#being carefree and having fun and being with friends and warm summers
evils-corner · 11 months
Sometimes I see mention of the first warrior cats book and it feels so...nostalgic to me. It feels like home. It's comforting. Just Firepaw and his friends learning and growing together when they were young and naive. Before the plot thickened and before he was really thrust into the politics and tragedies of the clans.
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clairdelunelove · 2 months
I just know that itadori yuuji would be the guy on the beach that you get a glimpse of and never forget. 
what started out as a summer trip planned by friends turned into more of a self-care day that you all could share. to take a break from the usual, mundane cycle of school and work. just a pause to relax due to the rare occasion you all can clear your schedules to enjoy your youth. to have a little fun. to breathe in some fresh air and soak up some sun. you weren’t expecting a flawless trip; in fact, you kept your expectations pretty low and didn’t stress too much about the logistics. nothing too hectic. thus, when it was a blazingly hot day with not a single cloud scattered across the cerulean sky and the wind was perfect– traveling to the beach was a no-brainer. so after packing a few essentials you all hit the road. the car ride was a jumble of upbeat, carefree music and all the radio’s top tracks. with the car’s windows rolled down, your group of friends zealously croon all the wrong lyrics with pride and erupt in laughter when people from other cars stare a bit too intently. bright, mirthful smiles on all your faces in hopes of making new memories with this trip. just a good time, overall. 
so imagine your surprise when your friends assign you to unpack the beach chairs from the car and drag them over to the designated spot. in their defense, it’s a beautiful spot. the ideal blend of shade and dazzling sunlight since it’s right underneath the beach’s main cove. it overlooks golden sand that’s bordered by the water’s white foam due to the spilling waves that caress the shoreline. not to mention that the water is superbly tepid, the right temperature that has your friends sighing in content. it’s the hangout spot that anyone would treasure for the day. extraordinarily so, that your friends immediately grab a handful of items (towels, bags, etc.) from the car’s trunk and quickly dash to claim it. leaving you to haul the heavier pieces by yourself.
“guys! seriously?” you rhetorically ask, aware that your voice wasn’t going to reach them from how far they were. 
a heavy exhale leaves your lips as you continue to heave the obnoxiously colored chairs across the sand. you suppose that this was probably the best option, though. the beach already had a handful of people scattered along the stretch of land and it was bound to get busier by the second. but the heft of the chairs, coupled with your need to briskly catch up to your friends, proved to be more responsibility than you can manage. it happens abruptly. before your grip on the aluminum handles slip, a heavy hand descends to alleviate the extra weight and you’re face-to-face with the most attractive stranger you’ve ever laid your eyes on. 
“need a hand?” 
and a part of you wishes to blurt that you might need more than just his hand. because he’s stunning– in the way that causes your face to warm as your eyes drag along his physique. his skin is glowy like he’s grazed by sunlight itself and brushed with freckles that you yearn to trace your fingers over. his hair is a blushy, vibrant shade that creates a halo behind him and emphasizes his boyish charm. and his smile, the one that good-naturedly curves along his lips, is blinding as he regards you. he’s clad in a white tank top and swim trunks, although, you’ve never quite seen such prominent dips of muscle despite him being completely covered up.
you stutter out your gratitude, too occupied with furiously bowing your head to notice how his gaze shifts to do an inquisitive once-over. and he already knows he’s in trouble. you’re oh so pretty; big, sparkly eyes and glossy lips. a voice that sounds like someone slowly plucking the strings of a violin. soft skin that gleams. his dream girl. knocks the wind out of his chest and he discreetly clears his throat in order to speak. 
“don’t worry ‘bout it,” he mentions while drawing a finger to bashfully swipe at his nose, “just didn’t wanna see such a pretty girl in distress.” 
and you can already tell he’s sickeningly sweet. not like the type that you usually run into when you’re strolling through the city streets. no, you were certain that he wasn’t from around here. probably stored away in a faraway town that you’d never have the chance to visit. after all, the boys that pursued you were accustomed to low effort and unkept promises. not him, however.
hands raised in alarm, he hastily tries to correct his overly blunt compliment and you’re left giggling at his dismay. 
“the ball, dude!” 
a group of athletic males, you assume they’re the stranger’s friends, holler at him as they point to the volleyball that rolled beside you. must’ve been launched over when you were focused on the attractive stranger. you awkwardly shift your feet. of course, all good things must come to an end. too much heaven is bound to make a person selfish. but this was almost too quick for you to thoroughly enjoy. he remains unmoving despite his friends’ chiding for him to come back so they can resume their game. almost reluctant. his gaze deviates to the ball and then goes back to you. a glimmer in his disheartened eyes. 
you glance over, shyly smiling at his unwillingness to hurry back to them, “I think they’re waiting for you.” 
and that breaks him out of stupor. he bites his lower lip, seemingly debating, and promptly utters another apology. quips about how impatient they are over a silly game of beach volleyball. muttering about how they had all day to play. the words spill out of his mouth. reasoning to explain the short-lived encounter. and you can’t help but swoon because he has such a boyish charm to him. 
yet, before you can take your leave, the blushy-haired male blurts, “can you give me a second?” 
recognizes that he’s got you hook, line, and sinker when you press your lips together with an appeased nod. you’re fighting off the beginnings of a smile as he visibly perks up at your response. like a dog finally rewarded with a treat after a session of training. he scoops up the volleyball, eagerly tosses it back to his friends, and mentions for them to not wait up for him. doesn’t bat an eye to how the ball whizzes past them and into the sea. never thought twice about his appalling strength.
and he’s giddy now. all dizzying grins and flighty movements. it's almost too adorable. accidentally brushes against your hand as he’s walking and hastily pulls away like he’d been burned. visibly gulps when you teasingly smooth your hand over his shoulder. and his eyes flutter in desperation when your fingers gently card along his soft hair. though, his eyes never leave yours. they're the perfect shade of liquid honey. makes you reminisce of apricot trees and apple pies. set in determination to etch you into his mind. you'll be in his memory forever. and it’s mushy and gentle. you never want this day to end. 
yuuji ends up carrying all your beach chairs in one strong hand. wasn’t too inclined to accept your compliments for his strength but he does notice how your gaze often drifts to the apparent veins on his forearms. he never comments on it, however. just causes him to puff up in pride when he offers you his other arm and you hold onto it for stability (or so he believes). such a pretty sight as you waltz in the sand and throw him an overjoyed smile when you pick up sparkling seashells. you’re completely satiated. an unexpected surprise during the lax, summery trip. a drop of saccharine that sent his dull world plummeting into the deepest depths of the very sea that you pranced along. and if your friends notice the rather recent and charming addition to their group, one that hangs upon your every word– they don’t mention it.
at least now they have someone to carry all their heavy stuff for them. 
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storywriter007 · 27 days
leo valdex x someone with anxiety who wants to forget about their worries but eventually they open up to leo and it goes from dumbasses in love to hurt/comfort and fluff? you're so awesome thank yooouuuu
Stressed Out - Leo Valdez x Fem!Reader
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author's note: thank you for your request, i hope you like it!! sorry for the wait <3
warnings: anxiety
genre: fluff
word count: 721
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
y/n laid in her bed staring up at her ceiling.
she had to do swim lessons with the campers today. was there a counselor's meeting tonight? yes, there was, it was a thursday night. she had to read two books and three articles for summer reading. she also had to do a fourteen-page packet. was there an assignment for science? there probably was. and she had to go to the doctor's, and get herself checked out. fill out the stupid forms. oh my god, so many forms.
"y/n!" her sister, emma, called. "are you even listening?"
"yeah, i am." she responded, snapping out of her trance.
"really? what did i say?" emma interrogated.
"i'm sorry, em." she smiled. "i'm just tired."
"are you sure? y'know you can talk to me." her sister added, with a light smile.
"yeah, yeah, i'm fine." she smiled back. "thank you."
she wasn't fine. she wished she could just tell someone about everything that was bugging her but she couldn't. she was known as the carefree, light-hearted, don't-stress, get-up-when-you-fall, optimist of camp. the kids loved her for it, the counselors admired her for it.
and as much as she loved everyone at camp, she knew they talked. she knew once you told one person something, it ended up everywhere.
did swim lessons go alright? yeah, the kids had fun. but percy really took more charge than y/n did. shame on her, she should've contributed more. but she was with the literal shark boy, what was she going to do?
"y/n." her boyfriend bothered. "are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm fine." she smiled.
"you've been staring at the same screw for five minutes."
"it's a really nice screw." she chuckled, picking it up so he could see it.
leo put his wrench down and sighed, concern filling his eyes.
"i know something's wrong. what's up? y'know you can tell me." he said, putting his warm hand on hers.
"i'm good." she reaffirmed. "it's almost curfew, i should probably go." she added, getting up.
he grabbed her arm, tugging her down. he pulled her chair closer to his.
"what's wrong?" he asked.
"i can't tell you." she said quietly.
"why not?" he whispered.
"because when you tell one person, they tell everyone."
"y'know i would never do that to you."
"i know, but, it's just like you tell someone you trust, and they tell someone they trust, and so forth and then everyone knows." she sighed. "i know you wouldn't."
"then tell me." he urged.
"i've just been so stressed out lately." she admitted, feeling a weight lift off of her shoulders. "i have so much work as a counselor. and, summer's ending soon and school is going to kill me. i have so much reading and paperwork to do for school. and i have a job, and i don't want my family and friends to feel like i'm neglecting them, and i thought it'd be a good idea to pick up a sport- i just don't know how i'm going to do it all."
"i know, it feels like you're being pulled in ten different directions." he sympathized.
"it does. and i'm sorry for dumping all of this on you-"
"don't apologize." he said, quickly cutting her off. "you're my girlfriend, if something's bothering you, it's bothering me."
he pulled her into a hug and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"i don't know how i'm going to do it."
"why don't we start figuring it out then? how about i help you out with your summer homework?" he asked.
"no, you don't have to do that." she chuckled, leaning back.
he reached into her tote bag, pulling out her mathematics packet.
"we can start with this. we'll do it together." he smiled.
"leo, you really don't have to."
"but i want to." he said, picking up a pencil. "let's start with number one, what's the value of x?"
within two hours, they had finished the packet. y/n gave leo a kiss, before putting her head on his shoulder.
"thank you." she smiled.
"you don't have to thank me." he said, kissing the top of her head. "and you don't have to hide how you're feeling from me."
"i won't." she promised.
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Eris Week Day 7 - Free Day
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Happy Day 7 of @erisweek2023. It is a double post day. 💙
Summary - Ophelia Archeron, the youngest of the Archeron sisters, is forced to meet with Eris and the Batboys, causing her to miss a day in the Summer Court with Amren That doesn't stop her from finding some fun in the water, though.
Warnings - Giving into intrusive thoughts and kissing strangers, OC tries to do the math for angles and trajectory, but the brains behind the OC hates math, angles, and formulations OC's thoughts are choatic and all over the place. Ophelia is an OC one of my close RL friend's asked for. She had wanted to know how sophisticated Eris would have handled a wild and carefree OC, so she has a few hidden pieces from me based on our book club coffee dates, but she said I could share this one. Also, she was listening to Geronimo by Sheppard when she asked me to write this.
Word count - 1203
"I don't know what the Littlest Archeron is thinking, but I would consider speaking with her, Rhysand." I continued staring through the red-haired heir of Autumn, grinning at the close distance from the edge of the waterfall he was. This wasn't a great first impression, but I really didn't care.
If I just get a good running start and jump….. 
I felt Rhysand's eyes drift to me again before refocusing on the important meeting he and the other two bat boys had brought me to.
Azriel had ignored my protests, arguments, and pleads for Nesta to go instead of me. I understood the whole seeing and ripping people's souls was a rare gift, and Rhysand was always super excited to try to use to intimidate people, but I had been promised a day in the sun and surf with Amren. I was missing Tarquin, and Tarquin's beautiful beaches, and oceans for this.
He's approximately 2 feet from the ledge. If I hit him running fast enough, we would land approximately… far away from any potential rocks. Maybe. 
Azriel looked over at me with his eyes narrowed as he watched me do math on my fingers. Eris also began to narrow his eyes at Rhysand. Cassian, though? His smile had grown. Being the bat I had spent the most time with, he knew the second I saw Eris on that ledge overlooking the waterfall, exactly what I was thinking.
Do I yell "Geronimo?" No. That'd be dumb. Focus, Ophelia. 
Eris took a step closer to the ledge and made eye contact with me for the first time. For a brief second the aloof higher than thou expression left his face in favor of something softer. The conversation between him and Rhysand came to a full pause. Rhysand  was holding back his grin the best he could while trying not to laugh as he entered my mind and quickly left after figuring out what I was thinking. I felt Azriel's shadows begin to steal my hidden daggers. 
Maybe I should make sure I land first so he doesn't potentially get hurt. Lucien would laugh at that, though. And Lucien's laugh is my favorite.
Rhysand began the conversation again with his eyes meeting mine every so often. Mischief was shining in them like the reflection of the sun on the waterfall. It was almost as if he was daring me to do it.
Am I even fast enough to do this? I'm totally fast enough. Cassian makes me run everyday. I can do this. 
"Enough! What is the little brat plotting?" Eris began to glare and move another step away from me. A few inches. 4 inches was maybe all that remained between him and that ledge. "I swear on the Cauldron itself, if you so much as look at my soul, I will -"
Fuck it.
I didn't hear the rest of Eris's threat as I broke into a full sprint directly at him. I jumped straddling his torso, effectively pushing him back hard enough for us to fall off the ledge. I felt his arms grab onto me tightly as we fell. Something inside of me snapped as he placed a hand on my head and cradled me for my protection.
His hands are so warm. He'd be wonderful to snuggle. This should be terrifying. Wait. He's laughing. Eris is laughing.
The collision with the pool of water came before I could process the sound of his deep laughter or even brace myself for how badly this could hurt. I felt him grab my hand in the cold, deep waters swimming us to the surface. When we emerged, he pulled me to him by my waist. He was smiling, and I felt myself melt under his gaze. His amber eyes searched my blue ones before he began to laugh again.
No one should look this perfect with hair stuck to their face.
Laughter rang from the ledge above us. Eris and I both looked up to see the bat boys leaned over the ledge. Cassian had his head thrown back, "Did you see his face?!" 
Rhys was smirking down at us, "You never said she couldn't physically attack you, Eris!"
Azriel was shaking his head trying to hide his amusement, "You know, Ophelia, if you wanted Eris to take you for a swim, you could have nicely asked."
I heard Eris hum next to me as his warm arm kept me close to him by my waist, "Ophelia. So the Littlest Cauldron Made does have a name."
My brain desprstely wanted to respond. To answer him and talk to him, but shadows and light dancing had caught my attention. The waterfall seemed to sparkle from down here against a dark background. What's BEHIND the waterfall?
I wiggled from his grasp before ducking back under the waterfall. I surfaced in a small cove and pulled myself up onto the rock. Eris appeared behind me and pulled himself up on the rock beside me. I heard Rhys yell for me before seeing two winged males land on the bank across the water. Rhys appeared beside them seconds later.
