#best D&G watches in UK
swatches42 · 6 months
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Embrace luxury with the Dolce Gabbana women's watch from Saturn. Crafted with excellence and a timeless design, this watch exudes elegance and sophistication. Whether you're attending a special event or simply looking to elevate your everyday look, this watch is the perfect accessory. Order yours now in the UK and experience the beauty of Saturn watches.For more details visit : https://www.saturnwatches.co.uk/category/dolce-and-gabbana-ladies-watches
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cherrylng · 1 month
Matthew Bellamy & Dominic Howard & Chris Wolstenholme interview - Muse [ROCKIN'ON (May 2000)]
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"I think we're more honest about the times we live in than Radiohead."
Face this irreverent ‘beautiful mess’! While roaring demons and falsetto angels make a secret pact, Muse recaptures the physicality of rock with their superb technique and excessive staging, and even celebrates despair with all their might. There is no blind spot for these guys!!
Interview: Naoya Kida / Interpretation: Noboru Takami / Photography: DAISKE
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Muse's showcase in Japan was a spectacular show that relentlessly hit the ‘sound of the times’. Matthew Bellamy's vocals, which utilise an idea that no one had thought of before - alternating between an effects-processed microphone and a normal microphone - attempt to represent all inner "voices" such as sadness, loneliness, joy, and madness, as well as his excessive performance in which he wields a modified guitar like a sword and his insane, virtuoso technique. He stepped through the dirt board that was placed on top of progressive rock and stole the techniques, mastered the sad melodies and flamenco rhythms in Spain, and possessed the "miraculous falsetto" of Jeff Buckley, who was supposed to be dead - I could only laugh and surrender to the possibilities of such outrageous rock.
Far from the objectivity of Radiohead, who reflect the world as it is, Muse lives in chaos. Now they stand on stage as if they are celebrating the story of despair that once ended with the death of Kurt Cobain. There is nothing to fear, despair openly, and cry out. If there is no hope in reality, you are the one who is beautiful and interesting, and that is the kind of fresh courage that resides in them. They have the overwhelming power to do justice to the jokey band name ‘Goddess’. In the 90s, rock music has been reduced to a struggle with self-consciousness, but these guys easily love and release their confused selves, and say that they are the right ones. And the moment this becomes possible, all hatred of the world, despair and everything else vanishes. Muse is a reckless narcissist who is heading for the extreme value of such catharsis.
In Melody Maker magazine, Matthew told us that his mother was a medium, that he too was interested in ouija boards as a child (his distrust of religion probably developed after he realised their falsehood), and the disappointment of his parents' divorce. I found their upbringing enigmatic and interesting, but this interview focused on what they wanted to achieve and how they wanted to provoke the world. Matthew's soul despairs of society (‘showbiz’) and religion, where even death is commodified in the capitalist system. I want you to feel the passion of his ascension with no place to go.
"Bands that used to be involved in the evolution of rock have been derailed into an ideological dimension. We're trying to get it back on track."
● I saw you live last night and thought your technique was so incredible that it was going to be amazing. Do you have any ambitions to drag down other British bands who can't even play rock music? M (Matthew, Vo&G): 「(laughs). I mean, in terms of the amount of touring we do and the quality of the music we make, I think Muse are better than most of the UK bands right now. For example, Senseless Things…… Sultans of Ping FC, ehehe.」
● (laughs) Don't be shy, but who would be your ideal artist, for example? M: ‘For me personally, the Tom Waits concert I saw in New York was the best concert of my life. There's no other show where you can experience so many different moods. It was like watching a play, there was so much atmosphere, I'd never seen anything like it. I'm not sure if that influence shows up in our live shows though. Also, the best rock band for me is probably Rage Against The Machine. That release of energy is extraordinary. It never stops from the beginning to the end.」 D (Dominic, Dr): 「Yeah, I guess so. Come to think of it, we used to like dressing up like girls too (laughs). I mean when we were much younger.」 M: 「We still do that sometimes. We didn't do it yesterday in Tokyo, but it happens sometimes. We started out under the name Muse when we were 16, and then we changed it to Rocket Baby Dolls for a couple of weeks, but then we put on a lot of make-up and we were like, ‘Oh my god’ (laughs).」
● Hahaha. M: 「I've always had this side to me. Deep down inside, I have a desire to be a 'whore', and that desire sometimes comes out (laughs).」
● (laughs) I see. What you said earlier about Tom Waits, Matthew used to do theatre. You did some weird pantomime-like moves on stage sometimes, but dare I say what do you think you're performing on stage? M: 「Hmmm, well…… It's like an excuse to let myself go (laughs). On stage, I can dress up like a twat and sing and express myself freely. In fact, if I started doing the same thing on the street, people would look at me with a scowl and say, "What's wrong with this guy?" But if you put a band together and do it on stage, they'll let you do it. It's like I'm going back and forth between two personalities, depending on the song. Some songs are so personal that you have to close your eyes to play them because you can't stand the way the audience looks at you, while others are the complete opposite, where you stare at the audience and point and make silly gestures. It's like, "Look at me!" I guess I go back and forth between the two during the gig.」
● Including this kind of live movement, I thought that you were conscious of wanting to restore something like human physicality in your music. I think guitar bands, especially after Radiohead, tend to go in an idealistic direction, but Muse are moving in a more physical direction, which I felt was very new. Is that something you are conscious of? C (Chris, B): 「No, it just happens naturally while we play. The way you express a song, the way you sing it, comes naturally as you play it.」 D: 「In fact, if you saw us at a gig, you wouldn't think there was any reasoning going on on stage. It doesn't seem like we're playing with anything in mind. It's like when you're reading a porno magazine, if you think too much you can't even stand up (laughs).」
● Hahaha. Well, that's true. M: 「But yeah, I've always tried to be physical. Not only live, but also on the album. In fact, a lot of people marvel at it. They expect it to be conceptual, as you say, but it's because our music is heavier, more direct, more open, more physical than you'd expect. But I think people are starting to realise, "This is what rock music has evolved into". "This is what rock music is like now". I think some of the bands that used to be involved in the ‘evolution’ of rock music, like Radiohead and Metallica*, have somehow strayed from the heavy, straight rock of Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins to a more conceptual, abstract dimension. We've (and then he wiggles his hand) - yeah, we've got it back on track.」
● I see. Did you have this vision from when you started the band? On the other hand, were there any frustrations, such as being in a very tight situation in real life? M: 「First of all, there was nothing else to do in the town where we grew up. Everyone who grew up in towns away from the big cities like London and Manchester is like that to some extent. So anyway, the main reason we started the band was to find something to do. And not something negative, but something positive. In fact, in a town like that, a lot of young people are going in a negative direction. They're so bored that they end up committing crimes. Drugs and things like that, even when they're just kids. There's really nothing to do. That's why for us the band is…… It was a prescription for not turning to crime.」
● So you were inspired by rock music in the first place because you were driven by the environment rather than the music itself? M: 「Yeah, I suppose it was the environment. But it's true that I started playing music because I was bored, but it wasn't because I was bored that I continued to pursue music without quitting. I think that's the biggest difference between me and the rest of the gang…… Hmmm…… I guess you could say that…… There's more than one reason why we started the band in the first place. There are so many reasons. So you have to be very careful when you use just one example. Because people might assume, "Oh, that's the reason?" For example, "When I was 17, just looking at all the people around me playing on computers all day and not doing anything else was enough to make me want to quit school", or "There's nothing more embarrassing than the apathy technology brings to people"……」 C&D: 「What's that (laughs)?」 M: 「But that's just one of the problems. There were also questions about the school education system itself…… The system says that "the schooling system makes the state as an organisation more powerful", but in my opinion it only makes the country richer, takes our eyes off the problems of the third world and makes the world a worse place. That's why I rejected schooling. So that was one of the issues that turned me towards rock music. The other issue is, yes, women. There are endless problems with women (laughs). So there are all sorts of reasons. And as I got older, I started expressing different feelings about different issues in my songs.」
● I think there are very few bands in the UK that have a critical perspective on society, do you have that kind of conviction? D: 「Certainly, I don't think there are many British bands doing the kind of music we do. We're often compared to Radiohead.」
● But when I saw you live, I thought that your guitar phrasing was completely different from Radiohead's. Why do you think people compare you to them? D: 「I mean, I think Radiohead are the only band other than us who are honest about the current situation in the UK. We and Radiohead are very much influenced by the country where we were born and raised. A lot of the negativity in our music comes from our feelings about the UK we grew up in. I can't think of many British bands that are doing anything remotely substantial.」 M: 「If you're talking about veterans as well as new bands, I think U2 are unique. I don't know about it musically, but in terms of the concept of the band and the way they look at things, I think they have a lot in common with what we're trying to say. But, for example, what Radiohead is doing now and what we're doing are completely different. They're about ten years older than us and I think the times themselves have changed since they were our age. So I guess you could say we're similar in the sense that Muse are doing music that's as much about ‘now’ as Radiohead were ten years ago, but these days Radiohead are making music about what's happening now for a 30-year-old, and we're making music about what's happening now for a 24-year-old. So in that sense we're different from them. I think we're more of a band of the current era, in the sense that we're honest about the times we're living in. But when I say ‘singing about the times’, I don't pretend to be singing about other people's relationships to the times. I'm just singing about our own relationship with our times. When you go into it and in the process of growing up, you create your own world, your own reality. You learn things, you experience things, and you form your own worldview that you think, "This is the world". It's completely different from what other people think of the world. So I'm just singing about the world I've shaped. It's my own view of the world, my own view of the times, and no one else is singing it. The other people are singing their own view of the times.」
● Yes. But you could say that although the perspective of the era they're singing about is different, they're targeting the same era. M: 「Oh, I see, yes, yes.」
● So, do you take pride in being a pioneering artist who correctly understands the ‘now’ and expresses it in your music? M: 「I'd like to be by the time we release our third album, though. I don't know. We've only released our first album. It's still more of a ‘goal’ at the moment. So we might fail.」
"I think life is a journey to find the right equilibrium of things. But I'm oscillating between two extremes. On the one hand I hate society and reject my audience, and on the other hand I embrace them."
● No, I'm hoping, really. So are there any bands or artists in the US that you feel empathy for? There are a lot of bands, including Rage, that use social stress as a source of energy. D: 「In America, it's…… Slipknot!」 C: 「(laughs)」 M: 「No, I seriously think so. I can relate to their music and I think they are similar to us in the way they focus on the zeitgeist. I mean, I think both Muse and Slipknot express honestly in their music how they relate to the times we're living in right now.」
● In the case of Slipknot, one of their messages is that they live in an era that has the potential for extreme and excessive heaviness, and they do it in a very pop way, which I think applies to you as well. Is it something you can relate to? M: 「Yes. So the problem is that I could easily go for the kind of music they're doing. But I think life is a journey of finding the right equilibrium of things. I'm only about 20 years old and I'm constantly going back and forth between the two extremes. I'm on a journey. It's hard to find a place of balance. So it's easy to settle on one extreme or the other. And the extreme point is Slipknot. So if you're not careful, you can easily end up with extremely reactionary music that's all about hate and anger. I think that side of me is always there. I feel like I'm always oscillating between the two extremes. On the one hand, you have bands that hate and reject society and reject their audience, or are almost hostile to them. And on the other side is a band that shares with the audience, loves and embraces the audience. And we're the ones who move back and forth between the two.」
● Indeed. So, you said before that you wanted to leave a mark that you are here, but behind such thoughts, is there an obsession that you might be an invisible man? M: 「No, I don't think there is such a thing as an invisible man. I think all human beings are equal. In the sense that we are all part of one big system that binds us all together. Whether you are a scientist trying to invent something for the future or just an office worker, you are all important. Because we all function together…… Hopefully.」
● That's a slightly cynical view of humanity. M: 「…… And I personally don't find it hard to be in a situation where I'm an invisible man. That's why I've always wanted to do music, and I have the most fun when I'm doing it, that's all. I think I'm basically very adaptable to different situations. I've been in a lot of different situations myself. For example, before I started this band I was doing manual labour, painting, and decorating. I've had some pretty hard jobs. But my workmates were all good guys and I adapted to the situation. And then all of a sudden this band started. So I think it's fair to say I didn't feel any fear at all.」
● So you were quite happy with the situation at that time? M: 「Um…… Well…… I wasn't (laughs).」
● Right? There was a kind of frustration, wasn't there? M: 「But even now, I'm not satisfied with it. I'm not sitting back and thinking, "We did it!" I still feel the same dissatisfaction as I did when I was doing that kind of work. I think all sorts of mental problems prevalent in western society contribute to my dissatisfaction.」
● David Bowie, for example, has said that he switched between different personas because he wanted to prove to himself that he wasn't invisible, but you don't make music out of that distorted impulse. If that's the case, what do you think fuels your work? M: 「……Because we're a three-piece band.」
● Hey. M: 「No, seriously, it's because we're just three people. I mean, with three people, there's a lot of room left for each of us to do what we want. The proof is that the music we make is just as powerful and loud as music made by bigger bands, like a five-piece band. Do you understand what I mean? I don't know how to explain it, but I was in four bands before Muse, and when I was in the first one, I felt like I lost myself, like I was lost, like I was just a part of something bigger. But now I'm completely guaranteed room to do whatever I want to do. There's room in the band now for my ‘whole personality’ on stage, not just on guitar. There's no one to clash with me.」 C: 「There's no chance of anyone being swallowed up by anyone else.」
● In other words, you've created this band form in order to fully open yourself up to the fact that you're not invisible, whether that's sad or melancholic. M: 「Yeah. For the time being we'll stay like this. I'm not going to say we're going to stay a three-piece band forever. You never know what the future holds.」
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"I think we want to speak for the emotions of people in the social system. We're also emotionally driven and we're still confused."
