#belmond manor
emerald-honey · 1 year
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logi1974 · 4 years
Südafrika 2019 - Teil 28
31. Dezember 2019
Einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr / Happy New Year!
Herrschaften und Oukies!
Heute Vormittag machten wir uns auf den Weg um in Constantia eines der Weingüter zu besuchen. Wir entschieden uns für das größte der Wine Estate, das logischerweise "Groot Constantia" heißt. Ursprünglich handelte es sich bei den ganzen Weingütern zusammen um einen Landsitz.
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Simon van der Stel bekam 1685 auf Grund seiner Verdienste ein Stück Land hinter dem Tafelberg geschenkt. Der "arme Mann" kam mit dem geschenkten Land nicht aus und kaufte weitere Nachbarfarmen auf.
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Er verstarb am 24. Juni 1712 als erster Gouverneur des Landes. Seine Hinterlassenschaft wurde schnell von seinen Erben verbraucht. 1716 wurde das Weingut bereits in drei Teile aufgeteilt: Groot Constania, Klein Constania und Buitenverwachting.
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Nach zahlreichen Besitzerwechseln wurde Groot Constantia um die Jahrhundertwende an die Regierung von Südafrika verkauft. Diese nutzte die Farm für die Weinforschung.
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Erst 1993 wurde das Weingut renoviert. Das Manor House mit historischen Möbeln versehen und zum Museum umfunktioniert. Der Cloete Cellar als Weinmuseum umgebaut. Zwei Restaurants wurde auf der Weinfarm beheimatet und ein Informationscenter eröffnet.
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Heutzutage ist das Weingut ein beliebtes Touristenziel geworden. Über 500.000 Besucher aus allen Ländern der Welt sorgen für regen Betrieb auf dem historischen Weingut. Groot Constantia wird auch auf der lila Route der Hop-on-Hop-off-Busse angefahren.
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Es werden täglich Kellerführungen und Weinproben angeboten. Die Weinfarm bietet auch Picknikplätze an, wo man in Ruhe aus dem tollen Korb genießen kann. Das komplette Tour-Paket inklusive Weinglas als Souvnier kostet 115 Rand. Das ist wirklich günstig.
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Wir wollten jedoch kein Tasting mitmachen und auch nichts essen, sondern uns nur das Weingut ansehen. Zum Laufen ist es auf Grund der Hanglage nicht so sehr geeignet. Außerdem ist der Bewegungsradius für Besucher durch Verbote sehr eingegrenzt.
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Immerhin konnten wir bis zu dem historischen Schwimmbad, oberhalb des Hubschrauber-Landeplatzes laufen. Dort war kein Mensch. Es war ruhig und schattig und die Sicht war fabelhaft.
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Anschließend hatten wir einen Termin im guten alten Mount Nelson Hotel zum Afternoon Tea, der heute, dem Anlass entsprechend, ein Royal Tea war - es war Champagner im Spiel.
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Für die meisten Einheimischen ist es schlicht das „Nellie“, das klingt persönlicher als „Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel“. 1899 wurde die Hotel Legende vor allem für betuchte Gäste von Passagierdampfern eröffnet und nach dem berühmten Admiral Horatio Nelson benannt. Damals war das „Nellie“ das erste Hotel Afrikas mit fließend Kalt- und Warmwasser.
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Die Fassade bekam ihren zartrosa Look zum Gedenken an die Opfer des Ersten Weltkriegs. Deswegen nennen es die Capetonians ebenfalls: "The Pink Old Lady!"
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Zudem ist das Hotel umgeben von Blumenrabatten in Knallpink und Blasslila. Passend dazu sind die Handtücher auf den Pool-Liegen rosa-weiß gestreift, und die Vasen in Lobby und Lounge sind vorwiegend mit rosa Sträußen bestückt.
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Wer nun denkt, die Macher des Hotels seien hoffnungslose Kitschfetischisten, liegt falsch. Denn hinter der rosafarbenen Fassade steckt mehr: 1918 beschloss der damalige Hotelmanager, das Haus aus Anlass des Endes des Ersten Weltkriegs rosa bemalen zu lassen, zuvor war es weiß gekalkt.
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Von den etwa 30.000 südafrikanischen Soldaten in der britischen Armee waren rund 5000 gefallen. Das helle Rosa sollte Hoffnung und Aufbruch signalisieren. Aus heutiger Sicht mag die Farbwahl überraschen. Doch gut drei Jahrzehnte vor der Erfindung von Barbie galt Rosa noch nicht als Mädchenfarbe, sondern als sanfte Variante agressiven Rot.
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Die Rückseite und das Dach des Restaurants – hier ist, bis auf die Fensterläden und die filigranen Balkongeländer, alles im vertrauten Rosa gestrichen: die Mauern, die Rohre, der Schornstein, die kleinste Schraube.
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Der Spitzname passt gut zu der wunderbar altmodischen Herberge nahe dem Tafelberg, die mit ihren Holzvertäfelungen und Messingbeschlägen klassisch englisch wirkt; das Nelson-Mandela-Porträt hinter der Rezeption macht allerdings klar, dass man in Südafrika ist.
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198 Zimmer und Suiten, zwei Pools, Tennisplätze, Restaurants und die stadtbekannte „Planet Bar“ bietet das Hotel, das trotz Fünf-Sterne-Standard erfreulich lässig ist. Akkuratesse und durchdachte Perfektion, aber kein übertriebener Glanz. Very british!
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Einer der ersten prominenten Gäste im „Mount Nelson“ war Winston Churchill. 1899 berichtete er als junger Korrespondent über den Zweiten Burenkrieg. Er wohnte im „Nellie“, das von den Briten zum Hauptquartier erkoren worden war.
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Die Legende besagt auch, ein Gast habe sich über einen Landstreicher im Garten beschwert. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es sich um John Lennon handelte, der dort meditierte.
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Angeblich soll man im „Nellie“ den besten Afternoon Tea der südlichen Hemisphäre geniessen können. Der wird in der Lounge aufgefahren, mit gut 100 Leckereien, alle hausgemacht, vom Gurkensandwich über Carrot Cake bis zum Tomatentörtchen. Das können wir ab heute soweit nur bestätigen.
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Nachdem man seinen Platz eingenommen hat, wartet man nicht lange, dann wird eine mehrseitige Teekarte gereicht, aus der man auswählen kann/soll.
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Hier hat man die Auswahl zwischen diversen Tees aus der ganzen Welt. Vom südafrikanischen Rooibos, über Hibiskus aus Ägypten, bis hin zum Schwarztee aus Sri Lanka. Einfach ein Traum für Teeliebhaber. Dazu wurde heute ein Pink Champagne serviert. Hat man sich entschieden, bekommt man gleich ein ganzes Kännchen heißes Wasser mit den bestellten Teeblättern gebracht.
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Dann kommen auf schon die ersten Snacks. Am Tisch wird eine Auswahl an Fingerfood serviert, belegt mit z. B. geräuchertem Lachs, Roastbeef, Gurken und Mayonnaise usw..