He's so warm. 
I felt a hand come to my chin as Eris moved my face to look at him. "Well, little Archeron, do you have something to say for yourself?" I followed the glittering silver thread that attached Eris and I at the heart. I felt it tug, so I tugged it back causing warmth to spread throughout my body and soul. A soft smile came to his face. The hand on my chin moved to the back of my head. Inches separated my lips from his.
Can he feel my heartbeat? Is my face getting really red? Is he about to kiss me?
"I can, yes, and only if you want me to." My eyes widened at the sound of his voice. "Mating bond," his voice was soft and warm as his other hand came, and his thumb began to brush my lower lip. The intensity of his stare began to set my soul alight. 
Kiss me.
He pulled me to him the second the thought came. His lips were as warm as the rest of his body and so soft. I sighed deeply as he deepened the kiss and pulled me onto his lap. My hands came to his face, holding him to me. We broke apart at the sound of Rhysand yelling for me again.
"It would appear that big brother is no longer enjoying your antics."
My only response was to kiss him again. I felt my legs wrap around his waist as we sat chest to chest. He took control and dominance over the kiss quickly. One hand tangled into my soaking hair, and the other held me around my waist, locking me where he wanted me. A shadow pulled me from Eris before taking me to Rhysand leaving Eris and Azriel alone in the small alcove. 
Rhysand snapped and changed me into dry leathers as he studied my face. I averted eye contact from him as a single brow raised. He stated softly, "You have got to be fucking joking."
Pain radiated down the bond, causing me to grip my jaw. Cassian's eyebrows shot up. He stared at Rhys, eyes slightly glazed over before muttering softly. "Ness is going to kill me."
Eris and Azriel appeared in front of the three of us. Eris was rubbing his jaw, smiling at me softly until a growl came from Az. Rhysand snapped his fingers to also give Eris dry clothing before leaning his head against a nearby tree. Eris smirked at me as the 3 Night Court males moved away to discuss the situation.
"Can we do it again?" I looked over at him, studying his red hair, angled face, and soft smile.
He rose his chin towards the ledge and looked my direction, "Jump from the waterfall?"
"No. Kiss."
Eris moved to me, a warm hand gently gripping my face and angling my head towards him, "I would kiss you until my dying breath left my body, Ophelia Archeron."
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astralis-is-typing · 1 year
"... and they were camp-mates." (더 가까이~)
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⚝fic type: romance, young love
⚝genre/contains: han jisung x fem reader, summer camp!au, fluff, comfort, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pinning, both reader and jisung are over 18
⚝warnings: slightly suggestive
⚝word count: 5.8k
⚝inspo: mixtape:oh by stray kids
⚝A/N: this is my entry for the may/june blossoming love event (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) happy pride month & an even happier 2 year anniversary of mixtape oh!! (the korean title is from han's verse in the song's bridge)
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“너와 두 눈을 맞추고서, 한 걸음 더 네게로...
계획을 세워봐도, 여전히 네 앞에 서면 나는 애야”
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The great oak doors opened with a familiar creak as you stepped into the reception of your long-time summer camp. Nothing had changed. Nothing really ever changed here. Year in, year out and this lodge remained tried and true. You had attended this camp almost every summer for the past six years. Both your parents had incredibly demanding jobs. Since they couldn’t keep you entertained for your entire holiday themselves, they had figured camp was a good alternative to leaving you at home to your own devices all day. You hadn’t liked the idea at first, but this place gradually grew on you… its carefree and youthful aura was something you’d always reminisce on. It was out of the city, away from all the noise and rush. The camp was bordered by a forest on one side and a lake on the other; the fresh air was always so soothing to your lungs, particularly on the first week back here. Whether a kid liked being outdoors or not, this place had a way of expanding one’s perspective on what fun could look like.
You ran a finger along the smooth brown reception desk as you took in your surroundings. The familiarity of the place made you sigh; the tension you didn’t know you were holding slowly easing off your shoulders. Cheesy motivational quotes and colourful posters about camp activities were tacked onto the notice board beside the desk.
On the counter, a jar of sweets glinted invitingly in the soft sunlight seeping through the room’s large open windows. They came in handy especially in the first few weeks of camp, when the receptionist needed to calm down the kids who ran in demanding to phone their parents and have them pick them up. It was a regular occurrence with the younger campers, you had behaved that way too on your first summer. Some of the best– and worst– moments of your childhood had happened at this camp. You’d broken limbs, learned how to swim, cycle and bake here… As well as more unconventional feats, such as learning how to pick a lock with a hair pin.
The reception had received a fresh coat of paint since you were last here, the beige tint no longer chipping to reveal the dulling white beneath it. You dinged the tiny bell on the table top and took a seat at the orange couch beside the door as you waited for the receptionist to come in. You came back this summer as a junior Counsellor to earn a little extra cash before you joined college. Familiar as the place was, you were sure this summer would be a relatively different experience considering your new position and the fact that you wouldn’t be spending it with the friends you had made here. It would be rather boring without them all, you thought, as you knew most of the other junior Counsellors would be unfamiliar faces.
The receptionist walked in through a side door after a few minutes and beckoned you forward with a warm greeting so you could register your name in the counter book and receive your pass. You can’t help but smile as you take in the photographs still stuck to the wall behind the desk. They were from three years ago, when your camp’s rowing team had competed in a tournament and won. Under the generic congratulatory banner, you could see your own toothy grin (and pimpled forehead) staring back at you. Right next to it was one particular chubby cheeked boy who was smiling triumphantly as he held his hand up in a peace sign. You let out a small laugh at the memory of the cheesecake-loving boy who’d simultaneously annoyed the hell out of you and elevated your stays here to astronomical levels of fun.
“Hey baby!” Came his unmistakable voice from behind you. It made you spin around in shock. The Han Jisung was leaning against the door frame, a crossbody bag slung across his broad chest and a large box cradled in his arms.
The nickname 'baby' had always fallen so easily from his lips, in the same manner one would casually use ‘bro’ or ‘mate’. He hadn’t changed all that much… still had those insanely chubby cheeks and annoyingly perfect waist. His sense of fashion had improved tremendously, yet still looked very Jisung-esque; comfort had always been the most important element to his dressing.
“Jisung? What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question,” he countered with a wink, walking in and setting the box down on the counter. “Can’t deny I’m not happy to see you, though.”
He turned to the receptionist then. “These are books I’d, uhm, borrowed from the camp’s library… over the years… and forgotten to return.” He explained with his signature grin, hoping to charm the older man into letting him off the hook. Soon enough he'd check the 'return by' dates and realize that some of the box’s contents had been under Han Jisung's bed at home for about four years now. If it wasn’t for his pestering mother they’d still be there, honestly.
You scoffed, trying to ignore the swell of his bicep as he leaned an arm on the counter. “You read?”
Jisung stuck his tongue out at you. You rolled your eyes when the receptionist opened the box to reveal dozens of comics. “These don’t count as books, Jisung.”
“They do, too.” He challenged back indignantly.
“You don’t read.” You stated with finality as the receptionist went back through the side door he came in from.
“Yes I do.” Jisung countered adamantly as he leaned towards you and tapped your nose with his finger. You groaned and leaned back, stifling the laugh that was climbing up your throat.
“So what’s your deal?” he asked, changing the subject with a teasing pout of his lips as he poked your side. “Missed this place that much?”
“I’m here as a Counsellor.” You explained shortly, paying no mind to his antics. Jisung had a habit of trying to rile you up for no apparent reason. He seemed to find great fun in it.
“Well look at that, baby!” He said with exaggerated glee, showing you his pearly white teeth as he smiled wide. You narrowed your eyes at him, fighting back the smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“We’ll be spending one last summer together,” he gushed, emphasizing each word with an affectionate pat on your shoulder.
You watched Jisung scribble his name just below yours in the worn out counter book. You couldn’t believe your luck, this had to be some kind of joke.
The two of you had a history.
You remember the summer Han Jisung had serenaded you by the campfire, all in the name of having you lend an ear for his new song. The dark haired boy had sung his heart out while dutifully strumming his guitar. You recall the way he hadn't broken eye contact for a second, the crackling fire illuminating his determined face. The performance had ended with him shyly confessing that you had inspired the ballad.
That had also been the summer you’d had to untangle him from his mosquito net. Yeah, not Jisung’s finest moment.
None of his roommates had managed to free him and you had for some reason been deemed an expert in such cabin room catastrophes. He’d snuck a kiss to your cheek as you finally freed his fragile legs from the net. (A kiss you’d immediately wiped off as the other campers began to holler and croon sickly sweet love songs.)
When he’d walked in, Jisung’s stomach had done a funny flip at the sight of you. After all this time…
The effect you had on him was as strong as when he’d last seen you. He started teasing you out of habit, the urge near instinctual after all these years. What else was he supposed to do? That was his only way of masking the true nature of his feelings. You absolutely captivated Han Jisung, in just about every way possible. Unknown to you, he had been under your spell for years now. Sure, you’d probably caught on at one point or another that he had a crush on you, but it ran deeper than that. Jisung was enthralled by the way your brain worked, and the unique solutions you found to problems. Though a bit of a genius in his own right– especially musically– Jisung was rather scatter-brained and your efficiency and structure was something he’d always admire. In addition to that you had the prettiest eyes he’d ever had the pleasure of looking into.
As you walked side by side, Jisung grappled with how he was going to keep things light and friendly between you two. Internally, he knew that he was fighting a losing battle.
The two of you made your way to the centre of the camp where the senior Counsellors were dividing duties. Nayeon, your favourite Counsellor from your time at camp, handed you your own schedule. It turns out you would be working with the younger kids. Not a bad deal considering you’d been on babysitting duty for most of your life, being the oldest sibling and all.
Jisung, who was seated next to you on the sturdy log, grinned as he read his own sheet and nudged you with his elbow when he reached the end of the slip.
“Looks like we’ll be cabin-mates, baby.” He declared. Your eyes widened at that, scanning through your own paper to confirm his statement. Indeed, you would be holed up with Han Jisung for a whole month.
You sputtered, blaming the sudden heat creeping up your face on the sun overhead, and looked up at Nayeon with your mouth slightly agape.
“You’re the same age,” she pointed out, shrugging. “And you know each other. I figured it would be more comfortable than rooming you with strangers.”
Your heart was beating wildly in your chest as your mind ran a mile a minute, providing you with scenarios of how this could possibly turn out. You struggled not to give any outward indication of the thoughts clouding your brain.
“Unless you want me to change it…” Nayeon offered kindly, noticing the panic dancing in your eyes despite your efforts to conceal it.
You looked over at Jisung, who’s heart-shaped mouth had formed a slight pout at Nayeon’s suggestion. He quickly dropped it when he noticed your gaze.
“Uh… no, no. This will be fine.”
“Are you sure, sweetie?” She double-checked.
“Yeah, sure. Positive.” You cleared your throat that suddenly felt very dry. You quickly racked your brain for a reason to excuse how flustered you were. “I was just- Jisung’s really messy so I was a little-”
“Am not.” He countered childishly, looking slightly offended. Unfortunately for him, the slight upwards quirk of his mouth betrayed the charade.
“I’ve heard the horror stories.” You teased with a raised brow, referring to the tales you’d heard from his previous cabin-mates.
“Well,” Nayeon cut in, shaking her head in amusement. “If the arrangement is alright with the both of you then I’ll leave you to it.”
She smiled good-naturedly before moving on to her other colleagues who had queries.
Rooming with Jisung wasn’t all that bad. Both of you were shy at first and kept to your respective sides of the small cabin. The room had two bunk beds and Jisung kept his mess to his top bunk. Sleep had evaded you on the first night and he’d actually offered to sing you to sleep. It had worked wonders and over the next two weeks it became somewhat of a routine.
The only time you got in each other’s way was rushed mornings when you needed the bathroom at the same time. You didn’t spend much time in there anyways, already swept up in the flurry of activities that camp provided. In truth, you just wanted to avoid the blush that graced your cheeks whenever he walked in all sleepy to brush his teeth, muttering a ‘hey, baby’ with his gravely morning voice. The domesticity of going about your morning routines together got to your head faster than you expected it to. Perhaps what made it worse was when he had to lean over or behind you to grab something on your end of the sink.
One morning he’d full-on wrapped an arm around your waist as he reached over and snagged your scented lotion. Jisung thought he was being all slick but the proximity ended up flustering him even more than it did you. You’d feigned annoyance at his seemingly endless antics, scolding him and trying to pry the bottle from his hand. Jisung, stubborn as ever, wasn’t giving it up that easily and cheekily brought his face closer to yours with puckered lips. You’d recoiled immediately with wide eyes and he laughed in delight, savouring his victory as you narrowed your eyes at him and stormed out of the bathroom before he got to see the smile you couldn’t seem to fight off.
It felt like the kids wanted to try out everything at once. On days you seriously needed some down time, you’d get one of them to start up a game of hide and seek. That kept them busy for a good hour, sometimes more depending on the number of participants.
Hide and seek had always been a popular game at camp. The game’s rules were different here– and a seeker finding you didn’t automatically mean you had lost. Once found, you and the seeker had to race to where they’d been counting; whoever got there first won. If you lost, you had to join the seeker in their quest to find the rest of the campers.
Three summers ago, you’d hidden in one of the camp’s two treehouses with Jisung during a game. When it began you had quickly dashed up there, expecting to find the space empty. You had nearly tripped over Jisung who was crouched near the door. He’d managed to steady you and put a finger to his lips conspiratorially. You wanted to whine and tell him to find another spot but at that moment the seeker announced they were done counting.
Jisung had clamped a hand over your mouth and pulled you in before you could protest… adrenaline running high as you both pressed against the wooden inner wall. He was closer to the door, so you curled around him– placing your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself as you peeped at the scene below you two. The sky was quickly darkening outside, darker shades of blue streaked with hues of violet creating a beautiful background to complement the moon's faint glow that cast tall shadows behind the scurrying campers. The moonlight slipped past half-drawn blinds through the window above you, a sliver of light dancing across Jisung’s soft cheeks. He had them puffed out as he held his breath, looking over the door’s landing. You could make out half his face, the other half silhouetted in the dark tree house. He looked rather beautiful this way, the sharp line of his nose against the light and soft curve of his round eyes making him look like a painting. The realization momentarily stole your breath away.
When he turned around suddenly, your noses almost bumped together. It occurred to you with a start how close you were to him. He didn’t move away though, eyes gleaming with mischief in typical Jisung fashion as he took note of the proximity. You didn’t pull back either, transfixed and still a little dazed by everything. It took you way too long to notice you were staring at his lips. It wasn’t until he let out a soft chuckle that you slightly moved back, the breath of it fanning against your own lips. Your heart had fluttered annoyingly when you returned your gaze to his brown eyes.