● Understood. You said that "'Sunburn' is about a moth that hits a lightbulb when it thinks it's flying towards the sun", but I think a lot of your lyrics are about the disillusionment that comes when ideals are betrayed. Is this a reflection of your attitude towards the times you grew up in, your view of the times and the world that you talked about earlier? M: 「You're saying that 'Sunburn' sums up the era I live in?」
● Yes. I was wondering if it was a metaphor for how you feel, that your ideals have been betrayed. M: 「Yeah. But there were never any ideals to begin with. Ideals get broken as you get older, you know. That's why most people try to live a safe life, to stop their ideals from being destroyed. They fear the truth and want to turn away from it. And so they live a modest life in a modest town, in a modest family. They don't want to look at what's happening on the other side of it, they don't try hard to learn. Well, a lot of people don't want to talk about issues that challenge their reality…… People only want to talk about things that they feel comfortable talking about - things they don't want to destroy, things they've built up, and things they believe in. Anyway, I think I'm at the stage now where I'm trying to be as objective about things as possible. Because I think that's the best solution.」
● Do you think young British people of your generation are basically similarly disillusioned? M: 「I think they might hold it, yes. I think it's the same in a lot of countries, not just in the UK. I think people don't think about things as much as they used to. I mean, I suppose in terms of technology we're more advanced now than we were a few hundred years ago, but I think that a few hundred years ago people were thinking about a lot more things. About religion, about people. But these days, people think mostly about wasting money. They rarely think about anything else. I think that the media, especially television, has largely fostered this generation. For example, by the time I was born, computers were already part of the social system that brought me up. But as I've grown older, I've come to realise that these things are not really made for people's benefit. We humans have been bought up by these luxuries. I think that's where the disillusionment came from. In short, we don't feel a spiritual connection with other people anymore. It's called ‘apathy’ or ‘not feeling anything’. At least I think that's how I was brought up. And now that I'm doing music, I'm able to detach myself from those feelings, and I'm able to look at things and think about things objectively, and I think that's a big thing.」
● Radiohead's 'OK Computer', for example, was an album that played the role of a cold-hearted portrait of the modern social system itself. Do you want Muse to be a mirror to portray society in the same way? Or is it to liberate the emotions of the people in it? M: 「'OK Computer' is certainly that…… Hmmm…… I think it's an album that ‘describes’ things in detail. But the music we make is not that clear-cut. It's obviously the difference in age (laughs). So it's more like the inhabitants depicted in 'OK Computer'.」
● If 'OK Computer' was an album that objectively observed a certain system, then you guys are actually living in that system, feeling various things and expressing those feelings? M: 「Yes.」
● So, do you think it is your mission to break within the social system, or to be a voice for those who are going through similar experiences, or to speak for them and liberate them? M: 「Ah, yeah, I think I want to speak for them. At the moment, yes. I think we still tend to get carried away with our emotions, and I think we're still confused in many areas. I mean I always take the stance that "I don't really know". I haven't reached the point where I can express in my music what is right and what is wrong, or what this is all about. I'm not confident enough yet to sing something so direct, so black and white. I'm still confused.」
● I see. Now for the last question. From the passion and almost perfectionist performance you showed at last night's show, I felt your determination that if there is no ideal in the world and there is only confusion, then you have to create your own ideal world. What are your last remaining ideals, if any? M: 「Ideals……. I don't know, I don't know. I mean, isn't it the job of scientists to prove that the ideals we humans create are wrong? It's like no matter how idealistic we are, scientists will disprove everything one after another…… In the end, people either repeat the usual pattern of having their ideals shattered, meeting tragedy and dying (laughs), or they get through it, trying to keep the balance in their boring lives. So the most important thing is…… is to not be afraid of anything. I think if you accept fear, you can leave this world and move on to the next stage of your existence. It's fear that stops us from moving forward. Fear that you will lose everything you have built up in your life, all your ideals. So, on the other hand, you have to try not to create too many different ideals. I think it's important to always be aware that everything is just a figment of your imagination, an illusion. You have to accept that fact. And physical pain is one of the causes of imagination. So I think if you're willing to accept death, you're not afraid of it. No matter how you die. Then everyone will realise that death is only one step. Why should we be hesitant or afraid, if we're not going to move on anyway?」
Translator’s Note: Hey, Matt from the year 2000, what do you mean by that you still sometimes dress up like a girl? What do you mean you have a desire to be a ‘whore’ deep down??? Hello??????
Given that quote alone, even though this is an in-depth interview, I think this interview will be remembered in another way thanks to the “I have a desire to be a 'whore'” quote alone.
* For this part, admittedly I had no idea which band had the short form named of Medaru/メダル, as no band had such a name. The closest that I could guess, based on reading up on rock music history, is that this could be Metallica that Matt was referring to.
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
🟠 SUN morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
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▪️A HERO SOLIDER HAS FALLEN.. in battle in Gaza: Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum, 21, from Ma’ale Adumim.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood!
.. A MESSAGE FROM THE MOTHER OF YAIR AVITAN - who was reported fallen last night:
I received the messengers of Iyov (Job) at my door last night around 5:00 PM.  I received the difficult news in silence just like Aharon HaCohen, who learned about his 2 sons who died. "Vidom Aharon".
On this occasion, I want to hug and strengthen first and foremost the commanders and fighters, your beloved children, who today are also mine.   Raise your head! Don't cry! Don't lose heart! This is the last war. Fight the enemy without mercy, for the sake of all the people of Israel!
We will win and in a big way only in one way - if we love each other, embrace and hold each other. We will not hate, we will not take revenge and we will not review one another.
My son died a martyr's death. He is now sitting under the kisay hakavod, under the holy throne of the creator of the world, watching over us from the best place a soul can reach and asking you one thing - don't be sad.
I personally do not intend to leave the battle, on the contrary, I AM ENLISTING IN PLACE OF MY SON.
I will continue to assist the boys in everything and anything until victory. 
All hope that my son will be the last sacrifice.
The enemy made a grave mistake, he didn't know what kind of mother he was dealing with.  I have very strong ties with the Creator of the world and I assure you that the revenge on the part of the Almighty will be so severe from now on that even the enemy will not understand from where it fell on him. 
Am Yisroel Chai - The nation of Israel lives. 🇮🇱
▪️PROTEST LAST NIGHT - ANTI-GOVT.. Kaplan area, Tel Aviv, which became violent as police tried to arrest someone who set a fire by the Histadrut building and a Member of Knesset (conflicting stories) either interfered with the arrest or was assaulted by police as she tried to observe.
▪️(SOME) HOSTAGE FAMILIES SAY.. Statement by representatives of some of the families of the abductees outside Kirya in Tel Aviv:  "We have been informed that the Biden administration is working to renew negotiations for a deal. What stands between us and our loved ones is Netanyahu's insistence on not ending the war as part of a deal. The continuation of the war means the murder of the hostages.”  (( The moral situation becomes clear - Israel failed in keeping its citizens safe. But it cannot allow Hamas to survive after what Hamas did - or Israel will not survive. The families are doing what they should be - advocating for their loved ones at all cost.  But Israel can’t pay all costs without putting millions of people at risk. ))
♦️IDF EXTRACTING BODIES.. from the a-Tawansi cemetery in Shejaiya, east Gaza City.  Why?  Checking for dead hostages.
♦️RAFAH DEMOLITION.. Rafah central square demolished by IDF.
♦️US/UK ATTACK HOUTHIS.. attacking the airport of the city of Hodeidah.  And the Saudi’s attacked a Houthi site near the Saudi-Yemen border.
🔺RED ON RED - GAZA.. armed clashes between the residents of the Bureij camp in the center of the Gaza Strip and the security forces of Hamas.
🔺RED ON RED - TULKARM.. Palestinian Authority's security forces surrounded a building where 3 armed men wanted by Israel were staying.  Firefight, wanted men injured.  Later, Tulkarm terrorists opened fire at the PA headquarters in the city.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH FIRES ANTI-AIR.. over Lebanon, surface-to-air missiles were launched toward IAF aircraft.  IDF struck back at Jabal Safi area.
⭕ HOUTHIS ATTACK.. another cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden.
🟠 SUN morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
( 2 of 2 )
▪️JEWISH DRIVER ACCIDENTALLY ENTERED KALANDIA.. Arab town north of Jerusalem, attacked, attempted murder, car destroyed, car lit on fire - escaped to the checkpoint.
▪️US ASKS IRAQ TO BLOCK IRAN OVERFLIGHTS TO SYRIA.. which are bringing weapons to Hezbollah.  (( Why only now??? ))
▪️DEFENSE MINISTER SAYS.. "We are not looking for war but we are ready for it. And we will reach a junction, it will be a T junction both for the enemy and for us. If [Hezbollah] chooses to go to war, we will know what to do. If it chooses to go to an agreement, we will respond in this matter.”  (( Terrifying!  That the DM is hearing threats of complete destruction from Iran, mass destruction, murder and rape from Hezbollah, and is giving out statements like this. ))
▪️FOREIGN MINISTER SAYS.. “If Hezbollah does not stop firing and does not withdraw from southern Lebanon, we will act against it with all our might until security is restored and the residents return to their homes.”  (( This is what we expect to hear and our enemies to hear, given the cultural environment. ))
▪️UK: LABOR THREAT TO STOP ALL ARMS TO ISRAEL AND SAUDI ARABIA?   Fabian Hamilton, a senior member of the Labor Party, said during a political event at a mosque in Leeds that "Britain will immediately stop all arms sales to Israel as soon as we come to power." He also added that the Labor government would stop all arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
▪️SOCIETY.. Director General of the National Civil Service: the ultra-Orthodox are gifted with special tools due to their study of the Gemara, in Lahav 433 (Israel police serious crime investigation unit) they are enthusiastic and want them for crime solving.
▪️ECONOMY.. Senior Israeli at Salesforce returns to “prepare company for AI”.  Conversely, Google biotech company Verily is closing its Israeli office “not related to the war”.
▪️ISIS???  ISIS attacks in Syria this year have increased by 250% compared to last year.  ISIS terrorists are active in at least 28 countries across the African continent as well as Syria.
♦️IDF forces returned this morning to the al-Barazil neighborhood of Rafah while firing heavy artillery.  There is heavy equipment in the area, and the IDF is conducting excavation operations throughout the neighborhood.
♦️IDF ATTACKS LEBANON.. Hermes, north east Lebanon.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS overnight, short range, at Holit & Sufa, near the Egyptian border.
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SFW headcanons for Simon "Ghost" Riley
This is based on a female reader I wrote in this blurb. Reader is in her mid to late 30's. Ghost is about 29.
Cross posted to my Ao3.
A for Adorable
What small habit/feature/quirk do they find especially endearing about the other?
He thinks it's cute when you chew on your bottom lip when you're concentrating.
He also likes how you call every dog you see a "puppy".
The thing he finds the most endearing is the way you care for the people you work with and your friends by making sure they stay hydrated and eat regularly.
B for Bargain
How will they go about getting their way when they’re disagreeing?
Is a sulker. Will sulk the house down. If the two of you are alone he will pout and give you the silent treatment but, he will eventually agree to disagree and apologise for being childish.
C for Communication
What is their love language?
Acts of service.
Knows how you like your morning hot drink and will always have it made or in the process of being made when you finally crawl out of bed.