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Nach den Snacks werden neue Teller gereicht, dazu gibt es typisch britisch Scones mit Clotted Cream und Erdbeermarmelade. Noch einmal wird abgeräumt, danach kann man sich über das tolle Kuchenbuffet hermachen. Schokoladentorte, Zitronenmeringue, Gebäck, südafrikanische Spezialitäten und frisch geschlagene Sahne.
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Definitiv ein Traum für jeden süßen Zahn. Pappsatt verließen wir das Nellie!
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha und der Hasenbär
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ysvoice · 6 years
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| ♛ |  Belmond Manor in Great Milton, UK  |  © countrylivinguk
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elderperfect · 4 years
2020 Best Nursing Homes - Iowa
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ElderPerfect a leading publisher on senior healthcare across the United States, today announced the recipients of the Best Nursing Homes in Iowa for 2020. These awards are designed to recognize providers based on their ability to consistently deliver excellence in the areas of Health Inspections, Quality of Residence Care, Penalties and Staffing. We’ve evaluated over 439 facilities, of which 101 (23%) met our top rating. This report marks the Gold Standard in terms of care for seniors. 0 Ranked Best Facilities  5/5
US Standard vs. Best Facilities
Average Number of Beds: 106 vs 95 Average Occupancy: 81% vs 83% Average Health Inspection Rating: 2.82 / 5.00 vs. 3.90 / 5.00 Average Government Rating: 3.01 / 5.00 vs. 4.49 / 5.00
Rating Methodology
Health Inspections Every year, the government assigns inspectors to conduct a formal review of nursing homes for regulatory purposes to meet the mandates outlined for Medicare and Medicaid, this aims to measure and improve the safety of residents across providers. Facilities may also be inspected when complaints are submitted or based on a reported incident. When noncompliance is identified, the facility is served a citation that indicates which regulation that was identified, along with the severity of the incident. Nursing homes are subsequently required to execute a program of resolution in order to meet compliance. Some scenarios require enforcement actions to be applied, such as a civil monetary penalty or withholding of payment(s), to incentivize resolution in a timely manner. Penalties Facilities are applied 2 types of penalties due to non-compliance / accumulation of incidents. Civil penalties are monetary fines that may be applied to a facility based on citations / infractions identified during a review. The severity of a penalty is defined primarily by the size and frequency of the infraction. Quality of Residence Care There are 3 types of resident care ratings, but for this exercise, we primarily focused on the overall quality measure rating. The quality measures (QMs) include 17 data points that are derived from clinical information reported by the respective nursing home and also from Medicare claims data submitted for payment. Ratings are calculated for the QM domain using the 4 most recent quarters for which data are available. A nursing home receives points contingent on performance on each measure (weighting distribution is not equal). Staffing Staffing research is submitted regularly by the facility and is adjusted for the requirement of the facilities residents. For each of registered nurse staff and total staffing, a 1 - 5 rating is applied according to definitions established for each category. These ratings are subsequently combined to assign an overall staffing rating. As an example, to get an overall staffing rating of 5 stars, nursing homes must earn a rating of 5 stars for both registered nurses and total staffing. Nursing homes could also be assigned a 1 star rating should they not have a registered nurse on-site daily, and do not submit staffing data, or which the data cannot be verified.
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Best Nursing Homes in Iowa
  Read the full article
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bwglifestyle · 5 years
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Oxfordshire heritage meets French flair at our accommodation partner the @belmondlemanoir in Oxfordshire. Tucked away in the picturesque countryside, this 15th-century manor sets the standard for haute cuisine, with Lush gardens and an abundance of colour in summer - why not opt for a 'staycation' and escape the hustle and bustle of life with a long relaxing weekend break? Head to the site to book now! Link in bio.💆❤️👆⠀ .⠀ .⠀ If you enjoy the finer things in life and love to travel and rejuvenate in style, you should check out our @bwglifestyle memberships. We have a vast collection of global accommodation partners, including the iconic @belmond hotel collection where you can enjoy the best rates possible and further discounts of up to 12.5%.❤️⠀ ⠀ www.bwglifestyle.com⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ #Belmond #BelmondHotels #Luxury #oxfordshire #LuxuryLifestyle #PassionPassport #BoutiqueHotels #LuxuryHotels #BeautifulDestinations #DarlingEscapes #Vacation #staycation #FiveStar #Conutryside #Views #LifeGoals #Destinations #luxurytraveler #luxurytravels #luxurytraveling⁣ #travel #traveling #travelling #holiday #getaway #bestvacations #bestplacestogo #beautifulhotels (at Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons) https://www.instagram.com/p/By4mH_9H0gH/?igshid=1l9di9ytr6d2w
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luxurytravelcurator · 7 years
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GOOD MORNING #StMichaels. Early Sunday walk to #breakfast. #Glamping This is how my weekend is looking like ahead and where you will find me till Sunday at @Belmond @InnatPerryCabin. Spa + #Sailing + #Gourmet Dinning al Fresco + #WineTasting and more... cannot wait, highly needed. A charming manor house and rural luxury #resort and #spa, the Inn at Perry Cabin by #Belmond sits in beautiful gardens that reach down to the gentle waters of #Maryland’s Eastern Shore, St Michaels. #GPSCarlosMeliaINNATPERRYCABIN My mission is to transform Tourists into Travelers experiencing unique travel experiences. Luxury #TravelCurator, global bespoke #TravelAgent, #TravelBlogger, #Concierge, Hospitality Consultant and #WeddingPlanner has earned, after over 25 years of experience, the mote of "Little Marco Polo". Member of @VirtuosoLTD Luxury #TravelAdvisor @FirstinService @TzellTravel @TravelLeaders #Jetsetter #Globetrotter #BonVivant curates the world of Luxury #Travel & #Lifestyle by experience, one destination at the time. My fashion connection, husband RUBINSINGER. #Travel #Hotel #Restaurant & Airline reviews. Follow, read and share my travel experiences worldwide at CarlosMeliaBlog #TravelBlog #LuxuryTravel #TravelDeeper among many others... #BelmondPRO www.carlosmelia.com (at Inn at Perry Cabin by Belmond)
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discovercreate · 7 years
Jaw-Dropping Welcome Dinner on the Amalfi Coast
I’m pretty certain Jenna and Shane had the most epic welcome dinner any guest could ever hope to attend. Set on Italy’s Amalfi Coast, the evening began with passed hors d’oeuvres and drinks under the olive groves, followed up by a cozy autumn meal enjoyed al fresco. Honey and Cinnamon planned this Italian soirée and Rebecca Yale photographed one amazing moment after another. Have a closer look inside the gallery and sit tight for the wedding reveal coming up this afternoon.
