#best new waz
harun01925 · 2 years
We broadcast the best new viral bangla waz Protibadi tv24 held in any part of Bangladesh. Our sole aim and objective is to promote ank spread the messate of Islam.
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saiful958 · 6 months
আল্লামা খালেদ সাইফুল্লা আইয়ুবী, জীবনে একবার হলেও বয়ানটা শুনুন, Best Isl...
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waz909 · 11 months
যে পাঁচটি ‍জিনিষ না জানলে জীবন টাই বৃথা। ইসরাফিল আলম হেলালী। Israfil ala...
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thegnomelord · 5 months
Ohm nom - 🦈 (I have some news, I was doing some research on DnD species and found a humanoid shark species called Sharkin. I though yo! Thats fin-flipin awesome but um there is one paragraph that made me take a backturn. I highlighted the main bits "Sharkin fought with and hunted any sort of creature that looked either powerful or threatening to them, including dinosaurs and dragons, making them top predators inside and outside of water. They are hated by most if not all surface dwelling races, making them enemy number one to almost everyone. They are even hated and despised by dragons, since the first time they killed an adult red dragon. This was not a one time problem, and has caused a bitter rivalry between the Dragons and Sharkins. They favored the taste of dragon flesh, from that day onward it became the largest badge of honor available for a Sharkin to hunt and kill a dragon. This then henceforth became a great and mighty challenge, for a member of the Sharkin royal family to hunt and bag a dragon, the bigger the better. The royal family loved the taste of dragons so much they made it their most favored treat among all other delicacies of their people. They often form hunting parties specifically to hunt and bag a dragon for any special occasion or festival. This made any and all dragon absolutely despise Sharkin, for they looked at them as prey and dragons being the vain creatures they are hate them. A dragon that sees a Sharkin will immediate become enraged and will do whatever it can to kill and devour it." NOW reasonably i was quite frazzled and immedietly though about our lil Shark captain of our lil marine team, thats partnered, HAND in HAND with a Dragon Captain. But then another idea came to me, this Sharkin species, (despite how cool they are and i still love) are built on the sterotype that Shark are horrendous terrifying vicous, agreesive creature. When in reality Sharks are just fish puppies that could murder you if you pissed them off enough. So that got me thinking, what if due to rumours, shark hybrids were thought to be Dangerous and Hazordous species, due to horrendous strerotypes, and a movie, most were meant to be cool, but were misinterpited so badly that people started getting afriad of them and in turn, aggressive towards. This is mainly based on a real thing, Both the author of Jaws, Peter Benchley, and the director, Steven Spielberg, regret the negative impact the film had on shark populations and the perpetuation of shark stereotypes. So people think that the captains would naturally butt heads, due to sterotypes and rumours that nearly brought the two species to war. (Which was luckily debunked way before anything got violent and now both species are currently fighting against anything harmful towards the other. Creating the oddest but oddly wholesome cross-species relationships. ) Only to find out the two are bound by the hip. waz your take? *Administer Foreheads Kisses*)
Oh yeah, I know the jaws effect lol It's fascinating how fiction can influence reality and reality can influence fiction, sorry this took so long and is so rough, but I got hit with the InspirationTM in the middle of the night lol.
CW:SFW, Price x male reader, monster au,
At first sight, the feelings you and the good captain had for each other could be considered tense professionalism at best and disdain at worst. It isn't a surprise why that is; the hate and suspicion running between your species is old and deep like the trenches. Dragons hardly want to be a shark's dinner, and a shark would rather not become soup.
Still, the peace between your species held, and so did the tense relationship between you two. To the others it looked like you never agreed; they've lost count how many times you and Price had spent hours arguing over battle plans. How you two would release all the anger you had in the ring, so much so you had to spar outside because the military didn't have the funds to fix the ring after every match. How you would bare your teeth and Price would snarl and growl at you at every little argument, thinly veiled insults flying like bullets out of your mouths.
What they didn't know was how softly Price would purr when you two laid in bed, how gently his claws traced your shark hide along your torso. Sprawled out over your chest like you're his mountain of golden coins, more a cat than a dragon really, Price is the picture perfect example of bliss.
"Comfortable huh?" You hum, carding your clawed fingers through his hair, taking the time to scratch around the base of his horns.
"Mhm," He hums, content blue eyes closing as he leans into your touch. "Finally a moment to ourselves." Price chuckles, nuzzling his head into your neck. He breathes in your scent with a happy sigh, sharp fangs nibbling on your throat, the comforting scent calming his mind.
"Uhuh," You chuckle in turn, "The boys sure know how to keep us on our toes." You grin and your hand slides down from his head to his back, even gentler there as you trace the scar where his wing used to be. His remaining wing stretches out, weakly shaking as if trying to stretch, before it falls back down to lay on the bed and hang off it.
Price shivers, a low sound rumbling from his chest. "Can't leave those muppets alone for a moment." He huffs. "Did you see MacTavish? The lad nearly lost his tail because of his toy." A soft growl slips past his lips, neither of you had been pleased when Soap's tail got caught on fire thanks to his explosive he swore was 'safe'. Price's tail curls around yours, and though your tail is too rigid to do the same, he can still feel you reciprocate in the way your tail tip wags like a dog's.
"He's your problem in the morning." Your words earn you a sharp nip at your throat, more of an admonishment than an actual threat. "Ow." You say, in revenge pinching his pudgy side.
"You deserve it." Price laughs, forked tongue licking up the stray drops of blood that leak down from where his teeth had cut your skin. Placing a hand on your chest Price rises just enough to catch your lips in a slow kiss. You can taste your blood on his tongue, along with cigar smoke and something inherently draconic that makes your mouth water for a bite of his flesh.
But his kisses are enough to quench your hunger, gun calloused hands holding your head still so he can pepper kisses along your brows and down your nose, on each cheek and down your jaw. There's no need to rush when the night is dark and the sun isn't ready to rise yet.
It's peaceful.
The door slams open, light and voices flooding in "Captains we need-" Johnny's voice pitters off as he takes in the sight, bright eyes glowing in the darkness "-you..."
Not so peaceful.
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gentlefangz · 6 months
ithink this is what tumblr would be like in the dogman universe: a simulator
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😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
can those villain asshats get control of those goddamn monsters i have lost literally every single fucking thing thanks to those brainless pieces of shits last week a fucking T-REX SKELETON destroyed my fucking HOUSE and everything around it
🪻 inmylane-1999
how are you able to say those words
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
what words?
🪻 inmylane-1999 the a word, f word, and s word
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
oh i see you're one of the Collardale inhabitants. screw the fuck off your town is a CURSE
🪻 inmylane-1999
what did i do? :(
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🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
hnstly i dont get y Daryl hangs arnd that pig guy hes rlly mean & bad
🐊 piethrowingboss
didnt u help us go after him when he ditched us after the mini jail broke 2 bits?
🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
yeh butt hes still rlly mean & i was a lil moar concerned 4 Daryl
🐊 piethrowingboss
ohhhh kk
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🐕 zupabuddiezthezenutz
zomg did u guyz watch that new mini-documentary w/ Petey The Cat n Zarah Hatoff??? that waz tragickk..
#holy shart i have so much moar respect 4 him now..
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🔄 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep reblogged
🌆 icareforyou follow
still dont know why people are supporting Petey Duckhat just because of that documentary, didn't he terrorize the city for more than a month or two?? ntm he quite literally MUTILATED Officer Knight and Greg The Dog's bodies bad enough with that bomb to where they had to become that sick and horrible abomination i have to stomach through seeing on the news every week.
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
i know right?? like hes genuinely a horrible cat but people are supporting him for no other reason other than "oh hes a victim!!" like shut the fuck up and grow up.
op i wouldn't say DogMan is sick and horrible, he seems to be in great condition despite such an accident and hard surgery to conduct, and looks perfectly happy. while i don't support Petey Duckhat either, you took it a step further and suggested that DogMan is currently in conditions horrible enough to render him an "abomination".
🌆 icareforyou follow
dont you post tips for fucking evil monsters on your blog.
#LMAOOO dude was SLAUGHTERED so hard they deactivated #redogs
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🌭 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep
walking on the street with a small can of living spray in my pocket and the nearest cop explodes into blood guts and viscera
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🦷 bigmonsterinyourheart
okay i get that Dr. Scum is a real and kinda sucky person and all that but his labcoat kinda fucks!!
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✨ lookatthestars
Hot take or whatever but I don't think we should trust a guy who gets really distracted by squirrels and balls and a kitten who could easily get hurt to protect our city. Lightning Dude IS one of the better options as they ARE a highly durable and strong robot, but The Bark Knight and Cat Kid maybe aren't our best bets, they could get hurt easily and aren't exactly professionals.
Don't get me started on the Friendly Friends, I don't think we can trust two guys who JUST left the same exact trio that was responsible for that marshmallow factory's destruction (which left many injured, some DEAD), what if they're pretending? Also the bugs could easily get killed, they're small and fragile, the most work they can do without a high risk of getting smashed is spying on villains.
Commander Cupcake's a different story, as I'm pretty sure that guy only helped out, like, 3 times.
#anti-supa buddies #anti-friendly friends #twinkle twinkle little star
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🪁 lalalalala89
dude imagine if we were in a book rn and ppl were posting on tumblr abt us
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🎠 supastarr
remember, calico trans toms are perfectly valid! even cis toms can be calicos, and fur pattern doesn't determine exact gender, especially with fur dying technology nowadays! :)
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
Hello. I have a request! The idea is that the reader has been friends with Dazai for a very long time, as far as possible, they are best friends. And when, after the death of Odаsaku, Dazai leaves without saying anything to the reader. A few years later, when Dazai is already working in ADA. Dazai meets the reader and he accuses Dazai of abandoning him. Dazai's reaction to this?? Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language.
A/n: No you are fine.
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Character(s): Dazai
Warning(s): Angst
Reader Gender: Male
In the beginning you and Dazai were good friend but the what separated the both was the death or Odasaku.
His death was hard on you both but it hurt Dazai the most as soon later without any warning he left, leaving you behind.
But you both came across each other as you were assigned to murder some guy who tried to turn his back on the Mafia but you and the others caught up on what he was doing.
As you were about to go in for the kill your technique waz gone as you already knew who it was pulling out a knife turning to strike at you. A attack and douge thing had been going on for awhile till Dazai gript both of your hand making you drop the knife.
"Ah Dazai" "Y/n what are you doing here" "Trying to kill this guy. So I say you let go now or i'll have more blood on my hands" "Come on now Y/n why would you do that, arent we friends" "We were never friends" "Okay you are mad at that guy and not at me". With that you kicked Dazai in the gut making him let you go as now you are both standing face to face.
"We will never be friends. I don't make friends with those who leave others behind", you yelled with all that pent up anger finally coming out.
As Dazai just stood there a bit shocked but he had seen this coming. "So don't come up here and act all buddy, buddy with me" "Y/n you know I didn't want to leave you behind" "Than why? You no what just forget it". You said leaving before Dazai can say anything else.
Now on Dazai's mind was you. The one person that was his friend but with the latest news he knew know that, that was all in the past.
Remember that one guy who you tried to kill you did end up killing him but from how the body looked you were angry and Dazai well he knew it was hia fault.
