#ben and bev get engaged
princess-glassred · 2 months
Au where the losers ruin Eddie's wedding (for his own good)
They reunite in their 20's after all leaving and going different paths, Eddie is the one who always stayed in Derry with his mother and upon reuniting with Eddie they find out he's engaged to a lady named Myra and he didn't fucking tell them. The poor guy is being micromanaged to hell and back, every single aspect of this wedding is being decided by his mother, Myra, or Myra's family and there's nothing he can do. Poor Eddie is basically being forced into marrying her by his mother and he lacks the will to put his foot down and say no. Upon reuniting with the losers Myra jokingly suggests that Eddie must have hid them from her cause he was embarrassed of them, when in reality he was just embarrassed by how little control he has over his life and didn't wanna worry them.
The losers (minus Eddie, he's not allowed to come) all get absolutely wasted later that night at a chinese restaurant, and richie will just not shut the fuck up about how sorry he feels for Eddie. Despite their annoyance with him they all agree he looks so miserable with Myra, he's practically being held hostage. Some one has got to shut the whole thing down, and it's then Richie gets a wonderfully unhinged idea. They're gonna RUIN the wedding. Bill, Richie, Mike, Stan, and Ben all beg Myra's family to let them be groomsmen, while Bev tells Myra some fake sad story about how Eddie just means soooo much to her and it breaks her little heart that she can't be part of his wedding because she's just a woman so Myra makes her one of her bridesmaids.
Sonia was so pissed that they let his old friends be part of the wedding and she's keeping her eyes peeled for any mischief they got going on. From there on out it's just a lot of plotting and hijinks, Richie impersonates Sonia over the phone a lot, Bev is forced to wear an absolutely hideous bridesmaid dress that the gang lightly make fun of her for, Stan puts an order in for an ice sculpture with a massive dick, they shred myras wedding dress in a wood chipper then play in it like snow, the whole things a beautiful mess. All the while Eddie is just supremely happy to see the wedding he didn't want and had no part in planning go up in flames.
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tht0nesimp · 11 months
Yandere Losers Club Headcanons
tw; kidnapping but like...less organized and only mentioned a little bit, manipulation, violence, drugging, hypochondria, forced religion,
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-he is much to his dismay like his mom
-He's like a constant nurse, even when you promise your fine! Hitting your knee on a rock hurt for sure, but its not like your going to die..well hopefully not, maybe he's right? thoughts like those will become common as he worms his worries into your mind
-He's willing to share, but only with the club, he continues to promise that its what's best for you when he gives you a prescription of Cyclobenzaprine, just enough to not give you too much serotonin syndrome, but a little extra joy is normal! Not being able to get up just means he needs to get you another prescription or eight! You trust him, dont you?
-Eventually when you try to distance yourself, all the drugs hes been giving you, all the prescriptions you now dont take will come crashing down on you. Hes not going to necessarily mock you when the kidnapping happens and you go through extreme stress and withdrawl...but this wouldn't have happened if you!-
-He gets along best with stan and mike, since all three want what's best for you
-He has his problems with, surprisingly, bev. She got you hurt once and he still hasn't completely forgiven her though he will back her up when you try and vent to him about her manipulating you
-Your overreacting! hes hurt you think she would ever spread rumors about you when she was bullied herself. shame, shame, shame on you
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-Manipulation to the max, she will make you want to spend time with her. There is no other option
-She's one of the more patient of the group though, when you finally start to distance yourself she will calmly help create a plan to help bring you home. You will inevitably be back after all whether its due to drug dependency or the loser club knocking you out on your way back from a party, is up to the universe
-She wouldnt hurt you to a certain point, if she believes its for the greater good then your tough out of luck. But she prefers to just make you feel guilty and dependent
-she gets along best with stan and ben, as the other two are too scared to stop her
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-Its not that he doesnt want you to not be a tad scared of him, but you make it so difficult! I mean, hes the worst at hiding his tendencies about you
-He doesnt fully get why you get bothered when he curses out your crush? What could possibly be wrong?
-Dont worry, he would never hurt you EVER. Well, not on purpose, a few scrapes on an adventure is different!
-He gets along best with mike and bill, as they both enjoy going on adventures with you as well
-Eddie and him clash sometimes, mainly just because of eddies naturally overprotective nature around you getting hurt
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-Mike is a bit more gentle, hes one of the few who feels guilt about what hes doing
-Hes also very jealous of the others at times, and although hed never take it out on you..sometimes he gets clingy when he thinks you might be prefering the others over him in any capacity of the sense
-It goes without saying that he wouldn't hurt you, but he cant bring himself to rat on the others when the kidnapping happens. He locks the guilt even further back in his mind at that point and refuses to acknowledge when you call them crazy
-He gets along best with eddie and bill, all three are deeply concerned for your safety just about constantly
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-Pomegranate??? When he's especially feeling in debt to god for giving you to him, he encourages you to pray! before bed...when you wake up...before eating....whenever you feel like leaving him...yknow when you should be grateful for things!
-If your not super religious he's...ok with that. Sometimes he may wish you were willing to engage with that stuff but he tries not to bring it up too much
-Besides that, hes somewhat tame. But he doesn't feel guilty
-He goes with the vibe of the group so if you do something wrong or when the kidnapping comes around and they feel you need repercussions he's not going to stand up for you but he wont be cruel to you
-He gets along well with bill and mike, theyre all pretty chill with you
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-You wont know hes a yandere unless they kidnap you, he's a scrawny little guy with a stutter who is barely keeping on after georgie's death...do your really think hed ever do stuff like that?!
-You help him with his stutter, your one of the big reason he tries to overcome it when hes a bit older
-Theres not much he does besides a bit of manipulation about him feeling guilty for what happened to his brother, after all, who wouldn't feel bad for this poor guy!
-He gets along best with bev, they both like each other...and you so it works out for them to share you
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losers-club-hcs · 1 year
Requested by @user40724432sworld
Yandere losers club hcs
(This is by far my favorite request yet)
Word count: 746
Bill: now Bill isn't one to make his advances... obvious per se, he prefers to watch from afar without drawing much attention to himself. He is, however one to leave secret gifts for the object of his affection to find, in their locker, in their mailbox, under their pillow. He mostly leaves love poems or drawings, but on occasion he will leave a flower or something he buys.I don't see Bill as a guy who would necessarily kill ir harm for his love but he would manipulate the life out of anyone who dares to get close to his darling. The only people that he trusts around his love are the losers club, he knows he can trust them and he doesent have to worry about his darling being stolen away.
Stan: Stanley is the least obvious out of all of the boys, he doesn't go out of his way to talk to his darling or leave them gifts all the time, no Stan is a hard-core stalker. Whenever he has free time he will be watching his love, making sure they get home ok. Making sure no one dares to bother his angel. At night he sneaks out to peek through the window of his darling, occasionally, not very often mind you but sometimes he has crawled through the window and sat with the object of his affection, gently stroking their hair as to not wake them up, even daring to place a light kiss to their cheek.
Richie: Richie would be the most obvious of the group, always seeking out his darling, making sexual comments and finding ways to be around them constantly. Richie is a master manipulator, in the sense of, he will lie and cheat his way out of any trouble that might arise due to his advances, as well as threatening anyone who tries to get close to his love. He would also be the most violent out of the boys, he would do whatever is necessary to be with the object of his affection, weather that be harming or even killing anyone who tries to steal his sweetheart away from him. He would also be one to kidnap his darling if they did not want to be with them.
Eddie: Eddie keeps his intentions to himself, he is the least obvious of the group. He rarely stalks his love, instead choosing to take certain items and hiding them away in his room, in a place his mother would not find of course. He has quite the collection of stolen items including, pens and pencils notes and drawings made by his darling, even one of their sweaters he nabbed one day. As well as this he also has a plethora of pictures of his sweetheart to look at and admire. Rarely, if ever would he resort to violence, he would instead use one of the other losers to do it for him, most likely richie(seeing as he is the most prone to violence).
Ben: Easily the most affectionate of the losers, Ben touches his love as often as possible, often making excuses in order to do so. He could easily kidnap his darling, but he chooses not to, he wishes for his sweetheart to come to him willingly. If he were to ever harm someone, it would have to be someone who really crossed a boundary with his love, he trusts his darling to not engage with those who try to win them over, but if someone were to be extremely touchy or pushy he would absolutely resort to violence.
Mike: Mike wouldent make his intentions clear, at least at first. The longer he goes without any acknowledgement from his love the more unstable he grows. He can't see his darling in school so he has to find other ways to interact with them, inviting them into the losers club, or "bumping into them", when in reality he planned it all along.
Bev: Bev would be the kind of person to stick up for her darling if they were to ever get bullied, for two reasons, the first being that she can't stand to see her love sad, and the second is that she hopes that by standing up for her love she would befriend them. She would absolutley attempt to kill anyone who got in her way, even going as far as killing a friend of her sweetheart so that she could be the one to comfort them.
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izzyspussy · 1 year
gold rush: Richie/Eddie + meeting during the 27 years (3/3 3/4 oops)
Summary: Eddie “meets” Richie at a bar while they’re both out of town for work, and immediately decides right now is the perfect time to have his midlife crisis.
