#beep 0: bruh
quackkryak · 1 year
He sad
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based on this drawing btw
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luvrrgirl444 · 3 months
chapter 26: GOT YA BITCH
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"GOT YA BITCH!" jean shouted as he shot eren in the chest. eren jumped, surprised. "what the fuck, mate???" jean laughed at him. eren's red lights soon diminished and became gray. 3 3. eren playfully pushed jean away and rolled his eyes.
"looooooserrrr." jean teased.
"i can literally see eren's stupid ass from where i am right now." mikasa's glasses recorded her view. "guys, should i go get who shot him?" he pondered. "i dunno, they might end up frying me."
"mate, i swear i just heard giggling in that corner over there." she pointed with the laser gun. she snuck over and listened closely. there was definitely someone in there.
"bruh. someone's right fucking there." you whispered to sasha. your voice was so low that sasha could barely hear what you said. you pointed your thumb back, to indicate that there was someone coming. sasha nodded and readied her gun.
"hey there!" she turned the corner and was met with two blue laser guns pointed at her. her jaw dropped. "damn, i'm finished." you and sasha snorted at ymir looking dumbfounded, and shot her in the chest ymir rolled her eyes. "i can't even be mad, i literally did the same shit earlier." 2 3.
"no fucking way there's only two of us left. we literally had an extra person on our team." mikasa complained.
LOSER was placed on the screen.
"i've been following jean for a bit, i might just go and kill his ass." she said.
"there's only two of them left. you wanna go out there?" you asked. you were lowkey getting bored of hiding. sasha thought for a second. "y'know what. fuck it. let's go," she responded. you two got up and left the little corner that you had camped in.
"bruv i literally see blue over there." he glanced at the spot and saw blue leds. "i'm gonna die." he walked in the opposite direction of the blue, trying to get as far away as possible.
"armin!" she whisper shouted. armin jumped and looked at her. he furrowed his eyebrows. "you scared me, mate. what the fuck?" she rolled her eyes. "did you want me to tap you on the shoulder or something?" mikasa asked, sarcastically. "oh, fuck off."
"there's blue over there." the blonde pointed. mikasa looked over and sure enough, there was blue. she looked over to where she last saw jean and was surprised when he was no where to be found. "armin, jean's gone."
armin looked at his friend, confused. "jean? who's talking about jean?" she rolled her eyes. "you idiot. i was following him."
he hid behind one of the black cubes in the arena.
"bro, she almost got my ass." he said. jean looked around. "why is this deadass like the hunger games. like, i'm fighting for my life right now." he peeked and saw mikasa and armin creeping around, presumably looking for him. "2 on 1. i'm so cooked, bruh."
"no you aren't, bff!" jean jumped. "what the fuck, sash?" you and sasha snickered. "sorry gang." you both bent down behind the cube with jean. "we're here to help you." you said. "really?" he rolled his eyes. "bitch, you don't want our help?" you asked. he sighed. "alright bruh."
the trio snuck around the cube towards the section that they saw mikasa and armin in. out of nowhere, armin jumped out and attempted to shoot at sasha. he missed the target and instead sasha shot him. "YEAH BITCH!" she shouted, before getting shot herself by mikasa.
sasha gasped. "you're horrible!" mikasa laughed and shrugged. "y/n, avenge me!" you and jean both shot at mikasa and one or maybe both shots hit her target. you didn't know.
0 2
"WE JUST FUCKING WON!" you screamed.
"LETS GO!" said jean.
"so i guess america is better than the uk." connie said to the main camera. the group was now back outside of the laser tag building. "no shade or anything, but you we're literally the first american to get shot." historia recalled. connie rolled his eyes. "okay polly pocket."
"anyways!" sasha shouted. "that's all for today gang! hope you enjoy our laser tag deathmatch!"
you threw your arm around her shoulders. "don't forget to like, subscribe, alla that! we looooove you!" you and sasha both blew kisses to the camera, while the others waved.