So this once good friendship had turned into a rivalry.
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hypnotised-hazard · 2 years
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You still here bc u wanted to see the read more instead of getting a ticket well too bad I’m the marketing thiz movie deservez… zo go rn
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koishua · 2 years
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synopsis ─── at seven years old, heather brown finds a friend in jay jeongseong park. at ten years old, she realizes that she found a lifelong partner in him. at eighteen years old, she wishes that she had told him she loved him for the first and last time (she does not—could not, of anything— and it's all because she can't live a life without daniel yeonjun choi).
starring ─── daniel yeonjun choi. heather nabeom brown, a female original character. jay jeongseong park. additionally, beomgyu choi, sunghoon park and heeseung lee.
genre ─── angst, childhood best friends to almost lovers, drama, hurt/comfort.
length ─── 10,019k words (part one)
warnings ─── mentions of hospitals, illnesses and death, some minor scenes depicting familial issues.
author's note ─── (heads up not edited whatsoever we die like newt.) damn. this has been brewing in my docs for exactly two years and i have rewritten it countless times and waz unsatisfied each time and couldn't finish it. im sort of very tired of it just sitting there, so here i am, posting this in a few installments so maybe i can get the motivation to finish depending on your reactions haha. make note that although the romance is still there, it's not as prevalent as the pure bond between the three protagonists. i have so many feelings bottled up in my wee lil heart for this fic because heather, jay and daniel are my babies and i love their bonds so much and i have so so much planned so yeah i hope y'all enjoyed what i have so far and we'll see. maybe you can read the second part next spring lolol. also heather and her thought processes are totally me lol
taglist no. one ─── @junityy @jeonqquk @leavethemonsteralive @iuwon @envirae @i-luvsang @rae-blogging @jitaros @jdyunvrs @kdyism @yourlocalhotgf @mark-lees-world @99outros @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @tyongishs @yutaalove @yangianwon @icywhatim @sunshine-skz @sooblvr @whoe-dis @injanggarden @90sni-ki @wccycc @sunfics @woo-minhee02 @yyxy27 @bigsobforskz @soobin-chois @jaysbestie @ni-kiii @jungwonerz @sunoosbestie @95sjcc @ja4hyvn @ant-ton-ya @stealanity @pshflrts @norifilms @shekllls @eternallyhyucks @yjwfav @luvningkai @youreverydayzebra @mosviqu @w3bqrl @candysofthours @moontines @rielleluvs @lebrookestore
reblogs and feedback are super appreciated y'all !!
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“Hello! My name is Jeongseong Park, but you can call me Jay!” she blinked twice, clutching the hems of the older woman’s skirt. The short-statured younger boy leaned to its side, his head tilting curiously. “Is she shy?”
She chuckled, affectionately running her fingers through her daughter’s soft locks of light hair— well, lighter than his, at least. “She really isn’t most of the time, dear. Maybe she just doesn’t feel well right now.”
She held the chubby hands that tighten around the fabric on her waist, crouching down to the little girl’s height. Her frown seemed evident by the way her brows narrow, big and bright eyes hesitant on meeting her mother. “Come on, Heather. Don’t you think that it’s a little rude to not greet the young man?”
“I don’t want to.” She had a higher voice than Jay was used to, but that was only because he had been hanging around older people all the time, excluding the other boys his teacher had introduced him to in his new class last month. He took slight offense to that statement, however cool his outer kiddy demeanor covered it.
Without wasting a single moment, her mother beats him for a response. “You have to make friends, darling. Don’t you think he seems nice?” 
The unintentional innocence that radiates off her peer takes Heather off guard. He did seem nice enough with his doe-like eyes focused on the tropical mix capri sun, struggling to poke through the plastic with his thin, orange straw. He seemed like he liked to feed pigeons with his bread even if he himself was hungry.
She liked that— he didn’t look like those older kids who always drew on the walls behind school. Heather hated those third graders with a passion, but Jay seemed nice enough. He didn’t wear those black ripped jeans and shirts and he didn’t sport their messy hair. All of those kids did and they were mean towards even the teachers.
She wondered if their clothes and style were the problem, but maybe that would be a little shallow of her. Daniel always told her not to judge anyone by their face, body or clothes, so she would always trust his judgement and come to the conclusion that it wasn’t the clothes that made them seem rude.
Daniel was always right, he was probably the only person that told her that, though— he was the nicest person Heather knew of in her six years of life. He told her that she needed to be nice and accepting of everyone. He was older than her, almost ten years old. That was, in her mind, ancient enough to be considered as good as an adult like her mother and father.
She took in a deep breath, reluctantly letting the silk between her fingers go and came out into the open. “Fine,” she mutters underneath her breath. Daniel would be very proud of her, “My name’s Heather. I will be seven years old on the twenty-first of March. I hope we can be good friends.”
The young boy takes a look at her extended hand, thinking about how odd of an introduction this whole thing was. But he accepts the very formal shake of hand anyways, his smile lighting up the room within seconds. “I’ll be seven after you will, then! My birthday is in April.”
Nodding, she leaned back to inspect his attire. He had weird hair, she noticed. “You have weird hair.” Her mother gasped, “Little lady, that is not how you speak to people.” Though her mother reprimanded her, to which she took no caution to, she was a tad bit taken aback by the quiet snort that had escaped the odd boy’s lips just now.
“It’s okay, I hate it, too.” He did? “My dad thinks that all boys have to have this hair at least once in their life, so he made our hairdresser cut it this way. I like those hairs that they show on television, though! The ones where they cut it short until here and leave it long on top.”
Did he mean an undercut, Mrs. Brown scratched her head with wonder. She shook her head, accepting defeat and patted Heather’s shoulders. “I have to attend to my work, Heather, so why don’t you go off with Jay here and play with him a little bit until John’s father comes to pick you up for your music class later this afternoon?”
She didn't like John, nor did she like his father.
“But, I told you that I don’t like classical music. Do I still have to go?” She tugs at the hem of her mother’s crisp white blouse, an unhappy look etched onto her childish features. She supposed she didn’t look all that intimidating, but she liked to believe that she was either way, however intimidating her puffy cheeks and pigtails could be.
“Heather Brown, you will attend these classes for as long as we tell you to. You must grow up to be as refined as possible, understood? Don’t you think that it would be nice to be able to play the violin well? Look, even Jay here takes piano lessons! And I heard from his mother that he is an excellent student.” The six year-old gave the poor fellow a side glance, backtracking on her older thoughts for a moment.
Scratch that, maybe she did dislike him just a little bit now. 
Resigning to her fate, she pulled away, “Okay, I’ll do it for you.” With a satisfied nod, the older woman took her silent leave and Heather watched as the tall doors click closed, leaving her alone with her new acquaintance in a large hall surrounded by glass windows, the bright twelve p.m. sun peeking through the thin grey sun blockers.
“My mom tells me that it’s always good for you to wear sunscreen,” Jay took notice of the way she seemed stuck on the way the beams of light escaped through the cracks. He pulls his miniature version of a duffel bag out of the large cupboard from the back of the office, navigating his way through the leather seats surrounding the oval oak table to accommodate for large meetings.
“Do you want some? I was told that you have to apply it every two hours.” You stare at the uncapped orange bottle, a tiny bit— pea sized, if she had to give it a relatively accurate description of the amount— of the creamy substance already on the back of his palm. 
Why was their first conversation alone about the many effects of under-protection from the harmful rays of the sun, Heather never knew. Though he might have been a little odd, she supposed he wasn’t that bad of a kid. As far as she could see, he was just her mother’s husband’s friend’s son who had a knack for knowing the most random of knowledge that no six year old usually could know of— he also liked dancing, but she wasn’t about to tell him that she liked that small bit of fact.
Heather made her first friend the same age as her at seven years old. She didn’t like his haircut— and neither did he— but he was nice enough to let her draw stars on his cheeks with face paint on the first day he met her.
For her entire life, all Heather knew of were three things: she hated bullies, she hated music, and she hated the way Jay was having a growth spurt when she was stuck in the same height as before. She was ten years old now— mind you, she was older than him, however much a gap of a single month was worth— and she was now shorter than Jay Park.
“Are you not bored of always staying in this hole?” Heather whispered into his ear, mindful of her volume with all of the overbearing adults in the office. Although, to be fair, this ‘hole’ that she had been talking about was a 25 stories high corporal building made of expensive glass windows and tall ceilings adorned with chandeliers everywhere she looked if she craned her neck just a little— it was the furthest thing from being a mere hole that they had been stuck inside together for the past three years.
Jay nodded, “I asked my dad if we could just stay back at home, but he said no. He thinks that we will be in danger as soon as we are out of their direct sight, even if the staff are there to clean the house.” Being the only children of two business giants did come with its disadvantages, Heather could only cry in silence.
“Surely, they won’t notice if we go out to buy ice cream, right?” she nudged the pondering boy, urging him to respond. The mischief swimming inside those familiar brown eyes was an exciting thing to witness. 
He glanced at the busy adults, all gathered to sit around a table for a long discussion. “We can go to the store next block and then run back here, how about that?” Heather muttered in a low tone, almost too quiet for him to pick it up, but he did.
“Fine, but if they notice and get angry, you’re the one who is responsible, okay?” Jay took her little block of rosin from the intricately made coffee table, storing the object away in her violin case, carefully clasping the two sides shut together to pick it up— when he had grown into the habit of carrying the large black container for her, he didn’t know for sure, but she always left the instrument behind, so it was up to him to tuck the bow and violin away securely, lest Mrs. Brown reprimanded her daughter for protesting against her music lesson again.
Slinking out of the adults’ way was easy of a task, you only had to be quiet and tuck yourself away behind the walls and just keep on moving before someone actually decided to check the odd moving shadows behind the long blinds. What was difficult, however, was pulling off a maneuver like escaping through the front entrance where security guards were always planted.
“Are you ready?” Heather wrapped her arms around his shoulders, taking notice of how much wider they seemed to have gotten in the two years she had known him. She had stashed her case away in one of the empty offices on the fourth floor where all of the marketing workers were stationed.
The quiet stalking they had done from the twentieth floor all the way down to the first— all the while still going unnoticed by the hundreds of personnel frantically buzzing through the hallways like bees to their nests— had proven to be the most exhilarating part of this sneaking out ordeal.
She peeked a head through the small gap between the door and its frame, allowing Jay to slide a small head through the same gap as well— they looked like characters from cartoons, comically peering at something they shouldn't with heads stacked above each others’— only to speedily hide back inside the small closet filled with cleaning supplies after seeing her father’s secretary dashing their way with a phone held next to her ear.
Once they heard the click of her low heels fade away into silence, Heather turned the handle of the door to slide it open, gesturing at Jay to follow behind. “Look, Freddy is going away to get a drink now. Let’s make a run for it, quick.” Freddy, the tall and grand security personnel who looked similar to the Five Nights at Freddy’s animatronic bear that had given both of you a good amount of nightmares after deciding to play the game together during one of your many stays here in the company building.
