#ben poindexter!reader
amberlynnmurdock · 5 months
All Mine
Pairing: Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter x Reader
Summary: Dex initially declines going out with you and your friends, but when he starts thinking of scenarios of men trying to flirt with you, he somehow finds himself in the bar to make sure that doesn't happen.
Genres: Angst
Warnings: 18+ content, SMUT, possessive!Dex, jealous!Dex, and I guess toxic!Dex? LOL just be prepared bc this might be the wildest fic ive written
ALSO shoutout to @mayajadewrites for helping me with getting the plot going, you GENIUS <3
Notes: I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS ONE let me know what you think! Enjoy! <3
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When he sent his reply to you, Dex stood quietly on his balcony, thinking of ways he could take it back. 
“Thanks for the invite,” he typed regretfully, his anxiety getting the better of him, “but I think I’ll pass for tonight.”
“Are you sure?” He read your text in your sweet voice. “I want to see you.”
He knows you want to see him—he wants to see you just as badly, but the thought of socializing with people other than you was a less-than-ideal situation for Dex. He only preferred to be around you and only you. Part of him didn’t want to share you with other people, the other part simply didn’t want to be around them. 
“Next time,” Dex lied, a pinch in his heart. “I promise.” 
He waits five minutes, and then ten minutes, and when twenty minutes pass by, he knows the conversation ends there. Dex slides the door open and reenters his apartment, sitting quietly at his kitchen table, phone in front of him. 
Scenarios start playing in his mind: you’re only going out with your friends. He’s met some of them and doesn’t care for them at all, but at least he knows you’ll be with them and only them. What bar did you say you were going to? The Black Dog? It slowly dawns on him that other people you don’t know will be around you too, and it bothers him that he can’t control every action of every person. What if some guy tried talking to you? Offered to buy you a drink? Flirted with you? Or worse, what if you liked it enough to never talk to Dex again?
He can’t imagine another guy having good intentions like Dex has good intentions with you. Dex wants to keep you safe from people like that, people he doesn’t know. People who may have ill intentions for their own selfish needs. 
And how can he make sure that you’re safe from people like that, sitting alone in his apartment here, away from you? 
If there’s one thing that will get him out the apartment, it’s the thought of someone trying to take away his North Star from him. 
Dex arrives at the bar before you do. He’s in his denim jacket and baseball cap. After quickly ordering a club soda from the bartender, he makes his way to the back and chooses a quiet corner to sulk in, to hide, to watch from afar. It’s what he’s most comfortable doing, it’s what he does best. 
He doesn’t touch the club soda at all, bubbles wasting their air in the glass. He watches the people that are in the bar with disdain. They’re all fools, he thinks to himself, but which one will be the unlucky one who tries to talk to you?
The next time the door opens, you walk in first followed by your friends and Dex sinks deeper in his seat, tilts his head down so his cap is hiding his face. He watches you from underneath, bringing the glass of club soda closer to him. His heart may be hard but his eyes go soft every time he looks at you. You’re laughing with your friends, and you look beautiful in your black sweater and jeans. You and your friends find a table in the middle of the bar and that’s when Dex takes note of the people that surround you.
Right now, no one’s paying mind to your table except for him. He smiles to himself each time he sees you laugh—tries to share in the moment with you even though you don’t know he’s there. He wonders what you whisper to your friend at one point. Whatever it is, your friend laughs and hits your shoulder. You have a glass of Sauvignon Blanc in front of you—Dex knows it’s the only white wine you’ll drink—and when you finish it, you look around for your server. 
The bar is much more crowded now and Dex has to move down a seat or two to keep his sights on you. He takes a deep breath and looks down when he sees you get up from your seat to go to the bar. When your back is to him, he looks up and watches as you patiently wait for a bartender’s attention. 
There are plenty of people at the bar, so many that not everyone is sitting on a stool. People squeeze in, lean on the counter, and move chairs out to fit more of their friends into conversations. You’re leaning with your left elbow on the bar, and Dex watches as you wait. Someone behind you accidentally pushes you, and both you and Dex react at the same time. You, startled from the contact, and Dex, sitting up more straight in his seat. He relaxes his shoulders after a few moments when he sees the person scoot their chair away from you, and you seemingly unbothered. 
You glance at your phone, scroll through something, and lock it again before putting it in your back pocket. Dex wonders if you re-read your messages like he does. He hopes so. You sigh, looking around the bar again—you weren’t having any luck getting a bartender’s attention.
And like a cloudy night ruining his view of his North Star, a man in a black jacket and boots stands directly in front of you. He’s got dark hair and a 5 o’clock shadow. Dex straightens in his seat again, high on alert. The man walks by you slowly in a calculative way. He doesn’t go unnoticed on Dex’s radar, not when he’s so close to you. The man walks by and inserts himself between a group, about five people away from you.
Dex feels his muscles tighten and he grips his glass of club soda hard. He has to let go of it so his entire focus is on the scene before him. Good thing he decided to come tonight—he knew this would happen. Dex watches you and then watches the man watching you. He doesn’t like how focused he is on you, how bad of an actor he is when he pretends to look around the bar just to look at you again. Dex takes a deep breath as he sees him slowly weave his way between people to stand next to you. He’s got something in his back pocket he keeps fiddling with. 
You’re oblivious, minding your business, waiting patiently for the bartender. At least Dex is there to protect you if anything were to go awry. He couldn’t have anything happen to you—the mere thought of it made him nauseous, losing someone so important to him, again. 
The man daringly asks the people who are standing next to you to move so he can have their spot. Dex’s throat goes dry as he sees the man brush his shoulder against yours purposefully. You glance up and move as much as you can, but the man moves closer to you again.
“Sorry, crowded bar,” the man says to you. At first glance, he’s handsome, but there’s something aggressive about his nature. 
“It’s alright,” you say shrugging your shoulders. You pretend to check your phone for something.
“You come here alone?” He asks you.
“No, I’m with my friends,” you smile, gesturing your head in their direction. 
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“No, I’m okay. Thank you.”
“Really? You’re the first girl who’s ever turned down a free drink at a bar,” the man says, confused by your rejection. Perhaps even a little insulted. 
“I bet I’m not the first girl who’s rejected you point blank, though,” you say, hoping he gets the message. He’s taken aback by your words, and he doesn’t stop there.
“Bet you just haven’t had a guy like me dick you down to make you nicer.”
Dex doesn’t know what the conversation is, but from your body language and expression on your face, he knows it can’t be good. Whatever it was this man was saying to you, it was diminishing your light—his light—it was an attempt to take his North Star away. Dex stands up from his seat. 
It’s not until the man places his hand on your shoulder and then your neck that Dex feels his rage and jealousy course through his veins, so much so that it’s made him finally get up from his seat and walk straight toward you. The path to what was unfolding in front of him was like walking through a dark tunnel, and like a phantom appearing out of thin air, Dex walks up to the man, paying no mind to you, takes him by the collar of his cheap jacket and pushes him away from you.  
“Stay away from her,” Dex says in a cool tone, chest heaving, hands shaking from adrenaline. 
The man walks right up to Dex, and it’s comical that he thinks he even stands a chance. Dex glances around, the things around him becoming all too obvious. A napkin dispenser. A shot glass. A butter knife. They’re all too easy. 
“Dex,” he hears you call his name, and now there’s too many people looking at them, and the man in front of him is anticipating his next moves and for nothing because just as quickly as Dex made himself known, he’s out of the bar pushing past everyone and walking down the street. Away from those people. Away from you. He hears the door open behind him, unsure if it’s you or not. 
He couldn’t even look at you—ashamed of his actions, ashamed he let you see him like that, which wasn’t even his worse but damn near close to it. He’s leaning forward against a brick wall, catching his breath from the adrenaline of seeing you being touched by another man, trying not to black out from his rage. But you’re right behind him, shocked he was there to save you. What Dex wasn’t expecting were your arms snaking around his waist, resting your head against his back. 
Was it possible you weren’t mad at him for being like that?
“No one’s ever been protective of me like you,” you sigh against his back. Dex is shaking from the adrenaline but he finds it in him to stop and focus on your arms around him. He places his hands on yours and sighs. “Guess you decided to come after all?” You ask him. “I didn’t even see you walk in, but what hell of a timing that was.”
“It was timing,” Dex agrees with you and lies. “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Look at me, Dex,” you say gently. Dex turns around in your arms and you reach up to take off his baseball cap to see his face. “Thank you.”
There’s something in his eyes you can’t read but you agree when he asks to go back to his place.
“You know, if you wanted to hang just the two of us, you could’ve said so,” you say as you walk inside his apartment and throw your jacket on his couch. Dex turns around and locks the door, feeling calmer than he did before but still on edge. He places his baseball cap on the counter and hangs up his jean jacket. 
“I didn’t want to ruin your night with your friends.”
“It was sort of ruined anyway, but somehow got even better now that I’m here,” you smile. “Seriously, it’s crazy you were there in the nick of time.”
“Yeah,” Dex trails off. “I know.”
“You still seem on edge,” you say softly, “are you okay?”
Dex looks away from you and places both his fists on his hips. He shakes his head. “No,” he says. “I’m not.”
“I—.” How does he say it, without saying it? That he nearly wanted to kill a man for touching you? He almost lost it in front of you and almost lost you?
“I couldn’t stand seeing someone touching you like that,” Dex explains. “I can’t get it out of my head.” 
“Try not to think about it,” you whispered and placed your hand on his face. Now Dex met your eyes. “Focus on me.”
It wasn’t until now he realized he was still shaking from the adrenaline. He never got it out before—the anger and jealousy were still bottled inside, running through his veins with no relief, because seeing you being touched like that by some man triggered something in Dex so strong that not even acting violently could calm him down. It festered in his chest like a sickness that could only be cured by your reassurance, your touch, your presence. 
And here you were in front of him, doing and giving him all of that. It’s what made it so easy for Dex to come to his conclusion that you were, in fact, all his—every part of you, everything, you were his alone. No one else ever had this effect on him the way you do. 
“I just want you to be safe with me,” Dex said, “only me.”
You smiled, even if you didn’t know the depths of his words. They came off to you as sweet nothings but to him it was law. It was no other way. It was unchangeable. 
“You’re mine,” Dex said in a guttural voice, his eyes half moons as he looked at you, “all mine.” His anger and jealousy started to shift into something else the more he looked at you. The more you absorbed his words and listened to him. He knew he had your full attention and he wanted more. The pit of this started beneath the button of his jeans. It was deeper than his heart. 
“Make it so,” you squint your eyes in return, succumbing to his intense gaze. 
Dex placed both his hands on your arms and traced the length of you slowly. You took a step closer to him so your chest was touching his. 
“I control myself so well around you,” Dex says in a low voice, “but right now I don’t want to.”
“So don’t,” you smirk, running your lips lightly against his. 
Dex swallows hard before his fingers find the hem of your sweater and pull it over your head. You stand in front of him in nothing but your jeans and bra and to Dex, it’s still not enough.  Dex runs his fingertips on your sides and slides his hand to your back, swiftly unclasping your bra. You shiver against his touch which is all too sweet.
“Dex,” you say in a low voice, “so don’t.” You repeated what you said before, hoping he got your message. 
Dex lifts an eyebrow and takes a deep breath, his dark eyes looking you up and down before relying purely on instinct. Dex lifts you up into his arms and you wrap your legs around him as he carries you to his bedroom and gently throws you on his bed. You land on your back and spread yourself on his fitted sheets, sheets he knows will be in ruins when he’s had you how wants. 
“I’m the only one who can see you like this,” Dex says. He takes his shirt off and reaches down to unbutton your jeans, slowly sliding them off your legs. You’re shaking. You nod at his words, whatever he says, that’s okay. 
Dex leans over you, his dirty blonde hair pushed to one side, his dark eyes looking at every inch of your skin. You don’t feel self-conscious, you feel seen. Dex kisses your forehead, then your nose, then your lips, and soon he’s peppering kisses between your breasts and down the length of your torso before he kisses the part you’re aching for. 
“I’m the only one who can touch you like this,” Dex says softly as he looks up at you from below. He places his hands on either of your thighs and spreads you open, so he’s face to face with your wetness. “And this,” he says, placing a thumb on your clit and putting not enough pressure on it, “is mine.”
“Okay,” you nod and close your eyes. Dex takes your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours while he kisses your sex and drags his tongue slowly over your folds. You press your head deeper in his mattress and take a long, deep breath. Dex begins to lap at your folds, licking you slowly and then faster, and when he gently wraps his lips on top of your clit and begins to suck on your sensitive bud, you let out a soft moan. 
“I’m the only one who can make you sound like that,” Dex looks up momentarily before he continues eating you out. He looks up at you with his mouth on your clit and closes his eyes again. He keeps licking up your wetness and feels his cock harden in his jeans, aching to replace his mouth with it. But not yet. 
“Dex,” you beg softly, “kiss me.”
Dex stops licking you up and moves up on his bed to be face to face with you. His lips are shiny from your wetness, but you don’t care. Dex slowly leans down and touches his lips to yours. You hold his face in your hands and hold him there for a few moments, opening your mouth to let his tongue in, you taste yourself on his lips. Dex deepens the kiss and you wrap your legs around him again. He places his hands under your back and lifts you, urging you to lay on your chest. You rest your head on his pillow and listen as he unzips his pants and throws them off.
  He puts his hands on your waist and lifts you so your ass is up. Dex spreads your legs and slowly slides in two fingers inside your pussy.
“So wet,” Dex whispers, “just for me.” He continues sliding his fingers in and out of your pussy. He pushes your hand to the side and leans down to kiss you in the crook of your neck. It sends butterflies to your sides, the feeling of his soft lips kissing you sweetly. And the sweetness is gone when you feel Dex’s cock slowly enter inside you.
“Fuck,” you whisper. “Dex.”
“Say my name,” he whispers in a low voice in your ear.
“Dex,” you moan again as he begins to rock his cock back and forth inside of you slowly, feeling your tightness wrap around him. Dex’s arms are on either side of your head, and he buries his head in the crook of your neck. He fastens his pace thrusting inside you, feeling you move against him. You feel so wet and so tight around him, he bites your shoulder softly and says your name. 
“You’re taking me so well,” Dex whispers, “You’ll always be mine.”
“Yeah,” you moan, “you feel so good, Dex.”
“Fuck,” he lets a curse slip out as the more he thrusts his cock inside you the more wet you feel. “Taking me so well,” he says in a deep voice. 
“I’m so close, Dex,” you moan, and when you say this, Dex completely pulls out and you feel the absence of his size, absence of his closeness. Dex doesn’t want to finish with your face away from him. He wants to look into your eyes, see your face as his cock brings you to orgasm. Gone was the dominance, the real Dex wanted this to be special. 
He flips you over onto your back and spreads your legs and wraps them around his waist. Before he enters you again, Dex is breathing heavily, and he reaches up his fingers to caress the side of your face. Your lips are parted—you’re out of breath too—and the gravity of tonight’s earlier situation hits him. He never wants you to feel unsafe again. The only way that can happen is if Dex is in your life.
“You mean a lot to me,” Dex says, and it really is the closet thing he can say to those three dating little words. You smile at him, place your own hand on his face too. You don’t need to say anything. He knows you feel the same. And Dex slowly pushes himself inside your pussy again, feeling your tightness clench him and his size fill you up perfectly. Your face contorts with pleasure and you breath a heavy sigh. The tip of his cock hits your sweet spot each time he thrusts inside you. “You’re mine,” Dex says again as he picks up his pace. 
“Oh, Dex,” you pull him even closer as he continues pounding you into orgasm. Dex's eyes are dark as he holds this intense gaze with you, watching you orgasm like his life depended on it. Your so tight and went around him, when you finally come down from orgasm, Dex finally lets himself reach his own climax. 
“Fuck, fuck,” Dex’s own face contorts and it’s the sexiest you’ve ever seen him, coming so undone like this. He spills his cum inside you on his final thrust and feels his seed fill you up. You feel him spurt deeply and it feels euphoric to feel all of him inside you like this. 
If your relationship wasn’t clear before, it sure was now. You belonged to Dex and he you. As much as you were his, he was all yours. 
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mordredisacoolname · 1 year
yoo please do more dex headcanons, there’s a severe lack in content for him nowadays. i appreciate your work!
Hey I'm so happy you like it, thank you
Here's some more DD headcanons
Characters: Matt Foggy Karen Frank Elektra Claire Dex Ray
CW: implied smut, nothing too serious tho
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MATT- he'll probably sense you sleeping naked before he even enters the house. Smiling to himself Matt will enter the flat, stripping of his clothes and quietly entering the room not to wake you up. As much as he likes the idea of doing other things with you he knows you're tired, and he is too, so he just lays down next to you, hugging you from behind and kissing your forehead.
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FOGGY- he'll be (pleasantly) surprised, walking up to you and kissing you awake. Will tell you how hot you look, asking sarcastically if you were waiting for him. If you're up to it you two can have fun, but if you're tired or not in the mood he'll let it go immediately and cuddle next to you.
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KAREN- she'll smile to herself, eyeing you. She'll take off her heels and go up to you gently stroking your shoulder to tell you she's home. Karen will quickly kiss you, strip of her clothes and will join you in bed, asking how was your day. As you kiss her temple and hold her in your arms she'll drift off to sleep, as you are too.
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FRANK- he'll smirk, coming up to you, and cupping your upper body with his big arms. "Hey (nickname)" he'll say kissing your jaw and neck. Frank will laugh at your grumpy response, kissing you deeply and admiring your sleepy face. He'll leave you to it to finish some work and later will join you in bed.
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ELEKTRA- she'll smirk and strip of her clothes, getting on the bed and turning your head to her. She'll start kissing you and feeling your face and body with her hands until you completely wake up, and than sitting on your lap she'll jokingly say "good morning" continuing to kiss you.
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CLAIRE- she'll laugh quietly, setting her things down. She's super tired so she just lays down next to cuddling you closer.
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DEX- he's super tired and stressed from his job, so seeing you will make his day a little brighter. Stripping off his clothes he will go up to your bed, get in and hug your waist. Brushing your hair and tracing his knackels on your cheek bone he'll stare at your face in awe, obsessing over your beauty. You may or may not wake up to him eagerly kissing your neck and feeling your soft lips with his thumb.
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RAY- Ray is also very stressed, working in his line of jon isn't easy. Smiling to himself at your sight he'll go finish some of his paperwork and only than join you to bed, feeling your warm body and your soft breathing on his skin, instantly relaxing and feeling at peace.
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The devil in disguise
Matt Murdock x fem!Reader
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summary || You are the sweet innocent daughter of Wilson Fisk who has fallen in love with Matt Murdock. Unaware of their private lives, you introduce them.
word count || 2.7k
warnings || nothing really, just a bit angsty. brief mention of violence & blood
a/n || hii, I hope you all enjoy this. I spent a very long time writing and rewriting it. I don’t want to sound like a beg, but Id be very thankful if you gave feedback. this is based on a request. much love💌
masterlist + rules
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Being an artist in New York was a tough job, a city where everyone wanted the same thing- opportunity. In the beginning, you had a bit of a tough run with selling your pieces, you wanted people to buy them because they loved your art and not because of the connections to your well-known father. You loved your dad, but you wanted to do this on your own. You wanted your gallery to be something that you made, not your father.
So after a couple of years, spending hundreds of hours curating your artwork, you were finally able to display them in a mini store that you converted into a gallery.
You have only been open one day and things were already flying off the shelves, selling your most loved artwork for thousands of dollars apiece.
