summoner-of-arkas · 1 year
Gungeon Ask Meme: Object edition
Half Heart - Do you need a full reset or just some time resting when exhausted?
Heart - Any interesting medical stories, yours or someone else's?
Armor - Light and nimble or heavy and protected?
Old Crest - What moment in your life do you constantly come back to?
Key - What do you have on your keychain?
Blank - How often do you need time alone?
Ammo - What do you do when you're running low on energy?
Spread Ammo - Do you have a lot of responsibilities on your plate?
Hegemony Credit - If money was no object, what's the first thing you do?
Bronze Casing - Opinion on coins?
Silver Casing - Is it worth it to splurge every now and again?
Gold Casing - Anything you're saving up for?
Cell Key - Ever had lock related troubles?
Gnawed Key - Would you like a hidden room and where would it be?
Rat Key - Fight fairly or win no matter what?
Barrel - Do you have a temper?
Explosive Drum - What are your pet peeves?
Toxic Barrel - How bad does mess need to get before cleaning up?
Oil Barrel - Opinion on fire?
Water Barrel - Bath or Shower?
Wooden Table - Where do you commonly eat?
Stone Table - Where do you keep constantly used belongings?
Portable Table - Ever had the thought to flip a table?
Coffin - Top of your head, what's the difference between coffins and caskets?
Clutter - Do you have any decorations in your room?
Brazier - Weirdest way you ever cooked something?
Cursed Pot - Are you superstitious?
Oil Lamp - What's your plan in a blackout?
Minecart - Do you use brute force or find leverage to decrease exertion needed?
Green Gun Muncher - Know any strange food combos and do you like it?
Red Gun Muncher - A buffet or one well cooked meal?
Mirror - What do you do in front of the mirror?
Demon Face - Has something seemed scary at first glance but turned out not to be?
Chandelier - When is it better to get a professional instead of a Do-It-Yourself solution?
Sawblade - Do you actually measure twice before cutting?
Spikes - Did you ever choose to do something you knew would upset someone else?
Rolling Spikes - How easy is it to throw you off your groove?
Flame Vent - Favorite way to start a fire?
Flame Pipe - Do you feel safe when someone else said they used a DIY solution?
Rotating Fire - How inconvenient does something need to be to turn you away?
Trap Door - Have any stories about falling?
Boulders - Opinion on survival-crafting games like minecraft, terraria, don't starve, ect?
Turret - How good is your internal clock?
Minecart Turret - How long should you rest before moving on?
Crush - Is it satisfying to destroy things?
Fire Ring - Do you fall into patterns easily?
Brown Chest - Do you judge things at a glance?
Blue Cheat - When does uncommon become rare?
Green Chest - How much is a life changing amount of money?
Red Chest - What was your luckiest moment?
Black Chest - What's the rarest thing you own?
Fuse - Are you indecisive?
Synergy Chest - Do you dwell on what could've been?
Rainbow Chest - Has something seemed too good to be true but was true?
Glitched Chest - How much of a shake up breaks monotony?
Rat Chest - Has ironic karma ever happened to you or someone else?
Truth Chest - Do you need the answers to the big questions?
Revival Chest - What's your approach to trying something again?
Ammo Shrine - What's the worst way you've been ripped off?
Angel Shrine - Has your pride blinded you before?
Beholster Shrine - Do you prepare for niche situations?
Blank Shrine - Do you fall for the Sunk Cost Fallacy?
Blood Shrine - Have you hurt people for your own benefit?
Challenge Shrine - Do you look back on past events and feel accomplished?
Cleanse Shrine - How do you process your stress?
Companion Shrine - Do you have a best friend?
Dice Shrine - Any Question Goes. Roll the bones.
Glass Shrine - What's the weirdest spot you found something religious?
Hero Shrine - Can cycles truely be broken?
Junk Shrine - Is there a character you hold close to your heart? Why?
Peace Shrine - Do your emotions control you in the heat of the moment?
Y.V. Shrine - Do you miss the old days of internet culture?
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conklin03 · 3 months
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In the game Enter the Gungeon there's a boss that's named The Beholster. Notice the obvious gun pun. But also - it's a giant eye, obviously referencing the "beauty's in the eye of the beholder" idiom. The amount of thought that went into all the gun puns in this game is insane
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boiledpotatos · 2 years
Some fanart of the beholster from Enter The Gungeon, hope you enjoy.
