#being veela or half giant
tenacious-minds · 5 months
I’ve been listening to endrinas the language of flowers fic, and in the authors notes of chapter 1 of part three, they mention how the book never explained how Sirius got his wand back, and my immediate reaction was “I always assumed they never bothered to take it off him”.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 6 months
Magic and Genetics
So, this is not like 100% finished and will be more musings than a full theory. The main reason is that we, as humanity, just don't really know that much about genetics. Like, we get the gist of it, but we can mostly only say: "it's complicated" about it.
Which is true. Like, the idea of dominant and recessive traits the way most people are familiar with (like the eye color chart for blue eyes and brown eyes) is super oversimplified and inaccurate. Like, there are 2 major genes that affect eye color and then there are 8 more genes that affect eye color, hair color, and skin color, but we aren't really sure in what way. We just think they do from observation. Usually, genes behave in a way that is in line with the dominant and recessive traits charts, but there are exceptions to it. Again, we just don't know much about this field.
Because of this, I can't really come to conclusive conclusions regarding exactly how many and which genes affect a person's magic in the world of Harry Potter. What I can do is use the book evidence to try and create a pattern of how magic behaves genetically.
Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, nor did I study genetics in any professional capacity, this is from online reading and self-study. And most importantly for fun 😊
Why do I think magic is influenced by multiple genes?
So, JKR stated in an interview she thinks of magic as a single dominant gene. This is impossible, since if that were true squibs and muggleborns wouldn't exist and the chart for the likelihood of a child being born with magic would look like this:
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And that's just not what we see in the books...
This is all without mentioning how squibs like Arabella Figg can see dementors while muggles can't:
“A Squib, eh?” said Fudge, eyeing her suspiciously. “We’ll be checking that. You’ll leave details of your parentage with my assistant, Weasley. Incidentally, can Squibs see dementors?” he added, looking left and right along the bench where he sat. “Yes, we can!” said Mrs. Figg indignantly.
(OotP, page 143)
This means that squids do have some magical genes that muggles don't.
Additionally, from what we know about wizards as a species they have other differences from muggles that would effect their genetics in less obvious ways, for example:
Wizards heal faster, so cell regeneration is different than muggles.
Wizards have a completely different set of illnesses than muggles, so their white blood cells are also different.
Their brain cells likely live longer since they have an overall longer life expectancy.
Since they can see magic, like dementors and the Leakey Cauldron, we know the sight receptors are different.
Their nerves likely also function differently since they can sense magic in a way muggles can't.
To name a few.
And this is all without going into the fact wizards can reproduce with other species (goblins, veela, and giants to name a few) which actually implies a common ancestor to all of these races, but I'm not going into that can of worms.
What I am going into is how magic works genetically and how predictable it is. As in, if I know the magical status (pure-blood wizard, half-blood wizard, muggleborn wizard, squib, or muggle) of two human parents, can I tell how likely their child is to be a wizard, a squib, or a muggle?
What are squibs?
We don't know of many squibs in the books, these are the list of the known squibs:
Argus Filch
Arabella Figg
Marius Black
Dolores Umbridge's brother
Molly Weasley's second cousin
Squibs aren't a subject wizards like talking about, even not wizards who don't mind muggles like the Weasleys:
"Er — yes, I think so. I think Mum's got a second cousin who's an accountant, but we never talk about him."
(PS, page 73)
The definition of a squib is a child without magic born of a magical parent. If we look at the list of squibs above, all of them except Umbridge's brother are pure-bloods. This is kind of important because of the limited genetic pool of pure-bloods.
I tried calculating the inbreeding coefficient (basically how likely it is that a specific genetic trait is identical in both parents. The number ranges between 0 and 1) of the pure-bloods in the Wizarding World. We don't have much information on most families, but even looking at the Black family tree, they aren't really inbred (except the Gaunts). The closest relation there is the marriage between second cousins Walburga and Orion. So the inbreeding coefficient of pure-bloods would be above zero, but not high enough to cause serious health detriments for the most part. But, this doesn't mean wizards don't have a problem with a limited genetic pool even without close inbreeding.
Looking at that same Black family tree, we see a lot of familiar names: Flint, Crabbe, Burke, Potter, Crouch, Longbottom, Weasley, Prewett, Malfoy, McMillian... Basically, all pure-blood wizards are related. Some more closely than others, but they are all related. It means that among pure-bloods there is less genetic diversity which tends to cause illnesses and weakness in children over the course of multiple generations.
Such illness can, for example, come in the form of a squib. If the child just isn't capable of having full access to magic, due to their limited genetic pool, they will be born a squib.
But what about Umbridge's brother?
Well, here's the interesting thing. When looking at accounts of children of a pure-blood and a muggleborn, they are all always magical (and usually quite powerful, but more on that later). Umbridge's mother though is muggle. I believe a muggle parent would also have a higher chance of a squib offspring since they don't have magic. Essentially, Umbride's brother received some of the magical genes from their father, and some muggle genes from their mother, leaving him somewhat capable of interacting with magic, but not casting it — a squib.
Essentially squibs have a higher chance to be born from two pure-bloods (due to lack of genetic diversity) or from a wizard and a muggle. If we look at the books, we actually never see a squib being born from a pair of two wizards where one of the parents is half-blood or muggleborn (since they bring new genetic diversity and make the offsprings much likelier to be magical).
What are muggleborns?
So, we covered that squibs are rare and are caused by the lack of genetic diversity in the pure-blood families or by receiving non-magical genes from a muggle parent. But what about muggleborns? How could they genetically exist?
Well, I discussed here the actual percentages of different blood statuses across the Wizarding World. And the percentages looked like this:
57.5% Pure-Blood and Most Likely Pure Blood
22.5% Half-Blood
15% At Least One Magical Parent
5% Muggleborn
And as I covered here and here, I believe magical Britain is approximately 0.01% of the muggle population. This means that muggleborns are incredibly rare in the muggle population and have an overall very low chance of being born. But under what circumstances would muggleborns be more likely?
We know, for example, that the brothers Colin and Dennis Creevey were both born magical. It means, that their parents had genes that make them more likely to have magical children. This means Petunia had a higher chance of being born magical than, say, Vernon, it was still a low chance, but it was more likely.
Now, I'm not the first to raise this theory, but I believe these muggles that have a slightly higher chance for magical children like Mr. and Mrs. Creevey are descendants of squibs. We know that:
"Squibs were usually shipped off to Muggle schools and encouraged to integrate into the Muggle community. . . much kinder than trying to find them a place in the Wizarding world, where they must always be second class..."
(DH, page 136)
So, squibs have been sent for generations to live among muggles. It means that there are multiple "muggles" running around that are actually squibs. They might be able to see dementors or notice something odd around the Leakey Cauldron, but not enough to produce magic. But they still have magic in their genes. And when they have kids, sometimes, through a fluke of luck and genetics a muggleborn can be born.
This means all muggleborns are distantly related to wizards in some way, but still the muggle blood adds some much-needed genetic diversity that makes them less likely to have squib children.
What would magical genes look like?
So, we talked so far about how to predict the likelihood of a child having magic or not. But we also know not all wizards and witches are magically equal. You have crazy powerful individuals like Voldemort, Harry, and Dumbledore. Hermione is an incredibly skilled and talented witch, often the first in class to get spells right. And then you have wizards like Crabbe, Goyle, or Merope who are barely more magical than squibs. Then you have unique magical gifts like being a parselmouth, metamorphmagus, or seer are all inherited, and therefore genetic.
So, let's start with the power/talent difference between wizards that we see. I think this, like squibs, is correlating to the lack of genetic diversity. Sure, you have pure-bloods that are magically powerful or average, but if we look at the most magically powerful wizards in the books — Harry, Voldemort, and Dumbledore — they are all half-bloods. They all have a higher genetic diversity.
Hermione and Lily, are also examples of this added genetic diversity raising the likelihood of magical talent. Both muggleborns, both referenced as talented and bright multiple times. Snape, another half-blood is also referenced often as an incredibly talented wizard.
Actually, Nymphadora Tonks is one of the best pieces of evidence for magic weakening over pure-blood generations and becoming stronger with the new blood from muggles or muggleborns.
The Black family had the hereditary magical gift of being metamorphmagi. This gift has been lost for multiple generations, the first Black to be born with this gift in recent history is Tonks. And it makes perfect sense, Andromeda, a pure-blood with the genes for being a metamorphmagus, marries a muggleborn, Ted, who has the much-needed genetic diversity, so their daughter is finally durable enough for the metamorphmagi magic to kick in.
The Gaunts are another example of just how much the lack of genetic diversity affects a wizard's magic. All three, but especially Mereope, are portrayed as barely skilled with magic, almost squibs. But then we have Tom Marvolo Riddle, magically gifted so much beyond most wizards because he had the added genetic diversity from his muggle father.
Parseltongue seems to be a more dominant trait than the metamorphmagus ability. As even an almost squib in the Gaunt family can speak it. That being said, the Gaunts are implied to be incredibly incestuous, so perhaps it's just a matter of both parents speaking Parseltongue that causes this gene's apparent dominance.
We also know these genetic traits are only passed to wizards. So a squib from the Gaunt family, would not be able to speak Parseltongue. So, while it is a separate gene, it is connected to the other genes that affect magic. That's why a muggleborn born from a Gaunt family squib line, could potentially be a Parselmouth. They won't necessarily be a Parselmouth, but they have a chance to get the gene.
So, let's put all of it together into a series of rules* to how magic seems to work genetically.
*Rules is not exactly the correct word. It's more like, how it would usually behave, but there are flukes to genetics and everything is possible.
Two magical parents would almost always have a magical child. Pure-bloods are more likely to have squib children than half-bloods or muggleborns due to lack of genetic diversity.
A child of a muggle and a wizard has a higher chance of being born a squib than two magical parents. (The chance is still pretty low though and the child is more likely to be magical)
Muggleborns are the result of at least one parent who is a muggle that descended from squibs and has magical genes.
If both parents are squib-descendant muggles, all their kids might even end up magical. (Like the Creevey brothers)
Being a parselmouth, metamorphmagus, or seer are all unique genetic traits that are passed in a separate gene but dependent on other magical genes. Each one of them behaves differently as a gene.
Genetic diversity promises a higher chance of naturally magically gifted children. (It doesn't promise they will be more gifted, just makes their chances better)
Blood purity and a limited genetic pool cause magical children born to these lines to be overall weaker. (Again, there are exceptions, this is just about chances)
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allio-corporations · 3 days
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Another Hannibal (Hannigram) AU:
This time a G/t au! Or more correctly, a plethora of supernatural (monster/magic) g/t AUs and just plain g/t AUs!
This is a comp of a few avenues of g/t Hannibal.
- Supernatural AU! -
This AU has supernatural creatures, and mixing of different creatures leads to some going underground/traits not present unless something triggers their dna to do so
Will has empathy based psychic abilities, along with some lineage(s) that may explain what happens to him in this AU. One of them being part Veela (think Harry Potter type lore for that creature)
Hannibal has heightened senses, more so due to his bloodlines. A lineage of Wendigo that reappears in the family when he’s forced to eat Mischa. The wendigo traits are able to maintained and keep him civil due to his diet and other lineages. Lastly, he has a third line of inhuman species, called Nephilim - meaning giants but also in some interpretations of the Bible and Torah, it means children of (likely fallen) angels + humans. - It’s giants that are born of angels and humans, but some of the traits go quiet for many generations at a time and can only be triggered in someone due to certain circumstances. It explains the success and power the Lecters had in their lives, both sides, and essentially ensured their nobility (also Nephilim were seen to use magic to change or use abilities other creatures had, but every magic comes with a price of course).
Other lineages types include:
Jack - some type of griffin-human
Bella - siren, think fish type that can go on land and into water whenever
Alana - Selkie (mostly human)
Beverly - Wraith
Jimmy Price - vampire
Brian Zeller - human
Freddie - nymph + banshee (fire based)
Chilton - goblin + fae
Francis (red dragon) - obviously a dragon hybrid (maybe one that’s not seen as very powerful but he’s able to essentially become more feral with each kill)
Abigail - Wendigo
GJH - Wendigo
Randal Tierr - werewolf-esq hybrid (wolf-bear hybrid)
Mason - shape shifter + pig-hybrid
Margot - shape shifter (did not get the expressed pig gene)
Peter - human (with strong abilities to work well with animals)
I’ll think up more of them later, or would welcome any alternative ideas for the side characters aka ones besides the murder husbands
Alright, so some head canons or background situations, and a few different timeline/alteration ideas (I’ll try to make sure I mark ideas for when I write for different jumping off points!)
G/t AU 1: Divergent point from the second half of season 2 (the cases are the same, but Will is convinced to drop accusing Hannibal entirely, and Jack/Fbi stops suspecting him, but don’t think Will was to blame either, they just think the encephalitis confused Will).
- so Will is genuinely connecting with Hannibal, but is still debating on if he’s going to try and take him out on his own or give in to his own wants.
- obviously some aspects of the supernatural exist in this AU
- we’re skipping over their development to this point bc maybe I’ll cover it later. But by now they’re on good grounds (honest with each other, Abigail is alive and they make it seem like the ripper or copycat (who the fbi doesn’t know) let her go similar to Miriam Lass). So the three get a murder family that isn’t fleeing the country yet.
- Beverly is also alive. She didn’t go to Hannibal’s house, and girlie is thriving. (She doesn’t fully suspect Hannibal, but isn’t as social with him now.)
- Hannibal still helps consult on occasion, Will is still helping Jack, but in his own terms now
- After Abgail goes off to college (girlie wanted to go abroad to escape this mess and good for her, we’ll see her later), there’s a new normal. Will is over more often, the dogs usually join him now, the two are kind of together. Others don’t know if they’re properly together, but they essentially are - even if they are still learning to communicate and work around/with each other.
Now we go to the case that starts the shit show;
During one case, one not shown in the series, making one up - Will is pursuing the suspect. Jack got his leg hurt and Will is just going for it bc doing bad things to bad people feels good (he’s being honest with himself and Hannibal, or trying to be, it’s progress).
During the pursuit, Hannibal is slightly behind Will, because of course Hannibal would rather see Will go feral/see what Will does to a suspect.
Perp is some type of fae, so enjoys causing issues and it killing people or greatly changes them. Has bags of powder, think like the Love god episode of gravity falls. But not for love, for chaos and making people be honest/situations kind of like jigsaw.
Perp can tell that Will and Hannibal are kind of together but yknow, they’re them, so he hits each of them with a powder during the pursuit. (Powder’s actions essentially can trigger dormant traits/lineages in person). So it acts the same but the outcomes depend on the person. And while creatures and such are accepted and fairly common, some lines and traits aren’t and haven’t been present since the beginning of recorded history essentially.
Will starts choking from it, Hannibal stops bc if he can’t watch Will further his becoming, and he’s actively in distress, why pursue the fae? So the beloved sassy science squad (this time Beverly), comes in with a great shot, and stops the threat. Doesn’t kill the fae, but he is apprehended properly.
Since both got that powder on them, medical checks out Hannibal and Will, doesn’t know what it is. They take samples, do some tests. Besides higher BP and fatigue the two are fine. So, the two head back to Baltimore until the next case or whenever Will would need something from wolftrap. They think this case is done. They were very wrong.
At home, the two are making dinner and discussing the case. Hannibal is cooking a roast of loin and rump (from a very vocal pig who unapologetically spilled a hot cup of coffee on Will during a previous case). While Hannibal is down in the cellar picking out a wine, he hears a clatter, crash, and yelp from upstairs.
Hannibal, who chided himself on letting Will sous chef while not feeling well, turns the corner, and can’t find Will. He knows he couldn’t have left, and there’s no one else there. No blood, no sign of struggle beyond a knocked over pot and two lids on the ground. The pot had been empty as well when he went downstairs, not even on the stove yet.
After a few more moments of investigating, and calling out for Will, he hears a response - muffled and soft but definitely something or someone calling out his name (though likely he wouldn’t have been able to hear it if he was human). The even odder thing is that the sound came from the pot on the island.
Hannibal lifts the pot, finding what he had hoped wasn’t true: Will, under the pot, on the island, barely more than 3.5 inches tall. Safe to say, Hannibal is amused, and slightly concerned, though has a good theory of what happened.
Realizing that he was right in his assumption on what could make up Will’s lineage, and the fact the powder probably caused this, Hannibal realized that he should start monitoring any changes in himself as well.
Will, on the other hand, is not having a good time. He’s already knows this wasn’t Hannibal, that it was the damn fae who did this, but can’t help the anxiety that is coursing through his veins. Despite being pretty sure that Hannibal wouldn’t harm him - at least to a point he can’t fix - his nerves were still fried due to sensory overload and giant cannibal whose pot he is under at the moment. Likely thinking back to the damn endangered songbirds Hannibal had drowned, plucked, cooked, and ate whole. The only solace Will has from the powder is that his clothes were also affected, preserving his dignity, at least for a time.
