#best plus size swimwear
cur-vy · 2 months
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A Fish Out of Water ║ ⒸⓄⓁⓁⒺⒸⓉⒾⓄⓃⓈ
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| A FISH OUT OF WATER | part of the A Weight Off Your Shoulders collection ║ main masterlist ║ series masterlist ║ | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x plus sized!fem!neighbor
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT:  4.1k | CONTENT: age gap (Joel mid 40s, neighbor late 20s), negative body image, negative self-talk, the torment of dressing rooms and trying on clothes, trying to get some healing accomplished and learn to love your body, Joel is a nasty lil slut who kneels at the altar of plus sized!fem!neighbor’s pussy
| SYNOPSIS: Joel invites you over for a swim, and your plain onepiece swimsuit  isn’t gonna cut it anymore. One new swimsuit later, and things get real wet. Spoiler: Splish splash bitch we gon’ smash.
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✧this is the second installment of a oneshot collection but can be read as a standalone✧
✧◦◦║ Part 1 ║ Part 3 ║ Part 4 ║ Part 5 ║ Part 6 ║◦◦✧
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When Joel invited you to go swimming, you considered claiming you had horrible stomach cramps and couldn’t make it. Instead, you did your best impression of a mature adult and accepted his offer. You wouldn’t have to see yourself in swimwear if you just didn’t look down, and you could ogle a shirtless Joel. All in all, there were worse things to endure.
You reluctantly unpack the single piece of swimwear you owned: a dowdy black onepiece. Black was the most slimming color, right? It wasn’t doing a whole lot for you on that front, but it was a better option than the usual old lady floral prints that plagued the onepiece section.
You liked to think of your suit as observing Victorian mourning etiquette: veiled in an abundance of black fabric, publically grieving a body that would never be the right type or shape for anything other than full coverage swimwear.
The smack of your flip flops against his concrete patio came to a halt when you saw him. There was your fine as fuck DILF situationship leaning over the edge of the above ground pool he’d got up and running once the idea of having you over for a swim had popped into his head.
You had anticipated “Dad Swimming Trunks”, the kind that had cargo pockets galore for no fucking reason and stopped at the upper calf. You’d assumed this just based on his age, but you should have known better. This man was always surprising you in the best of ways, and he was certainly not your average middle-aged man.
You drink in the sight of his quads where the hem of his trunks sit. It was a heaven-sent style that gifted you with more of his body to gawk at. God bless whoever convinced him to get those, although you know would be thirsting over him just the same if he had been wearing the official “Dad Swimming Trunks.”
He smiled and waved when he saw you, and he shifted right into his usual stance: hands resting on his hips with one slutty little knee popped out to the side. God fucking dammit. Was it too late to claim gastrointestinal distress? Joel whistled approvingly at your funeral shroud of a bathing suit, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes and giggle. What this man saw in you, you couldn’t say. 
When you complimented his trendy trunks, this motherfucker had the nerve to act shy about it. His daughter had teased him about his “old man swimsuit” apparently and harassed him until he got something “cooler.” Ah, so you weren’t completely off base when you assumed he’d had the Dad Swim Uniform. 
Bless his little menace bully of a daughter you laugh to yourself. Your amusement fades when you consider that you are the only one in geriatric themed swimwear. You ignore the negative voice in your head and focus on the curves and dips of Joel’s body.
The two of you swam and relaxed in the pool for a couple of hours. It actually felt nice to be buoyed by the water a little bit as you wrapped your legs around Joel’s waist and made out, or when he grabbed you from behind and let you float back and forth with his swaying as you rested your head on his shoulder. It felt nice to pretend for a little bit that you were lighter than you actually were.
You hate how you still feel timid about yourself around Joel when he has only ever made you feel amazing - emotionally and physically. If anyone had earned you letting down your walls of insecurities, it was Joel. He always managed to reframe any negative thing you had to say or think about yourself.
Getting out of breath while you rode him? “Yeah, that’s right, baby. Workin’ this cock so good you can’t even breathe. Gonna fuck all the air right outta you, sweetheart.”
Frowning at the bold colored BMI number on your check-up report? “BMI is horseshit. Don’t mean anything. Thought that you’d know that, bein’ an expert at numbers and all.”
Trying to talk him out of getting ice cream because you couldn’t “afford the extra calories”? “Got you a swirly cone so you can pretend its my cock and show me how you wanna lick it before I fuck your brains out later.”
Not wanting to sit in his lap for movie night because you were going to smush him? “If you don’t come park that ass on my lap right this second, I’m not gonna pretend to like the romcom you picked.”
Not wanting to sit on his face because you would suffocate him? “Goddamn, wouldn’t that be a glorious way to go. Promise me you’ll put it in my obituary. Add somethin’, too, about ‘died doing what he loved.’”
Joel was in a league of his own in terms of how he approached your body and your thoughts about it. You’d never had such a neutral yet admiring partner. He never fetishized your figure like some guys had done in the past. “Chubby chasers” as they were known. The term was crude and minimizing of said “chubby’s” personhood, but it was unfortunately a fitting vibe for how most guys treated you and anybody over a size 12.
Joel never tried to claim that you weren’t fat. Fat was just something you had on your body; it wasn’t your primary descriptor, and it didn’t define you. “Come on, baby, you’re not fat!” was something you had heard so many times from hookups and boyfriends. But why was that such a bad thing anyway? Couldn’t you just be fat and it not be such a horrible thing? To just exist in your own body? It was a bit hypocritical to ask of them, of course, when you were your own number one slanderer.
Joel just saw your body as, well, your body. It wasn’t some complicated thing that needed to be navigated tactfully to avoid upset. It was just one facet of you, and he liked your body because it was a part of you. He so often paid positive attention to your body because he wanted to. It wasn’t some show of affection to help boost your confidence, although it certainly helped. He liked it just as he liked your sense of humor, your financial smarts, your taste in restaurants, your little quirks… 
It also didn’t hurt that he was an absolutely voracious lover, and a vocal one at that. He had some incredibly creative dirty talk that flooded your basement fast. This man could not get enough of you. New positions, new places, new everything. It was like he wanted to experience you in every combination possible, and you never turned him down.
And then that soft, tender side of him that was equally transfixing. The way he always pulled you closer to cuddle. The way he nuzzled kisses along your neck when he’d stop behind you for a moment while you were washing dishes at the sink. The way his large hands would trace mindless patterns against the inside of your thigh when you were sitting watching TV together.
The two of you weren’t officially an item,  but the “we sure do a lot of relationship things for two people who aren’t in a relationship” list was growing every week. You had a feeling that Joel was more than ready to head down that path, but you still had reservations about getting into anything serious after your last bad breakup. You’d been in a long-term relationship that was about to take a turn into wedding bells and honeymoons but instead took a sharp left into “I’m throwing this years long relationship down the drain because I want to fuck somebody younger, skinnier, and better than you.”
As much as you’d love to say that you had moved on and healed from the pain that your ex-fiance Michael’s cheating had brought you, it would have been a lie. It had swallowed you up and spit you out squarely into “I’m never going to be good enough for anyone” territory. Though Joel had never given any indication that he was interested in anything but you, the fear of rejection and abandonment still loomed.
But Joel had a curious knack of worming his way into your heart and sprinkling little bits of confidence there. That’s why when you were meandering through a big chain retailer, you took a quick peek at the swimsuits they had on display. The full coverage styles that you always went for were all the way to the back, where big girls could run and hide as they shopped with shame.