Today, your boyfriend of six months, will finally be meeting your dad at your gallery. You wanted to share this special time with the two people that meant the most to you. Unlocking the doors, your arm linked into Matt’s, leading him through the shop of your most prized work.
“Pass your hand.” You say sweetly, taking his hand in yours. Laying it flat against the canvas on the wall, directing his hand to brush along the mixed media. “You inspired me for this one.” You smile. “If you feel here. There’s a message… I indented the canvas to make braille, and if I got it right… it should say something.” Watching the way his lips turned into a smile.
The bell rings at the door, immediately diverting your attention. “Hello princess.” Your dad greets you, pulling you in for a hug.
“Hi.” You smile, pulling apart to introduce your boyfriend who was looking around uneasily. “Dad, this is Matt, Matt, this is my dad.” You sweetly grin, looking between them with gleaming eyes.
“Pleasure.” He greets your boyfriend, firmly shaking Matt’s hand.
“Good to meet you, sir.” Matt smiles forcefully.
Excitedly screeching, gazing between the two. “Okay- I can’t wait anymore, let me show you around.” Grabbing Matt’s hand to lead him. “Dad follow me.”
You showed them throughout the whole gallery, talking endlessly about the inspiration behind each piece of work, chatting their ears off about every detail.
“Excuse me one moment.” Your dad announces, walking into the back room to answer his phone call.
Matt inconspicuously pulls you aside now that it was just the two of you. “You never told me his name…” Matt quietly asks.
“Oh my goodness- sorry, I completely forgot. It’s Wilson. Sorry, that must’ve been really uncomfortable.” You apologise, placing a sweet kiss on Matt’s now tense cheek. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah- I’m fine. Just you know, meeting your dad.” He partially lies.
“I’m sorry princess, I’ve got to go.” Wilson enters the room, glancing between you and Matt with questioning eyes. His stare penetrated the side of Matt’s face.
“Dad?” You warned, disguising it with a cough. Noticing the way he was looking at Matt.
“Right. I’ll see you soon.” He kisses your cheek before leaving. “If you hurt my little girl…” he turns around to warn, focusing in on your perturbed boyfriend.
Matt has been uneasy around you ever since the day at the gallery a few days ago. You thought it was because your dad frightened him with that scolding, but you didn’t know if it was just that or if there was something else to it. You haven’t seen him since then either, he avoided all your texts and calls, replying hours later with ‘sorry, I was on a case’ or ‘I couldn’t find my phone.’
You had spent the day at your gallery doing inventory and rearranging pieces, quietly enjoying the day to yourself. Taking a seat on the sofa by the wide glass window, zoning out as you gaze at the busy city. Aimlessly scanning around until you notice something out the corner of your eye. It was a car you had seen dozens of times over the last couple of months. You tried not to look at it for too long, never wanting the person inside to acknowledge your awareness.
You picked up an art magazine from the coffee table, opening it and raising it to your face. Peeking your eyes over the top to get a better look at the number plate, and to no surprise, it was the same one you had been seeing everywhere.
Startling yourself when the door opens, the bell ringing obnoxiously. Dropping the magazine, you see your father by the entrance with a solemn expression.
“You okay?” You ask nervously, walking over to him.
“I have some news.” He frowns, gesturing for you to take a seat.
“What is it? You’re scaring me.” Scanning your dad's face for answers.
“I don’t want you to hate me...”
“I won’t, what’s up, tell me.” You push once more.
“I did some digging…” Wilson trails off.
“Your boyfriend…”
“What about him?” You snap, desperately needing answers.
“I’m afraid he’s not someone you should trust…Here…” Pulling out his phone to show you a clip.
Staring at the video confused. “I don’t get it- what is it?” Darting your eyes between him and the screen.
“That’s… Daredevil.”
“Yeah, so?”
“That’s your boyfriend…” he says slowly. Masking his lies.
“No, it’s not.” Shaking your head.
“It is. ‘The devil of Hell’s Kitchen’ or whatever he calls himself. He’s a vigilante… and he’s dangerous… he…” he starts.
“‘He’ what?”
“It’s too much...” He closes his eyes, avoiding your surveying gaze.
“Please just tell me.” You plead.
“He… killed your mother.” Intensely staring at the floor.
“What-? Why are you telling me this?” Walking away in disbelief, pacing around. “Why would you say that?”
“There are more videos.” Extending his phone.
“No! I don’t want to see it. How can he do that? Seriously, how? He’s blind.” You defend.
“He was lying about that… it was a cover.”
“Let me see the video.” You demand, snatching the phone from his hand.
Anxiously fiddling with the hem of your dress as you watched the clip of your boyfriend in the red suit. You couldn’t believe your eyes- you didn’t want to believe them.
“I’ve seen enough.” Sliding the phone along the coffee table.
“I’m sorry. I’ll get out of the way.” He frowns, sitting up and leaving without a single look back.
You had decided to close the shop early, feeling too confused to want to be anywhere but home. Right now you wanted nothing more than to slump into the couch and watch shitty tv with a big bag of chips.
When you return to your apartment building, panic settles in when you notice the car again. Unlocking the door with shaky hands, trying your best to keep them still.
“Allow me.” A male voice says from behind. Immediately shuddering and dropping the keys.
“I’m sorry.” Turning around to look at the man. “Just a long day.”
“I’m sorry, that must’ve been really hard.”
“Yeah.” You exhale, disguising it in a laugh. “Thanks” taking the keys from his hand. “Do you- uh, live around here?” You ask, anxiously looking around.
“No, I was here to see a friend. But I saw you struggling so had to help.” He smiles. “And you are…?”
Telling him your name with a friendly smile.
“I’m Dex.” Shaking your hand. “Good to meet you… I’ll uh- see you around.”
After a long hot bath and take-out dinner, you lump yourself onto the couch. Pulling out your phone to see numerous missed calls from Matt. Deciding not to engage, you place it aside.
Frantic knocks pound at your door that startle you upright. Quietly walking over, peeking through the peephole to see Matt anxiously pacing around.
“What?” You snap, whipping the door open.
“I came to see you… you wouldn’t answer my calls.” He gushes, smiling apologetically.
“Not so nice is it?” You say snidely.
You cut him off. “I’m not in the mood right now. What do you want?”
“You scared me- you didn’t answer, I thought something bad had happened-” He continues, catching his breath.
Interrupting him again. “Are you actually blind?”
He flashes a confused look, head tilting to the side as if to understand you better. “Yes. Why would you ask that?”
“Wait a second- how did you get here?” You ask, finally putting the pieces together. “If you can’t see… then how did you run here?” You question with a stern whisper, not wanting your neighbours to hear.
“Can I come in?” He asks, avoiding your question.
“No, you can answer from out there.” Placing your hands over his chest to stop him from coming any further.
“What’s going on?” He questions, his face looking puzzled.
“Why don’t you tell me?”
“… I don’t know.”
“Who are you?”
His mouth opens but no words are made, gazing at you with his eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” He snarks, walking past you and into your apartment.
“I didn’t say you can come in.” Forcefully closing the door to follow Matt into your living room.
“Where’s this coming from?” He sadly questions, taking a polite seat on your armchair.
“I saw my dad today…” you start.
He gives you a nod to tell you he’s listening.
“He told me something and… I don’t know.” Burying your head in your hands.
“What’s wrong?” He asks sweetly, rushing over to the seat next to you to console you. Gently stroking over your back.
“Please just tell me who you are.” You quietly ask, your words muffling against your palms.
He deeply sighs, brushing his spare hand through his hair. “I think you know...”
Your back stiffens and your neck twists around to stare holes into Matt’s closed eyes. “You’re ‘him’? You’re Daredevil?” You speak quietly as if to soften the blow. “He was right.” You mumble to yourself.
“Who was right?” He questions.
“My dad- he showed me a video… you’re the devil of Hell’s Kitchen? You killed my mom?” You ask, almost rhetorically.
“Wait a sec-“ he interjects. “I don’t kill anyone.” Shaking his head.
“So you are him?”
“Yeah- but that’s not me.” His face grimaces at the thought. “That’s why I’ve been busy…”
“What do you mean?” You ask warmly as if the haze was clearing and you could finally see a few pieces to the puzzle.
“Your dad… he showed you the clip?”
“Mhm.” You mumble, listening intently.
“Was the person in the suit wearing red?”
“Yeah, like a- like a dark red.” Ears pulling back with intrigue.
“I know this might not make any sense right now, but I need you to understand… I don’t wear that red suit anymore- not after midland circle. That person… he isn’t me.” His face looks as though he’s thinking. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” You reply instantly, not once giving it a second thought because it was the truth.
“I think your dad is framing me.”
“I think he knows who I am, and is setting me up.” Placing a gentle hand on your knee.
“Why would he do that?” You question.
“Because he’s not just a businessman.” He says, almost as if he’s regretting it already. Not wanting to ruin your perception of your father.
“What is he?” Searching his face for more answers.
“I can’t do that to you.” He says sadly, stroking your confused face. “Just… in your phone, type in ‘Kingpin, Hell’s Kitchen’.”
Immediately opening your phone, typing into the search engine, instantly overwhelmed by the dozens of articles. Clicking the top one, reading through an article from the New York Bulletin. Your eyes darting over the words, as your heart thumps in your chest.
Matt laces his hand into yours, stroking his thumb over your skin to calm you down.
“My dads a crimelord?” You question in almost disbelief.
“I’m sorry.” He emphatically comforts, hating the idea of you feeling betrayed by your father.
“How did you know?”
“I’ve been after him for years…“
“Is that why you’re with me?” You sadly ask, already thinking the worst.
“No.” He gushes, cupping your cheek. “God, no. I only found out at your gallery the other day.” He reassures, sweetly brushing over your cheek. “Please come and stay with me for a few days. I don’t think it’s safe here…”
“Can I ask you something?” You almost whisper. Mind is racing and struggling to keep up with everything that’s happened over the last few hours.
“Of course, anything.” Gently placing a stray strand of hair behind your ear and then cupping your jaw.
“If you’re daredevil- the real one… are you really blind? Or is that a cover?”
“I am blind, I lost my sight when I was nine.”
“You can say no, of course. But, I don’t think you’ve actually told me how you lost it. I don’t want to push you, and you can stop me from talking because I feel like I’m blabbering-“
Sweetly smiling at the way you were so considerate with your delivery. “No no, it’s okay.” He interrupts.
Matt thought it was finally time to give you a look into his past, telling you every minor and major event that has happened in his life. Stories about his dad, St Agnes, Maggie, his abilities, what he does as Daredevil, and even about Fisk.
Matt was waiting patiently on the couch while you finished packing your bags; throwing in anything and everything you might need over the next few days.
“I’m ready.” You smile, lugging your bags by the front door.
“You left a light on in there.” Nodding to your en-suite.
Rushing to the bathroom to flick the switch, returning with a grin. “That is amazing.”
Flashing you a wide grin in response, collecting the heaviest bag and throwing it over his shoulder.
When you exit the building, you do a quick look around the street, quickly observing everything. Across the road you spot the car again, squinting your eyes to double-check the number plate. Matt doesn’t know about your potential stalker, to be honest, you didn’t want to worry him. But now you know he’s capable, you decide to finally tell him.
Discreetly covering your mouth to hide what you were about to say. “Matt.” You whisper. “That car… I see it all the time.”
“What do you mean?” He asks, barely moving his lips as he purposely twisted his head to look around.
“I think it’s been following me.”
His face grows stern and rigid, looking as though he’s calculating the situation. Placing your bags to the floor, taking a step onto the sidewalk. Immediately grabbing his arm to stop him from walking any further.
“No- don’t go over.” You plead, trying your hardest to stop him freeing from your grip.
“Wait there.” He sweetly instructs, shaking himself from your grasp.
“No, I’m coming with you.” Chasing after him.
Matt pulls out his stick, tapping it against the ground as he walked down the street, looking around aimlessly until he ‘accidentally’ bumps into the car. The person inside slides down the window “watch it, man.”
“My apologies, I don’t suppose you know the way to Josie’s bar. It’s just… you know.” Raising his arm to show the man his cane.
Watching from the side, you see a familiar man in the wing mirror. Immediately walking over, following after your legs that had a mind of their own.
“Dex?” You question, head tilting to the side in confusion.
He coughs, lowering his cap to hide his face. Stammering on his words.
Matt’s ears pull back in concentration, listening intently. Reaching his hand inside the car, gripping Dex’s neck and yanking him towards the window. Hitting his head with his free hand, as he pulled him through the window and out of the car. “Who are you?” He demands, landing another strike to his face. Instead, he doesn’t do anything, he just tauntingly laughs, purposely trying to provoke Matt.
“Enough.” You shout, pulling Matt off Dex who was laughing hysterically on the floor, blood dripping from his cheek.
“What the fuck was that about?” You grit, ushering him away.
“That’s Special Agent Poindexter.” He starts. Straighten his tie and adjusting his glasses, linking his arm into yours, acting nonchalant.
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” You whisper shout, quickly looking over your shoulder check on Dex who was splayed out on the sidewalk.
“Fisk hired him. If I’m right, and I’m sure I am… he’s pretending to be me.” Leading you across the street, and back to your apartment building.
“Wait a second…” letting go of Matt’s arm and halting in your tracks.
“That video my dad showed me… it was a CCTV clip…” pausing as if to complete your thought. “It was outside of my mom’s house… and…” face contorting at the idea. “He had my mom killed?”
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sorry for the cliffhanger!! I wasn’t sure how to end this and was hoping that some of you guys could maybe give some ideas. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with Fisk and Dex, and how Matt would work into it. but if you have any ideas I’d love to hear them. I will be doing a part 2, just need some help from you angels first
I think it’s because I’ve been working on this so long my mind has turned to mush😭
but thank you for reading, hope you liked it🤍
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takenbypeter · 3 months
A Letter From the Heart
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Ben Poindexter x reader
Words: 911
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You hadn’t meant to find that letter. You didn’t even know it existed. It was honestly all by chance that you found that neatly folded piece of paper. 
You were hanging out with Dex that afternoon, (just as you’ve done so many times before), and in knowing you’d be arriving soon he decided to clean himself up with a shower after an…intense work day, so that’s where he was when you had entered his apartment. 
“Dex, I’m here!” You shouted, stepping near to the bathroom, while he shouted back a, “hello,” back followed by a, “be out soon!”
You gave a single nod to yourself before setting your bag down in the spot Dex had designated for you. 
You had been left alone in Dex’s place many times before, he trusted you. In the whole fourteen months that you’ve been together, he had no reason to doubt you. 
The only difference compared to the other times was that right now your phone was boring you. There was nothing to do and you were bored of the few games that you had on your phone so you just glanced around a little. 
With your hands held together behind your back as if you were at a museum you walked around briefly looking at the pictures he had of the two of you along the walls. 
While you strolled down memory lane you came to a stop, as a frame that hung across the room caught your eye. 
You tilt your head to one side then the other before coming to a conclusion. The frame was crooked, (which was very unlike Dex).
Swiftly making your way to the picture you notice something white sticking out from behind the frame. 
Shifting the frame some more you realize it’s a letter. Of course you then lift the frame off and once you do you realize your name is actually on the letter.
Taking the piece of tape off from the frame you take the letter and set the picture down before opening the paper. 
You didn’t know what to expect from this letter. 
Why did it have your name? Why was it hidden away? Why was there even a letter like this?
Your questions slowly became answered as you began to read the letter. 
On the first line was your name plus the date, (which was listed a short time after you two started dating.)
My new therapist says it’s important to write any strong feelings down so that’s what I’m doing now.
Okay, here we go. 
I have strong—intense feelings for you and I’ve never had them before, not like this.
I constantly have you on my mind and I don’t know what to do about it. 
When I’m not with you I feel dull and empty. 
I don’t like it; feeling angry and scared all the time, it’s exhausting. 
When I’m with you though I feel light.
I feel like I’m who I’m supposed to be. 
I hated who I was before you and I’m scared of reverting back to that person. 
I’m scared that one day, I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone. 
Scared of what I’ll become if that happens. 
I know I’m too much. 
Too intense. 
Too rigid. 
I just hope you can see past that and one day love me for me. 
I will always love you for you even if I end up scaring you off. 
Hopefully one day I’ll be strong enough to tell you this to your face.
Love, Benjamin Poindexter
You stared at the letter, eyes reading it again, almost as if the first time wasn’t enough. You’re so enthralled by his words you almost didn’t notice Dex stepping into the room. Almost. 
When Dex came into the room he immediately spotted your hands. From seeing your name sprawled across the outside material he knew exactly what was on that piece of paper. 
What he didn’t know was what you thought about it. Even with all the time you’ve been together he still found himself wondering, were his emotions too much? Did you find the letter weird? Had his words scared you off? He knew it was a bad idea to listen to that quack of a therapist. 
“You wrote this?” You asked, despite already knowing that he did.
Dex could feel his mouth dry as your eyes seemed to bore into him, waiting for him to say something—anything. Thankfully, he didn’t have to think long though. 
“Dex, this is really sweet.”
Your words seem to hit Dex, “…sweet? You don’t think it’s…extreme?” He lets out a single yet embarrassed laugh at that word. “I mean I wrote this after three weeks of being together, doesn’t that ring sort of weird?”
He knew the answer was yes, it had to be yes.
But all you did was shake your head at his questions…before nodding it, “I guess it may seem a little rushed but I think it’s nice.” You glance back down to the letter, a smile unconsciously being drawn to your lips, “Or maybe I’m just weird and I think it’s sweet because I’ve never gotten a letter like this before.”
The same smile that you wore appeared on Dex’s face as he watched in fondness. One, because he could easily see how much this meant to you, and two, because he’d gladly write you a hundred letters if he knew how happy that’d make you. 
But for now just one was enough. 
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 6 months
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Words: 2758 (chapter 50)
*whispers * "we are so back baby"
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50. of first dates and men
"I almost thought I wasn't gonna make it." You admit, placing your arm on Matt's, an action that has become a habit of yours when you two were by yourselves. "Mahoney opened an active investigation, and blah blah blah."
"I feel like you're leaving all the juicy details out." Matt turns his head to your side, smiling. There's an easiness in his step, maybe he feels lighter, maybe it's because you're finally here with him after a long, lonely day in the office; maybe it's because he's so in love that it all seems silly to him.
"Don't be so greedy, Murdock." You slightly nudge his side, spotting the diner that you chose for your date. Far away from the office and Karen, and Foggy, far away from the people you might know. The street you're both walking appears rather noisy, kids kicking around a ball, music playing loudly in someone's house, an old man with a questionable taste in hats is selling tacos, and two girls are arguing at someone's doorstep.
"It's hard to not be when I'm with you." He replies, tuning out the surrounding noise.
You bite away a smile, squeezing his forearm affectionately; upon entering the diner, you're amazed by all the decorations, light bulbs in different colored jars hanging from one wall to another, the big lights dimmed to create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere for the evening, and pleasant soft music playing from the speakers. "Well, we're here."
Matt takes a deep breath, "Smells nice."
You choose the table in the farthest corner, hanging your coat on the chair, and finally sit down. Your feet were already sore from walking on the job in heels the whole day, running from one office to another in the station, but you refused to wear something more comfortable this evening; your dark red silk dress was made to be paired with the black stiletto heels.
**  "Ever played truth or dare?" You ask, cutting your steak. Matt's knife stops and he turns his head to the side, thinking. It was cute how he always tilted his head like a confused dog, as if the action somehow cleared his confusion.
"Uhh, no, I don't think so. Why?" He asks softly. You two have been chatting this and that while waiting for food, so now you wanted to keep the conversation going.