Cutting back to Hannibal, he too is remembering the songbirds they had eaten not too long ago. But, he quickly concludes that he prefers Will not on a plate (at least now).
Hannibal has also decided that if there’s anyway he could find that fae, once they figure out the powder composition, he’s definitely stealing his pancreas and lungs.
When the two of them come out from their mind palaces/mind scapes, they work on finding a way to communicate easily without Will going deaf or sensory overload occurring. But before Will gets a word in, Hannibal decides it’s time to relive his days in the medical field, which Will is not happy about. It occurs without real incident once Will just goes with it, knowing it’d be faster than mildly inconveniencing Hannibal’s speed.
The two decide on a mix of whispering and writing things down, with some universal signs or part asl to help as well.
While Will is still partly anxious about Hannibal finding the thrill of the chase when Will inevitably freaks out, Hannibal doesn’t have much of a bloodlust of thrill of the chase when the target can’t escape an area without help, that he is always in arms reach of (at least most of the time).
One aspect that worsens is the amount of cannibal puns and jokes Hannibal makes on a daily basis. (As in his mongoose has turned into a morsel for the snake(s)). Will is not amused.
Will is also not a fan of how cold everything is now. While he didn’t enjoy the night terrors and waking up drowning in his own sweat, being constantly cold if left without a heat source within his personal space definitely was a downgrade in a lot of ways. (Though he didn’t hate the fact that he got to spend more time with Hannibal.)
Jack and the gang do in fact get told a little later about Will’s condition. The pair had been laying low for about 2-3 weeks, trying to play by ear, and take this time to actually work through things, but Jack got nosey, and the cat was out of the bag (more so, Will was out of the pocket).
During those few weeks of working things out, the two actually start communicating like adults when it matters, and learn to work with each other in more domestic settings. (Though domestic, it’s not normal).
Hannibal does essentially spoil Will - new clothes (too many in Will’s opinion), rigs and set ups to move around more efficiently, more warm blankets/articles and heaters around the house to keep Will’s body temp safer, even getting custom made pieces of furniture and appliances, even custom dishware and tools. Because while Hannibal enjoys having Will rely on him, he knows Will and that eventually he’d go stir crazy.
So, to make Will not lose his patience, plus the amusing nature of the situation, Will tags along to Hannibal’s therapy sessions with patients (asleep/listening while in his desk or where his handkerchief resides). Then, Hannibal attends the opera a bit, slightly less than usual, during that time period, reserving out and entire higher up booth to him and Will, as to better enjoy the opera but also be able to communicate with Will when/if necessary. In return he concedes in secretly taking Will to a scene with him, Jack not knowing what’s going on in the slightest. The two do get to hear about updates on what the powder was. (Midwest in origin, a mix of different magic/properties. Definitely needs more time to study and interrogate the fae before Hannibal can throw another proper dinner party).
Hannibal over time does become more unrested, irritable with anyone besides Will. Will finds it endearing but slightly worrisome. It at least keep Jack off his back, to the point where he sends Hannibal footage and pictures for Will rather than try to force Will out there (lessening the chance of Hannibal losing it on Jack).
When the rest of group finds out about Will, they all take it differently. Jack is still too loud, overbearing, and rough (causing a nasty set of bruises on Will’s rib cage once), and it takes Will pleading with Hannibal to not kill and cook Jack by flaying his skin to stop Hannibal from dropping the mask when he found out. Jimmy and Brian are a bit better, too inclined to stare at Will like a lab rat, which isn’t horrible since both are fond of animals, but just feels demeaning. Alana overcompensates trying to act normal and overprotective, so careful to the point of forgetting Will’s still himself. Beverly acts pretty normal, enjoys joking and is more careful, but can read a room better than apparently a psychiatrist (Alana) and the head of the BSU. Will ends up enjoying Hannibal and Beverly’s company the most to no one’s surprise.
Since Will was past his encephalitis, and decided to not turn in Hannibal/accepted his growing becoming, it’s easier to look. But, he doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want to. Jack can’t come and force him to do so, thanks to Hannibal. (If Will tells Jack he’s not feeling up to going/not feeling well, Hannibal takes his word for it and doesn’t take him to the scene. The crew won’t show up to try and convince Will, because Hannibal just won’t answer/repeats what Will said and excuses them out. Jack can’t even get them to budge.)
Though they two do visit the lab a fair bit to hear updates on the samples from the fae’s powder that hit them. Plus, do a basic physical and bloodwork once a week, usually if they’re already in the lab for a case. Will only lets Hannibal do his bloodwork, because of his surgical precision and as a form of trust. (Bc they are in the equivalent of a post fall communication era, but hiding in plain sight).
They find the powder isn’t entirely of fae origin, something from the Midwest, and a bit from the north east. Both of their vitals are steady. Will’s vitals come back faster, similar to small mammal’s in metabolism, need for heat, and just a faster heartbeat. Hannibal’s remains very similar to his base vitals, but they do notice while Hannibal’s vitals are normal and Will’s are faster, they’re still in sync with each other. (As in every fourth beat from Will, he and Hannibal sync up. Like a snare roll matching up and beating at the same time a timpani beats. Which I based off the study that couples who are shown to be in love/have high present levels of love hormones end up with matching heart beats/in sync with their partner). The science team find it endearing, Jack not so much, him and Alana are a bit unnerved.
Back to the boys: during the time Hannibal and Will are the only two (along with Abigail to an extent), know about Will’s condition, the two definitely learn to communicate. Because the first week consists of a lot of writing and whispering on Hannibal’s end.
During these early stages Hannibal takes it upon himself to get Will plenty of tools and day to day items. (Lots of clothes, with an accompanying wardrobe, his own bed which honestly doesn’t end up getting much use, small fashionable blankets to put around the house bc Will should not get cold when in this state, plenty of small appliances for hygiene and self care.) (Utensils, plates, kitchenware, furniture that matches the room’s aesthetic while still being comfortable, attachments to help Will get between rooms or on surfaces if need be, etc. But Hannibal still loves carrying Will around/having him within arms reach, and Will doesn’t complain much when Hannibal or eventually Winston carry him around. He hates being grabbed by essentially anyone or anything else though; enjoys being carried around by Winston but not the other dogs. Loves Hannibal carrying him around/Hannibal being the only person Will actively enjoys and seeks out to have physical contact with. He is okay with Abigail or Beverly helping him, but doesn’t like being held by them for long periods of time. Dislikes but tolerates Price (Jimmy) or Alana helping him out if needed. He actively avoids being touched or helped by Zeller or Jack, has risked falling multiple times just to avoid them bc his other options were not in the room or didn’t hear him. And the one time either of the Freddies, Lounds and Chilton, tried to be within a few inches of him, he nearly bit them before threatening to take a finger if they tried anything. Hannibal is was incredibly amused for the rest of the case.)
Hannibal doesn’t mind cooking the extra meals for Will, he enjoys being such a large part of Will’s day, especially considering the meals are just portioned smaller and last longer over time. Though he does let Will pick options more now bc not only is it their communicating + compromising era, but Hannibal is obviously simping for the Graham cracker.
First day, or partial day of this has Will trying to not retreat into himself. With Hannibal genuinely unsure of what do exactly do, because while he could never entirely predict Will, this is on another level.
Will, instead of running warm like he used to, now gets cold easily, so he’s essentially glued to either a heat source or Hannibal, usually the latter. And due to this, the first night, Will ends up sleeping with Hannibal (which would have been like normal for them, but due to circumstances, they had to rearrange). Pillow on Will’s side is swapped for a smaller pillow that won’t cause Will to easily roll off. Then temporarily until Hannibal can start spoiling Will, pocket squares and cuts of old fleece material (that had been packed away for Will to use to mend some of his fishing/outdoor gear) act as blankets. The pillow is set up near Hannibal’s head, and everything goes off without issue. Hannibal also turns up the heating in the house for him.
Even when Will gets proper bedding that is on Hannibal’s nightstand, Will ends up either in his old spot or on Hannibal (with Will refusing to move)
Should also bring back up the lineage stuff - Hannibal’s traits are usually muted, horns and such in one of his forms aren’t often present and usually Will is the only one to detect them, except for his eyes going red. Then he has the original wendigo shape of being longer and emaciated, which was what Will saw when he was sick in S1. Lastly there’s the incomprehensible form of being part nephilim, Will able to detect parts but doesn’t look at it fully, despite seeing Hannibal behind the human veil quite a lot. While Will’s eyes have a slight blue glow to them while he’s using his empathy in a controlled manner.
Hannibal ends up not being the only one with a slight thrill of the chase when Will darts around too quickly (Hannibal has enough self restraint and frontal lobe activity, unlike some, to not act on such impulses 99.99% of the time, at least not without thinking them through first). Jack ends up swiping at Will in the lab. Will had been pacing on one of the examination tables, doing his job. He had gotten lost in thought, and had begun to pace faster and look around the body more before he could zone in and “look”. As he’s turning to look the body in the face, Will sees something in the reflection of the table and a very quick shadow coming his way. Will scurried out of the way, ducking under the partially posed and elevated neck of the body he has been examining. As Will dove to hide, loud squeaks of shoes on the floor, and nearly incoherent rumbling from the others caused him to curl up and begin to lose himself/retreat inward. (Which wasn’t good considering he was just beginning to properly “look” at the situation for this case.)
Thankfully before the hand can reach where he has just been, a faster hand which had been the other mass in the table reflection grabbed the first wrist, twisting it sharply and efficiently. Jack had reached for Will, knocking over tools in the lab, unaware of his own actions/impulse. It wasn’t until Hannibal had quietly, near silent, grabbed his wrist, putting his body between Jack and Will, that Jack had snapped out of it. The rest of the crew were shocked, and a bit worried, not only for Will’s safety but also shocked by the actions of both Hannibal and Jack.
Once the commotion settled down, only then did Will even dare to look out, seeing Hannibal’s back to him, acting as a shield from the entire group. Jack not even being allowed to explain really. Will just quietly asking if everyone but Hannibal leave the room so he could focus, then he’d send over a report later. The team obviously complying, likely due to not wanting to further the situation, they waited outside in the hall.
When Hannibal walked out of the lab, the others noticed Will wasn’t in Hannibal’s hands or in his shoulder. They each had their own guess to what happened. Will hadn’t wanted to see or feel everyone’s eyes on him, especially Jack due to feeling fidgety still. So, he ended up hiding in Hannibal’s inner chest pocket of his suit, allowing him cover and not end up freezing.
Hannibal hadn’t let Jack even stop him as he walked out, knowing it may be rude, but nearly attacking an (unofficial but technical) employee was worse, he thought it fair to walk off, telling Jack he’d get the report and hear from himself or one of the others what the plan was going forward.
While it had been stressful, the two realized fairly quickly they’d both had such a strong reaction to Jack because not only is it a naturally stressful experience (mainly for Will) but also because it’s Jack. This being made more apparent when Beverly had suddenly moved to keep Will from falling off a counter in the lab a few weeks later - Will needing to just catch his breath due to nearly falling. Hannibal had still had a notable reaction though (shoulders slightly raised, more blunt in his tone at first, and moving closer to Will/acting as a barrier more so implicitly). Yet they didn’t leave suddenly and Will had continued his work that day fairly normally, with Hannibal remaining nearby, so not as nearly as strong of a reaction compared to Jack earlier.
This was further proven when Will decided that during a day in - more mundane and no cases, which was rare - that he’d get Hannibal to finally chase him. Will had been bored, unable to work on new lures, the dogs being in and out and besides Winston were too rowdy to safely deal with, and not much else to do. Will began to run around surfaces as Hannibal was reading. Thanks to the add ons Hannibal got so Will could move about easier, and using the coffee table, backs of furniture, etc. he was able to get Hannibal to silently set his book down. Hannibal could tell Will was enticing him, wanting to have a more physical recreation of their old “cat and mouse chase.” Which, who was he to turn down yet another surprise from Will?
Will would swear that if Hannibal had a tail it would have been swinging like a house cat tracking something, his eyes becoming an even more bloody shade of red. Once Will knew he had his attention, he took off towards the floor, where he knew he could get under furniture to prolong the chase. Hannibal, not immediately jumping up, rather watching to see his plan first, had toed off his shoes to be faster, then began the chase.
The chase and stalking lasted for about 15 minutes. During which Hannibal’s antlers had began to be visible, limbs looking more emaciated and longer, revealing that Hannibal was either not focused on maintaining his appearance during the chase or was shedding his human veil for the purpose of seeming more monstrous (possibly to make Will slip up). Didn’t matter which one it was, only that it was just them. Eventually, Will had given away his position on a bookshelf, and had no plan of escape. Will came out from behind the small stag sculpture on the shelf, allowing himself to get quickly swept up. By the time he was caught, Hannibal’s eyes were blood red, antlers longer than Hannibal’s forearms, and his limbs extended + emaciated, with his teeth sharpest they’d been in months. With a slight fuzziness around Hannibal, meaning he really hadn’t been keeping a lid on his veil or himself in check beyond his own nature.
Despite what should be terrifying, astronomically more dangerous than Jack’s mere swipe, Will wasn’t worried, wind slightly knocked out of him by the sudden grab yes, but not fearful. Once grabbed, Will saw Hannibal’s features spike then slowly fade back to what he looked like normally with his human veil tightly sewn on. Hannibal, surprised by how long the chase had been, remained somewhat hopeful that it wouldn’t be a one off thing.
The two going back to relaxing, this time in Hannibal’s study/library. Will going between curling up on the desk, next to Hannibal’s empty hand and book from earlier - Hannibal carefully helping Will relax by massaging the knots and kinks out of Will’s back to the point of him being putty. To then scurry to in crook of Hannibal’s neck & collar bone to lounge. Will moving around periodically to keep himself entertained until Hannibal was heading to cook dinner, once again one of Will’s favorites.
Of course their chases didn’t stop there, Will periodically deciding on days when they usually had little to do, he’d suddenly dash away, and their game would continue until one of them, almost always Will, got tired, or if Will reached a dead end. Then they would go back to what they were doing.
This was somewhat inconvenient at times. Especially when Will decided to run around Hannibal’s office shortly before a patient came in, Mason Verger.
Thankfully, Mason is too self absorbed to notice Will beyond asking Hannibal about his food preferences when he’d possibly picked up on a specific smell (which Hannibal thought he wouldn’t bc again it’s Mason, but because of his piggish nature, smell for him is increased significantly, nowhere near Hannibal’s but enough to smell Will and his, Hannibal approved aftershave/cologne). But beyond the rude remarks, he didn’t see Will quickly retreat to where Hannibal was, across the room. Both slightly tense, but unnoticeable to the untrained eye, until Will was again in Hannibal’s inner handkerchief pocket. With the appointment going the same as usual, Mason being insufferable for an hour.
All of this ends up paying off later during a case though - Jack insisting they join for the arrest, and Will feeling up to it putting them in that situation. In an old warehouse, with unsecured rooms, the assailant, a serial killer, another fae, using different people of different lineages to try and make…. Something. During the arrest, the two had walked in and the perpetrator lunged at Hannibal, causing Will to nearly fall off Hannibal, being placed down quickly as the attacker broke free from his cuffs to try and seemingly steal at least one of Hannibal’s eyes. Will had quickly gotten distance, knowing that he couldn’t fight back. But that mad dash took the assailant’s attention, causing an unprompted chase around the room. While it lasting for less than a minute, the moment the man had nearly grabbed Will before Hannibal had broken the man’s arm - from the bones near his second knuckle to the shoulder joint - and proceeded in dragging him away from Will had been tense.
The two left silently once they saw the man get loaded into an ambulance due to Hannibal’s interference.
Hannibal got a lot more…. Protective (well, possessive) over Will by that point, which didn’t seem to surprise the sassy science trio (more so Jack and Alana were surprised and off put to varying degrees).
They kind of settle into a new normal at this point. Well, normal for them, similar dynamic, but slowly becoming domestic bc it would be really not opportune to remove the scales from the other’s eyes about their nature at this point. So, focusing on finding out what happened/what the two were hit with, is the main focus while working with each other/learning how to be with one another.
Eventually, after enough tests are run and they’re waiting it to hear more news about what is found in the mixture, Hannibal is able to plan a trip to Europe, specifically Florence, with Will obviously accompanying him. While Beverly and Alan take turns watching the dogs. And on their trip, they plan to visit Abigail (she’s been let in on the situation but hasn’t seen the full on perspective).
They obviously travel private, thanks to Hannibal’s connections, and off the two went for a few weeks. And while doing tableau wasn’t out of the question, Hannibal having a set of drawings ready, they’d obviously have to be careful and not do an exact Ripper MO, but they both hoped that maybe this would help them clear their minds before anything else changed, since it seemed no new information would be found for a while.
(And while neither Hannibal or Will would admit it, at least not for a long while out loud, they were enjoying the situation to an extent, Hannibal more so than Will, and hoped that if they figured out what exactly this was, that they’d be able to find a way to control or at least use it again, if Will ever did return to his original state).