Jay took a hold of her hand, fingers wrapped around her palm with a tight squeeze and they sprinted off towards the automatic sliding doors and bursting into the sunlight. A few onlookers took a brief glance at the two children panting as they rounded the corner of the building, hiding away in the comfort of the crowded sidewalks, the tall structure of the enterprise looming over their small bodies that sped through the roads of Washington D.C.
“That was wicked!” The taller one of the two eased them both into a jog, not noticing the fact that their hands were still intertwined, tightly wrapped around each other— neither did Heather, for that matter, too caught up in the adrenaline rushing through her veins.
The cars honking at the ones in front of them did not bother the children at all, not when they were tasting the first bite of freedom they had ever gained. It was a hot summer day and middle school was about to start in a few weeks— dreadful, they knew.
The sad, sob-worthy trek back towards the building was to be expected not even ten minutes after their grand escapade. They had forgotten to bring money to buy their ice creams.
But everything was okay, though. They might not have gotten their cold treats, but their way back inside had gone by as silently as their adventure outside had been. No one had noticed a single thing, save for the one staff member monitoring the security cameras.
Heather had just finished fourth grade when she broke the rules with her best friend for the first time— it felt good. Jay was taller than her now, sure, but she still could put him in a chokehold if she wanted to and that was all that really mattered.
“Daniel?” The older boy hummed, looking up from his extremely important job that was meticulously peeling bananas to make them smoothies. She settled herself on the tall leather bar stools to watch as the fifteen year old threw in a handful of frozen strawberries from the large freezer inside the sturdy blender with a splash of milk to add to the silky smooth texture of the cold drink.
“You’re not leaving, are you?” The solemn look on her face forced him to turn the machine off for a moment. He examined the way the edges of her eyes seemed to redden by the second, glazing over to signify the oncoming wave of salty tears. 
Yeonjun sighed, making his way to her side to cradle her in his arms, leaning her head against his chest to run his hands through her hair. He didn’t say anything even if he heard the muted sniffles or the thick in her voice.
"You know what 영원한 means?" She shook her head, "Well, flower, it means eternally— forever. I promise you— cross my heart and hope to die— that I will be with you until the end of time, okay?" 
Her mother was leaving, but at least Daniel was staying. She wouldn't know what to do if he left, too.
Daniel was funny. He was always the one that had pretended to be an ox to chase her around the empty complex when her father was glued to his chair in his office at the top floor and her mother was occupied by her endless meetings that she never understood what the need was for.
She knew him ever since she could think back in her memories, maybe he was secretly her brother. That would make a lot of sense, wouldn't it? Or better yet, maybe he was her dad— or her mom. He felt like one anyways, he was always the one that took care of her.
Eleven year old Heather knew that he couldn't be her parent, he was extremely young to be so, so maybe he was either her long lost brother— she didn't understand why her parents never told her, though. That is, if he was actually her older sibling hidden away— or an angel disguised as a fifteen year old middle schooler who liked to teach her to be nice to other kids.
Daniel was nice, he got that from his mother who was working as her own family's cook for the past ten years. Mrs. Choi was always smiling and she never scolded her whenever she snuck into the kitchen to steal all of the freshly baked cookies one by one. 
In all honesty, ten year old Heather really did think that she was the stealthiest living being while crawling her way towards the kitchen island. The woman had always managed to find her slipping away through the sliding doors with a half munched cookie in her hand, melted chocolate smeared all over her lips.
Why did she never get angry? She always gave her a small plate of them after wiping away at her messy face, she always had the kindest eyes as well. Why?
She supposed that was why Daniel was so patient. He was the nicest person Heather knew and she would forever stand by the fact that Daniel Choi would be the most perfect person in all of mankind.
He was nice.
Her mother was leaving, leaving her to her father— was he even her real father? Heather didn't think that she had a single ounce of similarity to him in herself. He had the yellowest hair she had ever seen. Even the pale kid from her old fourth grade didn't have hair as saturated as his.
Heather had smooth brown hair, she was a brunette, and yet he had the curliest of blond hair ever. Her mom, on the other hand, had the silkiest of rich black hair. How did biology work again? What if she wasn't related to any one of them? She had eyes that looked like her mother's milky coffee, very light brown— Mrs. Choi always said that her mother never knew what actual coffee tasted like, always mixing it with soy milk to the point where it was more of a coffee flavoured milk.
Her dad had blue eyes, they were pretty— not to say that her mother's dark eyes were not, but eleven year old Heather was just saying. What if she was adopted? She really needed to pay attention to her biology classes. The short quiz about how genes work was closing up on both Jay and her, but her best friend didn't have anything to worry about anyway.
He had always been smarter than her, but that was fine. She could always be the brawn of the duo— or the cutest one that got all of the attention of the adults to distract them while he slid out of the room to buy a pack of Mentos candy from the nearest vending machine— it was always ten stories below his father's office, but that was fine. Jay was fast— so that they could try to make a bottle of Coke explode out in the garden.
Her thoughts were muddled up yet again, mind running at incredible speeds, remaining unexhausted from hopping on one train to the other. Where was she again? 
Ah, yes, Heather wiped her tears away with the back of her sleeves, noting the way Daniel looked much older than before as he looked down at her with a concerned frown.
She wanted a cat.
“Yes, flower?”
“Do you think mother is leaving because she doesn’t like dad anymore?”
“I don’t know, flower. Maybe.”
“Will you ever decide to leave if you don’t like me anymore?”
“Never. I will die before that could ever happen.”
“Okay, Danny. I believe you.”
“Good. Now, let’s drink our smoothies before they get warm.”
“Blue?” Heather whispers, the vast ceilings of her dark room didn’t scare her like it used to— now that she had him, she didn’t think she would ever be afraid of the empty and lifeless room ever again. The baby dolls her mother had bought for her when she was five years old were still lined up on her window sills all across her walls. The moon wasn’t coming out of its hiding place tonight— it was a rarity these past few months, shrouding her room in the darkest of shadows. 
She wasn’t afraid of the dark, though. She had Jay, he would hold her hand and tell her funny stories that had happened during the day and he would lead her to sit on the velvet stool with him to play a little song for her on the grand piano that her father had made the staff set up. 
Thirteen year old Heather still despised classical music— she wondered why she hadn’t dropped out of her tutoring sessions yet with her mother not around anymore. Perhaps it was a sense of duty towards the older woman, the same way she kept the hideous dolls around. She still lingered around— the ghost of her had never left, she sort of hated it.
She hated a lot of things, Heather had long before accepted the fact that she was just a petty person in general, she hoped that Jay did as well. She abhorred the smell of watermelons, same as the taste of tomatoes and the sound of her violin when she played another piece composed by Sibelius or Paganini— why couldn’t she play whatever she wanted? Where was her freedom?
Strangely enough, though, perched on the cushions of the mahogany stool next to Jay, she didn’t hate the way his fingers softly stroked the keys to lull her to sleep with Berceuse in D flat major, Op. 57— or as they liked to call it, Bercy. For Heather, this was Jay in his core.
Park Jay had a beautiful heart— the sweet tone of the melody sounded different when he was the one playing— she loved listening to him. For an older Heather, one that was not a six year old brat anymore, music sounded nice when it was Jay the one playing for her. She liked music only when it was Jay playing for her.
“Yes, Heather?” There he was, calling her by her name again. Her mother always used to call her little lady, her father only used her korean name, 나봄 Nabeom— the only one to do so, oddly enough. Her teachers didn’t call her by her name either, were they scared of it? What reason would they have to call her dear? 
She didn’t have friends, though— she didn’t need them anyway, they were all terrible little liars— Jay was all she needed, all she ever wanted. Jay liked to call her by her name, just like Daniel often did, save for the few endearing terms he used— mostly about flowers, given her name, Heather, but she liked them all. Anything Daniel said to her, she liked them all.
“Heather? Did you want to tell me something?” He played with the thin bracelet wrapped delicately around her wrist, the one he had made for her when he was twelve— admittedly, not that long ago, but enough to wonder about why she hadn’t taken it off yet. The warmth of her hands was like a reminder of her existence to him.
Do angels exist? He didn’t know the answer to this question, not even after the countless visits to the enormous church, but maybe, it was lying right next to him all this time. Maybe angels did exist in the form of a lonely thirteen year old girl who had hugged him tightly after he had won first place in yet another competition— it was memorable for a reason, he had never been hugged for any of his achievements before, big or small.
A clap of thunder stripped her of the bravado she had guised herself behind, she felt her limbs frozen in place, unable to find a good emotional foothold to hide away from the next set of thunder booming behind her glass windows. 
Jay did not say anything else. Instead, he opted to let his closest friend find solace in the way they linked their arms together, pulling the covers over their heads akin to a comforting cocoon. This was enough for Heather— just her and him together, hiding from the stormy weather underneath her thick white blanket. This was all it took to calm his best friend down, to be there for her.
Just hold her hand.
Niccolo Paganini, her worst nemesis following the likes of Bach and Sibelius, was the sole reason for her months spent cooped up in her room, going over each one of his rigorous pieces with great care. Oh, how she would have liked to tear those stark white and black sheets with the most disgusted of scowls smeared on her face— right in front of her mother’s scrutiny, might she add.
The years and years of practice— as far back as her mind would allow her to remember— lead up to this one moment of battle between her and the devious fourth caprice in c minor she could barely fly over, never mind the twenty fourth. It was vomit worthy if you asked Heather herself.
Despise was the only word she had for the pieces given to her by her instructor. Why did she not give this up yet? Eleven years— nine of them by her mothers’ wishes, two more she had decided to continue on her own— she had spent cooped up either in a damn skyscraper or a closed off mansion to run through the counts by herself.
Why didn’t she just stop playing? Everyone knew how much she loathed her time playing her instrument. Was it to remember and keep a piece of her mother with her?Maybe, but she remembered that they didn’t even have the best of a parent-child relationship in the first place. Was it really because of her mother?
Maybe the only reason she had not quit yet was her very own Jay. He always did play beautifully, coaxing her to join him if she so desired to. And how could she ever say no to him? Park Jay, she never knew how much of a hold he held on her, not even years later.
Indeed, maybe she didn’t quit yet just to keep an even ground with her childhood friend. Soon, she would leave her violin case behind forever.
Heather could not keep even grounds with her childhood friend anymore.
“Are you okay, miss?” A worker asked her with concern evident in his eyes. She blinked up at him, his form all but a blur going in and out of focus as she desperately tried to come to herself and shake the ringing out of her ears.
A few strands of her hair slipped out of her neat bun tied on top of her head. She tried to push herself back up on her feet, swaying as her knees buckled under her weight once again. The suited man from her father’s office stabilized her by her shoulders, leading her to one of the leather seats pushed against the crisp white wall.
“I’m okay, thank you.” Heather really was okay. It was probably just the fatigue growing on her after the hours of practice she had endured, or the fact that she had forgotten about her breakfast on the counter and lunchbox near her bag. She had to be okay, so she would continue believing that it was nothing, that everything was just fine.
He nodded, unconvinced but not prying any further, “If you say so. Be careful, okay?” 
So she would do just that, but alas, even with great care, fate would continue running at its own pace and it would forever continue to break and build lives. It had done it millions of times before and it would do it again and again.
