wellntruly · 1 year
Long-time listener, first-time caller, so to speak: Claire-Louise Bennett's Pond is one of my favourite books of all time and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it if and when you get around to reading it; your media analysis is always a delight to read!
I have been saving this message hoping I could respond being all "I started it!" but I Have Not Done That! I want to!!!
Will report back when I do PROMISE
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dillydedalus · 2 years
for the book asks: 3, 4, 11, 12, 16!
3. what were your top 5 books of the year? i feel like i had a kinda solid-to-good reading year where everything is p good but few things really stand out so this list is cheating a lil
1. JJEU (james joyce extended universe): rereads so they shouldn't count BUT by far my favourite reading experience of the whole year was reading ulysses (novel of all time) along with burgess's book on joyce & frank delaney's lovely lovely lovely podcast re:joyce (& a bunch of other stuff). also i'm pivoting from portrait to ulysses but stephen is still my babygirl. i haven't finished finnegans wake yet but we don't talk about that. 2. palliser/parliamentary series, anthony trollope. technically read half of these last year. i don't think this series is as consistent as barsetshire but it's also in some ways more interesting (especially re: women). but like i'm mainly here for silly soapy victorian comfort reading about thee #1 iconic girlboss/malewife couple of all time, lady glencora & planty 'most principled & delicate of men' pal (blorbo from my books) 3. solitud, víctor català. no freedom as wide-reaching & no captivity as total as the catalonian mountains (& being a woman, but that's mainly column b). don't remember this in great detail but remember loving the landscape writing & interiority of main character mila. 4. games without rules: the often interrupted history of afghanistan, tamim ansary. just a really good, compelling history of afghanistan that i enjoyed & learned a lot from. 5. broken earth trilogy, n.k. jemisin. everyone in the SFFsphere already knows this series rocks but yeah it really really does. also it allowed me to be a [redacted] truther & be right which is always fun.
4. did you discover any new authors that you love this year? i've had jo walton on my radar for a while but she literally wrote a book (tooth&claw) that can only be described as 'trollope but everyone's a dragon' bc trollope pissed her off so much. i love trollope obviously but that's valid & it was fun, so i shall read more from her. i also had a lot of fun with t. kingfisher's nettle & bone so i will be reading more from her as well.
11. what was your favourite book that has been out for a while, that you just now read? 'out for a while' is so broad how do i even answer this. the posthumous memoirs of brás cubas by machado de assis has been out long enough to become a newly rediscovered gem several times over and it is genuinely a lot of fun (& much shorter than tristram shandy) so that's one
12. any books that disappointed you? the undercurrents by kirsty bell combines memoir and the history of berlin through one specific building next to landwehrkanal (where the author lived for a while) & there's some interesting stuff in it but also the memoir parts feature a lot of complaining about how her altbau apartment (which she owns) is too big & has bad vibes and leaking pipes bc of historical trauma or whatever & sorry but in this economy???
16. what is the most over-hyped book you read this year? cursed bunny by bora chang (tr. anton hur) is a fine if not especially memorable collection of short stories. it's fine - *single pistol shot*
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doctornerdington · 9 months
Holy shit. This fic is delightful on like, 1000 levels. Please read. Especially if you enjoy f/f, academia, film crit, or Goncharov.
I’m dying.
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ashmouthbooks · 1 year
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a handful of more recycled paper books with breakaway spines. I had printer problems, back problems, and couldn’t remember how exactly I did this last time, so I had issues with every single one of these but they are functional and that’s all that matters.
all of these are Ocean’s 11 fics, Danny/Rusty, because I am depressingly predictable and I have loved these films since they came out, not to mention whatever the hell it is Danny and Rusty have going on. give me queer con men or give me death
confidence men by dorinda
danny and rusty, by everyone else in the world by sunshowerst (3 fic series)
grab your coat and start walking and other stories by berlincorpography (includes also The Art of Delegation and Love and Taxes)
breaking even by simplecoffee
The Night Before the Day Of by Dira Sudis
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scenes from a week!!! @berlincorpography
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erstwhilesparrow · 7 months
I know it is a day early, but I wanted to send an ask for ye olde Fanfic Friday *now* so I wouldn't forget it overnight XD ANYWHO - have you read any good fanfics recently? What's stood out about them to you? (and I hope you're having a good start to your weekend too :D)
hello hello!! :D this is a GREAT question i wish my attention span hadn't been shattered into a million little pieces lately so i actually had answers for you. if you're willing to be very generous about the definition of "recently," lemme check my bookmarks.
