yulbe · 2 months
♡ — make me ;
a dance challenge for the books with @besooyoung !
there’s the hug that lasts a second too long, the gaze that lingers on even after they’ve moved on to a new topic. and there’s the brief kiss, of course: to the lips, and with passion that far exceeds a simple greeting between two intimate people. yulhee has never shied away from public displays of affection - in fact, she will often demand them from her lovers - and she is forever thankful that sooyoung doesn’t seem to mind them either, even when they’re abrupt like now. eh, sooyoung is probably used to yulhee’s shamelessness after all these years anyway.
“there you are! finally~! it’s so crowded here, i thought i would never find you!”, she chirps as her hand finds sooyoung’s to hold. she makes quick work to introduce sooyoung to her other friends whom she’d been dragging along all day, before focusing her eyes solely on the other girl again. “you look so good. but not wet enough!” and i can help you with that, the wink that follows seems to suggest. 
she gets a water gun from another guy in their little circle, and aims it at sooyoung’s forehead, laughing. “do the dance challenge with me right now, or this will be the end of you, moon sooyoung!” her spirits are high and she can’t stop smiling. she’s the type of person that feeds off of social energy, and the waterbomb event is an infinite source for her. her fingers squeeze sooyoung’s hand tighter, and she can’t help but lean in for a peck to the other’s cheek. “though now that i think about it, you’ll make me look like such a bad dancer. maybe i should just record you, instead? you do want to do the trend for your tiktok, right? you’re such a fan of those~”
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bejinyoung · 8 months
everything hurts.
the only person he allows to touch him these days is his sister. she's the sole presence in his life who he never has to second guess the intentions of, who meets him only with love and warmth that he can recognize and accept. jinyoung doesn't have to worry about how his thoughts wander so much these days, how he feels like he doesn't even know who he is anymore, how he's been forced to realize that his entire personality was a trauma response and running from issues he never wanted to acknowledge.
all that, on top of the physically demanding job that is being a trainee, leaves him tired and touch-starved on a saturday night, leaning into his sister as they sit side by side on the tiny couch in their shared apartment. he can't fall asleep yet, not when loneliness has gripped his stomach tight until it feels like a hard, cold stone in his core. jinyoung knows that if he asks, sooyoung will share her wisdom with him. he should be trusting his therapist, but that's one of the many issues they're still working through. he always finds that sooyoung knows how to explain things to him in a way he understands.
"i don't really know who i am anymore," he confesses to her, quiet as he closes his eyes and tries to make the world disappear around him. "maybe i'm the same person. i don't know. i feel like i shouldn't be but i also don't know who else to be."
a long sigh escapes him, letting his stress out into the world, only to be followed up immediately by a yawn. sooyoung doesn't have to say anything. maybe she'll say nothing at all. at least she's here. at least jinyoung doesn't have to worry about her disappearing on him too.
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besiwoo · 10 months
discount starter for @besooyoung
siwoo doesn't need the discount. and it's not that he isn't great with money ( though he really, wasn't great with money ) – but who is he to deny a good discounted product? right?
but the discounts aren't exactly what catches his eye, it's the condition that's been set up by the store. couples? really? while siwoo was well aware of the fact that christmas was in fact a couple's holiday, he's still in disbelief that there were stores out there going out of their way to cater to couples only. but anything for a good gimmick, huh?
it's then when he overhears a conversation – 'just pretend to be my boyfriend and we can get something cheap' – ah, so there were most definitely people out there who were somehow trying to beat the system. his eyes hover over to the girl next to him, and momentarily he thinks if he should try and beat the system too. why not?
"sooyoung," he says, and his voice is calm as he turns to her. "be my girlfriend." he removes the hold that his hand has on the hot pack and places it in front of her. "they're having a couple's discount."
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bejoomi · 10 months
* ♪ – the mortifying ordeal of being known
he doesn't realize he's dreaming. sometimes being with jinyoung is like that: otherworldly, the now-familiar haze of their afterglow something warm, comforting, and all encompassing. he tucks a strand of hair stuck to jinyoung's damp forehead behind his ear, and jinyoung smiles at him, dazzling. you're beautiful, joomi tells him, and jinyoung flashes one of those cheeky smiles, then kisses him. he's quiet after that, and they just stare at each other, content, joomi always committing every feature of jinyoung's face to memory like he'll never see him again, even in his dreams. he can feel the way jinyoung looks at him in his chest, and it's like he already knows it even before jinyoung utters i love you.
he doesn't even get to say it back. he wakes up before he can, blinking sleep out of his eyes to stare listlessly at the wall on his side of the bed (his side of the bed, like he belongs here; like jinyoung loving him will ever be anything other than a dream).
