#ben schwartz one shot
naamahwrites · 2 years
Boots on the Moon - F. Tony x Reader
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Word count: 1,169
F. Tony Scarapiducci x Reader
Me being self indulgent because there aren't enough Ben Schwartz fanfics
Meal Armstrong's was the absolute worst place to work on the Space Force base. A majority of employees were acne ridden teenagers unaware of the concept of deodorant, and the pay was so low you honestly often considered becoming a sugar baby. Not to mention the constant sticky sweet ice cream you were usually coated in by the end of the day. But wanting to become a scientist on the site, you had to get the connections for an internship. And you figured being on the base would give you access to professionals in the field you wanted to get into.
The only semi-enjoyable moments of working were when F. Tony Scarapiducci showed up. Tony was Space Force's media manager, often working beside General Mark Naird himself. He came by a couple times a week, ordering the same thing every time: two scoops of "Boots on the Moon" ice cream in a medium sized sugar cone. You'd smile every time you'd see him or hear his voice, knowing the engagement that would follow. He'd always ask about your day, nodding along to let you know he was still listening. Leaning down on the counter in front of you, he'd tilt his head slightly and smile up at you. You swore it was the cutest thing you'd ever seen. And when you asked about his day you'd try and stay as engaged as possible while preparing his order (which honestly wasn't very hard because it had become almost second nature).
Today was an especially slow day, the sky was overcast and the wind was particularly chilly. Perfect weather for ice cream right? You twiddled with your thumbs, spacing out into the grey sky in front of you. "It's a beautiful day for ice cream, don't you think?" Jolting you out of your trance you came face to face with Fuck Tony Scarapiducci. You chuckled and took a deep breath.
"Jesus Tony, you scared the shit out of me." He smirked slightly.
"Sorry Y/N. I figured you're probably bored out of your mind, so why not stop by and pay you a little visit?" He winked at you. You watched as his deep brown curls slightly blew in the breeze, and how his face creased up slightly whenever he smiled. Shit I’m staring. He raised his eyebrows, smiling even bigger. Shit he noticed.
“So... Tony...” You cleared your throat, “How about this weather right?” That was so dumb oh my god y/n. You had to physically resist the urge to facepalm yourself. He chuckled and raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.
“How about this weather?! Are you serious Y/n?” He laughed as you awkwardly chuckled. 
“I mean, I don’t know. Small talk is hard. And I already know what you’re going to order so...”
“You wanna keep me around for longer L/n?” Alright I’ll bite. You leaned over, elbows on the counter. Your faces less than a foot apart, feeling warmth coat your cheeks in blush.
“And what if I do Mr. Scarapiducci?” the right side of his mouth tugged up in a smirk. He glanced around in exaggeration, feigning deep thought before returning his gaze to yours.
Almost whispering, he finally replied, “Then I’d say get me that sugar cone with two scoops of Boots on the Moon ice cream and we can get out of here when your shift ends.” Your heart began pulsating quicker, the sound murmured in your ears. Holy shit, did he just ask me out?! Are we going out on a date?! Thoughts raced through your head as you turned around and started assembling his order. Your nerves were evident, as your usual calm and collected demeanor was gone, and replaced by a mousey and evidently shaking bundle of anxiety.
Tony watched from a distance the change in your attitude. Being used to seeing the confident and self-assured Y/n, it was kind of refreshing to watch you be nervous. It also confirmed that you were likewise attracted to him. A smile tugged on Tony’s lips.
Hands shaking a bit, you finally placed the last scoop of ice team into the cone. Exhaling you began walking to Tony to hand it over to him. And of course because it’s you, a small puddle of melted ice cream from earlier in the day caused you to slip and fall on the floor of Meal Armstrongs. Taking the ice cream cone with you. “Oh my god! Are you okay Y/n?!” Tony rushed over to the inside of the booth to sit beside you. This is so embarrassing.
You sighed, “I’m okay, just a bruised dignity is all.” He chuckled, when an idea entered his mind.
“When does your shift end exactly?”
You glanced at your phone. “In like 15 minutes, why?” He then got up, picked up the “Closed” sign, and put it up in the counter.
“Let’s get out of here now.” You smiled, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“I like the sound of that.” But looking at yourself you had to reanalyze. “But I am covered in ice cream right now.”
“I can think of something.”
“Are you sure that I don’t look like a complete doofus wearing this?” You ask, tugging on the Space Force merch that Tony graciously bought you.
“You look adorable Y/N.”
“Really?” You start sarcastically, “It’s an extra large, in bright orange. I look like a walking traffic cone promoting the least respected force in America.” His head falls slightly to his right shoulder, giving a look that reads as, are you being serious right now? He steps closer to you,
“Seriously Y/N, you look great.” He rests a gentle hand on your left shoulder. “And if you’re a traffic cone you are the sexiest traffic cone I’ve ever seen in my life, swear to God.” You lightly smack his arm in mock annoyance. Secretly, you love this kind of banter with him.
“Alright, alright, where are we going Romeo?”
“I was thinking... Clément’s?” You’re taken aback. Clément’s is this absurdly fancy French restaurant in Denver, you wouldn’t even know about it if not for Tony telling you that Zendaya ate there like two weeks ago. 
“Clément’s? Are you fucking with me?”
“I may or may not know someone who works in the kitchen... as the head chef.”
“I mean, that sound amazing! But honestly, it’s a bit above my price range. Like a lot.” He bits his lip softly, as if debating whether or not to say something.
“I mean I was thinking that I could pay for it. If that works for you, I mean, I was the one who asked you on this date.” He begins to ramble, “And my friend in the kitchen said that if I used the Space Force twitter account to promote the restaurant, he would give us a huge discount-”
“Us? You told him about me?” Tony blushes with embarrassment. 
“I may have mentioned something about wanting to take a beautiful woman out to dinner.” 
“Even one who looks like a nationalistic pumpkin?”
Hey fellow Ben Schwartz fans! Let me know if you liked this quick lil story. I started writing it a while ago but didn’t finish until recently. I’ll probably be writing a part two with y’all actually going out to dinner :)
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Discussion Film provides a summary of what the extended trailer was geared at Cinemacon 2024.
I’m going to copy the entire blurb here with the link. There’s no need for me to rewrite it.
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CinemaCon 2024 only got a very brief look at Sonic the Hedgehog 3 since it barely wrapped production. The brief teaser showed Jim Carry’s Dr. Robotnik in his lab, but he’s gained weight and has let the place go to the dumps with it being full of junk. He’s let his hair go crazy and now has a noticeable belly. Robotnik jokingly says that he’s been binging “carbohydrates.” His assistant, Agent Stone (Lee Majdoub), comes in and says, “We found him.” Stone presents Robotnik with one of Sonic’s blue electric quills, and, as he’s done before, Robotnik licks it and tweaks out. He yells, “Let’s do this!” to Stone’s face, which then cuts to a montage of Robotnik getting his hair cut by Stone and getting a fresh look with his game-accurate mustache, bald head, and depraved-looking eyes. 
