lies through his teeth.
Steve gives a little sigh.
“Yeah, me too.”
It confuses Billy for a second.
“I’m nervous, too.” Steve says, voice a little shaky. Billy doesn’t know what to say. He feels appreciation bubble up inside of him that he tries to mask with irritation.
“I’m no-” His voice catches and immediately he’s mad about it. “I’m not.”
It sounds so stupid now that it’s out in the air. He looks out the window, like it’ll help the heat blooming on his face. He unbuttons the second button too.
Then there’s a hand taking hold of his left one. Billy looks at it, watches Steve’s thumb rub at the skin between his index and thumb. He looks up at Steve, who’s still got his eyes on the road.
“Thanks for… agreeing. I know it’s shit. Trust me, I don’t want to be going here either. But… it means a lot. And no matter what, I’m still your boyfriend, alright? I don’t care what anyone thinks.”
Billy’s eyes prick with tears. He’s not even sure why they’re there, but he blames it on how high strung he’s been all week. How pulled taut he’s felt since Steve brought this whole thing up. He’s just boiling over, that’s all.
Steve looks over at him, eyes getting soft and worry resting in his brow.
“Just drive, you idiot.” Billy mumbles, turning back to the window while grabbing firm hold of Steve’s hand.
Billy is beyond uncomfortable.
Truly beyond uncomfortable. He’s itching in his button down, which Steve insisted looked better than the dark blue polo and would be much cooler to wear than the dark color in the bright sun, but Billy barely heard him. After a certain point (and that damn kiss) Billy just trusted Steve’s judgement.
But now he’s itching. He’s still unbuttoning the top button on his shirt, fingers twitching to unbutton the next one (or two) along with the first, but knows Steve would just close them up like he’s been doing with the top one.
“You’re not my mom.” Billy had muttered, squinting in the sun of the bright summer day.
“No but I’m your boyfriend.” Steve had said quietly, fixing the button again and making Billy’s heart palpitate.
And now they’re standing in a damn garden, big, bright, white, fancy, canopy tents propped up and scattered around the park, a little ways away from each other so you have to wander into the bright sun to get to the next one. There’s fancy tables with fancy trays of fancy food that Billy finds absolutely ridiculous.
Steve’s parents have been talking to people for the past twenty minutes. Steve made eye contact with them and waved once they arrived, but both of them just gave vaguely pleasant smiles while still schmoozing whoever it was that was more important than their son and his friend. That they themselves requested to meet.
“Whatever.” Steve had muttered under his breath before veering towards a waiter carrying around what Billy assumed was a tray of mimosas. Billy, for as nervous as he was and still is, didn’t exactly want to start drinking before he even spoke to the two. Y’know, good first impressions and all that. He hadn’t known before what it felt like to care this much, but he doesn’t exactly hate it.
Steve has downed about 3 mimosas, the two of them standing a ways away from his parents so that they can jump in when they’re free.
They still have to wait about five minutes before it’s their “turn”.
“Hi mom, hi dad.” Steve says, something plastic about his movements. It’s weird for Billy to watch.
“Hello there, Steve.” His dad says in a pleasant enough way. He doesn’t set off enough alarm bells in Billy’s head for him to get upset.
“Hello dear.” Steve’s mom says pleasantly in turn, leaning forward to give Steve a sideways kiss on his cheek, keeping her lips from making contact so she doesn’t smear him with lipstick. Steve purses his lips a bit as well.
“This must be your friend!” His mother says it like she just noticed him standing there. She offers a delicate hand, palm down, showing off her perfectly manicured nails. It seems like she’s asking Billy to kiss it or something. He reaches for it and decides it best to give her the satisfaction. He’s been trying to parse out how thick he wants to lay all his charm on. He finally decided “real thick” was the best option.
He leans down and gives the back of her palm a light kiss, immediately noticing that her hands don’t really give away her age like some other mothers Billy has come into contact with. Billy isn’t able to tell what age she may be. Steve insinuated once that his parents had him young- younger than was advised for them both- and now Billy thinks that probably makes sense.
When he comes back up, she’s giving him that look that makes his stomach churn. The look that every mother in his life has ever given him, save from his own and now Joyce. The look that comes off as if she thinks she’s the first to give it, but that Billy has seen since he was about 14 and his voice dropped.
Billy turns his attention to the father. He gives the firmest handshake he can, just on the edge of bruising the man’s skin. He’s a lot taller than Billy, hair perfectly groomed back with just the right amount of gray in it to make him seem wisened. He’s real young too- so young Billy thinks he may have dyed his hair a little gray to get that “salt and pepper” look that’s probably on trend or something. It makes Billy internally roll his eyes.
The man’s not exactly stocky, but he’s not trim either. Probably eats his fair share of expensive meats and works out a couple of days a week just to say he does. Maybe to fuck his personal trainer. Billy’s extrapolating now, but he doesn’t think he’s reaching very far.
“Nice to meet you.” Mr. Harrington says like he’s not at all displeased by this interaction. Billy takes it as a win. “I’m Charles Harrington.”
“Nice to meet you too, sir.” Billy’s mouth doesn’t want to form around the title, but he gives it anyway. Laying it on thick, and all. “Billy Hargrove.”
“He is quite a handsome one, isn’t he?” Steve’s mom asks, grabbing Steve’s arm to wrap her own around it. It’s like she’s talking with one of her socialite friends and thinks she’s out of ear shot.
Steve rolls his eyes.
“Yes, and he can hear you.” Steve mutters. Billy watches as her face doesn’t move a muscle but her hand claws slightly into her son’s arm.
“It’s always so nice to meet one of Steve’s little friends.” She starts again, eyes crinkled into a smile that’s not entirely disingenuous.
It’s not evil. Billy’s seen his fair share of evil women. She just seems a little less than satisfied with whatever situation she’s in. Billy does know that Mr. Harrington is a serial cheater, but he hasn’t heard anything about the mother. She’s still young and an attractive enough woman as far as Billy can tell. She could probably get one of these rich bastards to fuck her in one of the dozens of rooms at the country club.
Either way, it’s not really his business, and he doesn’t really want to think about his boyfriend’s mom getting railed while she’s gazing hazily at him like he’s the one that would do it for her. Either that or like he’s the man she probably reads about in her horny novels.
Steve has something poisonous on his lips, probably something like “he’s not little”. Be it with a dirty undertone or not, Billy guesses it doesn’t really matter.
He’s still fidgeting a bit, but he keeps his charming composure up.
“And it’s nice to finally meet the Harringtons. I’ll say, you’re definitely far from matronly, Mrs. Harrington.”
Billy doesn’t know if he should do the typical, cliche thing and say she looks like Steve’s sister. Considering she had him pretty young, it might strike the wrong chord.
Whatever, he said what he did with enough sugar to make her blush.
“Oh, Billy.” She tuts, rolling her eyes a bit and placing a hand on one of her cheeks, clearly becoming a bit flush. Billy takes a bit more pride in it than normal. He is here to schmooze, after all. “I bet you drive all the girls just crazy, don’t you?”
Billy’s been in this situation for about two minutes and already he has to feel out if he should act like a smarmy slut or like a proper gentleman.
He figures in-between is the best bet. Doesn’t want them catching on or anything...
“There’s definitely a few girls.” He says, hands clasped behind his back so he can hide his fidgeting. “But they don’t seem to get that I’m a wine and dine kind of guy.”
Billy has had what probably equates to about 2 glasses of wine in his whole life. He figures the tiny details don’t exactly matter.
He’s laid the charm on thick enough to get Mrs. Harrington giggling again, and said it with just enough charm to get Mr. Harrington to chuckle the smallest bit as well. It’s an oddly good feeling.
“We’ve got a regular casanova on our hands.” Mr. Harrington says with something that sounds like acceptance in his voice. “Good thing, too. I feel like we don’t get a lot of your kind in Hawkins.”
Billy gives them a smile and shifts his eyes to Steve, who looks a mix of nervous and amused. If only these two knew that more often than not he’s riding their son in the front seat of his Camaro, or fucking him up against the hood, or laying out in a field shotgunning a joint. If only they knew he sucked their son dry in the locker room after basketball practice back when they were still convinced they hated each other.
Casanova indeed. Real wine and dine.
“And your shorts!” Steve’s mother pipes up brightly. “So colorful! I love the little spots embroidered on them.”
“Actually, they’re skulls.” It’s Steve who admits to it, an irritated look on his face that’s somehow also laced with smugness. He’s clearly trying to get under their skin as much as they’re under his.
They both turn to Steve, before looking back down at Billy’s pants. The two lean in a little bit.
“That they are, huh?” Mr. Harrington says, sounding semi-impressed. “Well, would you look at that! A sense of fashion, as well!”
Steve rolls his eyes. Billy makes eye contact with him so he can share this semi-triumphant moment.
Steve seems about to say something, but his father cuts him off.
“So tell us, Billy-” Mr. Harrington seems hard pressed saying the name “Billy”, and it gives Billy some weird, perverse joy. “What does your father do?”
Billy’s immediately winded by the question, throat held tight by the thoughts that race through his mind in an instant.
In his stupor, Billy’s vaguely aware of Steve puffing up in defense.
“I already, told you, dad, he-”
Billy waves him away.
“It’s fine.” He mutters, before looking Mr. Harrington squarely in the eye. “My dad is the Chief of Police.”
It feels weird- alien on his tongue and in his head. It sets stress loose from its reign, running wildly through his body. It causes his blood to rush too fast, too loud through his veins.
“Oh! Chief-” Mrs. Harrington says, before her mind catches up with her ears. “Uhm… Chief…” Her voice is getting quiet, eyes hooded in confusion as she turns to her husband. “Chief… Hargro…” She’s clearly grasping for straws here. “Chief Hopper? Right?”
She’s speaking in a rather loud whisper, but only to her husband. Mr. Harrington shrugs a bit.
“Yes, ma’am.” Billy speaks up, when he’s finally able to. “My dad is Chief Hopper.”
“Ahh…” Mrs. Harrington breathes, still a little confused and looking slightly unconvinced. She’s giving him a smile as she processes the information before it hits her. Billy sees the realization light up in her eyes. “Oh, the adopted one.”
That whisper is quieter, more secretive… more careful that others won’t hear.
It strikes a chord in his chest. Billy wants to be mad about it. He wants to close himself off from whatever feelings it gives him. He wants to build up some armor… but it just makes his heart sink. He didn’t think that would be the response people would give.
Steve rolls his eyes, but there’s something upset living on his mouth, making it twitch.
Mrs. Harrington gives a careful look to her husband, before turning back to Billy with a pleasant smile. It’s a little hard to find anything false in it, but he can definitely see it. It makes him briefly wonder how much of their life has been hidden behind polite smiles just this side of false.
“That’s very interesting, Billy!” She says, like he’s a toddler that just told her about how he picked up frog collecting- like he’s a child. It’s condescending. It should make Billy angry.
It sinks his heart further.
“It’s not interesting, mom, it’s normal.” Steve hisses under his breath, eyebrows low over his eyes. Billy feels stupid, standing around, letting them talk about him right in front of him.
“Well, yes.” She sniffs haughtily, straightening her back ever so slightly. “Of course it is, it’s…”
Mr. Harrington cuts in. “Chief Hopper is a good man. He does a lot for this town.”
His voice is like that of a robot’s, inflectionless and calculated. Billy doesn’t need to be told about Jim, but he’d be interested to hear Mr. Harrington say more. As far as Billy knows, Hop hates these two.
Mrs. Harrington takes a light breath in, about to say something when her gaze is suddenly locked on something far away, and she’s tapping her husband’s arm incessantly.
“Charles, the Wilson’s just arrived.”
She gives her husband a look that he returns, and then they’re turning to the boys with matching smiles that make them look like they belong on a billboard advertising new homes.
“It was just so lovely finally meeting you, Billy.” Mrs. Harrington says, eyelashes fluttering.
“But we do have some business to attend to.” Mr. Harrington chimes in, allowing his wife to take his arm. They stand together like a shiny puzzle, obviously matching but not worn enough to really fit. “But enjoy yourselves, boys.”
“Yes!” Says Mrs. Harrington again, pleasantly, even though they begin to walk away. They’re floating away gracefully while still talking to the two. “I suggest the deviled eggs over on that table there. Mrs. Carlton finally made them again and I swear they’re to die for.”
They wave politely before rushing off, sending tittering words of hello to everyone they pass by.
Billy watches after them, stunned a bit at their presence and unsure of what to make of everything that just happened. He opts for turning his attention to Steve, who somehow has another mimosa in his hand.
“God.” Steve mutters before downing half in one gulp. “Well, say goodbye to them for the rest of the day.”
Billy’s shocked at the admittance.
Steve shrugs with an eye roll as he downs the rest of his drink. He gulps around his answer.
“Probably. Business usually means buttering up a few people for the rest of the party.” Steve sighs. “Trust me, I’ve been left alone at enough of these to know.”
He sets his glass on a passing waiter’s tray.
“So… I did good?” Billy asks, wondering how Steve picks up drinks so easily from those passing trays and wondering still if maybe he can do it or if he needs Steve to do it for him.
Steve is a little ways away, a little distracted if his eyes are anything to go by. Billy pinches his arm back to the present.
“Oh! Yeah, you were perfect. I think you pleased them enough to make them ignore us for the rest of the day.”
Billy feels proud about that.
“So we can go?”
He knows it’s hopeful thinking, but he lets his chest lighten for a second. Steve’s chuckle brings him back to reality.
“Not if you care about me, we can’t. My mom will have a tantrum if we leave before four.”
“Four?” Billy asks incredulously, eyeing more drinks as they walk by.
“Yeah.” Steve rolls his eyes. “It’s some stupid, unspoken rule.”
Billy sighs, watching all the rich, pretty people around them as they socialize. He’s still itching in his shirt, but a little less so, knowing the worst part is over. It has to be over. He did his job of impressing the parents and now he just has to… be eye candy or whatever. Whatever these rich people want.
“Let’s just hope I don’t run into anyone who wants to talk about how much I’ve grown.” Steve mutters. “C’mon, I wanna find those deviled eggs.”
Billy follows like a puppy.
It’s…. strange… watching Steve float around from table to table, effectively deflecting people he doesn’t wish to talk to in such a polite and collected way.
Billy was prepared to take the brunt of the conversations, but to his surprise Steve does most of the talking. He schmoozes almost as perfectly as his parents did, giving the same plastic smiles Billy has been watching him give all day, allowing the women to pat his shoulder or grab his arm or tell him how “strong” he is now; how “old” and “mature” and “handsome” he’s gotten.
Something a little sick fills Billy’s stomach, but it’s pushed away by the butterflies… probably more accurately described as something akin to “moths”. Or lightning bugs. Or maybe those big, thick, black flies that buzz louder than they ought to. Yeah, those.
It’s just that every second that passes leaves him out of place. Pushes him further and further to the left of where he should be. Women are laughing and talking with Steve, and Billy really is just the arm candy. He gives them smiles as polite as he can muster. Sometimes they eye him up and down (always getting caught on his bright shorts), and ask who he is, where he’s from… what his father does.
“He’s the Chief of Police, ma’am.”
“Oh!” They say, eyes wide and smiles fallen, before picking them back up and insisting Chief Hopper is a “very kind man” before sauntering away with some excuse of finding a friend, or a drink. Or their husband. Sometimes they have something a little more knowing in their eyes; sometimes their eyes get wide with memories and they look at Billy with blushing faces that aren’t because of his own good looks. Billy’s not an idiot- he’s heard about Hop’s affinity for “getting around” before El came into his life, and he kind of figures that must be what they’re so embarrassed about now. It makes Billy chuckle.
He doesn’t like watching these women touching Steve, though. He’s glad when they turn leering gazes onto him rather than reach out to grab at Steve’s arm.
“Oh, so you’re Billy Hargrove.” One woman, a Mrs. Sadler, says with a weird glint in her eye and irritation spread thin over her voice.
“Yes, ma’am.” Billy says with as smug of a look as he can muster, trying his best not to look as awkward as he feels. “Does my uh- reputation precede me?”
He hates that he falters, but he says it with enough charm that she laughs a shrill sort of thing.
“Oh, yes. You really caught my Addison’s eye when you first moved to town. My lord, you are all she would talk about for at least two weeks.”
Ah, Addie Sadler; the quiet little sophomore girl who stared at Billy every day at lunch from across the cafeteria before getting dared to lay a kiss on Billy at a party. Ever since then she hasn’t so much as made eye contact with him. He’s kind of happy about it- her stares used to weird him out.
“Now I can certainly see why.”
The woman reaches a hand out to touch Billy, but somehow Steve talks their way out of the situation, grabbing hold of Billy first and saying he needs some company to find his parents to “ask them something” but “thanks for the well wishes on college, Mrs. Sadler” and “say hi to Addison and Jacob for me”.
Billy’s so thankful for his boyfriend he could kiss him. Lord does he want to kiss him. Billy’s been trying to scope out the place for the past hour to find a corner they can hide away in.
They end up at the next tent over, where Billy recognizes enough people to know they’ve already talked to them and thus, shouldn’t be bothered.
“Course.” Steve says, love in his voice even if he can’t show it physically.
Billy’s itching again, absolutely itching. He feels like there’s ants crawling all up inside of his pretty, new, collared shirt.
He eyes another tray of fruity drinks that passes by them and taps Steve’s shoulder.
“I’ve been trying to get a drink all day, how the fuck do you stop one of those guys?”
Steve laughs.
“You just reach out and grab a glass. Here, what do you want?”
Billy looks around, weighing his options. He’s never tried champagne, but he’s not the biggest fan of orange juice. He thinks there’s someone walking around with sangria but he really doesn’t care for the taste of wine.
Then he sees a couple of men huddled in a corner together, laughing heartily, drinking some beers.
Billy points.
“They’ve got beer, where’d they get beer?”
Steve eyes them curiously. “Oh, you have to ask someone for that. I can- uhh- waiter!”
One of the waiters stops suddenly in his tracks, tilting his head to indicate his attention.
“Can I get a couple of beers, please?”
“Of course, sir.”
He asks about different brands Billy’s never heard of. He assumes they’re probably craft beers. Steve looks to Billy, who probably looks more than a little shocked. He’s never had any kind of craft beer before. They’re expensive, and he just gets what he can from the drug stores. He shrugs.
“Whatever you recommend is fine.” Steve answers, slipping money into the man’s hand and giving another plastic smile before turning to Billy with a simple look. “See?”
“Well la dee da, Mr. Country Club.” Billy says, giving a little bit of a smile back. Steve shoves Billy’s shoulder.
“Shut up. I had to go to enough of these I’ve lost track, I had to learn some things to keep myself sane.”
“It’s just… weird.” Billy admits, leaning against a table behind him that luckily isn’t littered with tiny foods or abandoned glasses of wine. “Seeing you in your… ‘natural habitat’ or whatever.” Billy uses air quotes for good measure, because truthfully, the words don’t seem right.
Steve snorts.
“Yeah, sure, so natural.” He says almost huffily, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I just know enough to get by at these things. I hate them. I bet only about 3 people of the dozens here actually give a shit about if I’m going to college or not.”
“That why you’re lying and telling everyone you are?” Billy asks, the smirk on his face masking the worry he feels. Steve sighs.
“Yeah, because they don’t care. Not really.” Steve grabs a tiny biscuit or something as a waiter walks by with it. “They just wanna hear me talk. Seem polite to keep up appearances or whatever.” Steve shoves the food in his mouth with a shrug. “Plus they all got their kids into college. They paid them all off. My parents would kill me if I told people they didn’t pay my way.”
Billy tries to think of something to say, but the waiter is back with the two beers.
“Thank you.” Steve says politely after swallowing. The man bows his head a bit before scurrying off.
“Here ya go, babe.” Steve mumbles the last bit. “I’ll hold the other till you want it.”
“Thanks.” He mumbles back, thinking about how if he’s this uncomfortable now how he can’t imagine what he’d feel like as a kid.
They stand around and talk, Billy taking note of how anxious Steve seems to be now that he can’t pick up another fruity drink being paraded around.
“I think you should slow your roll on the drinks, babe.” Billy says, lips at the tip of the bottle. “Not unless you want me driving your fancy car home.”
Steve rolls his eyes.
“Whatever. I guess.” He sounds bitter. His eyes are shifty, looking at everyone around him, waiting for the next person who’s gonna come after them to start asking questions.
Billy reaches a hand out, time feeling a little sticky in the summer heat as he decides where to put his hand. What he wants to do is grab Steve’s hand and put his other on Steve’s chest, over his heart, and pull him in tight and kiss his nose and be soppy. It’s soppiness that heals Steve faster than anything. Soppiness that gets him all melted and calm.