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  From Rebecca Yale… Jenna and Shane were married on a beautiful Fall day surrounded by 24 of their closest friends and family at the historic Villa Cimbrone, an 11th Century Manor on the Amalfi Coast, in Ravello, Italy. Their wedding celebration was a multi-day affair on the Amalfi Coast and kicked off with a welcome dinner at the Belmond Hotel Caruso. Guests were welcomed to their rooms with a welcome package featuring a program of the week’s activities in a wax sealed vellum envelope, fresh lemons and limoncello, which Ravello is famous for. Guests spent the day exploring the pedestrian only medieval town of Ravello and lounging by the hotel’s famous infinity pool followed by cocktail hour under a grove of olive trees and a dinner on the great lawn overlooking the cliffs of Amalfi as the sunset over the ocean turning the sky around them pink and yellow.
In typical Italian fashion, the best-laid plans went out the window and the original plan for the rehearsal dinner was to use all white marble plates and vessels, but with an Italian shipping error the shipment with the brides items ended up in Lake Como instead of the Amalfi Coast and the bride, who runs a destination weddings and events company, had to improvise along with the floral designer, Mint Design, to create a new tablescape for the welcome dinner. Thankfully the wonderful Federica of Honey and Cinnamon was able to track down the missing rentals and save the day getting them there in time for the wedding the next day!
The bride had brought over some of the essentials in her suitcases and they were able to create a stunning tablescape using autumnal florals and beautiful bottles of limoncello, which guests were able to keep at the end of the night as a favor. It was the perfect introduction to Ravello. Guests enjoyed passed hors d’oeuvres, champagne, and a signature punch cocktail under the olive groves while being serenaded by a guitar player who had been flown in from Nashville to accompany singer, April Kry, the following evening at the wedding.
Photography: Rebecca Yale Photography | Event Design: Ebb and Flow Events | Event Planning: Honey And Cinnamon Italian Wedding Planner | Floral Design: Mint Design | Reception Venue: Belmond Hotel Caruso Amalfi Coast | Shoes: Jimmy Choo | Hair + Makeup: Manola Spaziani Make up Artist | Bride's Attire: Tamara Mellon Twilight Sandals | Floral Sourcing: Capri Flor | Menus: The Wells Makery | Rentals: Andrea Riccio Weddings Solutions | Runner: Silk & Willow
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | Comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Destination Weddings, Destination Weddings and Honeymoons, Rehearsal Dinner, Welcome Dinner Post categories: Real Parties, The Blog
from Style Me Pretty http://ift.tt/2sq8bb9
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ladystylestores · 4 years
19 Best Things To Do In Majorca – Hand Luggage Only
Nestled within the Mediterranean Sea, Majorca (or Mallorca) is one incredible island that’s so beautiful to see. Not only that, but there’s also a heap fo the best things to do in Majorca that are surprisingly diverse and totally unique. 
You see, Majorca is an island that’s got a little something for everyone! It’s the kind of place where you can hike the mountain ranges, explore the best beaches and visit the historic little villages. It really is beautiful and totally worth heading around the whole island.
In some areas of Majorca, you can be forgiven to thinking you’re in the Norwegian Fjords, at other times, the stunning Greek islands. It’s totally diverse! 
Also, it’s worth remembering that Majorica is much bigger than its neighbouring islands, Ibiza and the quieter Menorca. It’s is the kind of place that’s best explored by foot and car, which gives a huge amount of freedom to explore.
After all, the island is the largest of the Balearic Islands and quite expansive, too. Trust me, you’ll realise how big Majorca is once you arrive. 
With that in mind, take a look at some of the best things to do in Majorca. Have the best trip! 
1.) Palma
Definitely the biggest city in Majorca, Palma is a pretty cool place to go if you want to find some cool bars, restaurants and a heap of history.
Once here, make sure to explore the incredible Cathedral of Majorca that’s so imposing. Though, it’s so huge it’s kinda hard to miss when you’re wandering the city.
Oh, and remember you can go on a tour and scale the terraces of the Cathedral of Majorca; the views are immense. It’s easily one of the best things to do in Majorca if you love stunning views.
Afterwards, head across to the castle and also be sure to visit Palau de l’Almudaina, too. The latter is a great way to explore the Arabesque and Moorish influences on the island. 
Oh, and be sure to visit the Arab Baths that are perched in the city.
Now, there’s a small entrance fee and the site is pretty small but it’s well worth visiting if you’re interested in the thousands of years of history. Now, you’ll likely only spend 10-minutes wandering and is easy to include when wandering the city.
If all that exploring has left you hungry, head over to Infineat that serves up some of the tastiest dishes. Their duck is so good!
2.) Soller
Relatively near the north-west coastline, Soller is a lovely town to explore whilst in this area of the island. Not only that, but you can also easily partner a trip to Soller with Fornalutx that’s just down the valley. 
After arriving, be sure to stroll and spot the Ferrocarril de Soller that you can pop on and explore, too. Afterwards, head over to Saint Bartomeu’s Church and explore the historic centre of the town.
Plus, make sure to check out the exhibitions museum of Picasso and Joan Miró, too.
3.) Alcudia Bay
Visiting Alcudia, and its bay is easily one of the best things to do in Majorca if you want a stunning beach. Yes, it might be a little busier than the little coves but it’s a totally gorgeous area and well worth a visit if you’re already in the north-east of the island.
Also, it’s worth remembering that you can actually hop on the boat in Alcudia to visit Barcelona for a day or two. It’s a great way to see both places, especially if you’ve travelled far to visit Majorca. 
Oh, and be sure to grab some panades once you’re here. They’re yummy! 
4.) Valldemossa
Nestled on the North Coast of Majorca, Valldemossa is only about 25-minutes from Palma and totally easy to visit in your rental car.
It’s such a picturesque little spot and one of the best things to do in Majorca if you love historic little villages. 
After arriving, make sure to explore the Carthusian Monastery, the church of Saint Bartomeu and the Sa Cova Restaurant for some of the tastiest tapas.
You’ll love it. 
5.) Pollenca
Not too far from Alcudia Bay, Pollenca is a stunning little village that’s really gorgeous to visit when exploring Majorca. 
Now, one of the best areas of Pollenca to see has to be the 365 Calvari Steps that are totally stunning.
Also, there’s the intimate little Museum of Pollenca that’s well worth visiting if you want to explore more of the village history. It’s pretty small, so don’t expect a huge complex but it’s a lovely little spot if you love museums. 
Plus, if you’re getting some rumbles in your tummy pop into La Trencadora that’s incredible for lunch. Totally love this place. 
6.) Deia
Right on the north of the island, exploring Deia is one of the best things to do in Majorca if you’re travelling the northern coastal routes. 
This hilltop village is hundreds of years old and one of the most picturesque spots in the north of the island. Now, as with most villages, it’s small but it’s a lovely little place to stretch your legs as part of a winder road trip.
Though be warned, it can be tricky to park! 
After arriving, pop into Cafè Sa Fonda that’s so cute and the dishes are homemade and totally tasty.
Also, if you’re wanting to stay in the village, check in to the Belmond La Residencia, it’s so gorgeous and made up old two historic manor houses. Now, it can much more pricey than other spots in Majorca, so make sure you know this before booking.  