for a few confusing moments, he doesn't know what was real. maybe he wants it to be real so badly that he deludes himself, for a split second, into thinking that maybe it happened while he was half asleep, or––
that feeling hasn't left his chest. it just morphs into something painful, like a weight threatening to crush him. jinyoung's form is pressed against his back, and for as reassuring as it is that he's not alone, it might be easier for joomi to breathe if he was, or if it was anyone but jinyoung next to him. he feels a little like crying, and a little like he's going to be sick. of all the terrible things his mind has told him and shown him, this might actually be the cruelest of them all.
he feels stupid for it. he can't remember the last time a dream impacted him so deeply, and it's something he should be happy about, of all things. it just hurts, having love so close he could almost taste it, all of that emotion filling his chest, like he waited his entire life to hear jinyoung say that. then it's gone. he feels...empty.
he carefully untangles himself from jinyoung–– the real jinyoung, who does not love him ––and slips out of bed. when he opens jinyoung's bedroom door, it's as quietly as he can manage. he treads lightly as he makes his way to the kitchen. he doesn't want to turn any lights on. he doesn't want to be real.
he turns a kitchen light on anyway, though, and fetches a glass for himself from one of the cabinets, suddenly keenly aware of how second nature all of this is, even in a home that is not his. what is he doing here, really? what are they doing?
thinking too much; joomi is, at least. he tries to focus on pouring himself some water, then takes a sip and leans against one of the countertops, staring blankly through glass. this is where i first kissed him, his brain supplies against his will.
he sees sooyoung out of the corner of his eye before he even hears her. first, he worries that he woke jinyoung, and that for some reason he decided to trail after him instead of just going back to sleep. when he actually looks, though, and sees sooyoung, he can't help but let out a sigh of relief.
"sorry," he says anyway, instinctively and for little reason. "nightmare."
–– @besooyoung
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bexcam · 10 months
little treats | @besooyoung
maybe life would take pity on him and allow him an hour to just curl up and take a nap. oh, to be a cold-blooded lizard resting on a warm rock under a heat lamp. these are such small asks and requests and yet he's at the convenience store, shoving his jacket in the back room and praying not a lot of drunks show up during his shift.
"sooyoung-ah~ guess who brought us some "let's get through the shift without dying" snacks," he calls out, small take-out box in hand, as he walks back up to the counter. cam's lucky no one had come in after him to witness his cringey amped-up aegyo for his co-worker.
"i got some macarons and lemon cake to share, something to take the edge off." cam knew the desserts he'd splurged on wouldn't dampen the sharply rising anxiety about his trainee temp contract ending, but little treats always cause a little spark of happiness- even if it wasn't long lasting. he was sure sooyoung needed a break from everything else too.
"haven't seen you in a week, i think? how's everything, good i hope?"
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benayoung · 1 year
* ❁┆cut it out
it's time for a change.
don't get nayoung wrong, her hair is great and she loves it. a side part is pretty low maintenance and back when she was the human equivalent of a slug she could get away with not washing her hair a little longer than she could if she had bangs that got all greasy from clinging to her forehead.
she just kind of wants to try something else out. she had bangs several years ago and liked them well enough, but got tired of having to cut them frequently, so she let them grow out. now, she's a trainee; so much of her life is starting fresh and she feels like now is as good a time as any to get bangs again, if not a really good time.
luckily, she knows a good hairstylist, too, so nayoung doesn't have to waste time looking around for one. she's a busy woman, after all, and looks are important in her line of work; she'd have to scour over reviews and prices. well–– she at least assumes sooyoung is a good hairstylist. her own hair always looks lovely, but maybe she's not that good if she has to work at the convenience store with her and cam. if she was really good, she could probably work as a hairstylist full time, right?
she decides to put a small modicum of trust in sooyoung and makes an appointment with her, though. at the end of the day, it's just hair, and they're just bangs; if sooyoung messes it up somehow, she can just put her hair in a ponytail or clip her bangs up until they grow out.
when she arrives, sooyoung is already waiting for her, and nayoung flashes her a small smile and sits down in the styling chair. "just bangs today, and a trim."
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eunbinbe · 1 month
˙ ˖ ✧ — @besooyoung
ever since eunbin's joined her university's cheer squad, she's kept her signature bright-colored hair. when she first joined, she had simply dyed it blonde but now she's been keeping it pink for a while because she thinks it pops out a bit more with their blue cheer outfits.
"i think i'm going to need to get some treatment done on my hair. i always do my best to keep it in nice shape, but even i can't stop the split ends from showing up," she explained before showing the edges of her hair to her hairdresser.
this was her usual salon, but she was paired up with a different hairdresser today. nevertheless, she had been coming to this salon for years now, so she knew she was in good hands. "do you think i should trim the ends a little? so it doesn't end up growing even more damaged?"