That is what I have for now, will definitely update this later. Let me know if yall got any ideas or suggestions to change some details or questions about plot points. This is mainly weeks of sleep deprivation in random bursts mixed with a few of my hyperfixations. I would love to hear some feedback! Thanks for reading.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
Since you’re on the character asks and your thoughts are enjoyable to read maybe pick one of the non-Harry try-wizard tournament champions? I like them pretty evenly so your thoughts on any of them would be cool to hear, so pick your favourite/whoever you have most to say about/roll a dice to decide at your discretion?
What a lovely ask! You're so kind. I'm going to go with Fleur Delacour.
How I feel about this character
The way she showed her devotion to Bill at the end of book 6? Absolutely iconic. Best written intentionally romantic moment in the whole series. Hands down. No contest. The way she handled that dragon? Immaculate. The judges were just mean and veelaphobic and also JKR is super weird about her female characters.
Also kudos to her for being the only character when Harry got picked as a Champion in book 4 to be like 'no this is ridiculous he's too young.' Yeah she was a little harsh about it maybe. But wow. One of the only responsible adults in the whole series. Child me was like 'omg she's so mean' but now I'm like 'you go girl.' She should've been there to roast all of Dumbledore's questionable decisions. Can you imagine. Dumbledore: Don't worry. I have a plan. Fleur: Eez eet child endangerment again?
I genuinely enjoy her as a character and also find the way her identity as a part human who is fetishized to some extent and viewed as Other but not demonized in the way werewolves or half giants or half trolls are in her world to be fascinating fodder for a lot of interesting character work.
Also, I always have a soft spot for characters who I feel the narrative is actively telling me to dislike. I prefer stories that let the reader come to their own conclusions. As soon as I feel the story is too forcefully and artificially shoving down my throat "you must like this character" or "you must dislike this other character,” especially when it's not justified by what we actually see in the text, then I kind of want to do the opposite. So if you think my girl Fleur did something rude no she didn't or if she did that was her emotional support rude comment and she deserved to go off.
For real though. She put up with so much hate from Molly and the whole Weasley family for literally no reason. She deserved to be a little snarky. Ginny is so mean to her for literally no reason and the narrative wants us to laugh along and cheer on this immature, unkind highschool meangirl behavior as though it's some epic #girlboss moment when it's just mean. And Fleur's parents meanwhile are absolutely lovely (probably because Fleur covered for her in-laws and didn't tell her parents how she had been treated lest her full Veela grandmother show up and start throwing fireballs at them all).
You go Fleur. You never did anything wrong in your life. Ever.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I love her with Bill. I think Bill and Fleur are by far the best handled canon romance in the series. (Well, best handled intentionally canon romance - we all know JKR wrote a 7 book drarry epic but that was an accident lolol). They are so sweet together and so devoted to each other - despite any obstacles (including unsupportive family members). And they really compliment each other so well and just yeah. It's so sweet.
On a semi-crack level I do also like the idea of Fleur/Luna though because they both can be very blunt and directly state difficult truths in a way that can make others uncomfortable or seem rude. They do this in very different ways and also have very different outlooks but I think it makes them interestingly complimentary. And they'd both be confident and self assured enough to handle each other and not take offense. I feel like Fleur and Luna flirting would be so hilariously direct and entertaining. (Though it'd probably have to be postwar as. I think Fleur would be likely to scoff at Crumple-Horned Snorkacks).
I can also totally picture a Bill/Fleur/Luna poly relationship. I feel like it'd end up being improbably chill and functional somehow despite the big personalities. The three would probably be off living their best lives and eating metaphorical popcorn while all the other characters spent years having epic relationship drama.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I want to see her and Charlie hanging out so badly. After seeing her take on that dragon Charlie was probably pulling all kinds of shenanigans to get her together with one of his siblings because he doesn't want to get married but also oh merlin he needs this woman to be part of his family. Give me the Charlie and Fleur epic friendship and dragon taming duo.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't think Bill was attracted to her because he likes "glamour." I think he saw her as the brave, loving, and intelligent person that she is.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish other characters had apologized to her and stopped mocking her and treating her horribly.
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gigantomachy1916 · 1 year
Okay look I'm primarily into Death Note and so is basically everyone who follows me, and also fuck JK Rowling, and also I almost never read genfic, but.... everyone go read All According to Plan by inwardtransience and PseudoLeigha??? Please??? For me???
It's my favorite fic I've found in a long time. Basic premise: 13 year old Bellatrix Lestrange, from a slightly alternate dimension, fucks up an esoteric ritual and ends up 30 years in the future (at the start of Prisoner of Azkaban), where she decides to revive the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black while causing as much chaos as humanly possible and corrupting Hermione Granger.
But you guys.... THE WORLDBUILDING. The two authors are apparently girlfriends who spend all their time developing a very elaborate headcanon for the magical world.
The fic (and sequels) includes a description of every political party in the Wizengamot and their percent of the vote, an underground Pagan tradition with detailed holidays and rituals, elaborate schemes involving wardcrafting and runic magic, a surprising amount of Irish politics (including a magical Irish nationalist militia), the culture and linguistics of the veela People, a 90k word game of capture the flag involving Hermione adapting Grindelwald's battle tactics to build an impenetrable fortress and a magical violinist being deployed for crowd control, the British crown declaring war on the giant spiders...
And, as a bonus, the best characterization of Lily Evans I have ever read anywhere, even though she's not even alive to be a character: a half-mad ritual magic prodigy and necromancer, rivaling only Tom Riddle himself, who used a highly illegal soul magic ritual, along with a large amount of Muggle explosives, to take down Voldemort in '81, cause "the power of love" is a really stupid explanation.
Well you could also read Mary Potter and the Call to Adventure, which is the original fic that this one spun out of (I'm currently reading it since I finished the spinoff), and still get the benefit of the worldbuilding... but then you wouldn't get to see Bellatrix spear-hunting the giant spiders in the nude, giving Hermione's mother a seat in the Wizengamot, blowing herself up via runic magic, trapping herself in the Shadow Realm, inviting both an eldritch abomination and the Queen of England to Hogwarts, ruining Dumbledore's political career, and possibly starting a civil war. I LOVE HER. READ IT.
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zerogravityinq · 9 months
So I had a thought
In Harry Potter there are a good amount of mixed people (not just racially) like half giants, half goblins, people with veela blood, a child with a werewolf parent, etc.
So ya know how I am doing an hpxdc crossover series?
What if Lex, frustrated about being unable to make a stable superclone, somehow got Harry's DNA and made Conner that way? Like Wixen are super compatible with other beings that are human shaped but are humans themselves.
So Harry ig goes to Gringotts to set up something for Tim and the goblins are like what about your other kid and he's like what other kid???
So finding out about Conner and what lex did and if Clark acts all idk this is weird Harry is like Bruce we got a free Baby! He doesn't even ask Clark for child support but he does ask if he wants visitation
Now that send me down like does Conner have magic? Does he go to Hogwarts or Illvermony because lex didn't know Harry is a wizard (he knew he used Magus DNA but thought he was like Zantanna and Harry is fucking offended) and he doesn't know about the wizarding world so Harry has to speed teach Conner (who is a fast learning baby "omg baby you are so smart just like your brother!" "Which one?" "Jason, obviously!""?????isn't he...adopted???")
The way Tim would be jealous Con gets to go to magic school and oh God what house to put this boy in??? I have never been super into kon so maybe Slytherin or Gryffindor. He's smart but doesn't seek knowledge like Jason or Bruce or Tim does. He is a hard worker but like he doesn't give Hufflepuff like Dick does. He is cunning sometimes like a Slytherin but it would be funny if he's the only one of Harry's kids to go to Gryffindor lmao
I still don't know if I want to ship him with Tim or m'gann. Maybe he stays single or God forbid he gets with a Weasley lmao. Oh God if he got with Rose Granger Weasley or like Tim and Rose fight over him while Hugo just swoops in and steals him lmao
I have thoughts okay?
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gloriaregalirp · 5 months
The Natures
Natures are neither gifts nor talents. Those that involve hybridization are simply the result of the union of a species with a sorcerer, while others are the result of a curse. They are all grouped here because they are absolutely inseparable from the very nature of the sorcerer, where a gift or a talent may be hidden or forgotten with time, the nature of a werewolf or a half-veela does not will never change. To request a nature, please make a special request to the administration using the suggestions room. The staff will come back to you.
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Hereditary natures are passed down from generation to generation, without skipping generations. Wizards from these families are hybrids, since pure veela, giants and water beings are not wizards and cannot be admitted to Hogwarts.
⁣  𝟭 - 𝘝𝘌𝘌𝘓𝘈𝘚
The veelas are beings of captivating beauty, capable of charming beyond normality. The term veela in the feminine term designates the two sexes of veela, male and female. Veela hair is used to create powerful wands. A veela's greatest weakness lies in her emotions. If she is made angry, her charm wears off and she becomes a harpy.
Veela hybrids (born from a veela and a wizard) have great skills in spells and potions linked to charm or psychomancy. They develop a strong charisma that allows them to be listened to, but are not capable of manipulating others like their pure veela ancestors. It is only possible to have the powers of a veela by having a veela as a direct ancestor.
⁣  𝟮 - 𝘎𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘛𝘚
A giant is an extremely large humanoid creature, usually measuring six meters tall. There is a colony of giants in the mountains of Northern Europe. Their hybrids are of very tall stature and generally have a good character, because the giants have been peaceful beings for several centuries.
Generally judged and mocked for their size and clumsy appearance, half-giants quickly learn to ignore the judgment of their peers at school and later in working life.
The water beings are a group of animals with the appearance of being half-human, half-fish including the merrows, the selkies and the mermaids , existing under this name since 1811.
Mermaids are beautiful and seductive creatures whose upper body is identical to that of a human. Their hair is blonde and their fishtail is smooth and its color can vary from pink to gold.
Merrows and selkies are less beautiful than mermaids. Selkies are green-haired, yellow-toothed creatures fond of jewelry such as pebble necklaces, their skin is gray, and their fish tail is silver. Their hands are webbed.
Goblins are small, stubborn beings capable of keeping all the secrets of the world. They are neither good nor bad, and serve those who allow them to live their best lives. The half-goblins, for their part, seek to move away from this vision of the traitorous goblins and demonstrate incredible magical abilities.
⁣  𝟱 - 𝘌𝘓𝘝𝘌𝘚
House elves are small beings dedicated to serving their master. Half-elves have this helpful character trait in the extreme. They are not really spoiled by nature: small, they only have four fingers on each hand and are not physically strong. However, they are powerful magical beings of great assistance in combat, capable of moving quickly and inherently gifted with wandless magic.
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Transmissible natures are natures that pass from one creature to another, spreading that nature like a virus.
Werewolves are creatures that emerged in central France in the Middle Ages. A soldier drinking rainwater from the footprint of a pack leader wolf on a full moon evening changed the course of existence. From bite to scratch, the curse has spread throughout the world over the centuries, even as far as America. Today, werewolves are required to be reported to the magical community in order to be tracked and treated with wolfsbane to curb their murderous impulses. This is what allowed originally non-major werewolves to integrate the magical community and learn of the existence of this hidden world.
The existence of vampires dates back much further than antiquity. We are talking about an original vampire who only began to pass on his gift in the Middle Ages in order to fight against lycanthropy which was spreading more and more dangerously. Thus, clans were created, in which vampire wizards discovered and put on paper a new kind of ritual magic: red magic. Their influence is such that they are closely linked to the spread of voodoo in Louisiana and that they inspired Bram Stoker to create the great villain of horror novels: Dracula. Today the clans are becoming more and more discreet because of their involvement in the world wars and their condemnation for it, which results in the creation of vampires incapable of controlling themselves and without a clan to cling to in order to maintain their share. human.
WARNING: Vampires being dead beings, they cannot have children, regenerate without difficulty apart from being touched by silver, they must wear talismans to go out in the sun without burning and are obliged to drink blood (animal or human) to survive. However, drinking human blood plunges them into a murderous madness: the effects are equivalent to a powerful drug that one cannot do without.
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chaosbuzz · 11 months
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Playable Species
Werewolves can only come into being via a bite from an existing werewolf. They are able to have children naturally, but the idea that they could pass a “werewolf gene” on is scientifically unfounded and born of superstition and fear. Wolfsbane Potion does exist, but is very expensive and difficult for most individuals to acquire without external assistance of some sort.
Vampires similarly can only be created via an individual being bitten by another vampire. All vampires can sustain themselves on animal blood if they desire, but will not be at full strength unless they consume human blood. Although vampires can eat human food, it does not provide adequate nutrition. If they do not imbibe blood daily, they will become fatigued. Vampires cannot exist in sunlight nor procreate with other vampires (or non-vampires, for that matter).
Half-giants are the offspring or grand-offspring of a full giant with a human. They are able to use wands and produce magic, but they also have a higher natural physical resistance to spells. Additionally, they are stronger than the average wixen and capable of more physical feats (within reason). Half-giants generally retain a taller and larger height and build from their giant heritage.
Half-veela are the offspring of a full veela with a human. Although half-veela have the natural charm and allure of a full veela, they do not have the ability to transform into harpy-like creatures or throw fire at will. However, they do seem to have more of an affinity for fire spells generally, and there are stories about individuals who find themselves in a somewhat hypnotic state after interacting with a half-veela. It is unclear whether these are only stories or truth.
Special Abilities
The following abilities are available for play on Chaos Theory. Please be mindful when creating characters with these abilities; the application should touch on how they worked on or naturally arrived at these abilities as appropriate. Staff have discretion to ask for additional details if they feel like the ability was not sufficiently explained in the application.
Please note that seers are not allowed to have any visions about Riddle at the moment. Seers and Legilimens must have full player consent if they want to have visions or see into the minds of another character.
Legilimency & Occlumency
Wandless or non-verbal magic
Supplementary Lore
We are a highly AU setting open to making significant modifications to canon to reflect our goal of reclaiming JKR’s universe. We would like to actively encourage members and guests to reach out to a staff member if you have any other suggestions to adjust canon.
Below is an overview of notable canon divergences and the supplementary lore that form part of our collective world building.
No House Elves or Goblins
In order to avoid having to engage with any part of JKR’s anti-semitism and use of the “happy slaves” trope, house elves and goblins do not exist on Chaos Theory. Gringotts is fully run and owned by wix folk.
Educational System
Secondary Schools
We do not follow canon lore on magical secondary schools outside of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang for a multitude of different reasons. However, we do allow members to create their own schools and colleges based anywhere around the world as long as these are mindful and do not engage with closed cultures. These schools are subject to final staff approval.
Further Education
After Hogwarts (and most other European Wixen secondary schools), the tradition is for young wix to either begin full-time work, training in paid or partially paid apprenticeships, or pursue further education. Apprenticeship is the most common route post-secondary school.
Magical universities exist for more academic or technical skill-based work that cannot be fully trained into through apprenticeships alone. Undergraduate degrees last for 3 years and are typically pursued for the following careers (though are not necessarily essential for such careers): academia, intelligence services (e.g. Department of Mysteries), curse breaking, advanced potions and alchemy, law, healing, etc. This is not an exhaustive list.
There are three Wixen magical universities or colleges in Britain and Northern Ireland in our universe:
the Nicholas Flamel Institute of Higher Education in Bristol, England;
All Souls College of the University of Oxford in Oxford, England;
Whitecliff College near Belfast, N. Ireland.
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violet-knox · 3 years
1 I would love to request a story for you if it´s still fine to do it, my request is a smut story with a quiet virgin female reader who is popular with opposite gender mostly because of her attractive physical appareance and for that when she confess that she have a romantic interested in him. He thinks is a lie or a joke to hurt him somehow but when she insist that her feelings are honest and she is willing to do anything.
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Beauty’s Curse
Pairing: Young!Snape x Half-Veela!Reader
Summary: As Valentine’s day quickly approaches, you find yourself surrounded by more and more people asking to be yours, but you have your eye on someone else.
Warnings: (SPOILERS) Spiked drink, manipulation
Word Count: 6679
A/N: To be honest, I was a bit hesitant with this request because I knew it would be a rather big challenge. I didn’t want to write anything superficial or cliche, but I thought this would be a great opportunity to break the stereotype of “that pretty mean girl” and show that no one should be judged on their looks, even those who are considered attractive. 
I took inspiration from a situation I found myself in more or less recently, so please do read the warnings before reading this even though they are crossed out unless you really don’t want spoilers. 
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Nearly six years had passed and the comments from your peers had never once eased. Valentine’s day had become your least favourite holiday from the never-ending line of people asking you to be their Valentine, each year worse than the last as your popularity increased. You knew it wasn’t their fault, not entirely. You were half Veela after all, something you never dare tell a soul. Rumours went around in your fourth year when you hit puberty, an invisible glow seeming to surround you as you walked down the hall, heads turning as they ogled you in amazement. ‘It was a gift’ your mother would always tell you, but you could never see it that way, especially after you’d agreed to go out with that boy a few years above you last year, finding out his charm only extended so far until his true colours showed. Since then, you’d done everything you could to contain your influence over those who yearned for you, knowing you’d never know true love if the man you ended up with only did so from his inability to resist you. 