What he does is grab Steve’s shoulder and squeeze, shake his shoulder a tad till Steve is looking him in the eye. He injects as much love into his gaze as he can, knowing that’s the only place he can really get away with it.
Steve seems to appreciate it. He takes a deep breath and breathes out slowly, albeit a little unevenly.
“Sorry.” Steve says like he’s ashamed. Billy pinches Steve’s shoulder.
“Stop that. This place is shit, I know you think so too.”
Steve nods. “I just… I know I’m different here.” Steve swallows because he’s nervous. “It’s gross but I- I can’t help it. It just comes out. I grew up here, I-”
Steve is reaching up to run his hands through his hair, mussing it up until Billy pinches his shoulder again and slaps his hand away.
“Shut up, you idiot.” Billy’s stern, but not harsh. Steve looks him in the eye again. “The only thing that’s different is you’re not happy. I haven’t seen that famous Harrington smile of yours all day.”
Steve chuckles a bit, but it’s not good enough. Billy reaches out to poke Steve’s side, eliciting a laugh and a noise of indignation.
But there’s the smile.
“Hey, warn a guy.” Billy chastises with a smirk on his face. “You’re gonna blind someone with those.”
Steve laughs, and shoves at Billy’s shoulder again. It’s the only contact they can get without attracting unwanted attention. But it’s not much different from their everyday lives anyway, careful of every touch they give so as not to get anyone suspecting anything. They just enjoy what they can when they get it.
They’re standing there, chuckling lightly with each other, eyes sparkling and bright, when-
When they’re interrupted by the roar of an engine, followed by the shrill sound of La Cucaracha blasting through the air, causing more than a couple of women to shriek and jump.
Everyone in the party turns to the parking lot, where a pale yellow, 1953 Coupe DeVille is currently driving past.
Billy’s heart jumps a bit at seeing the car. He can appreciate a nice car when he sees one.
“Now that guy, knows how to ride in style.” Billy says, arms crossed, looking at the car in appreciation.
When he doesn’t get a response, he looks to his boyfriend, to see his face has fallen in shock.
“Grammy.” He whispers under his breath, so low Billy almost doesn’t hear it.
Steve blinks.
“It’s… it’s Grammy.” He shakes his head a bit, blinking heavier, coming out of whatever weird memory he’s in. “Uh, my grandma. It’s my grandma.”
Billy’s about as surprised as Steve looks. He signed up for two parents, not a family reunion.
“Your grandma? Drives that?”
Billy hasn’t seen his grandmothers in a while, but he can safely say they never drove anything like… like that.
Steve just nods.
“Yeah… uh. God, they didn’t tell me she was coming, why didn’t they tell me she was coming?” Steve sounds more on the side of shocked than angry.
Billy looks around to find Steve’s parents standing amid a small crowd, looking at the parking lot in what Billy could only describe as “shameful horror”.
He laughs.
“Somethin’ tells me they didn’t know.”
Steve looks over to them, shaking a bit. Billy wants to help. He places a hand on the small of the boy’s back, knowing no one’s paying anything else but the coupe much attention. He leaves it there for a second or two and takes it away just as quickly, but it’s the thought that counts.
Suddenly, Steve’s parents turn towards them, and then they’re gliding towards them with a purpose.
Billy isn’t sure what exactly to do with himself. He feels stupid for thinking it, but he thought he was done. He really thought he was done, but now he’s fidgeting again. Itching in his shirt, itching in his skin, itching itching itching.
“Steven.” Mr. Harrington says by some way of greeting. It’s far more authoritative than before. It almost doesn’t feel like the same man. Steve just nods his response.
“I know.”
There’s a pause. Then:
“Well, we’ll just… we’ll just have to... “ It’s Steve’s mother. She’s obviously shaking with nerves before she turns to Billy with a collected smile. “Billy, I’m so sorry, I’m afraid we’re going to have to… steal Steve away. For just a bit.”
Billy nods, but doesn’t get much of a chance to say anything before Steve’s mother links her arm with her son and the two drag Steve away, leaving Billy there to watch.
Steve shoots an apologetic look back at him.
Billy waves.
He downs the rest of his beer before he realizes that Steve left the second bottle there on the table for him. Billy picks it up and looks for a way to kill time.
He feels immediately untethered. It only takes a few feet between him and Steve for Billy to feel the line connecting them snap, and along with it his sanity in this place. In an instant he feels like a child, lost without his parent. He feels idiotic, bobbing out at sea, an untethered boat floating away from the dock, pushed into vulnerability.
Nervous nervous fucking hell why am I so nervous goddamnit I… I…
He needs to sit.
He mentally debates between staying close enough to Steve just to be able to see him and have comfort, or getting as far away as possible so as not to attract attention to himself from Grandmother Harrington. Or… whatever side she’s from.
He figures the latter is probably better. Maybe if he hides away, acts busy, looks somewhere else… he won’t have to meet her.
Another tent another tent another tent…
Billy wanders out of the tent he’s under and towards another one, before getting caught up in the sun and the comfort it gives him for a second. He lets it burn comfort into his skin.
Standing in the middle of a perfectly manicured field, staring at the patches of well-gardened flowers with something boiling and vile in his chest. Something so deeply uncomfortable and unnatural. Something almost rotten. He thinks of the time and the effort spent on making just these flowers look presentable enough for these rich people. He thinks about the poor men who sit out here and work at maintaining all these stupid plants that these people never come out to appreciate because they don’t go anywhere near the damn sun. Like they’ll melt. Maybe they will.
He thinks about how pretty that flower is. That one. With the reddish-purpleish petals. Lots and lots and lots of thin petals. He thinks about Steve. About how the only reason he’s here is because of Steve. About how that’s what makes all of this worth it… Steve.
He feels something bubble up again in his chest. It overpowers the other stuff. It makes him a little less sick.
As he reaches out to pick it, all he can think about are Steve’s eyes. Steve’s skin. How good this flower will look in the pocket of Steve’s stupid little button down.
“What are you doing?”
Billy startles.
As he turns his head to find the voice, he doesn’t expect to have to look down to see a face.
It’s a little girl. Her curls are perfect and pinned away from her face with shiny little things that Billy thinks Max would gag at, no matter her age. Her dress is a pastel blue and just the slightest bit too fancy for what Billy thinks this event is supposed to be. Billy’s still not even sure what this event is supposed to be, truly, but this girl looks like she’s going to church. She has earrings Billy thinks may be her mother’s and a bossy little scowl that’s definitely all her own.
“I said, what are you doing?”
Billy’s still got his hands around the stem of the flower. He plucks it from the bush. The girl gasps.
“You’re not supposed to do that.” She says, matter of factly. Her hands are on her hips. Billy raises his best oh-yeah? eyebrow, paired with a what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it? smirk.
“And who said that?”
“My mother.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, ‘cause I used to try to pick ‘em and my mother said no.”
Billy snickers. “Maybe you should stop listening to your mother, kid.”
Her eyebrows curl in on themselves. “Hey! I’m not a kid. I’m eleven.”
Billy laughs something a little fuller. “Sounds like a kid to me.”
“I’m eleven.” Her hands curl into fists on her hips. “And you’re not supposed to do that.”
She looks pointedly at the flower in Billy’s hand. He follows her gaze to look at it too.
He wants to give it to Steve. He wants to lay it on his ear, tipped under his hair. He wants to tuck it into his shirt pocket.
He can’t do that out in public. Billy twists the flower in thought, mesmerized for a second by the petals spinning in a dizzying pattern. He’s taken out of it in an instant. He decides what to do just as quickly.
“Not even if it’s for you?”
Her eyes light up immediately, glued to the flower like it’s a promise ring or something. Her smile sneaks its way out and something about it makes Billy feel warm. Like when he makes El laugh, or when he makes Max smile and punch him, or when he makes Joyce giggle that happy little giggle where she has to cover her whole face with her hand. He doesn’t know this girl at all, but something about her smile after seeing her scowl at him like that makes him feel like he’s accomplished something. He smirks in some kind of strange triumph.
She takes the flower and holds it close to her, inspecting the petals like she’s doing a quality check.
“I guess that’s okay.” She says into her flower, shrugging little shoulders. Billy laughs a bit, looking back at the flowers and wishing again for a second that he could have given it to Steve instead.
There’s a moment of silence, Billy getting lost in his thoughts of Steve and kids and family and if Steve is done yet-
“Are you famous?”
It’s the girl. Billy looks back down at her.
“Are you famous?” She enunciates like he’s dumb for being confused. Like what she just asked wasn’t supposed to catch him off guard.
“No. Why would you think that?”
“I dunno.” She shrugs her shoulders again, looking down at her flower with a face scrunched up by the sun. “The only time I see boys with hair as long as yours is when they’re famous.”
“Really?” Billy asks on a scoff. He knows his hair is a little over the top here, but he couldn’t even count on his fingers how many people he saw with mullets back in California; with hair longer than his back in California. There were countless people that had hair that could rival your local hair band. Then again, there are probably no ‘local hair bands’ out in Hawkins.
“Indiana’s pretty boring, huh?” Billy asks.
She shrugs again, picking at something on her flower like she’s bored. “I guess. I dunno.”
Billy scoffs and looks back at the flowers. He briefly wonders what it’s like for the kids who grew up here… who spend their whole lives here. The poor kids who get stuck here. They’re probably the ones who sit around in the parking lot of that drug store on the corner of Hyde.
“What’s your name?” Comes the little voice again. Billy becomes vaguely aware of the awful slow rock in the background. It sounds like something by Paul Simon.
“Billy Hargrove.” Billy licks his teeth around it.
“Ha!” She nearly shrieks. Billy doesn’t get as startled with this one. “So you are famous!”
“I’m not.” He’s definitive about it, but her determined face doesn’t let up.
“Are too.” Her hands are on her hips again, the flower still held gently in her left hand. “My brother used to talk about you all the time. He doesn’t shut up.”
“Really?” That perks Billy’s ears up. His mind flips through all of the faces at his school like a flipbook. “Who’s your brother?”
“Huh…” There’s only one Connor that Billy can think of: Connor Blake. He sticks his nose up at everyone. Billy can’t say he’s less than curious about whatever that prick would have to say about him. “What’d he say?”
She shrugs again, looking towards the tents with her face still scrunched up in the sun. “Weird stuff. Stuff about your eyes and your muscles and your hair. He’s weird.”
That makes something electric light in Billy’s chest. There’s a full blown cackle brewing in him, but he just lets out a cool chuckle. Connor is a more than decent looking guy. He has a nice nose, for whatever that’s worth, even if his lips are a little non-existent. He’s always come off as the ‘holier-than-thou’ type. Not like Billy is much of one to talk, but still. Something about the boy and his high horse never seemed to lend to any particular gayness in Billy’s eyes. Obviously he pegged him wrong.
“Maybe you’re just not old enough to get it.” Billy says over a smirk.
The girl shrugs again. At this point Billy’s sure her shoulders are going to get caught in those earrings. “I dunno, I’m pretty old. I’m eleven y’know.”
Billy rolls his eyes but there’s still a smirk on his face, albeit a tired one. “Yeah, I know. Where’s your brother now? Did he come?”
Her curls flip around themselves as she shakes her head. “No, he never comes to these because my parents say he gets to pick, but I’m still too young to pick if I wanna go or not.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. But I’m eleven. I should get to pick.”
“Yeah, you should.” Billy really does agree.
“Can you tell my mother that?” She’s looking up at him now, nose all wrinkled up.
“Sorry kid, I think you have to do that for yourself.”
“Olivia!” Comes a shrill voice that Billy wishes wasn’t getting closer. “Stop bothering this young man and come say hi to Mr. and Mrs. Whitman.”
“Mom!” The girl yells back. “Billy says I’m old enough to pick if I wanna come here or not.”
“Billy?” The woman asks, getting closer. Billy turns to greet her. “Billy…” She says quietly, doing her best to place the name right up until she sees his face. “Oh! Well hello there.”
Billy gives a tight, close-lipped smile. The woman fixes her hair where it’s already perfectly piled on top of her head.
“Why, you’re Billy Hargrove, right?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Yes yes… everyone’s talking about how Jim Hopper’s son is here today.”
Billy’s confused at that, wondering what everyone’s deal is about him being adopted. His mouth twists up a bit, involuntarily.
“Jim Hopper?” The girl asks. She looks about as confused as Billy feels. “The policeman? He came to our school once. He’s kinda fat to be your da-”
“Olivia!” The woman clicks her tongue, swiping purposelessly at the air in her daughters direction.
“It’s true.” The girl mutters, looking down at her flower and spinning it. Her mother clicks her tongue.
“Oh please.” Her mouth twists in distaste. “And didn’t I tell you not to pick flowers?”
“Billy picked it for me!” The girl says indignantly, crinkling her nose up in defiance now. There’s a very obvious difference.
The mother’s demeanor changes instantly, face smoothing over in understanding as she turns approving eyes in Billy’s direction.
“Oh! Really? Well then, that’s fine.” Her voice is dripping in liquid sugar. She looks like she wants to reach a hand out to touch him, but her daughter is piping up again.
“Hey!” She yells, catching the attention of both of them. Billy’s not religious, but he might want to bless this child. “That’s not fair! Why can he pick flowers but I can’t?”
Her mother looks exhausted. It makes Billy chuckle.
“Because, sweetheart,” She says, the sweetness entirely fake now. It makes Billy taste something bitter. “You’re a lady and he’s a gentleman.”
“And gentlemen get to pick flowers?”
“Yes. For the ladies.”
The girl, Olivia, gives her mother a look like her mother is trying to pull one over on her. She looks down at the flower, and then up to Billy, who gives an unimpressed look matching his unimpressed, single-shouldered shrug.
The girl turns back to her mother.
“That’s dumb.” Olivia states, very matter-of-factly, before walk-skipping away, dress flouncing around her.
Her mother looks beyond exhausted.
“Olivia!” She tuts again, calling after her in her shrill voice before turning back to Billy.
“I’m so sorry about her, Billy. I have to go get her. But it was so nice to meet you!”
And with that, she flutters away, skirt flipping around her calves as she takes tiny steps in her tiny heels along the grass.
Billy chuckles a bit. He eyes the flowers for a second before walking away, deciding against picking another one in favor of finding some kind of food to eat.
He winds up in front of a very large tray of the world’s tiniest sandwiches. He’s immediately irritated by them. He can’t pick one up in a way that feels… manly. He has to pick them up with just his fingertips or else he squishes them.
But they’re made of some kind of surprisingly hearty turkey along with some fancy tasting cheese and a little bit of crispy ultra-green lettuce and the softest white bread Billy’s ever seen… so…
He picks 3 up in one swipe and places them on the nearest empty plate he can find.
They’re disgustingly good. Like, unnaturally good. By his 5th one he wonders if maybe it’s their size that makes them taste so good. They really shouldn’t taste this good.
He nearly forgets his beer in his tiny-sandwich-stupor. He takes a swig as he grabs more tiny sandwiches. He checks his wristwatch (that Steve insisted he wear) as he shoves a sandwich in his mouth.
It’s been about 20 minutes since Steve left to go talk with his grandma.
Billy settles in, slouching over the table a bit.
A woman comes up to politely chat him up, making like she’s bored or like she was sent here on an order or something equally unbelievable. Billy just as politely turns her down.
He checks his watch. About 25 minutes since Steve left.
He takes a pull off his bottle. Turns down another woman coming by feigning extreme interest in the beer Billy’s drinking. She ends up walking away dejectedly with just a couple of sandwiches on her tiny plate.
29 minutes.
He’s on probably his tenth sandwich when a man comes up with a weird glint in his eye. He’s persistent, he’s tall, and worst of all, he’s drunk off his rocker. He leans a hand on the table, right next to where Billy’s leaning on his elbows. Billy leans back in his chair.
The man has a proposition on his tongue, hidden by the slimiest grin Billy’s ever faced.
“Hey there.” His voice is gravely. It grates on Billy’s ears. “I haven’t seen you at one of these before.”
Billy shakes his head and chews on the inside of his cheek.
“Nope. I’m a friend of someone.”
“Ah, you’re the adopted kid.” Billy’s not sure why that’s such a hot-button topic around here. He’s sure that he doesn’t like it, though.
“Y’know,” the man slurs in what he must think is a hushed tone, leaning down a little further. Billy does all he can not to lean back any further away from the man’s physical advances. “I heard our Chief Jimmy Hopper is a pervert.”
It sets Billy’s skin on fire and absolutely boils his blood. He’s a kettle over the highest heat.
The man starts to laugh a real heavy, guttural laugh. Billy’s seeing red. He takes a deep breath and absent-mindedly plays with one of the fancy napkins on the table.
“You’ve got about 5 seconds to get away from me before that nose of yours gets broken.” Billy keeps his voice strong and flat and as intimidating as possible.
Billy watches in his periphery as the man moves back.
“You… what?”
Billy looks him straight in the eye.
“I didn’t stutter. Get away from me now or you’re gonna end up walking away with a broken nose.”
The man blinks hard twice before his face shifts into anger.
“Is that a threat, son?”
“It’s a promise, sir.” Billy’s face is screwed up in anger, surely red as a brick. His eyes shift over to the man’s wife on the other side of the tent. He knows it’s his wife, because she’s one of the women that came up to Billy and Steve earlier in the day. This man was with her. “Or I could always tell your wife you’re the real pervert.”
“Oh come off it-”
“It’s Marci, right?” Billy asks, leaning over so he can see past the man. He takes a deep breath to make like he’s going to call out-
“Okay, okay!” The man stops him, grabbing his forgotten glass of some dark drink off the table and taking a swig of it before leaving, muttering darkly to himself.
Billy’s disgusted. He checks his watch.
34 minutes.
Billy’s fuming. He shoves a few more sandwiches in his face and gives a mad eye to a woman who approaches him. She gives a kind, nervous smile before grabbing a piece of fruit off the plate and walking away a little quicker than she came, no words exchanged.
38 minutes.
Billy’s tapping his fingers on the table, watching everyone schmooze and laugh their twinkling little laughs and he’s gonna go mad.
A young girl walks up to him. He recognizes her from school.
She opens her mouth to speak, eyelashes fluttering so hard she could cause a hurricane, but Billy cuts her off before she gets a chance.
“No thanks, dollface.”
She looks like she’s been slapped for a second before she recovers and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.
“But I haven’t even said anything, yet.” Her voice is as mousy as her features. Billy’s so irritated he can barely see straight.
“Yeah, well you’ve got that look in your eye-”
“What look?”
“And I know you’ve got a boyfriend.”
She swallows and straightens her back out a little bit, shifting on her feet haughtily.
“Well, I could just as well not have one.”
Billy’s stare is poison. He makes sure of it.
“Yeah, and I could just as well tell Trevor that you stuffed your bra just to come over here and talk to me.”
She balks.
Billy doesn’t exactly like saying it. He doesn’t do that shit anymore and he doesn’t like to let people rile him up like this. The words feel gross and heavy on his tongue. He’s just fed up and everyone is bothering him and he feels like he’s been on display since he’s been here and… and… and these stupid tiny sandwiches and-
“Well, those shorts look idiotic on you.” She spits out at him with tight lips, like it’s an insult he actually cares about. She turns quickly on her heels and swishes away purposefully. Billy doesn’t find any atom of his body that cares.
He’s sitting there staring at the sweaty condensation that’s collected on the bottom of his beer bottle, then at the intricate pattern on the fancy napkin, then at the fancy tray holding the sandwiches, then at the face of his borrowed watch.
He’s on the last sandwich on the middle of the tiered tray when he hears someone clear their throat. He rounds on them like a bull, mouth prepping to tell them off… when he sees that soft, chocolate brown hair that (irritatingly) comforts him instantly.
“Whatcha doing, stud?” Steve’s hands are shoved in his pockets and one annoyingly nice eyebrow is raised.
Billy grumbles.
“Yeah. These sandwiches are stupid by the way.” Billy picks a few up in one hand and flops them down on his plate. “They’re so small. Why are they so small? I hate them.”
“Uh huh. That why you’re eating them all?”
Billy gives Steve a dirty look, and makes it even harsher when he sees the boy smiling at his expense.
“Yes. The sooner I eat them all the sooner I don’t have to look at them anymore.”
Steve laughs and Billy responds to it with a growl.
“You’ve been gone almost an hour.” Billy mumbles, thumbing at the napkin in front of him again.
“You’ve been counting?”
Billy shrugs. He’s not sure what to say, so he figures saying nothing at all is best. He glances at Steve for a second, before deciding he doesn’t wanna see the boy’s smug face.
“And this what you’ve been doing while I was gone? Eating all the sandwiches?” Steve reaches out for one on the bottom tray. Billy watches with rapt attention and wants, impossibly, to grab the boy’s hand and hold it in his own. He feels a little sick to his stomach at the thought, but decides to blame it on how quickly he’s been eating.