"Okay, alright," Ben placates when the laughter goes long, gesturing for everyone to settle down, only half genuine. "How 'bout you, Eddie? You married?" "Uh, no," Eddie mumbles, emerging reluctantly from his one-handed cocoon. He debates for a moment, feeling sick. But he has to make sure Richie gets the full picture, now that he has to have any of it. "Engaged. Or I was a year ago, anyway." Richie goes still and silent next to him, his hands freezing where they had been using his chopsticks to whack out a shitty little drumline on the cloth-covered table. "What happened?" Ben asks softly, sympathetically. Eddie's throat hurts; the truth hurts. He coughs it away as best he can. "I moved," he says. "For- uh. For work." Like Pretty fucking Woman. Richie fumbles putting down his chopsticks, tucks his hands under the table. Eddie watches him do it through his peripheral vision. "Sorry to hear that, Eds," Mike murmurs across the now quiet table. Eddie tenses up to hold back a flinch at the nickname. Richie came up with that nickname. Twice. He hasn't used it since they got here. "So, anyway!" Richie says instead, cutting through the atmosphere like a fucking anvil, like he always did as a kid. He brings his hands back up to gesture wildly. "Ben! Where's the rest of you?" "I- Yeah, I guess I lost a few pounds," Ben says, chuckling awkwardly. Eddie, Bill, and Mike all make noises of agreement - Eddie maybe a little more enthusiastically than required, latching onto the change of subject eagerly. "You're hot!" Richie gushes. Eddie can't help but look Ben over, almost as if directed to do so by Richie's words. His eyes sweep up and down Ben's body like a compass needle sweeping around to point North. He admires, for a moment, Ben's somewhat dainty wrists, his bulging shoulders, his thick thighs under the table. The tightness of his fucking cowboy jeans, too, makes for a prettier picture in between them than a looser fit would provide. But then Richie goes on. "You're gorgeous, man! You're like if every Brazilian soccer player was rolled into one person." He pauses there, and sitting so close at hand, Eddie can hear him take a shaking breath, hyping himself up. Braced, he finishes, "Do you like men? Asking for a friend." Suddenly, Eddie isn't so enthused with this topic anymore. There's easy laughter from everyone else, and then a pause when what Richie's said sinks in. Then laughter again, to Richie's palpable relief. "That would be so weird," Bill says, making a face. "What?" Richie demands. "Only you're allowed to date fellow Losers?" "Leader privileges," Bill says with a smirk and a nod. "Okay, gross," Richie condemns, ruining it by laughing halfway through. He turns back to Ben and adds, "Apparently the friend I'm asking for is Bill. Would you date Bill, Ben? Would you let Bill touch your rock hard washboard abs, Ben?" "Oh my God," says Ben, hiding his glowing face behind his beer. "Leave him alone, you're embarrassing him," Bev reprimands, sounding like she's never meant anything less in her life. Eddie can't really blame her - Ben's blush is as adorable as it's ever been, now with the added visual benefits of a strong jaw and a handsomely trimmed goatee. However, he would personally strongly prefer if Richie did leave Ben alone. "What dat ass do? For Bill, I mean." Richie is relentless, though he's honestly looking more at Bill than Ben at this point. Bill, who is choking he's laughing so hard, face so red he's putting Ben's alluring blush to shame - exclusively in terms of shade. While Ben makes for a bashful Prince Charming, Bill looks like a baking tomato that is about to explode in the oven. "Jesus, somebody save me," Ben pleads. "Where the hell is Stanley?"
Read More -> Or start at the beginning.
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Do We Ever Know? Chp. 1
Read on Ao3
Guess who got their new laptop ;))
Summary: The Losers are going off to college, getting the chance to stay together and live in a pack house. Things are supposed to be going great but...some are not happy with their second gender. Primarily how it affects their lives, it ruining the ones they were supposed to have.
Eddie and Stan were supposed to be betas. It was supposed to be simple for them. Eddie planned on presenting as a beta and being with Richie, who was also a beta. Presenting as an omega fucked that up though because now he feels like he has to be with an alpha, despite what he really wants.
Stan is having the opposite of Eddie's problem. Like Eddie, he had planned to be a beta and had planned on being with their pack alpha, Bill. Bill who prefers betas. But now that he's an omega, Bill won't engage with him, let alone even look at him. It leaves Stan feeling cold and confused.
Can these four losers come back together? Or is it too late?
Or I wrote a self indulgent ass a/b/o fic because no one can stop me.
"Can You Feel The Love Tonight”  by Elton John plays loudly over the speakers that have been placed haphazardly in the gym. 
It’s a stupid song Stan decides. What a dumb slow song for them to play at prom. Yeah, it became popular from that Disney movie about the lions, but that's even more of a reason why it’s dumb. Who wants to remember the slow song of their senior prom being from a Disney movie? 
It’s dumb.  
This whole dance is dumb. Greta and her little committee of mean girls might be proud of what they turned the gym into but to Stan…it’s just ridiculous. From the frilly decorations slung about to the tripping hazard that is the balloons littering the floor. “A night under the stars” is this year's theme but where is the theme? It just looks like a child’s birthday party except for the lower lights and the pathetic photo op in the corner. You could get your photo taken in front of a cutout of the school’s mascot. Who wouldn’t want their prom photo in front of Dersom the beaver?
He’s being too cynical, he tells himself. Stan sighs and grabs tight onto his knees, keeping his back ramrod straight from where he sits on the bleachers. A glass of forgotten punch sits beside him. Except it’s no ordinary punch, Richie spiked the bowl. Of course Richie spiked the bowl. The Losers were surprised when Stan took the cup from Richie’s outstretched, offering hand. Is it so out of character for him to want to loosen up?
Yes, yes it is. But tonight he has his excuses. He attributes his cynicism to the alcohol steadily burning its way through his veins. He’s done with the drink. For now. 
“It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far”
Ha! Even the lyrics are dumb. But he knows one alpha he pointedly refuses to think about will find the romanticisms in those little words. Ever the hopeless romantic. Just not for Stan, never for Stan. 
Ben and Beverly have no problem with the choice of song. The betas slowly dance in the corner, away from the crowd and in their own little world. They’re going to tell their future kids about this night, he just knows it. Ben will gush about how radiant Beverly looked in her emerald green gown, one she made herself too, and Bev will insist that she was the luckiest lady here. They’re so grossly in love they make him feel physically ill. They’re some of his closest friends so he’s still happy for them but he’s still bitter. 
Mike has a date, some pretty quiet omega girl named Sara but Stan hasn’t spotted the pair in a while. Scandalous Mike, he more than likely snuck her away to make out. He’ll be a gentleman about it, Mike is never not a gentleman, but the whole thing makes Stan laugh. Who would’ve guessed their sweet Mike, their protective second alpha, would be a heartbreaker
The Losers were thrilled when Mike’s grandad relented and let him join them in high school. Mike, like the rest of the Losers except for Stan it seems like, flourished. So long were the days when they were nothing more than awkward dorks. Now it’s the end of their senior year, maybe the others will have the same luck in college. Or they’ll be losers again. Just like Stan has been. 
He’s been stuck in stasis while the others have flourished. No not stasis, there’s been one development for Stan. He presented as an omega. And he’s never hated himself more for it. 
“To the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager”
Chancing, he looks to the center of the crowd, and sure enough. There he is in his gray suit that compliments his stormy blue eyes quite nicely. His girlfriend of the month, some beta, always a beta, has her arms wrapped around his neck, her face pressed against his broad chest. What’s her name again? He blows through these girls so quickly that Stan has a hard time remembering their names.
Alice? Or was that the one from two months ago? Alex? It’s something that starts with an ‘A’. He thinks.
Every time it’s the same. Bill swears that this girl is the one and so the Losers put up with her awkwardly joining their Loser-exclusive hangouts. To the idea that she can potentially join their pack. Right when they get used to her presence, Bill has dumped her and has moved on to the next one. For such a small town, Bill doesn’t have a hard time finding a new girl to date him.
Because who wouldn’t want to date Bill? 
“Who are we glaring at Staniel?” Richie asks him, breaking him from his dangerous thoughts. The beta plops down next to him. They must look ridiculous. Richie's suit is covered in an orange petal design. It’s so outlandish looking and such a contrast to Stan’s neat, powder blue one.
What a pair they are.
Richie, like him, came to prom alone. “Going single so that the Tozier can mingle!” Richie had chided when asked who he was bringing to their senior prom. Like how he feels about this wretched song, he thought that was also dumb.
Richie likes to laugh off a lot of things. Throw out a joke here and there as a distinction, but Stan knows Riche. They’re a lot more alike than Richie would ever admit. Fitting since they’ve known each other before they could talk properly. 
There’s no need to lie to Rich, he can tell when he’s lying anyways. “What’s Bill’s girlfriend’s name? Alex? Alice?”
He hums as if he’s bored by the question, “I think it’s Abbey, but what does it matter? We all know Big Bill will have a new girl next week,” He waves off.
Stan sits there, silent for a moment, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Richie adds, “Just wait till we get to college. Bill may be our ‘righteous pack leader,’' he mockingly exuberates the last part, “But he’s kind of a whore. Our whore, but still a whore. And I’m will bet my knickles he’s going to be even worse in college.”
“How it's laid to rest?
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best”
 “What are you saying?” He doesn't want to know.
Richie throws his arms in the air, exaggerating, “What I’m saying Staniel is that Bill is bad here. When we get to New York with uh I’m gonna guess over ten times Derry’s population, beta women will be throwing themselves at him.”
His words make it feel like someone is slowly tightening a rope around Stan’s throat. Yes, he could guess how Bill was going to be in New York but also he hasn’t thought about it. On purpose. 
It’s a blessing and a curse that they’re all going to be living in a pack house on NYU’s campus. A blessing because pack houses in colleges are barely a thing anymore, just like packs are, and Stan is so happy he’s going to get to keep his family close. On the other hand, this also means he’s going to have to see Bill and his multiple escapades. Deal with going through heats in the same home Bill resides in, vice versa for Bill's ruts.
Bill's escapades are always betas. To the Loser’s knowledge, Bill’s never been with an omega. He’s never shown any interest in them and rejects the ones that seek him out. Stan’s seen plenty of times the dejected omegas walk away after Bill gently lets them down. 
Stan wasn’t supposed to be an omega. He comes from a whole family of betas. It was some cruel twisted fate when his first heat struck at the age of sixteen. He can’t recall what hurt worse, the cramps, or the way Bill avoided him after it for a whole month. Since then he and Bill haven’t been the same. A chasm bloomed between them. He misses him. 
He resolved to not cry at prom so when he feels the corner of his eyes start to sting he changes the subject. “So how’s Eddie?”
“Why would I know?” Richie beats back, an arch in his brow.
He doesn't bother to roll his eyes, “Because you always know how he is.”
“Oh yeah.”
Stan looks at him expectantly until Richie theatrically sighs, “He’s okay! I think! I’m honestly not too sure because his bitch of a mother turns me away every time I show up at their door and I can’t sneak into his window because she’s bolted it!”
“At least we won’t have to deal with her much longer. Eddie can go no contact with her when we get to New York,” he tells him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 
“Yeah as if that’ll change anything,” Richie huffs. 
He’s not talking about Sonya, he’s talking about between him and Eddie. If he wanted to, he could push, let Richie know he’s here if he wants to talk about it but knowing him, he’d just make a fart joke and insist he’s fine. 
Eddie recently presented as an omega and since then Sonya has kept him under lock and key. Like him, Eddie wasn’t supposed to be an omega. Stan has an idea that Eddie and Richie had been waiting for him to present as a beta like Richie so that they could officially be together. Like Bev and Ben. A wrench was thrown into that plan after Eddie’s presentation. Not that he knows for sure that that was what they were planning. Neither of them will admit anything.
Bill hasn’t treated Eddie any differently though. He's tried to be there for Eddie, unlike how he was with Stan.