Like you, he reminds you to drink plenty of water and eat properly. Likes to eat his meals on base with you if he can. It gives him comfort to know you are eating well.
D for Devoted
How do they show each other they’re serious about the relationship?
Sleeping in the same bed as you with or without his mask. Letting you touch his and explore his face. It's baring his soul to you.
Having a part of his body touching you when you are in public. Fraternization is against the rules in the military but he likes to have a part of his body touching you if you are in public around the base. Be it his knee, thigh or shoulder.
In civilian public he will hold your hand the entire time you two are out unless it's not practical. He'll replace the hand holding with touches to your back or arm.
E for Enchanted
What was the first thing about the other that caught their eye?
How small you were, how you could fit in the smallest places and how fast you moved. He knows it's part of your job to sneak into places and get info or place cameras but he was actually amazed at how proficient you were at these things.
One time in the gym he watched you race someone up the climbing wall and you were at the top when the other was only half way.
F for Flirty
How do/did they flirt with each other?
He uses terrible pickup lines. On purpose of course. He knows you love his shitty jokes and actually googled bad pickup lines.
"Your middle name must be Gillette. Because you're the best a man can get"
"Something must be wrong with my phone…it doesn’t have your number in it"
"Do you work at Subway? ‘Cause you just gave me a foot-long"
"Is your name Earl Grey? Because you look like a hot-tea"
G for Gentle
How do they comfort each other if one has had a bad day?
When he has a bad day he likes to sit on a chair, pull you between his parted legs and wrap his arms around your waist, bury his face in your tummy while you stroke his hair and whisper comforting things to him.
When you're having a bad day he lays on the bed with you and pulls you into his arms so that you can bury your face in his chest. He will pepper your head and forehead with kisses while stroking your back.
H for Hot
What outfit/look is their favorite on the other?
Leggings, fluffy socks and an oversized (hopefully his) tshirt. Just your around the house relaxing wear.
He also loves seeing you in shorts and your cute floral tops in the summer. He was surprised when he first spent time with you outside of work and saw how cute and girly your wardrobe was. On base, even when not actually on duty or going to the pub you wore plain gender neutral clothing.
I for Intimate
What was their first real date like?
The two of you went to a nice pub, got a meal (in the uk and other countries you can get good meals at pubs like steak and stuff) and a few drinks. You talked about random things like other patrons in the pub, how the food was, things about where you both lived. He asked a lot of questions about what serving in the military in your country was like out of sheer curiosity.
Afterwards the two of you walked hand in hand and kept talking about silly small talk things but it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable and you both felt happy.
J for Jealous
Is either of them jealous? How do they show and handle it?
He's not really jealous except for one thing and it's not like you'd think.
He's envious of the friendship you and Price have, how much Price knows about you and things that Price has experienced with you over the years. That Price has seen you at your best and your worst.
He wishes he knew you that well, he wishes he had been there through times when you were injured or sad so he could take care of you.
K for Karma
How do they apologize to each other?
Flowers. It's old fashioned but it suits him to a T. The two of you rarely find yourselves in a situation where either of you have to apologise to each other but when he's in the wrong he will buy you some flowers.
Luckily for him you love flowers.
L for Lust
What feature/habit do they find most enticing about the other?
Your size. You are smaller than him by a whole foot. When he has you in his lap you may get poked in the backside or thigh if you are sitting sideways. He's sorry he cant help it.
Also your boobs. He's a titty man.
M for Memory
What is their favorite memory together?
He thinks it's stupid but his favourite memory is of a time when you were both in danger.
On a mission just the two of you, he got knocked out. When he came too you had literally dragged him to a car, somehow gotten him inside, driven you both somewhere safe and tended to both of your wounds before he woke up.
The inner and physical strength you displayed (not that he was awake to see it) was just so god damned impressive.
N for Normal
What do their typical day together look like? Routines, schedules, habits?
When you guys are staying together off base and off duty you usually go for a run in the morning together, shower together (sometimes theres some heavy petting), have breakfast, do some chores or errands. You usually have lunch together too and go to the gym in the afternoon. Then you come home, cook dinner together and spend the rest of the evening relaxing in each others company.
When on base you usually have your own jobs to do if not on a mission. You usually eat all your meals together if possible. Sometimes you manage to train together or be in the gym at the same time as each other. As fraternization is against the rules in the military you tend to not interact with each other outside of team mate expected things.
O for Obvious
What things do either do in public to show they’re together?
The two of you try really hard not to show anything when working. But 141 knows, they had thought something was going on between the two of you but nothing concrete until one time at the pub, Soap had caught the two of you holding hands under the table and GASPED so loud "I BLOODY KNEW IT".
They all keep your secret because they're your bro's.
Price, your dearest bestie, did give Ghost the "if you do anything to hurt her nobody will find your body" talk
P for Peace
When are they most relaxed together?
Laying in bed cuddling in the morning. He likes watching you wake up and stretch in the morning. You're especially cute when groggy.
Having a sunday roast together is especially relaxing. It's very domestic and something he misses from his childhood. It was one of the few normal things he had in his home life.
Q for Quiet
What can they do together without talking?
Reading, doing paperwork, gardening or yard work. It's easy to find a companionable silence around you. He finds it comforting.
R for Romantic
What kind of gifts do they give each other?
Flowers. Even if you're not mad at him he likes to give you flowers. Even if he picked it from the side of the road or it was hanging over someones fence. He regularly will hand you a flower from somewhere. Your home is full of vases of flowers from him that you have dried out to keep.
Special occasions like birthdays and christmas he gets you jewelry. Nothing excessive, usually something delicate and unassuming.
Did you comment on how you thought some daisy shaped earrings were super cute, he'll find a nice pair and buy it for you for a special occasion.
You give meals and practical gifts.
Your first christmas together you gifted him a really nice power drill set. You had remembered him mentioning his had fucked out. He teared up when he opened it tbh. Nobody in his life, since his mum, had ever paid attention to things he said or got him gifts like this.
He hugged you so tight and smothered you with kisses.
S for Sleep
What position do they sleep in if/when they sleep together?
The two of you usually start with him on his back and you resting your head on his chest. However as the night progresses you end up turning away from each other and sleeping that way.
Sometimes the other wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to spoon the other.
You two always cuddle in the morning though.
T for Thoughtful
What little things do they do for each other?
He's always making you cups of coffee and tea. Will never let you do the dishes.
Sometimes you make scones and little sandwiches and have afternoon tea together. It reminds him of his nan.
You like to take off his boots and socks after a long day and give him a foot rub. He gets achy feet.
U for Unity
What kind of wedding ceremony would/did they have?
Very small. A small chapel in the British countryside with only the people you trust the most. There will be a reception at a fancy pub afterwards where the two of you pay the tab for whatever food and drink thats ordered.
Honeymoon would probably be somewhere where nobody knows any of you, where you're strangers to the world and can be normal every day people.
V for Vibrant
What do they do or say that will make the other one smile without fail?
When you use lame pickuplines on each other. The lamer the better.
W for Whisper
What nicknames or compliments do they use the most?
From him: "Lovie, Sweets, Sweetheart"
From you: "Sugarplum, Baby, my love"
You always tell him how cute he is or how brave, he doesn't get how he could be cute but he likes when you tell him he's cute. A blush will always dust his cheeks
He always tells you how amazing you are. How sweet and lovely you are. How he cant believe he's so lucky to have you.
X for XOXO
What was their first kiss like?
Before you two kissed on the lips he liked to kiss the top of your hand. Still does.
Chaste and shy. You were more nervous than he was. Being you have little experience in romance. He took the lead. It was soft, gentle and perfect.
Y for Yearn
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
He goes over old text messages or looks at photos in his phone.
You hug a pillow when you sleep wishing it was him.
Z for Zoom
What is their favorite picture of each other or them together?
A picture Gaz took of you sitting in his lap at a BBQ at prices. He has his arm around your waist, your leaning back into him and whispering something he cant remember into his ear. He keeps it in a frame on his dressing table.
Yours is a picture of him at the beach in swim trunks, flip flops and a hat. He's lounging under an umbrella on a towel so very relaxed and at peace.
Æ for Æve - Eternity
How do they picture their old age together?
The two of you living in your own home, married, several pets, growing your own food and being happy with hobbies.
Ø for Øde - Desolate
Where do/would they live together?
The two of you have a place in a country village in the UK. When you two retire you move to your home country and have a nice little cottage there.
Å for Åte - Bait
How did they meet/start dating?
Met when Price had you join 141 when he needed someone who specialised getting in and out of places without being noticed. You are very sneaky.
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sanderchu · 2 years
tommyinnit fluff alphabet?? your writing is so good <33
Fluff alphabet
Tommy version!
Note: I did switch out the family for fluff :) there will be more detail on that when you see it :) I kept yes there because I wanna put his imagination kid brain in that one so it’s nothing like big like Karl just tommy being childish
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
- your hair. Despite always talking about your eyes/mouth your hair catches his attention the most and just loves to practically mess it up
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?) [not in a wrong way of course]
- the top of your head or shoulders. He calls them his resting spot
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
- spooning or you on his chest or the other way around. It gives him a sense that he’s protecting you
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
- unexpected he could say “wanna go out” and you guys can end up in New York or something despite being in the uk to start off. He never makes them boring and makes sure to make them fun
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
- very open by accident he tries not to come off as loud or chaotic but it’s his personality he can’t help it
F = fluff (a random fluff headcanon about them)
- you guys have those Lego heart necklaces but as bracelets because he didn’t want to come off as “original”
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
- if your gifting him things he’s insanely flattered and blushy but just acts like he’s ok and tries to act manly to hide how he feels
- if your receiving the gifts hes very big and a huge show off buying you the most biggest or expensive things but sometimes calms down and gets you something small like a keychain or sweater
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
- ALWAYS HOLDING YOUR HAND. Sorry- he can’t live a day with your hand touch with his
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
- his chaotic mood drops hes very concerned for you and is very helpful. Sounds like hes the one on the verge of tears when hes not even the one heart (it hurts the heart 😔💕)
“It’s going to be ok, no I’m not crying 🥹”
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
- king of jokes I may say. He’s very jokey and basically everyday is having jokes from him. A normal conversation can turn into you both dying laughing, red faces, tears running down, and bright smiles
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
- likes to savor it so kinda long but not to long. In public hes quick not in public hes quick and always smiling. (He’s a sweet boy 🥹💕)
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
- touch (not wrong dont be weird-) or gift giving is his best. His actions speak better than his words. His words are always stumbled or slurred because he never knows what to say since he says more without thinking but around you he watches what he says to prevent him saying something to dramatic
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
- late night in brighton taking a walk and being loud teens having an amazing time just star watching
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
- you getting tired of him. He understands how he can be so he expects it but also can never see it happen especially the longer the relationship you guys are in
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
- he likes to like run his fingers down your arm or back to freak you out- (I hope you know what I’m talking about-)
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
- babe, baby girl/boy, baby, l/n (last name), mr/mrs simons
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
- anything really but mostly just watching a show and discussing it basically pausing it every second
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
- classic -MKTO
- sunkissed -Khaki dreams
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
- pretty open. I mean half his life is on the internet so there’s really no difference only some pretty personal things or secret projects you only know
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
- 1 year before Wilbur said ‘fuck it’ and confessed for tommy to you
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
- his very distant but also close sending little text messages asking if your ok or if you need anything
V = Vaunt (Do they like to show you off?)
- Y E S he announced it during a twitch panel and ever since he’s
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
- he would use his words. Let’s be honest, tommy would be kinda to scared being beat up but also just won’t not to increase any problems
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
- kinda well (not at all) he’s very blind with that but is a good helper and comforter
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
- so let’s say when you guys started dating his inner child kicked in and goes “I’m going to marry you when we’re older!” And thinks of all these places and ideas and takes your interest to find ideas jjst to make you happy
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Playing with his hair or kissing his temples, he melts into your arms like goo
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serendertothesquad · 2 days
Seren's Studies: The Second (And Final) Odd Squad UK Trailer
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Cute that FRP suddenly cares about Odd Squad when they haven't even so much as peeped about it for...what, over a year now? Two years, maybe?
Yeah. Anyway, it seems that PBS had to step up on their alt -- the franchise's social medias, you see -- and grab it from them, because it's clear they weren't gonna do it. Especially not during Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month when Alma's Way is the top dog. (You know how Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is PBS Kids's golden kid? Alma's Way is FRP's. It's like the Spongebob of the prodco, really.)
But enough stick-up-the-anus cynicism. I did one Seren's Study on the gadget competition results video, and now I'm moving on to the one for the second trailer for Odd Squad UK. Some of it repeats bits from the first trailer, but it's otherwise completely new.