“I also picked you a flower.” It’s out of Billy’s mouth before he can think about it.
Steve outright laughs at that, and if Billy’s face turns the same color as that sangria everyone’s drinking, he’ll kill the person who points it out. He slouches down a little further, tearing slightly at the napkin.
“You did what?”
“I picked a fucking flower for you, alright?” Billy hisses, looking his boyfriend straight in the eye this time. He’s even more mad at what he sees, which is the softest expression to ever grace this boy’s stupidly pretty face. God he wants to deck him. If he wasn’t so in love with those dumb doe eyes and that idiotic pink mouth… and his soft heart… he would really deck him.
Steve’s smile is melting Billy into a puddle.
“Really?” Steve asks on a whisper. It makes Billy itch in his skin. He looks back down at the napkin he’s slowly tearing to pieces. “Well, where is it, then?”
Billy nods his head in the direction he saw the girl last. “I gave it to a girl.”
“You gave it to a girl?”
Billy smirks at the jealousy he hears in Steve’s voice. He feels even better when he looks up and swears he sees green on the boy’s face.
“Little Olivia Blake.” He says with a smug grin. Steve visibly relaxes before laughing in on himself. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing. It’s just funny you picked her.” Steve says, grabbing a few grapes from the top tier of the tray. “They’re close family friends. Her parents always joked that if they ever had a daughter, they would marry her off to me.” Steve rolls his eyes at the statement, but he’s got a fond smile on his face that twists Billy’s stomach up.
“Why would they say that?”
“They’re nutty. They own a big department store a couple of towns over, but they like to live here because it’s quiet or something. I dunno. My parents used to joke that it’d be a ‘good move’ to merge our families together. We’ve got a running gag that Olivia and I are ‘betrothed’.” Steve pops a couple of grapes in his mouth. “She gets a real kick out of it.”
“Hm.” Billy grunts, spinning his beer bottle around on itself where it sits on the table, making the tablecloth wet underneath it. A thought hits him with a smirk. “Hey, did you know Connor Blake wants to fuck me?”
“What? Connor Blake? What makes you say that?”
“Your little fiance told me he used to talk about my muscles all the time.”
Billy looks up at Steve through his lashes with a sly grin to see Steve’s face flushed red. There’s a second or two of silence between them, something light and electric in the air before they melt into helpless giggles, both dropping their heads and shaking them in disbelief. It’s a good couple of minutes of laughter between the two, and it’s the happiest Billy has felt all day.
When it’s over, Steve finally sits down.
“So uh… your grandma?” Billy asks, half his napkin torn into ribbons.
Steve nods like it’s an answer, before he seems to remember his words.
“Yeah, she wants to meet you. My mom accidentally let it slip that one of my friends is here. I think she’s kind of drunk.”
Billy’s heart takes off running, beating wildly like a bird in a cage. Most of his napkin is in shreds now. He watches Steve for a bit and notices that the boy seems just as nervous as he is… fumbling with his fingers and biting at his lip.
“So… I have to go over there?” Billy asks. Steve shakes his head.
“No, she said she’d come find us. She had to talk to someone else first.” Steve’s tapping his fingers on the table and it’s rapping on Billy’s head at the same tempo.
“Is there uh… anything I need to know about her? Before I meet her?”
Steve sighs a very tired sigh, but at least his tapping stops.
“Yeah I mean… she’s a little… crazy?” Steve says, biting at the corner of his bottom lip and rolling a grape around on a napkin. His posture is hunched and small. His eyes flicker on everything near his hands and back again. He’s nervous. It’s freaking Billy out.
He doesn’t say anything other than that. Billy figures he has to take the non-existent bait.
“Her car is pretty killer.” He says, sitting up from where he himself was slouched and leaning over the table, both arms folded as support in front of him.
Steve snorts.
“Yeah well, funny you say that…” Steve says, popping the grape in his mouth when he seems to be done uselessly playing with it. “She bought it after my grandpa passed away.”
He pauses again, for a little too long. Billy’s jumping to fill the silence with something.
“That’s not weird.”
Steve snorts again, grabbing more tiny fruits off the tray.
“ Well there was this big rumor that she killed him for his money so… she thought it was funny and wanted to play into it or something.” He eats a little piece of cantaloupe and Billy tries very hard to understand what any of Steve’s words mean. “I mean obviously she didn’t do it but, she thought other people didn’t need to know that.”
Billy’s mad at the pause now, moving to sit forward still, waiting impatiently for the end of the story.
Steve just shakes his head at his fruit with some weirdly disapproving face.
“You’re serious?”
Steve laughs a tired laugh.
“Yeah. I told you, she’s nutty. She’s also like, super into going to church. She started getting extra involved because her neighbor accused her of being friends with Satan or something? She’s really old fashioned though and has all these awful thoughts about poor people and she likes to rile people up for no reason. And she’s not very… motherly.”
Steve’s a little out of breath. Billy wants nothing more than to hold his hand.
“What side of the family is she from?”
“My mom’s side.” Steve’s a little quieter now, heavily mesmerized with the fruit in front of him. “My mom hates her. I can tell.”
Billy knows Steve’s relationship with his parents isn’t exactly cherries and ice cream, but… seeing your parents get so upset is emotionally draining. He’s felt something like that before. He used to get blamed when members of the family would reach out to Neil. It was stupid and it made Billy grow to resent any time the phone ringed.
He reaches his hand out, linking just his pinky with Steve’s restlessly tapping one. It’s a small gesture, hidden well between the tray of food and the centerpiece on the table.
Steve’s body visibly melts out of its stressed out state. When he looks up at Billy, it’s with that appreciation in his eyes that makes Billy want to kiss him harshly to get him to stop. Billy has to look away, but he grabs on tighter with his pinky and hopes with his heart to make this the least painful experience possible.
Steve jumps.
He jumps nearly out of his skin and hits his knee on the table in response. He scrambles out of his seat, knocking a couple of grapes off the top tier of the tray when his hand hits it in his hurry to unlink himself with Billy, even that slightest bit.
“Steven did you have to wander off so far away?” She accuses, voice a little young on Billy’s ears for what he would expect of a grandmother. Billy feels glued to his chair, a little out of breath from the sudden fracture of the moment he was just in. Steve’s back is covering the woman from Billy’s view.
“Sorry. Hi Grammy.”
Billy hears her tut. “Stop that, we already said hello to each other. Don’t waste our time.”
“Sorry.” Steve mumbles, fingers fidgeting restlessly where he has them hidden behind his back.
Billy watches a hand grip Steve’s right arm, nails manicured just as perfectly as Mrs. Harrington’s were, but a deep red that come to a bit more of a point than Steve’s mother’s. She has rings on all fingers, each different sizes with different shiny stones embedded in them. She grips rather tight, and Billy watches Steve lean down to give one of those weird side kisses everyone has seemed to do today when they recognize someone. It’s over quick enough that Billy doesn’t get a good look at her face.
“Where’s your friend, Steven? I came over here for him, didn’t I?”
Billy’s heart jumpstarts like a car.
“Oh, yeah, Grammy, this is my friend Billy.”
Steve opens his posture up to Billy sitting behind him. He figures this is the time he should stand up.
As he does, he finds himself standing in front of a short woman. She’s got her hair smoothly styled in something Billy thinks would look fashionable for the 1950’s or 60’s rather than the 80’s. Her earrings dangle and sparkle almost blindingly, even though they’re nearly hidden from the rays of the sun. Her makeup is fairly minimal and her eyes are youthful but knowing, piercing Billy’s mind in a way that makes him feel stuck and helpless. Like she’s a black widow preying on him and his weaknesses.
She has a fur wrapped around her. Billy assumes it’s mink because that’s all he knows about furs. Her bag is rather large and unmistakably fashionable. Billy doesn’t want to stare for too long, but he swears something is moving from inside of it.
“Billy, this is my Grammy Genevieve.”
She reaches one of her manicured hands out. Billy accepts it, her hand a lot younger looking than Billy was expecting, but still showing age in a way that Mrs. Harrinton’s didn’t. When Billy leans down and gives it a kiss, it’s on instinct rather than decision.
He straightens back out to find her eyeing him curiously. Billy holds her gaze, fearful this is some test he needs to pass. Her grip gets tighter and tighter.
A few moments go by before he’s released from her grip and being given an approving look.
“Well isn’t he just as handsome as the day is long?”
Steve gives a grateful smile for a second before training his face back into something blank. When she moves to sit, both Billy and Steve go to hold the chair out.
Steve’s hand gets hit.
“Stop, let your handsome little friend here do it.”
Steve sits down with a muted nod, but he keeps his back held straight.
After Billy sits down, in a whirlwind of thoughts that he can’t pin down, he comes back to reality to find Steve’s grandma mumbling into her bag.
“What is it? What do you need?” She asks, reaching a hand in to… stroke something? It looks like she’s stroking something. “Do you need food? Water?”
Billy looks to Steve with a look he’s trying his best to keep away from ‘bewildered’, but he shouldn’t be blamed if it gets there. Steve’s still got his back rod straight, but his eyes are tired and he’s idly playing with a grape again.
“Stop fidgeting.” She chastises, again hitting the top of Steve’s hand. Steve quickly shoots his hand into his lap, nodding.
“Don’t apologize, just do it.”
Steve nods, but Billy notices another apology on his lips. Billy matches Steve’s posture, back up straight, but he’s abusing the inside of his lip in his nervousness. Something about this woman freaks him out a little more than he thinks she ought to.
“Steven, get me some water, will you?”
Steve nods and steps away, leaving Billy there with the woman and her moving bag that Billy really can’t take his eyes off of. It looks like it’s breathing and Billy’s waiting for a snake to slither out or something.
“So, William.” Grandma Genevieve starts, still stroking the inside of her bag like it’s a normal gesture. She doesn’t continue what she’s saying until Billy looks up at her, making him realize she’s referring to him. Billy hasn’t been called William in… he’s not even sure he could count how long it’s been. “How are you in school?”
Horrible. My teachers hate me. They give me bad grades for no reason. I have to get my dad to rough them up to treat me fairly-
“Fine.” He lies, tongue heavy in his mouth. “Thanks.” He tacks on quickly when her eyes don’t let up.
She seems satisfied with the thank you, but she’s not letting up.
“Are you going to college when you graduate?”
No because there’s no point. Why would I? They’re just going to drain all the money I don’t have and it’s not like I have enough potential to actually make it there, let alone make it through-
“I don’t graduate until next year.” Billy offers.
“That’s not what I asked.” She stands firm, fixing him with a look that makes him want to apologize, too.
“Don’t stutter. Speak clearly.”
“No.” He says quickly and honestly. He can’t lie with her looking at him like that. He feels like he’s been cornered.
She lifts a single eyebrow, the look in her eyes entirely disapproving.
“Hmph.” She says, looking down into her purse like he isn’t worth looking at. It makes his chest boil with something less than anger; something that makes him want to apologize again. “That’s a little foolish. What do you plan on doing?”
Billy doesn’t even fully register the insult of being called foolish.
“I don’t need college to go into a trade.”
“What trade?” She asks, voice dripping with what Billy thinks must be venom. He’s more than half expecting that snake to come out soon.
“Auto Body work. Mechanic work.” Billy speaks in stuccatto. He really can’t help it. “I like cars.”
She looks back up at him, eyeing him up and down in the most brutal evaluation Billy thinks he’s ever been given. He feels frightened in a way that feels entirely new.
It’s a few moments of that- a few too many moments.
“Hmph.” She huffs out again. “I see.”
She’s still pinning him down with a stare, but after a few more seconds of silent judgement, it’s over. Her gaze is a little softer at the end, but it may be a trick of the light. Billy’s just glad it’s over.
Steve is speaking before Billy even notices his presence.
“Here you go, Grammy.”
“Thank you, Steven.” She says, taking hold of the clear bowl holding water inside of it. She places it in front of her and moves her bag closer to the edge of her lap, just resting on her knees.
Steve sits and sighs a bit, getting Billy’s attention. His eyes are apologetic and his mouth twists up in a way that lets Billy know he’s asking if he’s okay. Billy nods, eyebrows furrowing a little to prove it. His heart is beating wildly, but he’s sure Steve can probably tell.
In the corner of his eye, something flesh colored and… rat like slowly rises out of the woman’s purse.
He snaps his head towards it, nearly jumping.
It’s… it’s a cat. It’s a naked cat.
It leans forward, slowly and gracefully, to lick up the water in front of it.
“There you go, Cleo.” The woman mumbles, stroking the cat’s head once again. It gives a croaky meow as a response in between it’s licks.
Billy can’t stop staring. He’s never in his life seen a naked cat before. It has wrinkles and folds that go on forever.
Why does she carry this thing in her bag-?
“So William,” The woman says diplomatically, again not continuing until Billy gives her his undivided attention. “Are you the reason my grandson looks like a beatnik?”
“Enough, Steven, I wasn’t speaking to you.”
Steve hangs his head, looking to the left of him, possibly staring out at the flowers.
“I don’t know what you mean, ma’am.”
“Your hair is outrageously long for a young man.” She states plainly, still stroking her cat’s head.
A little fire starts in Billy’s chest.
“I didn’t tell Steve to grow his hair out. If he did it by himself, that’s his business.”
Steve’s head whips around so quickly Billy’s sure his neck must be sore, but Billy doesn’t break eye contact with the woman.
She’s eyeing him harshly again, mouth twisted up like she’s tasted something bitter. They stare at each other for a few moments, but there’s a lot less fear in Billy’s chest now. He’s right and he knows it. He shouldn’t have to sugar coat things for this woman who obviously doesn’t sugar coat things back.
The distaste on her lips twists into a smirk, Billy’s sure of it. He doesn’t get too hopeful though. She looks back down at her cat.
“Hmph. Alright.”
She doesn’t say anything after that. Billy’s not sure why, but he feels pretty safely like he’s won something indescribable.
He’s overwhelmed with the need to take a piss.
“Steve.” Billy says clearly, looking at his boyfriend who’s eyeing him owlishly- like he’s shocked.
“Yeah?” Steve answers, shoulders shaking a bit.
“Can you show me where the bathroom is?” He’s sure to be as concise as possible in front of this woman.
“Yeah. Uhm, excuse us, Grammy.”
She waves a manicured hand in the air.
“You’re free to go.” She says dismissively before mumbling to her cat.
The two boys, for as cool as they typically are, jump out of their chairs a little less than smoothly.
They don’t speak until they get to the building that houses the bathroom.
“Holy shit, Billy, how did you do that?”
They’re out of breath, both from rushing to the building and from the tense exchange they just shared.
“Do what?”
“Get her to like you?”
“She likes me?” Billy tries his hardest not to sound so shocked, but it’s difficult.
“I think so.” Steve admits, looking back at the tents even though they’re much too far away from them to see her from here. “What did you talk about while I was gone?”
Billy catches his breath.
“College. What I’m gonna do after school.”
Billy doesn’t even have to say what she said for Steve to look sorry.
“God. I’m sorry about her.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, she’s so… she’s so harsh.”
“It’s fine, Steve.”
“It’s not, I can’t even imagine what she said-”
“Steve.” Billy grabs Steve’s hands, which are reaching up to rake through his hair again. “Shut up. Stop worrying. It’s fine.”
Steve’s eyes are wide and nervous, his hands shaking slightly, his lips worked over by his teeth.
He melts.
“Yeah… yeah okay.”
“I love you.” Billy mumbles it out before he even thinks about it. They’ve said it a few times before, but every time feels like shots of electricity shooting up through Billy’s bones. It makes Steve start to shake a bit again.
But his eyes soften, the skin around his forehead relaxes, he looks a little more peaceful and that’s what Billy wants.
“I love you too.” Steve whispers.
They separate quickly, even though they’re far away from anyone that could see them. Better safe than sorry.
They take their time to be quiet for a second while they’re both in the bathroom, letting the water of the sink drown out the silence between them. Billy’s mind is swimming with so many things they don’t slot correctly in his mind. He’s trying desperately to make sense of anything through his still-present nerves.
As they’re walking out, he just says the first thing on his mind.
“So are you really gonna marry that little eleven year old?”
It slips out of his mouth like a piece of gum when he tries and fails to blow a bubble. It feels stupid. It’s all he could think to say.
Steve shoves his hands in his pockets but doesn’t say anything for a second. Billy turns to see his mouth moving around a smug little smirk.
“Are you gonna fuck Connor Blake?” Steve asks by way of response. It hits Billy’s chest.
“What? No.” Billy’s adamant, annoyed that he didn’t get an answer. “Why would you ask that?”
Steve shrugs with a chuckle. “I dunno, I thought we were asking stupid questions.”
Billy chest unwinds. He laughs. “Yeah, sure, whatever. Just asking.”
Steve shakes his head, but Billy doesn’t look up to see it.
“How’d you even meet her?”
Billy shrugs. “She came up to me when I was picking a flower for you.”
Steve grabs Billy’s arm to get him to stop. They’re close to the tents now, but the gesture isn’t too suspicious.
“Are you serious about that? Did you actually pick a flower for me?”
Billy’s face blooms red as blood rushes to it. “Yeah, I told you.” He wants to fidget. His shirt feels too tight again.
Steve smiles.
“You’re a sap.”
“Shut up.” Billy hisses, ripping his arm away. His face won’t stop blushing. “I just… I love you.”
Billy’s mumbling now, his head down. Steve clicks his tongue.
“Awww…” Steve coos quietly, and Billy doesn’t need to look at him to see the irritating smirk on his face. He looks up anyway, just to glare at him.
“Whatever. You know I love you. How many times do I have to say it?”
Steve’s smug and Billy swears he could slap that look off his face if he didn’t care about him so much.
“I dunno. A few times a day would be nice.”
Billy rolls his eyes. He’s gonna say something, but suddenly there’s a synth song overtaking the previous synth song. Steve gasps.
“I love this song!” He hits Billy’s arm.
“All this music is awful-”
“Shut up!” Steve hits Billy’s arm again. “This song is good!”
Billy listens a little closer to the rhythm of the synth. It sounds like “Is This Love” by Survivor. Joyce likes to listen to this song with Hop sometimes when it comes on the radio. It’s kind of gross, honestly.
“Aw,” Steve coos again, watching the pretty little fancy couples on the make-shift dance floor in between two of the tents, out in the sun. “I wish we could dance. Is that stupid? That’s stupid. Sorry-”
Billy rolls his eyes as his boyfriend babbles next to him. He does a quick scan of what they can see, and decides something without much thought. Maybe it’s the singing that picks up that pushes Billy’s heart.
~I’ve heard talk of blind devotion…~
“Go ask Olivia.”
Steve turns with confused but earnest eyes.
“Go ask Olivia to dance.”
“But why-?”
“Just go. You’ll see why.”
~Faithful to the bitter end…~
Steve still looks confused, but Billy shoves into his shoulder to get him going.
“Go! Trust me.”
Steve eyes him still, but he goes to find Olivia, who’s off sulking in a chair in the corner of one of the canopy-tents.
Billy watches Steve walk away fondly before taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. He takes a few breaths as he walks towards his target, psyching himself up, striking up his confidence…
“Grandma Genevieve?” Billy asks, making sure his voice is clear and free of any shakes. She’s sitting alone, thankfully.
She looks up with her piercing eyes, an eyebrow raised. That’s all she gives him.
“May I have this dance?”
Her clear eyes pierce him for a second, the song striking Billy in the chest, making him feel vulnerable.
She looks down at the cat still in her lap, before looking back up at Billy.
“Please?” He asks, not taking his eyes off of hers, even if he wants to know where Steve is and how far he’s gotten at convincing the other girl to follow him to the dance floor.
There’s another beat of silence, another line of the song hitting Billy hard, before she gives a smirk that lets him know maybe she really does like him.
She takes his hand and stands, before slipping her bag off her shoulder and shoving it into the chest of a free-handed waiter walking by.
“Watch my child Cleo for me.” She states plainly, like it’s not a request. The young waiter’s eyes go wide as the cat peeks it’s head out and croaks a meow in his face. “If anything happens to her, you’ll be fired by the end of the day.”
She says it with a smile before Billy escorts her to the dance floor.
He turns his head and immediately sees Steve walking next to him, being pulled onto the dance floor by Olivia.
~I need to prove to myself this is more than a crush…~
The two boys lock eyes, Steve laughing a bit, Billy smiling easily.
~Can you convince me it’s not just a physical rush…~
Billy grabs Grandma Genevieve’s hands in his, interlocking their fingers, and begins stepping side to side. He watches her face for a second, and sees, surprisingly, something that looks like uncertainty. She’s watching their feet like she’s unsure of what they’re doing.
Billy chuckles a bit. She squeezes his hands so tight they hurt a little bit, and she sends him a glare to match. She must have heard him chuckling.