You wanted to know what love really felt like, real love not the admiration the Slytherin boys chatting you up now were showing. It irked you how they’d suddenly surrounded you like this, three of them, all taller than you, all of whom were doing their best to impress you. One spoke of his father’s status at the Ministry of Magic, offering to take you anywhere you liked on Valentine’s day. Another tried to persuade you with the offer of visiting his mother’s shop in Westminster; the most luxurious dress shop in all of London he claimed, anything you wanted his mother could have you fitted for. The last boy had the nerve to try and hand over a necklace with the most amount of diamonds you’d ever seen, saying he’d offer you anything you liked if you agreed to be his Valentine. You had to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes, the necklace barely managing to snap your attention back to them as your eyes instead wandered to the end of the hall where you saw another Slytherin sitting on the ledge of a window with his nose in a book. 
You could still remember back when that was you sitting alone somewhere in the castle in your first year, everyone passing you by like you didn’t exist, your own nose shoved in the tenth book you’d been reading that week. Of course, that part never changed, you were a proud bookworm, one who’d much rather spend the evening diving into the pages of a good book than surrounded by people gawking at you. The only difference now was it was much harder to find a place where you’d be uninterrupted, but you always found a way, a small corner in this giant castle to call your own and escape the real world if not for a short moment. 
“Sorry, but I can’t be any of your Valentines.” You spewed a quick apology to the Slytherin’s and pushed passed them, only to watch the boy you’d been intrigued by slam his book shut and dramatically swift away down the stairs. 
He’d seen enough, the necklace turning his stomach into knots as he thought about the stupid bet they made before walking over to you, how they each thought they could buy you over with some luxury he could never afford to have. They didn’t even acknowledge his presence as they spoke, didn’t even bother to notice he’d hung back, that he stood by to watch them get rejected by the person who’d been known to reject everyone since first year. You seemed so kind and of course, it probably helped that you were a Hufflepuff, helped your ruse of being everyone’s friend, but he saw through you. He was the only one that did just as he was the only one to see through Potter. Everyone who was popular with the entire school had a dark side, he knew it, even if he hadn’t seen yours. 
“Severus!” He turned around in surprise as he heard his name called out, unable to recognize the voice. His expression immediately turned sour when he realized it was you who’d run after him, calling his name to get his attention. He turned around and began walking away, one hand holding his books tightly as the other formed a tight fist. “Severus, wait!”
You were almost surprised to see someone so bluntly ignore you, shun you like you were nothing and you knew it was an act of dislike towards you, the way he looked at you making it very clear he did not want to speak with you. Yet you couldn’t help but yearn over him all the more. The only person in the entire school that seemed to see you as just another student, the only person who didn’t look at you like you’d blessed the very ground you walked on and he wouldn’t even give you a moment to speak.
“Severus,” you tried again, finally catching up to him as you placed your hand over his shoulder, Severus nearly twisting your wrist as he spun around, acting like your hand had burned the spot where you’d touched him. “I was just wondering, if you’d perhaps like to go out sometime?”
“What?” Severus rose his brow, wondering if he’d heard you correctly. It almost sounded as if you were asking him out, you, the person everyone in his life compared to perfection, the beauty of an angel, kindness comparable to no one else’s. You who’d chatted with the entire school, made friends with everyone, enemies with no one, would choose him?
“It-it doesn’t have to be a date if you don’t want it to be. But I just thought, well I thought it would be nice to have a chat with you some time,” you said, feeling the heat rise to your face as you tried to ease the tension. Severus' expression only darkened with annoyance as his suspicion of you grew. 
“Did Avery put you up to this? Nott? Or Potter?” he blurted out. He couldn’t believe you thought he’d fall for such an obvious ruse. That he’d be desperate enough to accept your deceptive invitation, and when he found out who it was that plotted this interaction, he was going to make sure they never tried something like this again.
“N-no! Why would you say that?” You looked at him with shock, your heart sinking as you felt yourself nearly knock yourself over as you hit that defensive wall he had built around himself. You knew he wasn’t exactly liked by the other students, that he had a much tougher time than he deserved, but you’d never imagined him reacting like this when you finally built up the courage to ask him out. 
“I’m not falling for this,” Severus shook his head as he dismissed your advancements. He turned around and resumed walking down the stairs, leaving you to your own failure though he wasn’t surprised to see you running after him.
“Severus wait!”
“Tell whoever sent you to piss off!” He brushed you off without stopping. Reaching the ground floor, he continued to walk towards the Entrance Hall without so much as glancing your way.
“Severus no one sent me, I swear,” you tried to make him see reason, to show him you were being genuine, but as he spun back around, his hair turning dramatically with him as his strands quickly settled back into place, framing the annoyed look on his face, you could tell he wasn’t willing to let his guard down for even a moment and consider your intentions to be pure. 
“Really? Then why?” His words came out more as demands rather than a question, but you wouldn’t let it scare you away. You didn’t want to give up the one chance you had at a genuine relationship with someone who saw you as more than just a pretty face. 
“Why what?”
“Why in Merlin’s name would you ask me out when you already have the entire school ready to put their heads on the chopping block just for a moment with you?” His tone made you wonder if he was asking the question out of curiosity for your answer or if he’d already made up his mind, that no matter what you said he wouldn’t believe you anyways. You had half a mind to walk away, telling yourself you deserved better, but this was what you wanted wasn’t it? Not to be run after, try to be bought over in some way? You wanted someone to go out with you and love you for who you were, to resist the natural attraction of your Veela DNA.
“Because you’re brilliant and love to read. Because you aren’t like everyone else. Because you make me feel normal.” You poured your heart out to Severus only to have him scoff in your face, rolling his eyes, clearly finding your words less than truthful. You’d never admit it of course, but you did, in a way, lie. You’d admired him for so long now. All you saw was his good sides, but you couldn’t bring yourself to admit such a thing. “Please, Severus, give me a chance.”
Severus stared at you a moment, surprising himself as he actually debated your plea. He wanted nothing more than to believe you, to believe someone would be interested in him in the way you claimed. But it was you. How could he believe the most wanted person in the entire school would choose the most hated? He wanted to get the truth out of you, to embarrass you when you admitted to your real intentions and perhaps that’s exactly what he should do. Perhaps he could get you to blurt out the name of the imbecile that would soon regret trying to mess with him like this.
“Fine. There’s a Hogsmeade trip this weekend. I suppose I can spare a few hours with you.” He agreed to your invitation as he made plans of his own, immediately setting off to the dungeons when you smiled and nodded. You looked almost relieved that he’d finally accepted, almost like you had some other agenda and of course, he’d find out one way or the other. He was tired of the harassment, the humiliation from everyone in this school, tainting it with their insolence and stupidity. This was his home, the one place in the entire world where he could belong, and he wouldn’t let anyone push him around any longer. 
This was the last straw. He was going to make an example out of you and whoever it was pulling your strings. He’d make the entire school regret making him out as a punishing bag, a joke for everyone to laugh at. What more could he lose? His best friend had already abandoned him, his Slytherin peers eager to do the same, only ever defending him out of obligation for their own house. He had no one, nothing to care for except his own reputation. He’d come to Hogwarts wanting to make something of himself, to build himself a future better suited for a Prince than a Snape and that’s what he was going to do one way or the other. 
He made his way to his dorm first, retrieving the stash of potion ingredients he hid under his bed and cross referenced what he needed from the notes he’d taken in the back of his Advanced Potion Making textbook. He had nearly everything he needed, but he knew he could get the rest from the potion’s cupboard before Potion’s class today. It would take some time to brew and he’d probably have to stay up tonight, but he knew he could finish it just in time for his ‘date’ with you. 
 You’d spent all week excited for the weekend. Every day you woke up with a smile until finally the day of the Hogsmeade trip arrived. You were the first to wake, preparing for the day as your nerves grew, your friends questioning why you seemed so happy all of a sudden, but you brushed them all off. You didn’t want anything to ruin this day, knowing they’d laugh if you told them you were going out with Severus. You just wanted to enjoy your date, to be left alone and show Severus there was someone in this school who would love nothing more than to spend every second of the day with him. 
Naturally you’d show up early and of course you were prepared. You sat at a nearby bench with your nose in a book as you usually were when you were alone and despite the crowd that grew with every second that past, Severus had no trouble finding you, rather surprised you weren’t surrounded by people all laughing, waiting to see what would come of your plan to humiliate him today. You were reading Magical Theory, one of the most boring books he’d found in all of Hogwarts’ library, yet there you were, enticed by every word, flipping the pages like you couldn’t go another second without reading. 
“H-hello,” he said, startling you as you shot your attention up from your book to him. He felt his heart racing, his nerves escalating like this was a real date. But it wasn’t, it couldn’t be. He was here for one reason and one reason only; the truth. He shouldn’t be feeling guilty for something he had yet to do, but he did. A sliver of him didn’t want to hurt you, instead hoping that this was real, that you were here because you were genuinely interested in him, but he knew better. How could someone as popular, as liked and as beautiful as you be interested in him?
“Severus, I’m glad you showed.” You gave him the widest smile he’d ever seen anyone give him as you closed your book and stood up.
“I said I would didn’t I?” Severus rose a brow at you, taken back by the enthusiasm in your tone. 
“Yes, but you seemed reluctant the other day.” Truth be told, you half expected to spend the day alone in absolute despair trying to distract yourself in that book as you pretended like you weren’t hurt from being stood up. But he came and he seemed much less defensive than before. 
“Shall we?” He gestured to the group of students making their way down to Hogsmeade. You nodded your head and happily joined him as you walked side by side amongst the crowd. Severus was already suspicious of you and your intentions knowing if he was alone, he would have been called ‘Snivellus’ at least once by now. He felt shielded around you, like no one could touch him and for a moment, he was relieved to feel normal for once. 
“I loved your presentation in Defense last week,” you commented, hoping some light conversation would help ease the mood before you found a place to settle for the day. Severus glared at you in surprise, wondering if you were trying to butter him up or if you had actually paid attention during class unlike the rest of his useless classmates.
“Really? What did you like about it?” Severus questioned your honesty, wondering if he could catch you in a lie before your ‘date’ even started.
“I love how in-depth your research was on cursed objects and your theory of their origin was intriguing,” you said with a smile, holding back your enthusiasm in fear of scaring him away. But you couldn’t help it, you admired Severus and how brilliant he was. You felt the heat rise to your face as you thought about the first time you saw him with his nose in a book, the first time you’d ever found yourself pulled away from your own book. “I noticed you like to hang around the Defense section of the library, is it your favourite subject?”
“You’ve been spying on me?” Your question had the opposite effect that you wanted as you saw his wall rebuild itself around him thicker than before. But you’d never give up knocking and asking him to let you in, to give you a chance and show him he could trust you. 
“N-no, I like to hide in the library at times and I just noticed you were a regular as well,” you said, but you could tell Severus wasn’t convinced. He could almost see the crack in your claims, trying to cover them with some made up weak lie. 
“Why have I never seen you in the library?” The interrogation continued, Severus seeing his victory in his line of sight. He had you cornered and was ready to end the day now when you admitted your true intentions. A smirk began to grow on his face as he thought of the victory at the end of his fingertips. He could almost see the horrific look on the face of whoever is to blame for this day. 
“Pince lets me sit on the second floor overlooking the library, it’s only meant for staff, but she noticed my inability to have a moment to myself and rescued me one day from another mob of people looking to make conversation with me.” 
“That’s kind of her,” he said, gritting his teeth as you slipped away from him, freeing yourself from his near grasp. His lips stretched into a frown as his revenge faded away. The longer he spoke with you the more his hope that this was real grew. You surprised him with your lack of self-absorbent qualities and your interest in what the Hogwarts library had to offer. He never imagined having so much in common with someone with your popularity, always assuming you’d be a lot more like Potter than himself. 
He looked over at you as you nodded, your smile enriching the twinkle in your eye as you gleamed at him with joy. You were so happy to speak with him, to have a casual and light conversation, to share things with him you’d never shared with anyone before. It felt good to open up a bit, to show that other side of you that stayed hidden away when you spoke to your friends or classmates. It was almost freeing, and you only hoped with time, Severus could feel the same with you.
“So, where should we go?” You asked, unsure of what his favourite places at Hogsmeade was. He didn’t seem the type to enjoy a trip to Honeydukes and you knew he didn’t have enough money for the bookstore. 
“We could grab a table at The Three Broomsticks?” Severus suggested as he gestured towards the pub. You nodded your head and made your way over, opening the door and began to make your way to the first empty table you saw. You smiled when Severus pulled on your arm and pointed to the booth in the back instead. He was always such a loner, though you couldn’t help but wonder if he preferred the seclusion now because he didn’t want to be seen with you. You wouldn’t blame him for being skeptical and you were thankful he was giving you a chance, but trust was so important in a relationship and you didn’t want to start it off with an inability to trust one another. 
“Go ahead, I’ll grab us some drinks.” You nodded and made your way to the booth, making yourself comfortable as Severus walked over to the bar. As you slide to the middle of the booth, you began to appreciate Severus' choice in seating, realizing how well hidden you were from everyone, not wanting your day interrupted by someone who thought Severus had kidnapped you and forced you into a date because they thought someone like you shouldn’t be out with someone like him. 
Severus didn’t take long to bring you your drinks, setting them down before shuffling into the booth beside you, grabbing his drink and taking a few gulps. His nerves had finally settled in and he almost wished he’d ordered something stronger for himself. The moment of truth had nearly come and at any moment now he’d get what he came here for, but he was afraid. He feared what the truth may bring him, that if by some small chance you were being honest before, he was about to ruin a love that could have been.
“Thank you,” you said as you reached for your own drink and took a sip. “Not just for the drink, but for giving me a chance as well.”
Severus gulped down the guilt that grew in his chest. There was no going back now. He had to find out the truth, even if you seemed genuine with your feelings towards him. “I was curious to know why you’d want to go out with me.”
He dipped his toes in the water as you both continued to enjoy your drinks and as he hoped, you began to open up to him, though perhaps not in the way he would have thought. “I’ve admired you for quite some time and have been trying to build up the courage to talk to you for a while.”
You put your drink down in shock by your sudden outburst of words. You hadn’t meant to say all that, even if it was on the tip of your tongue. Furrowing your brows, you pressed your lips together, unsure of how you’d lost control so suddenly. You felt like someone was pulling your strings, like they had slapped you on the back so hard, the words just flew out of your mouth. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say all that.”
Severus narrowed his eyes at you, doubting his own abilities and wondered how this could possibly be. He was so sure this was a trick, that you were being deceitful, put up by someone else to embarrass him, but your truth was far from what he was expecting. You were real, you were interested in him, and he’d made a terrible mistake. “S-so no one put you up to asking me out?”
“No of course not. You’re the only person I’ve ever met I felt like I could truly fall in lo-” You clapped your hands over your mouth before you could say anymore. Your eyes widened as you bit down on your tongue, muffling the words you could not believe were about to be heard by him. You looked at him in fear, feeling completely helpless. Your freewill had been stripped away from you and you found yourself unable to control what came out of your mouth. “W-what’s going on?!”
“I-I’m so sorry (Y/N). This was not how I imagined things would go,” he said, his sympathetic tone making it harder for you to stay calm as your heart pounded angrily against your chest. Every fiber in your body told you something was wrong, that you should run, but you couldn’t, you didn’t want to. You’d waited so long to be here, to be in this moment alone with Severus, you didn’t want it ruined.
“What are you talking about?” You let yourself speak just enough to ask for clarification, to give Severus the chance to explain himself, to give you the explanation you needed to stay here with him. 
“I-I slipped Veritaserum into your drink. I thought I could get you to admit this was a trick. I didn’t expect this. I’m so sorry.” You looked at him with absolute horror, your heart breaking into a million pieces as his betrayal sunk in. He’d manipulated you, used you like a puppet when you’d done nothing but open yourself up to him. You’d trusted him like you’d done with no one before, and he tossed that away like it meant nothing. Your eyes swelled with tears, unable to look at him any longer. Your legs immediately swept you from your seat as you glued your mouth shut, trying to escape the prison Severus had trapped you in
“(Y/N) wait!” Severus cried after you in desperation, unable to believe how he’d messed up something he could only dream of having. You were an angel that anyone would have felt lucky to be with and he was the demon you’d chose instead. The demon who’d scared you away from love, from happiness, from a good and honest relationship. He tried to grab your wrist, but his hand failed to hold onto you as your skin, your oh so perfect skin grazed his fingertips. You ran out the door with tears dripping down your face and a hand over your mouth, leaving him deserted. His eyes followed you until you were no longer within his line of sight, running to get as far away from the monster who’d broken your trust, your faith in him. 