"You... Wanna play?" You bite your lip anxiously, waiting for him to turn down your suggestion and call it childish. "If you don't want, that's okay... I'm just suggesting."
"Yeah, alright, why not?" He chews his salad, thinking for a moment. "When's the last time you played this?"
"Uh... Probably during the last spring break in high school." You chuckle. "Someone dared me to steal handcuffs from my dad."
"Did you?"
"Obviously... Just haven't yet told him that it was me."
Matt smiles, biting the inside of his cheek, and you can't help but look at the way he pokes his tongue out to lick his lips. "Now, I'm not that surprised you agreed to break into Melissa's house."
"Oh, are you throwing shade on me, Murdock?" You exaggerate your fake gasp and grab your chest. The way your fingers slide on your silk dress, makes Matt suck in a sharp breath.
"I'm just, making an assumption... A very late one, too." He nervously fixes his glasses again. "Okay, so, truth or dare?" He leans forward, catching a whiff of your perfume, and picks up the fork once more.
"Let's begin with truth."
"Oh, safe choice, alright. When was your last serious relationship?"
"Checking your chances or...?" You laugh with Matt, but then get a bit more serious. "Well, I only had two of those. One was obviously Robert. Then there was another guy. And after him, I briefly got back with Robert again, but it wasn't serious that second time with him. I wasn't the same person he knew." You take a sip of your wine, continuing, "so yeah, that was at least nine years ago."
"Wow." Matt's eyebrows briefly shoot up above his glasses, lips curling downwards.
"Yeah... So, truth or dare?" You poke a salad with the fork, looking at Matt making a decision.
"I'll go with truth as well." He replies after a long minute, fingers tapping around for the knife.
"What about your past relationships?" You ask, clearing your throat. You had a rough idea of his previous flings, so you weren't surprised when he told you that he's more of a 'one-night stand guy'. It felt weird, on one hand you knew that what you had right now was serious, compared to Matt's relationship record, but it made you somewhat unease, thoughts of you being just one big distraction began creeping into your mind while he was talking. Well, you weren't any different, God knows, you two were made from the same fucked up clay; but it was what it was, and you couldn't change your past. Or Matt's for that matter.
"There was this girl while I was still in college. I think she was the only one I confessed my love to..." Matt quickly clears his throat, cheeks reddening from embarrassment. "Until I met you, of course."
"We're more similar than I thought." You say, averting your eyes from his crouched figure. It was a hard pill to swallow, but it was the truth, hard truth.
He smiles, almost guiltily. The game continues until you're both two glasses of wine in, leaning close to each other, giggling about nothing, daring to kiss each other or ask the waiter to change the radio station. The people around you change quicker than you can get used to the new faces, but you're still there, still lost in each other's perfumes, still holding hands under the table, still very much in love.
"So, don't you think that there's something between Matt and y/n?" Karen asks out of the blue, and the question knocks all the thoughts out of Foggy's head.
He blinks slowly, "what?", then laughs shortly, "it's a joke, right?"
They're the only one's left in the office before closing time, with you gone to the station since morning, and Matt leaving a bit earlier than usual. Karen presses the START button on the printer and it begins buzzing. "Yeah. No. I mean, I don't know." She shakes her head, blonde hair falling on her face. "Maybe I'm just imagining it, but it seemed strange, the look she gave me yesterday. When we were in the bar." Karen falls silent, realizing that she said too much already.
"What look? Karen, what happened yesterday? I thought we all had a great time together." Foggy stops packing his briefcase and looks at Karen's back, waiting for her to turn around, but she doesn't, still shielding her pink cheeks with her long hair.
"We did, yeah."
"Then what look are you talking about?" Foggy starts catching the train of Karen's thoughts and his eyes slightly widen, "Wait. You're jealous, aren't you?"
"Jealous? Foggy, don't be ridiculous." Karen blows a raspberry, but it's too late, too obvious.
"Karen..." A heavy sigh leaves Foggy's lips, and he comes to the printer, "three things. First, Matt's not the man of serious relationships, trust me, as his long time friend, I know that. Second, we all were pretty drunk last night, so you might've mistaken that 'look' you're talking about with something else, y/n said she was pretty tired, so." He puts a comforting hand on Karen's shoulder, "I just don't think that those two could be a thing. I mean, a couple of months ago they almost fought each other in court, so, don't burden yourself with these things. Or do. But it's my advice to let it go."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." She smiles, still not convinced. Foggy had no reason to lie, but something was telling her that she was right, there was something between you and Matt.
"Wanna go grab a drink?" He tries, expecting a negative answer, so that he could go visit Marci without an ache in his heart.
"Um, no, I still have a few more copies to make." Karen's tone is dismissive as she tries to hide bitterness behind her shy smile.
"Hey, don't stay up late, you know we can't pay for overtime." Foggy leaves with a huge beam on his face, while Karen's face drops as soon as the door closes.
Your smile. It's so beautiful. So kind and genuine. You laugh at something he says, hiding your lips with your palms, until his hands reach to pull them away from your face, and he kisses your knuckles. You were so beautiful, glowing like an angel in the dark; and so... In love? Dex couldn't tell, simply because he has never had anyone looking at him like that. It was pathetic, what he was feeling right now. Yet he couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to be in that guy's place, to have you look at him with such adoration and affection.
"Is everything alright, sir?" The waitress asks, smiling at Dex warmly. He has barely touched his food, as he was so busy with watching you. But now she was blocking his most precious view.
"Yes, it's good." He lies so terribly that the poor girl has no choice but to leave him alone.
It was a total accident, Dex didn't plan on going out tonight, or any other night for that matter, but Ray was the one to blame. He kept blabbering about this place for a week, so finally Dex decided to check what was so special about it. And when he sat down to look at the menu, he noticed you sitting with a guy in the farthest corner of the diner. At first, Dex thought that he was imagining it, but then he was positive that it was you. Your shoulders and more than half of your back were exposed, your dress was hanging on two slim straps, falling up to your ankles. He couldn't take his eyes off. Dex has only seen you in formal attires, usually a blouse, jacket and a skirt, hair almost always out of your eyes, tied up in a bun, but now, your hair was free from any ties, shining in the dim light.
Dex finally takes a bite of his food, grimacing at the coldness. Maybe he was lost in his head for too long. He notices the movement in the corner of his eye and sees the guy with red tinted glasses stand up and walk behind you, he pushes your hair to the side and puts something around your neck. The guy leans and kisses your cheek, then slowly returns back to his seat. You smile again, and bring him in for a quick kiss, touching the thing on your neck. Dex clenches his jaw, angrily poking the potato with the fork and turns his head away from the sight.
***  "I know that it's way too late now, but I just wanted to give you this." Matt says, pulling a small red box out of his jacket.
At first glance you think that it's a ring box and almost panic, but then he opens it and you notice a silver chain with a cross. An exhale, mixed with surprise leaves your lips; you touch the necklace, slightly confused, "For what?" 
"Well, happy belated birthday," Matt smiles, taking the necklace from its box, "I know that it's... Not really your... Thing... I mean I overheard what you talked about God and all that in church..." Matt quickly gets flustered, and starts stuttering, while you look at him with rising  interest and amusement, "It would mean a lot to me if you decide to wear it. Not that I'm pushing this... Uh... Religion thing or anything."
"Okay. I'll wear it. For you." You answer rapidly, much to his surprise. 
"Thank you for ending my misery here." Matt laughs, and rises from his seat.
"It was pretty terrible." You tease, extending your arm to guide him towards you.
"I mean... You're losing your attorney skills, Murdock."
"And I still convinced you in a record time." Matt's quick fingers clasp the chain, and he leans to kiss your cheek, returning to his seat like the wind. 
"It's beautiful, thank you, Matt." Your hand touches his, and involuntary you notice freshly bruised knuckles, but keep your mouth shut, at least tonight. 
However, you can't keep it shut entirely and begin the same old conversation about the guy you wish didn't exist in your life. As the waiter brings a tiramisu to share, you look around the diner, failing to notice Dex just by an accident of people walking to get their drinks; poking the corner of the dessert with a teaspoon, you say, "I didn't wanna talk about work tonight, but Paxton told me an interesting thing."
Matt licks the inside of the spoon and raises his eyebrows in question. He already knows what you're about to say, but still pretends to be interested. "Yeah?"
You pull your glance away from his lips, scratching your head, "He said that Daredevil saved him last night. From his friends. That's why I had to spend the whole day in the station, trust me, Mahoney will not be delighted to see me there any time soon, but that's not the point." 
"So, what did he say?" He's itching to know how much did Paxton actually reveal, and to his dismay, the boy didn't hold back.
"I didn't think about until the lunch, but it's been bothering me ever since. He told me that Daredevil not only saved him, but made him promise to call me in the morning." You make a long pause to finally eat a spoon of tiramisu, while Matt feels tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "It wouldn't be as weird in my books if he just saved Paxton, but I keep thinking about it and just can't figure out how he knew about Paxton having a lawyer. He's just a highschooler after all." You shrug slightly, picking up your spoon again. 
"Maybe he has superhearing or something." Matt tries to joke, but your face remains serious.
"Yeah, if this guy has superhearing, then he's supposed to be called a superhero, and if he's a superhero, then I'm Queen of England." You scoff.
"How are you so sceptical? I mean, we live in a world with the Avengers as our next door neighbours." 
"Yes, but we know who they are, don't we? And this guy is hiding behind a mask, so of course, he is nothing more than a criminal doing illegal activities." You notice how sour Matt's face has turned and try to save the sinking ship, "Don't tell me that you're the same as Karen."
"Karen? What's she has to do with Daredevil?" It felt weird, to finally say his other name out loud, weird, yet somewhat satisfying.
"Please, she's always defending him as if somebody's holding her at gunpoint; it was weird at first, but now it's just... Fucking creepy at this point." You take a big sip of wine and add something Matt didn't expect you to say, at least not right now. "While I'm on the Karen topic, then I might as well say this. I think she's terribly in love with you."
A laugh, mixed with a surprised "What" leaves Matt's lips.
"I mean, come on, haven't you noticed the signs? 'Matt, do you want me to read this out loud' and 'Matt, do you want me to walk you home', and let's not forget the 'Matt, where do you want to get lunch', honorable mention being last night at Josie's. I thought she was going to pull you into that dirty bathroom." You finish, amazed at your own bluntness, while Matt meets you with a sly grin and raised eyebrows.
"Are you... Jealous, y/n?" He can't help but ask, biting his lower lip seductively.
"I have a reason to be!" You lean in, and whisper-shout, "you're and your magical charm are attracting everyone in the room."
"You're so attractive when you're jealous." He blurts out unexpectedly, and you both burst out loud laughing, turning a couple of heads around you. Dex swallows his salad like a bitter pill, wishing you and this douchebag date of yours left quicker. 
While one man was enjoying the company of a woman he was deeply in love with, in the presence of a man whose jealousy and insanity were rising with every passing minute, there also was a third man, currenly more thirsty and angry than the previously mentioned two. A man who has lost everything he loved and held close to his heart. A man thirsty for blood and revenge, a man with an impeccable aim and a never-ending arsenal of bullets. The Punisher.
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petertingle-yipyip · 1 year
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Season Three - Aimed To Kill
tags: @mayasaurus--rex @americaarse @dusstory @johnmurphys-sass @ironprincessstranger @astrobees @woowwwee // four // six // masterlist
Pairing: Matt x Reader
Word Count: 10,424
Summary: Pages turn and bridges burn as Ex realizes the extent that she’s behind. When sentiment thrives amongst the chaos between her and her first love, question becomes whether they can fix their hearts with the lips that have left scars on each other.
Ray sent you home after your conversation. A team remained for cleanup and analysis, and you offered to help, but you were told to go home. He said for you to take care of yourself, write down whatever important things you didn’t want to forget, and he’d see you in the office for a debrief tomorrow. You tried to wait for Karen or Foggy, but Ray said if you wouldn’t leave on your own, he would walk to your car himself.
You thought about going home, about sleeping off the whole ordeal. But your mindless driving took you to the church. Once you pulled up, your feet guided you through the rod-iron gate out front without hesitation and through the heavy wood doors with your chest growingly inexplicably tighter with each step.
Your feet seemed to know where to go more than your head because before you knew it, you were just around the corner from the gate. You took a deep breath and built the pressure in your chest to a pinnacle. You let it out as a controlled exhale and felt the thrumming of your pulse slow to its usual pace.
“You’re missing the point! He didn’t just find someone to wear my suit.” Matt argued so you stayed around the corner to listen in, hiding your presence behind a bubble of indifference. “He’s as fast and skilled as I’ve ever seen, and I couldn’t take him. He found someone to kill me.”
“Matthew.” Sister Maggie tried.
“I was stupid enough to think that I had Fisk cornered. He knew I’d find the witness and I just brought the sheep to the slaughter.”
You shook your head slightly, feeling that slap of guilt.
“Jasper Evans is dead. He’s dead and he leaves a son behind and that’s on me! … I was so sure that I was finally out in front of this bastard. God, and I was stupid enough to put Y/N in the middle of it.”
You stepped inside quietly and stood beside Maggie. Her head snapped towards your sudden presence, but she offered a small, thankful smile. You gently took the cloth from her hand and moved towards Matt. He jerked away from your touch but you grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back. He huffed in annoyance and you quietly rolled your eyes.
“Fisk knew I thought that I had him. He was waiting for me.” Matt’s rant continued, though his anger was now wavering between that heat - a heat that so familiarly blasted from him - and suffocating guilt. “Of course he was waiting for me.”
You worked calmly and quietly as you began undoing the buttons of his shirt. 
“Foggy and Karen could’ve been killed.” Matt tried.
Your movements paused at the last button when you realized he was right. But your head cocked in thought when you also realized that they weren’t killed. He hardly touched them… Why kill everyone else but them? “And there would’ve been nothing I could’ve done to stop it. Nothing.”
“You’re losing blood. Let me stitch you up!” Maggie insisted and Matt’s brows furrowed slightly, clearly having assumed the person touching him was the familiar nun.
“I listened to you. I listened to you and they almost died.” Matt continued, though one bloodied hand reached forward and found your face.
You couldn’t hide the smile as his thumb traced your features. He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, his mouth threatening to reveal a smile. That prior tightness in your chest dissipated almost instantly when you saw that you still meant something special to him. While their conversation continued, you were thinking of an old memory from college.
“Does that even work?” You giggled and dropped on the bed beside Matt. He turned his head in your direction with a content smile. “They do it on TV but is it actually a thing?”
“It helps, yeah.” He nodded. “You don’t have to though.”
“Do you want to?”
He gave a small shrug. “Foggy’s pretty much told me what you look like. The guy couldn’t stop talking about you for a week after we first met. It was always ‘how did we not know she was in our classes?’ and ‘how is a girl like that trynna be a lawyer?’.”
“Huh.” You propped yourself up on your elbows. “I’m gonna kick Franklin’s ass.” You laughed before sitting up fully and patting Matt’s chest. “C’mon, get up.”
“Why?” He asked, though he did as he was told.
“So we can do this.”
“You sure?”
You could tell he was trying to keep down his smile as his hand hovered near your cheek. You felt a twisting in your stomach and realized for the first time in a long time, you had butterflies. Your skin was buzzing with excitement as you waited for Matt’s gentle touch. He giggled quietly and pulled his hands away.
“What’s wrong?” You laughed.
“Nothing.” He insisted with a grin. “Nothing, I swear.”
Your brows raised expectantly and he licked his lips with a smile as he raised his hands again. You laughed to yourself and grabbed his wrists to guide his hands. You slid his fingers into your hair at your temples and his thumbs ran along your forehead, following the path of your hairline.
You watched his expression shift, though there was always a smile on his face. His brows raised and furrowed as his thumbs continued to travel your face, skimming over your eyebrows as his fingers traced the curve of your ears. You giggled slightly when he got your eyes and the touch against your lashes made your eyes close.
“Can you smile?” He asked softly when both palms slid to your cheeks.
Your eyes opened and you saw the soft expression he wore. That look alone was enough to bring out an honest smile, thinking about how sweet and honest Matt was. He gave you a chance to be soft in a way you never had before. You had always thought yourself synonymous with bloody knuckles and gun powder. You wanted to be something to fear, to make people afraid to hurt you. But when Matt was around, all your jagged edges seemed to be rounded out.
His thumbs traced your cheeks to the bridge of your nose. You bit down the smile as his pointer fingers made their way to your lips, gingerly tracing the shape. One hand fell away while the other gave your cheeks a gentle squeeze, making you laugh.
“What was that for?” You asked and he laughed with you as he pulled both hands back to his lap.
“Nothing.” He answered innocently. “You’re beautiful, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Matt.. So are you.”
“Yeah?” His brows raised as a slight pink tinted his cheeks.
“Yeah…” You smiled softly. “Y’know, I’m really glad we met.”
“Me too.”
Maggie tapped your shoulder and you pulled back into the present moment. You turned to see her handing you a bowl with the supplies to stitch him up. She offered a quick nod before disappearing and you blinked the pink tint from your vision.
“I don’t know if I can beat the man he sent to kill me, Y/N/N.” Matt confessed softly as you moved across the room to wash your hands.
“Have you forgotten everything I taught you?” You asked simply.
“I’ve thought about everything between us a lot lately.” He said softly, all anger fading to the back for a moment as he appeared at your side. “Good and bad.”
“And there’s been a lot of both.”
“Mostly my fault.”
You turned to him with a clean wet cloth in hand. You gently grabbed his jaw and turned his head down towards you. He snorted a quiet chuckle while you gently cleared the blood from his nose and mouth.
“Well I’m not exactly a cake walk to have around… Just ask Marc. Or Billy. Or Frank. Or either of my cousins.. Hell, you could ask Karen.” You laughed slightly.
“I’m serious, Y/N/N.” He offered a small, lopsided smile.
“Y’know, I thought you might've turned off your heart, cause that just wasn’t you last time I saw you, when we were at Jasper’s.. But this guilt makes more sense.”
“You don’t seem very fazed that our friends could’ve died.” He commented as your hands returned to their place in his chest and began stitching him up.
“Yeah...” Your brows furrowed as you thought back to your realization from just moments ago. “They could’ve. But they didn’t.”
“He knew from the start, since I went to the prison. He knew I’d find Jasper.”
“Shut up for a second.” You shook your head, pausing your hands to let your brain work through your thoughts. You slowly began tapping your finger against his chest and he looked down at you with raised brows. “So why didn’t he kill them?”
“The imposter could've killed them both. You were down and I had barely gotten to my feet, which was after he had already pulled a trigger on Jasper.” You stopped and turned your head up to face Matt again. “He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to give chances. So why not kill them too? Why not kill all of us?”
“Cause that wasn’t the plan.” Matt finished.
“No… He wasn’t sent to clear the place. The journalists and whatever damage he did from that was his own idea, probably only killing people that fought back. He was sent to send a message. To me and you, to the public, and every crime syndicate in New York. If he can wreck your public image, it shows that the people can’t trust you anymore. And by making it look like you’ve snapped and you work for him now, criminal groups across the city will see him as untouchable.”
“FBI protects him inside. Daredevil protects him outside. Makes it look like not even Exodus can’t touch him.”
“Untouchable. Like she’s fighting a losing battle…” Your fingers continued the steady movements to stitch him up. “We’ve gotta find this guy sooner rather than later.”
“I couldn’t stop him, but you could.” His brows furrowed but you ignored the look he gave you and focused on finishing the stitches. “How’d you know how to beat him?”
