#bern keene
dathen · 1 year
I love my lesbian grandmas so much I love them bickering each year over what date should count as their anniversary I love them taking pride in each other’s differences and being so sweet and romantic I love Violet’s secret coffee stash I love Bern wanting to be the All Purpose Fixer-Upper I love them being able to sweep each other off their feet with just a few words after all this time I LOVE BERN AND VIOLET KEENE
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Autism Rizz Tournament
Rizz: Originally short for "Charisma", Rizz (for this tournament, at least) refers to the appeal, charm or general "ability to pull" a character has, either romantically and/or sexually. (The character doesn't necessarily need to be attracted to anyone to have rizz. If they can make others fall for them, it counts)
How to vote
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Pearl (Steven Universe)
In one episode, there's a bit where she shows the protagonist multiple phone numbers of random women she rizzed up without knowing it (the joke being she doesn't understand what those phone numbers mean since she doesn't get human technology). Multiple gem women show attraction/implied attraction to her too, she was in a relationship (or at least situationship) with Rose and Bismuth is in love with her. As for Pearl being autistic, she's fixated with order and her way of thinking is pretty rigid (at least in the beginning), Pearl also isn't great at reading people (this causes problems in some episodes though she doesn't usually have bad intentions).
Bern Keene (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Canonically autistic
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roguecanoe · 10 months
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Scout post 2 (no i don't regret drawing a bunch of characters why do ya ask?)
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cloverjester · 1 year
I wanted to make a post about how I think Bern is autistic but William beat me to it
Anyway, another win for the autistic community
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hallowood-hcs · 9 months
yaretzi is peak “autism be damned this girl can work a grill” to me
yaretzi and bern have autism girl grill nights
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helenkordart · 2 years
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Beloved survivalist grandmas for the christmas exchange in the Haunt server ❤
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origami-butterfly · 1 year
I'm catching up with Hello From the Hallowoods, and this is my favourite thing ever- from episode 121:
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waddup-its-homegirl · 16 days
I love you autistic lesbian I love you autistic lesbian I love you autistic lesbian I love you autistic lesbian
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hallowoodspolls · 1 year
Hallowoods Favourite Character shown down: Round Two
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podcast-official · 4 months
okay so another, more consolidated rant about why exactly i adore percy reed:
-he quite literally had his mouth sewn shut and turns invisible when he feels unsafe as a metaphor for how trans people are often silenced and ignored
-but in spite of this, diggory can always see him. always. when percy feels like he should disappear, diggory can still see him
-which also ties into the whole "maybe if someone had noticed i was missing things would've been different" thing
-because when solomon takes percy away from the scoutpost diggory not only notices that he's gone but immediately decides that they're about to go tear solomon apart without hesitation and get their boy back
-and everyone else helps because even though percy's dead and he's different and they were all suspicious of him at first he's family goddammit and bern's not about to let him go that easy
-also there was just the fact that solomon needed to fucking stop anyways but they were still determined to get percy back anyways
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reddstardust · 1 year
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HFTH sketches PT 1/?
Can you guess who my favorite character is? 🤭
♡reblogs are very appreciated♡
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Bern Keene (Hello From The Hallowoods) - Autism Rizz Tournament Preliminaries
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If you vote yes you must firmly believe in this character's autism AND in the rizz their autism gets them. If you don't want the character in the tournament just vote no
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hello From The Hallowoods (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Bern Keene/Violet Keene
Characters: Bern Keene, Violet Keene (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Birthday Fluff, the lesbian grandmas are so in love, One Shot, Birthday, Established Relationship
Summary: Bern wants to surprise Violet for her birthday.
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the-little-moment · 6 months
Part Eight
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Words: 1,050
Warnings: Mention of canon violence
Summary: Senna and Rampart discuss Bern's worth. Crosshair makes one confession and withholds another.
“I would like to request your assurance that I will be able to keep my assistant.” 
“Your assistant.”
“Yes. CT-Six-Two-Four-Nine. The chief clone medic. He has been working for me for almost four years now.” And he was a lot more than an assistant, but Senna wasn’t going to belabor the point. She doubted Rampart cared.
As she watched, he picked up his datapad and pulled up Bern’s file. The vice-admiral’s office on Coruscant was darker than the one on Kamino, but just as spare. The wide view of the city behind him was its only ornament, and the chair the doctor sat in straight and hard. 
“CT-Six-Two-Four-Nine. His record is impeccable.”
“Of course.” Senna felt a touch of pride for her friend. 
“Except for…” Rampart scrolled further down, frowning. “It says here that he was scheduled to be decommissioned on Kamino for striking an officer. You.” The vice-admiral gave her a strange look from behind his desk. “You made him your assistant?” 
The doctor sighed internally. There was always that one little thing. “He showed potential. He has performed to the highest level. As you said, his record is impeccable.”
“Hmm, yes.” Rampart returned to Bern’s file. “Not one infraction in more than three years. Still, a natborn or even a droid could do his job easily. I assume you’re here because we have been replacing your clone medics. What’s so special about this assistant?”