The Sonic the Hedgehog 3 footage then cuts to Robotnik and an entire gang of henchmen, all armored with laser guns, waking up Shadow the Hedgehog in a cryotube. Shadow opens his eyes, which are bursting with red electric energy. We then cut to Sonic (Ben Schwartz), Tails (Colleen O’Shaughnessey), and Knuckles (Idris Elba) facing off against Shadow in the middle of a huge city street at night. Shadow is noticeably dead silent as it’s still not revealed who the voice actor is. Knuckles jokes that this new Hedgehog is much stronger than the last one he faced, to which Sonic hilariously replies with, “You Mean me?”
The real money shot of the footage is Shadow the Hedgehog riding a motorcycle in the night sky over some skyscrapers and then using it to bounce himself towards Sonic, who is flying upwards at him at full speed. We see Sonic’s bright blue power clash with Shadow’s bright red energy in the night sky, looking like it’s straight out of an anime. The final shot of the exclusive footage showed Robotnik and Sonic away from a ring portal on an empty road. They both look grumpy and like they can’t stand each other’s company — implying that they’re going to have to work together to defeat Shadow.
Discussion Film, 2024.
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crystalandparrot · 4 months
RC9GN x Reader
New Season
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Not my art!!
NEW SEASON OF RC9GN!!! This takes place AFTER the Sorcerer's defeat
If you would like to know what voice actors I had in mind for the new characters, I'll make a skippable chapter about it.
This is very different from my other stories! This (Y/n) is MAINLY based on Donnie from ROTTMNT. She can be seen as autistic, but for the sake of not writing too many details, I'll stick to the basics. If you want some chapters that have more details about autistic characters, I can write a few one shots. I don't want ANY exclusion. Without spoiling too much, her weapon is also VERY much like Donnie's. Lots of attachments, tools, and things that could further a plot line. A lot of the technology will be the same but it will all have different purposes. This is gonna be really out of my comfort zone, as most (Y/n) I write are somewhat based on me. If it ever gets too confusing or to OOC, let me know. I want to clarify, (Y/n) is NOT Donnie, I just don't see a lot of reader inserts or x readers with a truly intelligent reader and I thought it'd be cool. The Donnie inspiration was mainly because Ben Schwartz voices Leo from ROTTMNT and Randy.
I want to preface as well, if this does not become a Reader insert, this will be a slow burn. Again, getting out of my comfort zone.
"Congratulations! You have punched all the graves!"
With their signature move, Howard Weinerman a Randy Cunningham congratulated each other, but before they could completed said, 'slappage', Howard moved away.
"Now that we've finished the final final Grave Punchers game, we should talk about the Ninja situation." Howard stepped away, leaving Randy with his fist in the air.
"Okay, I know I'm gonna sound like a broken record on this but...there is no Ninja situation?" Randy asked, dropping his hand.
"Exactly! There is no Ninja situation!" Howard pointed to Randy's desk, where the mask and Nomicon lay, the book still disguised by a Math book cover. "Your Ninja stuff has been sitting at that desk all Spring Break! The stuff's probably collected dust by now." Howard complained.
"Pfft!" Randy waved his hand and crossed his arms defiantly. "N-no, no it hasn't."
Howard raised an eyebrow and blew a large gust of air at the Nomicon. A cloud of dust flew off and towards the boys, causing them to cough.
"Okay, okay. You might have a point." Randy walked to his desk and grabbed his mask. The red lines pulsed softly. "But, the Sorcerer's gone. And with him gone, McFist has no reason to fight me." Randy waved his hand for emphasis.
"Doesn't he hate the Ninja?" Howard asked.
Randy guffawed, "No one hates the Ninja!"
"I hate the Ninja!" A scratchy voice boomed throughout the circular room. "I just wanna punch him in his stupid Ninja face." He grumbled, slouching in his chair. The short burly man mashed his fists together angrily for emphasis. The man's face turned bright red, starkly contrast from his dark Judge's robe, hence the name they all knew him by.
"Whoo, take 'er easy there, Judge. You'll get wrinkles." The melodic voice came from the dark skinned woman sitting to the right of the Judge. She was staring into a compact mirror, although her counter parts were unaware as to how seeing as her fluffy hair was covering her eyes completely. With one hand holding the mirror, she used her other hand to apply bright red lipstick, the shade on the bottom read, 'Snake's Blood'.
"Yeah, you're starting to look like McFist." The sassy voice came from a tall tan man with brunette hair, elegantly styled.
"I am not-!!" The Judge angrily stood, his face red. He took a deep breath and sat back down, gently setting down his gavel after he angrily held it over his head. "I am not like Hannibal McFist."
"What's with this obsession over the Ninja lately?" The woman asked, setting her compact mirror back in her purse. "We're perfectly fine with how we're operating things now."
"And it's not like the Ninja notices small crimes, he's more focused on Monsters and Robots, right?" The brunette asked.
"Not anymore." The Judge shook his head. "The Sorcerer's gone, and with him out of the way, those Robots are soon to follow. It won't be long before he gets desperate." The Judge reached across the table and grabbed the small remote that sat in the middle. Pressing the red button, a projection appeared on the wall being the skinny brunette. "Last night. The Ninja overturned our truck of stolen money, the cops found it right after." Pictures of a dark figure, with, what looked like, a large mallet standing on top of the overturned truck, red and lights flashing behind them, making the lines on the suit look purple. The Judge turned off the projection.
"So we gotta go bigger." The woman smirked.
"How do you figure?" The brunette asked.
The woman, about to answer, stopped as her phone rang. She pulled it out of her blazer and answered sweetly, "Deputy Mayor Kranski. Oh, hi, hon!" Kranski giggled quietly, holding her other hand up to the phone to try to conceal her words, "I'm in a meeting, honey!" She stood straight once more, hand back at her side. "Yep, meatloaf is on the top shelf."
"Kranski." The Judge rolled his eyes.
"Okay, love you too. Buh-bye." Kranski smiled sweetly, hanging up.
The brunette looked at his nails out of boredom, then looked back up at Kranski. "You were saying?"
"The Ninja is used to dealing with larger threats. So why don't we give him one?" Kranski smirked, folding her hands together.
The Judge's eyes widened, "And how do you suppose we do that?"
"We don't exactly have the funds to do that. And before you start, I'm a rich designer. You want a guy to build robots, you should have gotten my old roommate." The brunette checked his nails again.