Let's dive below the break!
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If you look closely, the badge number says 86.
Which would be fine, if I hadn't run numbers only to realize that neither Orli nor Ozzie have a badge number of 86.
So either someone's trippin' balls or I'm the one trippin' balls and can't math correctly.
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What sleep deprivation does to a motherfucker: I saw this and immediately thought of "Two Agents and a Baby" because of the equipment Ozzie was holding. So I thought, "Okay, so they're babysitting?"
It's actually from "Planes, Trains and Oddmobiles". And as I've said before, I can predict, with stunning accuracy, what shots and what scenes line up with which episode. If you've seen the synopsis for "Planes, Trains and Oddmobiles", this brief snippet speaks for itself.
(Makes me wonder...anyone wanna set up a PonyGuessr game, but for Odd Squad screencaps? Would be fun to test your knowledge! I know I'd love one.)
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*in about the best Bill Nye voice I can do*
Please...consider the following.
Dino Dex crossover.
(Hey, it's not impossible. If you've been watching this franchise, you know it's not impossible.)
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They didn't even try with the house thing.
Is that not the same row of houses from "Training Day"? Am I delulu? Am I tripping? Or is that the same row of houses? Different color, maybe?
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Ah, I see we've also got some not-so-subliminal advertising for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in here.
(See, it's funny because, IIRC, they made a jab at the UK in the trailer. So in a way, you could say they've come full circle!)
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Funny how we go from the appropriate reaction one should have to having lightning shoot out of your head to "this is going to fuck up my entire life because I can't wear hats now" in...oh, I don't know...a scene or two, maybe? Five at best.
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Ah, and we have our first look at Dottie Doubloon from "A Dicey Situation"! I will say, she does kind of look like a pirate attire-wise, which is what I was hoping for. Maybe she'll talk like a pirate too aaaaaaaand I just figured out the connection between her and Captain O and I need to go absorb my fat lil' body into the grass outside now thank you.
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new villains
shows the Icy Mousey about to do a Hadouken
I don't think I need to explain what the direct distinction between creatures and villains are. It's like looking at a dog that bites your hand and equating him to a guy who killed his son. They both did bad things, but only one is an antagonistic animal in the more instinctual sense while the other one is a straight-up villain.
At least they show The Trifler right after...but still. It's all about sentience. Do I need to make a whole-ass sentience chart and tell- just keep rolling with it?
*sighs* Okay, fine...if I must.
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I'm sorry...I honestly didn't believe this trailer would make me laugh, but then this guy comes in with a "Gadzooks!" while holding something gross and I lost it.
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Behold: genderbent adult-aged Willow from The Owl House has made his way into Odd Squad UK. He's even got the hat on and everything!
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new gadgets
shows the tubes
I'm just...I'm fuckin' tired, man. Is this some kind of joke? Is this a game? Because I want a Perplexus ball and not this shit, thank you.
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It's like blinking Oprah...Oprah...she do the blink...in "Dance Like Nobody's Watching"...but...but 's Captain O...with a squinty squint...
Alternatively: I lol'd, until I serious'd.
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I see Orwell Kubrick has some charm beneath all that "scare the kids but not too much". Good for him.
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*with the tightest fucking smile any doctor has ever seen on a person*
"Is that his house? I- Is that Onom's fucking house? Take me to my best friend's house, I loved you then like I love you now? T- The iPod touch circa 2011?!"
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I will say, I appreciate the analytics behind each pose here. Lots to dissect, if the Discord server is any indication.
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Those five words might've just put a dent in my "ah, they'll drop 'em all on the 1st and forget about it" theory.
It could still happen -- PBS still hates the show, mind you. Netflix, Hulu, and most other streaming services do the same thing. There's a chance. You watch. You watch and see.
Overall, a nice solid trailer. Doesn't exactly stoke any hype in me, but it did stoke my curiosity in finding out what happens. Funny enough, unlike the Season 3 trailer, there's no mention of the big bad or anything. At least there, The Shadow got a couple seconds of screentime. For the Terrible Three, though, there's nothing. Which...concerns me on a number of levels in terms of how well they're going to handle the story arc.
But either way, we've got a week to go until launch date, so I'm not expecting too much else news-wise. Still waiting for BBC to drop those teaser images, and for PBS Kids's main Twitter account to recognize the show and rep it with not-so-subtle lil' hints using past seasons. (Only one of those sounds more plausible. I don't think I need to say which one.)
Like I've said before, my first Seren's Study regarding the new series/season, when it drops, will be an episode followup on "Odd Ones In". And before you ask me if I'm going to be reuploading episodes onto my YouTube channel: clearly you haven't been there for all the times I bitched and moaned on Twitter about PBS, their distribution branch, or their security partner taking down my videos that contained snippets of episodes. It's not happenin'. Given how the series/season getting another season/more episodes is dependent on legal viewership, promoting illegal means of watching it feels wrong. If Odd Squad UK gets a continuation of some sort, maybe they can take steps towards improvement. That's what I'm hoping for, personally.
Seren out!
So, with all that being said, I will see you all sometime in early October for that first followup. Keep your eyes peeled for more news in the meantime, because we could either get a trickle or a flood.
Oh yeah, and if you wanna watch the trailer, view it below!
(Editor's note: Managed to kick open the floodgates last night before I even published this. Teaser images are already up, news articles are sharing bits of info...don't ask me how, just accept it.)
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grungeeuvu · 1 year
All of the questions for the ask game :)
Oh crikey, okay uhhh-
1. Chipotle order?
I've never been to Chipotle (idek if they're in the UK, I've never seen one before)
2. Thoughts on veganism?
I am impressed by those who have a vegan diet, I am not impressed with those who try to change my diet to fit with their views, and I am not strong enough to stick to that kind of diet :')
3. A specific colour that gives you an ick?
I don't really know? A sickly orange maybe? I've never really thought about it hmm
4. Mythical creature that you think/believe to be real?
D R A G O N S.
5. Favourite form of potatoes?
Hmmm. Maybe crisps. Salt and vinegar crisps 👍
More under the cut!! :))
6. Do you use a watch?
At the moment, I do not
7. What animal do you look forward to seeing when you go to an aquarium?
Stingrays and sharks!!
8. Do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
Nah, not unless I've been caught in the rain
9. Do you have a skincare routine?
Nope :) I just use a face wash when I have a shower and that's it
10. When on a plane, do you ask for apple juice or orange juice?
Usually I get water, but I'll probably pick apple juice bc I don't know if the orange juice has bits in
11. Anything from your childhood that you've held onto?
Technically I'm still a child but I've got loads and loads of old toys and a blanket given to me at birth which was dubbed "Night Night" and he stays in my bed 💪
12. Brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare you trust 100%?
L'Occitane 👍👍👍 it's expensive but very good. For cheaper stuff, Tresemme
13. First thing you're doing in the purge?
Hiding. I ain't that stupid.
14. Do you think you're dehydrated?
Judging by the fact I've only had half a pint of water all day, probably 😎
15. Rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning.
From worst to best, Drowning, Freezing, Burning.
16. Thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Any kind of mint makes me feel really sick so I'm not a fan 😭😭 even the smell makes me ill
17. An anxious compulsion you do every day?
Pick at my split ends or the cracked skin on my lips.
18. Your boba/tea order?
Never had boba and not a fan of tea!
19. The veggie you dislike the most?
Mushrooms. I hate them.
20. Favourite Disney princess movie?
MULAN. HANDS DOWN. MULAN. I have memories of me in nursery singing 'Reflection' to a gathered group of younger toddlers. Very nice memory :))
21. A number that weirds you out?
I do not trust 46. It's evil.
22. Do you have an emotional support water bottle?
Um....... No?
23. Do you wear jewelry?
Yes, quite a lot! I mostly wear multiple rings and necklaces, and the occasional bracelet. No earrings tho, bc my ears aren't pierced yet lol
24. Do you find yourself using American or British English?
Definitely British, it's just superior. We don't say 'erb' for example.... 👀
25. Would you say you have good taste in music?
Absolutely! :) I've always got a song to recommend to people
26. How's your spice tolerance?
Not very good but, according to my dad, I have a heightened sense of taste so I'm not too surprised. Idm things a bit spicy but I'm not a big fan 😔
27. What's your favourite or go-to outfit?
Rose Docmartins, black tights, black skirt, the top I got from a Bon Jovi concert and my purple-patch jacket is my favourite but it's not my most fashionable choice, I'll be honest lol
28. Last meal on earth?
Toad in the hole with Heinz baked beans and some ketchup. Not healthy but my favourite. (And maybe cheesecake for pudding!!)
29. Preferred pasta noodle?
Uhhhh idk my types of pasta beyond the dishes ngl-
And 30 is ask me anything so I guess you get a free question? Lmao this took forever 😭
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yaoitron10000 · 3 months
unorganised ass pinned ...
misc. blog where i blog about everything!
current interests :
kpop (txt and (g)-idle are my ults moas pls moot me)
id say sally face but the game is barely relevant to me i just have a hyperfixation on travis
tokyo ghoul (im still reading it PLEASE DONT SPOIL ME OTZ)
bnha... started watching it again after dropping it a couple years back and im HOOKED
talk to me about :
uk politics
YOUR OCS!!!!!!!!!
dni and abt me under the cut :D
dni : radfems, proshippers, zionists, antisemites, hazbin hotel fans just cause i dont like yall, nsfw blogs and minors dni blogs, do i even have to say maps/pedophiles, people who write kpop fanfics, radfems
^^^^ in reference to this, i am not an arguer but i am a blocker the block button is in fact my best friend. if you bring bs onto my blog you shall be banished forever. ive also blocked people for posting really frequently in tags when i was just a lurker so if thats you i am sorry 🙏🙏
i dont care if over 18s interact as long as you're appropriate ! whether you care if i interact with you is your prerogative so block me if you dont want me interacting
ab me :
my name is tayo but honestly i dont care what u call me, minor so dont be weird i beg, audhd, transmasc (he/him), moa and neverland, biracial (blk + white), bovid enthusiast (ask me what my favourite cow is 🙏🙏🙏)
anyways might make a cute one of these at some point but i cant be bothered rn i fear.......
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jodilin65 · 7 months
Feeling the best I’ve felt since I first got sick although I still have fatigue. It’s hard to say whether the fatigue is post-recovery or just the way I usually am. I still think my TSH has risen but now that I’m back on the vitamin D every few days, that should help. I feel chilled at times but Tom thinks it’s just because it takes longer than you realize to fully recover. But this is the least nauseous I’ve been since getting sick so I’m glad for that much. My hair and skin are dry but if my TSH is that high, it wouldn’t explain why my weight is still down. I think my weight will be going back up soon, though.
Best of all, I’m now pretty sure that I didn’t get a UTI. I think that because I took a little break from my probiotics and lady lube while sick that’s why I started feeling a burning sensation again. Either that or the one Nitrofurantoin I took last night was one seriously powerful pill along with the cranberry juice I’ve been drinking. I’ll know soon enough because if it flares back up, then that will make me think some things up.
I messaged Rhonda about it and the message wasn’t picked up until this afternoon. I then sent a second message asking that she cancel the antibiotic request and explained that I don’t think I have a UTI after all but if the symptoms return I’ll do an urgent video appointment.
More good news. I haven’t had to sleep with the nasal dilator and I haven’t snored in a while so I think the problem was the blood pressure medicine. Also, when I took my blood pressure earlier, it was 113/73, so I don’t think I really need to try anything else. As long as I watch what I eat I should be okay.
Even more good news. Yes, I have a few good things which is great. The only negative is my fatigue. The dishwasher is fixed and Tom was in and out of the plasma place in under an hour. We’ve also been making decent money online. Not move-to-Hawaii kind of decent but still decent. I even splurged on a small Temu order and got $33 worth of stuff that would have normally cost about $100 elsewhere. I got a couple of figurines, lip gloss, a 6-pack of G-strings, and another sticker to decorate the toilet seat with. Pictures will eventually show up on my secondary Facebook account. Just not of me wearing the G-strings of course. LOL.
One figurine is a fairy that sits on the edge of a shelf, windowsill, table, or wherever you want to put her. The other is a German shepherd and while I may not be a dog fan, it seems to be a really nice and realistic sculpture.
The good news still goes on…although it’s delayed a month, I got a call from my ENT’s office saying that the doctor will be in surgery during my appointment and it was bumped up to late April at a time that fits into my schedule much better. So now I don’t have to stress over that.