Slumping back in his seat, he stared blankly at his hands, the hands that had spent all week brewing a potion that was meant to bring him peace, a sense of power and control over his own life, yet it brought him nothing but an empty heart and crushed aspirations. Your words rang in his ears, the kind tone you took with him, the loving look you gave him all sinking in much differently now that he knew for certain they were real. He looked up at the drink that had ruined his second chance, the chance at a happy life, a life where he no longer had to be alone and swung his arm at it in anger.
The pub fell silent as glass shattered, the drink spilling all over the floor as Severus pushed himself up and began storming out the door, ignoring the calls of the angry bartender who stood over the mess he’d made. Severus ran in the same direction he’d seen you head, but found no sight of you. He had no idea what he’d say or why he so suddenly ran after you without thinking. He just knew he had to find you. He couldn’t give up on the miracle he’d been asking for all his life, someone who truly cared for him, who liked him for who he was and could look past his flaws.  
He looked around and found himself in a lost haze, unsure of what to do next. You were gone, vanished like a figment of his imagination and he was left here to wonder how he’d managed to get so lucky to have the one person the entire school was after fall for him. He looked back at the road back to Hogwarts before he found his legs suddenly jolting him forward as if his body knew exactly where to go. He couldn’t understand what was happening, how he felt like he had no control over himself. His mind was cycling as it tried to comprehend what was happening, how he could be driven on nothing but emotions, his feelings for you pushing him to run as fast as he could back to the castle and up those flights of stairs. 
By the time he got to his destination, his hair was sticking to the sides of his face, his lungs gasping for air as he felt his entire body heat up. His heart pounded angrily against his chest, shouting at him to keep going, that he wasn’t done until he’d found you, but he’d never run so much in his life, never felt so unable to breath, even after the massive panic attrack he had the night after the Whomping Willow incident. 
Looking around the library, he found his way to the door he knew only staff were allowed to open. His hand bolted for the doorknob, tugging on it to find it locked. Pulling out his wand, he tried to unlock it with no luck. His fists pounded on the door in frustration, he needed to get in there, he knew you were in there, he could feel it. You’d trusted him enough to tell him about this place and as much as he was aware you didn’t want to see him, he needed to see you. “(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Please open the door! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t think- I didn’t know!”
Severus hung his head low as he pressed himself to the door. This was as close to you as he knew he’d ever get again. He’d ruined any chance of a relationship with you and you were right to hide away from him. He was destructive, ruining anything he touched, anyone who spoke with him or dare come near him and perhaps that was why Potter felt the need to hex and curse him every time they saw one another. He couldn’t let it go on, he had to try and mend things, if not to at least make up for what he’d done.
“Please, at least let me undo what I’ve done. I can cure you and if you don’t want to hear what I have to say then I’ll leave. But please let me fix this.” Severus shut his eyes, tears threatening to fall as his forehead met the door. He stood there in silence, wondering if he’d hurt you so bad you’d abandoned the one place you felt safe in this school, if he’d done to you what Potter had to him. He’d become what he hated and was about ready to retreat to his dorm when he heard the doorknob turning, the door slowly opening as he took a step back, his eyes wide as he wiped away the tears that rolled down his cheeks. 
Your eyes met his and you felt your disappointment melt into anger. Your jaw hardened as you locked your teeth together, doing everything you could to keep from speaking another word to Severus. You watched him snap out of your gaze and begin to fumble with his robes, pulling out a small stone and presenting it to you. You stared down at it confused, wondering what kind of apology this was meant to be. 
“It’s a bezoar. I know it’s not the most comfortable solution, but it’s all I have,” Severus offered it to you, hoping you’d take it, that he could try and regain your trust once again. He held out hope as he watched your posture relax the slightest bit, your hand hesitantly reaching for the stone. He wouldn’t dare speak a word or move a muscle until you indicated what it was you wished of him next. From this moment forward, he would do nothing you didn’t ask for, say nothing you didn’t demand. 
Tossing the stone into your mouth, you swallowed hard and groaned at the feeling of its rough texture travelling down your throat. You heaved for air, but for the first time since you ran out of The Three Broomsticks, you found yourself able to relax your jaw, your fear of spilling your guts disappearing. Straightening your back, you looked at Severus who seemed unable to move or breath, waiting for your command to do so as his wide eyes stared desperately into yours. You’d never felt so conflicted, your feelings for him clouding your instinct to slap him for what he’d done to you. You never felt so humiliated, so used in your life. Severus had gone from the person who’d treated you like a normal human being to the one person in your life who’d hurt you worse than you ever thought you could be hurt. But you still couldn’t find it in you to shove him away and lock him out of your life. So instead, you closed the door behind you and stood your ground with your arms crossed, waiting for Severus to explain himself. 
“I-I’m so sorry.” He nearly choked on his words as they came out when he saw the look on your face, the frown you wore. No word would ever be large enough to truly depict how he felt right now and as much as he wanted to say more, all he could do was apologize.
“You already said that,” you mumbled in a whisper, speaking against your own trauma from the truth serum that Severus had given you. He looked so sincere, so desperate for your forgiveness. You’d never seen him like this before, clawing at someone else for something only they could give. He’d always been such a strong person even if others would disagree. He wasn’t presumptuous as he was proud of himself and his achievements, but the person who stood before you now had no pride left to show. He had nothing but regret and torment in his eyes.
“And I can never say it enough. I should never have put that potion in your drink and I wish I could take it back. I didn’t think you were being genuine. I was so sure you were lying to me.” He spoke honestly, hoping you’d have faith he was being truthful with every word he spoke, that you could at least put the trust in him he failed to put in you. 
“Why?” You couldn’t let go of the sheer stupidity of what he’d done. His reasoning didn’t make the slightest bit of sense to you, and if you could understand why he did it, maybe you could begin to forgive him.
“Why? Because you’re you and I’m me and why would I ever believe you of all people would be interested in me?” Severus went on as if the question was an absurd one to ask, the answer so obvious, even a house elf could see it. He wondered how you couldn’t see his hesitation, why you’d ever think he’d simply accept the fact you were interested in him.
“Because I said that I did!” you said bluntly, rather offended he questioned your intentions at all. Never had anyone second guessed you to this extreme before and you didn’t appreciate it in the slightest.
“I know, I just-”
“Didn’t trust my word?” You looked completely heart broken, more so then when you realized he’d slipped truth serum into your drink. He could see trust was something you cherished between those you let close to you and he’d completely ruined his chance at gaining it from you.
“No, I didn’t. I couldn’t. Not after the way the school decided to brand me all those years ago.” Severus had no hope of convincing you what he did was justifiable because even he knew it wasn’t. All he could hope for was for you to understand his hesitation, to understand why he had to do something when you approached him to see if you were genuine in your intentions.
“I’ve never treated you that way,” you retorted.
“I know. I’m sorry and I’ll understand if you’ll never want to speak with me again.” He put the ball in your court, completely at your mercy. Whatever it was you decided to do, he would respect it, but every inch of him begged you to give him another chance, to let him have a proper opportunity to have someone in his life that would care for him, to have a happy ending. But as Severus stared into your blank eyes, he could tell he hadn’t swayed you in any way. It was his fault and as he had nothing more to say, all he could do was turn around to walk away from everything that could have been.
“That’s it?” Severus stopped as you called after him, turning around in surprise as he stared at you blankly. 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you’re just going to walk away? You’re not going to try and fight? For-for this?” You gestured between yourselves with a sliver of hope in your eyes. You knew you shouldn’t have expected much from him, but a part of you hoped he’d be a little more resilient to giving up on you, especially after all that time you’d spent admiring him from afar. 
“I-I didn’t think there was anything to fight for,” he said truthfully, looking at you with wide eyes as he walked back to you. He stared at you intently, trying to read you, to figure you out with all these mysteries surrounding you. How could someone so beautiful fall for him, want to be with him enough you’d be willing to give him a chance at redemption when his own best friend wouldn’t give him such a thing?
You took a step forward, wanting so badly to have all those talks with him you’d dreamed of having, to enjoy spending time with him if not to simply read together and find comfort in each other's company. You wanted to go back and give him a chance to redo the evening, to have it end much differently than yours and if it were anyone else, you would never have given him the chance to explain himself. But it wasn’t someone else, it was him. It was the one person in this whole world who you thought could break your curse, who seemed immune to it.
“Severus, why don’t you treat me like everyone else in this school?”
Severus stood in silence a moment as he thought back to how easily everyone worshipped the ground you walked on, how you always seemed to have a trail of people behind you, admiring you for no reason other than your looks. His thoughts wandered to Lily and how Potter seemed just as enchanted with her as the rest of the school did to you, how he’d only become intrigued with Lily after finding out she was a kind witch who lived in Cokeworth.
“I just-I suppose I just never thought of you in that way because I didn’t know you, and I never thought you’d be interested in knowing me.” Severus tried to be as honest as he could, watching you with hope. He held onto the fact you hadn’t run away, that you’d given him the chance to speak, to hear him and understand him. You were so kind, nothing like he would have ever imagined and he knew if he was ever so lucky as to get a second chance with you, he would never take it for granted again.
“Well, I am,” you said with a smile. You’d always been rather talented at reading people after the absurdity you’d seen from others, and Severus had truly wanted to make amends. You prayed your faith in him wasn’t misplaced, that he meant every word he said and that he saw what you saw. “If you are.”
“I am.” The words flew out of his mouth faster than he could process. He jumped at the chance you offered, beyond excited for the happy life he saw ahead of him. “Would you perhaps like to try again?” 
You nodded your head eagerly, excited for your do-over date. You almost wanted to forget what had happened today, to approach things with him from a fresh perspective. “Valentine’s day is coming up. Would you care to share a cup of tea with me at Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop?”
“Really?” Severus couldn’t believe how kind hearted you were, how willing you were to see the good in others and how tremendously lucky he was to have found you, or more accurately, have you find him. 
“So long as I’m buying this time,” you nodded with a laugh, eliciting a smile from Severus as you began making your way out of the library. You smiled as you finally got to see the real him, the person you grew infatuated with, the boy who you saw hope for love with. For the first time in your life, you felt content, excited for the spark you felt growing inside your heart. You could experience love for the first time in your life, real, pure love and you couldn’t wait to see what more it had in store for you.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
Magic and Genetics: Magical Beings
So, I mentioned in my other post about magic and genetics that the fact magical creatures and wizards can reproduce is significant. This is because generally, hybrids with parents of different species are sterile (at least with animals, plants are different). As Fleur can be a quarter-veela, it's clear the hybrids we see in the magical world are not sterile.
As sterility is attributed to the difference in the number of chromosomes between the two species, this suggests that goblins, wizards, muggles, veela, and giants all have the same number of chromosomes and are part of the same genus. And this has some interesting implications when it comes to world-building...
Disclaimer: As with my past post on the subject, this is from online reading, I haven't studied any of this in a professional capacity.
When it comes to interspecies hybrids among animals, they tend to be from the same genus, otherwise they can't even reproduce without some human interference. So, I feel pretty safe in the assumption that if wizards and veela can have fertile offspring, they fall under the same genus
A genus is a biological classification above species and below family. While there is some leeway in what falls under the same genus the general gist of what defines a genus is:
They all descend from the same group of organisms.
A genus shouldn't be expanded needlessly.
All species in a genus should show distinctive traits and similarities.
Now, the legal definitions in the Wizarding World somewhat support this. All the following creatures are defined as "beings" by the Ministry of Magic:
Humans (muggles, wizards and squibs)
Goblins (and the related Pukwudgies)
Any hybrid of the aforementioned species.
(Werewolves are technically human, Lycanthropy is treated in the books like an illness and not a separate species, hence why I didn't list them here)
I should note Merpeople and Centaurs were also offered the description of "being", but refused.
And we see practically all of the species listed as "beings" can have fertile offsprings with each other: Hagrid is a half-giant, Fleur is a quarter-veela, Flitwick is a half-goblin, the mobile games, and Pottermore reference part-vampires, and the Fantastic Beasts movies include a half-elf (I don't really consider these movies canon as a whole, but the existence of half-elves makes sense).
This means that the definition of "being" is for all species in this humanoid genus. The reason I'm bringing this up with association with genetics is that, if we go back to the definition of genus, all these species (and potentially centaurs and merpeople too) are descended from the same ancient race. Which, in turn, says something interesting about the evolution of magic in genetics.
Since most of these races are magical, well, all of them except muggles are. Muggles are incredibly similar to wizards and squibs, more similar than the other species are to each other. This suggests that the evolution in the Harry Potter universe started with an ancient humanoid magical species that got split into the different magical species we know of (goblins, wizards, giants, elves, etc...) first since there are more differences between them. Then, some thousands of years later muggles and wizards split.
I don't know how or why or what this ancient humanoid magical race could be, but the fact muggles and wizards are probably both descendants from some proto-wizard race that existed thousands of years ago gives another possibility into how muggleborns can be born. If all muggles descended from wizards, it could explain how muggleborns would occasionally be born. I still believe almost all muggleborns are descendants of more recent squib lines though. I don't think regular muggles have a high chance of giving birth to a muggleborn, but because of this evolution theory, it still could happen.
The other interesting note about this is that muggles are likely to be able to have children with goblins, veela, vampires, and giants just like wizards can. But these half-breeds, unlike the ones we see in the books aren't partial wizards, so could they cast magic like wizards?
I'd say yes.
The fact all non-human creatures are legally forbidden from holding wands means they all can produce magic with a wand. Winkey the elf got blamed at the beginning of GoF for casting the Dark Mark with a wand, which means that even though house-elves and goblins are capable of their own magic, they could use the same spells wizards do with wands if they had them. Goblins can use wands as well, Griphock says wands would expand their magical powers. If I had to guess I'd say the same is true for vampires, veela, and hags — that if they had wands they could cast magic like wizards. Their being from the same genus kinda explains it, they all have the genes for casting magic, and yes, their magic is different, but not that different. I'd say their magic is probably more similar than wizards are willing to confess.
Giants are different in that they don't really have an innate magic, and aren't shown to be capable of any magic beyond their sturdy skin. I'd say giants had a similar evolution to muggles in that they lost the capacity to cast magic at some point in the split. I'd guess it happened differently with each species though.
Back to the earlier subject of a muggle and goblin child, for example. I believe this half-goblin would have magic similar to a half-goblin wizard like Flitwick, potentially, a half-goblin half-muggle would be registered as a wizard by the book and quill that accepts students into Hogwarts. Potentially you could have a muggle-being hybrid who is treated like a half-blood wizard even though neither of their parents are wizards. I mean, goblins can use wands, and so can half-blood wizards with one wizard parent and one muggle parent... Basically, I think there could genetically be a half-blood wizard that has no wizard parent, or even grandparent for that matter.
(All this is potentially true for merpeople and centaurs too since they were offered the "being" status)
I just find these implications about the relations between wizards, muggles, and the other magical races really interesting.
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The Magical Word of JKR
In this post, I want to point out all the inconsistencies of the world that JKR has created. Some of us had been worshiping her for so long. But JKR made mistakes, not only outside her world, but inside.
Owls for muggleborns. Sending a letter through an owl seems to be something common in The Wizarding World. But why do children with a muggle background need to go back in time and use them when they could use a phone? Why can't students use any muggle technology? I know wizards are anti muggle and magic does not allow these devices to function at Hogwarts, but why not?
Drunk portraits. How could portraits get drunk? Did artists paint vessels and digestive systems for them too? How can they bleed? They are portraits with voices and personality based on real people yeah. But they are not alive. They don’t bleed or get drunk.
The trace. Wizards under 17 aren’t supposed to do magic outside Hogwarts. But The Ministry doesn’t seem to control this by which wand did it. But by location. Since Dobby did magic in the Chamber of Secrets, and they blamed Harry for it. So, what happens with pureblood kids? They are allowed to use magic outside school because their families are supposed to, so they wouldn’t trace them. So it seems unfair for muggleborns not to be able to practice magic. Since they are the only members of their family that would do it.
Hogwarts being the only school. There is only one school in all Britain for magical people. Yet there seems to be very few students when there should be a lot. And it doesn’t make sense that Hogwarts is the only choice. Or Hogwarts, or homeschooling.
I don’t understand the population of Magical Folks. It seems little because most of the wizarding families are known. There are only 28 pureblood famous families. They even practise inbreeding, they are all related. But why is that, if the wizard gene is dominant? There are more half bloods and muggleborns than squibs. So the magical population should be as large as the muggle one, even more.
Hogwarts Houses are cool. But the way kids are sorted doesn’t make sense. They get sorted when they are eleven. Seems pretty young to me to form traits and criteria that might change as they grow. Also, let’s say 100 kids enter Hogwarts one year. They won’t be sorted equally 25/25/25/25. Because according to personalities and traits, there could be 60 Gryffindors and 10 Ravenclaws, and 4 Slyhterins, and 25 Hufflepuffs. What if one year, there are no Slytherins for example?