7.) Torrent de Pareis
Another area in the north of Majorca, Torrent de Pareis is a great place for a hike, especially if you’re already stopping in Sa Calobra. 
Now, it can get pretty busy at peak times, so go early in the morning if you want to miss most of the crowds. Now, it’s not the best place for food, so I’d suggest giving the restaurants a miss here and gorge once you visit your next stop. 
Also, be sure to see the views from the Sa Calobra Viewpoint. It’s lovely. 
8.) Hike the Tramuntana mountains
Now, there’s a huge amount of incredible hiking trails in Majorca, with the  Ruta de Pedra en Sec (dry stone route) being totally incredible. 
Now, the whole length of the hike goes almost 100km across the Tramuntana mountains, which are so stunning. Honestly, it feels like you’ve actually arrived in the fjords of Norway, it’s that impressive.
Now, there’s a number of trails that are totally stunning with the lake of Cuber in the distance. For instance, check out the Coll de L’Ofre and Puig de sa Rateta routes. It really is one of the best things to do in Majorca.
Though, as with all hikes, prep safely, take enough water and always listen to local safety advice. 
9.) Selva
Nestled within the Tramuntana mountain, exploring the tiny village of Selva is well worth stopping for a little look around. Hop off the main road and head straight up to Selva for a little explore, it’s one of the best things to do in Majorca if you’ve got a hankering for tiny little towns.
Oh, and for a tasty lunch, pop into Miceli, they’ll serve you up a treat of tasty tapas. 
10.) Cala Figuera
Visiting Cala Figuera is easily one of the best things to do in Majorca if you love a stunning and historic village. Not only that, but it’s also a great area to stay whilst exploring the wider area, too. 
Now, it can be quite hilly and pretty difficult to park but it’s worth the hassle. The harbour area dates back 700 years and is well worth taking a stroll or stopping off at one of the bayside cafes. 
11.) Canyamel
If it’s a more relaxing day you’re after, relaxing on the beaches of Canyamel is easily one of the best things to do in Majorca. Plus, the whole coastline around this area is totally stunning. 
Also, nearby, you can call in at Cala Millor and Sa Coma if you fancy some more beach fun! It’s worth remembering, these spots have quite a few hotels, so you can easily stay here. Though, that does mean you’re not going to have a beach to yourself. In the summer months, it can get pretty busy. 
12.) Calo Des Moro
Almost hidden away, in a small cove, visiting Calo Des Moro is gorgeous. 
Yes, the roads and route to the beach can be tricky and it’s certainly not the most accessible of spots but it’s so lovely to visit and really worth a visit whilst exploring this region of Majorca. 
The waters are easily the best in all of Majorca and they’re crystal clear. Also, on your walk to the beach (from the tiny parking area) you might even smell the wild saffron growing.
13.) Drive the MA-2141
The MA-2141 really gets interesting around this point, and is well worth driving, especially if you want to see a totally different side to Majorca. 
Now, you might think it looks pretty hair-raising to drive, but the roads are in great condition and it’s really easy. Plus, there are lots of little stopping points to take in the views. 
To be honest, it’s not too far from Sa Calobra and you’ll likely drive along this road if you’re heading here. 
14.) Cap de Formentor
Okay, for me, seeing Cap de Formentor is one of the best things to do in Majorca, especially if you love a good viewpoint!
You see, Cap de Formentor is perched right on the edge of the eastern peninsula which makes it a great place to catch a sunrise.
After arriving, take in the views from El Colomer that is so picturesque. Also, Cala Figuera is another stunning little bay to take a dip, the waters are crystal clear here.
There’s also a great viewpoint from Mirador and the lovely, Formentor Hotel that’s a little pricier than the average but totally stunning. 
Alternatively, it’s totally easy to visit from Alcudia and well worth the trip if you’ve decided to stay there instead. Even if you miss the sunrise!
15.) Felanitx
Falanitx, is one lovely little place to stop if you’re already visiting Caló del Moro. Now, you might only spend a few hours exploring but it’s a totally lovely place to visit, especially as you’ll see the Sanctuary of Sant Salvado, too.
Plus, it’s a great place to stop for lunch, too. You’ll find lots of little family-owned restaurants.
16.) Palma Nova
Palma Nova was probably one of the very first hotel-spots on the island and one that still attracts the crowds today. It’s totally one of the best things to do in Majorca if you want a lovely beach and easy access to lots of restaurants and bars. 
Though, if you want something quieter and historic, you might wanna give this spot a miss. After all, it really depends on what type of holiday you’re looking for. 
If you are looking for an out-of-this-world hotel, check into the St. Regis Mardavall that’s right next to Palma Nova. Again, prices can be higher than the average, so consider this before booking. 
17.) Manacor
Manacor is a relatively large inland town in Majorca, with lots going on, too. 
For instance, every Monday morning, they have one of the biggest markets in all of Majorca, plus a heap of gorgeous pottery stalls and places to shop.
Plus, there’s a Rafa Nadal Museum if you’re into tennis. Though, you might find this a bore if you’re not.
Also, don’t forget about the nearby Drach Caves, too. They’re so dramatic and well worth visiting if you want some time out of the sun! 
18.) Fornalutx
Not too far from the hilly town of Soller, it’s easy to partner a visit to Fornalutx as a wider trip to see some of Majorca’s stunning hilltop towns.
They’re all so quaint and historic, especially Fornalutx which is one of the best things to do in Majorca when you’re looking for the more authentic side of island life. 
Now, you can either drive between the towns themselves or take the trails and footpaths that can be easiest when parking is tricky.
Once here, be sure to explore the stoned cottages and tiny streets that make Fornalutx so quaint. It’s such a stunning and sleepy little place. 
19.) Campanet
Around 30-minutes from Palma, on the main road to Alcudia, is Campanet. It’s a tiny little village that’s lovely to stop when driving across the island, especially if you’re hankering for some grub. 
I love Restaurant Talent that’s so intimate and the food is so good!
Plus, if you’re looking for a more traditional lodging, check into Monnaber Vell, that’s totally rustic and lovely. Situated in a historic villa, it’s also got the most lovely pool. Totally tranquil and so gorgeous. 
Read more: Best things to do in Menorca
10 Best Things To Do In Menorca
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/2YWaA0K
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enterprisemag · 4 years
Bespoke Irish Hospitality - Myths & Legends, Adventure and the 'Craic'
Belmond Grand Hibernian, Ireland’s only luxury sleeper train introduces bespoke experiences taking guests off the rails and into the heart of Ireland’s eclectic and adventurous landscape. Guests can tailor their itinerary by choosing their own adventure; immersing themselves in Celtic culture of myths and legends of Ireland’s fabled landmarks and new for 2020 – Belmond introduces a new pop-up pub on the platform, where music and dancing and plenty of ‘craic’ are on the menu.