A bright pink something catches your eye as you lazily scan the offerings. You can’t make out the style very well over the display rack in the middle of the section, so you venture around it to get a better look. It was absolutely adorable. Hot pink with little embroidered daisies. Your face falls, though, when you realize you are looking at a two piece with very stringy closures.
You bet Joel would like it …. If he were here with you right now, he would all but demand you at least try it on before deciding you hated it. You sigh and grab the one furthest back before heading to the dressing rooms. 
God did you hate dressing rooms. There probably wasn’t another setting that had given you so many Vietnam style flashbacks than dressing rooms. Sometimes these assholes would even put in 3 slanted mirrors side by side so you had no choice but to observe yourself from more angles. Bunch of sick, twisted bastards.
You face away from the mirrors while you tie the strings around your hips and back. If you saw yourself getting into this thing, there’s no way you’d even finish putting it on all the way before you gave up. You spin with your eyes closed, facing the mirrors and counting backwards from 5 to work up the nerve to open your eyes.
Well, Joel would definitely like it, so at least there was that. The first thing your eyes flew to was your pudgy lower belly sticking out from the sides of the bottom. It butted right up to your round, jiggly, cellulite-speckled thighs. Adjusting the straps on your hips didn’t do much to magically shrink your bulgy bits, but it sort of looked like a sexy, teasing gesture when you did it.
You stand there with fidgety hands on your hips and scrutinize your reflection. You were so used to seeing yourself all covered up that this completely normal bikini made you feel like you were sporting two bandaids and a cork. A public indecency call would definitely be made to the police if you ever stepped out in this thing.
You sigh and tilt your head to the side as if it’s going to give you a more positive vantage point. The daisies looked so perfect against the pink. It was such an adorable swimsuit. You twist your hips side to side in a small swivel motion and take in the way the little neon pink strings dance across your skin, like they’re begging to be pulled until they come apart and make the bottoms fall to the floor. 
It was kind of cute. You try out that little pulling on the strings on your hips motion before letting them softly snap back against your skin. The way the strings grazed your hips was kind of nice. And maybe your tits actually sort of maybe looked good???
The trickling semi-positive thoughts were unexpected but welcome. Joel must be reworking your brain or something, rewiring it to be nicer. Like his reverence of you was being absorbed osmotically and making itself at home in your mind, internalizing and mimicking his adoration but in your own words and thoughts. You had your underwear on still to try on the bottoms, and it seemed like it would be enough of a buffer to brave taking a look at your ass in this thing. You turn and crane your head over your shoulder to see the back and immediately wish you hadn’t.
“UGH gross! You could eat a whole bowl of Cheerios out of those dimples on your ass!”
There was that inner voice of yours. No more trickle of nice, Joel-style thoughts. Now just a deluge of your well honed self-criticism.
You flip the tag in your hand and look over the print. It’s on sale. Before you can think about it too much and change your mind, you shimmy out of the suit and take it to the register.
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Another scorching afternoon rolls around, and you work up the nerve to suggest some pooltime to help cool off.. 
“Hhmmm, how ‘bout we make it a skinny dip kinda thing?” Joel waggled his eyebrows up and down theatrically, but you know he is being dead serious.
“Skinny dip for you, maybe. More like a ‘chunky dunk’ for me,” you grumble. You are already letting the voice in your head get the better of your barely-there confidence.
Never missing a beat and always managing to reframe your disparaging commentary, Joel piped up, “Yeah I got a chunk that’s gettin’ chunkier thinkin’ about us naked in the pool, and I think I know just where I’d like to dunk–”
“Shutup and get changed, pervert,” you giggle as you stand from the patio chair. He joins in a chuckle and gives your ass a little slap before sauntering down your steps and over to his house.
“See ya in 5, sweetheart. Offer for skinny dipping is still on the table.”
You stifle another laugh and shake your head. God he was so goofy and adorable sometimes. You hope that his filthy, sexy side will be the one to emerge when you debut your new bikini. This time you would not be outright lying if you postponed your swim over tummy troubles. Your stomach flipped and lurched with nerves as you look yourself up and down in the full length mirror you keep shoved behind the office door.
You were never going to feel confident enough to march over there without a care in the world, so there was no use in trying to work yourself into that mental state. You simply ignore any thoughts about it and adjust your top one last time before slipping out your back door and trudging across your yard into Joel’s.
Your skin practically prickled up in goosebumps as it greedily drank up the warm rays of sun. You feel a tinge of guilt that you have never been kind enough to your body to let it just be free and feel the world around it. You always hide it away as best as you can, shoving it into this and covering it with that. As such, some parts of it have never known the warmth of the sun hitting it or a stray breeze delicately brushing by. Your body has done so much for you. It housed you. It let you play sports. It responded enthusiastically to Joel. Instead of being grateful for all things your body has done and continues to do for you, you lash out at it and admonish its existence.
Maybe you should take a page out of Joel’s book and try to treat it with some kindness.
Said man was already waiting by the pool with the hose running to fill it up a little more. He was so handsome. Maybe you needed to pull another Joel move and dole out some compliments to him more often, too. Always preoccupied with how ugly you must look, you probably didn’t offer up enough praise for him.
“You really do look so damn good in those trunks, Joel.” The warmth of your voice draws his attention over to you with a content smirk. If there was any time you wished you’d caught something on film, it was his reaction to you.
There was an old cartoon you used to watch as a kid that had a pretty redhead lady and a wolf in a snazzy suit that who was completely enamored with her. If Joel’s eyes had the ability to shoot out in cartoonish telescopic heart style, they would’ve shot right out at you.
His jaw hung loose as he turned to face you head on. His grip on the hose never faltered, and the water meant for the pool was now splashing all over the concrete patio. It was the sort of spirited response you had hoped for, and it gave you the confidence boost you needed to get flirtatious.
“Whaddya think?” 
You tilt your head to the side in a coy display. Joel licks his lips and zips his eyes over every inch of you. You take a few steps towards him and decide to lay it on a little thicker and see where it takes you.
“The pink is cute, right?” you press in a throaty hum. Your fingers glide down the strings over your shoulders and against the cups on your top. Joel’s arm drops all the way to his side, but a few of his brain cells have managed to collaborate and keep his hold tight on the hose.
“Thought you might like it.” You can see the crotch of his trunks starting to tent already, and you just can’t help yourself when you do that tug at the strings on your hips maneuver. When you let them snap against your skin, Joel drops the hose and closes the distance between you in a few hurried strides.
He stops just short of you, not wanting to get so close that he can no longer ogle. His hands hover in the air in front of you as if he can’t decide what to grab or grope first.
“Goddamn,” he breathes. His eyes widen like he’s trying to make more space for them to take in more of you. 
“Joel, cut the water,” you say, pointing to the forgotten hose spewing a steady stream onto the patio. Joel doesn’t move and opts to just stare at you with a wild, hungry look. You give a feigned sigh of annoyance as you brush past him and twist the spigot off. The little bit you had to bend down to turn the water off was apparently enough to send Joel over the edge because he’s on you before you know it.
“Inside.” His voice is needy and gruff in a way you’ve never heard before. No need to get into the pool to get absolutely drenched when you’ve got this feral horndog all but pouncing on you right here and now.
“Jesus, Joel, are you in heat or something?” you tease as he pushes you backwards into the house.