"Once again, you offer no help, Damien." The Judge rolled his eyes.
"But, I did hear that your old high school is having an invention convention in a few days. Maybe we could...sponsor one of the brilliant students to help us?" Damien smirked.
"My old high school..." The Judge looked off in the distance, remembering his old days in school. He rubbed his Norrisville alumni ring as he recalled the happy, the sad, the humiliation...oh the humiliation... "That might just be the best idea you've had yet." The Judge smirked.
The three began laughing, first small, then growing to loud chaotic laughter.
"Just you wait, Ninja. We're coming." The Judge smirked.
"I don't know about this (Y/n)."
"Bucky, you're gonna be fine. I'm a scientist—"
"You're fourteen!" Bucky interrupted.
"Still technically a scientist." (Y/n) poked her head up from behind her desk, goggles plastered on her head. The left lens was wide and red, much closer to the metal band connecting the goggles than the right lens. The right lens was slightly extended past the left and was blue. "Move to the right a bit." She commanded, motioning with her hand for her companion to move to his right.
Buck looked down at the ground and shuffled to the right, now more centered on the red 'X' on the ground.
(Y/n) grinned and gave a thumbs up, a noise of confirmation exiting her lips before she resumed her fast typing.
"So what does this do again?" Bucky asked, looking around at the dangerous equipment aimed at his head.
"Oh this? It's just a simple home alarm." (Y/n) waved her hand above her screens so Bucky could see.
"Simple, right." Buck nodded, but did not agree at all. "Has anyone ever told you that you tend to go a little overboard?" Bucky asked.
(Y/n) peeked around her screens again, goggles now over her eyes, "No, why?" Without waiting for an answer, she continued typing.
Bucky anxiously tapped his arms to his side but stopped once one of the large metal arms adjusted near his head.
"Okay!" (Y/n) clapped her hands and stood, slightly scaring Bucky. "If I did this right, you shouldn't get hurt! At least not too bad." (Y/n) mumbled. Flipping her goggles back onto the top of her head, she added some last minute adjustments.
"What was that?" Bucky asked quickly, sweating in all uncomfortable places.
"And 3, 2,-" Before she could press the 'enter' button on her large complicated keyboard, all of her screens changed to a cute emoticon of her face. The emoticon had half lidded eyes, goggles, and a lazy smirk, much like the counterpart that made it.
'School. School. It's time for the most important time of the day. School. School. As Galileo said,"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."'
(Y/n) turned off the alarm with a sigh. "As much as I'd love to listen to quotes from famous scholars all day, Galileo is right. It's time to discover new truths!" (Y/n) stood, finger raised in the air boldly. She grabbed her (f/c) satchel (A/N: sorry, just a question. Would you guys want you to have more inclusive things like (f/c) or (f/drink) or should I keep it Donnie-esque? Keep the favorite color purple and the favorite drink flavorless juice.) and Bucky's bag. She pulled her phone out of her (f/c) hoodie and began typing quickly with just her thumb, her previous excitement suddenly disappearing. (Y/n) began walking out of the dimly lit room, eyes trained on the screen. "You might want to follow quickly, because I accidentally pressed the button." (Y/n) said as she rushed out of the room.
The beeping of the mechanical appendages and weapons powering up around Bucky, made him gulp.
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
Old Art - Had this really stupid and funny idea but!
Sharpshooters + Starburst as Sonadow + Knuxouge
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Then one with Sonic and the Gang!
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Tay'kaa as Sonic Crosshair as Shadow Wrecker as Knuckles Khea as Rouge
Now them in onesies!
Because I wanted to do one of them in onesies and another of them in their usual armor/attire but inspired by the Sonic characters!
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Also, I realized that I named Tay'kaa forgetting that Tay-O was a character-
And that fact that he fits a character Ben Schwartz might voice? A blue, cocky, charming troublemaker? (I don't imagine his voice sounding like Ben Schwartz's but still)
I just thought it was a funny coincidence. Something something poetry rhymes or something.
Also, I am absolutely devastated that those rumors about Hayden Christensen voicing Shadow turned out to just be rumors </3 That would've been sick.
Anyways, close-ups and individual shots under the cut!
Find out more about the Silly Squad here!
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sad-leon · 3 months
1, 27, 29, 35
1.) What was your first exposure to TMNT?
Ill go more into it: so i found Rise about 2022 into 2023 because I was watching Ducktales 2017 and really loved Ben Schwartz's voice as Dewey (and as Randy from RC9GN) so when I learned he was Leo in Rise I decided to give it a shot
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
Dissociation!!! Love me some good dissociation and learning to cope with it (death wish beloved- and theres a little system leo series that updates rarely, but I love whenever I see the notification)
29.) What is one headcanon that you have?
Russsss you can't make me pick just one!!! /dramatic
seriously, though,,,, branching out past the ones I am pretty vocal about- I love to headcanon as Leo needing glasses and just,, not having them- whether because he didn't realize he needed them or because he just never said anything- I love projecting my bad eyesight onto the silly blue turtle
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
Disaster twins- all the way
I don't know what to say other than just look at them
I do also love some good Raph and Leo moments- especially them dealing with the fallout of the whole "leader" and kraang situations
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An ode to an era…
This isn’t a photo shoot, more just random shots from the House of Lies era, but I found some amazing print interviews from back then. They’re after the break. Enjoy!
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Here he talks about being on three big networks at once as Hoyt, Oberholt, and of course Jean Ralphio https://www.assignmentx.com/2012/interview-ben-schwartz-builds-a-house-of-lies/
AX: Hypothetically, what would happen if your PARKS AND REC character Jean-Ralphio met Don Cheadle’s HOUSE OF LIES character Marty Kaan and Kristen Bell’s character? Would John-Ralphio hire the firm?
SCHWARTZ: If Jean-Ralphio met Marty, he would want to do anything to be friends with him, literally anything. He would think that he’s the coolest person in the world, and then he would me Kristen’s character and would want to fall in love with her and bring her back home. I think he’d hire them in a second. But Jean-Ralphio always sees the happiest things in the universe, and he’s always happy no matter what’s happening.
Follow up interview for season two https://www.assignmentx.com/2013/exclusive-interview-ben-schwartz-on-house-of-lies/
AX: Anything else you want to say about HOUSE OF LIES right now?
SCHWARTZ: I want people to watch. I’m so excited for the second season. I think people will be really psyched. And if you missed the first season, get it on DVD. We did commentary for it and it was bonkers. It’s so fun.