And the last bit of good news is that the honker’s company left. Seems that way anyway. Tomorrow I’ll take a chance when I crash and not blast the sound machine so loud and hope he stays off the motorcycle. There shouldn’t be any thunderstorms to worry about but I’d rather Mother Nature than human assholes.
Saw a crime documentary about a guy in the UK who went down for 8 years for cyberstalking people for years. They talked about his childhood, how he didn’t know he was autistic at the time, how he felt bullied and alienated, and how many (not all) are a problem in society and use their autism as an excuse to give people so much grief. I know not all of them are trouble but I think that many of them know exactly what they’re doing but instead of doing something to better themselves, they use their condition as a ticket to act out. And OMG, the inappropriately intense emotions and paranoia! It seems that where most people would get moderately upset over something more serious, these people will go ballistic over next to nothing.
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fanrolli · 2 years
Dark side of the moom
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As well as having a skeletonised dial, this collectable watch is remarkable for its specially decorated version of the. 50 years later, OMEGA has produced this incredible chronograph in tribute to that mission. In 1968, the Apollo 8 crew became the first humans to ever see the dark side of the moon. New and previously undocumented versions of DSOTM get added to the database frequently making it one of the most interesting titles to focus on for "deep collectors". Speedmaster Dark Side of the Moon Apollo 8. However there are a number of versions with significant differences in packaging and design, such as this version: Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon from the Philippines which has the artist's name and LP title printed in large text on a non-gatefold sleeve. Most of the vinyl versions were issued with gatefold sleeves. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. 2 contributors total, last edit on Jul 23, 2021. Difficulty: intermediate: Tuning: E A D G B E: Capo: no capo: Author Matt Montoya a 2,192. 356,234 views, added to favorites 1,968 times. It would be wrong to say that this side of the moon. The Dark Side Of The Moon Album Tab by Pink Floyd. Certified 15 times platinum in the US and 14 times platinum in the UK. On Septemthe MR first reached the threshold of 1000 different versions and is currently hovering around that number, making it one of the most populated MRs in the entire database. The side of the moon which we are never able to see being on earth is known as the dark side of the moon. Stereo remastered album on heavyweight 180g vinyl. Harvest issue, identifiable with a solid blue triangle on the labels instead of the shaded triangle used on most other versions. The most sought-after and valuable version of DSOTM is the original U.K. In the U.S., the album has spent more time on the Billboard 200 album chart than any other release in modern history.Įarly releases included two posters and two color stickers inside the gatefold sleeve, all designed by the U.K. It stands as one of the most successful commercial recordings of all time, and has been released in many countries. It was recorded at Abbey Road Studios in London, England and released in 1973. Listen to The Dark Side Of The Moon (2011 Remastered Version) on Spotify. An epic spellbinding tale of heroism and hope, by Nebula and Campbell Award-winner Jack McDevitt."The Dark Side Of The Moon" is the eighth studio LP to be released by Pink Floyd. There, in a mysterious, seemingly abandoned space shuttle, a sinister force lies in wait. Winner of the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award for Best Novel.Īs it all seems perfect on the just-completed American moon base, an amateur astronaut has just discovered a comet headed straight for the moon. Play trailer 1:55 1 Video 71 Photos Action Horror Mystery In 2022, a repair crew is sent to fix an orbital weapon but their spaceship malfunctions and ends up heading towards the dark side of the moon. In this tale of revolution, a lunar colony decides to rebel against Earth.
The novel behind the iconic phrase, "There's no free lunch," written by 4-time winner of the Hugo Award for Best Novel, Robert Heinlein. This is NO ORDINARY laser show Our cutting edge projection system from Laser Fantasy mesmerizes your. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the. An ABSOLUTE classic No need to say anything more. Clarke, considered to be one of the greatest science-fiction writers of all time.Īfter finding a monstrous apparatus on the surface of the moon, its human inhabitants attempt to understand this murderous maze that seems to make everyone around it insane. Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: Youve just tried to add this video to My List. A novel by Hugo and Heinlein Award-winner Arthur C. A rescue team attempts to save passengers on a sunken lunar cruise ship before time runs out.
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Want to know where all the good knowledge came from?
Citations yay!
Brown, P., & Levinson, S. (1978). Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena. In E. Goody (Ed.), Questions and Politeness: Strategies in Social Interaction (pp. 56-310). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Firth, R. (1972). Verbal and bodily rituals of greeting and parting. In J. S. La Fontaine (Ed.), The Interpretation of Rituals. Routledge.
Fox, K. (2004). Watching the English: The hidden rules of English behaviour. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Geddes, L. (2015, December 17). Why do Brits talk about the weather so much? BBC.
Grice, H. P. (1975) Logic and conversation. In P. Cole and J. Morgan (Eds.), Studies in Syntax and Semantics III: Speech Acts (pp. 183-98). New York: Academic Press.
Laver, J. (2011). Linguistic Routines and Politeness in Greeting and Parting. In F. Coulmas (Ed.), Volume 2 Conversational Routine (pp. 289-304). Berlin, New York: De Gruyter Mouton.
Spencer-Oatey, H., & Kádár, D. Z. (2021). Intercultural politeness: Managing relations across cultures. Cambridge University Press.
Small Talk 
Coupland, J. (2014). Introduction: Sociolinguistic perspectives on small talk. In Small talk (pp. 1-25). Routledge.
Coupland, J. (2003). Small talk: Social functions. Research on language and social interaction, 36(1), 1-6, -6, DOI:10.1207/S15327973RLSI3601_1
McAndrew, F.T. (2020, January 18). Why Small Talk Is a Big Deal.  https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/out-the-ooze/202001/why-small-talk-is-big-deal
Cuncic, A. (2021, April 12). 10 Best and Worst Small Talk Topics. https://www.verywellmind.com/small-talk-topics-3024421 
Rolfe, A. How to Up Your Small Talk game. https://www.reed.co.uk/career-advice/how-to-up-your-small-talk-game/?utm_source=pocket_mylist
Roberts, D. (2019, December 30). Why is small talk so excruciating. https://www.vox.com/2015/7/7/8903123/small-talk
Watkins, N. (2021, July 23). Hate Small Talk? Here’s Why and What to Do About It. https://socialpronow.com/blog/i-hate-small-talk/
Public Behaviour 
The Muse Editor. (n.d.). Why Your Handshake Matters (and How to Get it Right). https://www.themuse.com/advice/why-your-handshake-matters-and-how-to-get-it-right
Landau, H.C. (2018, August 9) Importance of a Good Handshake. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-good-handshake-henry-chesky-landau
WhatsApp Conduct 
Patel, M. (2017). WhatsApp Group Rules Guidelines: Maintain your Ethics and Etiquette. https://www.kadvacorp.com/technology/whatsapp-group-rules/
Baz S, R. (2017, September 1). A Proposal of Basic Conduct/Behavior Rules for WhatsAoo Groups. https://medium.com/en-los-espejos-de-un-cafe/a-proposal-of-basic-conduct-behavior-rules-for-whatsapp-groups-ef241d7f54f6
Mallick, Z. (n.d.). https://youyaa.com/whatsapp-group-rules/
8 Rules for WhatsApp Group Chat Etiuquette. (March 2020).  https://sheerluxe.com/life/8-rules-for-whatsapp-group-chat-etiquette
Simpson Millar. (2018, March 28). Solicitors Tips for Employers on WhatsApp in the Workplace. https://www.simpsonmillar.co.uk/media/solicitor-s-tips-for-employers-on-whatsapp-in-the-workplace/
Rules For A WhatsApp Group. (n.d.). https://nrf.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Rules-for-a-Whatsapp-Group-.pdf
FAQ (n.d.). https://emojipedia.org/faq/
Journal of International Students. Bista, K. 2016. Cooper, P. Newsome, LK. 2016. International Students’ Cultural and Social Experiences in a British University: “Such a hard life [it] is here’. OJED/STAR
Hitchings, H. 2013. Sorry!: The English and their Manners. Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Holmes, J. 1990. Apologies in New Zealand English. Cambridge University Press
Leech, G. 1983. Principles of Pragmatics. London; New York; Longman
Taylor, C. 2016. Mock politeness and culture: Perceptions and practice in UK and Italian data. Intercultural Pragmatics. De Gruyter Mouton
Thank Yous
Spencer-Oatey, 2000. Culturally Speaking: Managing Rapport Through Talk Across Cultures. Continuum; London; New York
Grieve, A. (2010). “Aber ganz ehrlich”: Differences in episodic structure, apologies and truth-orientation in German and Australian workplace telephone discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 42(1), 190-219.
Coupland, J. (2014). Introduction: Sociolinguistic perspectives on small talk. In Small talk (pp. 1-25). Routledge.
Wierzbicka, A. (2010). 1. Cultural scripts and intercultural communication. In Pragmatics across languages and cultures(pp. 43-78). De Gruyter Mouton.
Meng, H. (2008). Social script theory and cross-cultural communication. Intercultural Communication Studies, 17(1), 132-138.
Goddard, C. (2009). Cultural scripts. Culture and language use, 2, 68-80.
Personal space
Beaulieu, C. (2006). Intercultural Study of Personal Space: A Case Study. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, 34(4), 794-805. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2004.tb02571.x
Norris, A. (2021). prints. Retrieved 24 November 2021, from https://www.theohnoshop.com/collections/prints-1?page=2
Reimann, A. (2010). Intercultural communication and the essence of humour. Journal of the Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University, (29), 23-34.
Itchy Feet: the Travel and Language Comic. (2021). Retrieved 24 November 2021, from http://www.itchyfeetcomic.com/
Bonus mini-post
Firth, R. (1972). Verbal and bodily rituals of greeting and parting. In J. S. La Fontaine (Ed.), The Interpretation of Rituals. Routledge.
Firth, R. (1972). Verbal and bodily rituals of greeting and parting. In J. S. La Fontaine (Ed.), The Interpretation of Rituals. Routledge.
Laver, J. (2011). Linguistic Routines and Politeness in Greeting and Parting. In F. Coulmas (Ed.), Volume 2 Conversational Routine (pp. 289-304). Berlin, New York: De Gruyter Mouton.
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skimblyshanks · 3 years
Ok so @thunderwhenhepurrs asked me to explain Macavigus and seeing as it's a house I built myself on solely headcanons this is only fair 😂
But this is me so it's a very long story
It's built on 3 main things, 2.75/3 of which being pure personal interpretation
1. Macavity is Old. but also not. but. ok, so aliudshf. One of my headcanons since I got into the show in 2016 was that Macavity is in the same Age Group as Gus, Old!Griz, and Deut (My thoughts and age hcs for Grizabella fluctuate wildly nowadays).
2. Macavity is the true identity of Rumpus Cat. I made A Whole Series of posts breaking this down. Certain backstory specifics have changed but the general outline is still something i adhere to.
3. Rumpus Cat was Always Gus' Show First. Based, of course, on the US revival+UK-International Tour, where he plays the Rumpus Cat. The show is always, of course, somewhat associated with Old D, since pre-2016 stagings were directed toward him in-universe and led by Munkustrap, all during Act I, but when Gus and Deut are usually understood as very close...
So. aksudhf.
I tend to hc, When Gus, Deut, Macavity, and sometimes Griz were all in their younger days, that Gus and Macavity were a Thing. And like. Macavity wasn't a great dude but like. Most of the messy stuff happened behind the Rumpus Cat persona. basically OG Jekyll-and-Hyde style, letting out repressed urges under another name, this time just also under the guise of a vigilante. (There's nothing explicitly heroic abt Rumpus Cat in the lines themselves, it's all in the staging and the cats relating to cats)
BUT, and here's where things get REALLY Pepe Silvia. And also just go full in on Magic Macavity. So like I mention in my previous 3-post series, I think Macavity is. Literally undead asufhlasdiu. He's old, he's smelly, he's losing his fur, he's emaciated. How does he maintain an appeal? Well, we do know he's literally hypnotic, and along with that all the cats give off enough fae vibes that like. Glamour. BUT ALSO the force that's keeping him alive draws on resentment and hate so he just becomes a more vile little goblin every day.
So Anyway. Back long enough that Deut was young. And Macavity gets fatally wounded while out Rumpus-ing. And Gus is devastated, obviously, but like. you don't stop living. So he moved on. WHAT HE DIDN'T KNOW was that The Power Of Hate had revived Macavity bc he "died" under the Jellicle Moon, Unchosen, full of Betrayal and hate, and also a living vessel of intense magic that still cannot be truly matched bc Misto, Jemibub, Psychic Twins, etc., all have either different types of magic, or different levels of manifestation and i'm getting sidetracked asudiyh. Anyway he died but came back but at this point, no one knows that. And Gus is moving on with his life and finds new love and somewhere in there we get an Asparagus Jr and a Skimble! And Macavity is in the shadows watching like
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I introduce 2 more ideas here.