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- soz for the jumpscare guys luv ya xx
taglist <3 : @greeniegreengreen @bakuhoes-bxtch @itzgabz22 @princess-jaeger @marsandsaturn @violenthots @roses-arerosies @conniesbbymama @llovergirlll @iheartamajiki @clipperlighter @liliorsstuff-blog @hoohoohope @akvrae @rinslutz @miniaturelunar @sheluvzeren @shigamiryuk @chamomilespetal @booistoleyou @asp7n @heartz444skz @thatartistshar0n @vintagexparker @tsukkisukkii @venusinx @seeingivy @cyberkitty1 @anitatvd @blamemef0rit @crvzy-fujoshi @dazaisfavgf @bubbabobabubbles @erenspersonalwh0re @imaniitheoneee
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manstar · 4 years
Real talk about your potrayal? It's fantastic. And like I'm not saying that to be nice; your Syl is very obviously a well thought out and well rounded character. I really appreciate reading your threads and metas and just being able to see the nuances you've either developed or enhanced with him. The only criticism? I can even think of giving you is the back to the future quote bc I just saw it and bruh. You're just that good at what you're doing.
beep beep how’s my portrayal ? // accepting
[ this is actually a severely high level of praise coming from you given all the investment that you put in artemis and the work that i see in her, like. if you think i’m putting work in, then that’s fucking serious isn’t it
i didn’t think that there was any actual noticing of the little things i’ve been putting into him so this is...!! i don’t know how to respond to it except bury my face in my hands because it’s so, so sweet?? i’m so glad! i’m really so glad! and i’m glad that you’ve been enjoying him; the fact that he died in the 90′s makes him such a nothing character in DC that it’s sort of like
hey here’s my useless nerd son who gets like 0 appreciation please appreciate him
and i’m so!! happy????? I’M EUPHORIC... I’M FLOATING... thank you so much for taking the time to send these words kat ;; and thank you for writing with me and for riffing with me and for just. being so supportive and cool to talk to in general about character stuff and comics even outside arte & syl ]
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weirdo-writes · 4 years
The original https://my.w.tt/2u6SO1Ooi8
So uhh apologies if the reader seems op but like... 👉👈
"Ugh frickin rain" you muttered to yourself.
You made your way to a little cafe where it's said to be where passione stays most the time.
You were from the hitman team, your job? To get some information about the boss.
The door of the cafe opens with a ringing sound. (those little bells that go on doors)
You quickly sneak your way towards the restrooms. Your stand [Transit of Venus] let you time travel anywhere, anytime as anybody, but that was after you had heard the voice, she used to only be able to let you sing like a siren allowing you to control others.
You had traveled to a different universe a while back a universe where it was mostly animals, but the thing was, they could talk.
You managed to find your universal counterpart, it's name was Caramella. You used your stand to bring Caramella to you, "what is it this time?" You whispered the plan to her as she nodded. She changed into a more normal looking cat (according to your universe).
She walked out of the bathroom and started to track the team. You had equipped a tiny camera on the cats collar allowing you to whisper commands to the cat and letting you watch what was happening.
You went to leave the cafe to go to the alley in the back when you smacked into somebody.
"Judging by the looks and height this is Bruno Bucciarati...". 
"Many apologies M'am I wasn't looking where I was going!"
       "Hey he's pretty cute for somebody that's apparently the bad guy"
"Keep it together Sonata(nickname)"
The voice in your head spoke nobody knew about him, you two fell in love and were put in a situation in which he was deemed the villain.
But that was many years ago.
"Sorry sir I was lost in my thought, I should be going now I'm kinda in a rush. I hope to see you soon!"  You faked a smile after all it wasn't too hard you had to do it often. The fake words you spit out made you feel sick, you hated lying to an innocent person but you were required to.
You quickly left to go to the alley.
"Just in time!" You whispered as you pulled out the laptop.
Thank goodness you were being protected by the roof otherwise your computer would have been soaked.
Caramella's POV/3rd person
(underline is Caramella's thought/speech)
"This is Giorno Giovanna he will be joining our gang, I expect you respect him." Bruno finished talking and held his arms out presenting Giorno.
"Excuse me Bucciarati, Somebody wants to see you." A waiter had walked in, he seemed worried.
"Giorno Giovanna? He smells familiar..."
Caramella thought as she sniffed.
There had been some tension in the group right before Giorno and Bruno had arrived but it had come to a sudden halt.
You walked out into the open near a man with a purple shirt(?) "it doesn't matter if I'm seen after all I'm just a cat aren't I? And judging by the height.... he's definitely Abbacchio"
"maow mew meow"  Caramella said as she pawed at the man holding a teapot. (I could make him piss on you but nah)
"What in he world is he- oh I see...."
  You leaped onto the table finally noticed by the rest of the gang. You laid down and started to purr on command. You were picked up by somebody dressed in orange and black was this Narancia?
You were being pet on your head by the boy. You then focused your eyes on the purple wearing male.
"Here you go..."  he says as he hands the "tea" to Giorno. Your eyes shifted over to Giorno then back down to the cup. You drowned out their speech and jumped out of Nara's arms over onto Giorno's shoulder. (God jump)
You pawed at his hair moving it around causing him to glance to his side.