Senna chose her next words carefully. “I am sure that you can appreciate the efficiency that comes with a long term working relationship. I trained him. He anticipates my needs in the office and in the operating theater and it would be difficult to replace that with someone else. It would take time and I’d rather not add that to my plate right now too.” She held back a cringe at the very real frustration that had crept into her voice. Had she gone too far?
But Rampart reacted the way she’d hoped he would. He was just as much a member of this tangled bureaucracy as she was. The Empire didn’t seem entirely keen on making any of their jobs easier.
“Good help can be hard to find.” He gave her a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “You may keep your assistant, for now. That need will be reevaluated in the future. Is that all?”
“Yes. Thank you, Vice-Admiral.”
“Anything for you, Doctor,” Rampart replied dryly, already back to his datapad. “Dismissed.”
Crosshair sighed from his position seated on the exam table, reluctantly unsnapping the top of his blacks. “It’s just a bruise,” he rasped, throat still sore from the commando droid’s crushing grasp.
Senna winced at the purple marks around the sniper’s neck.
“You’ve been treating me like glass lately. You don’t have to.” It was his turn to wince as the doctor dabbed the hand-shaped bruise with a salve that stung his nose, trying to be as gentle as possible.
“Hmm, I wonder why that is.”
He lowered his chin to look her in the eye and Senna was struck again by the changes in his face. The deepened lines across his forehead and around his thin mouth made him look more severe than he ever had. His shaved head was almost painful to her as she remembered the soft hair of his childhood. But he’s still here. That’s what matters. 
“Cross.” Senna touched his arm with the back of one gloved finger as she returned to her ministrations. “What is it?”
The sniper grimaced, turning away to look across the room. “It’s nothing.”
Crosshair sighed, trying not to let his frustration get the better of him. Again. “The governor of Desix. I shot her.” He scrubbed a hand over his face, feeling the stubble he hadn’t had a chance to shave. “Cody…he wasn’t going to do it. She was a traitor, but he made her a deal. I couldn’t let him—Grotton would’ve—it was a direct order, Sen. I had to.”
“Then why..?” Senna wasn’t sure she understood his conflict. He must have killed Separatists during the war. They all had, or would have if they’d had the chance. 
“The commander—after the mission—he said something to me. About…having to live with my choices.”
Senna’s brows raised slightly as she finished applying the medicine. That sounded like Cody. But it didn’t sound to her like an Imperial clone commander. She took a step back to study her patient as she stripped off her gloves. “You wish you hadn’t shot her.”
“I had to. What would’ve happened if I didn’t?”
The doctor bit her lip, wishing she had an answer. “I’m sorry, dear.”
For a terrifying moment, Crosshair teetered on the edge of a confession. I killed the people on Onderon too. And it was so much worse than this.
He yanked the words back before they could leave his mouth, dropping off the table to refasten his shirt with hands that almost shook. Never. You can never tell her that.
“I’ll see you later,” the doctor said gently, and Crosshair nodded without meeting her eyes. She’s going to think you’re really broken up about that governor, he sighed to himself as he left the medbay. Better than the truth.
Back in her office, Senna mulled over what Crosshair had told her, and what he hadn’t. She hadn’t seen Cody since the transition, and she missed the marshal commander terribly. Too many of his class were gone now. They’d lost Gree on Kashyyyk just as the war was ending, then Fox weeks later at the Jedi Temple. Ponds had been gone for so long now. And Cody’s close friend, Rex, had been lost in the crash of the Tribunal, along with so many of his brothers and the young Jedi commander they had served. 
She’d been glad when Crosshair had told her he’d seen the commander, probably the only other person on base who actually called him by his name. Cody had always been kind. Kind to her boys when so many weren’t. And Senna knew that, although he’d never admit it, Crosshair craved the kind of respect that Cody gave him, that he’d given them all. 
“Be careful, dear,” the doctor whispered to herself, remembering the sun on his armor that was surely gone now, as the Empire drained all their light away.
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Taglist: @kybercrystals94 @lightwise @bad-batch-lurker @clonethirstingisreal @just-here-with-my-thoughts @freesia-writes
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queersrus · 1 year
Fire theme
made with pyromaniacs in mind, but not exclusive.