“I can’t believe you keep tripping over nothing, honestly. Watch your own feet, Heather.” Jay ruffled her hair, effectively destroying her long minutes of hard work at putting her hair together that morning. He always liked to do that, she noticed. Jay liked to systematically mess with her hair and then tuck the strands back behind her ear at least once every single day.
Every day, huh. How many days had it been since they had first met? How old was she even? They had probably spent more years together than without each other being by their side, well over six years she’d say, maybe even eight. Funnily enough, she remembered his long hair as a child as if it was just yesterday.
“Watch your hands, Jay, or else I’ll be the one to keep them in check for you.” she deftly slapped his hands away from cupping her cheeks, puffing out her lips like a fish. He only sniggered at the irritated pout on her lips, “How scary, I’m running for my life.”
“Shut up, I’m older than you.” 
“Only by a few months at best. That’s not much. I’m way bigger than you, how about that?” His noticeably taller frame towered over her, if only by a few inches, but he still liked to take every opportunity to bring the difference up to her just to get her riled up time and time again.
It was somehow oddly cute.
“I will break your kneecaps, how about that?” her raised feet, ready to strike at any moment, made him take a cautious step back. “Only if you can catch me, but that’s hard because your legs are way too short to catch up to me, shorty.”
“That is it, Jay. You’re so dead.” Her roar of indignation did the trick to make him burst into a sprint for his life with an excited howl, heart beating in his throat. The sparkling floors make his brand new shoes squeak with every impact on the surface. “Catch me if you can, Heather!”
And without a single glance at the girl chasing him, he darted off into the hallways with various workers scattered throughout, all letting a noise of surprise out when they saw the boy bulldozing his way between them all, “Jay? Be careful!”
Unhearing of the words from the adults’ mouths for the time being, he dashed left into an open meeting office, countless wheeled armchairs set neatly next to each other around a heavy oval table. Heather ran straight inside, fearsome and glowing with determination to tackle him into the next galaxy, “Don’t think you can escape from me, Jay!”
“Sweet sixteen, Heather.” Jay brings the small cake closer towards her, urging her to make a wish and blow the sixteen individual candles away. He looked older now— he had shoulders that had grown wider by the day and his baby fat was slowly, but surely, melting away to reveal his strong jawline, his roundish features now prominent in their shape without the softness that came with being a child.
He had gotten rid of that god awful haircut as well, giving himself a brand new and welcome look— his undercut dreams had come true and Heather admitted that it suited him extremely well. He always did have that underlying promise of a handsome future, but now it was clearer than ever. Jay had the prettiest smile.
Much to her dismay, she hadn’t gotten around to beat his height, not when he was half a head taller than she already, or was it more than that? She didn’t know and ten years into their friendship, she didn’t really care anymore. The last time she had asked Daniel to measure their height was two years ago— the lines and dates lining up her door frame would gladly serve as proof of that.
Speaking of Daniel— she looked at the much older and much taller twenty year old across the room filled with just the three of them— he was still there. 
Daniel liked to sing, he loved it and he loved to stand in front of hundreds and thousands of people to just let his voice out and perform to his heart’s content. He was good at it as well, she was not envious of his gift, though— not in that way. She was never jealous of the amount of praises and compliments he would get from people all around the world that had come to watch his concerts.
Big people with big names that wanted to take him away to bigger places than the good old Washington D.C.
Heather was never jealous of the love he had always received, even as a young middle schooler. No, she was never ever green with envy— in hindsight, she would always tell others that she was probably the one person proudest of him next to Mrs. Choi. Would that— could that— ever change?
No, absolutely not. Heather still was a strong believer of the extent of Daniel Yeonjun Choi’s perfection. If anything, she was just downright petrified that one day, he would break his promise of five years that he would never leave her behind in this cold world. That new friend of his seemed all too eager to do so.
What was his name again? Ah, yes, Beomgyu Choi. He was a pretty guy— now, that she was jealous of. Daniel was pretty, too, wasn’t he? Pretty people deserved other pretty people. Was she willing to let him go just yet, though? Not a chance.
Maybe she would, maybe she could, she thought as she looked at the sixteen flames illuminating Jay’s pretty face. Why was everyone so pretty? 
“Come on, Heather. Blow it out or else the wax will drip all over the icing!” There it was, his signature whines that would never cease in her presence— which, technically, meant that he complained all day, all night. That was, if the term in her presence was taken literally.
“Happy birthday, flower. You’ve bloomed beautifully.” Jay let out a snort, a quiet ew right after. “Do you have to be so cheesy all the time?” 
The man playfully jumps on the younger one’s back, quick tempered with his siblings— they were not real ones, but the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, right?— pulling Jay in a chokehold.
Heather had learned that move from him years ago, not even Jay had been around at the time. Heather was five years old when Daniel had come up from behind her and put her head between his arm and torso, lightly giving it a squeeze. Enraged, she demanded he teach her how to do it. An hour later, mrs. Choi would enter the room to find her eldest son being choked out by a five year old little girl as he lay limp on the marble floors.
"Stop flailing around, I'm blowing it out now." The two separated themselves from each other, eagerly waiting for the dessert to be cut into slices for them to enjoy. Deliberately, she gave the older male a larger piece, finding joy in the way her two friends started bickering again over the unfairness of it all. She let them fight it out for a while before giving Jay a smaller second slice to even things out.
“You’re an adult, Daniel. I think it’s embarrassing for you to fight me like this.” Jay quipped from Heather’s bed, stuffing his face with the smooth icing. The girl eyed the cream in disgust, nibbling on the sponges cake instead. She’d never understand why bakeries preferred a seven to three ratio of cream to cake.
“I’m not technically an adult yet. I live with my mom.” Daniel retorted from his seated position on the carpet. Heather sat next to him as always, succumbing to the natural gravitational pull whenever the older male was around. She always felt the safest when next to him, then Jay, but she’d never tell him that. Who knows how he would react if he heard it from her own mouth that she liked him just as much as Daniel. He would never let her hear the end of it.
Sixteen year old Heather finally quit music. She cut it out of her life, the motion done as quickly and soundlessly as her mother had a few years ago, leaving her behind forever as she ran back to Korea. Heather wondered where she’d be in life right now if she didn’t have a Jay Park or Daniel Choi with her.
Lost, probably.
It’s March 21st, Heather turned sixteen at last, safe and sound with Daniel right next to her as she smiled at her best friend sitting on her bed in front of her.
The next morning, she made her way to wash her face, slowly slinking out of her soft bed and trying not to wake up the boy snoring next to her. She’d slid a pillow under his arm to replace her. Planting her feet on the floor, however, did not come to her as easily as before. Almost instantaneously, her knees buckled beneath her, knocking the breath out of her lungs as she groaned in pain after the impact on her palm registered. She’d reached out blindly, using her hand to brace her body.
“Heather?” The ruckus woke up an exhausted Jay, who still looked incomparably better than her even with an early morning puffy face. He smoothly kicked the blanket off of his body to help the newly turned sixteen year old back on the bed.
“Hey,” brushing away the few strands of hair that had escaped the braid Daniel had put it into the night before, he held her arm, concern etched all across his face, “Are you okay?”
“Damn it.” The brunet winced at the few tears that escaped Heather’s eyes, stomach dropping at her sniffles. She covered her face with her palm, the other clutching the fabric of her sweatpants. 
“This sucks.”
He tucked her in his chest, running his fingers through her hair and waiting till she calmed down from her abrupt meltdown. Looking at her tightened fist, he gathered her tighter in his arms, putting a warm hand over hers, slowly making her release her clothes. “You’re okay, don’t worry.”
Heather sniffled, trying to regain a steady breathing and pulling in deep breaths to soothe her hiccups. Jay kept smoothing a hand through her soft strands, patiently waiting. “I don’t know what came over me, I’m sorry.”
Jay shook his head, pressing a kiss on her temple, “Why apologize?” 
“I don’t know,” she sighed, wiping away the last drop of tear that slid down her cheek, “I just couldn’t hold it in. It didn’t even hurt. I guess I just felt disappointed.”
Jay hummed in understanding, bringing the pad of his thumb to swipe away the moisture around her eyes, “It can happen sometimes, I get it. Come, let’s wash up your face. You look prettier when you don’t have snot all over your face.”
The comment made her chuckle, giving his shoulder a friendly punch, “You don’t tell a girl that she’s ugly, especially when she’s crying her soul out. That’s super rude.”
“Am I supposed to lie, then?” Jay retorted, taking Heather gently by her arm and leading her carefully to the bathroom on the other side of the large space. Truthfully, Heather could never be ugly, not in his eyes at least. No matter how much he liked to tease her about the minor flaws in her appearance here and there, nothing ever seemed less than perfect in his eyes when it came to his closest friend.
Close to two years ago, Jay realized that Heather Brown was prettier than the angels his mother told him all about when he’d been younger. The purest beings, breathtaking and beautiful, those were traits Heather held as well. 
Even with eyes bloodshot, nose running a river and cheeks flushed from exertion, she was prettier than ever. 
“I think we should tell uncle about what happened.” He quipped from behind as Heather patted her face dry. He was leaning against the doorframe, frowning at something she couldn’t see on the floor.
“It’s getting too frequent. You literally fell over while doing nothing yesterday too.”
Heather stayed silent, assessing his words, “It’s getting worse, Heather. I’m just worried about you, your dad too.”
So many words were left unsaid, they both knew that, but with Heather’s insistence on keeping the progression of her disease a secret from her already busy father, Jay swallowed back his thoughts of concern and let her be.
For how long he’d let her live a life of lies, however, he didn’t know. Three years ago, their life had turned upside down with the few words of a man in a crisp white coat and this was the only way he could keep Heather Brown happy.
Just stay quiet, and let her be. He couldn’t possibly shoulder the heavy burden of being the one who insisted she stay locked inside a room surrounded by white walls, unwilling to be the one who ripped her away from her happiness. For now, he’d just let her be and do as she said.
Winter came quicker than expected that year, heavy clouds creeping over the lifeless buildings of Washington D.C.
Heather never expected her last Christmas break before she graduated high school to be spent cooped up inside a room that made her feel lonelier than her own one did whenever she was left to her own. The only thing accompanying her throughout her days was the large, framed picture of lilacs on the wall to her adjacent, the monotonous monitor to her side, a leather white couch next to the tall windows and the nurses who’d occasionally come and go.
Daniel Choi was busy these days, too. She hadn’t seen the older male in two weeks, quite the record for someone who’d talk to him face to face almost every few days. If not face to face, then at least on the phone where he’d tell her all about his day. He would always complain about something his friends had done, affectionately calling Beomgyu an annoying gum that was relentlessly stuck to him.
She heard that name a lot more often since the first time he’d introduced him to her almost a few years ago. Beomgyu this, Beomgyu that, Beomgyu here, Beomgyu there. It seemed like he lived and breathed by that name, not that Heather was jealous at all.
It was nice seeing Daniel befriend someone closer to his age. What was not nice was the fact that she felt like he was slowly drifting away. He wouldn’t pick up her calls when she missed his comforting voice, only answering hours later at times when even she wasn’t awake.
Daniel felt so far away, more so than he’d ever felt like.
What happened to her Daniel who’d nag her to eat her meals on time, scolding her for not drinking enough water? Where was he, the one who’d drive away all of her worries with a single smile, a lame joke? With a sinking feeling in her gut, Heather realized that Choi Beomgyu was stealing the most perfect human being in this world from her.