on the importance of a steady pulse by waveridden: sweet short oneshot written for MCYT Yuri Week's "queerplatonic" prompt. charming narration that captures the POV character's canon narration style very well, very pleasant to read all around. (wcsmp, cleo+el, which will probably not mean much to you, reyni, but i feel i should note it for the record.)
learn to love without consuming by Ten_of_Swords: sci-fi AU oneshot about a trio of people trying to carve out a stable life for themselves, away from their varied and complicated pasts. i like it so so much because it makes me sad the way poems can make me sad. (life series, scott+pearl+cleo, my darling beloveds.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Goncharov by berlincorpography: um. so this one is goncharov fanfic! enemies to lovers in the cutthroat world of academia, and also friends to lovers. yes at the same time, yes with the same two people. really fun. i love reading the abstracts of made-up papers.
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moondal514 · 9 months
Yuletide 2023 Fic Rec List
*edit 01/01/2024*: added the writers now that reveals have happened
What it says on the tin. Below is a fic rec list of some fics from @yuletidetreasure’s 2023 collection that I’ve enjoyed, though first I must rec the 2 wonderful fics I’ve received as gifts:
Your Kindness Would Be My Release by Inhammer
Last night, or maybe tonight, Agamemnon tells me we should arrive in Argos the next day. His kingdom. The place of my final visions, where I finally meet her. Clytemnestra.
Wonderful Cassandra pov
Palímpsēstos by DachOsmin/ @dachosmin
I am standing on the walls. The wind blowing off the sea is salt-bitter in between my teeth, like the tears I will cry on the day that I meet you. There are ships in the harbor.
Beautifully written Cassandra-centric prose poem that I’m still picking up my jaw from the floor after reading
Fandom: The Oresteia
Turn Thy Wrath Aside by Moondal (yours truly)
Mortals wants mattered little in the face of the desires of the gods. How could a single woman wield such power?
Clytemnestra and Helen as mirrors.
Tragic character study of these 2 sisters
Fandom: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
saint sebastian, filled with arrows by narqueen
Coriolanus stares at it. Then he stares at her. She can see his imprecision again, the flicker of something untrustworthy beneath all the gold hair and famous lineage. “What should I do with it?” he asks, pliant, one last bid for direction.
Lucy Gray kisses him again. “Come back to me,” she orders. “Do whatever you have to do to come back to me, Coriolanus Snow.”
(Coriolanus Snow wins the 10th annual Hunger Games with the help of his mentor, Lucy Gray Baird.)
Role-swap with wonderfully consistent characterization
The Preference for Survival by samalander/ @intosnarkness
It may have been a kindness, but it doesn't change the fact that Lysistrata was the only one of her classmates who had to draw blood.
Fantastic Lysistrata Vickers character study
Fandom: Goncharov
Guess Who's Coming to Naples by DreamerInSilico/ @dreamerinsilico
The Muppet family would like to have a word.
The Goncharov fandom would like to have several squees.
Some fandom Discord reactions to the announcement of the very real Muppet remake of the best movie of all time, Goncharov (1973)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Goncharov by berlincorpography/ @berlincorpography
i don’t know, writing a paper with her could be… fun?
i mean, what’s the worst that can happen?
* * *
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Fuck you
If you think we’re citing fucking Samuel Kline[...]
[three paragraphs snipped – click to expand]
A hilarious tale of academic rivalry
Fandom: Tosca
recondita armonia by Ladybug_21
They should not be growing so close, Floria thinks. Famous though she has become, she and Mario are from different worlds and irreconcilable backgrounds. And yet somehow she feels they complement each other, balance each other out through some subtle harmony.
Floria and Mario, before.