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be-points · 1 year
+5 dance
+2 reputation
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noelxbe · 1 year
how many?
         noel was still curious to how next gen had been so draining when his usual day too was draining. prior to next gen he worked multiple jobs, had school and had to take care of himself and his pets, but he’d never complained, it wasn’t tiring, there was a lot of stuff in his schedule, but he still hadn’t been as tired as he had been during next gen. maybe it was because it was something new during next gen, it’s easier to handle something when you’ve done it for long. but he had barely any skill prior to next gen, and suddenly in a rush he had to try to keep up with every other contestant.
he’d definitely needed a drink during the show, but he was too busy for one. with the show coming to an end, he was ready to go out and drink again, it was well-deserved he felt like. he pokes her ( @besooyoung ) forehead with his finger “how much have you had to drink?” like his own cheeks aren’t red from all the alcohol. “i think if we drink more we might just end up in the hospital” he giggles to the younger, before drinking the last drops of his drink. “sooyoung~~ sooyoung~~” and suddenly he’s singing her name.
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bexrisa · 11 months
hiiiiii everyone! this is nicole, mun of mildly problematic @besooyoung and overly confident (sometimes) risa!
i'm here to ask you to like this to plot! miss queen bee (not rlly she just has daddy/mommy issues and an ego) needs some fresh threads in her life and i am BEYOND ready to get them ☺
if you have them available, please also feel free to share your about/open plots pages with me too! i don't have the latter up yet, but i do have an about page for risa that you can find here!
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wannaberp · 5 months
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@sarangbe • until may 1st * ENDS TODAY !
@jindallaebe • until may 1st * ENDS TODAY !
@kianbe • until may 1st * ENDS TODAY !
@boyoungbe • until may 1st * ENDS TODAY !
@hangyeolbe • until may 1st * ENDS TODAY !
@renxbe • until may 1st * ENDS TODAY !
@bexeunwol • until may 15th
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
@besooyoung • kim doyeon (weki meki)
@bexrisa • minatozaki sana (twice)
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be-secretsanta · 10 months
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please check your inbox to find out who you've been assigned to make a gift for during this year's secret santa event. we sent submissions to the blogs tagged under the cut, so please let us know if you did not receive a submit so we can get that to you as soon as possible.
all secret santa gifts should be submitted to this blog no later than 11:59pm on sunday, december 24th. we will set a queue starting at noon on christmas day to "deliver" the presents and reveal the secret santas.
between now and christmas, please feel free to send your partner special anonymous messages to brighten their day and spread some holiday cheer!
if you have any questions, please reach out to us so we can help!
submissions were sent to the following blogs:
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bejinyoung · 9 months
window shopping.
for as long as long as the world has spun around the sun (or at least as long as jinyoung can remember), the moon siblings have only ever had each other. christmas was nothing in their mother's household. maybe a measly string of paper snowflakes, optimistically crafted by the siblings themselves, was the only decoration around the house. no tree, no lights, and, of course, no presents. christmas magic didn't exist, because how do you tell a child that santa claus is real when he gave a classmate a game console and nothing to a boy who had tried to be on his best behavior all year? christmas largely went uncelebrated, just another day in december.
it's only somewhat recently that jinyoung has wanted to change that. maybe it's too late for santa, and he's still too broke to go all out with decor and gifts, but they can at least enjoy some of the joy of the season, he's realized. there's sightseeing of lights all around the city, there's carolers and free music performances scattered about, and... well, jinyoung doesn't have much, but he has something that he can give his sister.
"i have exactly 20,000₩," he announces, not at all proud of the meager amount but it's all he could save on a trainee's salary. "and all day to spend with you. so, whatever you want. let me get it for you." maybe someday those words won't be limited by such a tight budget. maybe, now that he's in studio delta, he'll debut and find success and be able to give his sister all the things that she had to go without while taking care of him. his love of music and dance might have started him on this path, but the promise of a paycheck at the end of it is keeping him there. "merry christmas," jinyoung grins, locking arms with his sister with perhaps a surprising carelessness. after all, there's no point in getting sad about the past now.