“Don’t laugh at me.” She chastises, before looking back down at their feet.
Billy keeps stepping side to side along to the beat as he looks up to find Steve, who’s dancing right behind his grandmother and facing Billy. They lock eyes over their partners. They’re swaying almost in time with each other. It’s like they’re dancing with each other.
~Is this love that I’m feeling? Is this love…~
Billy gives a little kissy face in Steve’s direction. Steve rolls his eyes and looks back down at his own partner, who’s currently standing on his feet with her own little ones as they dance.
Billy looks back down at Grandma Genevieve, who’s very clearly struggling.
“You’re doing well.” Billy tries to assure her. Her face twists up.
“I haven’t danced with anyone in a long time.” She admits quietly. Billy’s shocked to hear it.
“Well, there’s not much to it.”
He leads the way, stepping the two of them back and forth to the beat. She seems to relax a bit at the words and it hits Billy’s chest with pride.
There’s a very girlish giggle that snaps Billy back up to Steve, who’s swaying a little more forcefully now with his eleven year old partner in tow. He looks up at Billy and their eyes lock again.
They’re connected in an instant. The distance doesn’t matter.
~Now look me straight in the eye ‘cause tonight is the night…~
Billy’s heart is beating so rapidly he’s worried Grandma Genevieve will hear. Steve is looking at him like he loves him. Like he really loves every bit and piece of him. Like he’ll never have to say it, never have to be asked again, it’s just a known fact of the world now. Steve Harrington is in love with Billy Hargrove and nothing is going to change that fact. It clings them together, to the point that Billy feels like he could be pressed to Steve’s chest right now, even though there’s several feet of distance between them.
~We’ve got to ask each other if the moment is right…~
Billy could melt onto the floor right now in a puddle. He feels ridiculous but he’s fine with that. He’s never been so into someone and he’s fine with that, too. He’s fine if he gets to see Steve’s eyes before he falls flat on his face in love. He’s fine if he gets to see that gorgeous smile forever and ever.
The chorus picks up again, singing loudly as Olivia swings Steve away, spinning them into an uncontrollable circle of smiles and giggles.
~Is this love that I’m feeling?~
The song sings as Steve and Olivia spin in a tornado of pastel colors, storming around the dance floor like a couple of children.
Grandma Genevieve laughs. It catches Billy off guard and makes him tear his face away from Steve and all his beauty.
“Do you wanna spin too?” He asks.
“Spin me and I rip that curly hair of yours out.” She promises, gripping his hands tight again.
The threat of it makes Billy laugh.
They dance out the rest of the song, but after it Grandma Genevieve is tired and Olivia’s mother is chastising her for causing a ruckus.
Billy sits down with Steve’s grandmother for a second, watching Steve intently as he speaks with Olivia.
He laughs as he sees the girl grab the flower Billy picked and give it to Steve, waving the boy down to her level so she can kiss his cheek and run away with a giggling, red face.
Steve watches her, laughing, before looking down at the flower with a kind of intent that Billy can see from yards away.
Grandma Genevieve is still worrying over her cat by the time Steve makes his way over.
“Hi Billy. Hi Grammy.”
“Steven, you made a fool of yourself.” She says immediately, without even looking up at him.
It smacks Billy hard in the chest, and he can only imagine what it must do to Steve. The two boys watch her, shocked at the harsh words.
She looks up at him, a rare smile wide on her face.
“It was rather charming.” She admits. Steve releases a breath, about to say something, before his grandma hits him lightly. “But don’t do it again.”
“Yes, Grammy.” Steve says obediently, with a small, disobedient smile on his face. Billy chuckles a bit at it.
“Well, it’s been a lovely afternoon, but I need to get going.” The woman stands up, accepting Steve’s help as he reaches a hand out to her. Billy stands as she does, and moves next to Steve.
The look she gives the two almost makes him nervous again; it’s harsh and judging and almost dissatisfied.
“Yes, Grammy?”
She shifts a hard look over at Billy. He does his absolute best to keep her eye contact and stand as straight as possible. It makes him uncomfortable, even with all of the practice he got of standing at attention in his youth.
Her eyes shift back to Steve.
“I like this boy.” She says plainly, and something about it immediately lifts the heaviest weight off of Billy’s chest. “He’s honest and he’s practical and he’s brave. And he’s definitely handsome.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Billy sighs out a bit. She waves a hand dismissively at him, telling him it was unnecessary before she turns back to Steve.
“Tell your mother I need that paperwork in the next 3 days, got it?” She pats Steve’s arm harshly and pulls him in for a light kiss on the cheek before turning to leave without getting a response. Billy’s not sure what she means, but he’s not even going to think about asking.
The two boys stay right where they are, rod straight, watching her walk away. It’s not until she’s a few yards out that they let out a collective breath.
“She likes you.” Steve says with amazement.
“Yeah… Guess so.”
There’s silence between them for a second, some Journey song playing in the background. A slight flash of purple hits Billy’s periphery.
“Hey by the way,” Steve starts, voice playfully wistful. “Thanks for the flower.”
Steve’s got a sly grin on his face. Billy looks over at the purpleish-reddish petals twirling delicately on top of the stem in Steve’s fingertips. The smile he gives in response is involuntary.
“You’re welcome, babe.” He says quietly, chest alight with love and love and a little bit of love and maybe a dash of love... just for good measure.
And if Billy smiles every time he hears “Is This Love” by Survivor from now on… well he doesn’t see a need to explain why.
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penzyroamin · 4 years
Food and sharing food continues to be a recurring motif in “tied together”. What was your thought process around that? How do you see that connecting to some of the central themes and concepts in the story as a whole? (And, if you would like to go into this, how do you see food and sharing food playing out in the messy au where David will also be cooking but in a completely different context/power dynamic?)
okay. im calm now.
so for a couple years now i have deeply and secretly loved the concept of food as a symbol for community. i didnt use it in fic for a long time for a variety of reasons. one, it just never really felt right. two, my love of this symbol is very much connected to my southern-ness, and while im sure many people have just as strong, if not stronger connections between food and community, i didnt really know if people reading my stuff would Get It or connect w it.
i finally decided to use it for tied together for two reasons. first, this is my most definitively southern fic. ive written other fics with Humid Small Town Energy but this is my first that i really let myself go “fuck it. crawfish boils. hurricanes. middle aged women with crushes on jim cantore.” as such, it felt like if i was going to go for this symbol at any point, it needed to be with this fic. the second is that due to Pandemic and also living across the country from the majority of the family i grew up with, i have been kind of starved of community experiences as of late. i wrote tied together entirely during a period when i havent spent time with anyone besides my immediate family, so i was really thinking about community and the nature of it and how fucking badly i wanna have a massive meal with people and hence... this symbol
with the background of my decision to include it covered, let’s get into how it appears in tied together!!
in chapter one, the majority of food’s appearances are... impersonal, if that makes sense? its all premade, whether its drive-through stuff, tv dinners, etc etc, and he doesnt know the person who made it. its also worth pointing out that around the time jack and his mom stop sharing meals is the point they become disconnected from each other. essentially, that’s the disconnect from community throughout jack’s early life
davey comes around and it. is pretty obvious from the start that, through this symbol, he is the Literal Embodiment Of Connection To The People Around Him. food was a really key way for me to show just how connected he is to his community-- he’s constantly cooking for other people, working for battalion, helping people get good food, contributing recipes to little cookbooks. the end chapter also nods to this in the scene w his family where esther mentions he made her teach him to cook for a group, and the conversation afterwards where he mentions that he wouldn’t be comfortable with people paying him to make them food or making food for strangers. cooking for other people is essentially davey’s way of nurturing the community around him and becoming closer with people, so to make food in an impersonal way goes against everything he knows about food and sharing it. the interactions he has through food represent the larger relationships and interactions he has within his community. juxtaposed to jack, he’s built this little world around him filled with people that he loves and cares for, even if that does lay a heavy burden on him at points. if i ever write something delving deeper into davey in this au, i’ll elaborate further-- but, essentially, davey’s role as The Provider of food for the people around him was a real stand-in for the way that he feels both within his family and his larger community.
think of it this way-- in all the scenes we see with davey cooking at a large event-- i.e., the crawfish boil-- he’s always pushed off to the side by that. there’s usually someone talking to him or checking in on the food, but he’s not able to be engaged in the larger hubbub and discussion of the party because he’s busy. it’s in providing food for people and sharing that with him that he gets fulfillment out of the experience. in his family, we see that davey is a little bit isolated. he was growing up at the exact time when mayer’s alcoholism was getting worse and hitting its peak, and he left before mayer ever really managed to get very far into recovery. his time in their house, essentially, was a lot of heavy lifting and few moments of solidarity and joy. he loves his family, of course, it’s just a very labor-intensive process. and then, of course, he has a similar experience to what a lot of southern marginalized people feel-- this intense need to care for and better your community when your community very frequently doesn’t care for you. davey has absolutely zero capacity for apathy in this au, and it definitely shines through with this whole dynamic. he works SO HARD to care for people, even if he isnt always able to fully enjoy being around them and being loved by them
and then, of course, you have the way davey and jack interact through this motif-- davey teaches jack how to cook, gives him a cookbook, invites him over for meals, etc etc. sharing that with him essentially represents welcoming jack into his community as a whole, and giving him a place there. jack mentions davey “clearing a spot at the table” for him, and that’s both literal and figurative.
additionally, while davey uses food as a way to bring jack into his community, jack also makes davey a little less isolated. in a lot of the scenes in chapter 5, theyre cooking together, in a very domestic, symbiotic sort of way. i wanted this to demonstrate how jack relieves some of the burden davey puts on himself and exists sort of Within davey’s bubble rather than just reaping the benefits
i also wanted to illustrate with this how jack repairing his relationship w food keys into this. obviously we have the disconnect that he has early on where his unfamiliarity w what he eats and who makes it represents a larger disconnect between him and the people around him, but jack does also absolutely use food as a coping mechanism and a crutch. not to get, again, TOTALLY gatsby here, but he’s chasing that sense of community and belonging and understanding in the wrong places. it’s once he begins to actually make food for himself and understand the process of it and be able to carry something through to completion that he’s able to actually Enjoy food, yknow? i wanted that to mirror the way throughout the earlier parts of his life that he tried to kind of slap up temporary relationships and make do with that. 
side note about jack and food: jack has undiagnosed adhd (and some vague comorbidities rip) in this au, and his experiences with it i preeeetttty heavily lifted from my life and my special brand of fucked in the head. (for those of you who don’t know, carb and sugar cravings are a symptom of adhd, hence why food is often a coping mechanism for us fhskdhs). cooking and baking are processes that have REALLY helped me get a handle on myself-- it gives me an outlet for movement and stimulation, and its something that i can carry through till the end and get an actual end product that i can recognize and benefit from. plus, real time consequences if i let something do whatever for ten more minutes! so thats another element i added to the way that jack builds healthier coping mechanisms over time-- he moves away from food as a crutch and instead develops a new form of CREATING that gives him an outlet and a feeling of productivity
those are some Vague thoughts. i will probably elaborate in the future!
now, for the messy au, rather than food symbolizing community, i chose to have it represent vulnerability.
a quick review: jack married rich, and davey is jack’s new wife’s cook. on his wife, dorothy’s part, i wanted this to shine through in this squeaky clean, pristine image that a lot of rich people try to craft. she never cooks for herself, never pays much attention to davey, never draws attention to him. in essence, she is creating as few weak spots as possible-- she refuses to be vulnerable to the people and the society around her.
with davey, however, his and his family’s livelihood depends on him cooking for this woman, and later for her and her husband. he’s forced into this position of extreme vulnerability and weakness by his financial situation, and cant really regain his sense of privacy or self because of that. its also a point in this story that he has very little time or wherewithal to cook for his FAMILY. so, his job forces him into a vulnerable situation with complete strangers who hold an upper hand over him but denies him the opportunity to be vulnerable with his own family, only reinforcing this idea that he is the protector and the provider and as such cannot have weak spots and cannot, under any circumstances, break
it also really highlights the difference between jack’s relationship with his wife vs with davey and smalls-- all the scenes of he and dorothy eating together are in grand, fancy rooms, with a certain amount of pomp and circumstance and dignity attached. with davey and smalls, though, he’s usually in the kitchen, having conversation, enjoying their company, helping them with menial things. that’s an environment that he’s used to and comfortable with, the kind of relationships and interactions he grew up with, while the stuffiness of his life and interactions with dorothy are entirely less vulnerable and close
that’s just a brief overview, but its something to look for when i finally finish the fic! it definitely started as a very soapy sort of thing, but my damn instincts pushed me to delve deeper into the characters and their relationships and the fucked-up-ness of it all. so, here we are
i really hope this helped!!!! this is not organized AT ALL so please tell me if there’s anything else you wanted to know or any details you noticed
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anninhiliation · 5 years
Behind Closed Doors
A/N: I attached the requests on the bottom this time! Might do that from now on who knows
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Wordcount: 2.2k+
Warnings: There is smut, but it's over 1.6k+ wording deep mostly angst and some fluff  
You stayed up and waited for Chris to come home from the studio. It was 12:00 am, and he still wasn’t home and not a single text from him. You knew dating a musician entailed long nights and early mornings, the tours and promos but none of that mattered to you. All that mattered was that you would be with Chris even if it was just for a couple of months, and the occasional breaks in between tour. Chris was an amazing boyfriend of almost two years, and you were head over heels for him. Yet, you couldn’t help but think something was wrong in the relationship. It wasn’t what it used to be, and maybe you were just being paranoid but you felt as if things were different. As the night dragged on, hitting 1:45 am and still nothing from Chris, you decided to send him a text. 
Y/N: hey amor are you gonna be in the studio for much longer? 
As you awaited a response you went on with your nightly routine, trying not to think about Chris and what he was doing, fearing the worst. As you were brushing your teeth, your phone buzzed making your glance over the screen. 
Papito😘: No it ended early but we went out 
You read the notification, making your heart sink. You knew what we went out meant, and you knew how he was when he got drunk. Lately, you felt as if Chris was avoiding you, choosing to spend time with strangers or his bandmates than his own girlfriend. You were feeling abandoned by the one person you loved and trusted the most. You missed how he used to make you feel like his top priority, always going out of his way to see you, call you, text you anything. You left Chris on read sighing as you got into bed, in your shared bedroom. Laying in the darkroom, your thoughts clouded your mind. The room was infected with him, his scent, his things, a few pictures of him, and worst of all his presence. You fell asleep with tears streaming down your face as all you could think about was Chris and what you did wrong and where it went wrong. When you woke up the next morning, you were still alone just as he left you. With a sigh, you got out of bed completely miserable and drained from your crumbling relationship. After brushing your teeth and washing your face, you exited the bedroom and made your way to the kitchen. If you were being honest, you weren’t even hungry, you had no motivation to cook and just wanted to go back to bed. As the eggs sizzled on the hot pan, the front door unlocked and sluggish footsteps dragged themselves into the kitchen. You looked up from your cooking and there appeared a very tired and hungover Christopher. He poured himself a cup of coffee after kissing your cheek and saying good morning. When he embraced you into a hug, his scent pierced your scenes, but it was different. It wasn’t just his, you smelt the perfume of another. What was another girl’s scent doing lingering on him? Was he cheating on you? Was he so fed up with you, so bored of you he opted for someone new and didn’t have the heart to tell you? 
“Nena want to grab lunch today?” He asked interrupting your thoughts
You looked up from your cooking and at him, a little wide-eyed making him raise an eyebrow at you. 
“Nena?” he asked again 
“Y-yeah that would be nice wanna go to our usual spot?” you asked 
“Sounds good,” he smiled as his phone buzzed making him look over at it “listen nena I gotta go, but let’s meet at one”
He kissed your temple and rushed out the door.
You sat in the little quaint restaurant at bouncing your leg nervously as you waited for Chris. Little did he know, that before lunch you ran down to Adore Me and picked out something you knew he would love hidden underneath your sundress. Even though you were afraid that he was cheating on you, you couldn’t help but miss him, his touch, his attention and what you used to have with him. 1 o’clock rolled around, and still no Chris. Maybe he’s just a few minutes late, it is a busy day in the city after all. Then it hit 1:30 PM and not even a single text from him. Then the waiter came by at 2 with an apologetic smile. 
“Miss its been an hour, its either you order something or I’m going to have to ask you to leave I’m sorry its policy”
“Sorry for wasting your time” you mumbled as you gathered your things and rushed out calling Chris 
On the third ring he finally picked up “nena?” 
You could hear a girl laugh in the background making your blood boil. You were already suspicious of being replaced, but he couldn’t even give you the decency of ending things beforehand or hide things better. 
“Chris you said we were meeting for lunch! What the hell?” you hissed 
“Nena it’s only- oh shit,” he said “listen nena I’m sorry-” 
“Whatever Chris” you sighed, “it’s not like we haven’t spent time together in months or anything”
You hung up after that not wanting to hear another word or let him sense that you were holding back tears.
Back in the shared home, you gathered your belongings and prepared an overnight bag, for maybe a night or two. In truth, you packed so many things you could leave for a week without a problem. You needed to clear your head and see where you were going with Chris. It wasnt as if you could really have a heart to heart with someone who was never there. In a rush not wanting to walk into Chris you zipped up the luggage and beelined for the front door. As you swung the front door open you were shocked to see Chris on the other side of it, ready to unlock it. 
“Nena what are you doing?” he questioned looking at your luggage 
“I’m leaving for a few days not that you would care” you huffed as you tried to move past him
Chris blocked the door, growing slightly annoyed as his confusion grew. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked shocked 
“Chris, when was the last time we spent time together? You’re never here and when you are you make no effort to take time and do things with me! When was the last time you paid attention to me? When was the last time you touched me?” You spat out as you pushed him to the side walking away with tears streaming down your face. “We’re through” you said trying to not let your teary face become obvious 
Day 1: 
Papito😘 calling
Papito😘: Nena please im sorry
Looking at the notification you rolled your eyes and huffed. Did he really think such a cliche line would make you run back to him? 
Papito😘: Nena ill do better
You read the text again, thinking he should have done better when he had you. 
Papito😘: Y/N please I need you 
You turned your phone off after that text not wanting to cave in to him afraid that one of his texts would send you running back into his arms. Without Chris, you were miserable and even more heartbroken than before. You missed him more than ever before, he had nested a piece of your mind and heart larger than you realized. 
Day 2:
It felt like you weren’t getting better and Chris’s friends were now contacting you.
Richard started as you were closest to him out of Chris’s friends. He asked you to take back his friend or at least meet with him, telling you how unhappy Chris was without you. Then news broke out, shattering your broken heart into dust. Christopher Velez seen with mystery girl. Y/N and Chris over? Joel was quick to contact you after you drowned yourself in the vicious headlines. You cried yourself to sleep that night. 
Day 3: 
You stopped by the house to pick up the rest of your belongings and to return the keys at a time you figured Chris wouldn’t be home. You unlocked the front door, and quietly let yourself in.
“Nena?” a weak voice called out from the living room 
You froze in your steps, being completely taken back by Chris. His sluggish footsteps made their way to the door, as he practically froze in his steps. 
“W-what are you doing?” he asked 
You studied his face, his eyes were puffy, and baggy from lack of sleep. Chris looked terrible, making the ache in your heart grow. 
“I- I was just grabbing some stuff, I thought you wouldn’t be home right now” you meekly responded looking down at your feet
“Nena please don’t do this” he begged as he slowly approached you 
You stood there still frozen as he continued to approach you. He gingerly placed his hands around your waist and pulled you in to him. His face nuzzled into the crook of your neck as his tears hit your warm skin. 
“Nena please” he sobbed “te amo I fucked up...I fucked up”
Your arms slowly wrapped around him as tears fell from your eyes. 
“Chris” you whispered “you abandoned me”
He moved his head, lips hovering millimeters apart from yours and met your eyes. His big brown eyes looked into yours, silently pleading with you. 
“Nena” he whispered “I'm so sorry”
Looking down at his lips and back into his eyes, with your hands slowly traveling into his locks you tugged on them gently as you smashed your lips against his. Chris kissed you back as his lips melted into yours. This felt right to you, his hands roaming your body as you tugged harder on his making an ache between your legs. His hands went further down your body, behind your thighs and lifted you up as you jumped up. Your legs wrapped around his torso as he carried you to the bedroom. 
“Let me make it up to you nena” he said between kisses as he laid you on the messy bed
He helped you get out of your clothes as you helped him get out of his. He kissed your neck hitting all of your favorite spots.
“I will never let this happen again” he mumbled in the crook of your neck 
“You are my everything” he continued as his hands slid down your body 
“You deserve only the best” he whispered as he left a trail of soft kisses from your neck to your collar bones 
“You're so beautiful nena” he said as he grabbed your breasts, encircling one of your hardened buds with his mouth
Your back arched as your breathing hitched, hands tugging harder on his hair. 