“Have you ever kissed someone?” You asked quietly. The dark of the evening was working like liquid courage and brazenness uncharacteristically came easily to you. Jisung looked taken aback by your question, eyes widened as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip nervously and picked at his dark blue nail polish. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears, hoping against hope that you were suggesting what he thought you were. He nodded his head, adding as he looked away, “Never a girl, though.”
“Oh,” was the only reply you could come up with, unsure of how to continue the conversation.
He faced you again, now grinning. You knew that look and groaned, already being able to tell the boy was about to say something stupid.
“You could change that.” He suggested with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, mumbling something under your breath about how you ‘didn’t mean it that way’– yet you still brought his face closer to yours with slightly shaky hands.
“Your insufferable.” You said as menacingly as you could, but the twinkle on your eyes betrayed you.
Jisung’s breath caught in his throat when you held his face in both your palms, cold from the air outside. He hesitantly brought one of his own hands to your cheek before closing the space between you two.
The kiss was soft, just a slow brush of your lips– neither of you confident enough go beyond that. In any case, you didn’t have the time to, hearing someone– undoubtedly the seeker– climbing up to the treehouse. You quickly broke apart and stood up, preparing yourselves for the impending race.
Your lips still tingled faintly as he looked at you and sharply nodded his head once. You nodded back, mouthing, “On three…”
As the days stretched on, hanging out with Jisung in between your duties proved to be a fun past time. Sure, he still teased you a lot, but more than made up for it by making you laugh hysterically. He’d been the mood maker during your time as a camper. Jisung always managed to rally the other kids’ spirits and always had a great story for the nights spent around the campfire.
On your second Saturday back at camp, you two were seated outside your cabin as you usually did when you were both off duty. It was the onset of summer the small room felt too stuffy at times. You’d helped him make sure the older campers he was in charge of weren’t getting into any trouble before retiring for the night. For those rascals, truth or dare had become riskier and ‘7 minutes in heaven’ was now the go-to game for a night spent indoors.
You and Jisung recalled one such occasion during your own teen years when he had lied you were his girlfriend to get out of kissing Felix in a game of spin the bottle. You didn’t understand why he’d done it; Jisung had kissed virtually all his friends at least once– and Felix was no exception. You’d now found yourself in the middle of the drama, your other campmates still demanding a kiss between you two to keep the game going.
Felix had eyed you sceptically as you fumbled for a way to back out. That boy had been Jisung’s bunkmate that summer and the previous one as well. Felix would surely have known if the two of you had something going on; the campers had a habit of sneaking into each other’s cabins when they dated.
The freckled boy’s voice was so low in the morning that it had scared the shit out of Jisung every day for the first two weeks spent as his bunkmate. The two of you burst out laughing at the memory of him spraining his ankle on the first week of that summer, having fallen out of bed at the sound of Felix’s rumbling morning voice. It had resulted in Jisung having to trade in the much coveted top bunk to prevent any chance of breaking a limb in his spooked frenzy.
“Hey! You wouldn’t have fared any better!” he managed between laughs, trying to save some face. “It’s hard to convince your brain at six in the morning that no, there isn’t any demon under you plotting to drag you into the underworld.”
The conversation then shifted to your future plans. Every new thing Jisung discovered about you left him yearning to know you at a greater depth. Jisung was going to study music and producing, naturally. He was still nervous about it, stomach churning from the thought of the calibre of classmates he’d have at the college he was accepted to.
“You’ve got the talent and the drive for it,” you reassured him with an earnest smile. You leaned your hand on your palm as you gave him your full attention, genuinely interested in his aspirations. You knew Jisung didn’t open up to many people about these things, afraid that they’d find his ranting tiresome. You wanted to make sure he knew you enjoyed listening.
Jisung couldn’t hold eye contact for long- eyes straying from yours every now and then. You were sat there looking at him with that look you had cast on him so many times before; one that made his stomach do backflips. It was a look of trust… of belief that his thoughts were not only valid but mattered. There weren’t that many people out there who took their time to just listen in the way you did. Not only to him; Jisung admired the caring nature you extended to everyone around you. It’s one of the things that made you a great Counsellor; the kids felt not only safe, but also heard when with you.
“Don’t look at me like that!” He whined, subconsciously hiding his flushed face behind his hand.
“Like what?” You chuckled. You fought back the flustered panic rising in your chest. Had your eyes let on too much? You were usually good at schooling your smitten expression in front of Jisung (or so you thought) but it seems the comfort of the moment had made you drop your guard.
“Like that,” He explained unhelpfully, wiggling his fingers in your direction. It really wasn’t like Jisung at all… the way he talked to you, treated you and behaved towards you made him seem so immature. Everything he said ended up sounding childish. It was rapidly getting worse the closer you two grew.
“Anyways,” he said, shaking his head and trying to regain his wits. “I’ve been working on something. Would you like to hear it?”
“If you’re going to try serenading me I swear-”
“No, no,” he laughed, getting shy again at the memory of that night so many years ago. “It’s…”
He trailed off, not wanting to give too much away. “I don’t want to give any spoilers!” He stood up and gestured for you to do the same. “Just come inside.”
Jisung turned on his laptop– his only possession separated from the heap of clothes and his other belongings sprawled on his top bunk– and pulled up a file labelled ‘Close’. He kept his eyes trained on the floor as he played you a snippet. The song had an upbeat and floaty vibe to it, the kind you loved. It eased the weight of the lyrics that carried such unaffected depth, typical of Jisung’s song-writing. He blushed as you praised him when the track-in-progress came to an end, attempting to downplay how good the song really was, but you didn’t let him. He cleared his throat, struggling to explain the meaning behind the song when yet again faced with your undivided attention. Around you all the bright ideas in his head came out messy and uncoordinated, even when he’d thought about what he wanted to say beforehand.
You held out your hand as you hit the replay button on his laptop and pulled him up.
“Dance with me?” you asked simply. It wasn’t really optional, considering you’d already brought him to his feet, but Jisung wouldn’t have declined anyways. You put your hands on his shoulders as you danced in the small space between your two beds. He tentatively brought his hands up to your waist with a small grin.
“Better not crush my toes with your great big feet,” he teased, taking one step closer to you and laughing as you swatted his chest with a grumble. Holding you in this way shouldn’t be having the effect that it is on him. But what did he expect? Every time he so much as looked at you for too long his breath caught in his throat. As always, the only distraction Jisung could find from the feelings blossoming within was to poke fun at you.
The song came to an end as the two of you were swaying silently, simply enjoying the moment. In any case, you both lacked the courage to do much else. Without realizing it, you had gotten closer– way closer then when you’d begun… but neither of you could find the will to pull away.
He should honestly just go for it.
Jisung was honestly one of the suavest guys he knew. It shouldn’t be this difficult. Why was it, anyways? He was a grown man, he reasoned to himself. Kissing his crush didn’t have to be like pulling teeth. Jisung shook his fears away as he held your chin in between his fingers, eyes imploring your own. You slipped your arms around his neck and he shut his eyes, letting you close the gap between you two.
The kiss felt different from anything he’d experienced previously. Your lips pressed against his with so much care, conveying everything you couldn’t put into words.  When you pulled away your pretty eyes remained focused on his lips in a way that made him want to dip back in for more. Everything about you did.
He held you close to him by the waist, loosely enough in case you wanted to step back. You placed a hand over his chest, eyes telling him all he needed to know as you felt his heartbeat pick up under your palm.
“Hey…” he chanced, rocking you slowly to a rhythm no one else but the two of you could seem to hear. You appeared to be waltzing… lost in each other’s gazes as you both slowly shed the layers of pretence keeping you apart.
“Hmm?” You replied softly, careful not to break the comfortable silence.
“Be my girl,” he pleaded. Jisung drew you into a hug and leaned his cheek against yours, sighing at his lack of tact. You pulled back and smiled coyly at him before you playfully danced out of his reach. You plopped down on your bed, not anticipating the way he followed you and kneeled at your side so you were somewhat at eye level.
“Why should I?” You asked with your eyebrow raised and hands crossed over your chest. You’d expected a clever quip in return but he merely pouted at your answer.
“Haven’t I proven myself enough?” he whined. In spite of yourself, you reached out a hand and threaded your fingers through his hair. It had grown longer in the time he’d been here, brown strands tickling his neck. He sighed at the feeling, weighing his next words before he spoke again.
“Have you ever had sex before?”
The question stumbled out ungracefully. Its randomness made you raise your eyebrows and laugh. If it were anyone else, he’d have probably been able to say that smoother, maybe slip a warm palm up your thigh. But no, around you Han Jisung was an idiot. 
You nodded your head, then– as if you’d suddenly recalled something funny–  grinned and added, “Never with a boy, though.”
The reference had him chuckling in spite of his nerves, helping him relax a little. Of course, this peace was disrupted by what you said next.
“You could change that…” You suggested, trailing off in your slight uncertainty. You cleared your throat when Jisung looked at you blankly, examining your hands like they were suddenly the most interesting thing in earth as you tried to look anywhere in the room but him. He laughed quietly and brought your face back round to face him.
“You’re insufferable,” he said softly, teasing glint still dancing in his eyes. Jisung brought up his hand to your face and leaned in for the second time that night. The kiss was firmer this time round. His lips moved against yours with a newfound determination, tongue sliding against your lips and seeking entrance beyond them. His other hand trailed up you your arm to gently tug at your elbow, moving you closer to him.
You pulled him up onto the bed and he hit his head on the top bunk in the process. He groaned as he sunk down and you couldn’t help but break the kiss to laugh at him.
“See what I go through for you?” he joked, rubbing his forehead with a grimace.
“Okay,” you conceded. “I’ll give you a shot.”
“Really?” He exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement and reddening forehead forgotten.
“Just for the summer…” You negotiated. “You’re on probation.”
“Well, that’s better than nothing,” he shrugged before laying down on your bed and pulling you on top of him. You straddled him as your head lowered to his once again, closing your eyes as the feeling of his lips against your own and hands roaming your body engulfed you.
You woke up to the soft morning light slipping under your curtains and the feeling of Jisung’s breath against your neck. He’d nuzzled himself there and was borderline laying on top of you. He looked so peaceful like this, his toned back rising and falling with each breath he took. His leg was thrown over your own and you gently pried him off so you could go to the bathroom.
You gazed at your reflection in the sink’s mirror, noticing a very conspicuous mark on your neck that you’d have to cover up later. You ran your fingertips over it, smiling like an idiot. Why was it so hard for you to admit your feelings for this guy? Everyone could see there was something deeper between you two. Even one of the kids had pryingly asked if he was your boyfriend.
Every summer, all the relationships the two of you might have had over the school year dissipated into thin air the second camp began. Jisung seemed to forget the relevance of them all when you were in question. On your end, you struggled to mask your smile when someone brought his name up. Both his goofy and serious side were so special to you. His serious expression as he jotted down lyrics used to make your stomach flutter– you realized it still did when he was talking about his song to you last night.
You gazed at your reflection again, searching your own eyes for an answer you already held within you… could you be falling in love?
The weeks flew by and before you knew it, your final time at this camp was coming to an end. You and Jisung had been… busy, in between your Counselling duties. There were several times over the course of the past few weeks when you’d woken up in his bed instead of yours.
Nevertheless, you’d surprisingly enjoyed your duties. The kids this summer where a nice lot, especially considering you hadn’t been assigned to deal with the older ones. It was harder for them to take your instructions as they could see you weren’t much older than them. You didn’t know how Jisung managed.
On the last week you and Jisung were yet again sat outside your cabin, sharing a pack of gummy bears.
“So… am I off probation now?” he asked teasingly.
“Still thinking about it.” You deadpanned, resolutely staring ahead into the darkness.
“C’mon don’t be difficult,” He whined. “Admit it, I’m the best boyfriend you’ve ever had.”
“Nope,” you said, giggling. “You’re the only boyfriend I’ve ever had.”
“So that automatically makes me the best!” He argued with a grin. “No competition… you’d just be comparing me to me.”
“I said you’re my first boyfriend, not first relationship,” you corrected him. “Don’t get to cocky,” you said throwing him a wink.
It was comical, really, the way he pouted at your answer. His eyes suddenly lit up as he dragged you up from your seat.
“Where are we going?”
“Just follow me.” He said with faux exhaustion, mumbling about how stubborn you were.
The stars twinkled above you and you could hear that distant hooting of owls from the nearby forest. The moon proudly lit your path as you recognized it as the route to the camp’s old well. It had no use really, and hadn’t in about 15 years.
You remember your third summer at camp when Jisung had jumped into it after you’d rejected him.
He’d stayed down that well until a Counsellor had to grudgingly get him out. Jisung had been a menace at the time. The only Counsellor who’d managed to tame him was a junior named Minho. Jisung didn’t seem to care about how much grief he caused them during activities- always stirring up some kind of mischief. You’d frequently catch him looking your way, as if he was specifically waiting for your reaction to his antics.  Jisung liked to see you laugh at his jokes, beyond giddy to know he’d contributed to that beautiful smile of yours. He always strived to make his mark, he didn’t want to just hang or linger around you… a brief distraction that you’d forget by the end of the day. For reasons unknown to him, Jisung had wanted to be more than that to you.
Just like back then, he sat on the well’s edge.
“Be my baby,” he asked, already struggling to bite back a laugh. He threw in a ‘please’ for good measure. “I swear I’ll jump in if you say no again.”
The well’s depth wasn’t as deep or intimidating now considering you were both full adults, but the thought of having to haul him out in the dead of night did not sound appealing, so you agreed immediately. You chuckled as he stood up and made his way to you with a visible spring in his step.
“You’re so stubborn.” You scolded him as he gallantly took your hands in his.
“Annoying, childish, a thorough idiot...” He confirmed, taking another step closer to you. “Who's low-key in love with you.”
“Completely insufferable...” was the last thing you managed to stutter out before he crashed his lips into yours, cradling your face in both his hands. He titled his head and deepened the kiss after a short while, nearly tumbling you both over in the process. You snorted into the kiss and the two of you broke apart in peals of laughter.
It seemed that no matter how many times he did this, he was still messy, still uncoordinated and not much unlike the young campers you watched over.
In front of you, his love, Han Jisung was still a kid.
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⚝A/N: Thank you for reading (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆ This concept has been in my mind since May aah I'm happy to finally have it completed. If you enjoyed the story kindly reblog!
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whollyjoly · 10 months
Hi Em!! Thank you so much for putting together such an amazing ask game 🩵 I hope you’re doing well. Would you mind answering 1, 4, 17 and 25? Take care 🩵
hello hello my dear!! its been my absolute pleasure seeing everyone spread the good vibes, so im glad people are enjoying this 🥰
im sorry its so late, but here are my answers!
1 - what is your fav part about being in the fandom?
i wrote a super sappy and long answer here, but basically all of YOU is what makes this fandom the most fun to be a part of!