New experiences include kayaking at sunset kayaking on the lake at Killarney, paddle boarding across Clew Bay, kissing the blarney stone at Blarney Castle, horse riding on the beach in Carrowholly or exploring foodie Galway.
New for 2020 – Belmond brings the warmth and craic of traditional hospitality direct to the rails with a ‘pop-up’ pub on the platform in the traditional style of a ‘Shebeen – once known as an illicit inn’ popping up along the route to offer a taste of traditional Ireland, music, Guinness and dancing.
Ireland offers some of the most beautiful natural landscapes that can be best explored on water – such as at Westport, on Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, the natural Clew Bay features 365 islands and offers a calm serenity that is perfect for exploring by Paddle Board, whilst at Kilarney National Park, at the end of the day, guests can take a sunset kayak tour with the backdrop of Ross Castle.
Horse racing and riding are an intrinsic part of Irish history and culture. Guests on board Belmond Grand Hibernian can choose to go beach riding on Clew Bay, enjoy the grounds of the lavish country estate, Mount Juliet, on horseback or visit the Dublin Horse Show at RDS Ballsbridge in July 2020.
Whilst in Cork, choose a guided tour of either Blarney Castle, and receive the ‘gift of the gab’ by kissing the legendary ‘stone of eloquence’ or a guided tour of one of Europe’s best -preserved star-shaped artillery forts, Charles Fort. Arguably one of Limerick’s star attractions, Bunratty Castle is one of the most complete medieval castles in Ireland and boasts a recreated interactive rural village where guests can meet village characters and soak
Golf enthusiasts can add a round of golf into their itinerary with tee times available at Royal Dublin Golf Club, Portmarnock Golf Club, Adare Manor Resort, Carne Golf Links. Royal County Down Golf Club, Lahinch Golf all available.
Departing from Dublin’s Hueston Station, Belmond Grand Hibernian travels on circular routes through both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. With only 40 passengers on board, the train has two, four or six night itineraries. On September 28th, Irish cooking sensation Clodagh Mckenna returns to the rails for her bespoke two night ‘Taste of Ireland’ itinerary.
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honeymoonid · 5 years
Sudah punya agenda jalan-jalan atau malah married getaway keliling dunia? Nah, pas banget nih karena Belmond punya daftar momen seru setiap bulan di sepanjang 2019 ini! Seperti …
  Januari – The Virtues of Vegan Cuisine
Keasyikkan di bulan pembuka 2019 ini, Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons – salah satu hotel luks di desa Great Milton yang tenang, dekat Oxford, Inggris, sana, menyajikan deretan menu vegan berkelas Michelin. Seru!
  A New Chelsea Scene (Februari)
Masih di Inggris, pemandangan menawan Chelsea disajikan dengan keren oleh Belmond Cadogan Hotel. Deretan kamar dengan artwork Inggris orisinil, koleksi literasi, dan menu-menu khas Inggris. keunikan khusus? Kamu bisa dapat akses pribadi masuk ke Cadogan Place Gardens!
Terasa seperti rumah, ya? | Foto: Belmond
  Spirit of the Samba in Rio (Maret)
Berencana ke Rio de Janeiro? Nah, Belmond Copacabana Palace siap dengan deretan pesta jalanan yang meriah dan keren itu! Ya, Rio Carnival siap dinikmati mata kamu dan pasangan. Mau?
  Keseruan Konser Orkestra di Botswana (April)
Atau jangan-jangan kamu ingin pergi ke Afrika Selatan? Jika ya, Botswana bisa jadi pilihannya. Tapi jangan salah, nanti pas 20 April 2019, bakal ada konser khusus dari London Philharmonic Orchestra yang akan diadakan di Belmond Eagle Island Lodge, loh!
  Belle of the Biennale di Mei
Nah, kalau di Mei 2019, coba deh rasakan Venice Art Biennale dengan ikut perjalanan Venice Simplon-Orient Express dari London ke Venisia yang akan diakhiri dengan menginap di hotel berdesain art, Belmond Hotel Cipriani. Asyik, kan!
Langsung ingin mager, nggak sih, pas lihat ini! Ya, inilah Venice Simplon-Orient-Express – Grand Suites! | Foto: Belmond
  Keindahan “Sparkling White Nights” di Juni
Pasti kamu sudah pernah mandi air, ya! (Pastinya, kalau belum, ya bakalan … Hahaha!)  Mandi cahaya? Itulah yang bakalan kamu rasakan pas jalan-jalan ke St.Petersburg sepanjang Mei hingga awal Juli. Apalagi kalau kamu menginap di Belmond Grand Hotel Europe, wuidih… Langit cerah nan putih bakalan jadi momen terindah buat kamu berdua!
  Pisco Tasting di Peru (Juli)
Belum tahu tentang pisco? Pisco adalah minuman khas Amerika Selatan sejenis koktail. Jika berencana ke Peru, selama sebulan di Juli diadakan perayaan National Pisco Day di Peru sana. Sembari naik kereta hotel luks, Belmond Andean Explorer, kamu bisa  mencicipi pisco dan ehem… menikmati perjalanan romantis!
  Serunya menikmati Konser Senja di Agustus
Nonton konser saat senja mulai turun? Bisa banget! itu bisa dinikmati pas kamu menginap di Belmond Hotel Caruso pada 11 Agustus 2019 ini. Bayangkan, menikmati semuanya itu dengan Amalfi Coast yang ikonik!
  Tiger Express di Bangkok (September)
Ingin punya momen jalan-jalan yang historis, apalagi mengarungi teritori macan? Naik deh Eastern & Oriental Express dan ikuti ‘Tiger Express’ – perjalanan khusus Singapura-Bangkok digelar untuk menggalang dana pas 8 September 2019 nanti!
  Menggali Harta Karun di Tuscany (Oktober)
Jika ingin ke Tuscany di Italia sana, ini saatnya! Di Oktober ini kamu bisa seru-seruan ‘memanen’ anggur langsung dari ladangnya. Ya, sembari memanen anggur alias vendemmia, kamu dan pasangan bisa menikmati anggur terbaik di Belmond Castello di Casole!
  Day of the Dead di Meksiko (November)
Meksiko punya pesta khasnya. Apalagi kalau bukan Day of the Dead! Nah, Belmond Casa de Sierra Nevada yang terdiri dari enam mansion bisa jadi pilihan destinasi. Letaknya pun strategis di jantung kota San Miguel de Allende. Keren!
Keasrian asyik nan teduh di Belmond Casa de Sierra Nevada | Foto: Belmond
  Pesta Akhir Tahun dengan Suasana Natal di Manor (Desember)
Ya, inilah saatnya kamu bisa menikmati Belmond British Pullman sepanjang Desember 2019 dengan Champagne brunch-nya dan menikmati atmosfir kuliner kuat di Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons. Siap?
    Penulis: Orlando
  The post Momen Jalan-Jalan 2019 dengan Sensasi Belmond di Seluruh Dunia appeared first on Thewedding Id.