Also, sharing a dorm, common room and classes with people from your same house (same personality and traits) seems boring and unhealthy. Having friends with different personalities, traits and beliefs should help you grow and mature. Sometimes friendships are built between two opposite people. And separating houses, forces students to just hang out with people from their houses, not others.
Love potions. These are the wizarding equivalent of drugs. Think about it. Forcing someone to show love for you is very much like drugging someone and forcing them to do stuff against their will. Love potions can permit things like raping. Something that happened to Tom Sr. by Merope. It is horrible. Yet the wizarding world permits their selling and consumption without a problem. And what’s worse, they teach how to brew it in school to children! A potion like that shouldn’t be allowed or taught.
Azkaban being the only punishment. It seems whether you are a dangerous criminal like a mass murderer or just someone that stole something once, you get the same punishment. Azkaban. An inhumane place where dementors live, and make prisoners go insane, live their worst nightmares or suck their soul. Even characters who were under the imperius curse like Stanley Shunpike. Or even The Marauders would’ve gone to Azkaban if their animagus secret was discovered. No matter what your crime is, always the worst punishment: Azkaban.
Wizards hiding from muggles. The Statue of Secrecy in the Wizarding World seems to be important. But I may ask, how can wizards hide from muggles if they don’t know anything about them? Pureblood Wizards don’t have a clue how muggles live, behave, dress, talk. Not even Arthur Weasley who works in that Department. Yet they want to be unnoticed by muggles? For example, each time a wizard dresses like a muggle they do it wrong, using colorful clothes. Wouldn’t it be suspicious? Like even Vernon sees people in cloaks in book 1, celebrating. Also, if there are a lot of muggleborns, shouldn’t more muggles know about wizards?
It is totally inhumane to just obliviate muggles each time they see something. That spell should have some consequences in their brains. Like for example, Hermione’s parents must’ve had mayhem after their minds were modified.
Memories in pensieves are not supposed to be accurate. Memories are from our point of view. From the perspective of people who lived that memory. When Harry sees Snape’s memories or Bob Ogden’s memories, they seem to be clear. Harry can see Bob and Snape in those memories when they should be seen through their eyes, they are their memories. How could Snape remember himself, see himself. You get my point? Also, memories are subjective, not objective. We remember what impacted us the most, we forget about details we don’t care about. There are feelings involved.
Not having another education after Hogwarts. You graduate from Hogwarts at eighteen. Eighteen! And you're supposed to have figured out what you want to do for the rest of your life. Why aren’t there Wizard Universities? Wizards only have 7 years of education and that’s all. Nothing before, nothing after (unless you’re muggleborn). Seems that the wizard community doesn’t care about education that much. With only seven years of education, are you suddenly prepared for the rest of your life? I don’t think so.
Adding to the last point, wizards only teach about magic. What about math, wouldn’t they need it to count their money, or take care of their finances? What about English, spelling, grammar? Not every kid had the privilege to be homeschooled by their parents before. What about Sex Ed? I think it is important for teens that age to be careful with their sex lives.
Quidditch being the only sport in the wizarding world. Quidditch is cool, I get it. But it is not for everyone. Seems that if you want to be a sports person in the wizarding world, you only have that option. Either you like Quidditch or nothing.Shouldn’t there be other sports? In the muggle world we have tons: football, basquet, tennis, swimming, running, etc.
Love protection is not common. Lily sacrificed herself for Harry. She died for him and that love protection saved his life. Why is Harry the only one to experience it? Is it because of the prophecy? I mean Lily is not the only one who has sacrificed herself for love. Not in the story, not in History. Then why aren’t there more people with lighting scars walking around?
Why don’t wizards cure things with magic like eyesight? They have a potion that grows bones back. But they cannot cure Harry’s eyesight? And don’t say that it is because eyes are connected to the soul, that’s a lame excuse. In the muggle world, eyesight can be cured with surgery.
Hogwarts Express. Yeah, we all wanted to ride the train to Hogwarts. It is part of the experience right? But what if you live in Scotland already? Why bother traveling to London to King Cross Station to take a train if you already live there? It seems like a waste of time. Is there a provided transport for kids who live in Scotland? What about those who don't live in London? What if Scotland is nearer to them than King Cross?
Ghosts. They shouldn’t exist. It is not very well explained how you become a ghost. But it doesn’t make sense that they exist and yet many characters died and didn’t become one.
Discrimination against magical creatures. We know how magical creatures are seen in the Wizarding World. Discrimination exists. But the problem is that Jkr never does anything to fix this.Not with werewolves, not with half giants, surely not with house-elves. The only issue that the war solved was the discrimination against muggleborns.
And house-elves liking their slavery is problematic. It is saying that slavery is right as long as the victim accepts it. She created S.P.E.W and never properly addressed the issue.
The Forbidden Forest is dangerous, yet students have detention there. Dumbledore says at the beginning of each year that the Forest is out of bounds. So why would you send students to detention there, Dumbles? Also, building a school near a forest full of dangerous beasts: werewolves, acromantulas, centaurs, seems kind of risky for children. Not every child obeys the rules. Look at the Marauders spending every full moon there.
How did Hagrid come to be? Hagrid is half giant. Meaning that his father is human, his mother is a giant… Ehemm… Excuse me, but how do you have sex with a giant? That’s physically impossible. How does Hagrid exist?
Male veelas? We are only introduced to female veelas in the Wizarding World. Veelas are these beautiful women that men feel attracted to, they seem in trance by their beauty, and they are not responsible for their actions. It seems to me that JKR is saying that men should not be accountable for their actions when they see a pretty girl, because it is her fault? Pretty feminist, JKR. Also, veelas are dangerous creatures. How do humans procreate with them and have half veelas or a quarter of a veela? Are there male veelas too?
Teachers not having spouses or kids. It is a stupid stereotype that teachers are sad non social people, who are only teaching because they don’t have a choice. Like they are allowed to have social lives, date, get married and have children, right? Name one Hogwarts teacher who is married with kids. They all seem pretty single. And I get it, being single is not a bad thing. But all of them being single just because they are teachers in a boarding school? Just because it was convenient to the author? Only McGonagall married once, but her husband died a few years after.
Abusive teachers. Speaking of teachers, why would Hogwarts allow incompetent teachers that are abusive (Snape), and or are dangerous for kids. None DADA teacher had teaching experience before. And since there is no further education than Hogwarts, how do teachers get prepared for the job? Teaching is not about knowing a lot of stuff about the subject, but knowing how to treat children.
Muggle vs Wizard music. What is the difference between muggle and wizard music? I never understood that. Is it the fact that wizards play music with magic? If so, why would instruments exist? Why would they play instruments? If anyone can make a spell to produce music, then anyone can be a musician. The only difference that I find is that wizard music has wizard related lyrics. Which is a stupid difference. Wizards could write songs about muggles. Muggles could write songs about wizards.
Secret Keeper. The Fidelius Charm should be a spell to hide yourself from others if you are in danger. Period. There shouldn’t be such a thing as a secret keeper. Why? Why would someone else need to know the place you are hiding? James and Lily shouldn’t have trusted anyone with their location. Not even Sirius. Not even someone they trusted, because Sirius or anyone could’ve died and passed the secret to the others. Like, it doesn’t make any sense. And also, how could Bill and Arthur be their own secret keepers but not James and Lily?
Magical therapists. Healers seem to cure physical maladies or illness pretty fine, but what about mental health? And I am not talking about mental problems because of magic. Like Frank, Alice, Lockheart whose minds were affected by spells. I’m talking about mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, adhd, ptsd, trauma etc. Don’t tell me wizards don’t suffer that. What about Remus, Sirius, Harry? Who treats these things in the wizarding world?
Time Turner. Only exists for the plot. Otherwise it is useless, stupid and confusing. Time traveling confuses the mind. Also, we don’t exactly know how it works. Is it a domino effect? Do the things you do back in time affect the present? They should. Or does it create different timelines, like it is said in Cursed Child? Also, why not use time turners for important situations? For example, save important people from dying, go back to check events of a crime and see if they are true.
Veritaserum. Wizards have a truth potion and they won’t use it. They should use it on trials to take the truth out of criminals, to see if the accusants are innocent or not. They should’ve used it on each member of the Order to find out who the spy was. They should’ve used it to discover who was the Slytherin heir when the Chamber was opened. They should’ve used it on Harry when he came back from the Graveyard to prove Voldemort was back. Why would that shit exist anyway?
Incest families. Pureblood families, or at least some of them are supposed to practise inbreeding. But if you look at the Black Family Tree, the only Black-Black marriage is between Orion and Walburga. Just one. And even if this was the case, shouldn’t this inbreeding have consequences? I don’t know if it’s the magical gene or what but The Blacks and Malfoys seem pretty fine.
If you know more and you want to add them, feel free to do so. This is a critique to improve this word and fandom ourselves. Even JKR's world is cool and wonderful, it is full of flaws that we need to speak about.
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
Hufflepuff Five is so good! Are the Hargreeves lives as students as adventurous like the main crew from HP? What about the Ministry of Magic? Would they get involved if someone caught wind of the sibling’s powers that weren’t just magic?
Their lives are SO wack honestly like, they just vibe. They just are going through their magical youth being absolute feral children who don’t trust adults as far as they can throw them while trying to hide their weird funky powers and also ravenously going through magical feats like they’re going out of style
Luther is every sibling’s go-to practice partner because apparently durability extends to being like? Slightly magic resistant? Basically if you hit Luther with a spell it will only be like, maybe half power? So the siblings use him as a magical shield half the time and an experiment the other half and Luther just Suffers Through This until it all goes wrong and he ends up as a werewolf, oops
(But at least Ben is alive! Honestly the only reason Luther wasn’t straight up mauled to death was a combo of his durability, Ben’s proficiency in healing magic, and Ben managing to befriend the acromantulas)
(Luther eventually gets a sense of humor about this after long years of working on accepting himself and constantly threatens to bite his siblings or makes comments about them looking extra tasty when they irritate him)
Allison is a quidditch star, super popular and athletic as all hell. She probably ends up being the Slytherin team captain, honestly. Allison is all glamor and charisma and in her later years of hogwarts has an absolute blast. Allison is very much functional passing so she’s usually the front man to get the professors off their backs, but she also is the front man for a lot of the shit that the family sell for extra spending money. Five and Ben might make potions, but Allison rules the underground black market in slytherin with an iron fist (which gets them into shenanigans involving other kids who Owe Debts)
Diego is on the gryffindor quidditch team and so him and Allison are constantly at each other’s throats on the pitch (Allison sometimes rumors him during matches when she gets within earshot which makes all of the siblings yell at him but she maintains that he gets to use his stupid powers to score points so she should get to as well). Diego gets roped into everything because he’s super soft. He starts a lot of fights because he has vigilante genes so he serves a lot of detentions. His house tolerates him losing them points because the man is a wizard with a quaffle
(Diego and Allison actually practice a lot together, which their respective teams are like HMMMM over but they’re siblings and slytherin knows that Allison would never hesitate to knock Diego off his broom and wave cheerily as he falls to his death, and gryffindor is aware that Diego can, should, and must throw a ball directly at Allison’s dumb face if she gets too close to him because of the Cain Instinct)
(Honestly Allison and Diego do a LOT for interhouse unity, showing that you can still be ride or die for each other while also wanting greatly to kill each other uwu)
Ben is too independent for his own good, which is what gets him into trouble. He likes gardening, and he likes herbs, and sometimes he’s just GOTTA go into the forbidden forest on a full moon to gather these very specific ingredients, c’mon. He also just. Likes spending time in the forbidden forest. He’s Hagrid’s favorite student because he doesn’t bat an eye at all the weird magical creatures, bc homeboy got an eldritch horror in his navel. Ben makes friends with the acromantulas (who have a healthy respect for him after the Horror ate a few of them), patiently avoids the centaurs, and bribes the pixies into giving him their shed wings through liberal application of jam stolen from the Hogwarts kitchens. 
You know what Allison is functional passing and Ben is distinguished passing, all their teachers assume that Ben is the most put together of them but they’re WRONG. They haven’t seen Ben at two in the morning yanking Vanya out of ben because if they don’t break into greenhouse four and help those poor fucking plants the first years are tending to they’re all going to DIE and that’s not fair??? ben is single handedly going to save all those poor plants (and all those first year’s grades)
Vanya is just VIBING, he ends up coming out as trans in fourth year and gets to be roommates with Ben which is pretty sweet. If only Ben didn’t drag him into shenanigans?? All the teachers are like “ah yes Vanya, such a quiet boy not like his siblings at all” but Vanya can will should and must climb onto the roof of the astronomy tower to play his violin because He Just Likes To Be Tall. Vanya once punched a snobby ravenclaw kid in the nose and then stared them down saying “the teachers will never believe you.”
Vanya steals Luther to practice his powers with in unused classrooms the most?? he’s durable. he’ll be fine if Vanya blasts him into a wall with his powers lol
Vanya’s solution to all their problems is “do you want me to blow it up with my powers?” or “do you want me to kill them for you?” 
(All of the siblings now refuse to duel with Vanya except for Luther bc Vanya is RUTHLESS. He WILL murder his siblings (almost) given the chance. They’re all so lucky that Ben is so good at healing and carries extra vials of healing potions on his person otherwise Madame Pomfrey would be VERY CONCERNED)
Five and Klaus probably get into the most shenanigans? Klaus gets less and less afraid of ghosts the more he runs into nice ones like Fred Weasley. Fred also lovingly nurtures Klaus’s absolutely terrible sense of humor and encourages him to prank the whole school. Klaus knows ALL the secret passageways thanks to Fred, a previous owner of the Maurauder’s map, so he’s just like. Constantly in the walls. He once dropped out of the ceiling to get to transfiguration in time and nobody even commented on it because Klaus is just Like That.
(A few people see Klaus’s boney elbows and knobbley knees and thinks he’s a good target for bullying just because he’s a slytherin and interhouse awfulness absolutely it at an all time high so recently after the war. YEAH his siblings step in and put the fear of god into any bullies, but Klaus fights like a cornered raccoon.)
Five is just way too smart and curious for his own good. He likes to poke around, figure things out, and also make money. Five does people’s homework, charges them for potions or rune work, tutors, dismantles shit in the chamber of secrets, ALSO explores the secret passageways (and finds some that weren’t on the map), is lovingly bullied into Friendship Activities with his housemates, breaks into the other houses’s common rooms for funsies, and keeps getting fed by the house elves who found out he can ‘apparate’ like them (without a wand) and have apparently adopted him against his will
Five is the sibling who has his fingers in like. ALL the pies. and just constantly pops up and drags them into things. Five will be helping Klaus with potions homework then glance up and tell Diego he’s cashing in the favor he’s owed for carving runes into Diego’s knives and that Diego now gets to break into Douglas Eddington’s room to steal back Lana Delwich’s diary so that Five can trade it to Lana for her rare Solomon Babik chocolate frog card which Five can give to Barnaby Beeson in exchange for a Large Distraction of Five’s Choice and a sketchy book on ward breaking which Five needs so he can break into the headmaster’s office to get a confiscated dark magic book that has some information Five needs to alter a potion that he’s probably going to make Luther drink later
Five is the sibling who is like “Ugh, I thought I was trading for some nundu ingredients but now i have a Whole Baby Nundu in the basement :/”
Which, of course, Klaus wants to keep despite the poison breath.
“This is literally one of the most dangerous magical creatures, we are not keeping it.” Luther says, unimpressed. However, he definitely has it cradled in his arms and makes kissy faces at it when he thinks no one is looking. (Apparently baby toxic nundu breath only makes Luther sneeze, so there’s that?)
“If you guys are arrested for smuggling I am not bailing you out.” Is Allison’s only decree about the matter.
Honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if someone DID eventually find out about one of the siblings’ powers - however, they would come to entirely the wrong conclusion about them?? Because this is a world of MAGIC and so everything magical has to have a magical explanation, right???
Luther is durable as all fuck???? Uhhhhh maybe he has some like. Troll blood or giant blood something back in his family line, obviously not something he would ever want the world to know about bc of species-ism
Allison can make you do whatever you want with her words????? Maybe she’s part veela? With that charm appeal?
Five is doing. Wandless apparation?? I mean, that’s rare as FUCK but wandless magic is,,, grudgingly accepted though it’s usually only used for small or very familiar spells and not usually something as complex as apparation but OKAY just sit him down and forbid him from doing it anymore bc boy boutta be SPLICED or some shit
Klaus can. Klaus can talk to ghosts. Who are not full ghosts. Hmm. huh. Maybe it’s?? A family ability??? a super rare one? like being a metamorphagus? (What the fuck??????? what the FUCK???????)