excluding sun related names/words
tagging: @bpdxhoardic, @ponygirl-izzy
pyr/pyre, pyra, pyro, pyry/pyri/pyrie, pyroess, pyroette, pyroetta, pyret/pyrett/pyrette, pyretta, pyrel/pyrell/pyrelle, pyroelle, pyrella, pyroella, pyrello, pyroello, pyrine/pyrene, pyrena, phoenix, prometheus, pyrrhus, polum'ya, plamya, plomien, pyralis fi/fy, fir/fyr, fire/fyre, fla, flam, flame/flaym/flayme/flaim/flaime, firess, firey, fiery, firette, firelle, firetta, firella, fiammetta, fiamma, flint, fintan, fuego, feu, feuer, fotia, foc, flamme, floga, fervor, flare, flash, flick, flicker ember, enya, egan, edan, eld blaze/blase/blaise/blais, bedelia, bridget, brandr, branton, brand, burn/bern, burna, burnaby, burnet, burnadette/bernadette, bal, bonfire tana, titus, tyson, tanwen, tanguy, tuli, torch, torrefy vatroslav, vulcan, vesta, vuur, vohon, vlam haphaestus, heat, heath, hearth, hestia, hagan, haco, hakan, haphaistos aodh, aodhnait, aodhamair, aguya, aithne, aiden, alev, agni, alight, ardor, afire, ablaze, aflame, ardent, arson logi, loki, liekki, llama, laga, lit, lighter calida, cinaed, conleth, conley, char, caut, cauter, cauteri, cauterize, cal, calc, calci, calcine igni, igno, igna, ignite, igniter, ignacio, inigo, ignatius, ild, incendio, inci, incini, incine, incinera, incinerate, infern, inferno, inferna, inflame kenneth, keenness, kindle mccoy, match, matches ogon, ogien geni, glow smold, smolder, scorch, singe, sear, scald
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
fi/fe/fii/firine/fireself fli/flame/flii/flamine/flameself i/igne/igni/ingine/ingiself(igniteself) bli/blaze/blii/blazine/blazeself bi/burne/bii/burnine/burnself pi/pyre/py/pyrine/pyreself py/pyre/pii/pyroine/pyroself py/pyrome/pyromi/promine/pyromaniaself ki/ke/kii/kine/kindleself smi/sme/smii/smoldine/smolderself sci/sce/scii/scorchine/scorchineself si/se/sii/sine/singeself si/sea/sii/searine/searself mi/me/mii/matchine/matchself li/le/lii/lightine/lighterself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
fo/fire/fires/fireself flo/flamer/flamers/flamerself io/igner/igners/igniterself blo/blazer/blazers/blazerself bo/bur/burs/burnerself po/pyre/pyres/pyreself po/pyror/pyrors/pyrorself po/pyromer/pyromers/pyromaniers ko/kindler/kindlers/kindlerself smo/smolder/smolders/smolderself so/singr/singrs/singerself so/sear/sears/searself mo/matcher/matchers/matcherself lo/lighter/lighters/lighterself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
fi/fire/fires/fireself fi/ire, fire/fires fla/flame/flames/flameself fla/me, flame/flames ig/igni/ignis/igniself ig/ignite/ignites/igniteself ig/ni, ig/nite, igni/ignis, ignite/ignites igni/ignite bla/blaze/blazes/blazeself bla/ze, blaze/blazes bur/burn/burns/burnself bu/rne, bur/urne, burn/burns py/pyre/pyres/pyrself py/pyro/pyros/pyroself py/yre, pyre/pyres, py/ro, pyro/pyros pyre/pyro pyre/pyromania, pyro/pyromaniac pyro/maniac, pyro/mania, pyromania/pyromaniac, pyromania/pyromanias, pyromaniac/pyromaniacs kin/kindle/kindles/kindleself kin/dle, kindle/kindles smold/smolder/smolders/smolderself smo/der, smolder/smolders sin/singe/singes/singeself si/inge, singe/singes sea/sear/sears/searself sea/ear, sear/sears mat/match/matches/matchself mat/ch, match/matches light/lighter/lighters/lighterself ligh/ter, lighter/lighterself
the fire. the flame, the lighter, the match, the burner, the arsonist, the pyre, the pyro, the pyress, the pyroess, the pyromaniac, the kindling, the burning fire, the blazing fire, the smoldering fire, the scorching flame, the ignition, the igniter, the firewatcher, the fire starter, the firefighter
(prn) who burns, (prn) who blazes, (prn) who sets fires, (prn) who starts fires, (prn) who loves flames, (prn) who owns a lighter, (prn) who owns matches, (prn) who watches fire, (prn) who fights fire
this fire, this flame, this pyre, this pyro, this pyromaniac, this arsonist, this firefighter, this firewatcher, this fire starter
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Hi dear wombyn incubating cumslump!
Here's your TRA little reminder that any ideology and movement that has as a main goal and praxis preaching that an entire group of the population is inherently evil and violent and must be eliminated over missinformation and conspiracy theories, which includes degrading, hurting and dissapearing marginalized groups like queer men, men of color, poor men, disabled men, jewish men, islamic men, indigenous men, and of course trans men. Is in fact ✨Fascism✨ by nature and neo-nazism in a glitter coat of paint ❤️
There's a reason why despite openly and willingly allying with ProudBoys, Kellie Jay Keen is the face of the "Pro-Women" Anti-Trans movement currently, so much that a lot of your feminist martyrs support her and her goals like JK Rowling and Magdalene Berns
And even Magcancer Burns was one of the first public and known open TERFs to openly promote antisemitic conspiracy theories about "Gender Ideology being backed by wealthy jewish men in the shadows" 🤭 wonder why that is...
PD: Hadeantaiga, Spacelazarwolf and the whole Transfag and Proud Collective say hi!!
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