#ben 10 professor paradox
electraslight · 2 years
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breaks gonna be over soon sadface so ill be posting less
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tyquu · 1 year
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Some memes / doodles from yesterday. I’m art blocked rn so if you’ve got any doodle ideas feel free to drop em
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bambeptin · 1 year
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fisksaturday · 1 year
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some silly sketches that i havent posted i dont think
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thesouppond · 1 year
I walk in eternity
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A tribute, to David McCallum, actor, musician, and the voice of Professor Paradox
Credit to @bambeptin for the butterfly association
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un-bearablysweet · 9 months
Ben 10 Omniverse isn't a terrible show, but it often misses its mark for the sake of comedy. And it's not even good comedy either; it's the same old "Lol. Ben's so lazy, ignorant, and irresponsible. It's a wonder how he keeps the Omnitrix at all! LMFAO" And it's like, okay, we get it. Everyone thinks Ben is a moron, but if Ben's a moron, what does that make the people who lose to him? 🤨
One of the times Omniverse misses the mark on what could have been a legendary episode akin to Adventures Time's "The Hall of Egress." It is the episode Universe v. Tennyson.
The episode about Ben going to trial for recreating the universe. Besides seeing Alien X fight, the episode doesn't make any sense. And I entirely blame writers. They did not think of the logistics of how a trial of this sort of magnitude would actually go. I wouldn't be surprised if the trial was just an excuse to see the celestialsapiens in action.
They wanted a reason to explain the different art styles and all the retcons. Which in itself is stupid. As the audience, we know why specific changes are made. They didn't need to hand-feed us retconning; it always happens.
But more to the point, the entire trial is a sham. And it pissed me off to no end!
1. Ben was never subpoenaed. Alien or not, you can't part the sky like the Red Sea and drag someone to court. You have to set an official date and time for trial, allow the defense to acquire a lawyer, and build their defense. This is basic shit, and if your excuse is that it's just a kids cartoon, that doesn't excuse bad writing.
I just can't stand when people brush over essential details.
2. Only in certain circumstances can you forcefully take a person to court. And that is if the suspected criminal is considered a danger to the public or a flight risk. And even then, it's an immediate arrest before going to court for a hearing. Ambush arrests are considered a last resort; considering Ben's positions as a plumber and wielder of the Omnitrix, Ben has little to no criminal record.
3. Due process, refering back to my earlier point, the celestial sapiens would have needed to give notice of charges, and Ben would need to be heard in front of an impartial tribunal. The entire universe is not an impartial jury. There's a reason any Rando can't walk into a courtroom and decide whether a person is guilty. What if several people aren't even aware of the trial? That could skewer the vote in favor of the Plaintiff (Celestialsapiens)
If the writers on Omniverse weren't so focused on having a hate boner for the main character, this could have been a great episode. And it is a hate boner because why else would they pick Mr. Baumann as the first witness. This dude had beef with Ben since early childhood before having the Omnitrix. His opinion is beyond biased.
Also, Rook took the first chance to air his petty grievances with Ben in front of the entire universe in a court of law, and that is beyond shitty. Ben being "ignorant of many things" isn't a proven fact; it's a personal opinion. Also, being ignorant is a crime?
And had Ben been sentenced to death or died in the trial by combat, what was the plan afterward? Rook carries Ben's body to his mother and says,
"Sorry, Ms. Tennyson, your minor child didn't have the mental knowledge and fortitude of a 50-year-old veteran; his death was totally justified. "
If Ben is ignorant of many things, it is because he is young and has only just started exploring the universe. Many toddlers should be behind bars if simply being uninformed is a crime. It's like the show constantly forgets that Ben is still young but insists on punishing him for it.
The court case is to decide whether Ben recreated the universe; his lack of knowledge and irresponsibility are not up for debate. Besides, Rook has only known Ben for a few months; I doubt that makes him a sound judge of character.
I wish they had brought different people to the witness stand. They could have made excellent callbacks by bringing characters like
Tetrax- He is literally the guardian of Omnitrix and decided that even at age 10, the Omnitrix was safe in Ben's hands. Also, the fact that Ben restores the planet Petropia can be used to defend Ben's recreation of the universe. 