The thought brought a certain heaviness in her chest, the walls enclosing in on her. Her hands trembled, heart racing inside her ribs and her lungs felt like they weren’t getting enough air. Fear had her in a merciless clutch as she curled into a fetal position, cupping her hands over her ears, not even taking the presence of the nurse next to her in.
Daniel was leaving her and it was all Choi Beomgyu’s fault.
Nighttime crept over the sky, for once the moon reflecting light over those on the streets, illuminating the city in a soft glow. 
Heather felt better, good enough to wander down the halls of the large hospital in hopes of finding herself some entertainment, having already slept the day away. Energized for the night, she skipped down the empty corridors, careful to avoid any workers who might recognize the dreadful hospital clothing she’d been forced to put on when she first arrived last week.
“Snacks. I need snacks, lots and lots of them in fact.” She muttered at no one in particular, tracing an unending line on the wall as she went, taking a ninety degree turn to the right after confirming that her chances of getting caught were minimal. 
The automated machine stood proudly at the other corner of the corridor, as she found out after an unnecessarily lengthy trip around the quiet floor, lost in the maze while trying to follow a random blue line that led her to nowhere in particular, not that she knew of. Snickers or KitKat? She weighed her choices, fishing out a few coins out of her frankly quite shallow pocket.
And then she saw black.
Rubbing her forehead in defeat, she pushed herself up to sit on her knees, half having the mind to let out a string of less than pleasant cuss words as she massaged the area that throbbed. Her momentary blackout had led her to collapse right before the vending machine.
Heather pinched the bridge of her nose, reaching out to wipe away the small droplets of red with her sleeve. She hoped her nose didn’t look too bad for wear, “Great, just great.”
With a grunt, she made an effort to stretch her legs out to stand. That’s odd, wait, giving up on trying to hold a hand over her nose, she put out both arms and flexed, wondering why her legs didn’t seem to be functioning properly. I can’t feel anything, she tried reaching out to grab the handle of the sitting bank just an arm’s length away.
Her fingers strained as she clawed the air, hoping to get a grip on the metal bar. Tears of frustration welled up behind her eyelids while she dragged her limp feet with the help of her upper body, strength quickly dwindling as she had to handle all of her body weight. This cannot be happening, not now, she begged for a semblance of power to return to her muscles.
Please, a stray tear slid down her chin as anger rose within her. “Move already.” She slammed a closed fist over her incapacitated limbs. What a joke, cursed to a life of being a burden to everyone around her. “Just do as I say, why won’t you?”
Cursing, she harshly bit down on her lip, making a grand effort to slide her body and carry herself over to sit on the metal bench. Her heart pounded against her ribs, the adrenaline that had allowed her to will herself up slowly ebbing away. She laughed, a reaction forced out of her as she laughed and laughed.
She didn’t feel the traitorous tears trailing down the side of her face for the nth time that week, she didn’t recognize anyone’s voice as people started approaching her. Heather laughed at the injustice of it all, wondering what she had done wrong to go through and struggle with something most people did on a minutely basis. 
She laughed, bitter and tired of everything. 
Nurse Willows sat her on a wheelchair, a kind smile ever so present on her face despite the late hour and exhaustion probably wearing her down from the long day of hard work. “Come on, let’s get you back to your room.”
She liked Ms. Willows too, something about her giving her the same feeling of comfort that came with Mrs. Choi, Daniel’s mother and her cook. She had traces of age where her smile creased, but she still looked youthful, lively. She was just as kind as Mrs. Choi as well, she’d rejoiced at having someone nice to talk to when she would inevitably grow bored sitting around on her stiff bed. Heather barely saw her around after their first encounter, though.
Tonight was the second time she got to interact with Ms. Willows. Albeit the less than pleasant conditions, Heather fell back asleep on her way to her room as the older woman pushed her forward, pleased that it was Ms. Willows and not anybody else.
Tomorrow would be a better day, she hoped. It was Christmas after all.
Finding a snoring Jay next to her the next morning was the best thing that she could have ever asked for. 
He stirred in his sleep as she watched in awe, taking in his peaceful face like she always did. It had been months since she’d properly gotten to see him this close. She slowly smoothed over his cheek with the back of her fingers, barely hovering over his skin. Despite her best efforts at being subtle, his eyes fluttered awake anyways.
The sunlight was nowhere to be found at ten thirty-four am, right when Jay found himself staring into the eyes of his best friend. The room was dim with the only light coming from the hallway beneath her closed door. With what little brightness came in through the open blinds, shades of blue covering the sky behind the large glass panels, he took in her tired features.
Brown eyes never looked as good on him as they did on Heather Brown. Something about the way she looked at him felt like home, though to be fair, everything she did felt like home to him. There was no one in his life as clearly defined in who they were as Heather. His father, sure, along with his mother, but the person he’d wholeheartedly bellow the name of into the wind when asked who felt like home to him, was his one and only Heather, the girl peering right at him through the curtain of her lashes like he was her everything.
Like he was her everything.
And he was, to a certain extent. Heather thought back on the past ten entire years of her life, recounting the times Jay Park had proven time and time again that he’d always be the one person she could call her everything.
“You’re up.” Jay whispered, tracing small circles on her back with the hand he’d slung over her waist. He rejoiced in the way she fiddled in her position, feeling ticklish by his subtle pokes here and there where he knew she felt the most tickled by. Giggling at his onslaught, she quickly snatched his soft cheeks with her fingers and stretched the skin wide in an awkward grin.
Moving his cheeks around and bringing her hands together to make his lips puff out like a fish, she replied, “Who said you could invade my bed like this? It’s probably against the rules.”
Despite his hammering chest, he pulled her closer to himself, “It’s fine.” He could barely utter the few words through his squished face. “You wanna go out?”
Blinking, she strained her neck to spot the folded up wheelchair next to her small closet. Jay pushed himself to rest on his elbow, “It’s totally okay if you don’t feel like it, I just thought it’d be nice to see the snow.”
“It’s okay, let’s go. Help me up.” She stretched her arms forward, making a give me motion and pointed at the transport device she swallowed her pride and sat on with his help. “Push me as fast as you can.”
“We didn’t even notify the nurse or anything. You wait for like, a second, and I’ll be back in a minute.” After setting her down, he faced his body towards the door, rubbing the sleep quickly out of his eyes. He stopped when a hand pulled him back.
“Wait, why are you here anyways?”
“What do you mean?” The boy feigned innocence, half heartedly pulling his arm away from her loose grip. Heather steeled her expression, “I swear, Jay, if you pulled some funny business, then I’m sending you right back.”
It was at the beginning of year ten of school when Jay had decided he wanted to dance professionally. It was also in tenth grade that he’d finally convinced his father to let him audition, nearly spending the entire year coming up plans with her for the older man to finally cave in and let him quit the orchestra.
Heather had watched him dance for hours and hours on end, audition and then fail twice in a row before getting accepted into a small group. She had watched him pour his blood, sweat and tears throughout the past two years, every moment that would lead up to the big event not even a month away now.
There was no way he’d ditched going to the practice sessions just to take her out for something as mundane as a walk. “I’m actually gonna call uncle, Jay. I know how important the performance is, you shouldn’t be blowing off Sunghoon like that.”
“Chill,” He chuckled, flicking a finger over the bridge of her nose, “The regular meet up was postponed to tomorrow, because it’s a holiday and people have to be at home, exchange gifts and all of that jazz. The studio is closed for the day.”
“It better be.”
“I don’t have a gift for you.” Heather crossed her arms, looking at the small box resting on her lap. It wasn’t any bigger than the size of her palm, neatly wrapped with a white polka dotted paper, contrasting with the red background and glittering green ribbon tied around it in a typical festive fashion.
“I don’t need one.” He replied, sitting on the comfortable sofa across her as Heather fiddled with the small box. “Go on, open it.”
With great care, she unfolded the colorful wrap. “I’m gonna flip if it’s what I think it is.” She commented offhandedly, trying to cover up the glee seeping out of her voice. The velvet box felt familiar to touch, something she’d held in her hands once before, but never got around to bring it home with her.
“Oh, you bet it is.” Jay hopped off of the couch, flipping on the switch to her room. “I didn’t have the time to do anything special this year, but I know how obsessed you are with this, so yeah, sorry for the last minute surprise.”
“Want me to put it on for you?” Heather nodded at his offer, moving her hair to the side to allow him to clasp the dainty chain around her neck, the small pendant resting pretty on her décolleté. 
“There you go,” Jay stepped back to rake his eyes over her appearance, “You look very pretty.”
And indeed she was. Jay, for all of his life, prided himself in the fact that he had never once lied to anyone about anything. He wore his heart on his sleeves and kept his words simple and honest, truthful in everything he said or did. At times, his frank words hurt those who hadn’t heard what they wanted to from him, driving quite a few people away with the bluntness in his words. 
Everyone wanted to hear pretty white lies from him, turning their backs once they didn’t receive what they thought they would no matter how not unkind his delivery was. Honesty and sincerity, that’s what Jay prided himself in the most. Jay never lied, Heather knew that better than anyone else.
And so whenever he called her pretty, she felt like the most beautiful being in the world. If the words came from him, she’d take them to the bottom of her heart and encase it in a fragile glass container, cherishing it for a long, long time, because it was Jay’s words and Jay never lied.
For that night, she would truly feel beautiful, because he made her believe so.
July 21st only a couple of years ago, a summer day she remembered with every detail. Daniel had graduated high school just a little while ago and had decided to stay around, continue to make music on his own with his small group of friends, working small part time jobs in his other free time.
Heather had nothing to do that day with Jay away with his father on a trip and her own dad as busy with his business as always. It was Daniel who’d pulled her out of staying cooped up in her room all day. He’d dragged her out of her lonesome and taken her to a small ice cream shop next to the skatepark where kids mostly around her age usually hung out.
“You should try this mint chocolate one.” He’d begged her to try the minty flavored ice cream, to which she’d adamantly refused, knowing how he was aware that she hated it all the way to the depths of hell. Daniel could be annoying like that from time to time whenever he decided to shed his role of the ever loving, wise older brother.
“Suit yourself.” He’d replied with a sulk, typical Daniel fashion.
The heat rose from the asphalt, visible in the way it distorted the view of the park in front of the shop. She wondered if an egg would cook if she dropped it on the ground. It sure seemed like it was a possibility. Just like everything else however, she threw that thought behind, opting to enjoy the moment and her very delicious, very non-mint-chocolate ice cream.
The older male jumped right into step with her as they wandered out into the street, mindlessly wandering through the crowd of families and friends. He had an arm slung over her shoulder, chattering away about his plans for the next week. “You know what would be nice?” He piped up, nibbling on the cone in his right hand.
Heather didn’t reply, tilting her head to lock eyes with him as though she was questioning him. “What if we go on a little trip to the amusement park with Jay this Saturday? It’s been a while since we all went out together.”
She knew what he meant, the underlying message in between the lines. Still, she decided to ignore the unpleasant feeling, dropping her faux displeasure at him to contemplate on the suggestion. It had been a while since they’d had fun together, all three of them. “I’ll have to ask my father for permission, though.”