“His first instinct was to throw the club, which told me pretty much everything I needed to know.” You explained, though it was partially a lie. “He was strong, sure. But it was easy to tell his advantage was with distance and projectiles. When you two were going at it, he had trouble blocking everything which showed a lack in hand to hand experience. I saw a fighter that relied on brute strength or distance. The way he carried himself reminded me of the military, and in my experience, military men can’t defend against me very well. He couldn’t get me until I let up or got distracted.”
“Your experience.” He chuckled. “How many military men do you have experience with?”
“I don’t owe you that answer.” You said simply.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that’s not a very discreet way to ask who I’ve been sleeping with.”
“What?” He feigned innocence.
“I know you were at the apartment. What gave it away?”
“I could smell the colognes in the bedroom.” He admitted.
You let the silence settle for a moment until he began fiddling with his fingers.
“Four.” You finally answered and his brows raised in mild shock. “Two of them would’ve been recent enough that you could tell but they were just to pass the time. Well that’s kind of a lie. I was starting to like one of them until he turned around and shot me. The other two of them actually mattered, but one of them’s like my family. They’ve never been in the bedroom like that.”
“Hmm… Couch?” He tried to joke.
You smacked his arm.
“Neither of them have been in the apartment.” You specified.
“Your math is wrong, by the way. That was five.”
“No, it’s four.. There’s some overlap.”
“Would I uh… Would I know any of them?”
“Names, yes. Actual people, some. And to answer that other burning question that’s stamped on your forehead, no. I never slept with Frank.”
“I didn’t-“
“You assumed the only military guy we had in common… You were dead. What else was I supposed to do?” You gave a small shrug and dropped the supplies to the sink.
“I know.”
“Y’know, I really thought we could make it..”
“We still can.” He said softly, as if the words would break him. As if admitting those words in your presence was the last crumble of his resolve to stay away in the name of your protection.
And maybe they did. All you knew for sure was that whatever hard casing had shattered in your chest earlier that night, it would never fully solidify again. You were each other’s greatest weakness. The clearest vulnerability, but your greatest strength came from each other. Your best feats came when you two were together. Fisk knew that, and that’s why he wanted to separate you two.
Matt waited for you to turn back towards him and when you did, he took your hand and guided you to the small bed tucked in the corner.
“The suit he was wearing...” You remembered, hoping to redirect the conversation to the fight.
“Yeah, it was perfect.” Matt agreed.
“I think we’ll need to see Melvin.” You sighed and turned to him.
His brows furrowed as his head tilted, listening in on something. Your head cocked as you watched and waited for him to talk about it.
“Are your ribs bothering you again?” He asked suddenly. “It sounds like the bones are rubbing together.”
“Probably. He slammed me a few times and I took a tumble down the stairs earlier but it doesn’t hurt.” You sat up taller to prod the area but Matt’s hand was already pressing against the bones while the other was against your back for stability. You winced sharply and grabbed his wrist. “Yeah, they’re busted. I’ll deal with it later.”
“I can’t really feel it. Can I…” He gestured to your shirt.
You shook your head softly but stripped off your jacket and button-up. You gave Matt a side eye as you undid the velcro straps on your vest but he held a look of innocent concern. You pulled the vest over your head with a wince, leaving you in the black compression top that was underneath.
“Don’t think you're gonna get me out my clothes that easy anymore, Murdock.” You teased and he smiled as you guided his hands back.
“Guess I still got it.” He answered lowly as he pressed against your rib cage. You let a sound between a whine and a groan, which made Matt quickly turn to face you. “Never heard you make that sound before.”
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes in amusement.
“What about your hip? Where the knife went in?” His fingers slid down and pressed the joint of your hip.
“It’s fine, should be just a scar by now.” You looked down at his hand and saw the dark purple shapes on the back of your forearms from where you blocked the baton earlier that night. You hummed in acknowledgment and lifted your arms to better see the bruises.
Matt was quick to reach up and run his fingers along your skin, feeling the slight swelling of the discolored area. He sighed slightly and leaned forward, sliding his hands to have a better grip on your hips. He offered a quiet, pleading expression and gave your body a slight pull. You hesitantly scooted closer, lifting a leg to rest on his lap.
“My last fight was a lot worse. Still got out better than you did.” You said softly, brushing your fingers across his forehead to move his hair back. “You feeling okay?”
“Careful, Y/N.” His eyes closed and a small smile crossed his lips. “I might start to think you still love me.”
“I wouldn’t be down here if I didn’t.” You confessed quietly. “I had to make sure we didn’t lose you again.”
He shifted back on the bed slightly and pulled your hips again, this time pulling you over his lap. He draped your arms over his shoulders before his hands ran up and down the sides of your thighs. You leaned your forehead to rest on his and he tilted his head back so his lips brushed yours.
“You know there are some things we need to talk about.” You said quietly.
“I know..”
“And I can’t stay down here forever.”
“Yeah, just… Just let me hold you for a little longer.”
You nodded slightly and his arms snaked around your waist, allowing you to wrap yours around his shoulders.  You leaned forward to drop your head against his shoulder and his chin rested on top of your head. He took a deep breath and his arm held you a little closer. In turn, you felt a rattling in your chest. The sensation was true for what you and Matt felt about your current relationship. Uncertain, shaky at best with a cracked foundation. But there was a familiar tug as well, like a string tied from his heart to yours.
“I don’t want you to get hurt because of me anymore.” He mumbled against your shoulder before he pulled back. “I can’t keep you with me.”
“I can protect myself.” You answered with a small smile. “And I can feel that you want me here, Matty. You can say whatever you want but you can’t hide that longing in your chest.”
He hesitated to go any further, though his hands held you a bit tighter. You let your own hands run up the back of his neck and your fingers pushed into his hair. He let out a chuckle in relief and pressed his lips fully against yours.
Your lips moved together as if no time had passed. You let out a soft moan when he gently pulled you closer and you let all your guards crumble away.
Suddenly, Matt could feel her pulse against his skin with the small noise she made. He could hear more than just the bones rubbing together in her chest. He heard the way her heart was pounding and her breath was growing shallow. He slid his hands up to the exposed skin of her sides and he loved how he heard her heart pick up and the gasp that fell from her lips. He continued to push his hands under her shirt until his fingers found the hem of her bra.
His head was screaming for him to let her go, to force her to leave and keep her safe. He was yelling at himself to say something hurtful, to break her heart and send her off hating him. He knew she’d be safer that way, as far away from as she could get. But Matt recognized that she wouldn’t go for that. She’d never leave his side if she had a choice, and she wouldn’t let Matt take that choice from her.
She pulled her lips away just enough to offer a small, silent nod. She helped him remove her shirt and to stifle the groan. Once the fabric was gone, Matt gently switched positions so she could lay on her back. He carefully climbed on top of her and felt her hands trail down his chest. His eyes closed as her fingertips ghosted over the various scars across his abdomen, as if she wanted to see if they were still there. Maybe that was how she could convince herself it was real, that he was real. He felt her hands falter on one that she wouldn’t know, one that came from Midland Circle. But he knew she wasn’t feeling it in a bad way. She was feeling it to remember it, to add it to the memory she kept of his body.
He had added a few new scars of hers to his memory as well. The tattoos at the back of her neck. Deep lines around her wrist that were interrupted by a shallow circle on either side, a short but raised mark near her belly button. The newest one at her hip that he had yet to feel. He felt the slight divot along her jaw earlier that night. Whatever she had gone through in his absence, she’d never be able to forget it. He still wondered what happened, but in those moments where he had her hands and lips on him, he couldn't bring himself to stop and ask. He decided it would be a story for another time.
The moment only broke when Y/N gently pushed his chest away.
“Maybe this isn’t a great idea..” You said gently.
“Yeah..” He answered simply, as if that was the reaction he expected from you. “You’re probably right.”
“I still wanna stay.” You offered as he moved to lay beside you.
“I thought you couldn’t.”
“Tell me to go and I will.”
“And if I want you to stay”?
“Tell me and I will.”
You woke later that night - or maybe it was early morning - when your phone was ringing on the floor. You freed yourself from Matt’s arms and slid from the small bed to the floor. You found your phone in your jacket and leaned your back against the bed while you answered.
“Yeah?” You mumbled, eyes still closed and sleep dripping from your voice.
“Hey.” Dex’s voice answered and it felt like you were slapped awake. Every muscle in your body tensed as you expected an accusation of your alter ego. “Just callin’ to see if you’re home. I wanted to come by.”
“Isn’t it kinda late for that?”
“I was just hoping we could talk.. I heard about what happened at the Bulletin.”
“They’re talking about it already?” Your brows furrowed. 
“No, not really.” He said carefully and it was clear he was fabricating his lie as he went. “Ray told me you got a little banged up and I should check on you.”
You knew you had to redirect the conversation quickly or else he might realize that he didn’t see you there, if he hadn’t realized already.
“You don’t have to. I’ve gotten worse than a few bumps and bruises. But hey, while I got you, I wanted to ask if there was any word on your leave? I didn’t get a chance to see if Ray knew anything.”
“Uh… No. No, I haven’t heard anything. No.”
“That’s too bad.” You feigned disappointment. “Tonight probably would’ve been different if you were with me.”
“Yeah…” He paused on the other line and you knew you still had some hooks in him you could pull. “Well, I guess I’ll let you go. Sorry to wake you.”
“Don’t worry about it. Hopefully I get you back with me soon, yeah?”
“Yeah… Yeah, soon. Back with.. with you.”
When you walked into work that morning, you were immediately blasted with familiar feelings from Karen. You followed that calling and ended up in the conference room with Foggy and Karen on one side and Ray on the other. Karen let out a tense sigh and jumped to meet you in a tight embrace, so tight you had to swallow the groan when she squeezed your ribs. Foggy was next, a short embrace followed by a tap on your arm.
“Y/L/N. Glad you’re here. How do you feel?” Ray asked when you stood beside him.
“Little banged up.” You gestured to the still red cut on your forehead. “But I’m not sitting this out. I get you had to pull me from the Murdock investigation but you’re letting me stay on this thing.”
“Yeah.” He gave a small smile. “Wouldn’t do it without you.”
“Great.” You nodded and took a seat beside Ray. “Fill me in.”
“We were addressing that, according to her own paper, Ms. Page has met Daredevil at least twice.” He explained and slid a paper across the table, citing the articles Karen had written.
“That psycho’s not Daredevil.” She countered and shoved the paper back.
“I got a pretty good look at him, too. Could’ve fooled me.” Ray countered, not acknowledging that you had told him something similar the night before.
“Do you think every fat guy with a white beard and red suit is Santa Claus?” Foggy countered and you had to smile.
“If he comes down my chimney and leaves presents under the tree.”
“Devil’s in the details there, Ray.” You added carefully. “That guy would’ve acted like Santa. If he did all of that, this guy didn’t act like Daredevil.”
“Based on how many encounters?” Ray turned to you.
“Couple.” You shrugged.
“He doesn’t kill people, ever. It’s not Daredevil.” Karen insisted. “Did you ever look into Felix Manning? Red Lion Bank?”
“They’re on my to-do list.”
“This is bullshit.”
“Look, Karen, he dropped your name.” You added but you weren’t speaking to her an FBI agent. You were speaking to her as her friend, as her vigilante friend, and she knew that. “He had a chance to kill you, but he didn’t. You were the one person left untouched. I know this seems like bullshit but we need to get these pieces to line up somehow.”
“It won’t.” Foggy cut in. “Not until you two start asking the right questions.”
“And what are those, Mr. Nelson?”
“How about this? Where’s Matt Murdock?” Ray interjected, looking at Foggy and then you.
You simply shrugged.
“Yet another fine example of a question that’s besides the friggin’ point!”
“You were supposed to deliver him to us-“ He gestured between the two of you. “-but there are zero Matt Murdocks in my custody.”
“And zero Jasper Evans left alive.” Karen added. “He killed the one person who had dirt on Fisk, but you knew that already. Is that why you don’t wanna go there?”
“Ms. Page.” You warned.
“What? That nut job did Agent Nadeem a huge favor. Now there’s no one left to tell the world what a fool Fisk is making of the FBI.” Karen continued.
“Did you know Daredevil was-“ Ray began.
“Daredevil imposter.” You cut in, earning a look of disbelief from Ray. “I’ll show you later.”
“Regardless.” He turned back to Karen. “Did you know he was gonna attack the Bulletin? Is that why you brought your gun?”
“Oh, come on.” You groaned as Foggy announced “We’re done here.”
Your friends were quick to leave the room, leaving you and Ray.
“What are you doing? I thought you didn’t get a good look at him.” Ray said lowly, almost angrily.
“No but you know who did, other than Karen?” You reached into your pocket and pulled an old thumb drive. “Outside my door this morning. I already checked it and it’s clean. No malware, no viruses, no tracking. Just a comparison of this Daredevil and the real Daredevil.”
After you left Matt the morning before work, you downloaded the footage from your mask. You found a few shots of Dex in the suit and downloaded those frames as pictures. You found a few old shots of Matt in the suit that matched the same framing and downloaded those as well.
“Do I wanna know who gave this to you?” He asked as he carefully took it.
“I wouldn’t be able to tell you.” You shrugged. “Could be an amateur photographer. I know Jameson at the Bugle is always looking for freelancers. Just give me a chance to explain it all, okay? I’ll be right back.”
You hurried out of the room and found Karen and Foggy not too far across the office.
“Evans wouldn’t have come to Bulletin if I hadn’t threatened his son.” Karen said sadly.
“His son will be alright.” You said honestly as you joined them. “My cousin is gonna get in touch and let him know, give him some money and help him start over. It’s not ideal but he’ll be okay.”
“We need to find Matt and-“ Foggy tried.
“No, I’m gonna head to the hospital.” Karen cut in, her voice weak with regret and guilt.
“Call me if you need anything.” You offered on her way out and she nodded. You sighed softly before facing Foggy again and speaking quietly, pulling him a few steps to the side. “Matt’s okay. I checked on him last night.”
“You know where he is?” His brows furrowed.
“Yeah, I guess I always had a feeling. I took a chance and it worked out.. Anyway, he’s a little worse off than me but he’ll be fine.”
“You guys have anything?”
“Sort of.” Your head tilted back and forth. “I’ve got some ideas and a basic construct, but we’ve gotta go to the guy that made the suit in the first place.”
“Think he’ll talk?”
“Yeah, he’s a good enough guy. Fisk had to have twisted his arm to get him to go along with it.” You nodded. “I’m gonna look into it on my lunch, assuming he doesn’t go rogue and do it without me.”
“I’m glad you two are working together again. What does it mean for you two?.”
“I don’t know yet, but my priority is keeping you three safe. I don’t care what I have to do.”
“Y/N.” He sighed.
“Y/L/N!” Ray called from down the hall. “Back to work. Let’s go.”
You patted Foggy’s arm and headed back into the office, following Ray towards a meeting with the warden. Ray filled you in quickly on the walk that you two were going to figure out how Jasper got out in the first place.
Apparently fake books wasn’t the most obvious solution.
You sat on the edge of the desk while Ray handled most of the conversation.
“How did some just check the wrong box?” You chuckled. “If you can’t give me a legitimate path to investigate, it’s gonna fall on your head. Forging federal documents is a crime and you will be serving time if you don’t give us answers. And something tells me those prisoners would love to spend some time with you.”
He stared at you and Ray and you felt the panic. He knew he was cornered, but he was also a coward. Whatever Fisk held over him, it was worth a jail sentence.
“I want my lawyer.” He said finally.
You two were then sitting in the SAC’s office and running over what had just happened. You were quiet while Ray went over everything. He told her what happened with Karen, what Jasper was supposed to say, what happened with the warden. 
“You believe Evans?” She looked to you.
“Why would he risk his life for a lie?” You shrugged. “And if the warden had nothing to hide, why bother with lawyers?”
“Alright. We gotta kick this up the chain. I’m calling the ADIC.”
“And tell him we don’t know all the facts?” Ray questioned quickly.
“There’s a damn good chance Fisk is manipulating us.”
“I warned you guys this would happen.” You muttered and crossed your arms.
“Shut it.” She pointed firmly to you.
“We need two days. Let us get all the facts.” Ray tried and you had to admit, you admired his determination. “When we can prove Fisk had been playing us, we can bury that son of a bitch together.”
“Leave him to fend for himself against all the people he’s burned.” You agreed. 
She shooed you two away and said that you had forty eight hours. You and Ray went back to his office and were comparing the images from your thumb drive.
You pointed out the height differences. Dex had at least two inches on Matt. You showed the difference in jaw shape. Dex’s was more square compared to Matt’s rounded chin. The facial hair difference was clear. Dex stayed clean shaven while Matt opted for light scruff. Their builds were different too, slightly broader shoulders and a narrower waist on Matt. With the photos in front of him, Ray couldn’t deny that they were two different men.
Throughout the day, you learned that the FBI had raided a workshop where Melvin Potter was working, a man who had helped make suits and protection for Fisk. But that was the same man that made yours, Matt’s and now Dex’s suits. You heard talk of a second man there, but only Melvin was in custody. You felt terrible, knowing that when you went to Melvin on your own for help he was more than willing. Now, there was nothing you could do for him because Matt went without you.
You skipped going with Ray to talk to Fisk that night. You told him you didn’t want to see or hear anything from him. You didn’t feel like dealing with more lies so you just headed home. Ray asked if you wanted to come to a small promotion party, just so you didn’t have to be alone, but you politely declined.
You were just getting to your building when you got a call from Maggie asking if you knew where Matt had gone. You answered honestly, that you had no idea but you’d find him. You opened yourself to his emotions and found him, still on his way to wherever he was going. You hurried across town, stopping a few houses down from here you thought you tracked him to. You stripped off your jacket and button-up, threw on your long-sleeve top, and grabbed the mask and Bites from your glove box before hurrying to the right house.
“I’m Daredevil.. The real one.” Matt said when you got into the room. You hurried across and pulled him back by his shoulders to get him off Ray.
“Are you insane?” You asked quietly.
“You don’t look like-“ Ray began.
“I buried the red suit.” Matt cut in. “The man who attacked the Bulletin, he resurrected it.”
“You do, however, match the description of a guy who’s been tuning up FBI agents. Does Agent Y/N Y/L/N ring a bell?” Your head snapped to Ray as he continued. “Heard she kicked your ass so bad you ran off. Maybe I should call her.”
You smirked slightly and Matt threw a discreet elbow into your arm.
“It was the last thing I wanted, but you people-“ He pointed a finger in Ray’s face. You reached over and pulled his hand down, bending his finger back slightly to earn a groan. “-didn’t leave me any choice. If you’d just wake the hell up instead of playing into Fisk’s hands. He’s using you, and I think you know it.”
“You went after the guy at the Bulletin.” Ray turned to you. “You didn’t hesitate. Didn’t even look at the other agents in that stairwell. Why?”
“Because I know who my partner is.” You put a hand on Matt’s shoulder. “And I know who my enemies are. He would’ve killed you too, Agent Nadeem.”
“Who do you think the real danger is here?” Matt added. “Me or him?”
The conversation paused for a minute while Ray had to redirect his son back upstairs.
“Let’s say I believe the two that just broke into my house.” Ray said tightly. “What do you got?”
“The man who attacked the Bulletin dressed as Daredevil… He’s in the FBI.” Matt answered and you felt your blood rush down to your feet.
“What?” You asked quietly. “How do you know?” Matt looked over at you. “How do you know?”
“I found the man that made the suit. He told me that he didn’t know his name, but he knew he was in the FBI. So tell me, which of your agents has Fisk been especially interested in?”