The way this man was reacting to your normal as hell bikini like you were outfitted in the nastiest lingerie you could find. To be fair, you never wore anything remotely sexy or revealing, so this was as close to lingerie as Joel had ever seen on you.
Joel is seizing handfuls of you as he grips and grinds into you. The urgency in his kiss is catching, and you dart your tongue against his in a frenzied dance. He’s rock hard against you. You can feel it through his trunks on your thigh. You swallow the groan rumbling up his throat when he presses you against the roll of his hips.
He guides you to the kitchen counter and spins you around. You catch yourself on the palms of your hands as Joel jerks your hips back slightly. He spreads your legs apart with a push of his foot against yours.
“Stay just like that for me, baby.” His gravelly command locks you in place, and you wait for his next move. He crouches behind you and settles onto his knees, grunting at the ache that springs up in them regularly. He runs his hands up and down your legs and finally splay them across the expanse of your backside before pushing, pulling, and massaging the flesh there. The back panel of your bikini bottoms is now swallowed into your crease, and a surprise gasp escapes you when Joel shoves his entire face against the fabric on your crotch.
A deep groan vibrates against your clothed pussy and sends molten liquid up your spine. Joel spreads your ass open and slides his thumbs just past the junction of your thighs. His pressure gets firmer as the up and down sliding passes reach your outer lips. Your breathing is as shaky as your legs, but you try to keep in place as he asked.
One of his thumbs gently slips under the fabric and pulls it to the side, revealing your slick covered slit. You start to say his name but it’s cut off when he spits a hot pearl of saliva onto your bare cunt. You jolt at the sensation and have no time to recover before the flat of his tongue is smearing across your heat. When your hips jerk a second time at that, Joel reaches both arms through your legs and hooks them onto your thighs to hold you in place. Your belly pushes into the counter as Joel darts his tongue in and out of you, swirling and nipping at your clit.
You’re close to climax when he suddenly pulls up and pulls you flush against his chest.
“Can I take you just like this?” he rasps.
Usually you use a condom, but fuck it. There’s no way you’re pressing pause on this.
“Take it however you want it, baby,” you whine back.
 Joel literally growls in reply, and you hear him shoving at the waistband of his trunks before seeing them fall to the floor and kicked to the side. You move to untie your bikini bottoms, but Joel’s hand stops you.
“No. Want ‘em on,” he grunts before lifting your leg onto the counter and shoving the fabric against your crotch aside once more.
Joel was always big to take, and his swift entry all the way to the base of his cock was a whole new feat. You were incredibly grateful that you were already so wet and sticky for him. You choke out a moan at the blissful stretch that stings just right. Joel pauses and offers a hurried apology, hoping he hasn’t hurt you in his rush to fill you up.
“Fuck me now,” you grit.
Joel does that, and more. His body has your leg pinned onto the counter while one hand is on your clit and the other going back and forth between your nipples with a pinch and a roll of his thumb and middle finger. Just like your bottoms, Joel leaves your top on and instead shoves his hands under the cups to touch you. You are grabbing at the cabinets and anything else you can find, just trying to hold on while receiving Joel’s punishing pace and thrusts.
“Ohh-ahh, Joel, I can’t-I can’t hold on,” you stutter. “Can’t hold on m-much more.”
“Make a fuckin’ mess of my cock, baby. Wanna feel you come on this cock. Pretty pink pussy in this pretty pink bikini. All fuckin’ mine.”
When he tilts your hips just so and bottoms out every pass, you careen over the edge and let out a broken sob of his name. The gripping, pulsing clench of you on his length sends Joel into his own release shortly after. He fucks you both through it and eventually slows to a sloppy roll of his hips.
He steps back enough for your leg to come off the counter but quickly steps forward again so you’re leaning against it once more. You can feel his hard pulls of air and huffs of exhales between your shoulder blades as he wraps his arms around your middle. 
“God-fuckin’-damn,” he pants with a laugh.
You are completely fucked out and can’t string words together to save your life.
“You been holdin’ out on me, sweetheart. Hidin’ this pretty thing,” he hums, pulling at the strings on your hips.
You mumble something incoherent that was supposed to express that it was new and you hadn’t been keeping it from him. Joel chuckles, “Fuckin’ cockdrunk. Just how I love.”
To that you shoot him a conspiratorial smile. He pulls out of you, groaning with satisfaction as his spend leaks out of you and down your thigh. “I think the only water activity today is gonna be a shower, sweetheart,” he chuckles against your ear. “We can save skinny dipping for next time.”
You laugh quietly, enjoying the happy dance of chemicals in your brain, and wonder to yourself if you’re ever going to make it into the pool with your new suit. With Joel around, chances are slim to none.
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Thank you for the positive response to the first installment of these two (A Weight Off Your Shoulders). They are so fun to write, and based on the reception from AWOYS I just had to share this lil snippet I had already written. These two have really made a home for themselves in my brain!
Special shoutout to @thesailorofuranus for encouraging me to share more of these two with the world. I might just be working on a lil something she requested in the last one, so be on the lookout. 😈 Again ty ty ty for reading. If you wanna catch up on the series that I will be updating next, check out this link to Endless Night.
Catch ya later,
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2-fast-2-curious · 1 year
Sundress season is here and I wonder if reader has ever thought of wearing one around Lewis
I don't write anymore but I had to at least give this my best shot because it's @princessphilly. If you haven't read her TGM sundress drabbles you need to leave my blog and go read it right now.
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Where else could this take place but Miami?
You had never been to the city but were excited to be joining Lewis at the Grand Prix. You were driven past the famous South Beach on your way from the airport to the hotel and you loved how confident everyone seemed in their tight skimpy swimwear. You had packed your best sundresses for this trip which meant high hemlines, low backs, and brightly colour fabrics that complimented your skin tone.
The days leading up to the race were full of promotional events and parties which meant there were plenty of opportunities for you to show off your collection of sundresses. Lewis was getting ready in the other room in the suite with his stylist while you slipped into your sundress and tied up the laces of your strappiest sandals which made your legs look impossibly long.
Sir Lewis Hamilton always took much longer than you to get ready. You flopped onto the bed, phone in hand careful not to mess up your hair or makeup as Lewis and the stylist went back and forth on different jewelry options.
Lewis walked the stylist out of the suite and went to get you in the other room. "Hey, are you-"
The sight that greeted him stopped him mid-question. Your body was stretched across the king-sized bed making your dress look even more indecent, the neckline accentuating the bare skin of your clavicle, shoulders, and cleavage and the neckline riding up to barely cover your thighs. "I've been ready for a while, Lew. C'mon, let's go."
You bent over to fix your dress, practically flashing Lewis your tits and grabbed your clutch off the floor, your heels clicking against the floor as you hurried to the elevator eager to get to the party. Lewis was strangely quiet, normally he would be pretty chatty before sponsor events so he would be warmed up when he finally arrived.
You raised an eyebrow at his strange behaviour. "What's wrong?"
Lewis traced the curve of your bare shoulders with his eyes in the reflection in the elevator. "Do you need a jacket or something?"
"Why would I need a jacket it's over thirty degrees Celsius?" Plus the event would be outdoors in the mid-afternoon. As you walked from the hotel lobby to the valet stand to get into the car, you could already feel the Florida sun warm your skin.
Lewis sighed, despite how much care he put into his appearance he rarely commented or advised you on how to dress. "It's already hard enough to pay attention to small talk and answer the same questions over and over again at these things. But now I have to do that when I know you're somewhere else in the room looking like this."