“Chris” you whimpered creating music to his ears with every noise you made
He paid attention to the other bud making you moan as his fingers trailed down to your pulsating core. Your hips bucked as he teased your slit, as he continued his trail of kisses. 
“Please give me another chance nena” he groaned as he passed your naval 
“I will never disappoint you again” he whispered as he kitten licked your slit
“You taste as sweet as honey nena” he mumbled between licks  
Your mouth hung agape as he did all the things you liked, drawing your favorite pattern on your swollen pearl. He slid two fingers inside you and curled at the right spot. 
“Oh my god” you moaned as your toes curled 
Chris pumped his fingers quickly building up your knot. 
“Chris just fuck me” you whimpered as you wanted more, wanting to feel closer to him 
“Anything you want princesa” he said as he pulled away from you and slowly slid inside you
He kissed your neck and collar bones as he set a slow pace. You scratched his nape and down his back as your walls opened up from him. 
“Faster” You whined 
“Fuck nena” he grunted as he snapped his hips quicker and rougher 
His hand slithered down to your nerve endings and drew figure eights. 
“You are my everything I love you nena” he groaned 
He angled his hips and threw your leg over his shoulder, hitting right into your inner sweet spot. Your eyes were rolling back as a knot formed in your lower abdomen. Walls fluttered around his member, making his thrusts lose their rhythm. 
“Nena cum for me,” he whispered as he kissed your plump lips “let me see you make that pretty face” 
“Chris!” You screamed as your knot snapped 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as you entered your state of bliss. Your thighs shook around him as you left another trail of red marks down his back. Your breathing hitched as Chris rode you out for your high, and then slipping into his. You felt his warmth spread inside you as he released his seed in you. He slowly pulled out of you and lovingly kissed your lips before laying on the bed and pulling you on top of him. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck as your fingers twirled his strands of hair. 
“Nena I’m so sorry about everything” he finally spoke as he nervously drew circles against your hips “please give me another chance I’ll do better I promise”
You looked up into his big brown eyes and smiled. 
“Let’s start over”  you grinned
“I love you y/n” he said as he kissed the top of your head
Anon: Some sweet rough love making with Chris under the stars Bc a bitch is in her feelings 💕
Anon: hi queen! i don't know if you've already made this one, if not can you please write about having makeup sex with chris? like you both haven't seen each other in a while, but when you do your hoeing with other guys which got him super pissed... Thank you !
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chocochar · 5 years
Your Voice [Kirishimi x Mute!Reader]
        (Reader's quirk: Song: While she can't talk normally her voice isn't completely gone, she can only sing but her voice depending on the song or sound can have different effects like putting others to sleep, giving strength boosts, etc. so she hardly ever uses it.)
(Requested by: fitfulballerina)
        The day she heard his voice was a day (F/n) won't forget. 
        Soulmates is something everyone talks about next to quirks in this day and age. One day you're wondering if you have one out there somewhere, the next you begin to hear their voice in your head and vice versa, leaving you both the ability to communicate even if you're miles apart. The closer they are the louder, until you've finally come across one another the voices cease. Everyone begins to hear their's the moment they hit the age of 12 although like with quirks some the voice never comes. 
        (F/n) didn't believe she'd have hers. Growing up she'd always been a bit of a loner due to her being unable to talk normally, and while she was left alone most of the time that wasn't always the case.
        "Someone like you wouldn't find anybody!" "You can't talk...? How will that affect...?" "Even if you do get a soulmate how would you two talk and stuff?"
        Not all were meant to be hurtful but she felt the sting every time someone mentioned her handicap, especially when 'soulmates' were mentioned. She came to wonder if maybe they were right. 
        The night before her 12th birthday she tried to ignore the anxious knot in her gut while the minutes ticked by. She did everything she could to distract herself so when midnight rung, if she didn't hear anything, she wouldn't get upset. Not everyone has a fated someone... Right? '11:57...' She thought, her headphones on while she sat at her computer playing a game. The music played loudly and shaking her head she looked away from her clock to focus on the game at hand. 'No, don't think about it!' Even as she told herself this 2 minutes later her eyes drifted over to the clock again and she watched the numbers blink. 11:59 PM. She's steeling herself, telling herself it won't happen repeatedly. 
        12:00 AM.
        The moment it changed she didn't hear anything at first, resorting to going back to her game as she tried to ignore the pitted feeling in her stomach. 'Fate doesn't choose everyone,' she thought solemnly, going to play another song when she freezed as the one she's currently listening to ended.
        'Holy crap it's late! Better go to bed so I'm not late to school tomorrow,' a voice suddenly interrupted her own thoughts and the (hair color) haired girl went stiff. No way... Quickly she removed her headphones and looked behind her, seeing no one was there, even as the voice kept talking as he got ready for bed. Her heart started to pound, her hands shook, and without hesitating she thought,'Hello?? Can you hear me??'
        He didn't respond and the voice went silent, most likely because whoever it was went to bed, but she couldn't sleep. This is what they were all talking about?? Does that mean she'll hear every thought of his, or just occasionally? She's mixed up with emotions, but while she could feel excitement bubble in her little chest she remembered her situation and that excitement faltered.
        'Maybe I'll give it time, he can't hear me anyways. I'll just listen and see what kind of person he is,' she thought, wondering if maybe, despite her being mute, things could go well after all.
        Every day she would hear his voice, the voice she couldn't respond to but came to actually enjoy listening to. She came to like his voice, trying to imagine that voice with a face but finding it difficult to create the perfect look in her head. She'd hang off his thoughts, noting that like her he looked up to heroes; Crimson Riot seemed to be his role model, and while she never imagined herself becoming more than a sidekick she wanted to see if he'd go for becoming a full fledged pro hero.
        Things changed the day before his birthday. She was in school writing notes when his thoughts interrupted her own. She'd been listening to him for about a month now so she'd learned to tune out his voice when in school or talking to her mom but what he thought stopped her in the middle of copying down what her sensei said.
        'Tomorrow's the big day, the big 1 2! Told mom all I want is a Crimson Riot action figure, but they were sold out... But no matter what she gets me I'll be a man and happy about it!'
        She'd come to enjoy his talks about 'being manly' and the like but that's not what she's paying attention to. 'Tomorrow is the... His birthday??' She thought, gasping. She turned pink noting how some students glanced at her before she shook her head and returned to note writing. She felt a mix of emotions: Excitement for him, sadness she can't get him anything, but also a nervous ache in her gut. He'll be turning 12 meaning he'll be able to hear her right?? She turned pink wondering if they'll now be able to communicate. His voice wasn't loud even when he was excited, meaning he's far from her, but if she could hear him that means, if fate was being kind, he'll hear her too.
        That night she watched the clock, again playing games and gulping. It's nerve wracking but she can't stop eyeing the time. He still was luckily awake, and she took note on how he seemed to be counting down the time too. 'Has he been waiting to hear his soulmate's voice like I was?' She wondered, blushing pink at the thought. 11:59 PM.
        The moment it changed to midnight she paused her game and music and she thought,'Hello?? Can you hear me??' It's quiet after this, her heart pounding so loudly she hoped it wouldn't block out his voice if he responded. 'H-Hello?? Did you go to sleep? No, you were just thinking, um-'
        'Wait... So this soulmate stuff is real??'
        She jolted in surprise when he responded, but immediately her eyes widened while she felt nervous all of a sudden. He can hear her! She wiggled in her chair while holding her cheeks, trying to calm herself. After all, she can't get too excited, he seemed nice but how will he react? What if they meet and things went wrong?? Calm down, (F/n).
        'Oh good, you can hear me too! I've been waiting for a month now, you can finally hear me!' She excitedly replied, a smile gracing her lips.
        It's quiet for a few moments, almost like he's still in shock, but he soon responded,'For real?! I thought this stuff was all talk but you could hear me already??' He sounded surprised, but she can already tell he's not upset. In fact he sounded almost excited like her. She couldn't handle how much her heart was pounding. 'So you're only a month older than me? What's your name? I'm Eijiro Kirishima!'
        Kirishima-kun... She shook her head and responded,'Yes, I heard you as soon as it turned midnight on my birthday! I was pretty surprised to be honest, haha.' She let out silent laughs while her smile brightened. 'Oh! I'm (F/n) (L/n) by the way, it's nice to finally talk to you, Kirishima-kun.~'
        It didn't take long for the two to become good friends and talk to each other all day and night. While she didn't have a cell phone their only way of communication was like this, but neither were bothered; They shared their dreams, hers being (your dream) while he would tell her about how he wanted to be a hero like Crimson Riot and become strong to help people. They'd tell each other about their hobbies, what their quirks were, what they were currently doing or planned to do that day, and even discussed possibly meeting at some point. With her living in Kyoto along with neither having the money and both having school it seemed like a far off plan that would have to wait until they got older. But they at least could communicate every day, and steadily she came to notice as the months passed she would feel her heart thunder every time she'd hear his voice. Even without meeting him in person she could tell she was growing a crush, but how he felt she had no idea. He always seemed happy to talk to her too, and it only got more noticeable as time flew by.
        'He can't possibly like me, right? I mean maybe he does! But what if he doesn't and I tell him and things get awkward??' She thinks, luckily being able to separate her inner thoughts from those he can hear. 
        Soon enough both were in their third year of middle school.
        'I was thinking of maybe going to UA,' Kirishima tells her one day while she's at lunch. Eating by herself since her friend was busy she took a bite of her food and nodded even if he couldn't see it. 
        'I remember you mentioning that. Is that one of the schools you put down on the sheet?' She asked, talking about the papers students receive where they write down their prospective high schools. 'I think you have a shot, Ei-kun! You've got a strong quirk from what it sounds like, plus I think you have the heart that every hero needs!'
        'Thanks, (F/n), but... I don't know, my friends think it's a waste of time to go for it. Maybe I'm flying too close to the sun here...'
        (F/n) furrowed her brows; she could hear he was down, something she didn't hear often, and finishing her food she thought about what to say. 'Well, I don't think so. Maybe give it some thought, Ei-kun, it never hurts to take some time to decide if this is the right choice for you or not. Lunch is about over so I need to go to class, but wanna know what I think?' She blushes, standing and beginning to head back to class. '... I think you'd be the manliest hero I've ever seen, even more than All Might.~'
        She can't see his reaction, but she can almost imagine it as he replies,'Thank you, (F/n)-chan...!' The way he sounds it's like her words hit him hard and he's crying 'manly' tears, making her silently giggle as she hurries after her friend seeing her in the hall.
        That night she'd gotten some rather surprising news.
        "Because of dad's work we're going to move to Musutafu next week," her mom told her, (F/n) taken back. She'd heard about the place, it's where UA and many agencies are located right? But her mom seemed to notice the girl's gaze fall when thinking about the couple of friends she'd made since she got into middle school. Sitting next to the mute teen her mom rubbed her back and said with a soft smile,"I know you're going to miss your friends here, dad and I already talked."
        "You're getting a cell phone once we've moved," her dad added, walking into the room. The teen is shocked by this but her eyes sparkle. Her own cell phone... She can talk to all her friends, get their numbers while at school and later Eijiro's!
        She was suddenly more into the idea once she told Kirishima, when he replied,'You're gonna be moving here?? That's awesome! Maybe we'll finally get to meet!' She can feel herself tremble with excitement. 'I'll show you around if you want too! There's the a ramen place that sells the best beef bowls, we should go!!' (F/n) smiled hearing the shared joy in his voice while she thinks about finally being able to meet her crush of 2 and a half years in person; her soulmate... It's a scary thought, to be honest, after all they're destined to be but what if she isn't what he's looking for? This thought continuously resurfaced and she couldn't help the way it made her heart ache. She hadn't even seen him yet either, what if they aren't what the other was looking for? Gripping her shirt she shook her head, deciding to ignore the thoughts for now. No good will come worrying about this, it hasn't happened yet, only fate knows what's in store.
        2 weeks later and she and her family had officially moved. It's a nice home, decently sized with 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen area, and the main room. It wasn't too far from the high school she'd be attending and it was in a busier part of Musutafu where many heroes do their rounds. As promised her parents bought her a phone, which wasn't fancy but it worked to make messages, calls, and get on the internet and that's all she needed. She'd gotten her friends numbers and regularly texted them, but had yet to get Kirishima's number. She wanted it, but with how he's been she's focused more on talking to him. 
        'Ei-kun, you can be a hero... An awesome one!' She tells him, sitting on her bed checking her phone for a text from another friend. 'Not every hero's quirk is flashy, flashiness doesn't make the hero, if you can help people that's all that matters right?' When he doesn't respond she looks down, gripping her pants while waiting. What should she say to make him feel better? 'This Ashido girl is outgoing and stuff, but Ei-kun you're like that too! You're big hearted, you're funny, and you care about others. Don't let what happened today get to you, even the pros hesitate right? It doesn't mean you're weak, or that you shouldn't go to UA... You're one of the strongest people I know.' Again no answer, which has her getting worried. She couldn't stop hoping he'd finally respond as the minutes ticked by, that she didn't say something wrong or that he's feeling better. She wants nothing more than to run out to see him, albeit she'd have no clue where to go, but even if she wandered, his voice was much louder now indicating they weren't that far from each other, if he responded while she was out maybe-
        '(F/n),' Her heart jolted and her running thoughts halted when he finally responded, but instead of sounding upset or sad his 'tone' was bolder, back to the Eijiro she knew. 'I am going to work harder to become a hero, I... I'm going to be the best hero I can be, and save people no matter what! Crimson Riot... And you helped me realize that, no matter if I'm scared, I'll still jump into action to protect those in need!'
        A big smile came to the (hair color) haired teens lips as she responded,'Exactly!!'
        'Also (F/n), uh... Never mind, it's not important! It's late so we should get to bed, right? I'll talk to you tomorrow! Also did you get a phone yet? Give me your number tomorrow, night!' 
        She blinked in surprise as he said this all in a rushed way leaving her no time to respond. Deciding he needs his sleep she tells him goodnight too, laying on her bed and playing on her phone while she steadily got more and more tired before setting it on her night stand and deciding to go to bed herself.
        The next day she waited outside a nearby convenience store, nervous and sick to her stomach. When she woke up that morning and throughout the day she noted Eijiro seemed to be acting odd, like he was trying to ask her something but kept backing out of it. It wasn't until the end of school while she was at her shoe locker changing into her (favorite shoes) that he finally asked,'Hey (F/n), do you maybe want to meet up, after school? If not it's totally fine, but I... I want to finally meet my, uh... You know!' She blushed lightly, knowing exactly what he was about to say. 
        'Really?? Um, okay...!' She couldn't even stop herself as she agreed, rubbing her neck while walking out of her school. She hadn't even mentally prepared herself! Although to most people this wouldn't be so nerve wracking. The (eye color) eyed girl looked up at the azure sky and took a deep breath to calm her thundering heart. It's just a meetup, nothing to worry about right? Not like she'd put her feelings out right there. Nope, she'd be totally relaxed as she meets the guy she may possibly spend her life with, no pressure!
        And now here she is, waiting, having gone home to change out of her uniform, her bag hanging off her shoulder and the girl looking around.
        'I'm on my way now, (F/n)! Sorry, I had to help my friend out with something but I'm almost there!'
        Her anxiety just sky rocketed hearing this and she tried to relax, leaning against the wall. He sounded much louder now, meaning he definitely was close. 'Okay, Ei-kun, I'm a bit late too but I'm here, see you when you-' She's stopped when her bag was suddenly grabbed. Her eyes widened while her reflexes kicked in taking hold of the other strap before the perpetrator could run off with it. She looked up to see a man in his mid 20's, who while he appeared scary for only a moment she could tell he was an everyday thug looking to snag anything valuable from people. Unfortunately she was his target apparently, but with her phone and other necessities being in the bag she wasn't letting go, and he could see this; unfortunately this irked him as he gave a large tug.
        "Let go, you stupid brat...!" He hissed, but the mute teen shook her head, pulling back. 
        '(F/n), are you okay??' Eijiro asked, noticing how she suddenly cut off. 'I'm here but-' He goes silent, and while she tried to respond while playing tug of war with a petty thief the two stopped at the sound of footsteps rushing towards them, shoes hitting the pavement in bounds before a raven haired boy rushed from behind (F/n) and grabbed the bag. With a rough yank and him slamming his hand against the thief's chest the older man let go and fell back, landing on his backside while the boy, who looked to be around her age, released the bag to stand in front of (F/n).
        "Not on my watch, pal! What kind of man targets innocent high school girls just to make a quick buck? That's pathetic!" 
        Immediately (F/n) freezed and her eyes went wide as saucers hearing this raven haired boy talk. 'Ei... -kun...?'
        The thief scoffed but muttered,"Not worth my time, kid probably doesn't have anything worth it..." Standing he sauntered off, Kirishima glaring and going to yell,"Hey wait a minute, we're not-" He stopped when he felt a tug on his sleeve and looked back at the girl he'd just protected. He noticed her expression, along with this odd feeling in his chest he recognized as the same he felt whenever talking to (F/n) and as their eyes met it was clear to both who the other was. She took in his appearance, noting the scar above his right eye he'd mentioned before, his sharp teeth shown as his mouth hung agape, and his crimson orbs that looked just as surprised as her own (eye color). Neither said anything for a few moments but slowly a smile came to his lips, red dusting over his cheeks, and facing her he asked,"... (F/n)-chan?"
        The moment she nodded she smiled back and both excitedly rushed into the other's arms, giving a tight. He quickly let go though, scratching the back of his head sheepishly as he said,"Sorry, don't, uh, wanna risk my quirk suddenly popping up cause I'm excited.~" 
        (F/n) tilted her head, nodding, but of course couldn't respond which Eijiro quickly took note of. "Oh, I forgot you can't..." He wasn't sure what to say, embarrassed over the fact he was waiting on her to respond, scratching his cheek. But fortunately for him (F/n) was prepared; pulling out her phone her fingers moved quickly as she typed something and she lifted it up to show him.
        Don't worry, I'm used to writing what I wanna say.~ But I'm really happy to meet you!
        His cheeks grew darker as the boy looked past the phone at her and saw the big smile she was giving him, her own face dusted red. His heart skipped, and he cleared his throat, shaking his head. 'No, don't get embarrassed, that's not the manly way to handle this!!' He yelled at himself in his head and taking a deep breath he willed away some of the blush and fluster he's dealing with, preparing himself. He'd been going over this all night, even after he told her he was heading to bed, so he was prepared... Kind of.
        I'm glad you showed up when you did too, that guy was scrawny but he wouldn't let go even if his life depended on it. See? I told you you're hero material
        And there went some of his confidence replaced by more fluster. 
        "Of course, I had to help, I told you I'm aiming to be a manly hero," he grinned, resting his hands on his hips almost like he was trying to strike a pose. She silently giggled and nodded, but her heart began to pound loudly in her ears when he took her hands into his own and his grin became a much softer smile. She could feel he was trembling but didn't take her hands from his, instead lightly clasping his and meeting his eyes. Eijiro proceeded to continue,"And as a man I can't back down from challenging situations. So (F/n)... Will you go out with me?"
        "What's up with that hair?!" Mina Ashido exclaims, rushing over to Kirishima in shock. The now red haired teen peers back at her, facing the pink skinned girl. "Is that for your high school debut?! You got horns! Just like me!"
        "Darn right! Don't touch 'em though!"
        The two talk for a few minutes, discussing the day things changed for him and his 'high school debut', before Kirishima looks surprised as a voice in his head exclaims,'Ei-kun, what did you...?! Your hair!!' He looks around with Mina wondering what's up. He stops when his eyes land on his girlfriend, who he hadn't seen in weeks due to the exams and training leading up to his getting into UA. She was by the entrance gate, wide eyed just like Mina had been, but soon she holds up two thumbs up and starts running over. He grins and rushes too, hugging her back when she nearly tackles him. He pulls back looking down at her.
        "Why are you here, (F/n)??"
        I came to see you off! She types, pecking his lips. I thought I'd stop by since I wanted to see you in your new uniform, but what the hell with the hair? 
        He goes to reply when Mina suddenly pops up asking,"Oh wow are you his girlfriend?? You're so cute!" (F/n) blinks in surprise at the sudden appearance of this random girl but blushing she smiles sheepishly, nodding. She types,Yeah, I'm Ei-kun's girlfriend. Kirishima watches as Mina looks surprised but immediately starts to chat with his soulmate, the two hitting it off immediately. But checking the time he interrupts, saying,"Oh, we're going to be late!" 
        Mina gasps, she and (F/n) already exchanging numbers, and putting her phone away she waves goodbye before hurrying off, yelling back,"Hurry Kirishima!" The red head nods and looking at his girlfriend she quickly kisses him before giving a small wave; Kirishima's heart thunders as he turns and rushes off, the (hair color) haired girl doing the same as she hurries to get to her school as well.