4 - whats a moodboard that you just want to live inside of?
ohhhhhhhh so many?? the moodboard creators in this fandom are fucking TOP TIER and i love all of them so much!! but here's a few that come to mind:
this christmas babe and gene moodboard by @footprintsinthesxnd is so comfy and so cozy and they deserve nice christmases okay!!
speaking of christmas moodboards, @onlyyouexisthere has this incredibly aesthetic board for some of our fav boys around christmas time, and i just want to live inside every single one okay??
this speirs moodboard by the one and only @xxluckystrike is so beautiful? like i love the combo of hard and soft edges (the bandage + the smoke + the chess), since i feel like that dichotomy isnt something thats always shown with speirs, but feels so true with his character. anyways i want to walk through a museum with blood on my knuckles and smoke in my lungs after looking at this okay
and of course, this chuck grant moodboard by the incredible the amazing YOU @sweetxvanixlla was one of the first things i saw and loved in the fandom for grant?? the beach vibes, the light blues, the carefree energy, it all is so perfect. and i was like "holy SHIT this is good also now i too love grant" so i can thank you for that 🥰
bonus from @the-cinnamontography-is-amazing that i cant stop laughing at it
17 - your fav fanwork about an underrated character?
oh i was HOPING to get this because there's this one fic i love SO MUCH and i just!! want to scream about it from the rooftops!!
Come In From The Cold by rebelsquad (T, 24k) is a Smokey-centric Coffee Shop AU, and it just warms my heart in all the best ways. First of all, Smokey is an incredible narrator, and I love how the author captures his voice in this so hard!! I also just love that it centers around some of the more underrated characters (Smokey, Alley, Shifty, Tab, Skinny, and Popeye), but also has great interactions with the regulars as well! The found family vibes are just *chefs kiss*, and it is also the perfect mood for winter ✨ I cannot recommend it enough!!
25 - what colors do your mutuals most remind you of?
i dont even know why this turned out like this? but i went full vibes ✨
@sweetxvanixlla - midnight blue feels so right for you, my dear. starry nights and deep blue velvet cushions, something steady and calm but sparkles in just the right light. a cup of herbal tea on a tuesday night, and the thrum of a quiet city hums beneath your tongue. theres something so quiet and still about the night, that moment when people are talking and you dont have to participate, you just sit and let their words flow over you, enjoy their presence and energy and that feeling is midnight blue.
@xxluckystrike - girl, you are golden. warmth and positivity and laughter that itself is a kind of music, just as much as the songs you love and share and make art for. its the type of gold you feel on a late summer day, echoing up from the passenger seat of a convertible as you drive with your friend across a rolling field of wheat, of corn, of wildflowers. there's soda in the cupholders, and the carbonation matches the bubbles springing from the bottom of your lungs. sunny, summery, golden.
@malarkgirlypop - pink. the snap of a piece of bubble gum, the sugar rush from a strawberry lollipop, the pop of a bright shade of lipstick, quirked up into a smirk. your presence is loud and beautiful like the sound of a boombox atop a vespa, zipping through a busy beachside pier and delighting everyone who hears. pink is the feeling of just being yourself, unashamedly and wildly, and reveling in the wake of your energy.
@panzershrike-pretz - green, but that vibrant green of the sun hitting a park just right, and there's almost a glow, or a halo, across the field. it's the kind of green reserved for grass stains, made after the first spring day that's warm enough to go and spend time outside. it's the color of collapsing in a cackling heap after goofing around with your friends, and they're laughing because you're laughing because they're laughing. what are you laughing about? it doesnt matter, maybe its nothing, maybe its the cow chewing away on the green grass in the distance. no matter, because it is joy.
@footprintsinthesxnd - idk why but lavender is the immediate thing that comes to mind? something calm and soothing and steady, a breath of fresh air, walking through a field with the sun on your neck and the smell of the purple flowers filling the air. a gentle breeze ripples across your fingertips. it's quiet, but not silent, and the lavender doesnt break in the wind - it bends, and the flower seems to brighten in response. your energy is the deep breath that is taken after that moment - content and at ease.
@blood-mocha-latte - so this might not make sense outside my head but...that color a candle flame gives when reflected off a marble statue. something in the liminal space between warmth and cool, between hard and soft, between cold creams and whites and bright oranges and yellows. the ethereal quality of walking through a gallery alone, silent save for the feeling welling up from each piece of art you pass. the tiles echo this soft color, the flickering candle makes the shadows across the paintings dance, and one can't help but want to explore further, to linger with the treasures you've created.
@ronsparky - sky blue, but not the crayola sky blue. the sky blue of an early morning on the top of a mountain, mist obscuring pieces of the horizon and you could convince yourself you are the only human on the planet. a sky blue that rivals on being crisp and soft, that suggests unlimited possibility if you just reached your hand out a little farther. one can't help but feel that every small, new thing from this view is a joy - and its a feeling so wondrous and contagious that you cant help but spread it to those you interact with. the sky shifts, ever so slightly, but the color follows you down the mountain.
@georgieluz - red, but not quite. a bird flitters into view from where you sit on a bench in a forested park. its winter, and the trees feel bare and lonely. surprisingly, the bird isnt a pigeon - it's a vermillion flycatcher. the bird stands out triumphantly against the monochrome sky as if a beacon, or a challenge to some higher power that says i am here. its bold, its singular, and one cant help but admire the sheer presence of this small vermillion creature. but when it opens its beak and sings, the trees dont look so lonely any more.
@next-autopsy - you know that color when a fire burns down, and the embers are glowing with a deep mahogany? the edges of smoke dont obscure the color or heat from the coals, it only seems to make them more ephemeral. its a mesmerizing color, its the feeling where you want so desperately to stretch out your fingers and know what that heartbeat of fire feels like, and although the burn doesnt completely dissuade you, you still pull your hand back. the dancing mahogany glows a little brighter, then dimmer, as if in time with your breathing.
@onlyyouexisthere - the words "pale green" dont quite do justice to the vibes your presence gives off. the softest pale green? cashmere, the color of mint leaves reflecting morning dew? maybe that's the closest, the feeling of looking out over a snow-brushed hill, hands warmed by a mug of silver needle tea, wrapped in a cozy cashmere sweater. something comforting but crisp, familiar but fresh, nostalgic but new. something pale green.
@land-sh - one time, i was on an airplane flying across the arctic. it was the middle of the night, and i looked out the window and slowly, over the course of two hours, watched the sun rise. the sky started as a pitch black, stars breaking up the endless void, and slowly, one color at a time it lightened into a blindingly bright day. but there was a moment, about 37 minutes in, and im pretty sure everyone on the plane was asleep. outside, all i could see was this deep, vast purple. it felt like there could be anything and everything beyond that color, and i was the only in the universe who would ever see it. idk why, but thats the color and vibe that comes to mind when i think of you.
@coco-bean-1218 - see, i thought about chocolate brown for you before i even realized that its just your username. but maybe its more than chocolate, maybe something closer to chestnut. you're that feeling when you walk through an orchard, it's november, and although the sun is shining its the kind of sun that seems to make everything more crisp than warm. as you walk through, there's a small crunch under your shoe - a chestnut. there's a deeply satisfying smell in the air, something woody and comforting, and you just want to get lost in the rows upon rows of chestnut brown dotting the branches and littering ground.
@samwinchesterslostshoe - okay so bear with me on this one - slate gray. the slate gray of a city on a rainy day, clouds and sky and sidewalk almost blending together into one entity. you duck into a coffee shop you never would have noticed if not for the weather. at first, you think the walls are just reflecting the color from the outside, and you feel a lonely pang. but then, you notice it - art, stickers, little notes of love written in sharpie and tucked in the space between tables. they stand out among the walls, and the absence of color makes their presence even brighter. and the coffee? so good. it's the best you've ever had, and you realize the coffee shop is just like the walls - you find beauty you never would have noticed without the slate gray of the sky.
....so i have no idea if any of this makes sense outside of my head, but here we are. if i missed you i am so sorry!!!
okay okay i am sorry this is so long-winded. i am in fact, a long-winded bitch.
but thank you so much for asking this, and for just being such a wonderful part of our community! i hope your day goes super well!! 💕💕
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coffee4collarbones · 6 months
Sure, being thin by summer would be lovely. Bikinis and slender limbs in too-short cutoffs, being one of those carefree pretty girls who seem to have it all together, like life smiled down on them, appointed them angels. You'd have the ice-cream cone then, wouldn't you? Have it all figured out, fit it into your intake. (Let them try to figure out how you can still eat junk and be thin. )
Feel lithe and light on your feet, wear a crop top that bares a flat, almost a bit concave stomach. Summer is the perfect season to be skinny and confident. It's coming up fast, though.
But even if you don't reach your ugw? Summer is perfect for restriction. Low calorie popsicles and fresh fruits abound, fat-free yogurt bowls and sugar free lemonade become a tasty vehicle to reach your goals. Long walks about town abound now that you're free. Morning runs just before the golden hour when it's warm enough to wear shorts at the break of dawn. Restricting your calories but not your happiness. Breaking a fast with a refreshing salad, filling your days with fun things that have nothing to do with food.
And then, when fall rolls around, you'll be perfect. The start of the new semester, new friends, classmates, roommates, and you'll be a new person, too. Shorts traded for now-baggy jeans, sweaters looking over-large on your frame rather than chunky. Carved out cheekbones and high expectations, you've reached your goal. You can relax now. There's no more worrying how to fast during social events because you're exactly where you want to be, and now that you'.re there, you can up your intake enough to avoid the brain fog. Use the high metabolism excuse, if you have to. Sure, you still stay on track, but the mad dash is over. To the cute new classmate in your physics lecture, you'll be the thin one. And sure, it may never fully satisfy. You'll look in the mirror, and think about the next few pounds. But you're so much more comfortable in your body than you've ever been, and that counts, doesn't it?
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veli-on · 1 month
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“𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝑴𝒚 𝑴𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒅𝒚”
𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒅
The waves ring inside your head and you feel nauseous whenever you walk around the shore of the beach you once loved to explore. Hand in hand with your only friend in the world, having fun and being carefree without the judgement of others. You sit alone inside the cave where you and Aria would sneak into, the shallow water and the refracted light creating a dim yet whimsical atmosphere you two loved to be in. Your feet are under the water with your head laying on your arms. You ask yourself, what did you do wrong? It's been 10 years now, why can't you just let go? Are you sick and tired from work piling up? Or is it just the boss’s constant nagging that's been getting you stressed out lately? A sigh comes out of your mouth as you take off your shirt. Slowly dipping your hand into the cold water of the cave, your mind heads off into a different world as you reminisce of the past you can't relive.
It was warm, it was sunny, it was the summer when you met your one true friend. Aria just moved into the neighbourhood, and you, being the curious rascal of the small seaside town, decide to befriend her. Aria was timid when you first talked to her. Her long bangs covered her eyes and she always had a seashell hairpin on her head no matter where or when she was. The other kids didn't want to talk to you, being hyperactive and how physical you get. They weren't afraid, they were just looking out for their own safety, which you didn't know was the reason they avoided you. She was different, Aria didn't care how you'd chase around squirrels like a hyper dog or play with bugs like the boys, she saw you as someone who she wanted to play with all the time. You introduced her to the town and its people. She wasn't adjusting easily but she liked having you around and your snot nosed appearance made it even better.
Magic and fairy tales were the reason you two related to each other. From the fantastical prince and princess stories she told to your dark and twisted horror stories that you found online, you two felt happy telling them to each other. Once you two got older and those stories became older, you moved on to liking guitars and Aria moved to singing. You made a fantastic duo with her, your gifted hand for the instrument and Aria's god given voice, nothing was stopping you two from chasing your dreams. During your teen years, you both would constantly make songs that you would perform together on stage at school. Aria was shy but she gathered courage to face everyone when you encouraged her. It was amazing during your first performance, the smiles and the cheers of people as Aria sang her heart out. You were mesmerized by each word that came out of her mouth, it was like the melody that made your heart rattle. It wasn't love nor was it admiration, it was something deeper that couldn't be put into words. The connection you two had was different from your other friends. Aria was the lifeline specifically made for you and for you only. The crowd screamed their hearts out one last time before you two finished performing. After that performance, Aria became extremely popular as her amazing voice and adorable personality skyrocketed her into stardom not just in the small town you lived in but all over the country.
It was New Year's Eve, you were alone in your apartment looking into the night sky. Aria just sent you a text, how were you doing? You felt fine, it's just that Aria always sent that message every time there was something significant in your life or there was a special occasion. You'd always reply that you were okay, but you'd be left on read by the time you wake up. Aria was busy after becoming a popstar that toured around the world. How can she have time for an office worker who also had no time for socializing? You were distant, very distant, how could the closeness you were used to suddenly disappear from your grasp? You pondered as you opened up the bottle of wine you just bought. Alcohol wasn't to your taste but wine felt like it was the drug that gave you the rush you needed after a long day at work. The clock ticked down, it's almost midnight. You checked your phone before chugging down the glass of red liquor. It's after taste reminds you of the day you first drank wine. It was at a party for Aria's debut, she just graduated a month ago and now she's with you celebrating with all her friends. The party felt overwhelming from the amount of people inside the house, the wine didn't help as it only slowed your brain down. You fell asleep on Aria's bed next to her. It was all a blur inside your memory. Aria looked so pretty, you felt like it was a little weird saying that but she was gorgeous. You cup her cheek and lean closer. Your eyes close before the taste of wine is in your mouth. Your brain just functions back again and slowly pulls back from Aria. Sweat drips down your forehead as you rush back to your house. No way you liked Aria, your best friend.
The fireworks burst into the sky, the bell rings, and the people shout. Happy new year, was it a happy new year? For you it felt like any other day that didn't need celebrations, but the food that comes with it was nice. Your phone rings, a call from Aria. Swiping up, she talks to you in a whisper. Happy new year, that's all she said before she fell silent. You had a suspicion something was wrong, why did she sound so quiet? So out of the usual from her cheerful personality. You grab your car keys and get down to the parking lot. You try to ring her phone but she doesn't pick it up. Aria didn't ignore calls ever, she'll always pick it up no matter who calls because she's afraid that they might hate her if she doesn't pick up. Now why is she not picking up? You push down the pedal and drive to the cave you two would go together. It was the only place she could ever be sad. It was a far drive from the city to your hometown but you knew Aria needed you.
It was the silence that choked you, the fog from the fireworks that blinded you. Aria, you call her name. You throw away your shoes as you rush inside the cave's entrance. Adrenaline rushes all over your body as you walk inside and shout her name. Aria, you call and you call again. Aria, where is Aria? No, she wouldn't do it right? How can she ever do that? The smell of perfume attacks your nostrils. It was her favourite scent, but that scent was mixed with a musk that was unfamiliar. You wander inside and look around, the cave was as it was back then. Aria, you keep calling but get no reply, the same silence replies making you go insane. You walk to the deeper part of the cave and sneak past the cracks where children would usually fit but harder for fully grown adults. You kept calling her name until the pungent smell of what the reporters call the familiar scent of death that all living beings instinctively know. No way Aria would've done the thing you don't want her to do. You ran past it but in the corner of your eye, it was a body. It was laid down, and a phone beside it. You walked over, a pool of blood formed around the body. Aria was here. She is that body, and her soul is gone. Aria's body was wet with sea water but her cut on the neck looked fresh. You sink down to your knees and hug her body. You scream and hold her closely. Don't leave, you think while the thought of Aria's death began to sink in. Aria, you're actually gone? No, you kept thinking.