Lewis let his gaze linger as checked out the way your body filled out the dress. You smirked, pleased to finally get a reaction out of him. "Would you prefer if I remained in your sightline?"
Lewis imagined himself trying to look people in the eye during these boring conversations while you were in the background nibbling on chocolate-covered strawberries or being hit on by the bartender "I think that would be worse."
Lewis helped you into the car and made a last-ditch effort to make the next four hours a little less torturous. "Do you want to borrow my shirt?"
You rolled your perfectly made-up eyes. "The shirt you and your stylist spent hours trying to choose?"
Lewis shrugged. "And you're going to be walking around topless? Has George Russell been giving you styling tips now?"
The car dropped you and Lewis off at the venue. "I think I would rather you be clothed at this event. Besides I'm sure no one will even notice what I'm wearing when I enter the room next to you."
Lewis sighed in defeat knowing there was no point in arguing with you. He slipped his arm around your torso, resting his hand on your waist, and kissing your cheek. "I wouldn't be so sure."
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Hello! I am trans masc and plus size so I have a decent amount of experience with the tomfuckery that is shopping for clothing, especially swimwear. But I do have some advice for if you’re having trouble finding something that fits or that you’re comfortable in.
Here are my tips for any trans masc people looking for swimwear:
1) if you bind, PLEASE get a binder that is a size up for swimming. It still works fairly well, even for my unfairly large chest, and it is safer than wearing your regular size!
2) if you’re not comfortable wearing just a binder and swim bottoms, a: same, it can be really uncomfortable for some of us, I get it, and b: you can wear a regular t shirt or get a swim shirt. Both work really well and a decent amount of cis men do this anyway!
3) if you’re looking for swim trunks, the absolute best brand I’ve come across is Goodfellow & Co., their swim trunks are available in sizes small to 5xl, and they have a mesh liner inside so they feel more secure and comfortable.
That’s all I have, if you have any more or tips for trans femme people feel free to reblog and add those :)
Stay safe and please remember to use sun protection when outdoors, especially if you’re in water!
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hierophant-meme · 21 days
Waterfall Meditation
(Goemon x Reader)
Disclaimer: I am not a writer by any means but I've recently wanted to put some of my ideas out there for fun. I do have some ideas for a second part to this so please let me know if that's something you'd like to see.
Content contains: No y/n, some pet names, reader takes medication, SFW, established relationship (I'm still new to this so please warn me if there is anything I missed)
Reader: Plus-sized, insomniac, female, insecure
You couldn’t sleep well last night so Goemon let you tag along with him to meditate. You two had been together for quite some time now but he still liked to train and meditate alone. You respected that, so you were all the more grateful that he let you join him today. He insisted that mediating underneath a waterfall would help you relax and hopefully allow you to sleep better that night. You tried to tell him that it was okay and that you could stay behind, but he convinced me. It sounded nice: the rushing water gently massaging all the knots and bunched up nerves on your body, but you still weren’t used to having your boyfriend see your exposed skin. Your worries were assuaged when you brought up this concern with him and he stated in a straightforward tone (while blushing) that you had nothing to fear. He just wanted you to feel better and that your body is only a vessel for your soul, but it’s a vessel that he would cherish nonetheless. Or something like that. That boy talks in riddles and you liked to think that you’ve gotten better at understanding him. 
Upon arriving at the majestic scene of the cascading water, your anxiety returned. You watched him gracefully undress himself and fold his clothes meticulously. You’ve seen him in just his fundoshi before, but no matter how many times you do, it never fails to turn your cheeks as red as a beet. He was gorgeous. He wasn’t exactly muscular like a gym bro, but he was lean and fit. That didn’t matter to you as much as all the scars that adorned his body. There was something about them that mesmerized you. Sure enough, they casted their spell on you and before you realized it, you walked up to him and started caressing a few of them. He turns to look at you and you quickly remove your hands from him.
“I’m so sorry. You’re just so enchanting, Gogo.” You look down in shame.
“Me? No, my beautiful flower, you are”, he places a hand on your cheek and kisses your forehead. “Come now. Let’s get you ready for the meditation. Here, let me help you.”  
He helps you out of your tank top and shorts and now it’s his turn to stare at you in awe. You were wearing a bikini, something you rarely ever wore until the day you and the Lupin family had gone to the beach after a successful heist. 
Fujiko saw you wearing an old t-shirt and shorts and immediately dragged you onto her motorcycle. She took you to the nearest clothing store and had you pick out proper swimwear. Fujicakes bought you the one you liked best but only if you promised her that you wouldn’t be a chicken and finally ask out Goemon because she knew he wouldn’t be the one to make the move first. It had something to do with his “samurai honor” or whatever. You complied with her condition and on that very same day, you confessed your feelings for him. Despite your insecurities with your body and not being as tall or thin as the femme fatale, Fujiko Mine, both her and Goemon didn’t care. She was your friend, and he didn’t see you as anything less due to your weight. He loved you back, not only because of your kind heart but because he genuinely thought you were physically beautiful.
You still didn’t really believe it at times. How could someone like him fall for someone like you, after all? But all of your insecurities went away whenever he kissed you like he did now. It’s not that you needed him to give you worth. You knew that your weight and height had nothing to do with who you really were, it’s just some days were harder on your brain than others. You learned through Fujiko that you didn’t need a man to make you feel validated but she also hyped you up and gave you some surprisingly decent advice on how to navigate a relationship. She reminded you though that even though she helped you, you were still the one that did most of the work. 
And now, you were here at a lovely hidden waterfall with him as your lover. He places a kiss on your hand and then leads you to where you’ll be sitting. Before you sat down, you reached your hand to feel the water.
“DAMMIT GOEMON IT’S FREEZING! How do you stay under here for so long anyway?”
“Clear your mind and even cold can become warm. If you can surpass that obstacle you will be rewarded with the release of the tension in your muscles. It’ll be okay. Don’t forget, I’m here with you.”
Hesitantly, you walk in trying to breathe through the initial sting of the icy feeling of the water, which you soon grew used to. You sat down with your legs crossed still holding onto his hand. As he promised, the water hit all of the spots on your body that held the most tension and it didn’t feel so cold anymore. It truly felt as if all your worries and woes were being washed away to the river in front of you.
“Breathe with me”, he instructed and you did as he said. Your mind was usually racing a million miles per second but for the first time in your life, it was quiet. It felt weird at first but you soon eased into it and all you wanted was to stay here in this moment forever with the love of your life. However, about 15-minutes in (which was more than you thought you would last), you began to grow restless. Goemon notices some movement and opens one eye to see your bouncing your leg. “Are you okay?” he questions.
“Yeah sorry, I’m just not used to sitting still for this long. Is it disturbing you?”
“No, no. I was more worried about you. I thought maybe your anxiety was coming back. Here. Sit in my lap. Maybe that will relax you again,” he suggests with a blush.
I crawl over to where he is and position myself in his lap with my back to him and my legs crossed on top of him. “Am I too heavy?” you ask.
“Darling,” he grabs a hold of both of your hands and rests them on your lap,”I’ve carried boulders that are way heavier than you. You are but a feather in my grasp.”
I squeeze his hand, “I know but let me know if the position gets to uncomfortable, like if you need to shift or extend your legs or something”
“I assure you that I will. Now close your eyes, relax, and breathe with me again.”