        A few months pass, the attack on the USJ she's worried and gives him no choice but to spend time with her the moment he can, and after the sports festival she's there showing her support. When the camp is attacked and Bakugou kidnapped she's away visiting relatives, so watching the news coverage on it all she worries, not sending him messages until he sends first just in case.
        After All Might's retirement is announced she comes home, Kirishima waiting for a text from her but nothing comes. Kaminari, Bakugou, and Sero notice how he's watching his phone all day seeming lost in thought, Kaminari asking while at lunch,"Why do you keep watching your phone, man? Waiting on someone to message you or something?"
        "Yeah, your down in the dumps face is starting to get really annoying to look at," Bakugou adds.
        Mina glances over, also not hearing from (F/n) all day (the two being regular text buddies) and she hopes everything is okay. "Don't worry, Kirishima, (F/n) is probably just busy!" She tries to reassure him with a big smile, and while he tries to return it with a,"I know." she can see he's bothered, going back to his lunch an absentmindedly eating it.
        "Who's (F/n)?" Hagakure asks, with Mina only responding,"You'll meet her eventually, she's awesome!~" 
        The day comes to an end and the kids all start heading home to their dorms, Kirishima again checking his phone.
        "Look man, why don't you just try calling her? Or did you piss her off or something?" Kaminari asks, shrugging. Before Kirishima can respond Mina gasps and points, running past them and exclaiming,"(F/n)-chaaaan!!" Kirishima's eyes immediately land on his soulmate as she and Mina run for each other and give a tight hug, jumping up an down a few times, the two acting like they haven't seen each in years. When they pull back (F/n) looks over at the group of students, specifically her red head. She waves before starting to run over. Without being able to stop himself Kirishima starts sprinting too, the girl jumping into his arms and her boyfriend swinging her around a bit. She missed him so much, and with everything that happened... When they pull back she smacks him upside the head, her expression turning more angry (although he still finds it cute) and Mina scratching the back of her head as she admits,"I kiiinda told her about you guys going to save Bakugou, I'm sorry!" 
        Kirishima rubs his neck, looking at (F/n) like a puppy being disciplined, and says,"I'm sorry, babe... My buddy needed to be saved... If we hadn't gone..." 
        He's stopped by arms wrapping around his middle and he turn as red as his hair peering down. She nuzzles him, looking up and smiling, mouthing,'I forgive you.' But she definitely plans to tell him not to do something stupid like that again. He returns the smile with a warm one of his own and leans down, kissing her, his soulmate leaning in as their lips perfectly connect.
        "What is happening???" 
        It's cut short by Kaminari and pulling back Kirishima is flushed red looking at the others surprised. Mina is giggling having snapped a picture of the couple planning to send it to (F/n) later, while the rest seem either surprised or shocked, Kaminari looking betrayed while Mineta, Sero, and he exclaim in unison,"You have a girlfriend???" 
        Kirishima blinks and (F/n) lets go of him, waving, Kaminari adding,"And she's so cute too!! Wait, is she your...?!"
        "Yeah, this is (F/n) (L/n), my soulmate," Kirishima tells them, taking his girlfriend's hand and looking down at her. "I'm going to hang out with her for a bit so I'll see you guys back at the dorms later okay?" He tells them as he and (F/n) begin to leave. Kaminari and Mineta can be heard talking about his 'betrayal' but he tunes it out. Kirishima looks at her as they walk, (F/n) looking back curiously. "Y'know, I don't think I've ever told you this, but I like your voice.~"
        She appears confused, pointing at her mouth and he chuckles, adding,"Kind of, the one in my head I heard every day."
        He leans down and kisses her cheek, (F/n) jolting in surprise, but nodding she mouths,'I like yours too, ever since the first time I heard it.~'
((That was a f*cking terrible ending, and I made it a lot more fluffy than I meant to, I'm sorry, if anyone wants to see more I'm willing to do a sequel or like a date fic or something. eoe This was SO much fun to make, I at first was worried but I came to love it and come up with all these ideas! For another time thoooough~ I hope no one was OOC QuQ Thanks for reading!!~ 
If you’d like to make a Soulmate request: Soulmate AU requests))
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bigtimetired · 4 years
Softly, Softly
a one-shot in a wider (v unfinished i’m suffering help) au- nearly complete age-swap, set in the 90s for some godforsaken reason, this fic set not too long after damian moves in w bruce- i think that’s all that matters? just under 4k, mostly under the cut- anyway:
12th November 1990
Winter in Gotham is never easy.
It’s generally agreed that the going gets tough from the end of November to the start of February, and things are- not easy, never easy, but more doable- up until that point.
It’s early-ish November- the air is getting chilly, there’s frost on the ground in the mornings. It’s starting to get cold and sharp out, though at this point a person could get away with a regular jacket during the day.
It’s the easiest part of a Gotham winter.
Of course, Dick’s little brother doesn’t seem to have gotten this particular memo.
In retrospect, Dick blames himself for not noticing sooner and nipping it in the bud. The signs had been there for god knows how long; the quiet sniffles, late night rasps, sluggish reactions.
But anyway, the point is that Dick didn’t realise earlier, which is what has them where they are now; Jason bundled up in his hoodie and coat, Dick’s scarf and a hat they found lying around, shivering miserably, and Dick sacrificing his own jacket to act as a blanket.
Jason sniffs again and Dick winces- it sounds disconcertingly liquid.
“Don’t need all this,” Jason half-whispers, weakly waving his hand at his sickbed- his usual mattress, and a sofa cushion arranged in order to prop him up against the wall. It’s debatable how long he can actually sit up unassisted at this point.
Dick hums noncommittally and makes sure their meagre rations are within Jason’s reach- half a bottle of water, a squished bar of chocolate, and two tissues. This isn’t good. They need more.
Is Daly’s still open?
“’M serious,” Jason insists, and Dick nods.
“Whatever floats your ship.”
Jason blows out a heavy, congested, breath. “’s boat, Dickers.”
“Really? Why?”
Jason frowns for a moment, looking so concerned that Dick regrets asking.
“Dunno,” he admits eventually. “Prob’ly ‘cause it rhymes.”
Jason starts coughing then- a sharp noise which sounds like it’s being pulled out of him. The fit fades as quickly as it started- the ragged breathing and rosy cheeks do not.
Dick hands Jason the water bottle; helps him hold it steady when it becomes clear that his hands are still trembling too badly to do it himself.
When Jason’s breathing regularly again, Dick asks, “How’re you feeling?”, even though he already knows what his little brother will say.
Jason grins, pale green eyes blinking slowly. “On top of the world.”
Dick reaches out and tries to measure Jason’s temperature with his hand. Jason pulls the sort of face that only a ten-year-old can muster but stays put.
Dick frowns- Jason’s kinda clammy.
“Ew,” he says out loud, making a show of wiping his hand off on Jason’s sleeve. Internally he makes up his mind. I have to go.
Jason grins again and lets out a quiet noise which would ordinarily be a snort. “You’re ew.”
Dick settles down next to Jason’s mattress, even though he has no intention of staying put for too long.
“Go to sleep, Jay- you’re already nearly there.”
“Am not,” comes the weary reply.
“F’ck off, Dickolas.”
“Can’t- who else will wipe your nose for you?”
“Asshole,” smiles Jason, eyes already nearly closed. His expression changes then. “You’ll still be here when I wake up, right?”
Dick pauses- takes in the genuine worry wrinkling around Jason’s mouth, the uneven intakes of breath- and comes to the sudden, stomach-churning, realisation that Jason is too sick to be left alone.
It’s with a heavy heart that he abandons his plans to sneak out for a supply run.
“Duh. Now go to sleep, lil’ wing.”
Jason pulls another face, eyes closed now. “Gotta stop callin’ me that.”
Jason tries to snort again and doesn’t say anything else. Dick keeps perfectly still for what feels like the longest time, watching Jason’s chest rise and fall.
His only reassurance is that, despite the audible wheeze of his lungs, Jason’s breaths are still perfectly regular.
Dick carefully pushes a slightly sweaty curl away from Jason’s face, trying not to focus on how Jason’s usually faint freckles seem a great deal more vivid at the moment.
He’ll be okay.
He has to be.
 Jason wakes up around when the air in the attic is getting cool enough for Dick to have to start stretching in an attempt to stay awake; the cold has always made him sleepy.
Jason’s breath stutters, once, twice, and Dick’s head whips around, heart pounding.
Jason’s breath resumes a noticeable pattern, and Jason peers over at Dick.
“Hey,” Dick smiles, trying to project a calm and certainty that he doesn’t feel. “How’re you now?”
Jason swallows, licks his lips. “Hurts,” he whispers, and Dick’s smile drops instantly.
“What does? What hurts Jay?”
Jason shifts slightly, wincing. “Everything.”
With no small amount of dread, Dick lays his hand on Jason’s forehead again.
Jason is burning up.
Dick exhales, and makes Jason drink some water as he thinks.
“Okay,” he says quietly, more to himself than to Jason, “it’s all okay.”
It isn’t really. Dick is nowhere near as calm as he’d like to be- as he needs to be.
He doesn’t know what to do- Jason’s never been this sick before, and Dick isn’t sure what’s wrong; if Jason needs medicine or if he can sleep it off, if they should be seeing a doctor or if they can get by on their own.
It’s a lot for a twelve-year-old to deal with but deal with it he must. For Jason’s sake.
Jason’s had enough water- Dick takes the bottle from him before he accidentally drops it.
“Have some of this,” he says, grabbing the bar of chocolate.
“Not hungry,” says Jason quietly, just as he did the last time Dick offered it.
“I know, Jaybird, but you gotta eat if you want to get better,” Dick says, rubbing Jason’s shoulder carefully. He seems terribly small and breakable all of a sudden.
Jason still doesn’t seem all that convinced about the whole ‘eating’ thing. Dick decides to pull out the big guns.
“Please, Jay.”
Jason nods reluctantly and begins the incredibly long endeavour of eating a bar of chocolate with as little effort as possible.
He’s sneezed a good eight times by the time the wrapper is empty, but Jason looks marginally more awake now and Dick hopes that the pink tinge to his cheeks is a sign of health.
The water is almost gone, the tissues are used up and absolutely disgusting, and they’re completely out of anything the least bit edible.
Jason is still far too hot, still sweating, and now starting to shiver.
Dick doesn’t know all that much about illnesses but he’s fairly sure that shivering like that when you’re not cold at all isn’t a good sign.
“Jay,” Dick tries his hardest to sound both soothing and supremely confident and not at all afraid, “Jay, we don’t have enough things here for you to get better. I’m gonna have to- “
Jason’s eyes widen, and he moves the quickest he has in nearly three days to grab Dick’s wrist in an iron-grip.
“No,” he hisses, “no, you promised you’d stay. You promised.”
“Jay,” says Dick softly, “I- “
“Please, Dick, please don’t go- I don’t wanna be alone- please- “
There are actual tears welling up in Jason’s eyes all of a sudden, and Dick’s heart twists horribly.
“Hey,” he says gently, “hey- I’m not gonna leave you alone, okay? I- uh- “
Dick swallows and then makes what many people might call a terrible decision.
“I’m gonna take you with me,” he says as if he had planned this all along, “we just gotta pop out to the store and back- get some more water, some tissues, all that fun stuff. Okay?”
Jason relaxes, though he doesn’t let go of Dick. “Okay,” he half-whispers. “Just- just don’t leave me.”
“I promise.”
 Rather predictably, things are not going well.
Dick’s eyes are sore and gritty, and he can’t quite tell if his hands are shaking or not. He has Jason tucked under his arm in an attempt to keep him warm and stop him from tipping over- easier said than done on the ice-laced paths.
It’s dark out now, and the streetlights in this part of town are few and far between. Jason’s weighty breaths seem to echo in the mostly empty streets- they’re gonna start attracting attention soon.
“Dick,” mumbles Jason all of a sudden, “we nearly there yet?”
No. No they are not. All the nearest stores are closed and they’re starting to get uncomfortably far from home.
“Uh-huh,” whispers Dick, “just another few minutes, okay?”
Jason lets out a tremendous sniff then, and Dick rubs his arm absently.
It’s way colder than Dick thought it would be- every breath in is sharp, every breath out creates a thick plume of condensation.
Dick isn’t good with cold- his head hurts, his chest aches, and all he wants to do is go to sleep for a while. When it’s really, really, cold, his nose bleeds.
“’m tired.”
“Me too, lil’ wing. Nearly there.”
“Can we sit down? Just for a second?”
Jason sounds exhausted.
Dick glances around carefully- no unsavoury characters too close by, though they’d be better off stepping in out of view.
“Yeah- we’ll sit down just around the corner for a few minutes, okay?”
The two of them make their ungainly way around the corner- off the main street and into a more secluded area.
There’s a deep, surprisingly unoccupied, doorway here- Dick tucks his little brother into the corner in an attempt to block some of the cold out. He pulls off his jacket and gives it to Jason as a blanket.
Jason leans his head on Dick’s shoulder and lets out slow, heavy, breaths.
Dick looks up at the artificially clouded, orange-tinted sky and misses the stars for the umpteenth time.
Has Jason ever seen the stars?
Dick’s eyes are very, very, tired.
Don’t you dare fall asleep, Grayson.
There’s a song playing from a building nearby- words muffled, melody barely audible. A slow, soft, sad song.
Dick breathes in deep, lets it out slowly.
He watches his breath cloud and float up, up, up, until he can’t see it anymore.
“Dick?”, asks Jason drowsily.
“Yeah?”, Dick whispers back, still staring up at the sky.
“I don’t wanna get up.”
“Me neither, Jay. ‘nother minute?”
They’re quiet again, Dick knowing full well that they need to get up and keep moving but not quite able to do anything with that knowledge just yet.
Something begins to drift down through the orange-haze; Dick watches it distantly, rubs tiredly at his runny nose.
A feathery speck of snow falls softly to the ground before them.
Then another.
Then another.
It’s not dry enough for the snow to lodge, but that won’t make their unfinished journey any less miserable.
Then there’s a thump from above- too heavy and solid to be anything other than a person.
Then another thump, and another.
Double shit.
 Damian is having a reasonably good evening, all things considered.
Is it colder than anyone would like? Yes, yes it is.
Did Kent call earlier like he said he would? No, no he did not.
But Damian isn’t letting any of that bother him- there’s crime to fight, justice to uphold, etcetera, etcetera.
Besides, he’s rather enjoying knocking the stuffing out of the would-be jewel thief before him.
Or at least, he would be, if the degenerate would ever show some consideration and stop running away.
(Damian’s evening is, perhaps, not going as well as he is trying to convince himself it is.)
The thief clears the gap between two buildings with surprising ease, seeing as he has no grapple gun to support him.
Damian tails him still, grip tight on the non-lethal staff Father had insisted on.
They had argued about it (again) only earlier that evening, actually.
It’s understandable that Father would prefer that Drake abstain from lethal force- Drake hasn’t been trained in the art of death from birth, after all. Drake can barely be trusted to tell one end of a blade from the other.
But Damian is a master- the best of his generation, it had always been whispered. Damian can be trusted to kill quickly and efficiently- or slowly and painfully, as required.
Damian is more than capable of-
The thief swerves suddenly and Damian copies- but the rooftop is covered with a thin layer of treacherous frost and Damian perhaps hadn’t been paying quite as much attention to his surroundings as he should have been- what would Grandfather say?
Damian stumbles, temporarily drops to one knee, before regaining his balance.
It’s a tiny slip- a microscopic mistake in the grand scheme of things- but it’s enough.
America has made him soft.
The thief is further ahead than he should be- he hops down to the next building, and then down again into a dingy alleyway.
Damian continues his pursuit- trying his best to force down the little bubble of desperation- he must catch up in time- he can’t disappoint Father- he can’t.
Damian drops into the alleyway, head automatically snapping to the left to see the thief racing away. They’re on better terrain now- Damian can catch up. He can.
It’s then that he hears it; a quiet sniff.
Almost against his will, Damian turns his head away from the criminal’s retreating figure.
There are two people huddled together in the doorway next to him.
Two very small people watching him with wide, frightened, eyes.
Children- younger than Drake- tiny and alone and shaking with fear, cold, or both.
Instinctively, Damian reaches out to them and they flinch.
They’re afraid of him.
To the best of his knowledge, Damian has never frightened children before. The other children in the League might have been wary of him, but they were never afraid. Drake might have been uneasy when they first met, but soon irritation outweighed all other emotion.
But now one child is clearly trying to shield the other from him- as if Damian is likely to snap and rage.
As if Damian is likely to hurt them.
Something about this does not sit well with Damian- perhaps it’s the novelty of the situation, perhaps it’s the not-very-good day he’s been having, perhaps it’s Father’s philosophy winding around the recesses of his mind.
He remembers, very suddenly, that there are two parts to the Batman’s mission statement, though Damian does tend to only consider the first half.
To punish the guilty and protect the innocent.
Appearances can be deceptive, and youth is no indicator of nature, but Damian is pretty sure that it is the innocent who are staring up at him in mute terror.
He glances after the jewel thief- still visible at the mouth of the alley. If he ran now, he could probably catch up.
But there are two children alone in Gotham on a cold night who are absolutely terrified of him and seem rather lacking in the resources department.
Damian takes in how underdressed the older child is- his full-body shivers and bloody nose. The other child is bundled up and mostly hidden from view but from what little Damian can see, he doesn’t seem all that healthy.
It’s snowing.
Damian looks after the criminal- the guilty who must be punished- and comes to a decision.
He sheathes his staff, drops his shoulders, and looks down at the children, trying very hard to radiate non-threatening energy.
He isn’t sure if it’s working.
“What are you doing out here?”, Damian asks, trying to imitate the soft voice that Father sometimes uses when Damian is…uneasy.
The older child swipes at his nose, doesn’t seem to notice the blood left on his hand.
“Nothing,” he mumbles, still leaning away from Damian.
“It doesn’t look like nothing,” Damian counters, still trying to do the Voice. “It looks like you’re planning on staying there for a while, and not by choice either.”
The boy looks at him for a long moment, before admitting quietly, “Maybe.”
Damian mentally pats himself on the back for this minor victory.
Protect the innocent.
“Do you- “, Damian starts, but he is interrupted by the second child breaking his silence to let out an extremely unpleasant-sounding, wet, hacking, cough.
The first child turns away from Damian immediately to rub his brother’s back.
When the fit subsides about two minutes later, Damian catches the tiny whisper of “You okay, Jaybird?”, and the even tinier, breathless, “Yeah.”
“You need to see a doctor,” says Damian matter-of-factly.
“I know,” mutters the older boy, not looking at Damian.
“I know where to find a clinic with a fantastic doctor,” Damian offers, surprising himself with the realisation that he is willing to take these two all the way over to Dr Hopkins’ if necessary.
“We can’t- “, the boy starts, conflict clearly playing out on his face. Then his expressions hardens. “We don’t need your charity.”
Damian aches with the urge to point out that they very clearly need someone’s charity, but resists. That sort of barb rarely goes over well with Drake, never mind two virtual strangers.
He sighs. “I know you don’t.”
They’re in a stalemate then- Damian (for reasons which not even he entirely understands) unwilling to leave them as he found them, and neither of the two boys willing to accept his help.
Damian crouches down in a bid to make himself less intimidating, though both boys watch him cautiously. The older one tightens his grip on his brother.
“Do you know who I am?”, Damian asks quietly.
The children stare at him for a moment, eyes skittering all over his uniform and hopefully lingering on the bat symbol.
“You work with Batman,” whispers the smaller boy hoarsely.
Damian nods. “I do. And what does Batman do?”
“Fight crime?”, offers the sick child.
The boy with the bloody nose sighs. “And help people who need it. Which we don’t,” he hastens to add.
Damian looks at them levelly and then repeats something that Pennyworth has told him quietly time after time, though Damian has never truly listened to the words until now.
“Everyone needs help sometimes, and everyone is allowed to get help.”
The words hang in the air for a moment, both children watching him with wide, considering, eyes.
“We can’t pay the doctor,” says the older boy, slouching.
“She won’t charge you.”
“You sure?”, whispers the sick one, squinting at Damian.
He nods, which seems to be enough for the sick boy.
“Le’ss go, Dick.”
The newly identified Dick looks at his brother again. “You sure?”
“Yeah. Why not?”
“I can think of plenty of reasons,” mutters Dick, before sighing. “Alright then, let’s go get our organs stolen.”
“She won’t take your organs,” reassures Damian.
“That’s what they all say.”
Dick stands up stiffly and rubs at his nose again. He notices the blood this time, but merely frowns at his hand in response.