The funeral wasn't the toughest part about Aria's death, it was the silence that came with it that made you want to run to the sea and lay down there forever. You listened to her songs while working, you listened to her voice while you fell asleep. As distant as you two were, you still had that special connection that you two shared and knew you two had. What was the reason Aria? You whisper in your head. Was it the busy schedule? The pressure of being a popstar? Or was it something deeper? You held your own hand while you thought about all these questions. How could she do that? What made her do it? Soon it was revealed that Aria had been taking illegal drugs to calm herself down. She had developed some kind of disease that was cured by this medicine but she quickly became hooked on it before the drug became illegal. She bought it whenever or wherever she could. It became worse from the withdrawal symptoms she experienced when she couldn't buy any more of the drug. It led to her death where she was insane when she sliced her own throat.
Your life was a shell of itself, how could you even feel better knowing that Aria wasn't comfortable or close enough with you to share her own condition? She was worsening by the day while you thought that she was ignoring you. Hate for yourself and self doubt was your two friends during the mourning period. During the weekends, you would go to the same beach and walk the same path you two took when you were little. It was quiet now that Aria is gone and how the silence is the only thing that she's left you with. You sit alone everyday, fearing to enter the cave and reliving the same horrific scene that you saw. It felt so agonizing to the point that you'd fill an entire journal of all the things you wanted to say to Aria before she exited the world. You kept the deepest memories inside your heart and didn't want to lose them like you lost her. Aria didn't know but she was the most important person in your life and made you feel complete. You wished on stars, you threw coins in wells, you even went to shops where you can talk to the dead, but it was all meaningless when you knew those superstitious actions were useless. You were desperate to say your goodbyes and your words that were stuck in your throat. That itching feeling to want to go back and rewind everything and say all the regrets and wrongdoings you had done to Aria.
You eventually got over the state of mourning and continued with life. You tucked away all these memories that haunted you, now they're hidden somewhere inside your head. The Cold breeze would hit your face when you opened the window, it was New Year's Eve. It was the day before Aria's death anniversary. You buy her favourite flowers, white lilies, and drive back to your hometown. The sun was slowly setting and you just reached the old house you used to live in with your parents. It's been quite awhile but it's still as sturdy as ever. You visit the old highschool you and Aria used to go in, and peek inside the auditorium where you held your first performance. It was all coming back to you now. The magic that once prospered inside you and all those fairytales she loved. It was all gone, but not forgotten by you. The book Aria loved the most was about a mermaid and a human who fell in love but the mermaid was mute because she made a deal with a sea witch to give her legs so she could be with the human. You decide to rent it from the old bookshop Aria rented it. The back of the book still had her doodles which made the librarian mad. You walk back to the cave and sit down to read it. You were unfazed by how the story was meant to be read by adults but Aria somehow liked it. You read the story aloud as tears started to form on your eyes. Each word, a heart string gets cut. The alarm you set goes off, it was the new year. The cave blocked out all the noise as you continued to read the story. The pages were stained as you turned each page, your voice slowly losing its power as you remembered Aria's presence.
After calming yourself down, you wipe away your tears and look at the water. You see your reflection and your puffy eyes. It was certainly something Aria would laugh at you for. Something that can't happen without her. You start to walk out the cave before you hear a few splashes of water. You ignore the sounds but it just kept getting louder each time you tried to ignore it. This time you decided to investigate. You followed the noise before a low hum was in your ear. It was faint, but it was distinct. A haunting yet comforting melody. You continue to walk deep inside the cave, following the sweet melody that you could barely hear. It was something inside the water, so you look down and get on your knees. You hold out your hand before you feel and see your wrist getting grabbed by something. You get pulled in and start to panic but the familiar face shuts you up. Aria? Why would she be here? And why does she have a tail!?! Your mind goes blank as you try to escape for air but the thing that looked like Aria held you closely. It had a tail and had fins, it looked like the mermaid from her favourite fairy tale. You look into the eyes of the mermaid. It felt soothing as it cupped your cheek, the gentle touch of Aria that no one could replicate. The water filled your lungs but it didn't matter, you felt safe and at ease with this creature. Inside the dark sea, two figures float around mindlessly. It felt surreal but you whispered everything to Aria who was a mermaid now. You tell her everything and all the tiny details that happened in your life while she was gone. It didn't matter what it was, all you knew was Aria needed to know. The static silence was nice to hear, it was like everything even though it was nothing to you. Your body floats freely inside this space where only you and Aria get to be with each other, together, within the grasp of each other. Your hand lets go of the bottle as your body lays cold inside the bathtub full of water. The fireworks burst into the sky, the light shining through the bathroom window. Now, your melody is the one I can finally hear.
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cherrygirlystuff · 2 months
Get Ready for the Ultimate Brat Summer Bucket List – Wild and Reckless Things to Do Before Fall!
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Hey, babe! 🌸 Can you believe summer is flying by? Before we know it, we’ll be trading our crop tops for cozy sweaters, and the carefree days of Brat Summer will be just a memory. But don’t worry – there’s still time to make this summer unforgettable! Whether you’ve been living it up or feel like you haven’t quite done enough yet, I’ve got the perfect Brat Summer Bucket List to help you go out with a bang. Ready to get wild and reckless? Let’s do this! 🎧✨
What is Brat Summer? 🌟
First things first, let’s talk about what Brat Summer is all about. This isn’t just any summer, babe – it’s a season where you embrace your boldest, baddest self. It’s about living life on your terms, having fun, and not taking anything too seriously. Brat Summer is your time to be fearless, try new things, and create memories that you’ll laugh about (or maybe blush about) for years to come. So let’s make these last few weeks count, shall we?
1. Go on a Spontaneous Road Trip 🚗
Nothing says reckless summer fun like jumping in the car with your besties and hitting the open road. Pick a destination that’s a bit out of your comfort zone – maybe a quirky roadside attraction, a hidden beach, or a small town with a reputation for the unexpected. The key here is spontaneity. Don’t overplan; just go with the flow and see where the road takes you. Blast your favorite playlist, grab some snacks, and let the adventure unfold.
2. Have a Midnight Beach Party 🌊
Who says the beach is only for daytime? Grab your friends, some blankets, and maybe a little (or a lot) of glitter, and head to the beach after dark. There’s something so freeing about the ocean at night – it’s mysterious, a little bit spooky, and totally magical. Dance under the stars, tell ghost stories by the waves, and if you’re feeling really brave, take a midnight dip in the water. Just be sure to pack some warm clothes for when the chill sets in!
3. Sneak Into a Rooftop Pool Party 🏊‍♀️
This one’s for the truly adventurous souls. Find out where the hottest rooftop pool party is happening and make it your mission to get in – whether you’re on the guest list or not. Dress to impress, act like you belong, and enjoy the high life for a night. The thrill of sneaking in is half the fun, and once you’re in, you can sip on fancy cocktails, take in the city views, and maybe even make some new friends. Just remember to stay cool and keep it classy!
4. Have a Picnic at Sunrise 🍓
After a wild night out, why not wind down with something a little more serene – but still totally Brat Summer? Pack a cute picnic (think strawberries, croissants, and mimosas), and head to your favorite park or scenic spot to watch the sunrise. There’s something so peaceful and beautiful about being up before the rest of the world, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on all the amazing memories you’ve made this summer. Plus, sunrise selfies? Yes, please!
5. Try an Extreme Sport (Even If You’re Scared!) 🪂
Brat Summer is all about pushing your limits, so why not try something that gets your adrenaline pumping? Whether it’s skydiving, bungee jumping, or surfing, pick an extreme sport that scares you just a little bit and go for it. It’s the ultimate way to feel alive, and you’ll be so proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone. Plus, you’ll have the bragging rights to say, “Yeah, I did that!”
6. Have a Fashion Show in a Public Place 👗
This one’s all about confidence and fun. Gather up your most outrageous, over-the-top outfits – the ones that make you feel like the queen you are – and strut your stuff in a public place. Whether it’s the mall, a busy street, or even a museum, treat it like your personal runway. Bonus points if you get your friends involved and make it a full-on fashion parade. The goal? Turn heads, have fun, and own your Brat Summer style!
7. Host a Bonfire and Burn Your Regrets 🔥
Summer is the perfect time to let go of anything that’s been holding you back. Gather your friends, some marshmallows, and anything that symbolizes the things you want to leave behind, and have a bonfire. Write down your regrets, fears, or anything that’s been weighing on you, and toss them into the flames. Watch them burn away as you laugh, dance, and celebrate the amazing person you’ve become this summer. It’s cathartic, empowering, and a perfect way to end Brat Summer on a high note.
8. Get a Tattoo (Or Something Less Permanent) 🦋
What’s more reckless than a spontaneous tattoo? If you’re feeling bold, book an appointment and get inked with something that represents your Brat Summer experience – whether it’s a tiny symbol, a word, or something more elaborate. If you’re not ready to commit to a tattoo, try something less permanent like a henna design or temporary tattoos. It’s a fun way to mark the end of an unforgettable summer and carry a piece of it with you into fall.
9. Crash a Festival or Concert 🎤
If there’s a big festival or concert happening nearby, make it your mission to be there – even if you don’t have tickets. There’s always a way to sneak in, whether it’s through the back entrance, blending in with a group, or finding a loophole. Once you’re in, dance like nobody’s watching, sing at the top of your lungs, and soak up the energy of the crowd. Festivals and concerts are the ultimate summer experience, and crashing one makes it all the more thrilling.
10. Have a No-Rules Day 💥
Last but not least, dedicate one day to living without any rules. Sleep in or wake up early – it’s totally up to you. Eat dessert for breakfast, say yes to everything, and do whatever makes you happy in the moment. It’s all about letting go of expectations, forgetting about responsibilities, and just living in the now. This day is about pure, unfiltered fun, and it’s the perfect way to cap off your Brat Summer.
Final Thoughts, Gorgeous: Let’s Make This Summer One for the Books!
So there you have it, babe – your ultimate Brat Summer Bucket List. These are the wild, reckless, and totally unforgettable things you need to do before fall arrives. Whether you’re sneaking into rooftop parties, jumping out of planes, or simply having a day with no rules, the key is to live it up and embrace the fun, fearless spirit of Brat Summer.
Remember, you only get one summer like this, so make the most of it. Be bold, be daring, and most importantly, be unapologetically you.
What’s on your Brat Summer Bucket List, babe? Let’s chat in the comments about the wild and reckless things you’re planning to do before fall – I’m dying to hear all about it! 💕
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The Hero Dance of Love
The Hero Dance of Love
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Leon x MC
Part of Summer Days Sultry Nights Content Creator Challenge hosted by @violettduchess and @aquagirl1978
Prompt: 14. Summer festival
Tag: Realization of feelings Festival Dancing Kisses Fluff
Word Count 1.462
Author’s Note: A festival in town is a temptation impossible to resist for a friendly prince, desiring be it for one night to connect with his people and forget his own titles as he enjoyed all the fun the party had to offer with his friend, dancing the night away and having fun making them realize a feeling their heart already know of leading to an heartfelt confession and a sweet storie, like their own written with love. 🥰
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was the night of the festival, all the townsfolk crowded the streets a cacophony of excited mirthful talk resonated in the frizzy air of the early evening, while the few rays of the setting sun still casted their warm lights on the stalls as they wandered through them,  laughing and smiling so carefreely he couldn't help but feel his heart grow fonder of her, walking hand in hand excited to explore everything the festival had to offer, making their way out of the marketplace and toward the fountain’s square.
The first sweet notes of an accordion resonated in the air followed by the soft melody of a violin, sending a last glance to him still helping the stall seller serving the clients, she approached the musician looking wistfully at the crowd dancing and spinning among the rainbow of flowers and decorations hanging from ever place, a colorful spectacle worthy to be admired from afar, as she was used to, desiring for something she always believed to be too weird to reclaim, unaware of the golden eyes staring at her, hiding near a wall staring at the people smiling at herself, noticing an hint of melancholy in her eyes as she sighed softly he fretted over to reach her, basking in the surprise glimmering in her bright eyes as he offered her his hand
“Would you give me the honor of this dance, my princess ?” hesitancy flickered in her irises he did not shied away to brush off, taking her hand in his to brush a soft kiss on her knuckles, his thumb caressing over her fingers, still cradled in his waiting with bated breath for an answer and then when he expect her to turn him down she looked up at him with a smile so bright to put the sun itself to shame 
“I will be happy to.” wasting no time he led her on the improvised dance floor.
Her prince charming, her knight in shining armor, an hero, a Prince, he was all that and so much more, but for her he was only Leon Dompteur, his long time friend that loved to drag her in his whereabouts, that always managed to make her smile, the fact he was of noble blood did not seemed to matter to him then why it should to her ? 
They talked and laughed, bicker and made peace as everyone else did and no one knew how grateful she was to have a friend like him, giving her courage to stood up for him like he did for her so many times it was difficult to count, being together was more than enough for them both and yet something in her heart flickered with secret desires and wishes to be something more to him, something he could rely on and be supported from … like a lover.
The music leading their step as their foot followed a familiar yet unknown path waltzing side by side letting the unruly wind envelope them in love as he spin around the square with fluidity and a measured slowness making it easier for her to follow his movements, smiling at the sight when she caught the grasp of the dance, a bright smile curling her lips enough to shine alone on that dark night even past sunset as he lead the dance, basking in the moment deaf and dumb to the outside immersed in their own world, not noticing nor caring to be the last one on the dancefloor, carried over by emotions too deep hidden in their heart he brushed his lips over her forehead, their eyes locked with one another glimmering with affection, reluctant to let that flicker of courage escape him he lead her on an hill, facing the whole town.
“I want to show you something.” 
His words elicited her curiosity enough to make the walk even more pleasant for her, enriched by their easy laugh and chit-chats filling the air with that unspoken feeling they both held for one another deep in their hearts.
Once reached the top he turned to look at her, seeing her colorful eyes widening at the sight, the town extended all over the horizon, each house glimmering in the dark making them look like the fireflies surrounding them buzzing around the bushes looking for a lover.
“It is said you can see all the Kingdom from there.”
“Oh Leon it is … so beautiful. Thank you.” 
She threw her arms around his chest hugging him close, revelling in the way his strong arms wrapped around her 
“I brought you there because I have something I want to tell you.” confusion flickering in her eyes as he brushed his thumb over her cheeks
“I hope you are not engaged.” her words fleeing from her lips before she could stop them, hearing his hearty chuckle resonated in her ear she fretted over to hide her embarrass in his chest, before shily looking up at him meeting his ever kind eyes golden like his heart, that so many times made her heart swell as she stared in awe in his gaze, admiring his handsome strong yet gentle features
“I am not, I assure you.” her laugh melted with his she looked at him, staring at her with affection as he took her hands in his 
“I could not even if I tried … you see my heart is not mine anymore.” she looked up at him confused at his answer, staring up in his honey irises reflecting the warm light of the lantern surrounding the hill
“It belongs to you.” he brushed his thumb over her cheeks staring straight into her eyes as he let his heart speak freely.