1.Rumpus Cat's being Gus' Show means, not only did he take on the role but he also effectively wrote the show. It's a memorial piece. He and Deut would have the cat equivalent of parlour readings a lot to get through the first year or so they presumed Mac was dead.
2. Even into the present, Macavity is an Urban Legend. No firm basis for this just the vibe i picked up coming back to the show 2019-2020.
So. Eventually Mac's gotta stop laying low. And would you look at that Gus' replacement goldfish just died how sad. So he starts popping up like. Right after she's put to rest and Gus is like "???? You died????" and Macavity, who is so jealous and bitter but putting on his best charm is all "!!! I got better!!!!" And Gus is very sad and he JUST lost his second love and also he has small children he will not turn this down ok he is not ruining this for himself. And Macavity gets this seed planeted as he like. barely exists around the kids that. tiny minds are malleable. And he starts triangulating them a bit to see if he can pull it off and Gus kinda notices so he's like "hey stop it." and Mac's like "ok -crosses fingers behind his back-" And. Keeps doing it obviously just encourages them not to physically go at each other aliudhflisadf. It ends up endangering one of them (probably skimble bc he's the smaller/younger one aliusdhf) through negligence bc dad wasn't home and he and his brother were perpetually mad at each other now. Probably wasn't anything super duper serious but. still rattling for Gus, Jr, and Skimble; still v easily avoidable; and are we sure Macavity had no hand in it?...
And at that point Gus is like "get the fuck away from me and my kids you demon" and--he does, And he goes to build his own evil cat crime kingdom. But key notes, you know, is that he could indeed manipulate kids. Tugger, Platometus, Bomba, and Demeter, along with Jerrie and Teazer, were all born after his reach was established like they grew up in his territory. But those are all their own stories and what's important to this one is that Eventually he sees Tugger and is like "hm. this child is malnourished and still stocky. I like the potential here." and """offers""" to take him on as protege. But Tugger is harder to break than skimble and jr were, or maybe Mac just wasn't good with someone who pushed back, especially if he had no grudge with them or their father. Either way; Tugger likes practicing fighting and brawling and stuff, but the kids got such a stupid little moral core. Buzzkill. So eventually Mac is like. Done with him. But he's not letting him go back home, oh no. He wants leverage against Demeter and he can't have that if she knows where her brother is.
-Oh yeah somewhere in here, too, is the Ball where he kills Victor in front of little Munk. And Gus. Was p certain Munk wasn't making things up from his emotions when he described his brother's killer.-
So he brings him to Gus. And Gus is like "how tf are you still alive not only did i watch you die but like. you looked like death the last time i saw you and my sons were tiny now they're grown and you barely look worse." and Mac is like "yeah funny that here have a preteen." And then nopes out again maybe or maybe not after a night together once more. And Gus is like "I'm not Deut having all these babies I don't want to deal with this kid 24/7 so Tugger basically spends his time between Gus and the Deutfam.
And after all of this Gus looks at the old play he wrote and is like. "I can't believe I ever mourned you" and it ends up hidden away for a while until eventually like. older teen-young adult Munk is sniffing around and he finds it and he is a theatre kid and Uncle Gus how come you never showed me this one before oh my god can I adapt it no no no need to thank me I promise I'll do it justice" before Gus can be like "so Munk I think we should have a talk about The Rumpus Cat and some puzzle pieces your old man does not have like at all like I really think you don't want to do this."
Which is why, along with offstage reality reasons of course, he isn't there for Act I versions of it. In the US Revival it is explicitly suggested by Deut. And Deut, if he's put together all the pieces, hasn't shown it. And Gus is like. My bro wants to see the show, I'll do it and I'll do it for him and myself. Fuck Macavity man anyone can be Rumpus Cat now. and surprise surprise Deut and Munk actually set the whole thing up as a surprise for Gus bc again. They don't have the pieces, they don't know RC=Mac. Not until later that night aslduhfsldf
Because when Macavity gets scared off and electrocutes himself/disappears like. He's still out there. He just did a batman villain escape and they're always back at it by the next week. So after that there's 2 main ways I see them.
One, Serious: Perhaps redemption arc? Very very gradual, longer than it sounds writing it down, but Gus has no real other reason to hang on from his own perspective, and Macavity just looks so fucking pathetic. So he starts hiding out in the theatre and slowly just. cooling his ember of hatred. But that ember is what's keeping him alive. They die together 🥺😌
Two, Joking. this part of worthikid's Palpatine video
and they just have this kind of dynamic bc Gus has to wait in a really long queue to get reincarnated once he dies bc he doesn't die The Choice so he's bumming around and Macavity can see him bc Undead, but also Macavity just. Spites the world by living. Will he ever die? Who fuckin knows man, but he's a lot less dangerous after getting his ass handed to him by a whole group of cats at once. Kids cartoon show villain.
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goldenlie · 3 years
I already made that point in the ask on a different blog but I dislike how they put Dream on pedestal and relate anything that happens with George to him. Jokes and more serious takes calling him covid warrior get me annoyed because it's the same person that allows his mom do groceries for him and didn't see any issues with Sapnap going to visit Karl, create irl content with him and other ccs and even make video with mr beast despite Sapnap apparently interacting with his mom and sister. It also surprises me how the fans push so much towards meet up when it's clear they are the ones that care the most about it. Don't get me wrong I do believe dream team wants to meet up however question directed at Dream if he would visit George in UK was meet with awkward silence and George had to answer for him that it means no. Clearly it's important but there is no feeling of urgency or even a maybe in there. Same with George, I feel like after experiencing irl content and hanging out more with ccs in UK he isn't in any real rush to get to the US when he knows neither Sapnap or Dream will be down to create that type of content which is fine but George seems to enjoy making it so losing advantage of meeting up with Wilbur, Tommy etc to create content might be something that he started to care more about. Wilbur also planned to move to US from what I remember so it's just a theory, not really serious but maybe George wants to move when Wilbur does so they both have someone to create irl content with? Sorry for rambling but this situation rubs me the wrong way in so many ways, hope you'll have a nice day!
(The following is a depiction of my own personal views containing fandom critical aspects which mostly dissolves into a general discussion. This isn't intended to speak on behalf of any DT members (S+G+D) in any sense or to insinuate how they feel regarding their following.)
In an effort to shorten the length of this, my thoughts on the "covid warrior" situation are in more detail here. In summary, It's not the best idea to hold a cc so high for the expected, eventually something will slip and the fall will be much greater than it deserves to be. As you mentioned, allowing quarantines to occur in his own home where other family members frequent doesn't fit the narrative created by some. No ones going to be perfect in a pandemic, yet we shouldn't act oblivious in favor of holding up this pristine image specifically crafted and implemented by fans.
Regarding the Dream association with George. I'll preface this with acknowledgement that getting the green light from the creators themselves to view their relationship romantically, will create a ripple effect of posts, clips, and overall more attention funneled to the cc's. However, I don't think the aim was to ever be overshadowed by the idea of themselves in a romantic sense. To be truly frank George is the one facing the brunt of this association. People think Dream and they imagine a high tier mc player, people think George and know him from being flirted with in tiktok clips. This link leaks into moments unintended to be related to one another, bringing up his name whenever George even interacts with other ccs? Expecting Dream to give George a slap on the wrist for attending a party? Unwarranted behavior. Dream is not responsible for George (or Sapnap) and vice versa. They are separate people responsible for their own actions.
The initial excitement at meeting each other was very clear in December/January due to both Karl+Quackity and Sapnap+Dream meeting up. Understandably over time the thrill at the thought began wearing off due to the shaky future presented by the pandemic (Yet I've no doubt they'll be glad to be together under one roof in the future). I think this was especially obvious during the puffy podcast in particular when Minx directed the question to Dream whether he would visit George now or wait another one and a half years before meeting him. Dream toyed with the question for a bit, confirming the timeframe before being pressured for an answer to which he responded he'd guess he'd go. It didn't exactly sound ecstatic and as you said it's not the first time the question has been dodged or answered with such emotion or lack thereof.
That being said, It's not surprising they don't want to get their hopes up considering the pandemic is too reliant on people to predict. However, I saw a lot of talk at the time concerning how sweet it was Dream said he'd go to London. It's down to personal perception but in all honesty the situation did not read that sweet to me. Although I understand the desire for a heartfelt sentiment declaring "Yes! Of course I'd go across the Atlantic for George!", this was not it. There is a tendency to romanticize and view subjects with a rose tint in this fandom but this instance was one of the more painfully obvious times.
A similar reaction occurred on Georges solo PkMn stream. Dream joined heavily insinuating him to end stream despite George explaining his plans to continue for a further hour. At a weak attempt at pleasing the fans Dream promised a dnf stream and within seconds the chat spammed "take the deal!". It felt very self exposing of chat, these joint streams are not uncommon but it had been five months since the previous solo stream. On top of that, some started claiming how whipped George was to leave steam when in reality there wasn't much of a choice presented. When watching a trailer to a game they might potentially play, commentating it with "what's happening" Dream responded "you're ending stream". Not everything is a "cute" moment (if anything looking back this was comical) and that's expected, but lets not act tone deaf when we bare witness to such.
Returning to your initial point regarding the meetup, Sapnap seems to be the one who carries the brightest torch for it publicly. During a GTA stream he excitably referenced the long awaited time in which he would collect George from the airport. George once expressed offhandedly how he thought S+D might not have room for him to which he joined the call expressing how they could do bunk beds together and reassured him they'd have space (although surely that was obvious from the beginning). Sapnap once posed the question to George where he'd take him if he showed up in London, asking if they'd go to Tesco. Even during the PkMn card unboxing stream (Karls), he told the camera George could have any of the cards he pulls and they'll be waiting for him in Florida. These were all such genuinely kind sentiments where you could tell he's been anticipating the meeting for a while yet, they've been talked about to a much lesser degree.
Regarding the content situation, there hasn't been a stream which consciously consisted of Sapnap and Dream together since the move in. Baring in mind Sapnap often disregards face-cam streams the odd joint stream could've occurred if they so wished. It's not apparent to a random viewer they live together, not to say that's a bad thing or that they needed to in any sense, but I feel like it's a good teller of how content will be once George moves in. Obviously Georgenap could do face cam streams together and I have no doubt that's what we'll get, which I can't complain about. Honestly it wouldn't be surprising if George and Wilbur do the plane journey over together. However, Wilbur has expressed his desire to travel America and as much as I'd enjoy Georgebur taking landmark after landmark, it seems more likely for George to travel on occasion to the states where Wilbur finds himself. Sadly indicating the real life vlogs with Gnf will regrettably be left in the UK.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Zigzag, Chapter 1
Summary: Grace, a journalist, hears of a new serial killer in the city. Who seems to be choosing his victims carefully, some say they deserved it. Others say killing is wrong, no matter what they’ve done… But Grace does her best to find out information about him. Unknown to her that it’s her lovely, goofy boyfriend Tom Hiddleston. Who works for an oil company and treats her like a Queen.
I’ve made up a city name just for the sake of it, but it’s based in the UK.
Warnings: Obviously murder, violence, choking (both for murder and kink). Super tooth-rottingly-sweet fluff too. And smut. Of course. Some D/s stuff.
The leather belt tightened around the man’s neck, no matter how hard he struggled he couldn’t get free. He could feel the life being drained out of him, his oxygen lessening with every passing second.
‘You deserved this.’ A deep and calm voice said into the man’s ear, right before the life was taken from him.
The man fell to the floor with a thud. The killer stood and flexed his belt in his hands before putting it back on casually. He dragged the body over to the wall and propped him up, folding the man’s arms over his chest. Taking a blade out of his pocket he made a deep cut into the man’s left cheek, in a zigzag mark.
Looking around, he then took a few steps backwards and admired his work. With a nod of approval for himself, he headed off down the dirty alley.
Climbing the wall at the end with ease, he jumped down the other side and landed in the city park. He broke into a steady jog until he was near the park entrance, then he pulled off his balaclava and leather gloves and stuffed them into his rucksack. He slung it back over his shoulder and headed for home.
As soon as he stepped inside, he could smell something delicious. He made his way to the kitchen after dropping his bag by the door and found his girlfriend, Grace, in the kitchen. There was stew cooking in the slow cooker.
Grace hadn’t heard him come in, she had music on and was too busy singing along to her favourite song while she did the dishes.