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asknerdkakyoin · 4 years
Can you do a sketch of the Beholster from Enter The Gungeon?
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juanebaart · 4 years
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I finelly finished enter the gungeon so take this terrible shitpost
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baconmonstrosity · 7 years
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Commissioned Enter The Gungeon fanart piece. Love that game.
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wolfietheangel · 3 years
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by beholster eye, dragun tooth, gungeon only whispers one truth
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bazzco-blog · 7 years
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Doing some enter the gungeon stuff.
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theliterarywolf · 5 years
So, to go into other media that I don't see people asking about, what do you think of Illithid, Beholders, Greenmen, Shoggoths, and say... Bulettes?
Oh, you’re getting all D&D on me now, aren’t ya?
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I actually love Illithids and Mindflayers. They’re a perfect means of making a Cthulhu-type player/lower-scale character without making them OP. 
I’m actually reminded of my favorite boss (design-wise) from Enter the Gungeon: The Mine-Flayer
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You take a ball. Give ‘em some tentacles. Give em some eyes. Slap in some sharp teeth: Bam! Issa monster!
However, interestingly enough, the only Beholder-based design I’ve ever really liked has been Enter the Gungeon’s Beholster
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Green Man
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... Okay, but that’s JUST the illegitmate love-child of Groot and Swamp Thing!
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Oh, who’s the big, squishy, not-classified-by-the-gender-binary bleb~? You are! You are! You’re the big, squishy, not-classified-by-the-gender-binary bleb~!
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Ooh, the land-sharks! I actually collaborated on a project where one of these was one of the characters, but I’m not sure whatever became of it. Still, good, sturdy design here.
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gaminginferno · 5 years
Exit the Gungeon Review: You Can Jump Now?!
So, most people would assume that with Doom eternal and Animal Crossing releasing on Friday that there was no question to what would be reviewed today. I did too. However, Nintendo released the Indie World showcase and, while most were impressive looking but otherwise unremarkable, they chose to release Exit the Gungeon, Dodge Roll Games’ sequel to one of my favorite all-time games, Enter the Gungeon, on the Switch and PC on Monday, the same time it was announced so here we are. Exit the Gungeon was released back in September on the Apple Arcade, but literally nobody cares so this is the official release of the game. They also seem to have made a lot of changes from the apple version so there’s a lot of reasons why this should be considered the definitive addition.
The plot begins directly after the events of the first game. After you have finally found “The Gun That Can Kill The Past” and changed your past for the better, the repeated changes to the timeline has caused the structural integrity of the Gungeon to collapse and now, after the old entrance is gone, you must find a new way Exit the Gungeon! (Insert title care here). The original playable characters have returned, with the unlockable characters able to be unlocked once again. It begins in a similar way to the original, with a quick tutorial from Ser Manuel, and then you begin your ascension proper. Also similar to its predecessor, the game features randomized elevators with enemies that are different every time you play, though each Gungeoneer, playable character, has a different route that they go every time so the bosses and elevator types will stay the same. You progress by playing through five elevators shafts, each with their own bosses, and collect currency that will unlock more weapons and items to make the runs easier.
Exit the Gungeon is incredibly ambitious for a sequel, making major changes to gameplay and flow. The biggest difference is the jumping mechanic, or “ascending dodge roll” as it’s called. What used to be a single plane, twin stick shooter has changed into a platforming bullet hell extravaganza and yet it still feels close enough to the original game to be familiar. Many of the enemies, guns and NPCs have returned for similar mechanics, albeit with different iterations to compensate for the new gameplay. What is vastly different are the bosses. The bosses that have returned have been changed in various ways, such as the Beholster now residing in the Cannonbalrog, or the Gorgun now riding atop the Fuselier cannonball. Others, like the infamous Ammoconda have been upgraded into a much more infuriating variant, the Boltpython. Others still are new additions to the franchise. Each boss is a new experience that bring new, more difficult ways to fight the bosses that we know and worse bosses to love to hate. Any game that comes from the mobile market rightfully deserves a lot of scrutiny, but this game shows the love and care that the developers have for their IP and it creates a wonderful game that will have you coming back for more and more.
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slapjak · 3 years
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Muzzle flash
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summoner-of-arkas · 6 years
Enter the Gungeon Ask Thing Boss Edition
Bullet King - A throne or a regular chair?