Fantastic backstory for Tosca and Mario
Fandom: Babel
Homophony in Oriental Silver-Work and Applications for Non-Logographic Scripts: A Case Study in English, Using Kreyòl, French, Gaelige, and Scots Gaelic by mercuryandglass/ @mercuryandglass
Based on the techniques described by Dejima (1836, 1845, and 1848) regarding collaborative manifestation using homophonous links (homophony chains) occasionally seen in the Oriental tradition of silver-work, this paper describes the adaptation and combination of two existing match-pairs, one from Haitian Creole (Kreyòl) to English through French (Desgraves 1846), and one from Scottish Gaelic (Scots Gaelic) to Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) (O’Nell 1839 and 1843), in order to demonstrate the efficacy of the Oriental technique for homophony chains when used with languages that do not make use of logographies, such as English.
Super cool in-universe academic paper
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thethirdromana · 8 months
Fic rec!
Delightful epistolary f/f Goncharov fic. Go read it, it's a joy.
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bookgeekgrrl · 8 months
My media this week (21-27 Jan 2024)
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🥰 Cat Person (The_She_Devil) - 72K, shrunkyclunks - Bucky's the SHIELD agt tasked with bringing newly defrosted Steve up to speed on the 21st century - there's really hot sex in a secluded cabin PLUS feelings. All around deliciousness.
😊 Dark Carnivals: Modern Horrors and the Origins of American Empire (W. Scott Poole, author; Enrique McGavin, narrator) - interesting, edifying, depressing. Not as much discusssion of the films as I expected/would have liked - like 70% rundown of USian imperial activities of the last two centuries, 30% horror/scifi film discussion. [In hindsight, should have read this in text, as there were passages I really wanted to highlight/quote and the narration was…weird. Voice sound & tone was OK but there were lots of bizarre pauses. Sometimes when reading a quotes from a notable figure, the narrator did do some very credible imitations of Clinton & Reagan.]
😍 Waking Up Slow (odetteandodile) - 44K, shrunkyclunks - single dad Bucky, living in a isolated lighthouse in Canada, finds an amesiac, just-thawed Steve Rogers washed up on his beach… (reread for stucky bookclub, forever fave!)
😊 for a good time, call… (EvanesDust) - 46K, sterek, omegaverse fake-dating - solidly enjoyable
😊 Maurice (E.M. Forester, author; Peter Firth, narrator) - read this for a discord book club, can't believe I hadn't read it before & it's been 30 years since I watched the movie. Forester's language & turn of phrase is amazing.
🥰 And My Love Life Waits for Me (Bittersweet_in_Boston (author); Alaskan_Outsider (artist)) - 62K, shrunkyclunks soulmate fic - satisfyingly enjoyable, not nearly as dark as the tags might make you think
💖💖 +190K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Own Me series (nrnyx) - TW: Jordan/Derek /Stiles, 62K (series) - Stiles gets picked up by husbands Jordan & Derek at the club and what starts as a very hot one night stand becomes so much more. Very werewolfy omegaverse stuff. Hot quality smut but also action-y plot!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Goncharov (berlincorpography) - Goncharov (1973): OFC / OFC, 6K - very clever & funny fic featuring disaster lesbians, film criticism & academia
Once Upon a Time (softestpunk) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 14K - just so soft & warm, pure delight! They're both single dads! Falling in love! Dream is a children's librarian!
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - s8, e5-10
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost" (s21, e3)
D20: Adventuring Party - "I Wanda'd In" (s16, e3)
What Next: TBD - Have Algorithms Ruined Our Culture?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Whimzeyland
The Sporkful - Deep Dish With Sohla And Ham: Delta Tamales
Today, Explained - Frosty the Tesla
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Slowjamastan
It's Been a Minute - Benny Safdie on 'The Curse' — and performing goodness
Shedunnit - A Reading Life
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Oscar Nominations
Switched on Pop - Kali Uchis takes on the world
Today, Explained - Modi’s temple grandstanding
⭐ Vibe Check - A Special Conversation with Cord Jefferson
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern
Code Switch - What happens when public housing goes private?
ICYMI - The TikTok Joy of Mychal the Librarian
Vibe Check - Heavy Negro Sigh
Culture Gabfest - True Detective’s Coldest Case Yet
Ologies with Alie Ward - Carcinology (CRABS) Part 2 with Adam Wall
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - A Giant Spectacle in Goffstown
Films To Be Buried With - Vincent D'Onofrio
The Sporkful - Deep Dish With Sohla And Ham: Tteokbokki
Off Menu - Ep 218: Jada Pinkett Smith
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Into the Huluverse
Endless Thread - The schism at the end of the tunnel
Dear Prudence - My Husband Stopped Using Soap and He Stinks. Help!