Eddie has retreated into himself, fretting through his own personal identity crisis after his presentation. The only reason Stan knows this is that instinctively as the pack’s other omega, Eddie naturally leans on him. They’re both kind of in this together. 
He regrets asking about Eddie because now Richie just looks…dejected. Come on Uris, time to be spontaneous, leave the cynicism on the back burner. When he stands, he can feel Richie’s eyes following him. 
His eyes are on him still when he extends a hand out to him, “Come on Rich, I heard that Conner Bowers is throwing a prom after party. Let’s go crash it.”
Richie perks up, “Stan the man with the plan, how much of that punch did ya drink?” 
“Does it matter?” he asks. 
A devilish glint reflects in his eyes, “You’re right, it doesn’t matter! Let’s blow this popsicle stand Stanny boy!” 
Richie grabs hold of the cuff of his jacket, making him worry about him wrinkling it before Richie yanks him to his feet. The gangly boy drags him out of the gym but not before stopping to tell Bev and Ben where they were going. Richie, happy for the distraction from his dilemma with Eddie, is back to his regular, rambunctious self. 
It starts to rub off on him, and he even laughs as Richie ridiculously clamors into his big truck. Fuck prom, at least he can have fun with his best friend. 
It’s like half the high school showed up to Conner Bower’s party. Some were still in their prom attire and others were just in everyday clothes. Mainly because they were freshmen and sophomores who couldn’t attend prom. It's a good thing you don't have to be an upperclassman to partake in underage drinking. 
Stan’s suit jacket was…somewhere. He’s not sure honestly. It’s hard to care about anything with this much alcohol strumming through his veins, playing his body like a guitar. Richie kept passing him cups of fruity-smelling liquor and he enjoyed the look of excited surprise Richie gave him every time he gulped it down. 
People keep pouring in but he’s not paying attention. Maybe he should be concerned about the lack of omegas here and the scent of boisterous alphas filling the air. Or the fact that he’s lost sight of Richie, presumably to disappear to the dancefloor. He doesn’t care because he’s having fun. For once.
A tugging in his bladder has him trying to find the bathroom. He’ll find Richie afterward. 
Successfully he finds the bathroom on the first floor pretty easily considering he’s plastered. Unsuccessfully he hears someone yakking their guts out through the door and decides to try his luck with the upstairs bathroom. 
The stairs in this home are annoyingly steep and clumsily his foot trips over one of the ledges. Instinctively he braces for his fall… which never comes. A strong hand catches him in time and pulls him to his feet. 
“Are you good there?” the owner of said hand asks him, humor twinkling in his voice. 
He inspects this newcomer. The guy is cute in the high school jock type of way. Blonde hair, gray eyes, and dimples on his cheeks as he smiles at Stan. He decides this guy is cute and worth his time, and his quest for the bathroom is temporarily forgotten. It never hurts to make new friends. Or so he tells himself, ignoring that maybe he’s lingering just because his lonely omega is responding to this welcoming alpha smell. Or he’s just drunk. It’s both. 
The guy isn’t perturbed by Stan’s silence and extends a tanned hand out to him, “The names Todd.”
Todd? Stan doesn’t care enough to know much about sports but even he knows that this must be the quarterback. Todd Duncan. What business does he have talking to him? The other Losers are cool, not him. He’s just the loser that hangs out with them. 
Stan shakes Todd's hand and blushes when their hands linger, “I’m Stan.” 
“Yeah I know,” he chuckles, “You’re one of Denbrough’s friends.” 
Bill is on the baseball team. He’s the star batter. It makes sense that Todd knows Bill. If Bill isn’t hanging out with the Losers, he’s hanging out with his jock friends. Then again so does Mike since he’s also on the football team. It would make more sense if Todd had called him one of  Hanlon’s friends’. Instead, he knows him through his association with Bill. He’s too drunk to think about that. 
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
Todd runs a hand through his hair and looks around the stairwell, smiling mischievously back at him as if he’s realized something, “You heading upstairs to meet someone? Is it Denbrough?”
This actually makes him short circuit, “You mean Bill?! Wha- what are you on about?”
“Oh, never mind,” Todd laughs, running a hand through his blonde hair, “Just messing with you, that’s all. You look cute all frazzled out like that.”
Stan huffs, ignoring the blushing creeping down his face, “Gee thanks. I’ll let you know that I just was heading upstairs to find the bathroom and just the bathroom.” 
“Oh well, I can help with that.” Todd’s big hand encircles his wrist and starts dragging Stan up the stairs after him. Stan doesn’t even get an opportunity to object. 
Todd guides him to a thankfully empty bathroom, letting go of him so that he can take a ridiculous bow as he opens the door for Stan. He rolls his eyes at his antics but…it's kinda cute. 
He takes care of his business and is happy to see Todd is still waiting for him when he opens the door. The alpha offers his arm to him, “Shall we make our way back down?”
Stan links their arms, feeling bold, “We shall.”
Todd leads him, (why is he letting everyone lead him around tonight?) to the back porch. The wind chill has picked up, causing him to shiver and miss his suit coat. Where did he put that again? Todd notices and throws an arm around Stan’s shoulders, dragging him in. He claims it’s for body heat.
If Stan was sober this absolutely would not be happening. A strange alpha hanging on him? Even in his drunken state something is trying to tell him that something is wrong. Drunk Stan chooses to ignore it.
Todd drags out a cigarette and lighter from his pants pocket. He smokes Newports, unlike Bill and Richie who smoke Marlboros. The smell of them is foreign and he doesn’t like it. It makes him want to put some distance between them but Todd’s grip is ironclad. 
“So,” He starts over the cigarette in his mouth, “You’re already in a pack huh? At our age?” 
He wishes Todd wouldn’t be talking about this in front of the other intoxicated teenagers on the porch. Yes, he’s in a pack, at his age. Yes, he’s well aware that that’s weird. Most people don’t form their packs until after college if they even do. The practice of packs is going out of date. Hell, none of the Loser’s parents were in packs. 
Despite how strange it may seem, he’s not ashamed of his pack. “We love each other. So why wait?” Stan rebuttals, softly elbowing Todd in the ribs, “Most people would be lucky to be in a pack like ours.” 
Todd laughs, “Okay fine, fair enough,” he takes a hit, dragging out a long exhale. The smoke forms in plums around Stan’s face, he hates it. “Denbrough is one lucky motherfucker though. Having not one but two omegas all to himself? Ha! I wish I had his fucking luck!” 
“Eddie and I are not his omegas,” Stan does take a step out from under his arm then. Todd’s comment… leaves something gnawing in the pit of his stomach.
Todd reaches back out to him, not yanking him back, but caressing his arm, “Oh come on. Maybe y'all aren’t his omega’s now, but it’s bound to happen. That's the way things are. Plus I know Denbrough has been eyeing Eddie for a while.”
His skin feels itchy, “Bill would never try to go after Eddie. They’re too much like brothers.” And Bill would never do that Richie. 
Todd doesn’t seem convinced, “Fine if you say so, but what about yourself?” He gestures towards him as he flicks the nub of his cigarette away. 
“What about me?” Stan pulls himself free of Todd completely and takes a step back. This conversation is making him start to feel cold and he can smell the lust rolling off Todd in waves, “I told you, I’m not Bill’s omega.”
A smile, one he doesn’t trust, titters in the corners of Todd’s lips. He walks towards Stan, making Stan walk back until he’s crowded against the porch’s railing. He has nowhere to go. For all the people around them, no one pays them any attention. Where is Richie? 
Todd pushes a curl back from his face, “If you’re not Denbrough’s yet that means you can have some fun right? I’m sure he won’t mind,” he mummers. 
Oh God, Todd starts leaning down to kiss him and he’s just standing there. Frozen in fear. Move your ass, Stanley Uris!
Right as Todd’s mouth starts to brush against his, his smell of lust and nicotine invading his nose, Todd is snatched away. Stan has to blink to take in what happened.
When did Bill get to this party?
Bill has Todd by the back of the neck, forcibly holding him away from Stan. Todd’s hands are gripping Bill’s arm that’s holding onto him, contemplating whether to jerk it off of him or not. There’s tension between them but the last thing they both probably want is for a fight to break out. Especially, Bill, Bill always goes for the more peaceful route to settle disagreements. 
But right now Bill is intoxicated. His eyes are rimmed red so he’s been smoking something. They dart between Stan and Todd, his brow furrowed and a sneer barely visible on his mouth. Stan almost feels like he’s about to be scolded by his mother. 
“What the f-fuck is going on here?” Bill snaps, a little bit of his childhood stutter breaking through. 
He realizes that Bill is mad, which in turn pisses him off. Bill practically ignores Stan for months and then suddenly swoops in to play the hero? Looking at him as if he wanted some gross stranger feeling him up? 
Todd wiggles out of Bill’s grip and surprisingly Bill lets him. “Nuthin, nuthin. Sorry Denbrough, Stanley here said you two weren’t together yet so we were just having some fun.” He puts up his hands in front of his chest in mock surrendering. 
“We’re not together and we’re not going to be,” Stan corrects, arms crossed in front of his chest. He saves Bill the trouble of telling Todd that Stan basically means nothing to him now. He refuses to look at Bill’s face, to risk seeing the relief there now that Stan has confirmed he knows his place. 
Todd takes another step back from Bill, “Okay I’m not getting involved in whatever the fuck you two have going on, I was just looking for an easy lay.”
Bill’s eyes snap from where they were burning into the side of Stan’s skull to the alpha and scoffs at him. Stan is mildly worried that Bill is going to get into a fight, he can see the anger blooming in his pack’s alpha. But then Bill’s shoulders drop and he shakes his head, muttering for Todd to leave them.
Feeling like this is the end of this little weird, uncomfortable situation, Stan tries to sneak away. Until Bill calls out his name. He can’t do this right now, he’s still drunk and can’t focus but what choice does he have?
With his fists clenched at his sides Stan swivels on his heel. What? Is Bill going to act like he suddenly cares now? Or maybe is going to scold Stan for getting into that situation in the first place? Whatever it is, he doesn’t want to hear it!
“What Bill?! What is it that you want?!” he seethes.
Bill plays his part well of acting taken back. Bastard. People are starting to look at them now because of course they are. They’ll pay attention to the omega causing a dramatic scene but turn a blind eye to a pushy alpha. 
“I’m just muh-muh-mmmm,” his tongue fights him, signaling that despite being high he’s still stressed. Overwhelmed. Stan wants to reach out and touch him, reassure him to take his time as he used to when they were kids. But they’re not kids anymore, they’re almost young adults and they’re already fucked up. Bill’s groans and rewords, “Chuh-checking on you. You ll-looked uncomfortable.”