Reinrassig III- I'm sure the word of Highbreed Supreme would hold more weight in court than Mr. Bauman. A small store owner on a tiny planet in the far corner of the galaxy. 
Queen Cicely of the Lewodan( ep. Con of Rath) - The mother of the Tiffin, you know, the baby Ben jumped down a man's throat to save. Ben broke the law by doing that but still prevented a massive war. 
Magister Hulka- (ep. Basic Training) Hulka is a well-decorated Plumber and was Ben's academy instructor. Ben passed with flying colors despite disobeying orders, saving Hulka's life. He even gave Ben his medal for creativity and effective tactics. His word holds more weight than Rook Blonko's, a literally rookie in the plumber association.
Azmuth- do I even need to say anything?
Maxx and Xylene are more than familiar with the Omnitrix and Ben himself. 
Paradox is literally the number one expert on the subject.
Could you imagine the cross-examination with these characters? 
And even without proper character witnesses, Ben could argue that what is illegal is not always morally right.
What is the actual crime, the crime of caring too much? And if his crime is recreating the universe without prior permission. The celestialspaiens were a hidden society; how would he have gotten permission?  
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
If Ben was the only living thing left after the universe was destroyed, did he really break the law since no one was there to uphold it?
Especially since he created the universe up until the very moment it was destroyed, so no time would have passed at all.  
Ben's other option was leaving that universe for dead, and pulling a Rick and Morty, but he didn't do that cause he's not a sociopath. 
The only angle that makes sense for this trial to happen is if it wasn't to prosecute Ben, but to send a message. The message that Celestialsapiens are not to be trifled with and that any attempts will be met with extreme prejudice and even death by combat.
The Celestialsapiens have recreated the universe multiple times, with even more drastic changes than just a smoothie flavor. I mean, Grandpa Max can't even open his eyes, and Azmuth's voice has changed several times. They literally point that out in the episode, and yet this is the first time a trial has ever been broadcasted to the universe.
In fact, this is the first time any other aliens have seen a celestialsapien save for Alien X. And even he was deemed a myth. So why now? Why the grand fan fair? Why broadcast the trial at all? They never notified the universe before.
 It's because the celestial aliens were afraid for the first time since their conception. Their entire beings were briefly erased from existence and recreated, and they did not like it! Do you honestly believe that they changed anything about themselves after recreating the universe multiple times? Of course not!  
But Ben doing that sent the species into a mental spiral of worry and anguish with the fear of not being completely yourself. The same curse they've placed upon the universe prior without any hint of guilt.
The trial was about establishing dominance to keep Ben from recreating the universe regardless of his reasoning. But also to prevent other aliens from attempting the same thing. That's why the trial was broadcasted through the galaxy. This was just a bunch of dick-swinging, so the celestialsapiens don't have to face any sort of actual accountability. 
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puppy--jam · 9 months
Favourite animated show: 016
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created by Man of Action (2008-2010)
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 3 months
Theories about Professor Paradox
I know it's more likely due to UAF using similar facial models for the characters like Ben, Gwen and Natalie, but Paradox does look a lot like Devin, Kevin, Devlin and Aggregor. Strangely enough, Phil also looked like Kevin and Devin in his youth. I have seen the theory that Phil was Kevin's real father.
Paradox being related to Kevin may explain some things. It may explain why the celestialsapians forbid him from coming near them. Aggregor nearly absorbed one of their babies and Kevin considered doing it as well. If Paradox is an Osmosian too (if you prefer them being aliens) it would explain why they don't like him. He also acts a bit like a father to Kevin, fixing his car in his debut episode and warning him about mutating again. He seems too old to be Kevin's father but he could be his great grandfather.