In a typical Daniel fashion, his lips curled into a lopsided smile, “If there’s anything I know about Mr. Brown after all these years, it’s that he won’t say no if I’m there to be your babysitter.”
“First of all, I don’t need a babysitter, much less someone like you.” Heather jeered at the older boy. “And secondly, remember that one time you almost let me drop from the fifty-first floor’s window when I was eight? And that one time you almost slipped down the wet stairs and dragged me down with you last year? I’d hardly consider you a capable sitter.”
She didn’t mention the time he’d gently held her while she mourned her mother’s departure, or when he’d patched her knees up when she’d fallen down from a tree branch while she and Jay were playing hide and seek at the park, or when Daniel had built them the biggest blanket fort the two younger ones had ever seen and have a movie night just because they’d both gotten great grades in their exam, or the time when he’d carried her on his shoulders because she couldn’t see the artist’s perform at the local music festival, or the time he’d trimmed her hair for her after she’d very unsuccessfully tried to give herself a new haircut.
She didn’t need to mention any of those instances where he’d been the angel taking care of her because he knew. Through her vulnerability with the boy she considered to be family, her constant little praises she liked to shower him with, her pulled back play-punches when he’d annoy her. Daniel knew that she saw him as the one that could do no real wrong, that he was her ever-loving and caring guardian.
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Daniel knew, so when she said he wasn’t capable, he didn’t take the words to heart. He was so much more than just capable. Heather is an easy person for him to see through despite how others claimed the contrary.
Daniel knew that he was her everything, though it would be him in the end that would shatter her world.
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demonkeeperdark · 1 year
This is going to be a loooonnnnnggggg story so I'm having to put it under a keep reading line lol
For those curious - this is a recent experience I had at a metallica weekend concert which waz the best weekend of my life
My dad had gotten me metallica tickets for my birthday in April for night one w/pantera and mammoth WVH because I had never thought I would ever see pantera in my life (Due to Dimebags tragic incident) and I had already seen 5FDP last year when Megadeth opened up for them. A few days ago before the concert I found out that we had accidentally gotten both day tickets. I was stoked because I had been thinking how cool it would be to see 5FDP again along with metallica twice in one weekend. We carefully planned out our weekend because I was not going to let my dad waste those tickets let alone we had 2 more- One for his girlfriend and originally one of his buddies who backed out. I pulled along my boyfriend since 1) hes never been to a concert and 2) metallica is also his favorite band so if he saw them as his first band I thought- well shit- if I was in his position I wouldve been fucking stoked (best part he said the weekend was his best weekend ever)
Friday morning we skipped school and work and shot immediately down to LA to avoid traffic (if you live in California or have at least driven through LA at least once you know what i mean) and had to find somewhere to stay the night and get ready for the first night.
We get to the stadium and find our seats and hear Mammoth WVH first and ive never heard any of their music and it was very good (highly recommend listening to them) and I was slowly getting more hyped. Pantera came up and- Phil Anselmo gets out there on stage in fucking board shorts and no damn shoes on his feet and hella made the entire stadium straight up go fucking crazy. So well fucking performed that night. We had about an hour wait before metallica and when they came up playing Creeping Death- like holy fuck??? Just straight up slapped in the face by this godly fucking music ive only heard in the car- on my headphones through either phone or cd player- through my record player- and now I get to hear it for real...right there...and oh my god, I felt like i was in a dream all day that day, and this wasnt even the best part of this weekend- and I felt so fucking amazed. The next 2 were Harvester Of Sorrow and Leper Messiah and it sounded so fucking good...2 very good songs I wasnt expecting them to play but holy shit- it was worth it. On came The Memory Remains- the entire stadium was singing- you could hear your own voice align with everyone elses... And then it was Lux Æterna- and then it was Too Far Gone?... It was great- it was amazing. Rob and Kirk had a little bit of a "doodle"... And they looked like they were having fucking fun. Next they played Fade To Black, and I started getting emotional...then they played Shadows Follow which is my favorite off the new album which brought my emotions back up- Just to get myself lost into listening to Orion...and Nothing Else Matters really kicked me in the feels...
Sad But True played and my bf got really hyped since it was one of his favorites off the black album, and once again i got hit in the feels with The Day That Never Comes....
And once again Hardwired brought my energy and emotions up and when Fuel hit my dad and I went full on screaming the song to each other and watching the pyro and flames go off.
Metallica all paused for a second and went...
"We have time for a couple more songs...how do you all feel about...SEEK?"
I didnt hear the first "seek", but fucking hell...my bf lit up like a light bulb...
And then fucking Master Of Puppets to finish off put that cherry on top.
And all i could think off was...
I get to see them.
In two
Hyped as shit.
I get to see 5FDP Again.
I get to see fucking Metallica Again.
My phone dies...
So I think welp I'm fucked if I want to take photos and videos for myself but eh I get to enjoy it in person, I dont really need my phone and I cant complain about just seeing it and everyone else could record it and take photos so we could all look at it later together or something and have fun with it
It was hotter this night compared to the first, so before we ran to our seats we got drinks and I ended up cutting my hand open on a water bottle but I didn't let it bother me much
We went to our seats and started getting settled and this guy came up with what looks to be a VIP ticket slung around his neck and an envelope in his hand and goes
"Hey how are you guys tonight?"
My dad with his audacity goes
"Well my daughter got a cut on her hand from a water bottle a bit ago but this is her late birthday present and shes not letting that bring her down so I think were doing great!"
"Fucking sick!" This guy replies and says, "Hey you know what?" He puts his hand into the envelope...
Snake Pit Wristbands.
He hands them to us along with guitar picks that my bf took so fucking many of and walks away saying
"You guys will be down there, have fun"
I start balling my eyes out.
I couldnt believe all of this was happening, we were trying to find our way down and I'm just crying while everyone was taking turns guiding me down and I stand there in this field and I look around really questioning if I'm asleep and I'm just tripping on drugs or if I'm literally in the middle of the snake pit and imagining how fucking cool James Hetfield is going to look standing there in front of me where I was standing against the wall.
I must've lost it for another 15 minutes before I came to my senses and actually started getting hyped for all this because everyone would be right there in front of me.
A few minutes later Ice Nine Kills performs and I also havent heard much of their music but they were badass, all dressed up and acting like they were killing people on stage and it looked so cool yet if you were where I was it also looked so fake at the same time but it was fucking great.
They ended and 5FDP was up next and the first time I saw them it was another situation where I was at the top of the stadium and i just saw them from a distance but now I could actually see them right in front of me.
And then they came up.
Holy shit.
I was so excited to see them again and right there that I couldn't stop jumping (literally) and I had more energy then everyone else in the pit for them to the point I had Ivan Moody, Zoltan Bathory, AND Chris Kael point at me at least once.
They started wrapping things up when Zoltan Came over, points at me, and throws a pick directly at me, and I had everyone around me trying to catch it before I did but I got it directly thrown at me and caught it and I got so happy I shook my bf, dad, and his girlfriend.
Next thing to you they played The Bleeding and Chris comes over and points at me while playing his bass guitar and we looked at each other and both lip sang to the song and I got more excited over that then getting the pick.
When they started leaving the stage he came back and gave me his sweatband that has his last name imprinted on it and I couldnt fucking take it.
It was so fucking cool and badass and I didnt stop wearing it till a couple hours ago when I could finally put it somewhere safe.
Everyone started crowding in for metallica and we all started getting crowded in, and once AC/DC's A Long Way To The Top started playing everyone got really excited and hyped and crowding in more.
Everyone also started looking at Jason Mamoa amd taking photos of him in the snake pit with us before metallica came out.
After Metallicas long cutscene/intro finished they came out and played Whiplash...
If I had just reached as far as I could I could've touched Hetfields foot thats how fucking close I was to him.
At that point I couldnt even explain song by song how amazing it was, I was just rocking out and I couldnt stop, it was so fucking cool and amazing and I couldnt stop jumping again and throwing up the devil horns it was great.
End of the show they were doing theyre out to and throwing everything out and my bf got one of their picks and I started having that verge of tears again because I still couldnt believe what I just witnessed.
Not only did I get rare collectables from 5FDP, but Metallicas crew gave us pit tickets to make everything possible and that proves how fucking amazing they are.
Best weekend of my life, I couldnt be anymore grateful.
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How would you rank the shows based on what you've seen?
From what I've seen, since for alot of the shows I haven't actually watched fully other than Boom.
AoStH- hmm, 6.5/10. I do remember seeing commercials for it as a child and even own a VHS tape with two episodes on it, which includes my favorite ep Tails' new home, but other than that I haven't seen much and just know it for its very wacky nature.
Sonic Satam- I'd give it a 7. Same as AoStH, I didn’t watch alot of this show until I was in 9th grade but only watched a handful of episodes back then but it’s a pretty cool show (that definitely deserved that 3rd season, I wanna see that figure with the glowing eyes man)
Sonic Underground- 3/10. For false advertising on stating they were going to find their mom in the damn theme song and they never found her.
But in all seriousness, this is the show I watched the least of, mostly cause I knew it got canceled and the story was never completed and those dang songs....I'm sorry but I did NOT like those song montages at all when they happened XD
Sonic X- 7.3. I'm rating this based on the JP dub instead of the Eng dub. I remember in elementary school, this show was the talk of the town and since I wasn't into Sonic much back then I had no idea what the show was like until years later and it's pretty good tbh. Yeah, it's basically Sonic pulling an Isekai by going to the human world but with so much random stuff and characters from the games just added to the pile.
Sonic Boom- 8.5/10. Oh, this show right here? Love it to bits, this show was my shit in 2014. Loved it so much that I woke up a 6 am each morning when S1 was airing just to see the new episodes since I didn't have a DVR (which was a criminal thing to do to kids on a damn Saturday morning for a full season)
It was a fun and fresh thing to see play out since the actual games the show waz based on weren't so good and well received. Also Sticks is best badger.
Sonic Prime- ehm, it's still too early to tell as of yet since we only have 8 episodes but from what I've seen so far, I'd give it a 8/10. It was entertaining, hilarious, action packed, couldn't have asked for nothing less.
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saiful958 · 7 months
আমলের নিয়তে শুনুন | জীবন বদলে যাবে | মুফতি আরিফ বিন হাবিব | mufti arif b...
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waz909 · 1 year
শিশু বক্তাতো নয় যেন বৈজ্ঞানিক।Shishu bokta new waz 2023| bangla new waz|...
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sparkyth3h311h0und · 2 years
@your-new-best-friend-1930 ZOMG HAIIIIII! 1930Z GANG!!!! X333333
i died in 1938 so i waz liek 5 wen u died? an still h00man ofc. i wish i couldve seen ur circus but we didnt hav da money.... T_T
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starfilled-galaxy · 2 months
it sucks that you can’t communicate with teto but atleast that reassures you the others might be okay
Yea.. ik for a fact that hector and teto are at least, erm, not dormant. And both with what I know and how teto waz acting pretty chill-ish? with the cake and everything... I think I can make a guess on a bit of whatz going on?
My guezz iz somehow our normal headzpace got like removed or deleted or zomething (maybe because of someone?) and zo all the otherz got stuck in an infinite black void az our headspace instead...