“Me? You were checking on me? Did you think maybe I could be fine?!” he laughs, no humor lacing his tone, “Why don’t you just go back to what’s her name? Alex? Alice?” he spits. Bill doesn’t get to ignore him for months and then have the gall to check on him!
“St-Stanley come on,” he pleads asks.
How the fuck is he going to deal with living with Bill? This is the longest conversation they’ve had recently and it’s shit! For the second time this night, tears start to spring in the corners of his eyes.
“Fuck you, Bill.” 
There’s a flash of something in Bill. Stan’s words ignite something in him, something that doesn’t get the chance to explode as the real hero of the night chimes in.
“Big B-B-B-Billy Billiam! When did you decide to grace this party with your presence?” Richie throws an arm around Bill’s shoulders, tossing a wink Stan’s way, “And I see you’ve found Stanothan! You goose! I’ve been looking all over for you!”
God, he loves Richie, he thinks.
Bill obviously is not sharing that same sentiment right now as he glares at their friend, “Richie let go.” 
“Nah I think I wanna hang on to our oh-so-fabulous pack alpha a lil longer.”
“Richie I swuh-swear to God.”
“Swear Big Bill? Oh, that’s bad, you gotta be a good role model for all your munchkins,” Richie twerps.
See Bill is always for the peaceful way out…until it comes to Richie. Stan sees an evil smile light across Bill’s face before he tackles Richie to the porch floorboards.
“Hey! No surprise attacks! Against the rules!” Richie protests, laughing, as he tries to fight so that Bill is the one on the ground. They’ll keep at this till one of them is pinned and honestly they’re pretty even in strength so these tussles can go on for a while. 
“Didn’t you say I’m p-pack alpha? I muh-make the rules!”
Richie noogies him right in his pretty boy hair, “Yeah whatever fart for brains!”
At this point, all partygoers have rolled their eyes and found something else more interesting. Yeah, he’s still hurt by Bill, but seeing him wrestle with Richie, easily taking Richie’s distraction, it reminds him that Bill’s not the only person in their pack. He has others that’ll be there for him. Bill be damned.
Speaking of which, Mike comes to join them, standing next to Stan and looking down at Richie and Bill with Amusement. A pink gloss has been smeared across his lips and cheeks. “What’d I miss?”
Stan teases, “Oh nothing much. I almost got in trouble, Bill is ever the drama queen, and Richie provoked Bill.”
Mike nods his head, “Huh, nice.”
And that was that. 
A/N: Guys this idea literally just started because I wanted to write some stozier friendship. And now we’re here. It wasn’t even supposed to be a a/b/o fic! I’ve never written one before! Why am I doing this to myself!
But also this by far not my best writing. If you’re a regular reader of mine, this my warning. This is a fic I’ll probably work when I’m going through brain rot and writers block.
Because of this, expect very erratic updates.
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Need at a party with Reddie!
Hi, thank you! One more time I say: Fuck canon.
Read on AO3
Slightly NSFW.
It didn't surprise Richie that only two months after the losers defeated Pennywise, he received a letter announcing that Ben and Bev were getting married. After all, he’d seen them be all over each other not one hour after they left the house on Neibolt and then every minute after that until they all left Derry. 
The letter was also an invitation to their engagement party in Ben’s house in New York. 
That’s where Richie currently was, sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand and watching the door like a hawk. 
“Stop that.” Stan said, he was sitting next to him with Patty on the other side, glaring at Richie’s leg as it bounced uncontrollably. “He will be here okay?”
“What if he changed his mind?” Richie asked, nervously chewing on his bottom lip. “It’s been over two months, maybe everything he said back in Derry⎯ maybe that was only because we had almost just died. Maybe he realized he doesn’t really want me.”
Richie didn’t need to be looking at Stan to know that he was rolling his eyes at him. “He left his wife Richie.”
“Yeah but he didn’t do that for me.”
“No, he did it for himself, but he also told you that he loved you and that he wanted to be with you and that he would be here. You need to trust him.” Stan said calmly, but Richie could hear the underlying you’re being an idiot tone that was usually there when Stan talked to him.
It still surprised Richie just how easily Stan and him had fallen into their old dynamic. It was like the past twenty seven years and the whole forgetting each other thing never happened⎯ just like Eddie never stopped being the love of Richie’s life, Stan never stopped being his best friend. 
And as his best friend, it was Stan who Richie went to the night after they defeated Pennywise, after Richie and Eddie confessed their feelings to each other. 
Richie hadn’t planned it, Eddie was married and he was pretty sure his feelings were unrequited anyway and the last thing he wanted to do was lose Eddie just as he got him back. But then Eddie had walked out of Richie’s bathroom after a shower, because the one in his room was still covered in blood, and he looked so beautiful and soft⎯ cheeks tinted red, hair wet and curling at the tips, sleeping clothes just slightly big on him⎯ and he was alive and Richie couldn’t help it, he blurted out everything he had kept locked in for thirty years. 
After he was done, Eddie simply smiled and said, “I love you too asshole.” Those words were enough to get Richie moving and leaning down to kiss Eddie but he was stopped by a hand on his chest. Eddie was still married and he didn’t want their first kiss to constitute as cheating. Before Richie could argue, Eddie had placed a kiss on Richie’s cheek and said they would talk again when he got divorced. 
Tonight was the first time he would be seeing Eddie since Derry, since Eddie’s divorce.
When Eddie said he would be at the engagement party, Richie felt hopeful⎯ for about a second. Then that hope had turned into doubt and now he was worried that Eddie had changed his mind and realized Richie wasn’t the person he wanted to be with. 
“Richie, honey?” 
Richie had zoned off, he shook his head and grinned. “Yes Patty, dearest?” Out of the corner of his eye he saw Stan’s mouth twitch into a smile.
She smiled knowingly at him. Richie wasn’t sure how much Stan told her about them, but based on the way she stared at him it seemed like she knew everything. Fucking Stan and his big mouth.
“Eddie’s here.” She said.
His head snapped towards the door where Ben was welcoming Eddie in, wrapping him in a hug and accepting the gift in his hands. “Fuck me.” Richie muttered, breath catching in his throat. 
He heard Stan snicker, “You wish.” Then Patty lightly smacked his shoulder and lovingly shushed him. 
Richie watched as Bev joined the two men by the door, giving Eddie a hug. “What should I do?” He asked, feeling his palms already starting to sweat as he took in how good Eddie looked in his black slacks and his tight button up. 
“You should go say hi.” Patty said sweetly. 
Richie shook his head, he raised his beer bottle to his lips only to find it empty. “I need another drink first.”
“You’re being an idiot.” Stan said. “And a child. Just go talk to him.”
“Actually, he’s coming our way.”
Patty was right, Eddie had spotted them and he was walking towards their couch, stopping to say hi to Bill and Mike on the way. “Shit shit shit.” Richie muttered and before Stan and Patty could stop him, he left the couch and snuck into the kitchen. 
He knew Stan was right, he was being an idiot. He had been anxiously waiting for Eddie to arrive and now that he was here Richie was hiding from him, but he wasn’t ready to face him, to face rejection if it came to that, so instead of going back to the lounging room where the party was happening, he slid into the hallway. 
He wandered aimlessly around the house until he finished his beer. Then he stood there, staring at the moon through the glass walls, trying to gather the courage to go face Eddie. 
“There you are.” 
Well, shit.
Richie spun around, knowing he would find Eddie standing there but even then, his breath caught in his throat again and he could barely get out a weak, “Hi, Eds.”
Eddie’s face scrunched up at the nickname but other than that he ignored it. “Why are you lurking around Ben’s house?”
Richie didn’t want to tell Eddie that he was running away from him so he shrugged. “Uh, Ben said they had a dog, I was just looking for him.” 
“Really?” Eddie quirked an eyebrow at him. “Because Stan said you were hiding from me.” 
“That bastard.” 
“He also said you were worried that I changed my mind about us⎯”
“I’m going to fucking kill him.” Richie groaned, scrunching up his face. 
“I don’t think Patty would like that.” Eddie said with a snort. He moved closer to Richie, frowning at him. “Do you really think I changed my mind?”
Richie gave a noncommittal shrug, running a hand through his hair. “I mean, I wouldn’t blame you if you did, all those things we said⎯ we had just gone through a lot, you could’ve said things you didn’t mean.”
“Did you say things that you didn’t mean?”
Richie’s eyebrows flew towards his hairline, he shook his head. “No, fuck no. I meant everything I said, Eds I still do.” 
Eddie smiled, reaching over to grab Richie’s hand, it was warm and slightly sweaty, just like his. “Me too.”
Richie bit on his bottom lip to stop his face from breaking into a dopey grin. When that didn’t work, he ducked his head down and stared at their joint hands. “You’re not wearing your wedding ring.” 
“Well I’m not married anymore so⎯” He trailed off, taking a step forward and closing the distance between them, their faces were only a few inches away.
“Too bad I’m still married to your mom.” Richie joked.
“Fuck you asshole.” Eddie said, poking Richie’s chest with his finger. His jaw was set and he stared up at him with determination. “I’ve waited two fucking months to do this and I won’t let your trashmouth ruin it.”
Richie cocked his head. “Waited two months to do what?”
Eddie’s answer was to grab Richie by the lapels of his blazer, pull him down and press their lips together. Kissing Richie, hard. There was a moment of hesitation and then Richie’s hands were reaching up to cradle Eddie’s face, their lips moving together.
Eddie sucked Richie’s bottom lip between his teeth, making him groan. He broke them apart and Richie couldn’t help but try to chase after his lips. Eddie chuckled. “That.” 
Dazed, it took him a second to realize Eddie was answering his question. He grinned down at him. “Only two months? I’ve been waiting to do that for almost thirty years.” Richie said, watching Eddie’s cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. “Fuck you’re cute.”
“Shut up.” 
“You know what? For the first time, I think I will.” Richie said, leaning down and kissing Eddie again. He ran his thumbs over Eddie’s cheeks and the scar there, coaxing his mouth open. Eddie let go of his blazer, his hands sneaking underneath it, fisting Richie’s shirt. His mouth slipped open and he licked into Richie’s mouth, eliciting a desperate and needy whine from him. He could feel a familiar heat coiling in his stomach. 
Crowding Eddie against the wall, Richie slid his thigh between his legs, pressing against him. He could tell that he was half hard already and so was Richie, it was a little embarrassing, that at this age all it took was some kissing but this wasn’t just a kiss, it was a culmination of everything he wanted to do since he was thirteen. 