You zoned out for the rest of the conversation. When you got a chance, you snuck out the door. You were quick to change and get back in your car. Instead of going home and ignoring it, you drove to the church. You headed downstairs and waited on the small bed until Matt got there.
“You already knew, didn’t you?” Matt challenged as he stepped inside, tossing his mask across the room while he went to wash his hands.
“You were supposed to wait for me.” You countered.
“Who is he?”
“Why would you think I know?” You stood.
“Who is he, Y/N?”
“I don’t know.”
“You’re lying.” He turned to face you.
“Am I?” You tilted your head with a slight squint. “Or is it that you can’t tell so you’re trying to trap me?”
“Why are you protecting him?” He shouted and your jaw clenched. The worst part was that you didn’t know how to answer that.
You didn’t know if you were or if it was to protect Matt. If you took down Fisk, Dex would go down too. Start at the top and the bottom crumbles. Matt couldn’t face Dex on his own. He’d already proven that. He needed your help, whether he wanted to admit it or not.
“I’m trying to protect you but you won’t listen to me!”
“Listen to you? Listen to you? Y/N, you’ve been lying to me! Why should I listen?”
“Cause you already know you can’t beat him without me.” You said simply, trying to gain some composure. “Whether or not you know his name, he will beat you every time. Next time, he will probably kill you.”
“Why didn’t you stop it?”
“How was I supposed to do that?” You scoffed. 
“You know how. It gets you everything you want, doesn’t it?”
“What, this?” You raised your brows and pulled fear to Matt’s surface, watching him cough and choke slightly before clearing it away. “I can’t control everyone.”
“That’s how you knew how to beat him.” He continued and you didn’t bother arguing. “Because you know exactly who he is.”
“I have an idea.” You said carefully.
“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. You know.”
You didn’t know why you were protecting Dex, but you couldn’t bring yourself to throw his name out there. Maybe it was your own pride. You wanted to take him down yourself. Maybe it was just some loyalty to him as a partner or some pathetic hope that some sliver of a redeemable man was left.
“I don’t have any proof.” You said, which wasn’t a lie. But you did know how to get it.
“Y’know, I knew you were a good liar, but I didn’t think you’d lie to me.”
“Are you seriously talking to me about lying?” You laughed in disbelief. “You lied for how long about being dead?”
“That’s not the same!”
“No, you’re right. It’s worse!”
“My lie didn’t kill anyone!”
“It almost killed me.” You admitted. His brows furrowed as he faced you, trying to figure out what you meant. “The night after Midland, I thought about drowning myself in the tub. Almost did it, too. And the scar on my wrist that you were so interested in last night? Gunshot, nearly bled out from it. I almost died at the carousel because I didn’t care what happened to me.”
“I didn’t make you do that.” He said quietly.
“You didn't make me… You’re right. You didn’t. But you weren’t here to stop me either. And that was your choice. You always knew where to find me, Matt. But you hid out down here.”
“I’m not the one that can make people feel what she wants. You could’ve stopped them from trying to kill you. You could’ve stopped all of this!”
“You aren’t listening to me! You never listen to me!” You shouted and pushed him by his chest. “I only let my powers go so far, because if I don’t, then nothing‘s real.”
“How far did they go with me?” He asked suddenly, and the question seemed to shock him as much as it did you.
Matt realized it immediately after he said it. That was what he was looking for the night before. When he was thinking of what to say that’d be hurtful enough to break her, to push her away for good. It was the idea of challenging the validity of the relationship they had. He let out a small sigh when he realized that what he said had done more than hurt her. It shattered whatever was left of her heart, whatever had just been putting itself back together.
“What?” You asked softly.
“Was it ever real? My feelings for you.” He didn’t know why he kept going, but he did.
“Did you love me when I wasn’t around?” Your eyes fell to the floor as you backed away, a sharp pain stemming from your chest. “Did you still care about me before I came back?”
You swallowed the stinging sensation that was climbing your throat and lifted your eyes to Matt, taking careful steps forward. “Did you ever question it before you knew what I could do?”
He shook his head.
“There’s your answer… The worst part of my powers is not really knowing if I’m messing with someone or if it’s real. But I guess I know what it is with you. And I really wanted everything with us to be real. I was as honest as I knew how to be when it came to you, but you still can’t trust me.”
“Y/N, wait.” Matt realized he couldn’t go through with it. He couldn’t let her leave with that kind of hurt, not when it was his fault.
“No. No, you don’t get to try and pull a punch you’ve already thrown. You can’t backtrack this time..” You shook your head and turned to leave. 
“I didn’t mean it, Y/N, please.”
“You always say what you mean, Matt. After everything I’ve done, I thought you would’ve trusted me by now. But y’know what, fine. You wanna be alone? Be alone.”
You turned on your heels and were storming towards the stairs to leave when you felt his hand on your wrist. You reached over with your free hand and twisted his arm over as you stepped underneath and behind him. You kicked out his front knee and forced him down, quickly moving one hand to press at the base of his shoulder. You pulled your knee back and as you drove it forward, his other hand came up to block it. You pulled your foot back again but threw it for a kick this time, only to have Matt catch it by your ankle.
He yanked your forward and you went stumbling, releasing his arm so your hands could catch yourself on the nearest marble statue.
“Would you just listen to me?” He tried as he got to his feet.
“Like you’ve been listening to me?” You laughed. “Like you listened when I begged you not to stay under Midland?”
“How many times do I have to apologize for that?” He asked loudly, throwing his hands to the side.
“I don’t want your apology. I want you to admit you were wrong.”
“I did what I thought would be better for you.”
You let out a loud sound of frustration and moved at him. You threw a roundhouse that he leaned away from but your momentum carried you around so you spun and shot a back kick that landed against his chest. As he stumbled, you did a quick shuffle to replace your feet and reset yourself to face him. Left jab that he knocked away. Right hook that he ducked. A small growl sounded from deep in your throat as you walked in a small circle around him. He kept his hands up in anticipation as he spun with you, trying to keep you in front of him.
“You think all of this is easy for me?” You asked plainly, feeling every inch of your skin burning with your newly soaked anger. “Easy having you alive. Easy having to go against someone I work with, someone who helped save my life. Karen and Foggy and Lantom and Maggie, all of them wanted me to build bonds and create relationships with people so I wasn’t alone anymore. Well, look where it got me!”
“This is why I stayed away, Y/N.” He tried.
“Bullshit.” You scoffed. “You were being selfish.”
“I knew you had a good life. I knew I would only mess it up.”
“You didn’t mess up my life by coming back. You messed it up when you left, when you betrayed me.”
His hands faltered and you used it to your advantage. You moved quickly and slammed a knee against his chest. It forced him back and he grabbed both of your upper arms to keep you close.
“I couldn’t have betrayed you.” He spoke with a gentle firmness, an honest plea for you to believe him. “I never meant to-“
“What we do isn’t an accident! You don’t accidentally stay under a falling building for your ex-girlfriend. You don’t accidentally stay away from your actual girlfriend for months. You don’t accidentally tell someone that you never really trusted them!”
“You think I ever wanted to hurt you?” He countered. “After knowing where you came from, what you were supposed to be and what your mission was, I thought it was only a matter of time before you hurt me.”
“You think I never sat there and wondered if you were pretending? I never thought I was worth anything more than a bullet.”
“I’ve cared about you since we met, Y/N. You were always worth that.”
“I wasn’t!” You placed the other foot against the wall and kicked off , turning you two so you could slam him to the ground. “I loved you!”
“And I still love you! It was real. I know it was. I know it because you brought something to my life that I can’t stand the thought of losing.”
“Then why would you ask if it was real?” You asked softly, heart twisting in your chest.
“I don’t know.” He admitted with a sigh.
“Liar!” You shouted and slammed a fist down.
He moved his head so your fist hit the ground and the impact jolted up your arm. You threw the punch again and again, hitting the same spot in the concrete until Matt rolled you two up to a sitting position. He put his hands on either side of your face in an effort to force your attention to him. He made a small noise of discomfort when his palms met your skin, likely due to the heat still radiating off you.
One hand was shaking, knuckles bruised and bloody from assaulting the hard ground, while the other gingerly held your injury. Reluctantly, your eyes met Matt’s and even though it seemed like he was looking through you, you knew he was focused on you.
“I was convinced…” He began softly and the gentle tone made the heat slowly dissipate. “I thought that I had to hurt you so you would leave. But I… I couldn’t do it, Y/N. I just couldn’t.”
“But you did.” You answered, your voice small and distant. You leaned away and got to your feet, ignoring the disappointment that you could feel coming from him.
Without another word, you left him on the floor.
The next day went about as expected. Ray was looking into a few agents, but he wouldn’t tell you much. You watched from the media room as he flipped through files before pulling the camera log from the wall behind him. You knew he had to have found the time when Dex had turned the cameras off, likely finding a time when you went in after him. You waited until Ray hurried out of the room before you followed. You claimed you were feeling dizzy from the head injury you had gotten at the Bulletin incident so no one tried to stop you. Instead, you grabbed your duffle from the trunk and took off.
You changed your work shirt for your vigilante top in the closest alleyway after following Ray’s car, waiting to watch him for a minute while you fitted your mask into place. He stood in the alley by himself for a minute, but you and Matt joined him at the same time.
“What’s his name?” Matt asked simply, turning his head towards your presence but saying nothing.
“I need to be sure about you two. You guys have a history of hurting people.” Ray said firmly, looking between you both.
“I want Fisk in prison.” You said honestly. “I don’t want to kill your agent, but if he insists on being in my way, I will go through him.”
“I’m not handing you a federal agent if you’re gonna kill him.”
“I’ll get to him whether you give him to me or not.” You stepped closer to Ray but Matt grabbed your wrist. You turned to face him as your skin grew warm. “Get your hand off me.”
“What happened to partners?” Matt asked quietly.
“That would mean you trust me.”
“C’mon, Ex. If this is about last night-”
“If you’re right about him, taking Fisk down is our job.” Ray cut in.
“Oh really?” Matt said flatly so you yanked your arm back. “Because we all know where he’s sleeping these days. But I understand.. If there’s one thing we agree on, Nadeem, it’s the greater good. Like house incarceration in exchange for good intel.”
“Not everyone will like the choices we make.” You added, keeping your voice level. “But it’s up to us to make those choices.”
Matt turned to you. “Sometimes you have to hurt one person to save them, and others.”
“Oh please.” You scoffed. “Just tell us the name, Agent.”
“I need your word that you won’t touch him.” Ray tried and you felt bad.
Dex was someone that Ray had trusted, someone Ray had worked with for a long time. Dex knew Ray’s family and they were friends. They were supposed to look out for each other. But now they found themselves on opposite sides of the law with vigilantes going after them. You wished there was a better way but you had to get Dex away from Fisk, otherwise you’d never lock the bastard back up.
“Our word can’t mean anything to you.” Matt reasoned.
“But I need to hear you give it.” Ray insisted. 
“I need him to testify against Fisk, so you got it.” Matt said simply. “Her, too.”
“You don’t speak for me.” You countered. “But you won’t convince him to switch sides. Fisk has played too many games with him. One more switch and he snaps.”
“You know who he is?” Ray asked you and you gave a small shrug.
“It’s not hard to connect dots if you pay attention.”
“We’ll slip into his place, look for any evidence that ties him to the attack on the Bulletin and to Fisk.” Ray offered, clearly looking for a way to save Dex. “If we find any, we leave it where it is.”
“You can get around a search warrant if we set off the fire alarm.”
“Exactly. But if we don't find anything, the guy goes on with his life.”
“Spit it out.” Matt said plainly. “Who is he?”
You wondered if this attitude was due to your most recent conversation or if that was just who he was, and the softer night you two had was just a lapse in judgment. His accusations from the night before made you wonder if, subconsciously, you had manipulated Matt into that tender moment. Maybe the man you met in college truly was gone.
Maybe only the Devil remained.
“Special Agent Ben Poindexter.” Ray said tightly and you let out a small sigh.
Matt turned towards you and you knew there was accusation in his expression. He had to have remembered the name from when you talked about Dex before Midland Circle, when you were at Anvil and waiting to hear from the FBI. It had to have clicked in his head why you hid his identity. 
Dex was your partner, your friend. He was there for you while Matt was gone. He wanted to fault you for it, and while he didn’t appreciate you hiding that from him, he wasn’t going to bring it up then.
Later that night, you were waiting for Matt on Dex’s fire escape.
You slid open the window when he got there and he moved to let Ray in the front door. You let them wander the apartment while you moved towards the safe in the closet. If he was keeping the suit in his place, that’s where it’d be.
“I can’t call a crew to crack that.” Ray sighed.
Matt moved forward and got to work on it.
“I know the combination. You don’t have to-” You spoke loudly, but Matt ignored you. “And you’re doing it anyway, Great.”
“Wait, he can do that?” Ray asked with wide eyes.
“Not if you two keep talking.” He answered tightly.
You mocked him quietly and tapped your mask. You let it load up before leaning closer to the safe. Your eyes searched each shelf but found nothing out of the ordinary.
“It’s not there.” You said quietly as Matt got the door unlocked.
The boys looked through the safe and found nothing they could use. You were turning to leave when you heard the click of a tape player. Turning back, you saw Matt with Dex’s cassette player in hand as one of his old therapy tapes played.
You sighed slightly and felt a sudden spike of panic.
“What did you leave Poindexter doing?” You asked Ray when you realized it was coming from the direction of the bureau. Your implant pinged in your head and you had a feeling it was Dex. But you couldn’t answer it in front of Ray, so you had to leave it alone.
“Talking to an attorney about a wrongful termination suit. Why?” Ray answered as Matt went through more tapes.
“Because something is going very wrong. He’s about to break.”
As they listened to more and more tapes, you paced the apartment anxiously. The longer you were there, the closer that panic and instability got. When Matt looked towards the door, you tapped your mask and saw Dex coming down the hall.
“Убирайся.” You told them, giving Matt a shove. “Both of you. Out, now. He’s here.”(Get out.)
“You should go.” Matt told Ray.
“No, we had a deal. No evidence means you two don’t touch him!” He insisted.
“I found evidence.” Matt tried.
You groaned slightly as the two argued back and forth. You cracked the door slightly and saw Dex pulling glass adornments off the nearest light fixture. You cursed yourself quietly and shut the door again before grabbing both men by the collars and shoving them out the window.
“Go, now.” You said firmly. “I’ve got the best chance if we’ve gotta fight him.”
“What- Fight him? You said-“ Ray tried but you raised a hand and forced fear to the surface to get him to run.
“Make sure he gets out of here.” You told Matt when he hesitated. “Don’t make me make you.”
“Ex, don’t.” He tried but you did the same to him. But instead of fear, you pulled his betrayal to the surface.
Matt knew it was you. He knew what he was feeling wasn’t that serious. It wasn’t enough to make him abandon you, to leave you to stand against Poindexter on your own. But that didn’t make the urge any easier to fight. So he ran.
When you heard the door sneaking open, you moved the fire escape and pressed your back against the wall. You pulled a knife from your belt and angled it so you could watch his movements. He crept through his apartment carefully, noting the misplaced items and tapes scattered across the table.
“Show yourself.” He called out and you glanced above to find Matt and Ray, but you found no one. It made you wish you had stuck Matt with another comms piece, but blind faith would have to do for the moment. “I know you’re out there.”
One of the glass sticks came flying out and bounced off the railing in front of to knock into your blade. You gasped slightly and stuck your foot out so it landed against you rather than the metal of the fire escape.
“I can see you.” He called as you knelt to pick it up.
“How can you see me from over there?” You answered as you stood carefully. With a blade in one hand, you pulled your gun with the other.
“I was lying. Did you really fall for that?” He replied and you made a face to yourself before stepping out. 
Your gun was raised and the hand with the knife braced your wrist. He stood tense with another piece in hand and ready to throw.
“Well done. Not many people are bold enough to lie to me. What’s your name?” You asked.
“You first, then maybe I’ll do the same.” He nodded towards you.
“Nice try.” You smiled. “But two can play this game, and I have a feeling that I’m better at it than you are.”
“Don’t be so modest. I know you’re that vigilante. Let’s be honest here. You’re Exodus.” His body language relaxed a little as you stared him down, picturing the tension fall away like melted snow. “Badass out in Hell’s Kitchen. Unmatched so far, witty, and brains behind some of the best strategies he’s seen.”
“If you’re looking for a mentor, Dex, I can make sure your time is well spent. I can put you to better use than Fisk can. I’ve never been to prison so it’s not like I’ve gotten caught.”
“That’s your plan?” He chuckled in disbelief. “You and me, best friends?”
“We’ll see how it ends.” You shrugged.
“Okay.” He scoffed. “Wait.. How’d you know my name?”
“I’ve done my research. Ever since you attacked the Bulletin a few nights ago but didn’t kill me and you bragged like you knew me. Like you knew my story with the real Daredevil. I wanted to know who I would be up against. You’re good, I’ll admit it. Fisk made a good choice in picking you, an elite FBI SWAT sniper. And your partner, Y/N. She had some nice words to say, but she’s worried about you.”
“Y/N?” His brows furrowed and the tension rose again. “What did you do to her?”
“We just talked. She wants to save you from yourself.”
“That why she didn’t answer her phone? Did you hurt her?”
“No. But she is a pretty little thing, isn’t she?” You offered a wicked smile and his anger grew sharply.
“Leave her out of this.”
“Should I leave Julie out of it, too?” You mocked.
“What did you do to her?” He shouted.
“Nothing.” You answered innocently. “Yet.”
His head cocked as he silently questioned if you were serious. You took the chance to fire a bullet just over his shoulder, close enough to graze the material of his jacket. When he dropped to the floor, you rushed up the fire escape and slipped into the apartment above. You found Matt and Ray and were able to get them to the ground just as the bullets came in.
“The shot came from across the alley.” Ray said through heavy breathing. Looking over, you saw he was hit.
You were quick to kneel beside him and pull off a glove. You looked to Matt and took in his anger so you could push it to the palm of your hand. You pressed the palm against Ray’s side and he groaned loudly as the faint smell of burnt skin permeated the apartment. It wouldn’t heal the wound but it would at least slow the bleeding.
“I think it came from downstairs.” Matt countered.
“He’s ricocheting the bullets.” You confirmed, ignoring the look Ray gave you. “I’ve seen him do it a hundred times. If he can see you, he can hit you.”
Matt threw a newspaper and rolled to the other side, hiding behind a bookcase. He was talking to you about how many shots Dex had left and the fact that the cops were called when you looked around and realized something. Even from your angle behind the sofa, you could see Matt in the mirror on the door.
“The mirror.” You said to yourself and Ray noticed it at the same time.
You looked around and found a book on the coffee table. You pulled your arm back and threw it as hard as you could against the mirror, watching the reflective surface shatter when the next round of bullets came in. When Matt said to run, you helped Ray out the door before sliding to sit under the window sill. Using your mask to see the floor below, you saw Dex moving to the fire escape.
You pushed Matt out first and as you were climbing out, you saw Dex coming up the steps. You grabbed both railings and kicked both feet against his chest to send your partner tumbling back down. Matt turned around but you pushed for him to keep going. You heard the climbing stop below you just before Matt grabbed your arms and switched positions so he could block the glass sticks being thrown with a trash can lid. 
You two were reaching the roof when one piece came up and cut the strap of your mask, nicking your ear in the process. You grabbed the railing and leaned over to catch it, only to make eye contact with Dex. His arm was already drawn back to throw another one but he froze, eyes wide as he saw you.