It'z prolly pretty hard to see in there... I think they lost each other and are just kinda wandering around. I'd guess at first they were pretty scared (like how kel was freaking out) but after a while they started chilling out and just kinda waiting for everything to go back to normal, doing other thingz to pass the time (like teto eating cake). Sorta like how I reacted too...
I think I might have like, some sort of area in the void where front is? And nobody can see me since I can't really access headspace but I'm technically there... and when the others happen to wander by where I/front is that's when I can hear them near co-con
Wacky shit... I just wish I knew what happened to headspace and why I can't recreate it like I did the first time. My best guess for that would be what someone on a disc server told me, that maybe one of our alters or a new alter got the gatekeeper role and is messing around with the layout of headspace or smth
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
April 2006
April 6, 2006
hindsight is always 20/20 - in retrospect:
stitch was one of my favorite cartoon characters ever.
the teeth, the extra arms, the meanness.
and always with the best intentions.
thats all.
- petey
4/08/06 Q&A
What is the one song you did not write that you wish you had?
young turks by rod stewart - for real.
are you going to on one tree hill alot now?if you are you could be asked to be in movies and get to busy with all of that and then end up leaving your band.
no- theres nothing but fob for a long time now.
Hey Pete ive been hearing alot of rumors about Fall Out Boy touring with The Academy Is & Panic at the Disco and I was wondering if it was true? and when? because if it is im totally there;^D
we will be touring the uk with the academy later this spring. we are doing reading and leeds with patd- and for those over here in america- keep your eyes peeled because its gonna be secret-
Last year you pulled out of reading and leeds now your only playing reading, i live in leeds and am very upset. WHY WHY WHY???
dear angry, we are playing reading and leeds. i am not sure why they haven’t announced the leeds date. please send this angry letter to that person and just come have a good time with us at the show.
Pete, waz up? so ya how u like one tree hill, i think ur totally awesome on that show and i hope u stay for a while, how long r u on it?
the cast was absolutely amazing. but i wont be on anymore episodes. i feel like we need to concentrate on fob right now. we all have fun doing other stuff. but my best adventures ever have beenw ith fob and thats where i want to be.
I Havent Heard From You In A While. Hows Your Life Been?
up and down. been writing alot lately. tired. but smiling. i love being on tour- i am pretty homesick right now. getting ready to record a new record this summer. i miss roxy and bonnie jane. how are you
pete your such a freakin perv my god who talks pictures of them selves naked i guess really desprite guys yuo are GROSS next thing we know you video taped your self doin g it and it got stolen too i dont love you any more
hahahaha. i dunno how to respond. im a dirty regular “desprite” boy- the truth is- go listen to fuct- i told you everything about me on it. i cant help it- go “brook yourself”- ooh classic burn- kinda on myself mostly.
Im proud of fall out boy and how successful you guys have gotten.
thank you very much. i wish you werent anonymous cause this one meant alot when i read it
pete,ur hilarious.where did that come from?
my daddys zygote- i think. maybe some of you in sex ed could correct me.
where can i get tickets for the 2006 Nintendo Fusion Tour if they are on sale if not when will they be on sale
i dont know. we aren’t on that tour.
Okay so i was wondering …If p!atd are nice to thier fans cause i know theyre on tour and all and its really hard not to be bitchy,but from what ive heard brendon and brent are jackasses and i know not to believe every thing i hear but are they nice with some really horrible days that just make them seem like theyre bitchy?or are they just bitchy? xoxox courtney
please dont believe what you hear or read on the internet. there is no iq test to go on the internet so unfortunately people can write whatever they want. ive learned from experience. wait until you meet us to pass judgment on how we behave- patd are really good kids i promise you. i wouldn’t work with them if they werent.
thankyou for writing all your words and lyrics, they comfort me and make me realize that Im not the only one who feels what I feel. your lyrics are as if you felt the exact same way but worded it beautifully.thank you so much from the bottom of my broken heart.
thanks. that is how the writers i read every single night make me feel. you made my day a bit better. just saying.
cheez-its or cheese nips?
cheez-its - nips are total ripoffs. they suck. cheez-its are like new york while cheese nips are like hoops. come on now.
First off, may I compliment the genius of this band. i must. my question: will Clandestine publish any non-Pete-Wentz books in the future, or are they limited to just your books?
id love to publish a book of someone else wrote… its got to be words i love though…. we’ve got some things in the works.
Dear Pete, I know that tons of girls adore you and go crazy for you, but have you ever encountered gay guys going crazy for you?
i think more boys like me than girls. i think its because i come off pretty flamboyantly.
what is the last song you listened to?
dont be long by jaz and the notes.
at the albany show at the pepsi, i heard that four people died, is this true? and if it is, how did they die?
tyson ritter was so handsome that they broke their eyes and their hearts stopped. actually wait nobody died.
go to quizilla .com search patrick stump and theres this gross story about patrick………..um….yeah
patrick doesnt do gross things. his body is made up of kittens, saturdays, 70 degree weather, first kisses and butterflies. trust me, i cut that bitch open once to check.
How do you keep track of your journals? Id lose my head if it wasnt connected. Whats your favorite song that you have written so far? “I read your lyrics like a book, I never get tired of the same sad story.”
well in the foe.com, i realize that people are going to respond so i try to write things where people will be opinionated, fbr i write things that are a bit more abstract, fob one i try and use in an informative way because i know the most people will read, and the livejournal existed for one person and them alone- and they stopped being interested in reading it. - and there is not a single thing i have written that i feel is worth remembering years later- but i am striving towards writing something that will change my mind.
Wat iz wrong with u took my word i did not spend the last 2 years watchin Family Guy,so u culd steal my word!!!.Dood ur a bad person!! y do ppl say ur hott ur just a “Bastard”. thatz my word!!
ding ding ding. cue the balloons. this is definitely the funniest question of the week, though im not sure it was intentional. tears in my eyes. step up on the platform and make your speech:
April 18, 2006
“from 36,000 feet above the earth:”
wahahahaha. the boys in the bled made a pretty hilarious parady of my sidekick debacle. look around you can find it im sure. i got a trick or two up my sleeve to make you laugh at me even more than you can make me laugh at me. get ready. its gonna be big.
speaking of we have a couple of big magazine stories coming out soon hopefully they will not cover the same couple stories that tend to get focused on. some of the journalists seemed to go a bit deeper so who knows?
charlie is out next to me. snoring. i want to draw a bomb in his mouth and get him in trouble with the airline. that sounds a bit crazybrains though.
keep it up over at TRL. its amazing that a video that feels so out of place there amongst all the pretty people is sticking around. thats right i said we we'ren't pretty. sorry. i wasn't counting patrick. but technically he is handsome, not pretty- just in case you're keeping score.
i cant wait to see my dogs and go home for one minute before milwaukee. i know my boy dog is gonna wake up and try to hang out but be way too confused to know whats going on. good times.
roll the credits.
love, the fancy kid
currently reading: the green hills of africa
currently watching: the squid and the whale
currently wishing i was: you
posted by: PETERputyourPANtson
4/18/06 Q&A
I was on “your myspace” . and it says your dating a girl named autumn and shes pregnet with your kid and its due in 8 months, is this true?
totally. file this under: i do not have a myspace. how much you wanna bet that some people read the totally and didn’t even read the rest?
hey so i just read your interview from absolutepunk.net and it says that you are ready to move out of your parents house and possibly somewhere new. I always thought that the reason you stayed in wilmett was because bands that move to big citys can loose that feel to their music? Is this true that you could move to LA?? I really hope if di that you still drive your sisters purple escort and stay the same old peter because thats what makes you amazing
trust me, i was alot more amazing when i rode a powder blue girls predator bike. you would have asked me for a zillion autographs back then.
what happened to the Clandestine wallet?
i hated how the sample looked so it went back to the elves in the factory. it should be done in the next month or so. (the very first part and the very last part of the answer was true- not the middle. wed never trust those damn elves again).
My friends have decided that every true rock fan can be divided into two catagories. Someone is either a Korn fan or a Slipknot fan. Which are you?
Peter, Peter, People eater… i just want to thank you for your bad fashion. because of you horrible sense in style you have inspired me to give fashion another try… so thanks again on helping me find my dream when i thought all hope was lost for it…
hahaha. thanks i guess. clash away.
i love the song i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song writen about me…so did u actually sleep with someone in fall out boy?? Who??
did i sleep with someone in fall out boy? no way! those dudes are sell outz! once i fell asleep watching weekend at bernies two cause it was so boring. its no captain ron.
Im going to the UIC pavillion concert and i was just wondering if you had to have a pass or anything to get into the meet and greet or if its for every1, b/c i relllly wanna mee you guys
we do meet and greets every night- it depends on the night how many kids and who get in- after the show if we dont leave right away, do interviews or have to watch out for curfew we try and meet kids waiting around. it all depends. we do our best.
Fall Out Boy performing at a Sox game? Whhhat?! Two of my favorite things in the world and Im not going, because I dont have tickets Wednesday. *Cries*. National league huh? So you might be doing something involving that other Chicago team whos name I wont mention for I fear I might gag. You should consider giving us more notice next time so I can come. Mhmm.
they asked us to play yesterday. they should consider giving us more notice. Haha.
how good is petes and pats friendship??? Just wondering
good enough to know that he would lose his crackers if he heard you call him pat.- just kidding. he is like lays potato chips. i blah blah blah (forgot the slogan that goes with it) cant stop eatin em or something.
Pete I would give anything to play mini golf with you. Plus im legal way legal five seven three six eight six three zero five five
i typed your number into my code and it did not make my robot butler bring me a peanutbutter and honey sandwich. you are fucking fired. but i do love minigolf. me and joe would destroy you at it.
Pete, is it true that you are mormon? We saw you here at the show in Utah and have been debating it ever since…
no i am not a mormon. i try my best to be respectful of everyones beliefs.
Whats up with the red arm bands in the Saturday video?
le revelucion has begun. get your mustaches. prepare to take to the streets.
me and other boardies want to know if you could fund an all boardie school just for us?
so you could sit around and write about how i smell like poop and i taste like poop and look like poop. then we could teach microsoft paint and you could draw me with super extra big teeth and my big dumb head. i think ill pass. see me after class, troublemaker.
peter, what did you get for easter? Serisouly.
two plane trips and a headache.
How are you today?
sunny and 65
I cant wait to see you guys on SNL this Saturday feel free to shout out my name (Lindsey Webber). haha. i love you guys!
its a re-run but you could stick a sticky note on your tv that is a speech bubble coming out of my mouth (ill be on stage left, in case you are trying to figure out where to stick the note).
Pete, What was it like Being on one tree hill? That was how i found out about Fall Out Boy…You Guys ROCK!!!
i loved the cast they were amazing. i got to be close friends with some of them- there are somethings about it i wish had gone a bit differently but over all it was an a great learning experience. mark schwan is a rad dude.
Pete, Why do you go offstage to change, when everyone had already seen you naked?
your parents and doctors saw you naked does that mean you walk around your house naked and go to the doctors office naked? cause thatd be pretty weird dude. im just sayin…
why didnt you guys hang around after the show at chain reaction? do you have to be an OCK now to meet you guys at shows?
because we wanted the show to be about our friends in the hushsound, not us.