This time you can feel his chest rising up and down and your focus shifts to the sensation. You feel protected wrapped in his arms and warm despite the cold water enveloping your skin. You feel at ease and don’t even realize that sleep had at long last welcomed you with open arms. Usually, you had to consume a myriad of different medications prescribed to you to be able to get a few hours of sleep if you were lucky, but this was the first time you fell asleep naturally in a very long time. When you woke up, you were wrapped in a towel and layed down on a futon next to the fireplace in the living room of the gang’s hideout. You looked outside the window and noticed it was still daytime. Maybe you just took a nap for an hour and Goemon decided to finish meditating before you woke up. You sit up and rub your eyes. Just then, Lupin and Jigen walk by.
“Good morning sleepy-head! How is our dear sweetheart feeling today?” he asked with a smile.
“I feel great actually. I feel like I just had the best nap of my life,” I say with a chuckle.
“Nap?” Jigen laughs. “You slept through the whole day! You were knocked out. We were worried you’d gone and turned into sleeping beauty or something.”
“If you did, though. I would’ve given you the true love’s kiss that would wake y- AH! OK, OK, I’LL SHUT UP” Lupin is interrupt by Jigen stepping on his foot.
“Yeah, you’d better. You know if Goemon heard you, he’d slice you into sashimi” Jigen reminds him. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s just a shame that a beautiful lady’s been taken, but I know I gotta respect my friend. And you, too, dear for that matter. Say, are ya hungry? I made breakfast. Everyone’s already eaten so help yourself to whatever you’d like, OH! And I made the eggs just the way you like them,” Lupin flashes a big smile.
“Thanks, Lup. I know it’s gonna be really yummy.” I scan the room for any sign of my sweetheart. Where’s Gogo?” I ask while getting up.
“He’s out training at his usual spot, but promise me you’ll eat first. You two lovebirds can smooch it up later,” Lupin informs me while wiggling his eyebrows.
“Shut up, we’re not like you and Fuji,” I tease him while throwing a pillow at him. 
“Oh but I bet you will be later,” he says in a sing-song voice. “Jigen, Fujicakes, and I are off to meet an old friend. Goemon doesn’t know them, so he’s staying, and I bet that means you will, too. Especially since you’ll have plenty of time to get frisky and maybe- OW! THE HELL YOU GUYS. WHY AM I GETTING BEAT UP SO MUCH AND ON MY DAY OFF TOO!”
Jigen and I laugh together after he punched him and I threw another pillow except this one was as soft as the first one. 
“It’s cause you’re gross and even if that was true, it’s none of your damn business, ya filthy fool!” I go up to him and ruffle his hair. Before I go into the kitchen, I turn around to face Lupin. “But I know you and Fujiko aren’t gonna stop until you pry the nitty-gritty details from me. Bring me one of those chocolate-matcha flan cakes from that one fancy bakery on your way back and maybe I’ll talk.” 
“Deal! Well Jigen, let’s go before it gets late. Catch ya later, love!”
“See ya!” Jigen says while grabbing his hat.
“Take care you two. And say hi to Fuji for me!” I wave them goodbye and step into the kitchen for breakfast.
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elis-corner · 3 months
So I tried binding with tape for the first time (unsafe situation edition).
If you want to hear about how I'm getting away with it and my experiences, look below the cut <3
Before I begin, if you're looking for advice, I live in Australia, have limited income, and am typically an AU B or C in terms of bra size and don't compress well. A lot of my advice will be specific to my environment and physicality, so keep that in mind.
I (transmasc) currently live in a context where I have to maintain a somewhat feminine appearance (for my interests, religion, education, etc.), and am financially dependant on people who are wholly against queerness.
SPORTS BRAS: Almost a year after I realised I wasn't cis, and that just dressing in masculine-ish women's clothes wasn't going to stop my dysphoria, I started getting sports bras, as I heard they could compress your chest. This is what they DIDN'T tell me:
remove. the. cups. They're just extra padding and will not help you look flat.
Not any sports bra will cut it. You don't want a low impact one; get a medium to high impact one. I currently use ones from Target/Kmart since I'm broke. I've found that, out of what I've tried, the "Active Everlast Womens Square Crop Top" from Kmart works best for me.
Either size down one, or double layer. Don't do both, you won't be able to breathe.
Try them on in store with a shirt over it and see how you look. Try double-layering them under the shirt, too. Don't forget to take the pads out when you try them.
Don't wear two if it's cold. You're gonna layer for the weather anyway so you'll already look smaller, plus you might struggle to breathe.
TAPING: I should probably preface with this: don't tape all the way around your body, don't tape with anything not meant for skin, and cover those nips if you don't want to feel the worst regret of your life (you can use covers, cotton, tissue, whatever).
TransTape is not an option, due to my living situation, so what I did was I got one of my friends (who does sport and therefore owns a ton of sports tape) to give me some rolls. This is a good and safe alternative, HOWEVER:
The strips are often thinner, so I recommend sticking them together into a thicker strip before putting it on yourself.
Remember to rub to activate adhesive.
Put test strips on your chest (underarms or sternum) for 12-24 hours to see if your chest will react negatively to the adhesive or materials.
With a larger chest, you might want to lie down and see what gravity does to you. If this doesn't work, do it the mirror, and look at how your body moves when you pull it BEFORE YOU PUT THE TAPE ON.
If you're cool with it, maybe get someone you trust to help you for the first time or two.
WHERE TO BUY THINGS IN AUSTRALIA (if you can afford/are safe): In Sydney, there is a store called Sock Drawer Heroes (SDH) which ships around AU and NZ. They are a queer-owned business which sells gender-affirming products for people of all genders. Their shipping has discreet packaging, too.
I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE PRODUCTS, but I know people who do and are satisfied with their purchases.
In terms of transmasc stuff, they sell:
Binders of different colours and lengths (their own brand and Underworks)
"Adult" products
Their binders: - Range from AUD$64-92 (the full length ones are more costly, and the most expensive are the swimwear options) - Come in full and half lengths - Is a swimwear option - Different colours, however as a small business they only have a few shades (which are lighter skin tones, black, and white) - There used to be a binder donation, I don't know what the deal is with it now. - Returns are possible. The binder cannot have been worn (tried on is fine), and it must be 30 days within the date of purchase.
Their tape: - Wider skin tone range than the binders (including black, white, and vivid colours if you wanna have fun). - Costs AUD$20-24
Their packers: - Pouches, prosthetics, underwear, straps - Again, limited shade range (about 4-5 per model) - AUD$16-159 (depends on what you want, of course) - I do not pack, so I can't really talk about much here.
I hope this will help someone out there, what with the lack of queer resources there are for aussies. Lots of love and stay safe! <3
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dresslily123456 · 2 years
How to choose the right swimsuit at dresslily
Whether it’s going to the water park, swimming or surfing in summer, swimsuits are essential, so today we share how to pick the right swimsuit for you at dresslily.
Tummy Control Tankini Swimwear Gothic Swimsuit Skull Flower Print Crisscross Summer Beach Bathing Suit
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This women’s swimsuit adopts three-dimensional cutting method. The back shoulder straps of the vest bra are crossed to prevent falling off. The pants are designed with a high waist, which can well wrap the abdomen. This design fits well with the curve of women’s chest and hips, so that women can move freely and are not afraid of walking light. This is also a sports fashion bikini,it’s dresslily’s best-selling swimming costume.