You could see him mouth your name but you were too far away to hear it. But you weren’t far enough to miss the heavy hit of betrayal against your chest. You didn’t know what to do but when you saw Dex’s features illuminated by the police flashlights, you snapped from your daze and hurried onto the roof. You paced the area in a panic with your mask tightly in your fist.
“Hey.” Matt said when he realized what was happening. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“He knows.” You said quickly. “He knows who I am.”
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everythingsf1ne23 · 6 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
 | 𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘗𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘳 
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 💌:
enjoy my lovelies <33 ~Jess
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 📝:
in which, Dex took her by surprise by asking her out on a date and this is how the date goes 
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘷:
When Dex asked me out, I must admit I was quite surprised as I thought that I wouldn’t be pretty enough for him but here I am in my apartment getting ready, 
I’ve treated myself to a short sage green dress for this date, I decide to pair it with white platform heels, my handbag and lastly I put a white bow in my hair.
Afterwards, I start my makeup and I check the time, 6:30pm so that means I only have half an hour to finish getting ready, 
I do my makeup quite natural and I finish off with a spritz of perfume. 
Just after I finish getting ready, the doorbell to my home rings indicating that Dex is here, I practically run to the door with excitement.
I lock the door to my house and I turn to face Dex, he is dressed up real nice.
“Wow you look absolutely stunning!” Dex exclaims and I could feel my cheeks turning rosy 
“Thank you, you’re looking very handsome” I reply as he takes my hand into his own
“No problem and thanks, I don’t get told that very often”
“Well you should be told that and hopefully I’ll be able to tell you more often”
I say without thinking and I look over to see Dex smiling
“That’s obviously only if you still like me and my company after this date” I tell him and he looks directly into my eyes,
“I’ve been crushing on you for ages, I don’t think I could ever get tired of you and your company” 
The two of us continue walking hand in hand while talking for a few moments,
“So where are you taking me for our date?” I ask Dex with a soft smile.
“I remember you telling me that you love Italian food so I assumed that an Italian 
restaurant would be a good option
 for this date”, my heart melts I can’t believe that he remembers me telling him that especially after I only said it once 
“That sounds amazing!” I respond.
We’re now at our table, it has a window view which is nice ‘cause I like looking out of windows but something tells me that tonight I won’t be looking out that window very often as I’ll be looking right at the beautiful man in front of me.
I quickly look through the menu and I pick out carbonara as that’s my favourite,
“I’m gonna get the carbonara, what are you gonna have?” I ask him out of curiosity and also because I love how he speaks.
“I’m thinking of having the spaghetti bolognese”, Dex replies and his eyes are on me again 
“That’s a great choice!” I exclaim with a bright smile and then we order our meals
“You’re always so bubbly and kind, I really admire that about you” I watch Dex smiling at me and he has a glimmer in his eyes,
“Aww I always try to be” 
“I’ve been thinking about this date all week” Our meals come over quicker than expected to us and we tuck in straight away
“I have to, I’ve been so excited but honestly I wasn’t expecting you to ask me out, I thought that you would have went for someone prettier than me” I reply with honesty in my voice, suddenly Dex reaches across the table and he takes my hands into his
“You’re joking right? There’s no girl like you here, I mean you’re kind, honest and really pretty, you don’t find those qualities all in one girl very often and it may be too early to say this but I’m saying it anyways, honestly you might be the one for me”
I didn’t realise I was crying but after a while, I felt my cheeks getting wet and Dex reaches over to me with a tissue
“Are you okay?” He asks softly and I nod 
“Yeah I am, I’ve just never felt this loved before” I wipe my tears away with my tissue and I sigh as I’ve probably ruined my makeup 
“Well you deserve to and I’ll make sure that you feel loved everyday”
“Really?” I ask taking another bite of my carbonara 
“Yes of course I will”
The both of us finish our meal asking questions about one another, we take glances and smiles at each other every so often 
“I’ve had a great time with you”, I tell him as we exit the restaurant 
“I’m glad that you did” 
We notice that it’s raining outside but thankfully my house is quite close to the restaurant, I notice Dex sighing as he knew that he would have to walk back to his apartment in the rain
“You can stay with me tonight if you want, I wouldn’t want you getting a cold by getting all wet from this rain” I suggest to Dex
“Okay that would be actually great” 
Dex and I reach my house, I fumble with the keys for a few moments but then I find the right key for the front door, 
“I’ll sleep on the sofa if that’s okay” Dex tells me, 
“You could share my bed with me” 
I reply with a flirtatious smile and with that, Dex joins me to my bedroom.
We change out of our wet clothes and afterwards we lay beside each other in my bed,
“You know I couldn’t ask for anyone better than you Dex” I speak out and I turn my head to look at him 
“You’re genuinely the best thing that’s ever happened to me”, my heart melts once more after I hear him say this,
I feel so comfortable around Dex so I ask him,
“Usually I wouldn’t ask this after a first date but can I kiss you?” 
I watch his face light up,
“Yeah I’d really like that”
“Oh would you?” 
I tease him while leaning in 
“Yes obviously” I press my lips against his, it feels so right like it was meant to be,
we pull away after a few moments 
“I really enjoyed that” Dex tells me with a cheeky grin,
“I’m glad ‘cause there’s plenty more for you pretty boy” 
And with that, I lay on his chest as we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
14 notes · View notes
Marvel Masterlist
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One Shots
Spook-vengers Tower - Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (all platonic)
Better Than Gifts - Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda, Vision, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (all platonic)
New Years Eve - Steve Rogers x Reader ft. The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes (all platonic)
Not Making It Out - Loki x Reader
Love Is Sacrifice - Loki x Reader
Champion Selection - Loki x Reader
My Mistakes - Loki x Reader
The Task - Loki x Reader
Pulled From The Timeline - Loki x Reader
Poisoned Ice - Loki x Reader
Pompeii - Loki x Reader
Madripoor - Bucky x Reader
Why Would I? - Bucky x Reader
A Small Thing - Bucky x Reader
Not The Worst - Bucky x Reader
A Little Help - Bucky x Reader
When You Wake - Bucky x Reader
What We Started - Bucky x Reader
Kiss Her, Captain. - Steve x Reader
Attacked - Steve x Reader
Aftermath - Steve x Reader
The Drink Allergy - Steve x Reader
A Subtle Escape - Steve x Reader
A New Mission - Tony x Reader (platonic)
3am - Frank Castle x Reader (platonic)
Trick or Eat - Venom x Reader (platonic)
Halloween Cookie Surprise - Venom x Reader (platonic)
When Ghosts Hunt - Robbie Reyes x Reader
Under The Flame - Robbie Reyes x Reader
As Imagined - Ben Poindexter x Reader
Surprise Guest - Clint Barton, Reader, Kate Bishop
Earpiece Patch - Clint Barton, Reader, Kate Bishop
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine Steve wanting to propose but having to hold off because of the Civil War
Imagine Steve's surprise when you hit an entitled party guest
Imagine flirting with Steve much to his surprise
Imagine inviting Steve to the newly created Memorial Centre
Imagine a kiss from Steve to distract you from blinding pain
Imagine boldly telling Steve how you feel mid-mission
Imagine waking Steve up after being disturbed by a nightmare
Imagine being paired with Steve during the time-travel mission
Imagine Steve’s anger when you go off book during a mission
Imagine being the last person that Tony tells about 'moving day'
Imagine Bucky’s therapist asking about you
Imagine laughing at Bucky after his failed plane jump
Imagine getting caught in the crossfire of John Walker’s rampage
Imagine trying to talk John Walker down at Zemo’s apartment
Imagine waiting for Bucky and his cake delivery
Imagine convincing Bucky to get back into dating
Imagine taking Bucky to meet his dinner date
Imagine being ambushed by HYDRA while waiting for Bucky
Imagine Bucky being present when you wake up
Imagine Sam’s pleasant surprise when Bucky treats you gently
Imagine refusing to work with Loki at the TVA
Imagine Loki trying to explain his theory to you on a busy day
Imagine Loki being asked to let you go
Imagine discovering that Loki is to aid in the escape of Asgard
Imagine Loki falling asleep on your hand
Imagine Mobius shocking you with an idea regarding Loki
Imagine Loki hearing about your variants
Imagine sending Mobius to calm Loki after you’re injured
Imagine Loki stealing your pie at the TVA
Imagine your surprise when Thor brings Loki to Norway
Imagine learning that Hela wants you dead too
Imagine waking up on Sakaar to find Loki trying to help
Imagine Loki learning why you lied and faked your death
Imagine asking Thor about a gift that you gave him
Imagine Thor trying to grant you visitation with Loki
Imagine Thor learning that you’re in Norway with his father
Imagine Thor asking Loki about your whereabouts on Sakaar
Imagine finding Venom raiding your pantry
Imagine spending the holidays alone in Avengers Tower
Imagine checking on Robbie’s injuries
Imagine helping Matt escape the prison after Fisk takes control
Imagine Marc Spector inquiring about your hand injury
Imagine Khonshu trying to convince you to be his avatar
Imagine going present shopping for the Avengers
Imagine the Avengers when they learn that you and Bucky were attacked
Imagine Clint coming to you after a mission gone wrong
Imagine Fury asking you to be a diversion
The Rider’s Guardian - Robbie Reyes x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Stowaway Cloak -  Stephen Strange, Reader (platonic)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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Damn girl, are you the internet? Cause imma monitor that ass all day
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lovelybucky1 · 3 years
dex is so fucking fine i want him
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grogunotfound · 3 years
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pairing ╾ ben poindexter x agent!reader
word count ╾ 2.0k
synopsis ╾ agent poindexter and agent y/n are paired up to take down another drug ring plaguing hell’s kitchen—that is if the two of them are able to work together without ripping each other’s heads off.
warnings ╾ slight angst, a kiss!!!
a/n ╾ enjoy (:
Whenever Special Agent in Charge Hattley called you into her office, you were either in trouble or about to find yourself in trouble. Today’s meeting was the latter option because when you walked in, a man was already in there: Special Agent Ben Poindexter.
You mentally groaned before acknowledging him, “Agent.” He didn’t even bother to respond.
“Great, now that you’re both here, I have a special assignment for my two star players.” Hattley swiveled in her chair to pull some files out of her desk. She flipped through the numerous manilla folders and pulled out a lengthy folder. “Alio Johnson AKA Eagle. Major crime boss in Hell’s Kitchen. We gained some intel from our source that there’s going to be a massive drug run later this week, and we need the two of you to stop that and put cuffs on this new drug lord.”
“Where is it going down?” Agent Poindexter spoke up. His voice rasping out of his ever-so injured lips. He let his tongue run across his bottom lip, furrowing his brows as he leaned over the desk to get a closer look at your shared case.
Hattley chuckled, “The Shops at Hudson Yards. I guess they wanted to make it as public as possible to avoid any trouble. I knew the two of you would be perfect to send in because you’re both unassuming. You could easily go undercover and find out what’s going on and cut it at the source. There’s been a lot of action in the underground tunnels and the nearby piers.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, and this is the first time Agent Poindexter has looked at you. His piercing gaze sent chills down your spine. You rocked nervously in your spot, but you didn’t let your anticipation show in front of Hattley. “We’ll get right on it, boss.” You spent a fake smile to your partner before walking back to your desk.
If it wasn’t obvious, you didn’t like Agent Ben Poindexter. He was cold and cocky. You didn’t mesh well with him. The way he worked felt so emotionless and remorseless. You were one for the people, he was one for the mission result—which, in turn, unironically make an effective pairing.
“See you around, partner.” Agent Poindexter walked up to your desk. You continued to log onto your computer. “Agent Y/L/N, we’re going to have to pretend to like each other until this mission is over. You sure you’re capable of that?” He smirked, patting your shoulder as if you were one of his pals or “buddies.”
“Are you sure you’re capable of that?” You retorted, pulling up the same files Hattley just showed you onto your desktop.
“Whatever you say,” he backed away from your desk, his hands in the air, “Don’t blame me.” Another smile crept onto his lips. A small cut decorated the bottom right of his lower lip—you could see it was starting to heal already, noticing the prominent contrast between the softness and rough patches.
You glanced away from him and continued the research about your undercover mission. You let out a frustrated sigh as you continued to show up with nothing. Your evidence-gathering skills was not your strong suit. You liked to be active in the field, using practical skills to solve a problem. You wanted to interact with people, help people. Much to your jealousy, Agent Poindexter turned up pages of details to look through. The man was good at looking into people.
You both reconvened in a nearby meeting room. The thought of him invading your personal office space made you resist letting such negativity into that area. Plus, you weren’t used to being alone with him. Yet, you were going on a partnered mission. Alone. But with him.
“Some freighters have been piling up at Pier 81. We should take a look.” He pointed out, letting his index finger drop on the marked-up map he printed.
You reluctantly nodded, “We probably should.” You had to give him the credit.
Before either of you left the building, you agreed to change into your “civilian” clothes. It was more inconspicuous—Spy 101. You had put on a simple hoodie and leggings combo. When you met up with your partner outside, he had changed into an athletic jacket and sweats.
“Ready, partner?” He asked.
“Sure am, Agent Poindexter.” You took your work hair down and let your natural hair free itself.
He gulped, suddenly riveted on the smell of your shampoo. Agent Ben Poindexter was just upset at this partnering as you were. He thought you didn’t take your job seriously. He also thought you were charming. No matter what, he could hear your laugh resonate throughout the office. It was like bells ringing—the way they bounced around the room. It truly was music to his ears. He liked how you wanted to help people first over the job itself. But that’s always why he despised you. He was jealous. The both of you desperately wanted to connect with people, and you were just better at doing that. He just wanted to belong.
“Call me Dex,” he said. “Don’t want to give anything away, do we?” He tilted his head and gave you that one-sided smile. He let out a laugh and started walking down the street.
“How about Ben? The most boring name in the world shouldn’t call for much attention.” You teased and followed him.
It was a decently cold Thursday morning. Hundreds of pedestrians and cars surrounded the two of you in Hell’s Kitchen. Bicyclists zipped past, creating a stronger breeze with each passerby.
“Okay, Y/N.” He rolled his eyes.
The rest of the walk to the pier was rather peaceful. You were surrounded with people, amazed at the amount of presence that commanded the city. Ben felt rather lonely because everyone minded their own business. And, how could one feel alone in such a crowded city?
You are destined to be alone. The sneers in Ben’s head repeated. His hands curled into fists, aching to take this tension out on something—someone.
“Ben, we’re here.” Your voice snapped Ben out of his trance. The way you talked to him just now was different from usual. You could tell something was bothering him. And, just because you didn’t get along with Ben, didn’t mean that you couldn’t be a decent human being to him. Plus, you were stuck with him for the week. You couldn’t have him messing up the mission. Ben noticed the softness in your voice, something he hasn’t had the pleasure to hear because it was always constant jabs between the two of you. “Ready?”
He nodded in response, choosing to keep the cool-and-collected demeanor he has always adopted. “I’m always ready, Y/N.”
The two of you cautiously watched the people coming in and out of the pier. Sometimes it was someone on a jog, or a family pushing a stroller, but something caught your eye. Two men in all black glanced around the area before pulling the metal fence across the pier’s entrance.
“Ben, they’re closing it, we have to get in.” You pulled at his arm, speedily walking towards the soon-to-be gated entrance.
“Y/N, stop, they’re going to see us.” Ben stopped in his tracks, causing you to ricochet in your own tracks. “We have to lay low.”
You exhaled, looking around for any other covers. Ben approached the fence, looking in to see what was going on. The same two men in black started walking back towards the two of you, “Hey! What are you looking at?”
Ben quickly turned to you, “Quick, they’re coming. We have to do something.”
“Like what?” You hissed, “we should just run.”
“No! They’ve already seen our faces. That would make us more suspicious.” Ben rolled his eyes.
The men in black had their hands on their hips, clearly ready to pull out their firearms if you two were proved dangerous to their mission.
You hesitated and caught sight of a couple making out on a bench alongside the river, “Kiss me.”
“Y/N, this is not the time—” Ben scoffed.
“Just shut up,” you took matters into your own hands and grabbed the collar of Ben’s jacket to pull him closer. Without hesitation, you pressed your lips onto his. Ben reacted quickly, responding to your kiss by placing a hand on your face.
“Nevermind, boss. Just a couple of lovebirds. We’ll retrieve the package now.” One of the opponents chuckled before leaving you and Ben alone.
Never in a billion lifetimes did you think you would be kissing Special Agent Ben Poindexter. Sure, he was good-looking, but he was also smug. You hated how cold he was, and you despised the way he always had a sly look on his face whenever you did something wrong. But, this kiss was different from his usual roughness. He was soft. His lips were soft. Your heartbeat quickened, letting your hands fall from his chest but not breaking the kiss. Ben breathed you in, and neither of you stopped. It was like both of you were hungry for this sort of affection. The tension became unbearable as Ben let his hands fall from your face to your waist. He pulled you closer, pressing his sturdy body against yours.  You didn’t even realize that the two of you were clear until a police siren buzzed past. You fluttered your eyes open, catching sight of how close Ben’s face was to yours. You abrupt ended the kiss, “I think we’re good.”
Ben’s mouth was agape, clearly not expecting you to pull away. He awkwardly cleared his throat, “Yeah, yeah. We’re clear.”
The two of you stood in awkward silence, unsure of what the next move was. You peered over past the gate and realized that the men had disappeared. “Shit,” you cursed and began walking away.
“Y/N,” Ben called out to you. “What?”
“We fucked up the mission.” You shook your head. “You’re gonna be the one to tell Hattley. You just have to control every little thing, don’t you?”
Ben looked at you in disbelief, “First of all, you were the one who kissed me. You distracted me. And, secondly, what just happened? We know that the shipment isn’t supposed to come for another day. We were just scoping out the area. Y/N, it’s not that serious.”
You let out a cry, “Yes, it is that serious! I cannot afford to lose this job. I need to prove my worth that I belong here.” You found a seat nearby, sulking into the cold metal.
Ben hesitantly sat next to you. He was quiet. Speechless. After what felt like hours, he spoke up, “I..I don’t hate you, you know.”
You wiped your face before looking at him, “what?”
He smirked, “you’re seriously not going to make me repeat that.”
You ignored his remark, “I know, I just..that caught me off guard.”
“I’m a very loving person, in fact.” He smiled.
You laughed, “Sure. You were very loving just a few minutes ago.”
“Okay, remember, you kissed me first.”
“To disguise us!”
“Sure, that’s a good excuse.” Ben looked down at the ground. “I guess, what I’m trying to say..is I think we’ll make a good team. And, I know that you are worthy of being here. So..” His voice drifted off as he fiddled with his fingers to hide his nervousness.
You sniffled, “Thanks, Ben. And, for the record, I don’t hate you either. I admire your commitment.”
“Thanks, Y/N. Maybe we should kiss more often.” He casually smirked, letting it transform into a smile.
“Whoa, easy there, cowboy. At least buy me lunch first. I’m starving.” You laughed. Ben stood up and held out his hand for you to grab. Without hesitation, you gladly accepted it and stood up beside him.
“See?” Ben exhaled and draped one of his arms around your shoulder, “I knew we’d make a good team, partner.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get too comfortable.”
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amberlynnmurdock · 6 months
Come Back Down
Pairing: Benjamin Poindexter x Reader
Summary: You always bring Dex back down when he feels like his world is spinning; tonight you show him a physical way he can find relief.