Thats when you saw it.
"*beep* Caramella, Don't let him drink that...*beep*"(earpiece from y/n)
You hopped down away from the star on the boy's shoulder and onto the table. Giorno picked up the cup and raised it. He froze, "what's wrong?" Abbacchio teases. Giorno sets it down to regain his thought.
His hand reaches for the cup when you quickly slid your paw into the handle. "Awww it's holding like a human!!!!!" Narancia says in awe. You ignored him and you smacked the cup off the table. "What the-.... *whispers* damn cat." Abbacchio sighs.
"*beep* That Star.... we need to get more info..*beep*"  y/n's voice was quiet enough not to be heard.  Bruno came back into the room
You jumped back onto the table and meowed.
"Uh- who's cat is that?"
Narancia replies "Mine now!"
"Hold on it has a collar." The man you assumed to be Fugo said. He reaches over towards you grabbing the collar. "Bucciarati did you happen to run into anybody suspicious today?"
"It depends, why are you asking?"
Fugo take off the collar and hands it to Bruno.
"There's a little light on it, and I don't know about you but I've never seen a light up collar."
You leapt from Fugo's arms and ran over to the window pawing it asking to be let out.
"Sorry kitty but you're staying with us." Bruno says.
Y/n's POV
"Aughhhhh crapcrapcrapCRAP!"
You decided to act innocent and play the victim, "Say sonata? You don't think Giorno could be-"
"I think it is..."
You walked up to the doors of the cafe and went in.
"Caramella! Caramellllaaaa!"
You noticed that most of the customers had left due to the gang's commotion earlier.
You went to the room Caramella and the gang were in. "Caramella? CARAMELLA!"
"Caramella there you are you little rat!"
You scooped the cat up, "sorry about her, if she smells any kind of sweets she goes to the source." 
"So this is your cat, no?" Bruno said.
You quickly nodded with a plastered smile on your face.
"Did you know your cat has some sort of tracking device on it?"
"Yup i use it to find her when she runs off!"
"Well I'm afraid we're going to have to remove it."
You begin slowly walking backwards, ready to call out your stand.
Giorno finally glances at you and freezes.
"You seem familiar, Do I know you?".
Abbacchio perks up, "You say you know her?".
Narancia,Fugo and Mista stand there watching this go down.
"Perhaps" You go up and grab Caramella's collar and run out of the room.
Narancia calls out [Aerosmith] and starts to chase you down with it.
The rest of the gang follows.
"There's no way I'm using my stand, my cover isn't fully blown yet is it?"
"Sonata are you serious...."
You ignored the voice and continued running.
You slammed open the cafe's doors.
"Oof!" You had tripped on the steps to the outside. You were about to hit the ground when you suddenly ended upright at the bottom of the STAIRS. (hint hint nudge nudge)
"Thanks..." "No problem Sonata".
You were too slow a hand grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back,
It was Abbacchio.
"Alright alright I admit defeat..."
"Who are you and why was there some sort of tracking device on the cat?"
"Okay first off it's a camera, and secondly the cats name is Caramella, mine on the other hand is Y/n..."
"Y/n...." Giorno thinks about where he knows the name but comes up empty.
"Awwww I wanted a cat..." Narancia whines.
"Car-a-mel-la four syllables AND a cat..."(idk I hardly remember learning syllables).
You cleared your throat ready to drop a hint at Giorno as to where he knew you from. (Italics and bold is the voice speaking using y/n's body)
"Well I'd better not waste my only option to speak, So Giorno, You said you knew me?"
You brushed off your shirt and fixed your hair.
"Anyways luv I'd like to talk more but I gotta go" maybe just maybe you could pull it off.
"Yeah no..." Abbacchio pulls out his stand [Moody Blues] and punches you knocking you unconscious.
"What the, Where am I?" You muttered
"Oh she's awake!" Narancia runs toward you holding a dark blue object.
"Oh Caramella." You pulled the cat away from Narancia.
(Did I mention Caramella has an English accent) "Thank you sooo much y/n I was beginning to start suffocating."
"Huh? IT CAN TALK?!" Narancia's mouth hung open as he stared at you and the cat.
The rest of the gang found their way over to you and Caramella.
Bruno makes his way to the front of the gang
"Okay first off, who do you work for? Secondly
Are you a stand user?"
"Who I USED to work for is not important, and what's it to you?"
"So you are?" "What makes you think that?"
"Well you know what a stand is for starters and we all saw you trip on the steps and somehow end up on your feet."
"Okay yes I am a stand user."