NY Post https://nypost.com/2014/01/11/house-of-lies-ben-schwartz-a-jack-of-all-trades/amp/
“From my character’s point of view, he longs for almost a father figure, and Marty is that figure,” says Schwartz, 32. “Clyde f-ed Marty over because he felt emotionally abused. When he’s by himself, he realizes how much he needs those people in his life…They function so beautifully together as a group, almost like a dysfunctional family,” says Schwartz. “When they’re separated, they realize how little [else] they have in their lives.”
Clyde will “do anything” to get to the top https://www.sj-r.com/story/entertainment/television/2013/03/16/house-lies-ben-schwartz-clyde/43771956007/
"We did that scene as one huge take because Josh and I both come from comedy backgrounds and improv and stage stuff, so it was such a cool feeling," Schwartz says. "He and I especially really go nuts with each other. We also did a Les Miz take of that where we sang the entire scene."
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kudosmyhero · 1 month
Detective Comics (vol. 1) #412: Legacy of Hate/The Head-Splitters!
Read Date: July 14, 2023 Cover Date: June 1971 ● Writer: Frank Robbins ● Penciler: Bob Brown / Don Heck ● Inker: Dick Giordano / Don Heck ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Ben Oda ● Editor: Julius Schwartz ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
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● I'll be glad when Batgirl's adventures include something other than cute men or clothes. this one is about wigs. ● at least we get a rare shot of Gordon smiling
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● 👏👏
Synopsis: Bruce Wayne is invited to the ancestral Waynemoor Castle, of the Waynes in England, where he meets several distant relatives and encounters a ghostly knight bent on centuries-old vengeance. Bruce is forced to intervene as Batman in order to stop the "ghost" and finds out that it is no ghost, but the butler, who discovered a past murder and became insane with the belief that he was the reincarnation of one of the castle's founders. Batman captures the insane man and clears the centuries-old murder mystery, but finds himself still baffled by the apparent supernatural circumstances surrounding Waynemoor Castle.
When a recent socialite divorcee is mysteriously killed by something that literally crushed her head, Barbara Gordon decides to investigate. She soon becomes interested in a socialite wig maker named Vazly and soon goes to purchase a wig, little knowing that it was Vazly who was responsible, and that he implanted devices into the wigs that he made in order to extort money out of the rich.
Learning the truth, Barbara attacks Vazly and his assistant as Batgirl, however, before she can stop them, they put a wig over her head and set it to crush.
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Fan Art: Batgirl Smirk by MScheidler
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batgirl to Oracle - episode 16
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writebackatya · 11 months
1, 7, and 11 for Let’s All Go to the Movies!.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I’m pretty sure the idea of how I wanted to write this story came to me when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, specifically during the trailers. When the trailer for the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid I just remembered being in such “Ugh, I am so sick of these lazy remakes Disney has been churning out, this’ll probably suck” but in the middle of that thought I remember hearing excited gasps from various children throughout the theater who were all just so genuinely excited for that movie. All of a sudden I began to think about just how cynical I am now compared to when I was around that age. I guess I just really wanted to capture that feeling of being in a movie theater when you’re adult vs. when you were a child
And for the record, I have seen the live action remake of The Little Mermaid and I liked it! Ariel and Eric’s relationship was the best part imo, Halle Bailey is wonderful as Ariel, I enjoyed the songs they added, Mellisa McCarthy and Awkwafina do a great job at their parts, but the underwater scenes can be awkward at times, Flounder’s role seems lesser than the animated one, the new Sebastian just didn’t do it for me, and the King Triton and Ariel relationship just isn’t even close to being as good as the original.
7: Where did the title come from?
The title comes from a Ben Schwartz quote, actually! My first exposure to Ben Schwartz was back in the day when he’d appear in CollegeHumor videos, more specifically the Jake & Amir ones. In the Jake & Amir episode Movie Date Part 1, Ben Schwartz appears as a movie theater usher Jake and Amir never met before with the ordinary name, Sulu Candles. In his entrance he sings a song which is a parody of the old movie theater song Let’s All Go to the Lobby. The song starts at 30 seconds into the video, be warned there are plenty of adult jokes in the rest of the vids
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I had a lot of fun putting in nods/references/cameos from Disney, taking shots at Disney, parodying superhero movies, making up the Black Cauldron trailer, and putting all the continuity nods from the DuckTales show, but I guess at the end of the day I’d say the Dewey and Gandra stuff is what I’m most proud of
It’s a dynamic that I wish we would’ve seen more of in the show and I think I do a decent job capturing it. I just like how this whole dynamic started in my head with “This is how he’d get on her nerves” and then eventually I found something that I think is rather sweet. I don’t know, I just love when had Gandra call Dewey “bud” near the end
The other characters are great in the story too. Love Webby, Fenton, and Gosalyn. And I wanted to give those three plenty to do and memorable moments as well
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misiahasahardname · 5 months
for the character bingo sheet:
- April and Mikey (did I spell that right?-) from TMNT Mutant Mayhem
- Any character from Duck Tales (sorry if I got the name wrong-)
- The Jomies from TMF
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MIKEY (mutant mayhem)
one of the mikeys of all time!!!!!
he’s a lot calmer and positive and yet still has this chaotic vibe about him (which is an iconic trait for any mikey to have)
i would so be friends with him if i knew him personally. i mean, how could i not?????? HE’S INTO IMPROV. THEATER KIDS OF THE WORLD UNITE!!!!!!!!!!
i own a plushie of him and it’s so goofy looking. 10/10, great to watch tv with, very strangleable. (should probably have marked the ‘SQUEAK’ square for that… oh well)
i saw theories that he may die or get badly hurt in the series or the next movie which. 1. crazy 2. if that happens i will start crying and never stop. hurt this man and you will have to face my wrath
also his voice acting is very good. him singing ‘hello’ very very quietly will never not be funny to me
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APRIL O’NEIL (mutant mayhem)
my loveliest lovely she’s so. lovely
i vibe with her soooo hard she’s such a great representation of an awkward teenage girl, i wanna hug her so bad 😭😭
IDK WHAT IT IS ABOUT HER BUT SHE’S MY FAVOURITE APRIL BY A LONG SHOT (though i do have a great appreciation for the glory that is 2003 april)
10/10 one of my favourite characters of all time. i would play minecraft with her. i would
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you gave me the choice to talk about any ducktales character so of COURSE it’s gotta be dewey!
gotta get this outta the way. ben schwartz is such a great voice for him. like. this guy. absolutely greatest voice acting in the series, maybe tied with david tennant as scrooge mcduck
he feels a bit like me as a kid tbh. hyperactive, impulsive, needing constant attention, adventure and excitement, and also needing to be loved and respected by others so badly that he would put himself into danger. yep. that’s very me
literally just undiagnosed adhd in duck form i love him and i need like eight more of him to be happy
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JAKE (tmf)
he’s such a pathetic little guy, what’s not to love about a pathetic little guy???