Primarily the kids started off paranoid because they believed that their abilities indicated that they weren’t the same type of magic, and they didn’t want to be returned to their father, and then it progressed into “these abilities might make people scared of us (looking at you allison, with your imperius-ass abilites)” or “we can’t afford that kind of scrutiny or curiosity about our powers (they might find out luther is a werewolf or something idk)” and “if we are ‘desirable’ children with ‘rare abilities’ the government might try to split us up and adopt us into weird pureblood families or something OR might try to lock us up (like where would they even put Ben??)”
honestly if ben ever got found out he’d just deadpan “it’s a curse, hand me the black wormroot would you?” and be like “oh yeah it’s under control i just go vibe in the woods every so often and rip up a tree or something. I think the horror wants to be the whomping willow when it grows up actually, so just don’t get too close when i’m in the horror zone. if you can live with a murder tree on campus you can live with me on campus”
someone sees vanya fuck something up with his powers and is like ???? and Vanya is just like “accidental magic lol” 
“aren’t you... a bit... old for accidental magic...”
“accidental. magic.”
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endbuzz · 2 years
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Today we bring you some hotly-anticipated lore about our playable creatures. First, you can find our bestiary below, with information on all the different types of creatures you can play. Later this evening we will be releasing our creature-specific subplot. Read below the cut:
Listed here are considered of a similar or superior intelligence to humans. We welcome applications from full-blooded banshees, centaurs, changelings, fae, merpeople, ghosts, giants, goblins, hags, vampires, veela, and werewolves. More information about their specific magic will be released in our extended magic lore when the site launches.
It is generally possible for different sapient species of the magical world to interbreed. Such couplings are rare, and offspring from them often live difficult lives punctuated by discrimination - particularly now. Most species are capable of breeding with humans, with the exception of the living dead - vampires and ghosts - who generally cannot for obvious reasons.
Half-humans are usually more human-like than they are the species of their counterpart. Some abilities from their non-human side usually manifest, but more weakly, and transformative traits (like a veela’s alternate form) do not usually transfer, except in half-merfolk, who often can transform but are generally weaker swimmers than their full-blood counterparts. Half-humans are often weaker with a wand, though they may possess rudimentary magic from other sources, and maintain the same intelligence as full-blood humans - despite what many witches may think.
Half-breed characters could be in mixtures of creatures as well, though both sides of their magic would be dampened - or potentially at direct odds. In addition to part-banshee, merperson, giant, hag, veela, or werewolf, we accept part-goblins.
The banshee is a dark creature native to Ireland and Scotland. Banshees are ghostly things and their cries are said to herald death - either to the person that hears it, or to someone they love. Melancholy runs in their veins, and they have a sense for death. They are known for their long, streaming red hair and for their pale skin. Additionally, they are often seen red-eyed from continuous weeping and veiled, as though in mourning.
Despite their appearances, they are Beings, not the Living Dead or Beasts - although they are known to be equally unnerving as a ghost. They are therefore capable of logical reasoning and deduction on a par with humans, though they rarely choose to enter the witching world. The laughing potion is effective against them.
Banshees draw from a mixture of air and water elements, making for a tempestuous form of magic that keeps their habitat brooding, and potential enemies at bay.
A centaur is a magical creature whose head, torso, and arms appear to be human, and are joined to a horse's body. They are, however, neither human nor horse - they are their own species entirely. They have a rich history of aiding witches, and are known for being skilled in healing, divination, and astronomy. Often they dwell in forests, far from the prying eyes - and greedy hands - of humankind. Centaurs are highly intelligent, with some speculating that they far exceed that of the average human.
Despite possessing 'human intelligence,' centaurs are classified as Beasts by the Ministry of Magic, at their own request, as they were unhappy at having to share being status with hags and vampires, and despise blood magic as a rule.
Centaurs draw from a mixture of air and earth elements, making for a very mystical form of magic that is centred firmly on star-mapping, scrying, and dowsing.
Existing in their own realm, below the earth and at once not in this world altogether, fae rarely concern themselves with the goings-on of witches. Because their lifespan is so extended, stretching for hundreds of years, it is said that it simply doesn’t pay to meddle in their affairs.
Beyond human comprehension, the fae lands are governed by different laws - or a lack thereof, in some cases. The structure of their society remains mysterious to witches, but it is one rooted in age and skill above material or lineage. Air magic lends itself to divination and to the Sight, and this is where the fae excel. All of them are gifted at some level, and some are of prophetic skill; unfortunately, because of differences in values and lifespans, their prophecies are often all but useless to witchkind.
Small in stature, generally not exceeding 5’5” at their very tallest, they are indistinguishable from witches in many regards. Lightboned and generally much more flexible, they are suited to flight; the large iridescent, nearly translucent wings that they can (but often do not) tuck away from sight are a dead giveaway.
There are two generalised classifications given to the fae by witches long ago. They are, of course, regarding how the fae in question interact with witches and muggles.
Though not wholly good, these fae are considered more benevolent than their counterparts. Still easy to insult, like any fae, they are quicker to forgive - or forget. This does not, of course, mean that they won’t avenge themselves. Historically, they have sought to help and be helped by witching communities and are the fae who are said to grant favours. Unfortunately, their close relationships with humans mean that they are inclined to play pranks on them; equally unfortunately, the faerie concept of a prank is mean-spirited, even at its best.
Though not wholly bad, these fae are much more darkly inclined. They need not be provoked to attack or toy with witches, and are lovers of chaos. These fae hope to sow discord wherever they go, and to that end have delivered witches false prophecies in the past - and reveled in watching them scramble to undo their “fate”. Carefully guarded by the Ministry and littered in far corners of the witching world are the eventuality of squabbles with the fae - abandoned towns and villages, still as the grave, with everything where it has been left. It is said that to enter these still life tombs is to sign your fate; there are those treasure seekers who still must try.
They are, of course, not entirely hateful, and some do take a liking to particular humans, who they seem to view more as pets.
It is a long held tradition between both courts to take human children and exchange them with their own. Slow to speak and strange in manner compared to young human children, though they do adopt a human lifespan, changelings left behind often struggle to fit in. In witching families, there is the added fact that they are not capable of channeling magic in the same way as a witch and thus are often mistaken for squibs. The confusion leads to a great deal of fear, especially in years gone by. 
However, given enough emotional stimulus or training, they are capable of manipulating air as a fae might - and they are, of course, very inclined toward divination. Some begin to dabble in technomancy in the hopes of amplifying their powers, to the giggles and hisses of their fae counterparts.
A ghost is the disembodied spirit of a once-living witch. Only magical beings can become ghosts, and it is said that only those with unfinished business - or an unwillingness to move on - will return to the world in this manner. There are many ghosts who take up residence within Hogwarts castle, and that is the first view of them that many children have.
It is rare that a ghost takes up residence anywhere that they do not have a profound emotional connection to, though there are of course those who wander.
In their fleshless state, ghosts are unable to have much physical influence on the world around them. They are visible and appear as a greyish-silver apparition of their former - living - selves. They pass through solid objects without damaging themselves or the material, but they do create disturbances in all elements. The temperature drops in the immediate vicinity of a ghost, they can mildly interrupt streams of water, their footsteps can sometimes be seen if they are walking with great purpose, and their appearance can also turn flames blue. Technomancy is known to malfunction in strange ways when a ghost is around - and particularly when that ghost is angry.
Muggles do not seem to be as adept at seeing them as witches are, though there are those inclined toward the divine Sight, who can sense their presence and even, in rare cases, perceive their physical forms.
A giant is a very large creature which was said to potentially grow to approximately twenty five feet tall. Sizes have begun to dwindle as roaming grounds have been reduced over the centuries though, and it is rare now to see a giant that approaches even eighteen feet. Some may appear as large and hairy humanoids, while others resemble humongous-sized people. Some may even have bestial features (i.e. protruding sharp molars, or horns). They are culturally and linguistically diverse - and, although a witch might tell you otherwise, vary enormously in their intelligence. Most witches are comfortable with the assumption that all giants are possessed of a troll-like intelligence, although this is far from the case.
Giants generally live in tribes, although as their numbers diminish, these tribes have merged into larger groups - often containing more than one type of giant. The intermixing of these tribes has led to a great advancement in their magic. A giant tribe is led by the strongest - or sometimes the wisest or oldest - giant, known as the Gurg.
Giants are not often found in the witching world, and are greatly feared due to their size and assumed warlike mentality. They draw from the earth element, and build great earth mounds and circular stone monuments to enhance their magic. Because they have so long relied on size and strength to get by in the world, much of their magic calls on the community to control it; it would take a group of giants to produce one of their traditional rituals. It is only in the last couple of centuries then that their powers have begun to strengthen - as groups and even, here and there, as individuals.
Goblins are a highly intelligent and very small people, with long fingers and feet. Largely humanoid despite some depictions, they do not quite blend into society because of accent or mannerism. Their diet consists of meat, roots, and fungi. They converse in a language known to witches as gobbledegook; the language’s actual name is near unpronounceable to non-speakers, but the effort is often greatly appreciated even when butchered.
Among them are adept metalsmiths notable for their silverwork; their daggers and swords are envied to world over, and they even mint coins for witching currency. To own something goblin-made is to own a treasure.
In particular, Goblins resent witchkind the use of wands; they have a long and storied history of war and rebellion, which most witches are all too eager to put in the past. To put an end to the rioting and the deaths, the Goblin Liaison Office was established - and a council of elder goblins were given control of the largest witching bank in the UK. Goblins are considered to be inferior by many witches, who foolishly believe that the goblins are comfortable with that arrangement.
As technomancy surges, Goblins have put their metalwork to the test. Finely tuned machines have begun to surface, unregulated by the Ministry, distributed among creature circles. In near silence, Goblins grow their strength by the minute.
A hag is often thought of as a savage being, who looks like an aged witch - though the truth is that they have different stages of life like any creature. They age more slowly than humans, and their lifetimes are greatly extended. The misuse of blood magic will drain their apparent youth more quickly, curve and claw their fingers further, and advance the inky black tattoos that manifest on their limbs and throats. Those most haggard then, are those most out of balance with nature - and have little left to lose. 
Often, they can be identified by their sharp, harsh bone structures and long, strong nails. They are highly intelligent, and known for their “cunning” among witches. Generally smaller even than the fae, and especially the eldest of their ranks. 
Hags are best known for - especially in years gone by - their tendency to use trickery in order to steal human babies. Though many assume this is for consumption, it is more likely that they are useful in blood magic rituals.
In muggle literature and media, hags are often conflated with the idea of witches. This alone breeds a form of contempt for them, and the taboo on blood magic does little to help. Hags are reluctant to integrate into witching communities, but often do set up homes on their outskirts to offer strange and powerful magics to inhabitants.
Traditional blood magic practitioners are at bitter odds with technomancy and its spread, deeming it against the natural order - and there are those who claim, for the first time in recorded history, to have seen hags coming together in great numbers, and close to established communities.
There are as many kinds of merpeople as there are water habitats, and as many cultures within them as there are human cultures. Different merfolk have different languages, different concerns, and even drastically different appearances. All of them draw from the water element, and though they can choose to traverse the human world, they are weakened when they are away from the water of their homelands.
Here are a few types of merfolk you’re likely to encounter:
Sirens are what everyone thinks when they think ‘mermaid’. Beautiful and dangerous, they live in warm oceans, building complex societies underwater. Different siren societies can be radically different, with some keeping to the old ways of myth and tempting humans into their waters, to be dashed to pieces on the rocks - while others opt for more intellectual pursuits and pursue cultural marvels. The one unifying feature they have is that they prefer to stay out of human politics and society, and rarely surface to interact with people in a positive way. It is said even by witches themselves that they are of equal intelligence to humans.
Their looks depend on the ocean they are from. Some have tropical fish bodies, while others are more traditional. There are rumours of deep-sea sirens and merfolk who are much stranger to look at, but little evidence of them yet.
Merrows, hailing from Ireland, are generally considered less beautiful than their warmer water counterparts, with large, luminous eyes, thick scales and grey skins. In old folklore, it was said that they required a magical cap to enter the human world, but this is merely a precaution to hide the sharp fins they do not lose in their transformation. They are thought to be more primitive than both witches and sirens, though this belief is likely down to simple witching discrimination.
Because they so rarely venture into witching towns, little is known about their society's structure or how they view humans.
These creatures are often found in colder water, like that surrounding scotland. With seal features rather than fish, their ability to change forms is tied to their skins, a physical thing they must hold onto if they hope to return. Many legends exist of selkies being kept on land by hiding these skins, whereupon they become more humanlike by the year. At the first chance though, no matter what kind of life a selkie has led among witches, it is most likely that they will take their freedom and return to the icy waters.
Often, these merfolk will come on land to enjoy one another’s company and to dance on legs. Like sirens, they appear very beautiful - but are much more gentle and naturally inclined toward the healing magics. More and more, they are venturing further inland, and in the past few decades, Hogsmeade has had a near-thriving community of visiting selkies.
Among merfolk, these are likely the most beloved by witches - even if it is often a patronising sort of love.
Often looked down on by merfolk of the sea, these tend to be much smaller and less inclined toward predatory instincts. They have much less water to swim in, and fewer natural enemies; their seaborn counterparts are likely to call them human-minded. Indeed, on land, their appearance is often near indistinguishable from witches, aside from their often intricately braided hair.
Because they keep to lake water, they have a much easier time traversing in the human world. They are much more likely to be found wandering the streets of the witching world, bartering for things that they need with trinkets long lost to lake depths. Because of this close and storied history with witches, they are less malevolent-minded - although recent upticks in purism against creatures have begun to thicken tensions with this proud people.
The vampire is famed for their thirst for blood, which grants them eternal youth. They are part of the family of beings known as the living dead, and their survival depends on the consumption of human blood. At their ‘healthiest’ and best-fed, a vampire approaches ethereal in appearance, despite their ghastly complexion and carnivorous teeth. Without feeding, they wither - both in appearance and in mind. A vampire deprived of blood will become wrinkled, wild-eyed, and mad.
The first days of a vampire’s new life are miserable. A shadow of a creature, moving in mindless silence, the cursed soul cannot return to its vessel until it has gathered enough lifeblood to trade for their body’s vitality. On that night, usually a moon’s cycle from their death, they can rise from their graves to resume what is left of their life.
There is a registry (poorly) kept by the Ministry of Magic, and it is made all the more inaccurate by the fact that most witching governments refuse to coordinate on the issue. In Eastern Europe, there still exists the profession of vampire hunter - those men and women who believe so strongly in eliminating the ancient evil of these cursed beings that they dedicate their lives to the cause. Though such sentiments are very much alive in Britain presently, there is a tentative peace. Spokespeople for vampire rights have been heard to urge their fellow beings to refrain from the old ways, which included the wanton murder of muggles, who cannot be transformed by the curse. As the blood bank runs dryer by the day though and the black market is all that they can turn to, the vampire community is less and less able to be reasoned with.
The veela are a species reminiscent of the vila in Slavic folklore. Their social structure only loosely resembles that of humans, and they are by and large a nomadic people. It is rare for a veela to take an interest in a human, since theirs is a culture that values survival skills and brute power above looks; culturally, they haven’t much in common. Little is known about their biology, but much is speculated - they appear to be young, beautiful humans, and their lifespans are slightly extended. Their looks and especially their dance is magically seductive to almost all beings, which causes some people to perform strange actions in order to get nearer to the veela.
Veela are said to be easily given to flights of anger, and it is not difficult to offend one. When they become enraged, they transform into something more resembling harpies - their faces turn into that of a cruel-beaked bird, and long scaly wings burst from their shoulders, enabling them to take flight. During this time - and perhaps even at other times - they can nonverbally conjure and launch balls of fire from their hands. This fire magic is thought to extend further, given that they are hot to the touch even when calm, and can survive bitterly cold environments without the same precautions and structures a human would need to survive. When put into the radiant hands of a veela, technomancy becomes quickly lethal.
A werewolf is a human being who, upon the complete rising of the full moon, becomes a fearsome and deadly beast with no control over his actions. This condition is caused by infection with lycanthropy, also known as werewolfry, which is completely incurable. This, of course, does not stop those who would try - or indeed those who would sell snake oil treatments to profiteer off the desperation of those less fortunate. It is a dark curse, and one that is not-much-understood in this time; many people are unsure how it is spread, and those who are known to be infected are ostracised. They must then exist - if they can - on the margins of society, with little to no prospects for work or charity. The exception to this rule is The Syndicate.
Transformed werewolves appear in the form of a wolf, but there are distinctions between them and regular wolves. The werewolf is much larger, more powerful, and more fearsome, bordering on the reckless; while a wolf may attack alone when starved, the werewolf rarely seeks the comfort of a pack. A fully transformed werewolf will seek out and attack any human it senses, left to its own devices. The cursed person in question cannot choose whether or not to transform, and will no longer remember who they are - they would kill even their loved ones given the opportunity once transformed. Despite this, they are able to recall everything they have experienced throughout their transformation upon reverting to their human form.