“What happened?”, Damian asks, though Dick only shrugs before pulling on the coat previously wrapped around his little brother.
There’s a bit of difficulty then, as the younger boy very shakily stands up and nearly falls over, though Dick manages to save him and prop him upright under his arm.
Standing up now, it’s clear that the boys can’t be any older than about eleven and neither of them looks like he has regular meals.
“Lead ahead,” says Dick.
“Lead on,” corrects his brother tiredly. “’r go ahead.”
Dick shrugs again.
Damian starts walking, though he’s only made it a few feet before realising that the boys are still behind him and only slowly shuffling forward.
They both look exhausted, and whilst Dick may be in better shape than his brother, he’s still trembling ever so slightly and walking stiffly.
Damian tilts his head for a moment, considering.
Then he stands on Dick’s free side- he thinks he knows better than to go near Dick’s younger brother given the sharp look Dick keeps giving him- and props him under his arm.
“Let’s go then,” says Damian, pretending not to see the strange looks he is being given.
Neither boy says anything in response but the three of them begin to make their achingly slow way forward, ungainly as one might expect such a convoy to be.
Damian can feel how horrifyingly cold Dick is under his arm and doesn’t even want to consider how cold his brother probably is.
He twists his cape around with his free hand and drapes it around the other two’s shoulders without breaking stride.
“Thanks,” mumbles Dick.
His brother makes a hoarse noise that may or may not also be a thank you.
“You’re welcome,” says Damian uncomfortably.
People do not often thank him.
(Damian wonders, briefly, if the children would have been willing to trust him at all if he had been carrying a more deadly weapon and doesn’t like how the answer makes him feel.)
They continue to walk in silence.
It’s going to be a long night.
 Many, many, hours later Damian is standing at his father’s side in the Batcave, as his father types away on the computer.
Drake is somewhere nearby, polishing something- Damian can hear his breathing.
Pennyworth is on Father’s other side, dutifully copying down a wall of text from a smaller screen- Damian can’t hear his breathing.
“The thief escaped,” Father says. It is and isn’t a question.
Damian nods, though adds, “I believe he will strike again in the financial district sometime in the next two weeks,” by way of a meagre apology.
“You last reported in from Leslie’s clinic.”
There is a long pause, as Damian tries to compose his thoughts and Father waits- ever patient.
“I had to protect the innocent,” he says eventually.
Father stops his typing and Drake stops pretending to be doing whatever it is that he’s been doing.
“Oh?”, asks Father, the closest Damian has ever gotten to a ‘go on’ from him.
“There were two children,” says Damian, not looking at his Father. “They needed medical attention, amongst other things. I found them as I pursued the thief and- “
“And you chose to protect the innocent rather than punish the guilty,” Father finishes.
Damian nods. “I did.”
Father actually turns his head to look at him, which means that Damian’s gaze is drawn- magnetised- to his.
“I’m proud of you,” Father says, voice warm and soft.
There is a lump in Damian’s throat all of a sudden.
He nods and chokes out, “Thank you.”
They stay like that a moment, Father’s calm blue eyes on his own teary green.
And then Father says, “Jon Kent called whilst you were out.”
Damian finally looks away from his father. “Oh?”
“He wanted to ask you about your chemistry project.”
Damian clicks his tongue. “I told him I’d tell him tomorrow.”
“Best go to bed then- it’s been a long day.”
Damian nods again. “Goodnight Father. Goodnight Pennyworth.”
He pauses for a very long moment, before eventually adding, “Goodnight, Drake.”
Drake says from somewhere that may or may not be in the rafters, “Goodnight Damian,” and then Damian goes to bed.
Damian falls asleep and dreams of softly falling snow and orange-tinted skies and part of an old, slow, song.
Softly, softly turn the key And open up my heart.
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shozto · 6 years
I really love your writing! I was wondering if I could get a request for the girls teasing Baukgo’s s/o for liking him and later on, while she’s taking a bath in the hot springs, Baukgo accidentally sees her and he gets all flustered and embarrassed and shit? Cute lil stuff? :)
ahh yes thanks so much for this !! thanks for reading my shit as well lmao anyway i hope you enjoy this :)
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Crushing on someone was a strange feeling.
Strange, yet pleasant at the same time.
y/n didn’t know when it started, nor when she realized it, but all she knew was that she was crushing hard. 
Katsuki Bakugo wasn’t the funniest guy. He definitely wasn’t the kindest either. But something about him drew y/n to him. he was strong, passionate, a realist. he didn’t let anything deter him from what he set out to do. 
y/n accidentally made the mistake of complimenting him when they were out on a class ‘trip’. it was mostly Momo’s idea. The girl only wanted to invite a few friends, but ended up bringing everyone to the large timeshare her parents didn’t have time to go to that summer. 
which is what brought them into the position they were in now. 
Katsuki ran and slammed the ball down with brute force, causing it to collide with the golden sand of the large, mostly empty beach. 
the sun was setting, slowly dripping behind the mountain as if it were honey. the colors meshed together beautifully, creating a mix of orange and red hues. the colors reflected off of Katsuki’s smooth skin as he patiently waited for the next team to get onto the makeshift volleyball court. 
y/n’s team was next, and all she knew, was that this was bad. how could she focus on the game when katsuki was just standing there in the sunset looking as beautiful as ever? she had no clue, and she was already apologizing in advance to her teammates. 
“don’t worry, y/n. we can win this, even if bakugo is ready to murder the ball,” Tokoyami patted her on the shoulder. 
her team consisted of Tokoyami, Mina, and Shoto. Katsuki, Denki, Eijiro, and Hanta stood across from them on the other side of the net, preparing themselves. 
“yeah. besides, i heard you and ashido were really good at volleyball,” shoto said to both girls. 
“come on y/n! we got this!” mina jumped and gave y/n a fist bump, readying in her stance. 
“which one of you bitches are gonna serve?” katsuki asked.
everyone looked at y/n. “o-oh. i guess me?” she said, more of a question than anything. katsuki nodded and walked over to the net, handing her the ball. handing. not chucking.
well, this was going to be interesting. 
y/n let out a content sigh as her body sunk into the bed mattress. 
“feels nice, doesn’t it?” momo asked, leaning back against the couch cushions. 
“yeah,” ochako smiled and ran a hand through her hair. “i can’t remember the last time we’ve been able to relax like this.”
toru laughed. “true.”
kyoka grinned and slung an arm around y/n. “as nice as this is, we have some questions for you, y/n,” she said in a singsong voice. the other girls nodded.
“you totally like bakugo, don’t you!” mina exclaimed.
“huh?!” y/n jumped up and hugged her knees. “why would you say that?!”
tsuyu and ochako grinned at each other. “you were watching him all day today.”
“plus,  you didn’t deny it.”
the girl found heat rising to her cheeks.
“so what if i do?”
“there’s nothing wrong with it, y/n,” momo said softly. “we were just wondering is all.”
“yeah, cause it’s totally funny! who knew you would fall for bakugo!” mina teased and leaned on the flustered girl. 
“hey! he’s not that bad!”
ochako looked down at the clock and pressed her lips together. “guys, it’s getting late. we should get to bed.”
y/n got off the bed and walked over to the closet, grabbing a robe. “i’m gonna go down to the hotsprings for a bit. anyone wanna join me?”
they shook their heads.
y/n shrugged and slipped on her shoes, opening the door. “suit yourselves.”
katsuki sighed and slung a white towel over his shoulder, opening the hotel room door and walking down to the hot springs. 
he was tired and was in much need of relaxation from the hectic day with the class, and this was the perfect way to relax. it wasn’t until he stepped outside and saw a figure in the warm waters that he realized he wouldn’t be able to do that at all.
there sat y/n, her body covered by the merky blue waters as she leaned against the stone wall, her eyes closed as she peacefully rested there.
though, when she noticed katsuki’s presence, her eyes snapped open and heat found its way to her cheeks. “bakugo!” she exclaimed, quickly laughing to herself. 
the boy noticed she did that when she was nervous. “hey,” he muttered denying the noticable flush on his face as his body sunk into the opposite side of the pool of water. 
“uhh…” she pulled her knees up to her chest and hid her face. “i can get out- if you want.”
he shook his head and found a flush dusting over his cheeks. he couldn’t decide if it was because of the hot water or if it was from being in there with only y/n. he hoped it was the first, but it was clearly the latter. “it’s fine,” he said, and y/n could tell he was being gentle. 
so, she nodded and rested her chin on her knees, looking past him. after a few moments of what he felt was awkward silence, her eyes widened. “w-wait.”
“y-you’re wearing your swim trunks?”
he raised a brow and leaned back, arms resting along the stone edge of the wall. “yeah.”
“oh…” she muttered softly, her face flushing and she looked away. 
“what, are you naked or somethin?” he asked, more of a joke than anything else. but, to his surprise, she nodded slowly, embarrassed by her choices. 
“i didn’t think anyone was gonna come in because it’s kinda late so…”
Katsuki’s brows shot up and, if y/n was watching, she would know he was shocked. “what?!” he exclaimed, leaning forward. “what if that pervy grape-head came in here? what would you do?!”
she squealed and sunk lower in the water. “i don’t know…” she said quietly. 
he found himself blushing harder than before. “you’re lucky it’s just me,” he grumbled. “look, if you wanna get out, i promise i won’t look.”
she shook her head slowly and found herself inching toward him. what was she doing?
“i don’t wanna get out.” they were only a few feet apart now, due to the fact both had been unnoticably scooting closer toward each other. 
y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting her body relax as much as she could, considering she was naked and sitting next to the boy she liked. 
katsuki watched her. how could one person be so adorable? he had no clue, but she wasn’t helping with the blush that was growing more intense by the second. somehow, for some reason, his arm was now wrapped around her shoulder. 
she looked up at him and smiled softly, leaning against him slightly. 
“this is nice.” she found her words.
“yeah, it is.”
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as-write-as-rain · 5 years
Love Song
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Pairing: Bassist!Bucky x Singer!Reader
Summary: Everyone in this band is your best friend, but you wish the bassist was a little more than that.
Warnings: PG Language. Lots of Fluff!
This is for @kentuckybarnes' 3k Writing Challenge! Here's your Rockstar!AU one-shot featuring Bucky w/ a Bass, I hope you enjoy it!! Here's my first attempt at fanfiction, and I've probably been overthinking it, but I'm fairly happy with the result. Please be kind!
You drew your coat tighter around yourself, hurrying across the quiet street. The streetlight illuminated the snow drifting through the air, giving a peaceful feeling to the night…but you barely even noticed. You were running late for practice, and you really weren’t in the mood to hear another lecture from Steve – not after the day you’d had. Work had been busy as hell, because someone had called in sick and you had to pick up the slack; then, when you’d finally clocked out and headed to class, you got your philosophy paper back with a big fat D at the top. All you wanted to do right now was hang out somewhere warm with your favorite people in the world and make some music. Luckily, you were finally on your way there now!
Everyone looked up as you (accidentally) slammed the door open to Steve’s apartment. Tossing them a “sorry!” cringe, you stomped your boots on the mat, trying to dislodge as much snow as you could. The last thing you needed was a bunch of puddles creating a real safety hazard in the middle of your jam session! Stuffing your hat and scarf into a pocket, you hung your coat from one of the hooks on the wall, and joined your friends in the living room.
“’Bout time you got here, girl – we were wondering where you were!” Sam’s voice, dripping in sarcasm, made it crystal clear how he felt about having had to wait for you, and the withering look you shot him in response only made him laugh. You’d been friends since third grade, and always liked to give each other a hard time. Carol was setting up her keyboard, but she tossed you one of her patented wry smiles, her twinkling eyes speaking volumes about what she thought of Sam’s antics. Thankfully, Steve was engrossed in a pile of papers and only glanced up briefly enough to give you a quick nod as you passed, before returning to his work.
You took a deep breath to mentally prepare yourself before turning towards the couch, where you had already spied Bucky out of the corner of your eye. He had one leg up on the edge of the couch where he was tuning his bass, but as you approached he looked up and smiled. You steadfastly ignored the way it made your heart squeeze, and just gave him a breezy smile in return, dropping your laptop bag onto the cushions with a little more force than you meant to.
He instinctively leaned a little closer to you, and, in a quiet voice, asked, “How’s it going?” You glanced over, appreciating the way he tried to keep the question just between the two of you, instead of involving the whole room in the conversation. His attention was focused on the tuning pegs, but when you didn’t answer right away he looked over at you, tossing his head slightly so his shoulder-length hair fell back from his grey-blue eyes.
You sighed. “It’s going.” His expression turned sympathetic, and, with a half-shrug, you elaborated, “Today was kinda shit, but now I’m here and ready to rock out with you guys.”
His eyes searched yours, trying to make sure you were really okay, and the kindness and concern you saw in them made you secretly weak. “Well, I’m always here for you, if you wanna talk about it later.”
“Thanks, Buck,” was all you trusted yourself to say, and, with a small smile, you busied yourself with pulling out your music while he finished tuning his instrument. After a few seconds you peeked back at him out of the corner of your eye. His hair had fallen back across his face, and what you could see of his expression was once again serious. His focus was back on his gleaming silver guitar with its single bright red star, and you let your gaze linger on his lips before dropping to admire the way his muscles flexed while tuning it. Had he been working out? You could have sworn they were even bigger than usual, and he’d never been scrawny to begin with.
Steve cleared his throat and you quickly looked up to where he was standing in the middle of the room. “Anytime you’re ready, Y/N.” Trying not to look guilty (did he catch you checking Bucky out? Or is he just annoyed that you were late?), you nodded and stepped over to the mic.
Closing your eyes, you took three deep breaths, releasing the stress of the day and the pressures of the world; leaving behind the Harried Barista, Stressed College Student, and Pining Best Friend parts of your personality in favor of fully embodying your Rock Goddess persona. Everything that happened before this moment, you let fall away; right now, there was only you and the music. When you opened your eyes again, you felt fierce and self-possessed, filled with a deadly calm and ready to sing your heart out.
Carol was already poised, hands on the keys, and Sam sat behind his drum set, both of them looking to Steve, who was holding his guitar and tapping his foot to set the rhythm for the first song. Bucky got into position and faced forward, eyes on you. This was always his favorite part, watching you come alive in front of the mic. He saw your eyes open and your whole posture change, and he smiled to himself. Now we can rock.
Steve started first, then Sam, Carol, and Bucky last of all. You guys knew this song forwards and backwards, so it was almost like a warm-up for you. You grabbed the mic and started out quiet, gradually getting louder as the song built. It was so familiar and so freeing that you were grinning by the time the song was over. A glance at the rest of your friends told you they felt the same way.
The five of you had been friends forever, and Future Captains grew naturally out of your shared love of music. It started out as a fun project, but soon you realized you sounded really good together. Eventually, you’d all gotten kind of serious about it, and everyone had come into their own: Steve (and sometimes Carol) provided additional vocals, Sam was a genius at publicity, and Bucky excelled at managing most of what went on behind the scenes. And of course, everyone had only gotten better and better at playing their respective instruments as time went on. You loved to sing -- but more than that, you adored performing as a band, all of you creating music collectively, because it felt like you were part of something bigger than you, like you were sharing a soul for a few minutes in time. Whenever you sang, you felt powerful and unstoppable, and life seemed to make sense again. So, you eagerly lost yourself in the music, surrendering all your worries and just letting the songs flow through you.
After a couple of hours, you’d gone through all your material, both the older songs and the newer stuff you were still fine-tuning. You chugged from your water bottle and beamed at your band mates, invigorated. Carol winked, Sam gave you two thumbs up, and Bucky’s grin seemed to mirror your own.
Steve was smiling too, and as he started wrapping up cords and putting away his red, white, and blue guitar, he praised, “Great job, guys, we sounded amazing. I think we’re going to blow everyone away at the gig next week.” More smiles all around before he continued, “I’m almost done with those new songs I’ve been working on; I should have them done by Thursday’s practice, so we’ll try them out then.”
“Ooh, I can’t wait!” Carol cooed in that dry tone that always sounded a little teasing. When Steve glanced over to see whether she was being sincere, she continued, “I mean it! You’re a really great songwriter, Steve. I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
Steve blushed and shrugged. “Well, thanks. But I’m not the only one! You guys are super talented too, and if any of you ever want to write a song, just let me know. I’m more than happy to share the songwriting responsibilities!” He looked around the room, holding everyone’s gaze for a few seconds, looking at Bucky last. Bucky studiously avoided eye contact, busying himself with putting his own guitar away.
The mic was the easiest item of all to put away, so after stowing it in its box you’d helped Sam dismantle his drum set and store the pieces safely in the corner. Addressing the room at large, you clapped your hands together and asked in a chipper tone, “Anybody up for a drink down at the bar? I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had a hell of a day.”
Sam was first to jump at the chance, and Carol was happy to join in. With an apologetic look, Steve explained that he had an early test tomorrow that he really needed to study for. Bucky hesitated just a second. “I’d love to, but I have an essay I need to finish.” Seeing your disappointment, he scrambled to add, “It’s almost done, maybe I can finish it up quick and meet you guys?” The three of you nodded, and he quickly decided that the smile you gave him was worth whatever grade he would end up getting on his half-baked paper.
He watched you, Carol, and Sam grab your jackets and head out the door, and when you turned back with a little wave, he gave you a grin that looked a lot more confident than he felt. The door shut, and he turned away, only to see Steve sitting at the kitchen table, regarding him knowingly.
Frowning, he growled, “What?”
“Nothing.” Steve’s voice was annoyingly patronizing.
With a sigh, Bucky turned towards his room, intending to ignore Steve’s smugness and hurry to finish his paper, but he’d gotten only a few steps before he heard him speak again.
“You should just tell her how you feel, Buck. I’m pretty sure she likes you, too. You guys would make a great couple.”
Whirling around, Bucky scowled at his roommate. “What are you talking about?”
Steve sat back in his chair and just gave him his patented look. Bucky jutted out his chin and crossed his arms, determined to be just as stubborn. Steve broke first, giving a short huff of laughter and shaking his head with a smile. “You’re my best friend, Buck, and so is she. It’s clear you have feelings for Y/N, and I wish you would just come clean, instead of pining over her and acting so weird and defensive. You’d be good for each other.”
Bucky looked away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Steve sighed. “Okay. We don’t have to talk about it anymore if you don’t want to. I’ve got my test to study for anyway, and I know you’ve got to finish your paper.”
  A little over a half hour later, Bucky sat at his computer, reading over his paper one last time. It definitely wasn’t his best work, but it was pretty solid. He’d probably get a C; anything higher than that would require significantly more time and effort, and he wasn’t willing to spend any more of either at this point. His mind was already thinking ahead to seeing you at the bar, maybe find out what was bothering you – or at the very least, get to cheer you up and spend some time together. He loved just being in your presence, making you laugh or smile. You were like the sun to him, you seemed to warm his very soul; and he couldn’t get enough.
He quickly emailed his essay to his professor, grabbed his stuff, and headed for the living room. Steve must have heard his footsteps, because he stuck his head out of the kitchen, probably about to nag him again. “Hey, Buck –“
Bucky cut him off, calling out loudly, “Sorry, Steve – gotta run!” as he rushed out the door into the cold.
Steve sighed, looking down at the books his roommate had left in the kitchen. The clutter was really distracting him (probably because he might have been eager for any distraction at all from his studying, which was turning out to be very boring indeed), and he had hoped Bucky would take his stuff back into his room. “I guess I’ll just do it myself, then,” he mumbled to himself, picking up the stack. A page fluttered out of the notebook on the bottom of the pile. “Oops,” Steve bent to retrieve it, and then pulled up short. He’d expected it to be chemistry notes, but this was laid out like a poem, and the unexpected formatting caught his attention.
His eyes skimmed over the stanzas. “Aw, Buck….” The wheels in his head started turning.
  As soon as he opened the door to the bar, Bucky could hear one of his favorite sounds in the world: your laughter. The place was about as busy as you’d expect for a Tuesday, and it wasn’t hard to spy the three of you in a booth, laughing uproariously about whatever story Sam had just finished telling. He stopped at the counter to order a beer before heading your way. Carol spied him and waved animatedly, as though he hadn’t already seen you guys; you snorted at her antics and took another sip of your drink before giving him a quick hug hello.
Sam’s story seemed to remind Carol of something similar that had happened to her once, and soon the four of you were in stitches, imagining her incredibly serious Lit professor going to lean back against the desk like he always did – only to find that the desk wasn’t exactly where he thought it was…and ending up on his ass on the ground instead.
“Everybody laughed, even Dr. Snyder – and then he swept right back into discussing Camus again, as though nothing had happened. You would not have been able to handle it, Y/N!”
You put your hands on your hips, trying to look menacing, or at least offended. “What’s that supposed to mean??”