he sings, he’s easily flustered, makes life crushing mistakes and he simps for women??? literally me irl!!!!!!!!
i genuinely care so much for jake i could talk about him loads but i cannot find the words 😭😭😭
give him a fat dose of estrogen i think that could fix him
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DREW (tmf)
banishing him. 10000 years of therapy for drew.
there’s something about him that’s just..,..,,,,,,, idk. i think he’s very not ok i needs help right now
he is DEFINETLY overrated to me, i do not care about him as much as most other tmf fans do, but those complex analysises of him i absolutely ADORE. yes keep getting under his skin!!!! study him and his brain!!!! figure out what went wrong!!!!
top characters i would use the head of as a pillow (i’d do it cus his hair gives me very soft and plush vibes. i’d also do it to fuck with him. i’m very evil)
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LIAM (tmf)
i have little thoughts about him 😔😔😔😔 does give art freak vibes (lol just like me fr).
totally pretends he’s a vampire around gullible children because it’s funny
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HENRY (tmf)
look at him. he’s such a bastard. most bullyable character of the series
he’s so funny to me. like. hello????
his one crime is loving lettuce. that shit has the worst texture ever!!!!!!!!! lettuce enjoyers dni (another big fat /j)
would definetly kiss the homies goodnight. he doesn’t know he’s homosexual because he’s so unserious about it
ahem that’s all
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geekcavepodcast · 7 months
The Folio Society to Publish "DC: Batman" Celebrating Batman's 85th Anniversary
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The Folio Society and DC Comics are partnering on DC: Batman, a hardback book celebrating the Dark Knight's 85th anniversary. The 320-page deluxe compilation will include 12 seminal comics all selected and introduced by DC President, Publisher, and Editor-in-Chief Jennette Kahn. DC: Batman will also come with stand-alone replica copy of Batman #1, "scanned in its entirety from an original 1940 copy...which includes the original back-up strips and vintage ads and introduces DC’s Clown Prince of Crime, aka The Joker, and The Cat, who would come to be known as Catwoman." (DC Comics)
Per DC Comics, DC: Batman includes:
"Facsimile: Batman #1 (Spring 1940) Writer: Bill Finger Cover artists: Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson Artists: Bob Kane, Sheldon Moldoff Editor: Whitney Ellsworth
The Bat-Man Detective Comics #27 (May 1939)  Writer: Bill Finger Artist: Bob Kane Editor: Vincent Sullivan
Robin—the Boy Wonder Detective Comics #38 (April 1940) Writer: Bill Finger Artists: Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson Editor: Whitney Ellsworth
The Crimes of Two-Face! Detective Comics #66 (August 1942)  Writer: Bill Finger Artists: Jerry Robinson, George Roussos Letterers: Ira Schnapp Editor: Whitney Ellsworth
Batman and Green Arrow: The Senator’s Been Shot! The Brave and the Bold #85 (September 1969) Writer: Bob Haney Cover artist: Neal Adams Penciler: Neal Adams Inker: Dick Giordano Letterer: Ben Oda Editor: Murray Boltinoff
Daughter of the Demon Batman #232 (June 1971) Writer: Dennis O'Neil Cover artist: Neal Adams Penciler: Neal Adams Inker: Dick Giordano Letterer: John Costanza Editor: Julius Schwartz
The Dead Yet Live Detective Comics #471 (August 1977) Writer: Steve Englehart Cover artists: Marshall Rogers, Terry Austin, Tatjana Wood, Gaspar Saladino Penciler: Marshall Rogers Inker: Terry Austin Colorists: Marshall Rogers Letterer: John Workman Editors: Julius Schwartz, E. Nelson Bridwell
The Dark Knight Returns Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1 (June 1986) Writer: Frank Miller Cover artists: Frank Miller, Lynn Varley Penciler: Frank Miller Inker: Klaus Janson Colorist: Lynn Varley Letterer: John Costanza Editors: Dick Giordano, Dennis O'Neil
Batman: Year One—Chapter One: Who I Am—How I Come to Be Batman #404 (February 1987) Writer: Frank Miller Artist: Dave Mazzucchelli Colorist: Richmond Lewis Letterer: Todd Klein Editor: Dennis O'Neil
Batman: The Killing Joke (July 1988) Writer: Alan Moore Cover artists: Brian Bolland, Richard Bruning Artist: Brian Bolland Colorist: John Higgins Letterer: Richard Starkings Editors: Dennis O'Neil, Dan Raspler
The Last Arkham (Part One) Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1 (June 1992) Writer: Alan Grant Cover artist: Brian Stelfreeze Penciler: Norm Breyfogle Inker: Norm Breyfogle Colorist: Adrienne Roy Letterer: Todd Klein Editors: Scott Peterson, Dennis O'Neil
Knightfall Part 1: Crossed Eyes and Dotty Teas Batman #492 (May 1993) Writer: Doug Moench Cover artists: Kelley Jones, Bob LeRose Penciler: Norm Breyfogle Inker: Norm Breyfogle Colorist Adrienne Roy Letterer: Richard Starkings Editors: Scott Peterson, Jordan B. Gorfinkel, Dennis O'Neil"
DC: Batman is available at The Folio Society.
(Image via DC Comics)
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maswartz · 2 years
Power Rangers Cyber Warriors
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(Logo by Elactrolight)
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A group of scientists has made an amazing discovery! The existence of an entire parallel plane! This Cyber Plane is made of data and code and reaches all around the planet and even beyond! Following this discovery the scientists create a way to turn matter into data and data into matter in order to traverse to the Cyber Plane. They use this to create avatar forms for themselves in which to better traverse the Cyber Plane. However after they enter they are betrayed by one of their own named Jeffrey who traps them within. Fortunately the scientists had already created five Cyber Cycles to help explore the Cyber Plane. Using the cycles they head out to gather supplies in order to repair their machine and return home. Along the way they are attacked by sentient viruses known as Virons and are forced to utilize their avatar forms to defend themselves. Soon the portal is repaired allowing the scientists to return home. However in their absence Jeffrey raided their lab and stole most of the data. Now calling himself the Web Warlord, Jeffrey uses what he has learned about the Cyber Plane to unleash Data Demons to make the world cower before him. The scientists must now use their technology and knowledge to fight back on the Cyber Plane and in the Material World as the Power Rangers Cyber Warriors!
Power Rangers Cyber Warriors! ONLINE!