⭐ 99% Invisible #567 - The Double Kick
You're Dead to Me - Pythagoras
It's Been a Minute - South Africa's case for preventing genocide in Palestine; plus, why people love cults
Today, Explained - Music’s Pitchfork in the road
99% Invisible - Roman Mars Describes Chicago As It Is
Hit Parade - The Bridge: The Number of the Nominees Shall Be Five
Folk Radio • Chill
Pop Radio • Downbeat
Dive Bar Karaoke
"Unholy" [Sam Smith & Kim Petras] radio
Essential New Wave
Melanie Radio • Familiar
My Mix 4 (Jimmy Buffett, Gordon Lightfoot, Jim Croce, Eagles)
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mademoiselle-red · 11 months
Tagged by @ralphlanyon!
Tag someone you want to know AND/OR some of your besties.
Favourite colour: Moss green right now!
Last song: Genshin Impact Fontaine Theme song
Last movie: Dead Poets Society
Currently watching: I'm also watching old seasons of Great British Bake Off with my girlfriend ❤️
Other stuff I watched this year: Succession, Good Omens season 2, Band of Brothers (first watch!), Gundam: Witch of Mercury, Loki Season 2
Shows I dropped this year/didn’t finish: The Terror (I'm sorry)
Currently reading: also reading Gideon the Ninth, and Tokyo Babylon
Currently listening to: Genshin Impact video game soundtrack
Currently working on: Trick or Treat Pinch Hit! 👀
Current obsession: The Charioteer, of course!
No-pressure tags: @phantomato, @berlincorpography, @relnicht, @argyleheir and anyone else who wants to play!
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fbczine · 1 year
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CONTRIBUTOR SPOTLIGHT: Kai Stuck in a bathroom during a building shift? While you wait for rescue, why not check out Agent Kai’s spectacular writing! You can find them @berlincorpography and on Ao3 @/berlincorpography! To keep up to date on this zine project please follow our socials! 📌 https://fbczine.carrd.co 📌 https://twitter.com/FbcZine
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ao3feed-goncharov · 10 months
Andreys Afterlives: The Reception of Scorseses Goncharov in Central Europe 1973-1991
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8ecw6hG by berlincorpography I know this is bad AO3 etiquette, but does anyone have a copy of this article? Author is Galina Firestein. It was published this year, supposed to be open-source (from the University of Gdańsk's Journal of Translational Media) and it looks SUPER relevant to my thesis, but the file's corrupt – whenever I try to download it, I just get like half a page of endnotes and nothing else (see text). I can't find it anywhere else online, neither can any of my librarian friends, and the author doesn't have any contact details listed (if she's even still at Gdańsk – they haven't updated their faculty webpages since about 1999), so you're truly my final hope, Goncharov fandom. Will trade pretty much whatever you want for this paper – credit in my thesis? Bootleg Deleuze & Guattari PDFs? Actual, literal sexual favors? Seriously, just name your price. Thanks in advance if anyone can help solve this!! Words: 385, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Goncharov (1973) dir. Martin Scorsese - beelzeebub Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Additional Tags: Documentation read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/8ecw6hG
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ilsaethanfics · 4 months
goes down easy
by berlincorpography
It’s not like it could ever slip her mind, the way Ethan’s whole body had gone slack and yielding under the simple pressure of her hand.
Words: 2548, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Mission: Impossible (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ilsa Faust, Ethan Hunt, Benji Dunn
Relationships: Ilsa Faust/Ethan Hunt
Additional Tags: Non-Sexual Kink, Non-Sexual Submission, Light Dom/sub, just a smidgen of choking, canon-typical mission shenanigans
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sarahthecoat · 7 months
FINALLY finished this brilliant gem over lunch today. have a treat:
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tag game: go to pinterest and type your name + core into the search bar and post 9 images.
tagged by: @1000-directions
tagging: @lionlass7 @whentherewerebicycles @itsahockeynight @beaft @berlincorpography @dearmrsawyer and @heartshapedcloud IF u like!!!
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