#best dehydrated fruits in ahmedabad
divawomenshospital · 2 years
Nutrition During Pregnancy: 10 Do’s and Don’ts
Taking care of nutrition during pregnancy is a whole different ball game, as it requires a lot of concentration and research. During this phase, a woman is not eating for one but for two, and what she eats has a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of her child and on her as well. This is why proper research, information, and guidance are essential to ensuring you get enough protein in your daily meals during pregnancy. Also, there are various restrictions in the phase of pregnancy that must be considered by a pregnant woman. If you are looking for pre-pregnancy counseling, pregnancy care, infertility counseling and management, laparoscopic surgery, IVF treatment, gynecology, PCOS management, fibroids surgery, and total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) or abdominal/vaginal hysterectomy, then get in touch with Diva Women’s Hospital.
Dos and Don’ts During Pregnancy
1: Do eat rainbow of food
When you are pregnant, it is very important for you to have a balanced diet in order to remain healthy and fit during the pregnancy period. You must look at your plate daily and ask yourself whether you are getting enough protein or not. Ask yourself: Am I eating a rainbow of foods? Our Indian diet is limited to white and brown foods, i.e., rice, dal, and roti, which is not enough at all. Eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits such as bananas, apples, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage and so on.
2: Incorporate five essential nutrients: Iron, Folate, Calcium, Vitamin D and Zinc
There are some essential nutrients that you must add to your daily diet, which are zinc, vitamin E, calcium, iron, and folate during pregnancy. You must consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid per day and 27 milligrammes of iron per day. Also, the best gynecologists in Ahmedabad suggest having at least 1000 milligrammes of calcium a day and approximately 15 milligrammes of zinc a day during pregnancy. After following all the diet and healthy routines, if you feel uncomfortable or weak, you must see your OB/GYN as soon as possible. 
3: Do eat a lot of Fiber-rich foods.
Fiber is very beneficial for pregnant women as it helps maintain proper digestion and good health. This also helps pregnant women with some serious dizziness, such as constipation and bloating, that can make you uncomfortable for a long period of time. Pregnant women must also aim for at least 25 to 40 milligrammes of fiber per day.
4: Do drink plenty of fluids.
Dehydration can be dangerous for a pregnant woman and can cause long term sickness and dizziness during pregnancy. Therefore, having plenty of fluids such as; water, juices, and coconut water can be helpful during pregnancy as it helps in promoting higher blood volume, fetal circulation, and the development of amniotic fluid. The pregnant women must drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
5: Do get your Omega 3s
Omega 3 fatty acids are an important nutrient for pregnant women and for their babies as they help in boosting the baby’s brain development and neurological functions before birth as well as contributing to better vision for the baby. Overall, this works as a mood booster for both the mother and child, along with reducing the risk of postpartum depression. Looking for a consultation with the best and most experienced gynecologist in Ahmedabad? Connect with Diva Women’s Hospital today.
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1: Don’t go overboard with eating for two
There is a myth that pregnant women must eat for two. Yes, you have a growing baby inside your womb, but that doesn’t mean you need to eat for two and double your diet. You just need to change your eating routine and add a lot of nutrients and vitamins to your daily meal. You can also consult your OB/gyn about a balanced diet and exercise programme that you need to follow for an easy pregnancy and delivery.
2: Don’t overlook for safe food handling
You need to maintain proper hygiene while cooking food, and you also need to be extra careful while eating your food and getting nutrition. Also, wash and clean all utensils before using them, and cook food well so that bacteria can be killed. You must also read blogs and books, as this will help keep your mood and mind fresh during pregnancy.
3: Don’t leave long gaps between meal
As we have already mentioned in the above section, having enough protein and nutrients is required, so you must not skip meals or leave a long gap between meals. Taking nutrients and proteins on a regular basis helps keep your blood sugar level steady, preventing you from crashing or becoming sick.
4: Don’t eat junk food to curb cravings
During pregnancy, women experience cravings for different kinds of foods and drinks, which indicates that they are deficient in those particular nutrients. But you must not indulge in junk food to curb cravings, as it can be harmful for you and your baby. Looking for the best maternity hospital in Ahmedabad? Then get in touch with Diva Women’s Hospital today. We have designed our service to ensure you have peace of mind during pregnancy, from start to finish.