Sam shoved your shoulder, shaking his head and laughing. “Come on, don’t act like you don’t know what we’re talking about. You can never keep it together when something strikes you as funny – especially when everyone’s supposed to be super serious. Remember that assembly in high school where you couldn’t stop laughing and you ended up getting detention for it?”
You grimaced, facepalming when Bucky joined in the teasing, asking, “Which time??” The three of them laughed even harder, and you had to give it up and join them, even though you were blushing brightly. This is why you’d wanted to come to the bar, after all, to relax and just have some fun; and besides, you really couldn’t deny that they were absolutely right.
Once the laughter had died down, Carol stood up, announcing that she was going to request some songs on the Jukebox. Sam shouted after her, reminding her to put some Marvin Gaye in the rotation, and she rolled her eyes and waved a hand at him to signify that she was well aware of Sam Wilson’s Jukebox Rules. Satisfied, Sam sat back, taking a swig of beer and surveying the room.
“Hey, Buck, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but that blonde in the corner hasn’t taken her eyes off you since you got here.”
Bucky, who’d been about to nudge you and try to initiate conversation, was startled by the sudden change in topic, and froze. “What?”
Sam leaned in conspiratorially, a smirk on his face. “It’s your lucky day, man; looks like she’s heading this way. And her friend is cute!”
You barely had time to react before the two girls reached the table, and Sam was already hailing them with that swagger that you usually made you laugh, but somehow tonight was just getting on your nerves.
The girls giggled, and you swore you saw the blonde bat her eyelashes at Bucky. Who does that??
You grabbed your drink and hopped out of the booth, trying to appear chill despite the sinking feeling in your stomach. “I think I need another one of these,” you mumbled, even though nobody had asked.
The blonde had placed her hand on Bucky’s bicep, but his eyes stayed on you as you marched up to the bar and shone that million-watt smile on the bartender. Of course the guy started flirting immediately, who could resist you? Clenching his jaw, Bucky turned his attention back to his admirer, who was asking, “You know, you guys look familiar, have we met before?”
Sam preened. “You might have seen our band play around town, we’re the Future Captains?”
The girls squealed. “That’s what it is! You guys rock!!”
The blonde squeezed Bucky’s arm. “You’re the bassist, right? You’re incredible,” she breathed.
He smiled widely despite himself. “Thanks for the compliment, doll.”
“We’re playing at the House of Blues next Wednesday night, you girls should come check us out.” Sam really excelled at promoting the band, which Bucky was secretly grateful for, since it meant he didn’t have to hold up much of a conversation, and could continue watching you surreptitiously. The bartender was being extra friendly, and Bucky was trying really hard not to crush his beer bottle in his fist.
The conversation around him carried on without him even noticing, and he almost didn’t even hear Sam addressing him directly.
“Bucky, you coming, man?”
He focused back in on Sam’s face, searching his memory to see if he could remember the last thing someone had said. “Uh…”
Sam rolled his eyes. “To the party? That these lovely ladies have invited us to?” He gave him a very pointed look, clearly trying to telegraph something with his eyes. Whatever he was trying to say, it was definitely lost on Bucky.
“Uh, no, thanks. I’m gonna hang with Y/N, that was the whole point of coming here, after all – what kind of friend would I be if I abandoned her?”
Sam paused. “You’re right, bro, maybe I should stay too?”
Glancing around at the ladies waiting impatiently, and Sam’s conflicted expression, he made a quick decision. “Nah, you go. It’s totally your scene, and I’m sure she’ll understand. I just don’t want to leave her completely alone.”
Sam shrugged, standing and putting an arm around each of his new fans. “You’re right. She’s a big girl, she’ll get it. And it’s not like she can’t handle herself.” With a quick wave in your direction, and one at Carol (who was still close to the jukebox, seemingly deep in conversation with an admirer of her own), he donned his jacket and left.
Meanwhile, you were flattered by the bartender’s attention, and while it wasn’t really doing much to raise your spirits, it did ensure that you got a nice, strong drink. Besides, he was cute enough, and you knew from experience how hard a job in the service industry could be. So you played along with his small talk; it’s not like you were in a rush to get back to your friends and watch some strange girl fawn all over Bucky. But the bar soon got a bit of a rush, and when you snuck a glance back at the table, you were surprised to discover Bucky sitting all by himself, with neither strange girls nor Sam anywhere in sight. Grabbing your drink and sliding the bartender a generous tip, you made your way to Bucky.
He greeted you with a big smile, sliding over to let you into the booth. “Where’d Sam go?” you asked, searching the room one last time as you sat down.
“He went to a party with his new friends,” Bucky offered.
“You didn’t want to go?”
Your surprise was written all over your face, and Bucky shrugged, chuckling. “And leave my best girl behind? No way!”
You took a sip of your drink to disguise how flustered you felt. You were his best girl? What did that even mean?? You settled for playfully elbowing him in the ribs. “Well, thanks, Buck. I definitely appreciate it.”
The grateful smile on your face made his heart explode, and he was instantly glad for every decision he’d made tonight. He impulsively put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in for a side hug.
You returned his hug with a happy sigh, and when he didn’t withdraw his arm after the hug was over, you snuggled in close to him. It almost felt like old times, before you had developed this pesky crush and were just as comfortable being affectionate with Bucky as with the rest of the group.
Speaking of, you spied Carol finally returning to the table, and grinned. “And where have you been?” you teased.
She rolled her eyes as she climbed back into the booth. “What can I say? Who am I to snub a fan?” The three of you laughed at her pretended cockiness, and you settled in to listen to her next hilarious story. Your heart felt lighter and happier than it had all day, and once again you gave thanks for having such awesome friends in your life.
  Your spirits were high by the time the next rehearsal rolled around. The rest of the week had been pretty low-key at work, and you hadn’t had any big assignments or tests in any of your classes, which was a relief. You even talked Carol into heading to practice early, hoping to hang out with your bandmates a little longer.
You stopped by work to grab a round of coffees (or hot chocolates!) for everyone, and then headed to Steve’s. When you & Carol got there, they’d left the door unlocked for you, and you walked in to find them watching some ridiculous old 90s movie they found playing on cable. They greeted both of you with smiles and hugs (and excitement about the drinks!), and invited you to join them. After only the slightest hesitation, you opted to sit on the sofa next to Bucky, while Carol sank into one of the big plushy chairs facing the TV. Bucky grinned at you as you sat down, and you couldn’t help but notice he looked even better than usual today, in a blue shirt that really brought out the color of his eyes. He stretched his arm across the back of the couch, inviting you to snuggle up close to him as always, and you couldn’t resist doing so. He was so warm and safe, which was quite a welcome situation to be in after walking in the snow. So you curled up into his side and took a fortifying sip of your cocoa, letting yourself be warmed both inside and out.
The movie was over by the time Sam arrived, and the four of you had just been chatting about life, work, school, and upcoming gigs. Carol was draped sideways over the arms of the comfy chair, her hair hanging over one side and her legs dangling over the other; Steve sat on the floor with his back against the couch, fiddling with an old Rubik’s cube he’d found under the coffee table.
As Sam grabbed himself something to drink from the fridge, Steve checked the clock and realized it was time to get rehearsal started. Standing in front of you all still in the TV room, he adopted the tone you all recognized as Business Steve.
“Okay guys, I finished the songs I was working on, you ready to hear them?”
You all whooped in response, enthusiastic as ever to hear what Steve came up with. He was great with lyrics, but it was really his melodies and arrangements that always blew you away, personally. He had a real talent for that sort of thing, and you loved to encourage him.
Steve dragged over a music stand and his acoustic guitar, sitting down in the comfy chair that Carol had vacated to join you on the couch. Sam plopped himself into the other comfy chair, still nursing his drink. Steve played a few chords, and just as you thought he was about to sing, he stopped and coughed.
“Uh, Buck, you think you could help me with this?”
Bucky looked like he’d been caught passing notes in class. “Huh?”
“Wanna come up here and sing this for me?”
“Why?” Bucky said, blankly. You didn’t blame him for being confused; Steve usually debuted new songs by singing them himself, and this was the first time he’d ever asked someone else to do it instead.
“Because my asthma has been acting up, and I don’t think I can do it today.” Steve sounded like he was trying very hard to be patient, and you fought to keep yourself from snickering at how odd he was acting.
Bucky stood up, looking concerned. “Oh shit, man, I’m sorry. I hadn’t even noticed. Have you been wheezing or anything? Should we make a doctor’s appointment?”
Steve’s face was starting to turn red, and you grabbed onto Carol’s arm, biting your lip and avoiding eye contact with her, knowing it would make you crack up. She put her hand over yours and gave a sympathetic squeeze as Steve continued in a slightly strained voice. “I think I’ll be okay, Buck, but I just don’t want to exacerbate it by singing today. Can you just please come sing for me instead?”
Bucky obediently got up and crossed the room, taking the pages Steve handed him and looking them over. You were so busy struggling to control the laughter that was threatening to burst out of you, you didn’t even notice how Bucky suddenly got really still and tense. His eyes hardened, and darted over suspiciously to Steve, who was diligently focused on his guitar, apparently tuning it even though he’d been playing it just fine minutes before.
“What is this?” Bucky asked in a steely tone, very quietly so that only Steve could hear.
“It’s our new song,” Steve announced brightly to the room in general. “You ready to start, Buck?”
Bucky swallowed, glancing quickly at everyone, his eyes lingering just a second longer on you before going back to the music in his hands. There really was no way out of this, he had to just plow through and hope he made it to the other side. “Sure.” His voice was rough, and he cleared his throat and took a drink of water.
Steve smiled a wide, too-innocent smile, and started strumming again. After a few moments, Bucky began to sing.
I know every little thing about you And you know all about me too But not everything, I have a secret How have you not noticed yet?
You had always loved Bucky’s voice, gravelly and rich. But for whatever reason, he usually preferred to leave the vocal parts to Steve, so you didn’t get to hear him sing as often as you’d liked. Your earlier amusement already forgotten, you smiled, letting his warm voice wash over you while you listened to the lyrics and tried to imagine yourself singing this song in the future.
We've known each other since we were small Never dreamed that I would fall But every day I have to pretend Because you’re also my best friend
His voice, tremulous at first, had grown stronger as the song continued, but on this last line it cracked just a little. Then the rhythm changed, and it was clear the chorus was approaching.
You shine like the sun and I'm only a shadow The center of my world but you'll never know You're everything I've ever wanted I'm haunted
The song was beautiful, but, more than that, the lines were breaking your heart. They seemed to exactly describe how you felt about Bucky. But, how did Steve know? Was this some kind of joke? Had he figured out how you felt and was outing you to Bucky? Even as these panicked thoughts occurred to you, your rational mind had to point out Steve would never be that cruel. But as the verses started up again, you sat up a little straighter, trying to pay closer attention to what was really going on here.
When we're together, I have to hide Got to keep it all inside But deep within I'm falling apart Because I’m already losing my heart
The emotion in Bucky’s voice was raw, and you found yourself incredibly moved. And in that moment, your heart seemed to stop. Maybe this song wasn’t from your point of view at all. But did you dare to hope?
I don't know what to say So I hold my tongue another day What if you don't feel the same? I don't want anything to change
You shine like the sun and I'm only a shadow The center of my world but you'll never know You're everything I've ever wanted I'm haunted
The notes slowed down and time seemed to stretch out with them, as he sang the final coda.
I'd give everything just to have you be mine Worship you all of the time But I'm so afraid to cross that line
As the song ended and the last chords died out, a silence hung in the room, like the world was holding its breath. Your eyes were threatening to overflow with tears, but you didn’t move. Bucky stood still, not looking up; afraid to see your reaction. He felt like his heart had been laid bare, and he was terrified to see what came next.
You looked back and forth between him and Steve, desperately trying to figure out if what you hoped was happening was actually true. When you caught Steve’s eye, he was already looking directly at you. He raised a brow and ever so slightly tipped his head, nodding towards Bucky.
You felt frozen; you didn’t know what to do. Next to you, Carol cleared her throat, and suddenly you remembered there were other people in the room.
“Great song, I love it!” she crowed, her voice startlingly loud after such an extended quiet. “Um, Sam, I just remembered I have something I wanna show you. In the kitchen.” She practically leapt off the couch, and Sam followed her lead immediately.
Steve stood up too, mumbling something about having to wash some dishes, and scooted out of the room on their tail. You gave an amused exhalation at their lack of subtlety, but for the first time in your life the humor was tempered by a situation that needed your more immediate attention.
Bucky had yet to move from where he stood, though he was now staring after Steve with a somewhat incredulous look on his face. You took a deep breath and found your voice, though your heart was in your throat.
You were so quiet that you wondered if he’d even be able to hear, but he turned toward you, fingers fiddling with the music sheets. He kept his eyes downcast, still avoiding eye contact. “Y/N…”
You waited to see what he was going to say, but when he trailed off, you decided to speak again. “That song…that was amazing.”
The emotion in your voice was what tugged his eyes up to meet yours. “Yeah?” The ghost of a smile appeared around his lips, but his gaze was hopeful.
You smiled softly, taking a few steps closer to him. “Yeah.”
He flushed, glancing down at the page again. “Steve –“
You stopped abruptly, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow. “Steve?” You questioned, in a disbelieving tone, though your eyes twinkled with amusement. “Is that who I should be talking to right now?”
Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. “He – he wrote the music, but…no, the words are mine.” He searched your face hesitantly, and he slowly crossed the last few steps between you.
You stared into his eyes for a few moments, feeling like you might drown in them. Finally, in a voice that was barely a whisper, “And?” When his eyebrows quirked in slight confusion, you added, “Did you mean it?”
At this, he smiled broadly, and his response was soft. “Every word.”
He carefully placed a hand on your hip, his gaze questioning. He was so close to you now, and you were on the precipice of everything you’d been dreaming of. Tossing the final vestiges of your caution to the wind, you wove your hand into his hair, pulling him the last few inches towards you, answering him with a kiss.
He responded eagerly, bringing his other hand up to gently cup your face. His lips were soft and tender, his kiss urgent and worshipful. He kissed you like you were the answer to everything he’d ever searched for, and for you it felt like the whole world clicked perfectly into place.
When you finally broke the kiss, it was with a happy sigh. Bucky affectionately nuzzled your nose with his own before resting his forehead gently against yours. “I’ve been wanting to do that forever.” The way he was looking at you was making your heart soar like a balloon.
You couldn’t help but smile giddily. “Me too.”
Sam’s voice from the kitchen broke through your shared reverie. “You lovebirds done yet? We doing any actual practicing today or what?”
You and Bucky couldn’t help but laugh.
78 notes · View notes
jaimistoryteller · 5 years
Last Line Tags & Writing Update
Hiya Folks
*chuckles* so I did three, that are queued up for posting, and I still have like 20 to go. I am taking it as a sign I am supposed to be writing. Now lets see if life lets me actually write!
I’ve been playing in my fandoms more than original works lately, as I tend to do that when things are stressful. After all, I don’t have to create the characters for fandom and keep the world organized, simply keep the story going, unlike original works where I wanna make sure my tales come out the best as possible. 
That said, I am actually doing my normal NaNo goal this month: finish at least one already published WIP. I have no clue which one I will be working on. So if you all lovely peeps who read my stuff have an opinion, feel free to tell me! 
My hope is to do my normal Nano goal this month, then for Nano actually work on Finding Home a bit more, if I can get things to even out enough that I am in the headspace to do so. Otherwise I will simply have two months of trying to finish fanfics. 
Expect a lot of tags and sharing of others older stuff as I go through this. I will tag fandom peeps for fandom stuff, mostly, though not always and only ones that have responded to tags before. Unless you wanna tell me you’d like tagged. I’ll also be tagging writerblr peeps for last line stuff because it doesn’t matter what your last line was, do the writing (and yes that includes homework for those wondering). 
Take care all, I hope to hear from anyone who has opinions on which WIPs I should try finishing. 
PS. below the cut is a list of my current partially published WIPs
Playful Stress Relief - Q/James/Alec - Answers Verse - James has an idea for how to deal with Mason not wanting to eat.
Advent - Q/James/Alec - Moments in Another Life - Relationships change and evolve over time, most of which is expected, but sometimes it's the unexpected that are the most enjoyable changes. 
Bond & Sherlock
Gotta do It Yourself - Q/James, Q/James/Alec implied - Stand Alone (so far) - Bond and Q get kidnapped on their way to a technology conference
Unusual Relationship - Jim M./Sebastian - Sunrise Cafe - Jim and Sebastian's relationship through the years
Letters and Cards - James S./John W. - Sunrise Cafe - John and James spend a year writing to each other rather than talking in person, though they exchange hellos when passing the letters.
Unexpected - Mycroft/Greg - Sunrise Cafe - Mycroft thinks he is going through menopause and is surprised to discover he is not.
Right Decision - Jim M./John W. - Family Decisions - It was the right decision, it had to be. His daughter would never be a mistake, but would the possibility of introducing her father be one?
Gift for John - Jim M./John W., Sherlock/Greg, Mycroft/Greg - Stand Alone - AO3 account locked - Sherlock comes up with a plan for stopping Jim, but it is a bit more than a Bit Not Good
Clandestine - Jim M./John W - Unexplained - After the Fall, John saves Jim’s life because he is damned if he will lose both of them
Oral Fixation - John W./Sebastian - Baker Street Polyamory - How John learned to be a dom and expanded his understanding of his sexuality
Baker Street Polyamory - Molly/Sherlock/Greg/Mycroft/John W. & all varations of those five - Baker Street Polyamory - Molly gets notified of a new law that has her turning to Sherlock for help, but she does not get the type of help she expects.
Atypical Traits - John W./Sebastian, John W./Sherlock, Jim M./Sebastian - Atypical - Every Guide who has ever tested John has determined he is a Sentinel, but John has a secret, one he prefers not to mention. While he was in the war he had a partner who knew his secret but after being shot he thought his partner had died. Sebastian had been the doctors partner for five years, well aware of the secret that John hid for he had one too, after John's death by a sniper he had gone off the deep end and got discharged from the military. What happens when the two discover that they really didn't die like they each thought the other had?
Distraction - Meryl/Vash/Knives - Stand Alone - A look of Meryl, Vash and Knives relationship
Learning to Live - Meryl/Vash, Milly/Knives - Gunsmoke - Vash came back after the fight with Knives, and brought him with him, now can the four of them learn to live together as each person deals with their own emotions, the past, and the future. Mostly based off the anime, however there are a few manga snippets thrown in as well
Blessed - Biblo/Thorin, Kíli/Tauriel - Blessing - Bilbo rarely prays, he doesn't see the use, but sometimes, just sometimes when the situation is dire he does, and the results are staggering
Powers that Be - Sarah/Jareth - Stand Alone - A horrible night leads to life altering circumstances for Sarah. Jareth finds himself with more things going on than expected in a relatively short period of time. Life in the Underground is never exactly what it seems, yet always is exactly that.
Changes - Sarah/Jareth - Stand Alone - In the time following her trip through the Labyrinth there was a lot of things different about Sarah, this is how she learns to use her new talents and grows into herself before deciding to face the Goblin King again.
Harry Potter
Choices - Lily/Severus, Severus/Hermione - Stand Alone (so far) - A twist on the idea of Time Travel, what happens if Hermione gets covered in time dust from the Time Room and uses a Time Turner to try and help in the war against Voldemort?
Welcome to the Punch
Phrases Said: the Rogue & the Detective - Max/Jacob - Tumblr Prompts - Different short stories about Jacob Sternwood and Max Lewinsky. 
Welcome to the Punch & Kingsman
Souls Entwined - Jacob/Max, Harry/Eggsy - Matched and Kept - Things are forever changed for Max and Jacob after a chance encounter years before, and a discovery that changes everything.
Kingsman Academy - Harry/Eggsy - stand alone - All shifters are required to take lessons learning how to control their abilities. Harry is a teacher at Kingsman Academy where new shifters between 20 to 25 years of age go for their training, he is also a snow-leopard, one of the rarest varieties of shifter, so he is surprised when the newest student is a snow-leopard as well
Doctor Who
Daughter - Nine/Rose - stand alone - Rose gets a shock and the Doctor is overjoyed
The Pack Verse - Crossover Central
Seriously, crossover central as it currently has Sherlock, Bond, Marvel, and Star Trek so far, with other stories and cross overs in the notes but not yet out as I wanna finish the ones started first.
Trial & Error - Jace/Eric, Charlotte/Aidan - subcategory Watson Pack - The story of how Jace & Eric and Aidan & Charlotte work out their relationships.
Healing - Peter/Wade, Bucky/Steve, Bucky/Wade - subcategory Heroes Pack - Choices can have life altering affects as most superhumans can attest, so Peter and Steve are both aware of some of the effects that their choices in regards to their favorite assassins are going to have, some of the other effects are completely unexpected
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