#bellatrix x rodolphus x voldemort
daily-hp-shitposts · 2 years
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marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
A short little ramble about the black sisters cause I'm bored and I'm not writing fanfics:
Narcissa: Narcissa was always stuck, she was always in the middle, never on one side, never on the other. While Bellatrix was hopelessly devoted to Voldemort, Narcissa stayed silent and enjoyed a mostly quiet life as a barely present Death Eater. While Andromeda was free and married a muggle-born, and did what she truly wanted. Narcissa was on Voldemort's side of course, she wanted to be, but she didn't agree fully. She thought it might be a bit wrong, but never really voiced her opinion. She loved Alice, so much, but again Alice was a pure-blood. She was friends with purebloods and some half-bloods, not any 'mudbloods'. But her sister had left her for a muggleborn and this had made her detest them most of all. In the end she was the half-half. Stuck in between. 
Bellatrix: Bellatrix was devoted, she fully believed in Voldemort, well for the blood-purity and everything like that. She knew it was 'wrong' she didn't care. She was very extreme. She loved the thrill of it, for her it was thrill, killing off those 'pests' was enjoyable, like playing a video game, or watching a movie. This hatred of ‘mudbloods’ increased to a level unknown and probably bigger than Voldemort when Andromeda left for a stupid muggleborn, her Andromeda, her sister. She vowed to never let Narcissa leave, even if she had to kill that stupid pure blood she was friends with who was on the wrong side, she needed her sister to stay. If she loved someone (like Rita Skeeter) they had to be just like her. Bellatrix’s life always revolved around being a Death Eater and her life as a pure blood, she showed off her status and her power. Of course she still fully fufilled all her 'Sacred 28' Pureblood needs like her family expected, but her main priority was the cause. Above her own life. Over anyone’s life. Above her husband whom she only married to keep up appearances. Above everything but Voldemorts word.
Andromeda: Andromeda knew what was wrong, and couldn’t keep silent about it. She knew everything was wrong, she had stayed for her sisters, and then left for Ted, a muggleborn. She ran from the family, ‘tarnishing’ the Black name, but she was free. Free of the abuse, free from their lies, free to live as she saw fit. She knew it was the best, though she missed her sisters, and occasionally her cousins, she loved the freedom. She knew Voldemort was doing bad, her husband was fighting against it all day, but she couldn’t bring herself to in case she died and left her daughter all alone. Everything she did in the end was for who she loved and who she had made her family.
In the end Bellatrix was just a Death Eater, Narcissa was just a Death Eater, and Andromeda was the one who escaped. That’s all they were to people who they didn’t know, people were unknowing of the differences, of how those three sisters could’ve done everything, but were just apart forever.
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overlord-of-fantasy · 1 month
So Harry sees everything Voldemort sees, when Voldy is feeling intense emotions, right?
Well Harry Potter is a book for kids and teens, otherwise we, much like Harry, would have been bombarded by pages upon pages of dirty bellamort / bellamortolphus smut in the days following the deatheater escape from azkaban. And that's a fact. They did not leave the poor Malfoy's bedroom for days.
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incorrectbella · 7 months
Lucius: I have a bad feeling about this... Bellatrix: What do you mean? Lucius: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? Bellatrix: No? Rodolphus: That actually explains so much.
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 13 - Street
@jegulus-microfic February 13 Word count 811
Previous part First part
The green flames died behind Voldemort, leaving behind the weak flickering fire in the grate. 
Without asking, Voldemort grabbed Regulus’s chin in his cold, harsh hand and drove into his head. It was like being stabbed in the brain. Legimency could be painless. It was up to the caster whether or not it hurt, and Voldemort always ensured it hurt. Regulus winced and tried as hard as possible to keep his composure as the memories from the last few weeks crashed behind his eyes. 
Voldemort lingered on his torture, slowing the tirade to watch each cut and forceful curse. 
Regulus fell to his knees. Somehow, he wasn’t sure how he managed it, but he kept the memories of James and his brother locked away where Voldemort couldn’t find them. 
After a final particularly painful spike into his memories, showing Remus helping him to escape, Voldemort relinquished his hold on Regulus and stood as though nothing had happened. 
“Ah, so the young wolf wants to join us, does he? I shall send Fenrir to collect him as soon as possible.”
The flames glowed green again, and multiple people invaded Regulus’s home. Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Lucius, and, to his horror, Barty and Evan crowded around him. 
“Ah, back where you belong, cousin?” Bellatrix cooed in her harsh, rasping voice. He tried not to flinch as she ruffled his hair. 
“Bloody hell, Reg. What did they do to your face?” Evan looked over his bruised and swollen face with horror. Remus had done an excellent job. 