5: Don’t drink alcohol at all
It is almost universally known that drinking and smoking are dangerous for your health, especially for pregnant women and couples who are trying to conceive. Therefore; avoid or limit alcohol when you want to conceive, and avoid it totally when you are pregnant.
Visit Diva Hospital to learn more about precautions to take during pregnancy as we take care of all your nutrition needs during treatment.
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crispcarnival · 2 years
Best Dry Fruit Store in Ahmedabad, Buy Dehydrated Fruits, Spices, Seeds
Order variety of premium quality Dry Fruits, Dehydrated Fruits, Spices & Seeds in Ahmedabad at best price with free home delivery from Crisp Carnival.
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brahmhomeo · 3 years
Cervical spondylosis cure in homeopathy
What is Cervical Spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is a common, age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in your cervical spine, which is in your neck. It’s also known as cervical osteoarthritis or neck arthritis.It develops from the wear and tear of cartilage and bones. While it’s largely the result of age, it can be caused by other factors as well.
Some people who have it never experience symptoms. For others, it can cause chronic, severe pain and stiffness.However,many people who have it are able to conduct normal daily activities. Brahm Homeopathy creates a treatment plan that is best for you.
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Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis:
You may have cervical spondylosis and not even know it. It’s common to have no symptoms related to this condition. If you do experience symptoms, symptoms typically include: Neck pain or stiffness. This may be the main symptom. Pain may get worse when you move your neck. A nagging soreness in the neck. Muscle spasms. A clicking, popping or grinding sound when you move your neck. Dizziness Headaches
Bone spurs Dehydrated spinal discs Herniated discs Injury Ligament stiffness Overuse
#BestHomeopathic doctor for "Cervical Spondylosis" is Dr.Pradeep Kushwaha in Ahmedabad,Gujarat,India. Contact us 📞: +91 9429065457
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Risk Factors for Cervical Spondylosis:
Aging is the major factor for developing cervical osteoarthritis (cervical spondylosis). In most people older than age 50, the discs between the vertebrae become less spongy and provide less of a cushion. Bones and ligaments get thicker, encroaching on the space of the spinal canal. Another factor might be a previous injury to the neck. People in certain occupations or who perform specific activities - such as gymnasts or other athletes -- may put more stress on their necks. Poor posture might also play a role in the development of spinal changes that result in cervical spondylosis.
Diagnosis of Cervical Spondylosis:
Eating foods high in the following can be highly beneficial:
vitamin C vitamin D beta-carotene omega-3 fatty acids fruits and vegetables milk and milk product
Cervical spondylosis Click here to watch this video: 👇👇👇
Treatment Plan of Brahm Homeopathic Healing & Research centre: Brahms research based, clinically proved, scientific treatment module is very effective in curing this disease. We have a team of well qualified doctors who observe and analysis your case systematically, record all the signs and symptoms along with progress of disease, understand its stages of progression, prognosis and its complications. After that they clear you about your disease in details, provide you proper diet chart [what to eat or what not to eat], exercise plan, life style plan and guide you about many more factors that can improve your general health condition with systematic management of your disease with homeopathic medicines till it get cured.
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healthcareour · 4 years
To keep the body hydrated in the heat, eat it today. Fruits and vegetables
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Ahmedabad. 19 April 2020, Sunday
The end of April is near, and the heat has started to show its fury. Heat is most often seen in people with dehydration problems. The body needs more water during the heat season and this problem is caused by its deficiency. People who are lacking the right amount of water in the body get sick and turn to eating a variety of medicines. But incorporating some fruits and vegetables into a regular meal can help prevent this problem.
Tatty is an affordable and popular fruit in the heat. Tattoos that are full of swallows and juices have very little calories. In addition, many types of nutrients are also available. Tatty contains up to 90 percent of the water, which is very useful in keeping the body hydrated.
According to one report, the flower contains up to 92% water. Flowers rich in various nutrients, including Vitamin C and Vitamin K, also help to keep the body hydrated and also reduce cholesterol. Apart from that, flowers are also useful for reducing cancer risk.
Juicy and sweet honey melons are very appealing to the people in the summer. Watermelons contain about 90 percent water. It is also considered to be the best source of lycopene.
Original Vegetables:
Vegetables with roots, carrots and beets, contain about 95 percent water. Consuming such vegetables in the heat causes the stomach to cool down and the body does not experience water shortages. Such vegetables can also be positioned as salads in the diet.