Those who are infected have a long recovery ahead of them - if they recover at all. A mixture of powdered silver and dittany applied to a fresh bite will seal the wound and allow the victim to live on as a werewolf, although tragic tales are told of victims begging for death rather than becoming among the infected. Children under 14 years old will rarely survive the illness that follows the initial bite, let alone the grueling and painful transformations - and muggles surviving infection is rarer still.
The life of a werewolf is almost always short and brutal.
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thelucyverse · 3 years
Why I don't write Harry Potter fanfiction (much)
I had this or parts of this conversation a lot lately, so I thought I would try to note down my thoughts to refer to in the future.
First of all - jkr's a bitch. She's racist, sexist, homo- and especially transphobic, and sadly the canon text also shows these positions and more.
-> Because of her views, I don't want to support her in any ways that would encourage her making money or pull more people into her influence, which is why when I do post about HP content, I try to do so in ways where only people who are already familiar with the canon material will find it, so it won't be advertising HP to people who would then go and buy her books etc - so while I might post a fic tagged HP, I won't share many rec posts for it on tumblr main where ppl not already in the fandom may see it. I also try to put disclaimers about Please not supporting jkr - by buying her merch or following her online - under any HP works.
However - I don't think that it is, like, evil to still be in HP fandom. It's important to be able to critically engage with a text, and I believe that in the case of HP, I'm able to discern which parts of it are problematic, I listen when someone points out a problematic detail I hadn't noticed so far, and I don't think jkr's views can, at this point, affect my own....
-> I think I can safely engage with her content, while I can't really enjoy the books any longer, I do read HP fic (though I don't tend to advertise that anywhere but the comment sections there because, again, advertisement for the overterf) and I still sometimes watch the films when they're on TV, but I absolutely understand if other people can't or don't want to be in the fandom at all anymore, either because they're afraid of being influenced by her problematic believes, or because they feel too hurt/are triggered by it, for example when someone is trans themselves and HP only reminds them of jkr's transphobia. I get it, I really do. Thinking about her leaves a bitter taste in me as well, and at this point I can really only enjoy fic that obviously fixes those issues or if they aren't mentioned has a nice author's note about it.
Canon is so very fucked up, and if I were to write a longfic in HP 'verse instead of just an AU or a quick character study, I'd want to fix all these mistakes.
-> I already mentioned that both the author and her works are deeply problematic, including but not limited to:
- Happy slaves (house-elves) that are never properly explored apart from basically saying 'ok really physically mistreating that one friendly elf that wants to be free is bad actually, but all other elves are okay with their situation so shut up about it'
- Boys can't get into the girls dorm, but the reverse is okay (sexist, and also dangerous when considering her transphobic views, she'd definitely not want a trans girl anywhere)
- Harry being abused by the Dursleys, something that is never acknowledged as abuse in canon
- Snape abusing students, same as ^
- arguably anti-semitically Jewish-coded money hungry big nosed Gringotts goblins, an entire race just worried about riches and money
- 'Creature' rights within the story - goblins, centaurs and other completely sentient beings are seen as lesser and for example aren't allowed to carry wands, in general the treatment of different fantasy races is incredibly negative and while canon sometimes offhandedly mentions that this is negative, it's never properly explored, also Hogwarts seems to only accept purely wizarding children, the one werewolf is hidden, the half-goblin teacher and squib caretaker are hiding their identities, and the one half giant was expelled at the first opportunity, there are no vampires, mer-people, veela, goblins, elves, centaurs etc etc, although all those and more are mentioned in canon and seem to generally have a level of intelligence and magic comparable to 'normal' magicians that would allow them to sit in the same classes as the canon students
- The heck kind of a prison system is Azkaban? I don't just mean sending sirius in without a trial during war time, I also mean... In general, that prison sounds like a box to put people in you want to execute but just give a slow death to instead, not like any sort of program making people ready for society after their sentence - and while, at least in canon, a bunch of insane death eaters probably deserve their life sentences because they'd never change anyway, not only is it arguable whether the government should torture them for it (dementors), it's not just death eaters that do criminal things and end up imprisoned - Hagrid also gets sent to Azkaban instead of any other holding cells - so like... Don't they have some other way of ensuring wizards don't get away? The way magic works in HP makes it seem like it would be very easy to put up wards that just take all access to magic away from the prisoners, you don't need to use dementors to make them insane.
- Also, the auror force, what they're allowed to do and how from book 5 and up it all goes downhill is a prime example of how nothing is safe from being turned into a fascist government, and how having cops with kill orders in place is Never a good idea. ACAB, yeah some of the characters that are written as being likeable are aurors, but they all actually do things - give information to the groups they happen to agree with, arrest people only when they feel like it but then with force, lie to their superiors - that would make them the typical bad cops that hate the internal affairs.
- Do I need to tell you that the government being able to execute people (dementor's kiss) is bad? That that's something that can't be reversed even when sb later turns out to be innocent, something that happens with human error (like Sirius being imprisoned for life, and only getting lucky not being executed)? Also Barty Crouch junior, while evil, just got executed on the spot, in a school, on the order of one single person, the minister, if I remember correctly. Canon good guy characters are only mad because they needed his testimony. I can't even
- Basically... All animal welfare arguments? Owls in tiny cages? Intrusive outdoor pet cats allowed to hunt freely in masses? Transfigurations? And that's just off the top of my head
- While the points about house elves, sexism, creature rights, prison system, dementors, aurors, animal welfare and all feel very in-character for the traditional wizarding world under people like Malfoy who are old money and people like Dumbledore who only care about a specific own agenda, what really bothers me about these points is that they are not pointed out as negative in canon, that the next generation, especially muggle-raised Harry and Hermione who should know better, don't realize how many things are wrong, and that at the end of the books/movies, the status quo hasn't changed - even in the epilogue scene from what we can tell, there definitely aren't non-humans mentioned to us attending Hogwarts.
- While always arguing in text that blood lines and wealth doesn't matter, in the end it's still a story about a little rich boy only winning because of his parents
- evil people being called ugly and fat and (in women's like Rita Skeeter and Aunt Marge's case) manly - not just using fat and manly in a negative way (fat- and transphobia), but also heavily implying that those people are 'ugly' because they are evil or vice-versa
-> on top of this, there are also non-morally questionable things I'd still like to fix, just plot holes like...
- parseltongue - snakes can't bloody hear. And the 'they're magical snakes' argument doesn't rly work because Harry also talks to several snakes in purely muggle environments
- when and how the fuck did the Marauders have time to become animagi and create the marauder's map next to pranks and school? I'm sorry but the three Marauders we do later see on-screen don't rly seem overly gifted enough to explain that
- What gigantic and unused pipes is the Basilisk travelling through, that also conveniently open to the castle - or is it just the one exit? If yes, how far can it even get away from there unnoticed? Also why didn't the thing starve over hundreds of years? And didn't jkr say that Hogwarts plumbing didn't exist in the founders' times?
- what exactly does the knight bus... Do. Like. Why is it a bus and not an apparating box given that that's all it really does. Someone really wanted to have a car chase in a book without reason for it huh
- the three most forbidden curses are not really the most dangerous ones
- So many weird names that seem like someone named the character after half their life. Moon moon mcwerewolf, author's choice I get it, I just don't bloody enjoy that style of writing as it doesn't make sense within the context of the story
- so many loose ends: the veil in the department of mysteries, how Voldy learned about Horcruxes, how underage magic is regulated and why, why does tech not work in Hogwarts and what tech exactly doesn't work? I get a ban on smartphones in modern times because, like, hard to regulate outgoing info, but um... Why does tech not work? How?
- I have deep dislike for the happy family 19 years later same status quo epilogue
So basically - if I want to write a story fixing jkrs errors, there are A Lot of errors to fix, and I need a bloody manual not to forget any at this point, and most are not things that I can just decide not to write about, no, if I want to stick to canon at all things like house elves need to be addressed either by an author's note saying They Don't Exist Imagine A Fictional Replacement or by... Actually fixing the issue.
And when it comes to fixing it - I do have thoughts and ideas. But I'm fairly certain almost none of them are my own, because I read A Bloody Lot of HP fic, plus in the olden days before jkr's idiotic personality made itself all to known, fandom had been happy to ignore her misgivings and not exactly fix but rather explain canon a la 'well Snape is a git but Only Because He's Already Acting As A Spy And That's Why Dumbledore Hasn't Fired Him' etcetcetc, so... I have a lot of ideas in my head that I don't want to use without credit but often don't even know who to credit for. As an example, here, Just the topic of snakes, basilisks and slytherin house, how I would want to 'fix' canon if I were to attempt to write a properly thought out HP longfic:
- only magical snakes speak parsel and only they have a thought structure similar enough to translate to a language humans can understand
- Parsel is a magical language that the brain directly translates as meanings instead of converting to English or the person's primary language, because of which Harry doesn't notice that he's speaking a foreign language, but he would notice the hissing sound if he really tried
- basilisks are protectors actually and mean humans no harm, Voldy just made this one angry or cursed it, it was supposed to protect the school (fairly certain this one's originally by Of A Linear Circle)
- Basilisks can swim and are so able to access the pipes which are in use/ the basilisk has access to the black lake to hunt
- The giant 'pipes' the basilisk uses aren't actually part of the plumbing but specifically a basilisk network put in by Slytherin, the bathroom just happened to be put over the entrance later, and Slytherin's magic converted whatever the entrance was into the snake password thing now on a sink (might be from Accidental Animagus by White Squirrel?)
- Either the Basilisk only kills near the entry to the chamber, not like in canon Or there's another proper entry near the library and the hospital wing etc Or the Basilisk can shape-shifting or make itself invisible or whatever it needs to get around the castle
- Basilisks have 2 sets of eyelids, one to watch, one to kill (also Of A Linear circle?)
- Basilisks kill without petrification when looked at directly Or basilisks usually have their eyes closed/their second set of eyelids closed to hunt as otherwise they'd only catch inedible stone
- Slytherin was not evil, his message just got mistranslated/purposely mangled over time to fit to the current pureblood ideologies, in reality it was either all made up or he wanted no nonmagical people in Hogwarts, no people without knowledge of magic in Hogwarts, or compulsory separate education for magical- and nonmagical-born students to accommodate their different needs OR Slytherin was evil and there should really not still be a house named after him. Also, the house system is bogus anyway so why not disbandon it entirely
Concluding: I'd rather fucking ignore the existence of HP, come up with my own magic system based on a mix of HP magic and Age of the Five stuff, and re-name any HP-inspired characters or ocs (that had HP lastnames bc of their family relationships), than having to deal with all of those things for my fics, bloody hell
Lmk if I missed any other more obvious plotholes or moral failings of HP canon!
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romancedawg · 3 years
pssssst, i have this idea of a fanon modern wizarding world story (maybe a fic???) where gong yoo, a legilimens and a skilled con-man, and his crew of outcasts (a half-veela psycopath, a former hit witch gone rouge, a curse-breaker as clever as he is deadly, a half-giant cleptomaniac and an unstable metamorphmagus with anger issues) has to find and catch a muggle killer for the ministry of magic in order to avoid being put away for their own crimes. all while michael fassbender, the dark wizard in disguise as an auror with dubious intentions, is breathing down his neck, and not just symbolically...
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Fanfics From Quarantine (so far)
Here is everything I’ve read and loved so far whilst being in quarantine since my fan fiction addiction is back at full force. All are complete fics but some have pretty heavy themes and most are explicit so, as always, check the tags before reading! (I’ve tagged as many of the authors’ tumblrs as I could find but if anyone knows any I’ve missed then let me know and I’ll tag them!)
I don’t know whether I should be proud or ashamed of myself for the amount of fanfiction I have read in the past month of two. As a result, this post is longer than anticipated
‘For The Greater Good’ by jadepresley (E, word count: 62,049) When Harry and Draco discover they’ve been bonded to one another, neither one of them is prepared for the secrets they slowly begin to uncover.Together, they learn that they can’t escape their past, or the things that have been left hidden there, and that sometimes the only way to move forward is to look back.
‘Ardour of Karma’ by XxTheDarkLordxX @xx-thedarklord-xx (E, word count: 17,118) “Malfoy knows something is going on with you and unless you both want to go back to fighting and death glares, you should fix it.”“How do I do that? Just waltz up to him and say, ‘I know I’ve been a prat but your scent makes my dick swell. How’s your day?’”“Mind repeating that?”The familiar drawl had Harry’s throat clamming up as his blood ran cold. Oh no.
‘Hermione Granger’s Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run’ by waspabi @waspabi (T, word count: 93,391)  'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.
‘Reparations’ (and ‘Foundations’ E, word count: 236,075) by Saras_Girl (E, word count: 87,376)  Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
‘you’ve got the antidote for me’ by Kandakicksass (M, word count: 20,730) When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try.
‘If I Was The Sun, He Was The Moon’ by endless_grey @harryptter (E, word count: 34,321) Harry is in his eighth year at Hogwarts, everyone is still feeling the fallout from the war and since all the eighth years now share a common room and dorms, Hermione had the brilliant idea that they should get to know each other better. In amongst bad party games, copious amounts of firewhisky, and a lot of confusion and mixed signals, Harry realises he likes Draco. Not everyone is happy about that, though.In summary: Draco and Harry kiss during spin the bottle, realise their feelings, are stubborn and oblivious, and can't seem to communicate like normal people, but it works out in the end.
‘Freedom to be’ by Quicksilvermaid @quicksilvermaid (E, word count: 169,550) Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived.12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends.Only nothing feels perfect.Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
‘Love and Other Unsafe Medical Practices’ by Tedah @tedahfromtayla (E, word count: 116,854) Love is a lot like surgery: sometimes you have to take risks to succeed and most times there are unexpected side effects.Harry is back in a hospital room after an Auror sting gone wrong and nobody is amused at this point. It's starting to become somewhat of a familiar scene for Ron and Hermione. This time his healer is one Draco Malfoy so it's actually a /little/ funny when something goes wrong during recovery.
‘Post Tenebras Lux’ by Cjblack @cjblack322 (E, word count: 102,420) It had been five years since the light had fallen under the Dark Lord’s reign. The Wizarding World assumed Harry Potter had been murdered by Voldemort days after his capture; few knew the truth. And sometimes the truth can be much, much worse.
‘The Curse of the Sea’ by Samyiswriting @samyistrying (E, word count: 63,317) As the last year at Hogwarts draws to a close, Draco Malfoy behaves in a most peculiar manner, unintentionally revealing his bizarre fear of water. It's sure to get Harry's attention.
‘Unexpectancy (Into you)’ by PollyWeasley (E, word count: 20,086)  Draco supposed that starting Eighth Year in Hogwarts fucking Harry Potter was a good start. Both of them were in the closet, for a lack of better words, and both of them were having fun with each other, no bonds attached, no uncomfortable talks, no need to tell their friends whatsoever. It was good to both of them, especially when you considered that the Wizarding World was stupidly ignorant and homophobic, and Draco was already suffering enough because he looked like he was gay. It was better just to keep it a secret. But when Draco suddenly finds out he ended up pregnant of Potter’s child, there was nothing he could do except face the world and reveal his secret. Would Potter accept to reveal his, too, for the sake of this new life?
‘Mental’ by sara_holmes (M, word count: 186,678)  Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
‘In Evidence of Magical Theory’ by bixgirl1 @bixgirl1 (E, word count: 43,747) When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, they're forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible. In which Harry and Draco can't fight, so they fall in love instead.
‘The Gift of Life’ by dragontara (E, word count: 13,658)  Harry had always wanted a family of his own. Now, after a drunken one night stand, he was going to get it, but it'd be nice to remember with whom he was getting it. Also, having a baby with a Veela was a much bigger challenge for Harry than he'd have ever thought possible.
‘This Year’s Love’ by trishjames (E, word count: 84,000)This year’s love had better last, heaven knows it’s high time when you try to make lovers from friends. But Harry Potter realises time and time again that it’s simply not possible for him. And then along comes Draco Malfoy— the ultimate foe on the mend. Whatever will become of them? A story about love.
‘dirtynumbangelboy’ by magpie_fngrl @magpiefngrl (E, word count: 39,400)  After Harry’s unfortunate encounter with his ex, Draco Malfoy makes him a proposition. Draco wants his parents to stop matchmaking him and Harry wants to make his ex jealous. All they need to do is simply pretend they’re in love. Problem is… Draco already is.
‘Accidental Magic’ by vivi1138 @penguinanimagus (E, word count: 34,374) After the war, Draco left the magical world. He doesn’t lead the easiest life, doesn't sleep enough and has another mouth to feed. He doesn’t expect to be forced to go back early, but when his son’s accidental magic threatens the Statute of Secrecy, there’s only one person who can help.
I also re-read ‘Starts With a Spin’ by Maxine @serasarahhhh (E, word count: 119,850)
ALSO: I wanted to include ‘In The Dark’ by bixgirl1 @bixgirl1 (E, word count: 92,148 so far) because I am loving it, but just be aware that this is a WIP :)
Link to second, (you’ll be pleased to know) shorter, list
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