But large hands on her hips made her squeal and she jumped, almost dropping said dishes. She turned around and looked up, wide eyed.
‘Tom! You sneaky bastard.’ She laughed and hit his chest, making him laugh.
‘Nice to see you too.’ He grinned and leaned down, capturing her lips with his.
She moaned as he pressed into her. She could feel his bulge evident against her.
‘Someone seems happy to see me.’ She whispered over his lips.
He chuckled and started kissing down her neck. ‘I’ve been thinking about you all day.’ Tom purred, his hands sliding up and down her sides.
‘Work was just so interesting, huh?’ She giggled as his hands slipped under her top and he lightly stroked her skin, round to her back.
‘Always is.’ Tom hummed. ‘How long before dinner?’
‘About twenty-five minutes.’ Grace said, glancing at the timer.
‘More than enough time.’ Tom grinned and lifted her up over his shoulder, making her squeal and laugh.
‘Such a charmer.’ She giggled as he carried her upstairs to the bedroom.
He gently tossed her onto their bed. She rolled over and tried to crawl away, but Tom moved over the top of her and playfully tickled her sides, making her laugh as she collapsed under him unable to move. He rolled her over onto her back.
‘Where do you think you’re going?’ He teased and leaned down to kiss her hungrily.
‘Maybeeee you need to tie me up so I can’t go anywhere.’ She replied once he stopped kissing her, she bit her lower lip and fluttered her eyelashes at him.
Tom frowned and raised an eyebrow at her. ‘We don’t have long, darling.’
‘Pleaseeee. Use your belt?’ She suggested, glancing down his body and licking her lips.
‘You are certainly full of surprises, my kinky little minx.’ Tom chuckled and started unbuckling his belt as he loomed over the top of her.
She almost came on the spot just watching him. He looked so strong, so powerful. And he was. All the running he did and weight lifting, he kept himself in incredible shape.
She enjoyed sex with him, he was mind blowing. But she enjoyed taunting him sometimes, he was so damn nice all the time. Which she did love. But she also enjoyed it rough and sometimes spicing things up a little. Being submissive. She was slowly managing to get him to come round to the idea, too. Though he was always worried about hurting her.
Tom enjoyed it though, a lot more than he let on to her. When she was submissive around him, he was always hard in an instant. Unable to control himself sometimes.
Grace put her hands out on front of her, squirming excitedly as he looped his belt around her wrists. Tightening them nicely, making her gasp.
‘Too tight?’ Tom asked.
She shook her head, calming his concern. Tom then lifted her hands up and tied the end of his belt around the headboard.
‘You certainly seem rather skilled with tying.’ She grinned.
‘Mmm, certainly when it’s tying beautiful women to my bed.’ He growled playfully and started kissing her again.
Even though they were short on time, he still took his time kissing down her body as he flipped her shirt up over the top of her breasts. Making sure to hit all her favourite spots, making her moan and whimper. She arched herself up against him when he softly licked just below her naval.
‘I wonder what kind of surprise you have for me down here.’ He said teasingly as he tugged at her jogging bottoms, peeling them down her thighs.
‘Why don’t you hurry up and find out.’ Grace said breathlessly.
Tom chuckled and pulled her joggings right down and off. He kissed up her ankle and licked his way back up. Growling deep at the fact she wasn’t wearing knickers. But he made good use of that and pushed her thighs wide open before diving in.
Grace cried out in pleasure as he worked his magic down there. Licking and sucking in all the right ways, slowly moving over her throbbing clit. She was already wet for him as soon as he started touching her downstairs in the kitchen. No other man had ever made her feel the way Tom did. Nor had she been treated so amazingly either, Tom had eyes only for her and always made her feel like a Queen.
When he slipped two fingers into her and curled them forward, hitting her g spot as his tongue lapped over her clit, she cried out in pleasure and came over his face. Tom growled like a mad man as he slurped up as much as he could.
With timing in mind, he crawled up over her body, licking his lips as he shoved his trousers down far enough. She wrapped her legs around him when he positioned himself between her legs, his cock brushing against her cunt.
‘Please, Tom! Hurry up and take me!’ She begged.
And Tom was unable to resist when she begged. He thrust in home to her, both of them moaning loudly as he built up a steady rhythm. Grace moved underneath him, meeting his thrusts. When she squeezed around him, that drove Tom wild. He gasped loudly, his head falling down to her shoulder as he slammed into her.
‘Oh fuck, yes!’ Grace cried out.
Tom started grunting as he kept up a rough pace, his balls slapping against her lewdly. She started cumming again on his cock, then Tom followed not long after, spilling into her. Her walls gently squeezing him.
‘Ohhh fuck.’ Tom moaned, slowly pulling out and rolling over beside her. Completely spent.
The sound of the timer going off could be heard from downstairs.
‘Perfect timing.’ Tom chuckled, unable to resist squeezing at her breast again before he untied her.
‘I think… We should go for round two after dinner.’ Grace said once she got her breath back. Tom rubbed her wrists gently, making sure she was ok as he helped her to sit up.
‘I think we should too. I will be able to take my time with you properly.’ Tom grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
‘Oh god, you’ll kill me with your teasing. That was bad enough.’ She said playfully and pushed at his chest, making him laugh.
‘It’s not my fault. You’re just too cute to resist rushing with.’ He hummed, grabbing her arm and pulling her into him so he could steal another kiss before letting her go.
‘Well… One condition if I have to endure torture later.’
‘Anything, darling.’
‘You wear your leather gloves?’ She asked a little shyly, making Tom grin.
‘Of course. Who’d have thought you’d have such a thing for leather.’ He chuckled as she slipped off the bed and pulled her top back down, then grabbed her jogging bottoms and pulled them on.
‘I don’t know what it is about them… They just make me weak at the knees when you wear them.’ She blushed.
Over dinner, they talked about their day. Tom worked for an oil company high up in the offices, very well paid. Grace didn’t need to work, but she was a journalist for one of the biggest newspapers in the city, The People’s Press, and she enjoyed it. Even if news had been a bit slow in the city of Hurnth lately.
They were just finished eating when one of their friends rang, asking if they wanted to go for some drinks. Tom said they would be there.
‘Awww.’ Grace pouted. ‘I thought you were going to ravish me after dinner.’
Tom cupped her face and kissed her pouting lips. ‘Don’t worry, love. We are both off tomorrow, so I can keep you up all night.’ He purred.
‘Fair point.’ Grace giggled.
Grace got changed and was ready to go, Tom met her at the door and she noticed he was wearing his gloves. She clenched her thighs together. ‘Ohhh, Tom… You have to be wearing them when we go out.’ She whined.
‘Why? Whatever is wrong with my gloves?’ He mocked, holding his hands up and wiggling his fingers.
‘I’m going to be soaking all bloody night.’ She huffed, grabbing her coat. Tom quickly took it from her and helped her with it on, making sure to deliberately brush his fingers over her bare arms, making her shiver as she felt the leather.
Instead of getting a taxi, they decided to walk to the pub since it was only fifteen minutes down the road. Tom took Grace’s hand while they walked, which of course was more torture for her. Especially since he kept rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.
‘You’re going to be the death of me, I swear.’
‘So you keep saying, my darling Grace.’ Tom grinned, giving her hand a squeeze.
They met their friends at the pub, there was a nice group of them. They all got a table and ordered some drinks. They were having a good catch up when there was a news bulletin that came on TV. Silencing everyone in the pub.
‘We have just found the body of a man by the name of Ronald Sugden on Contine Avenue. Police are investigating but it seems to be linked to the previous five murders from this past year. We are almost certain it’s the same person, so we urge the public to be cautious and to not take any risks. Stick in groups and if anyone sees anything suspicious, let us know.’
‘Wasn’t he a suspected paedophile?’ One of their friends, Matt, asked.
‘Yeah, he was being investigated the last I heard.’ Tasha said.
‘Well, good riddance he’s dead. He won’t be sneaking around the school anymore.’ Grace said as she took another sip of her drink.
‘But looks like there’s a serial killer on the loose. Which isn’t so good.’ Adam said as he put his arm around his wife, Tasha.
‘Weren’t the previous five people bad too?’ Evelyn asked the group.
They all mumbled and nodded. ‘I believe so.’ Sonia said. ‘One of them broke into the nursing home, gave some of the older people a right fright and one had a heart attack.’
‘That’s right. I did an article on that.’ Grace nodded. 
Tom put his arm around Grace. ‘If there is a killer on the loose, we better be careful. No going out after dark for any walks.’ He said, concerned.
‘I’m sure we’ll be fine. Seems like he goes for bad men anyway.’ Grace assured Tom, leaning into him.
‘But still. Can never be too careful.’ Tom said quietly, brushing her hair back from her forehead.
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bishreview · 4 years
Track by Track Review - Hottest 100 2020
Wrote this article a little bit ago just for fun. Decided to post it on here with the thought of maybe getting back to the Bish Review. Also, put an asterix next to my votes (songs that made my top 10). Anyway, here we go:
100. Kool - BENEE
One of the many gems from ‘Hey u x’. Unlucky to hear her biggest hit so early on.
99. Itch - Hockey Dad
I thought ‘Brain Candy’ was a little bit of a disappointment, but Itch was one of the strongest tracks they duo have released.
98. Your Man - Joji
Surprised to hear this track in the countdown. Pretty solid tune though
97. Audacity (feat. Headie One) - Stormzy
He’s still one of the best from the UK rap scene and this track shows why.
96. Germaphobe - Hockey Dad
One of the weaker tracks, I thought, off Brain Candy, but not surprised a lot of Hockey Dad fans liked this one. Definitely plays into their audience’s taste.
95. Loose Ends (feat. G Flip) - Illy
I do not like Aussie Hip Pop. This track is not an exception.
94. Rain (feat. Tay Keith) - Aitch and AJ Tracey
The piano in this is very ‘Humble’ - Kendrick Lamar. Still a banger though.
93. Lemonade (feat. Gunna, Don Toliver and NAV) - Internet Money
Bit of a forgettable track. It’s okay, but feels like there’s a lot better like this out there.
92. These Days - Thelma Plum
First cover of the countdown. Still one of the best Hottest 100 number ones, and Thelma does it justice.
91. Charlie - Bugs
Second cover of the countdown. I do like this but I feel it doesn’t reach the same heights as the original.
90. No Time To Die - Billie Eilish
A little expected from Eilish but still a solid Bond song (the second in history to make it).
89. In Her Eyes - The Jungle Giants
I cannot wait for the new Jungle Giants album. They’ve gotten better and better with each release.
88. Heart Attack (feat. lau.ra) - BRONSON*
I fell deeply in love with this song the second I heard it. It just has this quiet yet strong emotion behind it. The production on it is something else as well.
87. Three Leaf Clover - Teenage Joans
A really solid debut single by the Unearthed High winners. Can’t wait to hear more from them. 
86. Laugh Now Cry Now (feat. Lil Durk) - Drake
I still don’t get the hype for Drake. The falsetto “baby” in the chorus also never ceases to make me laugh.
85. Too Tough Terry - Dune Rats
Dunies slow descent from mature stoner pop to edgy tracks for teens has been hard to watch. This song just seems like a parody of the band. 
84. Chicken Tenders - Dominic Fike
Has to be the sexiest song about the best thing in the frozen food section at the supermarket. Pity the album didn’t live up to the hype.
83. Down For You - Cosmo’s Midnight and Ruel
I was really keen for this once I heard about the collaboration between the two. Unfortunately it felt a little too much like a Ruel song and it doesn’t really feel like Cosmo’s Midnight had much of a touch on it.
82. The Clap - The Chats
It’s a bit generic for The Chats but I just like hearing them get more popular. Just hilarious dudes. 
81. Weightless - Spacey Jane
One of the stronger and more unique tracks on Sunlight. The synth touches really suit the band.
80. Freaks - FISHER
Cannot wait for FISHER to just slowly fade away. His tracks all sound the same and are so basic. 
79. my future - Billie Eilish
One of the best tracks Eilish has released. Love how this just turns halfway through from a really soft ballad to a bit of an electro pop song.
78. Lady Marmalade - G Flip
It’s a nice cover. The video of G Flip performing it though is really fun.
77. House Arrest - Sofi Tukker and Gorgon City
This song bangs pretty hard. I like a lot of Sofi Tukker have really been putting out some solid stuff.
76. Baby It’s You - London Grammar
This is a great track, that synth in the chorus is heavenly.
75. Photo ID - Remi Wolf
I do like this song but it reminds me of a track from the 80s or 90s and I can’t put my finger on what that track is.