Plaid Skull Print Tummy Control Bikini Swimsuit Bowknot Crossover High Waist Bathing Suit
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Womens tankini top is take the two pieces ruffled design, looks very flattering and elegant, which can hide imperfections perfectly. The Long torso tank top with the removable padded bra can provide more support and enhance your shape. Then the cute knot in the front, wide and elastic straps, make you less pressure and more convenient to adjust the size.
Modest Sheer Swimsuit Laser Cut Out Solid Color Cinched Dual Strap Boyshorts Tankini Swimwear
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The design of wide straps, combined with shaped chest pads, very strong gathering effect, no binding, comfortable and comfortable to wear; pleated drawstring embellishment, to give you a unique visual perception, plus the abdominal chic hollow design, show your slender waist, increase the seductive power, and the internal production of hip boxer shorts, outline the curve of your hips, and prevent you from getting naked when doing big movements, such a safe conservative swimsuit you You will definitely like it.
Vintage Flower Underwire Swimsuit High Rise Chain Straps Tankini Swimwear Set
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Choose a brightly colored swimsuit. Because the bright fabric can make the chest look more plump, in the choice of flower color, try to choose large flowers, broken flowers such patterns, large flowers, broken flowers pattern is radial. Visually it has the effect of expansion.
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seanlewisdraws · 2 years
Make a Splash with the Perfect Bathing Suit
Whether you’re planning to spend summer days lounging poolside or headed on a tropical getaway, there’s one thing that you’ll need to bring along: the perfect bathing suit. It can be daunting to try to find the right fit and style of swimwear, but with some helpful tips and tricks, you can find the perfect one-piece or bikini for your needs.
Finding Your Fit The most important factor when choosing a bathing suit is finding one that fits properly. You want to make sure it doesn’t pinch or pull in any uncomfortable places and that it stays put no matter what activity you decide to do. Make sure that you take accurate measurements of your bust, waist, and hips so that you can find the size that works best for your body type.
Choosing a Style Once you know your size, it’s time to pick out your style! There are so many different styles and trends of swimwear available these days from high waisted bottoms and triangle bikinis to plunging necklines and cutouts. Try mixing and matching different pieces together for a unique look or stick with one cohesive set if that’s more your style. If there are certain areas of your body that you want to highlight or downplay, there are options like ruffles, shirring details, adjustable straps, etc., too!
Mixing It Up Don’t be afraid to mix up your look by adding accessories like hats, sunglasses, jewelry and other beach-ready apparel items. Adding even something small can really transform an outfit from average to fabulous! Even better? Most of these items don't have to break the bank—you don't need designer sunglasses or jewelry; just some fun additions will instantly make your beach look stand out from the crowd. Finding the perfect bathing suit doesn't have to be difficult—with accurate measurements of yourself as well as knowledge on what styles work best for your body type, you'll be ready in no time! Shopping for swimsuits can actually be quite enjoyable when done correctly so take some time before hitting those beaches this season and get yourself something special! With all the options available today plus all the additional accessories you can add on top of it all—you'll be sure to make an unforgettable splash this summer!
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tizzi0 · 7 days
Guide to Women’s Swimwear: Styles, Trends, and Tips for 2024
Choosing the perfect swimwear is all about balancing comfort, style, and confidence. With so many options available, finding a swimsuit that flatters your body type while matching your personal style can feel overwhelming. Here’s a guide to help you navigate through the world of women’s swimwear, from timeless classics to the hottest trends of 2024.
1. Popular Types of Women’s Swimwear
Bikini: The bikini remains a popular choice for women who want a two-piece look. You can mix and match tops and bottoms for a personalized look. Common styles include triangle tops, bandeaus, halter tops, and high-waisted bottoms.
One-Piece Swimsuit: One-piece swimsuits are perfect for those who prefer more coverage or a sleeker, streamlined look. They come in various styles, from sporty to chic, with trendy cut-outs, deep V-necks, and scoop backs.
Tankini: The tankini offers the best of both worlds, combining the coverage of a one-piece with the convenience of a two-piece. Ideal for those who want a modest yet versatile option.
Monokini: This design merges the allure of a bikini with a one-piece's coverage by featuring strategic cut-outs. It's perfect for women looking to make a bold statement.
High-Waisted Bottoms: A retro-inspired option, high-waisted bottoms provide more coverage for the midsection while elongating the legs. They’re especially popular for vintage or pin-up style looks.
2. Trends for 2024
Sustainable Swimwear: With growing awareness about the environment, many brands are creating swimwear from recycled materials such as fishing nets or plastic bottles. Sustainable options are not only eco-friendly but also fashion-forward.
Bold Prints & Patterns: Expect to see vibrant floral prints, geometric shapes, and tie-dye designs in 2024. Animal prints like leopard and zebra are also staying strong this season.
Textured Fabrics: Ribbed materials and smocked textures are on the rise, adding an interesting tactile element to traditional swimwear fabrics.
Cutouts & Straps: Creative cutouts around the waist, sides, and back add an element of surprise to one-piece swimsuits and bikinis alike. Unique straps and ties can elevate a simple swimsuit into a high-fashion piece.
Neon and Pastel Colors: Bright neons and soft pastels are both in trend for 2024, offering a playful contrast. Whether you’re looking to stand out or keep it minimal, there’s a color for everyone.
3. Choosing the Right Swimwear for Your Body Type
Pear Shape: Women with a pear shape (wider hips and smaller bust) can balance their proportions with bikini tops that have ruffles, embellishments, or padding to add volume to the bust. Opt for darker or solid-colored bottoms.
Hourglass Figure: If you have a well-balanced figure with a defined waist, almost any style will suit you. Consider high-waisted bikinis or monokinis to emphasize your waistline.
Athletic Shape: For a straighter, athletic figure, opt for styles that add curves, such as ruffled or padded tops, tie-side bottoms, or bold patterns to create an illusion of a curvier silhouette.
Full Bust: Women with larger busts should opt for supportive tops, such as halter necks, underwire bikinis, or full-coverage one-pieces. Look for adjustable straps and thicker bands for extra support.
Plus Size: There are more plus-size swimwear options than ever before, with designs focused on comfort and flattering silhouettes. High-waisted bottoms, underwire tops, and one-pieces with ruching can provide extra support and enhance curves.
4. Essential Swimwear Tips
Sun Protection: Opt for swimsuits with UV protection fabric, especially if you spend long hours in the sun. Rash guards are also great options for additional coverage.
Chlorine Resistance: If you’re swimming frequently in chlorinated pools, look for chlorine-resistant swimwear to ensure durability.
Proper Care: Always rinse swimwear with fresh water after swimming and avoid wringing it out to maintain elasticity. Hand washing is recommended for preserving color and shape.
Accessories: Complement your swimwear with stylish beach accessories like cover-ups, wide-brim hats, sunglasses, and sandals for a complete beach look.
5. Brands to Watch in 2024
Sustainable Brands: Look out for swimwear brands that focus on eco-friendly practices such as Reformation, Patagonia, and Vitamin A, which are all embracing sustainable fabrics and production methods.
Trendy High Fashion: For bold and luxurious swimwear, brands like Hunza G, Norma Kamali, and Solid & Striped are at the forefront of cutting-edge designs.
Affordable Picks: If you’re looking for budget-friendly yet trendy swimwear, check out Aerie, H&M, and Zara, which offer stylish options at accessible prices.