“I love you my little bunny.”
That few answerless moment felt like an agony to him he was to turn it into a tease as he was used to, only thing he could to to hide his wounded heart but then a smile more bright and pure than the sun itself crept up on her lips as she leaned closer to him
“I love you too, my hero.” his heart was bursting with mirth as he never knew before, so much he almost did not know what to do with himself … almost because a moment after he had already took her face in his hands melting his lips on hers as he dreamed so long of doing and was finally able to do so, her lips eagerly kissing back conveying all their love through that sweet slow kiss they wanted to last forever but reluctantly pulled away from in need of air, only to kiss her again and again meet with a passion akin his own.
Reluctantly he pulled away, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead taking her hand in his, entwing his finger with her own 
“Let’s go home.” words he always desired to pronounce to his special one in his dreams were finally transformed in reality, filling his heart with inexplicable mirth
“But Leon, I do not live in the palace.”
“Not yet.” 
“But …” she shook her head her protest shallow even to her ears, not letting of of his hand not even for a second 
“I see you are feeling so bold to refuse a request of your own King.” a teasing smirk on his lips he looked down at her, meeting her astoundment written all over her pretty features 
“What ? When did you become King ?”
“Only yesterday.” 
“Congratulations … but are you sure I can ?”
“Everything is possible if you want it.” she was taken aback by the sudden revelation while he leaned over to whisper few inches from her lips, 
“Do you desire to come with me ?” his voice speaking of desire and love beyond her own imagination, more real than any books she has ever read, giving her a choice so alluring as to be impossible to refuse  
“Oh Yes your Majesty.” 
“Leave the formalities for the public eyes my Queen.” his words filling her heart with love as she sighed dreamily, ready to follow him wherever he had taken her enjoying every moment of it
“Please take me home Leon.”
“As you wish my Queen.”
his lips soft as he brushed a soft kiss on her forehead, revelling in the way her eyes glimmered in the warm suffused light of the lanterns, he took her hands in his kissing her knuckles while revelling in the soft rosy blush rising to her cheeks smiling as he felt her fingers squeezing his as they walked back home, ready for a future they would have face together against all odds fighting for their feelings, proving the world that even King bowed in front of the mighty power of Love.
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k00297635 · 7 months
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Screen Printing
I made this screenprint as a little doodle I did from memory. It was an orange grove we visited. I really liked the Spanish way of life. Everyone moves through life slowly and savors every minute. Maybe when you are warm and in the sun all the time you are less inclined to feel stuck in survival mode of grinding and working al the time. Maybe its just not being in the city that makes you feel that way. For this piece I was really focusing on memories and how they move through time. I suppose I was looking back to summer when all of my friends had good health and we all felt so carefree and excited for the rest of our lives. I worry that at the time we all took for granted how lucky we were to spend quality time with the people you love. I suppose a part of this piece was thinking about how time can change how you feel about a memory. When I look back at picture every colour is warm toned and comforting but when I think back to it everything feels blue and cold. I screen-printed my different layers onto acetate in different layers for the viewer could play with what part of the memory you remember. Do you remember the colours or the textures of the glare? It was just an idea. it was a short week and I didn't have a lot of time to develop this but it was a fun exploration of something that previously only existed in the memories of four people.
I loved learning about sustainability in the print world. We were very conscious not to waste ink and the paper that we used was picked because it doesn't use to much water to make the paper so its a more sustainable option. I think considering your future while considering your past was an interesting process.
See the next post for acetate screen prints.
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kiruamon · 2 years
Part 19
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" whispered Oz to his little companion. Wrapped in his blanket, the entity had taken a seat on the window sill - legs bent and with Pip in his arms. Daydreaming, he stared out the window and watched as the sun, in all its glory, quietly sank towards the horizon. "As if the sky had caught fire," the gleaming colors blending together like molten wax bursting even brighter between the dark shade-like clouds, reminded Oz of how unique every moment in this world was. In this life. And today, he was able to share that breathtaking view with Pip. "I wish I could take you to all those magical places I've seen on my journey. There are so many wonders waiting out there. Little ones… ", his eyes wandered down to the small hedgehog in his arms, giving him a warm smile. "… as well as big ones." Gently, his fingers scratched Pip's chin, who, looking up at him, had nestled himself close to his chest. Again he let his eyes wander over the play of colors behind the windowpane. The bright orange was already turning into a vibrant pink, which soon faded over into a dark purple. Oz loved watching the transformation from day to night. The last vibrant flash of the day's colors before a dark, but no less lovely, curtain of dark blue and countless glittering sparks of silver settled over the world. "I'm looking forward to next summer and going to camp. Having fun with my friends and everyone there. You're coming too, right?" asked Oz with a grin which was promptly being met with a very motivated-sounding chirp. And followed by an adorable little purr. "Good. It's settled then. Somehow we'll manage to sneak you into camp with us," he promised Pip, as his eyes formed into an optimistic smile. All five of them together... He really liked the sound of that.
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"Hah! I am the king of the world! Conqueror of the mighty Oz Mountain! Tremble before my sheer awesomeness!"
"Pffh, do you really think your lousy attempt to push me down can stop me? If I wanted to I could shake your arm off with no trouble whatsoever! Just wait until I'm myself again, then we'll see if you're still so cheeky." And despite his words, Damien found himself wishing he and Oz could fool around in the future like they did now. Because he loved seeing him acting so carefree and happy. It was a smile worth to protect.
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"Oh! Here you are! Oz, I found Pip!" And with that, the blanket he was sleeping under was lifted a bit. A small ray of light entered his cozy and dark shelter disturbing his slumber. With half-opened eyes he lifted his head slowly. Who the hell dared to disturb him during his well-deserved nap? "He still looks pretty sleepy, though," the annoyingly cheerful monster reported amused to her roommate. Oh no! Who would have guessed, fucking Captain Obvious! Damien gave the way-too-loud Frankenstein's monster a sulky look. Why was she bothering him to begin with? "Oz! Tell your friend I'm tired and don't want to play with her!" he grumbled angrily under his breath, trying to push himself back deeper into the blanket. Puzzled, he noticed how Vicky's face had turned to the side as if she was listening to someone. That could technically only be Oz, because as much as the transformed prince pricked up his ears, he didn't hear anyone talking. "Hmmm, yeah I guess that would be better," Vicky's face turned back to him and Oz's roommate looked at him with an amused smile. "Alright, alright, I'll let you go back to sleep, okay? See you later," and with that she gently placed the blanket back over his head. Damien let out a soft snort. Finally! Somebody had answered his wish…
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"Urgh! Oz! Ooooz! I'm stuck! Fucking fuck! Free me from this fucking death trap!"
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"Whew! What a day", luckily Oz had freed him pretty quick from this crappy piece of junk. Unlike a certain other member of this apartment, who had merely been laughing at his misery and even had the nerve to film it! So not rad! Amira would definitely pay for that! But first he needed a break. He could always plan his revenge later. For now he rested his head on Oz's chilly hand, the stressed prince of hell took a deep breath and relaxed a little.
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"Don't tell me you can't get enough of me?" asked Damien with a toothy grin on his face. "I really don't blame you. A lot of people would wish to touch Damien LaVey like this," bragged the demon - still trapped in his hedgehog form - half-jokingly. He gleefully stretched his little paw a bit and allowed Oz to stroke his chest fur. "And I know, I know. I'm irresistible and all. But let me tell you this… I wouldn't let anyone else do this to me. I'm making this exception just for you." For him and him only.
"I really wished I could understand what you're saying," Oz said with an amused look in his eyes as he gently continued to pet Pip, which the hedgehog clearly seemed to enjoy.
"Believe me... so do I," Damien murmured softly in response.
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And as a little bonus just a few little extra sketches.:D
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To be continued.
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seroothincs · 2 years
Note: Yes I did post this on Ao3 but I just wanted to repost this because it's one of the more cuter stories I wrote and also because I wanna share some stuff on tumblr as well. and hey, what can I say, I like to write stories that are set in the winter time. Summary: It's December and you know where snow falls, mayhem is soon to follow.
He rubbed both his hands together in an effort to get them to warm up. The capo held them close up to his mouth, blowing air into them as another method to keep them warm. He cursed himself out, he just had to forget his gloves at home.
The temperature had drastically dropped further and further over the couple of months leading into December. The first centimeters of snow had dropped and people were already making themselves ready for Christmas. Ordinary people like the Simpsons or possibly even the Castellanetas, but not the D’amico mob.
While others were already off their working shifts the gangsters had to wait out another couple of weeks until they were finally able to go home for the season. Christmas holidays were short though the time-off they got in the summer was all so much more looking forward to and pleasant.
The four wiseguys made their way through one scuzzy alleyway, returning after their break back to the L.B.C club.
Their shared moods were equally experiencing a mixed sense of annoyance at the feeling of the slippery ice underneath their feet, the path must have frozen over the night thanks to the light rain.
This complication was also the cause for Frankie’s sudden tumble on it as he slipped, the squealer managed to grab onto Louie’s coat in an attempt to try and steady himself but proving to go terribly wrong as both of them fell to the ground. The two laid on the concrete glazed by ice, their backs aching from the fall.
However, while they were the ones that suffered from the hard connection with the hard ice, their two more “mature” friends broke their self-reservedness to giggle at their friends's pain.
In revenge, Louie picked a small portion of snow up from next to him, forming it together into a snowball to hit his target as the ball flew right into Legs’s face.  The capo held his laughter as Legs brushed the snow out of his face only to be met right after by another one. Both Frankie and Louie had mischievous smirks plastered on them as their arms were filled with larger amounts of snow balls, or as they liked to call it, ammunition.
The two men who were now being seen as the opposing rivals, quickly ran off with a sense of regret having laughed at their friends's agony. Their attackers were quick to jump to their feet and follow close behind the other two.
It did not take long for both the doctor and the capo to join in on the fun, stopping several times to form snowballs for their own defense. The four had not even noticed how close they were to the building of their club, they were just concentrated on one goal, winning the snowball fight. Building fortresses out of the snow to fight as if they were in the middle of a war, it sort of did feel like one, a icy cold snow war.  Their cheers and loud rowdy behavior had even gathered the attention of a few other members from inside the club.
Shotgun Mike and Ronnie “The Rifle” popping their heads out to find the source of the noises, their eyes lighting up at the sight of a snow ball battle unfolding at the front steps of the building. Following them were Joey “The Arsonist” and Joey “Can’t Read the room”. Losing themselves to the carefree child game that they joined. Mike and Ronnie assisting  Louie and Frankie’s side as the Arsonist and Joe formed an alliance with Legs and Johnny to aid them in their time of need. Forgetting themselves in the fun, their absence in the building was noticed by one well known mafia boss.
Tony leaned back against the door frame as he snickered in response to the men’s behavior. They were truly children by heart , the scene before him reminded him of the many times he did the same thing during winter break with Louie and Legs back in their childhood. What he would give to join in for one last time, though sadly with the older you get the weaker your bones become and Tony wasn’t exactly looking forward to accidentally slipping on the black ice and breaking his back.
For the rest that seemed like such a speedy recovery to go through, but seeing as the other members were younger and not so weakened by old age, it would make sense for them to get up from a fall as if it was a piece of cake.
The boss along with Jimmy Kissass and Kenny “The Problem”, stood off to the side in the safety of the club. Watching on as the ruthless fight between the two teams went on. Jimmy taking a sip from his cocktail drink while the boss held in his hand a cup of coffee. Tony made a mental note to ask Joey "The Scar" if he could mix up some hot cocoa soon after the children were done playing.
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honeyleesblog · 2 years
What Do Leo Expect The Most From Others?
At the point when temperatures are soaring, nothing requests more than lazing about close to a glinting waterway, and it's harder than at any other time to zero in on work thanks to top mid year FOMO, it's clearly Leo season. Every year, roughly between July 23 and August 22, the sun travels through the fifth indication of the zodiac, Leo, represented by the majestic Lion.
What Do Leo Expect The Most From Others?
In the core of summer, our psyches float away from the should-dos and the hierarchical subtleties of life and toward unconstrained hangs with companions, capricious, unrehearsed travels, get-aways (or staycations), summer sentiment, and posting poolside thirst traps — every one of the fun loving, happy joys of the sunniest season. This enthusiastic, carefree energy is educated by Leo, a fire sign related with light, love, certainty, light and uplifting tones and the propensity to make an intense move or change regular day to day existence into a lively, bright, show stuffed stage. These characteristics are owed to Leo's decision glowing divine body, the sun, which manages picture, character, individual style, imperativeness, and confidence.
A couple charming, hopeful, and regular conceived pioneers who were brought into the world under Leo: Meghan Markle, Gina Rodriguez, Jennifer Lopez, Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Lawrence, Demi Lovato, and Cara Delevingne are all celestially impacted to guarantee the spotlight, utilizing their enabled voices to communicate what's in their enormous hearts while moving and supporting others to do likewise.
Here, all that you really want to be familiar with the reliable, liberal, magnetic sign.
Leo Character Qualities Those brought into the world between July 23 and August 22 can for the most part expect that their sun sign is Leo. (It's not conclusive, in light of the fact that the sun moves between signs on various days every year.) Likewise note that while we will generally allude to ourselves as our sun sign, it's only one detail of a natal outline, which is essentially a special preview of the sky when you were conceived. Yet, a detail assists variety your center with detecting of self, character, individual style, confidence and certainty.
The star of the zodiac Run of the mill sun in Leo qualities incorporate being certain, open to being the focal point of consideration, show revering, aggressive, steadfast, furiously defensive of their most treasured, liberal, extravagance cherishing, radiant, and enormous hearted. Their attributes reflect subjects covered by the Fifth Place of Sentiment and Self-Articulation, which Leo rules. The Fifth House supervises comfortable tomfoolery, inventiveness, kids, delight, and the most vivacious, bubbly articulations of affection and sex, such as being a tease and dating.
The normal conceived pioneer Since the imperativeness bringing, certainty upgrading sun obviously affects Leo's character, the fire sign will in general go toward potential chances to run anything that exacting or allegorical show they're generally attracted to. They'll normally slide into a leader position, directing a group easily from the front of any room, conclude they can have a genuine effect by running for neighborhood government, or try to consider their name in lights to be the main event of a hit creation. Yet, similarly as promptly as they could look to lead and absorb consideration and commendation, they'll sparkle their blinding, ceaselessly warm inward light on everyone around them, hurling themselves entirely into arranging an OTT festivity for a friend or family member with all the most heave commendable style and connoisseur chomps, give time and cash to a most loved cause, or plan (and shell out for) a vital, pamper commemoration escape with their genuine romance. All things considered, with regards to leaning on their instincts and getting themselves in a position for a definitive tomfoolery, pleasurable, fancypants experience, dynamic, life-cherishing Leos will go all out.