“Richie, Rich.” Eddie gasped, sounding breathless. “We’re at a party, we should⎯” His words trailed off into a moan when Richie caught Eddie’s earlobe between his teeth and bit down. “Fuck Richie, we’re in the middle of the hallway, anyone could walk in.”
Richie leaned back, stared down at Eddie. His cheeks were tinted red and his lips were a pretty kissed-pink and slick with spit. Eddie licked them and Richie followed the movement with half-lidded eyes. “Fuck them. I’ve waited long enough for this.”
Eddie’s thumbs rubbed circles on Richie’s skin, he hadn’t even noticed the moment his hands snuck under his shirt. “I know, me too.” He said, his hips twitching forward against Richie’s erection, making him gasp. “I’m not saying stop, I’m just saying not here.” 
Richie swallowed loudly, nodding. “Okay.” He said, looking around them. “How mad do you think Ben will be if we sneak into one of his rooms?” 
“I don’t think he’ll notice. He’s too caught up in Bev to care right now.” Eddie said, pushing up on his heels to give Richie another kiss, short but desperate at the same time, before leaving the space between Richie and the wall and starting to drag him to the nearest door. “Besides they owe us, we had to watch them kiss while they were still covered in sewer water, which⎯ gross, man.” Eddie said, scrunching up his nose. 
Richie laughed. “I can’t blame them. I wanted to kiss you when we were covered in sewer water. I wanted to kiss you even when you were covered in that black vomit thing.”
“Richie! Stop being gross, you’re killing my boner.”
“Find us a room and I will have you back up in no time, baby.”
Eddie rolled his eyes but Richie could see them darken with lust. He opened a door, took a step inside and stopped. 
“What?” Richie asked when he hesitated. “You’re not changing your mind, are you?”
Eddie whirled around, he was frowning. “Do you get a kick out of being obtuse?” Eddie snapped, when Richie only blinked at him, he grabbed his face and kissed him hard enough that he stumbled back. “I’m not changing my fucking mind. I love you. Get that into that big forehead of yours.” 
Richie’s face broke into a giddy smile. “I love you too Eds.” Eddie smiled back and started to close the door. “What’s wrong with that room?”
“Oh. I found the dog.” Eddie said, shutting it. “And I’m not traumatizing the poor thing. Let’s find another one, you can pet him afterwards.”
“I like the way you think.” Richie said, letting Eddie drag him to another room, hopefully one with a bed and no dog. 
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh​ @yes-dillman-yes​ @richietoaster​ @beepbeeprichiellc​ @its-stranger-than-you-think​ @lemonaayyee​ @losers-gotta-stick-together​ @tinyarmedtrex​ @richiefuckfacetozier​ @sam-i-am2468​ @richardtoz​ @s-s-georgie​ @reddie-for-anything​ @eddiefuckinkaspbrak​ @constantreaderfool​ @thundercatseddie​ @jesuschristsupruvestar​ @mirandonsky​ @proton-disaster-blaster​ @alargedepresso​ @purplepoisonedgem​ @pan-ini​ @reddie-to-cryy​ @reddieforlove​ @trashmouthnick​ @multi-fandom-wby​ @wheezyeds​ @nancynwheeler​ @did-someone-say-reddie​ @madi-personal​ @reddie-tozibrak​ @lover-mouth​ @atownofeggs​ @that-weird-girls-blog​ @appojoos​ @castielwinovak​ @fuck-the-sushi​ @twoidiotsinl0ve​ @typewrxter​ @fcngirltrxsh​ @spirited-marvel​ (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
when richie and eddie get engaged, they don’t tell the losers right away. 
instead they decide to play a game where they just wear their rings to the next losers’ function and bet each other how long it will take their friends to notice. 
ben and mike notice pretty much immediately, but they both have the thought that if richie and eddie hadn’t announced their engagement to everyone yet, there must be a reason for it, so they wait until they can talk to the couple alone and privately congratulate them on it. 
stanley notices next, when eddie passes him a plate at dinner and he just stares at eddie’s hand for about 10 seconds, then back up to eddie who is desperately giving him do not tell anyone eyes so stanley keeps his mouth shut but he sends richie and eddie an aggressive text message under the table for not telling him sooner... but also congratulating them and sending them lots of love.
next is beverly, who notices when she and richie step outside for a moment to smoke, and after she finishes her little excitement-congratulations-im so happy for you two-proud friend moment, she asks richie why they didn’t tell anyone, and richie explains their bet. 
“we both agreed that most of you would notice pretty quickly,” richie says. “but eds thought that bill would be one of the first to notice- and he’s completely wrong. i know bill better than anyone, and i know that he will not realize that we’re engaged unless we shove our rings in his face. and it looks like i’m winning- he’s the only one left.” 
bev laughs and agrees- bill has always been quite the oblivious one growing up, and it had carried on into his adulthood. 
they return to the dinner, and now everyone else is in on the bet as well, and it isn’t until eddie is using his left hand to very obviously reach out in front of bill to grab a dish, and bill jumps up from the table, looking between richie and eddie and yells out “YOU TWO ARE ENGAGED?!!?!?” 
everyone at the table bursts into laughter, while bill is wondering why no one else is freaking out about this, and eddie slips richie ten dollars under the table, and richie wraps his arm around his fiancé’s shoulder and presses a loving kiss to his cheek. 
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
the losers club as teachers
i just graduated yesterday (ah!) and i’m feeling weird and nostalgic so i’m gonna write this for the losers and picture some of my teachers in their places. hopefully someone in your life comes to mind when you read the descriptions, too!
bill: i think bill is an english teacher, but you could make the argument for him being an art teacher for sure. i think everyone likes bill as a teacher most of the time, he just unfortunately is a fan of homework and that’s the only way he really makes any enemies with his students. bill tries to stick to business and doesn’t get off topic much (unless it’s something else english-related). he also is not really a teacher you’d want to cross, but he’s for sure a teacher you’d want on your side to defend you. he always talks about slacking off in school himself, and he wants his students to do better and value their education more than he did. again, super great guy, his only enemies are because of the work he assigns them.
bev: bev could either be the eccentric art teacher or the eccentric science teacher. i’m not going to definitively pick one, but no matter the subject she’s teaching, she is absolutely the ms. frizzle of the school. bev is great with engaging her students, and i think she’d probably be more prone to wanting to teach middle schoolers rather than high schoolers. she comes up with a ton of fun projects and incentives for her students and loves getting involved in all the school activities she can. bev is 110% the emotional support teacher, and everyone always requests to follow her on instagram, even though they know they can’t until after they graduate.
ben: DEFINITELY the cool history teacher. ben is absolutely the laid back and super approachable and kind teacher that all the kids attach themselves to and can relate to, no matter what kind of social group they come from. he’s not the history teacher stereotype of the guy that doesn’t care and doesn’t teach, he just has cory matthews vibes and knows how to relate his lessons to kids’ lives and help them learn without it being a miserable experience. he will definitely always put his students first and is a friend and mentor to all.
stan: stan is mainly a math teacher but also teaches one or two business/computer classes. kids are definitely intimated of him before they have him, because there’s always rumors going around about how tough he is on students and how much work he assigns and everything. however, once kids actually have stan as a teacher, they LOVE him. he has high expectations for his students, but not necessarily in achievements, just in efforts. if stan seeing that a student is working hard, no matter how much trouble they’re having, they’ll do just fine in his class. he also is a REALLY great teacher one on one, and is there for any student that needs a little extra help. point being, he’s very intelligent, but genuinely wants the best for every kid and is willing to help to get them there.
mike: mike is a gym and health teacher in my opinion, but far from your stereotypical jacked and angry gym teacher that only likes the jocks and ignores everyone else. he is actually definitely more prone to connecting with the outcasts. mike is a HUGE advocate for mental health, and doesn’t put up with anyone’s bullshit. he will call out anyone and everyone when he sees any problems with bullying, and people know not to mess with him. he also has a whole unit in his health classes about mental health, and starts each class with short discussion just to ease everyone in. he does these conversations in his gym classes too. mike is a softie and wants everyone to feel comfortable. as long as a kid doesn’t mess with him or anyone else, they’ll do great.
eddie: he’s totally the drama teacher!! richie could absolutely do this too, but i think eddie just has such a knack for the fine arts that this is where he’d really shine. besides, he and richie are married, so richie helps out anyway. the school eddie works out has a reputation for the best drama program in the area because of how professional and hard-working eddie is. his students genuinely improve every single time they have a rehearsal with him, and it’s all enjoyable for them. he pushes them hard, but his students have no trouble cooperating because they know that, in the end, they’re going to get a fantastic show.
richie: richie is. a kindergarten teacher. i know that sounds like an absolute DISASTER because i’m sure we’re all picturing him riling up the kids, but he’s actually amazing with them. he knows how to have fun and be interactive and awesome with the kids, but he also knows how to get his lessons across. he’s able to draw out the best in every kid and connects with each of them on a personal level. his teaching is so much fun that half the time the kids don’t even realize they’ve learned something. in conclusion, richie is the best fucking kindergarten teacher in existence and every single one of his students comes and visits him again and again.
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pjobroadwayslut14 · 3 years
losers are visiting bev in portland and stan is fed up w the pining so mike and he conspire and book a couple rooms but oops yours has one bed by mistake how did we miss that sorry :)
done and done, mitosis twin
read it on ao3
“Stan, that’s cruel. Are you sure?” 
Stan looked over his shoulder at Richie and Eddie, who were engaged in a very passionate fight over the hammock that would inevitably end with the two of them squeezing in together. Even at seventeen, the dumbasses still hadn’t figured out the formula. Eddie threw his hand in Richie’s face and Richie licked a long stripe up it with his tongue. Stan rolled his eyes and turned back around to face Mike. “I’m sure.”
The plan in place would span out over the weekend they were all spending in Portland to visit Bev’s at her aunt’s place. It was clear to see how ecstatic Ben was, judging by the sheer amount of love poems in the notebook they'd found in the clubhouse and subsequently hid to save Ben from Richie. Stan and Mike had, of course, been put in charge of finding a hotel for them all to stay. Sonia’s rule for letting Eddie go was that he’d be staying with an adult, and that adult would have her phone number and vice versa. After Eddie got about halfway through these guidelines with Bev’s aunt, they devised a plan against it. Eddie’d stay at the hotel with the rest of the losers, and anytime Sonia called, she’d lie and say he was asleep or they were down by the creek. So, amazingly, all the losers could not only go but stay together as well.
