#benjamin mahmoud
lesmandshooter · 2 days
Thought about modern au armandaniel raising sybelle and benji
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nightcolorz · 2 months
one of my favorite things about Benji Mahmoud is that if Daniel and Armand had a biological child and u combined their traits he would definitely act like that 💀. Twelve yr old smart ass weirdly intelligent and mature highly traumatized technology savy PODCASTER who chain smokes who’s equal parts strange as he is charming as he is a huge mouthed ass hole. Too good to be true frankly. if u told me that amc Daniel put a baby in amc Armand’s tummy and it was Benji I’d believe u
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aloafteas · 2 months
it's funny to me how Daniel and Marius just basically became dads, Marius made Benji for Armand because he knew Armand wouldn't do it himself and they just kinda ended up with a 12 year old iPad kid with a podcast
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vyorei · 8 months
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Updates from the last 20 minutes
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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Palestinians reject Israel’s demands to save PA
The Palestinian Authority rejected Israel's terms for helping to prevent the PA's collapse and vowed to continue making payments to the families of terrorists.
The Palestinian Authority on Monday rejected Israel’s demands for helping prevent the collapse of the PA.
PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh vowed to continue the legal-diplomatic effort against Israel in the international arena and rejected the demand to stop payments made by the PA to the families of Palestinians killed or imprisoned while carrying out attacks against Israelis.
The security cabinet on Sunday decided that Israel will take steps to prevent the collapse of the PA, while advancing the demand that the Palestinians cease their activities against Israel in the international legal-diplomatic arena, end incitement, and stop payments to families of terrorists and illegal construction in Area C.
More: Jerusalem Post
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daddies-i-love · 2 years
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Benjamin Netanyahu & Mahmoud Abbas
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plitnick · 2 years
In latest visit Blinken offers nothing to Palestinians
With the headlines currently abuzz about popping balloons, it’s worth looking at what the Biden administration means when it talks about diplomacy. It was on display this week in Israel and the West Bank, and it was just as ugly, racist, and counter-productive as we’ve come to expect from Antony Blinken and the United States. Blinken showed concern for Israel’s attacks on its own judiciary, which…
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mounadiloun · 5 months
Gaza, la violence et le mensonge signent l'échec stratégique du régime sioniste
Les tueurs sionistes de déchaînent en ce moment contre la bande de Gaza assiégée. A côté des morts et des destructions causées par l’aviation et les soldats sionistes, l’opinion publique a droit aux mensonges habituels servis par une presse qui redouble d’ingéniosité pour garder un vernis de pseudo-neutralité, si ce n’est d’objectivité. Les politiques se comportent d’une façon guère plus digne…
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nightcolorz · 9 months
Sad, tragic even that Benji Mahmoud is more often then not fandom declawed as a fairly average 12 yr old boy with fairly average 12 yr old boy traits when in canon he was chain smoking pre puberty, so chronically adultified in life that he is practically unfazed by his eternal child body bcus he was able to pass as a young looking adult as a mortal anyway just by how he acts alone, Bedouin boy from Palestine who made a living for his family by getting white American tourists to pay for pictures with him for the “exotic” vibes, self taught himself fluent English, was then practically enslaved through insane human trafficking means, known as a freakishly young actual genius who is so smart that Armand is about to enroll him in collage as a preteen, extremely passionate and outspoken activist as a kid to the point that he would erupt into emotional crying and ranting fits while watching the news regularly, then went on to grow into the man in the immortal body of a 12 yr old responsible for the vampire government the final trilogy is centered around by virtue of his activist vampire podcast alone. Put some respect on his name god damn it Benji is such a guy he’s such a character he is not just any 12 yr old boy he’s the smartest bitch in tvc and Lestat would be stewing in misery and self isolation as every vampire around him explodes for all of time if it wasn’t for his fuck ass radio show telling him and the other older vampires to get on there asses and do smth 🙌 my man is a whole adult he owns five galleries a restaurant and a straight up haberdashery shop, he has a legal drivers license guys. I bet Lestat doesn’t even have a legal drivers license. As an actual literal 12 yr old he was more competent and mature then the vast majority of adult characters bro was assisting armand in murder and single-handedly caring for Sybelle while devouring five packs worth of nicotine a day with the grace of a dancer. Bro is NOT on Xbox 🙌
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indizombie · 10 months
Perhaps, Palestinians should have thought about the consequences of murdering Israeli civilians, accepted the reality of Israel, abjured violence and armed struggle, and negotiated with Israel in a peaceful way. East of Gaza, in the occupied West Bank, Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian National Authority, the internationally recognised representative of the Palestinian people, has done all these things. His reward has been an inexorable expansion of Jewish settlements, the contemptuous rejection of the two-state solution by Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli political Establishment that he represents.