The decent fire sign Each sign is relegated a quality (cardinal, variable, or fixed), which makes sense of the sign's fundamental energy. There's a cardinal, variable, and fixed sign inside each component (fire, earth, air, water). Leo is the proper one of the fire bunch, which gives them an unyielding, unfaltering, and rock-consistent point of view on anything they're joined to. They frequently get stubborn and could require additional inspiration to head in a different direction halfway.
Leo's best character qualities: Loaded with life, telling the spotlight in a way that is certain to engage, draw in, and move others, free leaning, and enchantingly enjoyable to associate with, you can depend on Leos in your circle to assist you with seeing the splendid side of any circumstance and feel started up and prepared to take on the world. They are the positive self-and self-perception crusaders of the zodiac. They're the enchanting supervisor with a major heart who comprehends a solid balance between fun and serious activities is a definitive key to efficiency. They're the companion who will pursue tirelessly after an idealistic dream they've had since middle school and afterward really make it a reality.
Leo's most terrible character qualities: Leo's natural fearlessness and striking, assume responsibility ways can totally appear in a tricky manner every once in a while. They can be self-centered to say the least, vain, egotistical, overbearing, and covetous. At the point when they need mindfulness, they can be frustratingly biased, knee-jolting to unwarranted and thundering egomania. They can likewise drop into a melancholy state of mind, reasonable because of feeling like they're not certainly standing out, credit, or regard they merit. The fix: consummating their confidence and self-calming schedule.
12 Leo Superstars Who Ooze Large particle Energy What Leos Resemble in Adoration and Bed Leo's sentiment style In the event that your date has major, fantasy longs for being a New York Times smash hit creator or TikTok star, has an Insta lattice loaded up with a remarkable number of selfies, and an unquenchable hunger for extravagant end of the week escapes or, at any rate, the nibbles from the best eateries around, you're probably seeing somebody brought into the world affected by radiant, dynamic, confident, magnetic Leo energy. The fire sign is enthusiastic and effectively, normally sparkles any place they go, and likely accomplices or soul mates of a Leo will delight in their warm, happy light. However much they will more often than not look for resonating acclaim from the world, they'll be generally happy assuming that they feel groveled over by somebody they're similarly excited about. Embracing life's least complex and most terrific minutes with a sweetheart they share mysterious, shimmering science with is the stuff Leo dreams are made of. Anybody wanting to push ahead involved with a Leo would do well to incline toward idealism, an affection for living, and an appreciation for extravagance, as even the most unassuming lion would revere the lofty treatment.
All things considered, Leo's ideal date is one you could envision working out in your number one romantic comedy. That could incorporate obtaining the most pant commendable, flawless roses, supper reservations at the trendiest spot around, or going on an unconstrained outing to an ocean side town that is obviously realistic. In less socially-separated times, passes to a film debut or first column seats at a thrilling show — where they can parade their infectious dance moves — would likewise pursue, and in light of the fact that they love being the superstar in a gathering, they'll seldom pass on a party greeting.
The most effective method to Find the Best Sex Accomplice for Your Sign, As per a Sexual Crystal gazer Leo's sexual style Leo's pompous, heartfelt energy will undoubtedly be on full showcase in the room. Genuine commendations are gladly received, however actual articulation of warmth is something the lion can't avoid, fantasizes about, and hungers for in any close connection. While their high sex drive makes it workable for them to connect sans strings, they'll be generally satisfied if out of this world, science pressed physical, scholarly, close to home fascination and love is a piece of the situation. All things considered, similarly likewise with different divisions throughout everyday life, they believe they merit all the marbles in their sexual connections.
Energetic, carefree exercises that permit their internal, merry youngster to sparkle — be that an off the cuff dance party or day spent sunbathing poolside — can fire up their generally extreme hunger for sex much higher. Given their affection for extravagance, a stay at a celeb-cherished retreat, partaking in a couples' back rub at a five-star spa, or going overboard on creator underwear or high string count sheets could establish the vibe, as well.
When they're completely taken part in a provocative toss down, the lion will in general cherish exhibitionism (think tasteful subtle PDA, reflect driven stances, or making a cam young lady dream a reality) and being praised for their endeavors and how they thoroughly search in the demonstration. They're likewise vocal, making carnal, throaty groans and clamors, and down to keep the second fun loving and fascinating by exploring different avenues regarding different powers, positions, or toys.
Leo Similarity Considering how Leo coordinates with your sign as a companion, a sweetheart, a partner, or regarding some other one-on-one relationship? Here, their most simpatico accomplices as well as conflict inclined pairings:
Generally viable with Leo: Signs that share a similar component will quite often be the most in a state of harmony (for example two earth signs, similar to Libra and Gemini). However, on account of one fire sign with the other, it can truly take to one drastic course of action or the other. It is possible that you'll feel like your friendship breeds shared energy, imagination, fun loving nature, and fervor, as well as you could be inclined to unruly blow-ups, show, and perpetual clash. Fire is additionally generally viable with air, as the two components share specific credits, such as being unique, autonomous, fast, and social.
All things considered, a Leo frequently ignites with an individual joie de vivre-filled Sagittarius, dynamic Aries, or heartfelt Libra.
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
Fire and Water Pt. 4 (Massimo x Reader)
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I'm so glad you guys liked the last part so much, please let me know what you think about this one, it really helps me when I see the comments. Enjoy!
Part 3 Part 2 Part 1 Part 5
The summer breeze caressed (y/n)s bare arms and kissed her cheeks that were flushed due to the wine she had consumed. She looked at the garden smiling like only a drunk person could and raised her one leg so she could half sit at the marble of the balcony. Her feet were aching from the heels and she was kind of wobbly so she needed support. As she raised the glass of rose wine on her lips to take one more sip she felt a pair of eyes on her.
"Couldn't resist?"
"Didn't want to"
Massimo responded as he approached her. He didn't make his presence known from the beginning cause one thing he loved was to observe her, she looked like a picture out of a fairytale, her beautiful pastel pink dress combined with her hair down caressing the exposed skin on her as she was bathed in moonlight perfected the image of a princess.
She smiled at him, her eyes squinting together in that cute smile he loved but so rarely saw, he liked seeing her like this, happy, carefree. He took a seat on the balcony as well right in front of her.
"You're drunk"
"I've had more than I should but I'm not drunk"
Massimo nodded. She was slurring and her nose was red however he chose not to fight it, it was rare for her to look so…. Comfortable. He took her hand in his and just looked at her delicate fingers, her hand was so small compared to his, her touch was soft, warm, so different from his strong hold.
"Are you having fun piccolina?"
"I'm not small, I had to alter this dress in order to fit into it"
"I'm glad you are finally gaining some weight, I actually came out here cause I thought the wind was going to blow you off like a feather"
She giggled at his comment lightly. As she hummed to herself (y/n) leaned in and scouted closer to him so he could wrap her in his arms which Massimo immediately did. Her perfume engulfed him immediately, that sweet scent of jasmine and vanilla mixed with orange was causing him to think that this is what heaven smells like.
"How's your new girlfriend?"
"She's drunk and hugging me in the balcony"
"Smart but won't fool me"
(Y/n) and Massimo were complicated to say the least. Since they met they had each other at an iron grip but they were always playing with fire, they never let themselves fully burn.
"Piccolina they are girlfriends, you will be my wife"
"I hate when you say that"
She mumbled in annoyance before she pulled away from him and fully got up, tossing her hair on one side. Massimo looked at her puzzled, she was irritated at his comment but he was just being honest with her. Their situation wasn't the easiest, if something was ever to happen between them it had to be the end deal for both of them or else there would be a vendetta and that's the last thing on Massimo's mind
"Why are you playing games with me? Is this a way for our families to stay friends?"
"You insult me just by thinking like that, is that how low you think of me?"
"I- I don't know what I think of you Massimo"
She tried to walk away from him but Massimo grabbed her wrist, preventing her from exiting and leaving him alone. (Y/n) met his gaze as her eyebrows scrunched together.
"Don't leave me, I don't want us to fight"
(Y/n) sighed before opening her arms and wrapped them around his waist so she could get lost in his arms. Massimo kissed the top of her head and she raised her head, resting her chin on his chest.
"You know that if this happens it will be like releasing two tigers from their cage”
"It is so odd, every time I touch is like you are a wave that came to snuff my fire out”
"What if you leave me broken?"
She questioned him, her voice barely above a whisper as she stared at him with doe eyes, her lips barely open. He wanted to kiss her, rip that dashing dress off her and take her right on this balcony for everyone to see, for everyone to know she is his.
He resisted his animalistic urge to basically demolish her in an act of passion, sucking in his teeth hold himself back and ever so softly just left a small kiss at the nape of her neck, his lips tracing all the way up to her earlobe, making her heart flutter and her breath to get shallow, her eyes flatter close and for only a moment she could taste the sense of euphoria that only Massimo seemed to be able to tease out of her
“If I ever even cause a single scratch on you piccolina, I give you permission to ruin my life"
"Please Massimo don't make this harder than it already is"
She warned him with a hint of fear lingering on her tone, her hand going up to his chin to pull him away so she could stare at him right in the eye. Her hues were darker than before due to the lust that had taken over her, Massimo's fingers found her cheek and with his thumb he started to draw circles on her cold flesh, his skin felt like fire was licking her as their gaze softened simultaneously
"I feel like I'm burning"
“And I feel like I’m drowning, you are like water, powerful and an enigma, I am your fire”
That was the last time they spoke. That was his last words before they heard someone come in and pulled away from one another and (y/n) ran away to go look for her dad.
That night played in her head for a long time before she managed to bury it deep inside her memories. After his rude intrusion to her bedroom that memory was brought to the fighting front of her brain, she slept for only a few hours since all her dreams were about him.
When everyone started to wake up and come down for breakfast they were met by (y/n) sitting down at the table of Massimo's garden with coffee in her hand.
"Good morning"
"Good morning gioia, I didn't except for you to be up so early"
Mario said as he went to leave a kiss at the top of her head. He always felt like she was the daughter he never had, seeing her flourish made him puff his chest with pride, her father was a fair, smart man and she filled his shoes with such force.
(Y/n) smiled at him before she fixed her big sunglasses as Mario sat next to her.
"I wanted to check something about our new employees, specifically the gardener"
"What about him?"
"Nothing in particular, I just didn't expect to have someone from Spain"
"(Y/n) don't lie to me"
"He's cute ok? Is that so bad?"
Mario laughed at (y/n)s little secret, earning a little smack at his upper arm from her.
"I'm sorry gioia, nothing is wrong, you are young and you work a lot. It's just so… stereotypical, the rich girl and the gardener"
"I must agree, I expected better from you"
Massimo said coldly. He had lingered in the back in order to listen to their honest conversation and when he realized what it was about he was furious, he had no right to be but that didn't stop him. (Y/n)s facial expression changed to match his and turned her head away from him and back to Mario
"You know what nonnino maybe Massimo's right, it would be better if I kidnapped a tourist and made him love me, genius"
She responded sarcastically with a smirk. Mario held back his laugh but didn't successfully hide his smile, Massimo looked at him and the older man went back to his poker face. Massimo just sat down on the opposite side of the table and served himself some water.
(y/n) on the other hand was boiling with rage, she couldn't get over the fact that he just barged in her room in order to swoon her and now he thought he had a say in her love life. The icing on the cake was his wedding ring shining under the hot Sicilian sun. She bit the inside of her cheek and decided she had had enough, she shot up from her chair and walked away without a word. He was so full of arrogance that it made her want to strangle him
Once she got inside the house her eyes went to the table that was sitting at the entrance. Last time there was not a vase with chrysanthemums on it. She kept looking at it, trying to remember if there was even a vase on it before, at that cue a girl walked in the room holding another case with once again… chrysanthemums on it.
"Excuse me, where are you taking those?"
"To your room miss"
"I-i umm the boss told me to, should I not?"
The girl asked timidly. She was scared, you could tell about the immediate hunch on her back and her stumbling over her words, it was at that point that (y/n)s tone might have been a bit aggressive.
"No no I was just checking, hey one last thing, you mean Massimo right?"
"Just making sure. Run along then"
The girl rushed away leaving (y/n) with mixed feelings. This man was unbelievable, chrysanthemums were (y/n)s birth month flower, she remember telling him that she also felt like they were so misunderstood because in many countries they symbolized death.
She shook her head and started to walk up the stairs when she heard someone dry coughing behind her, she looked back and saw Massimo standing where she stood with his hands behind her back. She hesitated at first, thinking about what was the correct way to respond so she decided to just roll her eyes at him and turn back around and on to her room
"You are welcome piccolina"
Buy me a coffee
@lovesanimals0000 @wolflover384 @let-love-bleeds-red @mayansxlover @reyloaddict55 @yolobloggers @severewobblerlightdragon @hhiggs @posiemax
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academiaviktor · 2 years
Sellsword | Viktor x Reader | SFW Pt. 1
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Premise: You and Viktor grew up together and became each other’s rock. You lost touch after being forced to leave and find your brother who went missing. After years of getting by as a skilled sellsword, you arrive in Piltover for a new job, and to catch up with the man you always vowed to protect. 
Warnings: This part is SFW, but the next part will be NSFW. Just fluff and reminiscing in this one. Mentions of physical disability & light teasing about it (from kids), fair warning. 
(This is long, buckle up lol)
Viktor had never known another friend like you. Comrades had always been a rare thing for him, especially as a child. 
He thought about you often, even as the years went on without another sight of you. Each day that passed, Viktor kept you in his memory—in those longing thoughts for what used to be.
Viktor pondered one specific day in particular. You were floating in the river, carefree as usual with your face to the warm summer sky. Viktor stood there hesitantly on the bank, leaning into his cane, dressed in his own tattered swim trunks.
He couldn’t help but take in how easily you relaxed and found wonder in the small things, despite coming from the undercity like he did. Viktor seemed to bear the weight of that reality much more than you did, as you never let it deter you for even a moment. 
“Are you coming in this time, Vik?” You had called from in the water, glancing his way. 
Viktor swallowed hard and adjusted the cane beneath him, as if that were an answer in and of itself. He gave you a weak smile that vanished faster than it appeared. 
“Come on, Viktor, it’s hot out today. It’ll help you cool off,” You returned, rolling back into a crouched position in the water. You waded there despite it being more shallow, eyes on Viktor sympathetically. 
“I don’t know...” Viktor said quietly, casting his eyes down. 
Viktor wanted to swim with you like he always wanted to, but his leg made it an intimidating feat. He was afraid of the short distance he would need to move in order to climb in. He didn’t trust his legs to get him there without embarrassment. 
“You shouldn’t have to watch me have all the fun. I can help if you’d like.”
Viktor felt a slight wave of guilt at that. He didn’t want to need help. He wished he could run in with you and not have to worry about his body giving out on him. It made things much harder for him. 
Viktor took a deep breath and slowly made his way closer to the edge, leaning against the cane all the while. He toed the edge and looked down at the water as it ran by and glistened beneath the sun. 