They’d be stupid not to kill two birds with one stone. Have the best weekend ever and get Richie and Eddie to shut the fuck up and admit they like each other. Win fuckin’ win.
Mike picked up his notebook and flitted to the room arrangements they’d planned. “Okay. So Bill and I have a single,” Stan smirked at the blush on Mike’s cheeks as he said so, “You and Ben have a double, and,” he lowered his voice, “Richie and Eddie will get a single.”
“Yes, that’s correct,” Stan said, straight-faced. He was too over the situation to be excited by the plan, he just wanted to eliminate the problem.
Mike still looked unsure, but then Richie pushed Eddie out of the hammock with a shriek, Eddie’s breathing picking up the way it always did before a rant, and then he suddenly looked a lot more on board with the whole thing. “Alright. You can call when you get home?”
Mike closed the notebook grimly. “Then it’s done.”
Upon arriving at the hotel, Mike and Stan got the reserved room keys and assembled them all in the lobby.
Mike took out the slip of paper with all of the room assignments from his pocket.  “Okay, Bill and I are in room 1357, Stan and Ben are in 1359, and Richie and Eddie have 1361. Which is…” He squinted at the paper, clearly playing it up. It wasn’t extremely subtle, but only he and Stan knew the truth anyway. “A single. Huh, that’s weird.”
Might as well have fun with it now. Stan walked over to look at the sheet. “I could’ve sworn we asked for a double.”
He glanced up from the paper and had to hide his smile upon seeing Eddie’s cherry-red face and dinner plate sized eyes. “That’s alright, Stanny. We can handle it,” Richie said, fixing his glasses. 
“Well, if you’re sure,” Stan said, looking at Mike out of the corner of his eye. Both of them wore twin grins as they handed out the keys and made their way over to the elevator. 
Eddie flopped down on the bed the second the door to his and Richie’s room was unlocked, sitting on the edge with his head in his hands. “Oh my god, they definitely know.”
Richie dragged their stuff (his bag and Eddie’s heavy ass suitcase) into the hotel room, kicking the door shut behind him. He huffed with the effort, dropping them both as soon as they were through the threshold. “Calm down, Eds. There’s no way those fuckheads figured it out.” 
Eddie’s breathing picked up, his hands running through his hair and making it wild. Obviously his words didn’t make it through to Eddie, so he sighed and sat down next to him. He gently took Eddie’s hands away from his head by his wrists, holding them in his hands. Eddie looked over at him extremely miserably, waiting for him to say something else.
Richie breathed out from the side of his mouth and said, “Look, it’s alright. What’s the worst that could happen? Bill and Mike are out and nobody has a problem with them.”
“I know but it’s-”
Richie nodded. “It’s different when it’s you. I know. Either way, we’ll be okay. And look for the good in this whole arrangement.” Richie leaned in, dropping Eddie’s hands to take Eddie’s face between his own. He grinned, continuing, “When was the last time we got a room all to ourselves without your mom downstairs?”
Eddie blushed, a smile blooming on his cheeks as well. “That’s true.”
“Yeah, it is.” Richie leaned in, kissing Eddie sweetly on the forehead. “I know I tell you all the time but I really love you, dude.”
“I feel like we’ve definitely been over how much dude should never follow I love you.”
“Want me to try again?”
Stan and Mike told themselves they wouldn’t but they ended up sitting outside Richie and Eddie’s room with their ears pressed against the door within half an hour anyway. They silently prayed that no hotel staff happened to walk by and arrest them, but this was too important. They crouched down by the door and pressed their heads against it. Right as they did so, they caught the back end of a conversation they couldn’t quite decipher through the door. 
“Stan, maybe we shouldn’t-”
Stan cut him off with a loud shushing sound as they started speaking again.
“Fine. I love you, Edward Frank Kaspbrak.”
Both of their jaws dropped, their eyes turning about as wide as Eddie’s in the lobby. About is the key word, seeing that Eddie Kaspbrak’s doe eyes could only really be rivaled by Bambi himself. They both tried to smush themselves closer to the door, making sure they didn’t miss Eddie’s response. 
“Perfect, Richard Wentworth Tozier. I love you too, dumbass.”
They both whipped away from the door to stand up and high-five like two fans who’s favorite football team just won the goddamn Super Bowl. It was just a bit louder than they expected, and suddenly there were footsteps from inside the room coming closer to the door. 
“What the hell was that?” Eddie said, his voice coming closer.
Mike and Stan looked at each other for a second, then immediately bolted down the hall, only stopping when they were on the other side of the hotel. 
“Genius execution,” Mike puffed, leaning down with his hands on his knees. 
Stan wiped a bit of sweat off his brow. “Same goes to you, partner.”
They stood there and caught their breath for a second, and as they did so, the door they stopped in front of opened. “Mikey?”
“Oh, hey Bill,” he said, immediately turning into a melty goo at Bill’s sleepy voice.
“What’s going on?”
Stan looked at him with an expression that one might describe as crazed. “You got a second?”
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lunadove · 3 years
Reddie Bodyguard AU where Richie Tozier is a famous comedian who suddenly starts getting death threats. At the nagging insistence of his best friend and manager, Bill, he hires a security firm that specializes in protecting people from stalkers. The firm is run by Beverly Marsh, who immediately hits it off with Richie, which is great because that means he actually takes some of the firm’s advice, rather than ignoring all of it, like he planned. 
Bev’s team includes Ben, Mike, Stan, and Eddie. Eddie’s the group’s risk analyst - trying to find the probabilities of how dangerous everything could be, what risk their client is in by engaging in certain actions, etc. He’s a behind the scenes guy, never actually guarding a client...up until Richie comes onto the scene. 
Despite Richie and Bill getting along great with the security firm, Richie refuses to stop touring and doing shows, despite the increase in death threats, and even a few close calls with an unknown attacker. Bev’s firm, who has genuinely grown to like Richie, is getting increasingly worried about about his safety, and it gets even worse when Richie decides to go back to his hometown, Derry, after a gay man named Adrian Mellon is attacked. Richie wants to do a series of shows to raise awareness and money for Adrian, so he can pay off his hospital bills. However, Derry is a small town, and completely unprepared for the amount of the people that soon flood its streets to see Richie’s shows...meaning it’s a perfect time for someone to attack. 
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honkhonkrichard · 4 years
Theory: Stanley Uris was Murdered.
Tagging @vvanini I hope you can follow this okay it’s very word vomity lol
Okay So TW because this post will touch on Stan's death ad the methods behind it
I propose that Stan Uris was murdered. by IT. In his home on that fateful night. I think that Stan posed the biggest threat to IT and therefore IT felt the need to take him out before the battle even started.
Allow me to explain.
Okay, so, I need to lay out some basic "rules" or "facts" before I make my case. They are as follows.
- IT planted it's roots in Derry, and finds it difficult to leave, but still can at it’s own wil.  If you read the book (I honestly don't blame you if you haven't) You'd know that once the Losers kill IT for the final time, Derry (the Physical town) is obliterated. Buildings explode, sinkholes appear, things are flooded. The town is in ruins by the time that the Losers leave the sewers. The movies don't adapt this so If this is news to you thats fine. the bottom line is that destroying IT destroys Derry, like ripping a tree out of the ground with all it's roots. Because of this, we can make the claim that while it can Leave Derry (as it does every 27 years) it probably takes tremandous amount of power to do so, which is why IT only goes when the cycle is over. Why does this matter? Well, what if IT left Derry to get to Stan? The murders had stopped for about a week when they're all in the Jade of the Orient. Plenty of time for IT to cross from Maine to Georgia. Side Note: We KNOW IT leaevs Maine to elsewhere in the world because of King's extended universe all interconnecting. it's not far off at all to make the claim that IT is the same evil that haunts, say The Shining's Overlook Hotel, which is in Colarado.
- IT is omnipresent This is also a given, IT lives everywhere, and can fuck with time and space in godlike (or maybe eldritch like) ways. in IT: Chapter Two, when Mike claims "IT Doesn't know I know what I know" he's unfortunately wrong, because we know that IT can be in A) Multiple places at once, B) can manipulate anything on the drop of a hat (See: Stan being teleported away from everyone else in Chapter One, Everything about Neibolt, etc) and C) Knows everyone's deep fears. This is further proven by IT Saying things like "Beep Beep Richie" (although this is Horribly Horribly executed in the films, ugh.) and so on and so forth. On top of all of this, We can make the claim that IT can exist outside of Time as well, given that IT is immortal. SO, what's stopping IT from Knowing Mike was going to call them all back (Espically considering that IT TOLD Mike to do this?). Even if we keep IT's omnipresence to the location that IT inhabits (in this case Derry) IT would still have knowledge of where the losers are through Mike. And if you take the Lucky Seven/Chosen Seven route (oh my god I got theories on that too) you could argue IT knows where they are inherently due to their cosmic status.
- Stan is the "most Powerful" loser So, obviously all the Loser's are powerful, espically considering they're the ones who Defeat IT (Again going on to the Lucky/Chosen Seven theory). This next claim is going to be less focused on what the 2019/2017 Movies do because they are Bad Movies and that's a whole other rant. However, in the book, Stan is (to my knowledge feel free to correct me on any of this) the only loser to Actively ward off and 'defeat' IT on his own without running away. He uses his belief in this what is Real (birds) to ward off what is "not real" (IT). The other losers do manage to take down IT in their own Right, but Stan is ultimately the one to Really get IT. This is because Stan's character revolves around Belief and Willpower. These are, in some form or another, the ways to Defeat IT. the ritual of Chud is a battle of Wills. in the book, Bill takes IT down and Eddie does the final blow. In the Remake (ugh) the losers can defeat it Technically using the belief that IT isn't as powerful as it claims because IT's "just a clown" (Ihatethatfuckingendingsomuchugh). Stan being much more skeptical than the rest of the group in his ability to understand Reality vs IT's illusions is a powermove, and IT knows that ability doesn't go away as Stan grows up, but rather he gets more powerful. Stan is the Only loser out of the 6 who left that has any sort of knowledge about IT, where the other losers have nothing. Bev has nightmares, yes, but she still forgets them. We're told in his chapter (Chapter 3, Six Phone Calls (1985), Part One: Stanley Uris Takes a Bath) that he has some hazy knowledge of his place in the Lucky Seven, and even goes so far as to MENTION it sometimes, even if he doesn't quite remember or understand any of it, his knowledge of IT and Derry is worlds more prominent than that of the rest of the losers.