Genres: Angst, SMUT
WARNINGS: 18+ content, unprotected sex
Words: 3k exactly
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“I’m having a bad night,” Dex says to you over the phone as he stands on the balcony of his apartment, leaning over the rail. It’s cold out, nearly forty degrees, and he was out here only in a teeshirt and sweatpants. The cold helped when his body became too hot with anxiety and spiraling thoughts. It tensed his muscles and helped cool him down physically, although mentally he wasn’t doing well still. It’s why he called you—you said he could when he needed to, and now was one of those times. “Do you—“
He pauses though. Blinks hard twice to steady the tremor in his voice. He didn’t have to be embarrassed to sound like this, but he was. As hard as it was all the time to pretend to be a tough FBI agent, the worst was feigning he was okay when he spoke to you. Dex takes a shaky deep breath. “Do you mind coming over?”
There’s silence on the other end of the line. Gut-wrenching, heart-stomping silence. He holds his breath for as long as the silence lasts. God, he’s really done it this time—scared you off with his issues. He felt needy and like an unlucky penny tails up on the ground when he met you. It was only a matter of time until you also pushed him away, like everyone else had in his life. 
“I can come over,” you finally say, and he can hear it in your voice that he’s woken you up. You were probably deep in a peaceful sleep when he called you in his terrible state of mind. The worst part of the way you sounded was that he could hear the hint of hesitation in your voice—he didn’t want you to come over unless you wanted to. Not feel obliged, or pressured, but wanted to. Doubt fills his mind again, and Dex runs a hand over his face. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Dex says regretfully, even though deep in his heart he wants you here anyway. He’s afraid of where his mind might take him if he stays alone and you’re the only person who can bring him back down and quiet his mind. He had his therapy recordings, sure, but they were nothing compared to your presence. 
“I want to, Dex,” you said without hesitation this time. “I was just worried about the time of night and getting there alone.”
“I can meet you,” Dex says hopefully, convincingly. “I can come to your place and we can walk here together.”
“Or you can just stay here,” you offer him. “If you’re comfortable with that?”
Dex paused—this was the first time you’d ever invited him over. The hope he felt in his chest was almost insulting. 
“Yes,” Dex says. “I am.” 
“Are you sure?” You ask him. “You don’t mind?”
“How could I? I need you, __,” Dex replies, clutching his chest. “I need to talk.”
“Okay,” you tell him. “Come now, then. I’ll be waiting.”
Dex throws on his jacket, hat, and shoes and immediately begins walking down the few blocks it takes to get to your place.
The cold is bitter against his face as the wind blows in the opposite direction he walks. When he finally reaches your building, he presses your apartment number and waits in anticipation for the buzzer to go off. When it does, he immediately opens the door and walks to the elevator. 
You heard a faint knocking on your door as you sat in the corner of your couch, a cup of peach tea in your hands. Dex was here. You placed your tea on a coaster and walked over to your door. Before opening it, you looked through the peephole to make sure it was Dex (he often reminded you to do this) and it was. His face was hidden underneath his baseball cap, but when you opened the door, he immediately met your eyes. 
“Hi,” was all he said. You opened the door wider. 
“Hey,” you replied, motioning him to come in. When he did, he took off his hat and looked around your place. It was about the same size as his apartment except much more colorful. He didn’t spend too much time looking. You shut your door and locked it.
“Do you want anything to drink?” You offered. 
“No,” Dex shook his head, “I’m okay. Listen, I’m sorry to call you this late.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you wave his apology off. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you called.” 
You walked over to him and brushed his dirty blonde hair to the side, fixing it from his hat. Dex fluttered his eyes closed when he felt your fingertips on him. He took a deep breath to refocus. You ran your fingers down the side of his face before stopping at his shoulder. 
“I was having a bad night,” Dex finally said, opening his eyes to meet yours. 
“Was?” You asked. 
Dex smiled a little and looked down at your carpet. He met your eyes again. “I feel better being here.”
“What was bothering you?”
Dex shook his head—what a complicated question. "The same stuff. Bad day at work. Makes me think of everything I’ve been through. I feel like I need this job more than it needs me, and that scares the hell out of me,” Dex confessed feeling his breathing getting faster. You moved your hand from his shoulder to over his heart.
“It’s okay,” you soothed. “We all have bad days at work.”
“Not like me,” Dex gently argued. “No one gets it like me.”
“So if I came to you about a bad day, would you tell me I have nothing to worry about, and I should forget it? Because I don’t have bad days like you?”
“Oh,” Dex shook his head. “I don’t mean it like that.”
“Then you should listen to what I’m saying. It’s normal to have some bad days, Dex. Just breathe. Reflect on why it was bad. And tomorrow, go in with your heart in the right place.”
Dex nods and swallows his response. “It’s just so easy for me to spiral like that.”
“I know,” you said softly, knowingly, feeling his heart begin to steady against your hand. “You’re here now. The day is over.”
Dex looks away from you again—your kind eyes could be so intimidating to him like he’s not sure how to reciprocate the feeling even though he wants to offer you the same. His eyes were always so full of worry. You never looked away from him. 
“Thank you,” Dex says, placing his hand over yours, and holding it on his chest. You could see the veins on his wrist travel to his knuckles. 
“What happened at work anyway?” You asked him.
“Just the job in general,” Dex shakes his head. “I do what I can and it’s not enough.”
You smile ironically, “a tale as old as time.”
“Yeah,” Dex laughs, despite himself. “I guess so. It can be stressful.”
“I bet it can be,” you agree. “You need to find ways to bring relief to your stress. How do you relax?”
Another complicated question for Dex to answer. He furrowed his brows. The only thing he can think of is listening to his therapy tapes. It never really relieved his stress—it only brought him back down to a level he could manage. He’s never completely been at peace, for as long as he can remember. 
There’s one thing that does bring him to that peace, and it’s standing right in front of him.
“I call you,” Dex answers. “I talk to you. You—“ he stammers, looking at his hand on top of yours, “your touch relaxes me. It brings me back down.”
You smile sadly, placing your other hand on his bicep. “Other than me.”
“Nothing then,” Dex instantly replies, like a statement of fact. “Nothing relieves my stress like you.” It was his turn to fix your hair now—he pushed a loose strand behind your ear and dragged his thumb over your cheekbone.
You reach up and wrap your hand around his wrist, holding him there. You turn into his palm and kiss his hand. Dex takes a shaky breath—you’ve never kissed him like that. You’ve never kissed him, period. He wraps his arm around your waist and brings you closer to him so your chests are touching. It’s your turn to feel nervous—your romantic feelings for Dex are hard to hide now.
“Dex,” you say his name, resting your forehead on his chin.
“Do you want me to let go?”
“No,” you shake your head. You meet his dark hazel eyes and hold his intense gaze looking down at you. “I want to kiss you.”
Dex's mouth parts open as you stand on your tippy toes to meet his lips with yours. And when your lips finally meet, a gasp escapes you both. Dex devours the kiss, devours you, wholly. Your tongue dances against him. Dex hasn’t been this intimate with anyone, ever—in a long, long time. In the army, there were encounters in the past, but they were nothing more than something to keep him busy. Kissing you felt different—being this intimate with you felt different. You emitted something in him he didn’t think possible, something he can’t even admit to himself because he’s so afraid of losing it. And little did he know, you felt the exact way. 
“Dex,” you pull back out of breath, “is this okay—“
“Don’t stop,” he demands, and it’s the surest thing he’s said all day. “Don’t stop.”
You kiss him again, placing your hands on his neck and holding him still. Dex traces his fingers on the sides of your body, tracing your curves and feeling the softness of your pajamas. He’s hesitant to move his hands anywhere else, even though he so badly wants to. Restraint was something they taught him in FBI training. Restraint is what he’s practicing now. You feel his hesitation in his movements, and your heart melts at how sweet it is—but it’s not what you need right now. You move your hands over his and move them to your breasts. Dex is nearly shaking when he touches you through the thin fabric of your tank top. He feels your nipples in the palm of his hand and squeezes ever so gently. It’s the most delicate thing he’s ever held. You.
“Remember I asked you how you relieve your stress?” You pull back breathlessly. “This is one way.”
Dex laughs. “Show me more.”
Dex shrugs his jacket off as you drag him to your couch and sit him in the middle. Dex is breathing heavily again, but not out of anxiety or worry. Out of anticipation. Out of sheer thrill. His mouth is parted, and even in the darkness of your living room you know it’s the sexiest he’s ever looked. His hair is fluffed perfectly to the side and you take a look at him before you straddle yourself in his lap. You slide your tank top off of you and Dex looks at you in amazement. 
You tug at his shirt and he pulls it off over his shoulders. You look at his chiseled body for a moment and run your hands all over his torso, stopping when you reach his shoulders. You lean down to kiss him again. Dex crashes his lips on yours and brings you even closer. He has one hand on your right breast, while the other steadies you on the small of your back. You feel your wetness between your legs as you grind on Dex’s hard cock through his sweatpants. He places his hands on your waist and moves you back and forth against him, feeling his cock throb at the motion. Throbbing at how much he needs that sweet relief. 
He looks up at you. You could tell him to do anything and he’d have it done in a second. You both tug on each other’s pants, signaling for the other to take them off. Once fully unclothed, you find yourself back in Dex’s lap, sliding your pussy up and down the length of his cock. 
“How does this feel?” You whisper in his ear.
  “Good,” Dex says in a low voice. “Really good.”
“Good,” you affirm. “I like it too.”
You continue to move back and forth on his cock, sliding your wetness all over him. You watch him carefully, as his eyes become half closed as he watches you grind yourself on his cock. Mouth parted, a slight furrow in his brows. He’s mesmerized by your movements and the way you feel against him. He’s mesmerized by you and how easily your slick pussy moves against his cock. You place your hands on his face and motion for him to look at you. Dex runs his hand up the length of your torso and stops between your breasts, feeling how hard your heart is pounding against your chest. 
He shakes his head in disbelief. 
“Are you okay?” He can’t help but ask. 
“I’m nervous,” you tell him truthfully. 
“It’s me,” Dex comforts. You nod as his hand trails back down to your stomach, close to wear you need to be touched. Dex gently brushes his thumb over your clit before putting more pressure on your sensitive bud. He likes the way you look when he does. He likes the way you sound.
You move a bit to move his cock to your entrance, not before stroking him a few times. Dex takes a deep breath and rests his head on your couch as he lets you take over. You move the head of his cock to your slick pussy and slowly push yourself down on his size, biting your lip from the way his cock stretches you. You and Dex sigh at the same time as you fully sit your pussy on his cock. He looks up at you with intense eye contact, feeling safe with you taking control. You hold it back and watch as he clenches his jaw as you begin to move up and down on his cock. 
“How do you feel, Dex?” You ask breathlessly. 
“Good,” Dex whispers, chest heaving. “Good.”
“You feel so good,” you say barely above a whisper. You begin to ride his cock faster with each bounce, holding onto his shoulders to steady you. You felt his cock touch you all the way inside, the part of you that makes you moan naturally, the part of you you’ve been needing Dex to touch for so long. You love the way his cock stretches your tight pussy out—you love the look on his face as you continue to bounce on him. Your pleasure was pooling out of your pussy and getting his cock all wet. Only the sounds of both of your pants and your wetness coating his cock filled the silence between you. You kept your half-closed eyes on Dex; Dex hasn’t stopped looking at you since the moment you straddled him. 
“I needed this,” Dex says breathlessly, “Fuck—“ it’s hard for him to form coherent thoughts with you looking down at him sensually as you ride his cock. 
Growing tired, you lean your body against Dex and rest your head in the crook of his shoulder. Dex holds you tight against him as he thrusts his cock into your tight pussy, feeling you clench onto him with each thrust. Dex holds you as he continues thrusting inside you, but he needs to see you. He pulls you back and rests your forehead against his. You find it in yourself to bounce on his cock again. 
“Oh Dex,” you moan, feeling your pussy tighten around his cock as you feel your climax inching on. “Dex.”
“I know,” Dex pants, moving his hands to hold you by your waist. He begins to lift you up and down on his cock, lifting you up slowly to slam you back down all over his length. Feeling your pussy envelope his cock was a way to relieve stress he never thought of. He can’t focus on anything except you on top of him. Dex feels his release coming close, but he wants you to come first. 
“Mm, Dex,” your eyebrows furrow as you feel that aching feeling deep inside you intensify with each thrust of Dex’s cock. “Dex!” Soon enough, your shaking from your orgasm as you feel the tip of Dex’s cock touch that spot deep inside at the right angle, making you feel so full and complete. Dex isn’t far behind. Watching you come all over cock and listening to your breathy moans was all it took. 
“Fuck,” Dex whispers as he keeps you in place, cock deep inside your pussy, as he feels his cock release his come inside you. You feel the warmth of his seed completely fill you and the feeling alone is enough for you to orgasm again. Dex’s mouth is open as he pumps his come inside you, watching it leak back out all over his pelvis and your thighs. He holds you in place as your pussy squeezes every last drop of his seed and the only thing left filling the air are your breaths, slick skin and beating hearts.
You fall against his chest, burying your face in his neck, Dex’s cock still inside you. Suddenly it feels cold. You’re shivering, and Dex holds you tightly in his arms as he catches his breath—burying his face in your neck, too. Your chests are heaving against each other, letting the other come down from your highs. Dex closes his eyes tight and breathes in the smell of your shampoo, breathes in your skin, breathes in you. He feels completely at peace, holding you like this in his arms. You hold onto him just as tightly, making a promise inside you’ll never let him go. 
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mordredisacoolname · 1 year
How the daredevil characters would top a gn reader? (Or at least the ones you think would top anyway)
Thank you for requesting! I really hope you enjoy
Characters: Matt Foggy Frank Wesley Dex Ray
CW: N/SFW, smut
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MATT- I think Matt will be a soft top. He likes sitting on a couch with you on top of him. Will touch every inch of your body, kissing and biting. Guiding you and talking you through it. Further into the relationship he'll be willing to be more dominant and aggressive, nothing too much as he doesn't want to hurt you, but not so soft either. I can also see him as a sub top, only if you want it, after long days. He just wants to lose control and be taken care of. Will probably cum before you as he's super sensitive but will not stop until you're satisfied.
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FOGGY- very goofy, cracks jokes all the time. But is also very intense and intimate. Kisses you pationetely, holding your face in his arms and feeling you up. Starts with slow but hard thrusts and becomes quicker. Will not cum before you.
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FRANK- honestly, he's a very romantic man. If you're in a relationship he'll be super careful with you and will spend at least half an hour before entering you, Kissing and feeling you all over. If you're just a one night stand or if you ask him and he's in the mood he'll be aggressive and fuck you till you can't walk. Will not do anything too risky tho, nothing that can harm you. Always cums after you, unless you're giving him a blowjob. Hard and deep thrusts, a lot of grunts and "fuck"s.
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WESLEY- oh he's a sub top alright. Likes when you ride him, watching you bouns on him, making pleasant noises and faces. When he's close he'll flip you around and pound into you until you both cum. Likes dirty talk A LOT. Aggressive, likes when you RIDE him, making the bed squick.
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DEX- he's either a very submissive top or a very dominant top. I can honestly see him as a bottom but when he's topping there's no in between. Really depends on his mood. If he's doming he'll have no mercy on you, you'll have to agree on a safe word so he known when to stop. Slaps, hair pulling, bites, choking. He's extreme. Honestly can see him being kinda selfish and if he's not in the mood he'll not continue after he finishes and will leave you unsatisfied. If he's being a sub he will want you to ride him senseless, grabbing his shoulders and making a lot of noises.
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RAY- he's such a tease. Will literally edge you for hours and laugh about it. But will not cum until you do, he want to pleasure you and puts you before himself. Definition of heart eyes. He thinks you're so beautiful. Seeing you is such a vulnerable position, and so high on pleasure turns him on so much. Wants to look at your face while fucking you to see the good job he's doing. Kind of praise words, calling you good __ (whatever you prefer), telling you how good you're doing.
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capsironunderoos · 3 years
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Agent Ben Poindexter (Dex/Bullseye) x Female!Reader
Summary: Dex gets home from work to find you already asleep.
Word Count: 882 
Warnings: None!
Author’s Note: I’m not even sure people still read/watch Daredevil, but I do (we love a comfort show) and I remembered that I wrote this lil, very tiny, bit. I hope you enjoy! 
Here’s a link to my masterlist: capsironunderoos masterlist
Dex is absolutely sure this isn’t what life had planned for him. He knows that everything was supposed to be different, everything was supposed to be better, but something long before he was born changed the course of everything. He didn’t know what that was and he knew for a fact that he never really would. And he wasn’t okay with that. 
In fact, there were a lot of things he wasn’t okay with. 
The attack on his FBI colleagues. 
The fact that he had been the only one there to save what was left of them. 
This meaning that he also saved Wilson Fisk, who he was then charged with guarding as he lived a lifestyle more lavish than Dex would ever see. 
He also wasn’t okay with being the FBI’s scapegoat. 
Administrative leave? 
Being investigated? 
For doing his job? 
He thinks about these things as he walks down the seemingly endless corridor that leads him to his apartment. Behind that door is the one thing he is okay with. More than okay with. In love with, even, as scary as that is for him to admit. 
He slides his key into the lock, humming in contentment at the familiar sound and feel of it clicking into place and opening up into his home, where he feels most safe. He closes the door gently, not sure what he is walking into. He’s almost surprised to see the apartment completely neat. That’s how he likes things, but living with you had made him realize it was okay to be messy sometimes. 
He gets nervous for a minute when not only is the apartment absolutely clean, but it’s completely silent. He lays his keys quietly on the counter before making his way to his bedroom. 
He steps into the room and feels his heart squeeze in his chest at the sight before him. 
You’re laying on top of the covers, not even under them, in fact the bed is still made up. You’re clearly in one of his shirts, as it comes down to your mid-thigh, and your bare legs twist ever so slightly into the covers. 
A pile of your work is laid in front of you and your pen is still in your hand, just like the lamp beside his bed is still on. He can tell it hasn’t been long since you fell asleep. 
Dex quickly sets to work, grabbing your pen and stack of papers and keeping them as neat as possible as he moves them to the desk he installed for you. He quickly strips, not even bothering to put on a T-shirt, opting to sleep in his boxers tonight. 
He sighs as he sits on the edge of the bed, not yet wanting to turn out the light. He just wants to be in your presence for a moment. To be near you without any distractions. 
Dex brushes his fingertips lightly across your facial features before pushing your hair away from your face. You stir slightly but still don’t wake up, not until he begins to pull you into him so that he can lift the covers for you. You blink slowly and squint at him and he chuckles, a smile pressing it’s way onto his lips. You lopsidedly smile back and he laughs again. 
“Tried t’ wait for you.” You mumble and move your legs as you wrap your arms around his torso, your cool cheek resting against his chest. He kisses your forehead as he brings the covers up and on top of both of you. 
“S’okay baby. I’m not mad.” He whispers, scared to wake you up too much. He reaches behind him and cuts off the lamp, enveloping the room around you in darkness. You sigh as he shifts down onto the pillow, you moving with him. 
Once he’s settled into his perfect spot, you find your place in the crook of his arm, pressing a kiss to the base of his neck. He shivers and you smile. 
He’s pretty sure that you were what life had planned for him. That North Star that guided everything in his life to this moment right here. 
You shuffle closer to his side, your cold feet brushing against his leg. He turns on his side, wrapping both of his arms around you. You place your head under his chin, sighing contently. 
“You know you’re my North Star right?” Dex whispers into the room around you. He’s not sure if you can even hear him. Maybe you’re already asleep. He just needs you to know what you mean to him. 
Your warm breath hits his chest and without moving, you shatter his whole world into a million pieces. 
“You’re my whole damn sky Dex.” 