Abbacchio cuts in "and what are your abili-"
"Yeah Sonata's not gonna answer that"
Abbacchio's face changed into one of confusion
"Okay for a moment there I thought you spoke but that sounded waaaay too masculine for a girl." (Did u just assume my gender >:0)
You ignored him and carried on with your current task, Identifying where you were.
"Okay light rocking, it's pretty dark, this seems to be a bedroom of some sort, ah a boat of course!"  You said out loud to yourself
"You're definitely pretty weird..." Fugo said
"They seem kinda cute." Mista whispers to Fugo. Fugo smacked Mista's arm, "HEY THAT HURT!"
"I like their cat..." Narancia says as he tries to reach for the cat again. You pulled Caramella away but then Caramella gives you
"The Look™️" so you handed her over to the small boy.
"I think one of us should watch her." Abbacchio states in a stern tone.
"I'll do it!" Mista shouts.
"Yeah no." Fugo says
"I can!" Narancia says "actually we need to work on your multiplication." (Bruh)
"I'm sure I co-" Giorno gets cut off
"I can't I need to steer the yacht, speaking of steering I should go back." Bruno says as he walks away. 
"I guess I will." Abbacchio says.
You sat on the bed staring into the darkest corner of the room. Watching, waiting for everyone to leave. Giorno hasn't left yet he stayed there staring at you.
"You can leave now."
"Actually let him stay."
Abbacchio raised an eyebrow at your words.
You look over for Caramella only to find that Narancia had taken her. You snapped you fingers and your stand brought Caramella to you, "C'mon!" You heard Narancia shout in the distance.
You caressed Caramella's Fur, and stared at Giorno. Giorno walked over to you,Abbacchio just watched.
"I should have known it was you, that birthmark, those Turquoise eyes, your blond hair..."   you felt tears begin to form but you couldn't cry in front of them, forget it.
"It's just where do I know you from?"
"That I can't tell you"
Abbacchio seemed to be really interested I your conversation with Giorno. A golden stand came out and began to flip off Abbacchio as you continued to cry.
"It's fine Sonata he'll find out"  the voice says using his stand to comfort you. 
Abbacchio stares clearly offended.
You stopped your crying and spoke once more "since you wanted to know what my stand could do it can do this." 
Of course you weren't going to show him your stand ability you were going to use the voice.
"Okay let's do this"
In a flash your hair turned blond and your eyes turned red, you still stayed a female though you weren't going to let them know what all you could do.
"I- you look." Giorno pulls out his wallet and opens it.
He pulls out a picture and gasps.
Abbacchio grabs you and starts to question if you could change your appearance any more than your hair and eyes.
"You're... but you're a girl... He's been dead"
Giorno stutters his sentence out.
"Lemme cut right to it, I am Y/n but also "Him".  I'm like this because I... well I, I fell in love with him."
"But that would make you older than Bruno"
"Hehe wayyyy older..."
"It was back then I decided to befriend a guy named Jonathan and I then met "him" . I got along just fine with everybody but I was drawn to him, he seemed to trap me in a maze and I never found the exit. Eventually there was this mask and hear me out it turned you into a vampire, now I ended up joining his side and using the mask on myself, we ruled together, we fought Jonathan and eventually Jonathan supposedly won but unknown to him he was still alive. He ended up taking Jonathan's body only to die in the boat Jonathan and his wife were on.
Later after a long time of hiding from the sun I found out that Jonathan's wife, Erina survived and had a daughter which then gave birth to Joseph Joestar. I'll admit he was pretty cute. No he wasn't. Shut up.
I ended up befriending the lad and found myself in yet another bizarre situation. Fighting three ancient men... that created the stone masks... so I ended up helping one of them for my own benefit, you see there was this stone that was needed to make vampires immune to sunlight and I needed that. So I helped him achieve it but only if I got to use it as well.
Long story short I became immune to the sun, but he in the other hand was defeated along with the rest of his comerades. I then ended up watching Joseph from afar. He ended up having a daughter which then gave birth to Jotaro Kujo. I soon found out that the same man from my childhood wasn't dead but instead hiding away.
I then pretended to run into Joseph and tried to join him. He turned me down but that didn't stop me. I then began to watch him as he and  four others travel the world to save holly(holy) Joseph's daughter. I was then discovered by one of the Vampire's servants, I was shot with an arrow. I then acquired my stand [Transit of Venus], but I was then knocked unconscious and controlled. Sorry...
I ended up finding myself in perfect condition laying down in front of these crusaders.
They then let me join their team.
We ended up losing many people on our way to Egypt, I really only cared for one of them.