Gatling Gull - How do you feel about birds?
Smiley - How good of a haggler are your? 
Shades - What makes something cool to you?
Ammoconda - What’s your favorite food?
Beholster - What would you do if you had multiple arms?
Gorgun - What does it take to petrify you?
Cannonbalrog - Do you fear what can lurk in the dark?
Mine Flayer - How do you explain the incomprehensible?
Treadnaught - Do you do your own thing or follow examples?
High Priest - Does faith drive your life/decisions?
Kill Pillars - Do you work well in a team?
Wallmonger - What do you do when pushed into a corner?
High Dragun - How close do you keep your prized possessions?
Advanced Dragun - What would make you choose to do something more difficult?
Blobulord - How do you feel about slime?
Old King - Have you suffered a debilitating injury? 
Door Lord - Have you ever claimed to be something you’re not?
Resourceful Rat - Would you take something someone left behind?
Resourceful Rat 2 - Has a piece of media had a profound impact on you and your life?
Resourceful Rat 3 - Ever been in a fist fight?
Black Stache - Have you ever been betrayed?
Dr. Wolf - Is there a research topic we should never delve into?
HS Absolution - How much are you willing to go through to help/save a friend?
Interdimensional Horror - Are you prepared if your plan goes awry?
Agunim - Are you subservient to someone else?
Cannon - Do you desire power over others and if so, how much power?
The Last Human - Do people place their hopes for the future in you?
Lich - Do people look up to you as a leader?
Past Lich - Would you take a chance to see your future?
Glitched Beholster - Do you run into tech problems in any form?
Blockner - Have you ever betrayed someone close to you?
Shadow Magician - Have you been told you look like someone else?
Fuselier - Would you say you have an explosive temper?
R&G Agunim - How often do you refence media?
Medusalier - Do you ask for help when faced with failure?
Meowitzer - What things don't you like?
His Majesty's Chancellor - Have you been given responsibility you're not ready for?
Buffammo - If opportunity is missed, do you try to recoup your losses?
Eyebalrog - Are you more dangerous alone or with others?
Gungamesh - Would you want an extra set of arms?
Bolt Python - How important is it to stay up to date in any regard?
Mutread Head - Have you abandoned a project?
Low Priest - What would you tell your past self?
Fallmonger - What do you want done to your body when you die?
Killinder - How do you kill time?
Sepulchergeist - Do you believe in ghosts?
The Last Dragun - Take one more shot at it or let things lie?
Glocktopus - What was your worst nightmare?
Blobulon Queen - Go on the offensive or keep a strong defense?
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askfriskandcompany · 6 years
Beholder + guns = beholster. A beholder that has a gun for every arm. I bye sans would like this pun.
You know, canonically, beholders can look like almost anything as long as they’ve got one big eye, a floating round body with a mouth, and eye stalks of some kind that shoot various eye beams. They vary wildly in color, texture, and shape. Some beholders have tentacle-like eye stalks while others have more segmented insectoid eye stalks.
Therefore, according to official Dungeons and Dragons lore, a beholder could easily have guns for eye stalks that shoot the various eye beams.
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rubisaurus98 · 5 years
beholster, blobulord, and resourceful rat?
Beholster - What would you do if you had multiple arms? (Ichigo)
“Multiple arms? Wield multiple scythes! Goddess, that’d be so cool! I’ve seen Lady Renata use her tendril-wings as extra arms before and she’s literally a buzzsaw.”
Blobulord - How do you feel about slime? (Yours truly)
I used to think it was really cool. I remember always trying to make it myself at home after making it in school when I was little, which got me in trouble with my parents. At the time, I didn’t know that it would lose its consistency if not stored under proper conditions, so I was pretty disappointed when the one from school turned 100% to liquid after leaving it in its bag in my bedroom overnight.
Nowadays, eh, it’s alright, I guess. Still cool. Messy, but at least now I understand why it melted in the first place. Made some last year at a campus event in my school’s colors, but I don’t know where it went.
Resourceful Rat - Would you take something someone left behind?(Montague)
“When you travel to different worlds for long periods of time, you kinda have to take things others ‘leave behind’. Especially the more fucked-up places. And that’’s where mine and the captain’s expertise come into play. You know what they say: Finders keepers--”
“Put it back, Montague. We’re in Elgaia.”
“*sigh* Yes, ma’am...”
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