#belladonna anura
weemsfreak · 1 year
The Board Pt 4: The Second Day
Larissa Weems x Anura Ricci
Plot and fluff ~2400 words
Link to Pt 3
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Friday you found yourself sitting in on a few classes at Nevermore. The history class was certainly something. The teacher knew her stuff, and was very diligent and outgoing, as you found out at trivia the night prior.
You made your way to the greenhouse and found Ms. Thornhill tending to a few plants. "Good morning Ms. Thornhill, how are you today?" You must've been too quiet when entering and then spoke too loud, because you startled her. "OH- Mx. Ricci, I'm fine, how are you? Does your brain hurt from last night?" Giggling, she turned away from what she was doing and went to her desk. "Yes, a bit, but it'll go away soon" you said with a wink. She was cute and bubbly, always adorning red boots, most of the time with mud on them. "Class will start soon if you want to take a look around" she said and you nodded, doing just so. There were so many plants in the greenhouse, it would've taken you all class to get through them if you couldn't identify them visually. The board loved your efficiency, it was probably why they kept you on. Halfway through the class you stopped to listen to Marilyn. She seemed to have a professional yet fun demeanour around her students, and she sounded like she knew what she was talking about. You scanned over the plants she was tending to when you came in, writing in your notes everything you found in the greenhouse. 'Solanum lycopersicum - tomatoes. Solanum nigrum, black nightshade - you can eat the ripened fruit cooked, it's actually quite good. Atropa belladonna - deadly nightsh- ' "ohhh wait a minute" you mumbled out loud. Was she allowed to have this? There were many dangerous things at a school for Outcasts, sometimes including the outcasts themselves, but some things can and should be regulated. It was just a small plant, looked like she had just started growing it. It was good that the students were learning about poisonous plants as well as safe plants, school should be the safest place to learn about dangerous things. Done with your search, you said goodbye to Ms. Thornhill and made your way back into the school.
Down at the fencing class, Coach Vlad boasted about your trivia performance. "Everyone meet Mx. Ricci. They kicked everyone's butt at trivia last night, especially Ms. Heimrich." The class looked happy to see that someone had bet her at her own game. That's probably the history teachers name, you thought. A girl with dark skin and bright piercing eyes shot a look at you. "She may be good at trivia, but is she any good at fencing?" You could tell right away that she was a siren. Smirking at her, you shot back, "Oh I know a thing or two, but it's not good to fence on an empty stomach, I've been pretty busy all morning." She gave you a smug laugh and turned away. "Alright everyone, Mx. Ricci works for the board and is here to observe, not participate. Let's get in position." As they all sparred, you took note of the coaches safety. Jacket - check, gloves - check, masks - check. As they finished, the siren made her way back over to you. She gave you the vibes that she was the best in the class and was looking for a new rival, you. "Hey Mx. Ricci, why don’t you go get a snack and I'll be here waiting for you when you get back" she laughed as everyone went to take their equipment off. You were going to respond when the door opened and the principal walked in, saving you from the siren. "Hello Coach Vlad, Bianca, Mx. Ricci." She turned to you and smiled, "I hope you had a pleasant morning visiting our classes. Care to have lunch with me?" Thank god it was lunch time, you were really hungry. "I'd love to" you said, winking at Bianca and following the principal out of the room.
As you walked to meal hall with Larissa, you noticed she had a smirk on her face and she was side eyeing you. "Why are you smirking at me?" She looked at you, still smirking but ignored your question. You sat down in meal hall with a sandwich. "Why did you wink at Bianca before we left?" she asked. "Oh, that. She wanted me to fence with her, but I haven't eaten anything until now." Larissa giggled and took a bite of her sandwich. "She is always trying to prove she's the best at things. So, can you even fence?" You acted offended that she would even ask such a thing. "What? Of course I can fence. I can do everything this school has to offer" you said in a joking manner, but you were being dead serious. "Just because I'm good at things doesn't mean I have to prove it every time, I already proved myself at trivia" you laughed. After finishing your food, Larissa looked to you, her eyes told you that she had something in mind. You smirked at her, once again getting lost in her eyes, and then in her skin, milky and soft. She noticed how your smirk slowly dropped to a frown. You weren’t really frowning, just using all your concentration to take her in, it was easy to get lost in her. She reached a hand out and you froze, you didn't know what she was doing. She fixed your bangs, following with a "There, that's better." You met her gaze as you unfroze. "I was going to ask you if you had any other classes to attend, but then you zoned out." She knew that you were staring at her, obviously, but even before that she decided she liked messing with you. "Oh, yes, um- no, I think I saw everything I need to" you said with a shy smile, trying to keep a firm tone. "Well, that's great Anura. You do have a few more hours before you leave though, correct?" She phrased it like a question, but she knew you had time. You nodded, confused. "I thought maybe you could try your hand at one of our electives before you go. Are you any good at archery? I mean, now that you have some food in your stomach."