Finding the right swimwear is about feeling great in your own skin, whether you prefer a classic one-piece, a trendy bikini, or a modern tankini. In 2024, the options are more diverse than ever, offering something for every body type, personal style, and preference. Dive into the season’s latest trends and make a splash in your perfect swimsuit!
For more info:-
Swim wear for women
Bikini set
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rehan1000 · 7 days
Plus Size Fashion Shows
India Intimate Fashion Week: A Glimpse into the Future of Fashion
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, the India Intimate Fashion Week stands out as a premier event that captures the essence of intimate and lingerie fashion. This annual showcase brings together designers, models, and fashion enthusiasts to celebrate the art of lingerie and intimate wear. The event has become a cornerstone of lingerie fashion week in India, setting trends and redefining the boundaries of intimate apparel.
The India Intimate Fashion Week is more than just a platform for showcasing lingerie; it also incorporates elements of sports fashion shows and sportswear fashion shows. This fusion of fashion categories highlights the growing trend of blending athletic wear with high-fashion elements, reflecting a broader shift towards versatile and functional fashion. The inclusion of sportswear and activewear in the show not only broadens its appeal but also underscores the increasing importance of comfort and functionality in fashion.
In addition to lingerie and sportswear, the event also features segments dedicated to swimwear fashion shows in India. This segment celebrates the vibrant and diverse swimwear designs that cater to various styles and preferences. The swimwear collections displayed are a testament to the creativity and innovation within the fashion industry, offering a glimpse into the future of swimwear fashion.
Mrs. India Fitness Fashion is another highlight of the India Intimate Fashion Week. This segment combines the elegance of fashion with the power of fitness, showcasing how fitness and health can be seamlessly integrated into fashion. The fitness fashion beauty pageant segment emphasizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle while highlighting the role of fashion in complementing physical wellness.
The event also hosts lingerie exhibitions in India, providing a platform for brands and designers to display their latest collections. These exhibitions are a key component of the India Intimate Fashion Week, offering attendees the opportunity to explore and purchase the latest in intimate wear and lingerie fashion.
As one of the top fashion shows in India, the India Intimate Fashion Week has established itself as a must-attend event for anyone interested in the intersection of fashion and intimacy. It not only showcases the best in lingerie and intimate wear but also sets the stage for future trends in the fashion industry.
For those interested in attending or learning more about this influential event, visit the India Intimate Fashion Week website for detailed information on schedules, participants, and ticketing. This event continues to push the boundaries of fashion, making it a key player in the global fashion calendar.
In conclusion, the India Intimate Fashion Week is a celebration of intimacy, sportswear, and swimwear fashion, offering a comprehensive look at the future of fashion in these categories. Its diverse range of showcases and exhibitions makes it a unique and essential event for fashion enthusiasts and industry professionals alike.
For further insights into the latest trends and updates from the India Intimate Fashion Week, keep an eye on the event's official site, and stay connected with the evolving world of intimate fashion.
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cur-vy · 1 year
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thefortitudestore · 1 month
TheFortitude.Store | Your Online Destination for Fashion & Lifestyle
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Trendy Hoodies, Swimwear, Jackets, Sportswear, Bags, Hats, and Mugs at TheFortitude.Store
In a world where fashion meets functionality, TheFortitude.Store stands out as your one-stop shop for all your apparel and accessory needs. Whether you’re looking for stylish hoodies, versatile swimwear, warm jackets, performance-driven sportswear, or essential accessories like bags, hats, and mugs, TheFortitude.Store offers a wide range of high-quality products that cater to every lifestyle.
Stylish and Comfortable Hoodies
Hoodies are a must-have in every wardrobe, offering both comfort and style. At TheFortitude.Store, you’ll find a wide selection of hoodies that are perfect for any occasion. Whether you're heading to the gym, lounging at home, or running errands, our hoodies provide the ultimate in warmth and versatility. Made from premium materials, our hoodies come in various designs, colors, and sizes, ensuring that you’ll find the perfect fit to match your style.
Versatile Swimwear for All Seasons
Whether you're planning a beach vacation or just looking for swimwear for the summer, TheFortitude.Store has got you covered. Our swimwear collection features everything from trendy bikinis to classic one-pieces. With an emphasis on both fashion and function, our swimwear is designed to make you look and feel confident in any setting. Plus, our selection includes swimwear that caters to different body types, so you can find the perfect piece that suits your personal style.
Stay Warm and Stylish with Our Jackets
As the weather turns colder, it’s time to update your wardrobe with stylish and functional jackets. At TheFortitude.Store, we offer a wide range of jackets that are designed to keep you warm without compromising on style. Whether you're looking for a lightweight jacket for those cool fall days or a heavy-duty winter coat, our collection has something for everyone. Made with high-quality materials and attention to detail, our jackets are built to last and keep you cozy in any climate.
Performance-Driven Sportswear
For those who lead an active lifestyle, having the right sportswear is essential. At TheFortitude.Store, we offer sportswear that combines performance with style. Our collection includes everything from moisture-wicking tops to comfortable leggings, all designed to enhance your workout experience. Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or practicing yoga, our sportswear will keep you comfortable and looking great. Designed with both functionality and fashion in mind, our sportswear helps you perform at your best while staying on-trend.
Essential Accessories: Bags, Hats, and Mugs
No outfit is complete without the right accessories, and TheFortitude.Store has everything you need to complement your look. Our selection of bags includes everything from trendy backpacks to sleek totes, perfect for carrying your essentials in style. Pair your outfit with one of our stylish hats, available in various designs to suit any occasion, whether you’re heading to a casual outing or protecting yourself from the sun. And for those who love to enjoy their coffee on the go, our collection of mugs offers a variety of designs that add a touch of personality to your daily routine.
Why Shop at TheFortitude.Store?
At TheFortitude.Store, we believe in providing our customers with high-quality products that offer both style and functionality. Whether you're shopping for hoodies, swimwear, jackets, sportswear, bags, hats, or mugs, you'll find products that are designed to meet your needs while keeping you fashionable. Our commitment to quality ensures that you’ll receive durable and stylish items that can be enjoyed for years to come.
In addition to our wide range of products, we prioritize customer satisfaction by offering a seamless shopping experience. From easy navigation on our website to secure payment options and fast shipping, we strive to make your shopping experience as enjoyable as possible. Plus, with regular sales and special offers, you can shop for your favorite items at affordable prices.
So why wait? Visit TheFortitude.Store today and discover a world of fashion-forward apparel and accessories that are perfect for every occasion. Whether you’re updating your wardrobe, preparing for a trip, or simply looking for the perfect gift, TheFortitude.Store has everything you need to elevate your style.
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redpeonyclubusa · 2 months
Top 6 Features to Consider in Plus-Size Mastectomy Swimwear
Planning to buy plus-size mastectomy swimwear? Check out this blog to Discover the top 6 key features to consider. Get the best options from Red Peony Club for a stylish and comfortable swimwear experience.