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Bên trong lâu đài Adare Manor – khách sạn số 1 thế giới năm 2018
Virtuoso Best of The Best là giải thưởng thường niên danh giá nhất thế giới, được bình chọn bởi 18.000 chuyên gia trong chuyên ngành du lịch tại hơn 50 quốc gia.
Giải thưởng được đề cử và trao tại nhiều hạng mục như bối cảnh, thiết kế khách sạn, quầy bar, nhà hàng. Trong đó hạng mục quan trọng nhất, giải Khách sạn của năm đã được trao cho lâu đài Adare Manor ở Iceland.
Adare Manor là một lâu đài mang kiến trúc cổ Gothic, với những mái vòm và tranh tường treo trang trí bên trong. Lâu đài nằm trong một khu đất rộng 339 ha, có niên đại từ năm 1700.
Trải qua quãng thời gian 21 tháng tu bổ, khách sạn mở cửa trở lại vào tháng 11/2017. Giờ đây, khách sạn tự hào khi có 104 phòng nghỉ tiêu chuẩn 5 sao, ngoài ra còn có phòng khiêu vũ với sức chứa 350 người, khu sân golf, phòng spa, nhà hàng, quán bar…
Phòng khách rộng rãi được đặt ở tầng trệt, với cửa sổ lồi và lò sưởi được lát đá cẩm thạch cùng những nội thất cầu kỳ  với gam màu vàng sang trọng làm chủ đạo.
Nhà tài phiệt đua ngựa JP McManus đã mua lại lâu đài và cho nâng cấp thành khách sạn đẳng cấp quốc tế từ năm 2015. Một số khu vực bên trong khách sạn giữ nét kiến trúc cổ kính với cửa sổ lớn bằng kính màu, trần 2 tầng.
Nét hiện đại cũng được thể hiện rõ nét như tại phòng chiếu phim riêng của khách sạn. Cầu thang xoắn ốc chính của khách sạn cũng được thay thế bằng hệ thống thang máy tân tiến.
Trong hình là nội thất của một phòng tiêu chuẩn ở Adare Manor, nơi những người bỏ phiếu bình chọn đã ca ngợi nơi đây như một biểu tượng của sự trang nhã, tiện nghi. 
Các hoạt động ngoài trời của khách sạn rất đa dạng, từ đi dạo, đạp xe, câu cá, bơi thuyền, bắn cung, huấn luyện chim ưng… và tất nhiên là cả chơi golf. Khách sạn có cả một giải đánh golf chuyên nghiệp hàng năm thu hút nhiều vận động viên trên khắp thế giới.
Khu nghỉ dưỡng, spa ở đây có bể sục riêng, hệ thống máy móc hỗ trợ tân tiến, cùng với đó là những huấn luyện viên hàng đầu tư vấn cho du khách. Chính sự tận tình và thân thiện của hệ thống nhân viên nơi đây khiến khách sạn được các chuyên gia đánh giá rất cao.
Hạng mục Kiến trúc ấn tượng nhất được trao cho khách sạn Silo ở Cape Town, Nam Phi. Đây là một khách sạn với 28 phòng nghỉ, nhưng mỗi phòng đều được thiết kế nội thất riêng bởi chủ sở hữu.
Hồ bơi vô cực trên tầng thượng của khách sạn cũng tạo ấn tượng đặc biệt với khách nghỉ tại đây. Cùng với đó là một bộ sưu tập 300 tác phẩm nghệ thuật của châu Phi đương đại.
Du khách tới đây từng nhận xét: “Không chỉ những bức tranh, mà mỗi thiết kế tại khách sạn đều là mang một giá trị nghệ thuật”. Giá phòng nghỉ của khách sạn cũng có sự chênh lệch lớn, dao động từ 800 đến 9.000 bảng Anh (1.031-11.600 USD).
Giải thưởng Trải nghiệm ẩm thực tốt nhất được trao cho nhà hàng Meadowood ở Helena, California, Mỹ. Đây là một khu nghỉ dưỡng tách biệt ở thung lũng Napa, nơi có những món ăn kết hợp hiện đại kiểu Mỹ với truyền thống được sáng tạo bởi những nghệ nhân địa phương.
Giải thưởng Quán bar tốt nhất được giành cho Donovan Bar ở khách sạn Brown, London, Anh. Quầy bar độc đáo ở đây cung cấp những loại cocktail đặc trưng được đặt theo tên của nhiếp ảnh gia huyền thoại, Sir Terrence Donovan. 
Thiết kế bắt mắt cùng sự chuyên nghiệp trong phong cách phục vụ, bầu không khí thân mật, vị trí ngồi hoàn hảo… Những điều đó tạo nên ấn tượng mạnh mẽ khiến mọi du khách tới đây đều cảm thấy hài lòng.
Danh sách những khách sạn chiến thắng tại giải thưởng Virtuoso Best of The Best năm 2018:
– Khách sạn của năm: Adare Manor, Limerick, Ireland.
– Thiết kế ấn tượng nhất: Silo Hotel, Cape Town, Nam Phi.
– Trải nghiệm ẩm thực tốt nhất: Nhà hàng Meadowood, thung lũng Napa, California, Mỹ.
– Quán bar tốt nhất: Donovan Bar, khách sạn Brown, London, Anh.
– Du lịch bền vững nhất: Six Senses Douro Valley, Lamego, Bồ Đào Nha.
– Chương trình thân thiện gia đình nhất: Trang trại Rock Creek, Philipsburg, Montana, Mỹ.
– Chương trình sức khỏe tốt nhất: BodyHoliday Saint Lucia, Castries, St Lucia.
– Khách sạn mới tốt nhất: Khách sạn Rosewood, Paris, Pháp.
– Đại sứ khách sạn Virtuoso tốt nhất: Andrea Filippi, Belmond.
Bài viết Bên trong lâu đài Adare Manor – khách sạn số 1 thế giới năm 2018 đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày QuyetChien.net.