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besiwoo · 1 year
plus one starter for @besooyoung
it all feels too fabricated for siwoo's comfort. the people, the glitz, the glam – all under the guise of connections. but siwoo knew all too well his mother had been a little too excited to show off the latest home renovations ( that he was only aware of thanks to updates from his brother. it wasn't like siwoo was constantly in touch with his parents, anyway ). he'd heard through the grapevine as well that his mother was looking for her law firm to represent larger businesses, this was probably the best place for something of that sort.
why siwoo has to be here – why he has to force himself to stand there, body feeling stuffy from the eyes on him he has no idea why. no, he does know why. it would be a shame to have their youngest son sit this out, not after siwoo had missed out all the other gatherings in the past. the excuse of being too busy with school seemed to not work as well as it used to anymore.
at the very least he's got his plus one, sooyoung here. it helps him breathe a little easier, and the collars around his neck doesn't feel like they're about to constrict him and his every move. sooyoung also seems to blend in well with the crowd.
siwoo had told himself to stay for at least an hour and a half – at the very least, an hour tops. but the way his father had wrapped an arm around him and said; "this one is a little rebellious, but i have faith in him." – that seemed to be his last straw.
he'd forced a smile, and then walked over to sooyoung, pulling her to a corner without too many people. "hey, i think the important stuff is done already. do you want to get out of here a little early? please?" he asks, clearly tired of the atmosphere around him already.
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bejoomi · 1 year
* ♪ – morning coffee
joomi wakes up next to moon jinyoung and he still can’t believe it. the first thing he registers is where he is, to which he thinks what the fuck. the next thing he notices is how quiet it is. no blaring television, no dumbass roommate stomping around the rest of the apartment or talking too loudly on the phone; quiet, aside from jinyoung’s breathing when he listens for it. there’s something strangely peaceful about it, despite sharing a bed with someone he once hated; he doesn’t hate this at all. he just stares up at the unfamiliar ceiling for a few minutes, and for a while, strangely, he doesn’t think about anything at all. 
slowly, his overthinking tendencies get the best of him, of course, because he is in bed with moon jinyoung which is a mistake but it doesn’t feel like a mistake but it is because that’s probably what everyone thinks before jinyoung breaks their heart. he is falling right into the trap he told himself he wouldn’t, and he knows it, so that surely makes matters even worse. 
he sits up, slowly and carefully as not to wake jinyoung, and he can’t help but look down at him. he looks pretty like this. you’d never guess he’s annoying as fuck when he’s awake. he watches him, maybe for a bit too long, and can’t possibly see this jinyoung as a mistake. sleeping with him? to be determined. jinyoung himself? not a mistake. jinyoung is...something else that joomi has yet to find words for. he doesn’t know if he ever will, or if he even wants to.
he carefully slips out of jinyoung’s bed, gets dressed, and pauses, considering his next options. he could just leave, but that feels...rude, and cold, especially because he told jinyoung the night prior that he would tell him when he wants to leave. for some reason, he feels bound to that promise that isn’t even actually a promise. he could wake him up and tell him he’s gonna go, which is reasonable enough, but he doesn’t want to disturb him and force him back to the cruel reality of their existence before he’s ready. 
he could leave a note. that seems like the best option. the pen and notebook he always carries with him are in his bag, though, and that’s still in the living room, so he has to make a break for the door regardless. he sneaks toward it, opens it as quietly as he can and closes it behind him just as mindfully, then lets out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.
his breath catches again, though, because as he turns to get his stuff from the living room...he sees a woman. it takes him a few moments to put all the facts together and deduce that this must be jinyoung’s sister. great. this is not humiliating at all. it’s probably embarrassing for her, too. then again, her brother is moon jinyoung; joomi is surely far from the first one to be in this position, and he certainly won’t be the last.
“hi, um,” he begins as he approaches. “i just, uh...” he dumbly puts his hand in a thumbs up gesture, then points said thumb behind him toward jinyoung’s bedroom. then he feels like an idiot, so he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, and then lets out a laugh at himself. “i was just gonna get my stuff i left in the living room and then go,” he explains, and he slowly takes more steps toward the living room, not unlike someone would when approaching a wild animal they want to observe without scaring away, for some reason. “sorry,” he’s quick to add, also for some unknown reason. he’s just nervous, apparently. also for some unknown reason. again.
–– @besooyoung
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bexcam · 2 months
snack break | @besooyoung
maybe life would take pity on him and allow him an hour to just curl up and take a nap. oh, to be a cold-blooded lizard resting on a warm rock under a heat lamp. these are such small asks and requests and yet he's at the convenience store, shoving his jacket in the back room and praying not a lot of drunks show up during his shift. maybe his favourite grandma will show up and tuck some ginger candies into his hands as she leaves; he could just buy them himself but his delusional self thinks they taste
"sooyoung-ah~ guess who brought us some "let's get through the shift without wasting away" snacks," he calls out, small take-out box in hand, as he walks back up to the counter. cam's lucky no one had come in after him to witness his cringey amped-up aegyo for his co-worker.
"i got some muffins and fruit tarts to share, something to take the edge off." cam knew the desserts he'd splurged on wouldn't dampen the stress of everything in his life, but little treats always cause a little spark of happiness- even if it wasn't long lasting. he was sure sooyoung needed a break from everything else too.
"haven't seen you in a week or two, i think? how's everything, good i hope?"
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