74. Scream Drive Faster - LAUREL
When I first heard this I thought Ladyhawke was back in the mainstream. Little disappointed it wasn’t, but this slaps.
73. Don’t Need You - Genesis Owusu*
Possibly the best chorus of the year. Owusu has stepped up massively in the Australian Hip Hop scene. 
72. Way Down - Ocean Alley
Ocean Alley have plateaued. ‘Lonely Diamond’ just felt like the band had become comfortable. 
71. Obey - Bring Me The Horizon and YUNGBLUD
I just can’t take BMTH seriously anymore. They’re music has become so comically edgy.
70. Low - Chet Faker
Hey look, Nick Murphy has become Chet Faker again. Don’t know why he changes between the two when one is just slightly more soulful than the other, but he does release nice tunes.
69. Second - Hope D
I do like this female, Aussie version of Jamie T. It’s a really nice track. Also the number 69 is claimed by Hope D. haha.
68. Lie to Me - Vera Blue
I don’t know what it is exactly, but there’s something about Vera which just puts her on a different level than her counterparts. She’s just that consistently good.
67. Boss Bitch - Doja Cat
This track doesn’t get old for me. It’s so much fun, and Doja Cat owns it. Love it.
66. Fantasising - Skegss
This track really does have a very “Three Leaf Clover” vibe. I have enjoyed Skegss in the past but their new stuff hasn’t captured my attention really. Seems a bit run of the mill. 
65. C’MON (feat. Travis Barker) - Amy Shark
I actually don’t mind this song, but why does it feature Travis Barker. It’s a piano ballad featuring a punk drummer, and he really doesn’t do that much. I’m confused, was he jealous of Mark Hoppus?
64. Soak Me In Bleach - The Amity Affliction
The song title reflects my thoughts when I hear that The Amity Affliction have released a new one. There are so many better Aussie metal bands out there.
63. Day & Age - Ball Park Music
BPM have a knack for writing amazing ballads. I wasn’t huge on their latest album, but tracks like this continue me having them in my good books. 
62. Run - Joji
One of the best tracks Joji has released. A really mature song for the artist and a step in the right direction for him. 
61. Pretty Grim - Ruby Fields
Ruby is good, but I feel she’s starting to release the same song over and over. Need something fresh.
60. Go (feat. Juice WRLD) - The Kid LAROI
Probably the strongest track by The Kid LAROI, but Juice WRLD outshines him just due to his vocal tone. He just sounds better.
59. Gimme Love - Joji
And that’s three for Joji. I really like how this song has two distinct sections and both are solid without overshadowing the other. 
58. Fly Away - Tones and I
I still don’t get why Tones and I puts on that fake accent in her songs. It just detracts from what could be a nice pop song.
57. Sobercoaster - Beddy Rays
Really didn’t expect this to get so high. I’m happy though because it’s a really fun song.
56. On The Line - San Cisco
Tracks like this keep me invested in San Cisco. They can really release some brilliant stuff.
55. I Think You’re Great - Alex The Astronaut
The fine line between overly chessy and adorably optimistic is what Alex walks on with every track. I think this falls on the former side sadly. 
54. Blue - Eiffel 65 (Flume Remix)
The fact that Flume puts so much of his identity into this remix is why Flume has been one of the most successful Aussie acts this past decade. 
53. In Your Eyes - The Weeknd
If The Weeknd release ‘Blinding Lights’ a month later I’d believe that he would take out this countdown. He didn’t though and instead we are left with this solid track in the bottom 50.
52. The Glow - DMA’s
Why? Why did DMA’s have to get so poppy and generic. I loved their first two album, but I struggled to get through the third.
51. Your Love (Déjà Vu) - Glass Animals
Out of the three big hits the band had in 2020, this is the most underrated. There is so much going on here, yet it never feels muddled. Wavey Davey on fire here.
50. Nothing To Love About Love - Peking Duk and The Wombats
Although this is a nice song, there’s been so many 80s electro pop throwbacks recently that have been done better that this collab just fades into the background.
49. Wishing Well - Juice WRLD
This song is so beautiful and heart-breaking. Really shows why Juice WRLD became such a beloved artist so quickly.
48. Ain’t It Different (feat. AJ Tracey and Stormzy) - Headie One
This is a really cool collab. They use the Red Hot Chili Peppers sample so well and really flow so well with it that it feels almost effortless.
47. Animals - Architects
I like a lot about this track, but the chorus really hits another level. Feels cathartic to scream along to.
46. Pretty Lady - Tash Sultana
Was hoping Tash would move into a more psychedelic direction with their newer stuff, but this is still a fine track.
45. as long as you care - Ruel
A pretty by the books Ruel song, but he really does this style so well.
44. You & I - G Flip
Probably G Flips strongest release this year. The chorus has a lot of flavour.
43. together - Ziggy Alberts
Generic acoustic track by generic Byron Bay artist. He really took the cake this year for dumbest comparison, when he compared wearing a face mask to the holocaust. Thought he’d suffer a bit for it, but apparently his fanbase grew stronger.
42. WHATS POPPIN - Jack Harlow
Jack Harlow is just so much fun. He’s killing it, and WHATS POPPIN is proof of that. Keep the bangers coming Harlow.
41. I Still Dream About You - The Smith Street Band
I felt I was growing out of The Smith Street Band, their newer music just not resonating to me. Then they drop this and make me a big fan again.
40. Come & Go (with Marshmello) - Juice WRLD
Just that chorus. It is so enjoyable. He really was going places.
39. Righteous - Juice WRLD
A back to back, and from one of the more exciting songs on the album we get to one of the more sombre tracks. Everything from the guitar, the vocals, those synth notes. . . this track is just a perfect send off for the artist. R.I.P. Juice.
38. Parasite Eve - Bring Me The Horizon
This song is so unironically cringe and edgy that it somehow becomes ironically fun. It does the full circle.
37. SO DONE - The Kid LAROI
I do like The Kid LAROI, but his vocals on this, combined with the lyrics, just make him sound like a child chucking a temper tantrum. It does make me laugh though.
36. forget me too (feat. Halsey) - Machine Gun Kelly
If this song was released in the early 00s (where it belongs), it would’ve faded into oblivion. At least Halsey sounds pretty solid on her verse though.
35. Running Red Lights (feat. Rivers Cuomo & Pink Siifu) - The Avalanches*
My personal number one for the year. This song has that melancholic, nostalgic feel to it that just hits home every time. Also one of Cuomo’s strongest vocal performances.
34. Everybody Rise - Amy Shark
This song is fine. I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it, but it’s fun to sing-a-long to. 
33. Breathe Deeper - Tame Impala
One of the best tracks from The Slow Rush. I love that piano motif throughout, and the bass is so funky. That weird bridge section towards the end is also pretty slick.
32. Criminals - DMA’s
The real criminals are the ones who told DMA’s this was a good idea. I just can’t get around their new stuff. I miss ‘Hill’s End’ and ‘For Now’.
31. Reasons - San Cisco
Tracks like this keep me from becoming a full time fan of San Cisco. They can really release some average stuff.
30. Bagi-la-m Bargan (feat. Fred Leone) - Birdz
Powerful. Birdz really took it to another level here.
29. Dribble - Sycco
Although I find there’s a lot of similar stuff out there, I think Sycco does sound like an original voice in the Australian music scene. She’s killing it.
28. Straightfaced - Spacey Jane
Although there was a lot of good stuff on Spacey Jane’s debut album, I found it to be quite repetitive. This track was one of the ones that I found to fade into the background instead of standing out. 
27. Under the Thunder - Skegss
I really want to like Skegss, they’ve released some great tunes in the past. But this just doesn’t do it for me. It’s just boring. 
26. No Plans To Make Plans - Lime Cordiale
Everything that makes new The Rubens tracks so average is presented here on a Lime Cordiale track. Obnoxiously quirky.
25. Reality Check Please - Lime Cordiale
Hey back to back Lime Cordiale tracks. And another one of their weaker ones. ‘Addicted to the Sunshine’ did this chorus better.
24. Blue World - Mac Miller
Didn’t expect this to make it so high but so well deserved. This song slaps hard but still continues the tragic story that is presented on his posthumous album ‘Circles’.
23. Good News - Mac Miller*
Back to back Mac! To be honest, I am close to tears every time this track plays. If only the lyrics “there's a whole lot more for me waiting/I know maybe I'm too late, I could make it there some other time/Then I'll finally discover/That it ain't that bad” were told to Mac before his passing, because he did have so much more to offer. R.I.P. Mac.
22. Complicated - Eves Karydas
This song is so good. I’ve heard it that many times but it still hasn’t lost its shine. So damn good.
21. Energy - KLP and Stace Cadet
I was really hoping this would crack top 20. Probably the best Dance track of the year. Such a jam.
20. Addicted To The Sunshine - Lime Cordiale
Despite thinking that ‘14 Steps To A Better Living’ didn’t have many new tracks that were that good on it, this one is nice. It’s just a pleasantly nice song.
19. You Should Be Sad - Halsey
I really don’t like Pop Country music but I also find it hilarious that the genre cracked the top 20. ‘09 Taylor Swift would be proud.
18. Tangerine - Glass Animals
With Tik Tok exploding in 2020 I don’t get how this didn’t get adopted by someone on it. It’s so primed to get hyped on it. 
17. Is It True - Tame Impala
I think Kevin Parker’s vocals on this are underwhelming, but that might just be because the instrumental slaps that hard. The rhythm section is so tight.
16. Screw Loose - Lime Cordiale
This sound is what Lime Cordiale do best. We need more dub influence and less elevator pop influence.
15. Skin - Spacey Jane
No matter what you think about Spacey Jane, they sure do make some emotional tracks. One of the most powerful songs on Sunlight.
14. Tombstone - Ocean Alley
The verses are average and pretty bland but the chorus is amazing. Just don’t think the album resonated with me too much, and Tombstone is another mixed track off it.
13. Rockstar - Mallrat
Possibly Mallrat’s best song yet. Her laid back, relaxed style mixed with the low-fi production really meshes well.
12. Get on the Beers (feat. Dan Andrews) - Mashd N Kutcher 
I’m not going to pretend this is my style, but the way this has resonated with Australians during lockdown last year makes the track way smarter than it deserves to be. It’s both ironically and unironically good.
11. On Our Own - Lime Cordiale
I’m happy the three best new tracks of Lime Cordiale’s debut were the highest placing in this countdown. This really is a nice song.
10. Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish
Not my favourite songs from Billie but she continues to be consistently good. The production on this is immense as well.
9. I’m Good? - Hilltop Hoods
I wish old school Hilltop could hear this so could prevent themselves every going this direction. Aussie Hip Pop is not a good genre. This is one of their worst tracks yet.
8. Sending Me Ur Loving - The Jungle Giants*
This song has so much flavour too it. It’s so funky and fun and the production is so tight. Also the guitar work is underrated here, not doing much but adding that icing on the cake.
7. Hyperfine - G Flip
Every time I hear this track (and I’ve heard it a lot) I completely forget about it a couple minutes later. G Flip is good, but this is forgettable.
6. WAP (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) - Cardi B
I understand if this isn’t your style, but I love it. I don’t think there’s ever been a song with so many quotable moments. Every line makes a statement that will get in your head. My personal favourite? “ I let him taste it, now he diabetic”.
5. Lost In Yesterday - Tame Impala
There’s a lot of songs on ‘The Slow Rush’ I like, but Lost In Yesterday I’ve always found kinda boring. It feels a little uninspired. Surprised that this was the album’s big hit.
4. Cherub - Ball Park Music*
BPM have released some great music over the decade but I think this is their best yet. It’s beautiful, emotional and has a fantastic, cathartic breakdown at the end. I love a good build up. 
3. The Difference (feat. Toro y Moi) - Flume*
Everything about this track is why Flume has been so great for so long. This track is great for any situation. If I’m partying, I play it. If I’m relaxing, I play it. If I’m getting pumped up, I play it. If I’m sad, I play it. Flexibility matters.
2. Booster Seat - Spacey Jane
OHHH-OH-OHHHHHHHH AND IT FEELS LIKE THAT AGAIN! One of the best sing-a-long tracks of the year, yet massively emotional. Like damn this song is rough.
1. Heat Waves - Glass Animals*
If I had one word to express how I feel about this winning I would say “deserved”. Not many tracks were as perfect for 2020 as this one. Glass Animals love writing absolute bangers with emotional cores and this one is one of their strongest tracks. Glass Animals just continue to outdo themselves.
That’s it for now, gonna maybe start posting again. I dunno. See how I feel. Ta-ta.
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