My other theory on Paradox is a bit sadder. Paradox was a scientist working for the US government during the cold war. The characters ethnic or religious backgrounds are never specified but Levin is a Jewish name. Going with the idea of Paradox being related to Kevin, my theory is that Paradox, like Einstein and many other Jewish scientists, escaped Nazi Germany in the 1930s and was offered a professorship in the US. After the war, the government recruited him to work on creating a time portal leading him to where he was in his debut episode. Paradox would, in a way, get his dues by helping Ben and co save the universe from the highbreed attempting a similar genocide. His disgust towards guns, shown when he takes Rozum's pistol, may come from having escaped war, fought in a war and possibly knowing scientists who built nuclear weapons that killed hundreds such as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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anti-azmuth-blog · 1 year
I have been informed that the voice actor for Professor Paradox, David McCallum, has sadly passed away.
Paradox was one of the best additions Alien Force made to the secondary cast. He was always a joy when he showed up on screen.
May he rest in peace.
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flagonofdragons · 2 years
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I absolutely love this scene, firstly because it looks so epic. But also because in the very next scene you see the group at Los Soledad stepping out of Kevin's car...
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...which they left back at Mr Smoothy.
So every time I watch this episode I love to imagine the group epically strolling halfway down the street before Kevin realizes he left his car behind and sprints back to Mr Smoothy at top speed while everyone else just stands around awkwardly waiting.
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Also apparently they let Darkstar ride in the car with them. That must have been a super awkward journey.
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electraslight · 2 years
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ben tens (less than ususal bc i gots the flu)
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tyquu · 9 months
The Wind Up Ben ever tried to reach for Paradox? Like, trying to see if he could find him or wait just for him- I supposed WindUp Ben can create a bit of Chaos in the timeline he gets in and catch the attention of many.
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Hellooooo Anon and thank you for the ask! Sorry it took so long, I was going to re-do these pages but I just don’t have time hfjjdjdhd. Wind Up encounters Paradox often in his journeys across the omniverse. However, Paradox can’t actually help him much. Windups universe (if it even still exists) has been displaced so badly it’s like looking for a grain of sand in the dessert. The most Paradox feels he can do for him is offer him a refuge universe to live in instead (where other displaced Ben’s might be hanging out). Wind up’s stubborn though, and refuses everytime.
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bambeptin · 24 days
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drawing some absolute disrespect
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bigbonbonya · 4 months
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msnihilist · 2 months
For the character game:
Professor Paradox.
Very weird and interesting character
For the character ask game.
How I feel about this character
Paradox is probably one of my favorite side characters. He's hilarious, and he's a writer's wet dream — a walking deus ex machina. The fact that he's British for some reason just adds to it all, lmao.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Not really anyone, honestly. I know a lot of fans ship him with Eon, but I think Eon is too ugly and boring to ship with anyone.
If I had to pick someone, probably Azmuth just because I think the sheer height difference would be funny. That, and Paradox would be one of the few people in the universe who could keep Azmuth on his toes.
What could go wrong with letting the two morally grey grandpas date? Surely you won't regret letting your two morally grey grandpas date.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Definitely Ben. I loved their interactions from the first Paradox episode, and I think there's something so interesting about someone as all-seeing as Paradox seeing something so special in Ben, enough that he continues to help out well into Ben's adult years.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't know if I have one. Probably that I see him as morally neutral, if anything? He's invested in keeping the universe safe, but he lives here. I don't think he's got any qualms about committing crimes or lying and manipulating to reach that end.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I wish Paradox had been shown to be more Eldritch in nature. His origin story was so good, that whole sequence was lowkey scary to me as a kid. And then the show never does anything even remotely horror-adjacent with Paradox ever again, even though he's a walking horror story.
I like to write Paradox with a malicious glint in his eyes, and too-sharp teeth, and a smile that is a little too wide when you look at it out of the corner of your eyes. His hand on your shoulder is too heavy and too cold, and were his fingers always that long?
But then you blink and look again and he's fine. Just a normal guy. Maybe you were the one going a little crazy. Paradox would know a lot about that, if you ever asked him. (You won't.)
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gollageek · 1 year
Professor Paradox: Hello Ben!
Ben 10: Professor Paradox! It's good to see you!
Clockwork: Hello Danny.
Danny: FUCK
Jenny: Danny, language!
Kim: Jake, why are you sweating?
Jake: Because I also messed with time stream and I'm really hoping he doesn't know about it.
Clockwork: I know about it.
Jake: FUCK
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