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The Warrior with the Slashing Blade! Red Cyber Ranger! Tyler Rose- The lead scientist of the project, it was his research that resulted in the discovery of the Cyber Plane and how to transfer between the planes. He finds himself enjoying fighting more than he expected. When morphed he can channel energy into his blade. Eventually the dreaded Terror Bytes are unleashed who hide a devastating secret, they cannot be destroyed, any attempt simply causes them to reform. However there is said to be a weapon hidden in the Cyber Plane capable of destroying them. Tyler heads to find it alone so as to not attract attention. On his way he encounters a small Cyberbird who joins him. Eventually the pair encounter a Terror Byte. As the battle rages on Tyler tells the Cyberbird to flee and save themselves. This convinces the bird as it glows bright gold and grows in size. The Cyberbird reveals that they are the weapon he seeks and that he just proved himself worthy of its gift. By attaching to his blaster the Cyberbird grants Tyler a golden set of armor and the power to destroy the Terror Bytes. Face Claim: Dallas Liu
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The Warrior with the Savage Might! Blue Cyber Ranger! Aaron Connors- Friendly and fun loving. However if you hurt his friends you’ll taste his wrath. When morphed he gains incredible strength. Face Claim: Ben Schwartz
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The Warrior with the Striking Spikes! Yellow Cyber Ranger! Brianna Collins- The stabilizing mind in the team. She tends to pull Tyler back when his ideas get beyond his means. When morphed she wields a spiked club. Face Claim: Blu Hunt
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The Warrior with the Sonic Howl! Black Cyber Ranger! Bryan Jameson- Arrogant and egotistical. He does care about the others but will never admit it freely. When morphed he can unleash a sonic blast. Face Claim: Bobby Moynihan
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The Warrior with the Soaring Wings! Pink Cyber Ranger! Raja Sinclair- Curious and dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. He’s always learning and exploring new subjects. When morphed he gains wings. Face Claim: Danny Pudi
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The Warrior with the Burning Spear! Gold Cyber Ranger! The Warrior with the Shocking Ax! Silver Cyber Ranger! Colin Thomas- A scientist who worked on the project until he discovered Jeffrey’s plans at which point Jeffrey sent him to the Cyber Plane with a prototype of the portal. Trapped for months he managed to create two Avatar Forms for himself, Gold and Silver. He finds that while using Silver his temper is unleashed and he can barely control himself. Eventually he manages to escape back to the material plane and joins the other Rangers for a shot at revenge against the Web Warlord. Face Claim: Logan Lerman
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The Warrior with the Tearing Jaws! Purple Cyber Ranger! Jessica Bethany (JB) Steele- Daughter of Ryan Steele of the VR Troopers, she is studying at an university in London when she finds out about the Cyber Rangers and their discovery of the Cyber Plane. Believing them to be exploiting and stealing credit for her grandfather’s creation she uses her father’s tech to create an Avatar Form and access the Cyber Plane. She attacks the rangers to try and get them to confess to stealing her grandfather’s work but she does help fight monsters believing that the public shouldn’t suffer because of her grudge. Eventually she learns that Tyler Steele didn’t create the Virtual World but merely discovered it meaning the Rangers are innocent of stealing his work. Humbled she joins them in defending both planes. Face Claim: Jacqueline Scislowski Cyber Cycles: Each Ranger has their own personal Cyber Cycle for use in both planes. Cyber Glasses: Due to its composition the Cyber Plane isn’t fully visible to human eyes so the Rangers create the Cyber Glasses allowing them to see the Cyber Plane fully. In the Material Plane they can be used to detect breaches and track Data Demons. Installing Cyberzords The Rangers create Cyberzords based on their Avatar forms with which to battle the Data Demons when they grow gigantic. Cyberzords Online! Red Samurai Cyberzord- A mighty warrior Blue Monkey Cyberzord- A savage fighter Yellow Oni Cyberzord- A cunning demon Black Dog Cyberzord- A swift beast Pink Pheasant Cyberzord- A soaring flyer The five combine to form the Cyber Warrior Megazord Red- Torso and head Blue- Arms and shoulder Yellow- Leg Black- Leg Pink- Shoulder armor, shoulder and swords Unusually for Rangers the Cyber Rangers can form the megazord at human height. Colin’s created his own Megazord, the Cyber Strike Megazord Gold Dragon forms the armor and weapons Silver Tiger forms the inner body The Cyber Strike Megazord can also form at human height. The seven Cyberzords can combine to form the Super Cyber Megazord. Red- Torso and head Blue- Left arm armor Yellow- Leg Black- Leg Pink- Shoulder wings Gold- Left arm, chest armor, feet and weapons Silver- Right arm
The Cyberbird can combine with the Cyber Warrior Megazord to form the Cyberbird Warrior Megazord Cyberbird- Armor spear and shield The Shark Cyberzord can form a solo megazord armed with a blade. All eight Cyberzords and the Cyberbird can combine to form the Cyber Ultrazord. Red- Torso and head Blue- Left arm Yellow- Leg Black- Leg Pink- Shoulder wings Gold- Right hand Silver- Right arm Purple- Left arm blade Cyberbird- Armor and spear Web Warlord: Jeffrey, now calling himself the Web Warlord has set up a base of operations on the Cyber Plane to avoid authorities. He strikes by sending a Malware Mask into any device connected to the internet. Once the mask manifests in the Material Plane it will attach itself to the first person it comes into contact with turning them into a Data Demon*. This monster can command the Virons.
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The Guardian Programs are a trio of powerful programs dedicated to defending the boundary between planes. As a result they’ll attack those who breach the boundary multiple times pitting them against both the Rangers and the Data Demons. In the end they join forces with the Rangers after they save them from an attack from the Web Warlord. Guardian Program Alpha- The leader of the trio, he becomes Tyler’s main rival as he deems him responsible for the breech due to his research. He’ll eliminate any threat to the Cyber Plane with his blade. Eventually upgraded into a red form. Voice Claim: Michael Benyaer Guardian Program Beta- Cool and calculating she strikes with piercing arrows. She admits she has no hatred to her targets but the Cyber Plane must be defended. Eventually upgraded into a purple form. Voice Claim: Kathleen Barr Guardian Program Gamma- The strongest physically of the trio he is smarter than he seems and often catches his enemies off guard when they underestimate him. Those who make that mistake end up pierced by his spear.  Eventually upgraded into a silver form. Voice Claim: Paul Dobson Zenith Warriors: A Cogger on Earth discovers a Malware Mask and is possessed by it. The resulting monster uses the Grid energy within the Cogger to attempt to merge the material and Cyber planes destroying both in the process. The Zenith Rangers join forces with the Cyber Rangers to fight this threat. Morphers: Cyber Badges- Hand held or worn on their clothing. These devices allow those wearing them to detect when the barrier between planes has been breached. Cyber Shield- A wrist worn shield used by Colin to morph. The Cyber Shield allows Colin to switch between his Avatar Forms. Cyber Tag- A smaller badge worn as a necklace by Jessica. She styled it after her father’s Virtualizer and activates it in a similar way. Morphing Call: Install the Warrior Code! Morphing: A field of ranger colored code covers the ranger forming the body suit as their bodies shift to match their Avatar Form. The Cyber Glasses form the visor of their helmet finishing the morph. Location: London, England (Faces by Joekeybladeaura) *Data Demons use the monsters design from Zenkaiger with the bodysuit from Donbrothers Power Rangers Zenith Force Powerverse Power Rangers Armored Swarm
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kiwi-tai · 2 years
9 favorite shows as gifs
Thank you for tagging me @willkimurashat @eva-neill-green @fujihime-litg @mrs-youcef
This is once again in no specific order because they’re all very different shows and all top tier imo.