(page 52 of IT:  "Stanley, nothing's wrong with your life!"  "I don't mean from inside." he said. "From inside is fine. I'm talking about outside. Something that should be over and isn't. I wake up frmo these dreams and think, 'My whole pleasent life has been nothing but the eye of some storm I don't understand.' I'm afraid. But then it just... fades. The way dreams do." OR  page 45: He had been smiling a little. Now the smile faltered, and for a moment he seemed puzzled. His eyes had darkened, as if he looked inward, consulting some interior device which ticked and whirred correctly but which, ultimately he understood no more than the average man understands the workings of the watch on his wrist. "The turtle couldn't help us," he said suddenly. he said that quite clearly.)
So, Stan has some cosmic knowledge of IT and Maturin and his role in the battle against It. What does any of this have to do with his death? Well, let me point out some other things about Stan's death that always stuck out to me. - His death chapter is narrated by his wife, Patty, rather than himself. The other chapters - almost all the other chapters - are narrated by their respective Loser (the caviot for this is Ben, but Ben is also wasted out of his damn mind so its understandable.) - Stan's personality is few and far between in the book, but we know he has a weird little sense of humour and that he's incredibly logical. I think that this logical part of him would be able to understand that Suicide is Never Ever the answer, and that it would cause FAR more problems than it would solve. (the 2019 movie tries to reexplain his death and it's crap and i hate the letters i hate the letters so much im gonna explode) The other losers try to rationalize his death by saying "He would rather Die Clean than Live Dirty (Page 506, Chapter 10, The Reunion, part 3, 'Ben Hanscom Gets Skinny') but he had already BEEN Dirty when he defeated IT the first time, and I think he would've recognized that. - upon finding him, Patty (in her narration) notes that Stan's head is bent back over the edge of the bathtub, so from his sight she would have been upside down. If Stan DID kill himself, why would he be positioned like that? It's unnatural, like someone Posed him. - the cuts on his arms are two length wise cuts. I'm no expert but.. that's suspicious. That's weird. - IT is written in blood on the wall. Why? Why would Stan right THAT of all things? You know who DOES like to paint with blood? IT.
Alright, returning to my thesis statement, Stanley Uris was murdered. Do I think Stan genuinely was going to take a bath at 7pm (which we're told is weird for him)? Yes. I think that's absolutely a thing he could have done or planned to do. Do I think he slit his wrists and commited suicide so he wouldn't go back to Derry? No. Not even remotely.
Let me paint a New Picture.
It's May 28th, 2016, or 1985. Stanley Uris gets a call from Mike Hanlon. Stan is incredibly hesitant to go to, and says he needs time to think about it. Or tht he'll try. He can feel the starts of a Panic attack, and as he's remembering the circles of Hell he went through as a child, he tries to hold himself together. He doesn't want his darling wife to see his break, so he says "I think I'll take a bath" and nothing else before going upstairs. he hides in the bathroom. He closes and locks the door, because, well, he's panicking. Locking doors is one of The Small things he does. Is it usually the bathroom door? no, but still (OCD is a bitch, and even with medication, but this is a special case). He looks in the mirror and tries to breathe. This is fine. He can do this. They killed IT once before and they can do it again. He thinks about his younger self, the promises made, and how he could explain all of this Patty in time to catch a flight to Maine. It's terrifying, but if his friends are going to bite the dust, he wants to be there with them, wedding vows be Damned. Then he looks at his reflection again. A younger, rotted version of himself stares back at him. IT crawls through the mirror. Stan freaks out, obviously. This isn't real. This Can't be real. But IT utilizes this notion against him. It digs it's claws into his arms, and forces him to bleed out in the bathtub. IT then sets the scene nicely. Razorblades on the counter, a bloody signature on the wall, a horrible posture of Stan's neck. So on and So forth. and then IT returns to Derry. IT's a little weak, yeah, but Stan is dead. That's what matters. the Lucky Seven has now Officially broken, and the balance shifts in favour of the clown.
So that's the theory. feel free to correct me on anything or engage I have plenty of theories on this story and I like discussing this stuff :).
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tinyarmedtrex · 4 years
Could you write a fic of Reddie where they meet and get drunk and the next day they wake up and find out they got engaged? I love fics like this so much and I am a huge fan of your writing!
Thank you so much! I’d love to :D :D
Eddie rolled over, stretching as he did. To his surprise his arm hit something solid and warm. 
“What the-” He turned, seeing it was a person, someone he didn’t recognize. Frowning Eddie sat up, trying to remember last night. Slowly, details came back to him. It had been his friend Bev’s bachelorette party. They had gone to a bar and he’d met the other half of the wedding party. 
“Richie!” He said, snapping his fingers as he remembered the guy’s name. He was one of Ben’s groomsmen, a friend from college. Who probably also had things to do before the wedding started in- Eddie glanced at the clock- six hours.
“What? No, five more minutes.” The lanky man said, shooing Eddie away. 
“Get up asshole, we’re late.” Eddie poked him, noticing something on his left hand as he did. A ring. A ring that was 100% not there the night before. 
“Shit. Shit.”
“What, I’m up. What!” Richie sat up, grabbing his glasses and looking over at Eddie. Then he grinned. “Hey there hot stuff, come here often?”
“Shut the fuck up.” Eddie said, crawling over Richie and grabbing for his left hand.
“Mighty forward for someone who’s name I don’t- shit what is that?” Richie asked as Eddie held up his hand, which had a matching ring. His eyes grew as he looked at Eddie. “Are you going to sell me into white slavery? What’s going on?”
“Why the fuck would a ring mean white slavery?” Eddie asked, standing up and trying to breath. His chest was tightening. He couldn’t remember last night but there was no way- he wouldn’t have- he wasn’t that stupid-
“Hey, hey, hey,” Richie rushed over, grabbing Eddie’s shoulders. “Breath man. In,” Richie took a slow breath in. “And out.” He exhaled, his eyes never leaving Eddie’s
He tried to listen, staring at Richie’s face as he did. It was a good face. Big eyes, a sharp chin and full lips. Drunk Eddie had chosen well. 
The thought plunged him back into his panic attack. “Did we- what do you remember from last night?” Eddie asked, trying to push down the panic that rose in him.
“It was Ben’s bachelor party. I spotted a cute groomsman and chatted him up. He told me to fuck off. I came back with shots and he was much nicer.” 
Eddie flushed. “Sorry. I thought- nevermind. I was an ass.” Eddie didn’t want to explain that he’d been mean because the guy had seemed way out of his league and far too genuine. It freaked him out.
Richie grinned. “Don’t worry, I liked it.” 
“What else?” 
“I remember you pulling me outside and pushing me against the wall, talking about all the things you’d like to do- and then doing some of them right there.”
Eddie flushed even more. “Tequila makes me lose control.”
“Clearly.” Richie was still smiling, his thumbs rubbed Eddie’s shoulders. Eddie’s mind drifted to how big Richie’s hands were, well they could cover him.
Focus, he reminded himself. 
“Do you remember-” He held up his left hand, his eyes falling to Richie’s as well.
“No. That part I don’t remember.” Richie looked him over. “But clearly drunk Richie knew what he was doing, tying you down.”
“Are you always like this?” Eddie muttered. Richie didn’t seem nearly as concerned about him. Though, people usually weren’t as concerned as Eddie was. He was used to that.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” 
Eddie looked at Richie again. He was smiling but his eyes looked worried. “Doesn’t this freak you out?” Eddie asked. “We- did something incredibly stupid.” 
Richie shrugged. “Everyone is always telling me to settle down.” Still though, his eyes watched Eddie, trying to gauge his reaction.
For his part Eddie didn’t know how to feel. He barely remember meeting the man, let alone everything else that had happened. He remembered the instant attraction and giggling- giggling!- at something Richie had said. But nothing that would have made him do this.
“Eddddiieee!” Someone called, knocking on his door. “I hope you’re not hungover because it’s my day and I don’t want any puke!” 
Eddie walked to the door, opening it just enough to see Bev grinning at him. “Hello beautiful bride.” He said, reaching out to smooth down her cowlick.
“Hello gorgeous groomsman.” 
“Say Bev, um-” He resisted the urge to turn back and look at Richie, though he could feel the man’s eyes on him. “Last night, did I do anything- stupid?”
“Besides proposing to Richie and buying rings?” She asked, her eyes dancing.
“Pro-propsed?” Eddie asked, relief running through him. Not marriage then. Drunk Eddie had managed to hold back at least a little.
“Yea, you two disappeared for a while and when you came back you got down on one knee and proposed. Very dramatic. Something about how you’d only known him for a few hours but he was your soulmate.” She grinned again. “You know I’ve been trying to get you to go on a date with him for forever but nooo, you gotta do it your way.” 
“Okay, whatever. Don’t you need to go do bride things?” He was eager to talk to Richie. 
“Yes and I need my best friend to help me.” 
Now he did glance back, seeing Richie staring at him like a lost puppy. “Ten minutes.” He said to Bev. From the way she smiled he suspected she knew exactly who was in his room.
“Aw Eddie, have twenty. I’ll see you soon.” She leaned in, kissing his cheek before waving goodbye.
Eddie closed the door, slumping against it. “Engaged.” He said, looking at Richie.
“Not legally binding at all.” Richie almost seemed disappointed. 
Eddie chewed on his bottom lip, considering what to do next. He barely knew the other man, except for what Bev and Ben had told him- which was a mix between amazing and horrifying. Still, somehow drunk Eddie had decided he was worth buying a ring for. He must have seen something there.
Eddie stepped forward, stopping near Richie. “I don’t do stuff like that.” Eddie said.
“I figured. You don’t strike me as impulsive.”
Eddie nodded, that was true. “So since I did- there must have been a reason.”
Richie lit up slightly, taking a step closer. “What are you saying Eds?”
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie replied. “I’m saying that I would like to take you on a date. Or two. With much less liquor involved.”
Richie grinned, nodding. “I’d like that.” 
Eddie lifted his hands, running them over Richie’s broad chest. He wanted to stay in the room, form some memories that would stick, but he knew he had to get to Bev. 
So instead he leaned in and whispered in Richie’s ear. “Save a dance for me tonight?”
He could have sworn he heard the man groan as he nodded. “You’ve got it.” 
He pulled back, smiling. Whatever happened, Bev’s wedding would certainly be something to remember.