“Don’t know what you’re on about Rosier. I’ve never seen him look so good.” Barty cackled as he shot out a finger and poked one of the dark bruises on Regulus’s face.
Regulus pulled his wand from its holster on his arm and shot hot red sparks at Barty’s feet, causing him to jump up and down indigently across the Persian rug to avoid being burnt. 
“Hey! What the fuck Reg?! That was uncalled for!” 
“Don’t touch me then,” Regulus said in a bored voice as he twirled his wand back up his sleeve.
“Enough!” Voldemort hissed. The room fell into total silence, all attention on the pale wizard who commanded the room. 
“It is happening today, Regulus, now,” An excited murmur passed between the death eaters in the room. 
“What’s happening?” He asked. He could only think of one thing that required this many of the inner circle to be in his drawing room. 
“We attack the Ministry in one hour.” Bellatrix interrupted excitedly, clapping her hands and grinning maniacally.
“Bella,” Voldemort said quietly, Bellatrix immediately composed herself. 
“Make yourself presentable, Regulus, and we shall make our way to the Ministry.” Regulus looked down at the ruined, tattered robes he’d put back on this morning and nodded, leaving the group as he went to change. 
He carefully locked his bedroom door, and cast a silencing charm on the room. He pulled out the tiny mirror that had been Sirius’s and called into it.
“James? James, you there?” He didn’t get an immediate answer, so he removed his ragged robes. 
“Regulus?” James’s voice came back. Regulus picked up the mirror. 
“I don’t have much time.” He whispered to James’s reflection. “We’re going to the Ministry now. He said within the hour.” He summoned fresh clothes and began pulling them on as he spoke. 
“Thank you, love. I’ll alert the order. And Reg—” James paused until Regulus had finished dressing. “Be careful, yeah. Don’t die.” Regulus smiled into the mirror. 
“I’ll do my best.” Then James’s image was gone, and his own battered reflection showed in the mirror. 
He put the mirror in a secret pocket in his clean robes, and after taking a steadying breath and forcing his face into a neutral expression, he headed back downstairs. 
“You took your time,” Lucius was waiting for him. 
“Hardly,” He scoffed. Lucius raised his wand, and Regulus held his breath. Lucius muttered a charm, a light blue glow pulsed out of his wand, and Regulus’s face didn’t feel sore anymore. He checked the hallway mirror, and his face had returned to its usual flawless porcelain. “Thanks,” He said as his fingers reached up to check the skin for himself. 
“You’re welcome,” Lucius said with a sickening smile spreading across his face. “Come now, we mustn’t keep the Dark Lord waiting, should we?” He waved his hand forward, inviting Regulus to enter the drawing room. 
“Ah, good,” Voldemort exclaimed when he opened the door. “The rest of our forces are already gathered. Let us join them.” Regulus followed the small party out of the front door and onto the street outside. He turned to look back at number 12 as it concealed itself, disappearing from view as he walked further away. 
Voldemort himself grabbed ahold of Regulus’s arm. His claw-like hands dug into Regulus’s flesh as they apparated to the Ministry.    
Next part
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motherrpearl · 2 months
favourite thing about the harry potter movies; bellatrix running through the field with harry chasing after her, yelling ”I KILLED SIRIUS BLAAACKKKK! I KILLED SIRIUS BLAAACKKKK! YOU COMING TO GET ME HARRY? YOU CAN'T CATCH MEEE!!”
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hp-confessions · 29 days
I know Bellatrix only married Rodolphus because it was expected of her but I think people should explore the idea of a thruple/poly ship between them and Voldemort. It sounds funny and I think it could work.
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theartfuldodger26 · 2 months
Have you ever described the Lestrange family home? If not, I would love to know how you imagine it? (I personally see a Tudor estate with vast gardens).
Hah, Anon, you got me! See, I usually pretend that Bella never married and/or still lives in the ancestral seat of the Blacks, Black Castle, meaning I haven't spent much time thinking about the Lestrange's home. I've never described it in writing, as all my fics either take place in Malfoy Manor or Black Castle (or other random places).
Another reason I haven't thought of this much is that my history isn't terribly good as to explain why a French aristocrat moves to England (Lestrange ancestors). Now that I think on it, though, I do have an idea. And the move is pretty recent.
My hot take is that the Lestranges came from France during the French Revolution. So the ancestral home is still in French soil, but the modern official seat is an Early Regency Era Mansion, in our Muggle terms - much more modern than the average English pureblooded family seat. I love the idea of massive gardens that Bella has closely taken care of, because they relax her headaches and anxiety.