In most Indian houses, cucumber is eaten as a salad and rita. Cucumber soup is becoming a healthier option in the heat. Cucumber contains up to 90 percent water and consuming it in the heat has many health benefits.
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mbdentalhome-blog · 6 years
5 tips to keep your mouth healthy
Regular brushing and rinsing is not enough to keep your mouth healthy. Your oral health reflects your overall health too. Below are some tips to take care of your oral health:
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Healthy diet is must
Sugar causes the production of bacteria and leads to tooth decay. Try to cut down your sugar intake as much as possible.
Your tongue needs to be scraped
Make sure to remove the extra residue off your tongue else it will collect bacteria and lead to bad breath. Use a good tongue scraper and scrap your tongue accurately till the end of the tongue.
Stay hydrated
It is not a very well-known fact that dehydration can affect your tongue’s health. Your saliva production reduces dramatically when you don’t have enough water intake. With less saliva being produced, bacteria removal reduces and hence it can lead to decay and bad breath. Follow the age old rule of having 2 litres of water everyday.
Good bye to smoking and sodas
Soda fizz is bad for your teeth. Add flavour of citrus fruits and crushed berries in water and make up a nice drink. By that you will also remain hydrated and avoid fizzy drinks. Smoking in injurious to the body in more ways than one. From a dental perspective, the nicotine in cigarettes is bad for your teeth and can lead to both staining and discolouration of teeth. Apart from that smoking harms the gums and tissues too.
Floss & brushing
Flossing is important to keep your gums healthy. Do not avoid it. Apart from that, use the correct toothbrush and brush your teeth with the right method as suggested by your dentist. Do not brush aggressively and change your tooth brush every 2-3 months.
Apart from above tips, visit your dentist regularly for a regular checkup. Looking for best dentist in Ahmedabad? MB Dental is your go-to dentist in South Bopal.
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Why Dehydrate Food is good for health?
Dehydrated foods serves as one of the oldest forms of food preservation. Traditional methods called for the sun's heat or fire to dry it. Now drying food is accomplished by placing it over low heat to reduce its moisture level by three to five percent. Most Dehydrated Products well, including fish, fruits, grains, herbs, meats and vegetables. Some, such as dairy products, can even be reconstituted or rehydrated later. In contrast to canned food, dehydrated foods are cost-effective, healthful, safe and practical. Navshine Foods Pvt Ltd., an Dehydrate products Processing Unit, is a Part of Navshine Group of companies engaged in processing and manufacturing of Dehydrated Vegetables particularly Dehydrated Onions, Garlics, Indian Spices and other Vegetables. Established in 2004, Our production houses is situated in australia, UK,Canada, Ahmedabad known for the availability of best quality of Dehydrated onions, dry atmosphere, environmentally friendly and good farming techniques with trained man power.
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You can dry food in the sun, the oven or a dehydrator. Dehydrators are the most cost-effective way to dry. Basically, foods set on racks while warm air blows over the racks. Better dehydrators are designed to maintain constant air flow and temperature so little energy is wasted. You recapture costs within a year when you purchase food in season and dry it for later use. Dehydrated foods do not require refrigerated storage, which further reduces energy costs.
Vitamins and minerals are typically lost in the cooking and canning process. Because many foods can be dehydrated without cooking, they retain the same mineral and vitamin content of raw foods. For instance, ten raisins equal the caloric value of 10 grapes. Dried fruits are rich in potassium and fiber, which controls blood pressure and cholesterol. Some fruits and vegetables have even more concentrated levels of lycopene and polyphenols after drying. You can get two recommended servings of fruit per day just by adding dehydrated fruit to your morning cereal or yogurt.
Compared to canned foods, dehydrated foods pose little risk of botulism or other forms of contamination. The best part about dehydrated stocks is that they do not develop mold or become rancid. Most dried foods keep for one year, provided they are stored at the proper temperature. The long shelf life of dehydrated food products is especially advantageous in emergencies. Dehydrated food products  may be a saving grace should you ever lose power or become stranded.
Dehydrated foods  are incredibly practical. They are often more compact than other foods because the dehydration process reduces weight and volume. You can store more dried food in fewer containers. They require less shelf space than canned foods. Dehydrated foods also travel well. Pack apricots and nuts in sealable bags for snacks or lunches. Bring dried jerky on hikes or camp outings. Dehydrated foods possibilities are endless and should not be under-estimated.
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