He wanted nothing more than to feel the cool sensation against his skin, and to be there with you. His one friend willing to stick by his side through it all. Viktor was always afraid of letting you down, no matter how often you stayed anyway. 
“Looks like the cripple is attempting to swim today.”
Viktor noticed how quickly your head turned at the voice of a young boy stood across the river on an elevated rock face, on the border that lead to topside. Several other kids stood around him and snickered, all eyeing Viktor maliciously. 
“Not when he slips and falls first!” Another sneered in his direction. 
Viktor’s heart shattered immediately, and the shame washed over him. His eyes fell to his feet and he cursed that setback of his. 
“Shut up!” You had shouted at them, standing at your full height in the river. 
Viktor lifted his head at the sound of your voice, and he wanted to tell you not to defend him. To not get yourself on their bad sides too. 
But you were different from the other kids. Born with a natural skill when it came to defending yourself and others, they didn’t mess with you. The damage your fist could make was known among the children of Piltover. 
You reached for the river rocks below and chucked them in their direction, narrowly missing as a warning. 
“Shut your mouths or I’ll bury you!” You screamed at them, teeth grit all the while. 
The kids scattered at once with their squeals, afraid of what you were capable of. Truthfully, you were just as much of an outcast as Viktor, since most of them feared you and your fiercely protective nature when it came to the boy. 
Viktor swallowed hard while he watched them run as fast as they could, and the last rock clunked against the ground. He heard as the water was disturbed, and he noticed you were half a step away from him, hand extended. 
“Don’t listen to them, Viktor. They’re a bunch of snot-nosed brats,” you growled, visibly trying to shake the anger. “I’ll help you in, just trust me okay?” 
Extra weary from their taunts, Viktor found it hard to do just that. His wide eyes met yours, and in that moment, he felt as those fears were quelled just enough for him to put a hand in your palm. 
You arranged yourself accordingly to help Viktor find a more comfortable position, dropping his cane. Carefully, you guided him into the water, completely unfazed by the assistance. 
It never bothered you, in fact. It was a quality about you that Viktor was eternally grateful for. 
Viktor sucked a breath in at the water’s cool sensation until his skin had the chance to get used to it. Even so, Viktor took those steps into the river with your help, moving into the deeper area so he could float more comfortably. 
When Viktor was submerged enough to float and wade in the water, relieving the weight from his legs, a wide smile spread across his face. He shared that giddy look with you. 
“See? It’s not so bad, is it?” 
Viktor shook his head with a small bubble of a laugh, slowly moving away from you as his confidence grew, releasing your hand to his dismay. 
Your laugh in return warmed his heart immensely, and Viktor made sure to commit that sound to memory. 
“You’re a natural, Viktor!” You giggled, watching as the boy lifted himself to float in the water. 
Viktor was overjoyed by the small victory, so much so that he even closed his eyes to soak up the sun’s warmth. He didn’t usually bother with swimming, thus he missed out on many fun summer days doing exactly that. 
The two of you splashed around for a time, pushing against the small current all the while. You were sent further down the river little by little by its natural push, and neither of you paid much attention to it. 
However, the current seemed to grow stronger after a while, and it wasn’t until Viktor slipped on a rock and was swept away that you realized just how far out you were. 
Viktor panicked all the while he tried to reach for something to grab, only to come up short. His heart pounded and the fear got the better of him. 
“Viktor!” You shouted at him, quick to swim through the rapidly moving current. 
You were always a strong swimmer, but you were afraid of the speed he gained from losing his resistance. He thrashed in the water, calling out to you with raw fear in his tone. 
The drop-off was nearing and Viktor knew it. His heart clenched and he closed his eyes the moment he felt the edge. He hoped it would be painless, at the very least. 
But your hand clamped around his wrist and suspended Viktor in the air, moments away from falling into the river below. It was scarily high, and both of you froze. 
Viktor watched as you tried to hold both of you above the small waterfall, fighting against the current at the same time. With your feet wedged in between the rocks below, you just managed it despite all odds. 
Even with your strength, there was no way you could pull him up again. Viktor was too afraid to try and climb, so it was ultimately up to you. 
Slipping little by little, you knew there was no choice. 
“Viktor, we have to jump. But only when I say. Make sure you hold your breath!” The genuine concern reflected in your eyes, along with that sure conviction. “I’ll find you again, don’t worry.” 
Viktor’s heart pounded all the while, but he had no other option. He nodded, trying to push back the fear. 
Your determined eyes were the last thing Viktor saw before you yelled ‘now!’ and kicked yourself off the ledge, consequently throwing him farther away, hopefully sparing him from any rocks below. 
Viktor resurfaced with a gasping breath in much deeper water than the stream. He coughed up the water he couldn’t help from taking in, thrashing around for dear life.  
“Y/n!” Viktor screamed in between gasps, and he tried to catch a glimpse of you.
Viktor was afraid you hadn’t thrown yourself far enough, and were unconscious in the water somewhere. Helpless within the depths. That thought nearly killed him. 
But the hand around his arm forced him to stop his flailing. Viktor was pulled into you while you panted, sure to keep him close. You paddled over to the bank and helped Viktor climb up.
“I’m so sorry, Viktor,” you murmured to him, and pulled yourself out of the water, completely drenched. You sat on the edge and met Viktor’s eye. “I should’ve been more careful. I shouldn’t have pushed you into doing it.” 
After Viktor regained his bearings from his place in the grass, he only felt the rush of adrenaline he so rarely knew. Since you were both safe when it was all said and done, all he could do was laugh. 
Viktor easily recalled the startled look on your face at his own strange reaction. The amusement bubbled up inside of him until you had no choice but to laugh in return. 
The two of you laughed as if the most hilarious thing had happened, like you weren’t in the most dangerous situation either of you had ever encountered. 
Eventually, Viktor laid back in his spot, to which you followed suit and found a place next to him. The hot sun beat down and worked to dry you off. 
“Don’t be sorry, it was fun,” Viktor giggled, staring up at what little amount of blue sky was let in through the outskirts of the city. The rare sight of normalcy that wasn’t found further inside the undercity. 
“That’s a way to put it,” You returned with a humoured lift in your voice. 
Viktor never forgot the way you brought so much light and joy into his life, where he often found an absence of it. It was always an easy thing for you, and Viktor held that quality about you close to his heart. 
But that solid, trustworthy friendship was taken from him before he could truly understand why you were the most important person in his life. Viktor’s heart broke the day you confided in him about your brother’s disappearance. 
It was known he was involved with some gritty people—people you tried to stay away from despite being a zaunite. But Viktor never thought you would be dragged into it too. 
You left to find him. To make your mark in the undercity before you were even a proper teenager. Even if you had to take down each criminal just to do it, you were going to find your brother and bring him home. 
You promised Viktor you would return for him, and he committed that promise to his memory and heart. But by the time he was recruited for the academy in topside, there had been no sight of you. You were like a ghost lost in the belly of the city, too far from his grasp. 
He felt the ache of his loss every day since then, and the longing he felt to be with you again never ceased.
But as you stand below in the city square, Viktor can’t believe his eyes. There you are, after all those years, alive and in the flesh. From inside the lab, he can’t help but ogle, wide eyed and heart racing. 
If he could run, he would. But Viktor only leans into his crutch and tries to get a grip of himself. 
You’ve arrived in Piltover, with business unbeknownst to him as you shake hands with Heimerdinger and a few higher-up enforcers. He needs to know what has changed, and where you’ve been, for what little he understands about the situation from his place is agonizing. 
After some time of waiting, Viktor’s world is turned upside down the moment the lab door opens, and a wave of familiarity fills the space. He turns to see who it is, only to freeze in his place. 
A chill runs up his spine at the sight of you, followed by a rush of warmth in his face. He has waited years for this moment and Viktor can’t fathom it. 
“Y/n...” Viktor murmurs just above a whisper, eyes growing large with each emotion that circulates inside him. It’s almost too much to handle, and he doesn’t know how to digest it all. 
Jayce smiles at Viktor’s immediate recognition, and he gestures to you, just as overcome with all the feelings you two once shared. 
“Y/n was telling me she knew you growing up, and I thought it was time you two caught up,” Jayce says, lingering by the door. He points toward the hall. “I’ll leave you to it then.” 
Viktor doesn’t have the capacity to hear Jayce’s words or say anything in return, for he’s so engrossed in the sight of you that nothing else matters. 
While the traces of your child-like appearance remain in small fragments, you’re grown up, just like he is. Your face is more carefully contoured and primed with age, your body is that of a woman—one seasoned by rigorous activity and strength. 
You’re beautiful, and Viktor’s mind short-circuits at the realization. 
“Viktor,” you return softly, offering him a gentle smile as you approach him, arms already extended to embrace him. 
Viktor jolts at the sudden impact of your body against his, arms wrapping around his midsection, but he quickly eases into it, fighting back the tears that gather in his waterline. He secures his arms around your shoulders and allows himself to lean into the embrace. 
The warmth of you is agonizingly sweet against his chest, and Viktor can hardly recall the last time anyone has hugged him or shown him any sort of affection. His world had been colder without you, and the rewards of having you near are immediate. 
“You’re taller now,” you chuckle into his chest with one last squeeze before you pull back and gaze up at him. “I guess we both are.” 
Viktor manages a lopsided grin despite the strong pull of emotions within his chest, and he sucks in a rigid breath. “A decade changes many things.” 
Verbalizing how long is has been since Viktor last laid eyes on you seems to hurt even more, and he can’t help but notice how the swell of sadness comes through your features. 
“I suppose I have a lot of explaining to do,” you say, mournful of all the lost time. 
Viktor leans against one of the tables and invites you to do the same, in which you remain close to his side. “Before you get into the rest of it, what are you doing here in Piltover?” 
He gazes down at you, taking in each and every fleeting emotion that runs across your face. It has been so long since he’s had the chance to look at you, and Viktor refuses to let that opportunity slip through his fingers. 
“I signed on as an instructor at the academy. I’ll be mostly training the enforcer scouts.”
Viktor’s heart pulls at what that means, and he swallows hard. He can feel as his body sings with hope. “So you will be staying in the city then? You’ll be here?” 
Viktor nearly melts at the sight of your genuine smile, and the sensation of your hand in his palm. He has to double-take, for even the slightest signs of affection shake him down to his core. 
“Yes, that’s right. I’ll be here in topside for the foreseeable future,” you hum, clearly just as relieved by the news. 
Viktor can hardly take it. The sight of you and the face he so dearly missed, finally returned to him at last. The dearest friend he ever had, back in his life. He does his best to hold back the tears that threaten to spill. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear that,” Viktor croaks, barely able to form the words. 
“I’ll be here for you now like I used to be before,” you manage, pressed against his shoulder to offer him what comfort you can. “But hopefully with better critical thinking skills.”
Viktor chuckles at the sentiment and discreetly wipes at his eyes. “What happened, y/n? Why were you gone for so long?” 
“When my brother vanished, I caught wind of who had taken him. I had to jump through hoops, exhausting every lead I had until I got him back from the gang he got caught up in,” you begin, preparing for the long-winded explanation you know Viktor deserves. “He was with me for a few months before he was claimed by Shimmer. It turns out, he was dealing it. When he found himself in a tough spot and unable to pay his debts, he returned to it, and it killed him.” 
Viktor’s face softens and his hand gently squeezes your own. “I’m terribly sorry that happened, y/n.” 
With a deep breath, you continue. “Of course, the moment he wasn’t alive to pay the debt anymore, the gang expected me to. So, I did what I do best, and I became a sellsword. If a terrible man needed to be taken out and I was promised a payment, I did it. I’ve taken more lives than I can count, but at least it helped clean the streets of some of the worst criminals in the undercity. With cash in my pocket, I paid the gang little by little until I struck a deal under the table with an enforcer. If I took out as many of the grunts as I could, allowing the boss to be arrested, I would be untouchable by the law. I would be let off, and I wouldn’t have to pay the debt back. So, I did exactly that.” 
Many thoughts and emotions ebb and flow through Viktor all the while he listens, struck by how extreme it all sounds. He never knew what became of you, and to hear it, Viktor doesn’t know exactly how to feel. 
“You became a mercenary?” Viktor presses, as if he didn’t believe it the first time. 
You nod, visibly afraid of what Viktor thinks of you. “Yes. I’m not entirely proud of it, but I did what I had to. There was nothing left for me to do when my life was on the line. I only ever wanted to save my brother and make the undercity a better place, even if it meant killing those who deserved it. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry this happened, Viktor.” 
Viktor’s chest clenches the moment he hears the regret in your voice, shattered by the weight of it all. Instinctively, he puts an arm around you and keeps you close, paranoid that you might be swept away from him again. “Don’t be sorry, y/n. I understand why you did it. What matters is that you’re out of it now and life can be different for you. For us.” 
“You were always the sweet one out of us, Viktor,” you say, much to his surprise. Leaning into his contact, you continue. “I missed you every day I was gone. After my brother died, I wanted nothing more than to come back home and see you again, to make sure you were alright. But I couldn’t risk pulling you down with me, not when things were so dark. I couldn’t do that to you.” 
“I know, y/n. Please don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re here now and that’s what matters,” Viktor returns kindly, heart more at ease with the explanation. 
While it wasn’t the life he hoped you would have, Viktor can’t be angry with you, or resentful of your past work. He knows all too well the dangers of the undercity, and what it takes to survive. 
You stand up fully and embrace Viktor once again, keeping him tight in your arms. Viktor is less surprised this time, and he gladly holds you since he wasn’t able to for all those years. 
“I won’t leave you again, Viktor. You hear me? No matter what happens, I’ll always be here to protect you. To make sure you’re safe and content.” 
A small chuckle comes from Viktor at the muffled reply, and his hand caresses your back absently. Those heavy yet explosive feelings inside him come alive at your declaration. 
“Having you near again has done exactly that. But I’m afraid not much danger occurs in the lab.” 
Pulling back just enough to gaze up at Viktor, you cock a brow. “Does anything ever blow up? Or catch fire?” 
Viktor makes a conflicted sound. “Ehh, occasionally, I suppose.” 
“Perfect. Then I’ll be here to make sure you don’t blow the place up. How’s that?” You muse, dropping your arms from the embrace, much to Viktor’s dismay. 
He longs for the warmth of you once more, yet Viktor watches how you turn on your heel and gaze around the lab, arms folding behind your back. “So how did my dear Viktor end up in a place like this?” 
Viktor’s heart races at your interest, but his usual bashfulness returns with his shrug. “It’s kind of a long story.” 
You give him a smile from over your shoulder with your enticing response. “I have more than enough time. I want to know everything, and don’t spare the details.” 
A hopeful sensation simmers within Viktor’s whole body, and he swallows back his reservations. It doesn’t take him long to realize his adoration for you has swelled tenfold, and those feelings are even deeper than he initially thought. 
Viktor is overjoyed to have you back, yet he can’t help but feel like he’s in over his head.
He is completely and utterly in love with you. 
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