Now, you didnt ask this, so forgive me for adding this, I've just been looking for an excuse to talk about the Blacks' ancestral home, a massive castle bigger than Hogwarts. I HC that the Blacks were wizards and witches that served in the Roman army and were given land in Britain back at around the turn of the calendar from BCE to CE. They built a large fort, then a roman mansion, and its basis is still standing, along with the roman baths, which Voldemort is very fond of using. Over that was built the medieval castle, which got bigger, grander and more fortified (something that Bella loves) as wizardkind turned away from the Muggle world. Just like Hogwarts, the grounds are extensive and include gardens of all flavours, like a large maze where Bellamort often hide and have sex, to Bella's favourite creation, a garden full of poisonous flowers and plants (one such garden actually exists in the Muggle world, highly recommend a visit). There is also a lake, where Bella feeds the ducks to calm herself (something I often do myself, I love my ducks) and where she once nearly drowned while suffering from sleepwalking post-Azkaban.
I'm going to pretend that Anon has noticed my tendency to describe buildings and interiors in my fics, talk about it some more, and flatter myself in the process. See, the thing is, I'm not much for excess myself, so Rococo/palatial style interiors and the likes are not really for me, and I find that Bellatrix and Voldemort in particular would have a slightly more minimalistic approach to decor too. Luxurious yes, but not superfluous. Bella would be anal about preserving her existing homes (of the Blacks, the Lestranges, the Gaunts, whatever she and Voldemort built for themselves) as they came to her hands, but not terribly into adding stuff, which I imagine Narcissa doing a lot - adding wings, changing styles in rooms etc.
Bella has her own rooms wherever she lives, but spends most nights in Voldemort's quarters, which are quite doric and functional in taste. He also showcases many of the keepsakes he's collected from his travels. And books are absolutely everywhere, along with boardgames like chess and go. Both for the sake of privacy to their affair and for safety, they have removed all portraits and paintings that include people from their quarters, but Bella will often visit portraits of her dead relatives for a chat, because she is missing them. Voldemort occasionally joins her, and they pretend to have a far more professional relationship in front of her parents, which they both find hilarious.
What else, what else. Oh, obviously Voldemort has an extensive snake collection in the dungeons, that he cares for himself. Having been invited to Black Castle from when he was at school with Cygnus, he has technically lived in his rooms as much as Bellatrix has lived there, if not more.
Back to the og question.
Bella and Rodolphus definitely have separate bedrooms. Bella's has a lovely window nook and a large balcony, because she finds it very calming to read under the stars, where all her family is located. She often falls asleep on aa daybed in the balcony or the garden, when the weather will allow it. They also have a Quidditch pitch, where Bella and Rod play like when they were students, while Voldemort, who hates flying on a broom and anything related to Quidditch or sports pretends he needs to be away for work, and won;t even dare look at Bella flying. Have I mentioned Voldemort is afraid of heights? Many times, but here it is again.
Now moving to Cursed Child, I think that Delphi chose to live with Rodolphus for a long time, after he revealed her true parentage and the fact that he was practically the only person looking out for her, before he died too. So she has her own rooms, which, like her father's are relatively frugal and simple, full of notes and books, but from her mum's side she has a love for the skys, so she had a roof knocked down and you can now see the sky from the glass ceiling. imitation of the charm on the Great Hall ceiling, if you like.
This was great fun answering, Anon, so thank you very much both for taking interest in my work and in bringing the fun and the old little grey cells to work! I hope I answered with some satisfaction to some degree (I admit I was unprepared for this!).
Anyone is welcome to add their own HCs on the matter, I'd love to know more about how you imagine these characters' homes as, since I'm a sucker for architecture.
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motherfuckingmaneater · 11 months
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simping-4-voldemort · 2 years
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star-named-riddle · 10 months
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Day 6 - Aflame
Bellatrix pointed her wand and set the house aflame. She watched it catch fire all around the ground floor. She heard the crackle of the wood as it succumbed to the heat. She waited as the fire licked the walls upward, climbing along the first floor, and enveloped the roof. She heard the windows shatter, and didn’t care about the shards of glass flying out of the house in every direction.
All she felt was the emptiness. She had become numb to everything else.
Wizarding Britain had trembled as November loomed in the horizon and the Dark Lord stood closer and closer to taking power completely. The Ministry had not fallen, there had been no need to. They had long made their way inside, and from there they had rendered it theirs.
And then, they had all felt it. On the last night of October, their arms had seared, hot and painful and sharp. All the Death Eaters said the same thing. The morning newspapers had been no surprise.
But only Bella had felt a piece of her soul be ripped apart and pulled from her. Both Rodolphus and Rabastan had been up on their feet while she still curled over her body on the floor, her right arm holding her Dark Mark, her palm pressed against it as if she could stop the ink from bleeding out of her skin.
Her husband and brother-in-law had both been crouching by her side when she dared open her eyes again, offering her hands that could not sooth her, and words that meant nothing. The pool of ink at her side might as well have been her heart.