from WordPress https://quyetchien.net/ben-trong-lau-dai-adare-manor-khach-san-so-1-the-gioi-nam-2018/
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Hotel Port-Royal in Quebec City, Canada (North America). The best of Hotel Port-Royal Hotel. Welcome to Hotel Port-Royal in Quebec City, Canada (North America). The best of Hotel Port-Royal. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The common services in the accommodation will be: wifi available in all areas. In the section of bar we will enjoy: wine/champagne, on-site coffee house, breakfast in the room, restaurant, restaurant (à la carte), room service, chocolate or cookies, breakfast options, kid meals, bottle of water, snack bar, bar and fruits. For welfare, the establishment has massage and full body massage. As far as transport is concerned, secured parking, car hire and electric vehicle charging station. For reception we can arrange concierge service, tickets to attractions or shows, safety deposit box, atm/cash machine on site, 24-hour front desk, luggage storage and tour desk and newspapers. Within the related spaces we will enjoy sun terrace and terrace. For family enjoyment we can have babysitting/child services. Cleaning services include daily maid service, dry cleaning and ironing service. If you travel for business affairs in the facilities you have fax/photocopying and meeting/banquet facilities. We can highlight other possibilities as family rooms, lift, heating, bridal suite, non-smoking rooms, non-smoking throughout and air conditioning [https://youtu.be/Ceyztt3JtKM] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2s2yDdo You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2KJM3C7 We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hotel Port-Royal Other hotels in Quebec City Le Saint-Pierre, Auberge Distinctive https://youtu.be/FbCOY45ZOkI Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac https://youtu.be/JcljXGZ9hxE Hotel Manoir Victoria https://youtu.be/EP2OkKKtHR0 Hotel le Priori https://youtu.be/kIrwTmqB9M4 Hôtel des Coutellier https://youtu.be/SX1JH4v_z58 Best Western Plus Centre-ville/City Centre Québec https://youtu.be/O7LiW3CJxNs Hôtel Palace Royal https://youtu.be/N6qUm8uQ4U8 Other hotels in this channel Hotel Gogov https://youtu.be/PZXLCgorpQ0 Mercure Monte Igueldo https://youtu.be/meEJ6RqOpN8 Hotel Britannia https://youtu.be/vQiGXAORR4g Hotel Bellotto https://youtu.be/DWejecnxHgg Novotel Phuket Phokeethra https://youtu.be/OXUNuBsIEHo Armon Suites Hotel https://youtu.be/VGjVJkr6j24 Ramee Grand Hotel And Spa https://youtu.be/O1I81cSqNzI Golden Dolphin Supreme https://youtu.be/YZR_se8PNuI Hotel Catedral https://youtu.be/9YESGouXGyU Tamarind by Elegant Hotels https://youtu.be/VD46nx3rZ5g Bonanova Park https://youtu.be/1m38Y7c6O0U Wealth 30th https://youtu.be/pEns09V86eo Shutters On The Beach https://youtu.be/tbmuenfwqz0 Skrunda Manor https://youtu.be/52gJv44VlSM Belmond Charleston Place https://youtu.be/iXh5ff7XXCk In Quebec City we recommended to visit In the Canada you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Château Frontenac, Cascadas de Montmorency, Centro histórico de Quebec, Ciudadela de Quebec, Llanuras de Abraham, Museo de la Civilización, Notre-Dame de Quebec, Basílica de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré and Acuario de Quebec. We also recommend that you do not miss Museo nacional de bellas artes de Québec, Centro Morrin, Musée de l'Amérique francophone, Castillo Saint-Louis, Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site, Musée des Ursulines de Québec, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hotel Port-Royal and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Canada based in Hotel Port-Royal Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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cookingawe · 6 years
Mark Jarvis to open third restaurant ...
New Post has been published on http://cookingawe.com/mark-jarvis-to-open-third-restaurant/
Mark Jarvis to open third restaurant ...
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Mark Jarvis, chef-patron of Anglo in Farringdon and Neo Bistro near Oxford Street is to open a new venture on Princes Street, Mayfair, in March.
The 35-cover Stem will be “informal, but precise in terms of its modern British food”, Jarvis said.
The menus, created by Catey 2017 Newcomer Award winner Jarvis and head chef Sam Ashton-Booth, will offer dishes such as smoked eel with celeriac and white chocolate, pigeon with coconut and salted peanut, as well as pineapple, olive oil, lime and salt.
A wine list will feature about 120 wines.
The building on Princes Street is owned by the Crown Estate and is included within a regeneration project for the area.
The interior will be designed by Commercial Kitchen and Bar and will feature a living wall on ground level, and a six-seat private chef’s table in the basement.
Stem will be open Monday to Saturday for dinner, Tuesday to Saturday for lunch and Sundays between 11am and 4pm.
Jarvis started working in kitchens at the age of 16. His experience includes the Lords of the Manor in the Cotswolds, Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons in Oxfordshire, Blanc’s pub, the Thatch, the Royal Exchange London and Michelin-starred Texture in London.
His first head chef role was at the Blueprint Café, where he took over from Jeremy Lee. A year later, Jarvis took on his first executive chef role at the Bingham hotel in Surrey, where he remained for two years.
Jarvis opened his first solo restaurant Anglo – formerly a pizzeria called Fabrizio’s – just off of Leather Lane in Farringdon, London, in March 2016. Neo Bistro followed in June 2017 which Jarvis opened in partnership with Alex Harper, former head chef of Fulham’s Harwood Arms.
Cateys 2017: Newcomer Award, Mark Jarvis, Anglo >>
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businessweekme · 6 years
Araki Tops the List of Best 100 Restaurants in the U.K.
The U.K.’s most expensive restaurant is also its best, according to a new ranking of the top 100 places to eat in the country.
The only option at the Araki, a London sushi establishment that seats 10 diners, is a set menu that costs £300 ($400) per person, before drinks. The Mayfair restaurant topped the Harden’s 100 list, which reflects about 50,000 reviews submitted by 8,500 contributors.
Chef Mitsuhiro Araki opened the restaurant in 2014 and was awarded three Michelin stars this year. Celebrity David Beckham appears to have eaten there this week.
Harden’s is just one of several competing U.K. lists. These include the Estrella Damm National Restaurant Awards, which are based on the votes of 180 chefs, restaurateurs and food writers, including me. Araki doesn’t feature in that Top 100, possibly because so few people can afford to eat there, much less secure a table.
You can spend a considerable amount of money at several of the restaurants near the top of the Harden’s list, such as No. 5, chef Heston Blumenthal’s experimental restaurant the Fat Duck. A meal there is £275 and will rise to £325 in April. But Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester, where the 10th Anniversary menu costs £280, doesn’t even register in the Harden’s rankings.
Restaurants from around the U.K.—in Bristol, Port Isaac, Bray, Oldstead and Edinburgh—all appear on the list.
“The excitement of the London restaurant scene has spilled over into the rest of the U.K. in the past five years,” said Peter Harden, who co-founded the guide with his brother Richard. “Most large cities now have nationally notable restaurants.”
The Harden’s Guide has been published for 25 years. Anyone can register and submit reviews. The rankings vary widely: The Black Swan, named the world’s best restaurant on TripAdvisor, places at No. 8 on Harden’s and at 58 in the National Restaurant Awards.