Hey Pete, so, when can we can expect the new record to come out? Can you give us any information about it?
late fall- info- there will be at least three love songs on it.
April 29, 2006
im pretty much just a lawyer with the way im always trying to get you off
i dont mean to have you worried or troubled. its the last thing i want. never take anything i ever say too seriously. youd need a search party to track my moods. who knows where they went? i guess this doesnt make sense. but in some strange way this is me saying thank you for always being there on the other side of this monitor.
i am watching reality bites right now.
the most exceptional thing about you is how ordinary you believe you are.
i want to be kept.
i am a bull.
she is a china shop.
Posted by xoat 2:24 AM
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purpleprey · 4 months
Chapter 16: Death of the One-Toed Ferret
Our steaks were brought to us in record time. Steel Tribunal was kind enough to bring them to us himself. Though I would’ve considered a greater kindness if he'd let someone more attractive do it. We were trying to eat after all. I averted my eyes from his face as best as I could. I made eye contact with Venus as he was doing the same. I smiled lovingly and he smiled back. I kicked my feet giddily under the table, I was just so darn happy with my new life!! My foot collided repeatedly with something under the table. I assumed it was a table leg, or perhaps, if my luck had not run dry, Cosmic's denimed leg.
I swung my body down to look under the table as a feel of unease had begun to stir within me. I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at! under the table was the battered body of something that looked almost like a ferret, though it was much too stubby. I took its limp wet form by the tail with my thumb and forefinger. I pulled it out from under the table. I tried to examine this hideous rag further, but then a holler erupted through the trap music.
Steel Tribunal hoisted me into the air by the makeshift collar of my big red dress.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?!" he cried. To say he was an ugly crier was an understatement.
"BACK OFF ME OR WE'LL MARRY YOUR GIRL!!!" I tried to struggle free. He didn’t like that. Not one bit. He whipped his arm around, throwing me across the saloon at violent speeds. I hit the wall with a wet crack. For a moment I was confused at the sound, before I realised that I had been impaled upon the antlers of the deer head mounted on the saloon wall.
"How could you do this?" Steel had fallen to his knees in anguish. "Do you have any idea who you just mangled? That was Tight Eyez, the most favoured and prized of my ferrets! He was the oldest of them all, the first ferret I ever owned! He was two weeks away from his 50th birthday! You will pay for this, Obsidian Leviathan."
Steel began stomping his feet, his chest waz popping, and his arms were swinging every which way. I felt fear coursing through my veins. I knew what was happening. I considered trying to get help from my companions but I decided against it. I needed to show Venus that I was someone he could rely on when krump came a-calling. Even still, I knew what was coming would not be pleasant.
We were about to engage in a good ol' fashioned krump battle. I needed to get down from these antlers. There would be no way for me to stomp from up here. I popped and popped my chest, dislodging myself, being careful not to move my shoulders too much (a HUGE krumping no-no). I burst out, just before I hit the ground with my most rugged buck stomp, I clasped both hands together and swung at Steel Tribunal, taking his hideous head clean off.
Whilst i was still descending, I imagined a rugged mean buck stomp would be inappropriate after a lethal killing move. I needed to downplay this. make it look like an accident.
I landed purposefully sprawled on the floor beside the dismembered ghoulish head. I keeled in false agony as everyone gasped and screamed and retched.
"wh-what happened!? I don't know what happened!!!!" I wept, faking my naivety. I know exactly what I did. With scarcely even a taunt, I finished him. I got him off.
I travelled over to where my friends were still seated at their table, eating their steaks though with much less enthused expressions than the ones they held before. I sat back down to finish my own meal, already planning out my fable on the off chance that someone was unsure of my innocence. I munched away to the sounds of horrified and disgusted screams (his face did not look any better post mortem). As I did though, Elly leaned over to me and whispered, "Obsidian, I've known you for our whole lives. You NEVER make mistakes like that during a spiritual round. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea for you to kill him off like that."
"Maybe he should have just gone back to the laboratory." I scoffed.
Once we had finished our food, we decided it would be best for us to just leave. Cosmic suggested that we get some cereal to eat but such an insult as that could only be answered with a swift and strong slap to the face. It left my hand bloodied and bruised and broken but I knew that I had made my point, even if Cosmic's face looked untouched. If I had let that one slide, he might have suggested we go home and go to sleep next.
I took Venus' hand and began to leave, but his grip was weak and flaccid. I turned to look at him, my eyes wet and glistening in a beautiful way so I could be sure I wasn't the problem. He was in some kind of intense thought zone. He had a stern look about him, his brow furrowed intensely above his unfocused eyes. As we exited the saloon I gently reached up my hand and manually and forcibly smoothed his brow, terrified at the prospect of wrinkles. This snapped him out of his trance but not his perturbed expression. He let go of my hand in favour of rubbing his chin and his temple.
"Is something wrong?" I chanced a query.
"Remains to be seen…" he muttered, gazing into the distance.
"Did… Did I do something!?" I almost whimpered. But I didn't, luckily. I screamed. Venus' head snapped up to look at me, his expression shifted to a softer one.
"No! it is not like that, Obsidian. You have been great through all of this. Really," he gazed off thoughtfully again while I blushed and squirmed. "It is just… this Steel Tribunal business…"
"About his death?" I began once I scraped myself off the floor. "Did his accidental death upset you? I didn't think you guys were close like that since from where I was standing he was like,,,, your opposite! Y'know, in love with Severus, hateful of me and foul, grim, and repugnant to look at!"
"I know, I know," Venus sighed, "it is not that. This whole ordeal with the Sinuouses has been very tough on me."
I nodded sagely. "Almost being married off to some chick when you're in love with someone as irreplaceable as me must've been fucking exhausting."
We finally made it out of the saloon and were back in the desert once more. This felt like a new beginning. I heard sirens in the distance.
"So!" I shouted. "Where are we off to now? Someone answer me quickly. We urgently must be off now!"
Cosmic hailed a cab. Where it came from, I don't know. It certainly was not on the road before Cosmic demanded its services.
"Get in guys!" He chirped happily like a stupid little bird or something. "I know where we can go!"
We all clambered as Cosmic spoke to the driver but I wasn't listening. I reflected on how we have all come such a long way in our relationships with one another but I still don't care much for that ginger freak. But Venus and I have come miles :). Me and Elly have um?
My thoughts were interrupted excruciatingly slowly when I realised we had completed a 7 hour road trip while I was lost in my many many thoughts. We had pulled up alongside a long winding dirt path that stretched on into the countryside.
"This thing doesn't offroad" the cab driver informed us bluntly, tapping the wheel to let me know he was talking about the cab when he said this thing. so I guess the cab does not fare well driving off road on account of the tyres and suspension I suppose. He paid us the fare and we left.
We followed as Cosmic walked with purpose towards a cornfield. I rolled my eye?, not excited to have to follow this leader anywhere. We pushed into the corn. It was so tall, taller than Venus even. It seemed like it'd be so easy to get lost in here.
And it was. In under three minutes, I was all alone. To this day, I can not explain what happened in there. I had been holding Venus' hand. For a minute, it felt like I still was, until I realised it wasn't his hand at all!
This hand was cold and clammy and scrawny. Ew. I stood frozen, scared to death of looking down and finding out who this hand belonged to. Tears streamed down my face in buckets. I swallowed and gathered all my strength. I slowly forced my head to move inch by inch until I was staring into the crimson eyes of a beast. I mean, it was a person in some sense. But there was not an ounce of humanity present in its eyes.
"Hello." I said. The being blinked at me, one eye at a time. I shuddered. I needed to act.
"GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FREAK!" I screamed, using my other hand to jab it in the eyes, one eye at a time. It didn't react. I tore my arm from its grip and ran off deeper into the corn. I could hear it chasing after me. but the curse of the corn got us first. I was lost and alone once more. I shucked a corn into a makeshift spear. As I trudged along, I passed by corn, corn, a whispering stone and more corn. there were just no clues!!!!! Soon, it was night and a blanket of stars was over my head. Soon after that, it began to rain, waterboarding me through the thick blanket. I struggled trying to tear it off my head. CIA officers who have subjected themselves to waterboarding have only lasted 14 seconds before refusing to continue. In previous situations, I had lasted even less than that. how long would I have left??
The tenth second passed and I knew it was now or never. I opened my mouth wide and drew the corn-spear above my head. With only one second remaining, I thrust the spear down through the blanket and into my gaping maw. My decades of sword-swallowing training was of great use in that moment. I tore off the rest of the blanket in a haste, tearing it to sopping shreds, and regurgitated the spear. Sitting in front of me was that little freak again, staring at me with morbid curiosity. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand gently, pulling me in the direction of a light. I let it lead, something about its empathetic, loving hold on my mitt made my general distrusting nature falter.
“Wh… what’s your name?” I asked as we skittered softly through the corn.
Its throat rattled and gargled as it tried to form a word. I strained my ear to hear in fear.
“Rrrobbing “succa” wanggg” it croaked. I furrowed my brow pensively. That’s basically like calling it ‘John Doe’ but like, modern, by the way. How sad :(. I lowered my head sorrowfully and did not speak for the rest of the walk. We finally entered a clearing, filled with many tents, with a little freak show alley off to the side. I guess that explains where this “Succa Wang” guy was from.
There was elegant, melancholic music playing as we looked under the big top and saw the clowns. But they weren’t the only thing we peeped. All eyes on Cosmic in the centre of the ring, just like a circus. In one hand he held a 15 million kilogram weight over his head. On the other hand, he held a chair which he was using to fend off a lion. He was showing us what he could do. Everyone in the audience had let go and was making a dance floor. Just like a circus! I searched the crowd for familiar faces but saw none. The crowd was beginning to trip with excitement over Cosmic’s daring act. Wow, the atmosphere here was crazy. I could feel the adrenaline movin’ through my veins. The hysterical attention I so craved was trained on COSMIC!! I had to do something, and FAST!! But I wasn’t nearly fast enough because Cosmic, dressed in a sequinned overall with no shirt underneath, took a deep bow and strode off the stage, waving at the audience as he went.
I roared and charged down towards the ring desperate for my fifteen seconds but before I could make it, someone familiar dropped into the ring. It was Elly. The crowd cheered loudly and for a long time. Elly then proceeded to do a full trapeze act. It was graceful and elegant and so perfect that it made me burst into tears. When it was over, I ran over to Elly as she exited the stage. She looked a bit too happy to see me.
“Obsidian! I’m so glad you’re finally here. What took you so long?”
“Oh, it was terrible. I was pursued and waterboarded. It was traumatising. But enough about me, what about you guys? You ran off and joined the circus! What are you doing here?” I asked.
“Oh, I’m like the ringleader, I call the shots” she explained.
“Call the shots.” I repeated wondrously.
“I’m like a firecracker, I make it hot when I put on a show.”
I rolled my eyes. I had more important things to discuss.
“Where is my Venus Crypt?” I queried. Elly’s eyes widened. She snapped her fingers and Succa Wang reappeared at my side.
“This way, sire.” Succa led me outside the big top and over to the freak show alley.
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