1. Parks and Recreation
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My favorite sitcom I have rewatched it soo many times and was so sad when it got moved to streaming on Peacock but then my cousin got Peacock and now I leech onto their account to watch it.
2. Schitts Creek
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Elite sitcom! So funny, so heartfelt, Dan Levy you are my fav nepo baby and I accuse nepotism for this show. And Miora Rose iconic.
3. Space Force
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Another tragic betrayal from Netflix by canceling this show. I love Ben Schwartz and space.
4. The Get Down
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This was the first betrayal I ever experience from Netflix and you may be saying hey I’ve never heard of The Get Down before we’ll it’s because it featured a fully poc cast and told a beautiful story of the start of hip hop and fall of disco from the perspective of young teens from the Bronx in the 70s and Netflix didn’t promote it at all. It was directed by Baz Luhrmann ya know the guy that did Romeo and Juliet with Leo DiCaprio. This show was beautiful and amazing and I cried when I found out they canceled it. Still the story ends pretty well with only a slight cliffhanger that Baz later clarified what would actually happen so if your looking for a show to watch I very highly recommend this one . It’s incredible, the soundtrack is amazing, there are lgbt characters, I mean I can’t ever say enough.
5. Once Upon a Time
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The chokehold this show had me on since I was 11. Unparalleled. I love everyone in this show like family, each character means so much to me it’s insane. Last season was eh they were trying too hard to keep it alive but that’s shows now a days. Gif of the queen herself.
6. Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin
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Speaking of shows that had me in a chokehold the orginal pretty little liars was one of them. I was obsessed and they lost me the last few season after trying to hard to keep the show alive. A good show has an ending you don’t have to keep adding more to it. That being said I did not think this reboot/spin-off would be good but oh boy is it. I mean there is a slasher killer, it’s beautifully shot, and the cast is great.
7. Derry Girls
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I absolutely love this show! I love everything about it. I pretend I have an Irish accent every time I watch it (sorry to any Irish followers but I think it’s a pretty decent attempt). This show is hilarious and I can’t wait to watch the final season.
8. Shadow and Bone
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This show led to a downward spiral into the Grishaverse series and I am perfectly okay with it. I am still read every book in the series I’m on the final six of crow book rn. This show is soooo good I cried first episode for some reason. The cast is so hot. The characters and storylines are everything.
9. New Girl
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Last but not least, this show is iconic. The friendships, the jokes, everything. Love it.
Omg I’m editing and adding a tenth because I can’t believe I forgot it
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This!!! this show is one of the greatest shows to ever exist and I’m sooooo mad it got canceled. It’s based on a comic it’s one season I highly recommend despite the cliff hanger (because technically no cliff hanger if you jsut look up what happens in the comics). I love this show so much I did write a fan fic about it on Wattpad it’s called Medusa if you want to check it out. Literally Marcus (pictured above) the most incredible and stupid character ever I love him; the sass he has amazing. You will love all the characters as much as you hate them sometimes it’s great. Lana Condor is in it and so is Benedict Wong. If you like marvel movies the Russo brothers are producers.
Tagging whoever wants to join!
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helenhenny66 · 2 months
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I love Rise of the TMNT, but I hate this hashtag! Can't some people accept the fact that Rise ended with 2 seasons and a Netflix movie?! It's like they're stuck in some sort of nostalgia loop, refusing to let go of the past and move on to the exciting new adventures that await our beloved heroes in a half shell.
I mean, don't get me wrong, Rise was an amazing series that brought a fresh and exciting take to the TMNT franchise. The animation was vibrant, the storylines were engaging, and the characters were lovable and well-developed. But, let's be real, it's been over two years since the show ended, and it's time to acknowledge that it's not coming back.
And yet, every time there's a whisper of new TMNT content, the hashtag #BringBackRise starts trending, and it's like, guys, come on! It's not like the creators didn't give us a proper conclusion to the series. I mean, we got a beautiful sendoff with the Netflix movie, and it's time to move on.
I'm not saying it's not okay to be nostalgic or to cherish the memories we made with Rise. But let's not hold onto it so tightly that we refuse to give the new series a chance. 'Tales of the TMNT' is gonna bring a whole new level of excitement and adventure to the franchise, and I for one can't wait to see what the creators have in store for us.
And another thing, folks, let's not forget that the TMNT franchise is all about evolution and adaptation. I mean, the Turtles have been around since 1984, and they've gone through countless transformations, from the original comics to the 1987 series, to the live-action movies, and beyond. It's only natural that they continue to evolve and change with the times.
So, let's make a pact to be open-minded and give the new series a fair shot. Let's celebrate the TMNT franchise as a whole, rather than getting stuck on one particular iteration. And most importantly, let's retire the #BringBackRise hashtags and replace them with something more positive and forward-thinking, like #TMNTForever or #CowabungaNewBeginnings!
And to all the Rise fans out there, don't hate me on this, I'm just being realistic. I mean, think about it, the show's creators, Ant Ward and Andy Suriano, have moved on to new projects, the voice actors have taken on other things (I'm looking at you, Ben Schwartz!), and the animation studio has shifted its focus to other shows. It's time to let go and look forward to the exciting new adventures that 'Tales of the TMNT' has in store for us. Look, I'm not asking you to erase your Rise fan art or delete your Rise-themed fan fiction (although, let's be real, some of that stuff is straight-up genius). What I'm asking is that we, as fans, take a step back, breathe, and remember that there's more to the TMNT universe than just one series.
But for now, let's keep an open mind, and support the creators and the franchise as they embark on this new journey. After all, as the Turtles would say, "Cowabunga!"