The world had awaken doubtful the next morning, but she knew.
Her Master was gone, and no one knew how. No one knew why. All she knew was that he had left for the Potters and never returned.
She had been waiting. He had left her standing in his study, bidding her to go home and wait for a summon upon his return. They would celebrate, he had said, with a kiss that was half bite and all hunger. He had refused to be joined by her. He had barely told her what his mission was. He had been eager. He had felt victory within his reach, held it in the palm of his hand even.
Though it had slipped.
Lord Voldemort had fallen, and she would burn the world for it. For him.
He would come back, she knew. All she had to do was keep the light on for him. Flames would be good. Flames made for the best beacons.
He wasn’t entirely gone, but wherever he was she could not reach him through the ether. She would empty her mind and look for him, call for him like she had done before, louder and louder, yet he was never there. His mind never crept into hers. She had tried every tracking spell she could think of, but the answer was always the same.
He had become untraceable.
The house cracked loudly, pulling her mind back to the present. Inside, the floors moaned in their fight against gravity. It did them no good.
The floors caved. The roof fell in, the house exploding as it was engulfed.
The fire burnt all the brighter, the flames reached for the night sky and danced over the ruins.
Bellatrix looked on, wondering if stepping into the flames would hurt half as badly as losing him did.
She pointed her wand at the remains of the house, and let all her anger out. The flames roared in response, climbing higher, burning brighter, hotter, hungry for everything and anything they touched.
Rodolphus voice seemed to come from a faraway place. His hand on her elbow, twisting her away from the flames, placed him entirely too close.
Bellatrix ripped her arm from him, and snarled.
“Stop! It’s enough, Bella. They gave up the location of the Longbottoms, they’re dead and burning to a crisp in there. Your work here is done. Let’s go!”
“I’m not done,” she said, baring her teeth. “I want to see them be erased from this world.”
“They’re gone, Bella. And you’ve lit a fire large enough to summon half the Ministry.”
“Half the Ministry wouldn’t be enough to stop me.”
The fire painted her husband in warm colours, disguising the toll the war had taken on him. The resolve in his dark eyes assured her.
Against every ounce of wisdom he possessed, Rodolphus stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her, tight.
Bella struggled, but put her head on his shoulder anyway, leaning into him.
“We have to find him, Dolph. He’s not dead, he’s out there somewhere-”
“I know,” he cut in, “and you squeezed every bit of information out of those two, and they’re dead and burning inside their home.”
“It’s not enough. It wasn’t enough pain. They could have told us more.”
“Do you know who will know more?” he asked, speaking into the crown of her head, kissing her curls in between words.
“The Longbottoms.”
“Yes, my love. And we’ll take Bast and Barty with us, hmm?”
Bellatrix pulled her head back, looking for Rodolphus eyes. She did not smile, but there was a glint in her eyes that he knew to be as good as a smile.
“Let’s get them, now. Let’s go.”
“It’s nearly morning, Bella. Now, we go home and rest. We lay low while the Ministry tries to figure out this mess. Once the sun goes down again, we’ll pay a visit to the Longbottoms.”
He held her close again, slowly turning her further away from the roaring fire. He turned sharply to the right, taking her with him. The air cracked around them, and only the flames remained.
Also on AO3
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daily-hp-shitposts · 2 years
With your help we can make bellamortolphus a reality
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hpdaddyknowsbest · 3 months
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Bella gets bred by her master with the help of her very supportive husband 🔥
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overlord-of-fantasy · 3 months
Tom... she is flirting
Bellatrix: My Lord, Roddy, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out? Voldemort: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
lady black and voldemort talking quietly in the garden about the plan to invade askaban
Lady Black had been plotting for days to save her daughter, niece, son-in-law, and brother-in-law. She had discussed the matter with Lord Voldemort after she had devised a perfect plan. Lord Voldemort was eager to take over the Akzaban so that the powerful witch like Lady Black could stay with him.
"My lord. Once we've neutralized the dementors, we'll take them out. It's better that they don't hang around much from now on."
"You are right, Lady Black. They are very lucky to have a relative like you."
Lady Black had returned to Malfoy Mansion with a faint smile. Once again, Lord Voldemort could not help creating a feeling of reverence and fear for Lady Black.
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sc0rpiflow3r · 1 month
New chapter of Disrupted Allegiances ✨
Here's the third chapter of Disrupted Allegiances!
It contains a lot of cute scenes with Ted and Andromeda because I think they’re adorable, and it was a lot of fun writing their romance.
But I confess that I'm really excited to get to Bella's POV; I can't stop writing scenes of her with Voldemort (yes, I'm obsessed with Bellamort)!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it <3
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