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xltribe · 2 months
XL Tribe X Bad Rhino Swimwear Lookbook Updated On April 16, 2020 Finally, I can let the cat this out of the bag! I had a vision in my head to create an  XL Swimwear ad campaign and immediately after I had that thought the first brand that came to mind was Bad Rhino. My God was it the best one yet. I can't even explain how grateful I am and thankful that Bad Rhino not only trusted my vision but supports it. I simply wanted to do just a few swimsuit looks but they sent me their entire collection and plus some which are why you guys are going to see a few more Bad Rhino campaigns because they not only sent me swimwear but a lot of other clothes. My love for their new summer collection is everything. So I decided to showcase it and we'll be rolling it out to you guys in the subsequent weeks thereafter.  I am so proud of the guys that help me pull this off.  Rah, DJ Sir Daniel, Oli, you all were instrumental in helping me make this happen. Please check out Bad Rhino and their efforts to provide clothing to the big and tall community in amazing ways. They’re one of the few brands that go up to a size 8XL. If that’s not inclusion then I don’t know what is. So hit the link below and go show them your support.  Hope You'll love this XL Tribe X Bad Rhino Swimwear Lookbook. XL Tribe X Bad Rhino 2.0Download
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Introducing Our Exquisite Designer Rash Guards for Women: Unparalleled Style and Uncompromising Protection
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At ZKoriginal, we take pride in presenting our stunning collection of designer rash guards for women. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, our high-quality rash guards combine fashion-forward designs with ultimate comfort and uncompromising protection. Whether you're an avid surfer, a water sports enthusiast, or simply looking to make a fashion statement by the beach, our designer rash guards are the perfect choice to elevate your style while keeping you safe from the sun, abrasions, and chafing.
Unrivaled Style:
Our luxury rash guards are the epitome of elegance, blending contemporary trends with timeless sophistication. Created by renowned fashion designer Zhanna Kens who understand the importance of style, her collection features a diverse range of chic patterns, vibrant colors, and eye-catching prints. You'll find floral motifs, geometric patterns, bold stripes, and artistic graphics that effortlessly exude confidence and individuality. With her designer rash guards, you can express your unique personality while turning heads at every beach or poolside gathering.
Superior Quality:
We believe that exceptional style should never compromise on quality. That's why we use only the finest materials to create our designer rash guards swimwear. Our selection includes premium-grade fabrics that offer excellent stretch, breathability, and durability. From silky-smooth spandex blends to quick-drying performance fabrics, each rash guard is designed to provide maximum comfort and freedom of movement. Our garments are expertly crafted to withstand the rigors of water sports activities, ensuring they maintain their shape and vibrant colors over time.
Unmatched Protection:
Protection is paramount when spending time under the sun, and our designer women's rashguards are built to shield you from its harmful rays. We understand the importance of maintaining healthy skin, which is why our rash guards offer UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) ratings of 50+, effectively blocking out more than 98% of harmful UV radiation. With our rash guards, you can confidently enjoy extended hours outdoors, knowing that your skin is shielded from sunburns and long-term damage.
Versatile Functionality:
Our designer rash guards are not just about style and protection; they are designed to enhance your water sports experience. The thoughtful inclusion of features such as flatlock stitching, and ergonomic design ensures maximum comfort during active pursuits. Whether you're surfing, paddleboarding, or engaging in any water-based activity, our rash guards provide a second-skin fit that won't restrict your movements, allowing you to perform at your best.
An Inclusive Range:
We believe that fashion should be accessible to all, which is why ZKoriginal offer an inclusive range of sizes in our designer rash guards. From petite to plus sizes, we have options to suit every body type, ensuring that everyone can feel confident and stylish in our garments. 
Experience Excellence:
When you choose our designer rash guards swimwear, you're not just investing in a garment; you're investing in an experience. From the moment you browse our website to the time you slip on our rash guard and hit the water, we strive to deliver excellence in every aspect. Our knowledgeable and friendly customer support team is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience. We also provide secure and convenient online payment options and offer fast shipping to get your order to you in no time.
Elevate Your Style, Embrace Protection: Discover the perfect combination of style and function with our designer rash guards for women. Explore our exquisite collection today and find the rash guard that resonates with your unique style.
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marketingaid · 2 months
Discover the Best Bikini and Swimwear for Your Perfect Summer Look
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When it comes to summer fashion, nothing beats having the Best Bikini and Swimwear in your wardrobe. The right swimwear not only enhances your beach or poolside experience but also boosts your confidence. Here’s a detailed guide to help you find and care for the Best Bikini and Swimwear that suits your style and needs.
Quality Over Quantity
Investing in the Best Bikini and Swimwear means prioritizing quality over quantity. High-quality swimwear is made from durable materials like nylon, spandex, and polyester blends that offer excellent stretch and support. These materials ensure that your swimwear maintains its shape, color, and integrity even after multiple wears and washes. Brands that prioritize quality often use double stitching and reinforced seams to enhance durability, making your swimwear a long-lasting addition to your summer wardrobe.
Finding the Perfect Fit
The key to looking great in the Best Bikini and Swimwear is finding the perfect fit. Whether you prefer bikinis or one-pieces, the right fit accentuates your body’s natural curves and provides the necessary support. Look for adjustable features such as straps, ties, and removable padding, which allow you to customize the fit to your body. Many top swimwear brands offer a wide range of sizes, including plus-size options, ensuring that everyone can find swimwear that fits comfortably and flatters their figure.
Trendy and Timeless Styles
Fashion trends in swimwear change rapidly, but the Best Bikini and Swimwear strike a balance between trendy and timeless. This season, high-waisted bottoms, bandeau tops, and cut-out designs are making waves. Bold prints, vibrant colors, and unique textures can make your swimwear stand out. Opt for styles that not only follow current trends but also have a timeless appeal, so you can enjoy them for several seasons.
Versatility for Every Occasion
The Best Bikini and Swimwear offer versatility beyond the beach. Look for swimwear that can double as stylish tops when paired with skirts, shorts, or pants. This versatility allows you to transition seamlessly from the beach to a beachside café or an evening stroll along the boardwalk. Versatile swimwear gives you more outfit options and ensures you get the most out of your purchase.
Sustainable Swimwear Choices
With increasing awareness of environmental issues, sustainable swimwear has become a significant trend. The Best Bikini and Swimwear often come from brands that use eco-friendly materials like recycled plastics and regenerated nylon. By choosing sustainable swimwear, you not only contribute to reducing environmental impact but also support brands that prioritize ethical practices and responsible manufacturing.
Comfort and Confidence
Comfort is paramount when it comes to swimwear. The Best Bikini and Swimwear should make you feel comfortable and confident, whether you’re lounging by the pool or engaging in water sports. Look for swimwear with features like soft linings, seamless edges, and supportive underwires. When you feel good in your swimwear, it enhances your confidence and overall enjoyment.
Top Brands for the Best Bikini and Swimwear
Several brands are renowned for offering the Best Bikini and Swimwear. Victoria’s Secret, Billabong, and L*Space are just a few that combine style, quality, and comfort. Online retailers like ASOS and Revolve provide extensive collections, making it easy to find swimwear that matches your style and budget. These brands and retailers ensure a diverse selection of trendy and classic pieces.
Caring for Your Swimwear
Proper care is essential to maintain the quality of the Best Bikini and Swimwear. Rinse your swimwear in cold water after each use to remove chlorine, salt, and sunscreen residues. Hand wash with a gentle detergent and avoid wringing out the fabric. Lay your swimwear flat to dry in the shade to prevent color fading and fabric damage. With proper care, your swimwear will remain in excellent condition for many summers to come.
In conclusion, finding the Best Bikini and Swimwear involves considering quality, fit, style, versatility, sustainability, and comfort. By investing in high-quality pieces and taking proper care of them, you’ll ensure that you always look and feel your best during the sunny season. So, dive into the latest trends and enjoy the confidence that comes with wearing the Best Bikini and Swimwear!
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