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tixersdotcom · 1 year
Kevin Hart began his career in stand-up comedy, performing at clubs throughout the country. He gained national attention with his appearance on the Comedy Central series "I'm a Grown Little Man" in 2009, and since then has gone on to release several successful comedy specials, including "Laugh at My Pain," "Let Me Explain," and "What Now?" In addition to his work in stand-up comedy, Hart has also made a name for himself in the entertainment industry as an actor. Despite some controversies in the past, including the resurfacing of past homophobic tweets and jokes, Hart has remained a popular figure in the entertainment industry and continues to perform and produce new content for his fans.  "Die Hart" is a television series that centers around Kevin Hart's quest to become an action star. The show first premiered on July 20, 2020, with Hart as the central character. The highly anticipated second season, titled "Die Hart: Die Harter," was released on March 31, 2023. This season promises even more intense drama and comedy than the previous one. To give you a taste of what's to come, here's a brief recap of season 2 of "Die Hart." 'Die Hart 2: Die Harter' Story Recap Season 2 of the popular series "Die Hart" starring Kevin Hart, opens with the comedian pitching his latest idea for a live-action movie to Debra Simon, a studio executive played by Melissa Ponzio. Unfortunately, his pitch is rejected, leaving him feeling dejected and frustrated. Thankfully, Kevin has a loyal and dedicated assistant named Andre (Ben Schwartz), who always has his back. Andre is willing to do anything to protect Kevin and ensure his success. Desperate to get his movie made, Kevin discovers a mysterious man named Karl Stomberg, who expresses interest in his script and offers to make it happen. Excited by the prospect of finally getting his big break as an action star, Kevin agrees to meet with Stomberg. However, things take a dangerous turn when Stomberg unexpectedly throws a dart at Kevin, knocking him unconscious. When Kevin wakes up, he finds himself in the midst of a dangerous and deadly game that he must navigate if he hopes to survive and complete his movie. Upon waking up, Kevin discovers a masked assailant attempting to murder him using an assortment of tools. However, Kevin manages to outsmart the attacker and narrowly escapes the perilous situation. Deluded by the chaos, Kevin mistakenly assumes that he's part of a live-action movie shoot and begins to play along with the script. Later, he discovers that the danger is all too real and stumbles upon his favorite co-star, Jordan (Nathalie Emmanuel), who has been taken hostage in the same location. Kevin hastily unties Jordan and encourages her to act along, unaware of the genuine danger they face. A 'Hart-Felt' Comedy  After being shot while trying to escape, Kevin and Jordan are aided by Andre, who helps them flee the disastrous situation. However, when they finally reach Kevin's home, they are stunned to find that it has been taken over by an unknown intruder. Recalling a past incident, Kevin comes to the conclusion that his former stuntman, Doug, who bears an uncanny resemblance to him, may be responsible for the takeover. Kevin had mistreated Doug and terminated his employment, which must've motivated Doug to seek revenge against Kevin. Kevin's mistreatment of his crew and his unjust firing of Andre, who was only trying to protect him, reveal his arrogance and narcissism. He believes that his hard work has earned him the title of one of the best comedians, but he fails to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of his crew members, who have played an important role in his success. The storyline takes an interesting turn as, after realizing that Doug is causing his own problems, Kevin decides to seek help from Doug's mentor, Mr. 206 (played by John Cena), in order to find a solution. Mr. 206 advises Kevin that it is unlikely that he can defeat Doug, who i
s stronger than him, but that Andre, who is on Kevin's side, could potentially make a difference because Doug doesn't have a sidekick. John Cena delivers a hilarious performance as Mr. 206, and his on-screen presence is remarkable. During their conversation, Kevin realizes that Mr. 206 is the same masked man who previously tried to kill him, causing him to leave Mr. 206's premises with Andre in fear. 'Die Hart 2: Die Harter' Ending Explained  In order to address the urgent situation, Kevin teams up with Andre, Jordan, and Andre's mother, Cynthia (Paula Pell), to sneak into his house using a clever plan. Andre disguises himself as a plumber, and Kevin climbs inside a wooden box in the back of Andre's vehicle to evade the bodyguard. Meanwhile, Cynthia distracts the bodyguard while Jordan uses a Taser to render him unconscious, preventing any potential issues. However, while trapped inside the box, Hart becomes increasingly anxious as Mr. 206 unexpectedly cuts open the box and attacks him. The situation escalates quickly as Kevin finds himself in a precarious position, with Mr. 206 attempting to kill him. Fortunately, Jordan saves the day by throwing a knife straight into Mr. 206's head, knocking him down, and ending the threat. Doug startles Kevin and Jordan by capturing Andre and threatening to harm him. Kevin suddenly realizes how much Andre has done for him and begins to appreciate his sacrifices and care. However, Doug's malevolent intentions escalate when he hurls Andre onto the upper floor, causing him a serious injury. The climax of "Die Hart" Season 2 commences with Kevin and Jordan battling Doug. The stunt double’s intriguingly uncanny resemblance to Kevin allowed him access to his home and personal possessions. Now, Doug is unwilling to give up his ideal life as he tries to eliminate Kevin and take his place in society. Luckily, despite his injuries, Andre comes to Kevin's aid once more, thwarting Doug's attempt to kill him and bringing the drama to an end. In the concluding segment of "Die Hart 2: Die Harter," Kevin treats his loved ones and crew members to lunch, expressing his gratitude for their dedication and hard work. However, a scene in which Doug is supposedly imprisoned reveals a surprising twist, as it appears that the real Kevin Hart was in prison all along, while Doug has somehow taken his place in society. This unexpected turn of events sets the stage for possible future seasons of "Die Hart." The "Die Hart" series expertly blends drama and comedy with its distinctive combination of comedic timing, action sequences, and nods to WWE moves, such as Roman Reigns' "Superman Punch." This infusion of humor adds a distinct flavor to the franchise. The plot revolves around Kevin's yearning to become an action hero, which causes him to overlook the sacrifices of his crew members. Eventually, he realizes the value of his loved ones and learns a valuable lesson. The final scene's plot twist is especially intriguing and is sure to leave viewers eagerly anticipating future "Die Hart" projects.
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johnny-and-dora · 3 years
obsessed with what i’ve seen of the afterparty so far and i’m not just saying that bc i love ben schwartz but i’m also saying that a little bit bc i love ben schwartz
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Short and sweet today, next Friday is in the queue and it’s lengthy lol
Vanity Fair
Photos by Michael Buckner
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March 29, 2017 - Ben laid out his favorite Instagram posts for Erika Hardwood here
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And here you can find some of Michael Buckner’s favorite shots he took at Sundance in 2016 including this one of Ben “Let’s do something fun!” Schwartz
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This shoot has been used in a lot of articles, including this absolutely lovely interview with Adam White for Independent that included this advice from Garry Shandling that Ben takes to heart
‘Nobody’s gonna tell you to slow down but yourself.’
For a person like me who literally has “slow down” tattooed in reverse so I can read it in the mirror, this is an evergreen message. Thanks, Garry < 3
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