When you got to archery, there were only two boys there. You thought their archery skills were pretty good, although you assumed that more students would be interested in archery as an elective. "Hello Xavier, Ajax. Mx. Ricci here would like to try her hand at archery" the principal beamed at them in her signature principal smile. "Sure" Xavier said, handing you the bow and arrow. "Thank you. I do believe, though, that Principal Weems had said she wanted a turn first" you said, holding in a laugh and handing the bow and arrow to her. Her eyes widened as she looked to you sternly, before a smirk crept up on her face and she took them from you. "Oh Mx. Ricci, you do remember everything." Lining the arrow up, she pulled back and took a couple seconds to steady herself. You thought anything that she did with her hair done like that while adorning those dresses and kitten heels was hilarious. She was so cute, but often looked out of place. You admired her confidence in her style, as it was so different from everybody else's. As she should though, she always looked ravishing. Letting the arrow fly, it hit the target level with the center, but a little to the right. "Don't laugh at me boys, it's been years since I've done this" she said giggling, but you could tell she was embarrased. "Here, try another" you smiled, passing her another arrow. She lined it up again, and you again stared at her figure. Long fingers attached to long arms holding the arrow back aiming it just right, perfect posture, immaculate form. You smiled, she was going to get it this time. She let go and it was a bullseye. You threw your hands in the air and hollered "WOO GO PRINCIPAL WEEMS!" She watched you and let out a laugh, walking to you and handing you the bow and arrow. She leaned close to you and whispered "your turn, Anura." You felt a shiver run down your spine. You were ready to beat them all at this. The keyword there is 'were'. She was trying to throw you off your game, and you knew it. You took a minute to breathe, not wanting to psyche yourself out. When you were ready, you looked to the target and pulled back the arrow, lining it up. You tried to ignore the eyes on you, which usually wouldn't bother you. Letting go, the arrow landed dead set in the center of the target. Turning to them you bowed, then looked to the principal with a cocky grin on your face. She picked up an arrow and walked to you, "Here, try another." You looked to her and scrunched up your face, but took it none the less. Feeling good, you picked up an apple from the table. You haven't done this in forever, but you wanted to try. You heard one of the boys snicker behind you, and you turned to them. You walked toward them slowly and last second turned to face Larissa. "Would you throw this for me, Principal Weems?" you asked her in a flirty tone, but not loud enough for the boys to hear you. "Sure" she replied, caught off guard. You walked back to the target, pulled back the arrow and aimed. After a bit, you hollered "now" and she threw the apple in the air toward the target. Second guessing yourself, you almost let go too quickly, but kept your cool. When you let the arrow go, you knew it was through the apple, but where it would end up on the target, you didn't know. Aw well, you hit the moving object anyway, that was impressive in itself. The principal started clapping which was followed by the boys. You realized you hit it, bullseye, with the apple. Smiling, you turned to them and bowed, muttering a "thank you, thank you."