@wheezyeds​  @constantreaderfool​  @jem-carstairs-is-perfection​  @moonlightrichie​ ​ ​ @lifesucksheres20bucks​ @thorn-harvester-ven​ @eddiefuckinkaspbrak​ @andaleduardo @xandertheundead @s-s-georgie​​  @roobarrtrashmouth​ @njess04​ ​ @gczebos​ @kasp-brakz​ @sourmoist​ @playing-jim​ @princesass-theresa​ @mimiharu​ @kaspbrak-tozier-reddie​ @no-she-wasnt-reddie  @oldguybones​ @sloppybitxch   @sedanleystanley​ @kaspbrak-king​ @ticomat​ @hadererer @da-damned @purplepoisonedgem​ @sparklingrainbowdragon @richietoaster @sxndythinkstoomuch @overcastedhills​ @trashmouthtozierr @blondekasp​ @richiezvoid​ @thebriarpatch​
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eddiesbootyshorts · 4 years
ben and bev get together pretty loudly and obviously as soon as they reunite, kissing underwater in front of everybody and getting engaged within weeks. and richie and eddie do the whole secret pining thing for a few months while their friends secretly take bets on how long it'll take for the two of them to get it on.
but bill and mike get together quietly and slowly. mike sends bill postcards from his travels, and bill writes him back every time, waxing poetic about how glad he is that mike is happy. how mike, more than anybody in the world, deserves to find peace.
they're not quite love letters, but they almost are.
and bill's divorce hangs in the air pretty weightily whenever they talk on the phone. mike wants to be sure that he doesn't overstep, since bill is so fresh out of his relationship. bill, in the meantime, was inspired to get the divorce in the first place because he remembered how complete that he felt when he was with mike. eventually, mike makes it up to bill's new LA home, trying to play it off as just another place that he'd like to visit. all that he brings with him is a backpack full of dirty laundry and a goofy smile that makes bill just about melt. things don't stay platonic for long.
unlike ben and bev or richie and eddie, when mike and bill get together, the rest of the losers think it's completely out of left field. there were no clear signs, like corny love poems or bickering in a hammock. but to bill and mike, it couldn't have been more obvious. even after 27 years, there could have been no one else.
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IT by Stephen King but
Stan survives and goes to Derry with the rest of the losers
Audra doesn't go
Henry died at some point so Tom still goes, but this time as a stand-in Henry
Tom starts attacking at the inn, so he doesn't hurt Mike and gets killed by Eddie
While dealing with his body, Bev opens up about their relationship and in turn Eddie admits to marrying his mom
Bonding time
All 7 go down in the sewers to kill IT
Eddie still loses one arm, but still survives
After everything is said and done, the losers remember each other
In the epilogue, instead of seeing Bill save Audra, we get the losers meeting up 6 months after
Bev and Ben announce that they're engaged
Stan and Patty announced that they're expecting
Eddie tells them that he's in the process of divorcing Myra
Mike recounts what's been happening in Derry and tells them that everything is almost sorted out in the library so he'll be able to leave soon
Eddie and Mike make plans for a road trip
The End
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Being Bill's lover and meeting his friends from Derry when Pennywise comes back headcanons
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Bill is pretty much the best person you have ever known
He is comprehensive, attentive and does everything in his power to make you happy because he loves you
You would often help him with his writing, giving opinions here and there on the books (especially at the endings because well, that's where he needed more help!)
You two had been together for almost a year and a half when he suddenly got a call from someone named Mike, an old friend from a small town called Derry
You hadn't been with him when he picked up the call, you were both at your separate jobs, but later when you got home, you knew for the expression on his face that something was wrong
And sitting in the living with a bottle of whisky between you both, he told you about Mike's call and the town he had grew up in. On top of all that, he told you about the little brother he lost and his old friends from childhood
You believed Bill. Of course you did. Not only because you loved him, but also because of the pain in his features and the way he started to strutter here and there. You had never seen him strutter
So as he packed his bags to go meet Mike as he had promised when he was just a kid, you also began to pack yours. He tried to stop you, but you made it very clear that there was no way you were going to let him go kill an evil clown without you
Very past midnight, you found yourselves in the back of a taxi to Derry
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Mike is the one who called the meeting
He is the first one you meet when you and Bill arrive together at the given adress
He seems to be an interesting guy, someone quite intelligent and perceptive
He greets you with a smile while saying that they would need all the help they could get
As he said so, you could see the almost fanatic expression he had in his eyes. Bill had told you that Mike had been the only member of their group that stayed in town through his life as an adult
You understood why he seemed so tired and exhausted from all of that, a thing like that could easily drive someone mad
When he begins to laugh with his old friends, his happiness is such that you had no doubt, he had missed his friends deeply
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The moment you meet her, you can see that Beverly is a person worthy of having around
She seems smart, is quite funny with the boys and talks in a way that makes you want to listen to her
You were able to notice also, that in the past, probably there had been something going on between her and Bill because of the way they look at each other, with longing and something unsaid
It did not make you uncomfortable, though. You weren't much of a jealous person. You trusted Bill completely and had in mind the fact that he had been romantic involved with other people before you, as had you
At the restaurant where Bill had promised Mike to meet him, you had sat beside Beverly and it didn't take long for you both to enter a particular conversation
As she had her elbows over the table and held up in her hand a beer, her sleeve got a bit down and you saw dark marks in there, like she had been involved in a fight
She noticed that you saw it and was quick to put the sleeve back in place. Then, she smiled like nothing had happened
You could see the pain behind that smile and made a silent promise to make sure that Bill was there for her when she needed
And if she wanted, you would be there too
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After less than five minutes of conversation, you understood that Ritchie was the joker of the group
He is the one that talked to you the most during the whole night
He would constantly make jokes about how the hell did Bill manage to get someone as beautiful as you in his life
And everyone would laugh hard at that, you and Bill himself included
Ritchie didn't stop talking, like, ever
He always had a comment to make and honestly you thought it was quite curious and couldn't help but laugh at almost everything he said
You thought that he seemed like an easy friend to have around, someone who would make you laugh or roll your eyes depending on the situation but still, would always be there
You hadn't laughed that much for a long time before that and looking over at Bill and to see him laughing too, it made you glad he had told you the truth and accepted your will to come with him
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Ben is a very quiet person
He doesn't speak much, just mainly laugh at what the others say and drink his beer from a glass in long sips
You sat between him and Beverly (Bill was on Bev's other side) so he at some point turned to you and began asking random, friendly questions, like where had you been born and what you did for a living
Conversation went on fine, he was a nice and polite guy
In a certain moment, Bill and Beverly had engaged in a conversation like the one you and Ben were having and you could see that Ben's eyes kept on going towards them, just looking as his smile faded away a bit (if you weren't sitting right beside him, perhaps you wouldn't have noticed that at all)
You realized in the very same instant that Ben was in love with her. You recognized yourself in that look, because that's how you used to look at Bill when you both weren't together yet
Ben laughed hard and got quite embarrassed when Ritchie began to talk about his appearance
He got so flushed that you found it cute
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Eddie was quite paranoic
He asked the waitress if the food had been well cooked at least three times, afraid of getting some unknown disease from eating it
The others told you that he had been like that ever since he was a child, due to his overprotective mother that feared for his health
He seemed like a nice guy. Pretty closed up, but when he would make some comment you saw that he was smart and really knew what he was talking about
He would often roll his eyes, because he was the one Ritchie made most fun of and that would develop into them bickering at each other
The others told you it had always been like that and apparently, it would continue to be
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Unfortunately, you didn't get to meet Stan
Later on Beverly had made a call and told the group with tears in her eyes that Stan had killed himself in the bathtub, after getting Mike's call about the clown
From what the others told you, he seemed to be a truly amazing person and friend
You wished you could have met him and as you comforted Bill, hugging him tightly, you felt the same desire they all had
To kill that stupid clown
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
→ requested by anon
gif credits: bill → @demonlady ben → @toesure ; stan → @mikeshanlon ; beverly + ritchie + eddie + mike → I saved the gifs and forgot to print the name of the owner (#feelingstupid) so please if these are yours, just let me know and I'll give you the credits I'm so sorry!
want to be added to this fandom's tag list? let me know
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stenbrozier · 4 years
Reader with Anxiety (Losers Club x Reader)
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Warnings: mentions and description of characteristics of anxiety disorders (I.e panic attacks, depressive episodes)
A/N: I have really bad anxiety and I kinda wanted to write about that through an “x reader” :)) My requests are still open!! So if you have any, please message me 🥺
- You met Stanley when you were little because you were his next door neighbor
- You had always been very skiddish and you didn’t like being in places where there were too many people
- Stanley would stay by your side in school and would protect you and calm you down
- But then he became friends with Richie Tozier and that boy made you shake like a leaf
- He didn’t mean to be loud, he just was and he was always yelling at Stanley or your new friend, Eddie Kaspbrak
- Eddie was also really good and calming you down, and you needed him now more then ever cause Richie and Stanley were so close
- Stan and Eddie both know how to comfort you (giving you apple slices and holding your hand)
- And Richie soon learns, too
- As you guys got older, you’d get more used to Richie and you would also be able to bring up the confidence to introduce yourself to Bill, the new kid, when you guys were all in 2nd grade
- You all got really close and all four of the boys looked out for you
- So after roughly 6 or 7 years of friendship, when Pennywise terrorized you guys and you made new friends
- They could tell that your anxiety was worse than before
- You were always shaking, a slight crowd would make you cry, and you wouldn’t talk to anyone new
- Like you didn’t talk to Bev or Ben or Mike unless you were talking to the entire group
- Surprisingly, Richie helped you a lot with your anxiety this time
- They would all comfort you if you had a panic attack in school or if you just needed someone to hold you for the night
- There were times when you wouldn’t go to school or Losers hang outs for a whole week and they took care of you
- You had Richie who would sneak in with movies and cuddle you
- Or Eddie who’d bike over to drop off apple slices and other snacks that you he remembered you liking as a little kid
- Stan would send you new books to read
- And Bill would draw you things you could hang around your room
- It took Bev, Ben, and Mike a while to understand your anxiety, but once they knew how it affected you, they took care of you, too
- Bev was your quintessential female best friend that you could just cry to without being embarrassed
- Mike also became a shoulder to cry on for you, but it was a little different with him because he didn’t understand feelings right well
- He’d kinda just hold you and rub your back
- And Ben would write you poems or he’ll help you with the lessons you’ve been missing
- They all encourage you to come out of your shell and to try and openly communicate when you’re anxious instead of holding it in
- So you don’t get days or weeks when you feel so shitty you can’t get out of bed
- And sometimes, if it does happen, they all come to your house and drag you down to the living room to have a nice quiet movie date with you
- They don’t force you to talk or engage, but they do encourage smiles and cuddles
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