(Your choice)  We then found the Vampire, I had to fight him. everybody else was either unconscious or dead so I had no choice.
My heart was begging me not to hurt him, that's when I found out my stand,
[Transit of Venus] could fuse/morph. It was a random ability.
I then acted as if I killed him but I really didn't. We morphed and I ended up getting two stands, somehow along the way his ability ended up changing into time travel.
So with our stands together we could time travel, teleport, morph and control people.
I never use it that often because I'm afraid I'll hurt somebody I love. But that was that oh and I ended up helping the next Joestar generation kill a murderer."
"The fu-" Abbacchio begins to say
Until you cut him off again.
"So yes I am Dio"
It not healthy to write at 3:00 am but I was really inspired
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kingdomwaited · 4 years
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@irnmaidn​: “ bruh i adore all your portrayals with all my heart ♥ they're all SO fleshed out and i hear their voices PERFECTLY in your dialogue. IN PARTICULAR, i'm in love with your varian bc... well, cass & varian are best sibs & old corona verse gives me LIFE. you really tackle all his darker emotions without it overshadowing how excitable & nerdy he is. and oh my goodness, your freya is EVERYTHINGGGG. you've really made her into a full blown character and i love her. i'm so pumped for mom things with her! “
beep beep how’s my portrayal
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{catch me over here dyin from these words. evieeeeeee !!! ;0; honestly varian is one of the muses that i’m most unsure if i’m doing well, even though i love him so it really means a lot to hear that you especially like him !!! i love the old corona verse sm. varian and cass are the best sibs ever i will go down with this sibling relationship !!! i will also barge into tts hq and take the dark queen away from them bc she’s mine now they failed her they had such a good opportunity but they don’t like momthers being alive or developed so it’s free real estate bby she’s mine now !!! }
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dentixvoxel · 3 years
driving lesson review: uhhhhhhhhh imma b real. its only been like 5min that ive been at the bus stop waiting for my bus to get home and ive already somehow forgotten like 70% of what we were doing ill try to remember as i type this out.
okay so this time, we didn't even GO into the small streets, we went straight into the city and that was a lil unexpected for me and i stalled the car immediately in front of a bus >____> WHOOPS. i cant even remember what his reaction was but i did get going as soon as i could. and then we drove???? oh yeah to the parking lot. i was hella confused as to ehat we were doing there and then i made that mini post. anyways. there when it was time to reverse out i did take my time and let two other guys drive by behind me cuz i sae them coming and fuck. i aint dealin with that. Then we drove on a Big road where the speed limit was 70km/h. and went up a bridge?? damn i hate bridges now. had to change gears whilst going upwards, HELL!!!! at least i didn't stall there.
then we like??? drove?? to some place where there was 3 roundabouts after one another and i indicated out correctly on two of them and on the last one i mini panicked in my head and didn't. dunno how that happened. then we got to a spot where there was 40km/h speed limit. i think. i have to slow down at some pedestrian crossings i guess??? maybe its cuz the ones we slowed down at were a little elevated, i dunno. tho over there inwas able to stay in my lane perfectly okay i think cuz he didn't comment or adjsut my steering wheel. but that area, despite being zlower than usual and me doing okay there, fucking feels choking as hell to be in cuz its slow but there's two lanes and seeing cars drive by you to the opposite side isnt a good feeling. and i guess we drove more.
at one point we came to a place where i had to abruptly stop and let someond pass cuz i guess i didn't realize the roads had become equal again (or whatever) and i stalled the car when he told me to speed up after the guy had passed, and then another guy passed. had some rando beep their horn at me twice when that happened but man i didn't even care and it didn't even get to me at all so good i guess.
turning in curves is still kinda difficult cuz i cant figure out how much to turn fast enough. and still am confused as to how others get out from stopping at 0 to normal speed that fast at a red light.
plenty of people also passed me and i don't really care about that at all but at one point one bold motherfucker tried to pass but had to give up cuz i was going fast enough and we came to a road crossing with a safety island in the middle. he would have crashed had he not given up. oh and i did at two points instead of stopping abruptly cuz the green light started blinking just fucking floor it across. surprisingly my instructor didn't even comment on that so??? good???? i guess???? i dunno.
still hate driving in the dark so god damn much cuz i really cant figure out where we are most of the time even tho we drive in areas ive been to frequently.
also stupidly let myself get a driving lesson tomorrow as well cuz i forgot i had one on Thursday as well WHOOPS. no break for me. He did say that slowly i am making progress. Good i guess.
Didn't have much trouble changing gears this time as well and did change them on my own without him telling me to a couple of times.
(bruh i type so long im already home)
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