You walked to the target and started pulling the arrows out as the boys left for their next class. "I am very impressed with you Mx. Ricci" the principal stated as she came up behind you. Turning to face her, you forgot how much she towered over you. "First you beat everyone's ass at trivia, then you beat everyone at archery. I'm sure you would've bet Bianca at fencing too" she said with a nod of her head as she clasped her hands. "Well, if you're impressed with that, you should see how good I am at shutting down schools who don't follow the rules" you joked. Thinking about it, it probably wasn't a good idea considering her last board visit, which in your defence, you had forgotten about. In your books at least, Nevermore was following every rule and was very safe. You were sure she knew that with how much she was on top of everything. After all she worked day and night, you both knew that. But maybe she didn't know that you knew that. Maybe she didn't know that others saw how hard she worked, how much she cared about the students, how much she wanted them to be safe and accepted in the world. Her jaw dropped at your sentence, and then your heart dropped too. Maybe she wasn't as confident as she came off. Maybe you absolutely sucked at portraying your emotions right. You were being sarcastic, and she thought you were dead serious. Shit. "Larissa, I'm sorry, I was only joking around." Her mouth shut and she stared at you until you continued. "Forgive me, that was insensitive considering your last board visit, which in my defense, I forgot about. Everything here is fine Larissa, you know that. I haven't found much of concern, and everything seems to be up to safety standards. I am very impressed with your dedication to this school." Her frown turned up into a small smile, and you smiled back at her bigger. She looked to the ground and said "Thank you Mx. Ricci, people don’t often acknowledge my work." You stepped closer to her and took her hand in yours. She looked down at you as you said softly, "People don't have to acknowledge it for it to be meaningful, but I'm telling you as a board member and a friend, that you're doing amazing work." She looked back down at her shoes as a blush took over her face. "Let me drive you to the train station" she mumbled before turning on her heels and fast pace walking back to the building. You had to run to catch up.
Sitting in Larissa's van, well, the Nevermore van, you were actually sad about leaving. Usually, you liked the calm days at home in between school trips, but you really liked being here in Jericho. There was way less people here than in New York, yet it was friendlier and somehow more interesting. Starting the car, Larissa looked at you and stated, "I can't believe you don't like hot chocolate. What is wrong with you?" This made you snort rather unattractively, and you buried your face in your hands. You rarely got flustered or embarrassed, but every second thing you did around Larissa embarrassed you. You looked at her with gleaming eyes, she flustered you. "Let me take you to the Weathervane, I want you to try it" she said softly, like hot chocolate was the best thing to exist. Her offer was really tempting, but you looked to your watch and realized you had to get to the station, there was no more time. "Larissa, I'll let you take me for hot chocolate, but next time." She looked satisfied until she realized you said 'next time'. "What do you mean next time?" she stated rather abruptly. You just giggled at her, "I'm going to miss my train Larissa." On the drive to the station, Arctic Monkeys 'Snap Out Of It' came on the radio, and you hummed along to your favorite band. At the station, you pulled out your luggage and walked to her side of the van. Taking a deep breath, "It was nice to meet you Principal Weems. I'm very pleased with your school and I am leaving you with a great review." You leaned down at her window and looked her in the eyes. You winked as you cooed "Keep up the great work, I can't wait for that hot chocolate."
Link to pt 5
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eye-searing · 5 years
sorry for my general absence of posting ive been drawing non-stop and have a backlog of art to post
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Oh my, Belladonna, what do you have there? 
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A smoothie
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Remember that time you dared me to lick the swingset? (not pictured: mew usually refers to herself in the third person)
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No. I said ‘Mewko don’t lick the swingset’ and you said ‘don’t tell me what to do, Terra’ and then you licked the swingset.
two incorrect quotes! Both from iCarly, while the first one is two sketches i painted over, the second is some flat coloring.
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eye-searing · 5 years
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finnished an art, this is how its SUPPOSED to look, all faded and pale and stuff, but it looked cooler on discords background color
With her design/colors are nearing finalization, here is Belladonna Anura, protagonist of my passion project, Logicbomb
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eye-searing · 5 years
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i had this idea/started this like a week ago and IVE FINALLY FINISHED IT!!!
its an oc meme!!! 
Characters in order: Treasure, Wolf, Belladonna, Solar, Cloy, Mewko, Nightwave, Wither, Flora, Suncrash, Ricochet.
This is eleven of the twelve mc’s in Logicbomb. Chirop isn’t here, shes very probably the one saying “i love you” and would also prolly just respond with an “i love you too”
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