Mukul Kesavan, ‘Philistines and Pharisees’, Telegraph
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mauricedharris · 11 months
Biden & Blinken are going for all the marbles (but first I share some personal stuff)
As the body count surges in Gaza, the US Administration is taking a chance at turning the war into a sudden catalyst for Oslo’s two-state solution and regional peace treaties First, I want to acknowledge that I have not posted anything here since the Hamas massacres of October 7. When it comes to personal writing on the horrible events of the past month, I have been tongue-tied. In my day job, I…
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radioshiga · 1 year
Biden visita Israel nesta quarta-feira (18)
Alto funcionários dos Estados Unidos anunciaram que o Presidente Joe Biden visitará Israel nesta quarta-feira (18), para se reunir com o Primeiro-Ministro Benjamin Netanyahu. O Secretário de Estado dos EUA, Antony Blinken, divulgou o plano durante sua estadia em Israel na terça-feira (17), após semanas consecutivas de reuniões com Netanyahu e outros líderes da região. Blinken enfatizou que a…
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knarsisus · 2 years
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Proche-Orient : Mahmoud Abbas se dit contraint de « traiter » avec Netanyahu
Proche-Orient : Mahmoud Abbas se dit contraint de « traiter » avec Netanyahu
Le président de l’Autorité palestinienne, Mahmoud Abbas, a déclaré qu’il serait effectivement obligé de “traiter” avec Benjamin Netanyahu, qui a été réélu Premier ministre d’Israël ce mois-ci, même s’il est un homme qui n’est pas vraiment intéressé par la paix avec les Palestiniens, car il souligné. “Je connais Netanyahu depuis longtemps, depuis les années 1990 (…). C’est quelqu’un qui ne croit…
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 months
[TimesOfIsrael is Israeli Private Media]
The Knesset early Thursday voted overwhelmingly to pass a resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state.
The resolution was co-sponsored by parties in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition together with right-wing parties from the opposition and even received support from Benny Gantz’s centrist National Unity party.
Lawmakers from Opposition Leader Yair Lapid’s center-left Yesh Atid party left the plenum to avoid backing the measure, even though he has spoken in favor of a two-state solution. The only ones to oppose the resolution were lawmakers from the Labor, Ra’am and Hadash-Ta’al parties.
The initiative was passed just days before Netanyahu’s visit to the US to address a joint session of Congress and meet with President Joe Biden at the White House.[...]
Already in February, the Knesset passed a resolution sponsored by Netanyahu rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, but that motion specifically addressed the unilateral establishment of such a state amid reports that countries abroad were considering recognizing a Palestinian state absent a peace agreement with Israel.
This resolution — passed 68-9 — altogether rejects the establishment of a Palestinian state, even as part of a negotiated settlement with Israel.[...]
Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesperson for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, said in response to the vote that there is “no peace or security for anyone without the establishment of a Palestinian state” with East Jerusalem as its capital, noting that numerous UN member countries have already recognized it.[...]
He further accused the Israeli government of “pushing the entire region into the abyss” with Washington’s support and labeled Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza as “terrorism” for the civilian deaths it has caused.
Another senior PA official, Hussein al-Sheikh, secretary-general of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and a top aide to Abbas, wrote on X that the Knesset’s decision confirms Israel’s “racism,” “disregard for international law,” and “policy of perpetuating the occupation forever.”
Al-Sheikh urged countries that are hesitant to recognize a Palestinian state to do so “immediately” in order to protect the two-state solution and called on Arab states to “respond appropriately” to the resolution passed in the Knesset.
18 Jul 24
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plitnick · 7 months
Biden won’t let Israel’s rejection of a Palestinian state interfere with his delusions
While Joe Biden tries to save the illusion of a two-state solution, Israeli leaders from Benjamin Netanyahu to Benny Gantz, and from Bezalel Smotrich to Isaac Herzog all reaffirm that there is no hope for a two-state solution. Some say never, some say not any time soon, but they are all agreed on opposing any serious settlement with the Palestinians. But does that stop Biden? Nope. I look into it…
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