The Harden’s 100:
The Araki, London  Casamia, the General, Bristol The Ledbury, London Restaurant Nathan Outlaw, Port Isaac The Fat Duck, Bray Marianne, London Waterside Inn, Bray  Black Swan, Oldstead Restaurant Martin Wishart, Edinburgh The Clove Club, London Gidleigh Park, Chagford Fraiche, Oxton Restaurant Sat Bains, Nottingham Ormer Mayfair, London Gareth ward at Ynyshir, Eglwys Foch Sushi Tetsu, London Story, London L’Enclume, Cartmel Yorke Arms, Ramsgill-in-Nidderdale The Greenhouse, London Midsummer House, Cambridge Le Gavroche, London Pied à Terre, London Sketch, Lecture Room, London Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons, Great Milton Umu, London Bubbledogs, Kitchen Table, London The Five Fields, London Raby Hunt, Summerhouse Moor Hall, Aughton Bohemia, Jersey Adam’s, Birmingham Texture, London Estiatorio Milos, London Andrew Fairlie, Auchterarder Morston Hall, Morston Hélène Darroze, London Tyddyn Llan, Llandrillo The Box Tree, Ilkley Le Cochon Aveugle, York Pétrus, London Hedone, London Hambleton Hall, Hambleton The Neptune, Old Hunstanton The Ritz, London Roux at Parliament Square, London The Kitchin, Edinburgh Murano, London Llangoed Hall, Llyswen Paul Ainsworth at No. 6, Padstow 108 Garage, London Hakkasan Mayfair, London Chez Bruce, London Lympstone Manor, Exmouth Jamavar, London Hunan, London The Forest Side, Grasmere The Art School, Liverpool André Garrett at Cliveden, Taplow House of Tides, Newcastle Upon Tyne Artichoke, Amersham 5 North Street, Winchcombe Goodman City, London Trishna, London Wilks, Bristol Norn, Edinburgh One-O-One, London The Three Chimneys, Dunvegan Elystan Street, London Typing Room, London La Trompette, London Where The Light Gets In, Stockport The Man Behind The Curtain, Leeds Restaurant James Sommerin, Penarth Marcus, The Berkeley, London The Whitebrook, Whitebrook Pollen Street Social, London Gauthier Soho, London Zuma, London La Petite Maison, London Locanda Locatelli, London Northcote, Langho The Harrow at Little Bedwyn, Marlborough The Woodspeen, Newbury The Sportsman, Seasalter The Glasshouse, Kew Wiltons, London Purnells, Birmingham Coya, London La Dame de Pic, London Roka, London  Seafood Restaurant, Padstow The Seahorse, Dartmouth The Peat Inn, Cupar Scott’s, London Stovell’s, Chobham Trinity, London Portland, London Min Jiang, London Medlar, London
Tickets have now been released for January, February & March 2018, we hope to see some of you in the new year! Link in bio. From our Winter menu, snacks. Devilled Spider Crab Tarts, Buttermilk Fried Chicken & Pine Salt, Warm Haggis Buns with Peated Barley Vinegar Powder! @its_isaac @danielclove @johnnyclove
A post shared by The Clove Club (@thecloveclub) on Dec 4, 2017 at 5:20am PST
The post Araki Tops the List of Best 100 Restaurants in the U.K. appeared first on Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East.
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luxurytravelcurator · 7 years
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Starting our weekend #Glamping This is how my weekend is looking like ahead and where you will find me till Sunday at @Belmond @InnatPerryCabin. Spa + #Sailing + #Gourmet Dinning al Fresco + #WineTasting and more... cannot wait, highly needed. A charming manor house and rural luxury #resort and #spa, the Inn at Perry Cabin by #Belmond sits in beautiful gardens that reach down to the gentle waters of #Maryland’s Eastern Shore, #StMichaels. #GPSCarlosMeliaINNATPERRYCABIN My mission is to transform Tourists into Travelers experiencing unique travel experiences. Luxury #TravelCurator, global bespoke #TravelAgent, #TravelBlogger, #Concierge, Hospitality Consultant and #WeddingPlanner has earned, after over 25 years of experience, the mote of "Little Marco Polo". Member of @VirtuosoLTD Luxury #TravelAdvisor @FirstinService @TzellTravel @TravelLeaders #Jetsetter #Globetrotter #BonVivant curates the world of Luxury #Travel & #Lifestyle by experience, one destination at the time. My fashion connection, husband RUBINSINGER. #Travel #Hotel #Restaurant & #Airline reviews. Follow, read and share my travel experiences worldwide at #CarlosMeliaBlog #TravelBlog #LuxuryTravel #TravelDeeper among many others... #F1STravel #BelmondPRO www.carlosmelia.com (at Inn at Perry Cabin by Belmond)
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mialipsky-blog · 7 years
Jaw-Dropping Welcome Dinner on the Amalfi Coast
I’m pretty certain Jenna and Shane had the most epic welcome dinner any guest could ever hope to attend. Set on Italy’s Amalfi Coast, the evening began with passed hors d’oeuvres and drinks under the olive groves, followed up by a cozy autumn meal enjoyed al fresco. Honey and Cinnamon planned this Italian soirée and Rebecca Yale photographed one amazing moment after another. Have a closer look inside the gallery and sit tight for the wedding reveal coming up this afternoon.
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  From Rebecca Yale… Jenna and Shane were married on a beautiful Fall day surrounded by 24 of their closest friends and family at the historic Villa Cimbrone, an 11th Century Manor on the Amalfi Coast, in Ravello, Italy. Their wedding celebration was a multi-day affair on the Amalfi Coast and kicked off with a welcome dinner at the Belmond Hotel Caruso. Guests were welcomed to their rooms with a welcome package featuring a program of the week’s activities in a wax sealed vellum envelope, fresh lemons and limoncello, which Ravello is famous for. Guests spent the day exploring the pedestrian only medieval town of Ravello and lounging by the hotel’s famous infinity pool followed by cocktail hour under a grove of olive trees and a dinner on the great lawn overlooking the cliffs of Amalfi as the sunset over the ocean turning the sky around them pink and yellow.
In typical Italian fashion, the best-laid plans went out the window and the original plan for the rehearsal dinner was to use all white marble plates and vessels, but with an Italian shipping error the shipment with the brides items ended up in Lake Como instead of the Amalfi Coast and the bride, who runs a destination weddings and events company, had to improvise along with the floral designer, Mint Design, to create a new tablescape for the welcome dinner. Thankfully the wonderful Federica of Honey and Cinnamon was able to track down the missing rentals and save the day getting them there in time for the wedding the next day!
The bride had brought over some of the essentials in her suitcases and they were able to create a stunning tablescape using autumnal florals and beautiful bottles of limoncello, which guests were able to keep at the end of the night as a favor. It was the perfect introduction to Ravello. Guests enjoyed passed hors d’oeuvres, champagne, and a signature punch cocktail under the olive groves while being serenaded by a guitar player who had been flown in from Nashville to accompany singer, April Kry, the following evening at the wedding.
Photography: Rebecca Yale Photography | Event Design: Ebb and Flow Events | Event Planning: Honey And Cinnamon Italian Wedding Planner | Floral Design: Mint Design | Reception Venue: Belmond Hotel Caruso Amalfi Coast | Shoes: Jimmy Choo | Hair + Makeup: Manola Spaziani Make up Artist | Bride's Attire: Tamara Mellon Twilight Sandals | Floral Sourcing: Capri Flor | Menus: The Wells Makery | Rentals: Andrea Riccio Weddings Solutions | Runner: Silk & Willow
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | Comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Destination Weddings, Destination Weddings and Honeymoons, Rehearsal Dinner, Welcome Dinner Post categories: Real Parties, The Blog
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