He cannot sleep for the rest of the night, too scared to close his eyes and have them ripped open in the morning to find you gone. He knows that he is done for when, just as the sun is beginning to peek into the corners of the room, you roll over and into him, and a soft snore releases itself from your mouth. Dex smiles to himself then, and wills the sun to return to its bed, so that he can stay in his with you for just a few moments longer. 
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takenbypeter · 4 months
Take You Away
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Ben Poindexter x reader
Words: 817
Author’s note: work was kinda stressful today so I whipped this up because I literally hate my life when I’m at work. Also prompt was given to me a few weeks back, “…sorry I talked too much.” “No no no not at all. Keep talking.” From @bullseye-devil
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“I swear I’m going to kill someone,” you growled practically belly flopping onto Dex’s couch the moment you arrived. 
While Dex hated when you were upset he loved when you talked like that, it made his own frustrations feel normal. 
You rolled onto your side, clenching and unclenching your teeth. Dex didn’t say a word as he occupied himself in making you both a drink. 
“I really don’t think I can take it anymore. If I stay at this job I’m either going to kill myself or kill someone else.”
Finishing up the last stir, he listens as you continue ranting, in all honesty Dex doesn’t know how you do it. He knows he couldn’t do it, all the fake smiles, all the greetings and small talk. It didn’t matter if it was a coffee shop, fast food place or a diner, any of it would drive him out of his mind. 
“All the people there are nice but they just use and use, and I feel like the only reason I’m there is so they can slack on their own job.” 
He tapped the spoon he used to stir your drinks three times against the rim before rinsing it under the water and rubbing soap against it. 
Only when he was done did he grab his own mug and the mug that he kept just for you and walked over to you on the couch. 
At the overcast of his figure you move your legs to open a spot for him to sit and when you do you finally notice the mug he has outreached towards you. 
With a small smile and thanks you take the cup and your hands immediately warm up. Bringing the cup to your face the steam warms your cheeks as you blow on it before taking a sip. 
Hot chocolate, your favorite. 
“Sorry, I talk too much,” you said, realizing you’ve been doing most of the chattering.
”No, no, no, not at all. Keep talking.”
So you did so.
“On hot days the customers are rude, on rainy days it’s too busy…” you set the cup on the coaster Dex had already prepared on the table, before finishing that sentence, “I really don’t know how much longer I can go on like this.”
You had been looking for a new job for weeks but it was hard when all you heard back was, ‘looking for someone with more experience.’ 
You shut your eyes for a moment, and took one more sip of the chocolate, feeling that warmth hit your chest again. Yeah that hit the spot. 
“Well…” you heard Dex’s voice for the first time since you started your angry spiel. “…quit. I can take care of you until then.” Dex figured it was a good idea he made enough money for the both of you. 
You blinked a few times at the proposal before shaking your head, “are you kidding me? I couldn’t ask that of you, I have bills to pay and rent. Absolutely not.” You denied. But then he said something you would’ve never expected to hear from him. 
“Move in.”
The sentence hit you hard in the stomach as you felt a rush of unease sting your chest. 
Dex himself didn’t even expect those words to come out of his mouth, he was as surprised as you were. 
“Move in?…” you repeated, “…you don’t mean that,” you said with a singular laugh. 
Your eyes were still wide as you anticipated his answer, sure the thought was compelling but he didn’t mean it, did he?
In actuality he did. He really did. This step in the relationship was something he actually had been wanting to ask for a while now. It made sense to him, you were already practically living together. If you weren’t at his place, he was at yours. 
But he could tell by the look of apprehension on your face that you didn’t seem as into the idea as he was. 
“Of course I mean that—ahem—I mean—“ Dex’s mind scrambled for some sort of excuse. Panic rose into his chest at the thought of rejection that he expected to come next. His throat was drying up. “—if you want to, that is.”
You sat for a moment replaying what Dex just proposed, were you ready for this? Your thoughts rang the same as his realizing you were basically living together anyways. 
With a few blinks from you, you finally gave a response, “I mean sure!…If that’s what you want,” you added, copying his words and tone from earlier. 
Dex’s expression finally relaxed, but you threw a finger up at him, “but obviously I’m not taking your money. For now my job is fine.”
Dex could argue against that but for now he was satisfied with what came from all this. 
He sends a little smile in your direction before leaning closer, “for now.”
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 7 months
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Words: 3176 (chapter 49)
a quick update to break yet another writer's block * sighs *
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49. Another night in Hell's Kitchen
"Who's this fancy looking fella?" Foggy asks, taking in Matt's appearance when you two come to the office minutes before the work day begins.
"You like it?" Matt slowly spins around, showing off his new navy blue suit, paired with a dark red tie with small black dots.
"Did you sell your kidney or something to buy this? Jesus, you're making me look like a subway worker." Foggy laughs, coming to touch Matt's suit to feel the material.
"Nah, got a good deal." Matt smiles, adding, "all the glory should go to y/n, she managed to bargain a smaller price."
Your cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and you quickly turn around from Foggy and Karen to hang your coat. "The owner is a friend of my mom and well, your blindness really soothed his character."
"Wait, wait. I think I'm missing something." Foggy stands, one hand on his hips, and intently looks at the two of you. "I think I need an explanation."
"Y/n invited me for Thanksgiving dinner and we raided the shops later." Matt shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal to hang out with an employee... On a holiday. At her parent's house.
"I just couldn't let him be sullen the whole weekend while we're all away." Making way towards the kitchen for coffee, you also escape curious glances, and soon, clients start coming, pilling up in the lobby with Karen. You don't get a chance to talk with Matt until noon, as he spends most of the time with Foggy, talking to clients and running around the lobby to print documents. You, however, continue to work alone in the office until the lunch break, and just when you thought you were all going to grab a bite, and you could have a chance to smoke a cigarette or two, three loud bangs on your office door, ruin all of your plans.
"I'm sorry... But your son has been involved in..." you raise your eyebrows at the short-haired black woman and her 16-year-old son, "an armed robbery?" 
"Yes, I've already mentioned it four times."
"Sorry, I'm a bit... Not well today. So, Paxton, could you please tell me what exactly happened? If you want to stay out of jail, I need to hear every single detail." 
Paxton's mother crosses her arms, clearly unhappy with the treatment she was receiving, while Paxton was sitting on one of the armchairs, not particularly bothered by the whole situation. "Nothing. My mother is exaggerating." He shrugs, looking out through the window.
"I'm sorry, he's joking, right sweetheart?" His mother tries to gently touch his arm, but Paxton slides away as far as he can. "He told me everything last night. That's why I came here without an appointment. I noticed how many people are here, I am so glad you could take us in during your break."
"Mrs Harris..." You begin, tapping your pen on your notebook, "enough with the pleasantries. I need the details so I could tell you if I'm able to help you and Paxton. Now, please, talk."
"Remember that article a couple of weeks ago about how five men robbed a jewelry store?" She asks, casting her eyes to the ground; you give her a negative answer and wait for a more detailed explanation. "Well, Paxton was involved in it."
"What did you steal?"
"Rings, necklaces, earrings. I found a box of them in his room." She answers for Paxton.
You look at the boy, noticing a small smirk he just bit away. "What were you planning to do with them, Paxton?"
"Sell. It's all gold." He rolls his eyes.
"I need money." Paxton says in a hurtful tone, sending a glare towards you.
"What for?" Your question hangs in the air heavily. "Why is a teenage boy so in need of money that he must go rob a jewelry store? Tell me, do you work somewhere?"
"No, the money that I bring home is enough." Mrs Harris answers for her son once more, and you look at him in thought.
"Is it drugs, Paxton? You need more money for a dose, don't you?" He stares back at you, visibly irritated. "Is it cocaine? Or marijuana? Do you smoke with your criminal friends after school? Where'd you get the guns from?"
"Excuse me, but these are false accusations, Miss y/l/n, I-"
You hold your hand up, and continue to look right at the boy. "It is drugs. Bloodshot eyes, runny nose. You keep buying those eye drops in hopes of concealing it, but they don't work, do they?"
"How do you know?" He finally asks after failing the staring contest.
"I had my fair share of experience with drug addicts. Now, if we cleared this one up, where'd you get the guns and who were your accomplices?"
"I can't tell you. I made a promise." He protests in vain.
"Addict's promise is nothing more than an empty talk. Did they threaten you?" You're met with silence and uneasiness from Mrs Harris. "Paxton, we're bound by an attorney-client privilege. Whatever you say, stays in this room. I can only advise what's best for you in court."
"I think you're lying to me."
"Yes, okay? I had to keep my mouth shut so they would give me my share." You rub your forehead in thought, when Paxton speaks up again, "we found some guns in an abandoned place, it was like a warehouse or something. We only came there to threaten the owner, but then Joey fired a shot and... We didn't want to hurt anyone."
"Did you hurt someone?"
"No, the bullet went through the display glass, but we got scared and ran away." Paxton was still restricted, but after you assured that it stays between you three, he opened up. 
"Did anyone see you?"
"No, we wore masks."
"Can you tell other names? Besides Joey?"
He hesitates, cracking his fingers, afraid to meet his mother's eyes. 
"He's agreed to help us, in exchange for a full immunity." 
"Did he give any names?" Mahoney asks, flipping over the papers.
"All of them." You answer, looking over at Mrs Harris and her son, still in your office. Matt and the rest of the office returned from their lunch break, and Matt was awkwardly hanging around Karen's desk, listening to you and Mahoney talking on the phone from time to time. Karen was pushing him to get a grip and finally start taking money from the clients, rather than doing everything for free; yet he kept pushing back with the same old arguments. 
"Well, I need you to come to the station, so we could take the statement, only then I can guarantee a full immunity."
"Alright, we'll see you soon, Sergeant."
You enter Josie's before seven, pushing through the thick crowd to the pool tables, old rock music is blaring through the speakers on full volume. Some guy almost spills his drink and starts apologizing profusely, so you quicken your step until you finally see familiar faces of Nelson and Murdock. "Apologies for the delay, Mahoney held us up." You sigh, stopping in front of the pool table to watch how Foggy misses a perfect shot.
"He likes to do that a lot." Foggy comments, trying to cover up his incredible failure.
"What happened? You were gone the whole afternoon." Matt fixes his glasses, directing his movements elsewhere, although he wanted to at least put a comforting hand on your shoulder... But not in public. 
"Uh... Whiskey neat?" You ask him, snatching his drink without waiting for an answer, and when the alcohol burns your throat, finally reply, "so basically, the warehouse where the kids found guns belong to the irish, yes, yet another gang in Hell's Kitchen. And the police are on the lookout for them, but it seems that they went into hiding." You put an empty glass on the table next to you, and touch Matt's shoulder, "Next one's on me."
"Wait, so what happened to the kids?" Karen asks, sipping her own drink, which you notice to be the same brand of  beer that Matt keeps buying for himself.
"We all talked, but of course, their parents weren't happy with the charges, so none of them confessed, but Paxton's on tape, and he still has the full immunity on the table." 
"And the store owner?"
"He didn't recognize any of them, but he did recognize the stolen jewelry that Paxton brought with him. At least they were smart enough to wear masks, but if Mahoney pulls out a search warrant, it's over for them." You sigh, plopping on the chair nearby. "I'm dog tired and I can't believe I've walked all the way from the station here."
"Hey, it's time to relax now, we've got all gang here!" Foggy puts his hands on your shoulders and shakes, a bit too strong for your liking.
"Nelson and Murdock are finally back!" Karen lifts her bottle and cheers when Matt's shot goes right into the hole. 
"That's a pretty damn good shot there, Murdock." You comment, and Matt's cheeks slightly blush. You quickly check him out, relaxed and laid back, his jacket ditched somewhere on the chair, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and his strong arms exposed. If you could, you'd take him right here in the filthy bathroom of Josie's bar; but you can only bite your lip and wait for Josie to bring you a drink.
Matt laughs, "I only got lucky this time."
"He's been riding on that luck the whole evening, don't trust his words." Foggy comments and goes around the table to find the best position for himself again.
***  The evening goes by quickly, you've already lost the count on how many drinks you have consumed in those couple of hours, the bar is nowhere near empty, on the contrary, it only became fuller. Foggy has won two out of six rounds against Matt and has been glued to his beer ever since, apart from an occasional bathroom break, and now it was Karen v Matt in the 'grand pool battle', as Foggy called it. 
Your phone vibrates and you pull it out of your purse, confused. 1 new message. You can't help but look around the bar, before opening the message from an unknown number. Maybe Todd has come back to haunt you again?
U/N: hey, just wanted to check in, how are you?
You: sorry, who's this?
You see three dots appear and disappear multiple times, and at last, the person texts back, you quickly sober up.
U/N: It's Poindexter.
U/N: don't mean to appear like a stalker, but got your number from the case documents.
You: Oh
Dex clenches his jaw tightly, and Ray turns to look at him, clutching his phone. "You alright?"
"Yeah, yeah." Dex answers, briefly looking around where they have parked their car. Dex and Ray were on a lookout mission tonight, and after a long afternoon of contemplating, he finally gathered enough courage to text you. And your response wasn't as warm as he expected it to be.
After two long minutes, which felt like an hour to Dex, you finally started typing something. Ray side-eyed his partner with rising interest, pretty much because he has never seen him staring at his phone like that. Dex's small smirk to your message added more suspicion to the already boiling pot.
You: does this count as a part of your job, agent? 
Dex: not when I'm off duty.
You: are you off duty now?
Dex: well, I guess you caught me this time.
Matt listens to the sudden liveliness of your phone, slightly confused, but then Karen appears next to him and offers to teach how to play pool 'correctly', despite the obvious fact that he's been playing with Foggy the whole evening. You watch them from behind a half empty glass of whiskey, catching the way drunken Karen allowed herself to boldly touch Matt. You shouldn't be mad or jealous... Theoretically... Because you two weren't public or official. But theory aside, you were biting your cheek to refrain from a sarcastic remark. Matt couldn't help himself but smile awkwardly when he felt Karen's fingers sliding along his arm; her closeness was too much for his liking, especially in front of you; but your attention was somewhere else already.
You: didn't think feds worked overtime.  You replied cheekily, but then added, I'm ok. Thanks for asking, Dex.
Dex's response was quick, you don't know a lot about us then. I guess everything that happened was very hard for you. 
You get a fresh glass of whiskey, thinking over his message. It was strange, that when your life has finally settled, weeks after Teneke's murder, Dex decided to text you. Although there was some truth in his words, it was hard, the nightmares weren't the fun part of the whole thing too... But it was all in the past now; with Matt by your side, you allowed yourself to relax and not think of all the bad things that happened in your life since your return to Hell's Kitchen.
You: it was, yeah. If we're already on this subject, how are you?
Dex: I'm good, thanks.
And he was, especially when you texted back. His smile, even though a brief one, didn't go unnoticed by Ray. Dex wanted to text something else, keep the conversation going, but his mind was blank, especially when it came to making small talk; although he was now guarded by his phone and safe from any first-hand awkwardness, Dex still didn't know how to deal with the sudden stress. But his self-pitying session got interrupted by your message, so, what are you up to right now? So, you did care after all. Enough to not let this conversation die.
Dex: on a lookout for a bad guy, pretty boring. And you? Hopefully something more exciting.
You: in a bar, drinking my salary away with the bosses. How bad that bad guy is?
Dex: pretty bad in my opinion. Don't drink too much, you won't feel well tomorrow  :)
You lock your phone and notice that Foggy and Karen were already dressed up.
"Look who's off her phone already, you missed all the fun." Foggy says, buttoning his coat up. 
"You're leaving already?" 
"Yeah, Karen's afraid to go home alone and I-"
"I am not!" Karen giggles, steadying herself against the pool table. Matt laughs, leaning on the pool cue and sips his beer. 
"Huh, maybe I should head home as well... Just want a cigarette so bad, haven't had one the whole day." You sigh, and say your goodbyes to Foggy and Karen. The bar is still full, Josie's been running non-stop, and you think to yourself if it's always like this on a Monday night.
"That leaves just two us now, huh?" Matt says, striking the white ball into the red one. 
"Isn't this just so romantic?" You laugh, walking closer to Matt, and whispering in his ear, "those shouting ones really know how to create an atmosphere...Full of sweaty bodies and that stink of cheap beer." 
"I'd say this is perfect." He laughs, handing you the pool cue. 
"No, I don't play." 
"Come on, let me teach you." 
"Really? And how will you do that?" 
"With your help, of course." Matt laughs into your ear, and puts his hands around your shoulders, positioning the cue in your hands. "Now, turn where the white one is." You do that, noticing that there's a green ball right behind the white one. "And now, you strike that ball into another one, like that." He pushes the cue with quick, powerful movement, still holding your hand. 
"It went in!" 
"See, it's easy." He smiles, forgetting that he was gonna ask you who was texting you this late in the evening. You celebrate for a moment, but then grab Matt's hand, asking to go home. And who was Matt to refuse your ideas, when he knew how tired you were?
As you were waiting for a taxi outside, Matt was standing so close to you that you smelled his perfume mixed with all the smells of the bar even through your burning cigarette. 
"Listen, I wanna ask you something, y/n." He begins, shuffling his feet on the sidewalk. "Do you... Would you like to go on a date tomorrow evening?" 
"A date?" You ask again, averting your attention from the passing cars. "Matt, we've been together for like a month."
"I know, and I haven't asked you on a date once, that's on me." His warm hands found yours and squeezed affectionately, "let's go to some nice place, maybe not too expensive," you laugh and it's like music to his ears, "I would choose it myself, but unfortunately," Matt gestures to his glasses, "I'll put on my best suit, and you could put on that silk dress I helped you choose... What do you say?" 
You wanted to kiss him right now and never let him out of your arms, "I have one place in mind... I just hope that it will be as romantic as Josie's." 
He laughs, throwing his head back, "so, that's a yes?"
"Affirmate, Mr Murdock." You kiss him on the cheek, leaving the biggest smile on his face. 
"Hey, I told you I'm sorry, I tried to reason with my mother to not go to that lawyer!" Paxton's voice rings in the dark alley, four dark figures hovering above him menacingly.
"So you had to tell our names to save your own ass, didn't you?" Joey asks, kicking Paxton's thigh with enough force to earn a loud cry. 
"I was busted either way. She cracked me about the drugs, I can't be in jail for having drugs in my house, please!"
"You're just a pussy, Paxton. I always knew you were the weakest link." Toby says, pulling the hood off his head. "We could've sold that gold for good money and taken more guns from the warehouse, but it's all busted now. And whose fault is that?"
"Guys, please," Paxton shields his head from another kick, "I beg you, stop, I'll take everything back, I promise-"
"I don't take promises from a snitch. We should just kill you right now." Joey says, picking up a brick from the ground, and gets hit by one of Daredevil's billy clubs, which bounces off to knock out Toby. The rest of the gang look around in panic, until they notice a dark figure on one of the rooftops, and another billy club flies through the air and knocks them out as well. 
"Please, please, don't kill me, Daredevil!" Paxton lies back down, keeping his hands in the air. 
The devil of Hell's Kitchen lands on the ground switfly with little effort and picks up his billy clubs, agonizingly slowly stalking towards Paxton. "Call the police, call your lawyer first thing in the morning, leave no details, you understand? Drop the shady business or I won't be so nice the next time we meet." Matt rasps out, in case Paxton has heard him speaking in the office.
"Okay, okay, I'll do it, please don't hurt me anyone." Paxton cries out, holding his bruised side. 
"Make the call right now, Paxton, I won't ask again."
The boy pulls out his phone, screen almost shattered from the kicks and dials the emergency number, fearfully looking at his knocked out friends and Daredevil himself, standing and looking right at him.
Another typical night in Hell's Kitchen.
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